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Vol. LXV No. 20 Rock Hill, , Monday, March 30,1987 Winthrop's Centennial Year Cinema, ROTC gets Pix approval close from faculty by TINA EZELL by RANDY PHILLIPS TJ staff writer TJ staff writer The faculty conference ap- No longer will a trip to the proved the addition of Army Re- movies be just a walk away. served Officer's Training Corps A spokesman for Hailey Re- (ROTC) classes at Winthrop, alty, in Rock. Hill, said Stuart said Michael Smith. and Evert sold its chain of Smith, academic vice presi- cinemas to Carmike's Cinema dent and dean of the faculty, Inc. said the idea has been in the Larmor Fields, vice president making since last fall when a of Carmike's Cinema Inc., said, special committee conducted re- as of December 18, 1986, Car- search on the benefits of having mike's Cinema Inc. became a ROTC program. Smith said owners of three cinemas in Rock Dean Lyles headed the investi- Hill - Cinema 4, at Rock Hill gation and found that adding Mall and the Pix and Cinema, ROTC to the Winthrop agenda on Oakland Avenue. would be an excellent choice. According to a spokesman for Lyles presented the findings Hailey Realty, Stuart and of the committee to the Evert sold its chain of Cinemas academic council, and then to because it was losing money. TJ photo by Uandy Looper the entire faculty, which ap- Stuart and Evert Cinema Inc. proved the addition, said Smith. was unavailable for comment. GOING DOWN IN HISTORY - Billy Joye (left) and Bob Lee lower a time capsule into the ground in front of the Winthrop Chapel during Eagle Week. The capsule will be opened in the year 2012. Smith said the program will Fields said the Pix and make it easier for students in- Cinema would be sold because terested in Army ROTC to at- they have only a single screen, tend classes. Rather than hav- not like Cinema 4. ing to go to or "Single cinema units are ob- Prongs to keep pigeons away the University of North solete by toays standards," Carolina at Charlotte, students Fields said. by KAREN PARKER prongs should be installed by lege. President Martha Kime will be able to attend classes He said in order for a cinema TJ staff writer next week. Piper met with ornithologist here at Winthrop. company to make any money, it The college decided to use Dr. Keith Bildstein, an as- It also makes it easier for stu- must have multiple screens to Pigeons at Winthrop that prongs to stop the birds from sociate professor of biol - sion of student allocations com- and a possible budget report to wording in the SGA by-laws 15. There will be an orientation session at 7 p.m.. in Dinkins mittee guidelines last Wednes- be submitted to the allocations with reference to attorney gen- Auditorium. day. committee. eral, a position which senate Acording to Dwight Dicker- Dickerman said the report abolished last semester. AUDITIONS ~ Students who enjoy music are invited man, committee chairman, the would be to "ensure the money The position has been re- to try out for next years membership in the Winthrop Chorale last time the guidelines were is being sued as it is allocated. placed with the position of chief and Winthrop Singers. Both performing groups are open to revised was during 1978-79 "Its purpose is just to keep justice. The chief justice will re- all students, regardless of major, and both are one semester school year. track with so many more groups ceive $300 annually. hour academic courses. To schedule an audition or for more "We're going to put a dead- that are asking for money," he information, call Dr. Robert Edgerton at the school of music, line of Oct. 15 for requisitions said. "I think we got a dozen re- Also, in new business, the 2255. for all groups chartered at that quisitions last semester so number of judicial board jus- time," Dickerman said. He said you're talking 12 to 15 groups tices was reduced from 12 to LECTURE — "Living and Teaching in Kathmandu: A that groups chartered after that that have asked." nine with a quorum being four Himalayan Experience" is the topic for Dr. Steven Million's time would be allowed to sub- The new guidelines will come judges and the chief justice. lecture to be given Tuesday, at 2 p.m. in McBryde 101. It is an approved cultural event. School of business to offer ROTC continued from pg. 1 'The main thing is that this There will be a special schol- is an excellent opportunity for executive masters' program arship available for those who interested students," said by KAREN PARKER Dr. George McGuire, profes- program allows them to earn .a continue the program through Smith. TJ managing editor sor of business and director of graduate degree and not inter- their senior year. the EMBA program, said, "The rupt their careers. Winthrop College will start EMBA is just a logical exten- The EMBA students must Cinema an executive masters degree sion of the other business pro- have at least eight to 10 years continued from pg. 1 of a cinema. program, the only one of its grams the college offers." work experience with at least but budgets around campus will "It depends on the budget and kind in the state, and one of 125 The program is for senior five years in a managerial posi- be tight. since the state is going to cut in the nation, under the school executives who have upwardly tion. Collette Przybyl, Dinkins the budget, we will just have to of business in the fall semester. moving responsibilities. The continued on pg. S Student Union president, said wait and see," Ms. Przybyl said. there are several options that Ms. Przybyl said that she was she is looking at for those who open for suggestions from the do not have a car and are no students. longer within walking distance

MEETING, MARCH 31 8:00 P.M. INTERNATIONAL CENTER THOSE INTERESTED IN HELPING APRIL 8-11, Wednesday. April 1 9:00 p.m. PLEASE ATTEND. Tillman Auditorium $1 with WCID 323-2253



We Appreciate Your Business ESTATE 109 W. Charlotte Ave. BICYCLE SHOP Phone 329-2162 Rock H?l?Mall 945 Mt. Gallant - Love's Plaza 366-8395 Phone 329-2161 Phone 366-3161 All major credit cards accepted THE JOHNSONIAN March 30. 1987 Page 3 Seniors consider future plans "Good friends ...ciTCtuurtiTAu . - .... • by SUSAN WALTON looking early. Look at career in- Doyle also said problems TJ staff writer formation, interviewing arise when students state too don't let good friends techniques, resumes and talk general of goals. She said that Graduation day at Winthrop up the fact that you are targeting goals more specifi- smoke cigarettes:' College is just around the graduating," she said. cally would be helpful. Lorry Hagman corner. In fact, for those who are Ms. Doyle said she believes Ms. McAllister agrees with Cigarettes aren't good for your friends. counting it's a mere 10 weeks that it is important for students the importance of goal setting. Adopt a friend who smokes and help em quit away. to research the company that She said one of the most fre- today. You'll both be glad tomorrow. Dreams of graduation are they will be interviewing with. quently asked questions is often accompanied by the ideas "Researching the company tells "What are your goals and where of having to get a "real job." the employer that you are in- do you want to be five years Winthrop rising graduates terested enough to know about I from now?" seem to have some mixed emo- what could hopefully become Typing Service The Rock Hill YMCA is now accepting ap- tions on the subject of gradua- your company," she said. Doyle said that service indus- plications for swimming instructors and tion. Latrelle McAllister, employ- Ex-secretary will do term lifeguards for the 1987 summer season. try jobs, as a whole, are on an Current advance life-saving. CPR and first Nancy Cody, a senior major- ment coordiator, also has some upswing - both salary wise and papers, resumes, etc ... In aid are required prior to the start of the sea- ing in psychology, has decided suggestions to aid those on the number of positions available. my home. Low rates. Deliv- son. WSI and or YMCA certification is pre- to apply to Winthrop graduate job search. "It's always impor- ferred. For applications or more informa- Computer science, business and ery. 548-2073 anytime. tion. contact the YMCA at 327-2064 school. tant in a job to communicate ef- education jobs, however, are "I picked up folders from the fectively. If you can do so with holding even or are somewhat Placement Center, but decided the employer, your chances are declining. She attributes this to not to mess with it. I just don't much higher of getting the job an overloading of the market. StunJent Talent iSfigikt feel ready to go out and look for over someone who can not. It's "Companies are finding that a job," she said. very important to have both it's easier for them to teach lib- TUESDAY, APRIL 7 Tricia Reyland, a senior strong oral and written com- eral art majors technical skills UNION STATION mqjoring in communications munication skills. than to teach the technical per- and political science, said she "Before you get to the inter- son people skills," she said. 8:00 P.M. has mixed feelings about view chair, you must have a graduating. "Although I've well-done resume or applica- Luckily, it's not all bad news $1 WITH WCID, $2 GUESTS been interviewing and feel posi- tion. Follow the instructions for the graduating senior. In his tive, I still am worried that given to you carefully. book, "Why Should I Hire You?" something will go wrong. I "Remember to be enthusias- Melvin R. Thompson said that worry I won't find a job," she tic and energetic. Appearance the young job hunter has a dis- New Shipment said. and dress are also important, tinct advantage over the more All seniors talked to said they especially in high visibility pos- experienced worker. Casual Comfort from were nervous about finding the itions," she said. "It isn't at all surprising that right job. So, what can a person Doyle said that most com- the very young and inexperi- do to find that all important job? panies that interview at Win- enced job seekers usually do so Jennifer Doyle, director of throp have hired students and well when they receive proper the Placement and Career are positive about this experi- counseling" he said. "The fact Centrf, haTsonie very definite ence. She said, however, that is, they have fewer bad habits to ideas on the subject. there are a few things students break than the older more 'sea- "The biggest thing is to start have problems with. soned' competition." White Black Glove Business week to feature Leather games; student debates by KAREN PARKER Bill Lee, chairman and CEO Kinard Auditorium. TJ staff writer of Duke Power; Les McGraw, McGraw will speak on president and CEO of Fluor "American Business Ethics: Business Week, sponsored by Daniel: and Chris Brooks, de- Down for the Count?" Tuesday the school of Business, is high- puty director of the South at 11 a.m. and at 3:30 p.m. in lighted by several speakers and Carolina Coastal Council, will Tillman Auditorium. events.: Student debates will also be : Dr. Robert Kline, professor of Lee will speak on "Business presented. business management, said, Utilities: The Changes and the The final round of debates White "The main point is to bring chief Challenges" this Wednesday at will be held at 3:30 p.m. today Glove executive officers to the campus 3:30 p.m. in Tillman Au- in Kinard 018, and the resolve Leather to talk to the students." ditorium and at 8 p.m. in continued on pg. 5 Lm. 0/2 ouxnam^ni Reg. 45.00

Saturday, April 4 Other Selections In Leather And Canvas 8:30 a.m. Winthrop Golf Course $2 entry fee THOMPSON'S 1547 Cherry Road, Rock Lots of Prizes £s? Drawings Phona: 366-7214 Open: Monday-Saturday 10-6 Page 4 THE JOHNSONIAN March 30.1987 OPINION (WgODV S06fc($T|

TheOFFICIA L PUBLICATIOJohnsoniaN OF THE STUDENT BOOV Of VWTHBOP COLLEGE n established 1923 Barry Cubbedge Angela Slaton Advertising manager Business manager Lisa Buie Executive editor Mark Wood Glenn Surrette Managing editor Adviser Preachers should stay behind pulpit Heaven's great this year K.r r iwn* ntv » Jim Bakker paid a woman $115,000 in blackmail by LINDA DAY told him to raise eight million can compete with the other reli- money. TJ contributing editor or come home. gion mongers of the boob "tufcfe.' That sounds pretty viable to Witness the big business dlle-> Jerry Falwell is asked to take over the PTL The end of March is ap- me. After all, why would God ministry. gations of a hostile take-over by- proaching and so is the end of pick one man to raise such a Jim Bakker, formerly of.PTLr Oral Roberts gets a pledge from a dog-track Oral Roberts' death watch. large amount of money? Sec- His accusations sound more owner in Florida and is delivered from the jaws of How many of you faithful have ondly, why would God, an all- like corporate politics than death. sent your checks to God in care loving and all-forgiving entity, something that would ever take of and made out to Oral? threaten Oral's life is he didn't place in a Christian environ Jimmy Swaggert has been accused of, but has de- Oral really has me worried. successfully raise the money? ment. nied any attempts to gain control of PTL, through First of all, he has a personal And finally, why should OralIb i e So what if Jim had an "en- diabolical" actions. line to God. I wonder if the afraid to go home to God in counter"? He's human and that In short, the evangelical community in this phone companies have thought heaven? After all, heaven's only proves it. So he's not di- country is in a shambles. about adding something like great this time of year from rectly descended of God ^'he this to their other services like what I've heard. . , . wouldn't have bftt^htj.afrpK;,, It is a pity that citizens of the United States fall call-waiting and call-forward- That may be why Oral is so so to speak, if he were. prey to such slick businessmen as these "televan- ing. They could make millions. worried. He knows it was the And what about Jimmy gelists." It should be obvious to anyone that their Secondly, Oral believes the devil, and he knows he is going Swaggart and Jerry Falwell? "ESlY68. are strictly financial, and their religious devil is schizophrenic. He didn't Iiome to the never-ending Jimmy claims that Jerry's affiliations less than superficial. go into details about what bonfires. lawyer made a veiled blackmail makes him believe the devil is The Missouri-based Assemblies of God, in which Oral is the one who is schizop- threat of this own to Swaggart so afflicted. Maybe it was the hrenic. He wants the money so Sounds like White House in- both Swaggart and Bakker are ordained ministers, devil who was posing as God on that he can continue his minis- will have to take swift and decisive action in order the other end of the line who try on this earth and so that he continued on pg. 5 to retain credibility for the denomination. However, part of the burden of rectifying this crisis lies with the public. If proven misuse of A case of bureaucracy funds, moral misconduct, and drug addiction, as by VAN NORTON her sophomore year. Part of the ended up filling the rest of her with Tammy Bakker, is to be the norm for televis- TJ contributing editor exchange deal was that all her schedule with alternates. ion evangelists, then people are goin?: to have to credits were guaranteed to "So in order to get the whole cease filling the pocketbooks of these businessmen Some people watch life go by. transfer. When she returned, mess straight, I filed for my Some comment on it. I'm a com- with millions of dollars and let the serious "people the only thing in her records fol- senior audit as soon as possible menter. My name's Tuesday. der was a required course sheet, last fall. People I knew that had of God" do their preaching where it really belongs. I'm a columnist. Behind a pulpit. and it was from the wrong filed later than I did began to It was 1:47 p.m. on a typical catalog. get their audits back, but I still Wednesday afternoon when I She got a transcript from re- heard nothing." got the call. A sobbing female cords for her folder, but imagine "What did you do?" I asked. Moms miss out in May voice was saying something her surprise when only half the "I went to the business de- about a senior audit. She was courses she had taken while partment to check on it. They hard to understand so I tried to away were on it. She ran from looked up a file and told me it May 10, 1987-Winthrop commencement cere- calm her down. monies. office to office and finally man- had been sent to the registrar's "Calm down," I said. aged to find the appropriate office. I waited. A few weeks May 10, 1987—Mother's Day. I arranged to meet her at the paperwork to get all her credits. later, I went to the registrar's The administration should examine the calen- Dinkins snack bar since the Going to see her adviser, she office, and they said it had been dar more carefully when planning events which phone conversation was getting found that the only thing that sent beck to the business de- nowhere. We met later that af- had been added to her folder will affect a large portion of the Winthrop commu- ternoon. partment for corrections. The nity. was the paperwork she had just people were nice wherever I She had gotten herself to- completed. The adviser calmly went, but the bureaucracy was An ounce of forethought before setting a gradua- gether and began to explain. informed her that chances were driving me crazy!" tion date would have shed light on the annoyingly "I received my senior audit that the other half, the ones al- "Just the facts, ma'am." inconvenient conflict the commencement poses to today, and it was wrong," ready on her "transcript, "Sorry. Anyway, I finally re- she began. "At this rate 111 wouldn't be counted since they ceived a notice that my audit the popular day of maternal reverence. never graduate." Perhaps the honor of watching a child graduate weren't on the paperwork she was ready. When I went to look "Start at the beginning," I had just done. it over it was wrong." will be enough for some mothers. They definitely suggested. Inspite of all this, she was ad- "Wrong?" I asked. i will not be spending a restful afternoon at home. She sighed, then told her vised for tjie spring semester. "Yes, wrong. It said I still story. She was a business major She ended up getting three of who went on student exchange the six classes she needed and continued on pg. 5 continued from pg. 4 It's time to get these bozos fighting rather than good with their expensive tastes for Christian fellowship to me. glory off the air and back into Which brings me to my point, the local churches where they these self-proclaimed prophets can do more good and less high- of God are no more than mere way robbery. Charity begins at mortals like the rest of us. They home. I'd like to see them let go may have started out with the of their multi-million dollar TV best motives in the world, but stations and such and reinvest money and power tend to cor- the money in places where it rupt. would do more good. Audit continued from pg. 4 courses not explicitly listed as needed Math 105," she said. an alternate in the catalog." "Have you taken Math 105?" "I've never heard of that be- "Well, no..* fore. How did you find out?" "Then what's the problem?" "It's my job," I answered. "That's exactly what they The senior went on to sum- said. The problem is that I took mer school to catch up on Math 201 which is supposed to courses she "suddenly needed." replace 105. It's a higher level The guilty bureaucracy is still course." at large. "I see. Have you filed a course The story you have read is substitution form with the dean more or less true. The names of the business department? It's have been changed to confuse required for comparable the ignorant. Iriteryiew continued from pg. 3 200 participants." wilL?be"The Rights of Women "Eight teams will participate are Adequately Protected in the - finance, accounting, computer Market Place." science, faculty, marketing and A faculty luncheon will be fashion merchandising, held Tuesday at noon in Thur- economics and graduate stu- mond 204. dents and management and of- A dinner will take place at 6 fice management," McCarthy p.m. Wednesday in Joynes Center, and a reception will fol- low at .7 p.m. in McBryde Hall. The;week will end with the scheel" of fbueitteris administra- tion games; The SB A games will include the dizzy lizzy, the frisbee toss and pass the person. Other games will include six- legged race and the hoop hoop hoop. Mark McCarthy, assistant professor of accounting, said, THE FOUR TOPS, and Archie Bell food festival with local and regional "We expect a good turnout with are coming to Winthrop Coliseum. "WE ARE IN NEED OF performers at Cherry Park, barbecue, Sponsored by The York Observer as and music at York Technical College. Brides A FEW GOOD VOICES" a part of the week-long Come See Drink it all in, then come to the Me Festival, the concert begins at 8 Coliseum and groove to the hot p.m., Saturday, April 11. All tickets TELCOM MARKETING tunes of THE FOUR TOPS and the Silk Weddings are general admission and SIO each. lively beach music of Archie Bell. 157 E. Main St. THE FOUR TOPS have engrained Concert proceeds benefit the Young by themselves in Rock n' Roll history THE PROFESSIONAL CENTER Writers Conference at Winthrop 6ilk Designs with chart-busting hits like "Baby, / College. Lower Level Need Your Loving," "/ Can't Help Tickets available at The York Jane Rogers - Designer Suite 100B Myself fSugarpie, HoneybunchL" "It's Observer (II74 Oakland Ave., Rock 324-4084 The Same Old Song," and many Hill), Rock HiH National Bank offices, more. 329-1019 Winthrop Coliseum and The Lobby Make a day of it with a variety of Shop at The Charlotte Observer. Or Come See Me Festival events in and mail the coupon below. Hi-Tech Uideo around Rock Hill — an international PROFESSIONAL VIDEO, AUDIO AND COMPUTER SERVICE Address Four Tops, Charlotte Observer, P.O. Box 33186, Charlotte, N.C. 28233 • T#cy- INTRODUCING DATAFOX - Make checks payable to: The Charlotte Observer. tickets at $10 each. Name Complete PC Compatible system with dot mat- rix printer. 999.00. Datafox 80 88-2. TTL Address monitor star NP-10 printer. City, state, zip. With ever)' purchase, free parallel printer, cable and Phone (dayj one box of TDK diskettes. Additional 5Vc discount on all computer products with valid college I.D. orders must be received by Friday, April 3.

1045 Camden Avenue (803) 324-1155 Rock Hill, S.C. 29730 (The Charlotte (Observer Page 6 THE JOHNSONIAN March 30. 1987 SPORTS Spring fever has hot start by MARK BIESECKER senior pitcher, said that the TJ sports reporter team had a good balance of "freshman enthusiam" and hits athletes The Winthrop College men's "senior experience". "Adding it by MICHAEL SITTS baseball team stands unbeaten all up, I think we'll have an ex- TJ sports editor after 15 games, but head coach cellent season." Arnold said. Horace Turbeville and his Turbeville agreed. He said Spring started the other week, and it is turning out to be players say the team's true tal- that there was a combined 26 quite a successful time of year for Eagle athletes. ent has yet to be tested. years of experience in the first Leading the way are the baseball and softball teams. The 'The real test will be when we seven players of the line-up, baseball team is undefeated, with r. record of 15-0. The start playing every day," said meaning that each player had softball team raised their record to 20-6. Turbeville. "Right now, I played three to four years at Scott Goings, a junior second-baseman, and Drew Hum- couldn't be happier. We had Winthrop. mel. a senior first-baseman, are both batting well over .500 serious questions about our "They are mature," said Tur- percent. They lead a very experienced team with six return- pitching staff and hitting abil- beville, "and they just happen ing starters to the eight field positions. Winthrop has three ity. Basically, we employ a line- TURBEVILLE to have the ability to drive the returning starting pitchers who are seniors. drive, advance-the-runner of- ball deep. The combined ERA is On the other hand, Frankie Griffin, Softball head coach, fensive style. Naturally, we as low as I've ever had, but each had to replace half his team. He had an excellent recruiting count on our pitchers to keep Scott Goins, a junior second pitcher has been able to get year, as he brought in several new players, led by Wendy our opponents off the bases. baseman, who leads the team plenty of rest. That's going to Wilks and Kim Harley, both freshman. Currently everyone is loose and with a .561 batting average. "I change when we start playing The team won their 19th and 20th games in a double- playing well, and that's a good think the key to our success so every day. If we continue to hit header sweep of Augusta College. Ms. Harley pitched a no- sign." far is that we're all good friends. the ball, that will help." hitter in the first game, extending her scoreless streak to 35 "Sure we're hitting, but we These guys ease the pressure by "We haven't really been consecutive innings. really don't know how good we joking around. Actually, we're tested yet," said JefF Dodig, a The season for the tennis teams has been a roller-coaster are," said Drew Hummel, a laid back until someone presses senior outfielder. "But when we ride. As of March 15, the men's team had a 5-7 record and senior first baseman. "The next us." start seeing faster pitching, I and weathered two three-game losing streaks. The women's couple weeks will be the true But while the Eagle bats are think the good hitters will ad- record was 6-7, and they had recovered from a six-game los- test. Regardless, I don't see us on fire, credit must also be just." ing streak to post the last two victories. losing too many games." given to the pitching staff. They Jimmy Malseed, another The golf teams have begun their seasons, and this will Hummel is one of 11 batters have a combined 1.35 ERA. senior outfielder, said, "We've mark the first spring season for the woman's squad. hitting over .300. The Eagles "This is the best hitting team seen pitchers that are travel- Intramural softball has received a load of interest, with a have outscored their opponents that I've been on, but the pitch- ling around 83 miles per hour. men's league, a women's league and a co-ed league. In fact, 201 to 31. They have collected ing has been right there with the men's league had so many applicants that all the teams The big test will be when we 219 hits and 30 home runs. the hitting," said Derrick face our first hard thrower. We weren't able to be scheduled at the regular times. This re- "We've got a lot of guys who Quinn, a senior pitcher. sulted in teams having to play at odd times and days. feel we are good, but that re- really hit fastballs well," said George Arnold, another The spring holds an excellent and variable array of sports mains to be seen." events. So go out, enjoy the sun and support the Eagles. Men get by early losses by ERIC FEARN South Conference opener. the second doubles position and TJ sports writer They followed this by beating have recorded a 5-4 record. Augusta College and Radford 9- The Eagles overall singles re- The Winthrop men's tennis 0 and 7-2, respectively, to raise cord is 28-42; the second and team has improved their sea- their conference record to 2-1. third positions having the sonal record to 5-7 after a very Ray Thompson has recorded a strongest showing with 6-6 re- rough start. 5-7 mark playing in the number cords. Tlie men began their season one singles position. The men's overall doubles re- with a pair of 9-0 defeats at the Playing in the second posi- cord is 16-19. The first position hands of the tion is Bruce Erskine, who has the best showing at 7-4. and Furman Paladins. sports a 6-6 record. With thoughts of recovering Two players have played in from the first two blow-outs, the the third position thus far this SCHEDULED SPORTS EVENTS Eagles fell short, dropping a 5-4 season for the Eagles. Mike Sasebai March 30 Francis MaronCoi-esc- Forence 300 decision to UNC-Charlotte. Fol- Griffith has a 5-5 mark, and Apr,i2 Campbe'iUn.veis:, Bi.cs Creek NC 300 lowing this three-game skid, Karim Balagh a 1-1 mark. Apr» 3 CampbeuUftvetS! BuesCreek.NC 200 the men snapped back to win April s Pembroke S:a:e Pembroke NC 200 Three players have played in Aprn 6 Gardner-Webb two in a row. They first beat the fourth spot. Griffith is 0-2, Boi ngSpr.ngs NC 200 Sotei Slippery Rock, 7-2, and then Balagh is 0-1 and Roberto Oliv- SUPER SUNDAY Marcn31 Furman Umversi!y(2) Greer, e stopped St. Francis, 6-1. ero is 4-5 playing in that posi- April 3-5 U otV.rgmalrv! Charge. NC The men then went 3-4 over tion. Apr'6 ArrrsirongSlaletf) Rock H i RAFTING TRIP a seven game stretch between Olivero is 1-2 and Dan Parris Men's Goil March 10th and 15th. 4-4 playing in the team's fifth Maw 30 '.Vrgaielnwa'. or* on the Nantahala River They began this stretch with position. April 2-3 WnttwoolnvtaiiCna! another pair of 9-0 losses, this Rounding out play in the •'.cmensGoi' Saturday, April 11 time to Georgia Southern and sixth position are Scott Aprs 3-5 Ou»elnv-raiiora; Florida College. They then lost Forham, 0-2, Parris, 0-3, and Men s Terns $20 per person Ma:cn30 Larser ween* ooo their third in a row, dropping a Jean Bonnard, 2-4. Wared 3' Augi.s:a Rock H.i; match to Temple University 6- The Eagles team play has Apr , 3 Campbe.. nCCX Hm limited to 14 participants •pr i L mestonePresD.ter-anRockH'n 3. been the strongest in the first Charleston On March 12th the men doubles position. Thompson Asnevoie. NC Sign up at broke their second three-game and Erskine have posted a 7-2 skid of the season with a 6-3 de- record playing first this season. a"j -.g.sta RackHJi Dinkins Information Desk feat of Brunswick. Also effective this season is Apr.; A,-;erscr Arcerscr Apr. 3 FresC,:er ar RockH. The next day the men lost 9-0 the doubles tnam of Griffith and Apr:. A Larger ROCk Hi by Thursday, April 9 to Armstrong State in their Big Olivero. They have played in Apr ; Cnaresror Civ.r ?s:c-r ———^ THi "rE- JOHNSONIAN Marcmarch 30,198au, ls»7 Page 7 Scholarship founder wants people to learn

by TINA EZELL •trinr* Cmi*L -i. A. .1 * 4 /\A/\ .« « by TINA EZELL of their livelivoes serving South started in 1982, even though TJ staff writer Carolina teachers, principals Werts said he wants to help letters and send cards." the Werts' had given money for as many people as he can. He and administrators. Before many years before. The money Werts lives in the same house Fred K. Werts believes in Mrs. Werts' death in 1981, she said that a few years ago, some- he shared with his wife. He said quality education. not used has been invested so one wanted to decrease the helped 39 years in the that the scholarship will con- he keeps it the way it was when And he knows how expensive schools of Aiken, York and amount given, but he said, she was alive. Werts said he it can get at times. So he has de- tinue. "no, we'll keep it at $500." If the Inman. Mrs. Bargar said a large por- still takes pleasure in seeing cided to help out by giving The Werts' had no children of interest earned on the account people learning. He said the $5,000 to Winthrop College in tion of the money came from the increases, then Werts said more their own, but their students sale of a home the Werts' do- scholarship is for people who memory of his late wife, Ruby were like the children they will be given. want to go into the profession he Hipp Werts, making the total nated to Winthrop. "I know how hard it is to sup- never had. Werts said he and This scholarship is "special," and his wife devoted their lives he has donated more than Mrs. Werts worked hard, in- port yourself in college," he to, but he takes very little credit $45,000. she said, because we "try to give said. vested money when they should several so that the most can be- for it. "Both my wife and I were for- and looked to the future. They Students are grateful, said "I'm not seeking praise for nefit from the Werts' generos- Werts. He said he hears from tunate to receive scholarships were able to give money to both ity." myself," he said, "I'm doing this when we were in college," said Newberry College and Win- some and "two still write nice in honor of my wife." Werts. throp and it is at these two col- Werts graduated from New- leges that the Ruby Hipp Werts berry College in 1929 and Mrs. Scholarships are awarded. Werts was a 1932 Winthrop Preference is given to stu- graduate. dents majoring in elementary He said that because someone education because, according to had helped them, they were Werts, that's Mie way his wife able to finish school, get jobs would have wanted it. and return the favor by helping ...TO OUR Media Relations Coordinator other students. Beth Bargar said the scholar- The Werts' have spent much ship in Mrs. Werts' name was SPRING DAYLIGHT BREAK DON (IIS 0^ TO CROW DONT SALE Bring in this coupon WALK and receive Great Idea For Mixers 20% Discount for Groups 10% off 5 doz. or more order Bring this ad for a Free Donut (of your choice) No Purchase Necessary OFF limit one per customer 1164 Cherry Road ENTIRE Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 324-2667 STORE! • • • •'p 3.u • • RUN! Good with coupon ONLY MU Not Valid with other Discount Promotions. -fas? Expires April 15, 1987

r-2* LubmJeKra* MAURICES m Where Fashion Doesn't Cost A Fortune ROCK HILL MALL Page 8 THE JOHNSONIAN March 30,1987 _i Masters continued from pg. 2 gram," he added. The curriculum consists of 17 McGuire said 240 inquires required courses with no elec- have already been received c<&- tives. The program will run for cerning the program. two academic years, for four Executives who have asked semesters with summer breaks. about the EMBA include mes- The students will meet for one cal doctors and certified public full week at the beginning of accountants. each semester, and on alternat- ing Fridays and Saturdays after that. The class day will be from FAMILY EYE CLINIC 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost for the program will be $14,400. McGuire said this • jf • Dr. J. Britxt Blackwel l covers room, board, tuition and textbook costs. The students OPTOMETRIST will eat and live in Joynes Center. QUALITY EYE CARE McGuire said clases will be li- CONTACT LENS CLINIC mited to 20-25 people. McGuire expects the program OPTICAL SHOP to be a success, saying, "Win- RAY BAN SUNGALSSES throp College is in an advan- tageous geographical location: it is within reach of Charlotte, Sat. Appt's & Spartanburg, Greenville, Col- 7 p.m. Thurs. umbia and Clemson." TJ photo by Mandy Looper "It is the only college in South 15% Student Discount MUSICAL TRIBUTE The Ebonites perform during the time capsule ceremony which was held Carolina and the greater Char- during Eagle Week lotte area to offer such a pro- Need Papers Typed? Will type term papers, re- READ sumes, etc ... on IBM letter quality printer. TJ Call Bernie Eggen at 324-0654 Martin Art and Frame Shop 15% off all Art Supplies For Winthrop Col. Students min. purchase $5.00 EAGLES LANDING NOW LEASING FOR FALL 1987

Hrs. 8:30-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 9:00-3:00 Sat. £ $695 Semester We also Mat and Frame Art ($100 security deposit) ChriyRd. Martin's 328-6103 or WANTED: $175 Monthly ($175 security deposit) 10 students to work as coders in a research project. Paid positions. Contact Dr. Leo Kivijarv or G.A. Surrette Department of Communications Call 329-5298 323-2121