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6,172 ot tfca AndK

of CbcoiattoiM


VOL. LVIIL, NO. 118 (Utaoalfled ou Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1939 (S IX T E E N P A G E S ) PttlCB rUKEB C E N Ti






IN PARKS, FORESTS General Alarm Blaze Loss


Richmond. Calif., Feh. 17.— By Chief; 2 Firemen Cit; tice llie j Wi n Fight BID (A P I—William Oldham, paint- In New Comedy Ambasstdfr Grew Makes ing contractor, was a little boy 1 with a kite once himself. ' ^ Nail, Boy Flee For lives. RULES GROUP 'o Strip hibiic Works So when a little boy's kite I Rewust In Interview

lodged across tbe top of a tele- I phone pole yesterday, Oldham I Middletown, Feb. 17—(A P )—Fire CLEARS WAY 'Department Of Control With rereip wnwiBr climbed the pole and released It. I destro)red the Bonk ploclc on Mate Then he lost his grip and fell. ! street In the business center of this Hospital physicians said Old-, state Capitol, Hartford, Feb. 17. FOR LIFE ArH^ Action FoDowt 1^ ham, 44, bod a fractured left leg i city today with a loss estimated by —(API—Controversy over a hurri- and eertous spinal injuries. | Fire Chief Michael W. Lawton at cane rehabilitation program In atate 1150.000. H(Nise Banking CiMiiinittee Few DnjB Sni^ Qiete parka and foreata flared anew today Two filremen were cut by flying

ea Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin laid glsos end required hospital treat- lions By French' Britidie

blame for lack of action on the W PA mentment, a man and were Approves Legishtion To ALCORN SHOWS forced to flee for thdr Uvea from and Senate Democrats aerveo notice the blazing structure and traffic Contimie Emergency Co^ Tokyo, Fab. 17—(A P )—DMhiA they would fight a Mil which orould was snarled for hours te the mate atrip tbe atate Public Works Depart- thoroughfare through this dty. ■tetos Ambaaaodor Josapb G Oraw CHARGES P A D ment of control over the work. The blase woo diacoveredgabout today oakad tba Jap an ass gavam * The Republican chief executive porations Untfl 1941. 3 a.m. te the basement of a restau- usat for on explanation of tba osaerted that “nothing has been done NOT APPROVED rant on the ground floor of the four wo Navy's oceupattoa a l os far as the W PA to concerned'' story buildteg. It burned furiously ■tecs a ccoference he held with upward aad seven hours aftar It Woohlngton. Feb. 17.—(A P I—The Hainan, Clilnmi lataad ooMO 719 House Rules ^m m ittee cleared tbe af tba PhlHpphwa la* YVPA Adminlatrator Vincent J. Sul- started firemen were otlll pouring livan at which It was agreed to loada. htrodiices Evideiice Desigii* water on the emoking ruins. way today for tha House to begin Tba raquaat was mads orally ttl work out a cooperative program to Twa Forced Ta Flee consideration Monday of legialatlon repair tHh-devastatlor caused by the Watson D. Eckert, eareteker of -W ar te the spring" ta rumored te Europe. Workmen niih to I tatorvtow with Foralga Mliitotap ed To Prove PayoeDts completion concrete bomb-proof trenches near Buckingham Palace te to extend the life of tha Reconstruc- Hoohlro Arlta aad followad fey a September hurricane. the buUdlng, aad hto nephew, WU- Governor Baldwin said he under- bur Clark, a ochoolboy, who occupy London. tion Finance Corporation and Its fow daya otmitor laqaiato fey tbfe

stood a program hod been prepared an apartment on the fourth floor of affiliated agencies. ' Brlttoh ambiamdwa ta Made Fitkoot Approval New Haven, Feb. IT.—(A P ) — Ibfeya. by tbe Public Works Department In the buUdlng were forced to flee, As approved by the House Bank- cooperation with park and forest Hjalmar Johnson, 37, captain of Tbe Theater Guild uavattod PblBp It waa imdttntood tbat Aitta’a ing Ctemmittee, tbe legialatlon would lopiy was atmllar to thoaa fea gava ^ authorities, and asserted he bad been Of Board Of Finance. the flremen'a driU team, waa cut oontlnu# tha RFC, Tha Comnwdlty Barry's naw threa-oct eonwdjr ‘^ba trying without success to get In about tha ribs when a plate glass aad Taaaday ta Chattaa SIX LOYALIST LEADE8S Ocdlt Corporation, tba Export-Im- Phlladelphte Btory" starring Kotb- Hauy aad ito Rofetat Ih touch with Sullivan for tha last ten window of the restaurant waa shat- port Bonk and the Electrlo Form artea Hapbura hart and tt days. Ha added, however, that op Waterbuiy, Feb. 17—(API—;Evl- tered. He was discharged after re- Craigto, FrMidi aad M ttoh and Homs Authority to Jon. 18, to be on eatortatateg ynm tforUqr reapacUvily;' thathat tb one occasion tbe W PA head bad dence designed to prove tbe state's ceiving treatment at tbe Middlesex 1641. Bxlstteg tow providea for their ot a good haaditoe. telephoned his office while he waa hospital. was for imittary : charge that the city oSiclalt ' of FACE INSURGENT COURT expiration Juna 10. A partisan Connecticut a out. Joeeph McHugh, 80, a volunteer to Ughtab tba jopoa Navjrs Waterbury paid many Mlto between The lextototlon also would toersoss which tost night vlewod U IIm GMm Will -Fight To Ftetoh” firemen was cut on the hand and mlere performonoa tougbad loudly was hospitalised. tbe capltaltoatlon of the Dtooster Senator Joseph B. Downaa, Demo- 1930 and 19U without the approval Loon Corporation from 3*0,000,000 and oftan at Barry’s ■ am uahigg OM crotlc leader, asserted, meanwhile General Alarm Soonded At «M M of the Board of Finance was brought Eiecslira Of htrobero to 830,000.000 and moke It avoUabto airy dlologua and at tba■ aad I that his party would 'Ught to the At 8 ajn. when tbe flames arere BRITISH GUARD (Japan aw m Agaaey) out by Special Prosecutor Hugh M. to aid vletlms of dloaotora occurring Mlae Hepburn, the stage aad aaraan flntoh" against a measure which still out of control a general alarm sUur whose horoa to ta nearby Hart- oted tba Japi Alcorn today at the Waterbury mil- Yeiterday By Firiiig after Dee. 81,1988. tbe present limit. would transfer JurtodlcUbn over con- was sounded to bring aid to the four ford, a fire curtate call raeapttan. opsaiag a < U on-dollar fraud trial. oompanlea o f firemen on tbe scene. Ta Offer Ammflmenta Hoteoa, oaa of Its Btmctlon and matetenaaca work te NAVY SECRETS Foreata In Aadinwh reereatkmal reaorts from the Pub- James P. Purcell, accountant te Firemen from Portland responded Republicans on the Bonking Cbm- la tha audianes arara Mtoo Rap- tdianlag t o : Sqiad Disclosed; Defend- for that put lie W arin Department to tbe Park tbe city comptroller's office, was on Hi did the RusaeU Oompany of mlttaa served notice they would bum's porants. Or. and Mrs. Thomas and Forest Cbmmtosion. tbe witness stand while A lcm went Middletown. offer amandmenta to change tba pro- N. Hepburn, other members of bar Tbto Bwva was latarpratod I

The bill eras passed Iqr the House over with him a number of the The flame swept structure a BBb Provided ConseL AGAINST NAZIS posed axpiratlaa teta c f tha RPC fam ily aad numartma frtanda. oa ladloation tkat tba located at 278, $76 and 877 Mate ibeeta from tbe Worrante Payable 4m4 (to Mpuatao from Jui. 19«1 Tba atoMT tMdflS ta M lM tiw Ir i Regtotor vhtoh Itot MysMnte Mr tha by a fine t______tSapaad a : to Jobs t i of U w tjw . city to r the year liM . srum T Jsseis: Feb. 17.—(AI^>— gtx Akniralty Tv/Am Pralcc* RapewtontaUva WotooCt (lUM tob) KafllB. Vaca Alton, SooosU Oattoa, m AamM umhI swlteh'^ oa tbe BurrlcaM Pureelt ataitad workteg for the almost Ben to noUcs hesdqusrCefs. charged tba aorltor dote waa Fortaot O ir, Shlrtay i Boetb, ttrtwaata, not: and tha Damowatie Brinotfly Mto hi IMO teMtog dpaotor Ooaap- BnlU In m ac R was OSS ef MMEIs- amro govemmaat pollUeal toadero, Tbhte, PTaak fbntaa nad a araca- (Jopaaaaa b pooid ‘’dMIbarntaljrinan nttaiiipt teeded tha aaeaaaia R a i a forontn- treUer Doaial J. L iazy who to mam towB'aflrat ' ■MfiM by tba Iiiaurgant military ta* till Oi WinlDp ?n- to ambnmas tha naxt ndminlatiw- douB /euagatar wbo mnhni tbfeiga aeaajMtlon e f . iier ef attsaapto to U af dawB thafo- on t ^ wl|h Mayor Fzaadi Hayes Oeei tMUgmee aervloe, today were called tkm. aapaetoUy If It Nwuld ba fto- hum ttopor Lonarfda. ^ ]S,1M aquara ntftoa and fram IIm GMImm nail azganiaatlOB pzagram. and i$ othar dafindants e « obargea Tks first floor was ooeuptoJ by. tbe to trial by tha Council 'of War. publleon. *‘Tha PMtadHplm Rtonr” aavon The Mil will omM up tor final ac- of consplttag to "chaat sad dafraud" Uhitod iltoatannuit, barber ah^ of Iran After PibBcatipn 24 boars te tba. omeostm conatry Hainna atralL IS atflaa w S' Their arraota followad disclosure *Tt would be physically tmpoaal- tkm te the Betiato by the middle of tha e f abra thaa 81,000,000. Balitetors Oaprilo, .offlca ef Empire bto." Woloott told the rulas com- boms of fleth Lord, altaraattag bsz. aarrawart poiati Agents Oeater With Jodge Dyeing and Ctosnteg Cbmpsny, Art ef tbe execution yesterday of twaea a pretty sitting room aad (Tha Iteltod Stataa next Dtoomm Durteg a brief reeeaa, a aoto of Eduardo Barriobaro, first president Of Data On George Fiflli. mlttea. Tor tba next Cbngraaa to do front porch. Tba locality to near John D. Edwards rstumad froas anything hut contlnuo th# 'wbolt Yba new dispute about the hurrl- suspanoe aad ooealderabte apecnia- I a n P n g e R I g M . ) of popular tribunato hare under the City of.Brotbarly Leva. Tbe ta HoagfcoBS today stm RFC sstup oxoctly M it found It In eoae repair work came while House UoB waa zoTlvad whaa a trio of former govemmant nils aad deemed yam boa to do with the yagartos of ling that toa -Am atleaaa a t Democrats mat te a clooaly.guardad special agents e f 'the InteOlgance aa ''enemy*' of Inouigent Spate. London, Feb. 77 — (A P ) — The tha 12 days allawad nndor tba MU the mambaro o f tho Lord fam ily Hoikow aad KbaRobow, tka cUtoa' aa draftod.” caucus room to discuss their stand unit o f the Federal iMome Tax The death of Barriobero before a Brittob admiralty, It was fllafloaed arho ore frank, outapokan and ooeuptod by tba Japaaasa last waalfa on tha hotly-debated dual Job MU. Divlaion coafeired with Judge firing aquod has bean the only execu-, The fienato approved yeptontoy a kindly. —we aafo. BLACKENED RUINS today, haa tightanad Ito oofaguaids Rep. T. Emmet Claire, the minor- Ernest A. Inglto. tion oteoe Barcelona’s fall although (Mvaa Pbm tortoowmmeo of GronoDers. Vittorio Emanuels aad Quean Bens genninl R wooM Sto a brief In the common knowledge te Britain. sttendad a special funotal maaO for as “being west of here" dad Ger- sMos Grave Froyortiipt Unitog States Saptanae Oanrt today moved to safety. Hospital offl- Bebaotlan Sede and Pedro Ven- CAPSHAW DENIES elato sold no caaualttoa resulted. Tbe lPS8*aaval treaty' between ipa Plus XI today—tho first such la on effort to tavame a deetotoa o f tura Rodrlguoa, accused of respoiud- INaa.) Tliough patients were unharmsd. Britain aad Germany provides for tributo by tha Itattaa stato. tha Ctreott Ooart a i Appeals wWeh billty te tto deaths of several In- the exchange of building Informa- Tba day ares ana ef official awuni'' denied the right e f a federal bonk- ten flrnnra^suffm di^^rtajttrtoa. snrgent sympatblaero. Damaaeus, Syria, Fab. 17— ( SEEKING MURDER tion, which, however, must be treat- tag for all Italy. —Tha Syrian eablaet araa roptey ooart to order the idaiteg' M Arrosto Dolly ed aa confidential until publlsbsd 1^ The moos, attandsd ky fowor than of 88 Boy State rallraad etariana. I ■ . Dr. C. a. Roy, hospital attend- to bava decided to raatgn baurgent Oenerallaaimo Fronclaeo tha power supplying it. 2,000 persona, was eolebratod la the * a • ant, btomad the dtoastroua fire on Franco's Intalliganca Bervlca has THREAT IS MADE the quarrel between tba a pyroenanlac. Ha sold that te re- The George Fifth, first British 240-year-old dnireh of Boat'Andrea state aad the French g( HELD FOR RETORTION. been arraSUng aa average o f 20 per- Della Volto. New ^Yotk, Feb. 17^(AF> Nigiitrale Replies Te Qies- cent weeks several minor Maaea capital ship to be launched te 14 over Byrlaa tedepwideaea aooa a day staoo Insurgent fore years, to schedulad to sUda down the Tha ktag, elod In grey green army 48-yeoi,^ld acceaataari, FVnak W. hod 6448 found, and quickly axtte- serioua proportiom. „ guiakad. at the same spot wbora occupied Barcehma Jan. 28. ways at NawcooUa, Fab. 21 with uniform and eanrlag n sword, sad 10 KIDNAP CHILD Excitement waa moaBtlatf Btadto, was held today fo r arraign- No trial dote has boen sebedutod the queen te btoek wttb n long lace OteSt heforo a U. 8. tieite'$leelPigeei’’ At tbto flra was dtoeovarad. Xtag Geotga VI p i^ d i^ at tha througbout tba eountry, paittoalarly The blase, dtocovered te the men’s for 18-yoor-old Roolta floler fUvao, MTCBMiny. veil, eat on a date dropod with gold- to the northern oentera o f Haaw aiid| wing about 8 a. m. Thursday cut oecuaad o f machine-gunning 88 per- Later Uotts 4MM Tone trimmed, crteMon tapeatrtee. A t the Hama, where rloU and geaerar Jm^e R efuet K strid sona on orders from ' bar lovur, front of the dais woo a prayer MaavIHa, Jr. Bl tte way through one oectlen o f the Wedneeday tba government i Hone Of Normal Turog etrtkea have occurred in recent hoapltal after another. allegedly on officer of the govern- bench where they knelt from Unw to weeks. if toot a lgk l after, nouaced te n white paper that tbe time. ___ . J. J. Brodaitch a Attondanta flrat moved 1,700 nwat'a Military IntoUlgence ServtM. 0YFIAA ■ngMN NAJACiM batttoahip program would ba tn- Under Gurd Becaise Of laMofthapate- New York, Fete 17 — (A P ) — mefa pattonto from tholr wing, but a ereosed to ntea ehlpe by the addi- Tha govemmaat's declsian to ra« BRITAIN n AGENT Premier MuasoUnl sat alone, op- g*T? y*TriM* ** ths New York Msglstrnto Huloa OapMaw, s de> high wind Whipped the flamea for- tion to tha 1928-40 flecol year of two algo was sold to have haan awdk fonse witness to tbe rstrlal of Taa- ther into tha aprmarlteg five story Parto, Feb. 17.— (A P )—PraMdant posite and belaw tbe sovereigns. Hla when tba French high rnmmlartnnar more to tbe seven already under mlatoters arara arrayed behind him. Warning Received Sandaj ae • BwauM of msny Dtotrlet Lasdar JsnMS J. struetnra and finally oil patlsnta Manuel Asana of government Spate abruptly tefonnad Premier JanttI won strong suppon today for Ida ef- construction or autbortoad. News- He arore a grey untform and over- Htaes on lottety • cowapimqr wers mnrebad out dapplta wintry ardam Bay that Franca bad to* O 0 o chsrges, today dontod be had sought weather. forts to end the Spanish dvU war, popara have sold that tha lotar units coat of Uw Foodst mltttte. Jectsd a Syrian request for ImiaedH to daotroy n ‘tetool plgeM r whose Royal canndten Ifbuntad pohea- with Britain reported acting ns hto of tbs program would be of 40,000 'nw premtor sot almost launobOe Beverly HIUs, Calif., Feb. 17— ^^^ ^ MO q glK X ORCm ON throughout the earemony. He ato control of key state servlcsa. , taformstion to paBcs bnd Jaopnrffla- ws. maasbera c f tbs 22nd Regiment agent ta peace negotlattone wttb tbe tons or more. ,■ (API—The home ot Norman Tau- The high eommlaatoner demanded “ • Fak. IT— ua page two), riMaav Torfi aach year cf the lata pontUTa life— brought out la tha court biailngi arara rofidrad to handte ' ip. flnawtad by tha state, uadsr a Tbe iwpreeenuShto cr'toe acnator burned around four aides of the ctolmsd any knowtodga af n threat bofore MagMtmto Oaprhnw, bad te- «N viotowt onaa. hoi fltod todm Ito Rap. Benjamte C would bo the atec Judge of tbe flU catafalque. Their yvDow light flick- but declined to awSken Taurog. No TREASURY BALANOi formad peace that Itooenkrana waa Many of tba mala pattonto refiiaad Bobar, Jr„ of Waatoa. neaa ot tha atadeoL ertng ta the rtiPI draught area re- guards were vtaible outalde, tbs re- carrylag pottey aUpo. porter declared. Waahteftoa, Fab. IT,—( to put cn banvtor elotblng and Bttbar, 81. to the youagwt awm- Tbit acbolanhlpa wonte he wioh flected ruddUy ta the gilt decoration *Tao oohad tba poOce effiears wbo atrode brio tba nigbt to tholr atock- bar e f the Iwgtototnra. tteued each year until tba student of tba chureh'a baroqua orcbltec- Coaaldera Threat U gbU y poelUoa « tba Trtaaaiy P oneotod Roasakrona w ^ th o a didn't tag^setand A-radptoot 4f the srtMiarahlp, grndnated. In the event tbe acbolor- ture. Blair added that Taurog waa ta- ^WcelptE 88.88T41L85; anbpoma tholr tefarmant,'* Dtwey Tba aniUra boapRal up tbs maasura provided, would ba a ahlp become vacant, tbe osnator or Agafeist tha black wall cf the clteed to ocnaider the throat Mgfatly, turea. 8U.OOX4TSjOS; as 8S,4*2,9Tfi410JB. Cttitaw u . atadeat nwtdli^ ta the dtotrlet c f rapraaantatlva would bo outhMiaad 1 tbe e e e to r or lepneeitethre to t at to appotnt a paw nstaksU, aa rtm o tm o.^ aa Pacs fw a.3 for ttw i^ootk. H M VM O JB . BSANCHEffTER EVENING fUPtALO. MANCHE8TES. OONM. FBIDAT. FEBEUAET17, IfSE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17.198« PAG1TBRB»4

<3t school touurxnss to eovtr wfod- ed tba lloaankraata eaaa heoaiias ot SCHOOL HEADS APPROVE stonn, cydoos find the ilks, kn- what ha ragardad aa taau9lclaat avl- CRIFFINBPUCED TO QUIT U S POST doubtodly h a v ^ hi mlad tha bur- DISIRKT GATHERING At the State Sunday dsBoa and unaattafaetosy paUaa taa- WORKMEN HOLD GEORGIA MOVES Manchester lOVIES FOR CHILDREN iU n » last Sspumbar. It « UdMoy. Ha refnaad to aeknaodadga SUBMARINE FIRST USED WH^ '. votsd to rafor ths mattsr to ths that a packaga containing thwiaanda r 0NRE11REDLIST WHEN TERM EXPIRES board’e tnsuranss eommlttss aftsr AT CENTER CHURCH of polley topa kad baan tha ana ALUMINUM PLANT Date Book lOmDRROUl i Special Saturday Momlnir sons msmbsM sxprssssd doubt ot thrown from on automobUo of which TO LIMIT FEES Show At The State Theater ths valiM ot sdditlonal eeverags. llosenkrana hod been the espedaUy for school children wui member and chairman of the Board gatlonal church will entertain dsia- AUsnts, Feb. 17.— fA P )—Fol- Feb. 19 — SpccliU meeting of be held at the State tomorrow mom* daughtar allagadly had on tha atapa I thought It m lA t be a eebeme ■—Mevaral hundred workmen who ^rnTde” In ReTolition. Authority Ob Rofed Grovse clous pastel ahi In staM* 84 to 64. ^ ford lUUroad, in the Maaeheatar of Education for the past forty of tte high a^ool building waa ra- gatlons of young people from tba lowing a verbal exchange between Emanuel Lutheran church, 3:80 p. Regntariy 66c. Ing at 10 o'clock. where they would make the arrest laid down tbalr tools in protaat Blip - over and eardi-' (reigbt yard atnca IMT, today la on yeare, mil not be a candldau for ferrad to Town Counael William B. vanoua churchaa that compose ths a state representative and L. W. m. Among those who regard the Hartford Eaat AsaoctoUon, Sunday and gat ths credit for the arrect and To Be Prindpai Speaker Feb. 31—Annual banquet of Lu- gans. the retired liet. Hli applloation to reeleetlon when bla present term Hyda. then they would testify so that the agatost a staggered work week held New York, Feb. 17—(A P )— The Robert, secretary of the Democrat- 2 for $1.00 special show for children as a pos* Chaaga la Budget Sat-Up aftaraeon and evening. Rsfflatrauon ther League of Emanuel Lutheran be retired made aeriy la the year, expires this fall, he revealed In an case would be thrown out end pesseasloa of part of the large river- aubmarine, generally regarded as a ic National Committee, over Rob- atble Influence for good In children A changa In tha form of budgat for this winter mssUng will bs held church. era* thle momlnr granted. Is Superintendent o f Schools Arthur Informal annotmeement to fellow they would sUU have the credit for front plant of the Aluminum Com- development of -nodern times, At Hartford Gathering. ert’s six per cent architectural fee Feb. 34—M. H. S.-RockvIUe cage setup of the board to facUltata ra- at 8 p. m. aaaasa win follow untU from the state, a move to limit such Mr. OrUTla haa been employed by nilag. In a letter to Manager Ban- members of tbs Board after last 8:80 to charge of Itov. Gibson the arrest on the record and Um fie- pany of Amartea today, and the game at State Armory. the road tinoe 18M and wae trana- night’s regular monthly meeting. porta to tha Stata Board of Educa- reached today the 76Ui anniversary fees to three per cent came before Holaproof son Ur. nilng compliments the Danlsls, J. V. Lambsrton and Rev. fendant would be (reed and be wnuio scheduled hour for reeumptton of Ite Initial uae aa a succeasful Feb. 28 Presentation of flags to ferred to the Maaeheitar divlalon 11 In conversation with Board mem* tion waa rafarrad to tha flnance not bavs te pay off on the bits on the Georgia Legislature today. management on this recent move. Dudley Burr. lUv. Oanisla who u work to the affected depMmeata eap(xi In warfare. Gardiner Bump, superintendent of j Boy Scout Troop 40 at Salvation yeara later. Ha haa atnce been In bera after the session, Mr. Chaney subcommittaa. Tba proposad changa the policy elipa and they would walk Robert, dapper head of an Atlan- Army citadel. DRESSES Mr. nilng's letter follows; is simply a matur of bookkoeptog •aerstary of young paopla'a work of passed with no attempt to oust The actual uae of undersea boats {jame for the department of con-1 charge of the repairs and new coa> expressed hie desire to retire after out of the court and the megietrau ta contractliig firm, meanwhile March I. — Lecture on Current HOSIERY "Dear Sir: to bring about uniformity In raeorda tha Congragatlonal auta oonfartnca, them. In wartime dates back to the Amer- servation of New York and national- j atnietton In the local varda. W h«i bis long service to local edueetloa would be left holding the bag." ly recognised authority on ruffed | awaited reply from Rep. Delacey Plasrs, by Dr. Robert Warnock. Cen- Spun RayoiiH, Shantungs Servioe, Semi - SorvieR ha waa first aaaigaad to dulgr bare I am very much'Interested to since I89fi, In which year be be- betwsan tha town and sUta. Tba wUl lead with tha topio, "Tha Pil- Leonard H. Oeldsmlth. ameuUvo ican Revolution and David. Bush- Allen to a radio challenge that Al- learn that )reu are planning to ac- grim Fellowship." J. V. Lambertsn, secretary of the New Jersey Stou neli's experiment with "The Turtle." grouse, will be one of the principle i ter Cffiurch House, Sisterhood Tem- and Stub Poplins that wo and Chiffon. Siaoa S H his territory extended from the came member and chairman of the beard approvad daductlons from speakers at the first conservation: len give tangible form a waiver of ple Beth Sholom. lackland station to the Vernon cede to the wishes of the Mother's Board of Education of the Ninth teachar payroUa to pay premiums of wsll known T. M. C A. worker on Industrial Union CouneU. a CIO but It waa the Civil War which saw legislative Immimlty In his attack as new and fresh oa a to lOVk. In radi doolr- "Europe Today"! Rev. Burr, who U unit, said 600 man were holding up ; submarine prove Its worth as a conference of the State League o f ; March 19 British-American club toam line. In recent years the Club to have spedsl showings or District When ths town 8l:hools a hospitalisation plan adoptad by MRS. MORGAN RETURNS* Sportsmen's Clubs to be held at the on the party leader as a "political banquet and election of offlcera, Spring flower. If your oblo anodes as Ameri- wort eonsolldaUd In 1033, Mr. Che- pastor of tbs Windsor Avenue Con- production to tha sheet metal rou- vat to shipping. j changes that have been made In the pictures daalgned especially (or chil- tha local Teachers club. Hotel Bond. Hartford, on Saturday. | architect.’’ Orange Hall. epiritfl are “down”, get a cana, Frontier, Pilgrim. ney continued as chairman of the gregational church, "Amartcanisa- Ing mill. EdgewaUr peUee estimated tie Houratonic. a 20-gun warship Suit for $30,000 slander damages John Garfield, the sensational star of “ Four Daughters", tho famous uBkaap of tracks, have reaulted In dren. This. I am sure, should be Mr. Illlng was given a slx-day March 4. I lift with one of these Matinee and other ae- bis being placed In charge of a gang, vastly better for the children than Town Board and haa been re-elect- laavt of abssnea In order to attend tlon." FROM TRI P TO COAST 300 men were partldpattog to the I!• as no surprise as be has spoken of gatharing which Mr. lUlng attends Truman Woodward of tha First Ticket Agent At Loesl Rsil- Tba company had posted nottoea ers money" on a contract for work his Intention to do so for some time. Shaped Like Cigar come the delegates and open the: band ear crew there haa been added "Moving pictures can exert a very annually. Congrsgational church. East Hart- roed Station Back On that work In tha flat miUa. atrip first session. Lyle Thorpe, aquatic | on a state insane ho.spital. Allen York play “ Knickerbocker Holiday” . a bus craw that travals Into - the powerful aducattonal-influence upon Mr. Cheney has tried to retire eev* ford will lead the cbonis elnglng. milla, annealing (urnacea and ahaar The Hunley was about 35 feel spoke In the House of Representa- Deaths Last Night He once appeared wtth Lillian Rus- sections east of Manchester almost era! times In the past but has been Duty Today. long, shaped like a cigar and ,built biologist (or the State Board of | sell. children. This effort to make the Tbs evening servlee at 7:80 wui room would be resumed at 7;80 a Fisheriea and Game, will speak on ^ tives. Floor statements of legisla- $2-00 prevailed upon by friends to remalfl of boiler plate with a system of air Greenwich, 0>nn.—Alfred Ollbert to WUltmantle and also taking care influanco a wholasoma one la to be be open to all. The gueat speaker nu today. Tba plant amployae bo> the pond survey completed under ^ tors are Immune from suit. Portland, Ore.—Dr. Clarence True ot the Vernon and Melrose branches eoraroended. on the Board as his keen Interest BLACKENED RUI NS will be Mies Cera Deng of Shanghai, Mrs. AUea Johnaten Morgan, tween. XiOO and IJOO man. and water tanks that faintly fore- Waives Inununlty Wilson, 66, spectacular prohlbltlon- Smith, 75, retired president and and the South Manchester rallsoad. and wide knowledge In education told the intricate diving mechanism the auspices of the Board during the ARTHXm H. ILUNO." China, who is national Industrial ticket agent at the Manchester sU- Union apekearoan explained tba past summer, at the morning ses- Yesterday, announcing he waived ls‘. ami founder of the board of general manager of the Ward has proven Invaluable In the con. of tbe modern submarines. Named temperance, prohibition and public steamship lines. r Heavenly New Coni stion Mr. Orlffln has not been In the Principal Thomas Bently of the seerstary of China’s Young Women’s tlon of the New Tork, New Haven the main purpose of the protest was sn in sion. Other speakers will be an- Immunity, Allen expanded hla at- duct of the public tchools here. ON HOSPI TAL SI TE for her Inventor, she waa built In tack on Robert to Include a charge morals of the Methodist Episcopal bast of health for the past two years. RoUlatar street eehool haa alao eom- Christian Association, who will tsU and Hartford Railroad, was back en to win a work week of five eoneecu- TODAY AND TOMORROW nounced within a few days. Two years ago be waa a vlcttm of Mr. Chenev'a term expires this Mobile, Ala., and transported to he resigned us' an aaolstant secre- Church. In 1908, Glenn Curtiss astounded Bkanded Manager Banaon (or atert* fsll along with those of John Hyde, of ths splendid work tbs association duty this morning. Sha and bar Uve days to replace the system of lEAtfBttr ' naaumonla that kept him confined (Conttaoad from Page Uas) SHEARER IS IN Charleston on two flat cars for AftenuMMi Beoslon tary of the treasury "to avert a na- New York—John E Young, 67, the world with a flight of 2U00 yards tng the ohlldren'a performance end secretary of the Board for several Is doing In that coun^, undar ihs husband, Oaorga Morgan, raturnad running tbs plant six day* a week operations against the Union fleet The afternoon session at which to bis home and tbs hospital for the TuaBlay night from a month's vaca- tional sciuidal." character actor In the current New at a speed of 39 miles an hour. bae Informed children of hie eehool years, and William Buckley. It Is UUs, "Needs and Challenge of and giving most workers a day off GABLE’S ARMS AGAIN! that was throttling the life from tbe Mr. Bump and several other out-of- greater part of that winter. He was as lost about midnirtt when ths China." The choir will render special tion during which time they trav- la the mlddla of tha weak. In Washington, Secretary of the also 111 last winter and this year concerning the ebow, expected that the resl.gnatlon of I'iirrlh in ; ’ n tl-*.- busy port of Charleston. S. C., on state speakers will be beard, will Treasury Henry Morgenthau issued high dome crashed an Borgonglnl, celebrated the Practically every dty and town to Only Oommander Bscapea ance. Tickets tor the conference The Hunley found death awaiting and banquet may be obtained posed closing of the teoel State traffic end bampered transfer of tbs! IT’*** lasted more than an Connectleut la sending rvpraeenta- BEER 3-Y Mr-0|d—fltraight Trade School, aa raeemmended by pctlanta in ambuloneaa and buaea. ' ATTRACTS LARGE CROWD tlvee te Hartford thle week-end for her In Charleston. While moored to through any sportsmen’s club asso- OPEN LATER SATURDAYS BACARDI - the Worlds fir i a dock, a passing steamer sent A ciated with the League and the 90 Praef Oovemor Raymond E. Baldwin In Th'The men » section was flrtt to c o ! ^ penetrating chill pervaded tba the annual four-day sUto eoaven- 4 RUM hli budget meesege to the Oeneral afterter the fire was discovered in a ' One woman wrapped her swell shoreward. The wave broke meetings will be open to the public, Uon ot the Kolrdresaera' Guild ef Mr. Uttle said. Hartford, Feb. 17.— (A P )—State Col d Wi i l l Aseembly lest month. Chairman recraatlon ballhail. The hocpltal chapel newspapera. Men. wearing ' Splendid Attendanea L u t Eve- Connectleut, which opens Sunday over the batch, flooded the toterior WHISKEY and sent the submarine to the Motor Vehicle Commissioner M. A. Bottles 11.98 New Spring Dresses Cbenay and Secretary Hydt wert and Inflrmaiiry wftrt n^xt wbl!# x i tillcoxt# and blxclt vast! eus- ning; To Continne Tonight and eontlnuea through Waebtogton'a Omnor onnountied today that all bottom, drowning eight men. Only autborlead to draw up a resolution northwest wind fanned the flames ceremonies.. hud- Birthday. offices of his department will be 25c Fifth dled In overcoats. And Tomorrow NighL the commander. Lieutenant Payne, $1.49 quart to this effect for preeentetien to the into tba women’s quarUfa which Routine bustoesa aeaslena. aleatton open Saturday, Feb. 18. and Satur- Oovemor. Tba sixth of nine eensecuttve fu- ef state offlcera, demoostrotioa « f who was standing In the lutcbwray, SEEK TO BREAK NEW «'»’ fl!IGIDAIIi[ of firemen at first bad hoped to save. day, Feb. 33, from 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 London Dry — 90 Proof 18-K GRAY^ Mmas Mow MSsmbw* Hospital eSIcUle esUmated lo^glnerol masses wss sung In 8t. Pe- The basaar and Mardi Gras being future hair etyUnga by LiOuli escaped. A ^ r H I H [ NU ’ i K I '. ■ Later on a trial run, ahe dived too p. m. BRANDY Mr. Cheney pointed out that tba from the Are would reech $1,300, held In Bt. Brldget'e ball baa met Dlstrieb, totarnatienal wtonar ta DEADLOCK M D IS m E This plan Is designed to faclUtate ROCK a 000 although approximately $25o!-1. F^fLy-fivs eardlnsla were In Rome 1938 and 1987; a "C e n ta m e f P ro g - qufckly. stiKk In the mud of the Montoug Gin Floe* Me. 9 Roem Mo. 9 school closing not bs sconomlcal with unfavorable weather condltlcna ■ ADoeegwi the Issuance of 1939 automobile 11.00 RYE Bu/L7 on an OOC worth of equipment was saved. ■ coming conclave to but last night there was a good ^ rasa" revue ef poet eelffuro etvlet river bottom, and nine more men TM Main at-—Ma—heeta* tun Rayon but that ths stats will bo forced to perished. There are fragmentary registrations. Present registrations spand 816.000 In transporting local Only one or two small brick struc. namo a new pops. Savanteen others tendance. The basaar wlU con- directed by the wen-known etyUot, Redding, Calif., Fob. 17.—(A P )— $1.09 full qt. Pint 81.00 Pint N£N FR/NClPlt Phaae M*. lit* are expected In the next ten days. tinue tonight end tomorrow night, Walter Linden; dlaeuericn •ot the recorfo, too, of two other disasters: Representatives of Gov. Culbert L. expire Feb. 38 at midnlght\ pupiU to Hartford, would losa a tures on the hospital grounds escap One In Mobile on a trial run and the 550.000 rederal grant by cloalng ed deEtructlon—everything else was Final Masses By Cardinala eloelng that ayenlng with the award- Minimum Wage tow by aa eflfldal Olson called a meeting here today in Schenley’s Vermouth S-Ycw-OM The three final funeral niascaa In ef thg Btota Labor Department, s other In Charleston when a steamer an effort to break a new deadlock In SCARBD-V CAT. and would bavs an additional cost In ruins. ing cd a cash p ^ of tlOO, the to which the Hunley was moored' RED ^ Fan of 830,000 for taachers. Hartford, 8L ■Patar’s will ba ealabraUd oy hope chest as wall as tha two bley- cabaret and daaoo and etber events tho AFL-CIO dispute over oontrol Californio cardinals, tba first tomorrow. Ilda- started off writhout warning and New Albany. lad.—Reny Kentra’s LABEL bs added, would also havs to erect eles that have attracted much In- will keep tbe holrdresoen busy dur- dragged the submarine beneath the of workmen at the Bhosto dam Quart THREAT IS MADE fonso Cardinal Schuster, archbishop tsreat among the h o^ and glrla. ing four eompleto days at tba Hotel BCMIATi reservoir. railrcxto relocation Job. kitten saved six sleeping apartaimt $1.09 Pint a new building to acsommodata the Garde. surface. dwellers from possible death. v 8kc Wines, 49c qt. influx from surrounding towns now of Milan, v/hem many consider a Thera was a splendid eaUrtalnment **they Made Me A Orimtool* But each time the Hunley .was Threatened vlotenoe jresterday likely candidate to succeed Peps furoUhed last night and there will Definitely one of tbe highlights In The kitten “raised ao much rock- Nics tno«(h to wsar for served by the local school as there raised, the bodies removed, new viri- brought threats (torn tbe governor er," Kenton said, that he got up to Is a walUng list of 100 at the pres- TO KIDNAP CHILD Plus, will officiate at the ninth ba four sets presented tonight the annals of tbe Hairdroasers* unteera obtained and new prepoia- to call out tbe National Guard, and KEMP sftomoon . . and cliaap I m a s e Mo n d a y . There Is dancing each evening. Guild will be the flaale ef tho totert Investigate—and found hls^ .Uring ent time. tiene made for a blow against tha resulted In temporary closing of the room wall in flames. Absolution win be given by Den- wrinkle to beauty eemMUtleae, the. Job. Arthur's Drug Store 763 MaM Stnot anoufh for morning School Insuranoo Kontinued from Page One) bloekadtog fleet. The apartment occupants fled to nis Cardinal Doughertj’, archbishop "Lovely Upe” contest Beauty salons MODERN AND Attempt Ftoony Mode 345 MAIN STREET RUBINOW gUILDING Prtoiter SIwwtaff , honaa wasr. Ths Board discussed the e.'ctenslon OLD FABIOONEO OANOINO Hie new deadlock was caused by safety. ,of Philadelphia; Georgs Cardinal this wtak wars all agog ae prellm- The attem ^ finally wras made on the refusal of the A F L to agree to ThBra. • . Ssf-N IgiitB but Mrs. Tauroff waa reported on Mundelein, archbtahoo of (nilcage: AUTHORITIES PRESS Inaries were being be'd for the ae- AT CITY View OANCR RAU. , the verpe of collapse. the night of Feb. 17, 1864. With Governor Olson’s proposals that the SIZES 14 to 44 Efforts to Ooncalvea Cardinal Carejelra, and lection of entries in thta novel eon- Haaoey Btrvet eight men aboard, the Hunley rsseh Tsurog were un.'.uoaersful. taat Te tho wtonar. It wSe aa- matter be settled by arbitration. tha eardenai camerlengs. Euxtnto ■ATURDAV NIGHT slipped across the harbor, slid cloae Work was suspended last week Keep Your' Medicine IF YOU FEEL SUNK the telephone company reporting Cardinal Paoelll. ^ SEARCH FOR BANDITS nevneed today by Business Manager In Snider the hull of the Housetonic SALVE A that ha had ordared that number gpeetolt 8106 Deer Prioat when CIO tmlonists picketed the Raod this and chaar up I Attendance will be Umlted to prel- WlUtom L. Behnlto. will go s and sunk her spear deep Into the reUevee Changed and Instructed that the atet, dlptomato and artotocrate by glamorous waek-aad at tha Rotol vopsel’e side. project at Delta, SM miles north ot Ar. SMjM bill* tbet Uf* I. u 'lM tw worth new one p.ot be given out. Norwalk, Fob. 17.-—(A P )—Just aa Redding. The CTO claimed to repre- liviDf? Doyoudfy 7 Do jrou IfpI low. : tovltatlon. atlently ae the holdup i W f was Ltocoto In New Tork, during which Then ahe backed off and Ueuten- Cabinet Stocked W ith, miian. d«pcMA«AT*S GLASSES n iT E D fi *‘fv>Uinf tkru’l among a dosen other outetendlag oald. Don’t you know pellea don’t MATERI AL UNNECESSARY HEADUNX8! —Rhode Island voters yesterdsy oring tbclr eeurcea of inferroatlon er the holduo yeatarday morning, overwhdmlngly approved a 83,500,- Quinn's Cold Broakort . 25c plcturee, "Huckleberry Finn," "The but the tlght-llBoed O-men them- r. s. ag ent s traoc Adventurea of Tom Sawyer" cad Into court?" l)O W 000 bead issue requested by Oov. "No, I don’t." Capshmw repUad. eelvea gave no hint of their actlvl- REFORMATORY FUGITIVES "Boys’ Town." tlee. Berlto. FSb. IT—>(AP)—Choaeei- 8PIESI William H. Vanderbilt, Republican, NEW SER Via Rcxillono Cough Syrup 5Qc He Is an uacla of Jackla Coopar, "Isn’t it a fact," dc-manded Dewey lor Hitler today opened Germany’s to meet

HANCHEffTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, GONM. FRTOAY. FEBRUARY 17,198» - -J ^jusiroui .that waa washed out last Ssptsm- ou t but It witlistood ths rush of mniD STATES URGES Circle Saturday Only ber, but to assure a larger water watsr. Although built to carry WATER SUBMERGES supply there Is also being built a 75 loads not over five tons, toa tempo- WARDS PRICES REDUCED foot spillway and a wing on toe rary bridge has been standing up JAPS QOIAIN REASON main dam that la 30 feet across. under loads several times that 2 POWER SHOVELS The bottom of the pond was be- weight. Work on the bridge has ing dug deeper and cleared. Two been baited because of the weather. WHY HAINAN OCCUPIED power shovels were In use. They were left In the basin of what la to SERIOUSLY BURNED be the new pond when the rain put (tJm U am i tr*m P»g« Om .) Temporary Dam A tlydal- a stop to the work Wednesday. The ThompsonvUle, Feb. 17.— (A P )— bold a 3,000-inile Island chain / stream was so enlarged by the rain Mrs. Mary Ames, 65, a widow, suf- atnteblnc from Sakhalin southward Title Gifes Way; NaduBes that during, the late afternoon the fered serious burns today when her through the Japanese archipelago to 4 f: temporary dam that waa built after clothes became Ignited while she Hainan. the washout, consisting of trees and was drawing oil for her kitchen (Hainan Is ISO miles from French Back At Work Today. sand bags, gave away. The water stove. She was taken to the Mercy Inte-China and on Britain's vital ^'.3 rushed Into the basin of the new hospital, Springfield, Ma.ss., where route between Hongkong and stra- p«>nd snd both shovels were sub- she was reported on the danger list. tegic Singapore. Two power shovels owned hy merged up to the cab. They were "'A..* ^ (Fmech sources have held that Alexander Jarvis, at work In Lydsll- not damaged and when the water A baby has 11 more bones thtin X \iy tha Japanese occupation violated re- vllle. where the bottom of the pond subsided they were put hark to an adult; some of them knit to- | peated promises to France and Bri- work. at the Lydall and Foulda Paper mill gelher as he grows up. * ' tain.) The breaking of the temporary (The diplomatic moves on the Is being dug and a new spillway be- dam left one of the boilers without TOO LATE TO CI-ASSIFY Hainan issue mark the second in- ing built, were In \«e again today sufficient water to operate at the ^.stances In less than two montlis qf after being nearly covered with mill and one had to be shut ilown. FOR SALE—2-LID KITCHEN heal- Lllel action by the three Occl- water late Wednesday. It looked at one time aa though er complete with Hudson oil burn- ntal powers In opposition to Jap- Mr. Jarvis has built a new dam the temporary bridge on Parker er and 7 turn water heating coll. anese jralicy. for tha company, replacing the one atreet was also going to )>e washed Phone 6791. (The United States on Dec. 31, . -..V Great Britain on Jan. 14 and t . J... « $ • France on Jan. 19 opposed the Jap- t V , n anese program of establishing a Older" In eastern Asia for the Fay Wmy and Grant Wlthera. portraying navy spies In Mono- I < •,<» . ics and Inristed that Japan gram's "Navy f r e t s ’’ opening tomorrow at the Circle theater, are ^ S P E C IA L HIGH ON LIST a(*anal VIGOROUS PROM PLO R IN C I TW O-THIRDS aajarlt suddenly separated when Joseph Crehan assigns him to a dangerous PALERMO'S PRELATE. ARCHRISHOP oINaNea G E N O A sent la the eardl* ntaln the open door in C3ilna.) THI NEXT POP! «» MaHblUtleo la Olavaral Ifaaani. la aali la «aa eaaaaamaCardliill aff tta aaOece o f ci espionage mission. The companion feature la "Trigger Pals" star- L«l(l> Cardinal Lailirana Aieaato Cardinal Aaealeil. M. la naV aaerel eonelave wbercby a te «M if tkMt MraiMte WiMM anceeasor la lha ~ la le P______i n a ja la Baeea dl Cornelia^ M. In lha Cardinal Ptaaaa (abwabeva), M. (ahaan), M, arha'd needed la- elael a 1 ring Art Jarrett and Lee Powell. M M mi hsT* beta if l i f t l i n i i (abara). •!. la amanc tbaie anolbar ahalea. Wblla vellac. Kawllle « Paa NO TERRITORIAL AMBITIONS rilils the cardinals pray constantly eboaen. Ilallaa-boni Plelro Car* vollnr, na cardinal volea far cniea paMarafe arb iii far Mi I M vomIM* wcetMoti to riBj. airbblKhopt wboae namea are htanaeU: (here are Iwa ballals algkl snnisl Ma lavnd In Uallan-bainilM^flMi Washington, Feb. 17 — (AP) — beard. However, favarltea for divlaa nldaaoe. are laolalad dlnal Baelta (above), <7. Genoa Ambanador Joseph C. Grew, at Heats tk li li Cirtliaal Sehwicr, M. dafl^. • laatwi at f M of the American south China patrol, both goverament and Insurgent uchbUlMp I f MIIh ^ wnaUr (are badly In caaclava. rchbMhofi Tokjro, communicated to the State visited Americans at Holhow and of- lines continued on the Madrid, Val- Baby’s Department today an assertion by fered the Navy’s assistance, but was encia front. 'Japanese Foreign Minister Arita roadcloth farm and ha didn't go down to tho toe Hat of bnis for tha two datoa fairly and with propar motivea and Informed they did not want to French court at Ceret eolved to- Milk removed In the course of road con- upon valid reasons." that Japan had no territorial ambi- leave. day in part the problem of how tructlon work. centar very much In those days. He RUMORS ON SHOOTING was signed by Hayes. Murray In- tions In China and that her occupa- recalls that the eteeple waa built by sisted that Alcorn read toe namos PAPERS ARE SERVED Members of toe Board summoned Little Damage Suffered France is going to pay for the care A ANOTHER COUNT Creation o( two new Hiiperlor ALCORN SHOWS tion of Hainan Island will not go United States Naval officers found of Spanish refugees. Jest Ri| ht Court judgeahips, advocatiHl by Oov- a Mr. Reed of Wllllmantic, and that of Ml toe members of toa Board to court arc: Joseph J. Shapiro, WELDON DRUG CO. SPREAD THROUGH ROME Daniel J. Jullano, Sol Kohn, Morgan beyond military neceosltles. Holhow suffered little damage dur- It conflscated millions of dollars HANKSCRAFTi tmor Belrtwln In his Inaugural mes- the money waa raised by circulation Finance appearing on ths sheet Crew’s report followed sn official Prtseription Pharmacista Alcorn did ao on toa InstnictloM & Bralnard. Jr„ WlUlam J. Mulligan ing the Japanese seizure snd, ex- worth of Spanish jewels snd fined sage, was approved today by Iho of a subscription paper. IN RUS UNE PLEA Inquiry he made of Arita os to Amlomotic EUetric AGAINST LEDUC Edward Lyman saya that ha CHARGES PAID of JIudgs ikeast A. Inglls. and Augustlna T. Vaughn. cept for the preparatory aerial bom- a qroup of .Spanish officers 18,000,- 903 Main St. We Deliver Dial 5321 House. The bill. Increasing the Japan's Intentions tn occupying the bardment, experienced a minimum 000 francs (3478,460) for bringing number of Judges from 19 to 31, doesn't remember much about the Rome. Feb. 17—(A P I—Rumors Another defense lawyer, John B. Raymond A. Johnson reprasants Baby attia Warntar ( event, being only a young boy In tot Silver Lane Bus Lina Island ot Hainan, which Is 750 miles of flghUng. them into France. now goes to the fienste. that a demented man had shot a Cassidy, demanded that ths atate’a from the Philippines. American property there had a Jewels and precious metals, Brines baby's milk to conxet feediaa Rm IucmI riirowth Sadtmlayl To Npeed Court Buslneee. school and more Inlurcated In having guard at Premier Miiasollnl'i home, NOT APPROVED attorney read to toe Jury all of tha 75c White's 60c Jordean tempersturn then shuts off sotomstl- a good time or working than about Hartford PoEco Board Sum- Sumnsr Welles, under-secretary narrow escatM when a Japanese weighing half a ton. were part of lu Boaad 0?er To Soperi* The memhere were advised there the Villa Torlonla, In an apparent bills appearing on this sheet whteh bomb landed between Instaliations the treasure of Figueroa castle Cod Liver HAND caUy. Connects to any AC. Utht socket. Ba rtady for aprtaffl Thla aorly-blrd had been no Increase In the numbr public affaire. He reroembera the of state, said Ambaaeador Grew re- attempt On II Duee'a life last Wed- (OenMnned from Page One.) the prosecutor had said bore datoa PUBUC RECORDS ported to toe State Department that of the British Shell Oil Company where the Spanish goverament bad Concentrate CREAM BssutIfUlly Bnlehed In blue or pink •ala la raosoa toeaih to alar* sewtoff since 1931, whUo the work of the storm bowevar, recalling that he nesday spread In Rome tonight. "subsequent" to the Board of Fi- moied Bjr SU?or Lano Co. Warmatee peredain FRBBt mewl Tta pareala priata will aw to ar Curt Charged With Btayed In the houae that afternoon, Artta repeated to him former state- and the Standard Oil Company of concentrated. Its reserve war chest. courts had Increased materially. It OSIctals drat denied there waa was "highly prejudicial" to toe ac- nance meeting. According to a warrantsa deed any pattsra tw ice as tm urit T)m solid- also was pointed out the Increase and watched the wind blow the topa Tha court overruled tost (leinand ments that Japan has no territorial New York, but neither dam- any truth to tha rumora, then oald cused. recorded at too offioa o f Town ambitions in China snd that her oc- aged. color eottoa broadelotha art ataad- would make possible apeedler out of the two trees In front of the and sold toe defense would hava tha To Ezphii Receat Actioa Clerk Samuel J. TurUngton, Cha- EJECT STMFATHnnEBS 0 Ox. 60c Watch IW tf h Town they could neither oondrm nor deny Taking up one sheet dated March cupation of Hainan would not go be- RUBBING bya (or MceMs/af ssw/ag / To« can traneactlon of couri business. house. them. 7, 1938. Alcorn showed through toe privUega of bringing up toa point ney Brothera lias conveyed to Mar- Brussels, Feb. 17.— (A P )—Bel- Glycerine and SYRUP Tha House also passed two bank- The new steeple that Is being whan Purcell was being croaa ex- garet M. Pentland lots 4 and 5 In a yond military necetelUes. gian police and firemen today ALCOHOL const on ptanty o f waar. 38 hk wMa> erected now la to ba muob stronger, The most persistent version of minutes of the Board of Finance The State Department also re- Boos Water nGS ing measures. One would prohibit toe several rumora woe that a man amined. Papara hava been aarvad hy Depu- development on the south sids of SIX LOYALIST LEADERS ^ rm e d the Spanish goverament •ylaio LaDue, who was bound with the main studs going down to that toa board met that day and Nearly Ton of Evtdeaea leased a report from U. 8. Navy of- Pint...... branch banking unless the parent in- loituring outside II Duce'e apacloiu approved a list of bills. ty Sheriff James J. Jullano of Hart- Porter street consulate building and ejected In- w a r to tha aagit term of the Su- stitution was authorized to do bust- the roof of the church, which will The sheet Alcorn gave Purcell Scers of the south C%ina patrol that surgent sympathizers who had estate was asked by a guard to Tho prosecutor pointed out that parUr Ctrart at the police court aas- nese In the ctate and the other would keep the steeple from blowing down was only a page of nearly a ton of ford on six membera of tha Hartford By terms of a season's lease, all Americans in the Japanese-oc- FACE INSURGENT COURT seized it in an early momlng coup. 11.00 Schick 50e In toe manner that It did last fall. Identify himself. Thereupon, tho on that sheet 14 bill.a appear which cupied portion of the island were aie« ICeadajr night on two ehargaa make permanent, a law which per- report said, toe man ilrew a pistol documentary which ha aucceed^ la Police Board notifying them to ap- Dennis Bryan has let for toe use of Police cllm):ed fire ladders to get lOe RAZOR PhiOip'a one being assault with attempt to mits the hanking eommlssloner and .Should it blow down again. It will bear a date prior to March 7, 1935, having Introduced over tha stranu- safA with satisfactory food and Into the building after the Invadere from hli trousers poi'ket, said, "lake p4ar ta Common Pleas Court the Alfred M. Silbennan and WilUkm (Oenttaned from rage Oae.) MAGNESIA f I * « and tha other with breaking and the Banking (Commission to remove have to take a section of the roof and there are 38 bills bearing toe ou^objections of defense attomaya health conditions. bad defied attempta of authorities Woodbury's With 8 Blades fh u laatHar / fkm f k l this to your master," snd shot the data of March 8, 1935. first Tuesday In March in connactlon M. Kahn, 30 acres o f tobacco land aatarlag, win have a further charge bank omdals for cause. with It. Tha exhibits—aome waightu as with thrm sheda located off Tolland Ths American Presbytsrlan Mls- to oust them. SOAP PbUlp leham, Ifisa MyrtU Oolllns, guard In toe groin. with toa board’a acUan In rafuoing Catalonia, latest to fall to toe In- plbead a ^ n a t him whan be la call- Consolidation of court budgets, re- Referring to toe sheet. Alcom much as 80 pounds—lael

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEIL CONN. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17.1989 FAOB PAOB8IX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN FRroAT, FEBRUARY IT. 1M» ' I- buay tiU they have used up their and potaU west ot the Thames . ly esk lu gtem i ■ - r "—i - Ito iH rfftrr mUlUiy strength, maraly by sailing would bo vary grant Present fact!- A rchitecture Show C hiefly WI L L P L AN HUNT thsa soma planes, that is much I Use are Hmitsd to an old railroad Wh a t It Means: Recreation OONT STOP M £ ! IV) NEW 1940 MNSO bridge cenvartsd many years age PRESTO N GROVER I SoFttfatg B rra lh smarter **»■« It would ha to make RU*MIN6 nOR A IS HERE A VEAft AHEAD OF tha victory ot tha war lords over Into n highway apaui aftor It bad FOR ‘ TDtEBUG” ruUlAMUtO S t TtUI . In Form O f Models, Maps BOX OF NEW DTIME!— COlTAINS A KAU> PKINTINU OUMPAMT, IRC thoaa eounttlea both eaay and beooma supernnnuntod for railroad The Cour t L i neup Center heme LEGISLATORS WATC8 ra B U O S It was proposed by tba Prtatdant POLLS-SOME EVEN HAVE am they trusted him. INONOEAFUL *SUD8 It BiMlI UrMt cheap, leaving^ them with tha West- uses, wbara traffic la Interrupted I940MM60-E MueliMl*?. UoBB. BABT 8IDB. THEIB OWN “ But I dtsagreod with it than and cent and worse period when a’ood. MOSTER’-ATN O E X m A j frequently and (or considerable pe- '•‘-.Now York, Feb. 17 — (A PI — T AU MY NEIGHBORS rauMAt PBNUUIIOH ern Hemisphere as thsir next world By MOBOAN U. BEATTY 1 .tn-tha wool preeedent-foliowan, But- Todfiy: 1 was glad nrhen tha polls aad my ' America's flrat chance to see the ar-1 for example, wite faked to look like | Call 55,000 People To Mass (» S T OMarai M«Ba«*r riods by drnw-opanlngs. For the ARE RAVING AeOUT. F»BBd*4 Oetobcr t. lU l to conquer—and with plenty of pep AP Feature Servtpe Writer ler and Mcltoynolds, aad two middle- Tba Junior boys' room will be WsahlngtoD—Aa irritated sena- own Information Indicated tae chitectura show which last year weu atone. and powder aith which to do It rapid movement ot materials or of-tha-road man. Cblat Jusucea open (Mm • to 9 o'eoMk. tor ones bounded from hla seat and people bad corns around to our given a big hand by French critics Perhaps the strangest thing of all ITi PAUIaImB Baait Baaaiab Cx«*pt WasblngtoD—Tbe Bupreme Court Hi-ghea and Roberta, rheir oldai Tba tmnll gym wilt be open for view ot the bill.” Ths “our vmw' In the show, however, la the pro- Meeting After $245,000 and SELF S E R V E G R O C ER IES '• Ai>4 ‘ IIAa ICni*r*4 At Iti* Instead if trying to llgura out troops In the defense ol the New w''.h deep sarcasm growled: ‘ at the Paris exposition. Is at hand. la closer today to all-around balance recorda put thaaa two pratty Cloaa FaadhnII from o to 7 o'clock. to which be referred araa that of Hia ihow at the Museum of Mod- nouncement of .lohn McAndrew. “WHEUE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” "MA At HtncAMttr. CoAtu AA how we can uaa the world war England seaboard existing provt- “Why don't we ^ o u rn and let tha majority of tha senate artalcb im tm t cCUaa Ma II MAtlAf. to membership than ever—thanks to to tha conaervatlva camp, but tbeu’ Tba small gym will ba rasanrail tha country ba run according to •m Art, Is chiefly In the form of curator of architecture and Indus- danger aa something handy In die- aloa for crossing the Thames la, m five presidents and the aocldents ot far boning from 7 to 9 o'clock. uitlmately a|>ellad defeat (or ths trial art at the museum, who as- Loss In Ten Wf t , 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW B(JHJ)IN6 •UBBCRIPTtON BATBB more rm n t opinions Indteato tbai the way theae public polls say tha photographs and models and special crediting n President whom - we n military sense, e lamentably time and hUtory. they, too, are taking an axpenmen- Tha sroman’s plunge partod srlli legislation. inaps. Later it will be taken on a sembled tbe exhibition In the first QM TAAf bf Mali ...... MM pcoD's want tL‘‘ Congressmen are fairly wall P A f MAAtA AA MAtl • . . * . * . * * • . *9 M Tha retirement of Justice Louis tal turn ot mind occaatonnlly. la from 7 to 9 o'eloek. place. Mr.' McAndrew aays that the don't like, wouldn't it ha Immensely weak link. Tba latent was to tndleata that aware ol public santlmaat even long swing through the country, York. Pa., Feb. 17—(A P I—York BIBMI# Copy . a A •• A A* A ••••••••• ■ 9 ^9 Brendeli and President Roosevelt’s About Evan PalMteally Tba First AM clast will mast at 'Visiting many museums and col- four majoi figures of American OptiBGrBi OM T M F ...... ••a'^a.l»<>4 smarter to admit that that danger While wa have passed beyond the really wOrtbwhlla sanator would without polls Probably they al- prospective appointment of nis suc- Similarly, tba sourt la tpitt about 6:80 witb Or. R. Kaanay. leges. architecture are: Thomaa Jefferson. turned to the old town meeting to- must be met—and than demand a time when municipalities or coun- Tba bowling allays are raaerved ■ceff at polls and voto .bM own waya have been. But It they nad Henry Hobson Richardson., Louis DIAL 4486 AND ASK FOR MBlfBER o r THE ASSOCIATED cessor brings within the realm ot the even lii party poUUea. Hugbea. beat Judgment. Many of tbem per- always been completely subject to French reviewers found the story day to call thia farm county cap- PREIM loud voice In ito decisions as to the ties can be expected to provide poaalbla an even closer trim, provid- Stone, and Roberta bear tbe Hapub all evening for Mr. Palmar. It told of American architecture Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright. Vba AaaoelataA Praaa ia aiciuai«als haps do Just that. But la our buf lU Influence we probably would ital's 59,000 people into a "firebug" great biidgea for tha maintenance ed ths magic wana points westward. Tbe Speadhoya arlll prartlee bas- JHterooa Antedated Other* AAtltlad to the uaa at raAUbllrailan best way 'O meet It? Ucan stamp, having drawn ttastr np letball from 0 to 9 o'clock. fetlngs about among ths congre.ta- have been a member of the League ' through three centuriei much more hunt after property lose mounted to M V W IF E SAYS TH E FREE D ELIVERY SERVIGE! wt All AAwa diapaiebaa eradi'ad ta ti Balance, ot course. Implies vast- polntmanta from two KapubUcan men we have gleaned n definite Interesting than the polnUngs and Jefferson was the first man In THE N E W RINSO GIVES The danger of war in this coun- ol through traffic, and the state ‘Ilia Comets and Shamrocks wUl of Nationa. America or Europe either to use the $245,000 In ten aays. AT SOI otbarwiaa eraditad Is tbla ly more than tbe mere party politics J\ '^'ulpture we sent to the exposition. 1 RICHER, l o n g - l a s t i n g NEW 1940 RINSO •AAar and alaa tha loeal Aavt nab. try Is being brewed In Berlin, Rome muat acknowledge Its responalbllltv prealdenta, Coolldge and Hoover. practice from 9 to 6:45. impraaslon that wben n reliable antique In large-scale monumental Tonight a ma.** meeting at the of a man when he gets tbe coveted Reed, Black, MoReynolda ana public poll indicntes the country'- ^ Jp d they liked the movie exhibition. SUOS EVEN IN THE IS A l i f e SAVER. HRPtE PstGI ii. and Tokyo—not to Washington. (or the creation and maintenance ol The 'LittM'Oroag' ^ building. Hls first (and In some courthouse will be ssked to help All lichts •! r«pubncRtioM •€ White House nod and Senate ap- Butler are Demoemta. As a New senUment on any particu'nr ‘ques- Earllect Boildlngs Adobe search for the persons responsible HARDEST WATER ITS RICH ER SU O S •pBClRl GtsMteliM h«r«1n *r« Rise r** Let's be bonast about It—and aane such briilges. In this partlculai BAST SIDB. Even that group of aenaton ways best) effort was the Virginia proval. Deal adviser ot first rank. Frank- tion. tbs members pay heed. The earliest buildings In the show state cspltol In Richmond, which (or recent Incendiary Area, to aet a W E E K - E N D SPEC I ALS Today: "They are goverried by polls whom President Wilson oailsd s IT G O ES MUCH SOAK O UT D IR T enough and determined enough an.i New London Instance there Is every Balance la not mandatory. It Is furter falls vaguely Into that alot, ore the adobe atructurea of the antedated by 25 years similar adap- close guard over property, and to 6:00 to 7:80. Junior basketball more than they will admit,” said “little group ot wilful men' arlll ad- W ITH O UT H A R O Fall RSTTlee etfsnt of If. B. A. Soro* united enough to surely guard reason why. even if the Public not even required that a meiflbef too although the ritcord Impllaa that American southwest — speciflcally tations abroad. work aa unofficial deputies of police F A RTH E R — i of ths court abould be a member be la agnoatlc In polltlcs.-(^ nt Mast pmetlea to tha gym. one member. mit now that the country was over- against It Works Administration Is not going "the governor's palace at Santa Fe Richardson, according to Mc- and firemen. IS MORE SC R UB SIN G OR BONE- of the bar, but they always have he was before Roosevelt cams to 7:80 to 0:60, Jtmlor ping pong and But moat members keep fairly whelmlngly (or entry Into the Msmbsr AmsHess ftovopsoer pool. League of Nations. ^6 the Acoma. N. "M.. church Andrew, forecast modern principles For police, the hunt started Feb. 7 E C O N O M IC AL B O ILIN G liRhsrs AsseoiRttoR. We can throw Mr. Roosevelt Into to (unction In such matters to any Washington. good polls of tbelr own—partic- LESS been lawyers. 8:00 to 9:80, Badminton In the This “little group” atabe4i4 ah was the scene of WtUa by building functionally In brick and wben flames leaping Into the night the discard next year If ha makes dependable extent, the federal gov- Every section of the nation wants Curiously, one Republican, Stone, ularly covering tbelr sections FMbItshtrt RsprossnUtlvoi: Tbo rvra for women. , vote on the issue for months V hs- beris "Death Oomea for the stone. Sullivan "was the first In the ate away the interior of old fit. POT ROASTS They have to. It Is their staff of ittSlus Mstbtws Mpocist Aff#n«r^Ns« half aa many mistakes In national ernment should at least particlpatu a sympathetic ear on tha high court and two DemocraU, UcRaynolda I a 8:00 to 10:00—Four bowling al- they "carried the Issue to Itrohbtohop.” , world to give architectural expres- Paul's church. Loss was placed at York ChicRco. tlstrett rdA 8eR*oa. life. 8o It would be faulty to say dafenae as bs has in national re- at In a measure ot national defense. —a man who understsinds ita par- Wilson appointee I aad Butler in leya reserved for the Lebanon country.” They ultimately First exhibit from the east te St. sion to engineering developments in $ 200,000. ticular problems. Too, any minority Harding appolataai Jumped the that every time a member voted steel structure.” In other words, he MBMBKR AtiniT miRRAO o r habilitation—or In any case. But group. according to the Gallup Poll, for public aentlnient—and n majority Luke's church, built In 1692 In Vlr- In quick succeaaion other fires be- CailCUUATlONft. or religious creed In tha great traces somewhara slang t ^ road. o' the senate— to their wray of glniSL And the latest te a model was the father of the skyscraper. lieved to be Incendiary wrecked the we can't Jockey him there by mak- CASE FOR THE COIX)NEL American malting pot takes legiti- They found themaelvea eonsMtently Instance, he was being governed And Wright, founder of modem Ths ffsrsM Printing CemoRn? Ino.. by the poll. thinking, and League adherence of the new museum of modem art John C. Schmidt terminal building, ing believe that. In urging nstlnoal mate pride In tbe selection ot one aiding with strange bedfellows, so BCLATIVE TROUBLE architecture, was so far ahead of with a loss of $37,000, and caused Yearlmg LAMB LEGS Ronm99 no flnonelRi rosoonstbiiiiy A Greenwich attorney named was defeated. building, all glass and plaster. This for tFpograpRtrsl srrors Rpr>#Rrlfii hi defense and In not Illegally stop- nf Ita members for the robes that far as politics are concerned. Moreover some members are will have windows for floors, glass the van, according to McAndrew, damage amounting to $8,000 at .pg^rMsMntntt tp tks Mnncbastot William Meany, Jr., arrested for Oonnally Says Yea—And No that many features of hls architec- ping the sale of planes to enemies make a man a Justice f the United Sectlonally, the division of the Knoxville, Tenn. — Flfty-four- skeptical ot the complete accuracy floors in the galleries, and piste Emanuel Lutheran church and BfOMing HsrRlg. Among others we queatloned ture "have returned In the guise of L A M B R O V I A T T E S Boneless speeding on the Merritt Highway Staten court Is not quite so happy. jrear-old John Burnett teatifled in at the public polls, particularly glass In other curloite locations. dwelling recently bought by the NEW RINS0< of tha butilea, be Is “ leading ua criminal court he waa the “grand- about poUa was Senator 'Tom Con- European Influence. to America, L0uma ally, Bana- that Ua psr oant of tbatr taaehars any operators license Issued un- hurried over and there discovered "W e have millions of men unem- Indlcatiooe tbe outbreak ta the People witb an overabundaaoe oi tor Johnson Of California—“Ha's art now so tasfficisnt that thay der any statuto relating to mo- Lux drearily at work. But Ham- ployed; we have tba greateet en- metrttaoHtan area waa decreasing. ,1 b . mond made him drop hts chores dignity and an overaupply of power dowment of natural and mechantcal laading us down tha road to wmrl" eould aastly ba rspMced by bettor tor vehicles • • • for sny cause that be may deem eufflclcnt, with that night. Several weeks later, he have always. In the end, been tar- reeoureea knoam to 'tha world,” 2 ***’ 4^ Thia. if you please, because Mr. teachers, it la evident that at least or without a hearing. had Meade Lux l^ewla playing on the gets for laughter. Davte asaerted. "and we have the lUaaevelt did not. In default of hav- 1,000 Inaffletant teachers to this Binge of Carnegie Hall. —Charlie Chaplin, speaking ot his monetary basis for aa exponsloa of 70 HORSES BURNED We believe that Colonel Connor forthromlng film, ‘’ The Dlcta- Som ething to tag any taw to anforce, do nrtth ra- sUU will bs continued IndsOnltaly. Book Worms productive activity ter greater than owes It to the motoring public ol The flcUoneer seeking Types in toia.” ever existed before. Y e t oppoaed TO DEATH IN STABLES E n ie r i a in in g i? latlon to France and Britain what It is true that teachers may bs dis- Connecticut to Invoke his very te theae In atark paradox we have New York can And a bookful, usual- If to may wa tuqqpet yoa vWf yoar aoarotf ASP Wino and Cottage CHEESE ^ I SOUP MEAT ha did with ralatlon to Japan—pri- charged for Immorality or ineffi- great power to show this Greenwich ly, at tha Public Library on Fifth I f wa aecapt It as a Mrapla truth dream about^ an almost unlimited gap of unfilled vately advise the airplane maniifac- ciency, but discharge (or these rea- Avenus and 42ml Street. There, the that a world war would aattla noth- human wants and n e ^ .“ Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 17.— Liquor Storo for your rofroilimaiif aoodr. Our A iP liquor gentleman that though tha speed ing and would andongsr our whole- turara that tha govem.nant did not sons Is so reatiictsd by a two-thirds absent-minded professors, thi schol- “Challeage” In Sltaattea. (A P )—Seventy horses burned to lonrico offon a wMo lalocHea o f Hw linatf qualify wol laws of Connecticut may ba aomo- civilization, then we must accept death early toM y when fire of un- approve of aalllng plansa to thoae arly spinsters, the harnssed-eyed He said the situation presented known morchondho of prieot in toopino wiflt AfiP*i petqf vote, by appeal and by legal teeb- what foggy the final authority of the corollary that peace at almost a "cbidlenge" because “other na- determined origin deotroyed Na- countrtea. Quite true, the Pretl- students are steadfast patrons. But of effortnq fko boef for low. Yoa con buy wHli oonBJonco nlcalltiea aa to ba pracUcally Im- the Commissioner of Motor Vehi- the Library also ceta a conslderabls any piica U aound ^Hoy. tions seem temporarily at least to tional Guard stables aad barracks dent could have dona that. And —Flody S. Chalmers, befaro the STARD UST - $19 .75 be making headway through forms here. of AAP Liquor Sforoe. • possible. It may also ba noted that play from scc|fltrlcs and unaccentrie cles Is not—and Is amply sufficient Canadian Ctah of New York. The loss wras expected to reach tha manufacturers could have com- teachers cannot be discharged (oi Idlers who find the Library repose- of government and at a price which Peanut Bufftr Frtflh So IHims Fruit Cocktail. to cramp the style of s|>eedstcra we do not favor here. The price $ 10,000. leak pUed or not, aa they aaw fit. If they ful. communicable diseases or (or other with complete effectiveness. I thought their whole attitude INNERSPRINC MATTRE^ they pay te complete subordination The fire broke out ta wooden had compiled, and theae same eiit- reasons that might make their con- One little man. I'm told, has been was that woman didn't eounL of the Individual to the state.” ■tables aad spread rapidly ca both ioa had found out about the clr- vlaittag the library for twrenty —Mrs. BManar Raesavalt. wrhsn Hoffman asserted that "business ■ides of ths U-abaped barracks. B-- l-Poand No. 1 tinued employment Injuriqiic to tbe years and has made enough volumt- Stardust Is th i kind Of bedding you’v# fllwRya Fsatorea CEDAR SPRINGS JOHNNIE WALKER Bot cumatanca. the ehahcaa are ten to told that Nnal popart raaented aad government should Join forces ploding ammunition made work of — jj. •m cm Children committed to their nous notes on tha gol-damdest tub- bar writlag an faraligB nffnin. dreamed about owninff . . fln# be>9doinff a t a tuTpria- in attaching mooopoty and monop- d ty firemen extremely haaordoua. ona that right now they would have charge.” In New York! jecU to fill an aneyelopedla. But as ingly low cost. Stardust really gives you better L 900-4x41 “Blagad” Inaaiw II* spring cantor. KINTUCKY RID LAIIL bean getung red in the race mak- All of which la of much Interest _____ Sy dfiorg* Rons | far as anyone can make out, he is Racently a mora drastic attitude sleep than ordinary Innenprlng mattresseiL due to baa bean advocated, urging a frank jUig apeachaa denouncing him for because there are doiihtlesa n good not affiliated with any school ot ita unique conatrucUon. In the first plnea, SUrduat t. Quilted steal Insulatloa, proclamation that a atato of war C a m pb«liy Tomoto Soup Groon Split Pooii ’ destroying what IllUe chance was laaraing, ba has never put bis ac- srith double pads through many people in this state who have New York, Feb. 17.—Banks, to cumulated knowledge to any prac- exialta. is built with a specinl innereoil unit . . a unit in eontor of mattraaa. For Qoality aafi Scrrlea . . . Order left (or Industry to kaap going and had ths Impression that ths meas- most folk, are federally rasarvad tical use aad he never has conven- Psralga Mtalater HneMta ihiHa which anch flpring is hinged. Iitotend of a stiff plat- jo provide employment " of Japan. oommenOng an tha alt- s. C o t ^ foit uphoteteiy. B o u r b o n ure advocated by the Teachers As- and funlsM and grimly absorbed in ed longer than a aacond or two with form thia construction makes Mch coil an indiviauaU S C O T C H anybody. Othen, to ascapa annul at oatlaa In Chinn. 4. Ourabte • o r ticking. Hob^y la leading America dow-n sociation was by -vsy of bsing a buslneae. But a friend, of ours, in his ly operating section . . allows you to turn anaily VALVOLINE home or on the streets, vtalt the 8. Inner-roll conatrucUon. ^ y road to war. Nobody Is going merit act; whereas It appears U> lie desperation the other dayat leamM Thara la to ba no more flat-rnla- without up-hill struggle. Therefore you truly rest 4XS* library to catch a wink of sleep, but to lead thia country down a rfiad to ing, DO moro stagtag of tha 'Tntsr- better on a Stardust. Then we give you double sisal 6. Tapa-bound edgac. a carefully Uiought-out scheme foi differently. No, he didn't rob n vault the attendants frown upon slumber Range and Fuel OiU - 1 . 59 . But war will come to Amer- nationals,” no damonatiattona. "*2 . 3 9 malnUInlng m their Jobs all mem- or hold up a cashier's cage. Our at the reading tables. insulation through ths center Of ths mattress where 7, Tape tied. No tufts on Compboll't HoinI Pockdd sooner or later, Jual aa cerlaln- —Andra Marty, Franeh Oana- ths most weight and wear comes. buttons. CRISCO bers of the Association, whether oi friend was having no luck buying Notes From tbe Fast mnnlat depnty wHh tha LajrnlM P H O N E 3492 we permit It to march domi not they are ths Individual# who, tickets to n certain hit show. Sud- Saan around town In another troops In flpain, aa ha aiflaiai hM 1 DBCUYPBr S 1 RONfWcOUl^ 1 TOM ATO ES jba road to ua. W# can't keep it on the score of ahUly and sapeclaJ denly, he thought Of his bank. Sure- quaint vlaltor from tha Kentucky men acraat tha harder kite BEANS •way by Adshing nor by puia>-foot- ly. he thought, that source would hllla.' This ons U Jllaon flatters, 'inis Fianca. The Valvoline Oil Company fitness for their profession, should add an Influential voice. hUI-bllly fiddler from Lost Hope Hol- ^ nor by being either Ukj proud IHodcARye be holding them. It was an unconventional place low, Ky., mho gets up north from Houses for ranL M n yanr; dntaa R U M 1 Chablis to bght or loo afraid to fight, njr to turn for help, aU right, but It the mountains onoe In a while. Het- 23c a buahal; harvest labor, $I.9fl a< 8*Poaad py throwing our weapons Into the took tbe bank a mere hour or so to tara emerged iroro the bllM a' cou month. Can pea and depending on ths "honor' FACTOR IN DEFENSE fix up our friend with two fine seals pie of yeara ago Wrhen hM eyaaigtit AaoMnt Rahylinlan tehlat ra- 1 •“’•1.99 1 11 «“1.05 p ( Japan and Germany and Italy on the aisle. And hla deposita there miraeuloualy came back to him, vnalsfl hy tha UnlvarMty af CM . N o. S We expreesed yesterday our be- oaga ta a atnfly af early pitw- yu>t to strike an unarmed paclflal haven't been spactaoular. That ex after lifelong blindnaaa, and he lief that the ImniedlstS building of perience led us to check up on the brought hie violin out with him. flitasg. a can only keep It away by being |‘be Hartford-East Hartford bridge theater-going situation In the bank- It was found he could play only GREEN STAMP 1 RB> CROWN 1 1-pound con 17c pnlUtanly atrong enough to keep it | Is the most urgent oonatrucUon ob- ing world and what we found out rare IQizabetbeaa tunas on the m- I am married now and won't MSd 1 1 waa that ■' aeven out of every ton It any mora. fct a distance through dire fear of jhgstlon faced by the state, because atrumNit, tunes he had taharited —Letter to Iowa old-age peawtee banks In New \ork are glad to par- from his anceatore. f'or his home u D V E ^onaequences. , ,of the constant dangsr of Interrup- offtetata, ntuiulng ehsek. form such extra-curricular service tbe hills had been made more than . And In our heart of lyurls there Uon of transportation between the K T E V , O XYD OL SC OTT TISSUE for their ciiston«ra. it la nice to * a century hack hy hie English for- These man hava.too good Amarl- 1 jiia*t one out of a hundre«l of oe capital and aaatem Connecticut by know. Perhape. soma day, we might bears. and during the hundred yenra, BsHise ta Bead I- 1 deeb SpMb . . Rad Cfowa h 1 cans. Thay hava tnlaad famtlMS. a 6W M Wr Aar ay aoa ar aa.aaMaa'i «eria»e«t I |hnt doesn't know this perfectly floods; at the same time raoognls- have to aak our bank to walk tha little new bnd eaUrad or Mm# out. Ikeaflk MO Waaf TMi Rye b kMd sod Heetmf dog! ITiay ara of tha Theodore Rooaavelt ^ ‘*9- ihg that the need of a new bridge HIS repertoire eras ao unusual that This Is The era. i Then why should we, at this crlt- over the Thames at New London Is Saga Of Swing fluttara waa asnt off to Ekgitad to —Jadga S. A. dock, of Basno, 3 ^ 19« ■cal time, be prating hypocritically • secondary only to that of the This la a aad story recounted play thoM M Cngtlah tunes (or the la.. In ruling ant twa appHaaate lOng and Quean. He w.isn't vtstbiy ter Jabs aa fsmtadlaaa at tlw Bbouit Mr. Roosevelt “ leading us Hartford structure. ua between midnight and mom by _ Jtvsster over a table at Plck-A-Klb licpraaaed. But be Isn't easily awed Time • •O • - • f Year To » 7 9 1 1 "^ 95c 1 Italian Cook Oil 4 X Sown tha road to war" Just because Thera Is, howsvtr, n special ap- which Is a nocturnal baagoat for by moat anything, tacli^^lng tha big EGG NOODLES M la making some sort of an effort proach to the New London problem. twing-players, conducted by Benny city won'dars. Double-duty If MusaeUnl aver attamptad ^though it may not be very well One may well wonder whether the Goodmen'e brother, Jean. Back In Tbosa Frteee ffffaetioe at Me ^ Ton l-P o a a d aalza aiw territory, all tha pMpU ot Fslla^ A4IF Faeki^i Utma, TW4 wmnb ^ c s tv a d and he may be all wrong tha early 20'a, a negro named Meade Il 9 ramv miMNma 1 iO . GflOoa Phf. situation down there should not bs ROCKEFELLER ESTATE flpain. LoyallsU or Nadonallata, Have Your Car ]| 0 o ' jk bis planning—to g ^ this country Lux Lewis recorded one of hla own BECOMES W PA PROJECT viewed with partlculw rsfsrance to compoaltlona, “ Honky Took Train T7ouid turn agatnat him. nto shape o keep war away from ^OgdnlMI|M IT. STUDIO COUCH $34.50* 1 ATHOtTON ATHERTON the federal government's Interest Bluet," for a small record company. IT Clevaland — (AF> —Inside the IN AAANCHESTER 1 Mm ObC b m In It Whether, aftor aU, It should Tha disc got around among jams en- gatsa and high (eaces around the ^ua'a SB catra badroam (or your hoaa! It strvaa as a "D U " Oiayofrolt FLOBIOA ORANGES M c I nto sh apple s Wouldn't it be Cnr more to tbe thusiaata and soon became knosm Overhauled not be considered ta relation to the “oountoy aatnta” ot tha lata John nxiNoa RAnanEB aomfortabM, fuu length aafa with taaanprtng »aial>lnB during • lOlBt IT • • aU agread that the great problem of national defense. a mualetana' classic. D. Rockefeller, flr., a W PA army MO«T RC (A P ) lUtaoM lad all That to wh$R wil waat ear raaalaff good aad doo are two very important natloa- age and became anxious to uvjata Whaalharrowi move along the othar statea In ehady nwkttg dur- support for the plUowa which la hot Mwwa la our lUuMrathm. gat Plan, dmall dewa pajM •a mushy expicaio* at tbs Langus al defsoaa alcmenta. ths Naval Sub- pntlw w Ihii ‘Rockefeller liked to nnaat: aaRr waakty laatafi* ROt ttod ap ia the ganfo. Bo foniriflitod aad haro a* Lux. He scoured the oountiy, ing 1937. Choiea af superler-grada eovarr * flams eoaah ta lighter TANOnONBB CELERY Bottor Grado Pctfltfl— ~ Hattcaa, ths muidar of Ethiopia marlas Baas and tbs plant of tba Hrade In ths moonllghL Padaral flgurtn Mtaw thnt IM H taaato; m a ll a a r r y j do Um wotfc NOW. Tel 3822 traveUad ta alt mualctans' circles, al- weight eovara, $89.78. 1 ^^1.69 1 m99 aham . OonouR aur Swvals and man poorer grade Unota candy plants, amploytag It,' , rvi tad that tbe ttans for tba United Bloetrlc Boat Company, builder of ways inquiring: “ Have yo,. beard of get Bttiaau. - - 1 fYUMW Wlfltoir sjmaota itea to whistto.“Johnny Get Tour a man named Meade Lux LewlsT” the rolling acres. In 1940, ths mll- 667 emph^facs cn n payroll total- 2 buiKhes 2 5 « Bubmnrtnea. In Uma of war or nf Uoa-doRar tract, of 293 acres wrill ing 818.638,1171. produesd 990J71.- S/e * Sr ■ " esme wbaa tba Bamadar at Finally, after several- yean Ot .- n buirtad preparation for war both searching, Hammond met two aegro ba open to tbe public. 1>1 worth of cawfactlenary prod Open ‘Diiailiy aad thanday proof c< tbaaa aatabUabmcata would m musicians In Chicago and thay he- p ilw i Rockefeller bought tna nets during the yanr, ar aanrl) DEPOT SQUARE GARAGE Evaatim w it]l 9 P. M. Utoacd RAnHeaeaD qnttn aura to hano'am noaaan of m- gaa remlalaelag. alta for 9L000 an acra In igTg, U eaaAhM af the nnw ali 8M9,tM,' Largo Chflflfllsto Retold DROP CAKES wan rwml proparty, «loenta4 nt othar days, taetadiafl dalur- Kraont Bay, Prop. ttaordtoary aetlvtty. Tba nsad of During thalr convertaUea. one ct ^ C l i nes b dayr at ■-M: Wadasadaya IKtole aed Pbawrth Saha e \ 1 lonat M ndlaa aaat o t T IiT ilin I ninto rntoi naeaM |5odoz. *M»P ttm flowtag iMd tha fenowB remarked: 4fT0 bed about buMnaas aad Industry. Now it is a wtth a $89.619.858 WATKINS atuNaan. Barapaatoiam 841 N a. B iy a S t fif fi ToL i n s forlLO* x<^ii Haade L ib , atat Itn ------and tiaaapottaUOb R R Q. T H_S R S * I N C nlag appntatataats dtol M a% JnB»e4 « . “Da yea tatga Maada SSWmS^ ehtstor H7I, ...... MAWauigiwi Evmiio n n iA^ MAMeniBTn. exam, 't o d a y. nssuAi^^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mi^CHESTER. OONM TODAY. FEBRUARY 17.1989

18 at ViSbmMMr. port •paiatkna ad fiuval. w o n wb« RemraantaUva flab (H. NElliODISTDRY Conditions Of winter. COMEDIAN DENIES TIRE DESTROYS RULES GROUP N. T.) told repwtara ba had na ob- A Thought N. Y. Stocks Route H a : R a r t l a a d . B r id g e ieetioa to tu loana U they arara eon- State Roads Tem porary b rid ^ ffnad to aiding trada wttb South Mm thii DAILY RADIO PROGRAMS We Are Doing More Business Now By Mistake, Than We Used To LEAD^66,DIES Route H a 83: W indham . Norw ich- Amariea He aald be would offer an dmakarda, mOan, aor ax- TALES OF PRAISE CENTRAL BLOCK WUUmantle road batwaan WlUlam’a CLEARS WAY Adama Exp OonatrucUon in fbrea In tha State ameodmant to provide auch a Uml- tofCtoners, akaU laharit to# U u - A i r R a d u e ...... crossing and go. WtatiBiam. About tation. On Purpose! Know Why? Five Words Spell the Answer! of Connaeticut announced by the S ms af O o d ^ OartatMaiia €>19. PaiDAV. FlbRUARV 17 Alaska Jun .... Ckmnaeucut Highw ay Dapartaent. 144 mllea of conerato pavement WU- Other happenlngi la Washington; Dr. ChrcBce Trie Wilson D Ungton, Bridge and approacbea Time le aaittrn aundtr* —. Subtract t MMIDDLErOWN AlUad Cham . . . February 18. 1989 for tha weak and. FOR RFC LIFE Hugh R. WUaon, ambassador to If God hath made this wortd. 90 Om Heur tor Cantrtl Time—V. M. NmneroDs Theatrical Asso- A m C a n ...... ing Feb ruary 36, 1989. over Soaring braok. lamporary Germany. tasUSad at a profoundly fair, where sin aiul death abound, ’ rObeef** to Hattos dua re natwerk eer. HERE THEY ARE-FIVE LITTLE BIG WORDS! bridge. reettoaa lo « lat# ia lnearp»ra(a.> « ow.) Am Homa Prod Sereral Weeks With Claaed Fo r Oeuatruetteu »rom paga Ona) ■ aeret meeting of the Smiato MIU- how beautiful, bayond oompars, will Am Rad St 8 .. Routa No. 83A: Haw London. Naw a^Xl—Orehaa. a Cborus—waat only WTIC Detour Providad tary Committee. Even the official paradlas ba found.—^Montgomery. oaeart of Xrlophone—nbe-rad ohOln ciates Gather At Dinner KMdl* CMft Studio, Md tbo WU1«U Am Smelt ..... Route No. U . 8. 1< E a s t H a v e n London-Norwlcb toad (Mobegan Mil to extend the R FC untU June stenographer was barred from boar' no# orchaa,—obe-*]a-e Trevelere BreetfceetlBg OOTMt SiMp. Am Tal and Tel Uremic Poisoning. cut-off. About 6 mUa reinforced con- avenue) about i mile af concrete. 80. 1941. tng hts dlacusslon of tha Ehiropaan I t^lhalow. Na^>>nbe-blue*ml4w. Herlfurd, C um- Am Tob B ..... Through trasne wUl uae present . . _ ..a Sporia RMtliMump^wRbe ^ only I OSloM wero molntilnort on tho crete pavement. Woloott later told reporters he situation. Tb«__ _ Menhaftaa______iteravmnade—cbt’ChRln _ _ - - 50,000 W. 1010 li CX ua M To Honor Fields. Woond Soor by Roftroo ia Bank* Am Wat Wks .. Route No. 8: Seymour. Bridge ou Itouta N o . 83. would lead.AP effort to diaoontinua WUaon vma reported to have ifatad Mutle by ureh«a.~«iba-ehaln Anaconda ..... xvptcy TlwiBU C. flood; Otrl T. Portland, O ra, Feb. 17.— ( A F ) — Broad street Route No. 86: RIdgaAald. 44 mile the acUvltM of tha Export-Import turned aalds many quaatloaa put •lOe—Alme K1tchaU~nbc*w)faeet EVERYBODY SAVES AT Armour IH ..... Andoraoo Jamaa 11. Kanay, a t* Dr. aaranoa True Wllaon, 66, Route N a 16A: Portland. Bridge of rolled graval and box. culvert at Bank on th^ground that they con- him by tha senatora, on tha grounda • lie —Malcolm Clalro—nbe*r«id ehala Hollywood. Feb. .— ( A P ) — Atchison ...... porothy. RochaUa A tone—nbe-e^s 17 tocMira; (oroar Ifayor Lao B. Sant* founder of tha Metbodlat Church over Cou's Brook. Naw T e n atata Una on new loca- stitute a threat to this country's that any answara ha made might Friday, Pebmary 17. Arlatigo Corp .. Howla Wine on Aviation—€ba*wabe P. M. Stories about W . C. Fialda—whlco aagalo, raal aatata; and Louia F . Temperanea Board and Intammtlon* Route No. 316: N e w H a rtfo rd . Uon. neutrality policy. dlaturb International relations and •ite—Broedoaat Naw»—nbe^waaf Baldwin CT .... : —Baokstage W lfa Quirk. dvU aoflnaar. al leader In the prohibition moye* Bridge and approaches over Nepaug Routa No. U . 8. 44: Ashford. Tha only way to bring thla quea- Impair bit own uaafulaasa • ttO—Oeo. E. Telk—*>nbe«veaf 4 00 be denied, even when they axtOUad Balt and Ohio ... 4: 16—atella Dallaa. ment, died hero yestardky. Ha had river. Bridge over M t Hope river and ap' tlon before tha people la to attempt ApprovM TV A Fonda Th« ThrM jQttBr* rros.—v-w ji only him—were recounted by numerous Tka third Soor «raa eocuplad by Bendlx ...... Plano Duo ProEram—n^e-blue -b chain 4:30—Vic and Bade. " No Booto N umbare proachaa. Tem porary bridge. to wipe out the bank," Waleott Bob Trout In Commint—eba-wabe of hit theatrical oesoclates to a EVERYBODY'S MARKET! tbo'Crown BUIiard Parlora ownad by Tha Senate Appropriations Com- Beth Steel ...... ton. Simsbury. Wmatad-nartford Tha CBC LttUa fUvlaw—mbe«cbaln 4: 46—G irl Alona Walter Allan. Bridgeport. Roosevelt atraet said. mittee aporovad tl7J 08,000 TVA abeering crowd of 600 Hollirwoodltaa Borden ...... road. 44 mils eg graval aurface. a • :45—A. RoUlnl Orchett.—nbe-waaf 8: 00—"Dick Tracy." FREE DELIVERY! PRICES GO INTO EFFECT AS SOON AS HERALD IS OUT! D IA L57211 Tha caratakar and bit nepbaw sad bridge. Although tha legislation oontalns appropriation which has bean ro- who gathered to pay him honor last Can Pae ...... Work abut down for winter. Nor- Lowall Thomas—nbc-wjs-bealc 6: 13—Tour Family and Mine." Bains quartan on tha fourth Soor. Case (J. .) ...... Clinton. Bridge on Kelseytown a provision to limit to 8100.000,000 jjotad by the Houaa Immediate Tom MU. ekatch—wmaq*wota-1nFk nigbt. 1 folk. Repairing atorm damage about Doiia Rhodaa and Son#—wabc only 8:30—"Jack Arm strong." Cerro De Pas ... road and 44 mils of rolled bank run toe a m o w t ct loans the bank may; consideration by the Sonata of the One fellow came to heckle blm. i Tha proparty la ownad by tha Mid. 44 mile west of Norfolk center. lophia Tuckar’a Show—cba^ehaia 8:45—"LittI* Orphan Ann!*.” Chee and Ohio .. gravel. have outstanding at ona tlma, a ’ maaaura containing toe appropria- ^ Amot n* Andy—nbe-waafaoaat The occaolun was to oboorva tba We Advertise What We Sell And We Sell What We Advertise • - • tflaaen Finanea Comporatlon wboaa Route No. : Proapact Prespeot- 6:00—Nawa and waathar. Chrysler ...... Enfleld. Powder Hollow road and 68 Umltation put In to forestall ju st, tlon was bio^ad, however, San- Donea. Morin Slatarw—Dbe*rM>WMt loan ia aald to be covarad by Inaur* Naugatuck road. About 1% miles of Dancing Muale Orebaetre—nbe>wjs 6: 18—Bporta Roundup^ Col Gaa and E l . Bridge lane. 1 mile of rolled gravel. such eritleism, Woloott aald the ator King (D.,*Utah.) Pi/RfiOUS£ County taat. Dramatle—eba^wabo ttIUMa bitumlnoua macadam. 6:30—wrigbtviu* Clarion. ComI Inv T r .... Bad washout. amount was not Important. Dr. Francis B. Townsend told the Fulton l^wla, Jr.. Talk—mba-chaln And We Fill The Demand ----Regardless! eauM of the blaie ie unknown.; Routa No. : ToUand-W lUIngtcn. 7:15^. ndU r. Movt«a—Abe*waaf>aaat 6: 45—LoweU Tboinaa Coml S o lv ...... North Branford. Repairs to wood- 74 Means Commit- Bridge Over Wllltmantlc river and •Tfa tha principle of whether' Danelng M ubIc OrchMt.—nbe>red-w 7: 00—Am o* "n' Andy. Cons Edison .... en bridge on Totoket road. this agency should be allowed to tee that old age pensions would Lum and Abnar. Sketeb-^ba-wabe 7: 15—Jim m y Fiddler. Norwich-Sprague. Bridge and ap- approaebaa Ttm porary bridge. have to be Increased or “wa can't Sf 7j30—kavalFra—woaf-kyw-wbi-wmal Cons Oil ...... continue m aking loana to beUlger- anting Music Or.—nbe*rad chain 7:30—IntIde of Sports with Jack proaches over Shetueket river. Route No. 89: Aahfo rd. Approach- WE OONT BELIEVE WE*VE EVER OFFERED SUCH AN OUTSTANDING ORANGE VALUE! Cont C a n ...... ants,” ha aald. "W a have commit- maintain our type of government TAKCSCMtC ' art Lytall in Drama—wjs only Stavena. Corn Prod^..... Oanatructlois.—Traflte Maintained ing for bridge over M t Hope river. 1 much longer.” He predicted Jima for Tiio Tima—nbo«blua chain mile south of WarranvUle. ted an overt act already by making pack HAlay and Vaii«ly—0M«wabc 7: 45—Sarenadera with Peg la GFT A DOZEN OF NO. 1 QUALITY, TREE RIPE (No Color Added) ORANGES FREE Local Stocks Dal Lack knd West Route No. 3: Olaatonbury. Bridge a loan to CAlna." eventual pensions of 8800 monthly VKBtMXIUNi Tha Lona Ftangar—mba*wor-aaat Centra Douktas Aircraft . aad approaebaa over Roaring brook. Route No. 91: Eastford. Bridge 7:4a—Jaok Barch—wtaf'kyw-iTOal Wolcott aald Representattva Luca Tha Monopoly Committee heard 8:00—LuclUe Monnera with Frank Tem porary bridge. aad approaches at Bigelow brook. Whan chiMren conM ia from ] Dandne Music Or.—Dbc*rad ohaln Du Pont ...... (R ., Maas.) Intandsd to ofttr an tesUmony that tha Northwestern O^tcar shum aky Violin—nbc*wja Black's Oreheetra With the Purchase oM Doxan of Our Large Tree Ripe Orange* At Fnrnlabad by Putnain and Co. Eastm an Kodak . . . Routt No. U. 8. S : B e r lin , ( b y - Routa No. 109: Thom aaton. C o n . Mutual Life Insurance Company with dirty hsnda eoft abiorl •:0G—IrUclUa M annara Con.—nbc-w aaf amandmsnt to aboUah the Electric 9:00—W alt* 'nme. To Appredete This Vehie—Yoe Most See the Fruit! Doe’t Poee It By! S Central Bow Fiac Auto U ta .... aa) Relocation of Roule No. U . 8. atructlng 1% mllea of bituminous frequently bad refused to aelect as Warden Lawea, Dramatlo—nbC'Wjs S Farm and Home Authority on the Sutler Paper Towel* toke up tha 'lrai Nlghtar'a Drajna—eba-wsbo 9:30—Death Valley Day*. Barttord. Conn. Gen Elec ...... 3 mllea of gravel. Boutb’Windsor. macadam from Wigwam raaarvoir Olractors men who m ight have a Ohnny Praaanta—wer«wgn*wlwonly east. ground that It was hampering the dirt that didn't coma off in a batty J 10:00—Guy Lombardo'* Orebaatra Telepboaa A*OISI Gen Fo o d s ...... Bridge over Stoughton Brook on I "conflict of intereet” because of . - ______o'a Jamboree nbe-wja 10:30—Uncle Exra'e Radio BtaUon Route No. 166: W a te rfo rd . A p - Bow of private credit (crubbiag. No toiled towel pro^ 3uma and Allen Prog.- iba-wabc Fancy, Bleached, Criqiy BOO Ponndel Fancy, Snow White IHHI p. m. Quotatlona G a .i M o t o r s ...... East Hartford-Springfls'.d road. I their business connsetlons. The jimmy Dbraay Orcheatm^mba*wor E-Z-R-A. proximately 1 mUa of bitumlnoua Signs of disagreement in tha Ra- lem—no laundry billt. Alto S u u GUlatU ...... Tem porary bridge. W ork closed jWltoess was Michael Cleary, presl- •iOl^Aba Lyman Walta—nbo*weaf 10:48—"Story Behind toe Head- i laanranoa Stoeka Heckar P ro d ...... macadam highway, from Jordan pubUcan ranks over toe export-lm- 'dent of the oompany. ler Toilet Tittua, Napkin* and The Party at Plantation—nbe*wja down for winter. ' Unat” — Caaar Bacrctalnger Village westerly. Green Wallee and Drama—dba-wabe Ig. bunch Bid Atli Hudson Motors ■ ... Route No. U . 8. 6: Th o m a a to n . Facial Tittua made l» the maker* Dancing Uualc Orehaat.--mba-chaln 11:00—Nawa and weathar. Int H a rv ...... Routa No. 167; Stm abuiy. Bridge •;15—I>ffUkea Muele Oreh.—mba-wor ' A a t o n C a a u a lty ...... los ii( Construction of bridge st Thomaa- of Sutler Preferred Tittuaa Atk •:3D—Daath Valley iW a —nbc-weaf 11: 16—LagtalaUvs Newa William CELERY Mushrooms over Hop river. W ork oloaed down & Aatna Fira ...... 4SH 4' I n t N ic k ...... ton-Watertown town line. Mareli of Time Drama.—nb«-wjt A. Sheehan. Eatra Fluiey Stock! The NIeeet Wd’ve Ever Had! for wlatar. your grocer or druggitt today and r Aatna Ufa ...... 88 8( Int Tal and Tal .... ClnrauM True WUaoo. Route No. U . 8. 7; N o rw a lk . M a in There's Law Agatnat It*—mba*wor 11: 30—Johnny Meosner’e Orche*- K Automot^ ...... S2H 3< Johna M anvUla . . . Routs No. 178: Soutbbury. Con- intitt Ob Sutler. lOiOG—O ut Lombardo Oroh—nba-weat street. About I mile of reinforced To Ba (I hr.)—nbe-wja tra. Here le Another Value! Never Before Such A Boy! f Coon. Oanaral ...... 28 H 2i Kannacott . %___ been III several w eek! from uramlo concrete pavem ent • ■ tructlng new bridge and ap- Qrand CantraJ Station—abe-wabo ll:30-^ o e Veautl'B Orchestra Save On Year Apple Needs! Hartford fir e ...... 74 7< Lshigh Val Rd . . . proaebaa at South Britain. Curtain Tltne. Drama—mbs*wor poisoning and heart trouble. Route No. 13: Le d y a rd . T w o leiN ^ tin afa Bara* Skit—nbe*waaf 13:00—Gray Gordon's Orchestra. Hartford Steam Boiler 04 S(Ugg and Myara B After taking a leading part In bridgea and approaches over Long Routa N a 176: N e w in g to n . B ridge Barry Wood and Song—aba*wabo 13:30—Eddie Rogers' Orcheotra 2,500 ATWOOD SEEDLESS^ ^ — BALDW INS! DELICIOUS! GREENINGS! Ifatlooal Fire ...... 09 0] U>eWa ...... liquor debates and political efforts Cova Norwich. Norwleh-Putnam and approaehaa over Plpar brook. Hour of Danes MuaU>—mbt>chain tOiM—jtaw a Cemmant—cibe*waaf*baale 13: 66—Naw a W. CL FleMs -• Fh o a n lx ...... 77Vi 71 Lortllard ...... to win and preserve prohibition. Dr. road from Norwich city line north- Temporary bridge. J. Fidlar. rapaat—nbe*rad*waat }:00-an*nt. ' T ra T o le r a ...... 440 40( M o n t W a r d ...... WUaon waged bis last flgbt against Routa No. ITT: Fsnatngtoa. To Ba AAnoui.ead—oba.wgbe erly. About 44 mile of concrete high- V Tom om wto Program. anniversary of to * Pbtladalpiila jug• ^ ^ mbSe DUStlaa Nash K e h r...... I'quor during the repeal Uda that PlaiavUla road. Bridge over Farm - 11:0'^ D a iM Orch.—Abc*weaf*eaat way. Amot^AndyA repeat—nb«arad-watt A. M. gler'a 40th year aa an antartamar. Grapefndt 9'"25* £ Uonn; Lt. and Pow. .. OS 01 Nat Blue ...... swept the nation In 1981. Routs No. 14: Scotland. Bridge in g ^ river. xtawR: panolng to 1 A. x .* ^ b a* wvja ji 6:00—RaveUle with Jake and Carl. apples yjh Indlgaont At Charlto The Word “AtweefT Means One ef Uie Itaeat Qaality FiulU Freni Kawa: Dancing to i a . Sc.>^bs>wab f' C b n n . P o w ...... 47 41 Nat Cash Reg .... A graduate of University of over Baavar Brook and approaebaa. Rout# No. 181: Barkbam tted. S'wabo 0:80—"Sunrlaa Special." Hartford Blac. L t ... o m Nat O a lrv...... 11:15—l o s i n g t.. d 1 _ A . Mt—«bC"w Mt—«bC"w eaf eaf The guest of honor was proporiy Florida, and SEEDLESS Too! 9 61 Southern California In 1894 he Temporary bridge. TamporarUy abut Pleasant vaUay bridge over west 11:90—N a t. io n. ^ _ P la y h o u s a —e n b a - c h a ln : —Mondng Watch. AD Fine Storage Stock! Soelheae! H avualM M M Ixedlf Tog WMit ft ntum lnatlns Sha. . . . Nat Distill...... 7 00 Indignant when Charlte McCarthy, 0804 came here In lOOS. down. Plalnfleld. Bridge over branch of Farmington river. 13:00—D anelng to 1:30 A. M.—m ba-w or 8:00—Nawa and Waather. I Hartford Oaa ...... 33 81 N T C e n tr a l ...... astride partner Bargraa’s kaaa, an- His widow and two daughters eur- Mooeup river and elimination of R. Routa No. 816: Groton. N o an k* 8:15—HI Boya w So. New Eng. TaL Co. 148 101 NT NH aad H ... vive him. nounced that b* caaM just for th* M LA RATirS BOILED HAM BOTH 1 PACKAOK P im D DATES rileSiaa) R. bridge grade crossing near Almy- Weat MysUe road. 844 nllaa hltu- 8:80—Radio Bam ar. ■ W eatem Maaa...... 38 84 North Am ...... Md 35# food and to be a aulaanea Thus GET A FOUND PACKAGE SEEDLESS vll’e. mlnoua macadam highway. v Imbb o 9:00—Bradley Kincaid. LB. RATH’S MINCED HAM 1 PACKAGE PIGS tiSaSlaal Packard ...... Msb with yovr laiUBi* another chapter waa added to tha RAISINS FREE With Each Pound K ladnatrlala A broom lashsd to the mainmast Route No. 16; Glastonbury. Bridge : —Food Nawa 4% 1 POUND WE810N COOKIES VahN) Param Piet ...... 17 lieps te eboMSlTMM 9 18 A Jar af Mustard Frea WKh Baeb A AcmeAi-m» WIr. Wire ...... 30 39 of a ship Is a sign that tbs owner over Holland Brook. Tem porary There are approxlmataly 30.796 9:80—Saturday Morning Club. fam ous Fields-M cCartby feud. Package of Dried Aprieoto A t...... P e n n ...... of the vessel wishee to sell the boat. WDRC "But," protested Edgar Bergan, Otdar! 86 31 bridge. Union. Relocation of Route Friendly aocieuis and thatr branch- 9:45—GonnecUcut Women’s Clubo r Am. H ardw are...... Phelns Dodge .... AH 3 Itofws for 2Sc ' ‘ A new U and H, Com. In England. Reid Hie Herald Adrs. tiSM . ptegTSaa '1 have coma to pay my raepaeta to * aOUiifn and Spenear. 844 Phil PaU ...... tola actor, this frleiad, this phlleso- Pub Sarv N J _____ Rastoni Btaadard TtaM 10:00—T o Bd»o01 Today." : —Floreneo W e 's Radio Col- pher—” ALL I 1 LARGE CAN "B tl^l Bmaa ...... S3 Radio ...... 10 80 i:OHt’a F at F|raarma. 89 CliarUa Intorruptad with a wall- Ram R a n d ...... umn. 2 PackogsB Vfhsotist RUMFORO (tSe Siae) Maowah V e t a w t t a ^H acla Lock ...... 13M fMtay. Fabroary » ttm ad belch. Rapub steel ...... P. M. 10:45—K 8TP Piaoanta 1 PACKAGE (MPuumI) » Bvnir Baailns...... 110 Ray Tob B ...... ll;0(b-B atty M oort, presenting "I sbaU spend two or thra* min- ‘.O m y TaL Pay StaUon 11M 18H 4:00—John Bturgin, barltonai tMiiM on Interior Decorating. RUMFORD BAJUNG CHOCOLATE (ISe Sbw) Safaway Storas ... utas extolling M r. Field's m erita," COFFEE lb. can 21c . Hart and C o ^ .... 180 4:16 ■Matlnaa Promanoda 11: 15—Dol Briasett'a Orebaatra continued Bergen. 1 Packaga Com Z 5 * r Handay Mach.. B. ... 7M Schanlev D ie ...... 4:46—WDRC Btring HMiambI*. ^ Both for 29c iM tl Sears Roeb ...... 11:45—Eastman School of Musla CbarUe wo* unimpressed. t Landara. Frary * Ok. 364 6:00—Ad Uner—Doaoa prognun- 13:00—Connootlcut Farm Forum. r Haw Brit. Mach., Com. 34 B h e’ l U n i o n ...... The Manchester Public Market 6:80—MkrOh of Qomaa "Than", he sqqeaked, *T v *. got F. M. da. pfd...... 80 Bocony V a c ...... 8:45—TIm Mighty Bbow. Um* to go down to th* bar. Bwi* South Pae ...... 13:80—Studio Program . ouoly, ttaougb, M r. Fialda, I'm coly 3 Cant^pricoto ^iMorth and J u d d ...... 34 H 6:00—News, wadtoer. 13:45—Along Gypsy Trails. (It) .. Pack, Stow A Wilcox 7 South Rw y ...... 6:06—Manhattan Beranadan. kidding—but I do have a lot of fim p 3 C an t Poos or Com dot B 1«C pB0ki«* IM te St Brands ...... 1: 00—Newa Weather. Market Rit- bating you.” BuaaaU Mfg. Ca .... 34 6:15—Howl* Wing. port. BeorUl Mfg. Co...... 31V St Oil Cal ...... FOODS YOU'LL ENJOY / Washington's Birthday Specials 6:SO—"Today" wibi Bob Trout. 8M at Btag Dtaaov 3 C ant PinsappU S t O il N J ...... 1 : 90—Agrioultuial BuUatln. Tables ware aat for 400, but 690 mBB^ IjiBp OhlpB rSE I. SUax C a ...... 13 6:45—Waathar Roporta fOr Winter 1 : 80—Cam pus Notea DaWb ^ S^Mns String Boons Stanlay W orka...... 86 Tex Corp ...... Bporta earn* to the stag dlnnar at the Timken Roll Bear 1:66------^MetropoUtoa Opaia Oom - Maaquera club, 'fbey Inriudad aoeb WlA pgrehaea e< I LargaiA I do., ptd...... 38 6:80—On with tha Daao*. pany. 3 Cons Pintapplt Jules 3 Cons Tom otoot (2s) Vorrlngtoa ...... 334 Trani America ... Pure Lard - B u t t e r , T:0O—"County-Beat" starting Ray old-timera, who knew him whaa, os Voodar Root ...... 41 UBIoo Carbide ... SUead, R. 8. Fancy First Prise Fairmoat’s Better Batter OoUlna Jo* Wabar and Law FlaMa, Wnuaas 3 G int Orangs Juics (2t) 3 Cons Limo Boont Sag A f • -Sla 'j Now Fork Baaka Union P a o ...... SATURDAY BEEF SALE T:15>-Luin and Abner. C. Ooutar, who waa toaatmaetar, (2s) Bank of Naw York .. 368 Unit Aircraft .... 7:80—Jack Balep—Tad Florltob Joe Oawthom, Gaorg* ArUaa, Cbiy Unit Corp ...... toMitat George MeMonua aad At> 3 C ant Psochst (It) Hankara T ruat...... BOV Buy BBEF FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER Lgst. can 19c 2 lbs. 19c erolMetnu 'Owtral Hanover .... 90 Unit Oaa Imp .... ■ 2 lbs. 59c S;0O—T in t Nightar" — Baihsm tonwy Dudley Field MalenA wba 3 Cont Pork and Boons Aaae ...... 33 U 8 Rubber...... Lu4d) and Las TbamSyito. waa aura ha was tha ooly oM p t*a ' 3 Cant Gags Plumt (1't) U B Steel ...... —RADIO aat who aew Fialda nM k* bis dahnt. OOvar Plaaa 8 1-ta ‘ F te fp , BBidL tlF a . Cbemlcsl ...... 44 4i YOUR CHOICE 8:80—Burns snd Allan—Ray No- Day City ...... 9444 Vlek Chera ...... bla'a orchestra. Others la tha crowded hall ineludad 3 Cont Stswsd Prunst V t 3 Cont Sauorkrauf Oontlnental ...... 1844 Western Union . . Prime Rib Roost, Best of Beef! Chamador Coffee Cheese Specials 9K)0—OampbaU Playhouoa—Orson Joa E. Brown, a pair of Man Oon Exchange ...... 63 West El and Mfg . This coffee is guaranteed genuine Java brotlMra, Latito How arR Ktboet Wallos "Burieaqua" Taylor, Frad MscMurray. Harold TomatOM Bint Nattonal...... 1660 Woolwortb ...... Sodsty B. Preadi Roqaefort...... Ib. 78e 10:00—Orsad Control station. New York, Fbb. 17—Anaouac*- 4 Cons Tomato J iiIm Etao Bond and nara (Curb). Boneless Rolled Chuck Roost and Mocha, and is the finest coffee in the mept by tho CB8 aotworh of tha Uwrd. Bddl* Caator, Frank Cravai 3 Pkgs. Pie Pilling Ooaranty Truat...... 303 world today. Silex, Drip and Pereolatm 10:80—Prof. Goa Rosa WaUs— Inrlaf Truat ...... 10 Danish Fancy Bhw...... Ib. 49c atgaiag of a eoatnot uadar which it and MaMarhart Marahaq. grind. "What a Han Hopes For.' Faw war* th* saflous spaechaa, 3 Cons Applotouco (2s) 3 Pkgs. W yondotts (Ig.) Mmufact Truat .... 8944 Amerieaa Mild------V ...... Ib. 21e 10:46—To b* announoad. aiay aequir* tba world broadoasUag Manhattan ...... 164^ for Oven or Pot Roost! oyataia, a radio program traascrip- alnea Fields had inaiatad that ba 2lbi:i9c 11:00—New% traaUiar. would attend only If tha SDeakara 3 pkgt. Stolo/s Starch (Ig.) H. T. Truat...... 94 Kraft’s White and Yellow in 2-pound wood 11:05—Idrigbton Nobla's orehaotfa Uoa oarvloo toe lawrldual statioas, 6 Sunbrits CIsonssr Fuhllc National...... 8844 BRITISH GUARD 1-pound can 49c boxes ...... wiu brlag it Into a Bald la which "lay off calling ma graat.” iom a of Shoulder Clod Roost! POUND • k 11:80—Jimmy Dorsey's ordiastr*. them Inalttad Fialda la graat. atf> Title Guarantee...... 04 18:00—Baa Bamla’a orchestra. NBC has boae aettva for two ytars D. S. T ru a t...... 1060 or amra tably Malon* and Cantor, but Fields Glvaa WHh PBrcfaaaa e f 92.00 Worth or Mora Ib Oar Grataty OapL SPEaALOPPERI 13:80 a. m.—U ttia Jackie HaOar's Worid broadeasUag hoa boon oaa bruahad off tbalr ramarks Uka ha NAVY SECRETS POULTRY OP THE FINEST QUALITY A DELICIOUS COMBINATION- orchastm. of the BioBiira la raeordod pro- wa* swiping at fllaa 1 LARGE HEAD ICEBERG LltTU C E FOR le Prognsi Fialda eenaantad to road aoma of ON SALE graais, both apooaorod and o U mt- with EaSiPIgt off pgr PgwuPillSiga LIVER AND BACON Carnation Milk A. M. tba chief o f eoagratulatory tala- The Poet's Column I Fresh Cut Up Fowl, 69c each. Tender Calves’ Liver, Weetem, 3 tall cant 21c wiaa CDmpIMloa of Um purehas* AGAINST NAZIS 2 t o r ...... 7:00 ghoppan IteaelaL OB aad if aad whaa basla would aot gram a Oaa cf tham from Fanny ISrSUGAR '"‘N^g MAYONNAiSi AT 29c 7:65—News, waatnv. tako plaea natu after a ported of Briea thankad him for Ha "eeatrl- (t trsbi Page k) Vi Pound of Our Beat A A — SILVER LANE PICKLES Softaailk Caks Fbur, A ’S 8:00 Bhoppara SpadaL aahmlaaUoa. CB8 rooaatly bought buUoa to AmarlasB humor.” m Thara'a nothing batter, Sw>^ Miv*ul . large pkg...... 2 3 C 9:00—Conaola Oontrasta "Aw ", said Fialda drOppbig tha In tha aprlng to aae. atage, and the Aaaen, Jallleos and $1.35 Bacon ...... AvC 9:15—Montana BUm. too Amaricaa Record C ^ which wtra without reading it aU, "aba'a Than a nica robin Beatty are under oonttructlon. The Tender Chickens tor Frying or A O pWa ...... qt. iSe Confecthmers’ or Brown Sugar, I A 9:35—Haws Barvlea aumUas records to tha pubUo. Just klddla’.” So happy and free. WhOa CB8 aad NBC ka« have Uon and Ttmaralra, according to Roasting. Each ...... 70C Sweet Relish...... pt. 16c 8 pkga...... 1 vC 9:80—Flddlar'a Fancy.- Caumphell's Tomato Soup Jane't Fighting Sbipa autboriUtlve Bajdng Chocobte, R. S., A C 10:00—Nattonal HiUbOty CfceiD* baaa ia eloaa rtvaby la aatwork When they build their neata Chickens for Roasting, extra large, 5 to Toui...... 55c programs, wbldi uea Hvo talaat, tba And their egga they lay: naval annuo], are to ba laid down 7 pounds each, v 4 -pound cakes, 2 f o r ...... '. a DC early tote year and probably will be em BOTH ITEMS , CRmpbell's Tomato Juice 10:80—Four Ootnam Thaatar. YgYoit noM Budns tha ooi^wtlUo® Wa know they have come Coeoannt, fancy balk, ^ 11:00—Naw York PhiihMfwirMii.- that mneh kaaaar. Traaaerlbad pro- OverAifd^t News For a while to atay. of about 40.000 tons.) lb...... J d C SATURDAY D v C Largs 50-oonee can ...... 2ic Young Pwqdo'B GonewL grams have pievod a proatabia od- CampbeU's Pork Gb Bcians In Berlin Commander Alexander F r ^ Cut Up Young Pullets, G8c Noon—Kata Bmlth. , Juaet to aatwork broadcasting, HBC Whan aummer la over Bredt, compiler of the "Pocket 20-eance c a n ...... 2 for 19c 13:00 FRESH PORK CUTS ‘ P. M. ' ’ Of Connecticut And tha north wlnda blow Book of W ar FleeU." denied ba had 14-eanoe c a n ...... 3 for 22c liros. can ...... ift# . Small Fresh Pork Shoulders, 4 to 5 pounds 13:15—Ad Linar—BMctly Bwliw 'fh a birda go loutb. revealed leereta ooncemlng toe Flako P b Crust, ■ ■ Where there la no anew. King George V. MEAT LOAF SPECIAL! each. Shankleaa and lean. 2 0 C Club with OU Bayak. O b tba air toelghti Cans Armour's MQUk A Blend of Pork, Beef snd Veal Ground BABY POODS piw* ...... Me 1:00—H a w s , w a a th a r.* WEAF-HBO^ Lnema Maam "M y eourcee of Information were Cherriea for a Pie, Fancy ■■ gm 1:05—A U H a n d * on D e c k . coaeart; B W alta Tim a; 9*,|0 DsaU have aomething to nay. ell public ones—the dally prets and for a Loaf. 29c lb. m E R a tin g Pork, atiirtly Treah, Oapp’a Strained...... 3 cans 2Sc Haw Havwi-Banator Taft (R„ , WoB't you pleaae take heed. 1:80—Moods for M odem s. VsUay Days; 10 Ouy Lombardo or^ O.), was voted tba outstanding Tala other publication*," he tald “I had Rib Cnt, lb...... iCimC Red Pitted, R. 8., No. 2 can...... IVC um ^Tbc poor birda that stay. 2 pounds...... D 2C C h ^ 'a Chopped...... 2 cans 23c 3:OO^Addr*as by Joaapfa P. Ktiw obiistnb alumnus for tba yaar list » tba Cans Poachos Larg«st no acceas to eeeret tnfom aUon." wtab you would feed. Native Pork Liver, m a nady, U . 8. Am baeoador to WA»(Xa Jack Halay 1 German official* dacUnad to com- Libby’s Strained...... 8 for 25c »-7 4 0 sttbaerlbata of tba Tala Asparagaa, R. S. Natural Green, 4% m Oraat Britain. M muSdou ? A R T H t J R E F I S H . ment Chdek Beef Ground, O O lb...... 4 0 C Haiax Strained...... 3 for 23c Vartoty: 8 FIrat Nlfktar: 8:80 Age 14. Onr Home Made Pork Saneaga A E — Noi 2 c a n ...... 2DC BurOi aad Allaa; 9 Oraoa WaDoA ~Narwleb—U m Rsv. mads W. Meat, 19c lb. 2 poonds...... iS D C Sliced Beets, R. 8. Fancy, ■ g a 10 Oraad Omtral at»> Egaa. pastor of Bta Potar and Paal Cans Green Giant Peas Romaa CatboUc ebnreh..was bald up .BTBINO ON DOO ME.ANS Lower Round Ground, m FROST FOODS No. 2 c a n ...... | U C NEWSPRINT fROM WJBrNBO—7:iW P ra vto w o f ■ ^ two moB as ba approaebad tha ; TELEPHONE THE OFFICE" Ih. ff“ • ...... W*ox. pkg. 23c PRIME MILK-FED VEAL Telephone Peas, R. 8. Fancy, A A Praadsoo World’s Fair; 8 WarBwi ■da doer of tbo roebory and a bag WEDDINGS Freshly Ground Hamburg, A C .« Limn Beans...... 12-ox. pkg. 25c No. 2 can. 2 f o r ...... FiNEisayENlm Lawas; tdO Hareh of Tima; U :90 containing 8867, proeeods from aa St. John, Kane.— (AP> — Like the Pure Beef for a Loaf, lb ,...... A D C Boneleaa Rolled Ved to Roost, oBtottalanwnt at ohnreb. waa tahm 2 Cans Tuna Fish or Shrimp 8ph«h...... 16-ox. pkg. 24e Minute Tapioca. « ■ Wt Bernards of Alpa fame, the no wnate, lb. g- Abo Fruit aad Bmles. from him. Ono of tbo mon oanlod jdMg of Dr. Emeat Bakar, SL John Veal Shanks. fi-ox. pkg. 1 6 Danas, Fsh. 17.—(AP)— Papsr a ptotoL •waterlnarlan. carrier tblnga around Engagement Lamb Patties, freshly made, A m Tomatoea, Red-Ripe, Red Line, 4% m msd* from osat Texaa piiia waa fSd What to mpoet Baturday: wUUaMatte — Tbo Coonoettent neck. Instead of refreshments lb...... through tbs pnasas of tho Oauas O dmIbb mb PfMcliOD filr NeweU A . Hill of North 0 >ventry lb. 12c Sansweet Pmnea, 2-ponnd pack- 0% m No. 2 can. 3 fo r...... itaD C Poultry Aaoodattea ro olootod tto Fancy Bddta bunch '4er the weary, however. It 1$ a Homing Nows last night—a fora- WJBJfBia WABOC88. W O R ^ B B praridmt Imbort L FoOowa af Mn Sordines Saeasaga When Dr. Baker lent In hat atuiounced tha engagamaat of Fancy Rib Lamb Chopa, ages. 2 pkgs...... 2D C runnar of tha Texas nawsprlnt ln< —a pm . Proa Roosavalt, Bae. Hop- Ms daughter. Mias Marlon Lu d U * FOR OYSTER STEW HovwlehTowB. ■ be offlca, but la wanted there bis Small Stowing Oyatora, freth, E A . . Peter P a T S I w A E Dob’s Pineappb Jnlet, ou a* dustry. IdaB 0 «v. OtaoB aad oUMta. Hartford—Tha COaaaetteut Aaso- Fancy Coirota bunch lataff turns tha dog looae with a HI]], to Gerald Allen Chappell, son 2 tan ...... XDC 1b* east T naa pine paper takaa Natteaal Farm TaaUtiita W JB- jar Mustard of M r. and M r*. Griswold A . Chap- Fores Lamb, extra fancy, bonM and rolled 29cpinL Q uart...... DvC ^ No. 2 eana, 2 for 25c. Large can dSDC dattea of Pnblte Bobeol Bupi 'Stack shoe string tied to his col- If j’on wish, Petor Pan Paannt Butter, b ^ 1 A _ print wen, has a good tear—tbs NBC 10:18 taMteata voted to oppooo pam Itr. HHe never mlssca flndtng hie pell. of 478 North Main street, Man- Large Frying Ojrstora, « Grapafmit Jnict, R. 8n 1 A prlntan last for atrengtb—and la "Industrial PrtesS": W O R -M B 8 lagIdaUv* BMoaoraa wbtok w Fresh Spinach ^ pound can Stewed Prunes Waane: ‘Telephone the office." chester. N o definite data has been Ih. 1 A 25c. Small J a r ...... lU C Nou 2 cans, 2 for 15c. Large can lY C whttar than tbs west ooaat (Mnadl 3:15 p m . E d (FH aal oa "W ago-Hour give the amyor of Brldgoport set fo r toe wadding. Premium Crackers, N. B. C, m m AlmoliveS^ pidp on arhieb all tbs saws w PoBdm of Labor";^ W ABOCBB potativo pewor ovor tao Be I-lh- pkg. a printod ss«opt.3fi00 spoclsl pages 4:80, Ronntabia * Board aad pot toachara uador dvO Pink Grapefruit each large con Baking Powder 0nMA*S HEW MAP 4 bars dH4^Fue Other MDMMBOS SHOWS LATEgrr OHANOES Engagement Cheeobto Marshmallow Cookba^ I A . — Puey Englbh Walanta, A 7 Tbs paper eaaas from a carload of aarvlea. Iks asaodattoa i AT OUR BAKER1r DEPARTMENT lobloUy and MaMi pia* from t WBATHBC —IriO MataepoBtaa BMttt Qiataai for tiocboiB Mr. and Mm. Jooaph Troeay of b rre tiza, Ib ...... jLg C Opata. Tilatea aad laoldV: d Kal- eontrolnuoi orof acBoMlehoel boarfboarda Firm Cabbage 2 pounds jar Chocolate Deeprettos Dalhl—(A P )—A naw m ^ of in. Chestnut Lodge, 91 Chestnut straat. Home Baked Beans, m fomst that will fasd tho Taaus nail tsaaMyaf a ffladwaaitaa WABC- on a acala of SO miles to the have announced to * angagamant of Heme Mad# RoDa, aaaarted « m print plant at laifkin 8hin>ofi east Brtdgaport—Joatph" r . 18. Roart ...... I D C to the Harty Foundation Laborw- CBB—11 am. Touag paopla's found OM body af "N)fatbor, Altast abowtng all the c h ^ e e tbeir daughter, Mlos Mary Pean If yon wish, dog...... | OC SCOTT PRODUCTS: Scott Haaqg. S roOa 22c. WaMorf TiaaiM, S lolk 18c. aart; #08 pm. AdvarWag a* Fresh Soup Bunches each tin Kippered Snocks It about by tha Introduction Tracey, to Beraard 8t Plano of torlas at Bavaimah. It was sobjaet 8. Bodaar, 88. haagteB >a tbo ediar Extra Fancy Layer Cakea^ S ^ t T o ^ 2 roIlB 19c. Towal Holdara. 19c. eirwaoBlm WJB-NBC UOO Ha- of thdr boogg Vadteal aovammaBt of India Act, Manchetter, N . R . to a aarlaa cf laboratory tasta Our Homa Mada Brand, aaaartol 4% K Bab-O—Send la a kbal and yoa will rseahra a Bhnity Stona Brscalat . . . .aaeh can lOe ttaaat Oraaga; lOO RapahBeaa Ctab H. R. Dduca aoM Bo Tbs announoameat was suds at a If yon wlah, 10c n knf. t f a r . . . A D C Batiirdiff^memMotb Bam Hpa oa wttb hla bretbar la a Tha act liivolvad tha craatlon of party given at Chestnut Lodge last Cream PnEa, v t>nr Flam m tho WotMT; a lArary ^|^buda*ailMra.h provlDoas aad ragreuplng of night by M m Julia A . Ttaoay. aach Fancy Peppers* , pound o k into dlfferaat poUUcal Coffea Rtoga, angar fraotod, A B . - FRUITS AND VEGETABLES |y .ilf .C .A .A f a to of Coogram muMeals. A c a n Del M I Niblets whlck all prawnie C r m Cakes. Pure Cream. 4 0 c 15c each. 2 for ^m^3C traalMad Aort aaraa dor ad Ih dla o u t o f d a ta OtHOCKHT HT8TAHSM lo llm sllta ladlaa Rhrar Orapofrait, IbOavt BatardT> (190 OBD 080 OBB ORE. Fancy Broccoli - large bunch b can' Fruit Cocktail Danish P ^ ry . t M with J u ar ISe doosB. 2 doaaa for a,aaaaaa6 29e d fog BiOOA lO anUnaei MaaAi voUay. LoadoB BOO pm. Maato haB: DID L m Angele»-Ralnh Bummar, 66, ban daaa wttb BU flarntnc. Berlta 9:15 VEmBrnmC CUeago—BtOa. tha Mbdoot pytbOB diopped nnta, dos...... 4pDC Jaky Florida Oraagaa, Tallow G h ^ prtaoatad a valaathM of 40^agga was toe acens of a dog fight, but ha 23,'fT...... 23c 6:B9ff:80—Hawks gym period. OLRSB Praaba 10:10 Fancy Green Beans quart pound can Tall canSainioii T.I—M r. am waant Utten. H * euy sufferad a SIba...... 7:(KL-4H Ctab wbiaraal for aoenL Pbr Buaday: TOW V Ouato- to tho BrnnbBd d aoo aad laid taa iia u l f u a d A broken oonaihaaa and throe brokaa FBacy CanUSower Sproata AeUavamant Program to ba hal mala aty 405 Marlataa grauadautk for IbaM. riba 23e 29c Cacmaben at Um "T" on fttru a iy S3ad. PCJ PlaiiaiimB T:ia Prafram for Dbaetar Edward B oob aald ho Fancy Endhro bunch Phone Service U ntil 8:30 P. M. Four Lines At Your Pappsa^aatrafuwy.laiga. I K , . • naeapplcs know of mdy Itaao provteao n o - large can Larson's'Vag*AII^: Walking aloag tha atraet ha waa Maahrooaw f n A Paas 7aoe;0B Rnauohlng dam wit Waatara niaUajBiw; OJD Barlta t w r— imir tWgr had troo btktBd arad knacks taratateg. n ...... I9C Ulm TlBlMr. Suaday avmtaB BFFgnm. ABea Feole Md)oagarh P u P S J O f l l B BMt a t & a howaijej down. A aaoead Mtar a boDdeg aM Graaa iBB V. BIsachod Cchry T*Hj i W iRilcidaa gym parted, Fancy Radishes 3 bunches ServiM. D iol5137. Free Delivery. - * faacy, tip«415e kw art tba ob| b fOrtfla * ^ Mow tb w a n Bviag a po'le* dog wora aoaadllag aad CaWbraia C hi^ Teadar Beata Bp tba selaatai MW Sana Si tSo aOlaga of aarHag ever blm. Rla tajoilas woto S D8MMB a a a »oaaao«*oo«4 29e Avacadaa, Etc. laaiyiii *^^****^ P nw gyamaotum Tbs asattaur to da waaks wOl from the ton. 9 00 nwMmiilia Laag tan^^^ajterj^ » babgrjghbawt Fancy Lhrge Cucumbers' eo. loigest2ican 5 l«a i ba a a m il «* ' . ''7!'-^ i , / >AGB r s i f MAAUHCarriEB CYBNINO HJCKAUI. HAIHUMRznKK, VUMM. m U A X , nSBKUABT rr» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17.19S9 PAGB SLBVI • SERIAL STORY San Franciscans Await CARTOONALITIES By Paul Aceto W O MEN W A N T BEA UTY! Th« Giant Tiger Way of Apprecioting VJ BY LOUISE HOLM ES SZTSSXH T.j Your Patronage It By Giving You A Big- Opening of Exposition X- ger ond Better Food Sole! Cpme In and ~' CAST OF raABAOnCIM i his Imoglnstlon and he nodded un- XI Ban Francleco, Feb. 17—(AP) —gday lun over Bombay, India, aeta off MLNIE U%MBEIIT — Sbe Mr»«d deratandlngly. Serve Yourself! Oolly fforbed Ban rranctaeana. who^a radio algnal turning on the |t,- 'valllc* and dreaoK^ of favtnf beav- "Perhaps we can’t make a raving have be^ celabratlng all week in ! Treaaure Island lighting zye- SELF tern. Nful. beauty of you; to tell the truth, aaUolpatioa of tha opening tomor- ' DICK TREMAINE — Ha liked Oovernor At Opening there are very few raving beauties' row of Uie 630,000,(K'O Ctolden O au Oov. (julbert U Olson came to M 'iiiile'a waines bat be eoUldn't eee In the world. But you can have International BxpoalUon, reached SueJe. charm, Huale, yc can attract with- CASH AND CARRY SALE Son Frandsco tost night from Sac- SERVE the cllmaz today of thetr pre-open- ramento. prepared (or a busy two- lE F F BOWHAN—HU chief ooa- out startling beauty, we can help SELF SERVI ng featlval. RKET day round of octlviuea In eonnec The Orlsiaal la N«w Esglaad rern a as to make Susie mm beantt- you make the most of youiaelf." ^ Ulugalnated. . parade tonight la “ “ «*posiUoB opening, riil os she wanted to be. "Csn you?" she inquired, leaning Savings A t Much A t 35 Per Cent ISIb LKO P ic lir COTfOW toward him wistfully. TP? ON HIS F«7H6R^r FARM. Vaetordajr: Moats balks a t fotaig '^[tot^fe^val. After the parade, Jie pthe governor hod left Sacramento "Yes Indeed we con," Harker as- Item t! Stock Up N O W !! crowdz will go to vantage pointz to Blnce his physical oolla; on Jan. IN SOUYH CAROLINA/^ throogh with her bsautj program. sured. Then, remembering the zee the flrat complete lllumlnatiun Bat Jeff convinces her she mast try. 7, after the Thomas J. Mocooney par- guinea pig (»mplex, be added, of Tnc.ture Uland.,exp°*'Uon elte. don bearing. CHAPTER Xn "You’ll have to understand that our Turnztilez at the'ezpoatUon begin At 10;80 a. m. Governor Oleon and HEALTH JeiT felt belplcaa. Knowing that criticism Is no mors personal than Combtaoltea gpeelalt TOP AND BOTTOM whirling at 8 a. m. Saturday. A hia official party will be escorted to Mujds'a reaction was that of any your doctor’s would be If he sold SHEFFIELD uarter-mllllon persona are expect- the eymboUc entrance to the ezpcal- well-bred girl, he could think of no you had a bad appendix or if your ' the flrzt day. The exposition will . tlon. There, with a Jewaled key French teacher complained of your BABY SPAM NIBLET SPRY n 388 days. (: convincing arguments. He started EVAPORATED made by the California Jtweiera ----- ^M ARKET «t the beginning again. aooent in trying to help you. See nalm Every Attraction Assoctatlon at an expense of SS5.000, 'You m utt have had some reiuKin what I mean?" CLAMS 3 cans CORN 3 POUND CAN BxpoelUon offletola ooy that the he will unlock a miniature "golden tor answering Mr. Harker’s ad,“ he "1 think so.’’ After a hesitation MILK 400-aera lalond In the bay boa every gate” as a gesture of welcome. suggestsd. she said, "The pleturs in the paper, ROUND attraction thalTanyone eouid hope to Shortly afterward. President "yes." Susie twisted her cotton Mr. Harker—I don’t like It People There ore beautiful butidinga Roosevelt will speak by radio from don’t seem to realiza that all girls eourta, flowero, and peola. There Lamb Legs xloved hands. Dick—to be the kind Tall Key West, Flo. FREE D ELIVERY O N A LL ORDERS LK 2 3 f of a girl Dick admired—to get are the same Inside—they’ll laugh can. can edueattohol cxhlbita and there As the opening hour drew near, at me—.’’ Large57 Hinusl Cklekea* Can othera that are designed only for exhibitors and ooneeaetonalres were away from the drab nothingness of FOR $1.00 OR MORE Sean FBBB! - lueement sweeping out their quartera, and on her Ilfs—it had seemed worth any 47 sscrlflce. Mr. Harker nodded sympathetical- With only one more day to go, the gat^oy—the omuaement strip Pot Roasts 14.29c ‘The reason still remains?” he ly. "No picture shall be published ROAST Sevan thoiiaond peraona tolled today -operators liutalled hugs rolls of went on, noticing the change In her unless you are willing. I have a to flnioh the axhibita and to prepato tickets and prepared to begin taking S. & H. Green Stamps Given With lieflant attitude. photographer—he’s tope In his line. GRANULATED > HEI NZ Traaoure Island for the thousendz In the cash. Prime Rib Reests Lb* 2 9 c "Oh, >’«•." she answered for- We have In mind a picture th at srlll who will reach there by automobile San Francisco and Oakland hotels Cosh Sales First Fiise Eastsm Cat A suggsst your bad points without and ferry boat on the opening day. began filling up several days ago. bujffidn ,50. cftoum lornly. Four men were Injured sertousiy •Tlion give It a try. A little emphasising them. Will you let him Proprietors sold bustnaos was MARRIE-O-MNC VfAgS-CLFANOg puWclty won't hurt you. Tbs movls try? You shall see the proofs and yeaterday when an elevator dropped "good." but that there was no actual Fresh Shoulders dMlde." them 7Tt (eat down the shaft of a shortage of roozoa as y a t . MA8SCV- 3 CmJOACN BaM Quality Milk 'u. 19c atani lie awake nights trying to 5CHOOtlN<; te CAftOUNA think up ways to attract attention. He was so kind that Suale’s de- X83-(oot high akl jump. The weather man added his note fense went down In disorder. She Opening day honors will be shared of cheer. tH FlO V C D a« .lANm OM iiooM a H o u ^ i Lot Mr. Harker tell an Interested by an International ski jumping BREAD Fowl s.a65c femlnls public what you didn’t eat found herself agreeing to every- "I think the fair weather will hold NMTHAN HIIL£«c»toei. OWCM -tUftKCV A Beal PeaHty Valael^ thing, submitting willingly. And event and a 870,000 livestock show. out through Sunday," daclared Fore- HC UkHJNOCD f Betty Oreeher IS-Bgg to drag off superfluous pounds, let ra Tha Illumination of the Island to- Faacy with the flrst hard moment over SUGARiitHfi' Ketchup W MS caater R. C. Counts, Jr„ "In (act, 1 him tell the kind of shampoo that things began to happen. Susie was Wltn a ,2M „ c.n«Tr ______tA iiC E 8 T B o rn .z whole o a sh a n k half. 21 night will occur a t 10:80 ' p. m. don't see anything at on in prospect brought out the gold In your hair—” \/ A M lb. (P8T) when a ray from the noon- but (air weather." "Gold In roy hair—," she looked photographed from every angle. Angel Coket Roosting Chickens up disgustedly. At flrat furiously conscious of I "Liet him publish your picture herself, she graduslly accepted the BAKI NG PINEAPPLE ‘ A v a r a g e l now—and later. Usten to the envl- Impersonal treatment. With the do- BONELESS PORE LEGS ^ which may be eubetltuted for the tn- oua gals gasp when they see Sus- parture of the cameraman other ^ l b. bar tall can OF SPRING O H C . suUn. Advice os to the worthlneas people were called In consultatoln. of this treatment w6uld be appreci- Health Bread anne—” ated.’’ "Suzanne— T” Susie started In- A physical director not connected Chocolate JU ICE MENUS Leeg OenaaB Daisy Homs credulously. with the store, a blunt, forceful Answer: There has beon sobm man wltn a .Scandinavian accent; A Week’s Snpply pubUdty about th# hsrbol treat* You’ll em oy "Yep. That's what the Chief Mias Fleming, head of the Beauty meat for dtobetao, but roeuits do not Rye Bread said. "Susie It Is, when we finish 1 PINK Tan Can ^ | tatdlcate that thla type of treetaMSt with her she'll be Susanne.” And Salon, a middle-aged woman with GREEN SPLIT 3 LBS. For Good Heiuth skin like a girl. may be safely sqM tuted tor la- Anaeeito Stor Qaollty, Btadtooe he’ll do It, Susie, That Is, he’ll do It OXYDOL 17c ReeoRiRiended ■uUn. „ ^usoge.Moot If you’ll help. If you'll oo-operate She squinted at Husir. making ISALMON 9 * 1 07 Br. Frank McCoy u. uid not be difficult." , notes on a pad. Hair—oil treat- PEAS 14c Susie blazed a glance at him. "I’m ment, frequent shampoos, dally Sliced Bacon __ IS. 26c LAMB DAILY MKNVS ' sunning. Skin—lihows faulty diet, TO MAKE AL i mn ONS not difficult. I’m nice Inside." 1 STURDY ^ A 1 WHOLE GREEN 2 LBS. "That’s the girl." Jeff mentally needs bleaching, massage, nourish- RINSO 17c 14 Q Or. McCoy’s menus suggested iot oy patted himself on the back. At ment. Eyes—very good when face LARGE BOX CUTUP Kraft Cheete S*Lb. R 45c is thinner. Teeth—excellent. Mouth the week beginning Sunday, Febru- ON CENTER ST. BUIUMNG Tomote ‘juice handling women hi was a wizard, PEAS 11c ary 19, 1689. , potfUvely a wizard. Parking the —interesting—much Improved by I BROOMS 1 car In the company's garage, he proper use of lipstick. Brows— % Two Storos And Now Fronts Pure Lard Pluck. Mhe underlined this. Rhe FANCY 3 LBS. Breakfast—Baked eggs; crisp bs- 2 'riilSc ushered Susie through the store to con; stewed figs. To Change 'Appearance (W Tomotoey an Mevator. A buss followed them, wrrote, "Noae," and put a croae after SELOX 10c 1 CALIFORNIA 3 FOR | it. Obviously Rusle’s nose was to Lunch- -Oresmed sweat potatoee; Former Garaco. subdued laughter brought the pur- RICE 14c tieeo leafy salad. Nucoa __ l-Lb. Pta. 19c pUsb flush to Susie’s round face. be the stumbling block. Susie loqked dasedly a t Mr. P.KG. 1 S A R D I N E S 2 5 c I Diansr—RabUt; buttsred para- Architect George gunner, of tana NMata Once before iriie'd heard a buss like YELLOW SPLIT 3 LBS. nlpS; spinach; Celery sOlad; baked Hartford, Is receiving bids for thS Shrimp that, laughter like that. It was In Harker. at Mlos Fleming who was FOWL ea. appls a Is mode. alterations to be mode to the build- a fraternity house dreaalng room. making notes about her Angernalls, SOAP 3ic Monday ing at 30 Boat Osntsr strsst, fermsr- Butter__ u.31e After four yeara the old wound at Clifford Kano who, as manager 1 IMPORTED OLIVE OIL 3 FOR ■ «Wi Oaa YiHteF AkMha of her campaign, must know every PEAS 19c Brsokfast—Breakfast food of i" occupied as a garage. The build- Hale*a Bed Sag had still not healed. What had she ing win be changed Into two stores, let herself In for? Ob, to be out of atop of the way. They kept talking puffed grsla; milk. together as If she weren’t there. CALIF. LIMA 2 LBS. Luaen—'Prune and Craom (aieese new fronts to be Installed. The store Pink Salmon It—to be back at the Irons. 1 SARDI NES 1 9 c 1 on the east aide Is to to oeeupisd oa Coffee . ' She set her teeth and mentally pre- Exercise would help her awkward' BAB-O 9c FRESH PORK salad: wlicto whs s t Croelcsra or muf- ness. If not, dancing lessons would Raa. '■ - •« a sslf.aslve by the First tfaUoOal pared a speech of courteous with- BEANS 15 c stores and wUl to 00 tadt front ead drawal for Mr. Harker. She’d bet turn the trick. When It wsa all DiBaar—^Drolled steak; carrots; Waldorf TIssiio 3 said and done, what about her nose? ■ ITALIAN BTVLB ■ stawsd Biln y ; salad «t oadlvs sad her best hat, a thing she did not YELLOW LAUNDRY .1 f o r RED KIDNEY. 2 LBS. r*’! ^ hy 100 tost Tto ehongsa Lb. Noi r i cnvn, that Mr. Harker was one of Her feet weren't so bad. It was the lettuce; surarlse. Orange Pekoe Tea Taindaj Includa la oddlUao to tto new fronts, those wolves they had been talking shoes. But her nose—. Susie felt tow m tal esUlags sad new beating, twisted and torn and pummeled. Breakfast—Freneii omelet; Melha about, nice like a sheep on the out- SOAP 10c BEANS 15c Toast; steived rolslns. plumbing and electrical oystSma. Scottowel Holder and 1 Roll side, cold and crafty underneath. (To Be OonUnued) Shoulders lb. LBsich—Boded potatoee; buttered Bids will close on February ft tor spiaash; olives. the alteraUona that art to to made Pork & Bogus, Lb.<>i At the door of his office, with Dtaniar—Roast amttoo; buttered In the Weldon buUdiag oa IfsUi Scettewels" ^ both for 25e the switchboard girl staling, round- street In the South End. This wiil Nob I Oaa Sort OtasgTh FANCY beets; string beans; salad of eyed, after her, Susie almost turned POBUC RECOP' ' ' shredded raw cabbage; cup custard. mean an addition of nine feat to the and bolted. She did half turn and COLD MEDAL OR Fll.laBURV ^RH I MAZOLA prasent aorth aid# of tto ' buUdiag Blillo riA«timi7c Jeff's big arm shot out to atop her. and oa addlUoa to tto satira bttU7 Red Kidney Beans 3 am 25c In that split second before she Pennit. Breakfast—Whote-wbeot muffins; lag In tha rear. faced about a voice came to Susie. Bringing iloae tii ITA.OUU the peoaut butter; sppleaouoe. \dm : "I'd give my hope of heaven. I'd amount of new construction au- Lunch—Cora (conned); beate Sunbrite Cloenser a. 4e give the rest of my life—.’’ oalery. thorized here during the preaent o o a Pt Diaasr—Vegetable soup; atulfed AMERI CAN ARTI ST DI ES She dropped her head In shame. Flour » I IL O Chicken & Egg Noodles year, the building inspector has 7 7 It was a humble, disciplined Susie lamb chopa; diced carrote and tur- CaloDegFeod 3c»21e Issued to Kilns and James F. Roach, nipa; vegeU bjeeaM ; gelatin. who walked into Mr. Harker's of- Jr., of 36 Walnut street a permit MIXED GREEN FALLOWING OPERATION fice. Rising, he came around the for the ronstnictlon of a single ORANGE PEKOE Ib. desk, holding out his hand. Breakfas(-.^aSb7 eggs on Mel- FO R W ASH IN C m S'S ______«2t.-25e dwelling on Coiirtland street to coat A SELECn The Kind iC ib . ba Toaat: stowed apricots. if - (AP) - oubsrt Jeff said. "This Is Susie Lambert, an estimated t3.9iK). Tsmcb OMBkreeili raw carrot W hlto Amsrtean a rtist wkoas aui* .Mr. Harker." He knew, from the QUALITY Y or WiU Like! ( . Bleqching Water O b L I)ul trial ms TEA salad; stswrod eatery. rois dseorats atsay sUto aad Psd- BIRTH D AY Chief's controlled expression that TEA KENWOOD CREAMERY According to a quitclaim deed re- rHamr IJiaa boon loaf; green eral buUdtngS la thS United gtates Chany Nst Cskts Hatchet CodUw Mormolade m .. j , 25c he hadn't expectKl anything quite corded at the office of Town Clark FANCY TOBUTO peas (stanedl! lattuee salad; stewed «a a P o rta haapital. DeeotstW Oskaa Ta OrAar BO bad oa Suale. And Suale waa at Samuel J. Turklngton, the Waro- SIAOB FROM HEI NZ CUCUMBER tonaatees (eaaned); no dessert. Noted iatoiiiatlsB8IIy as a potat- her very worst, brows drawn, eyea noke hotel block at 601-800 Main JERRET BCEF Now • or, White wag aa aetive aad w ie^ CHERRY PIBB...... Mjg, BOc defiant, desperately afraid that she Friday street, with a frontage of 46 feeL TOMATOES Breakfast—Cottage cheese; sUeed M iM mber Of tb s Aoisrlesa oolofly Cream Creefcorg. ! »«. 25c waa about to meet unkind laughter two stories In height, baa been jar blnsefifile Ftoto BaM to fm t be wore bis Grape Jam *•^*'150 2 a* 27c again. JU ICE transferred to Abraham Podrove by Pickles ^f.iiaiSi OiallllffwRr giaua; ^ b. tto back alalost to the sheol- Mr Harker shook her hand and the Hartford Connecticut Trust eilvaa: eiliq r. dem - ^ h,.v..lOo. led her to a chair close to his desk. A V trlS^fff CfffSNi P M ...... JO e, FS*Borg tKlIe Company, trustee. The price la In- Dtnnei>—Baked boss; string Re aueeumoed to oompUoatlooa sh . Jell, hla mission acioropllahed, went dicated as 640.000. and a 638,00(1 CAMPBELL’ S N. Y. STATE HERSHETS baaa salad; earrou oad psas; gel* from Oa operatlaa sa Ssturtoy for Syrup 9 c to the outer office and Mr. Harker mortgage Is given to the bonk by atte. r SB latostiaai ototmetioB. followed him. ASTOR Podrove The Main street frontaga APPLE CHOCOLATE ■ntnroay WMU waa bora July It, itW , at "Rbe's 4>reUy bad,’’ he said of the structure Is occupied by Breakfast—GoddM eggsr iCelka ihoughtfu|ly Then be brightened Tomofo LAND ( FLAKES PRODUCT! Mavaa, Miek. aad sttsw M stores. SA UCE TOAMt: etswed Dnmi& ^bho achooto la Oraad Rapidsi Ms FR B H FRUITS A H P V M lT A I t B "But th^t a what 1 wanted." SYRUP COFFEE Loncb—Plat M ^tenallk; 10 or Asparagus______10c Jeff said, "Be a little cagey with Dlstrlbattoas riudiod later at OMumMa UMvaialty Under terms of certlflcates of dle- . Soup FRESH U dates. 5?" •tudsatff Idaffus to her. Chief. .‘-he bolted once, aald trlbullon the following conveyances 3 N o 2C o n t Diansr—Floak stsak with vage* New York dtp. Whistitr waa aawag em HQiSL BMBO! Fresh Rhubarb u,10c * she wouldn't be a guinea pig." tsh’es; cabbage salad; plnsapHs Us ttosksia. John Harker's eyes lighted with have been recorded; estate of .Wil- liam J. Junes to Mary Jonea ona halt whim Rs was a bretlwr of Stewart Hd- a laugh. "That's good—swell. 1 GREEN BEANS * PnuM and Craom Cheese Salad: Poas 3 e-2 5 c imdtvided Interest In Middle Turn- WMd WUta, author, and Rodertek waa afraid she didn't bare spirit. can s Geek pruaoa uatU tondor but not too Anythmg else 1 should know ? What pike and O n trr street realty. Estate WUta, vMtaiaL Ha was morrtod to of Emily Marks to Theodore Marta, 20 LARGE CAN wen m e , os they must bold their ■Mjka fftmger, oa AsMticua, ta Egg‘^lent s. did your mother say?" rimpsa. Cool ead pit. stuff each 1138. "Edna bkes her. sh’e sees poosl- one third of an undivided one half FIRBLRIPB anine seporatsly wrttb cream ebeeaa. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PATS SweetPeos a. 11c . 1)11,.les. Susie I,as a nice sense of Interest In School street property, servo ea jadlvMual "salad plates, ol- iw>tdore .Mark. Ratate of Dennis QUagnONS AND.ANtWBBff Celery Hearts iv ever wi>rked lor Maroney to Philip H. Maroiiey. 30 acres located on Illllstown and Bush FRESH CAUFORNU QuagUoa: D. p. ssk ai'”l am tsid Lundy> Orange Golden Bantam Com .Mr. Harker went back to Susie. Hill roads. Coffee Tomatoes that rabMag papain oa moat wu MS MAI N S T RE E T MANcntm Ha met her hurrying toward the rOPNP CAN CAN SBOks It samer to dlgosL Is thla door or.d pretended cot to notice the niRlA PINT) FOl R bundi trust- 3co.25c fllghL KINDS OF PESTS CARROTS Aaawar: Pamaia relsn to a dtgem A I M^a Soiip Bunches "Bit down, Suale." he said. ‘Til PURE EGG G U L D E N ’S FANCY FANCY SLICED . ttre principle found la the inky Another Carload Of Ilertda’s Traa gJSf****^ yiai call you Susie because we're going Fort Worth. Tex.-»-(AP)—Co-eda SWEET MIXED Juiee af a treptool fndt eoHsd ihs to see a lot of each other In the of Texas Chnstian University call firmiupe \ papaya. It la raortsd to be praasat next several months. Let’s talk four mat* types "major pelts." C ta an parts of the piaat. Papaia Is Blpanad CHwMt 'Fmte Hag lu st Arrived Rod Pitted Cherries 2 25c Ullnga over a little." They are (1) the "big shota,” who Noodles Mustard Peaches beaered to bs very almUar to papain Florida Oranges 2 p»u 25c have an exaggerated Idea of thetr Pineapple Pickles to Its dtoaative astiaa. lundarstaad She sat down, uervoualy smooth- importance; (3) the "windbags.” ing her glov«a. "I—1 don't think 1 doz. J ^ n that aM tas la the Tropliea nth the a , c Banal, OeeMMa, ^TTT^^Ziy"**'''*****'**'''***^ who talk constantly of their me- BANANAS Juida mm meat to make tt teader Maraschino C h e r r ie s 9 can do It, Mr. Harker." She opoke compllahments; (3) tbs “ebelta” aad RMta dtoaatthla; ilaa that ttsp ORANGES f iA e — Tangerines Nto S Cka M seh tO s SNleC os one who waa about to have her who think their charm la lira- ItedDgggm l(iM iilB gIaB M .g|y^y Sla• Dtsuh Aeeotdiagto8M.' ^ tonsUa removed. wrap a fawTla papaya leaves ever Grapefruit 6 » 15c on. 29c alsUble: and (4) the "ataslee,’ wbo aigkt bsfora eooktag. “Tell me why." he rold gently. "can't take It," * * BUCK’ S LARGE LOAF Lembord Plums 2 'c«. 25c Poaad P arage JAR * In truth Mr. Harker waa of the The co-eds bared thetr seotl- * L erg set Coa Na.3li Caa* 9 12 (AftMctariMMpaRto) aam* opinion at the moment. 10 TEM PLES menta In a campus aurvey, ? IlMgrVg 14 ObssIMr : U. B. wrttss: ”U a pa* Susis bit her Up to curb the 17 WQe G rap efruif, 30c tnreataalng tears. "Because I wont SIA MP l.N FID D U N O BREAD KIN GS Cooking Apples 6 u.25o DEL MAIZ BLUE TIP Block Raspberries in Syrup be a succeaa, becauae Fra lm|>oa- BRI.NG8 BOOM IN CARVHIQ TABLE CLOUDY StoiHMitorraitttetol

ataiBsnta; to found only in a tow small pocksts on the earth's surface, TROOP 40 TO (ZIEBRATE ICAUFORNU W I ^ SWAMI HANDS OUT DOPE SPORTS ROUNDUP NOm DIS1KDMENT Stan Like Young Looen mostly In the United States. It be- PROGRAM CHANGED FOR BOUTS TO NlGH f PiiMhursf Fresh Vegetables came famous when Secretary Ickes Btm Wlatar Is witk os sxmln , . yon can nnjoy refused to sell qusntlUes of it to ITS FIRST ANNIVERSARY By EDDIE BBIETZ Ooml! Page; fiw k smttaMss . . at tlieae low prions, Uwr am easy on IS DEMONSTKATED With Palpitating Hearts Germany to float its nskreat dirigi- LEAVE TWO DEAD ON GjlAPEFRUIT LEAGUE King Levlnaky has given up on ble, declaring that be had no assur- New York, Feb. 17.— (A P )— wrestling and to back tn training aa M r taiget, too. Oattfoiala BrooooU . . Tamstons . . Iceberg Event To Be Oboerved Feb. 28 LsMass . .Frssk p —a at tbs lowest price of the winter seasoo. ance that It would not ha diverted Literary Dept.: James B. Hendryx, a flgbtsr. Which just goes to show Winter Sport When New Flaco WIU Be gers massacre Yankees, 15-3, as s freshman basketball player at you can't maks horses out of mules, High Cans For Title Tie - YOUNG SHARKEY TO Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. IT— (A P ), analytia of the light of many atara for war purposes. BROCCOLI Ige. bun. 15c Only 64 of the 92 chemical elem- Received. Coijiru A Few Forecasts scribes whisper champions are Michigan State, pays hto way boys... .Charles A. Young, who once Conditions CoDm Drifgt, Local Organ- —Stars which vibrate toward eacb~ by use of the spectrqaccpe, an In- ents known on the earth have been Scores hjared And H eiTj cracking. (Jomez tails to last um- through school by writing thrillers won the Grand Ameriesn Handicap, 2 bunches 29c. other like the hearts of young lov- strument which breaks U ^ t Into Us definitely proven to exist on the sun. Troop 40 of the Salvation Army ing as DlMaggio fan.’1ng on club. from behind a black cigarette holder bus company tor 93,760 persoMi snowy playgrounds In New Eng- A deadlock for the OCIL eham-Amay bother the Red and White's IN F E A 1 M EVENT These “panting'’ stars ara usually intensity Indicate to astronomera the win be donated to the troop.' Aa Put Two Dtys. Sare Fau The Trouble Of ten Inches long. When It becomes damages and 14.000 for prise money land's Mils were studded with merr> plonahlp and high ranking In the champions. Coach WIU OtoriH TOMATOES lb. 15c Major Bowes’ Program. New York. March 39— Ford Frick state Clau A tournament are tbe double stars which rotate around behavior of atoms bi the gaseous TO TAKE APPLICATIONS American flag, 3 by 5 feet, will be and Will Hsrridge. league presi- tangled with the veil on her hat he Intended to win at the m eet.... carnival scenes today despite recent plana no changes to hto Unsups and 2 pounds 29c. one another. Dr. Otto Struve, direc- envelope of a star. donated by the Army and Navy club, there to the very devil to p a y.... At the St. Louls-Wlchlta hockey spring-like ralna that left a crusty goals that Manchester High shoots la expected to start 8<|usti1to and Keeping Tabs On Spring dents. Issue joint statement saving (or tonight to Journaytog to Weat hjory T$ CiriDt F tn ii tor of the Terkes ObMrvatory at Do Net Obey Hn— Laws through the efforts of Arthur Mc- Los Angeles, Feb. 17.-^(AP) — nearly 30 reams of copy paper: "It (our stare (or Frank Q. Menke’s fight the other night. Coach Marlin surface on many akt slopes. Qavelio at torwards. Brawn at oeo- Calif. White Celery______13c Collin Diiggn of M Walnut street, the University of Chicago, declared, FOR CROPr SEED LOANS Cium. A delegate will attend this “ Encyclopedia of Sports." It bit Cos of Wichita, lit a cigarette, Ideal n-lnter sport., conditions, Hartford to oppose WtUlam Hall tor and Blanchard and Murphy U 'The obeervatlopa already made Raging winds which lashed southern win be a great race In the (insert High's boopstsra. The Ciarkemen one of Mancbeater'i talented organ- but the effect may reach out to Indicate that the gaaes In theee meeting snd present the flag on be- California for two daya diminished Training Of Major Loops. “ Ameriesn’’ or ’’National’’ ) league. tbta desk today and 1s the answer to leaped Into the fray and tried to prevalent for two weeks, were guards. The ahoek troops wUlatoe Switch h G iri; Richarii* Rack Tnmipa atop tbs brawling. An usher tapped ere heavily favored to annex thstr Spinach ...... lb. 7c Ista, demonstrated the new Ham- other stara millions of miles away. oscillating atara do not obey some half of the club. In Intensity today, leaving two dead, All our first division clubs are a sports writer's prayer. ... “Break blighted to many sections of New see a good deal of aottoe with Tellnw niobe Tnmlpe up the Yankees”, demands Gordon him on the shoulder and aald: llth triumph to 14 starts and thus 19c peck. .Tiond "Novochord", the new electric The atmospheres of these stars, of the fundamental laws of pbyUca New Haven, Feh. 17.— (A P )— Mrs. Rebecca Wright, prominent scores injured and unestimated prop- strengthened and 1 am Inclined to Hampshire where Ann powdery eur- HUlnski and Davto at forwards, WU- Swmt Potal4ic« and Yams Cobbledick. sports writer of tbe “ Sorry. Mr. but you’ll have to re- (a s were turned Into dangerous, share the League erowa with Brto- eon at center and Murdock and Mur- Doty h H m SoM nt Green Beans. which In some ways are similar to which bold that atoms should bal- Applications for emergency crop member of the corps has donated the erty damage, much of It appar^tlF By DREW MIDDLETON think tbe second division clubs will New Florida rotaloes, 4 lbs. ?«c Instrument that produces all the the atmosphere pf the earth, extend troop flag, also 3 by 0 feet. ’The Cleveland Plalndesler In that nickel frain from amoking during the glistening crust. There still were tol fur 1939 and wtad up with * ray at guaraa with Oorrantl and 'X - Cucumbers ...... ea. 12c r>rnbestral Instrument effects, on the ance each other, just aa a perfect snd feed loana for 1939 will be re- centering In rich citrus districts,^ provide some eurprisaa." mag due on the stands today. fllM." tourney record of eight wins to alas Idaho Potatoes out of distances of 60,000,000 miles upper h i^ Is red, the lower half Durham. N. C.. April 10—Phito- plenty of places to ski, however, and tha Blanchards ready (or rebervi GiiKo And M ick d u h . Green Peppers. .Major Bowes program last night pair of weights should remain In ceived at the Farm Bureau office In Robert Welker, 10, ^g||9|)r York, Feb. 17—(A F )—Juzt wide assortment of competitive A games. duty. New Cabbage Water Cress from their surfaces, while some ex- white, with the Scout insignia la the delphla Athletli beat Duke Uni- CARROTS or BEETS over the Columbia Broadcasting balance on a pair of scaiea the post office building here next he attempted to croea a hlgbv you the trouble of keeping Tommy Farr fllnally broke down rbe Japanese government got out carnival events. Mencheeter had no trouble to dls- pand themselves to three times that A study of why the atoms of these center. versity. Jack Coombs, Duke coach, The other League game, wtodtag I.arge Spanish, Sweet, Sllrlng Company. Thursday from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. an automobile whose driver ■top with developments during tbe and confessed to British reporters a doggv booklet ballyboolng tbe 1940 The weather man predicted rising poatog of Ooaeh Erie Norfsldt'a up the season, sends HIddlstowa 2 bunches 1.1c Driggs demonstrated each single distance, or 180,000,000 miles, ob- stare do not behave as they should The boys of the troop wish attributes victory to (act be hid first Touag Bharkey e f Wimmapde Onions ...... t lbs. Klc John J. McDermott. Held super- through The Herald to publicly vision was obscured by dust. Alfon- that he Is engaged to an American Olympic gainst originally scheduled temperatures for the week-end but charges to the flrat engagement here against Meriden to a battle (or third Parsnips. White Rolling Onions. .1 lbs. 25c Instrument effect, including ’cello, servations at the Yerkee Observa- “provides a powerful new tool for aurt two raonthz we hoodwinked old team before A’a got to town. "That and A l Morgan o f New T eik nmefi visor of the Emergency Crop and thank the donors, whose kindness so GUlrres, 26. a W PA worker, died beauty and that she gave him the (or 'Tokyo... after 120 flossy pages said no snow waa In prospect Imme- by 42-16 but tonight's clash should place. Manchester closes Its esm- Rareripes or Scallions Hummer Squash flute, trombone, clarinet, Kngllsh tory have shown. the Investigation of the physical Swum River Into conjuring a few feller Mack Isn't going to take any of the highest powered preae agent- Into the mala bout peolttaa o« IP- Feed Loan section of the Farm will long be rembered. when struck by aTiesvy plank which ring... .the latter part of the state- diately. be a lot oloaer as Hall haa tbe ad- paign next Friday night, meeting 7c bunch ______Frrsh Pisss...... t qta. SSo bom, violin and harplschord and Atoma Highly ExrJtod characteristics of the outer layers the wind bad carried 70 fe ' Toreeaata out of the cryatal ball. more of my boys." says Coombs ment makes the romance sound like ing you ever saw, the editors finally night’s card at the Btate ArarntF Credit Administration, will receive Further details will be given in re. they are, from a usually un- Dartmouth, Amherat. New Hamp- vantage of playing on lU home RockvlUs High at the State Armory then combined them ^1 at the close Atoms of Uia gases which com- of stars snd of nebulae," Dr. Struve An Mtiroated 2,500 trees Soon as he heard we nad players the McCoy. got around to announcing the games and Richie RIrtiarde and Rea OotF the appllcatbma. gard to the anniversary program. source: shire, Norwich, Williams, Vermont, floor, a small, conllntd surface that here. Into full orchestra effect. pose the atmosphem of these stars declared. Only farmers whose cash requlre- blown down In various cit under SO hto eyes Ut up.” bad been trnniferred to Helsingfors. Penn Stata and MIddlebury will scrap In the eemi flnal. AU thlp Bofi MUSHROOMS lb. box 27c GreenvtUe, S. C., April $2—Dod- Sports Cocktail: Demonatratoe Instrumenla are In a highly excited state. Dr. A woman aclentlst, Dr. Charlotte menta are small and who cannot CATTU: HUSHEM trees. In many Instances, Nswa: 'The National football compete today and tomorrow in due to a tost mtouto change .ertMB Driggs baa been employed by the Htnive declared. The atomic parti- M. Bitterly of Princeton university obtain r i^ lt from any other source power and communication gers rout Yankees, 11-1. Gehrig, league will announce tomorrow Its Jim Crowley says “Judge" Glen MIddlebury't sixth annual winter Big Boy OailUo of Hartford WAS f Dickey, DlMaggio. Ciordon go bit- 1939 season will open Sept. 10 and Carberry, Fordbam aaalstant coach, JUHKIT' Hammond Company at their New cles, such as protons, neutrons and observatory, told astronomers at- are eligible for loana. Helena, Mont.— Airman, spare down, dlaruptlng service. Police sports competition. Slalom and hurt In tralatag yeetentoy.aWiriUMl. York office as demonstrator since electrons, are splitting spart and Braunfels, Tex.. .'Uarch 7— less. McCarthy bans flagpole sit- close Dec. 3----- Oregon State U all got hto title from years of meritori- NOW I CAN tending the society's symposium of that beef. radio towers In Glendale and Santa Wilaoo (oops! the SwmmI downhill are listed for today and Matchmaker Joe OeXorta tnup4* last April and . frequently haa re-combloing millions of times per the physics of stars that the earth Monica were toppled, as were der- ting and Graeco-Roman wrestling signed up for a post-season football ous service sitting on the Notre cross country and jumping tomor- dtotely arreaged for anotkto M R >AKE SMOOTH demonstratej the new Novachord at IB NOT CANDIDATE A bill In the Montana legislature one here. Doc Prothro a the on club. Indians installed as Amer- trip to Honolulu next winter.... D toe "bench” . .. .the middle name Quick Fudge second as they ere thrown off the haa apparently tost somewhere In would prohibit pilots from handling ricks In several oU fields. row. Rockville Trips Saints mstchlnc^Geerge Clarke e f Rartfecd iCRlAM Y rUDOE] Metropolitan hotela and clubs. It Is white-hot surfaces. space moat of the helium snd hydro- sew PhiUy manager but they all ican league favorites despite fact Alice Marble bai quit thruabtng at of each of the three DlMaggio If tha Indians’ co-captatha, Howie with Dan Bdwanto et Mew geek planes “In such a manner aa to Small boats hugged the harbors, loSk tha aame, at that) Anyhow Hemaley hasn’t turned new leaf In the Waldorf and gone to (^Ilfornta brotbara to Pau l....a basket ball / expected that DrIggs will be aasign As these palpitating atoms shoot gen which It originally contained Jamestown, N. T „ Feb. 17.— and passenger liners operating to Cblvers and Dick Durranca, taka City. Tha rset of the sard nmaint Evej^ Ti/ttef ed to the Hammond Organ Company (A P I—U. 8. Solicitor Oeneral Rob- frighten livestock." Dee Prothro announces “Wild" Joe .6 hours. to start training (or the tennie wars team composed entirely of members off Into space, driven farther and when It was thrown ^ from the Senator. Roblnaon charged plane- Santa Catalina island remained tn parL It looks like another Oreen vic- Intact with the flret bout gekig o« 18c pkgs exhibit at the New York World’s farther out by the energy of other sun. ert H. Jackson does not wish to be Smith, rookie southpaw, sriU pitch Brooklyn, April 14 — Dodgers ... .Ckirnelius Warmerdam, who of the New York football Giants to tory. Thto pair showed tke way at t:S0 o’eloeh eharp. incited stampedes “have often seri- their berths. tha opanlng game. “ He to faster hung up a new pole vault record, said to be tbe strongest Independent In Y Senior Loop Upset Fair where demonstrations will be atoma behind them, they reach ex- Once Part Of Son considered a candidate for the Su- crown Yanks. 14-3. Riotous cele- last week-end at Hanover. The jump (HgBo Faato Maeli Riven dally throughout the duration ously affected the market value” of than Johnson and baa more control differs from nine-tenths of the vault- outfit to tour the south this seaaon Seedless Flortds treme diatancea, auftlolently far preme Court seat left vacant by the bration in streets. tog may have been a MIddlebury Whether or not Oarltio wns'lMn Coeoanuts of the fair. According to astronomical theory retirement of Justice Louto D. cattle by causing the animals to lose One-tenth of the land in China to than Alexander," eaya Prothro. Yankees Win Opener ers by using a wood Instead of an ... .scads and aoeds of winter book away to affect the behavior of other the earth wan once a part of the covered ,by cemeteries and graves. tinge, however, with Ed Ougnao dis- enough to cancel tke bout wfie net Bananas Major Bowrea announced that the Brudels. weight. *That 'Wild' to a nickname from Phltodelpbis. April 16—Athletics aluminum pole—snore resiliency.... will go down the river If playing hto beet leaping. Ea made Grapefruit, 5 for 23c stars. The others, In turn, shoot sun. Dr. Sltterly’a observattona Seabiscult doesn't nm In the Santa Giin$ 27-22 Victory Over leanied hut It was learned, koweeef, McIntosh Apples Novachord was about the size of the ehUdhood when he used to bite hto gst rid of “Wild" Joe Smith In one- now that hto Stanford contract hai the longest leap at Hanover last POOL TOURNEY SET Florida Jnlee out similar atomic vibrations which show, she declared, that the lifting been renewed, Bobby Grayson no Anita___ Frank Shaughneisy, presi- that be was to meet one of tht hem old-time spinnet. It was learned to- cause the panting effect by attract- brothers.'' third of ail Inning. Phillies get rid Saturday although the judges de Florida OranRes gases, hydrogen and helium, are 8L Petersburg Fla., March 8— longer -to toying with the idea of dent of the International Leiague, heavyweights In the bustness la JUfl» day from relatives of Driggs that ing and repulsing the atomic energy ol him live minutes later. creed hto form was not so good as 111 Round Ckampt; T e n - Also At Oranges 2 doz. 35c the new Instrument Is somewhat "much more abundant In the sun” Buddy Roaar, who led International pla^ng pro football In tha east this took hto first airplane rids yester- ml Kid Jackson. Edwards to oiM el In apace. than on earth. Opening day—Yanks win 9-3. In- Dartmouth's John Utchfleld; AT WEST SIDE REC the beet ectappere in the Mg W kll 25c and 3Kc doz. Tree Ripened! difficult to play at drat but after League In hitting, watches Bill dians report Hemsley still missing. year. day. Fancy Bed Cooking These findings were made by The girts will have a race Satur- ■ad known ea a club flghtor. UaM Hk LaPRc having acquired the necessary tech- Helium, the rarest of the two INekay pull a couple Into right and Chartls Root relieves Dean In day morning with ropresantatives on coiCopLondByDowniv nique, almost unlimited Instrumental pleha Out shady seat In Yankee dug- Candid Intervlewa; Whan Tennessee and Alabama mw who givea out every rnknite eafi Grapefruit fourth. Dodgers make 11 errors and Reporter—"How will your heavy- meet they start feuding, whether to hand from Skidmore, 8L Lswrence. elwaye piimsee tke Mae. C9erk aiafi Apples 4 lbs. 29c combinations can be worked on the out. lute. 7-0. Brooklyn rooter goes Vermont. New Hampshire. Elmira, 3 fo r 2*50 weight (Eddie Blunt) shape up football or basketball . . . . they've Large Callfomla IPAnJon organ. UM UUay Fans 11 Jackson, Russell and Ooneec- Senior Menber$ To Start ffifhlind Ptek, 30-28; has tka same leputotlow oad M i Red Grapes home and shoots wife snd two chil- against Wltlls Reddish tonight?" met twice on the pourt this esaaon amgo Los Aagalea, Calif., March 20-.- dren. Jury brings In verdict of tlcut College for Women. Bntraau bout ought to be s deady. TangerineM______Pears 6 for 29c Sir Francis Drake thought so Dtosy Dtan faps 11 In exhibition Manager Abe Kettler —“Well, I and five overtime periods were re- WtlBmaatle to esadiak deem a JuaUflable homicide. quired to determine the winner. will compete for Individual honors EigleiDmb Bolton 81-13 I little of the Hpanish nrmnda that aed wtnda self up for opening think he may go the distance.” only. Play Next Week; An- targe delegatloa th too^tog to M69 Phone Service Until 8:00 Tonight. he refused to stop a game of bowl- Nat i on- Wi de St or es T wUl win JO or 40 for the for Touag Bbarkey and also aaoCkfff ing at Plymouth, to lead his ships ” says Oto as odds itsa on Car- Three-day carnivals opened today nounce P a irin fi favorite of tke Thread Cl^. Tounff out to attack It In 1588. to win National League pen- also at Derry, Jeffrey, Lancaster Mason's Texaooe assumed leader- Levlae who tooeU Vito T a k riu S E■aflU GEORGETOWN TOPS and Wolfeboro, N, H., while Class J ■Mp of the TMCA Senior League's ThompeonvUle, Intoieet mounta h|g8 EGGS Combination Sale over the GlgBo-Maek eerap hi tU8 TAO ^ Ctoarwatsr, Fla. March 30—Larry "A " end “ B" jumping championships BIxtoen membere of the Recreation second round of eompetlUon at,the , 2 pkgs. ... .22c BLUES DEFEAT MOHAWKS MacPhall sigiia Napolsoa Lajois as wUl be held tomorrow at Hanover T last night by noetog out Hlghhuid aeek of tka woods oad both bogfi a«B Large, Local, Fresh. Centers will start a campaign neet ready (or a scrap from beH to bsBr: Dozen ...... 29c Com Kix, reg size.... Ic Brooklyn second basaman and pre- CARNEGIE QUINTET under sponsorahlp of the Dutmoutb Park to a slaaling cTaob, I0^9fi, ne T i A B A L L t . diets, "Wa wUl be up In the fight, outing club. week to decide just who to the cham- Rockville turned back St. Jolm'a RoekvUta faaa ara • bit paeufiB M a h ie u 's 3 Dozen fo r 85c. tha dub that beata us will win the FOR l i r a CAGE VICTORY Something new In ski stunts to the pion pool player of the West MMe first round ehampe In an upeeL t7- over the pubUclty gtesa tke MaM» SANOC PI KOI ANO PIKOIJ Both for ,2.1c pmsMits** snow festival at Laocastar. N. H„ Rse building. 99. and the Bageo trauneed Boltee GlgUo go ead etaaa that BaolMfiB 18.1 S p ru c e S t r e e t Orlande. Fla., March 31—Clark tomorrow afternoon there will be a will steal the show. BachofWi BwsM A CHOICE TEA AT A SPECIAL PRICE Hoyts Hand Tech 4541 The tournament to being conduot- by the overwhelming aoora et fiI-19. Orltnths announces Yankees are barrel race, a potato race and a ad among the senior members Cf tbe There were plenty of fireworks In Ed. itoM of HartMrd. Theas kagB 10 Tea Balln, Black Tin, .I Cup S i z e ...... Bisquick Wheatena, Ige pkg. 27c weak and that Jaa Wahoo, new Sen- Remain Unbeaten In Thors* | BOX SCORE suitcase race along with three-leg building and the pairings made last the opener as RoohvlUa toppled the amt before la a draw flitilMnn 6 1 ^ 20 Tea Balls. Red Tin. 2 Cup S iz e ...... a t e outflaldar, reminds biro of Ruth Setback In Orertime Game ged, backward and relay races—ail night are as follows;- BUI Kundt wiu favored Betnts by gaining a six- In Thompeonvllle hut tha matnhiBflto pkK...... — Ettlflg not Baba. on akto. 20 Tea Balls, Black Tin. 5 Cup S ize ...... 22c 5pry 3-lb. can 52c, T-lb. con 20c CAMFSEIX’S tins dayJnniorLeagneWithAi Royal Bhiea meet Phil Waddell, Bv. Cartoon to point lead In the Unit half and bold- er could never get them togetki> MesUon. Tax., March 33—“Wild’ P. B. F. T. elated to meet Walter Buchy, Btow- ing It to the final whistle on ecnM ggtaliia OtMtarlA guooggte^ 50 Tea Balls, Caddy Refill, ,5 Cup Size .. Joe Smith of PbUllas walks seven To Lead The Conference. Table Salt, 2-lb. Tomato Soup 1 tlmactaeUi, r f ...... 1 t-2 6 Whltefleld, N. H., to running Its art Roblnaon erlU meet the eetoron ■eni^onal shooting by Krlseton R ought to ho a whato e l B 100 Tea B a lK Paper Box, 1 Cup Size .... hits two end to touched for t'wo carnival on Waehlagton'e blrthO^, round box ...... Chase & 5anborn Coffee Ib. 23c 1 McCarthy. If ...... 1 0-1 3 Nick Angelo and Frank Blaaohart ono^irr, aided ooosiderably by Bhy, scrap. Howard Edwards of Bufflold. . 6c triples m flrat exhlbUlon etart r*ru- 0 Taggart, o ...... 7 0-3 14 with B docen high schools scheduled who ptoyed a bang-up fluor game. welterwsisht, wOl moot CkarlSF B-P«WMI New York. Feb. 17—(A P ) —'The to compete for a teg on the outing will shoot It out with Jaekla Frahar. SACK. FB08T tbro grosva new crop of white hair 0 Haverlck, rg ...... 9 0-0 4 Elmore Duffy and Horace Uordy wUl Max Rubacha and G m b etoed out Tally of Hartford to tko opening LAMB LEGS lb. 25c Shamrocks Stay Tied For 1 Oentllcore, Ig ...... 9 club cup. The Holyoke, Mass., figure Boned end Rolled Isamh Hhouldrrib...... Ih. l i e Raspberry Jam, Red Cherrica, Gncflt Ivory, Q but obaervea, ‘The boy to a little ‘Y>n agela, off again, gone again, 1-9 6 oraaa cue etlcks aed the match be- for tke loeere. Hoekvllle's aoeurate bout -t Gran. Sugar •arvoua but don't worry, ha can 0 Vancour, r f ...... l 0-1 3 skaUng club will give an exblhlUon. foul ihooling really won tke game Snmll mud Cut l>nHn leamb ...... U». lAc 12-oz. j a r ...... Sour Pitted, Finnegan" character of the title Rudy Leehinke who gave tha WIM 0 N. Klelnxcbmldt, rg 8 0-0 0 The new found regton wU| hold a tween Doe. WyUe and Cehe Tlarney FtnehurM Pnrk RoaMii util In* rut from eantem dre«w(*d. IfitOi 10c naUe." H it batsman chorus. ‘T il 2nd; Cougars Score Win. should prove more than intereettog. as both isama tallied ten tlmeoIrom BuU such a thrilltag battle last) 2 cans ...... AK C ChtpM). 4to race In the Etoatem IntercoUegtate 0 Fuller. If ...... 1 0-0 3 snewfeat on Wednesday also with tht floor. tender l*ork. The Kll> l*ork llotiAt u 111 In* ...... III. *i1e BLUE AND WHITE Na. fl ■ay ha can't'' Weelay Bborto and Geo. BronWa wtk WlU b e hook I - Fi«h Cakes, Maw Orlaana, March 16—RolUe CMifersnca baaketbajl raoa to demon, 0 J. Kletascbmidt, Ig , . l 0-9 a events for boys and girto to two In the eeooito game, the Something New In I* In a first meeting and Wal- of R. V. O) la the Bantolty announaea ha has turned strated by the standlnga today. They classes. A feature, wfiieh prabably also pUed up a Mg edge la tke flret Lohi . . roaiit or rho|in...... lb. Sic can ...... 5-lb. bag ...... A# C Sweet Peas ter “WtoebeU'' Bontlay wlU ItUey et Olastaabury. state hOatfiqi ’ The Itoyal Blues won their elev- wiu exoits no enthusiasm among Freeli Home FreNh Fork Nhouldera 11c Cora Flakes, Nation-Wido. ever a new leaf, flaya ho'wUl give ahow Osorgetown back on top after 8 90 9-io 49 't o lead by 99-10 at thetbe halfway champ, who Jumped In at toff enth straight league game last Nehawlu hen-pecked hiiehande, sriu Im a rolT Winfield Sargent BUCiCD BACON, SSc Ih. Rnrnn Sgiwmk, t9r lb. .Softaailk Cake O C Jumbo O w e Sfanagor Oapae vttt and Indtons all 79 hours tn second place. BATk. kkortly after tbe third quar- mtoutelast week, promisee hto Am M Mntche.H, 0 Maltoo, rf ...... e 0-0 0 tog pin casting contest for women. ter began Ifikolelt was ajeotod from Flour, pkg...... XwC package ...... IrC he hen Vltt and indUna turn The Hoyas got back last night by night In tbs Thursday Junior ore that bo wUI take faaucy Jetm- Birds-Kye HONESnr A T MEAT MARKETS d6w« eftor. drubbing Carnegie ’I^ccb, the early League at the Bast Side Ree by 2 FltzOerald, If ...... 4 0-8 8 The Brattlaboro, VL, outing club's the game for arguing OYSTERS pint 29c 3 Dupont, e ...... 8 a 66-metcr Jump was covered with a SOB of Holyoke. RUey wra not M the 19c HormeFa Spam, Or>kHe, Dadgaca Drab Yaeka! aeaeon leader, 46 to 41, In an over- trouncing the Mohawks 43 to 33. 0-0 Texaoo'a i to.battle beet o f condlUoa sad Juet reoovsied pkg. o f 6 boxes . OIBKEHTY Steer Beef! Giaanrator, f1a„ March 36—Dod- 0 Martin, rg ...... 1 0-0 3 foot ef enow and to fine condition for rest et tbe gaoM' os Jiey 'had ao 12-oz. can ...... j FC package ...... time period on their home coivt. The Maroons kept pace with the ED DUDLEY L E A D E from an attach of tbe grip sad to FOWL lb. 31c A 1WV They tied Carnegie Tech (or the lead Royal Blues by knocking off tbe 0 Gorman, Ig ...... 4....0 1-1 1 tbe tovltatioa meet on Sunday. Spec- tube. With VIttaer and Hteha play- 4Vt pounds average. 3 Froher, Ig ...... 8 0-0 e ial trains wlU run from NewLoadon, capable of making a much bettoO Dole* Pineapple Juice, Williama’ Vanilla. 4 % ^ . Nation-Wide Tea, ^ 4 — RIB RO AST pouHfl 29c tost week, dropped to second place Sp^boya In a high scrotng gamq, tog good bdil thay maaoitod to wta ekowtog than he tod last week. We also ham selected 5* j-pound Fowl at SSc lb., and Large when Pittsburgh defeated them 63 to 47. The Bbamrocka found the Conn., and Bpringfleld, Maas., to out Lea Nleoe sad Joe Oeaakao large 18-oz. Pure, 2-oz. blL .. A i S C i/i-lb. pkg...... iS ip C Driaecy Beeha Kaye <• to #•/, lbs.> ROASTINti rilK'KF.NS a t ...... lb. SBc Lean— Tender Monday night and finally scrambled going tough In beating out the Fal. t UTI 39 bring ekiera and spectators (or the OF $10J)00 EVENT played beet Mr tbe looerk -4^ Mike Delaney to aU art Mr JOB Native Turkeys . . Nntive Broilers . . tij-iMiund Boasting can ...... lie back to the top rung In their cnirial cons, 36 to It, la tho third game Refereex, Mordavsky and Belflore. day, George KoUars of Duluth. la the lost gmme e t I lji Gene o f WUttmaetto end proetfeao M Chickens w III be sold at ...... Ih. S7c rampbeirz POSTS gams with the Tartana. and tbe Cougars won from the Maroons MI ., national champion In 1996, tke roorgaalaod Bagloe PORK T O RO AST pounil 23e The race to far from being settled, HaighU tn the final tilt. 39 to IT. entrlee, Inoludtog tbe Bolton teanr by tbe ovorwhetm* wla by a kayo. Goas to a cagey BgOM (Tit P B. F. T. U Olgnas o f Ulddiebuiy, Raymrad packs a good waOOk aad 6M i BEEF LIVER lb. 25c Tomato 5oup 4 cons 25c Fancy Boncleaa though. The Hoyae with five won Bhiea In Pear r#rm 8 Brown, rf ...... 6 8-7 16 Pkcet CreicMt City Open Ing score ofor 11-11.ei-is . BoohKsen BMmberawmaer ofor 3 la rgest cans . . and two lost are only a half game In tha flrat ganw ths Royal Blues Ijm bert of Lebanon, N, H., and the wtoatog■ team soared at laaat imisso that ha w illt o ^ 'o B 0m BooeleM Pol Ronutii Tender, Juicy Rib Roniita 25c D«l(i’« 3 Buncs, U ...... 4 1-8 6 Marrlll Barber o f Brattlebora, Bliioln and Abort Hteakii cut from the brut of the t<»p grade ahead of Tech, which haa won four put on their poorest eahibitloB of 8 Butler, e ...... 4 fourr Umeo. EvorymM played well ter eye BOSS before the sad e f tip Slashes 3-9 10 Of Sunday, the first annual open With Snb-Pkr 70 Doipito steer beef . . properly aged . . carefully trimmed the Plnehant POT RO AST pound 32c-35c and lost two. Moreover, Carnegie basketball thto esaaon. They got a 1 T o m a n , r g ...... 3 the wlnnere with Uoyd and KUne three rotmds. Thto Ned Doty e f Hum Octagon Laundry 0-9 6 champtonshlp dowakiU race w i i i ^ regular way . . will be featured at ...... lb. 49o Pineapple Juice 46-oz. con 25c meets the last place Temple tSM , big scare in the first half when the 2 Aceto, Ig ...... 4 9-6 10 playing beet Mr the loeere. Mrd to eet a champtok but be filOep run at ths mUs and a euartsr .bear Soaj), 6 bars ... tlUe winners In 1938 but a soft Mohawks played them on even 0 Pesclk, If ...... 1 0-0 9 Handicap Of S tif Wind. ReehvBto (F I) 25c den treU at Bast Btuks. VL The tmndr te KMttaif niritt MMiMt DUCKS lb. 22c MEAT VALUES FANCY FRUITS Smoked Shoulders pound 21c touch thto esaaon, at Philadelphia temis, trailing the league leaders F. B. F. Prices tonight and a victory will put ‘Teeb tnU was ooutruotsd by ntombers werWe Ughtwiight by ofcly throb potato at the and ef 10 _ _ 99 fi-10 89 I Farr, i f ... ..4 1-9 Staley Cube AND VEGETABLES back In a Ue (or first tbs half. The aeoend half tha Blues er ths U60th oex; wSy. 9 Futa, If ...... 6 6-0 wUI have to have thto New OrleaaA La.. Feb. lTw *(AF) Pinehurst Grocery Specials Starch, 2 pkgs. . 15c Chuck Raeate, Prime Beeft Sousogo or Sousoge Moot pound 29c Oeorgstown had to work for last started to hit their stride and pull, 9 Genofll, r f T . . . . , 7 . '. .• 84 16 under the supervision et Oommls- 0 Krtoeum, f f ...... 4 8 -i every eeeood. W siooer Perry k MerrUl et the Ver- It waa apparent this Menitag ae tIHE DELIVERY SERVICE TOMORROW norlds Orsagee, night's wtn. Tbs Hoyas trallsd all od abaad to win. The allHirouad 4 McOoilum. If ...... 1 04 1 Imea, o 9 0-8 tbe held way. flghttag tl through the first period until the m ra tfittU Forestry Dspertmeet. the army of pMMetoonai gMere Phone tonight, If It U eonvenleni, snd hi* nure to order somn 29c 33c Large. 9 doeea . . . . O O C tying of fiaverlck. N. KIbla- 9 Agosuneui, e ...... • 04. 10 •by, r g ...... 6 9-9 boot te New Tork, gdag’ ■k t o ' Oakite, Beef Liver Ib. 23c || Hamburg 2 lbs. 49c final minute when Joe Murphy's aube eeadlag akisre laeluM.' Naa- paraded Ic the tee Mr the eeecnd Rocky, r g ...... 0 0-6 • f theae large. No. 2V| eann of Fruit uhlrh are on sale . . . Bleeehed Celery, schmldt end McCarthy stood out 8 OoUl, r g ...... 4 84 to round ef the 916,000 efseesat Gity cage aaff wMBlag tka toamfRi pkg* e e c e e e e s e e e Fork Boeete, to C _ lea f ehet put them ahead 21-30. (or the Blocs while Frahar, Dupont B b ^ . Silver FW Outliif, FutoskL I g ...... • t-9 boiR aad quaUfytag Mr the 10c double e t o lk ...... lUC Oartaeath Outing, ML open that fer tkq first time on the Either End Ib...... Teiib took over the lead again In the and Fltnfeiald starred for tbe Mo- winter etreult they had run up fUttntatt taiilfthtg tal Hs’ FRUIT SALAD 2cans SSc aeoood period only to have two oon- hawks. u 10 t T t^at waak thg Brillo, large against a eoutee that ean lobe R. leunb Lege, T T * .rrr'.... l u verslena and a field goal put tbe 'His Maromw and Bpeedboys kad IB 96 T-U 47 Bl Joke's (99) of peaauto end also lea eul e l OH PEARS 2 cans 45c pkg...... Gemdae fipftaf, to. . Orera Beeae, j home team In front it waa S8>38 at Tke elty park l^reut wKk Ne 14c a free scoilaff battte m tks seeond Referees, Mordavsky and BeUtore. plentiful bunkers and water hae- B. F. Adame hat prise offerof by tkO Freeh. 9 ...... —C o f f e e S a l e the end et the game and an antra game wttk tka Maroons oemlag out Tke Vermoet downklM ebamptoe- Burke, r f ...... 1 9-9 BUTTER . . . Shurfine, Land ()’I,ake.sor Iowa . .lb. 3.1c CHennsy'e Clothtore. ieetocne tMp Daley Heme, OCe* Large Tsagertoee, 1 Q e> period gave i” eergstown victory on on tke long snd of tke boose. Every ■rds, had tbe aMaaF-eeehtfiff pros Rmn If your own preserve stork Is si III on hand . . your F. •klra wW ka held Buaday at Stowe telkteg et tts tougbasee and there MeyeelU. U, e.. . . 0 i 0-9 evaiUag wilt wla a hat by flatofig i Wheaties, 2 packages, and Sweet, Tender, Ib. .. -W toV doecn — * —• See (roe throwo and Johnny Mo- man .took part la tke seortag (or B. F. T. oe tke Ikmeue eeee dive nm. Ed W. Tueba, If..,. d Od family srtn enjoy these for a change. —For tlie iMUit three years Red and 0 Mahoney, r f .. .9 0>l 4 wars other werda about tke stiff ceupea In a bog e l peanute. A ll Of one Com K ix Aowan'a field goal. Murphy waa the tke Mamins witk Brown, Butlsr toarvqr. eetloeel alatom ehamptaa M. Rubacha. e .. 9 0-0 SccdlcM Black 1 McGonvUto, tt .1 14 8 wind that Mew in gueta aereei tke tke detoUa ere reedy Mr tatogM enO fo r ...... toe White Coffee has been tiie dioice of the tenw's high scorer with 17 points, sad Aosta taking tke IsaAng roles 0 J. McVeigh, U a peer am, and n number et <>&er (Wrwsys. A. Rubacha, ig .. 1 0-1 e welt tratoad grai^ e f esperto ati JC These Pirices Are Quoted f or Cash. aavon of then made at tbe foul Una. and Oeaofll, AgosUneltl and OalU .4 04 8 B. Oryeb, I g ...... 0 0-9 RASPBERRY PRESERVE — Raspberry, Pine- 1 L. MoVelgb, e .0 04 0 D a rta o o & rta a win be oo hand. Even Mg Ed Dudley, the tall up tke ring, arreaged the aeato e n i Hartford **Courant** Cooking Schotd! There was no aeUoo la the eastern fe a tu r lg ^ (ff_ g ^ a ymdhe]j^ Frank OrlBla, ekatrmaa the raee apple and .\pricot or Strawberry, j a r ...... Soap Chipa. 8 Packard, ig ... .9 04 4 et Fkltodelel^ wbe Geofgla hto get thtnaa rmidy (er the ig k t 9M 27e Clean Quick PATRONIZE THESE NATION-WIDE STORES: fatereeueglato league last night but Bfiw a tttiA seld the event would be To ? T 4 Jan $1.00. Why not prove to yourself that its p* 0 Katkaveck, Ig .9 04 • eeeood hOBM. saM 'tk e neer gale night to tbe rentork iMi ttoM of Met 5-pound KITTEL’S MARKET I W. HARRY ENGLAND 12.95 C rew N eck Sweaterfl ptaHy to pramtoed (or tonight when tn tke tkird MOM tks Bkamrooks toSO •OtoW ren lB eeaNmeUee with the Ver- winds didn't M p Mm retleS that Bcore at ball, 14-0 RoekvlUa. Coraall invadas Hanover to meet ksd e tougk tuM heetlnf eat tks ReMresa, ToakewakL Buahy. beurs. Boneon's ftodie to package ...... i a IflBtoseUBL TM. 49M | llssrliistot OtssB T M .*4 a 19 14 18 m Blaloa toet ntouth end that neat epfdlng tmmd. eukpar U, t » company have toetalie i n S C nlarity is well-deserved? Dartmouth, tha leader la laogiu ploy Fatoone. Ik dotaf so tiny rsmatasd ^ eeahkMd ahamploe would be BURSXCS BOOR. a iwe-etroke control to take care et the A T H O U SA N D T IM E S N O I with O ta stnlght wins. Coraell to to a tis (or sieond plam wttk tks Arnold, rf Ju4fod ea tke beet pwfonnaaeee> in Russett Oranges, 6M Harttotd Bsad — TsL M H I WMto $1.95 tied for eecoad place with CotumMa. Maroons, i. M cVal^ and Katka- .9 04 4 cutslde tt the club Ip 50c > e e e e e e e .8 84 8 the twe oeaHtoMtlmie. peck basket .. Natta^-WMs FMfl Btossa s< Nsw fftoglsBi 2 57e I1J5 e ^ having won four and loot two. veck were tks outstsodtof perform- Grant r f ...... ekwo the doors. The oeund eqatp-. • e e e e e e e e .1e l 04 a nt was metalled thto i CO FFEE Tillfl Baade FroBt Tho Uam has bsaa going waU of loU ors for tko Bkamrooks, wiiiM Porky ooMnmoNB Daigle, If ...... and has as good a'cbaaco as any to ItobbliiA rg\ e e e e e f i e e.1X 0*1 8 fT). BIRDSEYE FOODS ItuaseU was tks mstostay (or tks Server, I f . Mlkoislt, e .... SwcBten $2.95 trip Dortnwuth, which downed Taka Falcons. .1 04 ' 8 WeH a g w ey, i g .. Mrretto, Ig .0 04 0 Warren M ART BRA N D 'ii!;^23c M>S6, Tueaday night In tks final gams tks Cougars •rae na^ me m Hair at ■euthergU.Ig ... REFEREES ARE NAMED AdnleeBtoafl kaockad oft tks Hsigkte 99 to 17 te NOT EXPENSivi TROUSERS 8 8-T 18 A t A flavtogs! form a tHree-wey tis tor tbs esUsr tmsrn, Merth i-i FM STATE TODRNEn EA RLY RISER 2 Lb.. 39c Redaeed hirtk. Furls and Bell featured for («) ^ OMffara NoM l IkanvotBi and WatanrUlo CftC/AL/ Last Night Fights tbe Ooufere srltk Lajsskt Itooooe wMFi poor at Bartlett, Orawes. *~'iS«'otieait ONE DOLLAR d H em rtb stasrtne (or tke B. F. T. Bkinaer, if .... Fslrfleld. Fsh. IT—(A P ) -JMlOM PATTERSON’S MARKET S r f e e e e e e e e .8 0.9 98 regtouL t e t y veJe, JaA- RED BA N D 2 Lb.. SSc ISJ5 N o w ...... IfJ S L SM ufidar for Mr Warren, If .... -A. BwoffislA pruil wt et tha VTUtaer. t t t B e r . r f • . ■ - wRh Ooogan sret IWUp Camnan e f dinner ^ r r r m BUDGET Our Good Scotch 8 a a fla («s...... 25c Ib. PEACHES $ UJeeW. rt ..4 9<4 0 yiek. and M Wetea, a yeung p tt . •.., Now Spekaas, Waah.—ftacmle Baudls, ..0 Hamden. Chartco C. Petrtaa Of Sliced SausagM ...... 2Se Ib. Pnt Roasts...... 28c, 82c. SSc b . 187, Winnipeg, stopped Bushy 8 Msraa, tf 04 0 ft»m Oktaboma CRy. ' $ Perrotu, 0...... c FOR 4 ^aoeri^^ VALUES 1 M o O i^ , e .0 Bridgeport aad Joha MalM ef IlMv* Our Good Tea, everybody Hkea H; ae will Bondses Briaket. frc d i ...... 2 8 cb . Bayne, 196, AuetnUa (0). 0 ktowe three inebee new The leadtag money wtaaera o f the Hlclu, r g ...... fOffd. WRESTLING 0 Ftoeber, r f f e e f e • •' .0 n 8 • w Ow— beee e f S4 etreuR to dele fiaied Mke tap wen ^ OQ * • • s e e e e e e a e w a a a e . e e e e e e e e <0c Ib. Corned Boitelees B risket...... 28cb. PETERS’ Depot 8q. Market 25c Now Haven. OMa.—JuUo V bwbb. MUmirit I g ...... Geocfo Taylor of FBlritoM wIB Ifi 0 Roeeoe, I f e e e e e e t e e .8 04 4 •Mb eod «8 weer eoNeM tatbeetart. Of the gnt tt oe the 1 M. CHOPFCO STEAK Rib Roasts...... ,29c. 32c. SSc Ib. Calf Liver. Beef Liver. BED A W H R B n tm a . 4 IM . New Tork. and *thtoolur heito offMalraiwai Mrmr tkame Ctoan im B.w. insams BEANS A : . . iu£-S.ISfm*Z. w 0 Horvatk. I f e e e s e • s .1 04 Meat* aeS Urerwrtoa 4 wlag UsL WIMI to heeded by B. 18 4-14 1 box PEAS aw N w w HOSE, 2 pain SSc oey. 180 l»t, New Bevwu drew (fit. mM^m* which win also ho playod M Nfto Oir. tor and OilsweM I FeyettevUto, Ark.—Uoyd KonU J. (Dutch) RerttaSk ef Oek Perk. (98) I. lake C l m ^ aad Om M 1 ^ x RASPBERRI ES J. BROGAN 8 Raven. A Good Beef Lonfl WILKIE’S MILK Lan of Lfitoli M . asee atneeBtoeel .. M .W W 94 9T SI, neae wee bettor then tOth plaee B. WhIUi) of New Hasan aad John Omp CUT CORN .. aV:, 23e FRANK HILLERY Referees, Lsene end Server. getog toto tbe eetsM leekd. Rar- Ground B e e f...... 28e ft. BROWN’S BUTTER Lnab R ^ Biea nnd lana. 2LOOOFFON H. Bee. 818. Niece, If...... • maa of Derby are the ( off S items NEDNEL90N P. F. CASHION ■keve. wke hae whk n jg t oe Mr, Reberta e ...... 0 Ground V e a l...... SOc f t . ttoM ar...... S4c f t . Da- rKSaFHlETS . a 23« SMITH’S EGGS tISI SHOES 8981 Mb Brattlekeiw-is i IT hfiah with a ftT Portordeld. If . . . . 9 The Ctato O-D to hfi Round G round...... SSc f t . Rib find Loin Siwiac Laab fSJ5 N9w...... $2J5 Ckapmao, If . . . . 0 upd to Rartfioid w P ba CoMts ItoM thtoM Blended as desired AR tko Finest Qnalityl Chapfi ______WCK. • Agard. o ...... 9 SHRIMP...... rJl. 39c HertlOed. (3dbb. —, ■ rmH "VfiF* HOCKEY I flee 01------XellF. 81*. T ie n iiiig , d ie t e d Jeeb If...... 1 dshute 20* JS. lA Kee.— George Bif^ LAST V IoaPB _ _ Tueeola. BL—Oouglae O en ty ■ Jack DcaakiM, ig 9 TLoto aenied Mr toe ju M ^h to Uyi» y. T bma itifiQ kt (Mto. Wilson to Ck>mpnnyto Littla Baam, S to 4 ponnds ...... o o o e a e o o e o o o a a ' n n o a o rieei SF9 wblle buottiH Bascuva. ^ee (M _ lef 90to94{ tad boys wtu aUee a iMes w ell knat Bob Doeokuo, U .. 0 dietrien ere: Albert ..... yeeie afo, -»■ aOtor Beilg) Hen NeMeeei l eaf ------Swift’s Daisy Hiui^ S5e f t . SiMkffd SlMNdimip SSc t e . Ib eiBlnl ead: ■ueday M pftaaRtve etote. Joe Donahue, If ,.t offlctal; wntoto O ql ■oeteo A M eetm l L About 2A00 wflt he eiRMd only AMto Hewitt ef Ckli, 89 New Tors BfiOfire K wRb einhe whaa they ne hfifiting Mr 18 8-8 88 JeeapkV- Wetob . - a OYSTERS A NICE LINE OF VEGETABLES POSTS Be met MfiogM ep a I at half. 98-10 Texaeoe. Bfirkar etotmed i t ' ■> i t e - B B a K e r t i B , xi U Obtntt t (flfi). 'Sw. Taalwweht toiMky. ^ P i n c / u i r j l Q r o c e n / ^nc. RE D & W H IT E MMupiarastT . IBNW B tn IiF Bit- A FULL LINE OF QUALITY GROCERIES. MODERATELY PRICED. rsfiBOltlmlM AttlMOMder t » z A' ‘• r4. peitce win Moea—Tha ,1 F R E E D E L IV E R Y the (HR traffie and Ous


otxs vktPft.w ______U SENSE and N O N SEN SE vQovjto 2 it' ___r BUY mim Qom UMnst etitlelam and too laviah READ IT OR NOT— ' mvJhcwf mvtwrf praparlag to gst narrlsd. For ny^ue greaissi numoer or any four wssKs hsfors ths csremony she one language. saved her wages and Immediately LOST AND FOUND__ 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 FUEL AND PEED 4f-A after the wedding she hunted up her ' Whan a man visited Bniahvflla, BBlstreea snd asked her two years ago. he found the only IX»ST_FEB. 5TH. of money, 1938 NASH SIX gedan, condlUoned FOR BALD—SEASONED HARD NORTH hotel filled to tba roof: air, 9000 miles, 1937 Nash sU wood, for furnace, 84.50 load. Tele- JUDGE FISK TO RETIRE Present Storms Flurries charge of her savings. between Mancheeter and Haitford. Mistress (pusslsd) — ril take it Clerk—No. sir, I can’t give you rhone Mancheiter 6359. Return 95 sedan, radio and beater, small mile- phone 8628. B. GigUo. COVENTRY a room. The best I can do for you age. Megaler Nash, 10 Henderson ct course, out, Msndy, won’t you Rr.hool itreet. Reward. Call 5:30 to Compared With 1717 need money to spend on your hon- is to give you half of ths dtauag 10:30 p. m. Road. Telephone 7208. GARDEN—FA RM - AFTER 36 YEARS SERVICE Coventry Orange Noi 76 P. of H. eymoon? room. There's a screen across it held the first half of its oompetlUve L ost—PARKER fountain pen. DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 Msndy-Mlss May. does you think 1“ *} * * BUSINESS SERVICES program Thursday evening. By JENNIE a great ferment and vast heaps of rae■a goingr o i n e tot n trustt n i .1 myself wid a i won t bother you U you tile color, Feb. 11th. m d e r pleaae •^shells wers cast on the shore. Many stranga niggah an' all dat money don't bother her. ..all Mr. Freeman, E. J. Holl office. OFFERED 13 A l7M BiiMaf He Ifai The program opened with the Among rsmarkable events which people were confined In their houssn . on ma* The man readily agreed to tbs FOR SALE-^FRESH EGGS and ' WUUem Qeytoa Mid — ICn. C nil 1000 Main alreet COMMERCIAL AND Domestic ra- roasting chickens. Call 7804. ringing of "School Days." A read- occurred long ago was the great which were totally covered with arrangement and went to bin room. The Toonerville Trolley That Mecta All the Trains By Fontaine Fox AmendOg both of Rodnrlllo, alno ing on Agriculture by Zanobla Vic- snow, not even ths tops Thirty relnutee later he rushed into frlffarator ssnrlcs. Rafrlgarator ra- ReacM Afs grandchildren, Mrs. Jamee Keenan, snow of February, 1717. On the .WHAT BECOMES OF AU, OF the lobby, wUd-eyed, clad in U s flnlalilnff, reconditioned rafrlKera- toria (Brother Vinton), followed. At chimneys to be seen. READWO MATTER THE T h e P r a c t ic a l J o k e r h a s V/h i t t l e d o u t a B ig Wo o d e n AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 HOUSEHOLD G^lDS 61 Mrs. Jerry Dunn, Charlea Poehnert, this point a knock was heard and 30th of February there came a pajamas; tort, new and reconditioned Coro- Jr., of Hartford; Kenneth Oayton, Dr. Cotton Mather haa give PERSON P U ^ ASIDE TO Man (yelling to clerk)—XiyI K e y a n d is D r i v i n g t h e S k ip p e r Nu t s mettdal refrlgaratlnff . macbinea. Hif Lcifth Of Serricc Is Mr. Philemon (Brother Walter Pom- violent anow storm so that all com- best description now to be ' WHEN HE HAS LEISURE? 19S4 FORD mp(uilon8. They CAN. KffeeCtre Mareb IT, lasT REPAIRING 23 5879. for two years and four months wdth ter Loomis) victorious. A paper on In February, 1764, there was a i.'.'> *, ir» Cash Charga two well baby conferences held with taxes was. written by Sister Mabel shed their fleeces when taken out violent storm o; ball and rain In ROOriNO A SPECIALTY. Alao aid- Attorney Joel M. Reed, father of an attendance of 17; milk furnished It la weU to be speciflo tn giving • OoDsecull*. Oara 1 etsi a au Hall and read by Hiram Philemon but a(x>n were in good condition. Derby. The next morning there directions: t Conaacatlea Oaya a eul II eu ing carpentry and mason work. the clerk of the Bupeiior Court four families during the month aad A man, who had a couple of hogs "Presgrve the UiHon"— 11 s t a l I . e t a MACHINERY AND WlUla H. Reed. (Brother H. B. Pomeroy). For the was found a beach twanty-feet deep Ths teacher had recited: "The I Oaf ...... Reaaonable. Time payments a r cod liver oil Is needed. English lesson Ebenezer Emmanuel was surprised to see them make The Key to Cloy All ordara for Irragular Ina.rliana TOOLS 52 He took the state bar examina- Mrs. Alco Taylor, chairman of and length 116 fe e t About sixty Landing of the Pilgrims.'' Then will ba ehargad at lha on. tlma rata ranged. W. Vancoiir, 55 Wells St. (BrcAher Evans) prepared and read their way out of a snowbank rods of land was covered with She requeatod aacb pupU to draw •paelal rataa for long taris aaarf l>hona 3335. USED HARROWS, plows, engines, tion tn June 1891 and was admitted the committee In charge of the STAUNCH, uacompromisliig tn the bar at that time, with only a live minute essay. Since the twenty-seven days after burial. gravel and sand. Four trees wers from bis or her imagination a pic- gay adaartiaing glaao upuo raquaat used and rebuilt tractors. Dublin Clirlstmaa Seal sale announced that plls had all done their work well i 12iey bad found s little tansy a t the unionist Henry Clay left no Ada erdarad bafora tba third or Aftb RtXlFlNU * SIDING EsUmatas abou^ 25 per cent of those taking 1839.33 has been received to data carried 178 feet dUtanoe and by in- ture of Plymouth Rock. Most of day vlli b« ebsrfRd oeiF ror tbs m * Tractor Co.. Providence Rd., Wllll- the examination passing. teacher had them study tbdr music. bottom to feed on. Poultry unac- dications must have been forced up them wont to work at once, but question for btograpbere as to tbs tuii Momb«r of tHnca tb» mS Rpp«Ar- freely given Workmanabip guaran- mantlc. In th ii campaign. Inex Reginald (Sister Robertson) countably ' survived. Hens were mam interests of his lor^ and dll- teed. Tims payments :irraageo Judge Fisk opened his law office I^r Coatlniiea. forty feet. ana Uttle fellow hesitated, and at •4. eborclas 4l tb* rat* •srnod but In the Henry building In September played a piano solo. Prelude In C found alive after live days and In 1780 all the harbors and bays Icnqtb ralatd bis hand; tlngulxhed career The explana- DO allowaneo or rofund* esn b« msdR Paintiiit and carpentry. A A. Ulon The annual fair 'of the Rockville Minor by Rachmaninoff. A history turkeys after twenty-five days. tion be left ansi day In a notable OB bJb ttroo b4o otopptd Rftor tb« Inc., 81 Wella street. Phone 4860. 1801. He closed his office in Aug- Are department will continue this on the. Atlantic coast aa far south Taaeber — WeU. vviiue. w hat u •rtb 4bf. APARTMENTS. FLATS. ust 1937. after 46 years. Since class was held with two charades, After the snow a multitude of as Virginia were frosen. Loaded It? memorandum; evening at the Town hall. There Lincoln as one and Washingtem the “If anyone desire* to know the No forbids'*! dltploF IlDos oot TENEMENTS KI closing his own office he has a desk will be an entertainment program sparrows appeared. Great damage sleds passed from New Tork to Wmie-Please. mum, do you want soM. other. Ines Reginald (Slater Rob- was dond'to orchards. The enow, 06 to draw a ban or a rooster? leading snd paramount object pt TM 8orA|d «ll) oot bo rosponsiblo BUSINESS FOR RENT—THREE or four room In the law office of his nephew, At- which will Include George Rowland, Staten Island. Long bland Sound For Boro tboB ooo loeorroot Inoortion torney Donild C. Fisk and he spends ertson) then played the "Spinning freesing to a crust as high aa the was n frosen sdlld hl^w ay w h ^ it my public life, the presarvatlen of OPPORTUNITIES 82 apartment, fumuihed or ui,furnish- juggler; Mile. Charlotte, acrobatic Song.” This was followed by a the Union will furnish him the of aay odvortloomont ord«r»d for some time there each day. (lancer; The Three White Flaahes. boughs of trees, split them to is several miles la width. The Widn The henpecked plumber rang the Boro tboo oDo ilm«. ed. Call Centennial 4131. geography lesson. H iq schc»l closed belt The master and mlsUesa of key." Tbo Insdvortont omtssioo of liieor* FOR SALE- A WELL established Judge Fisk was apnolnted cltv a (lance team. The music for the pieces. Cattle walking on the anow nearly all perished and tba anow package store, good paying propo- attorney In 1900 and held that office its session with the singing of "Auld a dozen feet from the ground fed the house came to the door tokcth* So wrote the man who ter M roet BBblieoUoB of odoorUolAd will bo FOR RENT—6 ROOM thnemant. dancing this evening will be fiir- Lang Syne.” The married brothers was nearly four feet deep tor three roouiod only by oobeolUltoo of tbo sltlon. Reason for selling, death in until 1934. He was formerly sec- nW i^ by Buefcmister’s orchestra. upon the trees. The Ocean waa In months. dr. As they stood la tbo ball tha fears towered above his contempo- ^ B » o atodo for tbo ooroloo roodoro4 104 Woodbrtdge street, all improve- and slaters of Coventry Grenge were busbond, who was very BMtbodlcal. raries, edie caaM to the rescue of family. Apply Mints Package Store, menta, newly renovated. Tel. 6U60, retary of the school board of the Oaeff Party at Wladsondllei ▲IT BdoortlMBOBU aoof oonforB Town at Vernon. He la president askM to stand and j(]ln In the eloe- the American ideal time after IB Btylow oopy oad typoorophy wttb 219 North Main street. or Imiulra 95 Fostai street. The WlndsorvIDe Bugle and Ing song. rBwUcioao oBforood by tbo pobllob* of the People's Savings Bank, and Drum Oorpa will hold a whiat party be the guest speaker at the monthly fid—I wiih before you go Urns, who was nomlnalod tor too oro BBd tboy rooorvo tbo rtgbt to member of the Tolland County On March 3 the single brothers •petaire to aequalnt you with the presidency on repeated eceastons. FOR RENT—22-80 Birch atreet, thin evening at the home of Wil- and slstera wlU hold the Ihst half of gettogether Thuraday evening, Feb. •diU rovtoo or roJoet any oopy oob* HELP WANTED— two tenements. One 4 and one 5 and Connecticut State Bar Associa- liam J. Reeves of Wlndsorville. 23 at the Federated church. He wUl STAFFORD trauble. but who was cheated of the re- Btdorod obioetloboblo. tion. For many years he served- as the (XHupetltive program with Elmer Plumber (shyly dropping bis ward through the turn of fate on CLOUNO B0UR8—ClAMlttod Bda FEMALE 35 room: also store. Inquire on premis- Several from Rockville are planning Clark as chairman. take for hla subject, “A Vagabond to bo pBbllObOd BBIBO doy BBOt bO fO* town counsel for Ellington and Tol- to attend. oyeo)—Pleased to taMOt you. Ma'am. evoiy ocessiea. es. Adolf Baresaa. Three silver star certlflcates have In Guatamala.’’ AU men in the com- SPRINGS ,(as ha turned to the wtfa.) 5 j5 j .b g u O'clock BooBi Sotardoyo land, recently resigning. FaMrals. munity are welcoma American history has produeod WANTED—CAPABLE girl for gen- Judge Fisk was presented In City been awarded by .(Coventry Orange. JOHN U. /4ETTO no n o rt’ ehaUoaging flguro than FOR RENT—THREE ROOMS, all The funeral of George Taylor was These certificates are given aa a re- eral houaework. Call 3353. Improvements, at 27 New atreet. Court today with a plaque by hla held on Thursday afternoon with ToUand friends ot M ra Lizzie 473, ■tafford Vtahto’ On ^ Pbona, too "mill boy of too •lasbat,'* TELEPHONE YOUR associates. ward of 36 years of Grange Service Kingsbury Adams were shocked to W hoa oil the world la anew sad lee, TUrry of the WesL" "The Great GIRL WANTED to do housework Available Now. Tel. 672.3. military honors at his home at 101 A very effective candle light service WANT ADS In a recent letter' to Judge Flak, High street. Rev. Dr. George 8. leera of her sudden desth at her Mrs. Bteika Bley, 61, died mUr ■Bd you are all alone, Compromiser.” s4 he was vari- and help with cure of children. No FOR RENT —ON BDUEKTON was conducted by the Lerturer. The home on Davla avenue, RockvUle Ybere la no plaature half as nice aa ously called He dlsUntuishiaf ▲do oro OCOOPtAd OVOI th« tolopboBo Governor Raymond E. Baldwin laud- Brookes of the Union Congregatlhn- candidates were es<»rted to' the Thursday morning at the tdrin Vlsltlll* OB t i f tbIidiHtM .01 tbo CliAUOK RATE pUoo obovo heavy laundry work. Tel. 5282. street, live room flat, garage, steam ed the Jurist and wrrote: al church offlclnted. Burial was last Mon(by. Mrs. Adiuna was In farm In West Stafford after a long himself flrst as a war hawk, seal- altar and the certlflcates presented *VeIlo!” Writ, how are you today? ouzly defending American righto So o ooovonloooo to odvsrtiooro. but beat, all Improvements, Including •To my knowledge no other man In Grove HUI cemetery, where tape by Rosa Johnson, Worthy State early life a resident of ToUand. the Illness. She waa born to AuatoS tbo COSH RATCP «rUl bo oooopiod oo shades. Telephone 8301. In Connecticut haa served 37 years were sounded and’ a volley was dau^ter of the late George and and had been a roaldeat of StaEasri > Hass that la Just toe bad. •gainst Brltisb sggrosilon In too Ptnx roTMCNT If pBld of Ibo bBOl- HELP WANTED—MALE Oeree, followed by remarke from the YeOid batter t u a care of th a t eeld war of 1611 He ehamplenod toe BOM offleo oo or boforo tbo oooonib as Judge of a city court.” fired. The military service was In reclplenta. The Master, Thomas Mc- Mary Crane Kingsbury whose home for the past SO years. For many OR FEMALE 37 waa In the western section of Tol- If Ns the first you’ve had. .Missouri compromise, challenged day fullovlng tbo irai inoorttoB of William Heavy OraaL charge of Commander J. Elmer El- Kinney then gave a few remarks, years Mrs. Bley made her' boms at *Aad bow Is baby? You don’t OBCb Bd otborirloo tbo OMARilB LARGE RETAIL organisation of- HOUSES FOR RENT 6,i William Henry Grant, 68, at 13 liott of Stanley Dobosz Post of the land where they resided on the the Buff Ckip district on the Aver nulllflcaUon next. JtATB will to oulloclod No roopAnol* and the Worthy Lecturer, Gertrude ■ay! Won, woU, ho oura la Ibuc be devoted himself to toe bUUy for orroro la tolophoood odo fers unusual opportunity for ex- FIVE ROOM SINGLE, Manchester Thompson street, died at the Rock- American Legl(m and the bearers A. Anderson read an original poem Kingsbury homestead, one of Tol- road. She waa married to WU- aBuift. wQl bo OMumod oBd tbofioff ville Cltv hospital on Wednesday were all members of the Post. Wil- and presented each candidate with land's early settlers. llam Bley of Stafford to 1930. 8^ one cardinal goal of his lifettano. oecoroey perienced salesperson In major Green, all Improvements, garage, V hqllM po drawing thtags Uka th at proservation of toe Union To coBBot bo fuaroniood electrical appitancea. Phone 5161 near school. 838.00 pe. nionUi. W. evening following an Illness of six liam A. Baer. Nelson C. Mend. J. a bound copy of It. A solo, “To Miss Mary Agnes Pratt of Wind- is survived by her husband of Staf- b9n bneo to tab# up art months. He was bom In Ware, Stanley McCray. Francis J. Pritch- ford and a son Alexander. Funeral day. the Union was suBreme Ac- and ask for Mr Roar for Interview. Harry England. Phone 3451. Thee Beloved Orange” was then sung sor waa an out-of-town guest at the *nrM any your beds aren't made up cordingly be tormulatod toe INDEX OF Mass., Oct. 26, 1870 and had lived ard, Josenh PerzanowsW and Ed- by Sister Eleanor Pomeroy, which banquet Wednesday evening. will be held Saturday at tba G, R. ^? Tour dIsbM atait dene? CLASSIFICATIONS SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM In this city for 38 years. He had waM Harding. was followed by a prayer by Part Baker Funeral Home. fto time the blda g et ho from DOGS—BIRDS—PETS— il single houses, aisu two family flat! been employed as a teamster. The funeral of Mrs. Lizzie K Master Lester N. HIU; after which An aluminum demonstration wlU Attlllo Serafln, manager of - oehool. say, where's ths morning SIrtba ...... He was a member of Tankemoaan Adams was held on Thursday after- everyone Joined hands, singing be given at the home of Mrs. How- Workers' Cooperative Union Is esn- Cagagaasaau .. •a************** In excellent locations. Apply, bkl- fPluT'* SCOTTIES, PUPPIES. Champion Tribe, I. O. R. H. n(xm a t the Luther A. White funeral “Bless Be the Tie That Binds.” ard Ayers next Monday evening at flned to hla horns ea WUltogtoa Marriagae ...... blood llnea. A. K. C. registration. ward J. Holl. Telephone Manches- When sU tbo world la tnow and lee. Deaths ...... ter 4642 or 8025. Mr. Grant leaves hla wife, Mrs home. Rev. Dr. George S. Brookes At the recent meeting of the Ever 6:80 o'clock. avenue with the grip. -.t and eou are all alona. Card al Tkaskt ••••••••••••••• Houaebroken. Very, reanonnble. 61 Ida (BatesI Grant, two daughters, officiated. The bearers were A Ready class the officers for the com- Tolland schools wtU close next Jill Curtis, daughter of Mi^' and Tbore to no ptoaoura half as ales as la Maaaeiiaa ...... Laurel street. Mrs. Jam es Brennan of Rockville l.«roy Martin. Max C. Wetateln, ing year were elected aa follows; Mrs. J. H. Curtis of Stafford Hol- vtoltto’ on the phone. t^al aad Foaad Percy L. <3ooley, David J. McCar- week, Feb. 34 for the winter recess AaBOBBeemanta ...... HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Mrs. Raymond Rider of this city, President, Lester HIU; vlce-preal- and will reopen for the spring term, low la confined to her home suflei^ ParsoBsla ...... and one son, William Grant of thy, Laurence M. Dillon and Mark dent, Clara Smith; secretary, Anna March 8. Ing with pneumonia. AwleaMbtlM ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 HERE'S A BUY IN a modem home Washington, D. C. • Holmes. Burial was In Grove Hill Gleaecke; treasurer, June Loomis. Mias H. L. Blgney. aupertatond- The ToUand Grange wlU sponsor AuumoblUt lor Bala ...... FOR SALE - ONE PUTNAM ~bot that combines comfort and econo- The hineral will be held on Sat- cemetery. The program waa In the form of ent of the John Memotw hospital FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosaer Autemobllaa for Baclunga ••• my. Excellent condition through- urday afternoon at two o'clock from Ns Flood Danger. Valentine party. a public setback party at the Com- entertained at the Nuraeg' Rome on Anto Aecsaaorlaa—Tiras ...... w ater boiler, large enough to neat Robert Thompson of the Rock- munity House toil evening, with Aato Itspaliing—PalBtlng .... 10 to 12 rooms, completi with oil out. Centra] location. 8554)0. Tel. hla home at 18 Thompson Mrs, Mabel O. HaU, tax coUector, East street Tuesday aftonoon with Aate kelioois ...... 7358 today. Rev. J. A rthur Iklwards, ville Water * Aqueduct company win be at the Town Clerk'a office Mrs. Emma CrandaU as rhmirmmn ot a Valentine party for tha board of Aatos—Sbla by Track ...... burner. Bargain for quick sale. Also the Rockville Methodlat church will states that there la no flood danger the evening entertalnmenL S used Maytag Witshera. Make us Saturday from 9 to B p. m. to* re- directors, their wives, doctors and Aaioa—For Ulra ...... officiate. Burial will be In Grove In RockvIUe at the present time aa ceive Old Age Aarietanoe taxes. tliclr wives, ths nurAto staff and Oaragas—Baralow—Storaas ... an offer. Standard Plumbing Co. Hill cemetetry. the w ater Is four feet below the top Mr. and Mrs. Ivan WUoox of Mer- Katoreyolaa—Bleyclsa ...... WANTED—REAL Thera wiU be a meeting of the row, Conn., were gueeta Wednesday Miss Peggy Foley, ^m dge aad Wantad Satoa — Motorcyclaa .. 901 Main atreet. Telephone 8304. Mrs. Edward Haalmert. of the dam. The water rose about Cametaiy AssoclaUon of North games were play^ witb iirtsis ESTATE 77 Mrs. Hulda Medicka Poehnert, 81, six Inches on Wednesday. Since of Mr. aad Mra. Rupert Weet snd ■waassas aad Pawfaaadwwal aa Cnventry Second DlatricL Monday fsmUy. awarded to the winners. Rsfreah ■ualnaaa .Barvicaa Oflarad ... WANTED TO BUT or lease of 40 W est streeL wife of EMward the rain and melting snow started erening, Feb. 30, at 7:30 at the home menta were aerved. Roaaabold ■aralcas Offarad .. Poehnert died at her home on the water has been held back tn the Robert West was painfully Injur- Batldlng—CoBtrscilBg with barn >r shed, suitable for of the president H. B. Pomeroy. The UtUo Tbeatsr group has I Florlala—Nuraarlas ...... piga. Phone 5085 between 12 noon Thursday morning followlnff a lake In order that the Hockanum Tueecriy, Feb. 21, 8 p. m., there ed a few dajra ago whUe coasting on lected the play **nw Lkto Cbrtri Faaaral DIracurs ...... and 2 p. m. week's Ulneaa. She was bora tn river might take care of any sur- will be an opportunity for all Dairy- his sled making It neceaaary for aev- her Bean’’ by Sydney Howard, to Haating—Plumbing—BM ias • First Mortgage Saxony, Germany, February 34,1857 plus without damage. men interested In Joining the ArU- eral stitebea to be taken to close the e presented Friday, Marto Slat to Owarmaaa ...... and casM to this city with bar hus- Dlep>iy fflswi. laceration on h|a «i«in m ilaary —Oraaaasablas ...... Belal Inaemlnatloa AaaociaUan of gtbe Warren Memoital Ban for tba LO A N S band S7 yaara ago. With bar hua- A Biodel plane owde by Joseph ToUand Ooimty to naeet at tba boqw bsneSt of tba VtoHliif H ano Arao- Moaing—Tracking—BUrasa — bsDd aba ealabratad tbalr Offtta wfd- Tba Matbsr aad Daughter baa- Pahllc Passangar gorvisa .... F. H. A. PLAN—OR Zbiker Is on iWspInir nt tbs Randnll or John B. Ktagkbvqr to took over quat raeaaerad bj tha Trilaac, Qiiia elation. Tbd east tabelaff attooM . ftintiru—Pnaarua ...... WAPPING diagr aanhraraary thraa weeks affo. store and Is attracting eonsldsnhle the plana aad agrafniMiL aad rabsanato undw too dtoootteri Profaaaloiul Baraleas ...... She was an attandaat at the attenUon. TIm plane has an eight Stogy dub bald at tba Fedarated Bapalring ...... INS. CO. MONEY MRS. W. W. QRANT Mr. aad Mra. O. O. Anderaon re- church Wadnaadey evening was a of Wilfrad T. Smitb of Wrimset Union Congregatloiial church. She foot wing sprend and the body In port aeelng a large Sock of tehlai atreet wOl etort February SOtb. Tallortag—Dyaing—Claanlag . CONSTRUCTION LOANS 8809, Manchaatar leaves her husband, Edward Poeh- about live feet long, being buUt decided aucceee. A comaURee from Tollat Ooeda and Sarvlea . . . . . Wednesday morning before the thtm- the Men’a club prepared aad aerved Visiting Matrons and Patrono Wnniad—Bualnaaa 8ai-a1oa ••• No CoinmissioiiB or Bonnscs. nert; two eona, William of Rock- along seaplane picms. The plane der shower. - night win be obeerved a t a epeetoJ Cdacattawal Gerhardt E. RaaL suparlntendaat ville and Charles of Hartford; two has a gaMllne motor and will be Mr. aad Mrs. Walter Pomeroy ro- the banquet and served 97 mothers aad daughters and foster daughtera. meeting of tbe Baber Chapter, Nos ^nrsM ana Clasan ...... of the South Windsor brothers. Max Medlcke of this city tried out next summer at Snlpelc eantly visited their aunt,' Mra Wil- 74, O. E. 8., MotKtoy night. Febru- 'W laata Inatrostlona u ...... Slid Louis Medlcke of PIttsfleki; a lake The menu, baked fresh ham. Har- 0»heloa ...... The Lom as & -Windsor seboolsi has annouDoad liam Pike of Daalrison. ary 81st at 7:68. Mrs. Ruth Lsk- Mualeal—Ornaaatla ...... Mrs. Walter Pomeroy attended the vard beeta, candled aweet poutoea mann. Worthy Matron of Hope Wanfad—Inatrortlona ...... N ettleton Co. that the achools In the two towns funeral of her unde, Warren Hobby and apples, reUxbca, rbUs. coffee. Ice Chapter, Rockvina and Charles A. —. PtaaiMial will be In sesaton on Monday, Tues- •Ylarden LoTeUnaea In Interior Dee- rent season. H ie club la being spoo- of Gurleyvine, on Wednesday aftsr- eream aad cookies. A musical enter- Hartford — 1-8212 day and Wednesday of the week of McOslIum. Worthy Patron of Louts ■eada—atoeba—llortgaaaa ... Onr Repreaeatgtlve la Towa oration.” There was an exhibit of aored by the Vnralty dub, another noon. tainment eonalated of a piano solo Chapter, ThompoonvUlo, erfll pre- maslBsaa OpaortanItUa ...... February 37th. aatlqua prints, pictures, laos, pot- Itanay to Loon ...... •I Every Week. nthletie organlnsUon within the by Mias Ooetaring, daughter of Mr. side during the Initlatkm. Refresb- That week had originally li tary, coats of anna, ne^ework and school. Each member upon qualify- and Mrs. Fred Qotbrtog of Grant ■alp aoS aUwnalowa scheduled aa the period tor the ments will be served after tbe mset- Malp Wnnind—Pamala ...... || othw nrtlrtes used In Intarior deco- ing as a member, will be given a ptai. HIU aectloa of ToUand. a jdano aolo tag. Bslp Wantad—Mala ...... It mid-winter vacation. This was done ratioaa. provided by the m^bero. by Mlaa Dorothy Ouatber one of the ■ AttiUo Barblerl of Main street, Salcamau Wnatad ...... *a-A In order to make up for time lost TOLLAND ®alp Woniad—Mala or Pamala.. If due to the hurricane. On Wednaa- Tils young people of Wlndaorville Young People's group of the church, will be guest artist at a perfbrm- Methoim tmutch, are planning to MRS. JOHN R. 8TEEUB two vocal aolos by Mra. Charlse ance to be held Monday nlgbt In Agaou Wantad ...... a t-a day, March 1 the schooia will does CURB QUOTATIONS 639-4, Roekvflb Blnatlona Wantad—Pamala . . . . II at 1 p. m. He also aiuwiinead that preosnt n three-act eomedy entitled Sdiulta of Snipric section with Mrs. St Mary’s ban, Windsor Locka Mr. mtwailona Wanted—Mnia ...... How Much *Toor Plitliar'', ta the parlors of the Sarah West aa piaataL Mrs. Agnes Barblerl to a former reridep Baipinymam Aganelaa ...... the acboola wrould be In church the last part or February. that town. Mwa atark Paaa PawU u — Vahleira February 22nd, "Washlngtoa's Birth- Mr. aad Mra Furlong Flynn of DanMs Pratt of Windsor aad Tol- Doga—Birds—Pau ...... ti Is Your Old day" In order to com|ky With the Formation of a "Pep Club” among By ASSOCIATBD PBB8S Windsor who were former Tolinnd land who has mads a apeclal study The postponed meetkig of Uve ktoek—Vahlclas ...... ti law. which requires that the schooia the student body of the Ellsworth Asad O at and El A ...... resMente were guests of Tolland of varlotw sorts of hobbles gave a Stafford Repubitcan dub win Fanltry and dappllaa ...... «| friends Wednesday evening. held Monday night. Fate 30tk In tb ^ Wsatad— Pats— Ponltry—etach II must be In aeaalon for a eertaln Memorial High school Is now under- Am Sup Paw ...... 1 most InUreetlng talk on this sub- Radio Worth? number of days each year. How- way, aocotxllng to Coach Hugh Cits Serv At the bualnees meetliril o( the ject dtlng many peopla of her ao^ club rooms on Main atreeL Priri Pat Sala. Miaaallaaanwa dent Percy Partelo win praride at Artlclas Par Sals ...... ai ANSWER: Year oM regie la ever. he said, fitting obsarvanea of Oreer.. Tba aim of the club Is to Cits Serv., pfd ...'...... ( Tolland (Community Men'a club com- qualntanee who becama famous wtao Daata and Aeoaaaorlaa ...... 44 the day will be carrtad out In 4dl Increase Interest in the social and mlttee held at the home of WUUaa the nieeting which win slait.at'S. arertk more NOW In tnula El Bond and S hare...... atartad early la Ufa with a hobby. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B, Bnarikar •atidins Mntartala ...... «i achools. athlatic doings of tha cntlrs seboM. Nlag Hud Pow . . Anderaoo’a Wedneedey evening. It Mambara of the Child Study etaib DIaaoBda—Watahaa—Jawalyy .. <1 then It will ever be this year. of Weet Stafford are paienta of a Baetrlcal Aapllaeeea—Radle .. o The South Windsor Garden dub To he able to Join this new organisa- Pitney Bowes ... eaaaoaae waa the sense of tha meeting to In- eommlttoa aad the Man's club com- held Its meeting at the Wood M^ tion. the applicant must attend at aoB born to them at tba Waraen Faal sad Peed ...... ^..ii. a BENSON’S Segal Lock ...... vite Rev. J. Arthur Edwards, pastor mtttes who mads this meeting aucb Maternity RocpKal. SpctngMd on 4lardai>—Parm— Dairy PradocU M moiikl Library, with a dlaeuasian oa'least thres horns games of the cur- UUI Pow and U of the RockvIUe Methodlat duirch, to a aurrias, are to ba oongratulatad. ^B sabsld Oaada ...... II la offering the biggest tgade. February 14tb. S t Valantbie'a day. Maeblaary aad Tools ...... u Maalaal lastrojaaau ...... U taw tai toasB OB MW 19W taaffal Offlos aad Stars BeaipoMet ..m 14 MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NUB8B Spacials al tbs Slarss ...... M PhOco . T^-Tale Prints Waerls* spparsi—Psrs ...... It Wbalsd-Ts Buy ...... M Zenith • RCA*Victor ■ s a w s B i n d - ■sasls Bsssaas RADIOS BAOLYAEJCT toO O O H BlW BN S/ HUBSSTaOUPBO. viOCMiVOi LOOM ACT T H B T IM e.* WTEKUem.* WQ«K10O»^^| WUbeut a«e tat mmt saMat Uw m oM • • w .U -A AhtoAHririfiS tw eco r-o .M want fraai Mw tanaal BLooewty OOU-WI - - a ■ ■ f fl — a— m w ------a------a — ■eOM AV BHUOlO/ Waatag Baama Wiiard ...... exm usrep ■aal Sstwas Paa Bswa Priced 19.95 - 5200. Apaitmaala, Plata Taaaeaaata . . SLBeR.. Daataaa Lsaatlasm ta t Haat . . . Eaaaaa Far Baai Frgg Hoffic Triffl! Long E rst T crau. iraalad ta Esm CALL 3585 t MMIIW Car Bala . Piaaailf lay gala ... Aaff tty real taffio am ike m i Laat MS Sala . . . AH aak ea af raffiaa. w S ale ------— Bala ...... : FhapoaTy 9w Swa . . . . BENSON , Sbb Ablb •••••••WMM FURMITURE ft RADIO na Mali EA Mmaao Blaeh AttirbrBlMr ^vnUua IlMatt , n t T O A T , n S B B U A B T i f , II

Oroup No. $ of tha Memorial Roa* a pubMo haaibig Mat Blgtat iMusad nlterad. After haaftnlt the objao- HigbUnd etrest* while Barrett nttal aimiUary, Mrs. D. M. OaldwaO, to grant thrsa petittaas submitted Uons, the Beard ruled against tha wished to add Riaoe to a throe car ABODTTOWM leader, will meet Monday afternoon BOARD REFUSES for its approval, and tabled a fourth. patlUoner. garage locatad at 98 S t John street at 3 o'clock at the Clinic building on Taro of the requeeta denied asked Also turned down were petitions Tabled was the request of Sher- Tb« aannal mmiUat t i tb» Rad Haynes street. for axceptinns tram realdeaea A none of Michael Goraian anu AUen Bar- wood and Austin Beechler who ask- Special Prices To Close Uaa's B uild^ AMOctatloo, Ine., niREE PETmOHS rules, while another wished a change rett. Oormaa sought approval for ed the right to remodel a two family win IM held Suwlmy at 10 AccordiM to vital statistlch in the in the rural section. mtmbtg oiftce of 'Town Cleric Samuel J. the erection of a gasoline sution dwelling at 16 Winter street into a Out Balance of Stocks •relock at tba dubrooniab Turklagton. Manchester's birth rata Denied was the patltloa at R. Alan B*nr the Junction at Porter and four family structur* has Jumped to new highs during the Phllp who sought to bare approved Tayet Om Reqnest For his desire to erect an addition to a Oaranca R. Rarltaca, amplojred as yesr Just passed, and so far this year In Various Lines O f Jaattor at tha Hi(tUand Park school Is maintaining a high level. During business building at 881 East Cen- aa Mortar atrsst, haa mad a votun- the past month there were 39 births Farther Stndjr; Tightens ter street, land surrounding which taiy patlUoa in baaknqitcy In wblck as against IB for January 1938, In is In the A sons. Pidlp engages in Winter" Merchandise ha Bats his aasett at 1030 and hla Deceihber there were 29 b|rtbs, and the milk and ice cream buslnese and .A '!;’ UabillUaa at $1,017. Creditors Urine during preceding months tha rate Up On Maknig Exceptions wanted additional space. Two resi- Early In Manchester are recorded as PhUlp was higher than that of a year be- dents, Henry Armstrong and Ernest All 50c Heavy Lswta, $67; Joseph Tedford. $123 fore. Benson, speaking for bis father, Psnonal Plnanos, $80; Manchester Adolph Benson, aroaa in opposition Tightening up on the granting of ho^pttal, $95. W. J. Haeulrs of Hoi to the petition submitted by Phllp. Spring Winter Hose fC pr* Ijmeod, Cal., is Hated as being owed exceptions to the soning regulations, It was their contention that the $900. ASKS PAHI ONS the Zoning Board of Appeals after character at the tone should not be Fashion Men’s High Grade Heavy Sunset Rehekah lodgs which glrtne a puhUc hridfs party Monday REPORT BREAKS STsalng in Odd Fellows hall, calls Dictates attaetion to the fact that In their Wool Hose 2 $1*25 advsrUsement in jresterday’s Herald tha adfnlssioo fee was double what Features These Regularly $1.00 pair. Only a few pair in thin it should bs. The playing prises are Cafl h O b Long Extended in cash and a permanent wave will Come early for this bargain! be given as an attendance prise by Very Mannish Mrs. Harriet Schailer Horan. Electric hteimptions So- Style Man Mr* J. M. Millar of Cambridge ren Adriset. street has had as her recent guest, Tailored Men’s Flannel Work Shi Mias Betty Stephens of Waltham, Maas. Tha followlag statement coneem- Rear. $3.00 Value, Now .... . $2. Ing serviM interruptions during the / Hale’s St. John's Drum and Bugis corps gala on Wednesday was Issued to- win bars a rehearsal tomorrow at ' o'clock at ths church on Oolway day by Parker T. Soren, manager Rear. $2.50 Value, Now $2-00 SUITS street. Joseph O rs^, Charles of ths Manchester Branch of the ^ M.K.M. Lukas and I. WIertbicki bars been electric company.

appointed a committee to work with 'On Wednesday, during the wind Rear. $2.00 Value, N ow $1.50 Rar. Louis Kacsorowtki, the new pastor, in arranging for new uni- storm, had trouble on our lines First Quality in soma sections o f the town. By forms for the corps members, and tM r pubUe appearance* 4:00 p.ra., Wednesday, as far as we knew, everything was in service, "We called the customers living Silk H osiery Men’s Dress Gloves Tbs office of the Tas Collector at the ends of the various lines ex- will remain open tomorrow after- tending Into the country and found noon until B p. m. for tbs acoom Rear. $6.00 Value, Now . . . that all of them bad electricity. Un- $4*75 modation of those who wish to pay fortunately, six customers on Ver- An exceptional buy at eld age assistance taxes. Dead- non street, on one transformer, were Una for such payments without ad- Reg. $5.00 Value, Now ... „ still without service, due to trouble )c pair this low price. Lined 4-00 ditlonal one dollar penalty is on one of the house services which $ March 1. had blown the transformer fuses. with Earl - GIo Rayon Reg $4.00 Value, N ow ___ _ It was not unUI Thursday, at ll:lo \ $3-25 On account of the annual Father *m., that we received word that Rlngteea Sheer Chiffons, Seml-Chiffnns aad Servtee Weight Satin. Oxford and white and Son banquet tonight at the tbeae customers were still without Ooaoordla Lutheran church, tha Wear this hose and see for yourself why It Is our best seller. stripe, navy and white electricity. These customers had Reg. $3.00 Value, Now ... « young people wiU bowl at 9 o'clock reported the outage to us at a time $2-25 at tha TM.C-A. alley* Tomorrow All new shades. stripe, brown and white when the whole circuit from the araning they will go to Hartford to substation was disconnected. When stripe; also solid colors: Reg. $2.50 Value, N ow ___ bosri at the Morgan alleys. Tbs plan this circuit was again connected and $2-00 la to Isars tha church at 7 and ha- Headquarters For G. E. Appllancea. gta bowling promptly at 8 o'clock. no trouble showed on ths line, we Oxford, brown, navy. assumed that they were taken care '

of, along with the entire section. Tba rocnthly broadcast of the "If, after reporting an outage to Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. Sixes 12 to 20.

Ooanactlcut Stats Federation of the company, service has not been All Wool Gloves Woman's clubs will be given over restored within and 4 hours, we Wnc tomorrow from 9:49 to 10 would appreciate It If our customers Talnes to $1.50. Now ...... $ 1..0 0 a. m., it was announced this after- Green Stamps Given With Ca.sh Sales. would again call u* This will as- noon at tha meeting of tha Cosmo- sist us materially in checking all The H A I ^ COM politan club. The subject will be services and will avoid a repetition M anchist bii Conn* "The Juvenile Court BIH’’. The of this unfortunate incident." 10% OFF ALL MEN’S AND speakers will be Mrs. Ulllan C. Wor- rall of Meriden, co-chairman of the The J.W.HAU COM BOYS’ SWEATERS department of legislation, and Judge MANCHitfm C omm- Edward L. Dennis, Judge of the Windham County Juvenile Court.

Men’s Du<^ld Unionsuits

Regularly $4.50. N o w ...... REBEKAH BRIDGE PUBLIC N CnCE $3-75 Odd Fellows Hall

Mooday, Feb. 20, 8 P M .

'Hass! Bata! Adns. SSe. SATURDAY DUOFOLD 2 PC. GARMENTS Psiwianent Wave tar To Electric Refrigerator Buyers AMsadanee P rte! Regularly $2.50. Now, per garment .0 0 At Hale*s Drug Dept, $2

A OEHUmE O. E. FULL 6 CUBIC FOOT MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S 500 Sheet K leenex...... 28c

Entertainment and 50c Ipana Tooth Paste . ... 39c

Movingr Pictures 35c Vick’s Vapo Rub ...... 27c OVERCOATS of the 1939 R e frig e ra to r

25c-75c Bayer Aspirin . . 1 9 c - 5 9 c $18.00 Coats N o w ___ 50c Hind’s L o tio n ...... BRITISH ISLES ... 39c $ 15*50

25c niillip’s Tooth Paste ___ 17c Sponaored by St. Mary’a $22.50 Costs Now . • a a r a i a 4 * T < l l $149*95 Men’ s Bible Class 50c Ptmd’s Cold Cream . — 39c $ 17*50

Tonigrht at 8 O’clock 59c $25.00 Coats Now SEE THIS REMARKABLE BUY BEFORE YOU BUY! TgRMS TO SUIT! $ 19*50

St Mary’s Parish $27.50 Coats Now '*#• • "• n it'$ 't I House Hot $21.50


The CORE $30.00 Coats Now . . Adults 25c. Children 10c. JWHAU Water $22.50 Manchistsr Cohn* $35.00 Coats Now .... *VTB • SI ^ ' I Bottles $26.50

MAMMOTH Special!

BINGO Sale o f Men*, and Yoang Men*s Beaedt St James' Chnrch Repair I'nnd

39c St. James’s School Hall

TONIGHT AT 8:.10 each

Headquartcra far

25 Games, G. E. Appliaacaa. $5.00 PeiLGame

aw $50. Door Prize^ Green Staaipa Givaa Divided $25 -1 1 5 . $10 •r With

Entertainment 7 to 8:15 p. m. Trade them ln.«.eat the Taiimtii ticrm a...aaia neat Cash Salca.

Doors Open 8:30 P. M. eeat e f R lvertilde^a

Admission 50c. already-lom ' prteea!

let Words lire mon appreba your old lire* ^ TIm J W H A U CORK Wards liberal allowance goM a long way to ohn help pay for new Riversides. Stop In today. MAUOHSTm C . ^ ^ ^ ^


No Finer Ttrea Made! Rayolite WORK TROUSERS

Only America's finast liras could be bockad teg 98 to 44. by a warranty os strong os Words. Read Ih Range Oil WarOi Up 1W $4,001 “Riversldas ora warronted to give satisfac- $2-95 tory service without GeWf of time or mllm." BINGO

N US’ ! ! ! lou 38% Off Oa Wards Power Oripe! ORANGE HALL - TOMOROW NIGHT — AT 8:30

20 Gaaiaa...... 2#% OFF Woolen BIoosor MenthI J Payment Plan ...... 25 ccirt*

7 Special Galaaa . FUEL on. No need to wait for cosh. Ask Wards tira ...... a...... ,.'. Prixea $5.00 end Woolen Mockinows

Mon for complato detetls. 1 Sweepataka! Am fal. S Free GaaMst W f l R . l F r - M l C k M k / :f Z L l

Dear P rte $5.00!