February 27, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1227 her family may not be with her any Betsy served as a budget analyst focus- was a stalwart on civil rights as a Sen- longer. ing on some of the largest, most com- ator, defying filibusters and the wrath Stories such as Angie Cain’s story, plex, and politically sensitive programs of his colleagues to make this prin- the story of Sara Wolff, and individuals in the Department of Defense. cipled stand in the 1950s and 1960s. across the country like Sara and Angie After years as an outstanding budget It was Senator Everett Dirk- are the reason we have to pass the analyst, Chairman Inouye appointed sen who worked with Members of both ABLE Act. They don’t need a lot of Betsy to serve as the staff director of parties to help pass the historic Civil help. They need just a tool, one tool in the Subcommittee on Defense in Feb- Rights Act of 1964 50 years ago this their toolbox, to be able to reach down ruary 2011. It is a daunting job. The July. That Dirksen Senate seat would and have the opportunity to have their subcommittee oversees more than half later be filled by three of the nine Afri- families save in a way that will help of the Nation’s discretionary budget, can-American Senators who have them down the road. plus tens of billions more for the costs served in this body—more than any The Centers for Disease Control and of overseas conflicts. other State in the Nation. Prevention estimates that 19 percent of As staff director, Betsy has done an In 1992, became Americans live with one or more dis- outstanding job of serving me this the first and only African-American abilities, 12 percent live with severe year, and Senator Inouye before me. woman to serve in the Senate. In 2004, disabilities, and many of them are un- But more importantly, her time here I was joined here in the Senate by sure about their ability to cover their was in service to the Senate, the Na- , who would of course go basic expenses in the future because tion, and our Armed Forces. on to become the first African-Amer- they are unable to build adequate sav- During her service, she had been ican President in American history. ings. handed the unenviable task of reducing Roland Burris assumed his seat when We talk a lot about how folks should the defense budget by scores of billions President Obama moved into the White save. We encourage people to save for of dollars. House. college. We encourage families to do Many said that the cuts could not be The Senate has since welcomed Sen- that, and we encourage people to save made without sacrificing major critical ators of South Carolina, Mo for all kinds of things. Just the prin- military capabilities, but Betsy and Cowan of Massachusetts, and CORY ciple itself—to save and to conserve—is her staff proved them wrong. Betsy BOOKER of New Jersey. This 113th Con- a good one to espouse and to advocate. made the numbers work, and there is gress marks the first time that two Af- But we have to give, in this instance, no doubt in my mind that our Nation is rican-American Senators served con- families an opportunity to save for a more secure today because we got currently. loved one with a disability or, in some many of these budgetary decisions The Senate is changing to better re- cases, more than one disability. So right. flect the diversity of this Nation, but whether it is Sara Wolff or Angie or This is Betsy Schmid’s last week the pace of that change is painfully others, we have to give them an oppor- with the Subcommittee on Defense. slow. Our challenge is to shape a na- tunity to do that and give their fami- She has been given an offer that she tion where America’s leaders look like lies that opportunity. simply could not refuse. I wish her well America and where the talents of all When you see that number of Mem- and know she will contribute in impor- people are welcomed. bers of Congress—400—coming to- tant ways, but we will miss her. We proudly celebrate the tremendous gether, I believe it is not simply a During her service in the Senate, she work of the courageous men and question of whether this will pass but has continued the tradition of biparti- women who have come before us to only a question of when the ABLE Act sanship and putting the men and make this country a better place. Dur- will pass. I hope that will take place in women of the Armed Forces and Intel- ing this month, as we do throughout the next couple of months and that we ligence Community first. No one has the year, America continues to fight so can get every single Member of the worked harder to achieve these goals, that we may all live in a fairer and Senate and House to join us. working late nights, weekends, and more equal nation. This is one major thing we could do more than a few holidays to serve her f this year to show the American people country to the utmost of her consider- SENATE EMPLOYEES’ CHILD CARE we get it when it comes to one chal- able abilities. CENTER lenge that a lot of families face. So with this distinguished record of f public service, I would like to provide Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I my sincere thanks and congratulations wish to recognize the 30th anniversary TRIBUTE TO BETSY SCHMID to Elizabeth Lynne Schmid. I wish her of a special place in our Senate com- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, 13 the very best in her future endeavors. munity—the Senate employees’ months ago, I inherited an awesome re- f childcare center. The teachers and ad- sponsibility. In the blink of an eye, I ministrators at the center are some of had become Chairman of the Defense BLACK HISTORY MONTH the unsung heroes of the Senate, and it Appropriations Subcommittee, a posi- Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I is a privilege to be able to pay tribute tion long held by Senator Daniel rise today in recognition of Black His- to them today. Inouye. tory Month. The Senate employees’ childcare cen- It was daunting to step into the shoes First established in 1976 as part of ter opened its doors on February 27, of a member of the ‘‘greatest genera- the U.S. Bicentennial, President Gerald 1984, as the result of a small group of tion,’’ a Medal of Honor recipient, and Ford marked the inaugural Black His- Senate employees who came together one of the most respected advocates for tory Month with a call to ‘‘honor the as parents to create a childcare pro- the men and women who serve our too-often neglected accomplishments gram for their children that would best country in uniform. It was my good of black Americans in every area of en- meet the unique needs of Senate em- luck that the gavel I inherited came deavor throughout our history.’’ ployees. Although operating out of dif- with Betsy Schmid, the staff director The State of Illinois has played a sig- ferent buildings, the center has been in of the subcommittee. nificant role in this ongoing struggle continuous operation since its opening Betsy first came to the Senate in for justice. President Abraham Lincoln day. In 1989, the center became the February 2002, on detail to the Defense led our Nation through its bloodiest first childcare center in Washington, Subcommittee as a Presidential man- war to save the Union, abolish slavery, DC, to receive accreditation by the Na- agement intern. While it was only a and begin the work we continue to this tional Association for the Education of temporary assignment, I believe Betsy day to end discrimination. Young Children—a hallmark of quality would be the first to tell you that she It was Illinois Senator in the child care world—and it has re- would have done anything to return. who raised the Illinois standard and mained accredited ever since. Return she did, joining the Defense joined in lending support for Hubert Over the years the center has grown Subcommittee as professional staff in Humphrey’s call for civil rights at the in size and has moved locations several March 2003. Over the next 8 years, 1948 Democratic Convention. Douglas times, but one thing that has never

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