North American Wetlands Conservation Act

Tennessee currently has 32 NAWCA projects either completed or underway. These projects have conserved a total of 67,874 acres of wildlife habitat. NAWCA funding of more than $13.4 million stimulated partner contributions of more than $65.7 million.

NAWCA Positively Impacts the Economy and NAWCA Effectively Leverages Private Creates Jobs Sector Funds NAWCA has benefited the national economy by Federal NAWCA grants have leveraged more translating $1.3 billion in federal funds into more than $5 than $2.7 billion in partner funds. billion in on-the-ground conservation and economic activity in North America. Partners have included thousands of landowners, NAWCA funds have created on average, nearly 7,500 private companies, conservation non-profits, new jobs annually in the United States, generating more federal agencies and all 50 states. than $200 million in worker earnings each year. NAWCA requires a 1:1 match, but partners at the local level often double or triple federal funds. NAWCA Expands Recreational

Opportunities for People These recreational activities such as hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing NAWCA Benefits and photography are a multibillion Hundreds of Wildlife dollar industry Species NAWCA benefits a wide array of species, including rare, threatened and endangered Conserving and Restoring Wetlands species that are dependent on Increases Water Quantity and wetlands ecosystems. Quality Wetlands store water and recharge aquifers, thus securing future water supplies.

National Data from September 1990 thru March 2014

$1.3 $2.7 Billion 27.5 5,000 2,421 Billion In Million Partners Projects Matching In Grants Acres Funds

Tennessee NAWCA Projects

Title Grant Partners Total Funds Acres

1. WHITE LAKE $128,500 $925,400 $1,053,900 1,938

2. HORNS BLUFF $56,223 $385,860 $442,083 1,431

3. MUSTIN BOTTOMS I $882,100 $1,775,600 $2,657,700 2,981

4. WHITE LAKE II $173,125 $451,804 $624,929 1,483

5. COLD CREEK FULLEN TRACT $300,000 $639,760 $939,760 830

6. MUSTIN BOTTOMS II $360,000 $489,500 $849,500 2,387

7. WOLF RIVER $732,700 $3,335,300 $4,068,000 4,467 BIG SWAN CREEK HEADWATER PROTECTION STAR 8. $26,500 $97,900 $124,400 315 BRANCH ACQUISITION 9. SMITH BEND CAMPAIGN $50,000 $6,880,000 $6,930,000 2,500 MID - MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY BIRD 10. $1,000,000 $5,319,651 $6,319,651 14,033 CONSERVATION AREA I 11. LOWER OBION RIVER I $1,000,000 $4,686,994 $5,686,994 6,561 MIGRATORY BIRD CONSERVATION 12. $50,000 $1,760,122 $1,810,122 1,638 AREA 13. UPPER TENNESSEE RIVER I $1,000,000 $3,479,088 $4,479,088 2,862

14. MID - MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY II $1,000,000 $3,035,740 $4,035,740 4,163

15. HABITAT PROTECTION PROJECT $50,000 $166,000 $216,000 1,138

16. LOWER OBION RIVER II $1,000,000 $2,916,109 $3,916,109 2,772 WEST TENNESSEE MIGRATORY BIRD CONSERVATION 17. $50,000 $2,496,500 $2,546,500 2,369 AREA 18. LOWER OBION RIVER III $1,000,000 $3,406,863 $4,406,863 2,382

19. WOLF RIVER, TENNESSEE, PHASE II $1,000,000 $12,011,076 $13,011,076 2,729 BIG SWAN HEADWATERS PRESERVE: BOILING 20. $25,000 $25,415 $50,415 38 SPRINGS TRACT ACQUISITION RESTORATION OF LICK CREEK WETLANDS - JOACHIM 21. $75,000 $937,415 $1,012,415 549 BIBLE REFUGE TRACTS KILLEBREW TRACT ACQUISITION - SHELTON FERRY 22. $75,000 $494,364 $569,364 253 WETLANDS 23. LOWER OBION RIVER, PHASE V $1,000,000 $3,227,433 $4,227,433 1,017

24. WETLAND ENHANCEMENT AT OLD HICKORY WMA $15,000 $35,000 $50,000 322

25. UPPER WOLF RIVER - SPINOLO TRACT ACQUISITION $75,000 $170,850 $245,850 154

26. MINGO SWAMP - COLE TRACT ACQUISITION $75,000 $125,000 $200,000 84 27. BARK CAMP BARRENS, TN $75,000 $367,500 $442,500 200

28. SOUTH FORK, , TN $75,000 $112,500 $187,500 618

29. CANNON TRACT ACQUISITION $75,000 $229,200 $304,200 279 WEST TENNESSEE WETLANDS ENHANCEMENT 30. $999,900 $2,263,507 $3,263,407 2,441 PROJECT LOWER OBION RIVER VI - TUMBLEWEED 31. $1,000,000 $3,369,000 $4,369,000 2,816 ACQUISITION 32. FORKED DEER RIVER - MILLER TRACT ACQUISITION $75,000 $134,500 $209,500 124

Total $13,499,048 $65,750,951 $79,249,999 67,874

Bark Camp Barrens In the heart of the state in the 5th Congressional district, near Nashville, the Bark Camp Barrens Wildlife Management Area (WMA) encompass crucial wintering and stopover habitat for migratory birds and a wide array of other species of wildlife. The Bark Camp Barrens NAWCA project, awarded to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency in June of 2013 protected 200 more acres, near adjacent conservation projects. The land in the Bark Camp Barrens supports a diverse ecosystem, and the $75,000 NAWCA grant is helping to restore and protect very high-quality wetlands which are an important piece in the Central Flyway. The federal dollars were matched by $367,500, raised by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and their main partner, The Nature Conservancy. This project will help to permanently provide vital habitat for hundreds of species.

Tennessee Multi-State NAWCA Projects

Tennessee currently has 4 multi-state projects either completed or underway. These projects have conserved a total of 98,605 acres of wildlife habitat. NAWCA funding of over $3.4 million stimulated partner contributions of over $7.7 million.

Title Grant Partners Total Funds Acres

1. WETLANDS RESTORATION PRIVATE LANDS LMV 1994 $363,100 $1,278,583 $1,641,683 22,250

2. MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY $1,131,185 $1,841,314 $2,972,499 11,876

3. LOWER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ECOSYSTEM $955,898 $2,288,736 $3,244,634 33,187

4. LOWER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ECOSYSTEM II $999,655 $2,295,999 $3,295,654 31,292

Total $3,449,838 $7,704,632 $11,154,470 98,605

For additional information please contact Ducks Unlimited, Inc.’s Governmental Affairs Office at 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 402, Washington, D.C., 20004 or call (202) 347-1530