1 Mixed to Globally Minimize the Economic Load Dispatch Problem With Valve-Point Effect Michael Azzam, S. Easter Selvan, Augustin Lefevre,` and P.-A. Absil

Abstract—Optimal distribution of power among generating bacterial foraging algorithm [7], and biogeography-based op- units to meet a specific demand subject to system constraints is timization [8]. an ongoing research topic in the power system community. The Since heuristics enable the global exploration, and a local problem, even in a static setting, turns out to be hard to solve with conventional optimization methods owing to the consideration method aids to converge to a local optimum, a focussed of valve-point effects which make the cost function nonsmooth effort has been made by many to integrate a global heuris- and nonconvex. This difficulty gave rise to the proliferation of tics with a local optimizer, resulting in hybrid algorithms. population-based global heuristics in order to address the multi- Interested readers may refer to [9] for an exhaustive list of extremal and nonsmooth problem. In this paper, we address such algorithms in the ELDP context. A few well-known the economic load dispatch problem (ELDP) with valve-point effect in its classic formulation where the cost function for each local optimizers integrated with a global scheme to tackle the generator is expressed as the sum of a quadratic term and ELDP are the Nelder-Mead method [7], generalized pattern a rectified sine term. We propose two methods that resort to search [10], sequential [11], and a piecewise-quadratic surrogate cost functions, yielding surrogate Riemannian subgradient steepest descent [12]. Note that the problems that can be handled by mixed-integer quadratic pro- equality constraint must be handled by way of a slack variable gramming (MIQP) solvers. The first method shows that the global solution of the ELDP can often be found by using a fixed or a barrier approach, and the inequality constraints with the and very limited number of quadratic pieces in the surrogate help of a penalty approach in global heuristics. Furthermore, cost function. The second method adaptively builds piecewise- even though the global heuristics favor finding the global quadratic surrogate under-estimations of the ELDP cost function, minimum, these hybrid algorithms are guaranteed at best to yielding a sequence of surrogate MIQP problems. It is shown find a local minimum. that any limit point of the sequence of MIQP solutions is a global solution of the ELDP. Moreover, numerical experiments In this paper, we introduce new techniques to efficiently indicate that the proposed methods outclass the state-of-the-art build surrogates of the ELDP cost function in order to take algorithms in terms of minimization value and computation time advantage of powerful modern mixed-integer programming on practical instances. (MIP) solvers. In particular, the adaptive technique intro- Index Terms—Economic load dispatch, Global convergence, duced in Section V builds a sequence of surrogate piecewise- Mixed integer quadratic programming, Valve-point effect. quadratic cost functions that aims at keeping low the number of pieces for the sake of efficiency while nevertheless offering the guarantee that the sequence of surrogate solutions converge I.INTRODUCTION to the global solution of the ELDP. It is interesting to note that CONOMIC LOAD DISPATCH PROBLEM (ELDP) at- the MIP method vested with theoretical guarantees as applied E tempts to minimize the cost associated with the power to a static ELDP with the valve-point effect may be extended generation by optimally scheduling the load across generat- to a dynamic setting, provided the number of generating units arXiv:1407.4261v1 [math.OC] 16 Jul 2014 ing units to meet a certain demand subject to system con- is not too large. Finally, we demonstrate that the minimization straints [1]. It is not uncommon to notice that the cost function results from a 3-, two instances of 13-, and a 40-generator for a generator is approximated by a quadratic function for the settings are lower than the results reported thus far in the sake of simplicity. Nevertheless, when the cost function also literature with the same datasets. takes into account highly nonlinear input-output characteristics While the rectified-sine model (1b) of the valve-point effect due to valve-point loadings, even the static ELDP problem that was proposed more than 20 years ago [2], it is only in the past ignores the ramp-rate constraints turns out to be difficult to few months that MIP techniques appeared in the literature to solve. The challenges faced by the solvers stem from (i) the handle this problem formulation [13], [14], [15]. The methods nonsmooth cost function and (ii) the multi-extremal nature of introduced in this paper contribute beyond this recent literature the problem. in two ways. (i) The approach proposed in Section III shows A popular strategy to address the ELDP is to rely on that it is often possible to obtain the exact global solution a (population-based) stochastic search algorithm. Indeed, a with a fixed and very limited number of linear pieces in the myriad of such algorithms have been proposed during recent surrogate cost function. (ii) The adaptive approach proposed years, including genetic algorithms [2], evolutionary program- in Section V, while sharing several aspects with the recent ming [1], particle optimization [3], ant swarm opti- report [14], introduces fewer breakpoints in the surrogate cost mization [4], differential evolution [5], firefly algorithm [6], function, allowing for a reduced complexity. Moreover, it takes 2 into account that it is only the rectified sine term that is piecewise concave in (1b); this leads a piecewise-quadratic 2,500 under-approximation of (1b) that is handled by mixed-integer quadratic programming (MIQP). The remainder of the article is organized as follows. In 2,000 Section II, the ELDP with the valve-point effect is briefly pre- ) p sented. The principle behind our approach is first expounded ( in Section III using a simple linear approximation of the f term that accounts for the nonconvexity and nonsmoothness. 1,500 Section IV reviews MIP formulations for general piecewise- linear objective functions and shows how this technique can be integrated in the ELDP. The adaptive algorithm is intro- 1,000 duced and its convergence analysis carried out in Section V. Numerical results are reported in Section VI, and conclusions 50 100 150 200 are drawn in Section VII. p

II.PROBLEM STATEMENT Fig. 1. Examples of cost functions for a generator, without (solid) or with In this section, we recall the formulation of the widely (dashed) valve-point effect investigated ELDP with valve-point effect, as described, e.g., in [9]. Naturally, the problem has also some constraints that must In the ELDP, the main component of the cost that needs to be satisfied and restrict the search space. First, the producer be taken into account, is the cost of the input, that is to say must meet the demand, even though some power will be lost in the fuel. The objective function used in the problem is thus the network. This is the power balance constraint, formulated defined by how we represent the input-output relationship of through an equality constraint each generator. The total cost is then naturally the sum of each n contribution. The objective function is thus written X p = p + p (p) (2) n i D L X i=1 f(p) = min fi(pi), (1a) p∈ n R i=1 with scalar pD and function pL being respectively the demand on the system and the transmission loss in the network, both where f is the total cost function in $/h, equal to the sum of the in MW. The transmission loss is computed using the so-called n f univariate functions that give the individual contribution i B-coefficients as in the total cost of the ith generator, depending on the pi t t 0 00 amount of power, in MW, assigned to this unit. pL(p) = p Bp + p b + b (3) A classical, simple and straightforward approach to con- 0 struct the cost functions is to use a quadratic function for each where B is a symmetric positive-semidefinite matrix, b a 2 vector of size n and b00 a scalar. generator, i.e., fi(pi) = aipi + bipi + ci, where ai, bi and ci scalar coefficients. The other type of constraints are generator capacity con- However, in reality, performance curves do not behave so straints, which take the form of box constraints imposing that smoothly. In the case of generating units with multi-valve each unit has its own range of possible power generation, min max steam turbines, ripples will typically be seen in the curve. from pi to pi . This is easily transcribed as inequality Large steam turbine generators usually have a number of steam constraints min max admission valves that are opened in sequence to meet an pi ≤ pi ≤ pi , (4) increasing demand from a unit. And as each steam admission min max where pi and pi are obviously the minimum and maxi- valve starts to open, a sharp increase in losses due to wire mum power output of the ith generator, in MW. drawing effects occur [9], [16]. This is the so-called valve- The set of points that satisfy constraints (2) and (4) is termed point effect. To try to capture this effect in the model, a the feasible set of the ELDP. rectified sine term is usually added to the fuel cost functions, As is often done, we will ignore the transmission loss in the so that they become network, i.e., we set pL = 0 in (2). The static ELDP without 2 min losses is then classically written as fi(pi) = aipi + bipi + ci + di| sin(ei(pi − pi ))| (1b) n where di and ei are additional positive coefficients needed to X 2 min min aipi + bipi + ci + di| sin(ei(pi − pi ))| take the valve-point effect into account [2]. We can see how p∈ n R i=1 the new term affects the cost function in the example of Fig. 1. n X Unfortunately, this addition brings two detrimental proper- subject to pi = pD ties in the problem: non-convexity and non-differentiability. i=1 min max These are two major hindrances that prevent the direct appli- pi ≤ pi ≤ pi ∀i ∈ {1, ..., n} cation of usual optimization algorithms. (5) 3

However, as we point out in the concluding section, consider- 1.5 ing the loss does not add much complexity.

III.A FIRST SIMPLE MIQP APPROACH 1 We now introduce our first, crude but effective way of building a piecewise-quadratic surrogate of the ELDP cost y function (1), and we show how to solve the resulting surrogate problem with an MIQP solver. As discussed in the previous section, the term 0.5

min | sin(ei(pi − pi ))| (6) of the objective function makes the optimization problem challenging because it breaks its smoothness and convexity. −π π π π − 2 0 2 In this paper, we overcome the difficulty by approximat- x ing (6) with functions that are more manageable, namely piecewise-linear functions. Even though they do not restore Fig. 2. Plot of | sin(x)| on the interval [-4,4] and the suggested surrogate : smoothness nor convexity of the problem, they are conve- | arcsin(sin(x))|. Sine is in dashed line and the surrogate is solid. niently handled by mixed-integer programming. A first simple piecewise-linear approximation consists of replacing | sin x| by |x| over [−π/2, π/2] and completing the IV. FINERAPPROXIMATIONWITHPIECEWISELINEAR approximation over the whole domain by periodic extension, FUNCTIONS observing that | sin x| is periodic of period π. The underlying motivation is to keep low the number of linear pieces while In this section, we show how to handle general piecewise- capturing accurately the behavior of (6) around its kink points, linear surrogate objective functions, then we consider specif- as the optimum tends to be located at those kink points. ically an over-approximation obtained from tangents to the The resulting function can be compactly written as rectified sine function. | arcsin(sin x)|, which has the sawtooth shape shown on Fig. 2. Let us say we want to minimize on an interval [v, w], a This function can be interpreted as the distance between x and piecewise linear function g described by the slopes αi and the closest multiple of π. This can be written as a small mixed intercepts βi of its m line segments components as well as integer optimization problem such as its breakpoints X1 = v, X2,...,Xm+1 = w. This objective function can be expressed as a mixed integer linear problem | arcsin(sin x)| = min |x − kπ| k∈Z such as which can be reformulated to become linear, as follows : m X min t min αiχi + βiηi (k,t)∈Z×R i=1 m s.t. x − kπ ≤ t X s.t. χ = x x − kπ ≥ −t. i i=1 m (8) The problem is thus very simple, even though we introduce X η = 1 an integer variable. By introducing this in the original problem, i i=1 we get X 2 Xiηi ≤ χi ≤ Xi+1ηi ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , m} min aipi + bipi + ci + diti p,k,t i ηi ∈ {0, 1} ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , m}. X s.t. p = D i This system of constraints ensures that for a given x, only i min max one of the binary variables ηi will be equal to one, indicating pi ≤ pi ≤ pi (7) which segment is active, while one of the real variables χi min − ti ≤ ei(pi − pi ) − πki ≤ ti will hold the value of x and the others will be equal to zero. pi ∈ R Thus, only one term of the objective will be non zero. It will be equal to the value of the linear function of slope αi and ti ∈ R intercept β , at this abscissa. k ∈ i i N We now integrate this technique in our model. Instead of which is an MIQP problem. This class of problems can be replacing | sin x| by mink∈Z |x − kπ|, we use the output of solved exactly by solvers, for instance, CPLEX, Gurobi or this as the abscissa for finer approximation through piecewise Mosek. In Section VI, we see that this model gives results that linear functions. For example, with mi segments for the cost are competitive with other methods suggested in the literature. function of unit i, 4

1   mi X 2 X min aipi + bipi + ci + di (αijχij + βijηij) p,k,t,χ,η 0.8 i j=1 X s.t. p = D i 0.6 i min max pi ≤ pi ≤ pi y min − ti ≤ ei(pi − pi ) − πki ≤ ti 0.4

Xjηi,j ≤ χi,j ≤ Xj+1ηi,j m Xi (9) 0.2 ti = χi,j j=1 m Xi η = 1 −π π π i,j − 2 0 θ1θ2 j=1 x pi ∈ R Fig. 3. Plot of | sin(x)| on the interval [-4,4] and a piecewise linear approx- + ti, χi,j ∈ R imation, built from tangents. Sine is in dashed line and the approximation is solid. θ1 and θ2 are the tangency points. ki ∈ N ηi,j ∈ {0, 1} Proposition 1: Let f : X 7→ and g : X 7→ be two where ti are the distances to the nearest root, χi,j and ηi,j R R ∗ are auxiliary variables that help us get the right value in the functions such that g(x) ≤ f(x) ∀x ∈ X and x ∈ X a ∗ ∗ ∗ objective function depending on which segment we are located global minimizer of g. If g(x ) = f(x ), then x is a global minimizer of f. in and αij and βij are constants that parametrize the line ∗ ∗ segments. Proof: Since x is a global minimizer of g, g(x ) ≤ g(x) ∗ A course of action we could opt for is following the logic for every x ∈ X. And because g ≤ f, we have g(x ) ≤ ∗ ∗ of the previous section and build an over-approximation with g(x) ≤ f(x) for every x ∈ X. Finally, since f(x ) = g(x ), first-order Taylor approximation to the sine at different points. we can conclude. With three segments, it would mean we want to approximate So if we were able to find such an under-approximation, then we would have found the global minimum. What we sin x by min(x, T1(x),T2(x)), where T1(x) and T2(x) are the suggest is to build a sequence of under-approximations that tangents to sin x at respectively θ1 and θ2. A bit of algebra gives us the parameters achieve this goal at the limit. As before, we will make use of piecewise linear functions αj = cos θj to approach the sine part of the real cost function. We start off with a simple chord of | sin x| that links its extreme points. βj = sin θj − θj cos θj We then solve problem (9). We want the next approximation and the endpoints of the intervals in the sequence to be equal to the true objective function at the 0 sin θ1 − θ1 cos θ1 solution p we found for the first approximation. Therefore, X1 = 1 − cos θ1 we use the values of ti as breaking points for the new piecewise linear approximation and compute the coefficients of θ cos θ − θ cos θ − sin θ + sin θ X = 2 2 1 1 2 1 the line segments so that g1(p0) = f(p0). We can now simply 2 cos θ − cos θ 2 1 repeat this procedure again, find the new solution p1, build a This is illustrated in Fig. 3. Numerical results are reported new approximation g2, so on, till convergence is reached. in Section VI. At each iteration, the approximation becomes closer to the true function. Of course, it is very possible that for a generator, V. GLOBALMETHODBASEDONADAPTIVE its assigned power does not change from one iteration to UNDER-APPROXIMATION another and so, the approximation will stay the same. This In this section, we will describe an algorithm that provably is actually desired because it means we add less complexity converges toward a global minimum of the ELDP. The way than we might have expected. to achieve this is to change our approach to use under- This algorithm can be formalized for our specific needs as approximations instead of over-approximations. follows, where Xi is the set of break points for cost function Over-approximations with tangents seem natural because we i, mi the number of segments for its approximation, Xi,j can then infer properties from Taylor’s theorem, but under- the jth element of Xi in ascending order, αij and βij the approximations have the useful property that if the under- coefficients of line segment j of cost function i, δ the change approximation and the true function coincide at a global in optimal value as a proxy to measure convergence, and  a minimizer x∗ of the under-approximation, then x∗ is also a given positive parameter. global minimizer of the true function. We now analyze the convergence of Algorithm 1. 5

1 fi (1b) satisfies the Lipschitz property |fi(pi + ∆) − fi(pi)| ≤ max (2aipi + bi + diei)∆ for all pi and pi + ∆ that satisfy the generator capacity constraints (4). The ELDP cost function 0.8 f (1), being the sum of Lipschitz continuous functions, is thus Lipschitz continuous on the ELDP feasible set, with a Pn max 0.6 constant K = i=1 2aipi +bi +diei. Since gm is obtained by replacing the rectified sines of f by chords, it follows

y max that 2aipi + bi + diei is still a Lipschitz constant for the 0.4 contribution of generator i to gm, and hence that K is also a Lipschitz constant for gm. Since building gm+1 from gm consists of inserting, for 0.2 each generator, one new breakpoint for the piecewise-linear under-approximation of the piecewise-concave rectified sine, it follows that, for every m, −π π π π − 2 0 1 2 x gm ≤ gm+1 ≤ f. (10) ∗ Therefore (gm)m∈N is a nondecreasing sequence bounded by Fig. 4. Plot of the two first approximations of the sine term for a given ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ generator. We assume that the solution for this unit in the first iteration was f . Thus (gm)m∈N converges and limm→∞ gm ≤ f . ∗ ∗ 1. We show that limm→∞ gm = f . By contradiction, assume ∗ ∗ that limm→∞ gm = f − ε with ε > 0. Since (pm)m∈N is Algorithm 1 Adaptive piecewise-quadratic under- bounded in view of the generator capacity constraints (4), there approximation exists a subsequence (pmk )k∈N that converges. We then have for i = 1, . . . , n do the following inequalities which we justify hereafter: Xi ← {0, π/2} 1 kpmk − pmk+1 k ≥ [gmk+1 (pmk ) − gmk+1 (pmk+1 )] (11) mi ← 1 K end for 1 ∗ ≥ [f − gm (pm )] (12) 5: repeat K k+1 k+1 1 for i = 1, . . . , n do ≥ [f ∗ − (f ∗ − ε)] (13) for j = 1, . . . , m do K i ε αi,j ← (sin(Xi,j+1) − sin(Xi,j))/(Xi,j+1 − Xi,j) ≥ , K

βi,j ← sin(Xi,j) − αi,jXi,j a contradiction since (pmk )k∈N converges. Inequality (11)

10: end for states Lipschitz continuity of gmk+1 with constant K. In- ∗ end for equality (12) follows from gmk+1 (pmk ) = f(pmk ) ≥ f ;

(pˆ, gˆ) ← solve problem (9), where pˆ denotes the indeed, by construction, pmk is a breakpoint of gmk+1 and optimal p and gˆ the optimal value of the surrogate cost all subsequent surrogate cost functions. Finally, (13) follows g (p ) = g∗ ≤ f ∗ − ε function; from mk+1 mk+1 mk+1 . ∗ δ ← f(pˆ) − gˆ We now show that limm→∞ f(pm) = f . By contradiction,

for i = 1, . . . , n do suppose not. Then there is an infinite subsequence (pmk )k∈N ∗ 15: Xi ← Xi ∪ {ti} and ε > 0 such that f(pmk ) ≥ f + . We assume w.l.o.g. mi ← #Xi − 1 that (pmk )k∈N converges; if not, we extract a sub-subsequence end for that does. By the triangle inequality, we have until δ <  ∗ |f(pmk ) − f | ≤|f(pmk ) − gmk+1 (pmk )|

+|gmk+1 (pmk ) − gmk+1 (pmk+1 )| +|g (p ) − f ∗|. Theorem 2 (convergence to the global minimum): Let f ∗ mk+1 mk+1 denote the optimal value of the cost function f (1) of the The first term of the bound is zero by construction of the ELDP (5). For m = 0, 1,... , let gm denote the piecewise- surrogate functions. The second term goes to zero as k → ∞ quadratic surrogate cost function used by Algorithm 1 at in view of the common Lipschitz constant K and the conver- n iteration m, and let pm ∈ denote the power outputs pro- R gence of (pmk )k∈N. The third term goes to zero as k → ∞ duced by Algorithm 1 at iteration m by solving problem (9). g (p ) = g∗ lim g∗ = f ∗ since mk+1 mk+1 mk+1 and m→∞ m . Hence Recall that g (p ) = min g and denote it by g∗ . Then ∗ m m m m |f(pmk ) − f | goes to zero, a contradiction. ∗ ∗ limm→∞ g = limm→∞ f(pm) = f , and every limit point m Finally, let (pmk )k∈N be a convergent subsequence and of (p ) is a global solution of the ELDP. m m∈N let pm∞ denote its limit. By continuity of f, we have that ∗ Proof: We first show that f and gm, m = 0, 1,... , are f(pm∞ ) = limk→∞ f(pmk ) = f . Lipschitz continuous on the ELDP feasible set with a common Note that, in view of the breakpoint insertion procedure Lipschitz constant K. Indeed, for every i, the cost function (step 15 of Algorithm 1), it generally does not hold that gm 6


Unit Power (MW) Unit Power (MW) p1 628.319 p1 300.267 p2 299.199 p2 400.000 p3 299.199 p3 149.733 p4 159.733 p 159.733 Total cost ($/h) 8234.07 5 p6 159.733 Best in lit. ($/h) 8234.07 p7 159.733 Real time (s) 0.013 p8 159.733 CPU time (s) 0.012 p9 159.733 p10 77.400 p11 77.400 TABLE II p12 90.042 OUNDSOLUTIONFORTHE UNITS STUDY CASE A USINGTHE F 13- (II ) p13 90.042 SIMPLEMODEL (7) Total cost ($/h) 24170.66 Best in lit. ($/h) 24169.92 Unit Power (MW) Real time (s) 0.054 CPU time (s) 0.084 p1 628.319 p 222.749 2 TABLE IV p3 149.600 FOUNDSOLUTIONFORTHE 40-UNITS STUDY CASE (III) USINGTHE p4 109.867 SIMPLEMODEL (7) p5 60.000 p6 109.867 Unit Power (MW) Unit Power (MW) p7 109.867 p1 110.800 p21 523.279 p8 109.867 p2 110.800 p22 523.279 p9 109.867 p3 97.400 p23 523.279 p10 40.000 p4 179.733 p24 523.279 p11 40.000 p5 90.279 p25 523.279 p12 55.000 p6 140.000 p26 523.279 p13 55.000 p7 259.600 p27 10.000 Total cost ($/h) 17963.83 p8 284.600 p28 10.000 Best in lit. ($/h) 17963.83 p9 284.600 p29 10.000 Real time (s) 0.381 p10 130.000 p30 90.279 CPU time (s) 0.708 p11 168.800 p31 190.000 p12 168.800 p32 190.000 p13 214.760 p33 190.000 converges to f pointwise; otherwise the proof above could p14 394.279 p34 164.800 have been more direct. p15 394.279 p35 164.800 p16 304.520 p36 164.800 p17 489.279 p37 110.000 VI.NUMERICAL RESULTS p18 489.279 p38 110.000 After having built such a model, we can hand it over to p19 511.279 p39 110.000 a solver that can handle MIQP. Here we will use the Gurobi p20 511.279 p40 511.279 solver [17]. To study the efficiency of our method, we will test Total cost ($/h) 121415.31 it on the most common test cases in the literature : a 3-units Best in lit. ($/h) 121412.54 setting with a demand of 850 MW [2] (I), a 13-units setting Real time (s) 0.116 with a demand of 1800 MW [1] (IIa) and 2520 MW [18] CPU time (s) 0.192 (IIb), and a 40-units setting with a demand of 10,500 MW [1] (III). Using model (7) and these datasets, and feeding them to Gurobi, we get the solutions given in tables I, II, IV. The The resulting optimal value is slightly better than what we hardware used is a PC with a Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 CPU found earlier. The real time needed is 0.493 s for a CPU time (two cores at 2,4 Ghz) and 3 GB of RAM, on GNU/Linux. of 0.902 s. If we compare these results to those found in the litera- We also tested the method of Section V on the different ture [19], we can see that they are close to the best solutions study cases. It so happens that it finds exactly the same found to date. In fact, for I and IIa, we do get the best results, solutions (except for a few swaps in equivalent generators) while for IIb and III, it is less than 0.005% worse. Furthermore, as the method of Section IV for case I, IIa and III thereby it is achieved on a deterministic basis, without the uncertainty proving their optimality. The exception is case IIb, for which and irreproducibility of the commonly used heuristics. a slightly better solution is found (table VI). Note that the For the model of Section IV, table V shows the solution algorithm of Section V always needs more time since it takes found for a choice of parameter θ1 = 0.35π and θ2 = 0.47π. at least two iterations to stop: one to get a solution and another 7

TABLE V SOLUTIONFOR 40-UNITS CASE STUDY (III) USINGTHEMODELOF to support our claim, the minimization results are furnished SECTION IV. for the datasets corresponding to a 3-, two instances of 13-, and a 40-generator setting, wherein the transmission losses are Unit Power (MW) Unit Power (MW) omitted. Interestingly enough, one the one hand, in accordance p1 110.800 p21 523.279 with the global convergence guarantee, the outcome of the cost p2 110.800 p22 523.279 minimization by the method of Section V is never surpassed by p3 97.400 p23 523.279 the hybrid methods, and on the other hand, the computational p4 179.733 p24 523.279 times are quite impressive. p p 5 87.800 25 523.279 While these widely used datasets in the ELDP literature p 140.000 p 523.279 6 26 enable us to investigate how our approach compares with the p 259.600 p 10.000 7 27 state-of-the-art methods, the same framework is applicable for p 284.600 p 10.000 8 28 scenarios that do not ignore losses. The only modification p 284.600 p 10.000 9 29 needed is to add the loss term in the constraint to take it p 130.000 p 87.800 10 30 into account and to relax the equality into an inequality. The p11 94.000 p31 190.000 reason behind the relaxation is to make the constraint convex p12 94.000 p32 190.000 and the model easy enough to solve. This does not change the p13 214.760 p33 190.000 solution of the problem as long as the objective function is p14 394.279 p34 164.800 monotonically increasing. p15 394.279 p35 200.000 p16 394.279 p36 194.398 Moreover, these methods can be used for other cost func- p17 489.279 p37 110.000 tions, where the valve-point effect would be modeled differ- p18 489.279 p38 110.000 ently. As long as the valve-point effect is represented by a p19 511.279 p39 110.000 periodic piecewise-concave function, only minor adaptation p20 511.279 p40 511.279 would be needed. Total cost ($/h) 121412.54 Best in lit. 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