South Centrol Child Developnent Fomily Heolthy Cooking

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5 snall boneless skinlcss chicken breasts ( I % lb.) I pkl Shake 'n' Beke Chicken Coding Mix 2 cups spaghctti sauce % cups shredded Mozzzrella I /8 cup grated Parmcsan Checse I tsp. dried oregaao lcaves

L Hcar oven to 4000 F. 2. Coat chickcn with coating mix as dirccted on package; place in 13 x 9 pan 3. Bake 20 minutcs or until chickcn is done (155" F). ,{- Top wirh remaining ingrcdicnts; bake 5 minurcs or until mozarclla is mehed. Plr scwing .cloricr 320: Totil Fst l2g (SatuEtcd Fat jg). Cholrrtcrol Sirng Sodiu'n 940m9 Totll Carbobyd ratc l8& Dia_rq. i:i hci :9. S:rg3rs:la Prctcin 3,ig

Tuna Rice Casserole Serves 4

l0 ounces tomato soup, condensed l% cups hot waEr Io I -cup peas, cooked I (5!4 ouncc) can tuna frsh ut, lX cups raw ricc I Hteat ovcn ro 350 dcgrees. 2 Mix 8ll ingrcdicnts in casserole dish Bakc for 30 to 45 minutes. Scrve. Pcr scrving catorics3- Totll F.r t2g (Snurdcd Far 0.4g), Cholcsnrot llm-q- Sodiu,n iSf Total Crrboh!dmrc ,66. ts Iribcr a S€a'5 8.1g, Pmt.in l9_2 3

Goro Scrves 5

I -cup raisins [{up pcanuts dry roasted I -cup aprico6, dried l-cup pineapple, dried I cup coconug flaked

l. Mcasurc all frui6, coconut and pesnuts 2. Pour togethcr and mix. 3. Scrve. Pe, s.rving celorics 39i: folll Fc i 25.79 (SaErarcC Fat I I 8g), Cholcstcrol 0m& Sodium l5 Totil Carboh tc i9.l Diaiaa\ !:ib.i f..l Sugds 25.59 Protdn t0 Zestv Potato PiTri Serves 6

6 medium potatoes pcclcd Vt cup Moarclla chcesg shreddcd % cup sour crcam I egg bcaten 2 teaspoons dry brcadcnrmbs l-pound ground bccf 4 ounccs Mozzarella checse shrcdded 2 tsblespoons Parmesan cheese grared I small onion 8 ounces pizza sauce

I For crust peel. cook and mash potatoes. 2 Beal togefter hot mashed potatoes, sour crcam, Mozzarella cheese and egg in a mixiflg bo]vl. .t. Scason to taste q,ith salt and pepper. 4. Spread potato mixmre onto a l2-inch pizzr pan. 5. Sprinklc with breadcrumbs. 6. Bake ar 350 degrces for 20 minutes. 7. Mcanwhile for topping bro$,n becfand onion in skillet drain well. 8. Stir in pizza saucc set aside. 9. Remove cn st from oven inoease remperanrre to 400 degrees. 10. Spoon toppiag mixurc evenly over crusl parmesan Il. Sprinkle with Mozrarclla and cheescs bake another l0-minutes. t2. Cut into and sene wirh forks. Per sCn'lng c:llories 484: Tota Fx 22. (S.turor.d Frt 0. Cholc5tarol 3mg Sodiur, 4i Totrl Crrboh!d Dieta ' Fiber ) ProGio

Whole !\,heat Brearl Serves 8

% cup 3 ablcspoons sugar 3% teaspoons salt % cup margarine X cup molasses I |l cups warm water 2% ounces dry ycast 27: cups whole-wheat flour % cup wheat germ 4-5 cups whitc flour

I. Scald millq sugar, salt, margarirc, and molasscs or honcy. 2- Cool to lukcwsrm. 3. Add yeast mixhnc to the lukewarm mixNre. 4. Add wholc-whcat flour, wheal gcrm and 2-cups flour. 5. Beat 2-minutes until smooth. 6. Add enough white flour to make soft dough. 7. Tum out on a [ighdy floured board knead until smooth and elasrjc about 8-10 minutes- 8. Placc in greased bowl tuming to grEase top. 9. Cover and lct rise a littlc abovc sides ofpan. 10. B8ke at375 degrccs for 45-j0 minutes. ll. lt is done when the and it sounds hollo\Y. Iter scrving crlorics 100: ToEl Frt E.43 j.{Satura..d Fat 1.8d, Cholcrtcrollnr& Sodium I I I Totrl Cnrbohydratc Fibrt Protcifl 0 o v) F 5 i! c ll- ; =' =.9 =5 5 et o96 BE I6 8< x +i5 E a<='+ io H 33fi F -7q x'o + =g -+ E'rye- I EA Ji oa @ t a:3e, .i A 3*

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4 eggs X cup cheddar chees? gratcd 4 ounces ham diced 72 cup mushrooms % cup black olives l-tablespoon butter l/, cup green pePpers diced

I- Preheat your boiler- Choose a pan you can use on the bumer and under the boilcr. 2. Beat eggs in mixing bowl add cheese and pizza toppings. 3. Mclt butter and pour in the cgg rnixturc and cook on the burner until the bouom is golden (about 7-minutes). 4. Removc the pan from the burner and place it under ttrc broiler for about 3-minutes or until the top has puffed up and lightly browned. 5 Cool sl and cut into

I,cr ng c, lori es 206 Total ) (SaNratcd FAI 6.6$, ch OI a5(erol 246m Sodi 5 Totxl Ca hydr. tc Dictary Fibcr 0 Sugars Protci n 1


Pancakes Serves 4 l-cup all-purposc flour 2 teaspoons baking powder l-tablespoon sugar % tcaspoon salt % cup milk 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 2 eggs, beaten

l. Combine all dry ingredients. 2. Preheai electric skillet to 380 degrees 3. Add buner and milk to egs. 4. Add dry ingredients. 5. Stirjust to dampen (not too much). 6. ust milk so it's thin to UI' P.r s.rvi[g c.loric! 244: Totrl Fet 10.29 (Satur.rcd Fat 5.5g), Chol6tcrol l27m& Sodium i7l Totnl Corbohydratc 29 Dictsry Fibcr 0 s J.4g Prolcin 7.9g


t ilhr StrarYberry AImord Muftins Serves l2

% cup butter, softencd 2 eglgs ,, cup whole-wheat flour .d % teaspoon salt .{ % cup alrnonds, chopped I % cup sugar % cup mitk I %-cups flour I -ablespoon baking powder 2 cups saawbcrries, chopped

I . Preheat oven to 375 degrccs and line a l2-cup muffin tin lvith paper lincrs (a goodjob for kids). 2. [n a bowl ofan clectric mixcr or food processor cr€am the buter and sugar. 3. Add the eggs one at a dme and blcnd until fluffy. 4. Mix in milk and almond extract. 5. In a scparate bowl mix flour, baking powder and salc 6. Add flour mix to the milk mixture and btend until just combined. 7. Fold in he stawbcrries aod almonds. 8. Fill muffin cups to top and bake for 30-minutes or until golder brown.

,Si)diurr|220rngTotalCrrbohydratril,3g,DicEryFibcrl.9gSugalsll.9gProtcitr4.69 |

Peanut Butter Grs[ola Bars Sewes 20 (20-bars) 7 % cup pcanut buner creamy 7 2 cups granola cercal l-cup raisins 7 % cup walnuts 7 2 cups crispy rice cereal l0 tablespoons honey | -cup oatmeal old-fashioned % cup sunflower seeds 2 eggs lightly bcaten

I. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. 2. Crease 9xl! pan. J. over low ll 1:"r".pfi heat melr peanut bufter and honey, let cool. 4. tn a Iarge bowl mix granola, oatmeai, raisins, sunflower seeds and walnuts. 5. Stir in peanut butter and honey mixture to coat. 6. Slowly mix in eggs. 7. Gently stir in the rice cercal and press the mix$re into the prepared Pan. 8. Bake 20 to i0 minutes or unril I ightly browned on the edges. 9. Cool and cut into uares. Pc. servrng trlorias 2431 Total Fa 2.4g (Saturatcd Far 2. Cholcstcrol 2 m8, Sodi Total Csrboh yd rntc 29 Fiber 9 6. Protci '7 ees Sou Serves 8

% pound ground beef % cup chopped onion % cup skedded carrots % cup dices celery I teaspoon dried basil I teaspoon dried parsley flakes 3 cups chicken broth 4 cups diced peeled potatoes (l% pounds), raw % cup all-purpose flour 2 cups (8-ounces) process cheese-Velveeta I % cups milk salt to taste with cooking % to 7, teaspoon pepper % cup sour cream

I ln a 3{uart saucepan brown beefdrain and set aside. ? ln the same saucepan sautd onion, carrot, celery, basil and parslcy in l-tablcspoon butter until vegetables are tcnder about l0- minutes. J. Add brorh, poato€s and beefbring to 8 boil. 4. Reduce heat cover and simmer for lGl2 minutes or until potatoes arc tcnder. 5 Meanwhile in a small skillet melt rcmaining butter- 6 Add flour cook and stir for 3-5 minutes or until bubbly. 't Add to soup bring to boil. 8 Cook and stir for 2-minutes- Reduce heat to low. 9 Add cheese, milk, salt and pepper cook and stir until cheesc melts. I 0. Remove from the heat blend in sour crcam Pcr scrving crlorics 330: Tolrl Frt l8g (Satudlcd Fst I lg), Cbolcat rol 59mg Sodiulrl 510 Total rtlc Fiber 4 ProtriD lig

Pork Cbops with Apples Serves 4 4 apples, sliccd Ifl % cup lemon juice ,o' % t€aspoon nuEneg I -teaspoon salt

I -teaspoon pcpper l -tablespoon vegetable oil 4 pork chops % cup applejuicc I +ablespoon buner, optional rt l. Sprinklc the apples with lemonjuice and nutmeg- 2. warm a lo-inch or larger skillet over mcdium high heat and add enough oil to keep the pork from sticking. 3. When the skillet is hot add the 4-pork chops and a pinch ofsalt and pepper. 4. After about 6 minutes turn the chops to brown on the other side. 5. After 5 minutes push the chops aside and add the apples. 6. Cover the pan and cook for about 2-minutes. 7. Rcmove the cooked pork chops from the pan to a warmed scrving platter (at this point tte center ofthe pork chops should be white and thejuices should run clear). 8. Continuc cooking the apples until soft about 3-minutes. 9. Deglaze thc pan with the cider orjuice by tuming up the heat, stirring thejuice and apples and scraping up the browned bis. Serve over or beside Pcr lcoing cilorics 339: Totrl Frt l?.9g (Saturatcd Fu 5-59), Chol.stcrol 75m9, Sodium To(.1Cl tc 22.69, Dict.ry Fiber3.6& Sug.6 16.49, Prol.in 21.09 Oven-Baked Ch icken Parmesao Serves 6

6 small boncless skinless chicken breasts ( I y6 lb.) 1 pkL Shake 'n' Bake Chickcn Coating ML\ 2 cups spaghetti sauce % cups shreddcd lr4ozzarella Cheese I /8 cup grared Parmcsan Cheese I tsp. dfied or€gano leaves

l. H€at oven to 400o F. 2. Coat chicksn with coating mix as dirccted on package; placc in 13 x 9 pan. 3. Bake 20 minutcs or until chicksn is done (165' F). 4. Top with rtmaining ingredicnts; bake 5 minutcs or until mozzarella is melted. Plr scrvin-s erloris 320: Totill Fit l2g fsaluralcd Far 5g), Cbolcsrcrol 85rn& Sodium,lonig fot,t Cnrbobydrxrc lSg- Dicra4 r:!r::r --. :: Prorcin

I T trr .-l

Turkev Breast Sca DDINI Serve 4

I -pound turkey breast cutlcts % cup breadcrumbs % cup Parmesan cheese % cup lemon juice 3 tablespoons butter

I. Pat turkey cutlets dry. 2. Mix cheese and bread crumbs on a plate and coat the cutlets in the mix. i. Hear 2-tablespoons ofbutter in a skillet on medium and add cutlets. 4. Brown on both sides about 3-minutes per side and put on a platter. Test for doncness with thermometer to I650 F. 5. Deglaze.the pan by tuming heat to high add lemon juice and scrape browned bits into sauce. 6. Tum off heat and stir in remaining buner. 7. Pour sauce over and serve immediate Per serving crtori.s 259: Torrl Frt I t.jg (Sstuiared Fat 6.99). Cbol.srcrot 98mg, SodiuIn Tohl Carbohyd iatt 5.4g" Fibe. 0.a Protcin 3t -49 II'G lII !,8 |ltEr I Candy Corn Serves 4

I (lO ounce) package corn, frozen l -tablespoon brown sugar 2 scallions, diced (optional) 3 tablespoons butter % cup red peppers, diced

l. Cook frozen com according to the package directions' sugar I 2- Melt butter in a saucepan over medium low heat, add brown \O a and stir until smooth (be carcful mixture does not burn)' with red pcppers I - 3. Drain com and add it to the brown sugar mixture \ and scallions. a 4. Cook 2-minutes stir constantly. 5. Scrve hot or cold Pcr scwinS crlorics t68: Totll Frt 9.69 (Slturetcd F.t 5.6g). Cholcsrcrol 22mg Sodirm Totrl ratc 2l Dieory Fibcr2.

Flerb r(lcc Serves 4

^ 2 cups water, cold I (12 ounce) package rice (Rice a Roni Hcrb and Buner)

l. ln a large saucepan combine herb rice mixture with 2 cups cold water. 2. Briag to boil, rcducc thc hcat to low, stir oncc and cover. 3. Simmer for l4 to 20 minutcs or until I is absorbed. Pcrservint c!lorics J06: Totrl Frt 0.59(Saturatcd Far 0.lg), Chotcat.rolomg Sodii'm i Totrl tc 67 Fibc. I Protcin 5

Smiling Banaras Serves 2

I banana I fruit leather % cup maraschino cherrics .zl cup pineapplc rings % cup pumpkin sceds % cup coconut, shrcdded Z cup raisins % cup mandarin orange sections

l. Cut banana place halfon a bright colored plate for a smiling mouth. 2. Now let child(ren) ga imaginative; add pumpkin secds for teeth and ftuit leaher for a tongue. 3. Combine fruis for eyes and an-ange pineapple rings for eyebrows. 4. Banana or pincapple slices doublc as noscs. 5. For hair, mix coconut md a couple drops ofa bod color in a bowl then a hairdo Pcr s.rving clloric.369: Totrl Fer 15.5g (Satuftt d Far 7.?d, Chol..tcrol Orng Sodium 45mg Totrl Cerbohydret. 58.1 Didf,ry Fiber 5. 38.1 Protcin Grsham Crecker lce Cream Bars Serves 9

9 graham crackers % cups creamy peanut butter l-pint ice cream l -teaspoon vsnilla

I Mix softened ice cream, peanut butter and vanilla together 2 Put a small amount of the fillin between 2-cmckers and freeze. Per c rics 79: To Fa 4 (s aturated Fat 3 E$, Chol tcrol 4mg, Sod 3 Totir yd l Crrboh 5 Dictary Fib.r .l 0.3 tci

Pear Treat Serves 7

I (16 ounce) can pears, packed in syntp I (8 ounce) package , shredded I (4 ounce) carton

l. Put a pear half in a dish. '\:/- 2. Put Cool Whi on it and nkle with shredded cheddar cheese Pcr scrving catori.s 2t9: Tot l Fst 14.9g (Saturated Fat 10.49), Cholcst.rol l4m& Sodium 205nr Totnl Carbohydmtc 14.2 Dietery Fibcr 2- Slgals 10.39, Protein 3 59

-Or- Creamv Banana Shake grsAB & S|PICE Servcs 4 l7z cups skim milk -'!o' - % cup pineapple juicc concentratc, frozcn 2 cups frozen yogurt, vanilla softencd 6 ice cubcs 2 bananas

l. [n a blender combine milk,juice concentnte, bananas and ice. 2. Blend until smooth. Add frozen yogurt btend. 3. Serve immediatel Pcr scrving c.lori6 207: Totrl F.t 4.4g (Sa$rar.d Fat 2.8g), Cholcstcrol lTmg Sodium I l2m Totrl Crrboh Dicrsry Fibcr 1.7 S 23 Protlin I il