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84313 FSPLT3 1450940.Pdf I. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Biological Assessment/Biological Evaluation (BA/BE) is to review the proposed Whisky Ridge Ecological Restoration Project (ERP) in sufficient detail to determine the potential effects on Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive (TES) plant species. Specifically, the BA will analyze effects on federally proposed, threatened, or endangered species and/or critical habitat; and determine whether formal consultation or conference is required with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. The BE will analyze effects on Forest Service Sensitive Plant species to determine whether the proposed action and/or alternatives would be likely to result in a trend toward a Sensitive species becoming federally listed. This BA/BE was prepared in compliance with direction established in Forest Service Manual 2670 (USDA Forest Service 2005, 2009) and conforms to legal requirements set forth under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (19 U.S.C. 1536 (c), 50 CFR 402.12 (f) and 402.14 (c). The Sierra National Forest (SNF), Bass Lake Ranger District (BLRD) is proposing the Whisky Ridge Ecological Restoration Project (Map 1). The project would involve the implementation of a series of ecological restoration treatments on up 9,200 acres within an overall project boundary of 18,285 acres. The remaining 9,085 acres have no treatments proposed due to slopes greater than 35%, Forest Land and Resource Plan (LRMP) standard and guideline limitations on treatment and/or the fact that no treatment is needed in those areas to meet the purpose and need. This project is grounded in restoring ecosystem structure and process to create a more resilient landscape of ecosystem components that can better withstand future disturbances (e.g. wildfire) and continue to provide resources for environmental, social, and economic needs of future generations. Restoring ecosystem components within meadows, riparian areas, and forests would be part of the overall project scope; and removal of non-native invasive weeds would occur to minimize the harmful effects these plants have on ecosystems and to reduce their spread (see Final Environmental Impact Statement on the Sierra National Forest web site at http://www.fs.usda.gov/sierra/, go to Quick links, NEPA Project Documents) The Threatened, Endangered, or Sensitive Plants considered in this document are: • Bruchia bolanderi BOLANDER’S CANDLE MOSS FS Sensitive • Calyptridium pulchellum MARIPOSA PUSSYPAWS Fed Threatened • Camissonia sierrae ssp. sierra MONO HOT SPRINGS EVENING PRIMROSE FS Sensitive • Collomia rawsoniana RAWSON’S FLAMING TRUMPET FS Sensitive • Fissidens aphelotaxifolius BROOK POCKET-MOSS FS Sensitive • Helodium blandowii BLANDOW’S BOG-MOSS FS Sensitive • Hulsea brevifolia SHORT-LEAFED HULSEA FS Sensitive • Lewisia disepala YOSEMITE LEWISIA FS Sensitive • Lewisia kelloggii ssp. kelloggii KELLOGG’S LEWISIA FS Sensitive • Meesia uliginosa ONE-NERVED HUMP MOSS FS Sensitive • Peltigera gowardii (hydrothyria) VEINED WATER LICHEN FS Sensitive • Platanthera yosemitensis YOSEMITE BOG ORCHID FS Sensitive The species shown in bold are known to occur within the project boundary. The other species are highly likely to occur but have not been found within the project area. Whisky Ridge Ecological Restoration Project FEIS : Biological Assessment/Biological Evaluation for Plants Page 2 of 37 Appendix A provides the rationale for eliminating the other Sierra National Forest Sensitive Plant species from analysis in this BA/BE. Map 1. Location of the Whisky Ridge Ecological Restoration Project and areas to be treated. II. CONSULTATION TO DATE The Sierra National Forest Botanist checked the US Fish and Wildlife Service web site for federally listed plants that may be found in the project area (US Fish and Wildlife Service 2013). The list contains two plant species and two categories of critical habitat that may occur within the Forest. Sidalcea keckii (Keck’s checkerbloom) is only known from outside the Forest to the south, and if it were to occur in the Sierra National Forest, it would not be found north of the San Joaquin River at the elevations of the Whisky Ridge ERP. This foothill plant grows in clay soils (derived from serpentine) in sparsely-vegetated grasslands at elevations between 400 and 1,400 feet in Whisky Ridge Ecological Restoration Project FEIS : Biological Assessment/Biological Evaluation for Plants Page 3 of 37 the foothills of California's central western Sierra Nevada (http://sacramento.fws.gov/es/plant_spp_accts/kecks_checkermallow.htm). The proposed critical habitat for Keck’s checkerbloom falls entirely outside the Sierra National Forest boundary. The other category of proposed critical habitat is for vernal pool plants, and it does not fall within the Whisky Ridge ERP area or within the Forest. Furthermore, none of the federally listed vernal pool plants are known or expected to occur in the Sierra National Forest. Calyptridium pulchellum (Mariposa pussypaws) is known to occur in the Sierra National Forest at elevations below 3600 feet, but there are no known occurrences of Mariposa pussypaws in or near the project area, and no suitable habitat exists. This species grows on rock outcrops and gravel soil in foothill woodland, no populations are known from the coniferous zone of the Sierra Nevada. The elevation of the Whisky Ridge ERP is just above the upper elevation limit for the Mariposa pussypaws. No consultation is necessary with US Fish and Wildlife Service, and no further analysis will occur for federally listed species. III. CURRENT MANAGEMENT DIRECTION Existing management direction for federally listed or candidate species and Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region sensitive species is summarized as follows: Forest Service Manual 2672 (USDA Forest Service 2009) provides standards for biological evaluations and provides a list of all Regional Forester designated sensitive wildlife and plant species occurring on National Forest System lands. Current policy as shown in the Forest Service Manual (FSM 2672.4) is to conduct a pre-field review of available information, and in instances where there is evidence of Sensitive Plant species or habitat, conduct a field reconnaissance if necessary to determine whether the project poses a threat to Sensitive Plants. The results of surveys and conflict determination and resolution (if applicable) are documented in the BE. Sierra National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan, as amended (USDA FS; 1991, 2004). The Forest Plan direction for Sensitive species is to develop and implement management practices to ensure Sensitive species do not become threatened or endangered because of Forest Service actions. Under Forest Plan Management Standards and Guidelines, the forest is to a) develop Sensitive Plant species management guides to identify population goals and compatible management activities that will maintain viability (S&G 67) and b) manage Sensitive Plant species to avoid future listing as threatened and endangered. Standard and Guideline 68 directs the Forest to ensure maintenance of genetic and geographic diversity and viable populations of Sensitive plants. The Forest Plan also states that the Forest will conduct Sensitive Plant surveys and field investigations prior to any ground-disturbing activity in areas that Sensitive Plants are known or suspected to occur. Avoidance or mitigation measures are to be included in project plans and Environmental Assessments (USDA FS 1991). The Forest Wide Goals and Objectives identified in the Forest Plan for threatened, endangered, and proposed plant species and Forest Service R5 Sensitive Plant species are: a) Manage fish, wildlife and plant habitats to maintain viable populations of all resident fish, wildlife and plant species, b) Manage habitat for State and Federally listed threatened and endangered fish, wildlife and plant species to meet the objectives of their recovery plans, c) Emphasize habitat improvement for sensitive, threatened, endangered and harvest species, d) Manage habitat for Forest Service sensitive fish, wildlife and plant species in a manner that prevents any species from becoming a candidate for threatened or endangered status. Manage botanical resources to maintain present diversity of species. Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment, US Forest Service 2004: Standard and Guideline for Sensitive Plant Surveys 125. “Conduct field surveys for TEPS plant species early enough in the project planning process that the project can be designed to conserve or enhance TEPS plants and their habitat. Conduct surveys according to procedures Whisky Ridge Ecological Restoration Project FEIS : Biological Assessment/Biological Evaluation for Plants Page 4 of 37 outlined in the Forest Service Handbook (FSH 2609.25.11). If additional field surveys are to be conducted as part of project implementation, survey results must be documented in the project file.” IV. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED WHISKY RIDGE ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION PROJECT (from the FEIS) Alternative 1 No Action This alternative was developed based, in part of, using the “Indicators” for the significant issues #2, 3, and 9 where no tree removal, harvesting, mechanical and prescribed burning treatments are proposed under this alternative. Under the No Action alternative, current management plans would continue to guide management of the Project Area however no actions would be taken to implement those plans at this time or without additional environmental analysis. No restoration treatments would be
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