"Must Visit Attractions in "

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10 Posizioni indicati

Fernsehturm "Il grande fratello ti spia!"

Situato in , nel cuore della Berlino orientale, questo edificio degli anni Sessanta svetta sull'intera città. Costruito dalle autorità comuniste nel pieno della guerra fredda, i berlinesi dell'ovest sfacciatamente battezzarono la torre della televisione come la "vendetta del Papa" a causa della croce scintillante che appare sul pinnacolo della by dronepicr torre quando è illuminata dal sole. Sebbene sia considerata da molti un pugno in un occhio, i panorami dall'alto sono difficili da battere. Il Telecaffè girevole a 207 metri di altezza è una piacevole opzione per prendere un caffè e posare uno sguardo sulla città.

+49 30 247 5750 www.berlinerfernsehturm. info@berlinerfernsehturm. Panoramastraße 1A, de/ de Alexanderplatz, Berlino

Museum Island "A Gathering of Museums"

Museum Island is located on the northern half of a historically-significant island in the River that runs through Berlin. The island takes its name from the five that reside in the area - the , the , the , the , and the . Museum Island was designated a by DXR World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999. The island's first museum was erected in 1797, and the whole area was designated specifically for art and science by King Frederick William IV of in 1841. An assemblage of spectacular historical monuments, the Museum Island is a stunning heritage hub.

+49 30 2 6642 4242 www.smb.museum/en/museums-ins Museum Island, Berlino titutions/museumsinsel-berlin/home/

Muro di Berlino "The Famous "

Anyone visiting Berlin today would find it hard to imagine that this vibrant and cosmopolitan city was once divided and through its heart ran a wall made of concrete and barbed wire, patrolled by armed guards. Erected on 13 August 1961 to halt the outflow of disaffected East German workers, the Berlin Wall divided . No one will forget the night of 9th by Public Domain November 1989 when it came crashing down. In the months following its fall, it was bulldozed to the ground and the land where it stood auctioned off to the highest bidder. Not much of the original Wall is left today, with only one or two sections saved as a permanent reminder of the past. The longest and most impressive stretch can be seen at the , while another section, which is full of chisel holes and graffiti, runs along Niederkirchner Straße just south of . Hordes of tourists still flock to but there is not much left to see except a gripping exhibition at Haus am Checkpoint Charlie. The Wall Memorial on Bernauer Straße is well worth a visit while a more somber moment could be spent contemplating the line of white crosses on Ebertstraße behind the Reichstag.

Bernauer Straße 111, Berlino Checkpoint Charlie

"Ricordi della guerra fredda"

L'ultimo simbolo della Guerra fredda che ha diviso l'Europa e il mondo per quattro decenni, il Muro di Berlino rimane tutt'ora la principale attrazione turistica della città. E il Checkpoint Charlie, il precedente punto dove si attraversava la frontiera, è generalmente il primo luogo dove la maggior parte dei turisti si dirigono. Ciò nonostante il monumento di fama by Giuseppe Milo mondiale può deludere un po' all'inizio. L'originale posto di frontiera (www.pixael.com) venne demolito e tutto quello che rimasto oggigiorno è un cartello che dice, "State lasciando il settore americano" e una replica della torre di avvistamento del 1961. L'unica cosa che vale realmente la pena vedere è il Museo Haus am Checkpoint Charlie.

+49 30 36407730 www.berlin.de/orte/sehenswuerdig Friedrichstrasse 43-45, Berlino keiten/checkpoint- charlie/index.php?lang=de

Holocaust Memorial "A Stirring Tribute"

Sixty years after World War II, Berlin unveiled the Holocaust Memorial, known officially as the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of , in memory of victims of those who lost their lives during Holocaust. An international symbol of a somber chapter in World history, this memorial, located next to the and near the buried remains of by Public Domain Adolf Hitler's underground bunker, was designed by U.S. architect Peter Eisenman. The memorial's grid of 2711 gray concrete slabs covers a vast area in the heart of the city. The slabs, or stelae, stand at varied heights of up to 4.5 meters (15 feet), creating the sense of a stark concrete forest, through which visitors can wander on uneven cobblestone pathways. The design of the memorial is relatively abstract and has been interpreted in several ways. A poignant reminder of German history's dark chapter, the memorial's information center offers detailed archives and stories of the victims.

+49 30 2639430 www.holocaust- info@stiftung_denkmal.de Cora-Berliner-Straße 1, mahnmal.de/ Berlino

Reichstag "Il parlamento di ieri e di oggi"

Non c'è un altro edificio che incarni allo stesso modo il passato, il presente e il futuro della Germania come il Reichstag. Costruito tra il 1884 e il 1894 fu sede del parlamento durante l'Impero di Bismarck ed è stato testimone di un secolo di storia tedesca. Dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino nel 1989 l'edificio è tornato alla sua funzione originaria con una cupola di vetro by Public Domain disegnata dall'architetto britannico Sir Norman Foster. I visitatori oggi possono salire alla cupola che conta con una terrazza panoramica, una mostra fotografica che ripercorre la storia turbolenta del Reichstag e un ristorante sul tetto.

+49 30 2270 www.visitberlin.de/en/reichstag-in- Platz der Republik 1, Berlino berlin

Berlin Zoological Garden "Berlin's Oldest "

Located next to Zoo Station in the heart of the western city center, Zoologischer Garten Berlin is one of the most renowned and a popular tourist attraction in the city. Founded in 1844 by Prussian King William IV, the Zoologischer Garten is Germany's oldest zoo. With 13,000 animals covering over 1,400 different species, the zoo is also one of the by avda-foto world's most populous zoos. Home to polar bears, giant pandas and arctic wolves, majestic like King Vulture and Ostrich can are found here. Frequented by locals and tourists alike, the zoo is an important landmark of the city.

+49 30 25 4010 www.zoo-berlin.de kundenservice@zoo- Hardenbergplatz 8, Berlino berlin.de

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church "Berlin's best-known landmark"

Built in the late 19th century in honor of Kaiser Wilhelm I, the once magnificent, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche was gutted by fire after a British air-raid in November 1943. The only parts left standing were the nave and half a spire. Nowadays, the spireless ruin and the modern chapel next door provide the city with more than just a famous landmark - they by corno.fulgur75 are also a poignant symbol of the senselessness of war. The 'Stalingrad Madonna' in the futuristic blue-glass chapel next to the ruin is worth a visit, as is the exhibition documenting the history of the church on .

+49 30 218 5023 gedaechtniskirche- info@gedaechtniskirche- Breitscheidplatz, Berlino berlin.de/ berlin.de

Castello di "Gli splendori reali"

Questo meraviglioso palazzo barocco fu costruito nel 1695 dal re Federico Guglielmo I come residenza estiva per la sua amata sposa, la regina Sofia Carlotta. Nei lussureggianti Giardini Reali si nascondono numerosi piccoli edifici: il Belvedere decorato in stile rococo, che ospita una fantastica collezione di porcellane; lo Schinkel Pavillion dove sono conservati dipinti, by BeLichtErstatter quadri, sculture, mobili e porcellane di Karl Friedrich Schinkel, e il Mausoleo neoclassico che contiene le tombe della regina Luisa, del re Federico Guglielmo III, dell'imperatore Guglielmo I e dell'imperatrice Augusta.

+49 30 32 0910 www.visitberlin.de/en/charlottenbur Spandauer Damm 20, Luisenplatz, g-palace-old-palace Berlino

Biosphäre Potsdam "Natural Harmony Indoors"

Biosphäre Potsdam is an indoor tropical haven in the city of Potsdam. Spread across 7,000 square meters (75347.37 square feet), the Biosphäre Potsdam recreates the typical rain forests of the equatorial region. As you walk in, you will be mesmerized by refreshing sights, sounds and fragrances. Professional guides will take you around the rain forest to get by Rolf Dietrich Brecher you acquainted with the flora such as Traveler's Palm, The Screw Pine and more, fauna such as Python Regius, Veiled Chameleon and some pretty intriguing exhibits. This ecological space is also home to a koi pond, where you can feed the fish, a colorful butterfly house, medicinal plants, birds, insects and a lot more. Escape from the city into the green world of Biosphäre Potsdam for an unforgettable experience.

+49 331 55 0740 www.biosphaere- info@biosphaere- Georg-Hermann-Allee 99, potsdam.de/en/ potsdam.de Potsdam

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