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iNBT PRESS RUN \ AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOX THB WEATHER, OP THE EVENING HERALD far the month of May, 1026. Partly cloudy, probable showers tonight.' Fair Sunday. Somewhat 4 , 9 1 5 anrte0trr Swntnn cooler.

^ OL. XLIV., NO. 228. Classified .\drertislng on Page 6 ^ — MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNi L;f2 6 . (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS

DOING EUROPE Wedded in Saddle Will OWN EYES PROOF GRADUATION IS ON ?600 EACH U .S . SUES JAP START BAHLE OF SEA SERPENT HEIGHT ENGINE Honeymoon on Horseback IMPRESSIVE IN American Girls Spend Summer PLANE CONCERN i Liner’s 400 Passengers Guess on Continent After Saving- TO BAR VARE They Know What They Saw EXPLODES AND on Lunches. Bath, Me., June 26.— Horses broiled over an open air fire. The Themselves played a big part in the marriage members of the riding club did ITS m FORM IN W M GRAFT! of Miss Catherine G. McAuslan and London. June 26. — Two I not know of the impending cere­ FROMJENATE New York, June 2 6.— More DITCHB FLIER American girls, Helen Cald­ Hiram A. Huse, of this city. mony until they sighted the minis­ Seated astride their mounts In ter. than 400 passengers disem­ well, of Flint. Mich., and Ruth barked from the Steamer Rawlings, of El Paso, Tex., the center of a ring formed by the The bridegroom Is a local thea­ Cleveland, convinced that they High School Students Dem­ are doing Europe this summer Seeks to Get Back Two andi mounted members of the Bath Rid­ ter manager, formerly an actor Insurgents Act With Demo­ had seen sea serpents on their for $600 apiece. ing Club at an open air breakfast, and Wild West rider. The bride '^Cape Codder" Express Is way across the Atlantic. They bought all their cloth­ the couple were made man and is a teacher in the commercial de­ onstrate Value of Four Half Millions from Co.| Captain W. P. Hillman, in ing second-handed, they con­ wife by the Rev. C. Myron Tubbs, partment at Morse High school. crats in Plan to Unseat command of the vessel, a^d Wrecked in R. I. by fided in an interview liere. rector of Grace Episcopal church. Part of their honeymoon is being After the ceremony steaks -were spent on horseback. his officers, know better, how­ Years of Training— Es­ Both teachers, they have been Backed by Mitsui & Co.;j ever. eating at “ quick-lunch coun­ Penn. Candidate After Blowing Up of Passing ters" in their home cities so One day a crowd rushed to says Are Brilliant. they could save enough for Daugherty Case Echo. ! His Election. the rail to see a queer succes­ the trip, they said. BRITAIN DRAWING sion of fins protruding’ from Locomotive— Three Dead CAILLAUX OUSTS the water. There were 24 large Their itinerary 'ncludes I black fins. AA’hew! What a The thirty-third annual Kradua- Venice, Florence, Milan, Men­ Now York, June 26.— The Gov- ; Washington, June 2 6.— The bas­ whopper! linn exercises of the Sauth Man­ tone, Rome, Monte Carlo, Can­ COAL FROM U. S. Kingston ,R. I., June 26.— Three ernmoni's case against the Stand­ BANK GOVERNOR is for a battle to unseat Rep. Wil­ The captain says it wasn't chester Hpih school were held last nes, Nice and Geneva. Miss railroad men dead and two Injured Caldwell has an ..nccstral ard -Aircraft Corporation, whicli liam S. Vare for his part in a sea monster at all, but the night, hut it was the first com­ I I fins of a file of blackfish whales was the toll taken early today when home in Aberdeen she ex­ had dragged along in the investiga- spending $615,000 to win Penn­ mencement of the school at which that the excited passengers the “ Cape Codder.” summer-time pects to visit. lion stage since the war and was an sylvania’s recent $3,000,000 sena- saw. a modernized program was used. Millions of Tons Engaged to| Begins Regime With Drastic > night express between New York important part of the Daugherty ; ^ torial primary, was laid today, The new plan for graduation was and Hyannis. Mass., was wrecked. scandal of 1924, reached the status i 1 whila the Senate slush fund com- successful. It was impressive and Prevent Gas Famine in Explosion of a locomotive draw­ of a lawsuit yesterday. j Action Which Meets Cab­ • mittee returned to an investiga- above ali, entertaining. None of KILLS LIHLE SON ing a New Bedford-to-New London United States Aaorney Buckner, I tion of the funds used in Ameri- the seriousness, none of the solem­ 200 C. C. MEMBERS freight train over the New York, nity, which hovers about on such filed an action to recover $2,594,- i English Cities. : ca’s costliest election, inet's Approval. New Haven and Hartford railroad an occasion, was lost and a num­ I 53S.4S, which he alleges was i A resolution by Sen. La Follette ber of interesting and amusing ep­ WITH CHLOROFORM main line between here and Shan- HEAR CHILDS TALK wrongfully paid by the United I amending the rules of the Senate isodes were added which demon­ I Norfolk, Va. June 26. •— Great nock threw debris and a sixty-foot ______I States to the company after It had Paris. June 26.— M. Joseph Call- - membership any strated in a practical way what I Britain is facing a gas famine and freight car in the path of the flier. high school students learn. ! fulfilled war contracts for large laux today be.gan to demonstrate! spending more than $25- unless coal can be obtained from The dead are AV. J. Moulton, of The High school a.sscmbly hall j that as minister of finance he in-! '*'‘'0 '“ s primary, was before the Conn. Woman, in New Jer­ was crowded for this graduation. Millionaire Addresses Diners!' ' airplanes, involving I the United States without delay a Providence, engineer; John J. Mul- 1 more- than $1 4,000,000. tends to act with stern determina­ Senate rules committee, with both A group of nearly 50 stood in the ! number of gas plants in the Brit- Democratic leaders and Insurgents vaney, of Providence, fireman; and rear of the hall throughout the ! Tlie case was hurried back Into tion. • ish Empire will be obliged to close demanding early action on it. La sey, Seeks Death for Two George C. Hathaway, of Providence, program. The high school grad­ After Trip Through Local ! the hands of the Department of When the cabinet met today M. 1 down. Folette announced he would press head brakeman of the freight. uating class was seated on the ‘ justice in Marcli. 1 924, by the War Caillaux nresented a decree which for a vote on the resolution be­ Boys and Herself. niain floor of the hall rather than Bon Ami Plant. I Department after Gaston B. Means I This Is the information brought ousts George Robineau as governor' fore adjournment, and in this he The injured are: Chester Fra­ on the stage. In former years 1 liad cliargod that a $100,000 bribe , here on ships arriving to load coal of the Bank of France. The decree ! was known to have the support of sier, of New York, engineer, and I had been paid to delay tlie litiga- was approved by the cabinet and ' Democratic leaders. Charles Bennett, of New Haven, I I for England and was confirmed by ; tion. -Mr. Bttekner's complaint was I coal agents here Contracts for will be formally announced by M. ! AVould Hit A'arc Si)ring Lake. N. J,, June 26.__ fireman, of the express. tiled late yesterday and he could Caillaux tonight. William Hamlin Childs, million­ 1 2,000,000 tons of gas coal for Eng- Unless amended to prevent its Mrs. Martha Howard of Glenbrook, The locomotive of the express not 1 ) 0 reached last night to tell i land are held bv hig dealers of tlv 51. Robineau has been in almn.st | application to the Pennsylvania Conn., is in a hospital here today and tho first Pullman sleeping car aire, philanthrophist. l>ig figure in constant disagreement with thej primary, adoption of the resolution what had been its history in the I Hampton Roads district , in a critical condition, her eight- dropped on their sides down an em­ the industrial world, was the mag­ twenty-sovon montlis since then. Railroad Embargo. government over measures offi-l would automatically bar A’are bankment. Two other Pullmans ! year-old son, Lawrence, is dead, and net that drew about 200 of Man­ ] Uncertainty .About .Assets Thc Chesapeake and Ohio Rail­ nancial reform and M. Caillaux lias j from the Senate if he is elected were yanked from the rails but re­ chester s business and profession­ I Neiilicr could it ho learned way lias declared an embargo on taken steps to remove him. indicat-1 next November, is it asserted. his 12-}'ear-old brother, George, is mained upright. whether tlie company has assets to ing that he intends to brook no' The victor in Pennsylvania’s ill following her efforts to kill the al men to the Hollister street coal because of the immense reserve Blows .As Express Passes. pay the Governmcin’s claim. Mr. supply it has on hand at Newport interference in his program. three-cornered senatorial race, two boys and herself. The engine blew up as the Capa school last evening. Mr. Childs Buckner’s complaint states it bc- News. Thirty-nine ships are on the Emile Moreau, director of the however, faces further obstacles She gave the boys chloroform and Codder was passing on an adjoin­ spoke probably not more than ten .gan dissoiution proceedings Oct. 11, way here to load coal for England. Bank of Algeria, will succeed M. to a seat in the Senate even should then took some herself, police said, ing track. minutes, without nnics. He said 1919, and is still in existence only With fift.v others already in Hamp­ Robineau as governor of the Bank he escape the strict provisions of because of constant brooding over AVhen the two locomotives top­ -5 that advertising made Bon Ami for tlie inirposi- of liquidating ton Roads awaiting cargoes, condi­ of France. the La Follette resolution. It was the drabness and monotony of her pled over, one carrying the Pull- and its success and that for him­ claims against it. tions at the coal piers are congest­ Vndcdilefl on Pact. learned today that Democrats al­ life since the death of her brother nian sleeper, telephone and tele­ self peronally he had dicovered A letter of the company to the ed. Eleven ships sailed today for M. Caillaux told the cabinet tliat ready liave discussed the advisabil­ some time ago. graph poles were torn down. that money is not everything. AVar Department in 1921, intro­ England with coal cargoes, but he has not >ct readied a decision ity of filing a contest against him AVanicd Boy to Silence. Andrew Bennett, of New Haven, Tlie affair was under the auspic­ duced in tlie Senate investigation onI>- two carried gas coal. as to whether or not he will sup­ immediately after the November The elder son told police he was fireman of the express train loco­ es of the local Chamber of Com­ of Harry ,M. Dangherty’s conduct Shipments out of Hampton Roads port tlie Bersnger-Mellon jilan for election, and it was also learned %wakened in the morning by a motive. was badly scalded. The merce. Before the men gathered for Jun« will total more than settlement of the P'rench debt to that they were given promises of strange odor in the house and that engineer aboard the same locoono- as United States Attorney General, support from Republicans who are at the school they had inspected stated the company was in the 2,000,000 tons. the United States. his mother told him to swallow tive, Robert Frazier, also of New the Bon Ami plant. The cabinet listened with great desirous of stamping out the ex­ some of the anesthetic. When he Haven, was seriously injured. They hands of r. trustee in bankruptcy cessive use of political funds in Robeitson Toastma.stcr and unable to help pay the ex­ attention while M. Caillaux gave a refused she sent him out with the were rushed to a hospital at lengthy outline of his plans for fi­ senatarial primaries. W. W. Robertson acted as toast­ penses of an accounting. Two mil­ instructions “ not to tell.” Westerly. master. He welcombed the mem­ nancial reform. There was no Some Republicans .Approve Several hours later he told neigh­ Flier's First 'Trip. lion dollars, it said, had been paid It might be said that this senti­ bers of the Chamber and William SPANISH PLOT NOT doubt left in their mind that lie in­ bors his brother had a strange look. This was tlie first trip of the to Mitsui & Co., the great Japanese ment is general in the Senate, Knofla, speaking in place of Pres­ tends a stern course and If there Is Police found Lawrence dead in bed season of the “ Cape Codder.” I house which financed the Standard any attempt to deviate fponv.- his chiefly because a good many of its — Elite Studio Pholu. ident Austin Cheney who is away Corporation, for its preferred and the mother on the floor, her which is used mainly by New York­ Miss .'larjorio Smitli. from town, thanked Mr. Robertson. j ENTIRELY SUBDUED policy, he will immediately resign. members are men of comparative­ stock at par, in addition to funds face covered with rags saturated ers to travel to their summer Valedlctorinn The toastmaster then called up­ I ly small personal fortunes who can with the anesthetic. lent to it. not afford the financial burdens of homes on Cape Cod, Mass. on Mr. Childs for a few remarks. George Howard, the husband, As soon as a temporary telephona Mr. Childs was known to many of Means Testified to Bribe present day campaigns. the class faced the large gather­ Officials of Ateneo, Center of LOSS OF MEMORY. SAYS spent yesterday in Newark making wire was rigged up, news of the ing of parents and friends. As the old timers present and ' yet Before the Brookhart committee purchases preparatory to sending of the Senate, .March 1 4. 1924, ReA'olt Plans, Defy Madrid EA’ANOELIST, FAILING. "nieck was flashed to Providence years go on the senior classes are there were many who knew of him the two boys to a summer camp on Means testified that in February. Government. and a wrecking crew was rushed becoming too big to occupy the simply by reputation. He is a 10 RUSSIAN REFUGEES Monday. here. 1922, he liad collected a $100,000 Doirglas, Ariz., June 26.— Aimeel stage. Last night’s graduating man short of stature, bald of head, DKOAVNED IN STOR.M. The “ Cape Codder” was made up :Iass numbered 117. short clipped gray mustache, pierc­ bribe from a represen.tative of Madrid. Jtjne 26.— Despite gov­ Semple McPherson’s personally con-| Mitsui (fc Co., which he had turned ernment communiques to the con­ ducted search into Mexico for the! of nine Pullman sleeping cars and Essays Outstanding ing eyes and wears glasses. He 500 BODIES FOUND IN it was shortly after 3 a. m. this Outstanding in the program were speaks without gestures. His over to Jesse Smith, intimate trary, it became apparent today shack in which she says she was! Sofia, June 26.— Forty Russian ...... that the alleegd plot against the held prisoner by kidnappers failed! morning when the sleeping passen­ the essays of the honor pupils. voice has remarkable carrying friend of Daugherty. About the refugees, including a number of same time, he said, the ’\Var De- P<^''’P>’rinient is not entirely squelch- completely yesterday. The expedi-| gers were tossed from theFr berths. Miss Marjorie H. Smith, daughter power although he seems to speak women and children, were drown­ LEON FLOOD DISASTER partment withdrew from the De- ■ ed. tion traveled more than 100 miles! The boiler of the freight locomo­ of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smith in an ordinary conversational tone. ed when the boat in wliich they tive was torn out and the wreckage delivered the final es.say and spoke He speaks in short, crisp sentences. I partment of Justice the case it had Officials of Ateneo, which was but Mrs. McPherson was unable to! said to have been the center of point out any place which she rec-1 were proceeding from Varna to fell in the path of the oncoming the valedictory. Miss Svea I. L. The Olden Days I been working up against the air- Odessa was wrecked in a storm, ac­ Mexican City in Dire Plight; express. Llndberg as salutatorian greeted Mr. Childs started out with ; craft corporation. the plans for the revolt, met last ognized. j night and refused to resign their “ It must be a case of loss of cording to reports received here to-i Feared Death Toll May Rescue Work. ;he parents and friends and ex­ reminiscences, Thirty-five vears I Instant denials followed the day. Reach to 2,000. plained the new type of exercises. ago. he said, he left Manchester. functions as demanded by the gov­ memory,” said Mrs. McPherson, up­ The first work of rescuers was to charge of Means. Two weeks later ernment. on the return of the expedition. take those imprisoned in the first .Miss Frances E. Howe, the third A few years before several girls Secretary of War Weeks admitted , Mexico City, June lionor student, outlined the value came to his home in a buggy and Senor Aguilera, former minister She is on her way to Los Angeles 2 6.— Five Pullman, which had been dragged the aircraft case had Just been turn-i of war, has been arrested at Arra- todav. hundred bodies have been taken from the rails with tha express .Tf cla.=sical education, speaking hung a May basket on his door­ ed over to the Department of Jus-! Bernard Smith of Ridge street particularly of Latin. knob. .gona, near Valencia, on charges of is making good progress at the from the flood waters in the devas­ locomotive. tice by the War Department a few I attempting to stir up revolt in Va­ Mrs. E. Benson of Main street tated city of Leon according to re­ Physicians and nurses, hurried Miss Smith proved to be a bril­ When he heard the noise he ran days previously. ' Memorial hospital where he under­ downstairs to see who was hanging lencia. Hd has been brought to has just returned from a week’s went a serious operation on Thurs­ ports received here. El Sol de­ to the scene of the wreck from liant valedictorian. Hcj- essay on Among $102,675.73 “ overhead! Madrid. English and its value as a higli basket but all h« heard was the stay at AA’atch Hill where she was day. His sister, Miss Alice Smith clares that the number of dead Providence and. Westerly^ set up Thirty-five arrests have been the guest o.’ Mrs. Mary Behnfield at may exceed 2,000. temporary first aid stations to care tchool study was enlightening and rumble of the wagon wheels in the (Continued from page 1) of Bristol, who is a graduate nurse pxcellcntly delivered. Her fare­ darkness. He lay In wait in the made in Madrid. her cottage on the Fort road. is here taking care of him. President Calles has issued an for those cut and bruised. well to the school in the behalf of darkness and when the buggy re­ appeal for assistance for the flood The “ Cape Codder” carried be­ turned he jumped into the back stricken city and relief work is tween one liundred and two hun­ her class was so sincere that It under way. made every pulse in the hall beat of it and listened to them talking dred passengers, many of them be­ a bit faster. Miss Lindberg’s de­ about how they “put It over” on Photo Fragments for Manchester Folks Latest reports Indicate that ing women and children. livery, too, was good. Her des­ Will Childs. They did not know — by Harry Anderson there are fully 5,000 people in Passengers treated aJ: the scene that Childs was hitching on the Leon who are without food or and in need of further medical cription of the four years of edu­ shelter. cation a high school gives was buggy. A few minutes later he treatment were put aboard relief capably done. Miss Howe's talk made his presence known and got The scenes in the lower section^ trains and carried to Providence. rn the classics was brilliant. She into the buggy with the girls and of the city are heart-rending Others were taken to Westerly. presented her essay in an unusual­ as he told it last night he kissed where there is a frantic search for The scene of the wreck was at ly smooth manner. one. missing relatives. Funerals, has­ Kenyon, a village between Kingston / A h ^ I L O r n S ^ leoTKI/VC; tily arranged, are constant. The essays of Miss Smith. Miss “ Well. what docs that all and Shannock. This is on the New Lindberg and Miss Howe are car­ prove?” asked a friend of his years OF THF /^iAi^LSoieoioH CnAi?coH Pits - Haven railroad’s main line between ried elsewhere in today’s Herald. afterwards when he heard the New York and Boston. John Edward Dwyer was given story. MOLLA MALLORY U. S. Railroad's Statement. the task of explaining tho field of “Nothing, except that that kiss f New Haven, June 2 6.— The Ne’w science and showing some of the led to a courtship and that I mar­ York, New Haven and Hartford ried the girl who hung up the May- HOPE AT WIMBLEDON railroad has issued a statement on practical things the high school 5 chemistry course teaches. A light­ basket.’’ the wreck near Kingston, R. I., ed table bearing flasks of chemicals Continuing, Mr. Childs said; Elizabeth Ryan 111 After Mary which says: was used, and after explaining what “ Talking of old times I always “At 2.55 a. m., the boiler of En­ was contained in the bottles, think that I was the only man in Browne and Richards Are gine 3346, on freight train UN-1,, Dwyer mixed them to show various the United States In my time who Eliminated. between New Bedford and New Ha­ colored precipitates. He cleaned was a Sunday school superintend­ ven. exploded about a mile and one a tarnished piece of silver chemical­ ent and the manager of a rolling ’U’imbledon, Eng.. June 26.— ,\n half west of Kingston, R. L, killing ly and explained the action which skating rink at the same time. ill star seems to hover over the ten­ three men of the crew. The cause AVatcr Company n nis fates of the United States at of the explosion is at present un­ brought about the removal of the tarnish. “ My old friends here will remem­ Wimbledon. known. The boiler lies 130 feet Inferior Decoration. ber the old water company fights. First there was the Illness of west of the frame of the engine, Miss Ruth M. Hadden. Miss Eliz­ The North End water company Miss Helen Wills, then the early down in a swamp on the north side abeth Leora Hibbard and Miss Eve­ came into being in a peculiar way. elimination of Miss Mary K. of the tracks. Where the engine lyn E. Robinson explained the work One day a slight fire in Rose’s Browne and Vincent Richards, and was at the time of the explosion is of the art classes in high school. A drug store led my mind to the now Miss Elizabeth Ryan is ill and a hole about fifteen feet deep. furnished living room was the set­ question of water. We put nut tho unable to play today. The extent “ Passenger train extra 1364, the ting, and each of the three grad­ blaze with pails of water dragged of Miss Ryan’s Illness has not been ‘Cape Codder,” which left New ’ifork uates explained various details, tell­ from a stream. That sfai’ted the determined as yet. but it is hoped at 10.30 p. m., and was due to ar­ ing the reasons for various furni­ project and I am pleased to say she will be able to play Mrs. rive at Hyannis at 6.50, was run­ ture arrangements and for the col­ that the pipes put down 35 years / Kitty McKane Godfree on Mondav. ning past and apparently had got or schemes used. The architec­ ago are still doing duty today. As o THc B each •— The l^EH Mno The United States may have to safely past the locomotive of the tural arrangement cf this room to my profits, I hate In say it. hut n ? O M NOW fall back on its forgotten favorite, freight before it blew up. was done by Itliss Hazel Robinson I put In $75 and retired with mEKENO ON ^ ‘S i Q N U p ,/ Molla 5IaIIory, whose defeat of the Set the Brakes. as chairman, assisted by Evelyn E. $15,000. young Joan Fry yesterday was a However, the blowing up of the Robinson and Miss Marjorie “As to the beginning of the surprise and an upset. Mrs. Mal­ locomotive caused the emergency Schleldge. The furnishing was Bon Ami. I suppose it Is an old lory apparently is in better form application of the brakes of the done by Miss Ruth Hadden, chaiiv story to most of you. J. T. Robert­ / than any one realized. There is a freight train, causing several cars man, assisted by Miss Ada Ander­ son eame to me one day and said chance that she will meet Mile. to become derailed in the path of son and Miss Jennie Hills. Fur­ he would like to go Into the soap Lenglen. the “ Cape Codder.” The engine niture used was from Watkins business. He had a formula for % of the passenger train, after hitting Brothers and electric lamps and fix­ a splendid article and a dandy i ANOTHER CIVIL WAR these cars, swerved off and headed tures from the Johnson Electric name. That was all we had, in LOO.MING IN CHINA down a slight embankment on the Company. The general committee fart. south side of the tracks. The first In charge of this sketch was com­ “ .\t any rate he and I and a third Shanghai, June 26.— .\ new civil car of the train, a sleeper, was posed of the Misses Ada Anderson, party scraped together $15,000 war looms in China. Sun Chuan turned over on its side. The fol­ Henrietta Clulow, Helen Gorman, which was the original capital of ,U Fang, overlord of the southeaster lowing three sleepers were derailed Evelyn Jones, Helen Jamroga, Win­ the company. Later we bought out provinces, is preparing for an at­ but upright. Five other cars ■were not derailed. | ifred Jennings, Ruth Hadden, the East Hartford man who had T O t h e tack on Chang Tsung Chang’s Shan­ I^eora Hibbard, Jennie Hills, Mar­ the third Interest. n tung troops. “ Both tracks will probably bo jorie Kelly, Laura Kingsbury. Mil- "And here is a peculiar thing 'WT G B fN C H He is believed only to be waiting tied up all day today and trains will tred Lipp, Svea Lindberg, Frieda which I believe had something to the Inevitable defeat of the Shan- be detourned via New London, L 1 siites by Kuo Min Chun in the (Continued on P.n”c C.y i (Continued on Page 2.). northwest before making the at­ tacks. (Contlnaed on Page S.X . fp A G B HANCHESTEK'EVENING' HERALD, SATURDAY, JUNE'26,1926: .■JV- ; V - as the men were now ready th go 200 C.C. MEMBERS to the Hollister street school. U.S.SUESJAPCO. CAMP MEETING At the School. World s Fastest Submarine Cable At the school the men gathered EGYPTIAN SWIMMER again; The assembly hall had been IN AIRPLANE GRAFT HEAR CHILDS TALK tastefully decorated with flags and PROGRAM CHANGED Now Being Laid Across Atlantic hunting. On the stage a six-piece orchestra played. 'White-clad wait- (Continued on Page 2.) (Continued from page 1.) lesses, employees of the Bon Ami, TO GUARD ULLIAN served the dinner which consisted Work is about to be started on costs” listed In the Government’s do with our success. We started of salads and meats and fish and complaint as improper, are charges Two Great Sundays to Be the laying of the world's fastest first selling our product for $6 a strawberry shortcake In wedges the r LirE-SAVERl for banquets, meals In restaurants, cable. It will lie on the floor of TRADE SCHOOLS gross and increased it to $10 which size of three ordinary cakes your the Atlantic and will afford direct memberships dues of officers in Featured at Willimantic; was the price that Sapollo was sell­ mother used to make. Helmy Arrives in France; clubs, costs of promoting Liberty communication between New York ing at. One would naturally think After Mr. Childs spoke other Loan parades and the salaries of and London. It will have a capac­ RECEIVE PRAISE we should have sold at $6 to get brief addresses -svere made and lat­ private detectives. Three Bishops to Speak. ity of 2,500 letters per minute, will more customers and at that we er professional talent gave an en­ Others Expected to Join KIr Plainfield Item be eight times as fast as any cable could have made a profit. But we tertainment. The largest item the Government i now connecting these two points, Exhibition at Sesqui-Centen- decided to sell It at the same price Colony of Channel Aspir­ seeks to recover, however. Is $2,- and will be able to show Its heels as our rival. For some reason or 181,115.98 paid after appraisal by The District Superintendent Rev. even to the new permalloy-loaded Myron E. Center of Norwich and other the public thinks that a high­ a commission ns the estimated dif­ cable uniting New York and south­ nial Scoring Big Hit— Lo­ er priced product Is better and 5,000 DISABLED ants at Gris Nez. the executive committee of the Wil­ ern Europe by way of the Azores. ference between cost of the com­ limantic Camp Ground Association when you have the combination of pany's plant at Plainfield, N. J., The new cable, which will be the a higher price and a higher grade are making many changes in the twentieth across the Atlantic and cal School Conspicuous. and its market value after the war, camp meeting program for this product and we ■were fortunate in WORLD WAR VETS BY LILLIAN CANNON which was fixed at $750,000. hile the ninth to be operated by the having that, your success Is assur­ year retaining the best in the old ■Western Union Telegraph Com­ Gris Nez, France, June 2 6.— At this was provided in the company’s and readily embracing the best in ed, plus of course, advertising. least a dozen candidates for the contract, the Government alleges pany, will be ready for service in Much favorable comment has the new. This year there will be September. It will span the At­ Sapolio now is out of business and MEET IN ATLANTA honor of being the first woman to the amount paid was turned over two great Sundays, to be featured been received by Connecticut Trade from our $15,000 capital, we now swim the English channel will be ‘'tinlawfully, wrongfully and illeg- lantic from Bay Roberts, New­ schools on the splendid exhibition on August 15 and 22nd. Three foundland, to Penzance, England. have a ten million dollar concern. on hand in Gris Nez -within the next ally,j»nd without proper authoriza­ bislu.Tl’s are expected to be among which they are being represented two or three This section of it will be laid first. by at tile Sesqui-centennial at Advertising Fa3’s tion.” the speakers. Bishops Anderson Upon its completion, the section ‘And gentlemen, advertising did ' ig ■weeks, I am in- Among these costs, it sets forth, and Bishop Badlcy have already Pliiladelphia, it was stated today. Blind, Mangled, Shocked formed. from New Y^ork to Bay Roberts The local State Trade school is the most of it. 55'e made no money were expenses of construction for been secured. Signor Mario Ca- will be laid. The actual work of at the start. 55''hatever 'we made I That’s fine; buildings which did not belong to pelli, world concert tenor has been playing an important part in the the more the the laying of the cable will be done exhibition. put into advertising and the others Warriors to Hold Annual the Standard Aircraft Corporation secured two days. Dr. and Mrs. by the Telegraph Construction and thought I was foolish. merrier but of companies associated with it Wilton S. Rees, leaders in evange- The school.s, like all other con­ Already our Maintenance Company, of Green­ tributors, have been confined to a In Soap Business in filling Government contracts. li.sm will be there through the ses­ wich England, which manufactured ‘‘55'ith money from my cousin I Convention in Georgia. swimming col­ The Government therefore disputes sion which is from August 14 to limited space in wliicli to display it. their represeiuations. But, notwith­ went into the soap business in ear­ ony has increas­ 22. Dr. Philip L. Frick, radio ed. The Egyp­ the entire charge. Like the cable to the Azore.s, the standing this, the schools are do­ nest. I made a contract with Mr. The defendant corporation was a broadcaster of Schenectady, Dr. R. BY H. JEFFERSON REID tian, Helmy, Is E. Gornall of Chicago, Dr. C. H.' New York-London cable will he ing rcmarka'oly well. The Manches­ Robertson that every cent of '“war baby" which came Into being This is an ter school made all the signs and profit we made we should put it In­ one of the new Spencer of Boston and many others | arrivals. Helmy Oct. 30, 1917, It took over the busi­ alloy of iron and nickel which, un- banners which are being used in to advertising and things started Atlanta, Ga. — Five thousand will take part. The morningi . blind, mangled, and shell-shocked is the famous Helmy, the Egyptian who special ness of the standard Aero Corpora­ the displ.ay Ijy the Connecticut to hum and in a few years 'we had throughout the week will consist of certain conditions, . g warriors will bring to the South a life saver of the izes In saving channel swimmers. tion of Xew York, also financed by Trade schools to enlarge the plant from time to periods of devotion, and addresses i pcrmeablllt} ti_ grim reminder of the world s most channel swim­ Mitsui «S: Co., which was fiscal agent of any other known substance. En­ C-onncclicut Proniinent. time to keep up with the orders. on the Church School, Stewardship gruesome conflict when the sixth ming corps. He foi the Japanese Government. It gineers experimented for some Connecticut particularly adver­ Now -we sell our product in 60 dif­ received from the Government for and Missions. Interpretation of annual national convention of the has pulled many NO SPECIAL MARKERS Religious Facts and Evangelism will time with varying percentages of tises oo-operative textile courses, ferent countries and 400,000 the thousands of airplanes and such-as are held at the local school. Disabled Veterans of the 5\’orld a floundering girl be conducted by experts. Eachit^^’se two elements. grocers in this country alont handle from the water parts it manufactured more than Around the copper conductor of The chart explaining this is a it. War meets here June 21-26. afternoon at two o’clock there will Atlanta Is preparing to provide e; just in time to FOR OUR VOLUNTEERS $ 1 4,000,000. he a different program. Monday, the new cable, which Is 3,800 nau­ graphic representation of this co­ “ In conclusion I would say that a week’s round of festivity In save her from August 16, the 55’’s Missionary tical miles long, is wound a single operative scheme in which boys di­ my advice to all of you is to try to Lillian Cannon the wicked tides. WETHERELI;—THRAI.L homage to the disabled heroes, and societies will have a field day. continuous strip of permalloy one- vide their work between the High make enough money to make your­ Helmy is huge, dark-skinned, Firemen Must Obey Traffit eighth of an inch wide and six- school. Trade school and Cheney to do this the citizenry has re­ Tuesday, the State W. C. T. U. will self and your families independent. and handsome. His glorious teeth Laws Just the Same as Ord' At the parsonage of the Second hold a gold medal speaking contest. thousandths of an inch thick. Th° Brothers. sponded to a request of $35,000 for Congregational church this morn­ Then devote the rest of your money constantly are on exhibit, because 55'ednesday, Methodism’s 55'orld Ser­ permalloy is bedded in a special The vast throngs which pass entertainment purposes. Every ef­ he always is smiling. inary Autoists. ing at 10:30, Miss E.stelle Mae through the Sesqui-centennial to ‘Service’. That is the most won­ fort will be made to make the con­ vice program will be presented. compound which is first applied to derful word in any language. I am I am a little mite of a human be­ Thrall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday Dr. Rees will bring a'the copper conductor in a thin film grounds daily are amazed to learn clave the most memorable in the .5. rumor that the fire commis< L. A. Thrall of Strickland street, doing that. In New York I recently side him, but I am determined to sioners at the South End planned great message on "The Need of the ' and is then coated on its outer side that here in this state we have a organization's history. prove that he can’t outswim me. became the bride of Francis Pres- j system of education which enables started a community house that Amid effusive Southern hospital­ to have the cars of volunteer fire­ riuirch Getting Out Into the Deep.” with the same compound. will give service to thousands of Helmy arrived full of enthusi­ ton Wethcrell of Oakland, son of ' The result of this loading of the boys to acquire this combined ity, the key to Atlanta literally will men so marked that they might Friday will be Interdenominational poor families and I will continue asm, and all the others turned out Mrs. Josephine and the late Henry permalloy is the capacity of up­ training and at the same time re­ be turned over to the maimed sol­ have the right of 'way over other Day, afternoon and evening. It is that sort of work as long as I live. to welcome him. Wethcrell. expected that Bisliop Anderson will wards of' 2,500 letters per minute, ceive a possible maximum income diers, and the Georgia capital will autos while on the way to fires, The ceremony was performed ‘'55'henevcr you do right you will American Consul Cochran and his was spiked by Commissioner E. L. preside, and outstanding speakers i which the new cable will possess, for four year.s of $930. Tliis swing ■wide its gates to the veterans. wife of Boulogne, have paid me a by the pastor of the church, Rev. amount of money is nearly enough be rewarded, even in lIiIs world. I G. Hohenthal, Sr. yesterday. of various denominations will par-jit makes possible, however, the Coolidge Invited visit. They gave me a lot of en­ Frederick C. Allen, and the at­ ticipate. Saturday will he set! sending of such sharply defined to pay the tuition costs in many firmly believe that. I remember Invitations to President Coolidge “ It sounds interesting,” he said, tendants were Miss Flora Thrall, helping out a poor music teacher couragement, and it made me happy "and It it could be done it would apart as Lawman's day and hible signals that tlie intervals at which colleges for four years. and members of his Cabinet have to hear words of assurance that the sister of the bride and Ralph Many Photographs. witli about $3,000. That $3,000 be wonderful. But I am sorry tc classes will be given large place [they follow each other are con- been extended by the Convention “ folks at home” are with me. Wetherell. brother of the groom. siderahly reduced without overlap­ Many photographs hang on the grew to $25,000. I paid off the say that volunteer firemen are nn The bride was gowned in cream and seated by their delegations, but Committee, but whether or not they' I have entirely recovered from women as well as men are invited walls of the building where the mortgage on a house the teacher different than ordinary citizens in colored lace over salmon crepe de ping. will attend the opening session is the rash which I suffered as the to hear one of the ablest platform The total diameter of the con­ State Trade schools have their ex­ was trying to buy and presented the eyes of the law. Of course chine. She wore a hat to match hibition. These pictures illustrate not certain. result of a jellyfish sting. It was the chief has recognition and the speakers the 55’est has produced. On ductor and its permalloy wrapping him with the house -".nd still had good to get back into the water, and carried a bouquet of roses and school activities. They show houses Among the distinguished visitors officers have markers. There are Saturday evening Dr. Frick will is just a fraction short of a fifth my stocks after I had made that which is ■B-arming up a bit. It will lilies of the valley. The brides­ under construction, automobile re­ who have definitely promised to at­ also what is known as 'municipal' give his inspiring lecture on of an inch, the remainder of the handsome profit, so it pays to be tend the convention are General be another month yet before my maid's dress was of figured chif­ pair departments, brick laying and charitable. markers which are not carried out­ “Nightingale Island” and Signor cable being used for Insulation and John R. McQuigg, National Com­ main attempt at the channel can be fon and she wore a picture hat and n u m e r o u s other interesting “ Also don't forget that advertis­ side but inside the car. These give carried Madame Butterfly roses. Mario Capelli will sing. .protection. The completed deep mander of the American Legion; made, says Bill Burgess, my trainer. Bishop Brenton B. Bradley of In-section of the new cable is only glimpses of the work carried on by ing pays in any business” And with the men the right of way but out­ On their return from an automo­ John 5V. Mahan, National Com­ Failing to wait for just the right side of that the volunteers must dia will speak on August 15 and j jn diameter. -As the water tlte schools. this thought. Mr. Childs concluded conditions means certain failure, bile trip, which will Include a ’vis­ Among the collection of photo­ mander of the Disabled American make tlreir ways like anyone else the bishop for August 22 will be an-1 more shallow near the liis little address and was given a Burgess explains. it to Niagara Falls, 5Ir. and Mrs. graphs are several of tlie textile Veterans of the World 55’ar; Gen­ to the fire and must drive to the Wetherell will live in their newly nounced later. shore, heavier cables are used. rising vote of thanks and generous­ eral Hines, director of the Veterans’ 55’hen Burgess himself swam the Registration for classes has been departments in tha Manchester ly applauded. curb when they hear hhe siren on furnished bungalow on Deming The ship which will be used In Bureau at Washington, and others. channel it took him 24 hours. That, discontinued and every feature of Trade school showing the machines the trucks. There is no way to street. the laying of the new cable is the Ins|)c{'ti(in of Plant. Special trains will be operated he says, was because he didn’t get out of this. 55’hy even the fire the week will be open to everybody being operated by th" stiident.s. Autos hecau to gather prompt­ know the currents and tides. Since her graduation from the Colonia. the largest of the half a In the center of the space, from every important railroad cen­ trucks must obey speed laws. Many and every day for the purpose is to hundred vessels designed specially ly at 3 at I ha Bon Ami Plant. As Now he does know them, and he local high school the bride was mounted on a table, stands a beau­ ter in the nation to convey dele­ persons do not know this and t/ employed in the office of the J. 55. share all there is with everybody for cable work. It is 487 feet long soon a.s ten men gathered, guides is telling me their secrets. who desire to attend. Other com­ tiful silver loving cup, descriptive gates, alternates and visitors to when on test trips the men cannot Hale company and more recently with a beam of fifty-six feet, gross took' them in groups through the Burgess s'wam from England. speed up and down the streets at munions are cordially invited to at­ of tire work done in the Silver- lariory. The trip started at the Atlanta. Now ail wise contenders start from has been a member of the clerical tonnage of 7,981 and a net tonnage Smithing department of the Meri­ Business sessions of the conven­ a fast rate. Then the trucks^are force at the Memorial hospital. tend. not only on Interdenomina­ of 4,980. It is equipped with en­ west side where the grinders are in the French side. tional day hut are always welcome. den Trade school. tion will be held in the Auditorium, the same as commercial autos.” gines of 5,000 indicated horse pow­ opere.t inn. Here the visitors pass­ It seems that one must arrive on Supt. Heebner. seen also yester­ Offerings will he taken at after­ er, has twin screws, a normal ed til rough wiiat could only be de­ which has a seating capacity of the English side just as the tide is noon and evening sessions to help 6,000. Numerous banquets, barbe­ day. said that the town was at LOCOMOTIVE EXPLODES steaming speed of fourteen knots, scribed ns a trip through the coming in. If late, the tide be­ present paying tl^e telephone com­ meet the cost of maintenance. and a complement of 150 men. HAWAIIAN DROUGHT clouds. 55'hite mists hung over cues, trips to the Stone Mountain comes too strong for any human Each afternoon at three there will memorial, and other activity has pany $600 a year for the use of The operation of laying a sub­ (. ver\ ti.iiur and through it one being to combat. their wires to carry signals for the AND DITCHES EXPRESS be a special program for children marine cable begins with the land­ could sec the shadowy forms of been planned to infuse an atmos­ The swimmer unfortunate and youth. Following this with BRINGS CROP ALARM phere of festivity throughout the police department. He plans to ing of the first shore end. This men delving into mountain high enough to be trapped by the chan­ run wires along the poles and save (Continued from page 1.) recreational events with baseball, part is coiled In the first of the heaps of whife stuff. The noise was veterans’ visit. nel in this manner is swept right tennis and mass play, each week the town this expense. “Six hund­ cable storage tanks kept on board teri'ilic. One could see the lips of back along the track he has come. red dollars is the interest on $10,- Plainvllle and Providence, and also day. The musical feature will have ship. The shore end is burled In a Honolulu — Drought conditions the guide forming words but could This is what happened to Mme. via New London and Putnam to a large part and Mrs. M. S. Rees are continuing throughout the 000. said Mr. Heebner in explain­ deep trench running to a point be­ hear nothing. Once ui a while he RED GRANGE BACK Sion last year and to Capt. Frey- ing his plan. Boston.” I will conduct a large chorus choir. yond the low-water mark. One end Hawaiian islands and conditions as would jioint I'.ut what It was all berg and a dozen other swimmers. Passengers Escape. A male chorus is also being planned being made fast on shore, the ca­ to growing crops are gradually be­ about was conjecture. They didn't arrive at the English Most spiders have poison fangs, The statement adds: “ So far as is 1 who will sing often during the ble is paid out automatically over coming more and more serious as TO ICE WAGON JOB side in time. known at this time no passengers Then the group went up a flight but few are dangerous to human j week. Dr. Rees is well known in the stern and sinks of its own suipmer approaches. of stairs. Railroad tracks here and Nobody who hasn’t seen them have been seriously injured.” New England as a master of the beings. weight as the ship steams ahead. An official warning has been Is­ little cars that dump. Everywhere Urbana, 111.—55’'hatever the fu­ can imagine what the channel'tides Engineer Frasier and Fireman I platform and he will preach every sued from the Governor’s office are. One can stand at the light Bennett are in the hospital at 55’es- the white, floury stuff. Carrying ture has i store for Harold “ Red” evening the earlier part of the week, that forest covers on the hills and belts, overhead shafts, wheels, gi­ house at Gris Nea and see the dif­ terly„ R. I. Bennett’s condition is beginning Monday night. Mrs. Grange, famous gridiron flash, it mountains are in grave danger of gantic one.s doing something or ferent currents sweep past. Their serious. He was badly scalded on Rees has traveled extensively with MAE MURRAY WILL has nothing in the way of collegiate destruction by fire and all citizens other. Upstairs again to the third colors are different and they rush KODAK FUMS the head, left side and hack. lier husband and has led assemblies life for the Wheaton ice-man this like mill races, each in its separate having business within the moun- floor. Everybody looked down into fall. University of Illinois authori­ of thousands in singing while on WED NUMBER FOUR i tain areas are requested to use course. Developed in our own studio WALTER L. MAIN’S CIRCUS evangelistic tours. The coming of tanks that seamed to have no hot ties believe. ! every precaution against the start- tom. They were empty. In one cor­ I didn’t understand ■what Bur- COMING HERE JULY 12 Signor Mario Capelli for two days, ------| mmintain fires Red r.f w is on the coast learn­ Our work is of the best grade ner -an apparatus with a light In It j gess meant last xvinter when he will be a star attraction and a nexv Stops on Way to Doctor S, viewed from a distance Hawaii's ing the ways and wiles of life in ' xvrote me that I xvould have to be a and our prices are the lowest. Manchester's small boys and feature for this assembly. It is - - . ^ and a dial with figures on it. Look­ the movies. He is due to return to Gets License to Marry Geor­ mountains still presented their ed like an incubator of gigantic I fast swimmer, would have to have! their parents too will be interested said that Caruso declared that this hib home town, 55’heaton, 111. ! pnnrt weather and would have to gian Artist. wonted coat of green, but this Is size. good All prints up to postcard size in the news that 55’alter L. Main’s young man would come to large summer to resume his duties on an have a ■world of . circus Is coming to Manchester, distinction, and many feel that Ca- due to the rich foliage on the trees Masked .Men. ice wagon, by which light labor he printed for Los Angeles, Cal., June 26.— which have not suffered appreci­ Another room is visited. Men But now I do. I Monday, July 12, is the date and a ! pelli is a logical successor as a hopes to get in condition for the And I’m hoping for ihe weather Mae Murray. 33 years old, film ably from the dry weather. How­ xvith masks, similar to dog muzzles big spectacular parade will he given i world tenor. He has just finished coming gridiron season. |— and the luck. W on the principal streets before a tour of Canada and is at present actress, and David Bivaini, artist, ever, under the trees, great beds but pointed like a pig's snout. Harold has at least one more Those men were shoveling and on a tour in Europe hut he will be 2 7 years old, a native of the Geor­ of staghorn fern are almost as dry semester at the University before noon. mixing the floury-like stuff. PRINCE GUS GOLFING 5c Each Main’s circus has been here be­ at 55hllimantic Saturday and Sun­ gian Republic, obtained a marriage as tinder and these constitute the he can expect a degree. Supt. Heebner was -with the IN ILLINOIS TOD .AY. fore and Its managers can be de­ day, August 21 and 2 2 with his su­ license here yesterday. great source of danger from fire. But the name Grange is not to Chicago, June 26.— Crown Prince perb attraction. Miss Murray, who fell while The Forestry Departments of the j group. 55’hat cared he for the mak­ pended upon to give first class per­ ing of soap? As he passed reels of be entirely scratched from the Adolphus of Sweden will try his formances both afternoon and eve­ The full program for this sum­ working on a film, was being taken Territorial Government and the roster of the Illini. For Garland. skill at golf today over the beauti­ mer assembly...... will be______released to to a doctor by Bivaini when they Sugar Planters’ Association arc hose he had to stop and examine ning. The show this year is adver­ them. Here '.vas his element. Red's younger brother, is expected ful private course on the Lake For­ tised to be bigger and better than the press before its publication for'diverted their route to the mar- working in conjunction on plans to to do the moleskins this fall and est estate of Charles H. Schweppe. use of the general public and Mr. riage license bureau, with the an- combat any fires that may start. Next a room where the floury ever. Many new and novel features stuff had been mixed with water. fight for a berth with the “ Fightin’ Tonight the Swedish royal party ELITE STODIO never before heard of are to be In­ Genter said that it was now expect­ nouncement they would wed in the Schofield Barracks, Uncle Sam’s mini.' Garland sustained an in­ will go to Rock Island, 111., return­ near future. It ■will be Bivaini’s Now it looked like dough except troduced. Two hundred performers ed that the last few items would be big army post on the Leilehua jury last season and left school, ing to Chicago tomorrow night. 983 Main Street — Room 10 first trip to the altar and Miss that it was darker in color. This are required for this season’s pro­ written about July first. plains, is feeling the shortage more re-entering In February. He de­ Murray’s fourth. They met only dough was formed into cakes. Up gram, making necessary larger directly than any other communi­ voted his time this spring to work­ DETROITERS TO SEEK three weeks ago at a party given ty in the islands, as its supply is to this time, not one word the tents and a greater area to accom­ by Pola Negri, film actress. guide spoke had been heard by the out with the track squad and de­ modate the circus. It will be shown ARCTIC LAND AGAIN practically* all gone. Soldiers are veloped no little ability as a sprint­ Detroit. June 2 6.— Another at­ Miss Murray's last husband was reporter, so he had to make his on Pearl's lot on 55'oodland street. being moved in large groups to own guesses. er, shining most brightly in ihe tempt to discover new land in the Robert V. Leonard, film director. camping grounds on lower eleva­ The .Machines. 220. Unlike his famed brother, fai' north will be made next March They were divorced in Paris in De­ tions and It is probable that the Today From then on the trip began to however, he fails to t.f'lr.tlllate in by the Detroit Arctic Expedition, it cember. 1925. Leonard recenty post will soon be deserted by all was announced today. Supplies married Gertrude Olmstead, also an assume a different aspect. The the backfleld, playing his best game CONTINUOUS but a skeleton formation left on group emerged to wide, airy, clean at end. W e ’ r e N o t and new equipment xvill be shinped actress, in Santa Barbara. duty for routine and emergency STATE 2:15 to 10:30 5 to Point Barrow this fall, 5\Tlliam sunlighlcd rooms. The boys and uses. • w h a t : n o e g g s : B. Mayo, official of the expedition, SO.ME USE SILX'ER NOW. girls were dressed almost like of HELEN; Bob fell and cut him­ lice workers. Here were seen com­ London. — People develop tlie A f r a i d said. A report from Maj. Thomas mentality of a cow if they drink SPECIAL PROGRAM Cr. Lamphier. who accompanied the self badly on a broken bottle. plicated machines, almost human. F you want the great motorcycling large quantities of milk, according first expedition, states his belief LENA: Where’d he get cut? ABOUT TOWN On carrying belts came empty cans. I thrills that only solo riding can give, They wore filled and capped auto­ to Dr. Stavros Damaglov, of Athens. ADOLPHE RICHARD then we challenge the world to give and that of Capt. George H. Wil­ HELEN: On the hip, of course, silly.— Judge. There will be a plunge for wom­ matically and here it might be One of the worst centers of infec­ you a finer solo motorcycle than the kins, that there is land northeast tion In the world is the hen’s egg, TALMADGE of Point Barrow. en at the School street Rec pool juenlioncd that all of the work MENJOU I Indian Scout. The Scout is light enough is automatic in tills part of the he also declared. Dr. Damaglov for ease of handling, heavy enough for VISION. this afternoon at 3 o'clock and one in “The Broadway PTRST CLI.MBER: I saw Mrs. for men at 7 o'clock this evening. plant. Huge stamping machines cut was addressing a vegetarian con­ power and stamina, perfectly balanced, THAT’S JUST IT. gress. in Gallant” and comfortable as a cushion. It has Peacemaker' Bur, even if he did Blueblood on the avenue. out the tops and bottoms of the hit you. you ought aot to have re­ SECOND CLIMBER: How was Miss' Madeline Sroker of Spruce cans in one operatioii. Others cap all the speed, power and endurance NO P.AY DAYS. you’ll ever need—and costs less than a taliated. she looking? street has returned from a visit to the packages: still others weigh “The King on Also Song Reel, cent a mile to operate. Come in today Urchin: 'E retaliated fust, slr.-- FIRST CLIMBER: Right past Boston and Maine. them. In cartons the cans are again Milwaukee. — “ He worked be­ for a free demonstration. London Punch. me.— Life. taken away on belts. In the export fore I married him,” Mrs. Mamie Main Street” “Dixie” Mrs. Ella Buckland Cowles of department, the product is enclos­ Fox told the judge in her suit for ed in xvood and wired. This ma­ divorce from Peter Fox. “ But ^Hdm Moio&fe& Co. •A Woodbury Is the guest of her cou­ sin, Mrs. Amelia Hills of 55"apping. chine also is a marvel of the inven­ afterwards he wouldn’t do a thing.” Springfield. Man. tor's brain. "When I was a farm hand I got Sunday and Monday The Woman’s' Home League of Then downstairs from floor to paid,” ■w’as the defendant’s answer. the Salvation Army v.-ill hold a floor following the cartons until, “ But after I got married there Manchester's needlework sale Tuesday after­ without a hand touching them, weren’t any pay days.” noon and evening on the lawn at they are loaded directly into box the citadel on Main street. cars. The group by this time had be­ DANCING Fourth Of July The Misses Janet, Edith and Lee come lost and wandered about, so Tonight Burger of Wapplng attended the the output of the plant, the num­ ber of cartons and cans and other boat races at New' London yes­ statistics could not be ascertained Lakeside Casino Celebration Fund terday. South Coventry. PROOF. Received prior to today , ...... $72.00 ‘‘Did you have a successful se­ m Received today ...... $24.00 ance?” AUTO WASHING HILLSIDE INN "Very. We had the spirit of Spring Lubricating, On Bolton State Bead. Napoleon present.” Same Cast as “The Cohens and Kellys” ^ TOTAL TO D A T E ...... $96.00 Greasing, Polishing. ‘‘How do you know?” Always a delightful eating place. GEORGE SIDNEY CHARLIE MURRAY ij The Herald 5vill be pleased to receive subscrip­ ‘‘The medium said: ‘If you are Regular Dinners and a la carte not Napoleon rap once. If you are W. E. LUEUGENS service. VERA GORDON S Stavinsky Brothers tions from all 5vho 5vish to help. Napoleon, don’t rap.’ There was Phone 891-12. W . Gesecke. 24 Birch St. So. Manchester no rap."— Esquella, Barcelona. Telephone 427. '


hind his eyes can persue the Book j the 10:30 a. m. service during the of Genesis without acqulr’ng a con­ summer months. Recitation of the sciousness of the large purposes of rosary will precede the last mass. an Infinite God. It is the vogue Singing by the two choirs will con- The Evening Herald amongst the so-called ‘higher cri­ DIVINF PROVIDENCE tinpe as usual. tics" to deny that there is any Music by the Junior choir at the revelation of Jehovah as more than By GEORGE HENRY DOLE. 8:30 a. m. mass will be as follows: Sunday School Lessons a national Dlety before the period International Sunday School Lesson Text, Jane 27. Prelude: Andagio...... Stults of the Exile Surely, though, no­ We know that all things work together for good to them Processional hymn by William T . Ellis. body who reverently reads the that love God, to them who are the called according to Hla our- Anthem; The Earth, O Lord, Book of Genesis can accept any Rejoices ...... O'Connell For Every Age, Cre^ and Nationality. pose.— Rom. 8:28. ST. M ART’S. such conclusion. From the first t SBOOIfD OC»rGRE<3ATieNAL. Anthem; Praise Ye the Lord, verse of the first chapter unto the Allelujah! ...... Sullivan R«v. J. 8. NelU. closing, chapter of the' book there ------— Bav. F. C. Allen. Offertory solo: Hear Thy Children, Is an awesome portrayal of the one Gentle Jesu s...... Stanfield View events over a long p e rio d .to convince us that all things'work Services as follovs tomorrow: The special theme of the service Miss Catherine Fraher, soprano. and Infinite God trying to crowd the revelation of Himself into the un­ Be— hold how all things work to ! together for the good of them who 9:30 a. m., Church school. Men's tomorrow morning Is, “ The Minis­ 'Violin obligato by Miss Mary THE BIG BOOK OF FIRST THMGS desire His ways. Bible Class. try of the MountalilB.” The picture Donahue. derstanding of man. advance the good of human kind, This history is His story. It is a No one is permitted to know tho 10:45 a. m.. Morning prayer and sermon Is titled, “ The Water-Ous­ Anthem: Reward of Good Works even in unexpected and unforseen future, for such knowledge takes sermon. Sermon topic: “ Disci­ el.” The music to be rendered is as ...... Webbe of Genesis. Many books, pamph­ procession of providences. It shows The International Sunday lets and articles have been written that ways, and of times agains> most away the faculty to act from reason pline." follows; Anthem; At the Gloria ..Brennan strenuous opposition. Keen and i and leads to fatalism, thus destroy­ 3:00 p. m., Highland Park Sun­ Prelude: Conzenetta ...... Lyn^s Trio: Mary, Dearest Mother School Lesson for June 27 Is, upon the site of Kadesh. Barnea, ...... Malley A Review: “ What We Have the camping place of the Israelites “ Still, behind the dim unknown, true is the poet’s vision— ing that which is distinctly human; day school. Anthem:' “ The Glory of God in yet each of us may see the hand of Josephine Blanchard, Mary Breen, Learned From the Book of whence the twelve spies were sent Standeth God within the shadow, 7:00 p. m., Evening prayer and N a tu re"...... Beethoven “ In patience then thy course of | Providence in the events that have sermon. Sermon topic: “ Good Postlude— and Nellie Moynahan. Genesis” — Hebrews 11:4-22. up into Canaan. Most of the Keeping watch above His own.” duty run. | taken place, just as Moses, though Measure." Sunday school Is at 12:10. Communion: “ Reverie” E. L. .x>- books are comments upon com­ The Junior choir will sing at the The Christian Endeavor service Ashford ments; only two deal with per­ The Book of Genesis is a book of “ God never does nor suffers to be i not allowed to see the Lord coming, For eight months I have been done ; was permitted to see Him vfhen He evening service. will be a missionary meeting. The "Violin and organ. Miss Mary sonal exploration. And they fix the vast purposes of the Eternal, traveling to and fro in Bible Lands, the location as Ain Kadeis, a spot “ But what thyself would choose, i had passed. The Older Boys’ Conference will subject Is, “ What May Japan and Donahue, violinist. visiting every uregion mentioned in dealing with the universe, dealing bo held at Camp Washington, and Korea Expect From Christianity?” Recessional hymn which I found to be palpably with the nations, dealing with a "If thou couldst see the end of all 'I Yet most of all, it may be that the Old and New Testaments. The wrong. At what is Indubitably the events as well as He.” we want to see the Providence in the Taft Conference for Young Peo­ The meeting Is In charge of the Music by the senior choir at the book I am writing is nearly done, chosen people, dealing with the fu­ ple at Taft school, Watertown, Missionary committee of the socie­ 10:30 a. ih. mass will be as fol­ real Kadesh Barnea I saw, in addi­ ture of a race to be redeemed. i our own lives. This we can do if and my travels are almost over. tion to the natural proof that the Deeply consoling, i times of ad- we humbly and truly watch the ef- Conn., June 28 to July 5. ty. lows: With the, lands of Genesis fresh in The Galahad boys will go to The strawberry festival Is to be Prelude: Prelude No. Five .Chopin spot is the place where the Chil­ SEVEN SENTENCE SERMONS versity when the mental skies are feet of happenings upon our llves.^ my mind, what m.ny I say concern­ dren of Isreal halted, the remains overcast. Is this vital fact. Looking The things we call good sustain: Camp Washington, Monday, July 5, held this Wednesday evening, from Hymn: Our Hearts Are Thine ing this review Sunday School Les­ Choir of a city that was old in the time back to the fires of hatred that and cheer us. Adversity and suffer- to Monday, July 12. All boys who seven till ten o’clock. In our church son? Laboring toward distant alms have not filled in their applications, parlors. Music and entertainment Kyrie Elelson ...... Turner of Moses; and also that the two sets the mind in a higher key, and burned during Uie World War, and ing not only strengthen character Choir Standing tip like a minaret in a great Sinai thoroughfares, from ccmpariiig them with the spirit of and reliance upon the Lord, but please return same to the rector, features will add pleasure to the mud village is the truth that this puts us at our best.— Parkhurst. Sunday, June 27. occasion. The Christian Endeavor Offertory: "O Salutaris" ..Bordcse north to south and east and west, Locarno, it is evident how Provi- they humble and chasten as nothing Book of Genesis is a place book. It converged right there. Now the dence brought out of those direful i else can, if we look to God. Humbly Sunday, July 11, at 10:45 a. m., ers heartily Invites everybody to Dan J. Sullivan, baritone has real geography behind it, to Let God do with men what he , - , Washington Loyal Orange Lodge, come. Sanctus...... Turner Bible speaks of the city there, and will- it will he either heaven itself I conditions the will for peace. The trust in Him, and It will clearly ap- which a traveler may go. Unlike of the “ king’s highway” which ran wiii. It viii eicner neaxen^useii i His i pear that all things work together No. 117, annual service. Rector Our standing committee and the Choir or some beginning of it.- the abundant thcoiizing upon the through Kadesh Barnea to Edom. will preach. official board of the Methodist Benedlctus...... Turner beginnings of things to wliich the ford. I chariot; He rode upon the storm of for the good of mankind. Thursday, July 22, Choir annual church, our neighbor, have planned Choir These two explicit allusions battle. world lias been treated of late, this were generally ignored or glossed outing at Savin Rock. union Sunday services for July Agnus Del ...... Turner old book has a hackground as tan­ When the fight begins within Take a longer view. Mark how A committee has made tentative and August, beginning July 11th. Choir over, while learned scholars ar­ the Lord has brought the world out gible and traceable as tlie history gued over names and wadys. All himself, a man’s worth something. “Make plans for the Church school picnic. The July services will be held in Recessional hymn of North America. — Browning. of the midnight darkness into Saturday, July 17, at Lake Corn- the Methodist church, Mr. Allen In Choir the while, the best guide to this which He came, and established it The story fits the land. From tho long-controverted site was the the World Bright pounce. the pulpit, and the August services Garden of Eden to Kadesli Barnea, The epochs of our life are not in the Christian light of today. Such During the rector’s vacation, the In the Conferegatlonal cbuych, Mr. SALVATION .\RMY. Book of Genesis itself. In the light evidence of Providence never for­ by having good sighf* in the wilderness of Sinai, the rec­ of this and kindred experiences the visible facts, but in the silent services will be In charge as fol­ Duxbury the preacher. On one Sun­ ord is corro'oonited by the map. thoughts by the wayside as we saking the world and operating I lows: The last two weeks in July, day only, August 22nd, both Commandant C. M. .Vbbott. equally notable, but beyond the Warner Optical Co. Startling confirinations of the accu­ compass of this lesson, is it any walk.— Anonymous. throughout the centuries to exalt the Rev. Edward G. Reynolds, of churches will be closed. racy of tho geographical phases of I justice, good will, and peace, ought j 42 Asylum Street Hartford - St. James’ church. Glastonbury, The Congregational church of Services at the citadel tomorrow wonder that I prefer to accept Gen­ Genesis are to be found by every esis as an authority, rather than He that dwellef.i in the secret during August and until the rec­ Westbrook, Conn., is to celebrate will follow the usual order, com­ traveler vvho makes serious person­ its 2Q0th anniversary June 29th mencing with Sunday school at “ modern scholarship"? place of the Most High shall abide tor’s return, in charge of Rev. T. J. al investigations. Further, it may .\ Book of Human Nature tinder the shadow of the Almighty. Shannon of Immanuel church, An- and 30th. A special feature will be 9:,30. The holiness meeting will be said tliat nobody can as fully After travelling the trails of — Psalm 91:1. ■ sonia. Conn. Rev. Mr. Shannon an historic pageant, and many be held at 11 o’clock. understand the inspired record as speakers will participate, amopg In the afternoon the band will Abraham and Jacob and Esau and will live at the rectory. tho pers-on wlio has for himself Moses, and marvelling at the per­ Evening services will be omitted them, Hon. John H. Trumbull apd give a short concert before the Lives of great men all remind us studied its setting. sistence in the present-day East of We can make our lives sublime. all during the rector’s VTication. Dr. Rockwell H. Potter. All usual service which will begin at While Doctors Disagree. friends of the Congregational 3 o’clock. , Bible usages and local color. I And departing, leave behind us Sunday. July 4. Highland Park Big guns are thundering against am prepared to be grateful that Communion are invited to attend The evening service will take Footprints on the sands of time. Sunday school will hold last serv­ this Book nowadays. No other his­ Genesis deals frankly with the fail­ m place at 7:30. — Longfellow. ice. "^Mll close for summer season. tory, however, is so satisfactory, ings and faults of its characters. Sunday, July 11. 8:00 a. m.. Holy CONCORDIA LUTHERAN. and so well substantiated. There CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE. Those are no legendary figures, The people who have had a had Communion (instead of Sunday, is real comfort for .any Christian impeccable in their virtues and July 18). Rev. H. O. Weber. Rev. Chester F. Austin. notion of God have also had a bad who may be disturbed by criticisms conduct. Real men and women state, bad government, bad laws.— Sunday, August 15, 8:00 a. m.. of the Bible in visiting Bible Lands Morning prayer tomorrow will march through the pages. Some­ Hegel. Holy Communion. Regular services will be held at and talking witii the archaeolo­ times we are very much ashamed this chyrch tomorrow. Sunday begin at 10 o’clock and the morn­ gists, They disagree as jealously 'St- ing service will be held at 10:o0. of them. Nevertheless, we are Between 35,000 and 40.000 per­ SOUTH METHODIST. school will meet at 9 o’clock and and as bitterly as opera stars'. I heartened by the hope that the will be followed by the German Sunday school will convene at 12 sons are employed at Pforzheim. IS ONjTHE.RUN- have listened to one of the veteran sime Lord who used these charac­ Germany, in making silver orna­ Rev. Joseph Cooper. service at 10. The service in Eng­ o’clock. Americans in the Egyptian field as ters for the progress of His reve­ The young people will meet at 6 ments and jewels. SPEeDHlTftiTRBAf-\ lish will be held at 11. he derided and disagreed with all lation of Himself may also employ in the evening and the regul_ar eve­ 9: 30, Sunday school. The Week. the other famous living archaeolo­ us, unworthy though we be. In the STABT TO'REPAm — > 10:30, Ministry of the Chime. Monday. 7:30, ]Boy Scouts. ning service will be held at 7:30. gists. I find a discrepancy of two work of His kingdom. 10:45. Period of Worship. Wednesday, 6:30, Willing Work­ The Week. Spring time is repair time and Old ' thousand years in the most mod­ There is no place in physical sci­ Neglect is already being chased out of many The Manchester Lodge of Ma­ ers. Monday, 7:30, band practice. ern computations of the chronology ence for sin; but it bulks large in a home. ^ -r t hons will attend for divine service. Thursday, 7:30, Ladies’ Aid Wednesday, 7:30, prayer meet­ of the First Dynasty in Egypt I Are You In Need of Genesis; even as it does In the real Why board him any longer? Turn th« Singing: strawberry festival on the church ing. Their affirmations, on entirely in- experience of every person who Friday, 7:30, class meeting. Repair Recruits loose and let them throw, Anthem— “ Fierce Was the Wild lawn. The Salvation Army will .adetinato e\ idcncc, fairly daze one knows himself and the life of his Billow" ...... Noble give a concert. him out. Don’t pay his way anodie? who has any'familiarity with the world. Human conduct Is inexplic­ Shelving For minute. Get that odd job done now. Solo—"The Lord Is My Light" Friday, 8 o’clgck, "Young Peo­ ST. BRIDGET’S R. C. facts. Their di'gmatism ranks with ...... Allitsen Rev. C. T. McCann. able without this tragic truth of W e can show you how and suggest tiio ple’s soci^^;. tlie worst that theology has dis­ sin. from which man must be re­ Topic of pastor’s sermon, “ The best and most economical materials to use. ■ Fri day,-;7:30,' Senior ch oif- played. deemed. In the first adventure of Secrets Behind the Door." Masses tomorrow will be snng at Hurry m so that the ^ d Man wiU h u n y _ ^ ‘ RehearsMs for thie English choir Anybody who thinks that man we see written the need for a Store Purposes? 6:00. Epworth League devotion­ 8:30 and 10:15. will be dispontlnued during July archaeology an exact science and Saviour: and the explicit promise al meeting, led by Thomas Cor'd- and August, as wilU the German theology merely a speculative one, ner. Topic, “ Untried Recreatioi^s.” ZION’S LUTHERAN. of the Seed who should bruise the We have some in A-1 condi- soh'poV'and the Ladies’ Sewing needs but to read the rival archae­ serpent’s head. All the highways of 6:45, Ministry of the Chime. ClFcJPiJ The latter organization Rev. H. F. R. Stechholz. ological works, or to make the ac­ ;ion. 7:00, Evening worship in tjie Genesis converge upon Calvary. vrUl"l»ve: a picnic at Crystal Lake quaintance of a tew of the loading Also Show Cases, Lighting Chapel. Pastor's topic: “ Lodging on July 8. The morning service will be held archaeologists. 1 find that educated Docs Hlstorj- “ Happen"? nt 10 o’clock and Sunday school ‘iMORGAX-QUALITY’ With Sinners." residents of i iic Near V.ast are in- "Through the ages one Increasing Fixtures and other store fur­ STANOARCUZ^C* WOOOWO.Ril ~ Monday, Epworth League Institute NORTH METHODIST CHURCH will convene at 11. clini'd to spea'K of much of tite con­ Purpose run.;. opens at 6:00 in the city of Wllli- temporary arciKU'olo.itical resoarch And the thoughts of man are wid­ niture. Apply mantic. Rev. John C. Duxbury. with tongue in cl’.cok and a twin­ ened with the process of the THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. Tuesday, 2:30. annual meeting of kle in eye. W'.'.cu a man asks a lee­ WAPPING suns.” Lumber, Coal, Mason Supplies W. H. M. M. in ladies’ parlor. Sunday, 10:45— Morning wor­ way of niillit'i's c'f >eur.s in his es­ 3:00, annual meeting of Cradle timates (if tinu'. h.ow can he be Allen Place Manchester ship with sermon on “ Unpeen Help­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Adams had No reader with gray matter be­ 519 Main Street Roll and Little LigliJ Bearers’ ers.” Sipging by the two choirs. Ireatcd seriously'.’ party. All children invited. as their guests recently, J. F. A famous American modernist, r-’l 12:05— Bible school. Wooster and his nephew, Joseph . Wednesday, 9:00 a. m., the an­ 6:30—Epworth League and whom I have been meeting in the nual outing of the Ladies’ Aid so­ Cooke from Goshen, Conn. Mr. Holy Land. s;tid to me, in mockery evening service. Topic, "Untried Wooster is Mrs. Adams’ father and ciety at Coventry Lake. Recreation.” of what he has been hearing from 7:30, First Quarterly Confer­ Mr. Cooke is a teacher in West the scientists in these parts, "I Next Sunday Dr. Claypool of Hartford High school. ence. Hartford will preach at the morp- judge that this piece of antiquity Thursday, 7:30. mid-week serv­ The Y. M. C. A., held its regular is between five thousand and five Ing service, and on the following meeting In the b'asement of the ice. Pastor will lead and speak three Sundays Rev. Mr. Allen will million years old.” More ridi­ from the topic: "The Cure of Methodist church Thursday evening. preach at union services of the They are making plans for a lawn cule of this son would have a Fear." North Methodist and Second Con­ party which will be announced wholesome effect on the arrogant Friday. 7:00. pastor's prepara­ gregational churches, and in Aug­ assumptions of many "scientists." tory membership class for juniors, later. ust the union services will be in Mrs. Elliott Elmore’s mother, By the way. my modernist friend intermediates and seniors. also affirmod. with deep reverence the Second Congregational church, Mrs. Amanda King, has come to Who’s Your Bootlegger? and the Rev. J. E. Duxbury will be spend the summer with her daugh­ that all of his Holy Land travels CENTER CONGREGATION.kL. the preacher. are showing how completely con­ Rev. Watson Woodruff. ter from St. Louis, Mo. The Evergreen Lodge of Masons, firmatory of the Scriptures are THE SALVATION ARMV. No. 114, F. and A. M., are re­ the scenes amidst which'they were Morning worship. 10:30 a. m. quested to meet at the Masonic laid. Again and again I find my­ Sermon theme: "Emphasis.” Ooinmazidant C. M. .\bbott. Temple Sunday afternoon at 5 self returning to this point. The The music: o’clock, standard time, to attend the Land is a fifth Gospel. Postlude— Morning Song ..Kramer Tonight at 7:30 open-air service ,\ Discovery of Sinai along real good service in a body at the Federated listenin’ fer what’s going t’ happen next. Anthem— My Faith Loqks Up to on Main street at Tinker block. Church in Wapping at 7.30 o’clock Out of tho heart of the Sin.ti Thee ...... Schnecker I Sunday, 9:30— Company meet­ by inj^ltation of the pastor. Rev. reninsula let me rite a hitherto un­ Anthem— He Shall Come Down ing with special singing and recita­ recorded confirmation of the Book But the smoke’s all settled now and no harm done. Boys is bound t’ cut loose once in a while, Truman H. 'Woodward. an’ I wouldn’t have no use fer a bunch o’ school boys that didn’t break the rules. The more you Like Rain ...... N. H. Allen tions by the children. Miss Lena Myers who has been Postlude— Tavanay ...... Vincent 11 a. m.— Holiness meeting. having her tonsils removed at the step on ’em, the worse they break out,— like scratchin’ a ma-squito bite, or pullin’ weeds. The Week. 3 p. m.— Service in the Center hospital, has returned to her home Wednesday. 4:00, an Ecclesiasti­ park preceded by 30 minutes band Comply i Thi^ here. cal Council has been called by the concert. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Farnham Hartford East Association to meet 7:30 p. m.—Salvation, meeting left this -week for their summer with the I with the church in Hockanum for with special music and singing by ail ine ume, an iiiey ic uum a, gwvi vw, t-. i j tt x j home in the mountains. sell Street plugged up tight now at both ends, an’ even the Old New England House hez turned re the purpose of assisting in the ordi­ band and songsters. The Sunday school social which New Law i nation and installation of Rev. The park meetings Sunday after was held Thursday evening was INSURE YOUR CAR i spectable. But trouble is, you stop it up in one place an’ it breaks out in two. \es, sir, boys or Harold Burton as pastor and noon are proving quite an attrac­ largely attended. Games' were 1 booze, either one, the more you pester ’em the worse they are. teacher. tion. Last Sunday’s meeting waa played on the lawn in front of the I write all kinds of .Automobile Friday, 9:00-4:00, the annual attended by a large crowd who en­ church. Refreshments consisting Insurance; also Fire and Life. Not that I’m agin’ Prohibition— no, sir, nor they never called me Happy because I come home Sunday school picnic will be held at joy sitting under the trees and " t sandwiches, cookies and lemon­ 3 that way cn Saturday nights. I aim t’ steer clear o’ the bootleggers— both in the liquor business Elizabeth Park. Cars will leave listen to the gospel preached. A]1 ade were served. the Center at 9 o’clock. Round are invited. ^ The choir met tor rehearsal up­ an’ the furniture business. ’Cause you know there’s bootleg furniture, too trip tickets 15c. Bring lunch. stairs in the church while the social Thomas V. Holden Every scholar, teacher, parent and ST. JAMES’S R. C. was In the basement, so there w-as What do I mean, bootlegg furniture? Why, the person in the parish Is invited to 14 William St. Phone 97-13. all kinds of music and entertain­ kind they work off in a nice lookin’ package with fancy, attend. Rev. W. P. Reidy. ment. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ Refrigerators Reduced labels an’ beautiful pictures— looks fine an’ they claim^ per with reception of members will Beginning tomorrow the -sum­ it’s 100 proof. The price is too cheap fer the real thing be held next Sunday morning. mer schedule of services^ In St. Next Week an’ you can bet the real thing ain't there. After next Sunday the Union James’s R. C. church will go into Summer Services with the Metho­ effect. Masses will be celebrated at ALEXANDER Yes, sir, we’re kinda stuck on re­ Yes, sir, there’s bootleg booze an’ bootleg furniture. 7 a. m., 8:30 a. m., and 10:30 a. dist church will begin. The first frigerators this year, same’s every­ An’ there may not be any good booze, but you can buy four services will be in the Metho m. All will be low masses; there body else, I guess. Folks haven’t dist church. will be no high mass celebrated at plenty o' good furniture. How can you tell? Well, I’ll JARVIS, JR KODAK needed ’em, an’ I don’t blame ’em for give you a tip. If you want t’ buy bootleg, go to a boot­ not buyin’. But there’s plenty of Sand legger. You can find ’em easy enough. They adver­ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiij Time Is Here summer ahead somewhere, and we’re tise furniture cheaper, ’cause they got cheaper furniture Gravel goin’ t’ move ’em now. t’ sell. But if you want t’ play safe, go to a real place Take pictures now The weather man wins so far, an’ an’ get the real thing. > I South Methodist Episcopal Church | Stone and keep forever the you kin win an ice-box next week E Comer Hartford Road and Main Street. | happy days of fun and mighty cheap. E Minister: Joseph Coop^. | Loam and Grading frolic. KODAKS Moving $5.00 to $30. and Trucking BROWNIES I 10:45—MASONIC LODGE IN ATTENDANCE. $2. to $15. I Topic ^‘The Secrets Behind Buy Your Kodak H h s All Kinds of AT I the Door” Cemetery Grading Cor. Main & School Sts. I 7:00—BIG SING. SOCIAL WORSHIP. KEMP’S South Manchester I SermMi by Pastor: **Lodging: With SinneM.” ^ '416 Center Street “The Place To Buy Furniture S AH Invited to These Services. | South Manchester i ^ Tel. 341 F i n i s h '; n o niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiHHiiiiiimiminii \ . '•''1 j vj

■■‘v V IIANCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , SATURDAY, JUNE 26,1920. PAGE FOUR

Ity Club playground, ought to pro­ "The Bunk” has shut up shop. Its scenery has gone to the ware­ vide all the necessary fllip. There house and Its girls, presumably, really must be something the mat­ Siewarfe ter with the Manchesterian who have gone home to put on their Cufttlttg Hifralb clothes. "The Bunk” apparently Monday is Washday! can’t have a better day, a week POBLISHED BY had little to justify It as entertain­ i e t t e b s g l & W T l I R E from the coming Monday, by re­ THE HERALD PHINTINO CO. ment save Its scantiness of costume. Foundofl by Elwood S. Bla maining In town and attending that By CH ARLES P. STEW AR T. The New York play jury had or­ How Serenaders of the Summer Nights Grow Oct. 1. 18S1 celebration than by tearing over Washington, June 26.— Colonel Every Evening Except Sunday! and dered it closed as detrimental to Smith W. Brookhart showed a keen Holidays. endless miles of state highways By ARTHUR N. PACK, , public morals, and this, the produc­ interest in the investigation of P resident, The A m erican N ature i Entered at the Post Office at Mau- filled with the jam of traffic that on Pennsylvania Republican senatorial Bhester as Second Class Mall Matter. ers thought, would be bound to ’ Association. j the Fourth always bursts forth primary expenses the minute he SUBSCKIPTIO.N RATES: By Mall make the play a success. Any All of us have heard the bird-1 »lx dollars a year; sixty cent! a from every Connecticut and adja­ landed in Washington, from out in time the censors describe a play as like cry of the spring peeper, the month for shorter periods. cent city and scoots aimlessly Iowa, the other day. soft trill of the tree frog, or the By carrier, eighteen centr a weok. immoral— well, you know the rest. He made for the committee room, about from dawn till the next dawn. bull-frog, with his sonorous voice Single copies, throe cents. But this time something went where the inquiry was in progress SPEC1.\L advertising REPRE- Let’s make this coming Manches­ carrying a mile or more on the still BENTATIVE: Hamllton-De Llsser. wrong. "The Bunk,” remaining at the time, straight from the night air. However, these have ter celebration a huge family affair, Union Station, before even going to Inc 25 West 4Sd Street, Now York open under a temporary Injunction, passed the winter, they all go to the ind’ 613 North Michigan Avenue, with everybody "at It” who isn’t his hotel. water to breed, and their habits at Chicago. failed to gather the expected crowds He got a royal reception from sick, crippled or grouchy. the season of reproduction are The Manchester Evening Herald Is and died a quick and easy death. some of the committee members, on sale In New York City at Schultzs And incidentally — importantly much alike. Nows Stand. Sixth Avenue and' 42nd Perhaps the producers will draw a ioo. , , , Frogs, (and toads also) lay their Street and 42nd Street entrance of incidentally, if you get what we Senator Jim Reed, the chairman, Grand Central Station. moral from this. Perhaps. eggs in masses or strings imbedded mean— let’s make sure that there Is though not of Brookhart s politics, in a jelly-like mass formed by the "International News Service has the no lack of the sinews of celebration, is about as far out of harmony with saturation of a gelatinous su’o- exclusive rights to use tor republlca- his partv management as the colo­ tloii In any form all news dispatches so to speak. Let’s chip In, prompt­ stance surrounding 4hem. credited to It or not otherwise credit­ IN nel is with his. A terrific scrap­ The eggs usually hatch within a ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively ly and cheerfully and unanimously, per himself, thoughts of the fight entitled to use for repuhllcatlon all few days, the time varying in ac­ the local or undated news published for the expenses. Chip In the price the Iowan had just been putting up cordance with the temperature. At ^ herjin.” of the gas you’ll save by having a in his home state were the very first the tiny tadpole has no limbs, ; Arrange this afternoon rattling good celebration right at thing to thrill him to the core. mouth, eyes, or even gills, and for , Senator Bob La Follette and S.^TURDAY, JUNE 26, 1926. m j M a time it is nourished by the yolk j for a home demonstration home, If no more. Every dollar Brookhart are fellow insurgent Re­ New York. June 2 6. — Nothing , still within its own body. At this j will count toward making the good publicans. The colonel’s and Sena­ l-'rogs ami xadpolcs. will bring New York crowds to a stage it attaches itself by a sucking j time all the better. So will every tor McNary’s hearts beat as one on T O S. M . H . S. ' 2( 1. dead stop as quickly as an exhibi­ disk to a water plant. ! is well equipped, for catching active the subject of farm relief. Gradually the tail grows, the j Of the Wonderful To the members of the class of j quarter and every dime. tion of helplessness. It was a joyful reunion. The in­ living prey. 1926, South Manchester High i Step up and chuck something In Once I saw the traffic of an entire mouth and nostrils and eyes open | Most frogs transform to the adult vestigation had to wait while his and the gills develop. The tadpole i This is to be everybody’s block tied up and the street jammed friends slapped the recently nomi­ state within a few weeks of the School, the Herald has no word of ■ the hat. black with humanity to watch a i now active and seemingly all head j New Easy nated ex-senator on the back, con­ egg, but some of the larger ones admonition or advice, nor yet of show, and everybody will want to tiny kitten which had wandered and tail, subsists on the ooze and gratulated him and pumped his pass the first winter in the tadpole Thone 500 right no-w and have a free demonstra­ felicitation. These things have have done something toward paying along the ties between two elevated the tender plants usually found in hand. stage, while the big bull-frog may tion of the Easy at’ your home Monday. Let us come from the proper sources and for it, so as to feel that it’s part his. platform stations. Its feeble • • * abundance In its haunts. take two or three years to reach the As development goes on, the hind “ meows” somehow managed to be The inquiry’s kick for Brookhart adult state. do your Monday’s washing. See for yourself why at appropriate times, in such volume legs appear, and as they grow the HOAX heard above the roar. probably lay' in the comparison Alost frogs are well grown when this new Easy cannot be made fast enough for that more is not needed from a • • * tail is absorbed, serving to nourish Complete failure has attended the which he doubtless drew between they desert the tadpole form, but newspaper. And the other day I saw a crowd the growing body. It some cases the demand. ’Phone now ! attempts of Mrs. Almee Semple Mc­ the measly $3900 he found suffi­ the toads assume the perfect form Let our word, then, he hacked by of at least 500 jamming together the legs may develop to a point while still very small, and do most Pherson to lead searchers to the cient to finance his successful Iowa which allows the animal to jump no science, buttressed by no espe­ in City Hall Park. Nothing un­ primary campaign, and the couple of their growing later. place of her supposed captivity in usual about that! A street fakir about while the tail is still con­ WAmJNS BROTHERS cial morality, flowing only from a of millions or more spent in the Sonora mountains somewhere with a trick tin i lonkey could draw Pennsylvania— in vain, at that, on spicuous. neighborly interest and friendship. such a crowd in a few minutes dur­ As these changes are taking Send a stamped addressed envel­ near Douglas, Arizona. And this tlw part of two of the three candi- Good luck! ing any noon hour. place, the gills are replaced by ope and questions of fact having to despite the fact that she has had the d^es. do with nature will be answered by But this wasn’t the usual crowd Brookliart’s political methods, lungs, the mouth and eyes have be­ aid of sheriffs, trailers and border of noon-time stenographers and come larger, and the animal has the consulting staff of Nature Mag­ PROPAGAXD.V NAILED. however, are different from those azine of Washington through ar­ riders who know every mile of call bovs. Men whose attire was j been transformed from a soft-bod- A Philadelphia astronomer having that of'the Wall Street broker’s of the effete east. 1 led helpless creature to one which rangements made by this pai)er. announced the theory that tliis the adjacent Mexican territory as He requires no money to pay brand, young men and old, fakirs others to help him fight. All the ; - well as that of their own Arizona and organ-grinders, city officials earth of ours was originally shot fiahting it’s necessary to have done ; r out of the sun like a shell out of a counties. and job hunters— all types were in his behalf he’s quite capable of i gathered. And every now and cannon, the New York Herald-Trlh- The conclusion is very nearly doing for himself, at next to no e.v-1 STATE ROAD WORK forced that, Ihe tale of Mrs. Mc­ then came a sympathetic squeal DAILY POEM une proceeds, with a display of pense. | SEALED PROPOSALS will be re from some flapper hidden in the He looks it, moreover— a regular i Pherson’s adventures is either a de­ j ccived by the State Highway Com­ erudition that must cause the rest throng. , , , Mars, chunky, powerful of build, liberate invpntion or the figment of I peered over the circle of heads missioner, 12 Washington Street, of American newspaperdom to stand bull-necked, with a choleric eje and REACTION. a disordered imagination. Mrs. and there, upon the green, flapped a Hartford, Conn., until 2 P. M around with its mouth open, to de­ square, pugnacious face. Of course ya gotta worry, and ya fledgling sparrow, trying its hard­ gotta fret a bit. They’ll say ycr I EASTERN STANDARD TIME, on molish the Philadelphia savant and McPherson has directed the atten­ * * ♦ tion of the public in the latter di­ est "to "fly while the mother bird The Pennsylvania investigation just not human lest ya sometimes Monday, June 28th. 1926, for the his theory by sheer force of argu­ screeched her terror. throw a fit. Yer due to battle trou­ following sections of State work, in rection by declaring, now, that she * * ♦ has had plenty of interest for accordance with plans and specifica­ ment. others besides Brookhart. ble and, at times, yer bound to a s e c o n d choice "Pooh, pooh,” says the Hcrald- must have suffered a lapse of mem­ Now, it is the mark of a New frown. Ya just can’t help but feel tions on file at the following places: gathered, that A large share of the credit for its Trib, in effect. "Nonsense, nib- ory. That is the charitable view York crowd thus „ is due to Chairman that way, when things er up-side- TOWN OF MANCHESTER: to take. M’hat makes it extremely while helpleeeneee S From the very heglnnlhg he down. About 8232 linear feet of 9 inch bish and also rot!” I ' ditlieuli to accept it is the existence attention and hold do anvthing I pushed things, three sessions a day Ya can’t expect the bright side ta concrete pavement and 3 inch After which it actually proceeds bound they seldom be always shinin’ through. There’s asphalt or 2 inch amiesite over i of so much evidence, none of It stand and | and far into the night, at top speed. CAR? as follows: , about ’it. They just plenty of the wrong side and a part 7 inch reinforced concrete base on "For one thing, the sun is not' conclusive hut all cumulative, that r ," as .h iS ..e ] He « - ‘.eri.-fo‘I.a'^ ‘ p e p " of it’s for you. Per instance, when West Center St. NOTE: Port­ the evangelist’s mother knew some­ other to take the first step. yer plannin’ gets a set-back for a land cement will be furnished by solid but gaseovis. A cannon, con­ The crowd might have stood in order to stir up the maximum thing about the affair before it ever amount of talk. If the witnesses spell, it’s easy, mighty easy, to be the State. Plans and specifications structed of gas, even of compressed watching the fledgling to this very transpired. didn’t provide enough of it to suit feelin’— not so well. at the office of R. W. Stevens, Divi­ Leadership today belongs to gas, cannot be expected to shoot moment but for a small boy wdio But, shucks, don’t let that down sion Engineer, 15 Lewis St., Hart­ This circumstance gives the whole him, he put in the condiment him- a bullet very far or very fast. And had stood on the edge of the you, ’cause it clears up after while. ford, Conn. Buick because so many people affair the odor of a huge publicity throng and had busied himself self. Ya soon get sick of grouchiness— TOWN OF FARMINGTON: if we are to think of the substance All this means hard work. Reed matrp. it their first choice among all motor cars. stunt. If it turns out to be so, looking for signs of a nest. Final­ and then bring forth a smile. The About 177S linear feet of grading of the earth as spouting out in a ly he wriggled through the crowd, has the phvsique to stand a lot of it neither of the leading participants pleasant side is better than the blue and about 1000 linear feet of 7 inch vast jet, like gas from an oil well, picked up the baby and, climbing but he presently had some of his fellow committeemen about worn side, bv a mile, but remember tliat waterbound macadam in connection They have discovered that other cars, priced we have difficulty in imagining why need expect any overwhelming to the nest, put the baby bird back. the blue side makes the other seem with tlie elimination of grade cross­ out. the same as Bukk, are not even close to Buick It should escape from only one hole ^ amount of charity from the press or Everyone watched this efficient, * ♦ • worth while. ing on the Scott Swamp Road. instead of from millions of jets all ; the authorities whom they have vic- though'common-sense, solution of Plans and specifications at the office the problem with the baffled ex­ Of course, the three "♦.ar wit­ in value. nesses have been Representatix e of R. W. Stevens, Division Engi­ over the sun's surface. timized. pression of persons watching a neer, 15 Lewis Street, Hartford "Another objection to the Phila- In the state of Washington such William S. Vare, who won the Volume production enables Buick to give yon miracle worker. I^ennsy 1 vania Republican senatoi ial TOAA Conn. And yet. I’ll wsger, there were delphia thcorv is the fact that sci- performances, arranged with a de- nomination. Senator George W har­ TOWN OF FARMINGTON: a lot better car, for a very moderate price. ence alrcadv possesses a theory of I finite view to deceiving the newspa- men in tlie crowd who find the per­ About 13245 linear feet of 7 inch plexities of a great financial deal a ton Pepper, the runner-up. an:l SIA\S the earth’s origin which satisfies, in I pers, is punishable by a heavy fine Gov. Gifford Pinchot. third. trap rock macaJ. m on the Scott Do not be misled into driving a second^hoice simple daily problem. Swamp Road, including abutments its broad outlines at least, the great'; and. we believe, jailing. Whether One of the outstanding charac­ On Pepper and Pinchot, Reed wasn’t very severe. Inasmuch as s?ws for a 50 foot steel bridge. NOTE: car. Compare the new car offered you to Buick, majoritv of scientific men. This 1 the state of California has the same teristics of New York, it has often they lost, perhaps he thought it I Tills is excAisive of the work In con- is the familiar theory of a stellar , law we do not know. But we hope seemed to me, is its own utter ! nection with grade crossing elim- before you let go o f your money! helplessness in minor emergencies. didn’t matter what their expenses Winter is better than summer. encounter. were, though Pinchot’s were large In winter you don’t have to go tg lination.. Portland cement and re- 1 Which may account for the ap­ I inforced concrete pipe will be fur­ MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. "At some time in the far distant peal made by a kitten on an ele­ and Pepper’s simply enormous. But bed without having enough straw­ BUICK he grilled Vare, wlio’ll come to tlie nished by the State. Plans and Dirision o f Central Motors Corparctiom past, it says, our smi came close vated or a bird fluttering upon the berry siiOrtcake. A TREE. Senate if he wins tlie election, to a ! specifications at the office of R. W. ground. ' Stevens. 'Division Engineer, 15 to another star as both of them Six luindred and seventy years ' faro-thee-well. So did Senator In Germany, they have an epi­ sailed along through space. This ago, in tlie day of tlie Seventh Cru­ demic of smallpox. An epidemic of Lewis Street, Hartford, Conn. 'King. ; tow n OF CANTON: A concrete near approach created an intense Vare made a pretty good impres­ smallpox in Germany should be sade, before the Old World dreamed 'girder bridge of two 38 foot spans gravitational attraction between the there was an America, a tender sion, liowever. He kept liis tem­ popular In France. per in spite of tlie rougli liandling lover Clicrrv Brook. NOTE: Port­ two stars. Yast quantities of mat­ shoot poked itself up out of the land cement will be furnished by he got, and anybody who can do The man who spent all his money ter were sucked out of the sun, as ' tlm State. Plans and specifications earth and began to take the shape that, with Jim Reed prodding him, last winter is lucky. He can’t get a magnet draws up iron dust out of A merry heart hath a continual deserves a medal. iat\he office of R. W. Stevens. Divl- of a tree. restless this spring and quit his job. . sion Engineer, 15 Lewis Street, G-lS-48 N.P. a tray. This drawn-out matter On the bank of a cool mountain feast.— Prov. 15:15. 1 like the laughter that opens I i Hartford, Conn. ___ condensed, in time, to form the stream it reared its leafy stature. Teeth are nice things. If you had the lips and the heart, that shovs Nairobi, in East Africa, has the I TOWN OF NEW HARTFORD: earth and other planets. Similar Storms tried to shake this proud largest water tank in the world. It no teeth what would you grit when I A twin 14 foot span concrete slao at the same time p‘=arls and the your wife make you mad? damage was suffered, we must as­ young pine, but the tree grew soul.— Victor Hugo. holds a million gallons. ■ bridge over Cotter Brook. sume, by the other party to the en­ Portland cement will be furnished straight and stood firm. bv the State. Plans and specifica­ counter. It too, probably has its The tree was standing there when tions at the office of D. C. Loewe, Capitol Buick Company family of planets, just as the sun Marco Polo, in 1271, returned from Slipping Division Engineer. WMnsted. Conn. lAMES M. SHEARER, Branch Manager. has, but it has now drifted so far his wonder travels in the east. All bids must be accompanied by Main Street, Corner Middle Turnpike East, away in space that we cannot exam­ When Kubia Khan was beginning AN a suretv company bond or a certi­ fied check not less than one-third ine it or even identify it. his reign as emperor, fire tried to of the cost of the work. The State AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM "This is now the accepted theory destroy it, but the tree lived, al­ Highway Commissioner reserves the WHEN BETTER of earth origin. It fits too many though it bore scars on its trunk rlglit to reject any and all bids. _ facts, both in astronomy and in the rest of its life. Dated at Hartford. Connecticut, geology, to be abandoned carelessly. June IS, 1926. , ,. T^ The giant of the forest was about JOHN A. MacDONALD. The Philadelphia Idea of a solar 6 0 feet tall when Joan of Arc was is/jf ir State Highway Commissioner. cannon is spectacular, but we pre­ burned at the stake. About the 12 Washington St., dict that it will find few friends.” |time of the Spanish Armada our S eal% uu Hartford, Conn. We are mighty glad of that as­ tree reached maturity, and when Good Used Cars surance. It would be simply ter­ the Pilgrims landed in America it ? rible if that war-like idea, starting was 3S inches in diameter at a In Guaranteed First Class Mechanical Condition. 1>I 4*,>4 if you please in the City of Brother­ man’s chest. hen Yale College 1925 Ford Coupe— like new. ly Love, should go around the coun­ was founded in 1700 the tree meas­ Two 1924 Ford Tourings. try winning over to intimacy, per­ ured 46 inches through. 1921 Ford Sedan. haps to adoration, perfectly nice Before the advent of the Jesuit : Aa; pacifists by the hundreds and subtly missionaries few white men visited Q '--jy 1923 Gray Touring. getting them to subscribe to the be­ in Nine Mile Valley, near Missoula, 1920 Liberty Touring. lief tliat evei» the worlds, ever so Mont. Perhaps there passed some liy -'iD 1920 Chandler Touring. long before there were any people occasional, lonely trapper, to whom IK 1917 Reo Touring. ■< on them, went around banging at the tree was a guide. If Lewis ■s. \ 1926 Oldsmobile Coach— demonstrator. each other for all the world like " and Clark had measured the giant lot of Kaiser Wilhelms. in 1S05 they would have found it Special Low Prices — Low Down Payments — Bal­ We could almost cry in our grat­ 5 3 inches in diameter and probably ance 12 Months. itude to the Herald-Trib for de- 150 feet high. y There is Many G. M. A. C. Easy Payment Plan. molisliing this piece of propaganda The tree saw the white men come s '3 right at the start. Far. far better and tlie red men go, and heard the to have the world owe its origin to roar of a new animal that breathed A Home a traffic accident that to a deliber­ lire. It saw its neighbors fall Crawford Auto Supply ate assault at arms. one by one. with great groans and awaiting that rejuvenating Cor. East Center and Walker Sts. So. Manchester crashes, and farms take the place process that only new wall­ MANCHESTER'S OWN. of the forest. KQ paper will give it. The highways of Connecticut, on Finally in 1926 its turn came. the Fourth of July, will be aliout as The saw ripped its way through We have an exceptionally safe as a battlefied during the bat-1 trunk. It went the way fine line of attractive wallpaper tie— just from the sheer overcrowd- J mills, the way of its brothers, in the newest patterns and Ing certain to come. Why should j trees. color' schemes. Manchester people take their li^es. it made 8,000 feet of lum- ^ J 7 f in tlieir hands, on that daj. merely j for the sake of "going somewhere,” | ------when a first class celebration of the "B U N K ” IS RIGH T. John I. Olson Contrary to the opinion of a ^^^YEIDMTPENCIL « ^ holiday is being arranged for them Painting and Decorating "•la iA the RQ3 RAND tKOKf/ great many producers, dirt in a Contractor. here it home? XGLEPENaLOL NEWYORfWSA^ The program of tlie committee of play does not necessarily assure its 699 Main St. Johnson Block the Manchester Improvement Asso- success. Witness the fate of "The South Manchester. jtiation, to be given at the Commun-: Bunk of 1926.” L


with their old spellings and odd The call of the Great Hornbill, j sometimes referred to as the “mo- Dr. Fred F. Bushniell manner of giving the notes. GEORGE SIDNEY IN VETERfN ARIAN; Knows His Subject. torhorn bird,” frequently can be Delves Into Dusty Tomes Started on the subject nearest “ SWEET DADDIES” heard a mile away. 494 East Center Street, ’ I his heart, Mr. Palmes gave names Manchester Green. of the famous drummers of years Office Hours: 7 to 8 P. M. gone by; how In Farmington al ARMS TELEPHONE 1847. drum was used to call the people Same cast as in “ The Cohens and To Learn Almost Forgotten Art to worship each Sunday: how the Kellys.” MONUMENTAL drum figured in wars and in his­ George Sidney, for many seasons WORKS tory and in religion. He pictured a featured player in motion pic­ the primitive tribes performing their religious rites with the aid tures, will be seen in one of the Cor. Pearl and Harrison Streets of their tom toms and the Indians leading roles in M. C. Levee’s First National production, “ Sweet Dad­ South Manchester. GLASSES FITTED . Julian Palmes, of Meekville Section of Town, a Master Drum’s History Is Lost In Antiquity; their war dances; how even in the farthest north the Esquimaux used dies,” which comes to the State Symbol of War, Religion, Civilization Theatre here, Sunday and Monday. of the Drum and an Authority— Has Valuable Collec­ drums. And as he unfolded his tale the subject that at first glance Sidney is famous for his Hebrew Walter Oliver seemed so drab, took on the glow characterizations. Whence came the drum ? The encyclopedias merely In “ Sweet Daddies” Sidney plays tion of Instruments— Not a Hohhy But a Life Study; of romance. Optometrist. say: “ The ancient Romans used drums in religious the part of a wealthy merchant A Farmer 915 Main St. So. Manchester* ceremonies. The Parthians used them in war. They Mr. Palmes is a farmer. He was who enters into partnership with His Unusual Story as Told hy Himself. were introduced to western Europe by the Crusaders.” born here and but for a few years a son of Erin named Pat O'Brien. Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. spent in Massachusetts, lived here Mr. O’Brien is played by Charlie What is the history of the drum ? It is shrouded in Murray, well-known Irish screen Telephone 39-3. the mists of antiquity. Stanley found tribes telegraph­ ‘ since. At times he plants tobacco but this year he is going in for comic. “ 5 and 6 flams; 5 and 3 paradiddles and a stroke; then 5 ing his advance miles in advance by means of drums, in truck and specializing on melonu. The nature of the business en­ md 3 flams, a paradiddle and 3 flams; 2 flams.” dal-kest Africa. Our own John Reinartz found tha At one time he developed a new gaged in by the tw'o men is some­ C. E. JOHANSSON Esquimaux in the farthest north using them. Voodooism species of strawberry until they what obscure and the prohibition y r f i r f t c Read that over again. Not very interesting, you say? agents get after them. But every­ in Hayti was founded on drum beats. The Indians used were so large that eight of them But it is, for it leads to one of the most interesting and unusual filled a quart basket. This was thing turns out right in the end. them before the arrival of Columbus. The peoples of Meanwhile the son and daughter stories unearthed in IManchester in many a day. known as the Palmes berry. Frost, HOME BUILDER the stone age and before used drums. It was the first however, killed the plants. of the partners fall in love with To hear the artist play that— ‘I' expression of rythm, scientists say. It was a step to­ He is of slender build and comes each other. Jack Mulhall and Our Shop Will Be Open General yes you play it— with the light of of what is known as Yankee stock Jobyna Ralston, Harold Lloyd’s ward civilization. It’s shape has not materially changed leading la,dy, take these parts. Every Friday and genius in his eyes, to see him fondle Drum Artist from “ away back.” Quick in mo­ in centuries. tion and soft of speech. He wore "Vera Gordon, famous actress, is Saturday Carpenter Work the instruments with which he plays So, although to the father at Christmas time a drum a straw hat and overalls. Smooth also seen in one of the featured It, reminds one of a great violinisc mav mean distraction, to the soldier it means war, to the shaven and lean of features he is roles. From 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Plans • Estimates fondling his Strad. There is no moderns, jazz and to the primitives, religion and intelli­ the New England type of stage and ’When “ Sweet Daddies" was pre­ Other Times by Appointment. other apt comparison. .story, except the accent. His viewed in Hollyw'ood a noted film South Manchester. ' 70 Haynes St. Phone 9ie The .Artist. gence and civilization. reading has given him a know­ executive was in the audience, and, But to begin at the beginning. ledge of things historical that is on. the strength of Sidney’s por- Julian Palmes, of Tolland street surprising to a stranger and when trayil, signed him to play the star ijiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii»i»iiiiiiiim m iim iiiiiii| in the Meekville section of the town he talks about drums he is really role in the photoplay version of is a drum artist in the true sense gathered in nearly as unusual a eloquent. David Warfield’s “The Auctioneer,” of the word. He knows the his­ which in its day was the best in the United States and the only manner as were the facts them­ soon to be filmed. tory of drums; can reel off dates selves. Photographs were taken recently Alfred A. Santell, who directed of famous drums; know.s the names drum corps to play in the White I Manchester Upholstery Co, | by airplane, developed in the air, Corinne Griffith in “ Classified,” is of all the drum artists of the last House. The backward season has made Not Inherited. it imperative for farmers and Mr. dropped to the ground and trans­ responsible for the direction of E 597 Main Street Phone 1743 5 century; owns instruments a cen­ mitted by wire within 30 minutes. “ Sweet Daddies.” tury old; possesses a library on the How came it that you took up Palmes is one, to rush their plant­ Today, for a continuous perform­ Bubject and can play tunes com­ the drum, was your family inter­ ings. Not to interrupt the work, ested in it? the story was gathered while the ance from 2:15 to 10:30, the State posed a century and a half ago. presents Adolphe Menjou in “ The And it is from these ancient hooks “ My father played the tambou­ drum artist was setting out melon I Living Room Suites I that the “ flams and paradiddles" rine and a cousin who lives in plants and the interviewer had to G. Schreiber & Sons King on Main Street.” and Richard and other strange words were tak-’ East Hampton, Sherman Carpen­ follow him, pad in hand, stumbling Talmadge in “ The Broadway Gal­ I We make them to order from our own selection of | en. In those days the drummers ter, is, in my opinion, the best I in furrows to keep up with him. He lant.” For the added attraction = coverings, saving you the middleman’s profit. s did not play from note but from drummer I ever heard, Outside of I worked swiftly and the reporter at there will be a song reel “Dixie,” fust such a score a.s you read at that I never heard of any of my an-, times had to drop into a dog trot. so to give every one a chance to I WE ALSO REPAIR | cestors playing the drum.” j The rows seemed miles long and General Contractors sing. the start of this articles. = and make over old furniture equal to new. We make 5 Seeks Inforination. Although Mr. Palmes does not j the distance covered during the in­ Can you imagine a man delving play in public much he said that, terview would make a Marathoner i slip covers. A trial will convince you of the quality of 5 Into ancient books in a library for, occasionally he goes out on pa-1 envious. Bnildcn of “ Better Built nomes" French & Volkert i our work and of our very moderate prices. 5 books on drums? Can you imag-j •liiliaii P. Palmes. rades. At the time the tobacco | Talk Resumed growers were organizing he went | Telephone 1565-2. ARTESIAN WELLS ine a man wlio goes to hear every i During the noon hour the talk from town to town with his drum. Test drilling for foundations, water drummer of note that he can reach? ! Dan Emmett, the famous minstrel, to call the planters to meetin.as and 1 was resumed under . a big spruce I Spend Your Vacation With the Howitzer Co., July 11. | Can you imagine a man spending! iui.diii.ucii ),g|tree8. seated on a piece of board systems, pumping machinery, blast improvised tttnes on fife and drum in connection with these trips bole drilling. hours of his time transcribing tunes in Washington. And here he tol.I j on which the drumming deuion- dusty with age and practicing hours tells a humorous stoiy. Shop: 285 West Center Street P. O. Highland Park, Conn. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii something that he said he could -A Humorous Story I stration was given. Nearby a horse at a time to master them? Julian grazed. -A kitten played with a not vouch for but said that the I.et him tell it in his own way I Palmes does all of these things. veteran told him. Park, 1 spool of thread. At times a bee Not a Hobby. j “ We were at Laurel “ He told mo that one day while Northampton, Mass. The fifer ’ would come buzzing around to in- tSSSSSSSlSSSSSSSISm^ Remember this i.s no hobby, it is terrupt. From the rear window improvising, Emmett composed and I were on the platform and we the life study of a man who from 'Di.xic.’ of the little farmhouse, Mr. Palmes’ the moment the tirst drum was played a couple of tunes. Then \ clcraii Drummer. somebody said play a march and gray haired mother watched her placed into his hands as a child be- son showing his treasures, evi­ rame fascinated with it and has This veteran John A'. Clark, of we swung into “ Marching Through Georgia.” As we played the dently wondering what it was all followed it for over 4 0 years Baltimore was here on a visit some about. Would the modern druminer Trac-[ >ea.rs ago. Hearing that_ he was a speakers came up the middle aisles to the platform. The principal Then were shown the various tise drumming on a pillow, for in-I drummer in the CHil Wat, lalmes sticks in various woods and shapes, stance, just to acquire the wristj sought him and the t"o spent speaker was a Judge Lynch of Louisville, Kentucky and when he the precious drums and the rare motion that is so essential to cxe-1 many hours cone ersing on their books. Here it was that the art­ cuting tunes hundred of years old? favorite topic. Mr. Claik t\as so began his speech he remarked ist fondled his treasures as he ex­ Would he study atmosiiheric condi-] taken up with the Manchester man that in his whole life he had never plained their worth and their bis- tions so as to tune his drums which! that he sent b.im Stiuoes book, the marched to that tune. He had not forgotten the Civil War. .And 1 toric.s; how this one was made I’v INFLATION is just like a violin. :\s he inits it?! standard authorit> on diumniin.g Would he keep from .a performance ; in this countr.w It was presented to never for.got it either. How did the Brown brothers of Windsor. because the modern trail drummerj tke veteran by the composer him- we know that a Southerner was to Eli. Benjamin and William at tlic beginning of the last century. reminded him of "a Hock of crows, self. It has long since been out of speak and did we know that the chattering while a flock of sheep | print and is very rare. Mr. Clark speakers were to march up when Peepin.g through the vent one in the same field was bleating". | also presented him with the shell we started to play?” could see the names and the dates. It is no hobby ' a drum he used during the war. | Unusual Interview The Revolutionary treasurer was The noon whistle blew and the handled tenderly hy its owner. He Practisc.s Dailv. ' fo'' ''>^5 collection. played on it and it was indeed a “ I practise daily." said Mr.| The local artist paid also that he interview was interrupted for a HOLLYWOOD al'O my stii'ksi P'‘i>i'n to write to notes I time. It might be explained that wonderful sound. The old book.s Palmes. "I have were examined, fragile with age handy around the house so that if the tunes of the Moodus Corpsjthe facts for this article were anyone is interested I may be ablej to teach some youngsters what I Prices are ridiculously low considering location and improvements. know about the art. “ I have been interested in the drum since a child. Except on Some very fine lots are now selling at $20 per foot. rare occasions I do not play in pub­ lic. Of course “ The Spirit of Ttl" caught my fancy and I have taken part in that many times because I always worshipped that picture and Mnp of’ because I have just the drum to go with it. a real Revolutionary drum." he continued. “ The study of the SOUTM^MANCMIlTtW. COWM drum is a fascinating one for me. 1 property of,' There is hardly a book on the sub­ ; , \ t < I ject that I have not studied. The 1 \ e d w a b o Jj .h o l C. , older the book, the better I like it -1 >«*»_ and the same applies to my drums I j i Scale r-«o December O 1 and to my sticks. Later I will hk/'t Ehow you them. There are all sorts * • A.et aao* C t of drums and all sorts of sticks Just as there are all sorts of violins and by the way, you must tune a I t drum as you do a violin and this hy 6 s««e Of ScbCC^xcii the way is no stretch of the truth for I have seen drums made of vio­ lin wood and played on them. .Modern .Methods. “ The boy.s nowadays learn to play overnight, you may say. They know nothing of the wrist move­ is ments nor of the fundamentals. Ask them to play from the old manuscripts and it would be Greek to them. They just play to make a noise and they do make a nose that may be heard a block but can they play on a drum that can be \ heard 15 milesi I have a drum here, an ancient one that can bo heard that distance when atmos­ ---u'X pheric conditions are right but I rould not on a modern drum nor in the modern ^.•ay. Not -An Old Man. The Connecticut “ I speak of the boys nowadays as if I were a hundred years of aae. ■ O so • It It is not that. I am forty-three but M I live in the past when I dream of . ss • Business College Helps You 1 1 arums. “ I have eight sets of sticks, all ii: ■ M J Df different woods and diff(yent ' 1 WO Fhapes and eight drums, also* of R11 «r different styles from the very deep in the Sea of Experience! V**-- rnes of the Revolutionary days to ‘he one that is of modern size. The Revolutionary one I brought to HEN you’re out in the business world — where ex­ Boston once to find out how old it Wperience counts—you’ll find Connecticut Business vas. I was told it was older than any records they had there and 1 College trainiitg a big help to you. •■vent to real experts. Tney offered me a handsome sum for it but to There is nothing like Holl^^ood in Manchester considering prices, ^ell that drum would be foolish, Don’t flounder about with countless hundreds of others wouldn't it? It would be sacrilice. —rise above the average by enrolling in one of our suc­ location and future—A visit will convince you. That drum was in our family for many years anri I will pass it on at cess courses. Most of the tract is restricted to Single Houses. We help to finance my death. It will never be sold while I am alive." your building operation and sell on Easy Terms. (’an't Stand Trap Drums. Book-keeping, stenography, secretarial work, in fact “ ■^'hat do >«iu think of modern any of our many courses will keep you afloat in the sea Salesmen c Dund from noon ’til dark. drumming?” “ I think nothing of it. It i.= of experience. Particulars gladly supplied without merely noise, no pulse, no r>thm. 1 cannot stand trap drums. They obligation. ound like a flock of blackbirds Telephone 560 battering in a field where sheep .i' 3 bleating. Drumming is not The Connecticut Business College i .-.-king a noise. It Is music.” Edward J. Holl 865 Main St. Ti'.en followed some iiuercstli g :: counts of drums from Civil War G. H. Wilcox, Principal. :.iys on. He told of how he met an Odd Fellows’ Block South Manchester, Conn. .'d Civil War veteran who told him : that greatest of all drummers veorge Bruce Barrett who vith


—By Redner Change in Rates THE ROMANCE OF AMERICA Molly Pitcher (3)

fuJ------GRAVE For Herald Classified Advertising or KOtLy” is"' On and after June 1. 1926, the following rates for Classified Advertising will be in effect: All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar advertising on Classified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5 cents a line. S ' ® THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for advertisements charged and billed. a ' ■ Th«e was no one to cany on with the cannon Hays had been fir- w m M For a time, following that, she ran a store in Carlisle, and then FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Molly s husband lived but ing, and it was ordered taken off the field. Molly heard of this, a short time after his war­ For several years they spent the last few years of her life in a Small stone house, where FOR SAFE—Few ac-res of stand- FOR SALE —East Middle Turnpike, and insisted that she be allowed to lake her husband’s place. On she died, Jan. 22, 1832. She was buried in the English graveyard Insr graaa, farm 417 South Main street. right near Main streeL new six room time injury. Some years lived in an old stone guard Telephone 4 ? 0 . ______sinple. oak trim. flrv>lace. steam in Carlisle, and 44 years later, on the Fourth of July, 1876, a stone heat, silver fixtures, sink room, through the battle she fought, using the rammer and firing the after his death she married house near Carlisle, where FOR S.VLF.—Six weeks old pips; garage .n cellar for .wo cars. A ti'ce cannon. She was called Major Molly by the soldiers, and later Molly cooked and washed marking her grave was unveiled. This stone called Molly Pitcher al.so a.sters. zinnias, pinks, carnations Muiif in the right location at the George McCauly, another and calendtika plants, Feter _ MUler, right price. Can Ite seen at any time. jnade a sergeant by Gaieral Washington. V for the soldiers.______V ‘The Heroine of Monmouth.” (NEXT: THOM.\S .lEFFERSOX.)/ 7(7 Tolland Turnpike. Tele 3fi4-e. Walter Frlche. 54 East Middle Turn­ V^soldier. ^ pike. TeL J'8-4. ]-Vin S.\LK—Clieap. if t.aken now— pips. lnc>cles. hone prindcr. orpan In MORTGAGES cup will be given to the winner. pood tune; pood ^\ood-chuck dop, kind held at local playgrounds and! TO RENT AUTOMOBILES it is expected that the band concert | Members of the Recreation com r.ahldt dopr. .stands, two horse mower We can Invest money for you in ROCKVILLE NIGHT HERE { machine, stoves in pood order. Fred ' first class mortgages. Do you need COLUMBIA season here will receive a rousing [ mittce. Thomas tVeir and a Rock Baxter, in Oakland Terrace. Rhone a. FOR SALE—One 7 924 Chevrolet I mortgage? It so. we can place It for runabout in A-1 condition, also one welcome on July 7. j ville committoc headed by Ten 31'Pt. you. .'Arthur A. Knofla. Telephone 1 923 Cherrolet sedan in .\-l condi­ Dr. and Mrs. George Lund of Los’ The program i5ill include a ball] Regan, mot recently to make plan.' 7S2-2. S75 Main atreec AT WEST SIDE GROUNDS! s.\l.K—Household f uri'.it uru?. tion. Come make an offer. Tel. Angeles spent the day Tuesday at game at 6:15. tennis matches, sin-j tor the affair. includiiiK ^ antique chairs, excellent 1119-13. W.\NTED—Second and third mort- the homo of Mrs. Lester Hutchins. gles and doubles for men and worn-1 condition, new refriperator. e.' Ih 1 gages. More money on band. P. D. FOR S.\LK—192‘1 Ford roadster. Mrs. Hutchins also entertained a' Made Such a Hit Last Year en, at 6:30: the town champion-j Heraid Advs. Bring Results icer, etc. Inquire 7 1 Starkweather I Comollo. 13 Oak etreec Telephone TO R E N T street. Oharles I>. House. Fine condition. Frice right. Tel. party of relatives from Berlin on' That It Will Be Repeated ship horse shoe pitching tourna-i I 1540, 713-23. At Oswegatchie. Nlantic river, near the same day. ' July /, ment at 7 o'clock; the 'oand con-j HOR ?.\T.E—T"'in l'ab>* carriage in cert at 8 o'clock and dancing in thC| pood con'dlticn. Frii-c vc.asonaMe. Iii- TO RENT New London, small five room house. FtiR SAT.K— Ford touring car John Demesko. who has been For Sale furnished, for July and August or i cheap, late model, v. ith starter. Call teachin.g the pest year in Bloom- auditorium of the West Side from ' quii'O 7il street. Tile City of Rockville will be either; reasonable: running spring! 790-2 befu , 0 p. m. lield, returned to his home on 9 o'clock on. Manchester and Rock­ SAND FOR FILLING TO RENT—0 room tenement, all water; bathing; fishing; boating. He- . ------feted— that is all the inhabitants of FOR ?.^LE— Dining suite. 1" pieces. improvements. Call . t oS Summer at. Chestnut Hill Thursday for the ville will meet in the athletic Rolden oak. excellent condition. Buf­ lightful spot. Bus line to New Lon- | FiOR S.\LE—Franklin sedan. Apply the City of Rockville who can come don. Safe for party of young women. I n. K. .Cnderson, Watkins Eruthers. summer vacation. events and also in a Charleston fet, table, server and 7 chairs, f.'s. Tt'i RENT—Five large rooms at 4(7 here— on Rockville night wliich W. Richardson Watkins Brothers, Inc., .Main t^t. .-\ccommodate 4 nicely. X. M. Herald. Five pupils from Columbia grad­ contest. The latter number of the, Crisuc,dd street, all improvements will be held at the West Side play­ or ph-'Jie 1S39 Manchester. FOR S.yLE—1'25 Nash advanced 6 uated from the Windham High program will begin at 10; 30 and aj 21 Russell St. Phone 42* FOR ?.-\T.E—("iverstuffeil arm chair, j;5 a month. 524 with garage. Tele­ Four door .''cdan In best of condition. grounds on Wednesday evening, phone 4 2 - H . school Thursday evening — Eliza­ in t.apesir>'. sviitahle for sl;p-co^er- Apply 1S7 Maple street. July 7. The Rockville city band beth Bertsch, Margaret Blakely. inp for use at home or .it summer To RENT—Five room tenement at will give a concert and the athletic cottage. Watkins Brothers, Inc., 92a FOR S.\LE—19?3 Ovt .'land touring Ruth Slater. Louis Zibulsky and 9l Wells street, all impro'. emonis. car. excellent condition, just over­ events will be betw'een teams from ...... Main street. Donald Noble. Elizabeth Bertsch Inquire 94 Wells street. hauled. -\ bargain for $125.uti. Call that city and Manchester. FOR S.VI.E—Unfinished i.ahlo, suit­ FOR RENT—Tenement of four nice I 2ii25 for demonstration. and Louis Zibulsky were on the Rockville night last year was the able for fitting with valance and FOR, RENT—Seven room cottage at rooms on Keeney Court. Apply to i Sa'brook Manor, Conn., with im­ honor roll. most successful of six affairs of the as bodrooni drossiu)^ tabic. Manchester Public Market. j I'OR S.VLK—Maxw-'l car in good The Columbia School Board held I Real Bargains in USED CARS W atkins Br'dlicrs. Inc,. 935 Main Pt. provements, two car garage, electric I running condition, ve'v reasonable. = « lights, etc., by the week or month, FOR RE.NT—Furnished room for ; Call 971-2. its regular monthly meeting at the = These Are Blue Book Prices: FOR — Brunswick Fhono- starting Julv 1st. Aiipl.'" telephone i one gentleman, In private famll./. five Center school Thursday evening, praph. cabinet model in mahogany, 499-3 or 132U-12. j minutes to mills and Mam street. five members and Supervisor Lar- 5 Down ('triginallt* ■wiu'th SlL’.i.mi. .Hist the Call after 5 p. m. 1 S3 Center street. LOST It Pays to be Especially phonograph for the shore. $2;*. V\ at- TU RENT— 5 room tenement with I comb being present. i Price Payment kins Brothers. Inc., 935 Main street. bath. Apply 234 So. Main a'rest. i Deputy Game Warden Raymond FOR RE.NT—Two large front office l.OST—-Will the party who took i Particular About = 1924 Wiliys-Knight Sedan...... $762. 8305.00 rooms. In Purnell Building, singly or I automobile tire from a Wapping Clarke motored to Rockville a few FOR S.\LE—Gas range, cabinet TO RENT—Furnished room at 35 ■ together. Apply to G. E. Kel,th. In garage last night return it at once ■ days ago and got six large cans of model, taken in exchange for new Birch street. Telephone 1153. | care of Keith Furniture Company. PLUMBING 5 1925 Overland Touring...... $250 $100.00 range. 4 burners. I'ven and broiler, •as the number of the c. r is known. I trout. Four of them he planted 5 1924 Overland Touring...... $229 $92.00 white porcelain doors. 530. U atkins FOR RENT—At Bolton Lake, five j TO RE.NT—Midland apartments, Tel. 7711-13. ; in Columbia streams and two in —both material and workman­ room o.iltage on State Road, by week ! Brothers. Inc.. 935 Maiit street. three rooms, steam heated. Janitor ] Amston. The trout were good S 1920 Overland Touring...... $90 $36.00 or month. Telephone 17UG. I service, refrigerator, gas range tur- i Li'iST— . W hite gold , .‘tw ,, iss w.itcli. en- ship. Upon the quality of ma­ ------— ------— ------1 b'tb.er. Christ- I 1920 Chevrolet Touring ...... $-50 $25.00 FOR SALE—Late cabbage plants, nlshed. tent $3S per month. CaCall 11 ! ' 'arenc- to .Motl.ei. t hnst sized, and it is estimated that terial and competency of the la cents a dozen. 50 cents hundred. TO RENT—Fiye room tenement on I Manchesier Construction Co., 3100, mas 192". Finder pleasc notif.'' there were about 2500 of them. i 1924 Ford Touring ...... $44.00 Samuel Burgess. IIG Center street. Glenwood street. All improvements. or telephone 7S2-2. Herald. Reward. workman depends the degree -Cpply 15 Glenwood street. Miss Anne Dix has bought a Telephone 29«-2. 5 1921 Studebaker Toiuring...... $121 $50.00 • I FOR RENT—Two room suite In LOST—Tuesday night 510 bill In | house lot on Alonzo Little's prop­ of satisfaction and seiwice re­ FOR SALE—Four burner cabinet FOR RENT—4 room tenement, new Johnson Block, facing Main small I'han.ge purse, ci.her in Man- j erty, bordering on that of W. H. ceived. CASH OR EASY TERMS. gas stove, practically now. I'rice rea­ Walnut street, near Cheney mills. street. All modern iinprovemenis. In­ (dicstcr Trust Ccmpaii.v or between ' I \ery reasonable. Inquire grocery there and Self-Service Shoe Store. Carpenter. She plans to build at sonable. Call lGS-2. cluding hot water, -\pply to Aaron store. 1 Walnut street. Tel. 57o. Johnson. 62 Linden street. Finder plca.se return to Herald office, I once. P isto n rings, ^vhecl Hilliard street. Reward, I Miss Margaret Hutchins enter­ s W' FOR SA l.U — FOR RENT—Spruce street, near ; pullers . rim;: ooinp r cssors. w a te r FOR !• E.N’T—Five-room tenement tained the girls who work wlth her cylinders rc- Center, ti\e room apartment in three on Ourani street, modern, rent ; '5 l.OST—Mosaic breast pin. between . JOSEPH C. WILSON m o to r prinders. Ford family house, all modern improve- I Saturda.v. Ple.aso return to'Miss Lang- j in the office of the Rockyille-WilU- 3 bored. \- a 1 \ 0 s f c 0 d. commutators par nioiiih. Call Manchester uen- Plumbing In All Its Branches. ' PICKETT MOTOR SALES ments. except heat 525.00. Telephone don, 5 1 Cbcstnnt street. i mantic Lighting Co. in Willimantic, t rued. F re d 11. Norton, 180 M a m bt. structl"’! Co., 21Ut). or ..oiiuhune SGS-12. I 78J-1!. Si5 Main sireeL over Manrhes- at her home in Chestnut Hill Tues­ Service Of The Best Kind. = OPEN EVENINGS. I ter Plumbli g and Supply store. l o s t —In Center Spring wooils, tan ! FOR SALE— T h ree b u rn er oqi stove day evening. 28 Spruce Street Tel. 641 bn: vcle . Botli in Rood TO RENT—Four or five room tene­ i 22-24 Maple Street Phone 2017 | tviill o \en. also ment with or without garage. Price t'l 47 Chestnut street. F'.ioiic 4S3-12. | cm. Inq uire 29 Lilac street. TO RE.NT—Centennial apartments, oonditi right. Inquire Chef Osano, 155 Oak tour rconis. steam heated, front - H Phone. 1 O O D. street. Phone 1325-3. apurtrucni. Janitor service, gas range, Yellowstrne, the largest of thel riitnKitmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMHiiiitiiiiiimiEEnmMiHiintHimiiiiitiiiiHiiEiiin -G lenw ood K. cook- refrigerator and In-a-door bed fur­ FOR S.AUU- FOR RENT—Three room tenement, nished. Call Manchester Construc­ national parks, has an area of 3,-| ANDOVER lass COndition tele- Fto\ c. tir«t c .all improvements, newly renovated. tion Co.. 21u0 or telephone 782-2. 3-tS square muos. phone 22 4''. Inquire at 134 Oakland street, or telephone 261-12. FOR RE.NT—Two desirable office FOR S.VLE— We have ready one rooms. Apply to Mr. Padrove. Man­ Mr. and .Mr.-;. Albert McDonald million fiower and vegetable plants; chester Public Markeu Phone. It). r.nd children left Thursday for De­ Asters. Zinnias, Marigold. Straw flow­ TO RE.NT—Four room teneinent. ers. English daisies. Sweet Williams. all improvements. Inquire 129 Glen­ troit, Michigan, where they will We Do Not Recall o f a More Petunias. Verbenas. Snapdragons, wood street. George Stager. spend a monl'.i's vacation. and Celcsia at 25c per doz.. J1.75 per WANTED Alico Yeemun.s returned home 100; Hardy Ferennlal Fox Gloves. TO RENT— Four room tenement, Opportune Time To Buy Canterbury bells. Coreopsis and improvements and furnace. 107 Hem­ Tlu’.rjday from Dana Hall, from lock street. ■\VA.NTED— Dressmaking to do at which school she was recently haid.v C.arnations. He each. 5L00 per home or willing to go out b>- the da:'. doz. Geraniums and scented Gerani­ j FOR RENT—Eour 'room flat on | Price reasonable. 689 Main street. gr.3dnnted. Real Estate Than Now ums, large flowering Cannas, Fuch­ ! first floor, with all improvements and Johnson Block . .\ndnvcr slaclents who graduated sias. German ivy. English Ivy, Vica I garage, new house, at 163 Oak street. | vines, and Heliotrope. We fill baskets from Windham High school Thurs- Efand new six-room bungalow, oak floors, white enamel and ! also three room fiat, with garage. In- | FE.M.VLE HELP W.A.NTED (lav nwht were the Misses Beatrice and boxes, labor and dirt free. Toma­ i quire 164 Oak street. mahogar,}' trim, steam heat, gas, etc., a beautiful home for toes and C.aullQower at 15c per doz., Cards addressed at home In spare Hamilton and .\nielia Grof. and 51.00 per hundred. Repper plants 10c BICYCLES .•90650. Only ?60'J cash needed. I FOR RENT—Tenement of six time, earn tb.at extra money needed. Guy Bartlett, Jr., and Bertcim per doz.. 7,5c per hundred. Phone ! iMToniF, ;,11 vnnvenience.*. at 52 .\rch No experience, particulars 2c stamp. Oxford street, sl.x-room cottage with sleeping porch, steam Inio. Burnside ..\vcnue Greenhouse. W refill. street, telephone 1559. Mid-West Service. 6248 University. POPE, SUPREME AND Station 22. East Hartford. Conn. Room H-140, Chivago. Tile i'.oine of Mr.c F. H. Sackett heat, gas, garage and poultry liouse. House has just been com­ Michael Rinatello. ! FOR RENT—Cottage of five rooms. | has been put up for sale. The home ROLLFAST pletely relinishcd inside, l^rice onl^ S300U. $300 cash or more. ‘ ,\11 improvements except steam heat. ' FE.M.ALE H ELP AVA.NTEU lia.4 ele'. on rooms, besides the store FOR SALE—1922 Ford ^touring In I Inquire of 80 North School street. A'ernon Center, fine country home, nine rooms and bath, fur­ pood running condition 555. Call lOlG rn the uroicad fioor. Mr. and Mrs. $25 weekly easy—spare time—ad­ nace. electricity. 3-4 acre of land with barn. Price only .$8500. Middle Turnpike East. Telephone TO RENT—Tenement 36 Clinton, dressing cards at home—no experi­ U-ackoit and -aranddaughter. Miss Well built, reliable wheels, 477-2. ______all inoilern improvements, garage, ence. I’articular.s 2c stamp. Madison LuffA Spero. will leave this fall for Two-family flat on Benton street, all modern, with extra j Ready Jul>' 1. Inquire D. F, Thibo- ; Seiwlce. 123 A\'. Madison, Dept.. 17S0, 18, 20 and 22 inch frames. FOR S.VLE—Setter puppies, police j deau, 37 Ciinlon street. Chicago. .Miami, where they will make their building lot. Price only .‘Sn.500. Small amount cf cash. dogs, fox terriers, all pedigreed ------I [■'iture home. At the Green, good ten-room single in flne location. Ask for itock. Joseph Schaub, Hillsiown TO RENT— 5 room tenement on 67 , FE.M .ALE H E L P AV.V.NTEU Kennels. South Manchester. In a hurry?—so are we Louis Berry will have an auction Summer street. Heat, light, gas, all j ■ at his home on Monday, June 2S. further details. 1 improvements. Inquire 67 Summer i Address envelopes at ' ome in >our We’ll reach your home quite Near the new Town Hall, a good paying three-family house, REAL ESTAIE street. | spare time. Earn 515.P" to 535.00 speedily. cnmmcncing at 10 a. m. -A Ford !5 to weekly. . Experience unnoce.«sar.''. enunp. slock and farm tools and modern and always well rented. $10,500, on easy terms. FOR S.\LK—On Bolton Lake, five : FOR RENT—Furnished room and ( AVeather A- i.'o., 23 Quincy street. Speed and security. | mis; ellaneous articles will be sold. room cott.'ige complctel>' furnished. board, suitable fiT two. .-Mso table 1 Dept. 615, Chicago. Mr.s. A. E. Frink and daughter Special ! 1 Arrow Bicycle left, Call Charter 6355-15. board. Mrs. J. Roberts. 51 -Apel Place. ! ------— — - I W.ANTED—First class salesman. Plain estimates and prompt are spending the week-end with $35 grade, will sell for $28. WOODBRIDGE STREET — Abso- [ FOR RENT—Two beautiful 3 room ' Call Alfred A. Grezel. .429 .Main street. service. I\Ioving that's depend­ the former's son, H. Everett Frink lutely new house 2 1-2 story six : fiats, recently decorated and refur- | Main St and family of Reading, Mass. Rokrt J. rooms, steam heat and oak through- i nished 525 and 530 a month. 3rd floor. I W.ANTED—Boys to sell flavoring able. out extra large lot. See it and make j Bowers block over post office. Apply | extracts after school. Send for free Mrs. Thomas Lewis visited In Real Estate — Insurance — Steamship Tickets me an offer. Small amotint of cash. ] F. H. .\nderson care of J. W. Hale samples. M'akefield Extract Co., San- Special Taxi Service. Willimantic Friday. “ ft you Intend to live on e.irth own a slice of If.” Wallace P. Robb. 853 Main street. l Go,, or Robert Hathaway, care of bornvllle. N. H. Burton Lewis went to Bridge­ Manchester Trust Co. i I Daily Express to Hartford. HEMLOCK STREET — Bungalow | 3V-ANTED—Fluff rugs made to port Thursday to see the game be­ Spend Your Vacation With the Howitzer Co., July 11. new six rooms, oak floors, steam beat. TO RENT—Small store on Church ’ order from your old carpets, v rite tween the Manchester and Bridge­ street, suitable for shoe or tailor MANCHESTER. BILL’S TIRE SHOP 565P0 for quick sale. Small amount of for particulars. C. Schulz. 5 Chamber- port Trade schools. cash. 'U'allace D. Robb, 853 Main St. ; shop or any small business. Inquire lain street, Rockville. Conn. PHONE 1-Z 180 Spruce Street i 13 Winter street. HARTrORD PHONE SUMMITT STREET—Six rooms. | WANTED—Men, women for pleas­ 2 -9 9 4 1 steam heat, oak floors, only 51."00 FOR RENT—Five room flat In good ant profitable work. Experience un­ cash, a good bargain at 57.0"0. W al­ condition. Convenient to mills and necessary. Address Opportunity. lace D. Robb. 853 Main street. trolley, at 33 Cooper street. .Apply at Herald Office. FEHRETT ^OLENNEY ’ 3 Room Apartment Home Bank and Trust Company. Good sized rooms, east and north GREE.N.XCRES—Two family 11 WANTED — Painting, paperhang- j MOVING - EXPRESSING rooin flat, strictly modern, oak TO RENT—Five room flat. 'William Ing, calcimlning, glazing. Jobs big GENERAL TRUCKING c.xposure. Pearl Street side of Sel- through out. See this place and make Kanehl. Telephone 1776. or small. John Burke, 405 No. Main | witz block, up one flight, very desir­ A Cottage By the Lake me an offer. Party leaving town. street. Tel. 998-2. i able. Moderate rental. Apply to Wallace D. Robb, S53 Main street. FOR RENT—Six room tenement, strictly modern, all Improvements. WANTED — Painting, paperhang- ] | I L Selwitz, on the premises. FOR S.XLE—Ridge streeL Six room Inquire at 128 Maple street. Ing, calclniinlng. Prices reaso nable. ( ■* single corner lot, house has hot workmanship guaranteed. Ted Le ■water heat, oak trim, and Is In gcod TO R EN T--Farm in .Andover, near Clair. 39 Chestnut street. Tel. 16U2. shape, two car garage. Price only st.ate road. Telephoii , 1776. Wm. *7000. Cash $1500. Sea Arthur A. Kanehl. 159 Center street. W a n t e d — carpenter ■work. Screen | Knofia. telephone 782-2. enclosures, garages built. John | FOR RENT—Three, four and five Hostetter, 127 Wetherell street. Tel. 1 29 SUMMER STREET—Six room room tenen.ents, also furnished 1276-32. strictly modern Including steam heat. rooms sinple or double for light- 2 car garage, chicken coop. 15 fruH housekeepinp. Inquire corner Blssell W.ANTED—Gardens to plow, ashes trees, extra large lot. all In good con­ and Foster streets. removed, will buy old hens or poultry. dition. This place lias never been of­ D. W. Barnes. Oakland Flat, Station fered fur sale before. Will make an FOR RENT—July 1st. six room 45. Rockville trolley line. Phone 34-4. Studebaker ideal home. Price 57.000. We can ar­ flat, with garflge, all modern im­ range your mortgages. Wallace D. provements. Apply 106 Hamlin street. WANT£H)—Highest prices paid for i All Studebaker automobiles w hich are sold as CER­ Robb. S53 Main street. rags, metals, paper, magazines, etc. j TO RENT—5 room tenerr.enL All Also buy and sell used furniture. 1 TIFIED C-\RS have been properly reconditioned, and BE.NTON STREET—New homo of improvements. $24 per month. Inquire Chas. l.essner. 28 Oak streeL Phone. carry a 30-day guarantee for replacement of defective six rooms. Just being co" .pleted. Fir M. Foley 46 1-2 Summef street. 2116. I place, oak floors, living room 16x25. Price less than $7500. .Arthur A. TO RENT — Greenacres. W ads­ parts and free service on adjustments. Knnfla. Tel. 782-2. Bllsh & Quinn worth street. July 1st., six room flat MISCELLANEOUS Building. all modern improvements. Inquire at 1924 Studebaker Light 6 Coupe. 98 Church street or telephone 1348. SHORE RESORTS FOR SALE—Cosy five room bunga­ 1925 Studebakei Special 6 Sedan. low *500 down, ■well locatea. in nrst- TO RENT—Six room tenement on For reser\atirms at the Imperial. ' class condition. Write or call ui. W. ■Wadsworth st-eet, adults preferred. Pleasant View Beacli, R. I., apply to I 1923 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. Helen I'. Tracy. | F. Lewis, for full description, price Inquire 13 Wadsworth street. ------I and location. 1924 Dodge 4-passenger Coupe FOR RE.NT—Three room apart­ Have $1,500 wliicli I de.sire to In- | FOR S.ALE—Just off Main street, ment in Purnell Building, large rooma vest in second mortgage. Write Box i 1924 I'.ssex Coach. new 5 room single. A nice home. all conveniences, reasonable rent. Ap­ MMM, care of Herald. | Only 55500. Small amount of cash. 1 ply to G. E. Keith. In care ot Keith 1923 Reo Touring. car garage. Call Arthur A. Knofla. Furniture Co. I will pay the hlgheat prices for | 1924 Studebaker Big 6 Seven-passenger Sedan. Is Now Within The Reach Of All. Tel. 7S2-2— 875 .Main. rags, paper and all kinds of metals; | TO RENT—Five room tenement on also buy all kinds of poultry and old i 1924 Studebaker Light 6 Touring. LARGE SHORE LOTS FRONTING ON BOLTON LAKE (Second Lake) All year or summer place, near Spruce street. .All modern Improve­ cars for Junk. M. H. Lessner Jr., tele- 1 Crystal Lake. Ellington. Conn. Good ments. Inquire 291 Spruce. p'nvne 982-4. ^ 1925 Studebaker 5-Passenger Coupe. Offered as low as $350.00 each. Some $400. The highest price is only $600. _ 6 room house, barn, shop and poul­ try house. Garage, good water. 3 TO RE.NT—5 room flat, all modern I pay highest c5sh prices for your ; 1923 Dodge Sedan. You should make your selection now while the tract is being developed. Prices aerss land with fruit, *1200. 4 acres improvements. Second floor at 11 rags, magazines, bundled paper and mowing and woodland or. highway. Ford street, near Center. A. Klrach- Junk of all kinds. Phone 849-2. J will ; 1923 Nash Sedan. ai'e sure to increase as'^the building of cottages progresses. *250. 20 acres large Hardwood growth sleper. 13 Ford street. calU J. Etsenberg. See for yourself—then decide. on highway. Trout brook. *650, A- D. The STUDEBAKER pledge takes the guesswork Bramble, Palmer. Mass. Tel. 32-J. TO RENT—Furnislied five room POULTRY Turn to north on road east of Bolton station near first lake, drive over the hill and flat. Inquire at 13 Winter street. out cf used car buying. look for sign, “LAKE VIEW”—drive right down to the water front. •Wa s h i n g t o n s t r e e t — New BABY CHICKS—Bred-to-Lay Pop- bungalow, six rooms, oak floors and TO RE.N’T—Several small rents at ul r Breeds; guaranteed livs delivery: It will cost nothing to examine this- shore property. SEE trim, back porch enclosed. One car *29 per month. Appl.v to Edward J. free catalogue of chlclvs. brooders garage. Price *7300. Terms, Arthur A. Holl, Orford Bldg. TeL 660. and supplies. Clarks Hatenvry, Dept- Knofla. Tel. 7S2-2. Bllsh & Quinn 22. East Hartford. Conn. Building. FOR RENT—Two rooms In Odd Fellows Building. Inquire of Pack- ••BAnY CHIi'KS" ^ P. J. O’Leary or Robert J. Smith FOR SALE—Fine homo containing ard s Pharmacy. Ba BY c h i c k s —Smlih Standard CONKEY AUTO C dP.AN Y 6 rooms, all Improvements, finished In sturdy thoroiigblired ot free range 1009 MAIN STREET oak, lovely surroundings, very nice TO RENT—Steam heated three flocks. Order now and have your 20 East Center Street. neighborhood. A home you will bo room apartment and store. Trotter chicks when you want them. Man­ proud to own. Buy direct from build* block. Center strseL TeL Laurel chester GraJn Co.. 146 North Main St. er, situated at 256 Woodbridgs atrset. >96-3. ___ A____ Phone. 1760. V, V .. ■ , ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1926. PAGE S

Only Sixteen ra

fl P. M. 12 P. M. V/RNY (25S) New York — ' M’BBM ( 226 ) Chicago— Musical. Sports; commerce; theatre; musi­ KFNF ( 263 ) Shenandaoah — cal. Old-time music. Chicago— Concert is the golf swing a bad thing for WENR ( 266 ) Chicago— Frolic. ,a ball pla;.er's average? AVREO (2S5) Lansing, Mich.— WJJD ( 370 ) Mo'j.-eheart, 111.— : Jimmy Dykes, star third sacker Concert, Musical. WGN ( 303t Chicago— Stocks; j of the Philad'’ lphia .\thletics, is KPO (42S) San Francisco— Or­ ; more than convinced that it is. features; musical. chestra. WMCA (341) New York— Or­ I A majority of big league ball WFAA ( 47 6 ) Dallas— Orchestra.- ! pla,\ers are strong for golf. They chestra. CKCL ( 357 1 Toronto— Orches- I 1 A. M. j get the same thrill from a long t^e tra. WDAF ( 366 ) Kansas City— ! shot as they do from a double, tri- WTAM (3S91 Cleveland— Base- Frolic. I pie or home run. ball; orchestra. AVEBH (370) Chicago— Variety. ! Dykes learned the rudiments of WMAQ ( 4 4 7 ) Chicago— Organ; KH.r ( 405) Los Angeles— Vocal. golf as a caddy. .\t one stage in orchestra. I \\F.\A (476 ) Dallas—-Anniver- I his career it was ,n question with WEAF ( 492 ) New York— Va- [ sary program. ' him whether be would try to b >- riet.v. I KGW (491) Portland, Ore.— Or- come a golf pro or a big league ball I che.'itra. player. Baseball won. WNYC (52fi) New Y'ork— In- * * » strumental and vocal. I Sunday »’ro;»r;iiMs During his early >ears in the KYl^' ( 536 ) Chicago— Concert. 11 A. M. 7 P. >!. big show. Jimmy was inclined to be WMBB ( 2501 Chicago— Musi- j WGHP ( 270 ) Detroit— Church streaky at the bat. Over that :al. services. i period he kept up bis golf play. IVRNY (25S) New York— Talk; ; WWJ (353 ) Detroit — Church ■Seldom out of the eighties and archestra. services. j usually weir under that mark, AVAAM (2631 Newark N. J.— I WTAM (3S9) Cleveland— Church ! D.\ kes paid almost as much atten- Instrumental. services. ■ tion to his golf game as baseball. WLIB ( 303 ) Chicago— Variety WHAS (400 ) Louisville — Despite the presence of the live- JOHNNY SCHENKE. WMCA (341) New York— \'ocal Church services. 1 ly ball. D>kes had a very ordinary I batting average in 1 923, falling to ind instrumen cl. WLW ( 422 ) Cincinnati— Religi­ 1 o - o Johnn.'-'s only 16 but he has the , 15'LS (345) Chicago— Musical. ous services. c\e of an e.vpert. The other day WEBH (370 ) Chicago— Orches- WCAP ( 4 69 ) Washington — I That didn't make a hit with Jim- lie shot his way to the champion­ Ira. Church services. j my. Being smart, he set about to IVLW ( 42 2 ) Cincinnati— Organ. 3 1 M. ! determine what had caused his ship of the Ohio State Handicap IV.IZ (455) New York— Con- I slumi>. W.MBB (250) Chicago— Orches- ; ♦ . * tournament, outclassing more than gres.^ional Forum. tra and soloist. 100 men with a heavy wind si\'eep- VRC (469) Washington — KDKA ( 309 ) 1 .\fter much e.Nperimenting D.\kes Pittsburgh— Or­ ing the range. He broke 9 6 out of Work of Congress"; orchestra. gan. I decided that a stiff left arm held I close to the body, wh.ile very neces- WEAF (492 ) New York— Mu­ WLW ( 4 22 ) Cincinnati— Organ. 100 targets. Johnny also won the jsary in golf, produced bad results sical comedv hits; Goldman hand WEAF (492 ) New York— Church junior title with 69 hits and, paired concert. To WGR (319) and WWJ i in baseball. services. with his dad, helped to cop the Such a manner of holding the left ( 3 5 3 1. KYW ( 536 ) Chicago— Concert. WIP (50S) Philadelphia — ;arm curtailed the smooth,ness of father and son trophy with a score 4 P. M. Stretching a Qrinfrom East to Wkst Sports; orchestra. j h.is baseball swing and had a ten­ of 179 out of 200. WJR (517) Detroit— Orchestra. KF.NF ( 263 ) Shenandoah, la.— dency to make him hit under a lot WOAW ( 52 6 ) Omaha— Orches­ Church services. I of balls, po]) flies often resulting. j tra; markets. WCAU (27S) Philadelphia— Re­ ' Dykes decided that while golf' KYW (536 ) Chicago— Musical. cital. I-ft-as no handicap to a batting aver- 8 P. M. KPRC ( 297 ) Houston— Baseball. jage when played during the winter ANOTHER W .U . MAN WBBM (226) Chicago— Orches- WGN ( 303 ) Chicago— Concert. jmontlis, it certainl.v caused a A SUCCESS FROM tra and soloists. KDKA (309) Pittsburgh— Or­ 'shrinkage when indulged in during' WRNY (256) New York— Va- gan. I the baseball season, COMING TO EAST riety. WDAF (366 ) Kansas City— j He decided to give up golf and KFNF (263) Shenandoah— Fid- Band. become a .3 00 hitter, a mark be had COAST TO COAST dlers. WJJD (370 ) Mooseheart, 111.— never reached during his major WENR (266 ) Chicago— Popu- Orchestra. league career. lar. Hi * * U. P. Navy Is Likely to Be WCAP ( 4 69 ) Washington— Ser- WSWS (2 76 ) Chicago— Orches- vices. That was at the r(a rf of the 1921 tra. WTIC ( 47 6 ) campaign. Dyke.<; ri ii-:inusly ad- WGN (303) Chicago— "Auld Hartford, Conn.—• Bossed Next Year by The Sprightly Adventures Organ. j bored to his rlrci: i'-n to l\;n g'of Sandy"; ensemble; Correll and 'during the stimrnei-. At the clo-o WEAF ( 492 ) New York— \'es- Go.sden; light opera. , j of the season his batting averag “Rusty” Callow. KDKA ( 309 ) Pittsburgh— Farm ] was .312. He ha.d reached hi- OF !i r. M. program; concert. goal. (303) Chicago— Organ. WGBS (316) New York— Vocal « LIP La.st sea.son. golf was again ta­ (341) Lincoln, Neb.— BY DAVIS J. M ALSH and instrumental; Hindu play KFAB boo with Dykes and he jiimt'ed bis' "Shakuntala.” Vesper service. jmark to .3325. This year be Ire| -New York, June 26.— Washing­ WBZ (333) Springfield. Mass. WDAF (366 ) Kansas City— Ves- been in tlr^ .300 cla."-s since the sea- i HEM AND AMY — Orchestra. Per service. son opened. ; ton Univer.siiy. the hub of modern WMCA (341) New York— De- WEAF (492 ) oarsmanship, may be about to make New Yoik^'Religl- That is wb>’ D\ kes. one of tbo ; bate: Senator W. L. Love. M. D., ous music, best golfers in the majors, is con-I the .supreme sacrifice once more and Warden Laws on "Capital WOO (506 ) IN Philadelphia— Or- vinced that it is a hr.ndicap to a j that the field of eastern rowing may Punishment.” gan recital. baseball batting a.’,-t r:;ge when- prosper. Four years ago, it gave up CFCA (356 ) Toronto— Orches- 6 P. M. played during the summer. j its (irst coaching genius when Ed. KFAB (431) Lincoln, Neb.— Leader ctimc on to Yale to develop WJJD (370) Mooseheart. HI.— Vesper service. There are nthcr ste.r big U-aguer'", an unbeaten system, which reached The Exhilarating Comic Orchestra. _ CFCA (3 56 ) Toronto— Church ! who do mix coif and baseball dur­ its climax yesterday with Yale's M EBH (370) Chicago— Orches- services ing the summer and still manage record-breaking victory over Har­ tra and soloi.sts^ W.TZ (4,'.5 ) New York-Musical. to hold (heir place in the select vard in 20:14 2-5. Cleveland — WEAF (4 92 ) New York— Con- circles o( the game's host hitters. Now, they say. the huskies will ^ .uaio. ; I Of rt. Many of these idai’ors use a si> Ic be forced to grant a qait-claim on MLW (422 ) Cincinnati— Organ: I WHO (526 ) Des Moines— Orches- another supcr-eoach. The writer orchestra. very much their own, enmmon to tra. bad it iiretty straight today that WIP ( 506 ) hall players. Rather than con­ Philadelphia— Con- rt:20 P. .M. "Rusty" Callow will be in charge cert. forming to till' set idea.s nf golf, , __ .. I M'E.VJ' ( 492) New York — Major of rowing at the University of WNYC ( 526 ) New that the left arm should bo held 1 ork in-j Edward Bowes orchestra To Pennsylvania when the esason of strumi^ntal. stiff and close to (be body, they GAS BUGGIES WTAG ( 266 ). M-JAR (306). WWJ take a cut at the golf ba.ll v.'iih a 1 9 27 rolls tiround. KY'W ( 536 ) Chicago— Classical, i (.353), WCAE (461). 'U'CAP 9 p. m. I more or less tiidoal baseball st\le. Renns\l\ania, it was declared, BY (4 69 ), 7\'EEI ( 4 76 ). KSD ( 5 45 ). c; M MBB (25(1) Chicago— Orches-! It is easy to sre tb.at pla>ers has as good as signed the man who 7 P. .M. tra and soloists. -i using such a swing. e:itirel\’ unor- ha.s resisted all eastern blanish- M S'WS ( 27 61 Chicago— Song tb.odo.x, would not smTer ;'..s do-'s menis for several years and who, A5'ENR (266 ) Chicago— A’oeal ■ sciu'ice. and instrumental. , Dykes, who closely adheres to the not more than a few weeks ago, M GN (303 ) Chicago— Variety. ■W.dM (263) Nashville— Studio. | best golf form. sniffed a di.-'dainful sniff at an of­ MJAZ ( 330 ) Chicago— Orches­ » * • fer from Harvard. At that time, it WGN (303 ) Chicago— Light op-| tra. era. I I know a ccrta;:i big league star, b.toked as though Callow would re­ FRANK BECK M’BZ ( 33 3 Springfield. Mass.—■ M’GBS (316) New York—-Mu-| 1 one of the best battens in the gani.y main with Washington until death sical. Orchestra; Near Ea.«t Relief pro­ who invariabl' turns io golf to ilid tlieni part. gram. WJAZ ( 330 ) Chicago— Orches­ break the jin.x, when lie is in a bat­ Slick City Talk tra. ■MLS ( 3 4 5 ) Chicago— I.ittle ting slump. But the iate.st angle on the situa- j Brown Church. WBZ (333 ) Springfield, Mass.— \ It may be mere , but tioti is that "Rusty" has listened IVEBH (3701 Chicago— Music. Variety. I be is of the firm npinicn that relax- to a lot of slick city talk from Spin Along with the Story I WGY (37 9 ) Schenectady, N. Y. WMCA (341) New Y'ork— Varie­ iafion at golf, a change in .= t>le, al- , — Orchestra. Rliiladelphia. supplemented by the ty. jways brings him out of a batting insinuating rustle peculiar to the WEBH Chicago— Orchestra. j 'U'TAM (.369 ) Cleveland— Thea- j si 11 nip. I ter orchestra, restless manknotc. They say he o f WTAM (369) Cleveland— Ev I Regardless nf whether (he golf virtually has captiuluted and that Jones and his Gang. ; M’FAA ( 4 7 6 1 Dallas— Radio I swing actualli' htindicaps a hatter, 1 Bible Class. announcement to this effect may be WHAS (400) Louisville— Con­ j due to the radical dlffecmce lic- I 8 P. M. made no later than shortly after the cert. I tween the two styles, big league m.attcr. the announcement will not I T\’BAL ( 2 4 6 1 Baltimore— Or- ; managers are convinced that golf I? WLW (422 ( Cincinnati— Musi­ mean that Fred Spuhn and Max I diestra. ! is not a good baseball tonic during cal. Lit ft, former Washington oarsmen, MSB (426) Atlanta— Musical. M’BZ (333) Springfield. Mass.— ! the s uni 111 or months. Musical. are through at Pennsylvania. On GAS BUGGIES ] Their theory is that 9 nr 16 holes W.MAQ (44Ti Chicago— Theater the contrary, it was declared, they revue. M TAM ( 36 9 ) Clei eland— Con­ in the morning take much out of a will carry on as Callow's assistants ■WRC ( 4 69 ) 'M'ashington— Musi­ cert. pla>'er for the afternoon's work and at an increase in salary, at cal. MJAZ (360) Chicago— Orches­ and incidentally take their minds that. 'V5'EAF (462 ) New York— Or- tra. off their livelihnod, baseball. Up Hill and Down chest ra. 8:15 r. .M. The good word is that the sum IVIP (506 ) Philadelphia— Dance WEAF (492)) New York— Al­ of $2,5,000 has l>ecn appropriated tunes len McQuahae; orchestra. To WGN Full of ’Em for the three coaclies and just how M'JR (517) Detroit— Orchestra. O>03), 'WGR (319), WS.-\I ( 32 6 ), it will be apportioned is nobody's with business, outside of Pennsylvania 101ft p.n m.m (469), WEEI (4i6), KSD (545). and the trio in que.iii’i W'BBM (226 ) Chicago— Songs; 9 P. Callow, of course. , to out- orchestrs. M. KFNF (263 ) draw the others by least two W'RNY (266 ) New York— Musl- Shenandoah- a' Church services. to one, according to the report, cal. ■WGN (303) Chicago ■\5S1A'S (2 76 ) Chicago— Orches- —Musical. which moans that he would be the AND WCBD (345) Zion, HEM AMY tra. III.— Vocal highest salaried rowing coach in and Instrumental. the country. T5’REO (255 ) Lansing, Mich. — ■W’EAF (4#2) New York Orchestra. -Musi- Full cf 'Washingtonians cal. AVGN (30S) Chicago— Sara It he falls, and smart rowing ■M'HO ( 5 26 ) Des Moin<^s— Band. Henry; ensemble. men say they don’t see how he can KyM' ( 5 36 ) Chicago— Classical. n AVJAZ (330) Chicago— Orches- miss, the propagation of the ‘Wash­ v e r tra. 10 r. .M. ington system in the east will have KFAB (341) Lincoln, Neb. — ■WENR (26 6 ) Chicago— Vocal gained its most noted apostle with Studio. and instrumental. the possible exception of Leader. It 75'JJD (370) Mooseheart, 111. — ■WGN (303 ) Chicago— Sam 'n might be even necessary to except Henry; musical. Musical. Bob Butler of the Navy, after Mon­ The Highway of Hilarity and KOA (.322 Denver— Concert WKRC ( 4 22 ) Cincinnati— Or- 1 day's race, for Butler has made a chestra. KNX ( 337 ) Los Angeles -J'ea- ''ib u 1 new garment fit an old system at tures. ■WRC ( 4 69 ) Washington— Or- iiMPCooe Annapolis like the fingers of a kid OM \X!! chestra. KFAB (341) Lincoln, Neb glove. Through The Detours of Domesticity Musicale. •U'OC (4 6 4 ) Davenport— Musical. Anyhow, with Callow or Spuhn KTHS (375) Hot Springs, WEAF (492 ) New' York — Vin­ Ark. or both at Pennsylvania, "Chuck” — Classical music. cent Lopez and orchestra. Logg at Princeton, Ed. Leader at WIP ( 508) Philadelphia — Or­ ■WKRC ( 4 2 2 ) Cincinnati— Clas­ EVERY DAY IN sical. Yale, Bob Butler at the Navy and gan. probably some other 'Washington ■WOAIV (526) Omaha— Studio. IVOAM ( 526 ) Omaha— Chapel services. man at Harvard, there will be KYW ( d36) Chicago— Musical. 11 r. M. honor enough for 'U'ashlnglon men 11 p. m. WENR (266 ) Chicagf)— Popu- in eastern rowing next year, even if they never win a race. WREO ,285) Lansing, Mich.— lar. Such popularity must bee deser*?- Orchestra. KNX ( 337 ) Los Angeles- ed, as the code of the billboards IVLIB (303 ) Chicago— Correll Church services. would put it. and Goaden; ensemble. KFAB (341) Llncoln, Neb.- Orchestra. The Evening Herald AVAHG (316) Richmond Hill, N. y.— Variety. KHJ (405 ) Los Angeles— Vocal WMCA (341) New York— En- and instrumental. JACK HERNLEY." lertainers. 12 r. M. HAIET ■WEBH (370) Chicago— Orches KPRC (297 ) Houston, Tex.— No-hit, no-run games are rather ' ra. I Organ. common to this 17-\ear-old Lansing KTHS (375) Hot Springs, Ark., KNX (337 ) Los Angeles— Musi­ (.Mich.) high school pitcher. Dur­ — Vocal and instrumental. j cal. ing the last season he hurled threoi WCC'O (416) St. Paul-Mlnneap- ■M’KRC ( 422 ) Cincinnati— Musi­ •lis— Dance tunes. |cal. of them in six frays, and in anotlier Today Is feast day of Sts. John IVRC (469 ) "Washington— Or-j KPO (426 ) San I'rancisco— Or­ allowed hut one safety and one and Paul, martyrs. "gn. 1chestra. tally. In one tilt he whiffed 21 hat­ Today is birthday of Lord Kel­ AVFAA ( 4 76 ) D.allas— Orches­ vin. astronomer. WBAP ( 4 76 ) Fort "Worth— Or-, ters and had a consecutive strike­ Mie.stra. tra. The city of Colorado Springs waa 1^'OAW (S26) Omaha— Organ. KGW (491) Portland— Concert. out record of seven. organized June 26, 1871.


high does It soar, so long does It And weaponless, and saw the strate ja practical lesson of interior nity; second, the preparation of Honor Student sing.” broken sword, decorating. Art and mdsic are the Individual as a good -worker/ Still another value of literature Hilt-buried in the dry and trodden the finer elements of our life and and producer; and third, the prep­ lies In the fact that for the ordinary sand. through our work in these courses aration of the individual to utilize GRADUATION IS IMPRESSIVE man it Is the most accessible form And ran and snatched it, and with w’e develop results for the proper leisure and develop personality. of beauty. A beautiful painting battle shout use of our leisure time. The sci­ These three aims taken together, may be found only in a museum, a Lifted afresh he hewed his enemy ence department will perform ex­ constitute the social aim of the famous statue in some foreign city, down, periments for you and give you a high school. but a book may be multiplied and And saved a great cause that heroic glimpse of w’hat a class might be The high school realizes that the IN ITS MODERNIZED FORM purchased by everyone. One may day.” doing in one of our laboratories entire development of the student never look upon the solemn beauty Sill where experiments which stimu­ depends upon his physical well be­ of AVestminster Abbey, but one can AA'e have been given through your late still further things and cause ing and the establishment of good Frank Elmore Woiman see clearly its quiet grandeur "with generosity and thoughtfulness our us to build up theories and laws health habits. In former days (Continaed from page 1.) Salutatorian Marcella Frances Welch the soft grey light streaming swords, and be they blunt or keen, which explain the wonders of sci­ students received exercise through Ruth .Allison V. elcli through the windows” after reading we, like the prince, shall stride for­ ence, are made. Mathematics, will manual labor or by walking long Mary Emily Wilcox AA'ashington Irving’o "Sketch ward to wage anew the battles that be demonstrated with practical ap­ 1 distances to and from school. To­ Montgomery, Jane Palmer, Ellen Thomas John Wood.v Book." lead to success. plications. Latin, the foundation day, because of the changed social of the classical department, will Powers, Evelyn E. Robinson, Hazel John Thomas A\'right Finally, the love of literature is, Classmates— Tonight we part— and economic conditions, the stud­ be defended, if indeed it needs a ftoblnson, Marjorie Schildgc, and The essa.NS of .Miss Marjorie for many people, the love of self- “A'ou to the left and I to the right. ent has not the opportunity to re­ defense, with a literary exposi- Flora Thrall. .^mith. Miss Sven l.indherg and expression. They hope to express For the ways of men must sever,— ceive indirect exercise and he must The value of the high school Miss Frances Howe follow: in correct English their thoughts And it may well be for a day and aj tion. AA'e shall show something Of be provided with some sort of tourse in mathematics was ably ex­ and, unconsciously, they absorb the night the work of the French department physical training; oherwise he will by means of collected posters plained by Roberts D. Burr. Burr ENGIJ.SH IN' THE HIGH SCHOOL.' thoughts and expressions of great 1 And it may well be forever, fail in health. The forms of this which will give opportunity for Irst told his audience the many The fai't tliat English is a re-j masters whose works they havej But whether we meet or whether exercise vary with the' school. It ways in which mathematics can be read, and it gives them the ability; we part ' French conversation. The direct may be given by military drills, Quired subject for lour years in the method of French instruction is used In later years, and the value majority of our High Schools proves; 'ly to see the light which their reading (For our ways are past cur know- formal gymnastic exercises, athlet­ of the training the course gave even throws upon their own experience! ing) . utilized in this school in such a ics, and games. its necessity in the training of youth; manner that all conversation wher­ U not used practically in the future. and we ask ourselves why it has' and helps them to cultivate a sensei a pledge from the heart to a fellow In our own school the effort is He then gave blackboard illustra­ of beauty and proportion. | heart ever possible is conducted in made to establish good health achieved this place of importance. | French. AA'ith the social science tions of several mathematical The study of our mother tongue' These excellent and lasting re-; On the ways we all are going! Ideals through gymnasium work not you will get a practical illustration fundamentals. has two values, the practical and: —Elite Studio Photo. sults obtained from High School Here's luck. For we know and sports for all classes. AA’e are ■\Vhat high school students learn English explain then why it is the where we are going." of how important a part know­ well equipped with a good gymna­ the aesthetic, values so closely in-, ledge of government and history of social science was illustrated by terwoven that it is difficult to sena-' Miss Frances Howe. only subject universally required in Hovey sium and swimming pool, although a short sketch entitled "Steps in secondary education. And is it to Marjorie Helen Smith. may play in our every day lives. the growth of the high school has rate them. It is quite easy for US| The commercial department, per­ Democracy." The art class living to realize the direct benelit derived be wondered at that the graduating been so ranid that already the nearer, from that day to this a good haps is the largest of any in school, room setting was used and those from being able to think clearly class recently voted as its favorite i SALUTATORY— THE HIGH gymnasium has proved inadequate taking part were Miss Ada E. .And­ story has been able "to hold chil- ! subject, English, the study of which SCHOOL has combined its forces into an in size to meet all the require­ and to speak or write our thoughts office scene created to give an op­ erson, .Albert Sherwood Anderson, concisely and well. dren from play and old men from | “Quickens the spirit and kindles the i The class of 192G bids you a cor- ments of physical training. There ; the chimney corner." | niind and imagination of the pupils, portunity to watch the application Miss Winifred M. Jennings, Miss It is more difficult than one^ I dial welcome to it I is also a need for outdoor fields ''i - N Robert Louis Stevenson, a master! develops habits of weighing graduation | gome of our lessons carried into Mary E. Wilcox and Miss Marian i might suppose to master the Eng-, I near at hand which can be easily Purinton. The sketch was written, of .story-telling repeats this tale: | ^nd judging human conduct. erg''^’*uarents*^"°\in*de7-gradu^^^^ actual business office. And as we I reached by our athletic teams, lish language. This is true. prin-| are taught the right to avoid the by Miss Ada .Anderson. Miss Wini­ I cipally, because of the number of ; A friend of mine, a AVelsh black-1 hope of leading them to higher; f^nds all of vou vl o lave con: j AAMth a larger gymnasium and smith, could neither read nor write, jiving; supplies the pupils with an' ^>^'end., all ot \ou 1 wrong way of doing things you fred Jennings and Miss Marian corruptions that surround us. But' j outdoor fields near the school we —Elite Studio Photo. j though he was twenty-five years trihiued to our opportunities and I nQtice the characters of this Purinton. -A general discussion the English as taught in the high effective tool for use in their future would be equipped to give a splen­ of voting and politics especially Miss Sve.a Lindbcrg. old. One day he heard a chapter private and public life." pleasures for the past four >ears. ; sketch represent these prin- I school helps to take away much of AA e are glad that >ou cou.d be here pipips. The cooperative depart- did foundation of physical sound­ stressing the part played by women the crudeness in speaking and pro­ of Robinson Crusoe read aloud in a Marji’"' ' Helen Smith. ness to our high school boys and farm kitchen. Up to that moment tonight, to enjo\, we hope. the which brings us in touch was carried on to bring out the es- 1 vides a medium for expressing in girls. social 1 Commercial — In an .Architect's he had sat content, huddled in his last ceremony in which we may , (^ade school will give a sential points the class , good, wholesome English the feel*! VAL...... lORY AA'ith the establishment of physi­ ignorance, but he left that farm play a part as members of the ^laboratory demonstration of some science had learned. j Offlet I ings and reactions of our minds. | In behalf of the graduating class South Manchester High School cal requirements attention may be John Michael Boyle another man. There were day of the work carried on in the tech­ Vocational Demonstration. | ‘ It enables one to speak courteously.' it is my privilege to speak a tew student body. AA'e have had visit- ] drawn to the social interests ot Edward Herman Sauter dreams, it appeared, divine words of thanks and farewell to you nical field and will indierte the A vocational demonstration was' ' concisely, and correctly at all times, ing days at which time large num­ high school. They are accomplish­ .Annie Sturgeon dreams, written and printed and all. This, our graduation, has close relation which exists between next given by Herman W. Johnson: I with no emharrassment or difficulty. bers of you have come to the ed through various studies, social Marjorie Sehieldge bound and to be bought for money been our aim for four years— years the academic training and the and Thomas J. Woods showing Many a good position has been lost,^ school to see the work of the clas- activities, and the general environ­ and enjoyed at pleasure. Down he filled with work and play. And as technical theory. what the Co-operative Trade School j Marjorie H. Smith many an embarrassing and tragic ■ se.s and to inspect the running ment of the school. Although all sat that day, painfully learned to we stand here tonight, looking back, .After listening to the program course teaches. Woods explained: James AA'. . . Maher . , situation has been created by the plant of the school. During the subjects should contribute to good we wonder if we shall ever experi- tonight you will have a clear con­ what he had learned about textilesP^aJ^^dictory English m the Hi-,h inabilitv of a man to explain him-‘ last three years these visiting days citizenship, the social studies— ' the book. It had been lost, nor ception of what the modern high and Johnson told some of the ele- School. self exactly. One cannot express ence such happy hours again. But have been evening occasions, and geography, history, civics and eco­ ments of fabric d.veing he had] Marjorie Helen Smith one's thoughts in speech and in could he find another copy but one .^^.g pitall face alone, the new life school is trying to accomplish. nomics. have this as their domi­ that was in English. Down lie 1 .^^.j.|jg).| ^ye enter, with hope in our we have come back to our regular learned. Above the two was sus- 1 Presentation of Diplomas— Howell writing before twenty-five friendly work and you have come to school The high school of today is not nant aim. History emphasizes the sat once more, learned English, and | j^em ts As students of the South I pended a chart which read: "High| Cheney. but critical jiairs of eyes every day a very old public institution. In growth of institutions so that their length and with entire delight, with us. The favorable comments School: English. Modern Lan- Class Song—AVords by Ella Mae in class for four years without de- at Manchester High School we have which this practice has received, colonial days the Latin grammar present value may be appreciated. guages. History, Mathematics. Phy­ Scranton. Music by Miriam Erne- veloping a certain amount of poise i Robinson Crusoe. had good opportunities offered us. made us feel this year that you school modeled on the Latin gram­ Geography shows the Interdepend­ English' The satisfaction and pleasure he sics, Chemistry. Trade School: line Silcox. and facility of speech, Many of us have seized these op­ might like to hear and know some­ mar school of England, with Its ence of men and their common de­ which! received from reading the story Theory-Practice. Advanced Mathe- The list of 117 graduates who gives also a cultural training portunities and have made the best thing more about the type of work cnrriculums restricted to the study pendence on nature. Civics direct matlcs. Textile Design, Cloth Analy- were presented diplomas by How-' serves as a backgroiind for all social! ^^.gfi'.reil^m^an knows of them. Others of us have failed we are doing in high school. AA'e of the classics, was the only form attention to the informal activities Bis, Textile Testing, Shop Training.; ell Cheney of the school board, fol- acidities. Command of the mother . , . „ at times, to utilize these golden, believe that the high school should of secondary education. of daily life that regard and seek Ch'eney Brothers: Spinning-Throw-j lows: tongiiv is the foundation of success.; ^ world which never grows , fleeting gifts. .All of us, however, mean something to you. should be By the middle of the eighteenth the common good. Through clubs Ing, Broad Goods. Ribbons. A’elvets.l Everett Joseph .Allen This direct value of our high "'orld where he can see t e e at some time or other, have experi­ not simply a big brick building century the people realized that and social activities the student Dye House, Testing. Triple co-i .Ada Evelyn .Anderson school English is realized by every- would like to enced the joy ot triumph that fol­ with rooms and desks and the per­ the classic curriculum was inade­ receives the actual experience in tperative course results in trained; Alva Elizabeth Christina .Ander­ one but the aesthetic value is a lit- tit- '"ith no troub e °r ex lows work well done and the cha­ sistent clock that makes bells ring. quate for the needs of the .Ameri­ social Intercourse. man as Skilled Operator, Foreman son. tie less tangible. Perhaps we ask I pense. The reader never grin that comes after failure. It has meant something more than can youth and that a broader form The preparatiin of the individual Tomorrow newer, bigger and Dyer. Designer. Production En­I Helen Caroline .Anderson ourselves. "AA'hv do people read lit-' "nothing to do. Life is too sboi’ that to us. It has meant the in­ of secondary education was need­ as a good worker and producer is brighter opportunities await ns. The accomplished through study and gineer, Timekeeper, Time Study; .Albert Sherwood .Andor.^on cratiire? " i too scant lor reading the volving of new world's knowledge, ed. Thus, developed the academy training that we have received here actual training in a chosen profes­ Man, Statistician, Auditor, Mill In-' AA'alter .Alfred .Anderson In the first place, though ouc books he would like to read, the development of new fields of which offered a larger range of has fitted us to go into the world sion. Ti c various cirriculums are structor. All Resulting in Better John Elis .Anderson does not use literature to secure a! Delightful as literature is, it as activity; the appreciation of learn­ subjects. determined to conquer all obstacles so planned as to equip the individ­ Community, Better Americans, Bet­ .Arthur Samuel Barrabee knowledge of facts, one can use it | more lasting value than as a source ing as science, as an art; and Meantime the older education of and to make the most of our oppor­ ual to secure a livelihood for him­ ter Men." .-Austin De.xter Beechler to find how. in a certain period, men of pleasure, anuisament and above all it has suggested to us home and community still contin­ Miss Evelyn P. Clark. Miss Mary looked at facts. Guide books give; ation. It is especialD, for e tunity. the various channels Into which ued. Children learned by taking self and those dependent on him; .Anna Ingehorg Bengston Opportunity to seiwe society well through his B. Coughlin. Miss Tina Gagliardone, Martha Louise Blatter more definite information about the! young reader, the most importan we shall steer our vocational de- part with their parents how to Scottish highlands than "The Lady | source of ideas and ideals. Litera- “This I beheld, or dreamed it in a manage the daly routine of life; vocation: to maintain the right re­ and Miss Elsa J. Palmer demon­ John Michael Boyle I sires. most of them receiving in the lationship toward his fellow work­ strated the value ot their course in Stanley Horace Bray of the Lake." but thousands ot peo- ture is the record of what mon aa\e dream—------Tonight then, our program will pie spend time, money and energy thought and felt about life, an j 'phere spread a cloud of dust along home the necessary preparation ers and society; and, as far as pos­ French. Miss Coughlin explained' Roberts Diodate Burr he a sort of demonstration. AA'e what the French classes covered,; in reading this book. AA'hen we i from that record the modern reader | plain, shall show you something of the for the moral and practical side of sible, to find in his vocation his Maigaret Katherine Cashman own best development. The trade and the other students spoke inj read "Paul Revere's Ride" we read, ^'an enrich bis own meagef expert-; underneath the cloud, or in it, actual work which has been done life. .Arlynr Jo.sejihine Casperson school and commercial courses are French telling about the French | it with the intention of catching the- cnee with the thoughts and enio-, raged in our classes. AA'e shall take Our growing industrialism, chang­ .Anna Rese Cervini \ery good examples. In the trade steamship line, the chateaus and spirit of 'TG, not for its historical tions of the past. For as Emerson .A furious battle, and men yelled snatches of class room experiences ing conditions in the community, Louis Clifford Chartior school course the student goes half correctness. Books of actual facts, says: and swords and weave them into a pattern the needs of society to be served, the cathedrals of France. Elmer Palmer Clark time to the high school and half The commercial course was pre­ written in ISt'u, have been long; "The theory of books is noble, Shocked upon swords and shields, which it pleases us to call our high the character of the individuals to Evely.i l’err\- Clarke time to trade school where he re­ sented to the audience through a since forgotten. Thus literature is' The scholar of.the first age received a prince's banner be educated, demanded a new Mirnie Heniielta Clulow school life. The musical part ot ceives the actual experience In sketch in whicli John M. Boyle,J first used to find, not facts, but into him the world around; brooded AA'avered, then staggered backward, our program, the orchestra, the form of institution and In answer A cronic:! Rose Coffey some trade. In the commercial man's reaction to facts. , thereon; gave it the new arrange- hemmed by foes, choruses, and the instrumental to this demand has grown our Edward H. Sauter, Miss Annie .Aaron Coo'.; course he receives his training In geon. Miss Marjorie Schildge, Missi Pprhaps the primary instinct - inent of his own mind, and uttered .A craven hung along the battle's I numbers will indicate to you that modern high school which has Claude Harvey Corbin edge three fundamental aims: first the high school, pursuing such prac- Marjorie H. Smith, and Janies AA'.' Mary D-airice Coughlin which leads men to litorature| it again. It came into him life; it I we have not lost the appreciation Maher took part. The sketch; is the natural litinian love of a; went out from him truth. It came .And thought. “Had I a sword of I of the fine arts. In this respect preparation ot the student to be­ .Alice J.iiK' I'ross (Contlnued on P a g e 12.) demonstrated the commercial abil­ .story. From primitive man crouch-ito him short-lived actions, it went keener steel— I our art department will demon- come a good citizen of the commu­ Ivar .-Adolf Dahlqiiist ing about a lire in a cave listening' out from him immortal thoughts, That blue blade the king's son ity of the students who have com-| C;il lit r::; - 1. iiza''al h Daly pleted the high school commercial; with delight to the story of the kill- It came to him business, it went bears, but this John I.Mv.::rd Dw\i-r ing of the hairy mammoth with' from him poetry. It was dead fact; Blunt thing!" He snapt and flung course and the moral of the, Lena Marie Ellis stone-tiiipcd arrows to the yoiin.^'now it is quick thought. It can it from his hand, theme of the sketch was that stii-, Eaith Elir.abri ;i l-'allow dents who have applied themselves hoy curled in an arm-chair by the; stand, and it can go. It now en-' .And lowering, crept away and left Eva ElK-ii l-'aniom for Economical ‘Transportation to the work of the course become | fireplace reading with delight the dures, itit now now iMt-.-. flies, n it nu- now inspires. | , the field. Ruth E\(>!>n l-'t-rris valued employees. story of Custer's last stand as the Precisely in proportion to the depth ^ Then came the kings son, wound- Olhe -Alzor.i riiine.can Redskins circle ever nearer and ot minti from which it issued, so! ed, sore bestead. Music. Marjorie' M:ie Klav. 11 Music on the program was pro-' Bernard Mieha.t 1 Fogarty vided by the High school orchestra,! Tina Gacliardone under the direction of Miss Dor- 1 Clotilde .'tlonica Gamha ward, the school music instructor; ■ Marguerite Eulalia Gardner e an instrumental trio, composed of. Laura Gates Miss Hilda Mildncr, violin. Miss] Evelyn Gract' Gillman Miriam Silcox. cello, and Miss Hazel j Janus .loh.a Glecson 9k BROUGHAM^ Robinson, piano; a three part chor-j Earl Jackson Glenney us. with baritone melody, com-, Florence Beatrice Glenney posed ot Miss Marcella AA'elch, Miss; Helen Elizabeth Gorman Frances Howe.( Miss Flora Thrall, i Oliv.'r Sianley Gothberg Miss Esther Radding. Miss Faith: Ruth M.irtha Hadden ' Fallow. Sherwood .-Anderson. John; AA'illiam Harold Hand Johnson, Roberts Burr, John Hut-| AA'alter Carl Hentschcl 1^' chinson and Frank Prete; and thej AA'ilma May Hess .G Senior Girls glee club. This ar-j Elizabeth Leora Hibbard rangement ot the musical program i Jennie Mathilda Hills allowed those who were particular-j Russell Harvey Hills ly talented a proper place on the I Francos Elizabeth Howe program. The usual chorus sing-i John Patrick Hutchinson Ing was absent, and to some extent. Helen Jamroga Was missed. AA'inifred Murray Jennings The complete program of the Herman AA'alter Johnson graduation was as follows: Thomas Jo’.in Johnson Golden Sceptre Overture ...... Evelyn Merrell Jones /. 0- b. Detroit: tax cxrra ...... Schlepegrell Erna Marie Kanehl High School Orchestra Sara Margaret Kearns Balutatory...... The High School Robert Raymond Keeney Seav Ida Linnea Lindberg Marjorie Mary Kelley Laura Katherine Kingsbury The Field of Science . . Chemistry Harold Robert Knofla John Edward Dwyer George Bantly Krause Art . . . Furnishing a Living Room Leo James Kwash Ruth Martha Hadden Ellen Mildred Lewis Elizabeth Leora Hibbard Svea Ida Linnea Lindberg Evelyn Elizabeth Robinson Mildred Gertrude Lipp "Song of the Storm" from "The Frank I'lysseu Lupien Caliph of Bagdad" . . Boleldieu Henry Hamilton Madden "The Owl " ...... Gest Carl .Albert Magnuson Three part chorus with baritone James AA'esley Maher melody Stanley Edward .Mason Mathematics — The A'alue of the Carl Raymond Matson Olive Isabel McKinney High School. Mathematics Course Hilda Rose Mildner * . Anita Monsenlio Touring . f510 Roberts Diodate Burr Freida Gertrude Montgomery Social Science...... Steps in Felix Edward Mozzer Roadster - .510 Democracy. Edwin Joseph Murphy IjOWmlriiCC .Ada Evelyn .Anderson Hymen N'anierovsky Coupe - - Albert Sherwood Anderson .645 Belledna .-Alice AA'inifred Murray Jennings a n d '- .Arthur Lillie Nichols Offering every modern feature essential to Mary Emily AA'ilcox Sedan - - - 735 Elsa Jane Palmer Features motoring satisfaction, Chevrolet is the world’s Marian Purinton Norma Henrietta Peterson of this New Paige: finest low-priced car. It is winning new buyers Landau • - 765 Latin— The A'alue of the Study ot Ellen Mary Powers Latin. Improved Paige-built Motor, by tens of thousands every month. Such world­ Frank Patrick Prete none more modern norbetter V2-Ton'Truck 3 9 5 Frances Elizabeth Howe Marian Purinton lubricated—Full High-Prcs- wide popularity and gigantic volume production (C has sit On/y) — — ^ Serenade "Les Millions d'arlequin” ture Oil Feed to all Rotating James Edward Quish Parts, including VATist pins, OU who have seen and driven any of the new Paige cars, need make possible Chevrolet’s amazingly low prices. 1-Ton Truck 5 5 0 ...... Drlgo Joseph Patrick Quish cam shaft auxiliary shaft and only be told the amazing price of this Brougham. For the single See it! Drive it! Know the superior principles tChassis Only) “Forget-me-not" ...... Macbeth Esther Hortense Radding tappets— Counterbalanced Y AU Prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Instrumental Trio— CrankshaR—Silent Chain fact that a PAIGE can now be purchased for only $1295 will convince of design and construction that make Chevrolet Evelyn Elizabeth Robinson Timing, with automatic take> Small Down Payment Violin— Hilda Rose Mildner Hazel Florence Robinson u p — A ir C leaner—M etal Oil- you that it would be sheer folly to expect greater value elsewhere. a revelation in performance and value. Convenient Terms Cello— Miriam Emeline Silcox. Lubricated Universal Joints Edward Herman Sauter —Spring# 5^ inches long— Larger and roomier than most sedans; passengers enter or leave the Piano— Hazel Florence Robinson. Marjorie Ernestine Schildge Shock Absorbers — Balloon Co-operative Trade School...... Tires — Paige Hydraulic 4- rear without disturbing front seat occupamts. The Brougham is Ella Mae Scranton WlieclBrakcs—Easy Steering finished in two tones of gray lacquer, upholstered in soft, lustrous So Smooth—So Powerful ...... A Vocational Demonstra­ Miriam Emeline Silcox through Ball Bearings—Saw tion. blade Steel, Lig^'t Acting and long wearing materials. Gladys Marie Seelert Clutch—Short Throw, Easy Herman 'AA’alter Johnson Henry Edwin Sinnamon G ear Shift — Co-incidental After you’ve seen and driven this Brougham—you’ll know definitely Thomas John AA'oods Lock — A utom atic Wind­ Franklin Clinton Smith shield Cleaner — Dash Gas that you simply can’t buy more automobile for the same money French in our High School— Marjorie Helen Smith W. R. TINKER, Jr. and Heat Indicator — Stop Evelyn Perry Clark Marjorie Helen Smith Light—Dome Li«ht anywhere else. Mary Beatrice Coughlin A’iola Mae Smith Tina Galliardone Norma Esther Beatrice Soder 130 Center St. South Manchester Elsa Ja*e Palmer berg ■ ♦•Calm Is the N ight"...... Bohm .Annie ElizabeU' Sturgeon South Manchester Garage AA'ith violin and v»ello obligato Flora Belle Thrall l“The Swallows" ...... Cowen George Lincoln Turkington QUALITY AT LOW COST ‘ Benjor Girls Glee Club Florence Mae Vennart " 478 Center Street H. A. Schaller. Manafirer mAiNcmnSTBK EVENBTO HERALD, SATURDAY, JUNE 26,1926. Saints Pound Out 8-2 Win Over Cheney Brothers

______------< Crack Bay State Nine To Oppose Shamrocks Here GDSTAFSON, NEWCOMER, PROVES P D Z M

>1 THEY FIGURED IN BIG TRADE TO MILL NINE WHICH FIELDS POORLY CONQUERORS OF SONS OF ITALY WILL DRAW URGE AHENDANCE / Hartford Pitcher Allows C. B. A. A. Four Hits— Wright 200 LOCAL FANS and St. John Field Brilliantly— Two Players Injured; Cheney Brothers nine was defeat­ TO WATCH KAPLAN Florence, Mass., Club Com­ ed there last year 6 to 5. All this Carlson Taken to Doctor for Treatment. tends to show that the Florence nine is one of the leading teams in FIGHT^MONDAYi ing With Scalps of Phila- Massachusetts. Coakley, their catcher, performed in this role for Slow fielding and outfield balls their half of the inning. Ferguson the Boston College team last sea­ by Chenev Brothers nine coupledffanned. Wright walked. Partons. delphia Giants and Hart­ - TiWnnDixon, St. John and Seelert sing­ 20,000 Expected in Vein- son. He was one of the leading with the superb pitching of Alex led in succession, the first three I players on the team and should Gustafson, a newcomer from Hart­ men scoring. figure strongly in the attack and ford Columbias. 'N't ford, figured conspicuously in the In the next frame the Saints drome to Watch Kaplan defense of the Braves tomorrow. added four more tallies. Gustafson Ryan, who will play right field 8-2 victory which the St. Mary’s registered last evening at the West started the inning with a single. for the visitors, was formerly with Ferguson again fanned. Wright and Garcia Battle for, Florence, Mass Shamrocks the Haverhill team of the Boston Side playgrounds in the first clash ElUott^ 2b Kellar, 2b of the season between two local flew out to right. Partons walked. Twilight league and is noted for his Dixon singled to right. St. John Tatro, If Hanna, ss heavy slugging. teams. Brilliant fielding by Gil W orlfs Title. Foster, If Wright and Lefty St. John also got two bases when Long dropped Trauskie, ss Manager Coleman announces that his long fly to center. Seelert fol­ Coakley, c Graff, c Bill McLaughlin wll start on the featured. T - McLaughlin, lb V- 'Edgar Hit Freely lowed with a double. Robb popped Twenty thousand fans are ex* Jones, cf mound for the Shamrocks. He has up to first. These plays went to­ pected to trek to Hartford Monday Brownell, 8b BRYAN HARRISS There was a good sized gather­ Ryan, rf failed to win a game in his three ■’BING ’ MILLER FRED HEIMACH gether to account for the four evening to witness the inauguratioa Dowman, 8b Clemson, rf starts but is expected to come ing of fans on hand to witness the game due to the fact that it was runs which were scored. of the Veledrome in which Louis King, lb Kelly, c through tomorrow. If he goes These five prominent perform­ McCarthy, p the first clash of the year between Kid Kaplan and Bobby Garcia will Stonberg, p wrong,' Farrand, who has won all ers figured in one of the biggest St. Mary’s (8) battle for the world’s feather McLaughlin, p local contenders for the town cham AB R H PO his five starts will be sent in. The trades the American League has plonship which will be w'aged lat­ weight championship. Among the Umpire: Ed. Lehrmitt. Shamrocks have won five games put over in some time. The Ferguson, cf 5 0 0 0 huge throng which is expected to Time. 8 o’clock. er in the season. "Pop" Edgar was "Wright, ss, c 1 1 0 1 and lost four this season. wholesale exchange involved on the mound for the mill team join tax the vast arena to its capacity, Place: Hickey's Grove. three clubs, Athletics, Red Sox ...... ------'Partons. 3b but was touched up rather freely— I j^i^on, 2b, ss will be nearly two hundred fans and Browns. eleven hits being made off his de- John If from Manchester. Manchester baseball fans will Through the deal the elon­ St. John, If Both Kaplan and Garcia have find themselves in store for a rare YALE VARSITY IS livery. Some of them, however, Seelert, rf . . . . 3 0 3 0 0 0 gated Connie Mack obtained were easily filed which should concluded their extensive training treat tomorrow afternoon when Howard Ehmko from the Red Robb, lb 3 0 1 10 0 1 and are reported to be in the pink they Journey to Hickey’s Grove. have been caught. Carlson, c .... 3 0 0 4 0 0 Sox; the Browns got "Bing" Carlson Hurt .Again of condition. They will battle fif­ The crack Florence Braves, hailing Miller and the Fohlites Heimach, Stevenson, 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-LENGTH VICTOR Pat Carlson, the hard luck C"tafson, p .3 1 1 0 2 1 teen rounds to a decision. 1 from the Bay State, are slated to . i Harriss and Jacobson. backstop of the Saints, sustained In the semi-final Lew Tendleft come here to meet the Shamrocks. Ehmke, Heimach and Harries another injury last evening when Totals ...... 29 8 10 21 10 2 and Myer Cohen will occupy tho Play will start promptly at 3 ItJ are pitchers, the first-named be- he was struck over the left eye b' limelight for ten rounds. This Elis Make It Six Straight by Clieney Brothers (2) o’clock. In the past few weeks the in.g considered one of the best in a foul fly. The eye was cut and bout is expected to produce almost Shamrocks have been somewhat the (ircuit. Ehmke, 32. put in the popular catcher was taken to a H PO as much fireworks as the mala Long, cf ...... 4 0 0 1 late in getting their games started Clean Cut Defeat of Har­ six seasons with Detroit before local doctor’s office where he was 1 1 bout. thus causing disapproval among being traded to the Red Hose in Hanna, 3b ...1 1 0 2 1 0 Eddie Lord, stable mate of Kap­ \ • treated. Gil Wright finished the Brennan, 2b . .3 0 1 1 2 1 the fans. Manager Coleman an­ the fall of 1922. Heimach and game behind the plate. Recently lan, is booked to meet Allentowa nounced yesterday afternoon, how­ vard Oarsmen. Harriss both .came to the Ath­ Carlson Injured his left knee se­ Cole, rt ...... 3 0 1 1 0 0 Johnny Leonard in an eight round ever, that in the future the games letics from the minors in 1920. verely when struck by a foul tip. Edgar, p ...... 3 0 0 0 '2 0 Huband, c ...3 0 1 5 1 2 encounter. will start on time. ir Miller and Jacobson are out­ Prior to that time be was forced Young Mulligan, who recently Plitt, ss ...... 3 0 0 2 1 0 In booking the Bay State nine. New London, .'’une 2t'i.—Yale to­ fielders. Miller was traded to to leave Mercersberg .Acadamy fought in Manchester, will take oa Manager Coleman has secured a top the Mackmen by IVashington in White, If .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 day is five up on Harvard in row­ fj when he sustained an infected arm Macdonald, lb 3 0 0 6 0 0 Toney Mandell, of Worcester, in six notch attraction. The visitors come ing, having rociste'ed its sixth con­ the winter of 1 922. wliile Jacob­ from aa injury. rounds. here fresh from their 1 to 0 victory son joined the Browns as a re.g- Huband Hurt Too secutive victory over the Crim.^on Totals ...... 24 2 4 17 7 4 These thirty-nine rounds form by over the local Sons’ of Italy. This var.sity on the Thames river last tilar in 1917. Miller and Jacob­ HOWARD EHMKE "Punk’’ Lamprecht was schedul­ far the greatest fistic card evep^ face alone is sufficient to st'r up BILL JACOBSON son are both consistent .300 Cheney Bros...... 002 000 0— 2 evening, in tlie fifty-ninth annutl ed to catch for the silk mill team Two base hits: Huband. Seelert. staged iu the state. clubbers. but notified Manager Jenney late plenty of interest over the game. regatta of these ancient rivc.ls. Struck out, by Edgar 5; by Gus­ Naturally the Shamrocks expect to After Harvard had w(,n tlie Frcsli- in the afternoon that he would not The Reds gamely overcame a six- be able to fulfill the assignment. tafson 3. be in the thick of the fray when nian and junior varsity races, sev­ Base on balls, off Edgar 3; off run lead and nosed out the Pirates the town title is settled in Manches­ enty thousand perrons^ saw Yah'': .4.1 Huband of Hartford, veteran in the ninth, nine to eight, red backstop of the .Aetna Life Insur­ Gustafson 4. ter. Therefore a win over the con­ score a clean-cut victory in the SAINTS IN PLAINVILLE Stolen bases: Long 2, Wright, Lucas winning his own game with querors of the Son’s of Italy will go varsity event, winning by two , Sport Success Divided ance Company, was secured to fill a single. Waner, Pittsburgh out­ his shoes. Huband performed in Seelert. a long way towards boosting the lengtlis. ! Umpires; Dwyer and Russell. fielder, got five hits. Shamrock’s stock. Yale took the lead at the start | TOMORROW AFTERNOON fine style until he was spiked on In addition to defeating the Man­ and was never ’..ended. The siioed | the hand by Partons in a close At H. S. During Year play at home plate. .After that chester team, the Braves have ap­ of the Elis was a revelation to tlieir | nnuim m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiim m iiiiiim iiiinim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii plied the skids to the crack Phila­ backers, as the Blue eight was an ! Fresh from its 8-2 victory over Huband was unable to handle the unknown qtiantity, untried cxceiit ; Cheney Brotiiers, Saint Mary's ball In his usual style and made a delphia Colored Giants, considered Siiorts in the South Manchester,; astic league tiie' locals made a cora- one of the fastest colored traveling for the Derby regiitta when it batv- \ baseball club will travel to Plain- couple of errors as the result. i Tow Car— — Road Service | High school during the past year jilete cleanup winning the meet by Gustafson Stars baseball clubs in the United States. ly defeated renns>lvanin. | a score of forty-seven to thirty- ville tomorrow afternoon to meet The score of this game was 4 to 3 At the start. ’’ augltlin, tlie Yale : ha^■e been about oquaIl.^■ divided the strong club which represents Gustafson, who pitched for the three for Meriden, to thirty and Saints, is the star twlrler for Spar- and was earned only after thirteen stroke, set a i>ace of forty to the i successes and failures. tliree-fourths for Bristol to ten and that town. The local team will leave the Ce.iter at 2:45 daylight tons of Hartford. It was his first I Keep Your Tire CosCs Down | innings of furious playing. minute and conliuticd the spurt i The football team lost all its games, one-fourth for West Hartford. even after the Harvard boat had j saving time. The trip will be made appearance in Manchester and it = ____ s The Hartford Columbias lost to ■althou.ah putting up many still With this win the locals took the slowed down to a beat of ihirtv-j in automobiles. must be said he made a fine im­ the Bay Staters this season and fights and losing several games by league cliampumship and a second two. Yale soon was ahead by I; Manager Bulla has not announc­ pression. The Hartford pitcher al­ j close sco!\In basketball the leg on the large silver trophy, the nearly a length rnd inainttiined its | ed who will pitch for his team. It lowed but four hits, three of itables Wire reversed: the season prize to the winning squad. advantage for the first two mile-;. is possible that either Seelert, Pow­ which were singles. .Although he i was a most successful one, the Those who made up this year's struck out but few batters, he was Fishing Tackle At the lialf-way tnarl: the Harvard team were Dri.egs, Stiannon, Kittle, ell or Gustafson will get the assign­ jteam xvinning fifteen games ami ment. Gustafson, of course, is the effective in the pinches. His mates oarsmen tired rnd opi'ii water Madden, LaCoss. Boggini, Sheri- Kampkook Stoves showed between the two shells. 1 losing but four. The baseball youth who put the skids on Cheney backed him up in fine style. Iteam had a rather rough season, (iaii. Hurabiirda. Chambers, How Tliey Scored .\t the time .and one-half mile Krause, Maniclli, Bra.v, Hall, Al­ Brothers last evening. Flashlights mark, however, tlu' Crimson ralli''d ! losing mo.^t of its games. It fought The hatting of Dixon, St. John |T fre$totie 1 len, Cheney, McCluskey and Hick- gallantly, closing the ga|i until Har­ jliard. however, but did not have the and Seelert. each of whom made Guns ;"bivaks.’’ In track the locals were iiur. "Fete'’ Wigreu coached the The Yankees took two games two hits, figured prominently in vard was only • few feet behind. team. from the Red Sox, 12 to 2 and 11 The Firestone organization secures the best grades The Harvard rooters broke in'o Ve ry succe'x-e'ul. winnin.g femr of the the Saint’s victory. Ammunition five im ets scto-duled and the Con- The tennis team finished a very to 4 , but lost the services of The St. Mary's took the lead In of crude rubber direct from the plantations, and buys wild cheering, lu.t with a final s\icccssful season with but one de-|;Meusel. who sprained an ankle and the second inning when St. John, Golf Clubs spurt Yale easily drew away and ,r.i'cticut 1 .1‘acue championship. other raw materials in great quantities, in the primary The iiiuiis team lurr.ed in an e.xcel- feat. By virtue of this record it will be out for at least a month. who had singled, scored on succes­ ; markets of the world. went on to win by two b naths. won the Conueciicut High school Jones and Shocker pitched well. sive singles by Seelert and Robb. Golf Balls Vale made a new upstream rec­ b nt iiei’forma.uce, losin.g but one mc.tcli ami winning tlu’ state title. tennis championshii). Tlie locals Babe Ruth poled out homer No. 24 Cheney Brothers pushed oyer The tremendous volume of Firestone production, to- Golf Bags ord of 20 minti es 14 2-." seconds, met their onl;-' defeat at the hands and Lazzeri got his tenth homer of two runs in the first of the third lowering last year's mark by 11 2,-a This was the third sea.'eon in foot- i gether with unequalled manufacturing facilities, enables of St. Thomas Seminary when the the season. inning. Long singled and piliffer- econds. l'.'',ll. Coach. Ke'cu, y imi'od\lced a I Firestone to offer car-owners the greatest tire values. Jack Knives r.ew method of iittack, that of the locals were not at full strength. Jess of the Robins scored a seven ed two bases. Hanna walked. Their record was not even ap- to four triumph over Virgil of the Brennan scored I.ong with a single : The name Firestone on a tire means Tennis Rackets YE.STKIIDAY’.S RK.Sl T.T.^. ovi rliead pass uaiut'. Since the tcc.m was large^ly comi'iisod of green l)roached by any other High school Giants in the battle of the Barnes and Hanna counted a moment lat­ Tennis Balls tennis team in ihe state. brothers. It was Brooklyn’s fifth er on Robb’s overthrow of third. Most Miles per Dollar 'Ea.stcin I.cnuiic. material, the task of making a win- niti'; te;im was almo.-t imi'ossible. Gotberg. McCann. Cole, Boyle straight victory. The Saints made three runs in Baseball Shoes Hartford WatCTlMiry 2. and Holland were those who made Bridgeport S. New Hn^■on G. Ho.'avcr. the fightinu shown by the ;d:-y •rs was at least deserving of up the team. Baseball Bats Pprin.afield 10, .Mhaiiy 2 . Since most of the teams will Providence 9. Pin.-fie’d 2. prais,'. Baseball Gloves With many of Inst years varsity have a large number of their varsi­ We Sell and Service National I.oatnic. ty members left over after gradu­ ^ $ Brooklyn r>. New Yorl^ 4. men left over the prospects of a Baseballs winning team next fall are brigltt. ation, prospects of a big season in Cincinnati 9, Pittsburgh 8. all sports next year is bright. i; Philadelphia 8. Boston 7. Tlie continued success of the Sweat Shirts has!;,'tball te.un under Mr. Clarke’s Chicago at St. Louis (rainl. LA.ST NIGHT’S FIGHTS. i Johnson Outboard .\incrican T.caguc. coacliin.u throuuhout the season The— New York 12, Boston 2 ffirst). . Wits sufficient to warrant its being At Boston— Jack Sharkey, New ; ; Motors selecteti as a Connecticut entry in England heavyweiglu champion,' Oldfield Tires New York 11, Boston 4 (second) Radio Sets St. Louis 11, Chicaco 4. the Tufts tournament. Alihougli the won on a foul in the first round Cleveland at Detroit train). locals did not succeed in turning from Bud Gorman, Kenosha, M'is. Radio Accessories Other teams not scheduled. in n winning performance at Mod- .At New York— -Ace Hudkins, lord. they put up a stiff fight. The braska lightweight, knocked out. and Tubes Columbia Bicycles ST.VXDIXGS. record of fifteen xvius and four Ruby Goldstein, New York, in tlie, Overland “ Whippet” Tricycles Eaatorn Loagiie. losses luing up this year together lourtti round; .Andy Divodi, Xfw^ W. witli last year's fine record result­ York welter, knocked out Joe Reno i at These Remarkably Low Prices Sidewalk Bicycles Providence ...... 4 2 ed in the locals winning thirty-two of Trenton, in the fifth round. | Stringfleld ...... 37 out of thirty-nine games played the At .Atlantic City— Lew Tendler, j Coaster Wagons Bridgeport ...... "5 past two years. Philadelphia welter, scored a tech-1 HIGH PRESSURE CORDS OVER-SIZE BALLOONS New. Haven...... 31 The varsity team this year was knockout over George Rus-; —is Here Hobby Horses Hartford...... 29 composed ..f of .Mantellixo.nfnUi and Holland, I -wiikes-Barre, in the sixth; 30x3 > /2 Reg. Cl...... $10.00 29x4.40 ...... $14.00 Scooters Albany ...... 2 7 forwards; Quish. center; Bray and lound. I 30x3 Vj Ex. Size Cl.> $11.25 29x4.75 ...... $16.50 ■Waterburv ...... 21 Dahlquist. guards; Gotberg, Gor­ .At Long Branch— Ray Mitchell. 330x3 >/: Ex. Size S.S., $14. Kiddy Kars Pittsfield ...... 15 40 man and LnCoss, reserves. Philadelphia, knocked out Bobby' 31x4 S.S...... $18.00 30x4.75 ...... $17.50 National League. The baseball team coached by .Amster, Newark, in the sixth 29x4.95 ...... $18.50 Auto Accessories W. "Breck" Breckenridge had a lot of 5 32x4 S.S. . .$19.35 round. ; 31x5.25 ...... $20.55 Fisk Tires Cincinnati...... 38 hard luck this season. After start- On View This 32x4 »/2 S.S ..$22.45 Pittsburgh ...... 3 4 incr out like world beaters by trim­ LEADING LEAGUE HITTERS. 33x4'/2 s!s! .$23.75 32x6.00 ...... $24.00 ming Middletown and West Hart- Lincoln Shock Ab­ St. Louis...... 3 5 National League. 33x5 S.S. .$29.20 33x6.00 ...... $27.50 Brooklyn...... 3 3 lord. the locals lo.=t the services of Eddie Boyce, when he was declared Player and Club . Pet. sorbers Chicago...... 31 Cuvier, Pirates...... 358 Afternoon at i These famous Oldfield Tires are made in the mara- New 'York...... 3 2 ineligible for the remainder of the American Hammer­ teasnn. The team was undismayed, Bressler, Reds ...... 384 S moth Firestone tire factories at Akron, Ohio, and carry Boston...... 23 Traynor, Pirates ...... 348 Philadelphia...... 2 2 however, and went right on fight­ I the standard tire guarantee. Compare their size, ed Rings ing auainst big odds. Although Herman, Dodgers...... 348 American I/eaguo. Hornsby, Cardinals ...... 344 3 and Afterwards weight, construction and quality with any other tireDn W. they were not very successful with Bugess - Norton regard to the number of games won Leader a year ago today: Horns­ the market. New Y'orn...... 4 5 by Cardina.ls, .428. Wrist Pins Chicago...... 3 7^ and lost during the ensuing games, they turned in some fine perform­ Philadelphia ...... 35 -American League. Bear In Mind: We Sdl the Famous Willard Toledo Valves Cleveland ...... 3 5 ances, their showing against Bris­ tol in the last game of the season Player and Club . Pet. Detroit ...... 33 Ruth, Y'ankees...... 391 Threaded Rubber Batteries. Luco lac Paints Washington ...... 31 when they lost only after fighting tootli and nail for sixteen Innings Hcilmaim .Tigers...... 3i7 Willard Batteries St. L ouis...... Falk, White S o x ...... 371 Boston...... 13 being especially good. With many Ignition Parts of the varsity squad left after grad­ Burns, Indians...... 3i0 Salesroom of the G.AMES TODAY'. uation it is hoped to have a better Meusel, Y"ankee8 ...... 365 Dave Houses Havoline Oils Eastern League. team next year. Leader a year ago today: Win- I BiH Streeter. Waterbury at Hartford. Those who composed the varsity go, Tigers, .419. Bridgeport at New Haven. team were the following: Holland, .Albany at Springfield. Foley. F. Liipien, Farr. Quish, Red Faber ran out of saliva and Providence at Pittsfield. Dahlquist, Winzler, Wright, Bog- was knocked out of the box by the National League. gini, -\1 I.upien. E. Boyce, Chartior, Browns, who beat the White Sox, Depot Square Service Sta. Barrett & Chicago at St. Louis. Gudaitis and Wiley. 11 to 4 and got back into the .400 I Cincinnati at Pittsburgh. The track team, facing Its hard­ class. The batting of Bing Miller Pickett Motor Sales Brooklyn at New Y'ork. est schedule in years, incidentally and SIsler featured. Robbins Boston at Philadelphia (2). turned in the finest record in quite The Phillies exerted their Indian I Manchester Conn. .American League. a few seasons. It won four and lost sign on the Braves and won in the Sporting Goods St. Louis at Chicago. hut one meet. Its one loss was reg­ ninth, eight to seven, after Mokan’s 22-24 Maple Street I ; v PHONE: 15. ' * ^ Headquarters Cleveland at Detroit. istered by Now Britain when the homer with two on had tied the S - I f Philadelphia nt Washington. locals were not at full .strength. In score. The Braves dropped to with­ 913 Main Street New York at Boston. the Central Connecticut Interschol- in one game of last place. MANCireSTER EVENING HERALD, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 192^ [fAGE TExN


little honiesifes to the proper p.irtles. ' An equity in the lake goes with each lot." Even the Toy Pistol Takes NEIGHBCSIS ’ WIVES •‘You might buy a piece yourself, This And That In John." suggested Pat. ERNEST LYNN, a u th o r of THE YELLOW STUB "Sure," agreed Fry. *'Glad to -TV- have you.” b e g in h e r e t o e a v “ ■Well. I might, at that—some Feminine Lore Its Toll ot Lite on Fourth JOHN 5UI.BUKN, poiriner in time,” said John. ilie advortisinj: accncy nf GRA­ Howard Orme, who had been silent HAM AND MU.BURN. hnlls The for a long time, remarked, "Bring birtli of » bahy pirl to his uifc, your wife out some time and see how This Is the last of a series of children should receive an Injury KAY, a hii: event and tlie she likes It. I think you’d find It a four articles on July Fourth. from fireworks or from blank car­ turning point in their marriaRe. good investment. This stuff out here tridges, every precaution should be Is bound to Increase In value." Miss Arlyne C. Moriarty, gradu-^most helpful. It may he new to BY DR. HUGH S. GUMMING John is of » romantic nature, some of you. It is to use old safe­ taken to prevent the development "Why. thanks." John looked at ate ot Mt. St. Joseph’s Music Surgeon General, United States T>hlch finds an outlet in the ad- ty razor blades in removing paint of lockjaw. cTtislnp ropy ho wTites. Ho is him curiously, a little surprised at school is now ready to receive be­ Public Health Service Such wounds should be cared ginners and advanced pupils in from the window glass in new I'lipracfieal. In Ids family his Orme’s friendliness. The symptoms of tetanus are for at once, however trivial and in­ piano and harmony. Studio 38 houses, always a tedious, difficult \,;fo runs tlio liudpet, just as in Pat Forbes got up to throw more varied. The disease usually devel­ significant they may appear to be. wood on the fire. It crackled cheer­ Florence street, telephone 1168-3. task. I remember using a ti-c. ndvertisinp business the on the advice of a friend for the ops in from six to 16 days. "When The safe method is the modern ilnani'ial details aro run by fully and sent up showers of sparks. same purpose. I also recall read­ tetanus or lockjaw develops with­ method. GRAHAM. The firm is small, Smith miraculously produced a bot­ Th "VN'hlte Rose bred recipe ing somewhere that hot vinegar in six days in man, the disease is Finally, remember that the prin­ heinp just two years old, but tle, and passed it to John. for this week is for a dessert serv­ cipal cause of mutilating Fourth of "Let’s kill It quick, before the was effective in removing paint. usually fatal. The milder cases of promisinp. There is one artist, ed at the Muehlebach hotel in Kan­ July wounds is the giant fire ladies get back,” he said. "Needn’t sas City, whose dishes are famous tetanus generally show a larger BRIGGS, and a slrnoprapher period for development and such cracker. ajul secretary, MIS.S KNISELY, be afraid of It. Mllburn. it’s pretty throughout the middle west. In England parents of children patients may recover. Even the toy pistol takes its While I'ay is in tlio hospital, good stuff. Not enough to pass Vienna Bread Pudding are compelled to have them vacci­ Tetanus anti-toxin is a reliable toll. Take your Fourth of July John is invited to a swimminp around to the whole crowd. It’ll Dice several slices of bread and nated within six months after birth take the chill off." by the public vaccinator for the and trustworthy preventative. If holiday joyously, but take it safe­ p.arty at the country place of fry them in butter. Mix in a few ly, and do not let t.'.e Hi tie fellows, rVT FORBES and his wife. "They don’t appreciate It. any­ fresh quartered strawberries or district or a registered physician, any doubt exists on this score prior the unthinking children, take John poes, and on his way to way.” said Pat. "They’d want to cherries. Season above mixture and over there no one thinks of to 1920, the experience of the arm­ tlio pool, sce.s a beautifully mix it with ginger ale." with sugar and vanilla. Then place violating this law. ies during the war demonstrated chances. formed woman divinp off the "Smith, old socks.” said Fry, in a buttered and sugared pudding the effectiveness of this treatment. sp rin p board. Pat tells him it is “every once in a while you perform mould. Cover with a ' custard Delicious sandwiches may be But anti-toxin must be administer­ BLUE AND ROSE. NELL OR.ME, and hints of some little act which stamps you as preparation. Bake slowly in oven. made for afternoon tea by butter­ ed early before the symptoms of The combination of navy blue trouble between her and her a human being. This Is one of the Serve with sauce sabayon, made ing both sides of a slice of bread, lockjaw occur. and rose is one frequently met with husband, HOW.ARD. She extended a friendly times. Pat, pass the bottle, you rum with powdered sugar, egg yolks spreading orange marmalade be­ Remember that every wound, this season, and is exceedingly at­ guzzler.” particularly every punctured or NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY and milk. tween each two slices. Lay in a tractive. hand. Pat, after a loud smacking of the pan and crisp in a hot oven; serve lacerated wound, should receive (The names and sttaaHons In this lips, sighed regretfully and passed prompt and thorough treatment. • torT arc fletitioua.) as she helped the other women clear Search through lists of solvents at once. the bottle to Fry. “Not bad, Smlt- for different stains fails to reveal Cleansing CHAPTER V up the dishes. ty." he announced judicially. anything fo tar or pine rozin. On­ "When making new window cur­ 'W’'ounds should be cleansed thor­ "1 don’t know. Lord knows she’s "Where’d you get It?" oughly and all foreign matter NOTICE 66/^O M E on down and meet the attractive enough to be dangerous to ly one suggestion has been receiv­ tains, hem the side or sides of the "For five dollars I’ll give you my ed for removing tar— kerosene oil. entire length of your material be­ should be removed. •c crowd,” urged Pat. gripping any husband's peace of mind. But I Remember that your doctor don’t think so. I might be wrong, bootlegger’s phone number,” an­ Perhaps that would be effective in fore cutting the several lengths. ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETINfr. Jolin's arm. He cupped his should be consulted immediately though." Ho resumed blowing smoke swered Smith. "Fry, for God’s sake bath cases brought to my attention This saves time in handling and Notice is hereby given to all legal h.mds and yelled, "Oh Nell—Howard. and anti-toxin should be adminis­ wreaths. save me some of it!" recently. insures a hem ot uniform width. voters of the Second School District Kell, hero's a man. Hurry up." The women came over to them. John noticed, after the bottle had tered if in his judgment it is ad­ of the Town of Manchester, Con­ Ho grinned. "'Wait till you get a "What are you two doing here— been emptied and burled deep in the Take your guests to O’Leary’s A vard and a half of the 54- visable. necticut, that the annual school Gunshot wounds and those good look at her, John." cooking up scandal?" It was Marian sand that Ho'ward Orme had not tak­ New London Hotel, Green and Inch coi‘,f»dotted or bordered silks meeting will be held in the assem­ en any of the whisky; that, as a or cotton crepes will make the produced by blank cartridges bly hall of the school building on The Ormes emerged, dripping rivu­ Forbes, her shiny facy smiling at Gclden streets if you are motoring them. matter of fact. Smith had not actu­ along the shore this week-end. It s slender figure a pretty, servicea­ should be looked upon with suspi­ Monday evening, June 28, 1926, at lets of water. John quietly ap­ .Mrs. Fry said, "I understand ally offered him,any, but had only a homelike place to lunch and the ble sleeveless summer dress, plus cion. Prophylactic treatment with 7 o'clock, standard time, for the praised the well-knit, muscular fig­ you’ve got a little baby girl. Mr. Mil- half hesitated before passing him by. food is always of the best. a simple pattern and an hour or anti-toxin following such wounds following purposes, to wit: ure I f Howard Ornie, getting a fleet­ burn," and her husband, with a fur­ While he was meditating on this two’s pleasant work. ought to be the rule. 1st To choose a moderator. While lockjaw is now a compar­ ing linprcs.slon, ns he scanned the tive kick at tho unsuspecting Smith, a woman’s voice, low-pitched and ^Vhen breading cutlets and 2nd To hear the report of the added; "Yeah, how does it feel. Mil- vibrant, broke In on the silence. He croquettes, save eggs by dipping I have been asked for a remedy atively rare infection and while it District Auditor. other's face, of a mouth that was burn—do you want our congratula­ has become less and less a menace recognized it as Nell Orme's, al­ the cutlets first in flour, then in for ants, which are usually found 3rd To hear the report ot the tight Upped and set In a straight line. tions or our condolences?” though she was hidden from view by undiluted, evaporated milk, then when children or household pets to life since prophylaxis for the di­ District Collector. Pat saiil, "'niis Is John Graham. Mrs. Fry burst out Indignantly, the intervening firelight. "Who’s go­ leave crumbs or bits ot food. If sease was discovered, you are not 4th To hear the report of tho laughed uproarlosuly at their an­ "How awful of you, Elmer, to talk in bread crumbs. They will stick ]U ...... ilooJ friend of mine and a ing In?" she asked, emerging from just as well as with eggs and the the nests can be found gasoline or justified in taking chances. District Treasurer. tics. "As a matter of fact, they’re like that:’’ Pat Forbes murmured, In the darkness. "I’ll race anybody kerosene sprinkled on them will Precautions reguk..- follow." Their hands met. canned milk gives a nice flavor. 5th To hear the report of the the closest friends Imaginable. The a stage whisper, "Condolences, of across the lake and back." put the ants to flight, care being Remember that blank cartridge Smiths and Frys have been neigh­ District Committeeman. both murmuring some commonplace course," and N'ell Orme, John saw, taken that there is no flame or wounds are still common accompa­ bors for fifteen years. I think one She stood silhouetted against the Mrs. Robinson's rapidly grow­ 6th To elect the following offi­ of greeting. Then Howard Orme's was saying nothing; only smiling crackling light, her weight on one fire nearby. Tartar emetic pow- niments of a fourth of July cele­ would cut off hi.s right hand for the ing clientele has made it necessary cers for the District for the ensuing and waiting, apparently, for him to leg and a hand resting gracefully on bration. If you or one of your wife camo up, and Pat, still "doing other. And the funny thing about It for her to have additional room a't ' der sprinkled along where they year: her hip. Again John noted the walk will discourage them. There the honors,” made an elaborate In­ Is that their wives get along just her Lily Beauty Shop in the House District Treasurer "Perhaps I could take a little of scantiness of her bathing suit and are other preparations ot poison troduction. about as well as they do. When and Hale building, where all Hi I s District Clerk both,” he smiled, his eyes resting on the flowing curves of her. He more or less dangerous where pets you've been married as long as 1 of beauty work are performed in District Collector Her nair, John saw, was hidden by .Nell for an instant as he took in the glanced sharply at Howard Orme or children may get at them. Care­ Smart Jewelry have you'll appreciate that as being ti e most'careful, painstaking way. District Auditor her tight-fitting bathing cap, but her rest of the company. "I’m proud and \.j3 curious to know how he re­ ful cleaning of the bait is the first something unique.” enough of my daughter, but I seem Call 1671 and ask her about the District Committeeman eyes we - light brown beneath black, garded this careless exhibition his rule. 7th To see if the District will "You don’t have to tell me that," to have grown mighty unimportant wife was making. rew Nestle Circuline permanents, or dark brown, eyebrows. She ex­ laughed John, his mouth filled with MARYTAYLOR. levy a tax. in the last two days. If 1 seem a But Orme's face was an Inscrut­ ’••hich insure six months of com­ tended a friendly hand and grasped a mustard-CQVored "hot dog,” I’ve little nervous, remember It Is the 8th To see if the District will able mask. The firelight cast fitful fort and hair beauty. his in a firm clasp, and he had an op­ been married long enough to know first time I have played the role. Pat vote to authorize its Treasurer to somethin^ about the peculiarities of shadows across his features and borrow money not exceeding a cer­ portunity to take In the tight one- here, with three, knows his lines by played on his thin-lipped mouth. Bathing suits are ever so gay A SLENDERIZING STYLE. women." heart." and so tempting that the fortunate tain amount to meet the necessary liieee green bathing suit and her fig­ ’’Well?" Nell demanded, moving in­ Many of the new coats make no "Well," retorted Pat, "you'll learn There was a shout of laughter, and woniMr who can spend a season at pretense of closing in front in the obligations of the District or to take ure, which seemed all melting curves. dolently across the fire-lit circle, her a lot more as you go along,” and Pat Forbes came In for a good deal hip.s swaggering. the shore invests in several differ­ conventional manner, but are open. up existing note, notes or other ob­ Others arrived, all of whom John went on to explain about his neigh­ of raillery. Pat, once he could make "I’ve had enough," remarked ent bathing ensembles. For the Tuxedo effect, and held in place by ligations of the District, and give had to meet. There were the Smiths, bors. "The Frys." he said, "have himself heard, said, "Yes, and I'm Orme. athletic type of woman -who swims a narrow belt low over the hips. the District's obligations therefor, two kids. The Smiths had one—u when in his opinion it is for the of which couple the man was portly going to try to unlearn ’em, by "How about you, Pat?" said John. for speed and distance the Anette boy—and he died. Since then tticy’ve cracky:’’ and there were several hor­ interest of the District to do so. and well-fed in his bathing suit and "I can’t swim a stroke, John." and K°Herman type of suite, usually of L.YUNDERS PERFECTLY. developed an unusual fondness for rified exclamations from the women. he stirred lazily. "Besides, I’m too jersey is the wisest choice. Some Summer lingerie of printed voile 9th To fee if the District will smoked a cigar; and the woman so the little Fry children. I think it’s "I’m going to organize the chil­ well content right here." of them have as many stripes as a is bound with ribbon or with color­ vote to build an addition to the Mrs. Smith’s bitterest complaint colorless that John kept forgetting dren and put them to bed,” said .None of the otlier men made a Sing Sing uniform, wide stripes ed organdie, and made on very ser­ present school building or in some against life that she can’t have any her name all evening. There was a .Marian Forbes. She called down to move. Fry snored in.sultlngly, and running up and down. White viceable, tailored lines. other way provide more space for couplo named Fry, with two wran more cliildren.” the water’s edge: "Frank! Maryl Smith, stretched at lazy full length, rtripeo on a darker colored ground school purposes. gling youngsters, a boy and girl, who "The Ormes?" asked John. "Have Jackiel" reminded John of a quotation from or big white and colored squares 10th To see if the District will seemed ns much at home in the wa­ they had any children?" "Want me to help you, dear?" Shal;espe:ire that he couldn’t cor­ are very stunning. Some prefer COPYING THE PARROT. vote to retain a paid supervisor at ter s two little water spaniels. “Nope. Might be a good thing if asked Pr.t as he lolled in the sand. rectly remember—something about the ne-sv masculine suits with white Y'ellow felt hats are extremely the playground during the summer Fry. John gathered, was the come­ they had. They’ve been married "No,” his tvife answered, "you the judge whose belly was lined with jersev and striped flannel trousers smart with all -white outfits, and so months. dian of the little community. He eight years." stay hero and keep John company. fat . -pon. wi th a nifty belt between. Bathing are those of yellow and parrot- 11th To transact any other delved down Into a basket and The daylight had almost vanished, I won't be long." She added. "I'm Jal'.n got up. •’Well,” he said, togs should have hosiery to match green in combination. business proper to come before said brought up a string of smoked sau­ and the wood fire beneath tlie little not swiiiiming tonight, so I won’t hesitantly. "I haven’t been in yet, and the usual rubber sandals or sages, barking tho while In Iniita- meeting. brick oven cast a cliocry light. Jolm miss much of the fun." and 1 think I’d lilte a little swim." Signed: lion I’C a dog. He also had a habit of slippers. saw Nell Ormo rise slowly to her John watched he., silently admir­ "Go on.'" urged Fry. "Try to keep GEORGEOUS APPAREL. W. J. BUCKLEY. kneeling down on the sand behind a up witli Nell and you’ll get enough.” feet and stretch luxuriously and ex­ ing the skill with which she mar- Hot days mean added worries Early showing of fall modes em­ District Committeeman. person and ha\ing someone else He laughed. Orme smiled. "Modern” jewelry mr.de of thin perienced a pleasure in watching her slialed the protesting children and for the mothers ot small children. phasize the use of printed and bro­ Dated, Manchester Green, Conn. pus' tho unfortunr.'.o victim over hi.s Nell led tho way down to tho wa­ disks of gold plate Is smart with movements that was hard to account had them say good night to every­ The best advice is needed to help caded velvets, banded with fur. The June 21, 1926. r back. At the first opportunity he for. An Indolent languor seemed to ter’s edge and John paddled around coat style is popular. sport clothes or tailored costumes. got the men off In a little gro'. .) of one. Mrs. Fry. too, was bundling carry the little ones through the be in every step she took. her garrulous youngsters off to bed, experimentally with his feet, then their own and regaled them with THE FIGURES ENLARGE !?--5AY- 'THE INTERIOR DECORATOR, AND WU JNTO SOCIETY, WE’LL GET INTO*IT RIGHT-- < y w e , T W I N S Some men worry more over S in c e FIT IN YOUR BOUDOiRl FOR en la r g in g ' w h a t d o y o u , STAY IN HERE AND LEAVE HBvl ALONE- I'M TIRED OF HAVING THOSE GADABOUTS ^ OLIVK liOBBETS BAETOK what they owe their ancestors than BECOMIMC AFTER WE REMODEL; ^THE HALLWAY MEAN!?--WHATfe I’M HAVING HER FIX THE HOUSE ,DROPPING IN HERE AND SNIFFING AROUND AS they do over what they owe to their PRESIDENT THE BEDROOM------^ ITS TO BE H £ DOING RUNNIN’ .OVER SO I CAN ENTERTAIN )THOUGH THEY WERE LOWERING THEMSELVES “ If you will please come into my creditors. OF THE W E L L --! GUESS "m a d e w id e r 'ROUND OUR HOUSE PEOPLE DECENTLY--IF YOUR NEW BY COMING INTO SUCH A COMMONPLACE work-shop,’’ said the Dream-Maker PETRIFIED 6AS THEM'S ALL THE TOO-- AND-- WITH A RULER, A HIGH-TONED FRIENDS INSIST ON HOME" SOCIETY ISN'T GOING TO DRAG Man to the Twins, ” 1 shall finish a I'liere are also those who claim COMPANY, MEASUREMENTS-- O^-ULO , HEM,) SENDING THEIR WIVES AROUND AROUND ON THE END OF A STRING dream I am makin?:. Then I can till gas meter readers see double. HEM'S THERE’LL BE SOME' .DEAR, WHEN TO CALL ON ME, I'M NOT, m DO THE LEADING - - AND I ’M help \ ou to look for your lost china RISE IN CARPENTERS HERE , DID YOU " GOING TO LIVE IN AN GOING TO BEGIN BY FIXING UP THIS elephant and toy clown.” Ilecognizlng the Boss THE WORLD IN THE MORNIN-- GET HOME.^, .OLD-FASHIONED HOUSE PLACE LIKE A STAGE-SETTING, AND BY So the Twins followed the Dream- (Charleston, S. C. Post) HAS BECOME HAVE TO KEEP ------LIVING LIKE A Maker Man to his work-shop, while 1 Wanted— A baby fifteen months SO RAPID APOLOGIZING LEADING LAOyf Fnoozle and Snup.cte and Snore, his j old, wants two rooms with prlvl- c THAT FOB--^ f . three sons, went out in their air­ ; lege of bringing parents. Refer- HE 15 planes to do some errands on the i ences. No profiteers. Phone 2595-L Moon. I CAUGHT IN I today. THE MAD Snoozle was to buy a potind of ' WHIRL OF star dust to make hahies' eyes i The flapper may be hard-boiled i HIGH SOCIETY sparkle. j ;is alleged btit she surely wears BEFORE HE Snupple v.r.~ to buy the tails of a i stu'amhled hair. REALIZES W ? 7 dozen comct.s to make smiles for , -=r 1T._ them. First Clerk (humping into roll of barbed wire) : I wish that roll was % And Snore was to search all over in the lower regions. the moon for a dimide-tree. Second Clerk; Bettep wish it All these Ihinps the Dream- somewhere else— you might run in­ M*tfopoiujn Maker Man used iti his dreams and to it ngaiti. r Sgn^ 4-?8 they were pretty hard to find. | 'Well, the Twins followed tlie j She doesn't like SKIPPY By Percy Crosby. Dream-Maker Mati into liis work­ A shady joke. - ’ Tut LIN tS IN YOUR HAND 5 uC6 £ST CO'vEj DEEP-. shop, as I said before, and he set : She docsti't hike. You arc artistic, musical ano have DEVOTION FLOW5 Through the palm venus on, H0f?R0RS 50M6ON€ chairs for them while he linislied She doesn't smoke. A leaning TOCuARO the MYSTIC SCIENCES. makin.p a dream. ; She doesn't swear. PRcOominatls. in former Re Its Carnations AT 0IRTM scoftPiAttiAs Rising ; this denotes t a k e a l u a y t h is S^AKc IN irne graS; “ Who is the dream for?” asked ^ You WERE AN EGYPTIAN SHEIK,AND I SEE A KEEN DESIRE FOR ATTACHMENT THROUGH She never flirts. s e e T L G .' THeiE tiilLC RU£ THIS OAv/ ; Nick, as the l)ream-Mak('r .Man tied ! She doesn't wear MANY GiRtS AROunO YOU My I m y ' evEN AS FAR MARRIAGE YOUR HEADLINE IS CINEO ^TIS UJROJCJH M'F.PALM • eeerce- on a big apron and rolled up hi.s | Those shortened skirts Pack as the atlantean period, you were With dots so SEU/ARE of head CoouNOS TEAN USE Uf>AFElu sleeves. j She doesn’t dance. NOT immune T o the call of ro m an c e again I strongly AO VUE you TO avoid >»• DOTS “ It’s for a little boy down on the | She doesn’t sing. . Contact with one who poses as a MESCLF. r - 'f earth called .lohnny Conway,” said Ah. WOE IS FRiENDiTH/S COARSE PERSON RESENTS the Dream-Maker Man, :is ho began i And goofs in pants. m eself' The eNV/ABLE position you Hold in to stir up some thin.gs in akettle,! Don’t mean a thing. SOCIETY with a big spoon. ' She doesn't ttse X “ What is it to be about"” asked j The beauty salves; Nancy. Btit won’t refuse To show her calves. Oh. “ I forgot I” said the Dream-! You ask her name? Maker .Man. "It's a good thing .^■ou '\’\'cli, that’s a wow— asked mo that, my dear, beettuso 1 She’s not a dame. am not quite sure luysidf >et. I ) She's just a cow! have to call up his mother on the j telephone and ask her what Johnny i has had to cat todn\'. It all de-, If a woman docs housework for pends, you see— it all depends! If $.5.00 a week, that’s domestic ser­ he has had identy of milk and vice. If she does It for nothing, fresh vegetables and eaten all liis that's matrimonv. bread crusts, he is to have a dream As a general rule, goldfish are about becoming a genortil and lead­ K "I'wi^hr. p I. pi'Jh J^hii^oi, I'rniiir^ lof • J _ 0UNE2g ing an army of a thousatid men. tinaeeustomcd to earrings. I'm sure he would like to dream [ It is unnecessary to parboil ice | $A,LE5'.MAN SAM How About a Tea Wagon? by Swan about being earried around on tlu'; cream to make it tender. ' shottlders of the )ien]de and have It is considered inttdvisable to i I G-u es s Y o u ' r e . N E i c r - ) v u m y , ye s/ -TH' wife.’ 5 Gone , OH, Boy, How OH, PEAR, I R£ALLy POM'r' p e R F e c T L V .d a r l i n g - overybodx' sluuit, "Hurrah! l.ni'g flatten out tlie bulge in a packed vqAS THtRE. Soy^eTHiHfr i ONLY 1 •To BER (aoThers For. th ’-week' WILL I ■? ArBOUT At tCiJowf You 5ee, I want b l u e AND WHITfe. live the king! - 1 motvti the gim- aiqile crate with a sledge hammer. i F O R YO U taA-FA?^KMOW w h a t END, So peat it out ano GET OIHvLAE. T(4’ Nic e 50N\e.rHIMG THAT'LL Go eral.” ; Kveii the youngest potato is rare-! NSONSV I D i n n e r $e T/ ly tifraid in the dark. | A POUNP OF STEAK (AND WELl- FIRST R o a s t ? W ITH A > ------“ But generals idde horses, don't ; S u p p e r -TbO-ETHER AT It has never been decided how- f A E A U — they?” said Nick. “Tlu' I'cople' fA'V H ouse.—^ far grapefruit can squirt. don't carry them arottnd on their' shoulders. That's just in footluill.” Shell-rimmed spectacles do not look well on cabbages. “ Don't forget,” .^aid the Dream- ALS>0 Maker Man. “ that in a dretim every­ R O O n thing goes, and generals tiiay do Kansas Forcsiglitcdncss anything at all. It just happens i (Heading in Burlington, Kans. fF lV S H that Johnny thinks it would be fine | Bepublican). Mrs. W------M ______to be carried arottnd on iieoitle's | - sboulders titid have them shout | Critically 111------Funeral Fri­ ’hurrah.’ He’d like to dretun thiit.” | day. “ What kind of a drotttn will you ! give him if he doesn't luit his crusts | Fir.st Occupant of the Bath \ and everytlii.ig?” ttsked Nancy. Hou.se— ’',\re you dressing for “ Oh, I’ll have to send him a : l)atliing?” dream that isn't so ideasatii. I'm i Second Occupant of the Bath afraid,” said the Dream-.Mtiker ^Ilotisc— ''.\o, just taking off my Man, shaking his hetid. "I’tudicu-I clollies to see if I have my under­ wear on." larly if be has had two sitmhies ;in;i I 92S BY NCA SEPVk-c, : three bantinas ;md four sour pickles i 3 = 1 like he had yiu'^terday. 1 think a Bo.'iuty .s not sl;in dcci) these dream about being kei't in tifti'r days. It i.; knee deep or deeper. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Oscar Has a Way Around That! by Blosser school for two hours and bidnt: I made to widte five hutidri'd words A .small boy wa s passing along i tl e street when a parrot, from its o l d ie r ip'//' would bo about right. Btit tliere! j A S ? VNAV, B V m S ) vnEl E,TAEN X. I’ll call up his mother right ttway cage on the porch, screamed at him. (50IN6 TO VJUEA j (SUESS l'A\ T LUOOVJ AN/ VOO /W16AT 6ET o p < 0J£SS I’LL on the telephone.” "How do ye do?” | VDU 6QCM OP, J 60!Fi6 TO BE w f\ l o l l e d .'.' COURSE.' BNSNiy/I BUS)/0ESS- > > t So the old man went to the tcD- The boy stopped in astonishment. ; OSCAR ? ( A soldier phono atul ctilled up ,","105. That Tlie bird called a second time and i was Johntiy’s house oti the earth. a tliird. Tlie lad removed his cap . o “ It's all right,” he said wlien he 1 with a polite bow and said; "Very / came back. “ He's been a good boy j well, thank you sir. Excuse me for today. He gets the dream about not answering you sooner, hut I / ^ the general and the army.” really tliouglu you were only a The Twins watched him as he liircl. ■' went to the big kettle and boiled some brass buttons and a pair of Ilo.'^pitalities i.s a disease a lot of I / boots and a sword. Then ne lolks don’t want to be cured of. catight the steam in a bag and tied It up. Hats off, to the fellow who knows “There you arc! All ready for notliing and knows he knows noth­ tonight,” he declared. “ .-Vtid now. ing. 7 my dears, I am ready to help you. " We haven't heard much about (To Be Continued.) tliat Florida boom lately. Guess everybody that used to talk to us altout it has gone down there.

A T 8 l,^ e i9 2 6 BY NtA SCR'vicC. INC f e - T 8 ______^ FIAPPgR FANNY se^ Save your and your heirs t ; will take care of your dollars. WASHiNGTON TUBBS II The Terrible Disadvantage of Not Being Able to Write I w.'<; Opportunity may knock— but it t-r^i doesn't seem to give a rap for some by Crane people.

I She threw her arms around him and I Then kissed him, so 'tis said. W dHANK C.OODNFSS, ^ , ’54.4' And. though he didn’t blush at all 060N1 His check was very red. ’■ BOBBN’S BOZO'S '! NOW I CWd "Ta k im ’ h e r bac

It takes more than a stenographer lo learn tiie filing system in a saw factory. lA 1 A PUZZLE A DAY f A ^ y' ^ a . r

f '

i-P ' Women look better than men, but HDU6Ej |H0U6E HDUSE It takes them longer to do so.

C^PTM^4 L IT T LE JOE V N i / t ! ^ O N \ £ people CHEAT PLAY WHO TH’ " iN t- eoLF, AND OTHeRS h e c k is PLAY IN A FAIRWAY^ Three houses and three -wells w-ere situated as shown above. It Y * 1 w-as desired to run three pipe lines from eacli well, so that each pipe ( e. line w'ould terminate in a different •? house. Thus each house would be 0 ^ suiiplicd liy each -well. It was im- & I)ortant, bow-(5ver, that the pipe lines should not cross one another, or connect in any w-ay. How were the pipes laid? Last Piiz;:'o Answer: 6 P My w-hole is ’’tennis,” a six-letter 1 \ d word, meaning a game. ”T” Is in sweet, and not in sour; “ E” is in minute, and not in liour; ” N” is in near, and not in far; ”N” is in 0Y H tA 9CRVICC IMC. heaven, and not in star; “ I” is in night.«, and not in days; “ S” is in goes, as well as In stays. tCpflynght, IMG, by Th« B«l! Syndiot*. Inc^ SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1926. i PA»E TWELVE .»._ ® -.»-^ A»l. — ’j — - —«•— •• *' ' 1 . I • '»■ -

A meeting of all playground in­ GOSPEL HALL. to school to learn how to live, why them. "Whether the experiment may ence nor Idleness will ever have; In 415 Center Street. OLD FASHIONED AND be considered entirely successful or other words, yon have given us an MISS GEARY SICK structors and the staff of Globe should we dodge the hard things? Hollow will be held on Monday 10:45— Breaking of Bread. MODERN DANCE not, one thing is certain— we can earnest of your endeavor to use the 12:15— Children’s meeting. GRADUATION IS They are just what we need most. morning at 9 o’clock in the School never return to the older methods. talents and the gifts your school 7:00 p. m.— Gospel m eeting. By Franco-Am ericnn Clul) No one who plugs away night after IN HER HOME TOWN street Rec. All playgrounds and Does it not signify a more intelli­ has contributed towards developing Thomas Black of New Bedford JARVIS PARK night on Cicero or Virgil can help Globe Hollow will be closed during but be stronger and better able to gent pupil's appreciation that they for higher purposes of enjoyment will preach. All cordially Invited. the morning and will not open of­ TONIGHT IMPRESSIVE IN stand up against life's hard -knocks. should come to us and say in quite and development. Word Received That Play- ficially until 1 o’clock In the after­ Donahue's Orchestra. In every lesson there are passages clear valedictory tones, “Either It may have occurred to some noon. Xiadles free. Gents 35c. which can most easily be translat­ you do not get the idea or you do this evening that what you have ground Instructor is Ill in The School street Recreation ed something like this: "Slie turn­ not express what school has meant been showing was a play of life, Leominister, Mass. ITS NEW FORM and because it was a play have fail­ building will be closed next week SUNDAY DINNER ed her eyes around," or "He to us, and what your sacrifices have for repairs. marched his feet along the accomplished for us. Therefore, we ed in some manner to represent in Miss Elizabeth Geary of Leo­ ABOUT TOWN Continued from page eight ground." Of course this makes fun have endeavored tonight to be the all seriousness and earnestness minister, Mass., who was engaged at the for the class hut the effort neces­ teachers. We have endeavored to your labors and our endeavors. We by the Recreation Centers as a SWEDISH LLTHERAX. Rev. P. J. O. Cornell. Mrs. John H. Houston and her actual practice In sary to put these into idiomatic lay before you quite concretely and look upon labor as being a dignified playground Instructor here for this tical studies and Morning service in Swedish at laughter, Mrs. .\nna Wade of them as tit him for commercial Englisli also teaches one patience objectively some of the asks as well and worthy thing. We also look summer, has been stricken with a School street, will leave Monda> and preciseness. Its disciplinary at, some of the ideals and purposes upon play as proper in its time and serious illness, according to word 10:45 . Hotel Sheridan and office work. [or Pleasant View. R. 1 . wliere Today working hours have been value cannot he surpassed or even i for which we have striven." And place, Init as not of equal standing from her home town and will be Sunday school at 9:30. No evening service. Qiey will occupy the Yolanda col- shortened and wages increased equalled by any other study with i\hen thus acted out in terms of in its rewards and values as labor. unable to take up her duties in Turkey, Duck or Chicken tace for tlie season. and the worker is in possession of the possible exceptions of Greek definite accomplishment, and wlien Are we altogether right in this, and Manchester. In her place has been The deacons will meet at the with all the fixings, $1. more time than formerly. But and Matliematics. Many teaclicrs thus translated into action repre­ does not wliat you have been doing engaged Miss Margaret D. Shugrue parsonage Monday at 7:30. Miss Carol Webster, teacher how shall be use his leisure hour.s? affirm that the mental training senting life, we admit 'hat they tonight point to a better relation­ of Norwich, who has had three The trustees will meet in 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. ^ho T'ourth district school, has The unworthy use of leisure im­ wliich comes througli the work is liowever expressed the Idea far ship, not only towards school work, years of experience in playground Sunday school room Monday Also a la Carte Service. Tor her home .n New Haven. pairs health disrupts home life, tlie most important thinje that' more clearly than we have; that I but towards life itself? work in her 1 ome town. 7:30. and destroys civic mindedness and Latin can do. j tliey have brought home i.ot only to | Miss Shugrue is a graduate of Case's orcl'.cstra will furnish .‘ts Interesting .As Play. therefore secondary education But even more important Is thej the students,, but to their elders, Wlien we were children we play- the New Haven Normal school of jiusic and Dan Miller will prompt .strives to show the individual how fact tliat Latin gives one a general, the thoughts gymnastics and was one of the for the old-fashioned numbers at that commencement i cd, and when we became elders we to secure from leisure the re-crea- culture tliat cannot he obtained in speakers liave so imperfectly tried ; put away childish things and labor- honor pupils in her class there. She llip dance to be given by the Good tinn of body, mind and spirit, and an>- ohrr way. By culture, we do to express with such dreary was a member of the hockey and Will club this evening in the Ivee- repeti-1 ed, and as we advanced in years the the enrichment and enlargement not mean, in this case, polish or tion. soccer teams, the dramatic club and ney street school. realization finally came home to us of personality through the enjoy­ fiiii.'hing school mannerisms, hut Reality Is Shown that the liighest types of labor were glee club at New Haven and is a ment of music, art, literature, we refer to refinement, the ability only acliieved when they had be­ versatile athlete and one who is The Same Story Manchester Lodge of Masons wi.l drama, and social itercourse. to appreciate and understand tlie Moreover, they nave told us observe St. John s day b) attending something , of our hopes and come play to us. In other words, considered highly capable of taking Through the accomplishment of beauty of art and literature and a we entered into life as children for charge of one of the local play­ Each .year I have advised those needing heating ■lie morning service tomorrow these aims is the thoughtful high deeper respect and reverence for schemes as to education itself; systems to have the work done in the Summer months. morning at the South Metliodi.-t they have shown us something of no other objects than the play it- grounds. school of today trying to adapt it­ the finer things in life. Tliere are I self. As cliildren we gave our all Each year some take notice, have the work done rburch. Rev. Joseph Cooper the self to tlie, new situation. Its task many people who do not care for its progress; certainly tliey have nastor is chaplain of ilio lodge. sliown us a good deal of its sound 1 for play. We found in it tlie only when*it does not have to be rushed and are ready when 1,1 great. It has yet much to learn: poetr.v, and wlio sa.v there is no I and ultimate .^faction of living. Pile Masons are asked to make a hut it is alert lioth to the demands sense in it. In nine cases out of ten. basis of accomplishment and left cold weather comes. cpecial effort to meet at Odd Kel- us, if wc were so skeptical, to in­ L\s we advanced in life we w-orkod and to the dangers. It begs your tlicse people do not understand tlie { for a reward and the activity be- But there are always those who wait until the last Inws' hail at DLIO and march in a sympathy, for without your help classical references that the finest fer for ourselves what were some of Removal Sale of 1 came a means to an end; that is. call, get a rush job and shiver before it is ready for use. body to the church. it cannot be. poetr.v is so full of. Old Greek and its avenues of failure. We may not agree entirely as to their statement : we labored not for the joy of labor Here is the warning: ACT NOW! Be ready next Svea I.lndberg. Roman mythology is the source of ; always, but for the power it Miss Marion Jacobson will enter­ many a wonderful poem or ex­ of purposes in the establishment of Fall. tain her piano inipils at a party to the secondary course of education I hrou.glit us, or the enjoyment that So. Manchester TMK A ALl K OF THK STITIY quisite hit of prose. The master i it gave to others in tlie form of be given at her home on Pitkin 01 LATIN. poets from the time of Chaucer to known as a higli scliool course; we | street this afternoon. Several of may not feel that the immediate ob- jI material support. We thought of modern days have been students of [ it, perliaps mistakenly but inovit- M. A. Ferris tlie advanced pupils will haie a A long time ago, in a country jectives of this \four years of work ! will the classics, and it is natural that j ably, as a burden which suggested Auto Supply Heating Contractor part, but no formal program lie in its powtjir to make of its ! far away over file sea. tliere lived tlieir works should be full of allu­ j metaphors of “fatigue," and be carried nut. It will be a final pupils good citizens, good workers, ' 65 East Center Street a people who were destined to give sions to them. How are we to learn "sweat." and “trial," and “dis­ cet-together for tlie summer. and good apprcciators of the re- j to modern civilization, a groat in- wliat lliese allusions mean without cord." but we rarely tliought of it lieritance. Wo owe to ancient Rome the study of Latin" Rome may an­ sources open to them in tlieir i Still In Progress a.s tlie end and aim in itself. Wliy? Mrs. Ruth H. Staving and infant far more tlian we can estimate for liours of leisure. We may still have j swer that it is just as good to is not tile answer inevitably tliat ion of Pitisburgli. Pa., are spend­ its lasting gift to us. From her we Good bargains still to be read Englisli translations; but isn't liacl ail old-fashioned feeling that | labor became to us a tiling of bur­ ing two weeks i ith relatives in I'.ave inherited tlie greater part of tliat just a malcesliift? AVhicli do liatiits of thought and disciplines of, den and oppression because we :iad. ■own. Mrs. Staving is a daugliter our language, our culture and art. you enjoy more; hearing your fa­ mind played a very important part ' could not put tlie whole of our- af the Rev. and Mr.c John Horst of onr laws, and our forms of gov­ vorite singer on the Victrola or in in any si-hcme of ed-ication; we! .seh'es into it as wc joyously and that citv and a nraniidauglifer of ernment. Yet. in spite of this there ]ierson" And yet, except in a few may still, in our old fogy way of ■ unconsciously put ourselves into Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ■ohlni an has been, during tlie last few cases, tliere is about the same looking at things, liave felt that ' play? Main street. years, a very powerful element difference in vividness between tlic mastery over any task was more • 519 Main Street work-in,g to take Latin out of mod­ translation and tlie Latin original. important tlian a view of its boun­ M'liat >011 have licen doing liere And Now of tile Hart- toniglit is (iemonrtrating liow you So. Manchester. The annual picnic ern courses of education. Our fore­ The more one studies it, the easier daries, in proportion as the heart ■ r. wilt take may juit ynurselves, and tlie expres­ ford County W. C. 1 most educators licliove, liowcvcr. it is to realize tliis. AVe can read is more important to tlic body tlian ! 2b, at tile sion of your own iiowers, and tlie place Tucsda.i’. .Tune tliat tins element is made up of Englisli translations and honlis of its skin. We ma.v" have prayed in a Flizabeth Park, witli appreciation of \-nur own talents, Pond hmist people who iiave not boon trained mytliology quickly and forget just still older fashioned sense that our! basket lunch from 12 to 1. Mrs. in tlie classics themselves and quickl.v wnat wc liave read, but into .lour life and 'tlie lives of as., children might here iirove througli , otliers. Wliat you haie been say- Polishes Floors! Marv R. Wilson, state vice presi­ wlioso greatest aim in life is the stories tliat arc picked out line by tlie.se liours of discipline and l dent at large will speaic. Members ! ing toni.alit i.s tliat you have real­ luirely commercial one of mone.v- line and word by word will bo tlirougli tliese exercises and lialiit.s ! r.ncl friends nre cordially imited. nraking. Most of our college grad­ ized tliat scliool is a part of life written indelibly cm the brain, a oftrainiiig, tliat they liad come into uates, if asked whether or not they , and tliat you liavo been playing the honk of references ready for use a power to control their own lives The Sweeper-Vac now The T.adies' .\id society of the wanted tlieir sons to study Latin ; game, and iila.i iiig it uji for all it whenever a classical allusion is eii- ' and so to impress themselves upon North Melhodist church are hold­ would answer “Yes," but if asked was wortli, for tlie joy of tlie thing rountcred. Sc\-oral wcelis ago oui i tlie lives of others. We may even ing a food sale this afternoon at “Why" tliey would not be able to Senior class went to Wasliinctoii. in itself. Now, if a material object adds an Electric ■Mark Holmes' store. Depot Square, answer so easily. There is so mucli have liad some doubts, liecause of in school life and a more direct and visiting tlie Corcoran .Art Gallery our years and gray hairs, as to at 2 o'clock. iliat cannot be classified and de­ as one of tlie iilaces of sjiccial in­ concrete manner of carrying it out fined to be derived from tliis study ■ wlictlier tliere was not in .his ex- can liring to >ou tliis sense of your Floor Polishing Attachment The Davidson family are moving terest. I tliink tliat it would not be , position wliich wc liave seen to- that this question is a hard one; exaggerating to say that no one got ! own liigliest realization, you cer- today from Fast Middle Turnpike yet tliere are convincing reasons niglit, and in the ideals whicli it laid ' tainly liave taken tlie first step to­ near Klro street, where they liave so much from tliis particular visit ! before us of accomplishniciU, sonie- tliat are ver.v clear and easy to set as tlinse wlin liad studied Latin, lii wards building a -philosoiihy of life The Sweeper-Yac lived for the l•a^t tifteen years, to fortli. I thing of iilay as well as of sonie- I tliat makes lalinr into play; and as ilieir recent l.'c juircliased biincaloM every part of that great building I thing that was artificial and make- Oulbransen Trade Mark One of tile greatest things wliich statues of all kinds, tlie great ! sucli wo welcome the cliange, and I lielievc. I say, to repeat, that some In Burnside. we get from ilie study of Latin is majority of wlilcli we recognized as I we encourage you to believe in its Sweeps tlie ability to use our own Englisli ' one or all of these thoughts may j reality. If you can spend your life An old-fashioned danee will be old friends of our Latin class­ language well. \A'e all know tliat room. There is surely a deep satis­ I have come home to us toniglit; and in making a pla.i- of labor, your four h.eln this evening at the Keeney yet. out of it all, tliere does come Vacs many Englisli woids are derived faction in being able to say, as one I years liere will liave been worth $450 street school under ausiuces of the liome a sense of reality for whicli from I.atin. but do wo know tliat walks througli an art gallery, miny investment lou and your par­ Cooil Will club, the Pareiit-Teach- we thank you from the bottom of Mops over half of our whole language is "Look, there's a statue of Laocoon; ents can have made in it. or a??ociation in the I'il'th district. our hearts. borrowed from it, and that there it looks just like the picture in our j .Api>roval. An “Easy To Play” Gul- are liundreds of words in everyday Illuminating Education 1 In all of your play tonight you MOTORCVCLK HITS .Al'TO Virgil hooks. Here's one of Venus Polishes use whicli liave not been changed dro.ssed as a liuntress und that one For whether education belongs to I liai e spoken far more forcibly than bransen at this low at all from tlie ori.ginal? For ex­ youth or old age, and in truth it we could, and as we go liome wag- Tom Raby, Manchester's best over there in tlic corner must be ample, tliere are common words lielongs to every age, tlie power to i.uing and nodding our heads in ap- known motorcycle rider, was in- Mercury." In the evening we visit­ price. Nationally priced Ask for a Free Trial. such as alumnus, referendum, ra­ ed tlie Congressional Library and express it indicates the road to ■proval and disapproval, you can be Vidved in an accident yesterday dius, and datum. If we learn I.atin tlie mastery. A very wise professor, !sure we approve, whatever.our ex- afternoon at the Center when h's foiind I.atin inscriptions hy for your protection. words, we are enlarging our Eng- liundreds carved in the walls. ]t ! Sumner, under whom I once i pressions nia.\- say. A'ou can be niacliinc struck a Nash car beating lish vocabulary; if we study rules was a real pleasure to he able tnjsninien.tn i studied used to say that nobody !sure, moreover, tliat our blessings New Turk markers. Both machines of s.vntax we are just as surely translate even a few of them ami: Imew anytliiiig until he could teach and yearnings go with you in this Convenient were damaged liiit not enoii.gli so The Manchester helping ours‘:'lves to under.^tand made one feel tliat all tlie tedi It to someone else, and there is a j demonstration you liave given us— that they could not proceed under it Englisli grammar; and tlie more ous hours liad not been spent in deep trutli in tlie oliservatioii. Not!] tliat all education is a mastery of Terms. own powrr. wo translate Cicero and Virgil, the vain. We read Milton and find, until the idea has become so clear ^i .l oiirselves. We may even be will- Tom wa.i coming down Fast Cen­ easier it will be for us to shape our mucli to onr surprioc. that we to us tliat it lias become a'jiart of |line in tills confidential liour to ad- ter street at i oon and the Nash was Electric Co. thoughts into definite and logical really like it. for it ia easy tn un­ onr own life and coudi.ct ran we I mil you to tlie secret that we as miproaching the Center, evidently torm. No arcliitect would tliink of derstand, once x-QU know wliat tne express it.s meaning to others. Here ' parents recognize tliat we have fall­ going to continue north. Jho motor- en far sliort of the ideal, and tliat K E M P ’S S51 Main Street Tel. 1700 So. Manchester building a house without a firm references mean. It seems to me toniglu you have given us some liv­ '■ycle struck the automobile direct­ foundation and similarly no one that Latin is just as important for ing (lenionstrations of liow your tlio reason of our interest liere to­ ly amidships and bent tlie body in should expect to build up a true ttip girl or bo;.- who is not going to education has been engrafted into niglu is a longing and a yearning “Everything Musical” ci-nsideraiily. Neith'‘r driver was culture witliout tliis fundamental college for tlir*\* will liave no fuitil­ your lives. You liave sliown ii.s tliat tliat you may go farther in self- injured. liack.gronnd. Teachers of English er opportunities for systematic cul­ geography, for instance, has ai- m:'s!or.\- than we have ever and modern language in colleges tural studv and witliout it ttiey will ■fccted and become a part of your acliicvi (1. are among tlie firmest advocates o' miss so mucti real happiness and attitude towards your neiglihnrs The iiroprain was ended with the WITH THE LOCAL classical studies. The head of the contentment. Business men look and fellows; and you have given i.inpinc of the Class Song by the Englisli department in one of our forward to th-: time when they will evidence that every age of liistory ".raduntes. leading colleges for women recent­ have made enough money to live is in some sense the product of the AUTO DEALERS ly said: “\Ve like to have our girls on and can spend their leisure in past, and tliat your live.s in some trained In the classics. There is an enjoyment. \N'ill they know liow to measure express the lives aiul en­ James M. Shearer of the Capi­ observable fineness of fiber and in­ enjoy themselves? Perhaps, but vironments out of wliich you liave MARK HOLMES tol Buick Co. reports deliveries of tellectual discrimination In stu­ surely tliey would know better if sprung. You have given evidences H Buick two-door sedan to Cheney dents so trained." Its direct value they could truly appreciate the tliat tlie sciences, whetlier tliey be Undertaker Brothers, a master six sedan to in tlie understanding and true beauty that their money can pur- jihysical or chemical, have become linowledge of English Is, then, a Embalming - Funeral Director Frank White of Walnut street and cliase for tlieni. in your minds tools to equip your sufficient reason in itself for the Lady .455181301. Phone 406-2. B standard six sedan to F. F. Seg- Is tliere any otli^r high school liands for mastery over the physi­ study of Latin in onr high schools. Depot Square, Mancheslcr. Er of Main street. subject tliat can do all these things cal resources of the world— tools, Recent deliveries of Oaklands But there are others, just as im­ for us as well? Wo know that on to be sure, that need sharpening End Rontiacs reported by James portant, whic’.i must not be over- the football field, a youtti learns and constant development, but T 'l Stevenson, the local dealer. are looked. So many hoys and girls say, lessons of sportsmanship which tools that suggest new sources of an Oakland tonring to Wilfred "Latin is all riglit for anybod.v- who will help to make a man of him. imagination to you and now Fngel of New Britain and Pontiac wants to be a writer, perhaps, but Latin teaches other lessons tliat coaclics to Tlinmas Fay of M'ap- I'm going to be a doctor or an en­ are just as necessary and valuable. avenues for your constant applica­ ping, John Miilleniie of Wapping gineer. It certainly won't do me The very fact that it has weathered tion and development. A'ou have and Felix Farr of Charter Oak any good." It is valuable in ail pro­ all the storms of the centuries si',own us in an interesting way tliat Etreet. fessions and all walks of life. Doc­ show that it is something which so dry a subject as square root may The Pickett Motor Sales report tors use Latin every day in their should be a part of everyone's find a daily expression in your use- the delivery of an Overland six prescriptions and formulas. Medi­ training for life. The president of a lul lives, may save you not only tlie r-oiipe to J.ames Pearce of Wood- cal terminology is a complicated college once wrote to a boy who great labor of thinking out for bridge street. Mr. Pickett is plac­ combination of Latin and Greek. It had asked him for advice that if yourselves the why and the where­ c ing on exliitiition this afternoon has been said tliat the use of this he wanted to be a truly wise and fore of square root, but may widen :he latest product of the Overland terminology is pure affectation and good man, he would do these three your relationsliips to life and may factory, known as the Whiffett, a sliould he discontinued, but there things: go to church on Sunday, give yon a mastery over practical verv light car of excellent lines is nothing else that could take its and study all the mathematics and proportions that you would not tha' should find instant favor place for tliere is no other lan­ Latin he could get hold of. Tlie otherwise liave. Mathematics is H o w m u ch with aiitomobilists. guage exact enough-.for this .sci­ things one gains from studying surely a dry subject. If you can tv. R. Tinker Jr. has delivered ence. If lie has not learned Latin Latin cannot be measured in dol­ illuminate any dark places with it, influence will the ■wn Chevrolet landeau sedans in his preparatory scliool, a medi­ lars and cents. Their true worth is and widen your vistas and horizons Baby’s Health luring tlie past week to Francis cal student will have to spend half of that type that every person ity it, you have advanced further Fiirphy of Prospect street and his time looking up words in the sliould have to live a life which than your fathers have gone. outsiders have? •Crnest Frypp of WelLs street. Requires Ice dictionary. A jirominent surgeon will be enjoyable to himself and Demonstrations The Crawford .\nto Supply re­ tells ns that he can hardly recall profitable to others. ports tlie sales of cars to tlie fol- A’ou have shown ns how knowl­ That her food may be HEN your will becomes operative, will your family be surrounded hy a technical term wliich, as a .'=tu- Lrances Howe. edge and uses of the classics may kept Ifiwiiig two peopile: .An Oldsmohile deiit, he had to look up in the dic­ sanitaril.v preserved—her milk w a “cabinet” of self-appointed advisers, including relatives, “in-laws,” louring to Ernest Clarlc of Rock­ develop both powers of expression tionary, because lie knew Latin Mr. Cheney's address upon pre- and powers of thought, and many fresh and sweet. and friends? ville. and an Oldsmohile de luxe se­ and Greek. The legal profession al­ dan to Margaret Schaleminger. senting the diplomas to the gradu- lielp to carr.v. us out of the petty Ice is an absolute essential Their views as to investments and other financial matters are likely to so finds great value lu tlie study of ates was as follows: lioundaries of our immediate circle to insure the health of the be confusing, if not actually dangerous. Latin, in that it trains those facul­ Members of the graduating class. of neighbors and acquaintances in­ How much influence these people may have will depend, of course, ties of the mind which a lawyer Parents, Taxpayers and Friends; to tlie broader citizenship of the whole family. needs so much. It makes liim ready For generations on generations ages and tlie world. A'ou have upon your beneficiaries. You can take the matter entirely out of the TO TOLL BELL for the hard and uninteresting grown-ups have been trying to say shown, in brief, how Latin may realm of doubt, however, by creating trusts in your will and naming this study which he must undergo and ONCE FOR EACH to graduating classes the thoughts make us understand life better and company aa trustee. gives liim a taste of what work that come to mind upon viewing really is. To broaden and enlarge open lip to us wider views of life This step insures experienced and conser-yative management of your YEAR OF LIFE the evidences of accomplishment Depend upon our dependable the scope of one's thinliing is one and wider places of endeavor than presented by their children's school service for efficient service. estate. It also means freeing your family of the embari'assment of re­ of tlie many tilings that an educa­ we would otherwise have had. During services for the late Wil­ diplomas. Those who have at­ jecting proffered advice. tion is supposed to do. The techni­ You have shown us Interesting Telephone 496 liam Forgusen memlur of Drake tempted to utter these platitudes, demonstrations of trades and voca­ and we will begin delivering ice Post, which will be hel.l in the Cen­ cal courses and purely scientific work of an engineer tend to do just and those who have been sentenced tions, and convinced us that when at once. ter Congregational church tomor­ to listen to them, have suffered un­ any individual Impresses his own row afternoon at 3 o'clock, the old the opposite if they are not bal­ anced by the classics. .Since physics speakable boredom. There are no life upon a physical product and hell In the South Methodist church The Manchester Trust Company and other scientific subjects arc new ways to express either our puts something of himself into it belfry will toll, once for eacli year filled with Latin terms, it is mucli lu pcs for the oncoming genera­ that he legitimately helps his own Member or of the Grand Army man's life. This easier to understand and remember tions, or our faith and^ belief in powers of expressing his own worth American Bankers Association Is the same' bell wliich tolled at the them if one knows I.atin first. what an education should have ac­ to himself and to society, in other death of Abraham Lincoln. Boys and girls in high scliool are complished tor them. ' words, he has gained a mastery. FOLLY BROOK Member of the Federal Reserve System. The pallbearers— From Drake just at the age wlien tliey are form­ The salutatorian has told of the A'ou have shown us finally your Post and King David lodge, I. O. O. ing liabits tliat will be theirs for changes which the faculty have de­ appreciation of the arts— of music ICE COMPANY F.. will be I.eonard Cliurcli, Samuel life. Latin, which is commonly con­ vised as an experiment in the con­ and draw-lng— and you have shown Spend Your Vacation With the Howitzer Co., July 11. Sievenson, E. I.. G. Hohentlial, Sr., sidered ttie hardest subject in the duct of our graduation exercises, us a capacity to give you hours of John Hood. Alfred Johnson and school program is avoided by the liie i;easons for the change, and the recreation and leisure a power and L. T. Wood, Prop. Herbert B. House. majority if possible. Yet, if we go purpose's to be accomplished by a purpose which neither Indlfter- 51 Bissell St. So. Manchester