Pick of the Month Gap Profiles Global Update

❖ Queen’s Guards ❖ V. Nanammal ❖ Kathy Sullivan Creates History

Discover Around the World Did you Know ❖ Lagori ❖ Toronto ❖ Jelly Fish Lake

Born This Month Mixed Bag Gappenings Queen’s Guards Pick of the Month

The Queen’s Guards are elite soldiers of the British Army. Their duty is to guard the official residences of the British Monarch. These include Buckingham Palace, St. James’s Palace, Windsor Castle, and the Tower of London. Standing to attention at their posts, they are mostly seen guarding Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of Queen Elizabeth II (current queen of the United Kingdom). For decades, they have captivated visitors from across the globe.

The Elite Soldiers The Queen’s Guards have been in place since 1660 and are experienced soldiers who have known conflict and have been known to demonstrate heroism in battles. To qualify for the post, candidates have to pass the British Army Recruit Battery (BARB) test, besides being tall. The test examines the recruit’s ability to adapt to suitable roles in the British Army. As part of their ceremonial duties, they perform a ritual called ‘Changing the Guard’, in front of Buckingham and St. James’s Palace every day. Queen’s Guards Pick of the Month

Their Uniform They wear thick woollen trousers, red coats, and a giant fluffy hat made of bear fur called bearskins. Originally designed in the 17th century, the hats were intended to make the guards look taller as they marched over hills in battle and scarier to their opponents. Curiously, these hats are secured under the nose of the guards, as opposed to the chin to protect their neck in combat. The hat is so heavy that if it were to be tied beneath the chin and the guard was shot during an attack, causing the hat to drop backwards, the guard’s neck could snap in the process.

Did You Know While on duty, the Queen’s Guards have to follow certain set of rules and regulations. ❖ They are not allowed to speak. But if they are provoked by the public, they are allowed to shout commands such as “Make way for the Queen’s Guard!” at tourists who get in their way. ❖ Traditionally, they are not allowed to move. However, they can march up and down in front of the sentry box after remaining still for at least 10 minutes. Guards are on duty for two hours and off duty for four hours. ❖ They must carry themselves with the upmost discipline. If they are caught laughing or even smiling by their officer, they could be charged a hefty fine. Queen’s Guards Pick of the Month

What is the Queen’s Guards ‘Faint to Attention’ rule?

As the Queen’s Guards stand still in the Ask kids to name some landmarks of the sun for hours wearing thick hat and city of London. layers of clothing, fainting is a common You can then lead the discussion to Buckingham Palace and introduce them occurrence among them. When this to the soldiers who guard this royal happens, they must do so according to palace, the Queen’s Guards. certain rules. They are trained to ‘faint

to attention’ meaning they must faint Highlight some interesting facts related while maintaining their attention pose. to these elite soldiers. This is called ‘faint to attention’. They are often seen lying flat on their face after fainting. V. Nanammal Gap Profiles

V. Nanammal was one of the oldest yoga teachers in the world. She was teaching and practicing yoga for almost her entire life.

Early Life V. Nanammal was born in 1920 into an agricultural family in Coimbatore, . Her father and grandfather were both 'Registered Indian Medicine Practitioners (RIMP)'. Yoga was their family tradition and it stayed within the group.

They were not teaching yoga to anyone outside the family. Nanammal started doing yoga after watching her grandparents do the same at their house when she was a little girl.

She retained her passion for yoga even after she got married. Realising the benefits of yoga, she decided to teach yoga to people outside her family. V. Nanammal Gap Profiles

Spreading message of Yoga Nanammal trained thousands of students over the years. Her students included people from all age groups. She could perform over 50 asanas and curl into any yoga asana effortlessly with extraordinary skill. She had mastered some of the most difficult yoga poses.

In 1972, along with her son, she established the 'Ozone Yoga School' in Coimbatore where she taught yoga according to strict traditional rules. Her classes attracted hundreds of yoga practitioners. She gradually became a celebrity in the yoga and wellness world and videos of her performing complicated asanas had gone viral, attracting millions of views. V. Nanammal Gap Profiles

Her Lifestyle Nanammal was popular for her simple lifestyle. She followed a very disciplined life and ate a balanced and healthy diet. She consumed simple meals of porridge made with millets for breakfast, greens and rice for lunch, and milk and fruits for dinner.

Laurels In recognition of her talent, skill, and excellence in yoga, she was awarded the in 2019. She was also bestowed with the Nari Shakti Puraskar award and the Yoga Ratna award by the Government of , to name a few.

Later Life She never stopped practicing yoga at any point in her life. Despite her age, she could effortlessly curl into any yoga asana. She was teaching right until the time of her death. She died in 2019 at the age of 99. V. Nanammal Gap Profiles

Did You Know

❖ As a child, she won a contest for the ‘Silambattam’

(a weapon-based Indian martial art from Tamil Nadu).

❖ Affectionately known as ‘Yoga Grandma’, she was India’s You can ask the kids to list out some oldest yoga instructor. activities done by their grandparents. Yoga would be a rare answer. ❖ She always performed yoga on a simple carpet wearing a

saree. With this background, introduce V. Nanammal to the kids, who was India’s ❖ She motivated children to do yoga to remain healthy. oldest yoga teacher. ❖ Her entire family including her children, grandchildren, and Use this topic to highlight the benefits of great grandchildren are yoga teachers. eating healthy food and daily exercise, ❖ Hundreds of her students are now yoga instructors around the which is becoming less in our lives.

world. Kathy Sullivan Global Update Creates History

In June 2020, former American astronaut Kathy Sullivan made history by becoming the first woman to travel to the deepest known point in an ocean known as the Challenger Deep.

Currently aged 68, Kathy Sullivan is now the eighth person to reach this remote location. During this expedition, she was accompanied by an undersea explorer named Victor Lance Vescovo.

Back in 1984, Kathy Sullivan created a record by becoming the first American woman to walk in space outside the Challenger shuttle. With this dive, she now becomes the first person to both walk in space and to descend to the deepest point in an ocean. Kathy Sullivan Global Update Creates History

The Expedition She made her descent in the two-person submersible (vehicles that can be operated underwater) ‘Limiting Factor’ as part of the Ring of Fire Expedition. Sullivan and Vescovo spent about an hour and a half at the bottom capturing images from the submarine, and then embarked on the four-hour-long ascent.

They measured parameters like water temperature and salinity, mapped the ocean floor, and collected samples of sediments and organisms. Significantly, information from the deep oceans can also help to predict earthquakes and tsunamis and help us understand how we are affecting and getting affected by the Earth’s environment. The submersible Limiting Factor is specially designed to withstand the pressure at the ocean's deepest point. Kathy Sullivan Global Update Creates History

About Kathy Sullivan During her 15-year career with NASA, Kathy Sullivan was onboard three space shuttle missions. She later pursued her passion for oceanography and was appointed as the Chief Scientist of the Update the kids about the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA). world record created by former NASA astronaut Kathy Did You Know Sullivan. ❖ It is a muddy depression within the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Use this story to educate kids Ocean. on some interesting facts ❖ It is approximately over 35,000 feet (more than 10,900 m) deep. about Challenger Deep in the It is roughly 7 miles (11 km) beneath the ocean's surface. Mariana Trench. ❖ Despite cold temperatures, extreme pressure and lack of light, many forms of unique marine life survives here. ❖ It is named after H.M.S. Challenger, a 19th century Royal Navy ship that circumnavigated the globe to study the world’s oceans. Lagori Discover India

Lagori is a traditional Indian game. It is played outdoors, mostly in an open field, and remains popular among children living in rural areas.

This team game is played with flat stones, usually seven stones, and a soft ball. The stones of varied sizes are stacked up one on top of the other like a tower, with the smallest stone on top and is placed in the centre of a small circle.

How to Play

It is usually played between two teams, with a minimum of 3 players each. There can be any number of players as long as each team has an equal number. One team (called the seekers) has to knock down the stones and try to rebuild it before the opposing team (called the hitters) tries to hit them with a ball. Lagori Discover India

A member of the seekers’ team throws the ball at the stacked pile of stones from a distance to knock them down. Then the seekers try to rebuild or restore the pile of stones while the hitters throw the ball at them.

If the ball touches a seeker, he is out, and his team continues to play without him. The hitters try to get as many seekers out before the stones are piled up.

While the seekers are allowed to run and save themselves from the ball, the hitters can only pass the ball between players. If the seekers complete piling the stones without getting hit, they secure a point and a get chance to throw the ball again, whereas if the hitters strike a seeker, then the role reverses.

Benefits of Lagori It is an engaging game with multiple benefits. It focuses on physical ability, aiming skills, concentration, observation, team coordination, and swiftness. Children also learn to compete in a healthy environment while learning important values of friendship and leadership. Lagori Discover India

Lagori in recent times The game has lost its importance in the recent times due to lack of open grounds and the innovation of technology that has made children spend most of their time playing with electronic devices. However, with the establishment of the Amateur Lagori Association of India and the launch of the Indian Lagori Premier League, attempts are being made to revive and promote this traditional game. A lot of tournaments are being held at various district levels in the country. Did You Know ❖ Members of the seeker team get three chances each to dislodge the stone pile using the ball. ❖ Once the stones are all piled, the team shouts ‘lagori’ signalling the end of the game. ❖ The game is known by several names across India. Some names include pittu garam, sitoliya, satodiyu, saat patha, lingorcha, yedu penkulata, and ezhu kallu, among others.

❖ In , the regular ball is replaced with the one made using coconut leaves. It is called ‘dabba kali’. ❖ Similarly, the game is identified differently in various countries. Toronto Around the World

Toronto is one of Canada's largest cities.

It is home to many museums, beaches, and heritage sites besides being one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world.

Famous Landmarks

The Ripley's Aquarium of Canada displays all kinds of marine life. Its most impressive feature is the huge underwater tunnel with a moving sidewalk, which enables the visitors to watch the marine life move on the tunnel roof above. Toronto Around the World

The Casa Loma, built about a century ago, looks like a medieval castle. Meant to be a residential building, it is now a museum with many of its original artefacts. Its backdrop is used for filming movies.

The Rogers Centre is a multi-purpose sports venue known for its fully retractable roof. This can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators and is also used as a venue for major events including concerts. Toronto Around the World

The CN Tower is a communications and observation tower. It held the title of the world's tallest structure in the past. It hosts an annual stair climb event that attracts thousands of people who climb the 1700 odd stairs. Did you Know ❖ The Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto displays a great collection of shoes that have evolved over the years. ❖ The city has several skating and ice hockey rinks. ❖ The Niagara Falls, one of the world's largest waterfalls, is just a short drive from Toronto. ❖ The Santa Claus Parade is Toronto's tradition since 1905. Toronto Around the World

❖ The city hosts the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) annually in September. ❖ The windows of the Royal Bank of Canada in Toronto are coated with gold to help insulate the building from heat.

What is CN Tower’s ‘EdgeWalk’?

EdgeWalk is CN Tower’s most thrilling attraction and the first of its kind in North America. It is the world’s highest full circle hands- free walk on a 1.5-metre-wide platform encircling the top of the tower’s main pod, almost 356 metres above the ground. For safety reasons, visitors are fastened to an overhead rail system. Jellyfish Lake Did You Know

The Jellyfish Lake is a unique lake located on a remote island in the country of Palau (located in the South Pacific Ocean).

This amazing marine lake allows visitors to swim along with millions of jellyfish that inhabit the lake providing them with an enriching experience. It is one of Palau’s most famous attractions.

Unlike most of the jellyfish that sting, the species found here are harmless and peaceful. They do have stinging cells, but the sting is so mild as to pose no harm to humans. Despite their large numbers, they swim only near the surface of the water where food and oxygen are available. Jellyfish Lake Did You Know

Two main species of jellyfish live in the lake: the moon jellyfish and the golden jellyfish. These species are found nowhere else on earth. The golden jellyfish are the most popular type in the lake, with millions of them calling it home.

History of the lake At the end of the Ice Age, about 12,000 years ago, sea levels rose dramatically. This caused the jellyfish that were in the sea to get trapped in what is known today as Jellyfish Lake. As the water drained away, the jellyfish were isolated from the open sea. Over the centuries, they evolved and adapted to new conditions without predators, by losing their deadly sting. Jellyfish Lake Did You Know

The Different Layers The lake has two layers, the upper one being richer with oxygen and less salt, has organisms like jellyfish and some species of fish. The layer below this is toxic and dangerous as it is filled with poisonous dissolved hydrogen sulphide gas. A journey to the lake bottom would mean death for a jellyfish and would even be toxic for humans. A layer of bacteria between these two layers does not allow them to mix. Jellyfish and Sunlight Golden jellyfish need sunlight to survive, as the sun's rays provide important nutrients to the algae (small aquatic plants) that live in their tissues.

The jellyfish and algae have a special and beneficial relationship. The jellyfish swims around the lake to ensure that the algae get enough sunlight for photosynthesis, and the algae give the jellyfish some energy and nutrients in return. Jellyfish Lake Did You Know Threats In the recent past, due to the rise in water temperature, the growth of algae was severely affected. This impacted the population of jellyfish as they are dependent on the algae for food. Human activities such as introducing non-native, invasive species, and use of harmful sunscreen polluted the lake, which also caused its decline. The lake was closed for the public in 2016. However, it bounced back in a short period of time and the lake opened its doors again in late 2019 allowing people to swim along with the jellyfish, whose numbers have risen again. Interesting Facts ❖ Among the several marine lakes with harmless jellyfish in Palau, the Jellyfish Lake is the only one open to visitors. All other lakes are preserved to ensure conservation. ❖ Visitors are not allowed to remove the jellyfish out of water. ❖ Visitors are recommended to use slow, gentle strokes without kicking, as harsh movements can damage the delicate jellyfish. ❖ Scuba diving is prohibited in the lake as this can harm the gentle creatures, and due to the poisonous gas present at the bottom layer of the lake. ❖ Visitors will need to go through a certified tour guide and sign an eco-pledge. ❖ Use of sunscreen before entering the water is prohibited as it harms the jellyfish. Jellyfish Lake Did You Know

What is referred to as the ‘Wall of Jellyfish’ in Palau’s Jellyfish Lake? The golden jellyfish swim in a migratory pattern in Palau’s Jellyfish Lake. They spend the day slowly making their way from one end of the lake to the other, following the path of the sun. During the day, this remarkable behaviour forms large masses of jellyfish swimming in one area, which is called the ‘wall of jellyfish’. They swim this way to avoid the edge of the lake where their natural predators, the sea anemones, reside. Mixed Bag

“Life is an exam where the A cello is an It is a bizarre deep-water syllabus is instrument that fish with a transparent unknown and looks like a head and uniquely shaped question papers

violin. It is held eyes. Also known as Wild Wild World are not set. Nor What Are They? ‘spookfish’, it has fins that

Famous Quote Famous upright on the are there model floor between help it stay almost answer papers.” the legs of the completely still in the Sudha Murty performer. water. Their eyes filter out sunlight and help them focus on the prey around them. Born This Month

04 July (1790) Colonel Sir George Everest British geographer Colonel Sir George Everest was a British surveyor and geographer. Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, is named after him.

14 July (1910) William Hanna American animator William Hanna was an American animator. Along with Joseph Barbera, he created popular cartoon characters such as Tom and Jerry, the Flintstones, and Scooby-Doo. Born This Month

23 July (1976) Judit Polgár Hungarian chess grandmaster Judit Polgár is a former Hungarian chess grandmaster, who is considered to be one of the greatest female chess players.

28 July (1970) Bob Behnken NASA astronaut

Robert Louis "Bob" Behnken is a veteran NASA astronaut. Along with Doug Hurley, he was launched by SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft to the International Space Station in May 2020 and is currently stationed at ISS. The duo became the first humans to be launched to ISS by a privately built spacecraft.