, , .*, 4 ^ ..-«».»» jim Ji.ii.iAJi* t i' .,, A,. -_ J East Haven Haeamun Library Tlrnntnril, nrrentnd hy Olflrer A\- M'(rirci;ini"e with Mjrh slotufory and KAST IIAAT.N >T,\V.S Old Town Dump To Be East llavrn', (Juicl Conil Session liort Miller, was lined y.l (or vinln- illfH. Ralph I'apaf/odu oilier liK.'il requirement as Rovern Thur-day. lib. r,, lU.-.:t Pace ti-3 lion of rules of the roiul. Koherl. A. II isMiaiiei' of ohliRalions Kcner- Rezoned For Industry Gonnt IJriiigs $36 In Fines Drny, of New , wus fined .illv liy the municipality. Api.roval of a change of /one $12 on n slmilnr olr.'ije, afler lie Sedlim A. Tills act shall take cf- Mr.s. Nelson Nosiy; No, I.'I. Mrs. li'dm residential to Induslrlal use To Three Molprisls was arrested hy Oilieer Willifun f( (I finin ils pa.ssage. Mnhoney. John Male; No. M, Mrs. Doan of a Town-owned plot' on Coe Our Telephone Numbers Fines (olnllini! .WB were nieiod In other cnscs, Stefan Kwlerelto, Texido', and No. 15, Mrs. Howard Avenue appeared certain today An Independent of an Humphrey St.. Now Ilnven, oiU to six vlolnlors of motor .ve­ East riavcn Below — Weir. The leader will be Rev. after n heniing on the mailer in Business: ATwater 8-1661 hicle laws before .ludRo Clifford B. nrroslcd by Officer Walter Mailiis for. speeding, received u nolle. IConllrnied From I'aifo One) .laines E. Wncry. the Town Hall last night failed lo Weekly Newspaper - Stui'Rcs In Town Court Monday; Editorial: HObarl 7-5811 Other noll«H wore Rrnnted to llny- 1 iiorc.^ do not reflect these slgnifl- Saturday 12:45 p. m. I'aslt)r's evoke any' opiioslllon. ©hp Saat Mmm N^tos morning. niohd Bnbcock, Short lioiieh Kniicl, AUicrl Cnlnmltn, of Foxon Uond, Bl'nnford nnd Edward Slmonl, (i.'i c .1111 varlubies nor do they indicate Communicants Class in the .Study. Joseph Criscuolo of Morgan T'er., nrrestctl on order of Chief Edwin UlVor Street, Officer William iVlii- Preparation of young people for Robert Decker of 46 Pennsylvania VOli. VU — NO. I'J Publilhtd WftUy br Tttt Pins PiiblicatiDnt. tnt. 0 Cents A Cojiy — .1(2.00 A Tent- III cMenl to which the deelininK Yeaftjf Suhutiption J2.50. , KAST ii.WKN. ((iNM'U-i'icr'r, 'I'llI i;si).\V, i''i'.i'.i;rAi!V 111, ni.vi B. Prle.'il, was' fined .'515 for vlolnl- honoy nri*catod Bnbcock while Off­ pill elitisint; power of the .dollar ac- Church membership. Ave., Nicholas Tinari, or 177 Main hiB rules of the rond while a icer Marias arrested Slmonl. St., and Paul Slovens appeared be­ J speeding chnrRe was nollcd. Trnv- fiiunl-; for hii;lier e.s|ienditurc.s. Sunday fl:'15 n, m. Church Woe ship .Service. Youth Sundny-ynunR fore the Planning and Zoning Win Exchange Club Contest er Cowles, of Pleasant Point, Hy slaliilnry deflnllliin. "net cur- Commission to speak in favor of UNDERSTAND AND PREVENT To\vn Insures Auxiliary Kiil exiien.se.s" exclude expendi- people of Uio riiurch participating Iho proposed re-'/.oning. (An Editorial) Mantle And Croumey To Oppose Police While On Duty tiiies for ir.'inspoi-tatloe. vocallonn! Mr. I3ruce Cnrgill. soloist., 9:15 Cliurch School - Nursery, Kinder­ The plot, once the site of a town Xnw lluit Kiddy minor 1ms bocii suiii-rsoil'Hl liy solilT I'lifl Flist Selectman Franli A. Hnili- tmiiusiriiil arts) pi-ogralns and plijsiial handicapped children, and garten and grades 1 through 6. dump, fronts about 650 feet on Coo llic Town is ublc to sec its "SUHIHIUI" in diffemit Icrins, miincl.v. er announced that nrranRomenls aie cunsequently, less than "total 11 a. m. Church Worship, Service. Avenue and is about 400 teet deep. Abolition Of Local Town Court have been completed wlierchy llic (uirent expenses." The law al.so Youth Sunday - young people ot Charles H. Miller, chnlrman of the as a ooinmuiiity probltni. It is n)>i)r6i)nati' lo rcmiiKl uursolvos (own will' provide fori the prolec- spicifies Unit tulUon pnld for cdu- the Church particiimtin;?. .Tunior commi.sslon, said last night that U Dial this is no tiiiio lo lapse bauk iiilo uoniplaconcy until we HIT i'lasl Iia\'en's two represeniatlvo,9 iKm of incnil)ers riC Iho Au.xiiiiiry i.iiinf; the resltlent pupils of nn- Choir and Mr. Bruce Cnrgill, solo­ was fairly certain that tlie board jolted out by the next unfortunate incident. lo the General Assembly Indicated I'lili'e Association wliile on duly. ciiher lown he Included In the net ist. Church School - grades 7 would act favorably on the mailer KnocluMl Down Uy this week that Ihey would not sup; I lie pr-oleetlon allows Jl.dOl) deiilh (iiireni expenses of the sendhiK through nigh School and Nursery in view ot the aiisence of opposition. Tlierc is a bl(,' taslc abend. First of all is the need to cive Damage Slight As porl nny/present |iian for the ro- licnofit, $1,00 'medical .service, nnd trmn but, to avoid duplication, bo for small children whose parents Also to bo approved was a five- Iho youngsters who were, involved so unfortunately our under­ lliuvdhild Uruised ofKnniznlion of Conncctleuf coUrt arc attending Cimrch Service. 5 sy,slem which would result. In the f2r> weekly disability, "|J ID 22 ilr ducted fi-om tlie expenses of the lot lay-out for home construction standing and our help. The decision as to what lct,'al i)eiui;tios Firemen Put Out weelts. MfciviHK town. .State parliclpa- p. m. Junior Pilgrim Feilow.shlp. on the lod Page properly on Maple In Sill. Acoidenl ahnlllion of the East HnVen Town tloii ns sliovvn in Hie lahlualion is 7 p. m. Senior rilgrim I''cllow.shiii. and strictures arc lo bn-iinposed should be left to the courts. In Court. . > ',,/ •; Barker said that tlie finance and Rock Streets. A sls-year-old hoy was knocked liniiled lo Krants flislrilHlteri in ne- 7:.')0 p. m. Young Adult Group. the words of Coach Prank Crisafi, who has worked closely down lull suffered no visibly ser­ Main St, Blaze In answer to qu'osttons pUli to bfiard have laken out I he cover- tiji dance wltli statutory formuh-i ious injuries Saturday afternoon Firemen were eaiied out early tlicni by the East Haven News, tl\o nKC for the 32 memliors of the ns- 'i'uesday 6:30 p. m. Men's Clul) wilh some of thcin: "This is no time lo turn our backs on these and excludes those for Iransport- Ladies' Night - dinner, entertain­ A. Cn P. Electrical when he ik)dged in front of a yesterday afternoon lo extinguisii llepublican leglsiator.s, Adelbert siiciation and will continue lo do alion, vocational programs and kids. Now is when Ihey need our help t-hc most." ment and dancing. slowly ninvlng ear in the parking a between-lhe-waiis fire at ihc Maiittc and'Mrs, Ellf,Bboth CrOU'; so ns others qualify. fiiiyslcaliy Imndlcnpped cJilldren. Service, Inc. As nearly as can bo seen, none o£ those involved has any lot behind the First National niey, annovincort they' favbrod Tlie basic flKurcs were obtained Wednesday 11 a. m. Adult Bihie real' Of n iwo-story lionio occupied Class in tlie Pastor's Study. Box criminal record. None can be truly described as "bad," and Store hist Saturday afternoon. "iiome rule" linplylng that tliojt fioni the State Board of Education. Industrial, Conmiercial I'ldward Stone, of 209 Chitlsey liy Mr. and Mrs. Andrea Taddci, would not 150 along wlthsuch'bitis ADD THAT lunch and fellowship iiour noon most of them have dcnion.slrntcd admirable ((ualities in scholar­ to 1 p. m. 8 1). m. MecUng of I lie and Residential Wiring Ave., received a bruised loft leg ot '174. Main .St. ns tlie one Rul)inllted^l)y, Sen. Qn Valentine's Day Let friendly Circle in the Parlor. ship and ill sports. nnd right knee,- In the necklenl, i'ingliie tine and 'I'ruck One Charles W. iTewott,, of- Lynib, OOP Old Stone Church Electrical Fixtures jKTording lo police. He was talcen majority leader. xtra room Friday 7:30 p. m. Dessert Meet- Hostes.scs will be Mrs. .John Allen. Unless Ihey are handled properly, they may become embil- answered ihe summons after Mrs; to tlie office of Dr. Vincent BnU 'I'adtiei eaiied lieadqnarters report­ No Comnlnnt On R«dl«trl^% K^i^'.iv.-.'iif.ivi't^n'.^^-.s: ••'S^"T~''"''~^"^^'^^ '*'"*" ~nJ into the ear's front right fender. constructive measures to prevent future occurrences of dclin- winners of tlHvSi-contl Antuial Anmlnir Cnnti'st nf Ww Knsl Ilnven Kxclmnj;e ('luh heltl Tuesday eve- lo one small section ot the wall. .- Mrs. Croumey said that she loU heart than a boaullful.profossionai- She was not held. He said tliat cause of the bloic Hint court reform was 'nopdcd In tpiency among our tceu-ager.s. This many sound like locking the iiint; in tlie Hi^li School iiuditorUttn art^ shown iibo ve. I^uft to ri(;ht are, Ca.rol l''o\, of i^lllford, lionor- ly rriado'porlrail. Telephone us to­ ttblo inonton; Miida Uose Quirine, West llavcn, hon oralde ntenlinn; Ciitherlnf* Culwell. Kasl Haven, •was unknown, becnu.se, ho could Ednie places, but tliaV: tlio Town day for an appoinlrT\onl. Make sure barn after the horse is stolen, but it must be remembered that not locate any eieelrlcal wires In Court hero was vcry'cHlplont, ind We can help you with You can't beat this team second prize; and I..oiiis Nej^ri, Nuw Haven, first prize. you have your porlrail on time .. . Cretclla Lauds side the sbetlon wiiere the blaze tlierc wns rto' reason why 11 should your jjlans to remodel only a tew have been lost to such unfortunate circum.stanues, occurred. He estimated damage at lo make this the best Vaiontine Day not be continued. Tlio Iroslinian or itiodoriilze your homo •so far. not more tlian 525. representative said 'she , thbuglil ever for Iho ones you love b«<»t. Ike's Philosophy ...show you how It can ' No time should be lost in taking steps lo reduce the pos­ Mr. Taddci is proprietor ot the EnstHavcii had a very good Judge be done easily and eco­ Capture Three East Haven Girl lakes 2nd sibilities of similar tragedies in the fiiture. First Selectman iCmpire Shoe llebullding Shop and that tlie .quality of the court nomically. You can de­ As Like Lincoln's whlcii lie has been oiiei'nting next was "superior." ' ' , . ' , .',, : LUCAS STUDIO Barker deserves praise for being one of the fir.st to initiate pro- pend on tiH for quality fo Youths After A l'ro,';i.iv'nt Dwiitiit D. iOi.sen- U) ills homo for llie iiast five years. MaiHto Cnnoiinii 265 Main St lumber and other build­ po.sals lo imiu-ovc recreational facilities for the town's eliildreii. Place In Amateur Contest liciwer wns liiteneii lo Lineoin as Ue|). Mautlo snlit ho was riot ing materialH. Discuss Parents, churches and other private societies should join in one nil ii|i|ioiient of eoercion iiy Con- lirepared tn nialio any dctallod your plans witli us now. SHOP THE Mad Chase Here A pretty IG-yenr-old East Ilnven Itressman Alliurl W, Crelelia in n Children Give slutciriohl' ort eourl rctorni pro­ East Haven, Conn. great community effort to help keep our children out of trouble. Kirl, whoso piano rondlllon of tlio posals but that "r can go ,oii rec­ Three New Haven youtlis who Monday To Be Observed siieecli liefore n Lincoin Day din­ Tel. HO 7-3939 FIRST NATIONAL WAY led police on a mad eliase from Warsaw Concerto [I'oni nicniiory ner atlenrled liy abinii l.TO iironi- ord, how.' as saying IHat'ij'in Jh MEFFERT LUMBER — liing Studio the Annex down Main St. In East brought down the liou.se of 1,000 As Holiday Here Inent ]'2tl\ Dislrict lieiiuliiieans $100 To Holland favor of liqmii riilo at all Unii?." IMIss ilessle I'anllllo, iif III Taylor Ave. heeiuiie Ihe hride of lOdwiird I'lipugodn, of lllfi Ueireon St., Uii.ni- persons in the high school audi­ last Tliursday evenliiK in liie North IMniii SI., Itrnnrord Haven early Saturday morning •^ All Town Hall offices will be Several bills lia'Vo boon' Intro­ deii, in an iiltnr ce.reninny .SiitiinJay iiinrniiig In SI. Viiieeiit de. I'mil's Chureli. 'riie hride is the tliiugh- AND SAVE! DEM Chief Asks Le niency, were- apprehended with the aid of torium Tuosdny eycning, placed ctnseU an'! tnnsl stores and shops Weoiiing yViliows resluurant. Flood Victims duced lo I'byliib ,tlio li'^bf: ctttitt ler , Would assiiinb thcfuric-' Combat veterans >viio served disclosed hioraLs.case was made to­ O'Sheii, 17. of 49 Fairmont Ave,, iiilnd from glaucoma. Another Edward Papagoda bin roiiclK in pari.as follows: day by Democratic Town Chair­ confronts East Haven, but aliolher The iSast IlavsMi girl was Cath­ soliools. tile encouragonicnt ot individual lions Of tlio city arid town boUrtB, REPAIRS with the 1st Marine Division two who was booked on charges of erine Colwe!!, daughter of Mr. nild Inlllnlive" tirecisely because we uli'ock for HilOO Is iieing donated to BcdlHlrlodnlf .'• 'VN years ago In its epic breakout from Section 2. Sccllon D83 of tlio Gen­ man Jami;s. F; Gartland. towns and cities In the United exceeding: ' speed limits, reckless MlsH Jessie Paolillo, daughter of eral Statutes is-repealed nnii the SlatpS.''! : ; ^ ; Mrs. Frank Colwel|,of 120.Salton- itnow It lo 1)0 our nation'ii abldtnB tile Intoiitlle Paralysis Drive iioro, A' nopubltbaniiiii!))iS9ri!d,,.Jjl!l, ito Mr, and Mrs. Alplionse i'liollllo. of llie Chosln Reservoir are eiilitled In, a statement to ^ho^ public, driving, .breach: of peace, failure stail Parkway.' _A,' sophoiliore'al St, to n free booklet about their ex­ following is substituted in lieu .telUi,; t{\p dance; DbnnUl Borg- source !o[ strengtii," , Also/'"*ri)e* • ,THe ,; iJonlrlbuUons were made qiiiirifso StmHti) 'aistrlcU liiUhB, stale 16 'I'aylor Ave., was married to Ed­ Gartland asked "that the -tccn-agecs ft'i'I turtiier feel that the han(^llnB to obey, an officerls signal' and Mary's, she.was."piM38onlocI:jvvith a •gVcat economic; • stvonplji .ot, our ROOFING ward Paiiagodii, son of Mr. and ploits. tboroof: . of this situation concerning the atroni,' vocalist.; 'Duwi) ; Leonardo, .ir{ini:itlio/iPlmo;A.-Montl) ClUb to in order, lii; rnftlti! -hioro inijirly not be oxpolleci from sohdbl; xe: tampering with a motor vehicle. .bronze trophy. :by;:iJonVy;'Ji5D guests, yocaU^t;; ;:':MfiV|LQ:., Palni\brl,; .d(iin6,cvaby>,lia3, !tlo\iolop^^ v;ivh!ciS;aishoolV«clilldt;enconlrll)Utol equal tlnf/titllnlilirs ot eonstUiibnVs Mr.s. Ralph I'aimgodn, of 105 Bea- Ma.1or William A. Barry, •Com­ Section 983. Financing. For ihc gardlcss of the dcclsiort' ol;, the jieotiio .involved was. very harsh, al- Arrekbi'witii lilrri were Ilaymona president of Uip.v Exch(ing;(!..Club, OF eiin.St,, Ilamden, .Saturday morn­ manding Officer of New Haven's purposu of carrying out or adrnin- vocalial; • omV'Do •Soriiahe^:''Si(il6r^,' litmOsplierOlOI [tWedonv, !• Tii'c oiinr-' •:tbii fce.Ktli^.bntiilS'. •Thb, olu|i; which' In bach .idlslrlclf would noli; bttbcl courts. "I dp' feel that 'injst«l«6^ tiioiigii I iim hotupHoldlng the ae- Sundwall, 16rot 7G Fullon St;,..and while iyoung/Nogriirccbli^tyi.iL.s nct'er-of-o«i'--pcbfilo'-i*sisls*ifrtlfl- ;;p'Brhiltf'%hl)ilro'n'''tb':i'flh'nW ing at 10 o'clock in SI, Vincent Marine Corps Reserve Unit, the 2d iKtorlng i\ redevelopment plan or ttvitlos \ot these* iridividuals-iBut, 'Eay.vHoifen-(llrffftlys*:^ ,v.vtj- ALL KINDS lie Paul's Church, 'J'nyior Ave. Auto Field Mnlnlonnnce Companyi SUPS ft MJiRKe^ -made In youth should jioL be, dealt a ]5-ycni;-old boy wlio. was turned ciitl'-nlttfiue. •',; ,^ •' '^--f ; , . cini and arbitrary conti'oi.s of liny • conitnwrtfll 'e.'ip'erlencO of glvliig' to : 'ilio TbWrti,'Wi(illci >(jfniiin in 'llio other functions authorized under %vlth in such dlsdpllha'rv^-vvayS'tiii^jo, I' do ffbcl that mistakes made in over to . juvenile authprlUos. Tiio V Also SalvntorbCaUegari, ,nccor- ' The cei'emon.v was performed by said tiio booklets may be obtained tills chapter, a municipality Acting .Ilonorhble mention wonl, to four dionist; Jiidy'Cro.ss, vocalist; Leon­ kind." /. '• ^ thpv-|p«s,,'fortunnlo,' com'ljinbs all twelfth :,9'eiiillb'rliil dlsfrlcl, •^Ibiiii • tlie Rev. Louis Polosl In n setting at the U. S. Naval Reserve Train­ may hlhaer a person far (ho tbiii; jJfBUlh should not be dealt, with in latter, were: booked for breach of year-old Xlnda; Rose Quirlne, • of "Js-1 ills not," asked llio eoii':! cliarlty'drivea Into.one :fund. Do- by and through its redevelopment s^tfi disciplinary ways that may ora Bellrosc and Louis Vars, acro­ with NdHi) llaVen, Ndlili; Brrin- of while snap dragons and white ing Cenler, Fort Halo Park by nil of his life,!' he deolarM . • •'.• ; peace. , • ' :; West Haven, who sang "Jezabel" Kre.ssman from tlio 3rd Congres- 'nntiofis.ai'O.made lo sovbral select ford, Guilf,bvd,,iMadlsQil, flnd.Wiil- Free Estimates agency, Is luM-eby authorized (with­ U 5. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED CHOICE BEEF hinder a person for the rest of bats; Beverly Whitcher, accordion­ carnations. Mrs. Rlcliard IDo An- those wlio served wit.li tlie Division The town chairman eallod. upon The"chase started after Officer nnd sl.K-yenr-olO:Cai-bl:Fpx,',ot Mil- ist; Catherine Muller, acrohnl.; Lou sirinnl District,' "n 'coni|)ietc,'dd'im'i;l"-: 'aausesi '>; [ llngford, bllt 'hanidbn,; a (toiiuii^ geio, tlie hrldegroom's slsler, was between 1 Novoinbor and 15 Dc- out limtUng ils aulhority urulei' BONE IN •I:rruils anutil WcaclabtevcqclabLcS parents, and otticlals in the school iils life. , ' Coshno.Turtora, of Annex police, ford, Avhosp grace, and .skill in her. otlicr provisions of law) lo Issue GrimdliU, trumpet; Margaret'Fon- uro from the liuHic'iililiosopiiy of 'In n report dated Fell.', 11,'tiie llenn sironghtild woUIii bo 'taken soloist in a program of niusic ••embec 1950, LB system and in tiiq other toWrt' ad­ : "Among these yoiiliis. who come set o'ut Vylth a- local 'resident to in­ ncj'obatic danoo, \yon her, special • SIDING • INSURED » CAULKING wliicli Included "Ave Mnriii", "Pan- Lille drawings liiuslrato the len from time lo time bonds of llie Rich wilwilh SwSweolnesc s and Winlor-Time HeallK ton, tap dancer; Joan and'Frances' liio New Deal aiui Fair Deal wiiiclr uffice'/ot'Supl. Wiilinm'E. Glllls iiut arid coinUliied into a nbW'nth ministrative iirnnclics and thc.Pat:- front exccllc/it farnlUes and arc vestigate the latler's complaint rocognition. . / Foster, duet; Murlo Palrella, piano sou^iit to solve ail of llie,nation's reported . Dinio-A-Monlli oxpendi- district. : '':••;' ' ^' c LEADERS WORKMEN o CHIMNEY is Angelleiis", and "Because". jinges of descriptive maleriat municlpalUy which are payable BONELESS LB 65c of good scholastic and athletic A'hlcli is dedicated "lo lliose wiio enl-Tcaclier As-soclations to Join in someone lind been tnrapering'wlth The ninnors will -1)" '.pven the .solo; and Arlinu Ruth Jilvls, guest lii,s iiy imposing coiitrpls of oiid turus lotiiled • .11380. The total In- e GUTTERS POINTING REPAIRS Given in marriage by lior father, solely from ancl secured by a pledge, FROM HEAVY WESTERN CORt4-FED STEER BEEF altacldng the problem of delin­ background, there may be one. his car. When O'siiea, who was kind or nnotlicr upon Ihe people?" In 1050 tlib plnrhllty of William llie bride wore a strapless gown were lliere". Tlie account is de­ of and lion upon any or all of ihe Grapefruit 4 "^'25' opporiUnSty of making" n special vocalist. eliidpd $53 for the Christmas. Seal rived from official records and RIB ROAST 7.1NCHCUT LI! wHC quency. Who, in years to come,'may devel­ driving (vith his comiianions saw .lasiiern, nopiibllcan candl.ilalq' to Willi fi'iint panel ot hand embrold- Income,* proceeds, revenues, ami appearance on WNHC-TV in the Al.so, Helen Heoly, vocalist; "Lincoln's doep concern," "iip Fund, $200 for the balance of a llie slate i/enato was 6,230"fori the STEEPLE-JACK SERVICE ored appll(|ue, a sntln redlngotc from combat correspondents who TENDER. WELL TRIMMED - KING OF THE BEEFSTEAKS - Sweet Juicy - Conlains Vitamin C Gartland's statement, whlclT,\vas op into a great scientist, pliysieian, the police cruiser approaching he near future and may compete In a continued, "for tlie iiumijle indi'- United Fund Pledge, IflOO for the uiw the smasliing Marine drive property of redevolopment projects, relea.sed to the East Haven NcWsJ lawyer or civic loader. To cast a fled and the police car took up the Carol Jean Vallgurn, vocalist; Judy entire 12th district. Hamdcri ac­ wilh long pointed sleeves and including the proceeds Of grants, :r ?Se natioh-wlde aniaieur tulent con­ viduni Is legendary. At tlie saino- IntafitllQ'Paralysis Fund and 1525 33 Stevens St., E. H. Tel. HO 7-4530, SP 6-1421 callicdriil ienglh train. Her finger tiirougli Chinese hordes blocking PORTERHOUSE STEAK "-ORIDA S-LB BAG reads as follows: blot on him at this time might de­ pursuit down Main St, Tortura I'c- Hofrlchtur, Marilyn Nu/.zo, accor­ llme, lie despised liio Idea ot a counted for 3,7'I2 of those pluriUlty ;cy mountain passes. loans, ndvancos, or contributions Oranges 39« test. "•' •• ' ,. •', dion duet; Carmen Lconetti, voca­ for Cerebral Palsy. Deducted from votes. Tlie total was 2'1,93'1 for'ia!)- tip Illusion veil wn.s siiirred to a LEAN FRESHLY GROUND • ONE iJHICE-ONE QUALITY-NONE HIGHEX ~ Gartland's Statcniont stroy all these tremci^Ic's poten­ ported that O'Shea kept zig-zagg- dlrl Appears Twice fixed class system—lie did not 1)0- Clu|); Funds tolallng ,fCB3.77 on' seed pearl head piece. She carried! from the Federal Government, the tialities for thq future and, instead, ing his car to" prevent the police list; Lillian Lewandaskl, vocalist; pera and_lS,to8 for Jiimbsi his Stuli.'. or other .source (including Serve a Pie TocJay "Now Ls the time, I. feci, that Mi.ss Colwcll, who says she. hopes lieve tiiat liiose born to tlio lalior-, Dbci 5 ilelt a balance on Feb, G a cascade bouquet of white orchirts Mayo Scholarship Fund CHOPPED BEEF LB 45C we should apply the Biblical quo­ lea^ him onto a road tliat would car from forcing 11 to the curb. Joan Keeler. piano; Louis Negri, Intt class slf-iuld remain Inljorers. oppbneni:. ' •,,•,,• •' nnd stepliannlls. financial assistance furnished by to continue her -musical study, vocalist; Patricia Washellk, voca­ Group Makes Plans Apples COOKING 4 LBS 49c tations: "Let him who is without deprive him of a real cliancc in life. Officer. William, Mahonoy, wlio made another nppearancy as part lie lioiievcd tiiut each individual: 'fho 1050 roslilli Aay signify that HAMDEN'S AUTHORIZED WILLYS DEALER 'I'liu bride's cousin, Miss Luisa the Municipality or any other pub­ Fancy Brisket Ctirned Beef ,.» 79c "I:believe that the punishment was .cruising near Hie • western list; Joyce Franz, accordionist; sliould develop iiis own talents SlheuDee. 5 contributions from a I'oynnipiitB'of titd-dlstrlot'would Crelelia, of New York, was maid of At a recent, meeting of a group lic body "pursuant lo secUon 98G). sin cast the first stone'' and "Love of a trio when she accompanied the eight grammar schools totaled YOUNG, TENDER Fresh, Crisp thy neighbor as thyself." I say this could be dealt out in other ways limit of the town saw the .chase Marge Esposito, vocalist;, Irene freely and in the way lie desired." increase Domboratie 'qhrinca/J:; of honor. Siio wore a lioiiey colored of graduates wlio met in Hie higii Bonds issued under this section her i)rothers, Gone, 15, and George, Rohmurcky, violin; Marion Al­ $226.17. , gown ot nylon lullo. ballerina LAMB LEGS SOFT-MEATED III 65c because of the recent unforturialo that woiild have answered the and radioed to headquarters. Of­ 12. on tlifi cello In a rendltUm of Concluded Cretelia: "Today, tiio capturing t|io state scnatbrlai,. spat, !cliool lo follow up activities ai- shall bo in such form, mature at bano, vocalist; ICathryn Altrie, In I lie Paper Salvage fund was ienglli wilh mnlcliing feathereii OVEN READY Carrots WESTERN 2''CHS19<: incident concerning Our hleli needs of present conditions with­ ficer Louis Torello who was "ilungarian Dance." great liiierul at Iho head of the which' bail leng iioen\ JibhVby,'the •'cady begun in connection witli the such time or times, bear inlerost ti'unipet; Clement Esposilo, voca­ siiiiwn a lolul liaianee of $'l'l3.;i5. liuii'di'ess. She carried u cascade school and the momentum whioh out hindering tlie advancement of cruising on iligii SI. Joined in the 01 her East Haveners who took Itopniillcan party i,s DWIKIII D, GOP. Hbwbvor; Dombcratib f Iciidr loseph Mnyo Memorial Scboiarsiilp at such rate or rates, bo Issued and , , r 1 BONED and ROLLED' lb 73c Nulrilious Taste-Templing Tender Sprouts list unit I. ane I^rotliers, trio. 'fills with tlie.Dlnie-A-Montl( funds crs argue tliat the > rbdlstrlctlng bouquet uf talisman roses. Fund, piaijs were made to continue the slluatlon has gained, affccliriB tiioso involved. In my humble chase, ,,while Ijicut. Ilerberl L, part in the conipetition wore John Elucnhowor, lie has ploved hlni- • • • sold in such manner, rtnd contain Lamb rorequarters IF DESIRED opinion, regardless of tlie decision Smith, On duty at the desk, ru,shert Funds derivefl from the show of .t28,'U7 totaled $727.12 distrib­ bill, whose passage secnis Imminent Here There were two bridesmaids. eontncling graduates \yho have such other terms, covenants, and not only the lives of boys and girls, Fitzgerald, vocalist; Janice Mor­ ,'mcn. for ,e. ] llon look place In the bride's home. Fresh Sauerkraut NEW CROP TLB PKG 17c Orange Juice 4'NS 49C a our ParenttTeacher . associations been, neglected indicates that a Shop Resumes Business from all over the lower part of the tor; AI Ana.stasop, adviser; Paul brand these people as I'eactionaries, to lie heard relative to tiip follow­ The bi'lde's niolher received wonr- Guild Rummage Sale Section 3. Section 98G of the should strive to eliminate in the new move sliould be made lo pre­ Rosumplloii of business by Lhe Doane, tickets; John Kmetzo, pub­ because of their ill-conceived ad­ ing appeal: 1052 by raising conal(lofabiy more stale., - than a previous liliSh of $240,920,220 ing a rose tissue faille dress with The Junior Guild of Christ General Statutes is repealed and future, vent lis recurrence in the future. Empire Slioe Rebuilding .shop at Olhei's participating In the show licity and advertising; Charles herence to the ancient theory of • Earl .lones, requests permission malchlng accessories. The groom's the fallowing is subsUtuted in lieu UPTON'S TEA "I have.stresscd in tlie past that We parent,s,.school authorities and 474 ;Mnin St., wliicli had been Copeland, houseman and manager; overjjowerlng governmental oon- to construct an addition to pres­ set In 1951; "CommUhliy" jiiuga- Church will sponsor a rummage wej'c: Leonora Ballerose, baton zinc has rbportpd. 'Tlid, magazine, is iiiollier wore a royal blue lace sale in the ehurcli hull on Friday IhcrcDf:. 8-OTPKG 65c 4-OZPKG 34c vDeit Lji'o.ceru XJIUJISI we should seek to alldvlate our citizens also liave , our obligation closed lenipornnly, was announced twirler; Kathy Ann Morgan, voca­ Pctei- LlnioncelU, lights and .sound; 'troi. And itis our job—yours and ent garage located at' 52 South dress witli pink accessories. • B6tli •Sec 986. Federal and Loon! As- mine—lo educate the niiillons of publlsiicd by Community glicsts l'''eb. 13 from 9 a. m'. toll a. ni. Tea Bags PKGOF^S'SSSC PKGOFI6'>19C present ' school problems before toward the education of Ihe'youlh this week, by the proprietor, An­ list; , Natale Zecco, clarinet; Sid Sunsonc, art and stage design; End Edi, for the puriiose ot in- wore orcllld corjiages. sistaiice.-.For the purpose of carry­ FINAST - RECENTLY REDUCED delving lilto things of the future of our Town in all phases of life. Joseph V. Annunziata, tieasurer young people wiio do not know the sialiing washing and greasing and Councils of'AmcHca,',Inc..,• y', 'I'lie coiipio left on a trip to Vir­ . The Guild will welcome all type drea Taddci. Thf shop had been "Hazel," vocalist; Shirley Ann of discarded clothing for which ing out or adtnlnistering a rede­ closed for several weeks. Bradbury, yodelist; Joun Ann Ber- and reporter. real meaning of liberalism- facilities. . , In Grealbr New Hiivbn; the'Uni­ ginia ISeacli nnd Florida. For velopment plan or other functions Irnvol llic bride cliose a grey any member of the following com­ UPTON'S SOUP MIXES Ketchup 2i^<5ZBTLs35< ted Fund-Hod Crosii campaign, flannel suit lined wilh chinchilla, mittee will enii: Cliairman Mrs. R. authorized under this chapter, a TOMATO VEGETABLE MIX PKGOF3ENV35C wiiicli Included the, Public, IfeaHh nuuiicipnllty .acting by -and CRACKERS . RECENTLY REDUCED Nursing Assbclatloh of East Ha­ black accessories nnd a black fell Sclineider. HO 7-4969. Mrs. Alhert- CHICKEN NOODLE MIX PKGOF3ENV35C School Board Views Plan Legion Orators hal. us Fige, IIO 7-26'16, Jlrs. John throtigh its redevolopment agency, ven, received .$1,309,709 from urea After Sunday, Feb. 22 the bride Camp, Ho 7-'i401, Mrs. Robert may accept grants, advances, Joans, ONION SOUP MIX P>;G 16C Hi-Ho or Ritz LBPKG29C Individuals, groups and businesses and Ki'ooin will bo lit iiome at 16 or olhoi' flinancial a.sslslance; from during tiie October Koy Drive, Tl|ts Nulin, HO 7-4138, Mrs. Maurice ARMOUR'S - RECENTLY REDUCED T'n.N'ioi' Ave. Roniur, 110 7-46G0 and Mrs. Joiin tlie Federal Govcrnmenl, Iho Slate, For Renting Extra Classes was nearly $'10,000 more than was Zita, HO 7-3187, - or other source, and may do any c'ontrihuled to the first fodoratod aiiri all things necessary or deslr- Hash '"^r LB TIN 29c Confronted wilh the possibility in Momauguin School, two in (Irive here In 1061. Woman's Club Itulnhnw Oirls " 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD of, having 27 double sossons and 'futile, two in Highland, use of The regular meeting of the .able. to secure such financial aid. WHITE MEAT - SOLID PACK Tiie "Community" article no^ed Meeting Tonight To assist any redevelopment pro­ 10 double grades In East 'kaven one room In the High School and Rainbow Girls will be held'.to­ THIS WEEK % O, the possible rental of seven rooms that In 353 cities reporllng cam­ The inontiiiy board meetinij of ject: located in Ihe area In which schools, the Board ot Education morrow night at 7:30 p. m, In PRICE 21c LOAF I Ir « Timberlake Tuna^ifN'SBc voted Friday to turn over a rec­ elsewher"?. paign results as of Dec, 8, a total East Ilnven Woman's Club Is be­ It is authorized to act, ntiy public of $1'16,696,980 had bopp,rBl#ll,'an Vp lo 35 Miles Per Gallon tvilh overdrive! Masonic Hail. Following tlio meet-, ommendation for hiring private The rtcommendallon specified ing held lonlglit at the home ot ing wilf be K mystery auction. bod- 'h'cluding Ihc Slate, or any increase of 10 per eont qVora ypar city, lovvh. rouniy, village, borough, REG PRICE 53c FORTIFIED WITH VITAMIN D classroom facilities to the Com- tiial use of sucli facilities would 90 ll.P. Uurricane 6 Engine Mrs. Roy Wilson, North High SPECIAL THIS WEEK il r ago. This trond forecasts a record Street. Mrs. Fred Wolfe Jr., \ylll horv.l, iv-mini.ss!on, authority, dls- nilltec on Buildings tor investiga­ be temporary and that necessary Old Stone Church Club '.] Soan Pineapple Pie EACH 1'DC m\k EVANGELINE 4^^^°^ 55c tion as to actual cost. wlien all cities have reported. preside nt tlio business meolliiB.' lri<'t. sri .-nvision, or agency t^f the alterations would be made at min­ Inslances of Joint financing of iVilh 7.6 Compression Ratio •Stale) iiinyi upon such terms as it ^ f REG PRICE S9c Plans Ladies Nite Tues. ' , FINAST - OVEN BAKED • 3 VARIETIES Tlic motion, made by Burton imum expense. local services and national opera­ Otticers and committee eliulrnian may dolennlnc: furnishservices or SPECIAL THIS WEEK •> r need, opposed by Charles Cope- who will altend are tlie Mrs. Fred Tjie annual Ladies' Night of the ^"™' Jelly Doughnuts PKG0F6ZJ( , The committees estlmaled Ihal tions through a "united" campaign uses regular grade gasolinc—t facilities, provide properly, lend or land, who declared himself in op­ use ot the additional space would Wolfe, Roy L. . Wilson, John J. Old Stone Cliurch is being planned Baked Beans 2 \',N°s'45c continued to Increase, the article contribute funds, nnd talve any position lo the whole scheme. "alleviate materially if not entire­ said. Drives which included one or Walker Jr., Vlncenl Fasano, John other action of a character which Vllra tpiiel, smooth "Air-Borne" ride ^ ^^^^^^ for Tuesday evening in ti)e pnrisii llll.j ji!J,„ CLOVERDALE • RECENTLY REDUCED The recommendation for the hir­ ly" the double session and double more national health organization O'Donnell, Kennelb A. Griffiths, it Is authorized to perform for ing of additional facilities was Elisworili Brockett, Harris Antsey, bouse with a dinner to be grade problem during the Interim raised more than half of the total other, purposes. To obtain funds Margarine LBPKG21C made in a report released by the while new schools are being built. .. . Six ride in roomy comfort on ,~^-:_^^^'J/ Andrew Met'a), Alfred B. Ilaicombe, served by the Woman's Council at WEilte Bread amount reported, to date,, It was for the purpose oC furnishing fin­ Committee on Schools and the The Joint meetl/ig was conducted stated. ., .lames F. Gnrlland, Theodore 6:30. ancial assLstance to Us redevelop­ FINAST • FRESHLY MADE Entertainment after dinner will YOUR BEST BUYli Committee on Buildings following by Mrs. W. Oren Parker, chairman United campaigns were hold In 61" ivide seating, front and rcar,..--^''''^ French, Willis Hendricks, Forrest ment agency, a municipality may. a Joint meeting on the preccdine Dolen, Frank A. Barker. AJvin include n one-act play "The Ratii- of the school board. Members pres­ at Ipast 314 cities throughout the in addition lo other action aulhor- 180Z LOAF onnaise QT JAR , evening. ent were Mrs. Beatrice Doolittle, Tlinnipson, Alberl A. Jacob, Rob­ room Door," to be presented by ized under this chapter or other couriti'y last year and received an ert lltti'linan, John Gould, Arthur Ihe East Haven Players; u magical Itccommcndadon Lorraine Flanagan, Ciisano, Letls estimated $113,500,000, according lo law, levy tux(,*s and issue and sell and Charles Slzemwe. Smith and Arthur Iloesche. performance by Hawlcy Lincoln, its bondsior other obligalions, pro- The report stated that Vincent the article. CItlos repeating such PLASKP MOTOR SALES, ]|^C. Assisting Mrs. Wilson as hostess­ spngs by Linda Rose Gulrino and Cusano and George Lctls had sug­ Copeland told the board, VI'II tell drives for tho spcond, third or vidcrt>^thivt any such bonds or ob­ you frankly I'll be against the • Hamdon's Autliorizod Willys Dealer es will be Mrs. Harris Antsey, Mrs. Janice Horton, nnd.'the DeSemonVi ligation^ issued'by a municipality gested the possible consolidation ot — I,,ucaH Studio fourth time also achieved good re­ 1800 STATE STREET HAMDEN ' TEL. SP 0,0428 sisters. Dancing wUl be enjoyed the Momauguin and Gillls School whole works here," (Indicating the sults, the report said, •rheodore Frencti and Mrs. Arthur pursuont to this section ishull be in Leading stuiii'iit partieipunts in tlie iirutorical e«iile,!,t spiinMiriMl by liii! Hurry liurtlitt |iimt, American Legion, are shown lir'ing hitroiluccd hy post Commander Smith. from 10 to 11 o'clock. ' ' .' L'. •« L •• 1; •.. L1 •• \ ^ V t^anai .kUidergartens, the use of the two report). He seemed to object par­ [ classrooms in the now empty South ticularly to plans for combining John Camp at tlie High SelK.oi audilorlilin last TJiursday. Left to right are: I'atrlcia l'"lond; (Jaylo Kniglil; Murlo Mo/,'illlo; Marguerite, Van Horcn, winner of firat i' School, use of one basement room (Continued On Page Three) priie; Clayton (Jerry, second prize winner; Judy Juiinson, third prixe; Conidr. Canii); Cicorge Muelniick, chairniaji of the coutcsl; and tlouglus Murray. Help Yoiur Heart Fnn(} >.v.Su^^-^^'^J•;•l^«^wlww*-^•«^^'W,M..*.•«.•v!•-- S.^ I,

EAST HAAT-N NEW!! cran and a past commandT of the !.tratlon w,inLs a few months to de­ community Invited. Thnrsdn.v, I>b in, 1053 Page 2 p. T. A. News subject ot a panel discussion. Miss Legion RailloHcl Post, Ho began ©•t your mcwer reody' Shailene McCarthy Cnlhculne McKce, principal ot the cide where and by how much this Sunday 9:45 a. m.. Church wor­ East Haven Tuesday, Jtarch JO at l^nxoil School Board Caught Off his service with the road on the old SMke H Rich forrn. Many of the oId-tlmer.i will EAST IIA^-EN NEWS school, presided as moderator. builgel can be cut. It will begin ship service. Rev. James E. Waei-y Meirklc. nil "f New Ilnvcn. nnd Back At Howard Sem. 8 p. 111. In Ihp post I'liibtortms ftn The ro\on School P. T. A Imld Canal Lino ns a frciglit brak^man 'he conlacleil. Tli6so wlsiilng In vol­ Tlnirsdnjil'-cli. In, liiija rnReH Members ot the panel, leiiresenUhg sending Its recommendations to pa.stor. .Sernion "Readiness In Iho Ihicc giandcliiiilrcn. Tliompson Avomie. II* monlhly nicollliB Monday tvc- In 1»M, and flrsl entered the pas­ Mi.ss Shail.Mic McCarthy, dnugli unteer may do so by contnclliiR teachers, pjiicnls and law cntorce- Congres-s In April lind ihe House, Kingdom." Church .Sclioul, liur- MniBticrito Van Doieii, winner tilnR In the sctionl. Mrs A. Chnp- senger service ns n Irninninn in tor ot Mr. nnd Mi-s. Cliarlc! E. Joan I-'owlcr, HO "-.'lliu, who l.s In meiil, wer« Mrs. William Wnil- Balance On Loyally Oath which tiadlllonnlly hahdics appro- aory, klndergnVtcn and grades 1 Mr. (Sc Mrs. T. H. Bo\vdcn ot tlie local cnmest, wlil v'fpt'osetil Genius, that ppwcf which daz­ pcll, cxpctivWo dliectnr ot the Glil inn. He was pronioled to ticket cliniRo of Ihe nliimni, or Miss Votn drs, Mr. Ernest Marzulb, Miss 1111- priflllohs bills first, hopes toflnl.sh through 6 . il a. in. Church wor- McCnrtliy of 21 fine Orclmrd Rd Knst Ilnvcn, Oiliet- lowns panlei- zles moital eyes. Scouts spoke on "ScoutlnR," Mis, A motion lo riM|ulii; cmployiw of ot wheio the administration was work on all spending bills ond get ship service, Church School, collector In 1020 upon lelurning Anniversary Sunday Houj-otit'os and Joseph Miuvltn al dur Svehson and Assistant Police Binnrord, lins resumes ..or siudlos patinR ate VValllnKrorri and Mndl- Is ofl hut pcrscvcittncc In dia. Call Jrthnson )iicaldGd nl llic busl- loyally iiatli ot everybody In Iho going lo "draw Iho lino on what them to the Senate by May 13. triini Army service and became a Knsl Haven Iiigh t'c.-.oiil. Chlet FolUi. grades 7 through High School and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. E-owden ill Ilowiird Semlnnry, West Biidgc- Min. The cnnlestnnis will piopaic noM setblon. Mn Frnncla Flood, a loyally oath caught the Hoard is and what Isn't subversive." He passenger conductor in 1925. In guise, House Speaker Jo.scph W. Mar­ nuiseiy for small children whose of S3 High SI., will celebrate their ami delivof a 10-12 inllliltc speceii Cnil Haven Coviiicll Picsldcnt, Raymond Stanlo Assigned ot Kducntlon conipleloly off guard felt that tills soil ot definition July, 1042, Melckle was appointed wntiM-. Mnss.,"nftt;r being lionic for • Homy Wlllard Austin tin Jr., (Mass.) and Majority parents are attending church ser­ golden wedding anniversary on on the eonstltiilinn dealing \vllii spoke on "Foundei's Day" Tho at lis logular scml-monlhly ' ses­ contained many Inherent dangers. hi-strucling conductor. In which the weekend. Miss McCnrthy Is a Help Your Heart To Ninth Infantry Div Leader Charles A. Ilalleek (Iml.) vice, 5 p. m.. Junior Pilgrim Fel­ Sunday with open house al Iholr • Jl*' «P«inliie in hnnd and power AniPilcanisni. An added fcnluic of tolltth fitndc motlicis, with Mis. sion last Friday. Only a few school emiiloyes were position ho was inslrumenlal In member ot Delln and tho Glee agree with the White House and lowship. 7 p. in.', Senior Pilgrim home. 'I'hey have lived In East Ha­ l«vn mower sharpening and repair,. the nrea tTontesf will bo n -l-B tnln- Welch In clmige, sei ved as Iins- Inioivlewcd, hut of those who com­ qualifying for service hundicils of 'I'lin motion, made by board Toft that budget balancing efforts Fellowship. 7:30 p. m., )foung ven tor tony-two years and Mr. Club. iile extempoianeous ,sppoch, the member ChaVjes Copelnnd anil sec­ mented ail Indicated they would ticket collcclois for tho New Ha­ tC9.S08, should have priority over tax cut­ Adult group. Chairman, pmgram Bowden is sexton of the Old Stone topic of which will ba,announced onded by Charles Slzemore, was OM\RK Ihe board and felt that all ven Railroad. Ivor's Engine & WE CAN HEIP YOU WITH Illlthlnnd ting. So does Chairman Leo E. and chaplain. Miss Jcanettc Hotch- Church. .shortly hefoi'o the contc.itant is lo their colleagues, would do likewise A native of New Ilnvcn •. is Last night tho IIlEhland .School pas.snd witliout a dissenting vote kiss; refreshments. Miss Joyce Alan Anderson On Dean's deliver Iho speech. The men win­ Oftrtland Approvcn Allen (R-rtll.) of ; the powerful Fusco—Tinari Mower Service If P T. A, inot In I ho school A and In a kind ot embarrassed si­ House Rules Cohimltlce, which Hale; recreation, William Hasse survived by his widow ii,,. two ner will then l)c clittred In tiio ,Tnmo» A. Onrlland,.Democratic Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fusco of List At Quinnipiac Building Nans! "Foundeis Day" pioiirnm was pie- lence nllcr a brief debate In virhlch channels legislation to the House .III. .sons, Robert ot Washington, D. C„ dl.stiict eonlesl.'-. '' town cholrman, was asked by the 143 Dodge Ave., announce the en- Jalcs . Service - Sharpening Alnn Anderson, the son of WM- Wo can supidy you with practical senlcilmbd Mis A M Chappcll ad- several moi7ihcr» expressed Ihelr floor for debate, Allen fiiiys he will Tuesday, 10 a. m.. Ever Ready East Haven News If Ihe loyalty and Russell of Drnntord; four sis­ gngemeni of Iholr daughter, Phyl­ & Repairs linm Anderson ot 27 Rowe St., was Imlldinu plans fur farm biillillngs and Hreised the gioup on 'StoulhiK" doubts over tho Value ot„»Uch an keep all tax. cutting legislation oath hiensuro hadqilglnated with­ group will meet for aewing In tho ters, Mrs. Custnve Food of East lis Theresa, to Robert A, TInarl, listed on the seml-nnniinl Dean's homes. And. of course, wc stock cv- Mrs. Kenneth Ucjgmnn piesldrd al oalh. Only tho votes of. Copeland bottled up at least until May 1. S|) oris Program I''or in the local Democratic porty."No, porlsh house. Hartford; Mrs. Percy Parsons, Mrs. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore SALTONSTALL PKWY list ot honor students at Quinni­ er.VlhIng .vou'il need to hlilid.,,liiiiibi'r. the nioetlng. Rorreshnienis «eie and Si7,i;mnrc wore audible In tho EASI HAVKN, CONN, ' sorvcil by the rouitb guide molluMs vote taking.. 1 can safely say that It did not That's where parliamentary pro­ Wodnccdoy, 11 a. m., Adult Bible Gilbert Brousso and Miss Florence Tlnorl of 62 Burr St. piac and Larson ColloRes last week. ICIemciilary Schools Iinrdwaie and other ninlerlnls. .See im originate,In tho party, hut I f^el class In the pastor's study with Mr. Anderson is a freshman, ma- before you build or rciiimlpl. with Mri, Thomas Coiso«is inom As finally recorded tho motion cedure comes In. '', that It Is a good thing," ho replied. Rev. James E. Waery, leader. Box Tel. HO 7-5078 .Ini'lnR In Business Adiiilnislrallon. mother. iwiuhed that "all school employ­ Because tax legislation Is privi­ Starts Next Monlh Other lenders In olthpr party lunch and fellowship hour noun to Tnllld es be required lo take a loyalty leged matter under House rules. A junior sports program for so\-- Meffert Lumber Go. were not questlcmcd on the 1 p. m. oalh." Ilowcvei', It was stated oMg- Reed's commlltco could send a bill 011 i'^ast. Haven elementary schoois ('(iiiljili'le Uuililiii)j; Miili'i'iiils Mis, Wnllni-C Pa/Ik, pieMdi'nT, mntlcr. Thursday, 6:30 p. m.. Junior liially liy Copelnnd as follows: straight to the floor for debate un­ WAVZ NEWS Hver.vllijiif- ill .\ir|iliiiH'. lliiut, Ciw will lu-gin the first week of March, piesldes at tlic Glove ,T Tutllc Choir rehearsal. 7:30 Senior Choir N. MAIN ST. BUANFORD "Wllhout casting any reflection on der an "open rule" or have It go iicroi'dlng to Coaeli l'"rank Crlsall, School PTA tonlRhl at 8. " I ho rehearsal. nmollonal Aspccl of ilu> ,S(.lHml iinyiiojiy in llie school system, i I hero via the Rules Commltloo un­ of tho High School, Child" Is the topic lo be dlMU^scd niakii a molion that wo require tt der a "closed rule." A "closed rule" Kach sciiool will be ropresentcd by tho KUeiit spcakci. Miss IXelInt' replied I hat "well, that wasn't my permits amendments only from liy a tvam ciiiislsiinii of not more a boaiilil'iil Kiuuilatcil Onawike, dliectni ot the nuisciy scliool system." members of the Ways and Means Archie T. Mcicklc, lliiiii l.'i liiiy.s. The buys will range YOU and A Coniniltlce. An "open rule" permits MODELS school ot Yale Unlvpislljs Child Mrs. W. Oren Parker, Imaril from Ihe flttii to liio srwentii grade amendments from any House mem­ Study Centci The Ihlid );ind<' chiilriunn, raised Ihe question ns Engines — Fuel — Dope - - Balsam in eaoii scliooi, and all will bu oli- ber on any phase of taxation, a Veterans Railroad niblhcis with Mis. A .1 Gaiilla li , lo wiicthcr Copeland meant to YOUR Klliie for try-out.s, ",' . PEARL procedure which the Ways and Wood — Parts will bo hoslosscs assisted by Mis Include the school board. Copelnnd Kacli school teniu will ho coarii- Means Committee shuns. U R FlellaR, MIS \VI/i)iiskl, Mis I'Vr. IIAVIMONK STANIO repled I hat "well, that wa.sn't my Man, Succumbs oil hy a lllenlilc^ 'pf H"-' K"sl Ha­ It l.s' likely that under an "opcii Wc have the full series of Revcll NECKLACE A, N, Mooll, Mis S A KliiiL and I'vl. Uaymond Slaliici, son iif Mr. inlenllon but I certainly have no CONGRESS ven lilnh bn.skclbaii team. Other rule" amendments would be offered Funeral services were iield yes­ RENAMES YALE Plastic Cars Mrs R. A. Vuilc and MIS. Fred .Slaniii, (if 2(i Kini- reason for opposing It.'' varsity nieinhers \Vill assist in of- lo let the 11 pi;r cent personal in­ terday at 11 ,n. 111. tor Archie I.aiirt'l lieriy Ave., Kasl Ilnvcn. lias been ticiatlnu tho Kamcji which will take aizemore then moved to amend (Kdlloi's Nolo: Tills column, come lax increase ond the excess Melckle ot 817 North High SI. assigned In Conijiany F, Gdlh In­ pliico ill the lilgh.-Schuol gym on FREE!! MIS, QUI aid Cullen, will piesldi' Iho original motion to Include the profits lax expire together on De­ Mr_ Melckle, who was a retired Had same name too long, he says. fantry Ueglnieiil of liio Ninth In­ which emanates from the Wash­ TOYS and GAMES Mnndn.vs nnd ,ThUt'sda.v. A regular at the morllau of Lam el Schoid school board oath so that hoard cember 31, which would require a Instructing conductor tor the >tew fantry Division at Fort DIx, N. .1. ing offices of the Chamber of Com­ sciu'dule will hVplnycd, at llle con­ with you,, puroliaso of ii mooting (onlijhl Pasi Picsldnni, inombors would be Included. How­ six-month extension of the excess Haven Railroad, died Sunday at for si.xteen weeks ot basic tniiniiig. merce, Is sponsored by the local the U. S. Veterans' Hospital at A Complete Line of Party Goods clusion of wthlcli llic four lop box ol'3 pai,. of Mojutl or Mrs. Edwnitl KionliciR will pii- ever, Ills motion was drowned in profits tax. Pvt. Stanlo, who attended the liicnr Chamber. Opinions expressed are Newlnglon afler a . long Illness. teams will coiiipulc In a lournn- B ' ,' ' mcnibors of council .serving on the munism or any totalitarian ideol­ proval ot H. R. 1, He also wants Old Stone Church Tune To The Sta­ 11:45 A.M. An all-oul effort will lie martu to 1340 ON THE DIAL .sessions and opposed pulling the The boai'd hcard^ a report by general committeo are; stage man­ ogy, resented being called upon for the excess profits tax on business Friday, 7:30 p. m., Dcsfsert meet­ Slated Here Mar. 10 ' ninko this, year's: lii'osontallon a seventh grades back tnio the gram­ member Lelis stating tii'iii elolbes "THE, L^Dies ST0R,f,6PC0UR,TESV AND VAl,til " to ond June'30, as scheduled, and ing In new'" church parlor tor .George, Miichnlcu, cliiilrmaivlor show of 'showH ,ln an altcmpi to .--tf-1 '^ • .-'' ager, llobeit Hetfernan;,directors, such a pledge. "As I see It," ho tion _That Brings i>'^^-!'V' mar schools in order lo eliminatp baskets and racks had been, rer Kdwanl Clifford and ,Iamcs Sulli­ sold, "a "'pledge Is what you take 1 says ho will not consider any ex­ church sectors 21 through 25. Ilos- •tho; American" icRlon "Oratorical iionor Mr. Mayo. Therefore, il is Td. Hobart 7-59VB • 301 MAIN St.. East Haven.Con the need for double sessions in Iho covered from storage and erected van; chorus, Ollle Germino; pub- it you arc atfilcled with some tension ot that tax. toss, deaconess Mrs. Bertcl Kloc- You All The Top Contest,, announces- tliat Hie area requesled Hint aiunini give special High Scliool. in tlie locker room of ^'llie men's consideration when asked to per- licUy, Vincent Cusano .Tr. di.soaao like alcoholism." "I don't 1 Other Republican leader^ in Con kars; host, deacon Joseph Nltti; ot-atorlcal contest will bo held 'in feel that the situation In a town I gross have dltleronl Ideas, howevor. 1 sector loadera. No. 21, Mrs. Bertol Shows In Radio "1 don't think we should put gym. Lelis reported thnt.tlie bask­ where everybody knows; everybody I Sonotb Majority Loader Robert A. I Klookai's; No. 22,, Mrs. LeRoy the seventh grades hacit to make ets had been removed' to permit Library Closed Monday, QISO warrants^ such o^lbdgc," he Toft (Ohio) agrees wltl» President chldsoy;, No. ' 23, Mrs. George Daily- an overcrowded condition worse," use' of the cage for drying uni­ he .said. Copeland .said he didn't l'f:l sold. Eisenhower thai efforts to balance Wholan; No. ,24, Mrs. Walter forms but liiat an unused shower Book Sale Sat. FebJ 1^8 think the children In tho Momnii- Several other employes expressed llio budget should precede those to Wyllle;, No. ,25, Mrs. Ernest An-' room was being converted for that The Hngaman Memorial LIhrnry Dial Davo Garroway 2:30 P. M. Suin .school-should be put on any puzzlement over the board's In­ cut taxes. thonis Sr. The leader will be the purpose. ' , ' will ho closed.on Monday lit ac­ Youngslerj thrive on simple foods, simple training. more double sessions than tiiey tent, "What's the'purpose x>f It?"-, Tnlt also bpUeves the excess Rev. James E. Waory. The board mcniber .noted that the cordance with tho holiday granted Jano Piolten's Siiow 2:15 P. M. ON THE For tlieir first lessons in thrift, the slotted home-bai3c already have. qne asked."! think Ihoy ought to profits tox should be extended, at Saturday, 12;45 p. m., Pastor's new bleachers were still unpacked town employes because ot Wnah- is a perfect depository. Lelis broke in to say ."You're toll us whot It's all about," ho said. least to tho ond of this year. Communicants Class In the study. Melody Matinee DIAL in the gym and! recommended thai ington's birthday on Sunday. 3 to 5 P. M. talking about double, sessions and Anothor employe said that o The budget for the 1954 fiscal Preparation of young people for the school board write Id the New A .sale of books being dlsoprdod But when thej^ grow up, they want the secutity, conven­ douiile cla.sses in Momauguln, but loyally oath was harnilesa enough, year, beginning July 1, which the church membership. 7:30 p. m., New Haven's Outlet For NBC •York firm wiio had sold the bleach­ by the library will toko plnco at ience and flexibility of the most modern banl:ing serv­ there are classes up in Highland since all loyal per.sons have noth­ the old. Indicates a deficit of nearly "Hillbilly Hoc Down" donee In the ers directing Ihbm either to put up' Ihe Hngaman Library on 'Satur- ices: in savings, regular or peisonalijcd checking-ac­ tlial have been tripled.'' ing to lose directly by signing it. the old, ndlcates a deficit of nearly gym sponsored by the "Voung New 's First Complete Broadcasting Service the seats Inimedialely or remove dny nKiining.'Feb, 28 from 10 a. m. counts, banking-by-mail; in mortgage or personal ot "I don'l Ihlnk we ought lo spe­ , However, he felt ot was n question $in billion. The Eisenhower Admin- Adult Group. Young people In the them. He Said tiioy had made a iinlil noon. business loans; in loans to finance auto- or equipment- cify any school when we talk about vei'bnl agreement' to Ipstuil tho ... all the members of the purchase 0! home modernization ot medical or dental these problems," said Letis. "Why bleachers within 48 days of doilv- bills; in broad trust functions; in travelers checks, don't wo talk about Easl Haven • ery. (On Tuesday Ihis week, com- The letters of credit, savings bonds, safe deposit, vault as a whole?", he asked. Copeland [lany servicemen began the instul- storage, etc. insisted he was talking nimut ail lalion of th6 folding .seats.) • ^elcomo [Wagon THIS WEEK ON RADIO AND TELEVISION of the Town's schools. The board voted rs ^pny. $25 to New Haven Automotive Dealers Association Hostess Sucl) a complete service in banking is offered here, with Supt. William E. Gillis asked the help defray: the,.expenses of Rob­ Such convenience and continuity as to merit lifetime lioard what plan 11 would approve ert Green,- Laurel School,principal, SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY jyill Knocic on Your Door mmAY use — and from generation to generation! for do^l)lo sessions in the school who. is attending a ; conference of reminding' il thai Principal Carl cordially invite YOU and VOUR FAMILY to with Giftt & Grootinji KADIO TELBVIWON RADIO TELEVISION RADIO XELBVI8ION RADIO TELEVISION KADIO TELEVISIOHi RADIO TELEVISION the American Associttlioii of School KADIO TELEVISION Garvin should have been notified WNIIO tSIO k WNIIO-T WNIIO 1810 k WNIIO-TV WNIIO 1810 k WNIIO-TV WNIIO 1310 k WNHO-TV WNIIO WNUO-TV "WNHO IStO k WNUO-TV Suporintciidents in Atlantic City, Irom Friendly Busmen WNIIO mo k WNIIO-TV THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK by tho end of January in order to together wllii Supi. Gillis. Waki Up And Smile {>^e!ghbori and Your "TODAY" *llll "TODAY" »llh Ncwi. "TODAY" wllh Ntwt "TODAY" wltJi Ntws: Sid Jaffe Show "TODAY" wild OF NEW HAVEN plan for ne.xt year. Appoint Four I'euciicrH iif«> Yawn Club Davi Gairoway Willi llevn Yawn Club Dive GarroMiy Sid Jarfi Sliow Havi Garroway Sid Jarre SliDW Da» GarroMy DKI Ciiioaiy 155 CHURCH STREET (Next to tht Pott Qffici) Letis loid Glliis Ihnt delays in Appointment, of four new teach­ Givio and Sooial Yaan Cluk 7 Wasliington's Birthday 7 . VlUor t-lndlalir Kcwi tb7WHITNBY AVENUE obtaining estimated enrolimenl fig­ ers was voted- by, the board, but Ntwi World Ntwi Roundup World Newt Roundup Ntwt, Churth Miiilc World Newt Roundup "Album Shop'* World Newt Roundup ^imbtr Ft^tml Dtltoiil Inturancr Cofporittlon ures had prevented the committees announcemcht. of tl'D 'nanies of Walfii** Leaden Wotlif Hi^ Roundup B»ahr«*t with StKM- , Drpikrast wllh Stare Council of Churchm Yawn Club Yawn Club Breakfast wUh Stan Mtmbtr Ftdtral Rtitn't Syitim from deciding and thai tiie de­ the appAlntees! was, withheld pend­ Bf«ia»il> 12 Lunchion Club S»"rti lor Tom. Search (or Tom. - - GRAND PRIZE -- prizes and gifts, Luiicllcon Club Starch' Fw. TomorrM Whal'i Cooking Electric Show Italian Cookery Nancy's Kitchen WAVZ 12 Nancy'iKlltlitn Charlit Anltll raiffi and llomi lUuf Youth WanU To Know Youth Wanl To Kno Music lor Cveryoni •f, 'Mutlc Pnr Eicryoni lUllan Cookiry N>ncy't Kitchen f . EAST HAVEN'S 1953 7 Day Trip For 2 To Glamorous... if A thrilling and enjoyable Music/or Everyoni Musk 'or E«ryoM Polka Parade Program Schedule 6ary Moon Army Dand Ramul ol thi Jungli Unlririlty of Ckltago Ftontlen ot Faith Newt~G. HicU. Gary Moon Newt—G. Illcki Gary Moori News—G. HIcki Gary Moon QH" Uoori Newt—Q..Hick* TIME has boon pWnned for , Newt—G. Hichi Polka Para'le T. fl. A. , Round Tabli ' Polka Paradi Polka Parade Polk« parade Film Shortt ftolka Parade . . The Catholic Houri Blthop Sheen you by all member dealers. : 1260 On Your Dial Lliten Ladici Doubla Or Nothing Marine Band Wettern Theater Litten Ladlei Doubla^ Or Nothing Listen Ladiu Wheel ol Fortune • Liilerf Ladles Double Or Nothing Buying & Service .Directory ,. Wheel ot Fortuni Jane Dlckent Jane Dlckent Listen Lndlet Jane Dickens ., Concert At Thi Capital Nami'i thi Sami Jant Dlckent Moiiilay Throuuli Siituriltty Jane Oicktnt ^MJin-'i inhi "Dial Dave Garroway" Guiding Light Symphonic Adventurt.- 2 "Dial Cave Garroway" Guiding Ueht "Dial Dave Garroway** Guiding Light Andre. Kostelanetz Guiding Light KukIa Fran Newt Kukta Fran Newt Kukia Fran Newi Kukia Fran News BERMUDA •k Register 'with the dealers i:30 Hull E Llo.vrt Sliiiw 2 "Dial Da« Garroway" Guldlnn Light «5L1EL Kukia Fran . ' Newt Elmo Ropef This II Your Llfi 6:55 WW'/. Ni-.\v» Melody Matlnia Big Payoll Wliat'i The Scort Melody Mattnii Big Paypir Melody Matinee Big Payolf Newt: Melody Matinee Big Payoll listed below. Malady Mat: iia Oil Payoll InttrmeJto Central Cleaners Dyers Stay At The Beautiful, Luxurious IIMIII Bull IC I.loyil Sltow Wtlconi Traiiliii Diilgnid for llilinino Induttry On Paradi Bob Conildlni Stu Erwin Welcome Tavcli Wiicone Traveliir Barker Trucking Co. ic You may win tho marvel­ Wtlcome Traiiliri ' T. D. A. 3 Critlci At Uraa Home of Distinctive Cleaning 0:55 Nows 3 Welcome Traveller Local and Long Distance The Chaie Kukia,,Fran, Ollll CASTLE HARBOUR HOTEL ous Berm'uda Trip. 7:00 Hob K. Lloytl Show Newi, String Toyl Kail Snltll Treasury ol Muilc Victory at Sea We Operate Our Ovni Plant 1:05 News Nixii Smuu 10 « Kail smith Moving, Crating, Storage Robert Ambmiltr I Married Joan 4 Jaion & Gold Fleece Omnlbui 4-Hour Cleaning Ser-vice 5 Ure Ave. East Haven 8:00 Boll K. Llnytl Show .-: Bob K. Uoyil ;Slinw Hnv. Houie Party Tootsle llliipodronii Meet The Start Houit Pariv Ho-ite Parly Meet T^c Start XiZ Main St . riioiie HO 7-007 7-1879 F. A. Barker 110 7-0001 Hoaia Par'y Counter S|iy VISIT ANY... VISIT ALL.... OF THESE MEMBER DEALERS 11:65 Now.H Home Patty Lorenzo Jones Howdy Ooody Author Soeakl Hopatong Catsldy 5 Lorinzo Jonii Howdy Doody Lo I'K. , .net Howdy Ooody Howdy Ooody Lorcnto Jonet Howdy Ooody Ooctor'i Wilt Public Allairt Doctor'i Will Doctor t Wile Augie's Auto Repair 10:00 Tiny Murltlc'N Muloily 5 Doctor'! Wlla GKOEGE A, SISSON Mirror EVENING PROGRAMS EVENING PROQRAAIS EVENINa PHOGRAMS EVENING PROGRAMS EVENING PROGRAMS EVENING PROGRAMS EVENING PKOGHAMS THE SENSATIONALLY NEW... General Repairing Biever Motor Car Co. Eliason Motors, Inc. McLay Motors lOiSO Your NiilRhborliood I'lmr- Insurance College Round Tabit Newt Lone Ranger N»ws Summar*' You" Are There N»wt What One Perion Newt School Dayt Newt B'nal Brilh • 138' Whalley Avenue 141 Grand Avenue ' Ntwi The Three Sum Tires — Batteries 1061 Dixwell Avenue, Hamdcn iniiuy News World We Un In Hill Stern Earl Goodwin BUI Stern Tav Hints BUI Stem Bill Stern Variety Club Bill Stern Variety.Club NBC Sympnony You Asked lor It Sammy Kaya Charles Laugh ton Local Spti.: B. Croshi Sporttcope Fire — Bonds 10:55 NOWB Local Sotl.; B. Cniby Soorticope - 6 Waller Wlitcncit Local Sots.: 8. CroshSporttcopc Local Sptt.; D. Crosby Snorticope AAA SERVICE AAA Local Sotl.! B. Cioih) Sportscon Supper Serinade ' World Newt Today Supper Serenadi Wyld Niwt Today Wortd Newi Today Supper Party News Brown & Thoinas Auto Co. Gillmor Motor Co., Inc. New Haven Buick Co', '^~' 11:00 Gobr:(0 Lo/otto 111 Tliu 6 Newt Automobile Casualty 1. Red Skilton Phone IIO 7-5218 430 Main St, 264 Whalley Avenue Newt, Kalttnbom Sidewalk Intcnrlewt N 0 C^ Symphony Danoerout Atslgn't Niwf. Kallinbora Answer Me This News Jeweter't Showcase Newt, Kaltenbom Caivacade of America 21 Chidsey Ave; Bast llavca 320 Whalley Avenue • 220 WhalleyAve. Tiuio lull TV Talent Huctt Star Richard llarkness Red Cross- ' Legitiatort Private i«.fetary Here'i to ViU Bsb Crosby 11:65 News Serenade In Rlui Morgan dcatly Thou Two Stan Rcitiw Ken Murray 7 Morgan Beatty Thote Two Morgan Beatty tiantra Time Morgan Bcstt^ Conn. Spotlight Coole'y Chevrolet Co. Packard Sales & Service A.t(GriioDii Mofflan Beatty Sportsmen Club Encort Theater Camel NiwsCarivan Encore Theater Camtl Newt Caravan Encori Camel Newt Cora** Encore Theater Camel Rews Oaranal G-imbel Motors, Inc. 7 Encore Theatre Uanel Newt oaraun 350 George Street George LeZotte's Money All Star Rtvliw Phil Hanli Toast ol the Town 158 Wballey Avenue 143 Whalley Avenue I'^lOO All Star Parade Uama^ Bob and Ray The Railroad Hour Lux Video Theater College Roundtable School Days Arthur Godfrey HUDSON LINDEN Roy Rogers Groucho Marx For Music Theater Gulli Open For Business Name That Tuna Llle of Rtlcy Rutbcn & ReubiD 6 iyn Murray Voice ol FIrettoni Red Skelton Andre Kosteland Famed Hornet Super Wasp Jet Efland lyfotors, inc. Lenahan & Clare, Inc. Scanlon & Pagnam 1'J!66 News * 8 Fathir Knowi Bnt Chance ol s Ulitlnr CONVALESCENT 682 Howard, A-venue 1:00 OeorKO I-e/iOtto In Tlie TV Plajrhouit in Our Newly 400 Crown Street 1915 Dixwell Avenue, Haniidon Best Pjayi Thi Big Story Ut. Night Danci Party Show Q| Showi TelephMt Hour I Low. Lucy PraudljiVVe Hall City Hospital You Del Your Lilt SEE THEM NOW AT Xiiiie Inn Les Bown Burnt & Allen SIrlkeJt Rich Hy Gardner Calling HOSPITAL Ekblade OldsmolDile Inc. Lorello Motors 1:65 News •• I gtudy Cinava Thi Atdrlch Family 9 Sleafflboit Jamboree Red Bulloni Fibber McGee Suspense Ilg titory Plalnclathttnian Remodeied Store! Whalley Motors, Inc. Eddie Caniur Anom *n Andy Mrs. Kay Anstaisio, Dir. 2505 Whitney Avenue, Hamdcn Tiny Mnrltle's Jiiinbureo 9 'S 638 Campbell Ave., West Haven 105 Goffe street '.!:00 Thi Doctor ' WE REPAIR ALL SHOES! Caliacadi ol Stortl iaU Night Danit Party Studio Om Two For Thi Monty , Two for. the Money Goldtn Fleece ^ Registered Nurses in 3:00 Tiny Miirklo's Bop *ii' l*u|i Hirtlii_Klnl Hy Guinir . , .. Blue Ribbon Bouti Wordi lit Tl» NIlM PoruM of Thi Air Ozzli « Hirrltt Attendance Day and Night] New Haven Lincoln-Mercury Sales & Service George Jamboree Radio City Pieiltwl Yotir Hit Pind« 10 Nc«n CItliin VIcwl thi NlwlEmbaiiy CItllen Vle«i tJii Nein " B. Wuestefeld Company, Whihili-Mihiiiin Ntwt Sgtnnao ' CENTRAL SHOE Jane PItkini Pro and Con Giiatiit Flihli flnt Wlglitir On llie line Whitney Ridge Motors 84 Whalley Avenue 3:65 WAVZ News 10 Judy Cinova Musical Album Dangeroui Anlgnment Sport Spot Carefully Prepared Meals 250 Whalley Avenue lltws: Clllton UtiQ Sunday N>« Spiilil 4:00 Tiny Mnrklo Kiwi . ^ Mtn Agatntt Clmi Niws Wrmtllns - News DougUi Fallbanks Newt Racket Squad Ne»i Cimidy Hour and Diets NeWi Foriign^ ln^Tl|Ul Wordi In Th» Nioht " FIrttldi Thtitir REBUILDER 4:5S News Sacrid Hevt Prograni Mitt Yout At TtirPolllThli II Thi Llll Sacrid Hlirt Prognm Sacred Heart Prognm Hickman Sacred Heart Program " 2015 WHITNEY AVENUE HAMDEN Morgrn Beatty Fatorite Story "Hollywood PallatHun Surprlsi Strcnadt Talei ot TnniQrrow Ray Anlliony Big Picture Phone HO 7-5828 Still 0) the NIsht Robert KontBDmity Marine Corps 11 Mldnlghl Niwi, Sim OIINm: am OH Woodie Herman " ' 279 Main St., East Haven r>:oo Tiny Miirlilo 11 Myttcry: Ntni iifcliFttra" Ntwt SlQD OM Mwi; Miuit NKII Midnight Ne»l, Sign OIIKiaiu Sign Oil MiniiigCi Ken. Sign DimiM; Sim OH 'A WONDERFUL WAY TO SPEND A DAY" Newi Uldolvhl Niwt, Stan OK^on 0(1 Tel. AT 8-1592 i83 Main St. East Haven 0:80 Sign Ott MUnUM Ntwt. SiBti OltSlsn OM: Tel. CH 8-1701

,?•• •WSJ-SSJif;*."-

EAST IIA^'EN NEWS EAST HAIT.N- NEWS 1^2803 for the basic pWnn to help operate a TliiiriwlA.v, Feb. 10, lOSl) Fnge i Timrsclny, I'l'ii. Ill, lOflS I'liqi- K^jv. i-'.^^wiyii4i?,i'A^'Jffe>l<'^ '•^t^ywf^^P drtlf ^at Hanen Nwi million doUiir cor^oratibaJ Vet, for so long, fOXON NEWS 'Friends' Present PtlttMSIIRM EVERV TIimSUAT now, a 'penny-wise, pound .foolish' approach hy Mlldrwl I^tlii Second Fiddle Tunes «V lius prcvcutcti the ob,taiiiing.of,plans which arc T«l. HO 7-1805 llnvc A Sent'.' "Bi,i alert at 't2nd Street, girllc," Spanish - Italian Lcjj^al "Wc went iooKlng for SIRO.S of There Is no place where gal­ he admonished, "that's where I gel Free Press IWfflSS ]P^g®MB55iTra®SJf3,' csHcntinl to tlicintcUigcnlj, coii4uclauce Of .town CLASSIFIED spring la.sl wccli nnd allhough We Town lantry Is present or laciiing more off." INCORrORATWl goverutncut iii inceting .cOliimUhlty needs., ,, DISTRICT OF HUANl-'unn. ys. didn't sec llio proverbial Kobln, wc often than in crowded vehicles, and A Seeing Eye dog ond his mas­ Program Of Music Aon Dlxwell Aveniit, Ilamden, Conn. ' Again, it is Mr. Mi|l«r;'«;ivi8e .oiianscl not rROBATli COUUT, Jiimlni->- ;!,-l. liKw, many Indldnllons" that that there are even occasions where Is ter boarded a crowded street car, "Spanish and Italian Influences .TONATI!AN CZAR, EDITOR 1053. oiiri'iucr (IF r.n.\NFoi;i-i. ss, HOME IMI>1!OVEMI-:N'I-S to mind the boat oi| planning sewerage taeil- season is well on Its way. The Ls hard to toll whether the .situa­ and ho led his master to the only In Music" was the theme of tho i'>i;n;inr"r OF ni!ANi--oi;n. ss John Zyrk, AilvertlnlnK MftnH^er chlekadcp who has n'ljifferent song Estate' of CONKSTANCE T. l'l;OBATK C(1UU-i'. l-'elimary 'J. AT ONC1-: OpeiiinKS for mill TUIE8 U—8S Publications program of tho "Friends of Music" Topics iticN in eorijunctioii with tNew Haven in 'order tion is-good o» bad. Like Ihc De­ available space on the scat run­ I-m'l \'ln-: COliiri'. Feln-uai-y 11) ,Mn, AJvin T)iomp«>n, As«oci»U) Editor ' for tail, winter and spring has, de­ nir>r,.- lUiotinK Sidini; Gutter,'; Cnrpciitry hands, exiierieiiee prefei-red, on to pr«ve)itii;xpcnsivcidupH\oatioii'in t|ic futiirh. troit woman who said that chlval- ning the length of the car. »t was at Iheir rccfnt meeting held at the MYERS, lalo of Dranfoid, In said cided; to o|:c«sionnlly add his spring liegaman Memorial Library. Mar­ EMa'lo iif JOHN F, .^Vl:i1A. Into i-adini. liaiid. and talile saws. Kasl Hnvon'mny not'bcJt'dudy at fho'iAoiaciit,' xy' Is not dead, as generally report­ too small to accommodate even a Don't forget your contribution District, dcccnscil. K-v- lOlIN ,1. 111--.V1,1N. lale • . THE KAST HAVr.N NKWS Whlsiie to the wlntar doe, dee, dec. ian Monro conducted the business nf iiniiUunl. in said Dislriet, ile- Guaranteed WoiUniansliip Sleaiiy work, 4'.Jii,. hours per week, REAL TIllE BARGAINS TO SAVE CLASSIFIED RATES- ed. Limping from a .sore log which child, but the dog kept pushing lo the Heart Fund. Di'. Rocco Tho Court ol rrobnte fur the of I,. >.. . • in .said District, de­ »,*.M«I^ Street. IVil. UO 7-a»ll Box m KMI Iby«n tlniiiieiully '.^iHiaUlng,'to' i')islull ' kiyfcii),', but' - The forsylhia which has had a meeting. (;e;i.seii. lloiierts Indu.slrles, Inc., N. Main YOU MONEY! .•the received I'n a'fall while rufi- the passengers on each side furth­ Bove, Bradley St., is chairman of District of Brimford, h.itii liiiiitoii ceased hkrd tlMe '.staying dormant this Tlie CiHirl of Pruhate fur (lie STA-RITE ROOFING CO. St., Brnnford. IIU S-1071, (hc'f'c'i.'ii no ddiiiiil 'that a|ndpil.l'o^ thctiiwill ning for a bus on a slippery street, er apart with his nose. Every other The following program was pre­ Ea.sl Haven area. 'I'ho &.U1 of I'l-fiiuile for tlie 25 oTS 3 PAPERS 75c ' AOVERTISINO RATES ON APPIJtOATION nnd allowed six monllis from tlio WHITE WALLS cbnib. sbMi'cday riot too faf en the tutilrc. Again, mild winter is so fully budded that sliu: gratefully' staled, "The men passenger'' squcejcd against his sented: Commentary on theme of ft ft ft ft ft Disli-lel of Unmturd, liatli llnill.'M nisiriet. ot iJraiitord, liatli limited ' BuBlnn* Telnplinno ATu'>(«r t-lDSl 11 tnkcs'only a short forcing period dale lioroof, for tlie I'roditurs of and allowed six nmntlis from the HO 7-1808 the cost^ of such an iinportiiiit plan is noiiiinal stebpcd over me'Instead of on tnc neighbor. When there was room program by Lillian Lanson, piano Our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. • and allowed six niontiis from the \VANTED—EXPERIENCED slen- Display Classified Advertising Indoors to lirlng it Into full bloom. .said estate to c.\hll)lt tliolr clniiiis date liei-eof, for llie creditors uf Sclbcrling Sato-Alrc. Tho world's while they climbed onto the-buS." enough for two persons, tho dog duet, "Spanish Dance" (Moskow- Bart Ilicliards, formerly of Forbes dale hereof, for llic creditors of ographcr. General office duties BUBSORIPHON: $2.M pr>r ye»r, p<>]«bla In mdttnm in coniparisqii witli its -valujc fo'r future actipfi. for sotlicnicnl. Tliose who neglect This Is Glib of the plants that has signalled his mn.stcr to be scaled. ski), Dorothy Evans and Lillian Place, who arc now In their new said e.state lo cxhibi*, Ihelrelniins said estate to cxliiblt tlielr claims A. E. R. TELEVISION Antennae In small, proRrbssive woodworking safest lire. (180) level prcnUum blossoms bctoi'c leaves.' In some A man who had been waiting Lar.son; piono .solo, "Meditation" to present their ncrouiils prtiperly for seitlt?nieiil. 'i'hnse wiio iiegleol $1.00 per inch A lo\y« plan is a study Uo determine wliat Me then promptly climbed into the liome on Sidney St. fnr settlement. Tlioso who ncgleel Instnllallnn. Television repair, nil plant located In Brnnford. Flvo quality tires. ' Entered M MCond-rl«wi mutftir i%t Iho Post OinM spots of the garden, the dafforlls attested, within said lime, will be lo present'tlieir accounts jiropi-^rly n comiiiunily has in the waj' of both artificial fifteen minutes on a Chicago street remaining space beside his master, (Contc), Helen Nygdrd; vocal duet, ft ft ft * ft' ' lo present tlu-ii- accounts properly nmkcs. Ail workmnnshlp gunrnn- day week. Call for appointment, At Now Ilnvcn, Oonnrctlcut arc two biches high. The flowering debarred a recovery. All iicrsons attesled. v.-itliln said time, will l-io All Classified Ads appear in finally got a cab, but'Jusl as It and relaxed with his head on the "Ciellto Undo" (Fernandez), "Ser­ Happy birthday to Mai TIcrney alu-stod, within said time, will be lecd. ( day service. Brnnlord, Roberts Industries, Inc., Tel, HU- and natural fauilities and rciiourcos, and to out­ quince Is pink < with buds. And all indebted to said Estate are re­ debarred a recovery. All persons Sfeo List Price dalo Prlco drew up to the curb a befurred blind man's knee, much to the a- enade" (Orlgo), Margaret Tucker of the Illgli School faculty. He dehnn-ed, a recovery. All persons End Haven, Ilamden. Storm 8-1671. line, what, the, coinmunity Would like and how up and down the brook the aplce quested to malic Inimetliale pay- Indebted to said Estate arc rc- • THE EAST HAVEN NEWS dowager waddled up nnd triumph­ mu.scment of everyone. and Ituby Munson with Hlldur will celebrate Monday. Happy Indebted to said Estate are re­ dnmngcd nntennaes. Special bushcsarc restraining their yellow ment to quosted to m:ike ininiediato pny- 710-lB 56.80 22.50 it can get what it ivould likc^ •.' antly climbed In. The gentleman, A girl from the South, who had Svenson, accompanist. birthday, also to Pete Lucas, our quested to nuikc Immediate pny- rates. Call HU 8-9541. WE ARE CRITICIZED buds, too, Tlie brook Itself Is green iiioiit to 700-15 63.20 24,05 • THE HAMDEN CHRONICLE •,'Kasti Haven h(ii)'many phoblcnis whicliipia- maintaining a" cold calm, nskcd the been In New York only two days, Piano solo, "Cliaconno" (Du- smiling photographer who cele­ ilnri-y E. Myevs nient to WOMAN PREFERABLV L1V1NI3 TliiH I'llitor wiiH taken to task rceenlly liy with, cultivated watercress and driver, "Did yoa come to the curb rand) hy .losephine Long; piano Anna A. Telie In Ilamden for general office 800-15 08.30 27.95 gUe it like a swarm of.hbi'iie^s. A gcncrill phin was experiencing her fir.?t en­ brated Tuesday. K,\eciilor lloienc n. Derliii • THE BRANFORD REVIEW water forgetmcnols. Further In the Adnilnislrntrix TRY OUR SPECIAL nibblsh re­ KCVcral mcmboi's of tlie FVmrd ol; Kiluealiou on' my signal7" "I certainly did," counter with the late afternoon duet, "" ?ews f s , Tlie cab rolled away, and after accompanist. - ' 1053. here, mister, I've been trying for Dodge Ave, Icrardl was one of PISTRIC'I' Oi-' liHANI-'OHn. I.O.ST AND rOUNIJ FRENETTE'S LAWN MOWER 070-lS 27,00 14.95 and ask for an Ad Taker in' its effortii to bhtalii ii toVyii'iiibip and seWer circulated, We'll • probably bo knee ojrcling titc Ijlock three; times. It Piano solo, "Malogucna" (A|- Eslnle of FRUD Gl-;OROE n/k/.-i GlRl.l'O HELP nut In sninll clean I'ho Newa calls them as it.'j, reporters HOC fitleen minutes to get Into one of liie 11 froshmnn students who I'UOIIATI-: COUR'l', KelM-uaiy IC. Shop, 270-1 Dlxwell Ave. II 11 cuts siirVey'So nc'cibssary^ to tlic\ JJlpinauguiti 'iii;o- deoit In- Spow'With all slqpa cbni=. stbp'p'ed where thc'Bchtlema-n was bcniz) by Lillian Larson; vocal FREDERICK GI50RG1-;, kite of Ing csUiblishmenl. Apply in per­ thpsc trains and it's almost six were honored. in5.->. I.OS1' 1',-l.ssliook No, .7i5G. If grass, wc sell nnd service It. Tel. them. An crrqi' in obsei-vnliou op' incom­ picieiy'covered. Ncvertholbss, It's wnltlng.'Tho doNvagcr bpunccd out .solo, "Caro MIo" (Glordani), "Noo- Brnnford, In .'snid Dislriet, ileeuiiKcd. son a> llnmdeli Cleaners, 2968 BLACK WALLS .lec'l shOhUI not bii byt'i'lbokc(J, '.Without tiieir o'clock and we've got company . ft ft « * * i-;>,iate of uiJi:ioi,i'ii ii.'^ja. in touiul return lo Branford SavhiRs Cll 8-5214. BOATS, FISIUNa EQUIP. H-B plete ob-scrvntioii niny result iii. ft nqws story nlcc'lb'knbw, even though'we rtiay lb a rage; the gentlqnian- gallantly coming for dinner so of course I've polltnn Nights" (Zamecnlk), Mar­ Tho A(imlnistratri.\ hiivlilK nuido Dixwoll Ave., or call Cll 8-0420. cim Premium Silent Vacuum tirginif'ilic plans niiglit have bcljn a liUlc^slbw- Enjoying a two week.s' cruise to Klltl dislrlet. ileei>a,-.eil. Da'lli. thkt is not in accovdaneu with ujl the (acls, haic'sohic bad • wealhcr yet, that doffed his hat, c'nter'the Cab, and got to cook biscuits, and the com­ garet Waery with Marian Munro, .application for an nnier nutlioriz- Cup 180 Level FIlEE'/iEU StirrUES II—(11 Cr'in cbnjjng albiig.^ ' , I , , . : the West liidlcs are First Select­ The Adiniiiistrator havini; eNlui>- spring hii's every'intciiiloh of coal­ drove away. - •' ' pany,will bo there at 6:30, so, hon­ accompanist; piano solo, "Sogul- man and Mrs. Frank A. Barker. Ing and ominnvorinj; her tojiell uml i'lAtMISING REPAIRS and re- ATTENTION FISHERMEN Let It be Kiiid here thiit there is never any eoit- ited ills adniinislrali,,n - act-oiinl 152.011 HOURLY POSSIBLE, doing ing back "again this year. :. No question about the protective est, you've got to do something o- dillas", (Albcnlz), Marian Munro; ft • • 4 * convey eertain real estate lictonu- l,O.ST--ConnerHoiit SaviiiKs Bank plarenients of all kinds. Call,ST Size Llsl Price Sale Prlco scjdus ttttcmpt 16 print misleading inforinntlon. Willi said estate tci lliis Couil lor assembly work at lioiiic, easy, spirit here. A young lady took a bout It." vocal trio, I'Clriblrlbln" (Pesto- • ' . Ing to said esliil'e, as iwr ,-i|i|i|l('a- ho(,li, Sin-iiiK Glen Blanch, No, 7-is;is. , 10.05 Gone Edwards Custom Built 8-Fool KORDITE FREEZE PAPER. , SECOND THOUGHT'S ON Convalescing from, grippe are allowaiu'e. it is clean, handwork. Wo furnish 710-15 42.75 " poiilile .Sosijioii I'lan.s Hang Fii'e As School Sawl signs of last spring, too. Sev­ taxi,home latcCohe night. Check­ I'i'he astonished guard turned and lozza), "Santa Lucia (Ncopolitnn tlon on file more fiiily npjjc.-i!-;!, il is -IT'l. i'aynieiil stii;)|»eil. Return One Piece, Fiber Glass Salt Water Crown containers. Frecmr food Meg Walker and Ruth Smith, both OHriI-:Hi-:Ti Thai ihe -.'llli cl,-.,v cverytliinK. For details write 760-15 (spec) 46.65 13.05 C9mtliit't(!B!)Wait'' said n hcadliiio in the Ne\vK eral baseballs 'wltlr their scBms ing into her handbag she was hor­ addres.5cd the packed mob waiting Boat Song), Lillian. Larson, Doro­ ORDERED—Thill siiid npplic:!- I;i h.-ia!:. • Spinning Rod plans, also food plans for freezer girls had planned lo attend the . of l''ebi-liar.v, A. 1),-. I'.KiL!. ill lo Oil, BURNERS SERVICED, power Keiiroc Mfg. Co., Yorktowu, Ind, 22.50 h',\ ';;;•'•--••;•• BLOCKADEj'.;, /'-r, .split open by the weather arc'now rified to discover that she liadn't for the nex train to pull in: "Now, thy Evarls, and Helen Ilnsse, Willi tlon bo heard and ilotei-iiiiiieil at 760-15 46.05 Spcilnl $25.00 owners. seVcral • issues ago on a story to which board Woman's Club dinner dance Sat­ (I'eloek ill I lie rort-nnoii, al the burners, automatic hot water (rrbm The Ohriatian Soienols Monitor) ,' lying' In- tbc :nioi)t ' conspicuous enough monpy' for the full fare. listen here, folks, this little lady's Marian Munro, accompanist. the Probate Offie-c in lii-.-itifcird. in FREEZE-AID INC. inblnbors objected. As their report at tholiist urday night, but lUnciiS cancelled I'l-iihule Oftii-e in IJi-aafnnl, lie ami I.O.ST-I'as.shook No.M7-IO. If heaters, range and parlor burners Ponn First Qunllly lY ,,, Some of (lie cxuboi-ant wislfiulncss is dis- spOLi,' although they 'juiit couldn't When the meter ,Iiad reached- the got company coming at G:30, and Piano solo, "Mnlagucna" (Lcu- said District, on the 17fli day tjf MAN TO WORK in laundry. 2086 Whitney Ave., . Ml. Cnrmcl llie saliK! is a'-siftiieil for a iiearitifi Call LO 2-9178. Now Is ThoTlmo To Got Your mnoling proves, mcinbcrs wore not "idle as the be found at the tlinc they .were sum which she had, she asked the cona) by Bernicc Norlon; piano their plans. February, 105.'!, at 10 o'clnek in llio loiiiul letuni to Branford Savings Steady all yenr round. Good pay. Phone CH 8-4475 appoiiriiig from talk about« lilocfcade. of China, she's got to cook biscuits, nnd here ft ft- ft ft ft on tile all(i\s-aiK'e of said adminis­ Fishing-Rods And Reels Repaired lill there. 'I always think; liie Bank. Sice Llsl Prlco Sale Prlco story implies in eoiisiderinj} the probletii of driver to let' her out, explaining It Is almost 6 o'clock, and she's trio, "March of Hie Tambourines" forenoon, and this Court direels tration necount witii said eslale. Apply ill per.soii. Guilford Laun­ (icn. Oimir Bradley's testimony | ,before tlio searchers give up too soon, but I'm Mr. and Mrs. Carl Garvin, form­ the situation. "Listen, Indy," he gotta gel on the next train, see?" (Smith) by Ruth Youngorman, Flora K. Goldsniilli lo give piililic nnd this Court dlrccls Flora K. dry, Guilford, Conn. 670-15 22.05 11.95 Export Scrvko On Both Fiber where tb' -plaoe' Bast Haven school children erly of Sidney St., moved into their BASSETT'S AMOCO SERVICE ANTIQUES II—SI . Senate I''orcign Kclations, Coinmitiec Jast week thinking of cacli lost ball in terms said, "inoney isn't everything. The equally astonished mob opened Helen Ilassc and Marian MUnro. I notice to ail persons Interested in 13.05 next. year. The' report shows some orixiniility new home at Pine Orchard, Bran- Goidsniltii to cite all pcrsttns inter- (VllTOIMOHIl.ES FOK BALE II—I STATION 710-15 24.45 Glass And Bomboo ' is rcporled to have cooled dowiilthc ardor of of J3.85 iitid they are thinking There's still what you call chival­ up an aisle In open-mouthed n- A social hour followed the nmsi- '2 said oslate to appear if Iliey see esled iliei'ein lo aitpear at said ford this week. GIRL TO FOLD and hand Iron 760-15 (spec) 26.75 12.50 in proposing the possibility of hiring addition-' about playing .some other game as ry. Vou ju.st sit still." mazement and Ihe little lady from cal portion of the program. Table J, cause lo be heard Uioreon, liy iml)- time and place, by pubiisliing tliis those senators who at, first'secmod to regard ft 4' ft ft ft Open 8 A. M. to 12 P. M. men's siilrts. Apply In person. 760-15 20,75 14.05 Now and Used ANTKaUES al facilities, tomporiirily. long as the ball Is so hard to find. . Here, were the best kind of gopd the South,paraded Into the car decorations and refreshments car­ ^^ lishlng this order one time in some order In some newspaper imblished 13IG SAVINGS AT a blockade as the cheap, paiiilcsS, aWd .sure way Mrs. Burton Rccd recently Tires, Tubes,, Batteries, Road Guilford Lai'indry, Gulitord, Conn. 17.95 Outboard Motors Empty nests pre' left-over signs, manners with a slight error In without oven brushing a'shoulder. ried out a 'Valentine and patriotic V newspaper having a circulation in in New Haven County and liaving 760-15 (Oply) 34.70 Yoitr paper knew that at lott.st;ono, andpos- to khock out Communist China', \ named chairman of the Dental Service and Snow Plowing HAND PAINTED CHINA too.' It's so provoking to find that words. A poorly dressed old fellow We lieard of a southern matron motif. Hostesses' were Hildur Pf .said District, nnd by posting a copy a circulation In .said ciistiicl, and iiy 'ELIASON MOTORS , Armstrong . Bihly •t\yt),'members of the hoard were bnsy Council. She served as sebrotary QENE EDWARDS PISIIINO ROD J»AIHS OF PLATES ' Itis good to have sohcr reallsm'repiaco un- a vlrco nested in a dogwood right rose politely from his seat on the who, at 59th Street and Fifth Av­ Svenson, Ituth Youngerinan and V thereof on the public sign-post in posting a copy on the pulilic sip:n- COMPANY since the start of the current 2619 Whitney Ave. CH 8-0853 AIOHTOAGE MONEY E—i! AND HANGING PLATES on tijat particular problcni.,13ut the general ijii- iliforiacd cnthusiaanl. On the.othcrllinnd, it, is near' the. driveway and wag never crowded bus lo proffer It to a Beverly Sanford. post in tile Town of Branford 1051 STUD. Champ. Regal 4 Dr. SIzo List Prlco Sale Price enue looked up at the statue of school year and succeeds Mrs. ,'; the Town of Branford, in said Dis- HILDA S. RADIS pfession obtained was ,iust what the story said, detected by any of us. , lady. While accepting the seat she where the deceased Inst, dwelt. important that the IJniteil States ,— aii(l its! al­ General Sherman on horseback be­ Francis Flood, who . temporarily {'ft tiict, and return make to this il &-li 760-15 20.75 13.05 3820 Whitney Ave. Mt. Carmel 029 Elm St. New Haven l! ilitc all-the othei' units of the miirmured, "1 hate to deprive you WILL CART sand, lunm, fill nnd ing led by a glided maiden repre­ } Court of tlie notice given. 1050 STUD. Champ. DcLuxe 2 Dr. 'iflic KoWii regrets that tile irnprcssioii of boiird lies,~ ,explort both carefully:ttjid\iinat'inttt!Vc- assumed tho post in October. Dy llie Coiut,; PRIVATE PARTY will make 1st Tel. AT 8-4457 Mornings or After 5l30 P. M. National Congress of Parents and of It." And lie galantly replied, "No senting Victory, and she sniffed ',•; By the Court: R & 11. " .stone. Rubhish collected. Call (Factory seconds—now tiro -war­ iitaqtivity was not in accprdanoi! with tit factn. ly the jiossibililiea of' blockade'; as'oliicpilrt/ot' Momauguin ft ft ft ft. ft Fl'iia K. Goldsmith and 2nd mortgages. Also buy Teachers ifi' the United Sttttts, aiid dOpravlty, I'm-sure.',' and remarked, "Just like the dam­ '^ Flora 1\. Goliliinillli Win .STUD, l.andcruiscr Ov. R&U. ranty by Whitney Tiro) Aypuld there liavc been aiiy hni'ui: in' HlMlini^ strong winds' and high tides Congratulations to Ann CSargone, Clerk CH 8-6160 allor 3:30. mortgages. Fast nnit confidential. It; boorflinatbd JJlan to' brliig' iibw i^rbsSUi-fe, oil btlior'parirf of the world, thc.Fo)nHci;s 'Flood,' president "bt-' the bnd'.igiWc, a. lady, your,- seat,: last number- of : people' got : oft . at l]slale of Ro:.e Warren, an in- Phone HUbbnrd 8-4092 Lotms. Longbotham, 207 Orange 7-8008. •hioilgh I'D pcr'ofc'ii't Ot^illc't'oU St., who won first prize In tho Estate of ANNA MARY ILUG, dolls, bisque, porcelains and furni­ ing of BOiiie t)t lh(! altiliiidcsjinii'romaVlts Of East lla:vbn Council, told the imcmJ nlBlit; VpU Were Ihb only two peo­ Sbreveport, the privatosahk grate­ Leaving tor a vacation,. In capahte pi.'rs.nn of Bl-anfui-d, in said Several More To Cliooso From St. I'ol. LOcurt 2-4815. iinii'oV.ls coiild ifa O'verlaild arid ivoii^ American Legion Oratorical Con­ In snid dislrlcl. deceased. — CLOSING OUT — ture ot nny period. Contents ot bdrs^ spijic iilstory dt;(lic tdundlrig ple on the bus." . .,, ,_ fully Into an omply scat. The seat Florida this week arc Mr. and Mrs. Di.sti-iel. ' liicnlbel'ii;oi! tlie board:bii.iioHalti ;iaBUCM;• One (cotc.(i' by,;tiiiillVlil'.blooii(idp, Ui6,cutt!iiig off Of test this week'. Marguerite is ac­ Tho Administrator iiaving oKliili- homes bougiit for cash or sold on bMhcif thoiigli also nteely. explained with. Ah orig­ with a young lady oil a crowded serc*...*i .lieutenant', who iuid Just Hughes St. .said eslale lo this Courl for allow- Sales & Workrooms 58 Mechanic St., Now Haven, able n-icntlon In the recent Nation­ ft, ft ft -ft ft allowance, It Is FOR RENT—Until August Ist, 3 ',% land who vbtot|.' l:or:or lig.i)\n«^:'•• '' ;,'^' .very dittlo" •war "nidtclusl nii suii^i' iH>,beirtg shlp- inal pb.'llci' the,- rciniion ' of, iofcii ?i'(innc5?ee bus, leaned dpwn to !-.<;r boarded,the bus. ant.-e. il, is 861 Dlxwell Ave., Hamden IN HAMDEN A Conn. Phono STalo 7-4556. al. Honor Society inductions. Slie ORDERED—That the 2'llli day Whitney Tire Exchange urilta to Ihc.CoUncll, District, Stale,! and: said, "I (Jo' hope,I ain't dust .•The lieutenant had hardly got­ Em's Coffee Shop now located OKI)l!',RI-;i> Tlial Uie ;;ltli day Tel. spruce 7-0817. furnished rooms and botli, heat -/;.. iISs Stlitor disagi'bes. GriiiliBil that boiird' • iiiid; Uii,o,CiUlheae porta; toiuy, uVlKostiuJiythhig , ' of February, A.' D., 105:1, aC 10 ANCIFNT HARDY l'"OllD Station MODERN MUSIC STUDIC 2i!76 Whitney Ave. Tel. AT 8-4040 .And'Nbllonal brgdhlifttlohs.', plans- to enter Alberlus Magnus in in the Rellly Building. Mr. Rclliy WANTED TO BUY scrap Iron and and ulllltics included. Also, may "\!ira Diidergo n grfcat deal'bt jietsolnll huci """''"•'"''"•"'' •' erJn', jipu toInuch.''',' • ' • ten-.settled when he, was reproach­ of Febi-uai-y. I'.lS.'l, al '.1 o'elnt-k in Teaching Beginners nnd Advanceo \ lltiit''ijbja.'iri.;sci'Vi'^ :the-.Gbiiimiiiiistj'W'ar: tttor.t the fall and continue on to Grad­ 'i o'clock in tile rorenoon, at the wa};on. 58,1100 miles. Two own­ SERVICE AND REPAIRS on tele­ have n garden. Couple only. '; Not -so 'thoughlful .was another fully stared; at by,-an elderly, lady has moved his office next door. , the aliei-iioon at, the i'robate Students In Other Sizes Avnllablo At Similar molal, rags and matlresscs. Ex- ) to serVo th'e: town, and' oufelit not b'6 giv?.' jiiiditebily^,,;-'. :::'.--i-. 'i ;,;,„•.•'•'-.y,:-; :' :. .-c'-i'/j uate -School in social .work. ft ft ft ft ft , , • ' ' ^,1 Probate Office in Bi-anfoi-fl. he ,-ind ers. I'rivale sale. Any rea.son- ril^ • tc '.-'^ A.tlel- • Mrs.' Clmppcli,: , executive yoiing'jnan, according ip a-woman slruggUrig to siay on tier feet, in Offline in ni-anfi.nl, he and llie vision, radio and refrigerators, References. Phone HU 8-4472 be­ 41 * 41 41 ft '^^t| tho same is assigned lor a lieai-ing ahle offer over ?ini) entertained. iJAXAPIIONE, CLARINET, Savings serviceman, iihono ST 7-'i420, ell li' "hard' linie." 'HOWeVerV. tlioy lito pUhlic :;' .To.ibe, surb, ;i Ohi(iii"cbul(l 'siiil J hi; .'suiipiie^ ,fr6m,'the NOW' Ilavcn din Scout i 'who ; .recounted , ijer experience Supt. of. Schools, William ,.',E. saiae is a'-'.sij;nefl lor a hearing on fore 7 p. m. the, sWayIng bus. piscomfittod, lie r Jj on tho allowance of said adinlnls- 2021 Whit ney Ave., I lanidon. rictutc tunes one year guarantee GUITAR, DRUMS, TRUMPET, olfioiiilii, and What,t'iioysaJi^jlllJ:lib\Vithc^^^ b'^.iSoil'tlii'oUgli ^li'^ So^He,t port b£yiiiaivoBtok, headt.-the cohirortable seated seal?"''^I was about to,.sir," the tills week. • , , -' Etf to cite ait persons iiileresled there­ qOOD TIUNGB TO BAT 11—28 Biggest Bargain In Townl ..i..-i,V i.,.'!.!l.i'...;t..'.i' :1.".; ili^;))!;,;',!'/. ;.^ui,„„i' ;, ,T„ '^ estcd therein to ajipenr .at -said 1168 Dlxwell Ave. LOcust. 2-5081 grelit deiil oEtliserelipn ,iii'}jrlntiti(;''thc, iie\vs;i Iroiip, ',;•":,' :.'•;. ' ':,:.; ••.« ,"-;• mtiles. Bill chWiifry Wbs hot quite weary,private, Sttld, ,"then , I re- Also congratulations to Mr. and ' ft ft 4i « ft in lo appear at said.tjipa and iilaee - 10 PC. BEDROOM SET -i^ time and place,-by -publishing tht.'i itEPAiitrNd O-^-SB J|t ispur.sinbero bcliclv thill'',w,e ,luh!C nC.diily ,f,0' dbad In the man seated in front mclnbered tliat the sanicAct which Mrs. Robert Waterbury of Stevens Coach Crlsafi's, team will 'meet l»y I'niblislilng this ' order In tile 12 PC, LIVING ROOM BET , t order In some newspaper pubilshed GEORGE Ii. CONLEY MAIUONI'S NAVAL OFFICER Instructor at Street,' wiio \yore rnarrled twenty Braiifortl Review, a liewsiiapor 5 PC. KITCHEN SET perfonii. Thai Uuty Jii to-'perijiii •tlidiw ,, Thd'lptal of $43^30 *ns reall-icd b.f.iiiCv ,Hfi lowered:hl3 paper to made 1110 a soldier, iriddb, you an Shcllori • High Scliool : torribrrbw -'in New Haven County and having INSTBUfcTION F—2 years on the lOth of February. huving a clrcuiatiun ia .said Dis­ Tho Homo Ot Fancy Ico Cream PLUS A 1053 Yalo Unlvorilty doalrca furnished iitlciifl viciiriousiiy, Hiteh . nifci'tiiii^s• (is' tiiat,of frOlUtho food ^alt-,which Was spoh- suryby nie with some holicitude. officer and, a gentleman/,' ^ nlglit in tlie ' local' ' gymnasl.ui'n. ' a circulation in snid dislrlcl, and by Cariientcr ami Mason WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS 4. 4. ft 4, ft trict, it Is OoUclous Ico Cream Cakes ELECTRIC BEFRiaERATOR two or throQ bodroom houss s entile:'inotll'-bjilV''flect "Tcochors' Room.'l, arc attempting Saved Tovvn By Woman's Club To Meet American Legion announces-tliat Clerk Free Esllnmtcs No Paymentii to Finance Cos. Hall, need four or five rooms. Call not have the hutclibt out for anybody; but , 4' ft « * 4, 60 Ilawlcy Rd. AT 8-0250. to t)irn'one of the little ante Initiation of new members will Clerk 840 Dlxwell Ave. Ilamden Conn. .-MON'niLY PAYMENTS AT 8-1621, ask for Mr. Miller. help could be given by Nationalist-Chinp, but Next Thursday the right is reserved' to ci'ilicize (or needle) rooms Into such, a retreat. been singing for some lime now. Aiid it is it would have bccii 5868.' It has cost 7-2.147 for appointment. UNlverslty 5-8417. cither the school,' HO ' 7-G785 or dcn.and Mrs. Otto Bath. : Mrs.- Irving. Kappcler was hon­ AUi,<)d forces in Korea, hilhoi^tb ii; "priyijcged Uic library only $31 for .transpor­ happy, thing,to sec that the rcfi'aiii' is caleli- Mrs. Carl JohnSion. tJN 3-8128. • All women intercsled are invited ored with a birthday party Tues­ h'aiictuary" for the United Nations. It could tation, extra help and three lost iug on. This paper is well cheered over the an; . Fiftii grade niotherS will be hos- to attend. day afternoon-.at the. home of Mrs. Local AMVETS Posl ilomb FpririOha: or evDa^Amorieiin, bases in .Ja-- books. , • _ ,; nounccment by First Selectman Frank Batki tes,sea when tho PTA - meets next Attending the recent dinner isdward Dugan. The guests in­ jiatf and'Okiniiw'a. It.epjild dlsjiiit'ch.its colubat ,:, Since, tho. ,lJOpks , boi'owed • are cluded the Mrs. Fred Horn, Law­ Joins Mid-Winter cr that he will fiivor the sucvring, of a, epin- mo'nth.- ';' dance, at The Castle by the: East arnjipa '.in south, Cliina'',>ntb'!'Hido-Ch'j"nii. Or it wostisrii^, .iiiysterics-and ilgiitlove' Haven Woman's Club werq: ,lvlr. rence Madison, Herman Scharf. jirehcnsivc plan and a sewer survey. '^ ''! stories- thb- library ,does not; care Edward Corbett, Tliomas' GagliardI ooulti aasiiuit or;attempt, fpiHtiirrc ,^^^^ 'Hong, .-.Monday night will be "Work- and Mrs. Willis Hendricks, Mr. and Gonference Sat. about keeping tlifem permanently and,Frank Arhehto. .'. For several decudes now, Hast Hi^vc'ii lius Night"' at ' tlic Corriinunlty • Hall.' Mrs. Albert; Jacob, Mrs. G. M. Pol- AMVETS Post No. 14- will par­ iCoiig; A\*jth" i'tt( 2,PQO,W0 iiUn-'Gbiniiiimist or aii- and after four-monlhs they; are ; : #_ 41, ft ft 4' bceii growing rapidly iii populatioii, aiid'jiCeds Tlie' members .of ,.-ilie Foxbn 'fFIro, 'hcmus of Syracuse, New ,York, Mr. ticipate in a- Mid-Winter Confer­ titCoinmuuist'Chineso. •-•>:-,,'';''. , ejJciianged for bthers. Each book Co.< will hicct'tb do soriio,general and Mrs. Andrew Metzo, Mr. and .Lenten Devotions at St. Clare's ence lo be held this Saturday'.at' for -certain public facilities haye. iuci'Ousod. ?UT avcriigos iboiit 10 - clt culatlons in. , Of course,. all these pbssibilllies are open clean-up !wbrk-, 'inbnd "screens, etc. Mi's. Alfred Holcoinbe, Mr. and Church for the Lenten session will the Towne House In;New Haven. oniioiisly. For yeara the town has been like 'a the-four month period. Since the to Chiiin any linio it desires (.oeidargc the A'gqbd'lurn out is expecled. , , ^il's. Franlc McDonald, Mr. and be as follows; Benediction, rosary All of the posts throughout-Con­ house ahuilding without a blueprint; ' loan period Is tor two \yeeks, this and sermon every Wednesday eve­ Hoope of present hoslilitios. Ami it ii juilt pos-- Mrs. John Mulhern, Mr.' and Mrs. necticut will gather to review tho mhaiis they arc In cirfculatlbn con­ ning at 7:30. Stations of the Cross, Town leaders on both sides of the, political :-, Jt',:,w(is7"Sqwlhg ' pay" ,'al the Kenneth GriffUhs, Mrs. Alvin current, programs In operation.and "THE MARKET PLACE OF THE SUBURBS" | »-SVJ4"'r™. siblb .tliiitia.blpBkailb.niight- provoke iioiie of stantly.'' I,. ,, : 1 • • - 4:30 and 7:30 p. m. every Friday. Ladies'-Aid:' meellng . \ycdnesday. Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. ,13art. to set up tile schedule of activities teuee admit ruefully tlia't'suoh 8cp,ttrute prob­ ;tiiein.^'Nevicr,tlicless, it,'>Vould'bcobvious folly^to The :'borrowers ,' looK- "forward, Daily mass at 7:30. a. m. Sbnicorieiias. given the; group ,an RIbhards, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolfe leading up lo the next Slate Con- | lems tts the shortage of classrooms unci the nbeU: eagerly to each •:.swa\i." Of the> 51 • . 41 4, ft ft 4, jindertaio a, bipokBao, oi;.' iiny (ither I'orin,,, of old {ashlbned patcliwork' bed cover. Jr„ and Mr.' and , Mrs. Robert vention In June. ' I books bori'owed last Tuesday. (Jan. for a more satisfactory system of sanltaliou inbi'biised'preBsiirb; wlliout;bi!ihg i'bady to nicet The ladles' are going to ' put- a Decker. , "• ' •'• - The Mothers' Circle of Our Commander MUton L.: Anderson ; :SS PUBLICATION Want Ads Are Read Regularly By 20lh) 10 went out the first day. Lady, of Fatima of St Clare's should have bqeff anticipated and pi'ovidcd for.' Sueoe,iisfillli" .-'^vh^lte•^'Ol>'f brm 'jliacklng! on- It, and .begin „'quilting.'; , .Mr;'and Mrs; Harris-Anstey, Mr.' Jr., of the; loicar post ppnounces 1 Anyone,;Wl\b sC,arivseW- il;:flhc:seam Aitplal ,bf, :313j books, liave been- anii Mi-sl , John Gould, - Mr. and Church will meet tonight at.the that included'^ ln,,theabt|vUics-of I in t.hc past iii, sonic; measure, at leus|t. Siinilur- llio-ent>iliy,QiisUt ei;er'tiis,ili'.vci;illlti •';' '-,.'; .;;'• \ wll|'l>c' Welfjbmb ioVienii.n'hand bb' floaned thus -r.elifevlng .crojyded con-, Mj-s; Forrest Dote'n,'-Di". ',and iiirs.: home ,6f: Mrs.- -Francis Walsh, the day will be;the presentation:of I iy, cVery bpiJortuUity'and fabilit'y fpV^^^^ ThJs ad, plaood last wdok by a .'l;^'A^|iilliV,-ib; ^vbulil'Mjo'i^ilj^;^^ tllilljwject.-,:;,/ '.'•;,?"••''•••:••* 'dltibn^-ofHheishejves.:-": :;•=''':;.•: i C-i-A..-ilut,ton,,Mr.;:.and; Mrs.:John: Ozbno:-.Roadi' ' ' ; trophies to .j'the AMVET-Junipr I nearly Of The Families In The Suburban Towns Of inddatry to, jii'elp :;piiy.; tow'iii'cbsl,;sljioiilil.'hi('^'c; ,, •,*;'^r"'-;': ''\ *! Vi^'J^'*'., ,'^ -•','-' '" ' ;i,-in addltip'n to'^ts'-P,i'aclicai;'value,:' :Scbblo, ':Mr';., 'and'-Mi;s. Vincent,'Fp- Clifford- 'J.';, Dbivner "of Dewey Rifle Club :from East Havenii-TJib I Hamdon woman, got tho desir­ bfccri proVided'-iong ago tlirou{,'li:in, oojnprelien-; •.~ Anyone ,\viio ls-ln'te,r"eati;d.lh Jd|n-i the,' "swops";,•get;',.ilhra'rlan!! ' ac-'. ,ga'rty,-,'Mr ahd':;Mrs.i Amerl'cUs Avenue, is now assdclatcd with, the local team of youngsters from, this I |rig;,tive':/d;i'angc' should 'contabt; l-iqtifilntcd-yi'lUi, eijoh-bthor i|'n:d:witl>'' $uh Life Insurance/ Company , of sivo ami 'eufbrcbttble pluiii of zoiung;. ;; . ;. • >' ;Aco'f,b, ',Mr.,.;.an'(I .Mrs.-'Roy .Vyilsbh, town ivon .out in a recent toijrna- | ed result in East Haven.- . IMTrs. , soma mdniber'\ and, niaHc ' appllca- .dlhcr libraries.' ideas and .methods' -Mr; '.and Mra. Julek -Laghi,-. Mr. and Canada. Clifford'recently returned meat pf area' AMV,ET _-posts :and I HAVEN, BRANFORD, HAMDEN, and CHESHIRE. ,:&bit is that the problems of":s'ecliviri(j'uddi-;] FranicDooley, mother of Olym­ libp,. Ip^becpine 'a ijaniildato liow, ftrb exchftrtged to the mutual ben-;| .Mrs. Richard Parllia, Mr. and Mrs: iro'm,-an ,; eight -month's stay In will, soon enter'cbmbotUlbn.wit'h | tbidbr)'ablion, liilt jtlicyx will-bb 'iiiorb i rciidily Greenland. • - lioilVl soiipols, bettor 'sewerage,:rediiveiopuiont' as first .'and second degree^ will be'j 'etti-.bf all.:'.' ::•-'"^ ••' •': ,•;"•' Jambs Gartland.Wr and Mrs. John other rifle teams representing | pcl'Buttdod if thoypercoivo'that the TJ, S. is aim­ conferred In March. pic swimmer Prank Dooioy, had of a Bubstandaril ftrea, iinci dea'i'tlii,'bf::fiix-apy- Each library takes Us turn In Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. Desmond other organizations. f .. , • * ft « * serving ns host and providing ing industries suddenly drop upon the heads ing at a stronger bargaining position vis-a-via Coylc and MLss Alice Conway. Cub Scout Five . In the evening the AMVETS I a sot that Frank no longer need­ lunclieon arrangements. Ilagaman of the East Huvcu public like the walls' of a Peking rather than at an unlilnited coiniuit- Mrs. Bacon had to take full Grand Ball will be held at the I Library was host at the first one Holds Annual Dinner ed 80, she sold it very reason­ mcnt to "overthrow" the Ited regime. West Haven Armory. This function I .ierry-built house. charge of the school luncheon at in May 1950 and again in May Hiking^ Club Roughs It Want To Buy, Sell, Rent, Trade, Try Free Press About 50 boys of Cub scout Pack has the purpose of raising funds t Thus bold dotcrmiuatiou and cautious ex­ 1052. Participating libraries are ably to Mrs, Sotaurier, and The cost of securing a town plan is nomin­ the beginning of this week, while On Watertown Trail 5 together with their parents, for the new West Haven Memorial | amination need to be hand in hand. West Haven, liamden (All branch­ al. AVho can gainsay the expenditure of Marian Thompson was out for a The New Haven HlkUig Club will brothers and sisters, and invited Hospital In order to provide a f es), Milford, Cheshire and Pros­ both wore well sotlsfled. few days with the grippe. really rough it when it lilts the guests held their annual Blue and program of recreation an^ personal | emenlary school .teachers, the Garden Club To Meet pect and East Haven. Call AT 8-1661 ' « 41 c * a Graystone Cliff Trail In Water- Gold dinner in the high sciiool Items not provided to the vcteran| Dean Ethel Kennedy ] members of the!association voted Some "swap" groups were al­ Wednesday In Library Since Founders Day brings town. A "Class A" hike only those cafeteria Monday evening. patients. This affair is open to thep ready operating in other parts of to hold the March, April and May scliools Ig the attention of the na­ In good walking condition are In­ The dinner was followed by the public and it is hoped that tho| Gives llluslraled The Garden Club of East Haven Ihe state before tho local one was meetings on the ^econd iruesday of tion at tills time of the year. It is vited to Join In the fun. TThe group regular monthly Pack meeting.* townspeople of East Haven Willi;- will meet Wednesday at the Hoga- organized and others have been each moriili instead of the second Interesting to recall the Foxon win meet at 11 a. m. In fropt of Den 2, under the leadership of give recognition to this pr()ject toq Talk On Europe formed since. It Is a form of re­ man Memorial Library. The presi­ school pf 200 years ago. In 1742 the public library at Elm and Mrs. Burton Reed conducted the help assure a capacity attendanccl Monday. The next meeting will be gional cooperation and Is a sample Miss Ethel Kennedy, dean of dent Mrs. Thomas Fcnton will con­ the school money of East Haven Temple Streets in New Havpn. Flag ceremony. The pledge of al­ Tickets may be obtained by,canri on March 10 in tlic Momauguln of what extra service could be girls at the High School, presented duct the meeting. was divided so that Fdxoh district Members are told to bring their legiance was given by Paul Jacob- tactlng the following Ppst mem* an Illustrated tallt on her recent School. ; wh|ch was well populated at that lunches. Leader is Connie Godson son. The Cub Scout promise and bers: Milton Anderson Jr., Ho ll ®I}f EaaJ Bawn ^m& 'The program will concern the thirst and cooling the feet of pigs, trip through , , Hol­ Hostesses at the social hour pre­ time, received one third. who may be reached at AT 8- the Cub Scout prayer was recited 5606; Luco Meoli, HO 7-3467; Franf coming Garden Flower Show,'which cows and horses. 0232. by Waiter Ames and, Larry Mc- els. Flood, HO 7-4541; Josepl) land, , England and ceding the business meeting were About 1769 a school was erected will bo hold In June, on old North High St. not far from Despite the fact tha one dipper Cann respectively. Flag bearers Colavope, HO 7-5043; and Charles at the regular meeting of Miss Dorothy Jerden, Miss Cole Hostesses for tlie tea- table arc the intersection of Maple St. and was used In drinking, this "pure" were George Reed and Robert Swartswelder, HO 7-4223. I the Kducatlon Association. Miss Mc(3overn and Mrs. Ann S. O'Deii. Mrs. Lucinda Oliver, 74 Mrs. Caryle Frawlcy, chairman, Hunt Lane. - water, many of those school chil­ Fromhartz. Kennedy, who showed colored Sent Birthday Cards Den 8, under th direction of Mrs. assisted by Mrs. Elmer Trench, Although this old Red School dren of long ago lived to be 90. Chambers Of Commerce sildea of pictures she had taltcnl Tho Annual bridge party given House accommodated about 30 AMVETS Auxiliary Post 14 gave Michael Bon Tempo conducted the Mrs. Frederick Schutsky and Mrs. In 1891 liie Lltllc Red Scbool a birthday card shower for Mrs. Initiation ceremonies for new Hold Joint Meeting during her trip, toured Europe by the Garden pjub of East Ilavcii pupils, sometimes only three were House was abandoned and a new George Sullivan. Mrs. Americas Bobcats. after attending summer scssloiiat WUI :bo hej.d at the 't'own Hall enrolled. At recess , one of the Lucinda- Olivier, who was 74 years Tlie East Haven and Branfor^ Accto will moke the tabic arrange­ modern building erected. In 1916 Tuesday evening at, B' p. m. Mrs. older boys was detailed as water old yesterday. Mrs. Olivier resides Following the meeting there was Chambers of Commerce are Jiolt the.University of London. ^' a room was added. In 1928 the Sherwood Chamberlain, -ways and ment and Mrs. Sherwood Chamber­ boy. He took a pall down to the with her daughter, Mrs. George a period of entertainment which ing a Joint dinner meeting at 7:3j The meeting, held in thb Qcr- ' •CtL.^i^i. 'j:!*J!jitiZ!lM^.r IMTJ^I rcL-cy.MS''{tii*'i.'!SE58ErSAfl^ Farm River, filled It, then re­ present brick school was built di­ SIsslon, Prospect Place Extension. Included the showing of a film ^"it-.-it-^-i-^- rlsh' School last week, was conduc­ means chairman^,will be assisted by lain will pour. tonight In the Veterans' Ctub a rectly In front of the old o,ne. The She has been blind for several on Camp Sequasscn, feats of mag­ ted by Josephine Orlando, presi­ the ExocUtvo Board, For rescrva- turned to pass out water lo each Branford Point, Branfbrd, Gue| years, '3^vo weeks ago she fell In ic, by a well-known magician, and dent tons call Mrs. Chamberlain, HO child with one tin dipper. Farm old school was then moved and speaker is Allen Hubbard, chalt Help Your Heart Fund River flowed through one barn her home and Is now In New Ha'- instrumental solos by Marshall Bon Because of a special education 7-2866; Mrs. Clark, HO 7-2302 or renovated to become part of the man of the New Haven Alrpof Tempo and Frank Archangelo. lioWi-se Vtips taken by sev«'«l «1- Mrs, Accto, HO 7-l'185. Help Your Heart yard after another, quenchhig the present Foxon Community Hall. ven Hospital with a fractured hip. Commission. I'

/ ; ... /,. •.|,l^l^^/,UiJlf^(-.^p!7v*•,^ja^f<^^sa^Jr!fMH^>f«5;tv•^*^>*••i!. '»•r-•*i^'*i^«5•?.•^J-?-S-'--'^f1^-'; Ik.'

:i. .sjjt.. ;^ J.,wL5S^t Haven, ^^ pnrt.s A2 to 20 n the preliminary Wcbrr, )0I1-'I2; •Linn'; .7. Bwonton, Ambrnse 5lonli-k and .Tohn IIVJ^ .Ton O'Mnrn, Ensl llnvcn gunrd Mr. & Jlfrs. Ralph CoMcllon ir.nn. Thlli«diiy. l^fltijia, 1053 »'n Ki- n Seymour Bows To v'hn hn-i bfcn Immprrrd by n name l;il2-i:i; Kveiell llanh-y. lIlKi-ll; Kll\lil<', Satcly, Fii'd Miili'l- iinil Our Telephone Numbers Vaisity suniniaiy: Ni.'d Aligclo. l;)]l-15; Flank lililtav Kiiil, I'nul An Independent 'pininrd nnUlp rotclvrd ^ovcjiil WaPiT lic'ik; %') v" IIA.ST IIAVION • Weils, lO'in-Kl; Mauiiee KarasDlin, SuL-eess in life depends upon per­ Business: ATwater 8-1661 Eastics 78-42 wi't'ks nRo, ciimc dose lo Jiollig lop Lipkvleb. MaiilliK: Bert Abraham- i' F P ]') 16-17; Thiim.xs MoMahon, I'J)"- son. .Junior l)as(?ball, Harold sistent effort, upon the Improve­ Weekly Newspaper ,n win lug mnn for his tcnm. In n lop- , n )8; »Harold Dooliltio, iniS - ; Uo- Editorial: HObarl 7-5811 Gnf'llnrdl, f. ' 2 A Coiilles, Kd Nitselike. .James Men- ment of moments more than upon r-1 milrh sHoallnj* pciformancc, tho I nd Ciiavfs, i;i48-i;"i; .losepb any other one thing. Saal 111 Oiie-sidcd Game Noiton, f. 1 11 d'lin and Arlliiir norniii. l^t ri'd-liiUicd Notiu Dnmo tmnifer Ijii/xl, r. 1 1 (.iynn, l!)1!)-ri(i; .lohn 1'. MOIKO". - Mary Baker Eddy ?• ' !>-- Wonkeilod by llio nlisencu ol rtn,. VII — Ml. ."lO Pufcii.iKd WMHI »r Fnf fill! PiiHii ?.' from NoliP Dnmp, tossed Id nino Pnollllo, f. 0 8 1').'')-.".I; Flunk ,1. Praiiovic, 1031-I KA.ST 1IAV1':,\, ID.XNKl'TlrrT, •I'lllU.^DAV. KKHUrAliV 'Jll. l!!.-.:! G Cents A Copy — .'ji'J.r.O A Your Ytltir Subuilotitn J2.5 Thomas, Walter"Unk, EInii'r Mor- [ftcr Heart Attack the Medium cin.ss in the Connncti- irouintonic rricuil. The vl.sltlnR Iciiln never suc- .Slosiil, g. 1 2 4 Local Kovcnimpnt officials and cul Intur.'icliolnslic Alhletlc Con­ Tomorrow Evening eeeilpd In birtiehln),' the xene iiress Olson, R 2 0 '1 Inembors of the legal profession ference was paired off against by the Cilsnflmcn who lbnlle, the Kym. Vlrj^lnia 'I'arnmnro and Silomauguln, bodge 138, A. F. &. any possible changes, the Easties \'.n'.'. rigiire compares with 201 467 Main St. East Haven .Inch Norton uiv co-ohnlrmon. A Tho School' Building .Coinlnlttee defeated their .Seymour eountcr- Friday 9fl.P^. — 7 P.M. VA. M.; Men's Club of the Old Stone will invade Walllngtord to Inflict liniuivs fliiislied in East Haven In is expected to deliver a report b(i (ir(.»:sH-u|) nffdir, otity couplo.s will P?CJhurcii; and the New Haven another defeat upon Lyman Hall. m.'-ii, ho lulnilKiKl. Tho KII'IS Iroat and a atitdy Into the avallnblllty ;«nd pCounly Bar. Afisociotlon. The Medium^Class tournament The HI sludy covers construe cost of renting nddltlondl 'cinbs- it in tiiclr fhil.y to buy tholr dates r'l .Services .will be at 2 p. m. in tlie lion progress in the 15 towns served a groon 'carnation. Botloj* ask playdowns will be played al the room space from churches nhd- 6lh> :W. S. Clancy Funeral Home, i^ Winciiesler school and the Yiilr liy llie Company in tlie Hridgcport- cr private orBnnlinllbhi lirllie your fellow, gfrls, before Honiconc J l{trit' 4< 4' * study, was lindel'tnken.hrtct'; a ro: — !ai( as Studio 'ollipli'le Itiiiii lug- iMaleriiils EftStonc Church,, oXflelallng. Burial Oilier Medium-Class pair offs .scl \'i In the nine lowiis adrvcd iiycominendnllo n was ndV*|icbrt' by. a >-i .Mr. Ilawiin i)lan.H tn take his 293 F^aln Street F?ir4 Haven flfvAVill be in the family plot in'Wcst- up by a CIAC conference yester­ — Miiiff riiotii llie Company In its New Haven '> lUniih that (itpftifif; moirrcij tlmt M} cIuH-ses to tho United Natlon.H lo- iMr. and I\Irs. Iliiliih OiLStolhin are sliowii just licforr Iln^y \vcrr mar­ N. MAIN 3T. BRANFORD Joint mootlnR of thb \ cbnimlltcb ofrcn dimes ilmipcroiM muscle strain! ried last wiMdt in .St. IIOSO'H Clilireh in New Haven. Thi! bridr is tl^(^ day were as follows: Diidrfeiilnl lo diilf. with only two Clinics lo |;(), t Uv ICiist llavcii biisUclbtill tcnin iiccniilt'S top pliini opernllons came lo 1,894. This re- with ihc Coniihltlbe oh:Sclibols. . (lny. fleels a .silRhl drop from the Itcplncc II wirli a superb Stnly former nrld(;et IMiirKiiret I'ldle^rino, of atl5 Itbite.liley Ave., New p 'S TaSslnsr KcKreltcd Town Leaders Clllhert — Ncwinglon; Builard ill tin* iMfMlitiiii (;la.ss iistinirs of the' C'oniirrlii'iil In tci-sclioliislie Atlilelie C'linfcreiiec. .sliown above are Tills Week Iho.blilidinB cotnmlt- PosiurcpLdic' Injoy ilic ipuic on a Havens — Roekvlllo; Enfield — l,not mark scored in 1951. line siippoitof IIH vorhl s largest Game postponed with Sttiiiles llavtnl. Till* enuple will llv(! on Stoddard Uoad iiftrr fliry return I',. .:.i^f News.of tho death of JCrikorian, till*. firsl-IhnTs who will enter the C. I, A. C. pliiy downs werlt after next. I.efl In rl(;lit nVe: (first tee toured some of tlie: sclipijls 1(1 from II month's trip. T«>.. Wctherfleld; Klllingly — Darlen; row) 'I'ony iMiissarl, ,lacU Norloii, •\'iiiceiit (^in^llnrdi, ,loe O'tMarii, (secfiiid row) "Ted" Slilllvnn, Har­ One Important trend noted In siIliiiK Iim(irt.s5 dcsiKHcd in from Woclnosdny until Monday at fe;-w)io'was 51 years of age, came as Mourn Passing ilio report was Iho "growing iirne- the town.nnd met Monday to pro* coopcrnfloii with IcndinR Onho- lM:jii' shoclt.^to many East Haveners L.vinan .llall —' Plainvllle; Bran- old Lnwior, mud I'liiil iMorniaii. 'i'wo other ineliibe rs, \'lliceiit Paolillo, and l''riinl( Ksiiostto are not pare a ibport tor ,lomOfrt\v;8 .3 p.m. 'J"ho Westporl. team couldn't ford — : Wilcox 'recli. tice of liuilders to offer a ehoico pcdic Suscons . " Sec ilic Seal) nuiko tho date this week. On Tues­ 11?; who cxp'rc3s6d grent regret at his shown. hoara meellnij, .; '.';•'•• • •'. Postiircpcdic Mnitrcss lodiij' Corporal DiLoV la attended Coin- of ciccli'ic applinnijes \ylth Ihe day, Boardmnn Trade will also MASC-E HRSl HAllOHAl gl.ijjisssing. A ycar-around resident Of Krikorian new home, payable with Hie mort­ ^ ; Doliiitis Ukbly ; iTierclal rilgh School and was em­ Legion Honors Past Wihtrft lor,14 years. Ally, Krikorian Whatever form tlic ciJnlnililee's, piny al 3 p. m. hero in the yyni. Town' officials and leaders.,.of Police Head Calls gage on the resldbnce." *: * * Nr * • • ployed by Sperry & Barnes be­ ;'%.,NV*s,widely known by the towns- rocommendiillbn, may lolio, ll-Ja Commaiulcrs Tliiirs. both local polillcal' parties , ex­ 'i'he analysis also pnlnled out It should bo a KOod Ranio afiuln.st fore entering the Army in April, ;Ji;v people., Since lie became a resl- unlikely tliat controvbrsy .will; iic IflSl. pressed deep regrclover tliC pass­ For More Rcspecl Hayes Blames Carelessness To Consider PTA Uial a number' of mulllplc-unlt Shclton tomorrow. X^roiimlnary sjv dent here he was active In Dern- construction devcloiiincnt« finlslieil nvoided in view pi tho, ivny III In Special Program .' ^ fcratlc politics lioro, being a mem- ing ot former Judge Armen Kri­ wiilcli nieipbdrs; hnvp. otsted Hli'dlr game opens at 7:.*i0 and the new korian.. Of Law Enforcers in the last year were comiilotdly bleachers will be all-sot for u.so. Former commanders of tlie ;. bcr of the.parly's town executive For High School elcclrlc-enpulpod and Hint,"there own (ireferencos on idoiiblf), ecs- Harry R. Hartletl Post, American ; ' comrhlitcc ,IrbiTt the tiino ho first One of the.first to loiirn of his . Resp_cct for the law and for law For Fires: Permits Needed iiions In the past. Ilbwovbr,'; j|: ,lii That moans 18'1 nioro scats. E. Haven Nurses death was Judge Vincent J. Fasario enforcement autlioritics provides is nn Increase in tlie trend tolvnrd Uocrealioii I'roKrani Legion, will iie honored at a spe­ : ipoK up full residence. Carelessness was blamed by fire iioiidiiiiai-ters or the followinj; ii|1-electrlc liotnos." ; hot unliUolj' that d' j cohip'roriiiso cial "Past Commander's NigliL" to who reciuested a few niomehts;of fpr. more efficient government to At Meeting Thurs. pliin liiay be adopted. , Plng-jjon;^ tournaments were In Jlily, .1040, ho became ihc silence 5n' Town Court ycstcrda'jl. tli f •,]•'•'lis.' . ..'Tho. Bar, his friends alid the :way of life.,: ' ' • .'•, ,:. a total of'moi:e than 30;gru.ss fires permll'ted only iietween sunrise and to plnii nn adequate number of out­ with Marilyn Manzi In third place. agency. had been- rtyiorlbd 's6'.-far'• thld ;sunset, should be handled by prop­ pareiit.lonclier associiitiDns or, us mended plan for res^rlcilng' doub­ Improvomonts Peck, cnmmaiider from 1920 to ' ! •; I?ri6r.'to'bis;'I.oeating hero as; a Town, of iiaSt Haven have indeed Folio .was Ihtroduccd by Police in tile case of Moninuguin School, lets for future rises," the Ul sur­ Bnslceil)ull Tourney - Two full-time nurses and one rcsldfcnl he ,llved-'^)ierc during jtliQ mpnth. The tiro dbpartriichl'^Tiead er Implelpents. . :- .; . • vey found. . le sessions to the Brammar soiiiiolai 1923; ISllsworlb Cowdes, 1923-2R; sUltcrc^ a:great loss-".'' •'•""';.• iChibf Edwin; 13.. Priest,wild ijifhls a parents' club. The-.nooit for a Opi>b^e» mi0. REPAIRS Homerooms will now compete in pnrl-tnie nurse averaged elgiit Frank 1'. .Sullivan, 1929-30; 'liay- atinimcr.'scisohforl many years.'' Selectman Frank , CInnpy, wlio 'brief:i:cma''rksi. vyarricd*liie' school-^ pblhted out' that'tlib iin/ards^jtrbhi i" ."rbrinlts , Ihvalidilted ' : ;' the basketball tournament, which such' • fires, wore..' Iw.b-fpld;.-^ First',' P, 't'. A. at' tho .high school has die of Copcland's'jhajor.olikc- visits per day in the areas of mond Cowles, 1930-31; Otis Bacon, ) "'I'iV.'. * ftornMn JfcW: Haven .;..,• \vgs;jlrst selectriian wh'enAttpriiicy children j^bt vandallsnii jllCyfold -;9hte.I.'"y£.s wariicd iiint'permllH loiiB-becn.folliliy.tho.schnolautiior- begins tho fir.st week of Marcli. nursing earo, maternity, . infant t:''/sAily. ltrlli*fiiinsWils torn in'NM^^ 'lili^li wind's'cpUltf'sprVotlfiiicli'frtb.s 'i^tAueiTJii'u : vu'liied't''d.t.lrl!ig' jVilid Total Qf $2980.14 lions to the plnn.isthttt It iiVpl>ld 1931-32; Hubert .runiver, 111.32-33; .'Kr'lKoriffh"Sv(is''':iU'dB!''blJ the' Ideal' |h^m7lfiat,'dlcsliuclioh "of sciiopi, .Itiia,, A 'Fill liei's'' (Jltii) which "wiiit reiiuirb' n 8h\{lil)B. nt*: IhP seventh Each homerooni will submit a girls' iieaUh supervision, preTSciiool Marsliall Beebe, 19.33-35; Harry '; /Iriiydn on Feb. 21, 1902, tlie,son,p( coiirt, '.c.Nprcsscd hbnselt:.. ''We 'prope'rly'ineant. destroyli)g „ that to valuable properly. .sBch us build­ Wcatllbr, ' . • ' ' team and a boys' learn. Some of the ings: and, soconti,.' apparatus and active at tlio hii;li' sehoui soon Collcclcd In Polio grudea frplri tlib' Itlftli'Si'hdol ;b«iSk health supervision and tubercuio- Cummings, 1935-36; Antliony .T. -tiio. later Aniieiingii .ind jiiila Cdn-' ocally is u.sed such t»s: Fiorello's Freaks, .serious calls. ' tlien dlsbiindcd beenu.se of lack of untlon already Ihtblerable, the first United l^und eunipalga 39; Willam Geent.^•, in39-'10; Les­ ' Turkey, and bis fatlier bpcratiid a lot'pf. pppple here wilt, join me Mn. the East Haven Exchange Club emergencies, Hayes said that only Interest. The lolal of .i;29«0.14 wns col- Bernio's Figures, Sugruo's Sugar, permitted' a Key Drive jji-ant of tailoring .liu.'ilness In New ItavOn. Hayes urKcd that local residents one truck is equlppped witii radio Copalnnd also, cxiiressed vigor­ lie B. Redfield, 1910-11; Peter saylng'/thai we're going to iiiiss and 'Anthony Marino, chairman ol A few .years iinck a P. T. A. was leclnd during the March of Dimes ous opiioslllon to llie Joint conimlt- Moneys, I-^evy's Debbles, Crcseontl's .^2,055 wlileli applied towards oper­ > ire was educated in New Haven hlm'vci'y.much."^ , . • the. Crime Prevention Week pro­ cooperate'witli-tile deprtrtmoht In and -I'eveaied that the nionilor. In Palnlspots, Folsom's Cupcnkos, securing. permits (pr tiio kindling formed in the higli .sciiool, with campaign which was coneluiled tce's proiiosul for HIIKUIIB tlie. kfn- ating expenses last year. The cur­ EAST HAVEN putjllc, schools and' graduated from y . ; News A Shock " ' gram.al.so addressed brief remarks fire lieadfiuarters was not yet in Mrs. Eric Dohiili as the first piesl- 2lta's Zombies, Zilli's Hill Billies, rent United Fund grant is $2,000. of fires startini;: Marcli 1 in ac­ ojierntioii contrary lo earlier re­ Fob. 15, Matiiew Anastaslo, drive dei'garlen'from Momaugulp to (311- Plump, Young, Tender Northwestern Birds •nil J anc elablei •' 'HlimouEC Iligh in 1919. As a child . • Sfelectnikn Ernest|.Antlioni.s.'srtid to the children. dent; liut after four or five years, 11s School. ' . , ..' ' '-• , Frawiey's 1-Mtle Cheniicnln, Smil- In the nursing service field, 1,- Ite^bOBan a clo.sc friendship with .tl)(f'hbw.s 'camt; ai> "quitb a'shock." As jiiain speaker, Chief Folio cordance with .state law. Ho rioinl- ports. "Tlio operator In fire hcad- chairman rejiorted tills week. • ty's Knlcks, Houston's Longhnrn;^, 16 LBS and UNDER LB 5 5« cd out that persons burning w'itli- attendance at tiie meetings was The decision to look - Into Addi< 770 visil.s, or '12 per eeiU Of tlie : •New Haven Mayor William Celeh* ''I.'.'khew Arnien very Sv'pll', -lia't-ing told the students and pupils: "I (|uarters," lie .said, "Is still depend­ poor and It was disbanded. - Anastaslo, who. described the • SIDING • INSURED • CAULKING Mark's Larks, Kahe'.s Pains, FLORIDA - RICH IN VITAMINS out .such pei-milsa'i'e. subject, to ent upon police bGodqunrlbrs to tlonal facilities rejlrcsonts ai corn- total, wore made lo patients with, S OVER 16 LBS LB ! tario Which'continued Ihi-ough his Wp'plted'wltli hiin at; tlie.Old Stone am' here today In behalf ot the If the respon.se justifies a P. T, A. drive as a success, s'ald a complete • LEADEKS WORKMEN • CHIMNEY Walsh's Bomlm Doors, Weber's acute or chronic Illnesses. Tills was arrest. Penalties nni6unt|ng to Hie rcla.v by phone messages'between promise nltompt which mlBht -per- . -Ijfe' ••• • Cluircli. lib .was' a very fine Exchange (diub's National Crlmb In the high school, a charter report of returns from various iilit a reirtoynl of Ihc sbythlh • GUTTERS €> POINTING REPAIRS Wreckers, Mnrone's Monks, Lupi's a- lliree per cent increase over Itl.'il HO 7-0718 Cleaned m LB 63c LB 57c GilAPEFRyiT4fOR25c •' A KriitpHan received a B. A. .'de­ sehtileiimii' and one of East- Ila- Prevention Week. We sponsor cost of sending cfiulpnien't nnd:men apparatus anil headquarters." He Loojiors, ai)d many otlicrs In which onto sucli fires inay be. levied said this meant some delay in re- apiillcatlon wllj bo forwarded to sources would he mode In the near grades fi'om tlio High Sclibol'with­ Ml in tlie number of sucii nursing COOKED - SUGAR CURED , „ COOKING - DELICIOUS FOR DESSERTS gree (iani Clark University, Wor­ ven's;'butitanding cltliens.; •'.rHls crime Prevention Weeit annually Hartford without delay sog on inside page) Tills year's ennipalgn was closed ment and the .winner of tho boy's Nurses made 8.'.12 visits, or 20 per FACE HALF Apples 4 LBS Under thii.siiporlnlondcnt's' re- 33 Slovens St., E. H, '. Tel. HO 7-4030, SP 0-1421 cent of the total, la the niaternily Weekdays 7:00 to 11:30 lb. 73c l>&W'.SeIiool sevea years later.He kc'ri away, on vacatjpn," but; ex- for Individual and collcctlveactlon,^ Ijy a Mothers Marcli on Polio con­ tournament will play the men and DEM Town Committee ducted under tlio direction of El­ comnionded pjilri,- unl;ehncd Smoked Picnks LEAN, WELL TRIMMED LB tlonal and' private. Sludcnls Receive beries are committed,' 1100 burg­ week of Mai-ch 23, Ihe.Old Stone a t-eceiil. mecrting, said that next the oloinontttiy seiiools. '' ' moted Lo cor|ioral while serving beaitli supervision of eiiiiiiren over YOUNG LB He was a member of the County laries, ,450 cars are .stolen , and week's .session would-be "strictly The sale of books iieing dis­ Ignore Siipl'sriBures" • — TENDER, SOFT-MEATED LB 65c Church Drama Guild hu.s set the In Stutlgarl, Gornutny, with the one-year-old aeceunted for '185 Lamb Legs nb the Connecticut Slat*' Bar As- 2800 grand larceny thefts are coni- routine." corded by tlio Hagamnn Memorial Despite 'culls': Insistence that a. The Sensational FRESH CRISP - GARDEN SALAD FAVORITE Awards F.or Home dates, Friday, Snlurday and Sun­ Llbrnry will take place In the lec­ Army's 321st Signal Battalion. vi.sils, or 12 per cent of tho total', OVEN READY LB 73c oclatlons and,was a past president inllted. rrevliiusly the ciminilltee had doiible session plan for the MitUrp- aceording to the report. f the'East liaven Jlolary Club. A "Can,you Imagine," he asked, day, March 27, 28 and 29. for ihe been meeting on tlie second ture iiall on tlie west side at 10 BONED AND 1,11 OaC Nursing Course High Sfliooi would not. eilmlnal'j An Important phase of tiie Key ROBERT TAYLOR Lamb Fores ROLLtD IF DESIRED Escarole 3 LBS 27c neinbcr of IMomauguIn Lodge 138, "what the, grand total, would be production of the • 11)53. Passion 'J'hui-.sdny of the nionlli. A special a. m. Saturday, Miss Belli Taylor, 'JVcnty-jix Hlgli Sciiool stu­ double sessions for elemoritory DriVe supported agency's wori( was JAJA F. & A.-M., he was a trustee If wb did not • have these police­ Play, "Cradle to Throne." This will meeting lo bo liuld this last "I'ues- librarian, announnes. Tlio books, school pupils as his figures above PURt FlAVOHfUL tn 65c in weil-eiilld confergnces. 'i'hese Link Sausage ^of the Old Stone Church. dents were awarded • certificates men?'' He guessed tliat the differ­ diiy was (Mincelled out of rospeci which are in readable eondltion, ELEANORjiRKER. Ibis week for the completion . of be Ihe fourth season of the IJJO- would Indicate Copeland and Sizor Yours to treasure were attended by 2'17 Infants and IB 65e Lenten Food Features K He Is survived by a brother, Al- ence without law enforcement fell- llie lute Ally. Armen K. Krl- arc being disposed of to be re­ more have continued In their id' c:/kwWl Pickle & Pimento Loaf l^^^cit P. Krikorian, of Agawan, llorrie Nur.sing courses-sponsored would be like comparing the. ef­ duetion locally. lun-ian. placed with newer volumes. ehlkiren in '181 visits during 1952, yooaey of such a plan, • : '' an increase of 58 individuals and Liverwurst txcfutNi QUALHV ^''Jtass, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary by (lie Red Cross. fect of a .sling .shot with that ol Al a meeting at llie parisli housi TOMORROW , Mrs: Alvin Sanford, clialrman of Tomprrow wai! set As,the dead.' -«- in a. iioo cXaiti-, iclting j 0!) visils over the previou.s year. "5ERIISIAH0' omi"BEaVEnl'*ltE'' tn.c 55c Finast Cheese Food ^•"k Bazarian, of Waterbury, arid an atom bomb.' recently, presided over hy I^resl- Skinless Frankfurts the local branch ot the organiza­ donl Carlton Wlllman, the Drama line fnr the decision under the' tir- c«rrfc.c./o,,mcrU/orycar..«conu>. Because of liie help of nine volun­ J^l^ss Grace Krikorian, ot Now .Folicurged lliat greater respect eing of Giiils who. has warned Ihit WAIT BARGAIN IN NUTRITION liaven. -. tion, announced awards to the'fol­ .be held for law enforcer.^ and Guild -made Xurlher plans for the Ihc iMce of molor teer workers who gave 128 hours I Airport Chairman Uncovers Carl Garvin, princliinl at tho.High in assisting at the well-child eon- ,,^* *.'Kiiitorlan scr\-ed for a lime atso lowing students: Eva' Aldrlch, pointed put that they were men no fortheominn performances. Kathryn Brbreton,' Mary Brey. Wilfred Kafler, former town tax Sciiool, must Imvc the decision and ferenees. it was possii)le to re­ 2LB LOAF 89c LB LOAF 49^ ^as legal'advisor to the town Re- .different from any one else, but, plan In order to make provisions lease one nurse for field work. ft TRUE UFES: ^Hif vdbielopment Agency, ' mayor,' • Margaret Carlson,' Lucy al Ihe risk of their own lives, en­ collector, will again appear in the Citarelli, Anne Cucurello, Janet Do role of the Christus, and many of Hornet ^s Nest Of Critics for tho coming school year. ' ' Mrs. .lohnston .said a total of trusted with the duly of guarding The superintendent Is scheduled ^/^ feec.nl fejucli. Sola, Raylene Hill, Mary Kenney, tlie lives and properly of other.s. the key figures will i)o the same I'UliN'. ROUEKT (iRKKN 57 children eligible for sciiool wero Alien lluijliard, chairman of Hie ter air fiicilltics there. to j'clurn lodny frbm a week's vii- Cancer Dressing Vols Moi-ie '.'Landino, Ruth Noonan, He said that respect for Hie police­ as in Ihe jiast, althoug/i about a ltob('i-t Green. i»rincliiui of Luurei vaccinated by the town health of­ Lucille Palmero, Elaine PiseltclU, dozen substitutions ar(; nccc.s.sury New Haven Board of Airport Coin- Ho admitted tiiat the .legislature catlon with/Mrs, Glllls In Florida ficer. Dr. Roeco 13ovo, at three Finast Raisins ISOZPKG 19c . Meeting Next Thurs. man'would make him "a more ef­ Sciiool, was a consultant In the after attending ii national, school Patricia Rielola, Jean nicbards, ficient cop." this year, it was slated," because of iiiissioners overturned a lioriiet's had two bills concerned with the clinics and vnrio.us well-child cen- FINAST • FROM TOP QUALITY TOMATOES^ V The East Haven Clanccr Drcss- panel on tlie Teaching Principal at superintendent's confbrenco last Ann Saimo, Frances Scarpace, Bar­ "If you make fun of our laws Illness or press of "other activities. nest of crlliclHm when he appeared airport but declined to answer fer(aiees. This was an increase of " Ing Volunteers will hold their first bara Whitphouse, Marcia Yorks, tiie annua! conference of the Dc- week In Atlantic City.' He may dc-' 23 over 1951. In aiidltion, 89 |iiiys , SATURDAY AT 2 P. M. Tomato Paste 3«-OZTIN5 25c or officers," Folio said, "or try to Tho production commitlco in aslt- parlment of Elementary Sciiool before a Joint meeting of tiio East questionii. on detiiiis. In particular liver a report in which ho >. iriay meeting next Thursday at 2 p. ni. Evelyn Zalanskl, Betty Carbone, pull a fast one, you are materially ing for volunteers to fill the var­ leal examinations were given, com­ RICHMOND <• In Hie lower Town Hall, Mrs. Ray- I'rincipals, National Education As­ Haven and Branford Chambers of he would not commit himsell as cpmmcnt on his observations oh Kiddie Sliow, Walt Disncys Eleanor Clouse, Helen Paulbus, aidjng Communism inlts attempt ious places in the cnsL and also Cimimercu last Tlmrsdny- to pre­ to whether a bill granting powers pared to 71 the prevoiLs year. 4y4-ozTiN 37c *, mond C. Smith, chairman, an­ Adrienne Papuga, Barbara Thoma.s sociation, 'i'he conference, iielfl in such confereribc subjects as loyalty Steak Salmon lo destroy our government." on the technical .and production Atlantic City on Feb. 12, 13 and 14, sent Ills views on expanding tlie of eondein nation iiad not been off­ oaths. ; Tuberculosis sorvieo comprised "NATURE'S HALF ACRE" HARTLEY - ORANGE nounces*. and Louis. Thomas. Miss Alberln staffs where vacancies may ai'Ise. 1*28 visils or tirree per ceiil of the LB JAR 27c Jlrs. Walter n.Dann, volunteer Toothaker, of the faculty also re­ was attended iiy, several hundred New Haven Municipal AiriJort. ered for passage. rhe Boar^ Of Education |ast total. Altliougb, Ihis figure is low, Marmalade Name Chadeayne Captain There" are approximately 200 No sooner had Hubbard, who week went on record as rcqulr|i)B CARTOONS c>{|irnian ot the New Haven ceived a certificate. men, women and children in the school principals from all parts of Hubbard has estimated tliat Mrs. .lohnston said, liie present BORDEN • ALL PURPOSE , bcaneli of the American Cancer So- Certificates were presented to tlie nation. appeared as speaker upon t.lie Invi­ some ,f2,500,000 would be needed nil school deportment employeOB to tuberculosis.ease load in East Ha­ & SPECIAL FEATURE Sardines 2-LB LOAF 39c Of Bradford Manor F. D. east or otherwise participating In tation of the Branford Chamber, in order to convert tlio airport take a loyalty path. Chateau Cheese Clqly will display samples ot the six students for having completed Ihe i»-oduclion. 'I'he group studying the spccifie ven Is correspondingly low for a 1 types of dressings to be made and a course in '!Mc»ther and -Baby Mr. John Chadeayne of Coe Ave­ flnisiied his talk when he wns set Into a Cla.ss Four field which town of its size. Througiioul tli< CROSSE & BLACKWELL nue wa^i elecled lo tiie office of 'J'hc costumes and scenery arc problems of Ihe teaching princi­ u|>on by protesting East Hnvcners- would be capable of handling iiiorc infifoil .1 (h>irllitliitj ZJuvoi-ilc wUl inslruct those la-escnt in how Care." T'ley were Betty Carbone, carrieil ihrougli from year to year, pal expressed coni:ern with Hie dif- Momauguin HF & AM Up lo 35 Miles Per Ctillon with overdrive! . yeai', 1,07G residents received dies' 20c lo,lhiake thcni. Captain of tlie Bradford Manor who would liav(! none of his pro­ air coniniei'ce. Half of the «um Date & Nut Bread Eleanor Clouse, Adrienne Papugit, hut assistance \ti also required for fieuilles involved in attempting to would be furnished by the feder­ .\-rays either In I'^asl Haven or SPmi,-410N.2DAYS ^jiie local group is seeking to Heleii Pnlhus, Louis Thomas and .Hose Company Monday evening. posals for enlarging the, uir field. Communication Monday UO U.P. Uurricunc 6 Engine Have this portrait New Haven, slie said. Other officers are: Lieutenant, Al­ mending, cleaning and otherwise provide educational leadership . Huiibard uptiined plans wbei-ehy al, government the remainder com­ Er;i)I .T'ly,'!^!, Maitvecn O'Hiira CHEHIIY PIE hfivc two representatives from Barbara Thomas. keeping the costumes and props In while carrying a full teaching load. ing from New Haven, The clialr­ "The regular stated commitnlca- Tlio remaining tliree per cent of i- Icohnicolor NICELY FILLED WITH SEEDLESS ftvery woman's" organization in fred Mclillo; Foreman, Louis Fer- a new east-west runway would be good repair. Il was pointed out that under such built, exteiidlnK uero.ss Uriah and man has iieen anadvocatc of jiav- lion of Momauguin Lodge 138, With 7.6 Compression Ratio made TODAY ll\e lolal .visits comprised adult and ' Ai^A'h.ST ,AI,L FLAGS" or Ritz ' East Haven jolii in tills operation. ruei; Secretary, William McNully; seliool beatth supervl.sion, lliose nol DEEP RED CHERRIES .. Four New Hydrants Treasurer, Julius Buechle, re­ conditions the teaching principui Coe Ave. Su^i u chtinge would 1ns towns in llic Now Haven area A. r.& A. M. will ho held In tho fVJit "IIELLGATE" / Ijlfonnation may be obtained from support the cost of operating llic ,11 home, nol found or not taken RogPrico 55c SPECIAL"^ CRACKERS ''Mrs, Smith at HO 7-4227. Located In Town elected; Drum Corp Chairman, Hiking Club Has Camp was faced with an almost insur- block off botli aojiisscs to Momau-' lodge rooms at 26S Main &t„ on uses regular grade gasoline." Keep (he {uuliail leeoid sl'i...ug' Sterling' Haydon BCTTV AIDEN - SPCCIAl THIS V/EEK mounlnbic task. guin and Morris ciove'and Momau- airport. uiidei Caie, aecoidlng to I lie an- CRISPY, TASTY LBPKG 2,9< Thomas Hayes, chief of tiie Fire George Proscli, re-cleelcd; treas­ Supper At Cedarcrcst Monday at 7:30 p. m. at whlcli com|)lcle—niaKu llic up- i nual leport. 17c urer of Drum Corps, Robert Chad­ Among the final recommenda­ guin traffic would have to he Merchants Orlllcal dciisin' Bread R^gPo^:"' Albert Piscitelli Named - Department, has announced that Regular members of I*lie New time tile Fello\^cratt Degree will Ultra quiet, smooth "Air-Dornv" ride poiiitiiicnl now! Mis. .Tohnson deseiibed an ai- eayne; House committee, Edward tions wore two of special signifi­ routed over H|ll Rd. ;by Hie old The floor was left pretty much four new liydrants have been In­ Haven Hiking Club will go on a cance lo East Haven which has South School and down Henry St, to East Haven Chamber members be exemplified on a class ot can­ I langemenl wilh the Now Ha\eii Special Kiddies Matinees President Amerigo Club , stalled in various parts of the Abnor; Sunshine, Charles Calla­ hike lo be followed by a camp didates. All Master Ma&ons arc in­ Vi.sitpig Nuise Association, also a CHERRY POUND CAKE han, Herman Scharl and William eight teaching principals: T) extension. who were vociferous in their eritlcT ... Si.v rido in roomy comfort on Margarine ' jit a mcetinj? of the Amerigo town. They have been placed at supper at Camp Cedarcrcst In Cluiins-Town Benefit' isms of the airport. Expressing United Fund membei, . Wheieby efiBTOON, CHOCK FULL OF DELICIOUS RED CHERRIES ^ e KIsskall; Board of Directors, Wil­ schools', with 200 or more pupils vited to attend. At the last meet­ I^Cluii held recently the following the following locations: Hartman Orange. Members are asked to no­ The conlmistjion J ciinirnian ar­ feeling of resentment, going back LUCAS STUDIO lialned iier.sonnel In the fields ol RcgPr.co 39c. SPECIAL 'ACH »^ 3 < liam Brown, Herman Scharf and should have a supervising principal ing, plans were announced tor; the i6J" wide seating, front and rear CLOVERDALE ^^Cflccra were chosen for the crfm- Street, approximately 400 feet off tify Ed Houde FU 7-5630 as soon as gued that Easlllavcn:would bone- to the original establishment of mental hygiene, tuberculosis, nutii- Oarniva! Jean Fiondella; released from all teaching duties; Ahhual Roll Call and Dinp^r to . FINE TABLE LBCTN ^|< ,ing year: president, AlboVt Piscl- Coe Avenue; Bradley Street,' op­ possible to plan for the event. Hik­ fit from the'cxpanslon of the air­ tho airport. East llayeh niorchants 265 Main St lioii and malornity ate available to ^tcUl; secretary, Semi Longobardi; posite Boughton Place; Lynwood and 2) schools with less than 200 bo held on March 16, lucthcr pla-na PKG Of 12 BUNS 29c QUALITY William Brown of Stevens Street ers meet at 1 p. m. in front of pupils should have a principal who port which would attract the loca­ denounced the air field as a rob- East Haven, Conn. the local gi\oup lor eonsultation \{) Color (larlooii.s Kol Cross Buns |trcasurer, John LimoncelU; vlce- Place opposite Bradley Street; and the Free Public Library In New bbi^ of valuable land from East when needed. "All Ihuso conlaits is the retiring captain, having is released for half of the school tion of additional tax-|)aying in­ wilt bo announced and members PLAsmfi mmm SHIES, IK. .Plus [presldGnt and trustee for three Short Beaich Road, corner of Mans­ served the hose company for tiie Haven. The event this time is lim­ Haven, They voiced old complaints day plus regularly employed cleri­ dustry here. Ho said that industry are urged to keep the date open Tel. HO 7-3939 aio cMromely Impoilunt In keep­ ^jpara, Peter LlmonccUi. field Grove Road. ited to regular members alone. (iCouUaueU Oa Fago Two) Hamdon's Authorized Willys Dealer ing u small orgjnlzttlon such as SPECIAL FEATURE past two years. cal assistance. was shifting south because of bet­ £or an Interesting evening. 1890 STATE STREET HAMDEN TEL. kV 6-0428 ours alert to current elmnges and BIO 3 HR. SHOW 2 to 5 fi:BSl^'iia»iSi^ii«aSTORES ti ends," she said. Kiddies 20c, AdtUts 36c \ f^jooooocoooooqooooeoooosoooooooooo^c