Water requirement:-

S. No. Particulars Population Fresh water demand Treated water demand Total water demand 1. Residential 998 @65 lpcd: 65KLD @21 lpcd: 21 KLD 86 KLD 2. Commercial 950 9 KLD 12 KLD 21 KLD a. Fixed 200 @ 25 lpcd : 5 KLD @20 lpcd : 4 KLD 3 KLD b. Floating 750 @ 5lpcd : 4KLD @10 lpcd : 8 KLD 9 KLD 3. Club House 100 @25 lpcd: 3 KLD @20lpcd: 2 KLD 5 KLD 4. Restaurant 30 @55lpcd : 2 KLD @15 lpcd : 1 KLD 3 KLD 5. Food court 20 @ 25 lpcd : 1 KLD @10 lpcd : 1 KLD 2 KLD 6. Guest rooms 44 @ 120 lpcd : 5 KLD @ 60 lpcd: 3 KLD 8 KLD 7. Banquet hall 100 @25 lpcd: 3 KLD @20lpcd: 2 KLD 5 KLD 8. Offices 150 @25 lpcd: 4 KLD @20lpcd: 3KLD 7 KLD 9. Staff 100 @25 lpcd: 3KLD @20lpcd: 2KLD 5 KLD 10. Visitors 150 @5lpcd: 1KLD @10 lpcd: 2 KLD 3 KLD 11. Makeup for cooling towers 64 KLD 64 KLD 12. Landscaping (1ltr/sq.m.) 2 KLD 2 KLD Total 96 KLD 115 KLD 211 KLD

Water Balance

Residential 52 65 KLD 128 KLD Commercial , Club & 12 Fresh banquet 15KLD Waste water Sludge & evaporatio water Restaurant ,Food court 6 & guest rooms 8 KLD n losses 96 KLD S Offices 4 KLD 3 13 KLD

Staff & Visitors4 KLD 3 T

3 P Daily water STP Makeup for cooling towers 64 KLD demand: treated 49 Flushing 49 KLD 211KLD water Capacity {96 KLD (fresh) 115 KLD 150 KLD Landscaping 2 KLD + 115 KLD (recycled/ reused Recycled/ reused for flushing, landscaping & general water)} washing


jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II—[k.M 3 —mi&[k.M (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 2621] ubZ fnYyh] eaxyokj] flrEcj 12] 2017@Hkkæ 21] 1939 No. 2621] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2017/BHADRA 21, 1939

पयाϕवरण , वनवनवन औरऔरऔर जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय

अिधसूचना नई Ƙदली , 11 िसत ब र, 2017

काकाका.का ...आआआआ.. 2992995555((((अअअअ))))....— िनƄिलिखत OाĐप अिधसूचना, िजसे केLीय सरकार, पयाϕवरण (संरϓण ) अिधिनयम, 1986 (1986 का 29) कƙ धारा 3 कƙ उपधारा (2) के खंड (v) और खंड (xiv) और उपधारा (3) के साथ पƗठत उपधारा (1) ůारा Oदē शिŎयĪ का Oयोग करते ćए , जारी करने का Oताव करती है, पयाϕवरण (संरϓण ) िनयम, 1986 के िनयम 5 के उपिनयम (3) कƙ अपेϓानुसार , जनसाधारण कƙ जानकारी के िलए Oकािशत कƙ जाती है; िजनके उससे Oभािवत होने कƙ संभावना है, ; और यह सूचना दी जाती है Ƙक उŎ OाĐप अिधसूचना पर, उस तारीख से, िजसको इस अिधसूचना वाले राजपJ कƙ Oितयां जनसाधारण को उपल ध करा दी जाती हġ, साठ Ƙदन कƙ अविध कƙ समािƁ पर या उसके पƇात् िवचार Ƙकया जाएगा ;

ऐसा कोई ƆिŎ , जो OाĐप अिधसूचना मĞ अंतƞवϕƍ OतावĪ के संबंध मĞ कोई आϓेप या सुझाव देने मĞ िहतबŵ है, इस Oकार िविनƠदϕƍ अविध के भीतर, केLीय सरकार ůारा िवचार Ƙकए जाने के िलए, आϓेप या सुझाव सिचव, पयाϕवरण , वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय , इंƘदरा पयाϕवरण भवन, जोर बाग रोड, अलीगंज, नई Ƙदली -110003 या ई-मेल पते: [email protected] पर िलिखत Đप मĞ भेज सकेगा ।

OाĐप अिधसूचना

और, अϓांश 26°56'15.08" उēर और 26°57'5.81" उēर तथा देशांतर 75°48' 55.70" पूवϕ और 75°46'54.65" पूवϕ के मय और राजथान सरकार कƙ अिधसूचना सं. एफ. 11(39) राज व /8/80 तारीख 22 िसत बर , 1980 ůारा अिधसूिचत नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय िजला जयपुर, राजथान कƙ अ बर पहािड़यĪ पर अरावली पवϕतमाला मĞ िथत है और 52.40 वगϕ Ƙकलोमीटर मĞ फैला ćआ है ;

और, चैि पयन और सेठ वगĖकरण के अनुसार अभयारय मĞ ‘उणकƗटबंधी शुक पणϕपाती वन ’ और ‘उणकƗटबंधी कंटक वन ’ हġ और वन अनेक भू-वैϔािनक तथा मृदा िनƞमϕितयĪ और अरावली के पहाड़ी भू-भागĪ मĞ फैला ćआ है और इसीिलए उसकƙ संरचना मĞ िभžता है ;

और, वयजीव अभयारय मĞ िविवध वनपितयĪ एवं जीव -जतु के िलए आXय है और मुϞय वनपित सालार (बोसवेिलया सेराϕटा ), गुजाϕन (िलनीएया =ेिडस िसन्. एल. कोरोमġगेिलका ), तĞदु (िडिपरोस मेलेनोिϝसलोन ), कयाϕ (टरकुलीया यूरĞस ), गुगल (किमफोरा मुकुल ), अमलतास (कैिसया Ƙफ़टुला ), अवाला (ए बेिलका ऑƘफिसनƚलंस ), िबžस (हेपरथुसा ;ेनुला टा ), उम (सीकोपोटेम टोमĞटोसा ), गोया खीर (िडEोटाची िसनीƗरया ), सैनेजा (माƛरंगा पेटीरागोपामाϕ), धाक ( यूटेया मोनोपमϕ), राहन (सोयदिमदा फबरϟयूगा ), मोखा

5638 GI/2017 (1)


(केरेQा वेटेनाइडेस ), रोिहणी (मलटस Ƙफ़िलपĞनीिसस ), बेर (िज़ज़फस जुजुबा, ज़मॉƗरटीयाना ), जामुन (सायजीगुइम कुिमनी ), गुलर (Ƙफ़कस ϟलोमेरेटा ), कदम (िमतोजायना परिवपोिलया ), बिहरा (टƞमϕनिलया बेलेƗरका ), धोरा (एनोजीसस लैƗटफ़ोिलया ), खजूर (फƙिनϝस िसवेिEस ), ƚहंगोट (बैलानाइϧस इिजि टका ), खैर (अकाƘकया केटैचु), सेवन (गमेिलया अबīƗरया ), अजुϕन (टƞमϕनिलया अजुϕना ), नीम (अजाƘदरचŝा इंिडका ), पीपल (Ƙफकस रेिलिगयोसा ), बरगद (Ƙफकस बĞगलĞिसस ), िशशम (डाबƞगϕया सीससो ), िबजसल (पटरोकारपस मरसुिपयम ), काकोन ( लैकॉƗरटा इंिडका ), खरीनी (राइƗटया ƗटटोƗरया ), दुधी (राइƗटया टोमĞटोसा ), ƚझंझा (बाउनीया Ɨरसेमोसा ), का िसयाƗरया (कािसयाƗरया टोमĞटोसा ), बानϕ (Ƙ;एटेवा रेलीϟयूसा ), बेल (एजेले ममϕलोस ), रĪज (अकाƘकया ममϕलोस ), िलसोरा (कॉƞडϕया मायϝसा ), चूरेल (होलोपटेिलया इंटरि=फ़ोइला ), आम (मंिगफेरा अंिडका ), इमली (तामाƛरंडस इंिडका ), कैथ (िलमोिनया एिसिडिसमा ), िसरीस (अिब िजया लेबके), सेमल (बमबज सीरीबा ), सेलाEास (िϝलटEस पॅिनकुलाटस ), आƘद अभयारय कƙ मुϞय वनपितयां है ।

और, वयजीव अभयारय मĞ िविवध वनपितयĪ एवं जीव -जतु के िलए आXय है और मुϞय जीवजतु बीटा (लोिहयो रोहता ), कैटल (कैटला कैटला ), =ेयई (छाना मा ďलीयन ), लांची (वालगो ऑटो ), महशीर (टोरटोर पा. ), िमरगल (सƞचϕस माƗरगल ), रोहो (लैिबयो रोिहता ), सवंक (छाना पंकटैटस ), सेनघारी (मायटस ƚसंघालाल ), सामाय भारतीय मेढ़क (बुफो मेलानोिटϝटस ), सामाय मेढ़क (राना Ɨट=ीना ), बġडेड करैत (बगोरस फसीसैटस ), कोबरा (नाजा नाजा ), सामाय करैत (बंगरस कैƗरयुलेस ), Pेश वॉटर ऑफ वैमप मगरमϢछ (;ोकॉडायलस पलुसEीस ), भारतीय अजगर (पायथन मॉलुďस ), उēर भारतीय लैप शेलड कछुआ (यूसैमीस पंकटता पंϝटाटा ), रैट साँप (पीटास यूकोस ), तĞदुआ (पĞथेरा पाडϕस ) आƘद अभयारय कƙ मुϞय जीव जतु है ।

और, नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय के चारĪ ओर के ϓेJ को, िजसका िवतार और सीमाएं इस अिधसूचना के पैरा 1 मĞ िविनƠदϕƍ हġ, पाƗरिथितकƙ और पयाϕवरण कƙ दृिƍ से पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के Đप मĞ सुरिϓत और संरिϓत करना तथा उŎ पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ उźोगĪ या उźोगĪ के वगī के Oचालन तथा Oसंकरण करने को Oितिषŵ करना आवयक है;

अतः, अब, केLीय सरकार, पयाϕवरण (संरϓण ) िनयम, 1986 के िनयम 5 के उपिनयम (3) के साथ पƗठत पयाϕवरण (संरϓण ) अिधिनयम, 1986 (1986 का 29) कƙ धारा 3 कƙ उपधारा (1), उपधारा (2) के खंड (v) और खंड (xiv) और उप-धारा (3) ůारा Oदē शिŎयĪ का Oयोग करते ćए , राजथान राϤय मĞ नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय कƙ सीमा के चारĪ ओर 0 से 13 Ƙकलोमीटर तक के िवताƗरत ϓेJ को नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन (िजसे इसमĞ इसके पƇात् पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कहा गया है) के Đप मĞ अिधसूिचत करती है, िजसका िववरण िनƄानुसार है, अथाϕत् :-

1. पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोनजोनजोन काकाका िवतार औरऔरऔर उसकƙ सीमाएं--(1) नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय के पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन, कƙ सीमा के चारĪ ओर 0 से 13 Ƙकलोमीटर के िवतार के साथ 79.356 वगϕ Ƙकलोमीटर के ϓेJ मĞ फैला ćआ है। भारी शहरीकरण कƙ ओर शूय िवतार है। अभयारय को िवभािजत करके पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन का मानिचJ और पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमाएं उपाबंध III (क) और III (ख) मĞ Ƙदया गया है ।

(2) संरिϓत ϓेJ कƙ सीमा और पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भू-िनदğशांकĪ कƙ सूची उपाबंध IIIIII (क) और IIIIII (ख) मĞ दी गई है ।

(3) पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन का सीमा िववरण उपाबंध III मĞ Ƙदया गया है ।

(4) पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के अंतगϕत आने वाले =ामĪ कƙ सूची Oमुख िबदुĸ के िनदğशांकĪ के साथ उपाबंध IV के Đप मĞ उपाबŵ है ।

222.2... पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन केकेके िलएिलएिलए आंचिलक महायोजना ––– (1) राϤय सरकार, पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के Oयोजन के िलए राजपJ मĞ अिधसूचना के अंितम Oकाशन कƙ तारीख से दो वषϕ कƙ अविध के भीतर, थानीय ƆिŎयĪ के परामशϕ से, इस अिधसूचना मĞ संलϟ न अनुबंधĪ के सामंजय से आंचिलक महायोजना तैयार करेगी ।

(2) उŎ योजना राϤय सरकार के सϓम Oािधकारी ůारा अनुमोƘदत होगी ।

(3) पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के िलए आचंिलक महायोजना इस अिधसूचना मĞ िविनƠदϕ ट Đप मĞ ऐसी रीित मĞ राϤ य सरकार तथा सुसंगत कĞLीय और राϤय िविधयĪ के सामंजय मĞ भी तथा कĞLीय सरकार ůारा जारी मागϕिनदğश, यƘद कोई हĪ, ůारा तैयार होगी ।

(4) यह महवपूणϕ संरिϓत ϓेJĪ मĞ से ऐसा ϓेJ है जो सƗरका बाघ आरिϓत (एस.टी.आर.) तथा रणथंबोर बाघ आरिϓत (आर.टी.आर.) तक िबखरे तĞदुआ जैसे पशुĸ के िलए Ɨटकने का एक साधन िसŵ हो सकता है और इसीिलए आचंिलक महायोजना तैयार करते समय उनके अितƗरŎ संरϓण तथा जीणīŵार के िलए ϓेJĪ िवशेष ďप से पहाड़ी इलाकĪ के ϓेJĪ कƙ पहचान के Oयास Ƙकए जाने चािहए ।

(5) आचंिलक महायोजना , इसमĞ पयाϕवरणीय और पाƗरिथितकƙ िवचारĪ को समाकिलत को करने के िलए राϤय के सभी संबŵ िवभागĪ के परामशϕ से तैयार होगी, अथाϕत् :--

(i) पयाϕवरण ;

(ii) वन; ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3

(iii) शहरी िवकास;

(iv) पयϕटन ;

(v) नगरपािलक;

(vi) राज व ;

(vii) कृिष;

(viii) राजथान राϤय Oदूषण िनयंJण बोडϕ;

(ix) ƚसंचाई; और

(x) लोक िनमाϕण िवभाग।

(6) आंचिलक महायोजना अनुमोƘदत िवźमान भू-उपयोग, अवसंरचना मक और Ƙ;याकलापĪ पर कोई िनबİधन अिधरोिपत नहĕ करेगी जब तक Ƙक इस अिधसूचना मĞ और आचंिलक महायोजना मĞ सभी अवसंरचना और अिधक Oभावी और पाƗरिथितकƙ अनुकूल Ƙ;याकलाप कारक इस Oकार िविनƠदϕƍ न हो ।

(7) आंचिलक महायोजना मĞ अनाϢछाƘदत ϓेJĪ के जीणīŵार , िवźमान जल िनकायĪ के संरϓण , आवाह ϓेJĪ के Oबंधन , जल-संभरĪ के Oबंधन , भूतल जल के Oबंधन , मृदा और नमी संरϓण , थानीय समुदायĪ कƙ आवयकताĸ तथा पाƗरिथितकƙ और पयाϕवरण से संबंिधत ऐसे अय पहलुĸ, िजन पर यान देना आवयक है, के िलए उपबंध हĪगे ।

(8) आंचिलक महायोजना सभी िवźमान पूजा  थलĪ, =ामĪ और नगरीय बंदोबतĪ , वनĪ के Oकार और Ƙक मĪ , कृिष ϓेJĪ , ऊपजाऊ भूिम, हƗरत ϓेJ जैसे उźान और उसी Oकार के  था न, उźान कृिष ϓेJ , आƠकϕडĪ, झीलĪ और अय जल िनकायĪ का अ यकं न करेगी ।

(9) आंचिलक महायोजना पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ िवकास के पाƗरिथितकƙ अनुकूल िवकास और थानीय समुदयĪ कƙ आजीिवका को सुिनिƇत करते ćए िविनयिमत होगी ।

3. राϤय सरकार ůारा ƘकएƘकएƘकए जाने वाले उपायउपाय------राϤय सरकार इस अिधसूचना के उपबंधĪ को Oभावी करने के िलए िनƄिलिखत उपाय करेगी, अथाϕत् :--

(1) भूभूभू-भू---उपयोगउपयोग --- पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ वनĪ , उźान -कृिष ϓेJĪ , कृिष ϓेJĪ , आमोद-Oमोद के OयोजनĪ के िलए िचिहत Ƙकए गए पाकĬ और खुले थानĪ का वािणिϤयक और औźोिगक संबŵ िवकास Ƙ;याकलापĪ के िलए उपयोग या संपƗरवतϕन नहĕ होगा:

परंतु पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भीतर कृिष भूिम का संपƗरवतϕन , मानीटरी सिमित कƙ िसफाƗरश पर और राϤय सरकार के पूवϕ अनुमोदन से, थानीय िनवािसयĪ कƙ आवासीय जĐरतĪ को पूरा करने के िलए और पैरा 4 कƙ सारणी के तंभ (2) मĞ सूचीबŵ Ƙ;याकलापĪ को पूरा करने के िलए अनुϔात हĪ गे, अथाϕत् :-

(i) िवźमान सड़कĪ को चौड़ा और सुदृढ बनाना तथा नई सड़कĪ का िनमाϕण ;

(ii) पाƗरिथितकƙ अनुकूल पयϕटन Ƙ;याकलापĪ के िलए पयϕटकĪ के अ थायी आवासन के िलए पाƗरिथितकƙ अनुकूल आरामगाह जैसे टĞट, लकड़ी के मकान आƘद;

(iii) Oदूषण काƗरत न करने वाले लघु उźोग ;

(iv) वषाϕ जल संचयन; और

(v) कुटीर उźोग िजसके अंतगϕत =ामीण उźोग, सुिवधा भंडार और थानीय सुख -सुिवधाएं हġ:

परंतु यह और Ƙक जनजातीय भूिम का उपयोग राϤय सरकार ϓेJीय नगर योजना अिधिनयम और अय िनयमĪ तथा िविनयमĪ के अधीन सϓम अिधकारी के पूवϕ अनुमोदन और संिवधान के अनुϢ छेद 244 या तसमय Oवृē िविध के उपबंधĪ िजसके अंतगϕत अनुसूिचत जनजाित और अय परंपरागत वन िनवासी (वन अिधकारĪ कƙ मायता ) अिधिनयम, 2006 (2007 का 2) भी है, के अनुपालन के िबना, वािण िϤयक या उźोग िवकास Ƙ;याकलापĪ के िलए अनुϔात नहĕ होगा:

परंतु यह और भी Ƙक पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भीतर भू-अिभलेखĪ मĞ पाई जाने वाली कोई JुƗट मानीटरी सिमित के िवचार OाƁ करने के पƇात् राϤय सरकार ůारा Oयेक मामले मĞ एक बार संशोिधत होगी और उŎ JुƗट के संशोधन कƙ भारत सरकार के पयाϕवरण , वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय को सूचना देनी होगी :

परंतु यह और भी Ƙक उपयुϕŎ JुƗट के संशोधन मĞ इस उप पैरा के अधीन यथा उपबंिधत के िसवाय Ƙकसी भी दशा मĞ भू-उपयोग का पƗरवतϕन सि मिलत नहĕ होगा : 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

परंतु यह और भी Ƙक िजससे हƗरत ϓेJ जैसे वन ϓेJ, कृिष ϓेJ आƘद मĞ कोई पाƗरणािमक कटौती नहĕ होगी और अनOयुϝ त या अनुपादक कृिष ϓेJĪ मĞ पुन: वनीकरण करने के Oयास Ƙकए जाएंगे ।

(2) Oाकृितक जल ---Zोत -- आंचिलक महायोजना मĞ सभी Oाकृितक जल ZोतĪ कƙ पहचान कƙ जाएगी और उनके संरϓण और पुननϕवीकरण के िलए योजना सि मिलत होगी और राϤय सरकार ůारा ऐसे ϓेJĪ पर या उनके िनकट िवकास Ƙ;याकलाप Oितिषŵ करने के िलए ऐसी रीित से मागϕिनदğश तैयार Ƙकए जाएंगे िजससे Ƙक उन ϓेJĪ मĞ या इसके समीप िवकास Ƙ;याकलाप को रोका जा सके जो ऐसे ϓेJ के िलए हािनकारक हġ ।

(3) पयϕटन ––– (क) पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भीतर पयϕटन संबंधी Ƙ;याकलाप , पयϕटन महायोजना के अनुसार हĪगे, जो आंचिलक महायोजना का भाग हĪगे ।

(ख) पयϕटन महायोजना राजथान सरकार के पयϕटन िवभाग ůारा राजव और वन िवभाग राजथान सरकार के परामशϕ से तैयार कƙ जाएगी ।

(ग) पयϕटन महायोजना आंचिलक महायोजना के एक घटक के Đप मĞ होगी ।

(घ) पयϕटन संबंधी Ƙ;याकलाप िन निलिखत के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे, अथाϕत् : -

(i) होटलĪ और ƗरसīटĪ का नया संिनमाϕण नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय कƙ सीमा से 1 Ƙक.मी. के भीतर या पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के िवतार तक जो भी िनकट हो, अनुϔात नहĕ Ƙकया जाएगा । तथािप, वयजीव अभयारय कƙ सीमा से 1 Ƙक.मी. कƙ दूरी से परे, पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के िवतार तक नए होटलĪ और ƗरसīटĪ कƙ थापना पयϕटन महायोजना के अनुसार पाƗरिथितकƙ पयϕटन सुिवधाĸ के िलए पूवϕ सीमांƘकत और पदािभिहत ϓेJĪ मĞ ही अनुϔात कƙ जाएगी । ;

(ii) पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भीतर सभी नए पयϕटन Ƙ;याकलापĪ या िवźमान पयϕटन Ƙ;याकलापĪ का िवता र कĞLीय सरकार के पयाϕवरण , वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय ůारा मागϕदशϕक िसŵांतĪ के तथा रा Eीय  या> संरϓण Oािधकरण, ůारा जारी पाƗरिथितकƙ पयϕटन (समय-समय पर यथा संशोिधत) मागϕदशϕक िसŵांतĪ के अनुसार, पाƗरिथितकƙ पयϕटन पर बल देते ćए होगा;

(iii) आंचिलक महायोजना का अनुमोदन Ƙकए जाने तक, पयϕटन के िलए िवकास और िवźमान पयϕटन Ƙ;याकलापĪ के िवतार को वातिवक थल िविनƠदϕƍ संवीϓा तथा मानीटरी सिमित कƙ िसफाƗरश पर आधाƗर त संबंिधत िविनयामक OािधकरणĪ ůारा अनुϔात Ƙकया जाएगा ।

(4) िनगरानी सिमित ------पहली िनगरानी सिमित कƙ अविध के पूरा होने पर, राϤय सरकार कĞLीय सरकार को संदƞभϕत Ƙकए िबना पैरा 5 मĞ दी गई संरचना के अनुसार बाद मĞ िनगरानी सिमितयĪ का पुन: गठन करेगी।

(5) नैसƞगϕक िवरासत ------पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ महवपूणϕ नैसƞगϕक िवरासत के सभी थलĪ जैसे सभी जीन कोश आरिϓत ϓेJ , शैल िवरचनाएं, जल OपातĪ , झरनĪ , घाटी मागĬ , उपवनĪ , गुफाएं, थलĪ , Rमण , अƉरोहण , OपातĪ आƘद कƙ पहचान कƙ जाएगी और उहĞ पƗररिϓत Ƙकया जाएगा तथा उनकƙ सुरϓा और संरϓा के िलए इस अिधसूचना के Oकाशन कƙ तारीख से छह मास के भीतर, उपयुŎ योजना बनाएगी जायेगी और ऐसी योजना आंचिलक महायोजना का भाग होगी ।

(6) मानव िनƞमϕत िवरासत थ ल --- पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ भवनĪ , संरचनाĸ , िशप -तय , ऐितहािसक, कलामक और सांकृितक महव के ϓेJĪ और अहातĪ कƙ पहचान कƙ जाएगी और इस अिधसूचना के Oकाशन कƙ तारीख से छह माह के भीतर उनके संरϓण कƙ योजनाएं तैयार कƙ जाएगी तथा आंचिलक महायोजना मĞ सि मिलत कƙ जाएंगी ।

(7) विन Oदूषण – राϤय सरकार का पयाϕवरण िवभाग या राजथान राϤय Oदूषण िनयंJण बोडϕ ůारा पयाϕवरण (संरϓण) अिधिनयम, 1986 के अधीन विन Oदूषण (िविनयमन और िनयंJण) िनयम 2000 उपबंधĪ के अनुसार पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ विन Oदूषण िनयंJण के िलए िविनयम Ƙ;यािवत Ƙकया जाएगा ।

(8) वायु Oदूषण – वायु (Oदूषण िनवारण और िनयंJण) अिधिनयम, 1981 (1981 का 4) और उसके अधीन बनाए गए िनयमĪ के उपबंधĪ के अनुसार पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ वायु Oदूषण के िनयंJण के िविनयमĪ का अनुपालन Ƙकया जायेगा ।

(9) बिहZाव काकाका िनसारण - पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ उपचाƗरत बिहZाव का िनसारण पयाϕवरणीय (संरϓण) अिधिनयम, 1986 और उसके अधीन बनाए गए िनयमĪ के उपबंधĪ के अंतगϕत शािमल पयाϕवरणीय OदूषकĪ के िनसारण के िलए सामाय मागϕदशϕक िसŵांतĪ के अनुसार Ƙकया जायेगा ।

(10) ठोसठोसठोस अपिशƍ ------ठोस अपिशƍĪ का िनपटान िनƄिलिखत Đप मĞ होगा-- ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5

(i) पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ उपचाƗरत बिहZाव का िनसारण, समय-समय पर संशोिधत ठोस अपिश ट Oबंधन िनयम, 2016, जो भारत सरकार के पयाϕवरण , वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय कƙ अिधसूचना सं. का.आ. 1357(अ) तारीख 8 अOैल , 2016 ůारा Oकािशत Ƙकए गए थे, के उपबंधĪ के अनुसार Ƙकया जाए गा ;

(ii) अकाबϕिनक साम=ी का िनपटान पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के बाहर पहचान Ƙकए गए  थ ल पर Ƙकसी पयाϕवरणीय वीकृत रीित मĞ होगा;

(11) जैव िचƘकसीय अपिशƍ - पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ समय-समय पर यथा संशोिधत जैव िचƘकसीय अपिशƍĪ का िनपटान भारत सरकार के पयाϕवरण, वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय कƙ अिधसूचना सं.का.िन 343 (अ) तारीख 28 माचϕ 2016 ůारा Oकािशत जैव िचƘकसीय अपिशƍ Oबंध िनयम, 2016 के उपबंधĪ के अनुसार Ƙकया जाएगा ।

(i) पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ कोई साझा उपचार सुिवधा या भमी करण अनुϔात नहĕ कƙ जाएगी ।

(12) लािटक अपिशƍ Oबंधन : --- पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ लािटक अपिशƍ Oबंध का िनपटान भारत सरकार के पयाϕवरण, वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय कƙ अिधसूचना सं.का.िन 340(अ), तारीख 18 माचϕ, 2016 ůारा Oकािशत लािटक अपिशƍ Oबंध िनयम 2016 के उपबंधĪ के अनुसार Ƙकया जाएगा।

(13) िनमाϕण औरऔरऔर िववंस अपिशƍ Oबंधन : --- पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ संिनमाϕण और िववंस अपिशƍ Oबंध का िनपटान भारत सरकार के पयाϕवरण, वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय कƙ अिधसूचना सं.का.िन 317(अ), तारीख 29 माचϕ, 2016 ůारा Oकािशत संिनमाϕण और िववंस Oबंध िनयम, 2016 के उपबंधĪ के अनुसार Ƙकया जाएगा।

(14) ईईई–ई–––अपिशƍ :::-:--- पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ ई –अपिशƍ Oबंध का िनपटान भारत सरकार के पयाϕवरण, वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय ůारा Oकािशत ई–अपिशƍ Oबंध िनयम , 2016 के उपबंधĪ के अनुसार Ƙकया जाएगा।

(15) यानीय यातायात - यातायात कƙ यानीय गितिविधयां आवास के अनुकूल रीित से िविनयिमत हĪगी और इस संबंध मĞ आंचिलक महायोजना मĞ िवशेष उपबंध समािवƍ Ƙकए जाएंगे और आंचिलक महायोजना के तैयार होने और राϤ य सरकार के सϓम Oािधकारी के ůारा अनुमोƘदत होने तक, मानीटरी सिमित सुसंगत अिधिनयमĪ और उसके अधीन बनाए गए िनयमĪ और िविनयमĪ के अनुसार गितिविधयĪ के अनुपालन को मानीटरी करेगी ।

(16) यानीय Oदूषण :::-:--- लागू िविधयĪ के अनुसार वाहन Oदूषण कƙ रोकथाम और िनयंJ ण का अनुपालन Ƙकया जाएगा और वϢछक IJधन के उपयोग के िलए Ƙकए गए Oयास उदाहरण के िलए सीएनजी, एलपीजी, आƘद Ƙकए जायĞगĞ ।

(17) औźोिगक इकाइयां . – (क) Oतािवत पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भीतर नए काƏ आधाƗरत उźोगĪ का थापž, िविध के अनुसार थािपत िवźमान काƏ आधाƗरत उźोग के िसवाय अनुϔात नहĕ Ƙकए जाएंगे ।

(ख) Oतािवत पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भीतर जल, वायु, मृदा, विन Oदूषण के कोई नए उźोग का थापž नहĕ Ƙकया जाएगा ।

444.4... पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞमĞमĞ Oितिषŵ यायाया िविनयिमत Ƙकए जाने वाले Ƙ;याकलापĪ कƙकƙकƙ सूची --- पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ सभी Ƙ;याकलाप पयाϕवरण (संरϓण ) अिधिनयम, 1986 (1986 का 29) के उपबंधĪ और तटीय िविनयमन जोन (सीआरजेड), 2011 और पयाϕवरणीय Oभाव आकलन (ईआईए ) अिधसूचना , 2006 और वन (संरϓण) अिधिनयम , 1980 (1980 के 69), भारतीय वन अिधिनयम, 1927 (1927 के 16), वयजीव (संरϓण) अिधिनयम, 1972 (1972 के 53) के उपबंधĪ तथा उनमĞ Ƙकए गए संशोधनĪ ůारा शािसत हĪगे और नीचे दी गई सारणी मĞ िविनƠदϕƍ रीित मĞ िविनयिमत हĪगे, अथाϕत् :--


;;;ममम सं.सं.सं. Ƙ;याकलाप टीकाटीका- ---Ɨट पणी

(1) (2) (3)

Oितिषŵ Ƙ;याकलाप 1. वािणिϤयक खनन, पथर कƙ खदान, उनको (क) सभी Oकार के नए और िवźमान खनन (लघु और वृहत खिनज), तोड़ने कƙ इकाइयां । पथर कƙ खानĞ और उनको तोड़ने कƙ इकाइयां वातिवक थानीय िनवािसयĪ कƙ घरेलू आवयकताĸ िजसमĞ िनजी उपयोग के िलए मकानĪ के संिनमाϕण या मर मत के िलए धरती को खोदना और मकान बनाने के िलए देशी टाइस या IJटĪ का िनमाϕण करना भी सि मिलत है, के िसवाय नहĕ हĪगी ; 6 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

(ख) खनन संƘ;याएं, माननीय उŔतम यायालय कƙ Ɨरट यािचका (िसिवल) सं. 1995 का 202 टी.एन. गौडाबमϕन िथďमूलपाद बनाम भारत सरकार के मामले मĞ आदेश तारीख 4 अगत, 2006 और Ɨरट यािचका (सी) सं. 2012 का 435 गोवा फाउंडेशन बनाम भारत सरकार के मामले मĞ तारीख 21 अOैल, 2014 के अंतƗरम आदेश के अनुसरण मĞ सवϕदा Oचालन होगा । 2. आरा िम लĪ कƙ थापना । पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भीतर नई और िवźमान आरा िमलĪ का िव तार अनुϔात नहĕ होगा । 3. जल या वायु या मृदा या विन Oदूषण करने पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के भीतर नए और िवźमान Oदूषणकारी वाले उźोगĪ कƙ  था पना । करने वाले उźोग का िव तार अनुϔात नहĕ होगा । 4. जलावन लकड़ी का वािणिϤयक उपयोग । लागू िविधयĪ के अनुसार Oितिषŵ (अ यथा उपबंिधत के िसवाय) हĪगे । 5. नए बृहत जल िवźुत और ƚसंचाई पƗरयोजनाĸ लागू िविधयĪ के अनुसार Oितिषŵ (अ यथा उपबंिधत के िसवाय) हĪगे । कƙ थापना । 6. Ƙकसी पƗरसंकटमय पदाथĬ का उपयोग या लागू िविधयĪ के अनुसार Oितिषŵ (अ य था उपबंिधत के िसवाय) हĪगे। उपादन । 7. Oाकृितक जल िनकायĪ या सतही ϓेJ मĞ लागू िविधयĪ के अनुसार Oितिषŵ (अ यथा उपबंिधत के िसवाय) हĪगे । अनुपचाƗरत बिहZाϕव और ठोस अपिशƍĪ का िनसारण । 8. नए काठ आ धाƗरत उźोग । पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमाĸ के भीतर नए का ठ आधाƗरत उźोग कƙ  थापना को अनुϔात नहĕ Ƙकया जाएगा : परंतु िवźमान नए काƏ आधाƗरत उźोग िविध के अनुसार चालू रह सकते हġ । 9. मय =हण । सभी जल िनकायĪ, िजनके अंतगϕत औरई और नाहरगढ़ बांध है, मĞ मय -=हण पर पूणϕ Oितबंध होगा । 10. लािटक के थैलĪ का उपयोग। तकाल Oभाव से Oितिषŵ हĪगे । 11. IJट भŝĪ कƙ थापना करना। लागू िविधयĪ के अनुसार Oितिषŵ (अ यथा उपबंिधत के िसवाय) हĪगे । िविनयिमत Ƙ;याकलाप 12. होटलĪ और ƗरसोटĬ का थापन। पाƗरिथितकƙ अनुकूल पयϕटन Ƙ;याकलाप से संबंिधत पयϕटकĪ के अथायी अिधभोग के िलए वास सुिवधा के िसवाय संरिϓत ϓेJ कƙ सीमा से एक Ƙकलोमीटर तक या पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के िवतार तक इनमĞ जो भी िनकट है, नये वािणिϤयक होटल और Ɨरसोटϕ अनुϔात नहĕ हĪगे। परंतु, जहाँ पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन का िवतार एक Ƙकलोमीटर से Ϥयादा है वहाँ, एक Ƙकलोमीटर से परे और पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के िवतार तक सभी नए पयϕटक Ƙ;याकलाप या िवźमान Ƙ;याकलाप का िवतार पयϕटन महायोजना और रा Eी य  या> संरϓण Oािधकरण के अनुसार होगा। 13. संिनमाϕण Ƙ;याकलाप । (क) संरिϓत ϓेJ कƙ सीमा के 1 Ƙकलोमीटर के भीतर Ƙकसी भी Oकार का कोई नया वािणिϤयक संिनमाϕण अनुϔात नहĕ Ƙकया जाएगाः परतु यह Ƙक थानीय िनवािसयĪ को उनकƙ घरेलू आवयकताĸ, िजनके अंतगϕत पैरा 3 के उप पैरा (1) मĞ सूचीबŵ Ƙ;याकलाप भी हġ, के िलए अनुϔात Ƙकया जाएगा : परतु यह और Ƙक Oदूषण न फैलाने वाले उźोगĪ से संबंिधत संिžमाϕण Ƙ;याकलाप यथा लागू िनयमĪ और िविनयमĪ, यƘद कोई हĪ, के अनुसार सϓम Oािधकारी कƙ पूवϕ अनुमित से िविनयिमत हĪगे और यूनतम पर रखे जाएंगे । (ख) 1 Ƙकलोमीटर के आगे और पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के िवतार ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 7

तक सदभवी बोना फाइड थानीय आवयकताĸ के िलए संिनमाϕण अनुϔात Ƙकया जाएगा और अय संिनमाϕण Ƙ;याकलाप आंचिलक महायोजना के अनुसार िविनयिमत हĪगे । 14. वृϓĪ कƙ कटाई । (क) राϤय सरकार मĞ सϓम Oािधकारी कƙ पूवϕ अनुमित के िबना वन, सरकारी या राजव या िनजी भूिम पर या वनĪ मĞ Ƙकही वृϓĪ कƙ कटाई नहĕ होगी । (ख) वृϓĪ कƙ कटाई संबंिधत केLीय या राϤय अिधिनयम या उसके अधीन बनाए गए िन यमĪ के उपबंध के अनुसार िविनयिमत होगी । (ग) आरिϓत वनĪ और संरिϓत वनĪ के मामले मĞ कायϕयोजना आदेशĪ का अनुसरण Ƙकया जाएगा । 15. वािणिϤयक जल संसाधन िजसके अंतगϕत भू-जल (क) भूिम के अिधभोगी के वातिवक कृिष और घरेलू खपत के िलए जल संचयन भी है । का सतही और भूिमगत जल िनकषϕण अनुϔात होगा । (ख) औźोिगक या वािणिϤयक उपयोग के िलए सतही और भूिमगत जल के िनकषϕण के िलए संबंिधत िविनयामक Oािधका री से पूवϕ िलिखत अनुϔा अपेिϓत होगी िजसके अंतगϕत Ƙकतने पƗरणाम मĞ वह िनकषϕण करेगा, भी है । (ग) सतही या भूजल का िव ;य अनुϔात नहĕ होगा । (घ) Ƙकसी भी Ɠोत से, िजसके अंतगϕत कृिष भी है, जल के संदूषण या Oदूषण को रोकने के िलए सभी उपाय Ƙकए जाएंगे । 16. िवźुत केबलĪ और दूरसंचार टावरĪ का रेलवे लाइनĪ के अितƗरŎ लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । पƗरिनमाϕण और केबलĪ के िबछाए जाने और भूिमगत केबल के िबछाए जाने को बढ़ावा Ƙदया जाएगा। अय बुिनयादी ढांचे । 17. होटलĪ और लॉज के िवźमान पƗरसरĪ मĞ बाड़ लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । लगाना । 18. िवźमान सड़कĪ को चौड़ा करना और उहĞ सुदृढ यथा लागू उिचत पयाϕवरण समाघात िनधाϕरण और  यूनीकरण उपायĪ करना तथा नई सड़कĪ का संिनमाϕण । के साथ Ƙकया जाएगा। 19. रािJ मĞ यािनक यातायात का संचलन । लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन वािणिϤयक Oयोजन के िलए िविनयिमत हĪगे । 20. िवदेशी OजाितयĪ को लाना । लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । 21. पहाड़ी ढालĪ और नदी तटĪ का संरϓण । लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । 22. Oाकृितक जल िनकायĪ या सतही ϓेJ मĞ उपचाƗरत बिहZाϕव के पुन च;ण को Oोसािहत करना और अवमल या उपचाƗरत बिहZाϕव का िनसारण । ठोस अपिशƍĪ के िनपटान के िलए िवźमान िविनयमĪ का अनुपालन करना होगा । 23. वािणिϤय क साइनबोडϕ और होƢडİग । लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । 24. Oदूषण उपž न करने वाले लघु उźोग । पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ देशीय माल से उपादĪ का उपादन करने वाले गैर Oदूषण , गैर पƗरसंक टमय, लघु और सेवा उźोग , कृिष उźान , कृिष या कृिष आधाƗरत देशीय माल से औźोिगक उपादĪ का उपादन उźोग जो पयाϕवरण पर कोई िवपरीत Oभाव नहĕ डालते हġ, अनुϔात Ƙकए जाएंगे । 25. वन उपादĪ और गैर का Ə वन उपादĪ का लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । सं=हण (एनटीएफपी) । 26. वायु और यानीय Oदूषण । लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । 27. कृिष Oणाली मĞ Oबल बदलाव । लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । 28. ठोस अपिशƍ Oबंधन । लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । 29. जैव-िचƘकसा अपिशƍ Oबंधन। लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । 30. पाƗरिथितकƙ -पयϕटन । लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन िविनयिमत हĪगे । 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

31. पयϕटन से संबंिधत Ƙ;याकलाप जैसे गमϕ वायु वन िवभाग ůारा सरकारी मानीटरी/सवğϓण के अधीन Oितिषŵ हĪगे । गु बारĞ, हेलीका टर , Gोन, माइ;ोलाइटस और अय पयϕटन Ƙ;याकलाप आƘद ůारा पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन ϓेJ के ऊपर से उड़ना जैसे Ƙ;याकलाप करना। संवƞधϕत Ƙ;याकलाप 32. डेयरी, डेयरी उźोग और मय उźोग के साथ लागू िविधयĪ के अधीन अनुϔात हĪगे । थानीय समुदायĪ ůारा चल रही कृिष और बागवानी गितिनिधयां । 33. वषाϕ जल संचयन । सƘ; य Đप से बढावा Ƙदया जाएगा । 34. जैिवक खेती । सƘ; य Đप से बढावा Ƙदया जाएगा । 35. सभी गितिविधयĪ के िलए हƗरत Oौźोिगकƙ को सƘ; य Đप से बढावा Ƙदया जाएगा । =हण करना । 36. कुटीर उźोगĪ िजसके अंतगϕत =ामीण कारीगर सƘ; य Đप से बढावा Ƙदया जाएगा । आƘद भी हġ। 37. नवीकरणीय ऊजाϕ Zोत का उपयोग । बायोगैस, सौर ऊजाϕ इयाƘद को बढ़ावा Ƙदया जायेगा । 38. कृिष वािनकƙ । सƘ; य Đप से बढावा Ƙदया जाएगा । 39. पयाϕवरणीय जागďकता । सƘ; य Đप से बढावा Ƙदया जाएगा । 40. कौशल िवकास । सƘ; य Đप से बढावा Ƙदया जाएगा । 41. िनƄीकृत भूिम/वन/आवास कƙ बहाली । सƘ; य Đप से बढावा Ƙदया जाएगा ।

555.5. मानीटरी सिमितसिमित---- (1) कĞLीय सरकार, राजथान राϤय के अंतगϕत पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के Oभावी मानीटरी के िलए एक मानीटरी सिमित गƗठ त करती है जो िनƄिल िखत से िमलकर बनेगी, अथाϕत् :-

i. िजला कलेϝटर, जयपुर - अयϓ ; ii. उपखंड अिधकारी, आमेर – सदय ; iii. पयाϕवरण के ϓेJ मĞ राजथान सरकार ůारा तीन वषϕ कƙ अविध के िलए नामिनƠदϕƍ Ƙकसी गैर सरकारी संगठन का Oितिनिध - सदय ;

iv. पाƗरिथितकƙ और पयाϕवरण के ϓेJ मĞ Oयेक मामले मĞ तीन वषϕ कƙ अविध के िलए राजथान सरकार ůारा नामिनƠदϕƍ एक िवशेशϔ – सदय;

v. अवैतिनक वयजीव वाडϕन, जयपुर – सदय ; vi. ϓेJीय अिधकारी, राजथान Oदूषण िनयंJण बोडϕ – सदय; vii. मेयर, जयपुर नगर िनगम – सदय; viii. Oधान, पंचायत सिमित, आमेर –सदय; ix. राϤय जैव िविवधता बोडϕ का सदय , - सदय ; x. उप वन संरϓक (वयजीव), जयपुर – सदय -सिचव । 6. िनदğश िनबंधनः (1) मानीटरी सिमित का कायϕकाल इस अिधसूचना जारी होने कƙ तारीख से तीन वषϕ कƙ अविध के िलए Ƙकया जाएगा। (2) मानीटरी सिमित इस अिधसूचना के उपबंधĪ के अनुपालन को मानीटर करेगी। (3) मानीटरी सिमित उन Ƙ;याकलापĪ को अनुϔात नहĕ करेगी जो भारत सरकार के तकालीन पयाϕवरण और वन मंJालय कƙ अिधसूचनाĸ अथाϕत् पयाϕवरण Oभाव िनधाϕरण, 2006 का.आ. 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतंबर, 2006 ůारा और तटीय िविनयमन जोन का.आ. 19(अ), तारीख 6 ज नवरी, 2011 और इनमĞ Ƙकए गए पƇावतĖ संशोधनĪ कƙ अनुसूची के अंतगϕत आते हġ और पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के अंतगϕत भी आते हġ िजनके अंतगϕत इसके पैरा 4 के अधीन सारणी मĞ यथािविनƠदϕƍ Oितिषŵ Ƙ;याकलाप भी हġ । Ɖेत Oवगϕ के उźोगĪ पर “उźोगĪ के वगĖकरण, 2016 ” के िलए केLीय Oदूषण िनयंJण बोडϕ ůारा जारी मागϕदशĖ िसŵांतĪ मĞ िविनƠदϕƍ Ƙकए गए अनुसार िवचार Ƙकया जाएगा। ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 9

(4) इस अिधसूचना के पैरा 4 के अधीन सारणी मĞ यथा िविनƠदϕƍ Oितिषŵ Ƙ;याकलापĪ के िसवाय, भारत सरकार के त का लीन पयाϕवरण और वन मंJालय कƙ अिधसूचना संϞयांक का.आ. 1533(अ) तारीख 14 िसतंबर, 2006 कƙ अिधसूचना के अनुसूची के अधीन ऐसे Ƙ;याकलापĪ , िजहĞ सि मिलत नहĕ Ƙकया गया है, परंतु पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ आते हġ, ऐसे Ƙ;याकलापĪ कƙ वातिवक िविनƠदϕƍ थ लीय दशाĸ पर आधाƗरत मानीटरी सिमित ůारा संवीϓा कƙ जाएगी और उसे संबŵ िविनयामक OािधकरणĪ को िनƠदϕƍ Ƙकया जाएगा । (5) मानीटरी सिमित का सदय -सिचव या संबंिधत कलेϝटर या संब िधत मुϞय वन संरϓक (वयजीव) ऐसे ƆिŎ के िवďŵ, जो इस अिधसूचना के Ƙकसी उपबंध का उलंघन करता है, पयाϕवरण (संरϓण ) अिधिनयम, 1986 (1986 का 29) कƙ धारा 19 के अधीन पƗरवाद दायर करने के िलए सϓम होगा । (6) मानीटरी सिमित मुŶĪ के आधार पर अपेϓाĸ पर िनभϕर रहते ćए संबŵ िवभागĪ के OितिनिधयĪ या िवशेषϔĪ , औźोिगक संगमĪ या संबŵ पणधाƗरयĪ के Oितिनिध Oित मुŶे कƙ अपेϓाĸ के अनुसार िवचार-िवमशϕ मĞ सहायता के िलए आमंिJत कर सकेगी । (7) मानीटरी सिमित Oयेक वषϕ कƙ 31 माचϕ तक कƙ अपनी वाƞषϕक कारϕवाई Ɨरपोटϕ राϤय के मुϞय वयजीव वाडϕन को उपाबंध VVV पर उपाबŵ OाĐप पर 30 जून तक Oतुत करेगी । (8) केLीय सरकार का पयाϕवरण , वन और जलवायु पƗरवतϕन मंJालय मानीटरी सिमित को अपने कृयĪ के Oभावी िनवϕहन के िलए समय-समय पर ऐसे िनदेश दे सकेगा, जो वह ठीक समझे । 7.7.7. इस अिधसूचना के उपबंधĪ को Oभावी बनाने के िलए कĞLीय सरकार और राϤ य सरकार अितƗरϝत उपाय, यƘद कोई हĪ, िविनƠदϕट कर सकĞगे । 8.8.8. इस अिधसूचना के उपबंध, भारत के माननीय उŔतम यायालय या उŔ यायालय या रा Eीय हƗरत Oािधकरण ůारा पाƗरत कोई आदेश या पाƗरत होने वाले Ƙकसी आदेश , यƘद कोई हĪ , के अधीन, हĪगे । [फा. सं. 25/60/2015-ईएसजेड/आरई]

लिलत कपूर, वैϔािनक ‘जी’

उपाबंध Iककक

नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय के पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमा के यौरे दƞशϕत करने वाला मानिचJ


उपाबंध Iखखख

¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 11

उपाबंध II (क)(क)(क)

नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय कƙ सीमा के साथ भूमंडलीय िथिथितित Oणाली केके ƚबंदुĸ के िनदğशांक

;.सं. सं.सं.सं. देशांतर अϓांश 1 पू 01 75 047.371' पू 26 058.265' उ 2 पू 02 75 048.007' पू 26 059.880' उ 3 पू 03 75 049.285' पू 27 00.745' उ 4 पू 04 75 050.435' पू 27 02.456' उ 5 पू 05 75 052.463' पू 27 02.707' उ 6 पू 06 75 053.165' पू 27 01.782' उ 7 पू 07 75 052.473' पू 26 059.496' उ 8 पू 08 75 051.376' पू 26 059.165' उ 9 पू 09 75 050.513' पू 26 057.359' उ 10 पू 10 75 048.680' पू 26 056.040' उ 11 पू 11 75 048.127' पू 26 057.228' उ

उपाबंध II (ख)

नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय के पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमा के साथ भूमंडलीय िथित Oणाली के िनदğशांकĪ के ƚबंदु

;.सं. सं.सं.सं. देशांतर अϓांश 1 पू 01 75 049.086' पू 27 01.275' उ 2 पू 02 75 049.701' पू 27 03.207' उ 3 पू 03 75 051.057' पू 27 03.983' उ 4 पू 04 75 051.308' पू 27 04.720' उ 5 पू 05 75 052.545' पू 27 05.842' उ 6 पू 06 75 053.940' पू 27 06.855' उ 7 पू 07 75 054.792' पू 27 03.561' उ 8 पू 08 75 056.743' पू 27 08.287' उ 9 पू 09 75 057.626' पू 27 06.676' उ 10 पू 10 75 056.095' पू 27 06.325' उ 11 पू 11 75 055.338' पू 27 04.929' उ 12 पू 12 75 054.020' पू 27 02.576' उ 13 पू 13 75 053.122' पू 26 059.305' उ 14 पू 14 75 052.234' पू 26 057.750' उ 15 पू 15 75 051.088' पू 26 057.243' उ 16 पू 16 75 048.772' पू 26 055.913' उ 17 पू 17 75 046.908' पू 26 056.384' उ 18 पू 18 75 047.830' पू 26 057.569' उ 19 पू 19 75 047.542' पू 26 059.496' उ 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

उपाबंध III

Oतािवत पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमाĸ का वणϕन

नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय के पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमाओ को िचJाƜकंत करने के िलए, राजव िवभाग ůारा Ƙदए गए सभी संरचनाĸ, िनवास थानĪ, सावϕजिनक संथानĪ, औźोिगक ϓेJो, धाƞमϕक थानो और अय सावϕजिनक थानो को उपाबंध मĞ Ƙदए गए मानिचJ मĞ ƚचंिहत Ƙकया गया है । भू-मंडलीय िथित Oणाली िबदुĸ को 1 से 100 तक के संϞयĪ ůारा मानिचJ मेs अभयारय कƙ सीमा पर अंƘकत Ƙकया गया है । पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमा भू-मंडलीय िथित Oणाली के िबदुĸ को तदापुरांत 101 से 340 तक के अंको ůारा मानिचJ मĞ ƚचंिहत Ƙकया गया है । मानिचJ उपाबंध III मĞ उपाबŵ है । पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ िनधाϕƗरत सीमाĸ को भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदुĸ ůारा िनƄ Oकार मानिचJ मĞ दशाϕया गया है-

उēरी सीमा : पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमाओ पर भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु संϞया 186 संरिϓत वन के लाक Ƙक सीमा पर अमेर,- 54 और पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमा पर सि मिलत =ाम भगवारा, ƚसंगवाना, िछ पारदी, जैतुपरा Ƙकची, अचरĪल, अंधी, लाबाना, गुनावाना, धंध, हरबर से कुकास से भू-मंडलीय िथित Oणाली िबदु संϞया 274, से 13 Ƙकलोमीटर होगा । पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन Ƙक सीमा से भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु संϞया 186 से 174 तक, संरिϓत वन अमेर-54 के सह-टƞमϕनल होगĞ । और संपूणϕ संरिϓत वन ϓेJ, इन भू-मंडलीय िथित Oणाली िबदुĸ के मय िथर होगा।

पूवĖ सीमा ::: पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन का िवतार भू-मंडलीय िथित Oणाली िबदु संϞया 275 से 284 संरिϓत वन लाक सीमा, भू- मंडलीय िथित िबदु संϞया 284 से 285, राƎीय सड़क सं.8 (अब एनएच -II-सी) के साथ-साथ होगा, भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु संϞया 285 से 299, अभयारय सीमा 100 से 400 मीटर होगा । इसी तरह, एनएच 8 (अब II सी ) Ƙक सीमा के साथ-साथ भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु 299 से 301 पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन मĞ होगे । अभयारय सीमा से भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु 324 से 329 पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन Ƙक सीमा मĞ हĪगे िजसमĞ राजमल का तालाब सि मिलत है । भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु 301 से 329 पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन का िवतार 100 मीटर से 20 Ƙकलोमीटर होगा ।

दिϓणी सीमा : पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमा के भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु 329 से 340 और 101 कƙ अभयारय Ƙक सीमा के सह टƞमϕनल तक होगा । भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु 101 से 104 संरिϓत वन लाक अमेर-54 कƙ सीमा के सह -टƞमϕनल हĪगे । भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु 104 से 108 तक अभयारय कƙ सीमा सह-टƞमϕनल हĪगे । भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु संϞया 108 से 147, अमीनाशाह नूलाह Ƙक Oाकृितक सीमा के साथ -साथ हĪगे ।

पिƇमी सीमा ::: अभयारय कƙ सीमा से, पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन कƙ सीमा पर, भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु सं. 147 से 160 सह -िवताƗरत हĪगे । भू-मंडलीय िथित िबदु 160 से 186 तक 50 मीटर से 2 Ƙकलोमीटर होगा । िजसमĞ भाव सागर, अखेपुरा, बढ़ागाँव, भाƗरया, भीजयगढ़ ϓेJ सि मिलत है । ये सभी संदƞभϕत िबदु उपाबंध III मे Oदƞशϕत है ।

उपाबंध IV

नाहरगढ़ वयजीव अभयारय और इसके पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के अंतगϕत आने वाले =ामĪ के भू---िनदğशांक

;. सं. अभयारय =ाम के नाम अϓांश देशांतर 1 नाहरगढ़ 26°56'15.08"उ 75°48'55.70" पू 2 आमेर 26°59'8.19"उ 75°51'4.82"पू 3 िचमनपुरा 27° 1'23.51"उ 75°54'4.74"पू 4 कुकास 27° 1'50.37"उ 75°53'24.08"पू 5 नेतीवास 27° 1'39.28"उ 75°52'25.41"पू 6 खुदϕ 27° 2'4.37"उ 75°53'7.23"पू 7 तेलादा 27° 2'41.57"उ 75°52'25.42"पू 8 बेडेगांव झरखेया 27° 2'14.47"उ 75°51'22.67"पू 9 िसिसयावास 27° 0'37.93"उ 75°50'51.32"पू 10 अकेदा 27° 0'25.41"उ 75°48'45.67"पू 11 जेसला 26°59'36.43"उ 75°49'17.09"पू 12 पेपाद 26°58'4.10"उ 75°47'41.57"पू 13 Ƙकशनबाग 26°57'5.81"उ 75°46'54.65"पू ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 13

;. सं. पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोन के =ाम=ाम=ाम के नाम अϓांश देशांतर 1 कुकास 27° 1'50.37"उ 75°53'24.08"पू 2 हरवार 27° 3'58.08"उ 75°56'25.90"पू 3 धद 27° 4'44.03"उ 75°56'20.66"पू 4 गुनावाता 27° 5'34.61"उ 75°56'57.21"पू 5 लाबाना 27° 6'38.16"उ 75°57'45.56"पू 6 अनी 27° 7'5.48"उ 75°59'7.83"पू 7 अचोराल 27° 8'8.37"उ 75°58'20.78"पू 8 जैतपुरा Ƙकनची 27° 7'58.38"उ 75°55'2.24"पू 9 िछ परारी 27° 6'44.47"उ 75°54'51.62"पू 10 ƚसंहाना 28° 5'52.77"उ 75°50'0.01"पू 11 चोकालयावास उफϕ केचरेवाला 27° 4'30.74"उ 75°55'2.22"पू 12 भगवाडा 27° 5'28.14"उ 75°50'51.42"पू 13 दौलतपुरा 27° 4'46.15"उ 75°49'53.80"पू

उपाबंध V

पाƗरिथितकƙ संवेदी जोनजोनजोन मानीटरी सिमित --- कƙ गई कारϕवाई कƙ Ɨरपोटϕ का Đप िवधान 1. बैठकĪ कƙ संϞया और तारीख ।

2. बैठकĪ का कायϕवृत : कृपया मुϞय उ लेखनीय ƚबंदुĸ का वणϕन करĞ । बैठक के कायϕवृ त को एक पृथक अनुबंध मĞ उपाबŵ करĞ ।

3. आंचिलक महायोजना कƙ तैयारी कƙ Oाि थित िजसके अंतगϕत पयϕटन महायोजना ।

4. भू-अिभलेख मĞ सदृय JुƗटयĪ के सुधार के िलए कायϕवाही Ƙकए गए मामलĪ का सारांश ।

5. पयाϕवरण समाघात िनधाϕरण अिधसूचना, 2006 के अधीन आने वाली Ƙ;याकलापĪ कƙ संिवϓा के मामलĪ का सारांश । यौरĪ को पृथक् उपाबंध के Đप मĞ संलŐ Ƙकया जा सकेगा।

6. पयाϕवरण समाघात िनधाϕरण अिधसूचना, 2006 के अधीन न आने वाली Ƙ;याकलापĪ कƙ संिवϓा के मामलĪ का सारांश । यौरĪ को पृथक् उपाबंध के Đप मĞ संलŐ Ƙकया जा सकेगा।

7. पयाϕवरण ( संरϓण ) अिधिनयम, 1986 कƙ धारा 19 के अधीन दजϕ कƙ गई िशकायतĪ का सारांश ।

8. कोई अय महवपूणϕ िवषय ।

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 11th September, 2017 S.O. 2995(E).—The following draft of the notification, which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1), read with clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub- section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) is hereby published, as required under sub- rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby; and notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Gazette containing this notification are made available to the public; 14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

Any person interested in making any objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification may forward the same in writing, for consideration of the Central Government within the period specified above to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jorbagh Road, Aliganj, New Delhi-110003, or send it to the e-mail address of the Ministry at [email protected] . Draft Notification WHEREAS, the Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary lying between latitudes 26 056’15.08’’N & 26 057’5.81’’N and longitudes 75 048’55.70’’E & 75 046’54.65’’E and notified vide Government of notification No. F11(39) Revenue/8/80 of dated the 22 nd September,1980 is situated in the Aravalli ranges at Amber hills, District of Rajasthan and is spread over an area of 52.40 square kilometers; AND WHEREAS, the Sanctuary has ’’Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest’’ and “Tropical Thorn Forest” as per classification of Champion and Seth. The forest is spread over the area on various geological and soil formations and hilly terrain of Aravalis and hence varies in composition; AND WHEREAS, the Wildlife Sanctuary has a varied habitat of diversified flora and the major flora of this sanctuary includes Salar ( Boswellia serrata ), Gurjan ( Linnaea gradis Syn. L. coromangellica ), Tendu ( Dispyros melanoxylon ), Karaya ( Sterculia urens ), Gugal ( Commiphora mukul ), Amaltas ( Cassia fistula ), Awanla ( Embellica officinalis ), Binnas ( Hesparathusa cranulata ), Um ( Seccopetalum tomentosa ), Goya khir ( Dishrostachya cineria ), Sainja (Maringa pterygosperma ), Dhak ( Butea monosperma ), Rahan ( Soydmida febriguga ), Mokha ( Scherebra swetenoides ), Rohini ( Mallatus philipnensis ), Ber ( Zizphus jujuba, Zmauritiana ), Jamun ( Syzyguim cumini ), Gular ( Ficus glomerata ), Kadam ( Mitragyna parvifolia ), Bahira ( Terminalia bellerica ), Dhaora ( Anogeissus latifolia ), Kahjur ( Phoenix syvestris ), Hingot ( Balanites aegyptica ), Khair ( Acacia catechu ), Sevan ( Gmelia arborea ), Arjun ( Terminalia arjuna ), Neem (Azadirachta indica ), Peepal ( Ficus religiosa ), Bargad ( Ficus benghalensis ), Shiham ( Dalbergia sissoo ), Bijasal (Pterocarpus marsupium ), Kakon ( Flacourita indica ), Kharini ( Wrightia tinctoria ), Dudhi ( Wrightia tomentosa ), Jhinjha (Bauhinia recemosa ), Casaeria ( Casaeria tomentosa ), Barn ( Creataeva relegiosa ), Bel ( Aegle marmelose ), Ronj ( Acacia marmelose ), Lisora ( Cordia myxa ), Churel ( Holoptelia intergrifoila ), Aam ( Mangifera andica ), Imli ( Tamarindus indica ), Kaith ( Limonia acidissima ), Siris ( Albizzia lebbek ), Semal ( Bombaz ceriba ), Celastrus ( Cleastrus paniculates ) the main flora of the sanctuary. AND WHEREAS, the Sanctuary has a varied habitat having diversified fauna. Fishes of this Sanctuary include Bita ( Lohio rohta ), Catal ( Catla catla ), Greyei ( Chhana marulion ), Lanchi ( Walago atto), Mahseer ( Tor tor ), Mirgal (Circhinus marigala ), Roho ( Labio rohita ), Savank ( Channa punctatus ), Seenghari ( Mystus seenghalal ). Apart from fishes, the Common Indian Toad ( Bufo melanostictus ), Common Frog ( Rana tigerina ), Banded Krait ( Bugorus fasciatus ), Cobra ( Naja naja ), Common Krait ( Bungarus caeruleus ), Fresh water Swamp Crocodile ( Crocodylus palustris ), Indian python ( Python molurus ), North Indian Flap shelled turtle ( Lissemys punctata punctata ), Rat Snake ( Ptyas mucosus ), Leopard ( Panthera pardus ) the main fauna of the sanctuary. AND WHEREAS, it is necessary to conserve and protect the area, the extent and boundaries of which are specified in paragraph 1 of this notification around the protected area of Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-Sensitive Zone from ecological and environmental point of view and to prohibit industries or class of industries and their operations and processes in the said Eco-Sensitive Zone. NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub section(1), clauses (v) and (xiv) of sub-section (2) and sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (29 of 1986), read with sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central Government hereby notifies an area to an extent varying from 0 to 13 kilometers around the boundary of Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary in the State of Rajasthan as the Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary Eco-sensitive Zone (after herein referred to as the Eco-sensitive Zone) details of which are as under, namely:- 1. Extent and boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone.- (1) The Eco-Sensitive Zone is spread over an area of 79.356 square kilometers with an extent varying from 0 to 13 kilometers around the boundary of Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary. 0 extent is towards the sides with heavy urbanization. The maps of the Eco-sensitive Zone demarcating the Sanctuary and Eco Sensitive Zone boundaries are appended as Annexure I (A) and I (B) . (2) The list of geo co-ordinates of the boundary of the Protected Area and the Eco-Sensitive Zone is at Annexure II (A) and II (B) respectively. (3) The Boundary Description of the Eco Sensitive Zone is given at Annexure III. (4) The list of villages falling within the Eco-sensitive Zone along with their geo co-ordinates at prominent points is appended as Annexure IV . 2. Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone.- (1) The State Government shall for the purpose of the Eco-sensitive Zone prepare a Zonal Master Plan, within a period of two years from the date of publication of final notification in the Official Gazette, in consultation with local people and adhering to the stipulations given in this notification. (2) The said Plan shall be approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government. ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 15

(3) The Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government in such a manner as is specified in this notification and also in consonance with the relevant Central and State laws and the guidelines issued by the Central Government, if any. (4) This is one of the important protected areas which may provide stepping stone for animals like leopard, etc dispersing from Sariska Tiger Reserve (STR) and Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (RTR). and therefore, while preparing the Zonal Master Plan attempt should be made to identify areas especially of hilly region for their additional protection and restoration. (5) The Zonal Master Plan shall be prepared in consultation with all concerned State Departments, namely:- (i) Environment; (ii) Forest; (iii) Urban Development; (iv) Tourism; (v) Municipal; (vi) Revenue; (vii) Agriculture; (ix) Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board; (x) Irrigation; and (xi) Public Works Department, for integrating environmental and ecological considerations into it. (6) The Master Plan shall not impose any restriction on the approved existing land use, infrastructure and activities, unless so specified in this notification and the Zonal Master Plan shall factor in improvement of all infrastructure and activities to be more efficient and eco-friendly. (7) The Zonal Master plan shall provide for restoration of denuded areas, conservation of existing water bodies, management of catchment areas, watershed management, groundwater management, soil and moisture conservation, needs of local community and such other aspects of the ecology and environment that need attention. (8) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcate all the existing worshipping places, village and urban settlements, types and kinds of forests, tribal areas, agricultural areas, fertile lands, green area, such as, parks and like places, horticultural areas, orchards, lakes and other water bodies. (9) The Zonal Master Plan shall regulate development in Eco-sensitive Zone so as to ensure Eco-friendly development for livelihood security of local communities. 3. Measures to be taken by State Government.-The State Government shall take the following measures for giving effect to the provisions of this notification, namely:- (1) Landuse.- Forests, horticulture areas, agricultural areas, parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall not be used or converted into areas for commercial or industrial related development activities: Provided that the conversion of agricultural lands within the Eco-sensitive Zone may be permitted on the recommendation of the Monitoring Committee, and with the prior approval of the State Government, to meet the residential needs of local residents, and for the activities listed in column (2) of the Table in paragraph 4, namely:- (i) Widening and strengthening of existing roads and construction of new roads; (ii) Eco-friendly cottages for temporary occupation of tourists, such as tents, wooden houses, for Eco-friendly tourism activities; (iii) Small scale industries not causing pollution; (iv) Rainwater harvesting; and (v) Cottage industries including village industries, convenience stores and local amenities. Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be permitted for commercial and industrial development activities without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of article 244 of the Constitution or the law for the time being in force, including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 (2 of 2007): 16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

Provided also that any error appearing in the land records within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be corrected by the State Government, after obtaining the views of the Monitoring Committee, once in each case and the correction of said error shall be intimated to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change: Provided also that the above correction of error shall not include change of land use in any case except as provided under this sub-paragraph: Provided also that there shall be no consequential reduction in green area, such as forest area and agricultural area and efforts shall be made to reforest the unused or unproductive agricultural areas. (2) Natural Springs.- The catchment areas of all natural springs shall be identified and plans for their conservation and rejuvenation shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and the catchment management plan shall be drawn up by the State Government in such a manner as to prohibit or and restrict development activities within the catchment areas. (3) Eco-Tourism.- (a)The activity relating to tourism within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be as per Eco-Tourism Master Plan, which shall form part of the Zonal Master Plan. (b) The Eco-Tourism Master Plan shall be prepared by the Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan in consultation with Department of Revenue and Forests, Government of Rajasthan. (c) The Tourism Master Plan shall form a component of the Zonal Master Plan; (d) The activities relating to tourism shall be regulated as under, namely.- (i) No new construction of hotels and resorts shall be allowed within 1 km from the boundary of the Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary or upto the extent of the ESZ whichever is nearer. However, beyond the distance of 1 km from the boundary of the Wildlife Sanctuary till the extent of the Eco-Sensitive Zone, the establishment of new hotels and resorts shall be allowed only in pre-defined and designated areas for Eco-tourism facilities as per Tourism Master Plan. (ii) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activities within the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and the eco-tourism guidelines issued by National Tiger Conservation Authority (as amended from time to time) with emphasis on eco-tourism; (iii) until the Zonal Master Plan is approved, development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be permitted by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scrutiny and recommendation of the Monitoring Committee. (4) Monitoring Committee.- Upon completion of the term of the first Monitoring Committee, the State Government shall re-constitute the subsequent Monitoring Committees as per the composition given at Para 5, without referring to the Central Government. (5) Natural Heritage.- All sites of valuable natural heritage in the Eco-sensitive Zone such as the gene pool reserve areas, rock formations, waterfalls, springs, gorges, groves, caves, points, walks, rides, cliffs, etc. shall be identified and preserved and plan shall be drawn up for their protection and conservation, within six months from the date of publication of this notification and such plan shall form part of the Zonal Master Plan. (6) Man-made heritage sites.- Buildings, structures, artefacts areas and precincts of historical, architectural, aesthetic, and cultural significance shall be identified in the Eco-sensitive Zone and plans for their conservation shall be prepared within six months from the date of publication of this notification and incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan. (7) Noise pollution.- The Environment Department of the State Government or Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board shall implement the regulations for control of noise pollution in the Eco-sensitive Zone in accordance with the provisions stipulated of The Noise Pollution (Regulation And Control) Rules, 2000 under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. (8) Air pollution.- Regulations for the control of air pollution in the Eco-Sensitive Zone in accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (14 of 1981) and rules made thereunder shall be complied with. (9) Discharge of effluents.- The discharge of treated effluent in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the provisions of the General Standards for Discharge of Environmental Pollutants covered under Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and rules made therein. – (10) Solid wastes. - Disposal of solid wastes shall be as under:- (i) the solid waste disposal in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide notification number S.O. 1357 (E), dated the 8 th April, 2016 as amended from time to time; (ii) the inorganic material may be disposed in an environmental acceptable manner at site identified outside the Eco- sensitive Zone; ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 17

(11) Bio-medical waste.- The bio-medical waste management and disposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide notification number G.S.R 343 (E), dated the 28 th March, 2016, as amended from time to time. (i) No common treatment facility or incineration shall be permitted within the Eco Sensitive Zone. (12) Plastic Waste Management .- The Plastic Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide notification number G.S.R 340 (E), dated the 18th March, 2016, as amended from time to time. (13) Construction and Demolition Waste Management .- The Construction and Demolition Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change vide notification number G.S.R 317(E), dated the 29th March, 2016, as amended from time to time. (14) E-waste .- The E- Waste Management in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the E- Waste Management Rules, 2016 published by the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and as amended from time to time. (15) Vehicular traffic . - The vehicular movement of traffic shall be regulated in a habitat friendly manner and specific provisions in this regard shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal Master plan is prepared and approved by the Competent Authority in the State Government, the Monitoring Committee shall monitor compliance of vehicular movement under the relevant Acts and the rules and regulations made thereunder. (16) Vehicular Pollution. - Prevention and control of Vehicular Pollution shall be complied with in accordance with applicable laws. Efforts to be made for use of cleaner fuels like CNG, LPG, etc. (17) Industrial Units. - (a) No establishment of new wood based industries within the proposed Eco-sensitive zone shall be permitted except the existing wood based industries set up as per the law. (b) No establishment of any new industry causing water, air, soil, noise pollution within the proposed Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted. 4. List of activities prohibited or to be regulated within the Eco-sensitive Zone.- All activities in the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be governed by the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) and the rules made thereunder including the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ), 2011 and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 and other applicable laws including the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980), the Indian Forest Act, 1927 (16 of 1927), the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972), and amendments made thereto and be regulated in the manner specified in the Table below, namely:-

Sl. No. Activity Remarks (1) (2) (3) Prohibited Activities 1. Commercial Mining, stone quarrying and (a) All new and existing mining (minor and major crushing units. minerals), stone quarrying and crushing units are prohibited except for the domestic needs of bona fide local residents including digging of earth for construction or repair of houses and for manufacture of country tiles or bricks for housing for personal consumption. (b) The mining operations shall strictly be in accordance with the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 04.08.2006 in the matter of T.N. Godavarman Thirumulpad Vs. UOI in W.P.(C) No.202 of 1995 and order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 21.04.2014 in the matter of Goa Foundation Vs. UOI in W.P.(C) No.435 of 2012. 2. Setting up of new saw mills. No new or expansion of existing saw mills shall be permitted within the Eco-sensitive Zone. 3. Setting up of industries causing water or No new or expansion of polluting industries in the Eco- air or soil or noise pollution. sensitive Zone shall be permitted. 4. Commercial use of firewood. Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws. 18 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

5. Establishment of new major hydroelectric Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable & irrigation projects. laws. 6. Use or production of any hazardous Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable substances. laws. 7. Discharge of untreated effluents and solid Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable waste in natural water bodies or land laws. area. 8. New wood based industry. No establishment of new wood based industry shall be permitted within the limits of Eco-sensitive Zone: Provided the existing wood-based industry may continue as per law. 9. Fishing There shall be complete ban on fishing in all the water bodies including Orai and Nahargarh dam. 10. Use of Plastic carry bags. Prohibited with immediate effect. 11. Setting up of brick kilns. Prohibited (except as otherwise provided) as per applicable laws. Regulated Activities 12. Establishment of hotels and resorts. No new commercial hotels and resorts shall be permitted within one kilometer of the boundary of the Protected Area except for accommodation for temporary occupation of tourists related to Eco-friendly tourism activities. However, beyond one kilometer and upto the extent of the Eco- sensitive Zone all new tourism activities or expansion of existing activities shall in conformity with the Tourism Master Plan and guidelines of National Tiger Conservation Authority. 13. Construction activities. (a) No new commercial construction of any kind shall be permitted within one kilometre from the boundary of the Protected Area: Provided that, local people shall be permitted to undertake construction in their land for their residential use including the activities listed in sub-paragraph (1) of paragraph 3: Provided further that the construction activity related to small scale industries not causing pollution shall be regulated and kept at the minimum, with the prior permission from the Competent Authority as per applicable rules and regulations, if any. (b) beyond one kilometre upto the extent of Eco-sensitive Zone construction for bona fide local needs shall be permitted and other construction activities shall be regulated as per Zonal Master Plan. 14. Felling of trees. (a) There shall be no felling of trees in the forest or Government or revenue or private lands without prior permission of the Competent Authority in the State Government; (b) the felling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the provisions of the concerned Central or State Acts and the rules made thereunder. (c) in case of Reserve Forests and Protected Forests the Working Plan prescriptions shall be followed. 15. Commercial water resources including (a) The extraction of surface water and ground water shall ground water harvesting. be permitted only for bona fide agricultural use and domestic consumption of the occupier of the land; (b) extraction of surface water and ground water for industrial or commercial use including the amount that can be extracted, shall require prior written permission from the concerned Regulatory Authority; (c) no sale of surface water or ground water shall be ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 19

permitted; (d) steps shall be taken to prevent contamination or pollution of water from any source including agriculture. 16. Erection of electrical and communication Regulated under applicable laws except railway lines. towers and laying of cables and other Underground cabling may be promoted. infrastructures. 17. Fencing of existing premises of hotels Regulated under applicable laws. and lodges. 18. Widening and strengthening of existing Shall be done with proper Environment Impact Assessment roads and mitigation measures, as applicable. 19. Movement of vehicular traffic at night. Regulated for commercial purpose, under applicable laws. 20. Introduction of exotic species. Regulated under applicable laws. 21. Protection of hill slopes and river banks. Regulated under applicable laws. 22. Discharge of treated effluents in natural Recycling of treated effluent shall be encouraged and for water bodies or land area. disposal of sludge or solid wastes, the existing regulations shall be followed. 23. Commercial Sign boards and hoardings. Regulated under applicable laws. 24. Small scale non polluting industries. Non polluting industries termed as White Category as per classification of industries issued by the Central Pollution Control Board in February 2016 and non-hazardous, small- scale and service industry, agriculture, floriculture, horticulture or agro-based industry producing products from indigenous materials from the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be permitted by the competent Authority. 25. Collection of Forest produce or Non- Regulated under applicable laws. Timber Forest Produce (NTFP). 26. Air and vehicular pollution. Regulated under applicable laws. 27. Drastic Change of Agriculture systems. Regulated under applicable laws. 28. Solid Waste Management. Regulated under applicable laws. 29. Bio-Medical Waste Management. Regulated under applicable laws. 30. Eco-tourism. Regulated under applicable laws. 31. Under taking other activities related to Prohibited except for official monitoring/survey by the tourism like over flying the ESZ area by Forest Department. hot air balloon, helicopter, drones, Microlites, etc. Promoted Activities 32. Ongoing agriculture and horticulture Permitted under applicable laws. practices by local communities along with dairies, dairy farming, aquaculture and fisheries. 33. Rain water harvesting. Shall be actively promoted. 34. Organic farming. Shall be actively promoted. 35. Adoption of green technology for all Shall be actively promoted. activities. 36. Cottage industries including village Shall be actively promoted. artisans. 37. Use of renewable energy sources. Bio gas, solar light, etc. to be promoted. 38. Agro Forestry. Shall be actively promoted. 39. Environmental Awareness. Shall be actively promoted. 40. Skill Development. Shall be actively promoted.

41. Restoration of Degraded Land/ Forests/ Shall be actively promoted. Habitat. 20 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

5. Monitoring Committee.- The Central Government hereby constitutes a Monitoring Committee, for effective monitoring of the Eco-sensitive Zone falling in the State of Rajasthan, which shall comprise of the following, namely:-

i. District Collector, Jaipur - Chairman; ii. Sub Divisional Officer, Amer - Member;

iii. A representative of NGO working in the field of environment to be nominated by the Government of Rajasthan for a period of three years -Member; iv. One expert in the area of ecology and environment to be nominated by the Government of Rajasthan for a period of three years. -Member; v. Honorary wildlife warden, Jaipur - Member; vi. Regional Officer, Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board - Member; vii. Mayor Jaipur Municipal Corporation - Member;

viii. Pradhan, Panchayat Samiti, Amer - Member; ix. Member of the State Biodiversity Board – Member; x. Deputy Conservator of Forest/Wildlife Jaipur -Member Secretary. 6. Terms of Reference.- (1) The tenure of the Monitoring Committee shall be for a period of three years from the date of issue of Notification. (2) The Monitoring Committee shall monitor the compliance of the provisions of this Notification. (3) The Monitoring Committee shall not allow the activities that are covered in the Schedule to the notifications of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests namely Environmental Impact Assessment, 2006 vide S.O. 1533 (E), dated the 14th September, 2006, and Coastal Regulation Zone, 2011 vide S.O. No. 19(E) dated 6th January, 2011 and subsequent amendments therein, and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone, including the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof. Only white categories of industries shall be considered as specified in the guidelines issued by the CPCB for “classification of Industries, 2016”. (4) The activities that are not covered in the Schedule to the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Environment and Forests number S.O. 1533(E), dated the 14 th September, 2006 and S.O. 19 (E) dated 6 th January, 2011 and are falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone, except for the prohibited activities as specified in the Table under paragraph 4 thereof, shall be scrutinised by the Monitoring Committee based on the actual site-specific conditions and referred to the concerned Regulatory Authorities. (5) The Member Secretary of the Monitoring Committee or the concerned Commissioner shall be competent to file complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) against any person who contravenes the provisions of this notification. (6) The Monitoring Committee may invite representatives or experts from concerned Departments, representatives from Industry Associations or concerned stakeholders to assist in its deliberations depending on the requirements on issue to issue basis. (7) The Monitoring Committee shall submit the annual action taken report of its activities as on 31 st March of every year by 30 th June of that year to the Chief Wild Life Warden of the State under intimation to this Ministry as per proforma appended at Annexure V . (8) The Central Government in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change may give such directions, as it deems fit, to the Monitoring Committee for effective discharge of its functions. 7. The Central Government and State Government may specify additional measures, if any, for giving effect to provisions of this notification. 8. The provisions of this notification shall be subject to the orders, if any, passed, or to be passed, by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India or the High Court or National Green Tribunal (NGT). [F. No. 25/60/2015-ESZ-RE] LALIT KAPUR, Scientist ‘G’

¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 21

Annexure I A Map of Nahargarh Wildlife Eco-Sensitive Zone showing boundary details 22 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [P ART II—SEC . 3(ii)]

Annexure I B ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 23

Annexure II (A) Geo Co-ordinates of prominent points along the boundary of Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary Sl. No. No. Longitude Latitude 0 0 1 E01 75 47.371' E 26 58.265' N 0 0 2 E02 75 48.007' E 26 59.880' N 0 0 3 E03 75 49.285' E 27 0.745' N 0 0 4 E04 75 50.435' E 27 2.456' N 0 0 5 E05 75 52.463' E 27 2.707' N 0 0 6 E06 75 53.165' E 27 1.782' N 0 0 7 E07 75 52.473' E 26 59.496' N 0 0 8 E08 75 51.376' E 26 59.165' N 0 0 9 E09 75 50.513' E 26 57.359' N 0 0 10 E10 75 48.680' E 26 56.040' N 0 0 11 E11 75 48.127' E 26 57.228' N

Annexure II (B) Geo Co-ordinates of prominent points along the boundary of Eco-sensitive Zone of Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary

Sl. No. No. Longitude Latitude 0 0 1 E01 75 49.086' E 27 1.275' N 0 0 2 E02 75 49.701' E 27 3.207' N 0 0 3 E03 75 51.057' E 27 3.983' N 0 0 4 E04 75 51.308' E 27 4.720' N 0 0 5 E05 75 52.545' E 27 5.842' N 0 0 6 E06 75 53.940' E 27 6.855' N 0 0 7 E07 75 54.792' E 27 3.561' N 0 0 8 E08 75 56.743' E 27 8.287' N 0 0 9 E09 75 57.626' E 27 6.676' N 0 0 10 E10 75 56.095' E 27 6.325' N 0 0 11 E11 75 55.338' E 27 4.929' N 0 0 12 E12 75 54.020' E 27 2.576' N 0 0 13 E13 75 53.122' E 26 59.305' N 0 0 14 E14 75 52.234' E 26 57.750' N 0 0 15 E15 75 51.088' E 26 57.243' N 0 0 16 E16 75 48.772' E 26 55.913' N 0 0 17 E17 75 46.908' E 26 56.384' N 0 0 18 E18 75 47.830' E 26 57.569' N 0 0 19 E19 75 47.542' E 26 59.496' N


Annexure III Description of Boundaries of proposed Eco-sensitive Zone In order to delineate boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone of Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary all field structures, habitations, water bodies, Industrial areas, religious places and other public institutes as provided by the revenue authorities have been marked on the map annexed with this notification. Geographical Positioning System have been marked on the Sanctuary boundaries, which are numbered from 1 to 100 on the map. Then the boundaries of Eco-sensitive Zone have also been marked on the same map and its Geographical Positioning System points have also marked on the boundary and numbered as 101 to 340.This map is annexed as Annexure-III. The boundary of Eco-sensitive Zone is decided as indicated by the Geographical Positioning System points shown on this map as under: Northern boundary : The extent of Eco-Sensitive Zone from Global Position point number 186 marked on reserve forest block boundary Amer-54 and Eco-sensitive Zone boundary including villages Bagwara, Singwana. Chhapradi, Jaitpura Khinchi, Achrol, Ani, Labana, Gunawata, Dhandh, Harbar to Kukas to Global Position System point number 270 will be up to 13 kilometers. Eco Sensitive Zone boundary from Global Position System point number 186 to 270 is co-terminus with the boundary of reserve forest block Amer-54 and will include the whole reserve forest in the Eco-Sensitive Zone within these Global Position System points. Eastern boundary : The extent of Eco-sensitive Zone from Global Position System point number 270 to 280 will be Reserve forest block boundary, from Global Position System point number 280 to 281 will be along National Highway No. 8(Now NH-11-C), from Global Position System point number 281 to 295 will be 100 meters to 500 meters from sanctuary boundary. Similarly, the boundary along NH 8(Now 11 C) from Global Position System point 295 to 297 will be Eco Sensitive Zone. Reserve forest block boundary from GPS point number 297 to 320 will be Eco Sensitive Zone limit. Sanctuary boundary from Global Position System point number 320 to 325 will be Eco Sensitive Zone limit including Rajamal ka talab. The extent of Eco Sensitive Zone from Global Position System point number 297 to 325 will be from 100 meters to 2.0 kilometers. Southern boundary : Eco Sensitive Zone boundary from Global Position System point number 325 to 336 and up to 101 will be co-terminus with the boundary of Sanctuary. From Global Position System point number 101 to 104 it will be co- terminus with the boundary of reserve forest Block Amer -54. From GPS point number 104 to 108 it will be co-terminus with the boundary of Sanctuary. From Global Position System point number 108 to 147 it will run along the natural boundary (flow as well as bed area up to both banks) of Amanishah Nallah. Western boundary : Eco Sensitive Zone boundary from Global Position System point number 147 to 160 will be co- terminus with the boundary of Sanctuary. From Global Position System point number 160 to 186 it will be 50 meters to 2 kilometers including Bahav sagar, Akhepura, Badagaov, Bhatiya, Bishangarh Areas.

Annexure IV Details of the villages in Nahargarh Wildlife Sanctuary and its Eco Sensitive Zone Along with geo co-ordinates

Sl. No. Name of Sanctuary village Latitude Longitude 1 Nahargarh 26°56'15.08"N 75°48'55.70"E 2 Amer 26°59'8.19"N 75°51'4.82"E 3 Chimanpura 27° 1'23.51"N 75°54'4.74"E 4 Kukas 27° 1'50.37"N 75°53'24.08"E 5 Netiwas 27° 1'39.28"N 75°52'25.41"E 6 Khurad 27° 2'4.37"N 75°53'7.23"E 7 Taleda 27° 2'41.57"N 75°52'25.42"E 8 Badagaon Jarkhya 27° 2'14.47"N 75°51'22.67"E 9 Sisiyawas 27° 0'37.93"N 75°50'51.32"E 10 Akeda 27° 0'25.41"N 75°48'45.67"E 11 Jeslya 26°59'36.43"N 75°49'17.09"E 12 Papad 26°58'4.10"N 75°47'41.57"E 13 Kishanbag 26°57'5.81"N 75°46'54.65"E ¹Hkkx II µ[k.M 3(ii)º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 25

Sl. No. Village in Eco Sensitive Zone Latitude Longitude 1 Kukas 27° 1'50.37"N 75°53'24.08"E 2 Harwar 27° 3'58.08"N 75°56'25.90"E 3 Dhand 27° 4'44.03"N 75°56'20.66"E 4 Gunawata 27° 5'34.61"N 75°56'57.21"E 5 Labana 27° 6'38.16"N 75°57'45.56"E 6 Ani 27° 7'5.48"N 75°59'7.83"E 7 Achoral 27° 8'8.37"N 75°58'20.78"E 8 Jaitpura Khinchi 27° 7'58.38"N 75°55'2.24"E 9 Chhapreri 27° 6'44.47"N 75°54'51.62"E 10 Singhana 28° 5'52.77"N 75°50'0.01"E 11 Chokhalyawas urf Kacherawala 27° 4'30.74"N 75°55'2.22"E 12 Bagwada 27° 5'28.14"N 75°50'51.42"E 13 Daulatpura 27° 4'46.15"N 75°49'53.80"E

Annexure V Performa of Action Taken Report: - Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee.- 1. Number and date of Meetings 2. Minutes of the meetings: Mention main noteworthy points. Attach Minutes of the meeting as separate Annexure. 3. Status of preparation of Zonal master Plan including Tourism master Plan 4. Summary of cases dealt for rectification of error apparent on face of land record (Eco-sensitive Zone wise). Details may be attached as Annexure. 5. Summary of cases scrutinised for activities covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006. Details may be attached as separate Annexure. 6. Summary of cases scrutinised for activities not covered under the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006. Details may be attached as separate Annexure. 7. Summary of complaints ledged under Section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. 8. Any other matter of importance.

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054. The Grand, Jaipur Air Quality Index –Report Reference: National Air Quality Index, Central Pollution Control Board Introduction An air quality index is defined as an overall scheme that transforms the weighed values of individual air pollution related parameters (for example, pollutant concentrations) into a single number or set of numbers. The result is a set of rules (i.e. set of equations) that translate parameter values into a more simple form by means of numerical manipulation (Figure).

Source: CPCB

Structure of an Index Primarily two steps are involved in formulating an AQI: (i) formation of sub-indices (for each pollutant) and (ii) aggregation of sub-indices to get an overall AQI. Formation of sub-indices (I1, I2,...., In) for n pollutant variables (X1, X2...., Xn) is carried out using subindex functions that are based on air quality standards and health effects. Sub-index function represents the relationship between pollutant concentration Xi and corresponding sub- index Ii. Once the sub-indices are formed, they are combined or aggregated in a simple additive form or weighted additive form: The sub-index (Ip) for a given pollutant concentration (Cp), as based on ‘linear segmented principle’ is calculated as:

The Grand, Jaipur Air Quality Index –Report Reference: National Air Quality Index, Central Pollution Control Board

Source: CPCB

Breakpoints The Breakpoints for AQI Scale 0-500 (units: µg/m3 unless mentioned otherwise)

Source: CPCB

AQI Calculation Using Excel AQI for a particular day and at a desired location can be calculated using the MS Excel wherein a user friendly evaluation of AQI has been developed by the Central Pollution Control Board. The user needs to input at least three values of pollutant concentration (including at least one of PM10 or PM2.5) in the blue cells and the sub-indices are calculated thus displaying the final AQI along with the colour signifying the AQI category. The Grand, Jaipur Air Quality Index –Report Reference: National Air Quality Index, Central Pollution Control Board

AQI at the Proposed Project Region Baseline data at the project site S. No. Parameter Units Project Site NAAQS 3 1 Particulate Matter (PM10) µg/m 72.5 100 3 2 Particulate Matter (PM2.5) µg/m 44.8 60 3 3 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) µg/m 10.6 80 3 4 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) µg/m 15.0 80 5 Carbon Monoxide (CO) mg/m3 0.916 4 (1 Hourly)

Based on the MS Excel sheet provided by CPCB the AQI of the region is calculated and it is found to be 75 (Satisfactory)

concentration in µg/m3 Pollutants Sub-Index Air Quality Index (except for CO)

PM10 24-hr avg 72.5 73 PM2.5 24-hr avg 44.8 75 SO2 24-hr avg 10.6 13 75 NOx 24-hr avg 15.0 19 *CO (mg/m3) max 8-hr 0.916 46

Minimal Impact Breathing discomfort to people on Good Poor prolonged exposure (0–50) (201–300)

Minor breathing discomfort to Respiratory illness to the people on Satisfactory Very Poor sensitive people prolonged exposure (51–100) (301–400)

Respiratory effects even on healthy Breathing discomfort to the people Moderate people with lung, Severe

(101–200) heart disease, children and older (>401)


********* Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” ECBC Compliance Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP



Climate Zone: Hot & Dry

Building type : All building types

S. No. Parameters U-Value (W/m2 °K)

Prescribed* Proposed

a. Roof 0.33 0.308

b. Wall 0.40 0.370

*As per ECBC, 2017 for ECBC compliant building.

Roof Assembly

Layer Brand Thickness L/1000 Thermal Resistance U Value (mm) Conductivity(K)- (L/K) (1/R) W/mK (W/sqm.K)

Ro (External Surface Film) 0.040

White Tile 10 0.010 0.236 0.042

Cement Screed Onsite 40 0.040 1.208 0.033

PUFF Slab 60 0.060 0.021 2.857 Insulation

Cement Screed Onsite 40 0.040 1.208 0.033

Mother slab (RCC) Onsite 150 0.150 1.411 0.106

Ri (Internal Air 0.130 Film)

Total Thickness 300 3.242 0.308

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” ECBC Compliance Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

Wall Assembly Layer Brand Thicknes L/1000 Thermal Resistance U Value s Conductivity(K)- (L/K) (1/R) (mm) W/mK (W/sqm. K)

Ro (External Surface Film) 0.04

Cement Plaster Onsite 12 0.012 0.750 0.016

AAC Blocks 400 0.400 0.160 2.500

Cement Plaster Onsite 12 0.012 0.750 0.016

Ri (Internal Surface Film) 0.130

Total Thickness 254 2.702 0.370

• AAC blocks will be used for construction of opaque walls having lesser u-values • Exposed roof area will be minimized by the use of solar panels for generation. • DGU will be used for all air conditioned spaces • Specifications (6 mm coated glass + 12 mm air gap + 6 mm clear glass): • u-value: 2.8 W/m2 K • VLT: 0.39

Part 5: COMFORT SYSTEMS & CONTROL Building Type : Mechanically ventilated buildings (Showrooms, Hotel rooms)

Mechanically ventilated buildings

• Air changes (ACH) will be provided as per the provisions of NBC-2016. • CO sensors will be provided in the basements to maintain the ACH levels as per the NBC-2016

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” ECBC Compliance Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

5.2.2 Minimum Space Conditioning Equipment Efficiencies • Chillers (Water cooled: Capacity 250 TR x 3 nos. (2 w + 1 s) will meet the minimum efficiency requirements. The details are as under: • In accordance with the High Side Unit the minimum COP of the Equipment will be 4.7 and minimum IPLV value 5.8

5.2.3 Mandatory requirements: Controls • HVAC system will be controlled by time clocks for three different day types / week and 2 hours manual override • Indicate temperature control with 3˚C dead band minimum


• Automatic lighting shut offs system will be installed in commercial spaces, residential, corridors on all floors etc. • Automatic lighting controls will function on timer circuits based on independent program schedule. • Lighting for exterior applications will be controlled by time switch that is capable of automatically turning off the exterior lighting when daylight is available or the lighting is not required. • Façade lighting will have separate time switches • Interior lighting power shall be as per the requirements of ECBC 2017 / or NBC 2016

Part 7: ELECTRICAL AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS • Permissible transformer losses: 7.5% for voltage class upto 33 kV: Full load rating and minimum acceptable efficiency at 50% will be selected. • Energy efficient motors (IE > 2: high efficiency class) and pumps will be used. • BEE star rated DG sets (minimum 3 star) will be used. • Energy metering will be done during post construction phase. • Services not exceeding 1000 kVA but over 65 kVA shall have permanently installed electric metering to record demand (kW), energy (kWh), and total power factor. • Power factor shall be maintained around unity. APFC panel with capacitor will be used for Common Load & Fixed Capacitor for Transformer to minimize the losses. Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” ECBC Compliance Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

• All capacitors will be provided with Harmonic Filters to avoid distortion in Voltage. • Use of renewable energy: Roof top grid tied solar PV plant of capacity 35 KW will be installed to meet out the partial energy requirements for common areas. • Area under REGZ free from obstacles will be greater than 25% for all the other exposed areas. • 20 % of hot water requirement will be met through solar energy.

******** Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Traffic Study Report Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

TRAFFIC STUDY A traffic study is an investigation to evaluate a transportation system. The study is a means of identifying and documenting any deficiencies or improvements both - operational and physical - necessary to accommodate current or projected traffic volumes. Traffic impact study can be used to help evaluate whether the development is appropriate for a site and what type of transportation improvements may be necessary. It will help:- a) To establish the existing trips/ day without the project activity; b) To understand the increment on the traffic load due to the project activity; c) To know the existing road will sustain or not after the commission of the project.

INDIAN ROAD CONGRESS (IRC) GUIDELINES Factors for conversion of different type of vehicle into equivalent passenger car unit (PCU) based on their relative interference value as per Indian Road Congress Guidelines i.e. IRC 64: 1990 & IRC 106: 1990 is given below:-

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Traffic Study Report Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

Level of Service (LOS) Capacity standards are fixed normally in relation to the Level of Service (LOS) adopted for design. Six levels of service are recognized commonly designated from A to F. Considering the need for smooth traffic flow; it is recommended that normally LOS-C be adopted for design of urban roads. At this level volume of traffic will be around 0.70 times the maximum capacity. Capacity or Design Service volume is the maximum hourly volume at which vehicle can reasonably be expected to transfers a point or uniform section of a lane or road way during a given time period. As per IRC 64: 1990 guidelines, ratio of existing volume of PCU on roads (V) and its capacity (C) with corresponding level of services (LOS) and their performance is given below:-

Referenced V/C Ratio for Level of Service and Performance of the Road

TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AS PER IRC GUIDELINES Traffic analysis is carried out by understanding the existing carrying capacity of the roads near to the project site and the connecting main roads in the area. Then depending on the capacity of the project, the number of vehicles that will be added to the present scenario will be compared to the carrying capacity.

METHODOLOGY There are different methods of estimating the capacity values. Based on the data used and the strategy adopted, the methods are classified as direct empirical and indirect empirical methods (Minderhound, 1997). The basic data that are required for estimation of capacity are roadway width, headway, volume, speed and density. In the direct empirical methods, the observed data are used to estimate the capacity directly. However in the case of indirect methods, the observed data are calibrated and computer programmes developed for

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Traffic Study Report Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

estimation of capacity. In the context of Indian urban roads, the understanding of the traffic flow is very limited due to the following reasons; the influence of various types of vehicles sharing the carriageway, the behaviour of drivers, lack of awareness and adherence of traffic rules, non standard lane widths, bad road surface conditions etc. Unless a detailed study is carried out along the lengths and breadths of our country to understand and model the various parameters of traffic flow and other impedance of flow, the simulation model approach may not be accurate to predict the capacity. Since the direct empirical methods are less cost intensive and can give capacity value to the desired accuracy, it is felt that the direct empirical methods are the more appropriate way of estimating the capacity of roads for Indian conditions.

Depending on the availability of time, manpower and cost, several methods are available to estimate the capacity of roads. The different approach requires various data from just the carriageway width to volume, speed and density of traffic at a particular location. In this attempt the following three approaches were considered to estimate the capacity: i) Headways ii) Volume iii) Volume and Speed

i) Headway Headway is the time separation of vehicles in the traffic stream and is usually measured in fraction of a second. Headways are measured between common points or successive vehicles; time gap are measured from the rear of one vehicle to the front of the next. The distribution tried for flow under homogeneous conditions include negative exponential, shifted exponential, gamma, erlang, lognormal etc for varying traffic volume. For traffic under mixed conditions, exponential, erlang, normal and log-normal distributions for various volume levels have been attempted. In the context of the Indian urban traffic flow conditions, it would be appropriate to consider the full road width, instead of individual lanes for the study since all vehicles are free to use any part of the carriageway. The capacity at a cross section of the road can be estimated with the reciprocal of the mean time headway of the vehicles as given below:

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Traffic Study Report Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

Q= 1 / h (vehicles per second) or Q = 3600 / h (vehicles per hour).

The advantage of this model is that only headways at one cross section of the road at intensity below capacity are required. It is not necessary to wait for a traffic state at about capacity level. ii) Volume Capacity estimation by this method is made solely with the observed traffic volume. In the observed extreme value method, the estimation of capacity is by using known maximum traffic volumes observed over a period of time. The data to be used for this Selected Maxima method is the hourly traffic volume of flow rates observed in an averaging interval of less than one hour (either 15 mts. or 5 mts. intervals). The basic assumption of this method is that the capacity state of the road is reached during the survey period. The capacity qc is assumed to be equal to the maximum traffic flow observed during the observation period. iii) Volume and Speed This approach is based on the basic stream flow diagram or Fundamental diagram. The existence of relationship between the two important variables namely traffic volume and harmonic mean speed is used to estimate the capacity. The traffic characteristic, Flow (q) is defined as the number of vehicles passing a specific point or short section in a given period of time, which is expressed as hourly rate (vph). One unique flow parameter is maximum flow or capacity (qmax). Speed (u) is defined as the average rate of motion and is expressed in km / hr. In this study, the main focus is on the mid block sections with no obstructions for flow of traffic. Hence the speeds are measured using spot speed technique where the time taken to cover the predetermined length was recorded. The spot speeds are usually higher than the average stream speed, since there are no delays in the short distance of the mid block. From the speed-flow diagram, the flow corresponding to the maximum flow is taken as the Capacity (q max).

DATA COLLECTION The video recording technique was used to collect the data because of its advantages over the manual and conventional method of collection. A reconnaissance survey was done initially to select the site. The mid block stretches selected were straight, level and free from any

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Traffic Study Report Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP obstructions /restrictions to traffic movement. There were raised foot path on either sides and the divider was fixed. The road stretches were selected so that the carriageway widths varied from 6.5 m to 9.0 m. The road links were identified based on the traffic and their characteristics.

DATA SYNTHESIS The data collected at the site on video tapes were converted into video files and copied on to a CD. Using the “Timeint” computer programme, which records the arrival of the vehicle at the section at the stroke of a key, the inter arrival time was recorded up to 2 decimal places of a second and stored as file. The CD was run several times for creating volume/headway data files for the entire survey period for each category of vehicle. Counts were classified as heavy vehicles (lorry and tankers), buses (both private and metropolitan public transport buses), LCV (Passenger van, goods carriages and cabs), cars, autorickshaws, powered two wheelers and cycles (including other slow moving vehicles). Using a stop watch the time taken by each category of vehicle to pass the road stretch marked at the survey location was recorded for the entire survey period. The data for speed estimation was analysed for sample data, which was not less than 25 percent of the total volume, to get the average speed of the traffic stream and for individual category of vehicle in each five minute time interval. Capacity estimation by the three different methods mentioned above was carried out to identify the most appropriate method and Volume-Speed method was found to be most suitable for calculation of the Capacity of the Road.

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Traffic Study Report Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

Current Capacity of Road Road Name Road Width (m) Capacity of Road Ajmer Road 11 5200

Current Vehicle Distribution on Ajmer Road Road Road Capacity Vehicle Types Name Width (m) of Road Passenger Motor Three Bus or Car, Scooter Wheelers Trucks Pickup (Two Van Wheelers) Ajmer 11 5200 12,246 15,886 3660 2376 Road

Current Volume of Ajmer Road Road Road Capacity Vehicle Types Total Name Width of Road Passenger Motor Three Bus or (m) Car, Scooter Wheelers Trucks Pickup (Two Van Wheelers) Ajmer 11 5200 12,246 15,886 3,660 2,376 34,168 Road

Current Volume in PCU/hr S.No Type of Vehicle Current PCU Factor PCU/day PCU/hr Volume in Vehicles/day 1. Passenger Car, 12,246 1 12246.00 510.25 Pickup Van 2. Motor Scooter (Two 15,886 0.75 11914.50 496.44 Wheelers) 3. Three Wheelers 3,660 1.2 4392.00 183.00 4. Bus or Trucks 2,376 2.2 5227.20 217.80

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Traffic Study Report Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP


Current Traffic Scenario and LOS Road V (Volume in C (Capacity in Existing V/C LOS PCU/hr) PCU/hr) Ratio Ajmer Road 1407.49 5200 0.27 B

Future Traffic Scenario during Operation Phase Mode of Capacity No. of Total PCU PCU/Day PCU/hr S.No Transportation of Parking Trips/day PCU/day Factor 1 Car 514 2 1028 1 1028 85.67 2 Two Wheelers 458 2 916 0.75 687 57.25 142.92

Modified Traffic Scenario and LOS Road Increased Increased Capacity of Modified LOS PCU Volume Road V/C Ratio Ajmer Road 142.92 1407.49 + 5200 0.29 B 142.92 = 1550.40


Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP


(See paragraph – 6) FORM 1

I. Basic Information

S. No Item Details 1. Name of the Project/s : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Promoter: Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP 2. S. No. in the schedule : 8(a) {Building and Construction projects ≥ 20,000 sq. m. and <1,50,000 sq. m. of built-up area } 3. Proposed capacity/ area/ : As under:- length/ tonnage to be handled/ Total Plot Area : 7000 sq. m. command area/ lease area/ Built up area : 35,633.68 sq. m. number of wells to be drilled The Proposed Project will involve the construction of mix use building comprising of 499 nos. of service apartments, 22 nos. of Hotel Guest rooms, 2 nos. Restaurants, banquet hall, club house, showrooms etc The details are tabulated as under:

S. No Particulars Details 1. Service Apartments : 499 nos. 2. Hotel Guest Rooms : 22 nos. 3. Restaurants : 2 nos. (Seats: 30 nos. (15 each) 4. Food Court : 1 no. (Seats: 20 nos. ) 5. Banquet hall : 1 no.(193.40 sq. m) 6. Office Blocks : 2 nos. (572.47 sq. m.) 7. Board Room : 1no. 8. Showrooms : 24 nos. 9. Club House : 1no. (352.90 sq. m.)

4. New/Expansion/Modernization : New 5. Existing capacity/area etc : Not Applicable 6. Category of project i.e. 'A' or 'B' : Category- B2

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

7. Does it attract the general : General conditions are not applicable on projects listed condition? If yes, please under Item 8 of Schedule of EIA Notification, 2006 specify. and its subsequent amendments thereof. 8. Does it attract the specific : Specific conditions are not applicable on projects listed condition? If yes, please under item 8 of the schedule- EIA notification, 2006 specify. and its subsequent amendments thereof. 9. Location Plot/Survey/Khasra no. : Plot No. S-01 Village : Near Shyam Nagar Tehsil : : Jaipur State : Rajasthan The Geographical Location is as under : 1. Point 1 2. Point 2 Latitude : 26°53'57.93"N Latitude : 26°54'0.78"N Longitude : 75°46'5.62"E Longitude : 75°46'11.04"E 3. Point 3 4. Point 4 Latitude : 26°54'0.33"N Latitude : 26°53'56.14"N Longitude : 75°46'11.37"E Longitude : 75°46'6.93"E

10. Nearest Railway station/ Airport : As under: along with distance in kms. Nearest Name Distance (aerial) & Direction Railway Jaipur Junction 2.9 Km towards NNE Station Airport Bikaner Airport 8.8 km towards SE

11. Nearest Town, City, District : Nearest Town: – Sodala 0.7 Km towards NE Headquarters along with distance in District Head Quarters: Collectorate 3.6Km towards kms. NE.

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

12. Village Panchayat, Zilla Parishad, : The proposed project site is under the jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation, Local body Jaipur Development Authority. (Complete postal address with Address: telephone no. to be given) Jaipur Development Authority, Jaipur Indira Circle, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur E-mail : [email protected] 13. Name of the applicant : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP 14. Registered address : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP Anukampa Mansion Phase I, M.I. ROAD, Jaipur Rajasthan 302001 15. Address for correspondence: Name : Prashant Gupta Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) : Partner Address : Anukampa Mansion Phase I, M.I. ROAD, Jaipur Rajasthan Pin Code : 302001 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Telephone no. : 0141-4029115 Fax No. : -- 16. Details of alternative sites : No alternative site was examined. examined, if any. Location of these sites should be shown on a Toposheet. 17. Interlinked projects : No 18. Whether separate application of : Not applicable interlinked project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission : Not applicable 20. If no, reason : There is no interlinked project.

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

21. Whether the proposal involves : No approval/ Clearance under: if yes, details of the same and their status to be given. a. The Forest (Conservation) Act, (1980)? b. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? c. The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991? 22. Whether there is any Government : No Order/ Policy relevant/ relating to the site 23. Forest land involved (hectares) : No 24. Whether there is any litigation : No litigation is pending against the project in any pending against the project and/or court of law. land in which the project is propose to be set up? a. Name of the Court b. Case No. c. Orders/directions of the court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project.

II. Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ No confirmation No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

1.1 Permanent or temporary Yes Land-use: change in land use, land cover The project is coming up on a land allotted for mix or topography including use building. Copy of land documents are enclosed as increase in intensity of land Annexure.

use (with respect to local land use plan) Land cover: Yes The project site is mostly vacant except for some

minor vegetation which will be removed during the

site preparation activities.

The intensity of land cover will change from

presently vacant land to mix use building project

having ground coverage of about 28.57 % (2000 sq.


Topography: No The topography of the site has flat terrain with slope. 1.2 Clearance of existing land, No Land & Building: vegetation and buildings? There are exiting structures present at the site, which will be demolished during the site preparations.

Yes Vegetation: The site is situated in the urban area. Minor vegetation clearance is required for the project. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes The proposed land has been land allotted for commercial complex. The internal land-use break-up (project) is given as under:

Land use breakup S. No Particulars Permissible Proposed 1. Total Plot Area 7000 sq. m. 2. Gross Built-up Area 35,633.68 sq. m. 3. BAR 1.5 x 1.5 =2.25 (15,750 sq. m.)+0.5 3.64 (25,487.73 sq. m.) ( for EWS)

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

4. Ground coverage 35 % (2450 sq. m.) 28.57 % (2000 sq. m.) 5. Landscape Area - 26.24 % (1837.31 sq. m.) 6. Paved areas including Open Surface Parking 45.00 % (3162.69 sq. m.)

1.4 Pre-construction No There will be no physical impacts on the locality investigations e.g. bore due to the soil testing or other pre-construction houses, soil testing? investigations. 1.5 Construction works? Yes The project will envisage a gross built up area of 35,633.68 sq. m. Anticipated Environmental Impacts on physical environment:  Increase in fugitive emissions during construction phase  Increase in traffic levels (construction & post construction phase)  Drainage  Landscape & Visual considerations

The impact on physical environment will be temporary in terms of fugitive emissions. Best construction practices will be adhered to minimize the impacts. The same is tabulated as under:

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

S. No. Guidance on Practices to reduce emission 1. Water Application Water will be applied to mitigate dust generation 2. Storage Piles  Storage pile activity will be conducted downwind  Enclosures/ coverings will be used for storage piles 3. Vehicles &  Speed of vehicles will be reduced to avoid blowing of dust Equipments  Proper lubrication of vehicles and machinery will be ensured to reduce emissions  Engines & exhaust systems will be properly maintained.  Low sulphur diesel (HSD) will be used.  Idling time will be eliminated/ reduced to the minimum 4. Material Handling  Mud and dirt track-out and carryout will be controlled properly. & Transfer  Material drop will be minimized at the transfer point and enclosure systems  PM emissions from spills will be prevented.  Material handling operations will be minimized. 5. Road Surfaces  On-site vehicle restrictions will be established.  Unpaved roads will be properly maintained.

1.6 Demolition works? Yes There are exiting structures present at the site, which will be demolished during the site preparations. 1.7 Temporary sites used for No Temporary store-rooms and site office will be built construction works or during construction phase, which will be removed housing of construction later. The impact due to the same will be confined to workers? the construction phase only and thus can be categorized as temporary. Provisions of temporary housing facility for construction workers have been provided. Adequate infrastructural facilities such as sanitation (including separate toilet (mobile) for male and female workers), drinking water, crèche, cooking fuel, cookers etc will be provided to construction labours.

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

1.8 Above ground buildings, Yes The project will attain a maximum height of 40 m structures or earthworks (up to terrace level). Heights of individual blocks including linear structures, are tabulated below: cut and fill or excavations Tower No. of Floors Height (in m.) Up to Terrace Level Block LB+UB+LGF+UGF+11 40 m

Thus, there will be a visual impact (temporary) on physical environment, though there are no landscapes/ amenities. The project will involve earthwork which will be reused for filling. The top soil will be stored at earmarked places and will be subjected to temporary stabilization (mulching), while the other excessive soil will be used in the form of earthen berms near the project boundary, which will also help to curtail the noise levels. The same will be later taken by the contractors. 1.9 Underground works No Not Applicable including mining or tunnelling? 1.10 Reclamation works? No Not Applicable 1.11 Dredging? No Not Applicable 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not Applicable 1.13 Production & manufacturing No Not Applicable processes? 1.14 Facilities for storage of Yes Temporary store room for the storage of goods or materials? construction materials will be built at the site, which will be removed later. Thus, the impact on physical environment will be temporal. During the operational phase, there will be well designated confined storage areas within the

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

building, which will not have impact on the physical environment 1.15 Facilities for treatment or Yes Construction Phase: disposal of solid waste or Waste generated during construction phase will be liquid effluents? reutilized to the extent possible and will be disposed off through authorized vendors. About 27 kg/day of municipal solid waste will be generated which will be disposed off to the municipality disposal site.

Post Construction Phase: The solid waste generated to the tune of 625 kg/day from the project considering full occupancy will be mainly municipal waste. The solid waste generated will be first segregated as plastic, glass, paper, and other waste separately and disposed off as per applicable rules. 1.16 Facilities for long term No There are no provisions of long term housing housing of operational facilities for operational workers. Apart from workers? residents there will be maintenance team along with security. The impact due to this will be negligible. 1.17 New road rail or sea traffic No There will be no new road and rail. during construction or In the post construction phase, there will be increase operation? in the traffic levels due to proposed project. The traffic load due to the proposed project will be 316 ECUs including the traffic load contributed by visitors considering 100% occupancy. The parking details are as under: Parking required : 316 ECUs Parking provided : 667 ECUs Details of parking are as under:-

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

S. No Particulars Cars Scooters Total ECU 1. Upper Basement 238 116 ( 38.66 ECU) 277 2. Lower basement 276 116 (38.66 ECU) 315 3. Upper Ground floor - 226(75.33 ECU) 75 4. Total 514 458 (152.66 ECU) 667

1.18 New road, rail, air No There is no new rail, air-borne transport waterborne or other transport infrastructure required for the project. infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion of No Due to the upcoming project, there will be no existing transport routes or closure or diversion of existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to infrastructures leading to changes in traffic changes in traffic movements. movements? 1.20 New or diverted transmission No There will be no diversion of transmission and lines or pipelines? pipelines, though the project involves construction of new internal pipelines for fresh water, recycled water, rain water harvesting, sewer lines and internal power distribution lines. 1.21 Impoundment, damming, No The project will not involve any impoundment, culverting, realignment or damming, culverting or realignment or other other changes to the changes to the hydrology of watercourses or hydrology of watercourses or aquifers. aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No None 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of Yes The fresh water demand to the tune of about 96 water from ground or surface KLD (34310 cu. m. / annum) will be met through waters? ground water supply. The area is falling under Jhotwara Block which is notified Block for ground water use. However, rain water harvesting has been devised to

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

recharge the ground water aquifer. Provisions of capturing the maximum surface runoff and providing recharge to the tune of 3158 cu. m. per annum (maximum recharge) will be done through the 3 rain water harvesting pits. 1.24 Changes in water bodies or No Water body: There is no water body in and around the land surface affecting project premises. drainage or run-off? Yes Land Surface Run-off: The land surface affecting the drainage will be altered (retaining the same direction - though slope will be made gentle), however the impact will be confined to the site. There will be increase of 224 % in total surface run- off during post construction phase, which will be capturing through well designed storm-water pipe network of rain-water harvesting and will be used for recharge of the aquifers. The details are tabulated as under:

Phase Total discharge (m3/ annum) % increase in run-off Pre-construction 1306 +224% Post construction 2938

1.25 Transport of personnel or Yes Construction: materials for construction, There will be movement of personnel, materials operation or and machineries during the construction phase. decommissioning? The impact due to the movement of personnel will be negligible as local people will be deployed and temporary housing facility will be provided for outside workers. The construction material and machinery required will be mobilized from the local area. Thus, there will be contribution of marginal noise & vehicular emissions which will be mitigated by implementation of effective EMP.

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

The same is elaborated at point 1.5 , Form 1 Post Construction: During commissioning, there will be transportation of personnel and materials in and out of the project regularly. There will be 675 ECU peak on road due to the project on completion of project with 100% occupancy. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or No Restoration works for the project on long-term decommissioning or will be an ongoing activity which will not have restoration works? any impact on physical environment. 1.27 Ongoing activity during No There will be no decommissioning activity related decommissioning which could to the project. have an impact on the environment? 1.28 Influx of people to an area in Yes During the construction phase, there will be either temporarily or inward and outward movement of local labour in permanently? the construction site, this will be an ongoing temporary activity and will not call for permanent influx of people. However, during the post construction phase, there will be permanent influx of persons. There will be regular movement of shopkeepers, visitors, staff related personals. 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Only local plant species will be planted for the green belt /landscaping. 1.30 Loss of native species or No No endangered, threatened or endemic species genetic diversity? exists in the study area, so inconsequential impact is visualized on the flora and fauna of the project site. 1.31 Any other actions? No None

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply):

S. Information/checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities No. confirmation No /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 2.1 Land especially undeveloped Yes The total plot area envisaged for the project is about or agricultural land (ha) 7000 sq. m. (0.70 Ha). 2.2 Water (expected source & Yes As under: competing users) unit: Particular Demand Source Fresh water 96 KLD Ground water supply Treated water 115 KLD Treated water from STP Total 211 KLD The competing users are varied. 2.3 Minerals (MT) Yes Bricks and stone (locally available in the market) 2.4 Construction material – stone, Yes The approximate quantities of construction materials aggregates, sand/ soil to be used. (expected source – MT) Material Quantity Source Coarse aggregate 17460cu. m. Fine aggregate 18530 cu. m. Nearest Cement (PPC/ OPC) 256560 bags market Structural Steel 2140MT Bricks 5416320 nos.

2.5 Forests and timber (source – Yes The use of wood in the project has been planned to MT) the minimum extent possible. Wood with recycled content such as MDF boards will be used to the extent possible. 2.6 Energy including electricity Yes As under: and fuels (source, competing users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW)

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

Source of supply 33 kV JVVNL GSS Electrical Load Connected load : 5090.31 KW Maximum demand : 2641.23 KW Transformer Number 1 Capacity 3150 kVA DG Sets Number 4 Capacity Cumulative capacity : 2500kVA 750 kVA : 2 nos. 500kVA : 2 nos. Fuel Used HSD (sulphur content: 0.05%) Fuel Consumption 150 l/hr /DG and 100 l/hr/DG respectively

2.7 Any other natural resources No No other natural resources will be used. (use appropriate standard units)

3 Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate No confirmation No quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substances or materials, Yes There will be storage of Low Sulphur Diesel (HSD) which are hazardous (as per to the tune of 1.5 KL (approx) for the project. This MSIHC rules) to human health will not call for any approval from CIF&B as it is or the environment (flora, less than prescribed threshold limit. fauna, and water supplies) The significant hazard due to the same will be negligible as the exposure level will be confined within a small area in the consequence of unforeseen hazard. 3.2 Changes in occurrence of No There will be no release of any hazardous disease or affect disease substance in the construction as well as post- vectors (e.g. insect or water construction phase.

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

borne diseases) The waste water generated to the tune of 128 KLD will be treated in STP of capacity 150 KLD based on MBBR technology. Further, storm water network will be well designed to leave no stagnant water pockets. The biodegradable as well as non- biodegradable waste will be collected at earmarked places and will be sent to the Municipality disposal sites. Proper sanitization will be done to prevent any disease vector. 3.3 Affect the welfare of people No There will be proper treatment of the solid as well e.g. by changing living as liquid waste generated and the waste will not be conditions? dumped in the nearby localities thereby, causing change in the living conditions. The solid waste will be suitably treated, while the liquid effluent will be treated in the sewage treatment plant. 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people No The project planning will be done to avoid any who could be affected by the adverse impact by means of proper waste project e.g. hospital patients, management during construction as well as children, the elderly etc., operation phase. 3.5 Any other causes No None

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month)

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ No confirmation No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine No Not Applicable wastes 4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and Yes Municipal solid waste generated during the post or commercial wastes) construction phase is 625 kg/day. The details of the various activities generating solid waste, its

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

classification, collection facilities, treatment and disposal are given in CP & EMP. 4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per No Construction Phase: Hazardous Waste Management No hazardous waste as per HWMR will be Rules) generated. Post Construction/ Operational Phase: Spent oil (<2 KL / annum) will be generated which will be carefully stored in High Density Polythene (HDPE) drums in isolated covered facility and will be disposed off to the registered actual users. Suitable care will be taken so that spills/leaks of spent oil from storage could be avoided. 4.4 Other industrial process No There are no industrial process waste wastes. 4.5 Surplus product. No No surplus product is anticipated 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge Yes About 13 KLD sludge will be generated from STP. from effluent treatment. 4.7 Construction or demolition Yes About 2140 MT of the construction waste will be wastes. generated, which will be sold to the vendors for recycling and reuse at the best possible extent. Details are elaborated in CP & EMP. 4.8 Redundant machinery or No There will not be any redundant machinery or equipment. equipment at site. 4.9 Contaminated soils or other No Proper care will be taken to avoid contaminated soil materials. and if oil spilled soil will be found; the same will be scrapped off and stored at earmarked places and sent to disposal sites. 4.10 Agricultural wastes. No There will be no agriculture waste. 4.11 Other solid wastes. No There will be no other solid waste.

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (kg/hr)

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ No confirmation No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 5.1 Emissions from combustion Yes There will be emissions from DG sets (used in the of fossil fuels from stationary case of power cuts or failure only). The maximum or mobile sources. predicted concentrations from the proposed project considering line (vehicular exhausts) as well as point source (DG set of cumulative capacity 2500 kVA) emissions are as under:- Mitigation measures:  Effective stack height of 50 m above roof of DG house will be provided to contain the emissions within the permissible norms.  Around 26.24 % (1837.31 sq.m.) will be under landscape which will help to contain the emissions within the permissible range.  Effective traffic management plan including guided traffic ways and separate entry/ exits will help to avoid congestions during peak traffic hours. 5.2 Emissions form production No There is no production process in the project. process. 5.3 Emissions from materials Yes The emission expected from construction phase will handling including storage or be dust arising from material handling and vehicular transport emission from transport vehicles. These include the emissions due to idling of the vehicles during loading and unloading activities. Management: The same is explained at point no. 1.5 above, Form 1. 5.4 Emissions from construction Yes The dust emission sources are: activities including plant and  Excavation

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

equipment  Haul-road movements  Construction  Material Handling  Finishing Emissions factors for construction equipment are given in table below: Equipment Emissions Factors (g/hr)

CO VOC NOX SOX PM10 Excavator 214.09 43.99 516.18 3.31 27.21 Backhoe/ Front 190.05 56.69 370.13 1.58 37.64 end loader Rubber tired 161.02 39.00 464.02 2.67 23.58 crane Hydraulic 161.02 39.00 464.02 2.67 23.58 Crane Concrete 72.57 13.60 122.46 0 4.53 Vibrator Paving 186.42 48.53 412.31 1.95 29.93 Equipment Roller/ 165.10 34.92 316.15 1.90 23.13 Compactor *Source: SCAQMD CEQA Handbook

Mitigation Measures:  Minimizing drop heights of debris,  Enclosures,  Covered transport,  Use of barriers,  Wetting of surfaces,  Plantation,  Avoiding idling of vehicles etc. 5.5 Dust or odours from handling Yes The dust etc. emanating from various construction of materials including activities are described along with the impact & construction materials, mitigation measures are given in CP & EMP. sewage and waste. 5.6 Emissions from incineration No There will be no incineration of waste. of waste

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

5.7 Emissions from burning of No No open burning of waste will be allowed. The civil waste in open air (e.g. slash contractor along with site manager will be materials, construction debris) responsible for the same. 5.8 Emissions from any other No None sources

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat:

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ No confirmation No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 6.1 From operation of equipment Yes Noise may be generated from the construction e.g. engines, ventilation plant, equipment’s and operation of DG set. crushers Noise levels from the construction equipments will be as: Name of Noise Level at 16 Noise level at 1 Source m (50 ft) from m from source Source in db (A) in dB (A) Back hoe/ 81 105 Loader Cranes mobile 81 105 Dump truck 83 107 Generator Not considered 75 (as prescribed by CPCB)

The following measures will be taken:  DG set (construction phase), conforming to the CPCB standards for noise will be used.  Temporary noise barriers will be provided all around the project site.  All construction equipment and machineries will be maintained in good conditions.  Light pollution will be restricted using cut-off shield fixtures on site.  Ensuring that all lights strike a surface directly

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

and do not point at the sky or surrounds.  An area of about (26.24%) will be under landscape during post construction phase which will help to contain the noise. 6.2 From industrial or similar No Not Applicable processes 6.3 From construction or Yes During construction: demolition During construction/Demolition work D.G. Sets, Pumps, Trucks, vibrators, drilling machine, etc will be the tentative sources of noise. The same will be mitigated by effective EMP such as use of Ready mix concrete to reduce the noise & vibrations due to the operation of concrete mixer truck, etc. 6.4 From blasting or piling No Blasting operations are not envisaged in the proposed project. However, noise from piling activities shall be as follows: 100 dB (A) at 50 ft from source 124 dB (A) at 3.3 ft from source Temporary noise barrier will be provided all around the project site. 6.5 From construction or Yes There may be increase in the noise levels due to operational traffic constructional /operational traffic arising due to the project, which will be minimized by:  Effective traffic management including sufficient width of driveways to avoid traffic congestions especially during the peak hours.  Provisions of separate entry/ exits to avoid traffic congestions during peak traffic hours.  Provisions of internalized designated parking facilities to ensure smooth traffic movement.  Effective green belt (26.24%) will help in

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

reducing the noise propagation. 6.6 From lighting or cooling Yes There will be change in the light pollution level of systems the project area. Use of focused lights to the active areas of construction is envisaged. Further, there will be no sky-lighting during the construction as well as post-construction phase. Lighting Power Density (LPD) for the external lighting system is calculated as given below and the same is under the allowable LPD as per ASHRAE 90.1: 2007. However, solar lighting will be used for streets. 6.7 From any other sources No None

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ No confirmation No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 7.1 From handling, storage, use No The project will not involve any handling and or spillage of hazardous storage of hazardous material. materials 7.2 From discharge of sewage or Yes There is risk of contamination of land and water due other effluents to water or the to discharge of untreated waste-water. However, no land (expected mode and untreated sewage will be discharged into the open place of discharge) surfaces causing the contamination of ground water. The wastewater generated will be treated in STP with capacity of 150 KLD. The project will maintain zero discharge condition. 7.3 By deposition of pollutants No During construction, there will be emissions emitted to air into the land or generated from excavation, material transfer, into water construction operations, finishing operations, road construction, exhaust from vehicles, and stationary

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

sources, etc. The management of the same has been described at relevant sections. 7.4 From any other sources No There will not be any other sources, which will contaminate land & water resources. 7.5 Is there a risk of long term No No significant contribution of long-term built-up of build-up of pollutants in the pollutants is envisaged from this project. environment from these sources?

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the project, which could affect human health or the environment

S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, No confirmation No wherever possible) with source of information data 8.1 From explosions, spillages, No There will be no hazardous substance or chemical used fires etc from storage, in the proposed project. However, spent oil from DG handling, use or production set will be generated which will be stored in the spent of hazardous substances oil tank prior to disposal to actual users at earmarked places. The fuel used in the DG sets will be stored in the inbuilt storage tanks which will be designed to meet out all safety norms. However, Adequate fire safety measures will be adopted at site : a. Good construction practises b. All Safe construction practices & precautionary measures will be adopted and use of PPE will be mandatory. c. Adequate fire-fighting arrangements will be as per National Building Code - 2016 & conditions laid in fire NOC. d. All applicable IS standards for electricity will be

Gaurang Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

followed during construction phase. e. Indian Electricity Act of 1910 and rules issued there under revised up to date will be followed. f. Regulations for electrical equipment in building issued by The Bombay Regional Council of Insurance Association of India will be followed. 8.2 From any other causes Yes The major risks involved in the project would be working at different construction heights and mishaps due to human errors, bad construction practices and associated electric hazards. All safety measures will be in place prior to commencement of operations so as to avoid any risk to human life and as per the prevailing local by laws. Sources of Construction & Post Construction Risks along with Impact & Mitigation of the same is given in CP & EMP. 8.3 Could the project be Yes As under: affected by natural disasters Natural Occurrence Management causing environmental Disasters Probability Floods As per the  For effective damage (e.g. floods, secondary data functioning, pre- earthquakes, landslides, available no monsoon and post- cloudburst etc)? such monsoon checks of precedents has the drainage structures been reported. will be undertaken However the  The project has possibility of planned storm water such incidents layout in regards to cannot be ruled the peak intensity of out. the rainfall so far received as recorded by IMD. Earth- The site is  The building design quakes located in the will be made with Seismic Zone earthquake resistant II, as per the design structure. seismic zoning  Structure with ductile

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EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

map of India detailing is considered given in BIS as per IS: 13920-1993. code IS: 1893 (Part1)-2002, which is Moderate Damage Risk Zone. Landslides No such -- precedent has been reported. Cloudburst No such -- precedent has been reported.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality. S. Information/Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ No. confirmation No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data. 9.1 Lead to development of No The project may lead to adjuvant development at supporting cities, ancillary the site. With coming up of the project development or development supporting infrastructure such as sewerage lines stimulated by the project which (as a part of External development) will be could have impact on the developed. environment e.g.  Supporting infrastructure (roads, power supply, waste or waste water treatment, etc.)  housing development  extractive industries  supply industries  other 9.2 Lead to after use of the site, No No lead to after use of the site, which could have

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EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

which could have an impact on an impact on environment. environment 9.3 Set a precedent for later No There are no precedents as similar developments developments are proposed around. 9.4 Have cumulative effects due to Yes The cumulative effects of the other planned proximity to other existing or projects may have positive impacts such a better planned projects with similar drainage facilities, better recharge into the effects. ground water aquifers by capturing the run-off, tree plantation in the area, etc.

III Environmental Sensitivity S. Areas Name/ Aerial distance (within 15 km.) No Identity Proposed project location boundary 1 Areas protected under Nahargarh Sanctuary 6.4 km towards NE international conventions, national Nahargarh Eco Sensitive zone 5.4 km towards NNE or local legislation for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value 2 Areas which are important or Forest sensitive for ecological reasons - Nahargarh R.F 6.4 km towards NE Wetlands, watercourses or other Jhalana Bani R.F 5.7 km towards ESE water bodies, coastal zone, Ambagarh R.F 8.3 km towards E biospheres, mountains, forests. Kilangarh R.F 8.8 km towards ENE Papad R.F 9.0 km towards NNE Bhagawali Kalojar R.F 11.0 km towards NE R.F 8.6 km towards NW Muhana R.F 10.5 km towards SSW Bavri Ka Bir R.F 13.3 km towards E Nandhar P.F 12.1 km towards N Amer R.F 11.6 km towards NNE Ambagarh R.F 14.6 km towards NNE Water bodies Amanisha Nala 0.4 km towards W Jahalana Nadi 10.6 km towards SE

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Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

3 Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species of flora or Nahargarh Sanctuary 6.4 km towards NE fauna for breeding, nesting, Nahargarh Eco Sensitive zone 5.4 km towards NNE foraging, resting, over wintering, migration 4 Inland, coastal, marine or None within the study area underground waters 5 State, National boundaries None 6 Routes or facilities used by the As under: public for access to recreation or Name Distance (aerial) Direction other tourist, pilgrim areas. NH-11C Nearby gate towards N NH -8 3.6 km towards SW

7 Defence installations None 8 Densely populated or built-up area Sodala 0.7 Km towards NE 9 Areas occupied by sensitive man- As under: made land uses (hospitals, schools, Name Distance with Direction places of worship, community Educational Facilities Springdales Public School 1.3 km towards NE facilities) Jayshree Periwal High School 3.2 km towards W Medical Facilities Marudhar Hospital 3.6 km towards NNW SR kalla Mermorial Hospital 3.4 km towards NE Places of Worship Moti dungri Ganesh Temple 4.7 km towards E Santoshi mata Mandir 1.6 km towards S

10 Areas containing important, high Jhotwara The entire block is categorized as quality or scarce resources notified for ground water use. (ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals) 11 Areas already subjected to None Not Applicable pollution or environmental damage. (those where existing legal environmental standards

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EIA Coordinator Partner

Project : The Grand “Mix Use Building” Form 1 Promoter : Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP

are exceeded) 12 Areas susceptible to natural hazard Earthquake The area is classified as Zone II (low which could cause the project to Zone II Damage Risk Zone) as per the BIS present environmental problems classification. Suitable seismic (earthquakes, subsidence, coefficients in horizontal and vertical landslides, erosion, flooding or directions respectively will be adopted extreme or adverse climatic while designing the structures. conditions) *(As per secondary source available)

"I hereby give an undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosure are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any, to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost.”

Date: 06.06.2018 Prashant Gupta Place: Jaipur (Partner) For Anukampa Avas Vikas, LLP Anukampa Mansion Phase I, M.I. ROAD, Jaipur Rajasthan

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