You are invited to a special lunch cruise on Harbour to farewell and pay tribute to Hon Fiona Nash Former Deputy Leader of The Nationals Senator John Williams Senator for and to thank them for their service to The Nationals

DATE & TIME: 12.15pm for 12.30pm to 3.30pm DEPARTURE POINT: 18’ Sailing Club DRESS: COST (incl GST): Thursday 28 February 2019 Bay Street, Double Bay Business Casual $660 per person


I wish to purchase ticket/s @ $660 (incl. GST) per person $

I wish to make a donation $

TOTAL $ PERSONAL DETAILS This payment is made on:

a personal card DECLARATION a company card

DR / MR / MRS / MS / MISS (please circle) I am not a foreign donor NAME (of cardholder as it appears on the electoral roll) This is a fundraiser for the 2019 Federal ORGANISATION (registered business or organisation name) Election campaigns in NSW. The Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) prohibits ABN the provision and knowing receipt of donations from foreign donors. A foreign donor is defined as: ADDRESS (electoral roll address or registered business address) (a) A body politic of a foreign country; (b) A body politic of a part of a foreign country;

EMAIL (c) A part of a body politic mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b); PHONE/MOBILE (d) A foreign public enterprise; (e) An entity (whether or not incorporated) that does GUEST NAME ORGANISATION NAME DIETARY REQUIREMENTS not meet any of the following conditions: (i) the entity is incorporated in Australia; (ii) the entity’s 1. head office is in Australia; (iii) the entity’s principal place of activity is, or is in, Australia; 2. (f) An individual who is none of the following: (i) an elector; (ii) an Australian citizen; (iii) an Australian 3. resident; (iv) a New Zealand citizen who holds a Subclass 444 (Special Category) visa. PAYMENT DETAILS I enclose a cheque payable to “NSW Nationals” I wish to pay by credit card – please fill in credit card details below:

Mastercard Visa AMEX RSVP

Name on card by Friday 22 February

to Leisel Huckel Card number [email protected] Expiry Phone: 0402 822 022 SIGNATURE (if paying by credit card)

Printed and authorised by R Cadell, National Party of Australia – NSW, Level 2, 107 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000