Capital Regional District Victoria, BC V8W 1R7
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625 Fisgard St., Capital Regional District Victoria, BC V8W 1R7 Notice of Meeting and Meeting Agenda Electoral Areas Committee Wednesday, July 10, 2019 10:05 AM 6th Floor Boardroom 625 Fisgard St. Victoria, BC V8W 1R7 M. Hicks (Chair), D. Howe (Vice Chair), G. Holman, C. Plant (Board Chair, ex-officio) 1. Territorial Acknowledgement 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Adoption of Minutes 3.1. 19-678 Minutes of the June 12, 2019 Electoral Areas Committee Meeting Recommendation: That the minutes of the June 12, 2019 Electoral Areas Committee meeting be adopted as circulated. Attachments: Minutes: June 12, 2019 4. Chair’s Remarks 5. Presentations/Delegations 6. Committee Business 6.1. 19-663 Appointment of Officers Recommendation: That the Electoral Areas Committee recommends to the Capital Regional District Board: That for the purpose of Section 233 of the Local Government Act and Section 28(3) of the Offence Act and in accordance with Capital Regional District Bylaw No. 2681, Richard Beaumont, Lorne Bunyan, Adam Carter, Daniel Lundin and Phil Williams, be appointed as Assistant Bylaw Officers. (NWA) Attachments: Staff Report: Appointment of Officers 6.2. 19-643 Amendments to Pender Islands Community Parks Bylaws Capital Regional District Page 1 Printed on 7/9/2019 Electoral Areas Committee Notice of Meeting and Meeting July 10, 2019 Agenda Recommendation: That the Electoral Area Services Committee recommends that the Capital Regional District Board: 1) That Bylaw No. 4307, "Community Parks Regulations (Pender Islands) By-law No. 1, 1987, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2019" be introduced and read a first, second, and third time; 2) That Bylaw No. 4307 be adopted; 3) That Bylaw No. 4309, "Capital Regional District Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 1990, Amendment Bylaw No. 66, 2019", be introduced and read a first, second, and third time; 4) That Bylaw No. 4309 be adopted. (NWA, 2/3 maj. on adoption) Attachments: Staff Report: Amendments to Pender Islands Cmty Pks BLs Appendix A: Bylaw 4307 Community Parks Regulations Appendix B: BL 4309 CRD Ticket Information Authorization Appendix C: Community Parks Regulations 6.3. 19-673 Salt Spring Island Water Service Optimization Study Recommendation: That the Electoral Areas Committee recommend to the Capital Regional District Board: That an application be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for funding in the amount of $50,000 for a Water Service Optimization study in Salt Spring Island Electoral Area. (NWA) Attachments: Staff Report: SSI Water Optimization Study Attachment: Appendix 1 Water Responsibility 6.4. 19-671 BC Rural Dividend Program 2019 Intake Recommendation: That the project proposal submitted for the sixth round of BC Rural Dividend funding aligns with both the grant program and CRD objectives. CRD organizational capacity to achieve the proposed project outcomes within the grant program timeframe of two years has been confirmed as per the project attestations in Appendix B. (NWA) Attachments: Staff Report: BC Rural Dividend Program 2019 Intake Appendix A: Project Charter Appendix B: Project Proposal SGI Connectivity Design Strategy 6.5. 19-647 Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System Assent Voting for Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 4320 Capital Regional District Page 2 Printed on 7/9/2019 Electoral Areas Committee Notice of Meeting and Meeting July 10, 2019 Agenda Recommendation: That the Electoral Areas Committee recommend to the Capital Regional District Board: 1. That Bylaw No. 4320, "Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 3, 2019", be introduced and read a first and second time; 2. That Bylaw No. 4320 be read a third time; (NWA) 3. To direct staff to implement a referendum process under Section 344 of the Local Government Act; (WA, 2/3 maj.) 4. To direct staff to seek all possible grant funds eligible for wastewater infrastructure to assist with completing other required upgrades to the Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System; 5. To appoint Kristen Morley, General Manager, Corporate Services & Corporate Officer, as Chief Election Officer and Emilie Gorman, Deputy Corporate Officer, as Deputy Chief Election Officer with the power to appoint election officials as required; 6. Approve the wording of the bylaw question for the purposes of the ballot as follows: Are you in favour of the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board adopting Bylaw No. 4320, "Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 3, 2019", authorizing the Capital Regional District to borrow an amount up to but not to exceed SIX MILLION DOLLARS ($6,000,000) for the purpose of administering, planning, designing, acquiring and constructing the capital renewal and upgrade of the Magic Lake Estates Wastewater System. YES or NO?"; 7. Approve that the General Voting Day be held on Saturday, November 23, 2019 with the Advance Voting opportunities held on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 and Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at voting places to be determined by the Chief Election Officer; and 8. Approve the synopsis of Bylaw No. 4320, attached as Appendix A, for advertising purposes. (NWA) Attachments: Magic Lk Ests WW Assent Voting for Ln Auth BL 4320 Appendix A: June 11, 2019 SR to Magic Lk Ests Cmte Appendix B: Synopsis of Bylaw 4320 Appendix C: Bylaw 4320 6.6. 19-623 Previous Minutes of Other CRD Committees and Commissions for Information Recommendation: That the following minutes be received for information: a) Magic Lake Estates Water and Sewer Committee minutes of April 9 and May 14, 2019 b) Skana Water Service Committee minutes of May 31, 2018 c) Southern Gulf Islands Harbours Commission minutes of April 26, 2019 d) Surfside Park Estates Water Service Committee minutes of May 31, 2018 Attachments: Minutes: Magic Lake Estates Water & Sewer Cttee-April 9, 2019 Minutes: Magic Lake Estates Water & Sewer Cttee-May 14, 2019 Minutes: Skana Water Service Committee-May 31, 2018 Minutes: SGI Harbours Commission-April 26, 2019 Minutes: Surfside Park Estates Water Service Cttee-May 31, 2018 Capital Regional District Page 3 Printed on 7/9/2019 Electoral Areas Committee Notice of Meeting and Meeting July 10, 2019 Agenda 7. Notice(s) of Motion 8. New Business 9. Adjournment Next Meeting: September 11, 2019 To ensure quorum, please advise Pat Perna ([email protected]) if you or your alternate cannot attend. Capital Regional District Page 4 Printed on 7/9/2019 625 Fisgard St., Capital Regional District Victoria, BC V8W 1R7 Meeting Minutes Electoral Areas Committee Wednesday, June 12, 2019 10:05 AM 6th Floor Boardroom 625 Fisgard St. Victoria, BC V8W 1R7 PRESENT: Directors: M. Hicks (Chair), B. Mabberley (for D. Howe (Vice Chair)), G. Holman Staff: K. Lorette, General Manager, Planning and Protective Services; N. Chan, Chief Financial Officer; K. Morley, General Manager, Corporate Services; R. Gutierrez, Manager, Building Inspection; D. Ovington, Manager, Salt Spring Island Recreation; I. Lawrence, Manager Local Area Planning, Juan de Fuca; E. Gorman, Deputy Corporate Officer; P. Perna, Committee Clerk (Recorder) The meeting was called to order at 10:11 am. 1. Approval of Agenda MOVED by Director Holman, SECONDED by Alternate Director Mabberley, That the agenda for the June 12, 2019 Electoral Areas Committee meeting be approved as amended to add New Business Item 6.1. CARRIED 2. Adoption of Minutes 2.1. 19-559 Minutes of the May 8, 2019 Electoral Areas Committee Meeting MOVED by Alternate Director Mabberley, SECONDED by Director Holman, That the minutes of the May 8, 2019 Electoral Areas Committee meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3. Chair’s Remarks The Chair remarked that his previous alternate, Wally Vowles, has stepped down and that his new alternate is Dan Quigley. 4. Presentations/Delegations There were no presentations or delegations. 5. Committee Business Capital Regional District Page 1 Printed on 7/4/2019 Electoral Areas Committee Meeting Minutes June 12, 2019 5.1. 19-533 Transfer from Capital Reserve and Community Works Fund, to Fulford Water Main Replacement project MOVED by Director Holman, SECONDED by Alternate Director Mabberley, That the Electoral Areas Committee recommends that the Capital Regional District Board amend the Five Year Financial Plan to include additional funding for the Fulford Water Main Replacement project, and that $12,100.00 be allocated from the Capital Reserve Fund in 2019 to fund the project, and that an application for $11,500.00 from the Community Works Fund be made and subsequently allocated in 2019 to fund the project. CARRIED 5.2. 19-556 Bylaw No. 4311: Charges Bylaw Amendments for Utilities within the Salt Spring Island Electoral Area MOVED by Director Holman, SECONDED by Alternate Director Mabberley, That the Electoral Areas Committee recommend to the Capital Regional District Board: 1. That Bylaw No. 4311 cited as "Salt Spring Island Liquid Waste, Sewer, and Water Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 1, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 11, 2019” be introduced and read a first, second, and third time. 2. That Bylaw No. 4311 be adopted. CARRIED 5.3. 19-557 Grants-in-Aid N. Chan provided a verbal update to advise that Grants-in-Aid will no longer go through the Electoral Areas Committee. MOVED by Alternate Director Mabberley, SECONDED by Director Holman, That the Electoral Areas Committee recommend to the Capital Regional District Board: That the following grant-in-aid application(s) be approved: 1. Saltspring Gymnastics Association - $4,000 2. Willis Point Community Association - $3,500 3. Salt Spring Community Market Society - $2,000 4. SWOVA Community