Winter Newsletter, February 5, 2021

Dear Families:

New Early Childcare Management Software: Procare I am thrilled to announce that we have purchased this software to help with management, communications, and billing. You will receive a message in your email in-box (probably on Monday) inviting you to download the Procare App. This email will walk you through the process. Each parent/guardian who has submitted an email address will get an opportunity to download the App. Each parent/guardian will be assigned a code. This identifies you and your child so the company asks that you do not share the code even within the family. As we use the App more and more we will be able to identify which parent picked-up, dropped-off, and the time of each. We may even get to the point where we will not have to sign-in manually. We will be able to communicate more effectively through this App. We will also be able to invite those friends and family who regularly help with pick-up; however, this will be during the phase of our implementation. Those helpers can still pick-up as always. We are also in the process of getting an iPad for the foyer area. If we start signing-in on this App and you do not have an iPhone or Android phone, you will be able to sign- in on our iPad. The highlight of this software, for me, is the billing aspect. You will be able to pay: using a debit or credit card; making a withdrawal from your checking account; or setting up direct withdrawals from your bank account. You will also be able to access this account to see how much you owe and when your payment is due. This will be so much easier for everyone. As we get more familiar with this program, we will find that we can do many more things but for right now we will work on communicating and then billing.

Staying Healthy and Safe I am so thankful to have families that are so health conscious. Thank you for keeping your children at home when they are sick and showing suspicious symptoms. Also thank you for limiting chances of being exposed to the Coronus Virus-19. We do not charge for children who need to be in quarantine or a proactive quarantine due to parents possibly being exposed. Of course, we also do not charge if a child is sick with a Covid-19 symptom, needs to go to the Dr. due to a virus-related illness, or to be Covid-19 tested. Keep up the good work!

Enrollment I am very pleased with the way we are slowly but surely getting back to normal. Although we are in transition as I write this, we will once again have four Instructional Monitors (IMs). This means that we will have all four rooms open. I am still looking for another Instructional Monitor so that when we are at our capacity in each room, she can help as needed. This is a great step in the right direction. As we are able to stabilize our enrollment, I will start hiring two IMs for each room so we can expand to full capacity. We have a plan but we do intend to move slowly, to keep our safe and healthy environment.

Valentine’s Day Party We will have a simple Valentine’s Day party on Friday, February the 12th. If you would like to send something simple that would be nice. Fruit, yogurt, and un-iced cookies are preferable to cupcakes with lots of icing and candy. Let your child’s teacher now if you would like to send in a special treat or game. We will have Valentine bags for each child if you do want to send Valentines, even though our children are still young for that. If your child is able to write his/her name, it might be a good indicator that he/she is ready to send a valentine to classmates.

Happy Valentine’s Day Happy Black History Month Love to all!