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-- ltf i-- - foi": " OCTOBER 1806. v THE NATIONAL HaBDlIEe WASHEHGTOHTiK Of THURSDAY. 15. report showed organization Ser- dent's the rtiwf here daily. Good news comes from Cali- J. J. Heir, Co. K, IMHn Ohio, and CONTRACTED BRIEF NEWS, numerically and flaancialfy than ever befora. COMRADES ARE SAYING fornia. I hare received several letters from geant, Co. F, 184th Otiie, Downer's Greve, All the delegates took an ironclad oath teap WJATVEJE my frienis from the mining regiouB where I 111.: I have only onefrhing to say about press the Brotaorhood of St. Louis, Caxtoa was past years. Comrade Wm. McKinlejf,ind that is, I was League, and tbe Wahnetas of New York, all laboring as a miner in I IN THE WAR A report Guadalajra, Mnico, states say vote for McKinley. reared in Stark County; O., served three from of which, it is claimed, were formed to contral army fromrBtark County, and that tho dsmie by flood in the Mazatlan dis- the International Union in favor of eertahm 4 years in the reported, and from Every Tart of the Country. T. G. Boss, 16th Wis., Sherbnrn, N. Y.: I McKinley ffor State Attorney trict was greater thau at first subordinate unions. letters voted for Wm. Michigan Cav- tbat tbo loss of life is not under a hundred. your successful showing of the op thank you for twice. I write this article to assure the E B. KnowltoD, Fiftii The Most EeT. Edward White Benson, Arek-bish- inconsistency of unlimited free coinage, es- The London Dally News publishes a dispatch comrades tbat they make no mistake in alry, Tells of the Eilecls of Army of Canterbury, Primate of all England pecially in Tire National Tribune of supporting and roting for Comrade McKin- from Vienna saying that tbo Russian Ministor and Metropolitan, died suddenly Sunday dur- Aug. 2, and for your grand efforts for Com- ac- at Seoul has been instructed to inform tho ing service in Hawarden Churcb, in England. jTheir Hearts are True to Comrade McKInlev. ley and Sound Money.. My personal Life. a rade McKinley. I am sure that comrades Comrade King of Korea tbat Russia considers Korea He was stricken with apoplexy in the cbancel quaintance compels mectb'say that n. enongh Taryiug prices. part of Siboria. This closes tho Korean quea-tio- and expired a few minntea later in the rectory. generally have had McKinley has no staisKn his clothes, and From the JVw, Mushegen, biKr. " L Every wealthy class From Sontti Dakota. A Complicated Situation up and down gives the is a safe standard-bear- er for the boys in There are few pleasanter drives in this prt Earl Russell last week cansed tho anrest ia two Spanish troops Gen. Bornal and Col. mother-in-la- w, Editor National Tribune: The politi- two boosts and the poorer classes blue. belong to a G.A.1S. Post here, and of the couniry tbiui the one along the South nnder London of Lady Scott, his on a Tbiijune: For the knock-out- I Gromados insurgents under Editor National cal situation in this State is rather com- s. Let us have a solid basis. 80 comrades not Griuid road, runninp between Grand engaged the charge of criminal libel. The charge grows oui ex-soldi- will say that out of 700or rivor eecond time in onr generation the I Antonia Maceo, near Guauamo, in tho western of Lady Rn&jell's Lady Scot plicated. The Republicans and Populists Lewis Campbell, Co. E, 70th Ohio : take more thau two are Bryan men or Free Sil- Haven and Bass Eivcr. a little hamlet about suit for divorce. as to whether they love, I capital of Ottawa part of Pinar del Rio, and after hard fighting was released on $5,000 bail. are being tested have united on candidates for State officers pleasure in reading articles from my com- ver. fourteen miles from the loss is reported to to Legisla- Connty. And especially is that so iu these defeated them. The Cukan party or country best, and I am glad below Governor, and the fusion on rades, declaring tkeir intention to line up as Neb.: That have beeu SO killed and many wounded. Tho The Sultan is reported to have signed aa st L. J. Griffith, Nehawha, days, when tho rich autumnal colors are for country tive nominees will result in a Republican-Populi- country the com- October Spanish loss was 12 killed and 92 wounded. In iradt, promising reform for tbe whole ef say that the veterans here in '61 to defend our from "characteristic you published last beginning to give radiance to the woodlands Legislature, which will mean the McKinley, letter" are a second engagement between the troops under Turkey. first For awhile it did seem that Free Silver mon enemy. I shall vote for week from Central City, Neb., I can scarce along tlio route. On the eleventh of this month to the United Maceo's forces, lost Ex-Go- v. the return of Senator Pritchard Protection, and Sound Money, and most of is cer- a of tho Morning News took this Gen. Bornal and the latter Levi K. Fnllcr died at Brattleboro, was going to carry everything. But be remembered believe was written by a soldier. It represmitativo 100 killed and bad 200 wouudod. Tbo Spanish States Senate, for it will that my comradesin Missouri will vote the same not characteristic of the fraternity as trip to intorviow a ccrtHin Mr. U. B. Knowltoti, Vt., Ia3t week, aged 5G. In 1350 Mr. Fnllcr people have arrived at a second" aud serious was only elected by the Fusion Legisla- tainly loss was 91. was elected to the State Senate, in 1SSG as Lien he way. We canuot expect any favors from know them in this State of Nebraska, I a farmer, living about a mile away, about his and now realize that nothing '94 to fill out the unexpired term of I physician,Wcdnos-da- y tenant-Governo- r, and in 1S92 Governor of consideration, ture of the men we fought against. We now have can assure you. euro from rheumatism. Dr. Carl F.Nitz, a Chicago so destructive expire Mc-Kiul- ev. cold- Vermont. short of a civil war would be the late Senator Vauce, which will strong hopes of carrying Missouri for Reunion at of last week murdorod bis wife in a and prosperity as Having attended the late blooded During a quarrel ho stabbed to our National growth the 4th of March next. to tnlk manner. There Is no remedy equal to Hood's SarsaparUIa is going on other Lincoln, an opportunity was afforded her in tho abdomen with a surgical instrument. free coinage of silver, and the tide The Democrats aud Populists, the of the for scrofula, salt rheum, nnd every form of bloo4 Electors. Calvin P. Walrond, Co. B, 15th Mo. Cav., with comrades from different parts Tho wound was not immediately fatal, and tho the other way. hand, have fused on Presidential and al- dUeae. It Is reasonably sure to benefit all who hard time for four for Bryan and Pierceton, Okla.: I have always liked The State. I found them enthusiastic doctor stabbed her again in such a manner a3 "We have had a very Five Democratic Electors arc Money Mc- Xlvo it a fair trial. Bo sure to zet Hood's. both ends meet. for Bryan aud National Tribune, because it has always most unanimous for Sound and to insuro her death. Ho then, as it provod by years in the West to make Sewall, five Populist Electors 1 by majority of our for Bryan been the old soldiers' friend. But I am Kinley. The ratio of 1G to is about right; notes tbat wore found after bis death, sat Itebel i'emioncr In Florida. Free silver has the gieat Watson, and one "Silver" Elector to 1 for tho woman's side, watching her die slowly, aud he said to their as better pleased with it now than I ever have that is to say, 16 for McKinley Tallahassee, Fla., Oct. 4. The State Pen- comrades against it here, it and Sewall. This will make it doubtful speech on now and thou, to nolo tbo effect of another is true, who have failed in vote of the been; so much sothat I don't think I will Bryan. Gen. Prentiss made a sion Bureau is now busy making glad the credit. A few, it to who secures the electoral get but, like wound, ho would jab bis knifo into her again. sending for office in the Repub- or McKinley. Had there been ever be without it as long as I can the Shiloh, aud it wasn't all Shiloh, 550 pensioners on tho roll, by onb getting nominations State, Bryan some "politics Ho carefully noted all tbo symptoms of tho checks for pension gone over to the other side, in field dollar to pay for it So keep hitting some other speeches, had dis- tbo third quarter's due. lican party, have three separate electoral tickets the woman's approaching demi3e. When majority of pensioners are tho3o who office, not for country by and I think the old soldiers will in it." by shoot- The the and got nominations to McKinley would have secured the Stale covered Dr. Nitz committed suicide suffer from disabilities caused by sickness or writer in 1879 all stand up for you. I am one of those Co. B, 19th hut for revenue only. The a handsome majority. As it is, the State is H. L. Whitehonse, Captain, THE leader of herd.