Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration 2019 Decisions Decision Participatin Applied sum Nr Project title Applicant EUR g Countries EUR The Nordic-Baltic Mobility and Network Programme for Public Administration, Vilnius Vilnius City Municipality, LT (Jurgita PA-GRO-1346 FI, NO, SE € 8 100,00 € 7 800,00 City with Joensuu, Kristiansand, Kristianstad and Ambrasienė) Gothenburg

Tartu City Government Study Vist to Trondheim Tartu City Government, EE (Kaspar PA-GRO-1345 EE € 8 544,00 € 5 000,00 and Uppsala Alev)

Experience exchange and capacity building The Ministry of Enviromental PA-GRO-1340 study tour related to national and local level Protection and Regional FI, SE € 7 500,00 € 6 500,00 spatial development planning issues Development, LV (Mārtiņš Grels)

Exchange of Good Practice in Publicly Lithuanian Zoological Gardens, LT PA-GRO-1338 DK, SE € 5 712,00 € 5 000,00 Administered Zoos (Lina Gedimine)

Exchange of best practices in Consumer Rights Ministry of Economics Republic of PA-GRO-1337 SE, DK € 9 105,68 € 6 500,00 Protection area , LV (Didzis Bruklitis)

ESF in LSF: ESF skils improvement in Lithuania, European Social Fund Agency, LT PA-GRO-1336 SE, FI € 9 143,00 € 0,00 Sweden, Finland (Migle Aleksonyte) Kaunas City Municipal Integrated health care and social care services Administration Municipal budgetary PA-GRO-1335 for Disabled patients, for patients with chronic FI, DK, SE € 12 667,20 € 8 000,00 institution, LT (Renata Kudukytė- diseases and for Their Families Gasperė) Nordic-Baltic Study Visit for Collaboration and Estonian Research Council, EE PA-GRO-1334 Knowledge Exchange in Financing Sectorial FI, NO € 10 788,00 € 6 000,00 (Liina Eek) Research

Cooperation and experience exchange on best Tallinn Transport Department, EE PA-GRO-1333 IS, NO € 8 370,00 € 6 000,00 practices in transport development (Triinu Tirmaste) „Exchange of knowledge and best practices in National Land Service under the digitalization of archives and optimization of ICT PA-GRO-1331 Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania, DK, IS € 7 968,00 € 4 000,00 processes between the National Land Service LT (Ruslanas Golubovas) under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic Forensic Science Centre of Lituania, PA-GRO-1330 Strengthening experts' capacities in 3D imaging SE, NO € 3 786,00 € 2 500,00 LT (Vidmantas Vaitekunas)

Mutual learning between Nordic-Baltic Public Lithuanian Employment Services PA-GRO-1327 Employment Services to better adapt to the ever- under the Ministry of Social Security SE, IS, FI € 6 200,00 € 4 500,00 changing needs of the European labour market and Labour, LT (Gytis Darulis)

Reaching for Gender Equality in Municipalities: Association of Local Authorities in PA-GRO-1326 IS, SE € 10 624,00 € 7 500,00 Exchange of the Good Practice Lithuania, LT (Marija Norvaisaite)

Võru town civil servants study trip to Sweden and Võru Town Government, EE (Tiina PA-GRO-1323 SE, DK € 8 440,00 € 6 500,00 Denmark Hallimäe) Exchange of experiences and knowledge in the field of personnel management in the archives The National Archives of Estonia, PA-GRO-1322 (Study visit of the employees of the National NO, DK € 2 125,00 € 2 125,00 EE (Sigrit Mahla) Archives of Estonia to National Archives of Denmark and to National Archives of Norway) Public relations programmes and communication Chancellery of the Riigikogu, EE PA-GRO-1320 practices of the Parliaments of Iceland, Norwey EE € 6 216,00 € 4 500,00 (Merje Meisalu) and Estonia Sustainable use of local cultural resources and PA-GRO-1315 cultural planning: study visits of Cēsis Cesis municipality, LV (Ilona Asare) DK, FI € 3 260,00 € 3 260,00 Municipality in Nordic cities

Nordic-Baltic Cooperation in Exchange of Lithuanian Business Support PA-GRO-1314 SE, FI € 4 200,00 € 0,00 Experience 2019 Agency, LT (Dalia Dačinskaitė)

State Enterprise Centre of PA-GRO-1312 Improving the Operation of State Registers SE, DK € 5 499,00 € 4 500,00 Registers, LT (Aušra Kalantaitė)

Loimaa Evangelical Folk High PA-NET-1310 Social work in Finland FI, LV, LT € 4 920,00 € 0,00 School, FI (ILZE LIEPINA-NAULA)

Loimaa Evangelical Folk High PA-NET-1309 Finish Education in Municipality FI, LV, LT € 5 100,00 € 0,00 School, FI (ILZE LIEPINA-NAULA) Loimaa Evangelical Folk High PA-NET-1308 General Cultural Activities in Municipality FI, LV, LT € 5 148,00 € 0,00 School, FI (ILZE LIEPINA-NAULA)

Route of criminal offences: Lithuania – Nordic Kaunas County Police PA-NET-1304 Countries – LT. Investigation experience & Headquarters, LT (Agne SE, FI € 4 266,00 € 4 266,00 prevention Petraviciute) The National Health Insurance Fund Inter-institutional cooperation in healthcare PA-GRO-1303 under the Ministry of Health, LT FI, SE € 10 150,00 € 6 000,00 sector (Inga Jezerkauskaite) Lithuanian Transport Safety Strengthening water transport services and PA-GRO-1299 Administration, LT (Simona FI, IS € 4 488,00 € 4 000,00 supervision: learning from Nordic experience Jonuskiene) The role of judge assistants in effective work Supreme Court of the Republic of SE, IS, FI, PA-GRO-1298 € 9 232,58 € 8 500,00 organization of the Supreme Court Latvia, LV (Janis Supe) NO City Council, LV (Jānis PA-GRO-1297 Smart city solutions in urban development DK, IS € 7 344,00 € 6 800,00 Bērziņš)

Development Centre of Võru PA-GRO-1296 Getting to know the organic food network SE, DK € 6 100,00 € 5 800,00 County, EE (Aivar Nigol) Estonian Police and Border Guard PA-GRO-1295 Preventive work and non-punitive measures NO, SE € 7 060,20 € 6 500,00 Board, EE (Kirsti Hindreus)

Exchange of experience and knowledge on the VIAA-State Education Development PA-GRO-1294 IS, NO € 13 382,40 € 7 500,00 administration of EU programs Agency , LV (Marika Pīra)

SUstainable and PEople oriented uRBan Municipality, LV (Karīna PA-GRO-1291 DK, SE € 7 950,00 € 7 000,00 environment Bāliņa)

Experience exchange for integrated energy Kekava municipality, LV (Kristīne PA-GRO-1287 DK, FI € 8 732,40 € 6 600,00 policy and smart town strategy planning Danovska)

MODELLING EXTERNAL QUALITY Centre for Quality Assessment in PA-GRO-1286 ASSURANCE IN THE CHANGING CONTEXT Higher Education (SKVC), LT FI, SE € 2 940,00 € 2 940,00 (MODEQA) (Eimante Bogdan) Chancellor of Justice, EE (Kertti PA-GRO-1284 Study visits to Iceland and Sweden IS, SE € 4 249,00 € 4 000,00 Pilvik) Tartu City Government, EE (Alo PA-GRO-1283 Financial management practises from Nordics NO, FI € 8 520,00 € 0,00 Lilles)

Kuldīga District Municipality, LV PA-GRO-1282 Culture as a driving force in small communities SE, DK € 3 961,20 € 3 900,00 (Agnese Lapsiņa)

Administrative District Court, LV PA-GRO-1280 Application of objective investigation principle FI, SE € 7 375,68 € 4 300,00 (Ilze Butkus)

Study visit to Norway and Iceland regarding draft Parliament of Estonia, EE (Elis PA-GRO-1279 IS, NO € 4 812,00 € 3 500,00 legislation concerning economy and business Themas)

Oslo Voksenopplæring Visit to Adult Education in Oslo Service Senter , NO (Mark PA-GRO-1277 LT, EE € 3 280,00 € 3 280,00 Vilnius and Gaughan)

,,Shared Values and knowledge between Võru municipality, EE (Kertu PA-GRO-1275 FI, SE € 5 770,00 € 4 900,00 Estonia, Sweden and Finland“ Künnapuu) Adazi local municipality, LV (Karina PA-GRO-1273 Cooperation and exchange of good practice SE, DK € 9 648,00 € 0,00 Mikelsone) Exchange of experiences and best practices on Marupe Municipality Council, LV PA-GRO-1272 IS, SE € 7 000,00 € 6 300,00 creation of smart cities initiatives (Iveta Eizengrauda) Economic development in Nordic–Baltic Local Municipality, LV PA-GRO-1271 FI, SE, IS € 9 738,00 € 7 500,00 communities (Anita Skutane)

Work with youth at risk of social exclusion in Welfare Department of Riga City PA-GRO-1270 SE, FI € 8 650,00 € 7 500,00 Nordic countries Council, LV (Aija Vecenāne)

Rakvere Cultural Centre, EE PA-GRO-1268 Study trip SE € 0,00 € 0,00 (Kaspar Lood) „Child protection specialists study „Child protection specialists´ study visit to the visit to the Nordic countries to PA-GRO-1267 FI, SE € 6 933,20 € 6 500,00 Nordic country exchange experience“ , EE (Aire Johanson) Experience exchange between cultural National Library of Latvia, LV PA-GRO-1266 FI, DK € 3 533,00 € 3 500,00 institutions (Karina Bandere) Riga Regional Court, LV (Raimonds PA-GRO-1265 Ensuring the quality of work in appellate court DK, SE € 5 926,24 € 3 800,00 Ločmelis) Gaining Nordic Experience on inclusive design The Ministry of Welfare of the PA-GRO-1264 and service development for person with Republic of Latvia, LV (Anna NO, SE, LV € 7 483,00 € 7 200,00 disabilities Grinberga) Experience exchange in the organization of Information Centre of the Ministry of PA-GRO-1262 border crossing procedures and IT systems used FI, NO € 11 576,40 € 7 500,00 Interior, LV (Raimonds Kokarevics) in Nordic countries.

Study visit to Finland and Island regarding the Archimedes Foundation, EE (Evelin PA-GRO-1261 IS, FI € 7 664,00 € 7 400,00 implementation of educational programmes Einla-Polluks)

Change process management in education Ikskile Municipality, LV (Liene PA-NET-1257 IS, SE € 8 328,00 € 5 000,00 system. Šmite) Developing an early prevention system for Cross-Sectoral Coordination Center, PA-GRO-1256 children’s social and mental wellbeing, and FI, NO, DK € 12 041,28 € 9 500,00 LV (Dace Valte-Rancane) better learning outcomes

Strengthening the competition authority’s Competition Council, LV (Maris PA-GRO-1255 SE, FI € 6 432,00 € 6 000,00 capacity on merger control Stenders)

Court Administration of the Republic PA-GRO-1254 Management of courts budget DK, NO € 5 401,92 € 4 000,00 of Latvia, LV (Dace Ezeriete)

Zemgale District Court, LV (Elīne PA-GRO-1253 The role of judge assistant and court recorder FI, NO € 7 231,68 € 6 900,00 Eihentāle)

The bridge between society and municipality – Ropazi Municipality, LV (Līga PA-GRO-1251 FI, NO € 4 680,00 € 4 500,00 tools to promote good customer service Mekša)

More competitive business environment Ministry of Economics of Latvia, LV PA-NET-1246 DK, NO € 10 090,00 € 7 500,00 promotion (Elina Cielava)

Court Administration of the Republic PA-GRO-1240 Attracting & management of structural funds FI, SE € 5 664,00 € 0,00 of Latvia, LV (Dace Ezeriete)

Violation in internet and whistleblowers - problem Ombudsman's Office of the PA-GRO-1239 aspects, actions taken and Ombudsman's role in Republic of Latvia, LV (Laura DK, IS € 8 200,00 € 6 000,00 the process Bagata) The Directorate of The State Harmonization of Cultural Heritage and Nature in Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles, PA-GRO-1238 FI, SE € 9 900,00 € 0,00 Protected Site LT (ANGELE DANUTE CEPENAITE) Forest research station, LV (Andra PA-GRO-1231 Study visit to exchange knowledge in forestry IS, NO € 8 028,00 € 7 400,00 Ziedina)

Sharing and Exchange of Know-How in the Vilnius City Administration, LT (Lina PA-GRO-1224 Organisation and Communication of FI, IS, DK € 7 450,00 € 5 000,00 Atkociute) International Cooperation The Ministry of Justice of the PA-IND-557 Improving the Operation of State Registers Republic of Lithuania, LT (Reda SE, DK € 1 150,00 € 1 000,00 Nikrėvičė) Sharing good practice, implementing Lithuanian Police School, LT (Daiva PA-IND-551 development and renovation of infrastructure to NO, DK € 1 206,00 € 0,00 Mūrienė) improve working and learning premises

Total amount EUR € 446 984,06 € 299 971,00

Decision 21.05.2019 Christer Haglund

Helén Nilsson Stefan Eriksson