Join Enrollment Increase Is Noted Here 1941 Tax Cut Seen If N.J. Cuts Melon Record Low for Relief Rolls Made
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RARITAN MOST PROGRESSIVE TOWNSHIP SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER JOIN IN THIS AREA The Voice of the Raritan Bay District VOL. V.—No. 38 CAETERET, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1940 PRICE THREE CENTS 'Flames Leap High At Gusmer Phut Fire ENROLLMENT 1941 TAX CUT Take Heed! RECORD LOW Mailing Deadline For INCREASE ISSEEN IF N.J. Parcel Post Announced FOR RELIEF By Postmaster NOTED HERECUTS MELON FORDS — With a view -of ROLLS MADE securing the cooperation of local residents in the successful han- layor Greiner, Local Offi- Supt. Talbot Tells Board Distribution O* fility Lev- dling, of the Christmas mails, Second Decrease In Two Edward Seyler, postmaster, today cials To Take Part In Of Increase Here As iesWould Send $90,000 listed the dates en which parcels Months Noted Here; should be mailed in order to in- Opening River Span State Figures Topple Into Town sure their delivery before Christ- 54 Leave Rolls mas Day. The schedule of mailing is as PEREMONIES TO START MENLO PARK PARENTS SUM REPRESENTS 60% follows: LOCAL INDUSTRY DOES December 17—Arizona, Califor- :30 P. M. TOMORROW COMPLAIN OF TEACHER OF $150,000 NOW OWED nia, Nevada, Oregon, Washington. December 18—Colorado, Idaho, SHARE IN REDUCTIONS Montana, New Mexico, North Da- kota, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Senator Toolan In Charge Board Calls For Executive Approval Of Governor Is Wyoming. $2,800 In Operating Costs December 19—Arkansas, Flo- I Of Impressive Program; Meeting To Plan Next Needed Before Pay- rida, Minnesota, Kansas, Louisiana, Transferred By Board Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Governor To Speak Year's Budget ment Is Made Wisconsin. To Departments December 20—Alabama, Georgia, RARITAN TOWNSHIP—At the Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, RARITAN TOWNSHIP-^eom, ^.KEASBEY — Mayor August I WOODBRIDGE—-If the Town- Maine, Michigan, Missouri, North ?. Greiner, members of the Town } recent meeting- ^>f the township missioner Henry Troger, Jr., .chair- board of education, Fred A. Tal- ship receives a portion of its fran- Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Ihip Committee and other promi- chise and gross receipt taxes, as Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia man of the department of public nent residents of the Township bot, superintendent of schools, an- affairs, reported to the B.o&rd of nounced that there is a marked in- authorized in.a bill passed by both and New Hampshire. Commissioners at their, recent" pave been invited to participate in houses of the Legislature and sent December 21—-Connecticut, Del- Tie dedication of the new Thomas crease in the total enrollment in meeting that the township's relief tha township's six schools, in con- to Governor A. Harry Moore, all. aware, Maryland. Massachusetts, rolls haTe been reduced the second Uva Edison Memorial Bridge, trast to the stated records which indications point to a lower tax Mew Jersey, New York, Pennsyl- (spanning the Raritan River on vania, Rhode Island and Vermont. straight month and that 54 per- loute 35 from. Keasbey to Sayre- show that a marked decreae is evi- rate in 1941. son had been given employment in- ville, tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 dent throughout the state. The Township is owed a little private industry or on WPA. This, o'clock. Governor A. Harry Moore Talbot, in his report to the board over ?150,000 in franchise and he stated, is enlig-htning, since re- has extended invitations to 2,000 stated that at the present time gross receipt taxes which was an- lief cases usually mount in the persons, including federal, state, there are 1,827 pupils enrolled in ticipated in the 1940' budget. Ex- FORDSIAUNDRY IS winter months. ' -. - county and municipal officials. the schools, five more than in the actly $13,942,920 was paid to the •According to the figures teleasl October report and ten more than state by a few big utility companies TAR€ET_OF PLAINT ed by Troger, there were 338 per- As one of ths last official acts reported a year ago. of his third term, Governor Moore on 1938 and 1939 tax bills. Nor- sons on relief on December A., sn- The superintendent mally, the money would have been ail-time 'low since the township" i|S- is looking forward to the bridge apportioned immediately among Residents Do Not Like \ ceremonies as a striking tribute to ed that 144 new pupils had been sumed charge of relief administra- 1 received in the township schools municipalities, but several cities Black Smoke Emanat- tion five years ago. The prevMHts the memory of the great inventor. seeking larger shares, notably Jer- Toolan Directs Program this year; New entrants were list- ting From Chimney low mark, set Nov. 1, included 392 ed as follows: Clara Barton school, sey €ity and Newark, obtained a persons. Troger explained that pri- ' S"iate Senator John E. Toolan, 46; Oak Tree, 44; 'Stelton, 28; Pis- court injunction. FORDS — Complaints regarding vate industry had eased, the feifaja* of -Perth Amboy, will direct the catawaytown, eight, and Sand Hills This week the Legislature au- the alleged black smoke emanat- tion by more than 50 p«r ceat- program. President Franklin D. j six. ...'.. thorized immediate distribution of ing from the Fords Snow White Roosevelt has expressed regret I Trog-er's detailed report showeS Thomas J. Henderson COUCH 60 per cent of the $13,942,920. Laundry on Douglas Street -were that 86 families, including 312 per- that he will be unable to attend Woodbridg'6's share, if the bill is made by the members of the Ha- the dedication but indications are plained to the board that his child- sons, and 26 non-family eases are ren and others were mistreated by approved by the Governor, will be lisky family who live next door-to now receiving relief from the that several administration leaders in the neighborhood of $90,000. the plant at a meeting of the Board will be on hand. teachers in the Oak Tree school. township. Since Nov. 1, nine- fam- Henderson and his wife testified That sum •will be the difference bev of Health held Monday night. ilies have left the relief rolls and : John M. Garmoiidy, head of the that they objected to teachers in tween a surplus and a.deficit in the Louis Halisky told the members Staif Pliofo 5>y Vecsey. Troger explained that this has bel£ Federal Works Agency, will be one the school taking disciplinary ac- Township's 1940 budget. of the board that the laundry used a general trend since last I*eb«f>" of the principal speakers on the WOODBRIDGE—For nearly four hours, firemen of Woodbridge Fire Company No. 1 battled tion against their children and sug- Wednesday's conflagration at the Edgar Hill plant of A. Gusmer and Company. Shown above are Collection Record Made soft coal and the smoke was so ary. Troger-stated that there!' Ma ^ program. Forty-five percent of firemen entering the blazing inferno which sent billows of black smoke and flames high into the gested that hereafter teachers re- However, the picture is still good thick and black it was impossible to been a 25 per-cent decrease since the cost of the bridge was financed sky. Pennsylvania Railroad's high voltage electrification lines, carrying some 42,000 volts, hamp- fer disciplinary cases to the par- hang out any wash, keep windows December of last year. through a PWA grant. Other ents. Superintendent Talbot was for Woodbridge. The tax office has open or sit on the porch in warm ered the work of firemen until a railroad crew arrived and "cut the juice." The blaze, causing collected 74 per cent of its current The commissioner believed., bow-- speakers will include Governor damage estimated at more than $10,000, was confined to the one building. instructed to further investigate weather. The matter was referred the matter. taxes, the highest percentage in ever, that with the winter months Moore and State Highway Com- to Health Officer Harold J. Bailey still in the offing, there vnll be a missioner E. Donald Sterner. In the history of the municipality. A who was instructed to- investigate A communication was received great deal has been realized slight increase in the' rolls, but all likelihood, Mayor Greiner, rep- from William Lund, principal of and report back at the January (Continued on Page 3). meeting. they will not reach figures of the/ resenting Woodbridge Township BOARD OKAY the Piscatawaytown and Stelton past. which has proud claim to half of irandjean Urges Increased schools, stating that he expects to B. J. Dunigan, registrar of vital Two offers for the jrarehafees of the bridge, will say a few words. LICENSES return from sick leave January 2. statistics, reported that there were land were received by the board; • i Edison To Attend Yigilettce By Drivers? Pedestrians A discussion was held on theUONSlttAKlfPLANS 21 marriages, 20 births and 20one from Mrs. Lillian Paladino for Governor-elect Charles Edison, preparation of the budget for next deaths during the month, of No- a lot on Lincoln Highway at a price son of the late inventor, will wit- Annual Pre-Christmas Accident Toll Can Be Lessened Club Lido Issued Permit year and an executive meeting of vember. of $1,000 and the other from Via- ness the ceremonies, the feature of After State A. B.-C. the board was called for Monday, FOR ANNUAL PARTY Health Officer Harold J. Bailey, tor I. Grant for another lot <on which will be the cutting of the Through Cooperation Of Walkers And Drivers' January 6, at which time the bud- in his November report, noted that Lincoln Highway for $1,300. Both ribbon by his mother, Mrs. Mina get will be prepared.