284588 Greene, Ja.mes Michael, Coal-miner, Christchurch St, Kai- 161886 Hill, Fred; Farm Hand, care of Mr. J. K. Bennie, Section 7 - tan' ata.. · · Otahuti Rura1 Delivery, . · · 18'11142 GteeJeld:; Leonard Howai,,1, Hardware-manager, Stratford 271431 Hill, William, Tinsmith and Sheetmetal Worker, 3 Main - ·St;Goill, · - South Rural Delivery, Gore. 241187 Greet, Thomas Ward; Clerk, 1.74 Don St, Inverca.rgill, 298412 Hillis, Alexander, Kennington, Invercargill. 0911114 Gregory, A1exattder, Gra.dersdriver, Koa St, Gore. 410071 Hillis, Douglas Keith, Farm Hand, MyroBB Bush Post. 292876 Greig, Leslie, Rabbit-skinner, care of Mr . .A. Rouse, Ea.st office. · ·• Dome, Five Rivers. 410070 Hillis, Samuel Russell, Farm Labotirer, 111:yross Bush Post- 3757115 Grieve, William Glendinning, Musterer, Coronet-Peak offioe. · : ... · Station, Queeniltown Rural Delivery. 279104 Hodge, Peter, Riversdale. 273011 Guim, Hugh Urquhart Neil, Farm Worker, Toiro, via 416130 Holden, Ian Thomas, Farm Hand, Waiwera South. _ . . Balclutha. . 277992 Holland, Richard Emmet, Grocer, 182 Main St, Gore. 058828 -Gutschlag, Leslie, La.bourer, 9 Irving St, Gore. 253115 Hope, David Robert James, .. 042976 Hagen, Edward Stamper, Cleaner and Acting Fireman, 250149 Hopkins, Philip Llewellyn, Farmer, "Holmwood," Wynd­ . . . . Circle Hill, Milburn, Otago; ham, Southland. 302264 Halder, Isaac, Dairy-farmer, Section 3, Invercargill, Otago 418826 Hormann, Carvel Carsten, Dairy-farmer, Lomeville, South- Rural Delivery. land; · 412{)59. Ha.ldet, John Watson, Farmer, care of R. Anderson, Otapi:t, 137672 Hormann, Cecil Arthur, Farin Labourer, "Kenmore," · Wintofl; · _ _ Lorneville. 169484 Hale, Ewart, Tru,cker, Eddystone 'St, Kaitangata. 224964 Howie, James Cyril, Thresher, Mone,Ymore, Milton. 281110 1Ialf'