Minutes of the Meeting of and Old Community Council Held in the Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre (ANYiso), 11 Keal Place, Blairdardie at 7pm on Monday at 7pm on 18th February 2019 1. Apologies for Absence: Community Councillors: Mrs E Craik City Councillors: Baillie Anne McTaggart, Paul Carey. 2. Minutes of Meeting Held on Monday 21st January 2019 Proposed: Mr Mathieson Seconded: Mr McBride. 3. Matters Arising not on the Agenda: No information yet re Blairdardie Pavilion designated for self -build and demolition of existing school. 4. Police Report: Blairdardie/Old Drumchapel “AE” Subdivision. Inspector Edward Seery –Drumchapel and West Police 532 3655The Drumchapel Office 220 Road East G158PT Contact 0141 532 3600 or 532 3655. Community Police Sergeant Alistair Reid. For “non” emergencies call 101 rather than “999”. The Community Constable PC Cara Hamilton-Brown reported on the local crime statistics since the last meeting. 37 crimes with 29 detected. 4 Assaults 3 detected. 4 drugs 4 detected. 9 antisocial behaviour 8 detected. 5 thefts from vehicles/ homes 1 detected. One theft of car motor vehicle. One detected. 10 road traffic reported and 9 detected. 4 other crimes reported 4 detected. A large quantity of tablets recovered locally. Car detained being driven without insurance. Incident in February with bogus workmen in Kiniver Dr. CID have taken this on board. Comment: In the Kiniver Drive incident the person concerned was taken on two occasions to the bank by taxi to withdraw £500 by the men involved for “claimed” necessary remedial building work. On the third occasion the bank teller was suspicious and refused to pay out the £1,000 requested in cash. Answer: A van has been noted on CCTV. Will full fire raising in the area with vehicles being set on fire, apparently randomly, in Keal Avenue, Moraine Drive and Kiniver Drive. Difficult to detect. Question: A suspicious white SEAT car noted in area. Answer: Will follow up. Question: Former police station on Gt Western Road. A rear window appears to have been jemmied open. Answer. Will follow up but understand work is taking place in the building. Question: Parking and positioning of railings and bollards on pavement edge at new Blairdardie Primary. Answer: Drop an e-mail to Ballie Balfour re the railings, bollards etc. Re parking contact 101 and ask for the Drumchapel Problem Solving Team. Will attend school re parking when possible. Comment: The local Neighbourhood Watch and Crime Prevention Panel, following a presentation on “trauma teddies” for children who have been the subject of an assault, are knitting “trauma teddies”. 5. City Councillor’s Report Baillie Malcolm Balfour-0141 287 3921 MoB: 07881 282623. Drumchapel/. Ward 14 Had a local walkabout in the area. Still to hear back from the GHA re some issues. Parking, bins lights etc should be done. The drains/gulley’s are due to be cleaned. One issue was the number of pigeons in the area. It might be advisable to contact the Environmental Health people re public health. Comment: 84 to 102 Keal Avenue have ledges which attract roosting pigeons. Could these be blocked off. Window sills are getting pigeon droppings. After recent hospital infections people are concerned. Question: People in Kearn Place and Avenue feeding pigeons. Rats and mice noted in this area. Answer: Am aware of the issue Question: I am aware of a bye-law regarding feeding wildlife which Environmental Health can act on. The council have lettered various residents. have warning notices re feeding swans at Park pond. Answer: Am aware Environmental Health have been involved with foxes. Question: Regarding a pigeon loft in a back garden. Is this in contravention of an Act whereby such a structure should be a certain distance from a residential property? Answer: I have spoken to planning. But it appears to depend on the size of the structure and if there is room to pass between the structure and the wall of the house.


Question: Could Environmental Health be involved? Answer: Will raise it with them Comment: My husband had a pigeon loft in the Anniesland area and received full planning permission. Question: Did write a letter re feeding pigeons next the play area at Keal Avenue. Answer: Have a meeting with Andrew Waddell, roads department and will raise the roads issues with him. Also, a meeting next week with Karen Venables the local Ward 14 Community Safety Area Co- ordinator. The Community Safety Organization has been brought back within the City Council. It comes under the remit of Communities & Environment a committee I chair. Will raise the pigeons with her. It might be possible to have a clean up team in the area. Question: Could a predator like an eagle be brought in. Answer: Birds of prey i.e. a hawk, were brought in at one time. A sparrow hawk has been “active”locally. Comment: Karen Venables had a letter re-the pigeons in the area and people feeding them. Answer: Person noted feeding could possibly be charged with littering. Question: Do GHA tenants pay a service charge for window cleaning etc? This include window sills Answer: The residents pay a service charge and can pay a fee for back garden areas. Question: Safety of fire cladding on both the multi-storey and flats in Keal Avenue.? Could the community council see any information the GHA have re-fire testing of the cladding? All residents seem to have is “word of mouth” assurances that the cladding cant go on fire creating a Grenfell Tower incident Car set on fire and wheeled bins being set on fire locally. Could this set cladding on fire? Answer: I understand our MSP had assurances from GHA that cladding has been fire tested. I will write to the GHA and suggest the community council write in as well. All we can do is ask if they can provide copies of fire checks. GHA assured city councillors after the horrific Grenville Tower incident that all buildings that had cladding had been fire tested. Question: Bad pothole on west bound middle carriageway of Great Western Road at Knightswood Cross. Answer: Might not be in Ward 14 but can still report it. Kaystone Road. One- way sign SD857 on top of wall has been reported. All red ash pitches in primary schools to be replaced with MUGA pitches. Elspeth Kerr- 0141 287 5931 Drumchapel/Anniesland. Ward 14 Free phone RALF on 0800 37 36 35 to report pothole and road defects. I have been in contact with Network rail regarding clearing rubbish on railway side of lane at rear of Sunnyside Drive. Trees have been cut down. Question: Still a large tree on the lane near to rear of Kirkville Place growing from railway side. Answer: Will report to Network rail. Letters have been sent out to residents in Sunnyside Place and Road regarding overgrown hedges and bushes. Keep clear in turning circle in Sunnyside Place to be painted. Are other areas requiring keep clear signs? Kaystone Road might require this. At the round-a-bout on Moraine Avenue next Moraine Lane south might require this. Car owners in Moraine Lane south have no place to park cars in front of their homes. Lock ups were built for them Will follow up on local road markings. Question: Embankment on Great Western Road adjacent to Kearn Gardens and Kearn Avenue. Litter and wheeled bin dumped. Can they be lifted? Answer: On the recent walk-a-bout Eddie Scanlon was made aware of this. Comment: Eddie Scanlon has promised more street sweeping machines in the area. Question: I have enrolled as a Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteer (NIV) and receive black bags and litter pickers. Could more residents be made aware of this? I am aware community reparations cleaned up round Blairdardie School and painted some railings. Answer: They have been used in back lanes and painting of railings. Question: A few more litter bins will be put in on Blairdardie Drive and Great Western Road. Need to educate kids regarding litter. Answer: New bins to go in once new school open. Management structure within LES has changed. You could have five mangers in an area. Now we intend having one manager and hopefully this will improve the area. Question: Could the play park and equipment at Keal Avenue be cleaned? Answer: Will follow up. Paul Carey-0141 287 7049. Drumchapel/Anniesland Ward 14 2

The secretary summarised recent correspondence from Councillor Carey as follows: From LES Steven Egan. I can advise arrangements are in hand to remove all branching which can be safely accessed. From LES Norrie Campbell-Roads & Lighting. Scottish Water have been approached again seeking an update on the progress of the work at Cloverbank Nursery on Blairdardie Road. Arrangements have been made to have the “Keep Clear” and the “Give Way” road markings at the junction of Drumchapel Road/Place replaced. These works have been added to an extensive programme if works due to be completed this financial year. Instruction has been issued to temporarily repair the carriageway defects on Blairdardie Drive within 5 working days. Glasgow City Council will then resurface Blairdardie Drive once the new Blairdardie Primary School has been completed. These works will commence in the next financial year. Baillie Anne McTaggart-0141 287 4458. Drumchapel/Anniesland. Ward 14. 6. Contact Susanne on 01324 677809 at the Waterways Trust regarding any events planning for our “area” of the canal. The canal youth outreach worker for “our” area is Lesley. Lesley can be contacted on 07789 941266. The Community Engagement Officer is Claire Martin 07584 385043. Scottish Canals have funding in place to repair the Bard Avenue bridge. They intend having the canal open to traffic in April. 7. Treasurers Report: Total Current Account £754.11 Photo & Post (Feb mtg) £46.96 Blairdrum Meeting fee £50.00 including janitorial services. Total in bank £657.16 Social Fund £6.08 8. Social Committee: Nothing to report. 9. Clubs/Classes: Nothing to report. 10. Planning / Licensing Application: 18/02516/FUL Planning application for the Retail Park Development. Erection of mixed-use Development Class 1 with Garden centre, Class 3 and Class 11. Kier Property Development. Alterations to the proposals were submitted to planning on 3rd February. These are deletion of the upper floor of the proposed building. Consequential removal of the proposed Class 11 leisure use (Gym, Fitness etc). The deletion of the “stand alone” Class 3 pod and the relocation of that use to be alongside the other proposed Class 3 unit (Class 3 food, drink on premises). The reconfiguration of pedestrian routes, car parking and taxi drop off/ pick up spaces. The Community Council had no time to discuss the proposed changes. 11. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board: North West Locality Engagement Forum. Tuesday 26th February 10am -12.30pm Burgh Hall 9 Burgh Hall St G11 1LW. To register contact Stacey on 314 6242. North West Health Improvement Team Information sessions on Mental Health. Both at Heart of Balmoral Street. Tuesday 21st February 9.30-11.30. Thursday 14th March 14.00-16.00. Invitation to attend NHS Great Glasgow and Clyde Annual Review on Monday 11th March at 2.00pm in the Lecture Theatre at the Teaching and Learning Centre on the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus. To register 0800 066 43 60 Core brief on improving maternity and neonatal care. Quit Smoking One to One support sessions. Drumchapel Health Centre Wednesdays 12 noon to 4pm. 0141 232 2110 for more information. 12. Correspondence a. Knightswood Community Council. Minutes/agenda for February meeting 7pm Community Centre. b. Community Council Development Session. Saturday23rd February John Street. 9.30am All community council members are encourage to attend. 287 4111. No delegate appointed. c. Formal review of Community Council’s in Glasgow. New constitution 2019 to be signed. d. Civic Government () Act 1982 Extension of Process for the Notification of Applications for Temporary Public Entertainment Licences for Certain Events in the City’s Parks. e Community and Renewable Energy Scheme. Open for Applications. Deadline 25th February. f. Public Petitions Review-Responses required by 8th March. Information 287 02542 Stephen Frew. g. Licensing Board-Gambling Policy Consultation-Responses close 8th March h. New Regional Transport Strategy for Strathclyde. Response close 15 March 343 3312 Kirsty Davison.

3 i. General Data Protection Regulation-Guidance for Community Councils. j. Glasgow Go Well. Following consultations new revised Drumchapel update. Key issue-lack of good quality public space and amenities. The area as a whole was felt to be socially and geographically isolated from the rest of the city with poor transport links. k. Nominations are invited from any local resident wishing to sit on the City Public Processions Review. l. Drumchapel Sport Hub 29th January. Secretary attended no time for a report. m. 1st March Blairdardie “new” Primary School Open Day. 2pm to 8pm. All welcome to see the school. n. Greenspace Scotland. Food Growing Strategy in Glasgow. 1st May Meeting Peterson Park Hall. o. Drumchapel NHS sponsored “Breakfast & Blether” 30th Jan. Secretary attended. No time for a report. A presentation was made by Irene Stewart HSCP on Community Influences on Smoking Cessation. p. Royal Garden Party Wednesday 3rd July. Three nominations submitted. q. Fire Service Information Day Glasgow City Chambers 25th April from 2pm onwards. r. Nominations invited for the Lord Provost’s Awards. No time to discuss nominees. 13. Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre: The Charity ANYiso had taken possession of the Blairdrum Neighbourhood centre from 1st July. ANYiso have a full range of activities from Monday to Friday. The following issues were raised at the community council meeting by residents. Current Glasgow by laws state all commercial waste should be removed from the street and stored inside premises. If using the premise’s, a janitor will be employed by ANYiso to open and close the premises at a cost to the organization using the premises. GHA rent the premises to ANYiso and any issues such as noise should be raised with the GHA Commercial Property Department. The Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre. The GHA have now presented the rent cheque. The account will be closed within the next three months. All standing orders and direct debits had been cancelled. 14. Area Partnership. Applications for grants can be submitted from local Ward 14 groups and organizations. Contact Linda Henry on 287 9886. The Secretary attended the meeting on 14 February in Chest, Stroke & Heart Premises Drumchapel Shopping Centre.16 Dunkenny Road 10am. Knightswood Primary School would receive, from the new 2019/20, budget £3,825 to provide fruit for pupils. Ward 14 Community Safety report presented by Karen Venables area co-ordinator. Period April – November 2018.20 Dog Fouling Fixed Penalties, 12 litter Fixed Penalties. 619 School, community & business clean ups undertaken in Ward 14. No time for a full report including local fire statistics. Next Area Partnership meeting Thursday 9th May at 10.00am-to be held within Ward 14. 15. Any Other Business: Had a very positive meeting with the contractor regarding the “new” school and the Dunblane Memorial Garden. The memorial bench and plaque have been installed in the new school. A wet weather shelter has been provided by the contractors BAM. There is an open day on 1st March from 2pm to 8pm for all local residents to see over the new school. Any questions regarding costs of lets by the local community can be discussed on 1st March with education and Glasgow Life. Virgin media “own” the manhole cover adjacent to 123 Garscadden Road. Can a community bus go from Anniesland Cross into the Great Western Retail Park? Can an outdoor gym go in, in the vicinity of the play park at Keal Avenue? Glasgow Life had no funding for this. Was advised to use the Knightswood Park outdoor facility. Could a children’s play area go in? If a play park was provided as a “community benefit” by a contractor, it could consist of two swings and one chute. The Blairdardie after school club formerly in the pavilion has stopped due to apparent staffing issues. An after-school club currently runs in Drumchapel Community Centre, Kinfauns Drive on Wednesdays from, 4 to 6pm Free for ages 5 to 12. 16. Date of Next Meeting Monday 18th March 2019 at 7pm in the Blairdrum Neighbourhood Centre, 11 Keal Place, Blairdardie, Glasgow G15. The Following are the Office Bearers Elected to Serve on Blairdardie & Old Drumchapel Community Council for 2019 Chairman: Mr Paul Maher 198 Moraine Ave G15 6JT Vice-Chairman: Mr John McBride Moraine Avenue G15 Secretary: Mr Eric Flack, 70 Crawford Drive, Glasgow G15 6TR Treasurer: Mrs Mary Ann Morrison, 2318Great Western Road Glasgow G15 West Area Partnership Committee: Mr Eric Flack 70 Crawford Drive, Glasgow G15 6TR Knightswood Model Boat Club Every Tuesday from 1pm until 5pm and Sunday from 1pm to 5pmKnightswood Model Boat Club sail their boats on


Knightswood Pond. They also meet on Thursday evenings from 6.30pm to 9pm during the winter in the club room attached to the Bowling Pavilion at Knightswood Park. Any local enthusiasts are invited. DRUMCHAPEL LAWN TENNIS CLUB- Scottish - Community Tennis Club of the Year 2017 New members-all ages and abilities- welcome at the tennis courts at 90 Garscadden Road. G15 6TA For the latest information and photographs view our website: Drumchapeltennis.co.uk Also, at Knightswood Park Courts: Mondays 6pm- Wednesdays 4pm to 8pm Sunday 1.30 to 3pm Social Tennis. Further Details:07770414095 Bill Kidd MSP. Bill Kidd Constituency Office, 476 Crow Road, Broomhill Cross Glasgow G11 7DR 0141 339 3277 1stt Monday of month at 5.00pm Broomhill Primary School, Edgehill Road. G11 7HZ 1st Friday of month at 12.00pm Knightswood Community Centre, 201 Alderman Road G13 3DD 2nd Monday of the month at 5.00pm, St Ninians Primary 2150 Gt Western Road G13 2AB 3rd Monday of month at 4pm Drumchapel Community Centre 320 Kinfauns Drive G15 7 TH 4 th Friday of month at 11am. Heart of Scotstoun Community Centre 64 Balmoral Street Scotstoun Glasgow G14 0HB