Business and Culture in China Program Itinerary Arrive Shanghai May 16 Depart May 25

Day 1 Morning & Afternoon Arrive in Shanghai, transfer to accommodations Evening Welcome dinner: local Shanghainese cuisine Day 2 Morning Half day orientation with CET Afternoon Tour of Donghua University campus Local food and conversation with local buddies: conversation about college culture in Shanghai Evening Free time Day 3 Morning Pearl TV Tower Afternoon Lunch and dialogue with Chinese buddies French concession guided walking tour Evening Bund night river cruise Day 4 Morning Train to Hangzhou Afternoon Tea field hike and boating on West Lake, lunch included Evening Group dinner: local Hangzhou cuisine Day 5 Morning Site visit to tour local factory Afternoon Visit local pottery center and Grand Canal walk Evening Return to Shanghai by train Day 6 Morning Guest speaker at CET Center Afternoon Lunch and dialogue with Chinese buddies Visit Yu Garden Evening Free time Day 7 Morning Guest speaker at CET Center Afternoon Site visit in Shanghai Evening High speed train to Beijing Day 8 Morning Walking tour around Capital Normal University Guest speaker at CET Center Afternoon Tour Silk Market with Silk Market manager, showing market history and development Free time: Opportunity to buy gifts and souvenirs at Silk Market Evening Free time

Business and Culture in China Program Itinerary Day 9 Morning Depart for Mutianyu Great Wall day trip Afternoon Explore Great Wall Group Lunch Evening Return to Beijing Free time Day 10 Morning & Afternoon Visit and Evening Peking Duck Dinner and dialogue with Chinese buddies Day 11 Morning Site visit in Beijing Afternoon Free time to explore or shop Evening Traditional Chinese performance: Peking Opera Day 12 Morning Guest speaker at CET Center Afternoon Bird’s Nest Stadium at Olympic Park 798 Art District with Chinese buddies Evening Free time Day 13 Morning Free time in Nanluoguxiang (explore and shop for gifts) Afternoon Class meeting at CET Evening Farewell banquet Day 14 Morning Check-out of accommodations, transfer to the Beijing airport