Only at Memories of Cowal Gathering from our social media family

#OnlyAtCowal We are indebted to you for sharing your memories with us and for making this book possible.

Thank you Hello from

While we can't be together this year in Dunoon Stadium celebrating the 127th Cowal Highland Gathering, we can gather online, in our own spaces. We may be separated by miles but we are brought together by our shared love of our historic event.

This book is a collection of your favourite memories, photographs and poems from across generations, from all around the world.

We hope you enjoy it and we hope to see you in 2022.

Ronnie Chair Cowal Highland Gathering

We Miss You

A love letter from Cowal Highland Gathering

We miss you We miss the excitement when the gates open We miss the noise of the crowd We miss the colour of every we could imagine We miss the stories of how you got here We miss the smiles of proud families We miss the smiles of happy families We miss seeing old friends We miss making new friends But most of all We miss you

A moment of joy

Sent to us by Michelle Cummings Wilby this shows Morgan McDougall and Mrs Pat McMaster sharing a moment of joy after Morgan was called for awards at Worlds Saturday 2018. Pat had made such a sacrifice to come to be with Morgan, leaving her daughter and co teacher Miss Paulina McMaster at home.

Paulina was watching on the live feed from her hospital bed. It was the most incredibly emotional and proud moment of all of Morgan’s 11 years #OnlyAtCowal❤

Cowal Highland Gathering 1983.

Laurie Salt, Ann Milne, Billy Forsyth, Mandy Allan & Dawn Brennan in 1983 (Dawn's first trip to ) Memories from a world champion

We're indebted to Dawn Brennan Sutter for Ann Milne, Gregor Bowman ❤ and Helen Fitzpatrick sharing her memories with us.#OnlyAtCowal

1990 World Champions Nadine MacKenzie, Dawn Brennan & Gregor Bowman leading parade

19 84 Prac ticing 1990 after winning the Junior World Championship Dawn is Dawn on boar Brennan ds nigh greeted with hugs from wee friend Ashley and Nicola & cous t befor in Ann e Cowal Miller. Milne -

Meeting up

Cowal Highland Gathering is a special place where friends meet up year after year. Like Sylvia Morrison and her friend Aileen who not only meet up - they also get an annual photo #OnlyAtCowal❤ Jumping for joy!

Fantastic favourite memory from Ruthann Organ of sisters Sara and Olivia from Nova Scotia, Canada at their first Cowal Highland Gathering in 2017. #OnlyAtCowal❤

Just a wee heilin lassie

I’m a wee lassie, just ten year ald Ya see dancing is my passion and it aywis be In 202 an affa thing came to be ‘The Coronavirus’ they cried it And it kinda took away a part of me

Nea mare Monday dance classes Nea mare Wednesday dance classes And the most heartbreaking one to wis nea mare competitions My wee world wiz turned upside doon and I had to get used to using Zoom Oh how I miss it a, the competitions that wiz Up at unearthly hoors I miss that noo The lang car jurneys I miss that noo But maste of a I miss my pals and having a bit of fun

That drrrrll of them pipes that send shivers doon ma spine Looking doon the line at they pals of mine After the bow it’s time to do my thing My heart beating oot ma chest I realy dea hope I dance ma best

I guess I did not to bad my mammy is smiling oot there And my teacher gave me a thumb in the air

Oh how I miss these times times, they are the best a lassy could have But I’ve gota keep working affa hard and no led my dancing slide Coz I’m realy hopng the ‘coronavirus’ is not here ti bide!

Sophie Smeaton Age 10 Loraine Waddell Dance School

Sixteen Poetic PdeBs

Took two planes here; bus, ferry, trains here Fae the Southern California coast. All is worth it for Cowal, The coast we love most!

-Allison and Beret Joy and Friendship

Morven Johnston and Lily Godden from Perth, Western Australia - just a great pic showing the joy and friendship of Highland Dancing #OnlyAtCowal❤

Special days

Two special photos from Karen Willett

The first is of Eilidh Gammons and Solana McMurchy in 2017. This one makes Karen smile every time she sees it despite not knowing what they're laughing about.

The second is from 2019 when Solana fulfilled one of her dreams by winning with Argyllshire Championship after being runner up since 2016 #OnlyAtCowal❤ Ambition

‘One day I’ll be on these Cowal boards as I want to be a champion’ Amelia May Smith wishing she was dancing on the ‘main’ Cowal boards in 2018 #OnlyAtCowal❤


Clad in Dress MacDuff Once was enough In my life, just to dance on those boards. Kin in Erskine Not so chuffed first time, With one first in the swords!

Forty years in between, But all it can mean Is no slacking, You get cracking! I will take care of the travel and packing. Every day keep on track. Cowal is calling us back!


Can't wait to return...

One from Riel Nason from New Brunswick, Canada who attended Cowal for the first time in 2018 when her daughter Tess (in red in the photo) was 11.

Tess reconnected with a friend from Ontario, Maggie (in blue) in the line-up area and they talked non-stop between every dance.

They cannot wait to come back to Cowal - hopefully in 2022. #OnlyAtCowal❤

Whatever the weather

Cowal friendships are forever. The two girls in red are sisters and they are photographed with their best friend after they won Beginners, Novice and intermediate at Cowal Highland Gathering2019 #OnlyAtCowal❤

Will we talk about the weather? Sometimes it's challenging, but as Kerry Gilchrist told us: 'It doesn’t what the weather is like the girls still have smiles on their faces and are happy to dance even on the wettest days..' G athering home

Gourock ferry? Very merry! As you look alang side. Keep eyes open! This beats ! As you sail 'cross the Clyde.

Clans of dolphins, seals and deer All appear 'ere the pier. Put your phone doon, take the view in, Soon the toon of Dunoon!

On the landing, you'll be standing, You can tell by the smell Ah! The ocean and the freshness! Ahead the Hotel!

Just follow that main street Here we'll meet, greet, and eat. The Street of Argyll Is Dunoon's "Royal Mile!"

Fill your bellies! Buy some wellies! Raise a whisky or tea. For a wee taxi fee, you're in Hunter's Quay!

From a Cowal Highland Gathering fan

When your daughter becomes a world champion...

We love these photos of Abbie MacNeil and her dad. Behind every World Highland Dancing Champion lies an incedible support system of family and friends. They truly are always there. #OnlyAtCowal❤

'That moment'

'That moment' is that once in a lifetime feeling of utter joy, love and pride all rolled into one. This 'that moment' comes from Claire Macleod at the 2019 Gathering.

Corah (Erin's big cousin) had just won runner up in the Premier Argyllshire Championship. She went straight over to meet wee Erin for her results and to help her find her boots and hoody.

Here she is asking to see her medals and telling her well done for winning runner up in the Under 8's beginner) #OnlyAtCowal❤ When dancing runs in your veins

We're at the dancing platform in 1980. The dancer in in green jacket is Allison Hunter. Allison's surname is now Dernbach and she is Also from Beret, is this photo the mother of current World Junior of our current Chairman Ronnie World Champion Beret Dernbach. Cairns, watching the dancers in 1980 #OnlyAtCowal❤ SOS - Save our Socks!

Elaine Tolley sent us this great photo, which is one of her favourites, from our grandstand in 2018.

Elaine has three dancers and their dad doesn’t always get over to Scotland with them but when he does he’s fully involved and not afraid to help out when needed.

As you can imagine, having three dancers performing at the same time can be challenging. On this particular day Fiona was running between east and west stands and husband Mark took on the task of fixing a hole in Fiona’s socks in between her dances. Sharing the joy!

Samantha Barrow's favourite Cowal moment is from the World Finals in 2017 when both she and friend Elise placed first and second in the Juvenile Seann Truibhas.

She says that looking up to see our dance teacher Jacqueline Smith crying tears of joy was such an amazing feeling and she is very thankful Sinead Scobie was able to capture this moment #OnlyAtCowal❤ From a little dancer Covid is scary, vicious and sad It's one of the toughest years I've ever had

It's taken my dancing, my swimming my friends My football also came to an end

Competitions were cancelled, all I had worked for But chin up, the next ones we work towards

So it started with zoom, all a bit mad But soon lots of fun and smiles were had

Tina worked so hard, she really is the best To provide us with lessons, shes a cut above the rest

Sometimes it wasnt always so easy But she stuck by us, and now zooming is breezy

Online Cowal games, what an amazing day The best fling I've ever done I would say

We danced in the sun, and tossed the caber Mum had some Gin, with a cherry for flavour

We sat in our tents, and Skerryvore played loud And I donned my kilt and danced for my crowd It may only be my family, but they clapped so loud And I remembered that feeling, being on those boards feeling proud

I may only be little, but Cowal runs in my blood From dancing, to fairground rides - to knee deep in the mud

The jingle of my medals jumping round my neck Mum is crying again, Cowal has that effect

Walking down Argyll street, with Dunoon clapping My dancing is done, so mum is no longer flapping

And then the night ends with a bang Me on grandads shoulders, with the rest of my gang

You see, Cowal is lots of things to lots of folks In all competitions, it brings lots of Hope

So we have missed it last year and will miss it again The decision was tough, but safety until the end

It will be back, and I just cant wait To wake up with those nerves and get on that stage

So I'm going to work hard, and practice all year And I cant wait for Cowal 2022 to be here A picture paints a thousand words

Cowal Highland Gathering has seen many competitors over its 127-year history, but it never fails to deliver once in a inspirational experiences. And when you win your first Cowal medal, well...

Just look at that smile! This beautiful photo came to us from Celeste Duncan and shows nine-year-old Ashleigh opening her first ever Cowal medal box in 2019 The first of many Ashleigh! #OnlyAtCowal❤ Waiting for the pipe band competitions to start.

This photo was sent to us by Neil Lea. Neil is known to pipe band members and followers as one of the Gathering's pipe band stewards. He is also an excellent photographer.

Neil took this photo at the 2017 Gathering and it shows Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association (RSPBA) Steward Alex,nearest the camera, together with RSPBA Chairman John Hughes. Alex is no longer with us which makes this photo even more special for Neil.

That Stunningly Low Fast-Moving Sky Up Above (AKA Rain!)

When you're ready for rain, Then nae need tae complain. Could get cold here, might get drenched through! Have a brollie or two.

Sometimes the storms here blow in fae the side Driven by wind, you'll be in for a ride! But the Games still go on - so know in advance You still have tae show up, and you still have tae dance!

It's no like at home where this kind of rain Will result in a date change tae come back again!! So be ready for this, in your mind and your plans Your dance'll be fine if you've planned in advance.

Wi' your raingear and warmies it's kind of like camp! Just embrace might be cold, maybe muddy and damp. There's nae need to be fancy, so long as you're dancy, at Cowal in '22 A wee blether together, no mind o' the weather - it will just be so good to see all of you! Dear COVID - an open letter...


You can take away our championships, And take away our ;

You can make us dance alone at home and remove all that remains.

You can disappoint us with cancellations and throw regret, sadness and lost opportunities in our face, But you can never remove that Highland spirit— That irreplaceable grace;

The motivation we create together, When we’re strong we’re strong forever.

You can’t take away our passion, You cannot banish our drive.

We are the dancers, The athletes, And bagpipes make us feel alive.

We are a beautiful, Powerful, Ev≈er lasting spark;

And when you’re gone We’ll still be here, Bright and ready to leave our mark.


A Highland dancer Just keep smiling...

Great photo from Maura Clifford Macdonald who says: 'Highland dance definitely teaches our kids to keep smiling and dancing despite the rain!'

Eva Macdonald from Laurencekirk clearly had a very successful 2019 Cowal Highland Gathering and we're looking forward to seeing her again in 2022 #OnlyAtCowal Winning that historic trophy..

A trip to our trophy room is a 'must do' on every visit to Cowal Highland Gathering. Take a step back in history when you read the names of previous winners and recognise some of the world's best dancers names engraved on our trophies. Now imagine winning one of them...

Kevin Gammons has shared his favourite Cowal memories. His daughter Catriona's first championship win was in 2016 when she was crowned Argyllshire Champion (13 and under 16).

It was also the first time both his daughters won championships on the same day as Catriona's sister Eilidh won the 12 & under Argyllshire championship. #OnlyAtCowal❤ It's a family thing

Kevin's favourite Cowal memory of daughter Eilidh is a special family photo. It's from her first Cowal when she was 7 years old and her mum had just driven across from Crieff high school to make it just in time for the Friday trophy presentation. Eilidh won the Scottish National on the Thursday and completed the double by winning the Scottish Open on the Friday. She was so happy to see her mum arrive in time to see that trophy presentation. #OnlyAtCowal❤ That Cowal medal

When your ambition is to win a Cowal medal...

Gordon MacKellar has attended the Gathering for 70 years and in 2018 he took part in the hill race to win his prized Cowal medal #OnlyAtCowal❤ See you in Dunoon Stadium from 25 - 27 August 2022