north east raise a glass to pubs, people and news from your local FREE ISSUE 12 // July/August 2011 bright and sunnY cheersbumper r summER spEcial • Micros: Pint sized and potent • character forming with hutch • 300 up: the lords of the ring bEER icE cREam You can’t lick it oh yEs you can! inn-sidE pUbS !// nEwS // IdEAS // opInIon // nEw pUbS // old pUbS // bEEr for lUnch // bEEr for tEA // bEEr for dInnEr // pUbS! 07_11 Theakston Lightfoot 280x210_oulines.pdf 11/7/11 10:30:58 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K N O R T HE A S T Raise a glass to pubs, people and news from your local FREE I S S U E 1 2 www. cheersnortheast // July/August 2011 c BRIGHTh ANDe SUNNYe rs BUMPER r S U M M E RS P E C IA L • Micros: Pint sized and potent • Character forming with Hutch • 300 up: The Lords of The Ring editorial 0191 231 6080 Alastair Gilmour before” been to had never pubs in Seaburn that people three example, gone, for have normally might never that some people pubs and areas go to “One of the good things is we BEER ICE CREAM
[email protected] It feels like we’ve achieved something. This issue IT LICK CAN’TYOU O HY E SY O UC A N ! INN-SIDE of Cheers North East marks our first anniversary P U B S ! / / N E W S / / I D E A S / / O P IN IO N / / N E W P U B S / / O L D P U B S / / B E E R F O R L U N C H / / B E E R F O R T E A advertising / / B E E R F O R D I N N E R / / P U B S ! – we’ve had a year of Cheers, 12 months of hard 0191 231 6080 cover: liz scott tries beer Gillian corney work, fun and satisfaction producing one of the ice-cream.