Parish Magazine St. Mary’s, Holy Trinity

September 40p

Who’s Who at Worsbrough?

Vicar:- Revd Alison Earl The Vicarage, Wath Road, Elsecar, S74 8HJ Tel: (01226) 351806 Churchwardens:- Mr Tom Isherwood, 21 Stone Leigh, Tankersley, Tel: 740775 Mr Martin Pearson, 238 Road, Birdwell Tel : 350330 Secretary:- Miss Margaret Fellows. Tel 299577 Deanery Synod:- Mr Martin Pearson, Mrs A Balme Organist & Choirmaster:- Mr Andrew Noble, Dip.R.C.M (Teach) A.R.C.M (PG) L.T.C.L Mother’s Union:- Mrs A. Balme (Branch Leader) Tel 281185 Meetings held every fourth Wednesday at 7pm Wives Group:- Miss Pam Kellett (Secretary) Tel: 744612 Meetings held alternate Mondays at 7.30pm V.I.P Club Mrs Diane Lawrance tel: 07773905575 Email – dianelawrance@btinternet,com Meetings held at 10.45am second Sunday of the Month Magazine Secretary:- Mrs A. Jacques tel 290067 Magazine Editor:- Mr A Gittner [email protected] 28, Lynham Avenue, Birdwell. Tel 361475 Old School room Miss Margaret Fellows. Bookings Tel 299577 Messy Club Jillian Aranyi. Tel 294625

Check out our Church on the web.

Parochial Church Council: - Mrs B Gittner, Mr J Driver, Mrs J Cameron, Miss M Fellows, Mrs Y Lunn, Miss I Thompson, Mrs A Balme, Miss M Oglanby, Mrs M Shepard. Mrs S. Hallam, Mr R. Thompson.

Arrangements for baptisms, weddings and the publication of banns can be made by contacting the Churchwardens in the Old School any Thursday evenings from 7pm to 7.30pm or failing this by telephone.


September diary

Sun 30th Aug 11.00am Sung Eucharist / Joint Benefice Service 12.15pm Junior Chorister Rehearsal 6.30pm Evensong Tue 1st Sep 7.30pm Standing Committee Worsbrough Wed 2nd Sep 10.00am Holy Communion/Fellowship Standing Committee Elsecar Thu 3rd Sep 9.30 – 11.30am Drop In 7.30pm Choir rehearsal Sun 6th Sep 10.45am VIP Club 11.00am Sung Eucharist/Mother’s Union Sunday 12.15pm Junior Chorister Rehearsal 6.30pm Evensong Tue 8th Sep 1.30-3.00pm Messy Club Wed 9th Sep 10.00am Holy Communion/Fellowship Thu 10th Sep 9.30 – 11.30am Drop In 7.30pm Choir rehearsal Sun 13th Sep 11.00am Joint Deanery Eucharist / Bishop of Whitby Followed by lunch in the schoolroom 6.30pm Evensong Last day for articles for the Magazine Mon 14th Sep 7.30pm Wives Group AGM and 50 years Celebration Tue 15th Sep 7.30pm PCC Worsbrough Wed 16th Sep 10.00am Holy Communion/Fellowship PCC Elsecar Thu 18th Sep 9.30 – 11.30am Drop In 7.30pm Choir rehearsal Sat 19th Sep 7.30pm Harvest Celebration of Music / Refreshments Sun 20th Sep 11.00am Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 12.15pm Junior Chorister Rehearsal 6.30pm Evensong Mon 21st Sep 7.00pm Harvest Supper and Auction of Produce Wed 23rd Sep 10.00am Holy Communion/Fellowship 7.00pm Mother’s Union AGM Thu 27th Sep 9.30 – 11.30am Drop In 7.30pm Choir rehearsal


Sun 27th Sep 11.00am Family Worship 12.15pm Junior Chorister Rehearsal 6.30pm Evensong Mon 28th Sep 7.00pm Elsecar Evensong and Harvest Supper 7.30pm Wives Group Wed 30th Sep 10.00am Holy Communion/Fellowship Thu 1st Oct 9.30 - 11.30am Drop In 7.30pm Choir Rehearsal

Rotas for September 2015 Sidespersons

Sunday 6th 11.00am Mrs A. Sellars & Mrs M. Shepard September Sunday 13th 11.00am Mrs A. Jacques &Mrs M. Moore September Sunday 20th 11.00am Mrs V. Taylor &Mrs B. Gittner September Sunday 27th 11.00am Mrs K. Goldsby-West & Miss M. Fellows September Sunday 4th 11.00am Mrs A.Balme &Mrs Y. Lunn October

Sanctuary Guild Mrs J. Thompson & Mrs S. Reynolds

Church Cleaners

13th Mesd. Goulding, Taylor & Woodhead September 27th Mesd. Lunn, Saynor & Sellars September

If anyone would like to help to keep our church clean for worship, weddings and baptisms could they please make themselves known.


A Further Observation on a Busy Theme

Those of you who were in church on Wednesday 12th August may remember Alison preaching on being busy, making lists that get even longer and trying to do too many things at once and subsequently not achieving anything in the end. I want to share with you an article which appeared recently in one of the many circulars pushed through my letter box.

Life should be lived in the Moment

Multi-tasking is so last century. If you want to do anything really well, with a new spiritual dimension and with deeper meaning, then, do whatever you do with 100% attention.

Listen wholeheartedly to others. Go for a run without music, Wash the dishes with intent, Garden focussing on the myriad of textures and colours of nature. Even if standing in the morning commuter, traffic crush, Or sitting out the boardroom sales figures predictions, Bring your thoughts into the moment and give it your full attention. You will find distraction, pain and irritation lessen. When petting your dog or cat, instead of distractedly tapping their coats really concentrate on the texture, warmth, smell and their reaction to you. Animals give 100% attention to all that they do. Let’s try it and see the difference it makes. Maybe it is worth a try!!

Anne Balme


Services at Holy Trinity Church Elsecar

Every Sunday 9.30 Communion ,

1st, 3rd 5th, Sunday 4.00pm evening prayer

Church open every Monday

10.30-2.30pm for tea and coffee, research

records and space to pray.

Around the Parish from the Registers Bereavements We offer our sincere condolences to anyone who has recently lost a loved one especially the family and friends of:

Malcolm Shaw 69

Janey Pickering 72



Minister: Rev Mick Neal, 12 Orchard Croft, Dodworth, S75 3QY Tel: 01226 770422 revmickneal@googlemail .com SUNDAY SERVICE 10.45am ……..…(Monthly United Service at , 10.30 am, see below) WEEKDAYS: Monday (term-time) ………………….….Healthy Bones – 10.00am…. Kids’ Club (5-7s) - 4.30pm Tuesday (term-time) …………..……….‘Little Fishes’ (pre-school) group… 9.00am – 11.15am Thursday (term-time)..…….…Exodus Kidz Klub (8 -11s) 5.30pm … Rock Solid (11+) 7.30pm Friday (term-time)….…….Brownies 5.30pm Please ring 290568 for details of other events/times Visit our website at for more information

Dates for your September 2015 Diary

Thursday 3 10.00 am Watercolour Painting course restarts (weekly) Sunday 6 10.30 am United at Hoyland Rev Kristin Markay Sunday 13 10.45 am Mrs Eda Rogan Monday 14 7.30 pm Circuit Meeting at Dodworth Sunday 20 10.45 am United at Birdwell Deacon Debbie Marsh

Sunday 27 10.45 am Birdwell Harvest Festival Rev Kristin Markay See the top box for details of regular weekly events, such as Little Fishes, Kids’ Clubs, etc., which aren’t included in the ‘dates for your diary’.

Birdwell Harvest Festival Our Harvest Festival service was overlooked for the Spotlight (Methodist Circuit) Magazine listings. Please note that our Harvest Service will be held on Sunday 27th September, as above, and will be led by Rev Kristin Markay.

Barnsley Methodist Circuit – New Setup from September 2015 As many people will know, there will be significant changes to the structure of the Barnsley Methodist Circuit over the next few months as we rearrange ministerial responsibilities and bring our churches together into three groups. As of now, the minister with responsibility for Birdwell, Pilley and Hoyland (amongst others) is Rev Mick Neal. Each group of churches will work together and support each other physically, spiritually and financially. This next twelve months will be a learning curve for us all, and we pray that the new system will work smoothly. We would ask for your patience and your prayers as we all learn how it will work. Watercolour Painting Course Friends interested in improving their watercolour technique are reminded that our Watercolour Course restarts on Thursday 3rd September, at 10 am.


St Mary’s Wives Group 50th Year Celebration

Our first meeting will take place on Monday, 14th September, 2015 at 7.30 p.m. We will hold the AGM at the start of the meeting and this will be followed by a celebration of the Group’s 50th anniversary.

We would be delighted if anyone who has been involved with the group during those 50 years would care to join us in the celebrations.

Photographs will be on display to evoke memories of past events, excursions and celebrations and we hope that there will be a sharing of memories by everyone.

There will be wine, soft drinks and nibbles so please bring a glass.

We welcome any new members who would care to join us for the start of our new year.



Mothers Union News

In July we had our Summer Party Night. The food was lovely and there was even jelly to follow the savouries. We had quizzes to test the mind; then a mission to make a hat from a bag of assorted materials including a sheet of newspaper, pretty paper and ribbon. As you can see from the pictures the ladies threw themselves into the task and some amazing hats were created! Everyone was a winner from the raffle and the evening finished with a good old fashioned sing song, which was a great way to end the season.


September sees the start of a new year in terms of the Mothers’ Union; a time to look back on what we have achieved during the past year and what we hope to achieve during the next twelve months. It was with sadness that the Annual Meeting in September thought it was better to cancel our Tuesday afternoon meetings during the winter.

This year we need to take several decisions as to the future of our group here at Saint Mary’s, the part we play in our Deanery and in the diocese, both in worship and support of functions that are held. It is always noticeable at diocesan acts of worship that the banner from Saint Mary’s branch is missing.

Our Annual Meeting will be held on Wednesday 23rd September at 7.00pm in the schoolroom. Alison will chair this meeting and we shall start with Holy Communion.

I hope to see all our members there.

Anne Balme


and join


Friday 25th September 10.15am to 12.00noon

1, Wrens Way, Birdwell


Harvest Supper.

This year's Harvest Supper will be on Monday 21 September 7pm in the Old School.

Pie and peas supper followed by an auction of harvest produce. Proceeds to the church's nominated charity.

Tickets cost £7.50 per person (to be paid on the night). Please see Sheena Hallam in church by Sunday 13 September to reserve your place.

Please note: the maximum number is 65 and places will be reserved on a first come first served basis.



The Trustees of Rebecca Guest Robinson invite any deserving person, being a bona fide resident of Birdwell or Worsbrough Village, to make application to the Trustees for a modest grant which could help alleviate acute personal hardship or distress which cannot be relieved from public funds.

Application forms are available from the Trustees or by applying in writing to Mr J. Armitage, Chairman of the Trustees 10 St. Mary’s Gardens, Worsbrough Village, Barnsley, S70 5LU

Registered Charity No: 247266


Mission Action Plan – Toy Bags

As you are aware part of our Church action plan is to provide toy bags for children attending various church services.

The actual bags have been made and each one measures 40cm x 30cm.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated to provide toys to fill the bags. These should be suitable for 2 to 10 years old and can be new or unused/unwanted.

Examples of the kind of toys required are: notebooks, colouring books and pencils, small cars and transformers, lego and suitable puzzles.

Please contact me if you can help.



Diocese Information

Diocesan Development Day 2015

This will be taking place on 3rd October 9.30am- 4pm at St Thomas Philadelphia. The key note speaker will be Arun Arora, National Director of Communications for the Church of and the theme is ‘spreading the net –communicating well’.

There will be workshops on: Preaching, church buildings, 100 ways to get your church noticed, websites, social media, design skills and many more.

Every parish can send 5 delegates and if you wish to go please let Revd Alison or Margaret Fellowes know so we can book your place.

Northern Bishops- Crossroads Mission

In September form 10th -13th The Bishops from the Northern Province will be ascending on our Diocese and for 3 days will be joining our Deaneries.

Our Deanery shall be hosting the Bishop of Whitby and a number of events have been organised for his stay.


I do hope that as many people as possible will be able to join us and give him a visit to remember.

See below a timetable of events so far:

10th Thursday: (please note) 13.30 pm Eucharist and commissioning at Cathedral 19.00 pm Welcoming Deanery Service at St Leonards, Wortley with refreshments afterwards.

11th Friday: Morning: School visit – Tankersley Primary Lunch: 12 00 Hare & Hounds Afternoon: School visit –Ward Green Primary

Evening: Meet at St Saviours, Thurlstone at 6.30 pm for pilgrimage service at Royd Moor viewpoint near , where prayers are said for the deanery. St Saviours, Thurlstone – 7.30 Buffet, some entertainment & possibly short talk.

12th Saturday: Morning & Afternoon: Presence at Penistone Show Evening 7.00 pm: TBC Community event at Pilley Club: suggestion to invite Bruce Dyer and Worsbrough Brass

13th Sunday: Guest Service – Benefice joint service in St Mary’s Church, Worsbrough Village at 11.00am.




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this Mag needs YOU

We are trying to widen the interest in Church and advertise our work around the area. Each month we try to put a small number of the magazines into the Library at Hoyland on the off chance someone might be interested. Unfortunately the pressures of work mean that I find it very difficult to get to the library during their opening hours. Could you help out by taking a few copies of the magazine into the library and filling up the display box? If you can help please contact Alastair


Editorial; This month I’ve been thinking about what we did on our holidays.

First let me say I am very fortunate and grateful that I can go on holiday as I know in these difficult times that won’t be true for all. This year we went to Mallorca and if you read last month’s column you will know that visiting cathedrals and churches was on our agenda. When visiting a new church I like to first sit quietly for a while and take in the atmosphere of the place, reflect on the lighting and the spirituality of the place. Is this a place of God? Is God here?

For us one of the highlights of the holiday was to visit the Sanctuari de Lluc, high up in the mountains of Mallorca. Climbing the winding road up from the coast we ascended several 1000ft into the clouds and reaching a mountain plateau we could see the secluded Monastery nestling in between the highest peaks of the island. The Sanctuari de Lluc is a monastery and pilgrimage site dedicated, like our own church, to Saint Mary, the mother of Christ. It has been a holy site since a shepherd discovered a statue of The Virgin Mary back in the 13th century. These days it is a Choral School for a highly internationally regarded choir. Indeed boys have been taught singing there since the 15th century.

Though the Sanctuari is now highly focussed on tourism as much as it is a place of worship, study and reflection it manages to balance this difficult task and there remains a marvellous spiritual feel to the whole location, helped partly because of it wonderful position high in the mountains, with the rocky peaks and glowering clouds all around. The Choir boys (and since 2008 girls) are known as Els Blauets, due to the blue cassocks they wear, the exact same shade as our own choir and both are due to the fact that our churches are dedicated to St Mary.

The Mallorcans are rightly very proud of their Sanctuari, feeling that it is the spiritual centre of the Island and mixed in with the tourist are pilgrims and locals coming to pray and seek healing and renewal at this special place. We visited on a Sunday and surprisingly, as many churches don’t, visitors were allowed into the main sanctuary of the monastery during their morning mass. With the service being in Spanish and Latin and due to the fact that we missed the start I preferred to listen to the magical music from outside the church.


When visiting churches and cathedrals I always have very mixed emotions. As a self-professed Christian I feel that it it’s OK for me to visit, but what about all those visitors who are not Christian, who don’t attend regularly, don’t know how to behave in church and are visiting to gawp at the art work, photograph the stained glass and marvel at the sculptures? Should Churches and cathedrals be tourist destinations, Christianity to be “consumed” just like any other tourist attraction? We also visited Le Seu, the large Gothic Cathedral in the island’s capital Palma. There while I was enjoying my initial “sit and feel what the church is like” moments I watched a couple with their children. Their youngest son was clearly taking one of his first ever pictures on his mobile phone and his parents were the subject. So there they were before the altar, cosily cuddled up close arm in arm, his mother clearly used to taking selfies, knew her “good” side, stood with her knee coquettishly bent across her husband, expertly changing position and pouting slightly as her son snapped away. “Look this is us at the big cathedral…and here’s us on the beach…and here’s us in the hotel bar by the pool.” You can imagine the conversation on their return home. I was not sure this all totally appropriate nor necessary.

Le Seu unlike the Sanctuari does not allow you to enter during a service. And this is where my mixed emotions come in. Regular readers may remember a previous theme; namely “when the church of Jesus, shuts its outer door, lest the roar of traffic drown the voice of prayer.” If we believe in evangelism and if we are confident we have a message to take to the people, then we need them to be in church. We need them to visit and we should always welcome them. Who knows if our “vogueing” parents were so moved with their visit that on their return home (to Germany) they joined their local church and are now on the first steps of their spiritual journey. The Sanctuari de Lluc tolerates visitors wandering around their church as they worship, they are asked not to photograph during the mass but otherwise can witness and experience the sights, sounds and smells (the wonderful smell of incense was notable in all the churches we visited.) This is evangelism but it’s a tough call. Next time we have Eucharist imagine visitors wandering the aisles, camera in hand, talking albeit quietly through the prayers, discussing the skeleton statue in the Lady Church. What would they make of our worship, is it something they would want to join in with, find out more about? What is the atmosphere like, is it a place of God? And if they looked around our noticeboards would they discover information to help them on their journey? Something to reflect upon next time I am in church. Alastair 21

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