Attachment C Governor 12f 20/l6 Jack Dalrymple INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OF Attorney General Agriculture Commissioner OUTDOOR HERITAGE FUND

Executive Director/Secretary Karlene Fine

Outdoor Heritage Fund Program Usage As of December 16, 2016 The Industrial Commission has made 95 contract awards totaling $28,497,374. Of those 95 awards 4 were withdrawn. As of December 16, 2016 there was $8,950,564.91 that had been expended on the projects (approximately 31.4% of the awarded dollars). We currently have pending requests for payments that total just over $1,000,000 that were received or reported to me in the last week that will be disbursed, if all the necessary paperwork is correct, before the end of the year. Of the 91 contracts 40 projects are completed ( 44.4% of the projects) utilizing $3,289,699 - Reminder that the first award was made January 29, 2014 with contract executions taking place over the next several months. A number of the projects were multi-year contracts (some as long as 10 years) and were for work that can only be done on a seasonal basis. Some projects have had delays and have asked for extensions to complete their project. I have granted the no-cost extensions on a fairly regular basis. There are a few contracts that have not drawn any or very limited funding for various reasons: 1) Game and Fish Department Contract 003-040 - Pheasant Habitat Initiative - $3,000,000 (still working to obtain the federal matching funds) Mr. Steinwand will give an update on this project. 2) Department of Agriculture Contract 004-062 - North Dakota Waterbank Program - $1,200,000 (their first report is due at the end of this month) 3) ND Statewide Conservation Districts Contract 006-085 - ND Statewide Conservation Tree Planting Initiative (Phase 2) - $2,050,000 - this was funding for projects that to be done in 2017 and 2018. They have received $205,000 of their funding. They are also finishing work under the Phase I program - $636,387 remains to be drawn down. 4) Because of the nature of the project some projects only report on an annual basis so I will be receiving their first report in December. I will be happy to respond to any questions about this information. During the meeting I will highlight a few of the projects. A reminder that you can view the reports and summary information on all the projects on the Outdoor Heritage Fund website at ohf-proj ects.html

Presented to OHF Advisory Board on December 20, 2016.

Randy Bina Jay Elkin Carolyn Godfread Jon Godfread Blaine Hoffman Tom Hutchens Robert Kuylen Jim Melchior Wade Moser, Chairman Kent Reierson Patricia Stockdill Ex-officio: Larry Kotchman Terry Steinwand Rhonda Vetsch Mark Zimmerman

Outdoor Heritage Fund (OHF) State Capitol, 14th Floor - 600 E Boulevard Ave Dept 405 - Bismarck, ND 58505-0840 E-Mail: [email protected] PHONE: 701-328-3722 FAX: 701-328-2820 "Your Gateway to North Dakota"