Revue Amchnologique, 14 (6), 2003 : 73- 108.

New and poorly known Palaeartic species of the Phlegra Simon, 1876 (Araneae, Salticidae)

by Galina N . AZAR KTNA *

Summary obscurimagna sp. nov. (caMeu YI caMKa, Yl3 Kblprbl3cTaHa YI IO:+:Hora Ka3ax­ Twelve species of Ph legm have been cTaHa). P jilscipes Kulczynski in C hyzer treated, of which f i ve species are descri­ & Kulczynski, 189 I , BnepBble CYlHOHY­ bed as new to science : P bicognata sp. MYl3pOBaHa c P cinereoJasciata Simon, nov. (male and f emale, from the steppe 1868. I1PYlBOARTCR HOBbie HaxoAKYI ATIR P zone of Eurasia), P dun ini sp . nov. sierrana, P tetmlineata YI P .raelae. Bce (female, from Azerbaij an and T urkey ), P BYiAbI (nepe)onYlCaHbI, KapTbJ pacnpocT­ kulczynskii sp . nov. (m ale and female, naHeHYlR ATIR Ka:+:Aoro BYlAa . from the mountains of S. Siberia and ) , P logunovi sp. nov. (male and Resume female, from Central Asi a), and P obs­ curimagna sp . nov. (male and female, Douze especes de Phlegm ont ete trai­ from Kyrghyzstan and S. ). P tees, parmi lesquelles cinq especes sont Juscipes Kulczyhski i n C hyzer & decri tes co mme nouvelles pour l a Kulczynski , 189 1, is newly synonymi ze d sc ience.: P bicogll ata sp . nov. (male et with P cinereoJasciata Simon, 1868. femelle, de la zone steppique de l ' Eur­ New records for P siermna, P tetrali­ asie), P dun in i sp. nov. (femelle, d ' Azer­ l1eata and P yaelae are provided. A ll spe­ ba'Jdja n et de T urquie), P kulcZYllskii sp . cies are (re)described, and di stributional nov. (m ale et femelle, des montagnes du maps for each are provided as wel l. sud de la Siberie et de la Mongolie), P logunovi sp. nov. (male et femel le, de Pe3KJMe I' Asie centrale) et P obscurimagna sp. nov. (male et femelle, du Kirghizstan et JiI3YlfeHo ABeHaAuaTb BYiAOB Phlegm, sud du Kazakstan). P iL IS(;ipes Kulc­ Yl3 KOTOPblX nRTb OnYlCaHbI KaK HOBbie zynski in Chyzer & K ulczynski, 189 1, est ATIR xaflKYI: P bicognata sp . nov. (caMeu m i se en synonym ie de P cinereoJasciata YI caMKa, CTenHaR 30Ha EBpa3Y1Y1), P Simon, 1868. De nouvelles 10calisations dunini sp. nov. (uaMKa, Yl3 A3epBaflA­ pour P sierrana, P rerralineara et P vae­ :+:aHa YI TypUYlYl), P kulczynskii sp. nov. lae sont donnees. Toutes les especes sont (caMeu YI caMKa, Yl3 rap IO:+:HOfi CYlBYIpYi dec rites ou redecrites et des cartes de dis­ YI MOHr OTIYlYI) , P logunovi sp. nov. (cMeu tributions sont donnees pour toutes les YI. caMKa, Yl3 !.leHTnaTIbHOfi A3Y1Y1) , YI P especes.

* Manuscrit re~ u Ie 15 juin 2001. Adresse de ! 'auteur: Siberian Zoological Museum. In st it ute for Sy,­ tematic s and Ecology of , S iberian Branc h of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Frunze street II. Novosibirsk. 63009 1 Ru ssia. 74 G . AZARKINA

Introduction lected in and adjacent territories (Central Asia), as well as in , Hun­ Phlegra is a salticid genus comprising gary, Romania aund . A total of 259 more than 60 species (PR6sZYNSK I, specimens of Phlegra has been studied. 2000), of which a half if known from Specimens for this study were borro­ single sexes only and usually (or often) wed or distributed among the following pose problems in their identificati ons. museums: - ISEA : Siberian Zoological For instance, LOGUNOV (1996) descri­ Museum of the Institute for Systematic bed two morphs (A and B) for Phlegra and Ecology of Animals, Novosibirsk, fuscipes, of which the morph A was later Russia (Ms G .A. Azarkina). - IZW : Ins­ assigned to P. cinereofasciata (see LOGU­ titute of Zoology PAN, Warszawa, Poland NOV & RAKov, ] 998). However, LOGU­ (Prof. J. Pr6szynski). - NMP: National NOV and MARUS IK (2000b) have recently Museum Praha, Praha, Czech Republic assumed that P. fuscipes might proven to (Prof. J. Buchar). - HMNH : Hungarian be a junior synonym of P. cinereofas­ Museum of Natural History, Budapest, ciata, while a taxonomic status of the Hungary (Dr. S. Mahunka). - MMUM: morph B of P. fuscipes remains unclear. The Manchester Museum, The University I re-examined most of the material of Manchester, Manchester, UK (Dr. D.V hitherto determined as either P. fuscipes Logunov). - PSU : Zoological Depart­ or P. cinereofasciata, including the syn­ ment of the Perm State University, Perm, types of the forme species, and arrived at Russia (Dr. S.Yu. Esyunin). - SMF: the conclusion that both names are to be Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am synonymized. Moreover, the material on Main, Germany (Dr. M. Grasshoff). ­ the morph B of P. fuscipes (sensu LOGU­ ZISP : Zoological Institute of the Russian NOV, 1996) turned out to be heteroge­ Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Rus­ neous and are to be assigned to the three sia (Dr. VA. Krivokhatskii). ZMMU : closely related species described here­ Zoological Museum of the Moscow State inafter : P. kulczynskii sp. nov., P. bico­ University, Moscow, Russia (Dr. K.G. gnata sp. nov., and P. obscurimagna sp. Mikhailov). ZMTU: Zoological nov. Museum of the Un iversity of Turku, Fin­ Similarly, the morphological forms A land (Dr. M. Saaristo). and B described by LOGUNOV ( 1996) for In most cases the names of collectors Phlegra sogdiana have been proven to are abbreviated as follows : Dr. E. M . belong to two species, of which one is Andreeva (E. A.), Dr. V V Dubatolov here described as new, P. fogunovi sp. (V D.), Dr. P. M. Dunin (P. D.), Mr. A. A. nov. Fyodorov (A. F), Mr. A. V Gromov Thus, the goals of the present study (A. G.), Dr. D. V Logunov (D. L.),'Mr. are: I) to reconsider the taxonomic sta­ O. V Lyakhov (0 . L.), Dr. Yu . M. Maru­ tus of P sogdiana, P. fuscipes and P. cine­ sik (Y. M.), Dr. K. G. Mikhailov (K. M.), reofasciata; 2) to describe new and Mr. A. B. Nenilin (A. N.), Mr. S. V poorly known species found during the Ovchinnikov (S . 0 .), Dr. S. L. Zonshtein current study; and 3) to refine distribu­ (S.Z.), Dr. A. A. Zyunin (A.Z.). tion of all the species exained (twelve Abbreviations used in the text. ­ altogether) . AME : anterior median eyes. PLE: pos­ terior lateral eyes. The sequence of leg segments in measurements data is as fol­ Material and methods lows: femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus. All measurements are in milli­ The present work is based on museum metres. For the leg spination, the system collections and on material newly col- adopted is that used by ONO (1 988). New and poorly known Phlegra 75


1 2 3

Figures 1-4. - Body coloration of Phlegra sogciialla Charitonov, 1946 (1-2) and Phle­ gra logullovi sp. nov. (3-4). - 1.3, males. 2,4, females. - Scale bars : 0.5 mm. Survey of species 0. 5. Leg III: 1.5, 0.6, 0.9, 0.7. Leg IV: 1. 8,0.9, 1.3 , lA, 0.8. Leg spination. Leg Phlegra alldreevae Logunov, 1996 I: femur dorsall y 0-1- I -3 ; tibia prolate­ (figures '9- 10, 15- 16 , 29-3 J, 36) rally 0-1 , ventrally 1-2-2 apical; meta­ tarsus ventrall y 2-2 apical. Leg II : Phlegm andreevae LOG U ov, J996 : femur dorsally 0- I- 1-3; tibia prolaterally 541 -544, fi gures 6- 16 (th e paratypes in the 0-1 , ventrally 1- I -2 apical ; metatarsus ISEA, examined). prolateralIy 1 apical, ventrall y 2-2 apical. Diagnosis. See comments below under Leg Ill: femur dorsall y 1-0-2-4 ; patella "diagnosis" of P logunovi sp. nov. and P pro- and retrolaterally I ; tibia dorsally 1­ sogdiana. For other detail s see LOGUNOV 0-0, prolaterall y and retrolaterali y 1-1- 1, (1 996). ventrall y I-0-2 apical ; metatarsus dor­ Distribution. Central Asia (figure sally 1- 1-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1-0-2 36). apical, ventrall y 2-0-2 apical. Leg IV: Description. Ma le (from Kazakhstan, femur dorsally 1-0- I-4; patella pro- and Akkol' ). Measurements. Carapace 2.9 retrolaterall y I ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro­ long, 1. 95 wide, 1.3 high at PLE. Ocular and retrolaterall y I- I-I, ventrally 2-0-2 area 1.0 long, l A5 anteriorly wide and apical ; metatarsus dorsally 1-1 -0, prola­ l A5 posteriorly w ide. Diameter of AME terally I-0-2 apical, retrolaterally 1-1-2 OA 5. Abdomen 3.0 long, 2.0 wide. Che" apical, ventrall y 1- 1-2 apical. liceral length 0.75 . Clypeal height 0.25. Coloration. Carapace dark brown, Length of legs segments. Leg I : lA, 0.8 , w ith a pair of white longitudinal bands. 0.9, OA5 , 0.6. Leg II: 1.3,0.6, 0.8, OA 5, Clypeus dark brown, densely covered 76 O. AZARKINA

} [

Figures 5-10. - Male pal ps of Phlegm logunovi sp . nov. (5-6), Phlegm sogdiana Cha­ (tonov, 1946 (7-8) and Phlegra andree vae Logunov, i996 (9-10). - 5, 7, 9, dorsa! vie,,\, ; 6, 8, 10, retrolateral vie w. - Scale bars: 0.1 mm. with white hairs on the front margi n. long, 1.4 wide anteriorly, and 1.4 wide Chelicerae brown. Sternum brown. posteriorly. Diameter of AME 0.45. Maxillae and labium dark brown. Abdo­ Abdomen 3.65 long, 1. 9 wide. Cheliceral men grey. Dorsum with a pair of longi­ length 0.6. Clypeal height 0.2. Length of tudinal dark brown bands. Scutum is leg segments . Leg I: 1.2,0.75, 0.7,0.4, about 113 of the length of abdomen. 0.5. Leg II: 1.2,0.7, 0.7,0.4, 0.5. Leg III : Book-lung covers yellow-grey. Spinne­ 1.3, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9,0.6. Leg IV: 1. 55,1.05, rets brown. Legs brown. Palp dark 1.03, 0.7. Leg spination. Leg I: femur brown. Pal pal structure as in figures 9-10 dorsally 0-1-1-3; tibia ventrally 2-2-2 and 15- 16. apical ; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 apical. Female (from Kazakhstan, Akkol'). Leg II: femur dorsally 0- 1-1-3 ; tibia ven­ Measurements. Carapace 2.9 long, 1.8 trally 1-1-2 apical ; metatarsus ventrally wide, 1.3 high at PLE. Ocular area 1. I 2-2 apical. Leg III: femur dorsally 1-0- 1­ New and poorly known Phlegra 77



Figures 11-16. -Embolic division of Phlegra logunovi sp. nov. (11-12), Phlegra sog­ diana Chari tonov, 1946 (13-14) and Phlegra andreevae Logunov, 1996 (15-16). - 11 , 13, 15, ventral view. 12, 14, 16, apical views. - Scale bars : 0.1 mm.

4; patella pro- and retrolateral, 1; tibia longitudinal brown bands. Book-lung dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterally I­ covers yellow-grey. Spinnerets brow n. 1- 1, ventrally I -0-2 apical; metatarsus Legs and palp brown. Epigyne and sper­ dorsally 0-1-0 apical , pro- and retrolate­ mathecae as in· figures 29-3l. rally 1-0-2 apical, ventrally 2-0-2 apical. Material examined. - KAZAKH STAN : Leg IV: femur dorsally 1-0- 1-3 ; patella I female (ISEA), Zhezkazgan Area, ca. pro- and retrolaterally 1; tibia dorsally 1­ 10 km S-SW of Soryshagai, near Aktogai, 0-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1- 1-1, ven­ 5.05.1999, A.G . ; 1 female (ISEA), Kaza­ trally 1-0-2 apical ; metatarsus dorsally 1­ khstan, Almaty Area, near Kapchagai, 1-0, prolaterally 1-0-2 apical, 17.05 .1 998, A.G.; 1 male, 3 females retrolaterally I -I -2 apical, ventrally 1- 1­ (ISEA), Dzhambul [=Zhamdyl] A rea, ca. 2 apical. I I km S-SE of Akkol ' , 43° 20' N, Coloration. Carapace brown, with yel­ 70° 49' E, 14-1 5.04.1999, A.G. - T URK­ lowish brown median field and a pair of MENISTAN : 2 males (lSEA, the paratypes), whi te longitudinal bands. Clypeus yel­ 20-25 km SE of Polekhatum, Gezgyadyk low. Chelicerae, maxillae and labium Mt. Range, ca. 1000-1100 m a. s. l. , 15­ brown. Sternum yellowish brown. Abdo­ 16.04.1 993, D.L. ; 2 females (ISEA, the men yellow-grey, dorsum with a pair of paratypes), ca. 10 km SE Bakharden, 3­ 78 G. AZA RKI NA

Figures 17-22. - Female copulatory organs of Phlegra logunovi sp. nov. -17-19, epigy" " , 20-22, spermathecae. - Scale bars 0. I mm. 4.04.1993, D.L.; 1 female (ISEA), 3 15-3 16, fi gures 260-267; ES YUNIN el at , Kopetdagh Mts, Kopetdagh Reserve, 1998: 325 ; A SHIKBAEV, 1981 (in part): 20 . ASHI KBA EV, 1976: 20 ; L OGUNOV & MARII­ Kalininskii Zakaznik, 18.05.1987, V D. ; SIK, 2000b ( 10 part)· 177- 178 1 male, 2 femeles (lSEA, paratypes), Male holotype (ZMMU), Kazakh tan, Dzhambul [= Zhambyl] Area, Moiynkum Ural'sk Area, near Dzanybek, wormwood Distr., ca. 21 km S of Furmanovka, loam steppe, 10.09.1982, K.M. plots of Moiyunkum desert, lS­ Etymology. The new species is very 16.05. I992, A.F. & A.Z. ; 2 males, 5 similar both to P. kulczynskii sp. nov. females (lSEA, the paratypes), Dzambul (males) and to P. cinereojasaiata [= Zhambyl] Area, Talasskii District, ca. (females), therefore its specific name is 2 I km of the highway Akkol' -Ulanbel', derived from the Latin "bi-" and 15.05.199 1, S.l. lbraev and A.Z.; 4 "cognata", viz being related to both. females (ISEA, the paratypes), Gur' ev Diagnosis. This species is closely rela­ Area, Ustyurtskii Reserve, Ustyurt Pla­ ted to P. cinereojasciata, but both sexes teau, E of KenderIy, 20.05. 1989, A.Z. ­ differ in body coloration (cf. figures 37­ KYRGHYZSTAN : I male (ISEA), Osh Area, 39 and 42-43). Besides, males of P. bico­ Suzak District, near Yangi-Dekhkan, gnata sp. nov. possess the compact embo­ 3.11.1986, D.L. lus lacking "the crest" (figures 78-79) (present in P. cinereoj asciata ; arrowed. in Phlegra bicognata sp. nov. figures 66-67). Females of both species (figures 42-43, 57-60, 76-79, 97-100, 102) are indistinguishable (figures 80-86, 97­ 100). The males of P. bicognata sp. nov. Phlegrajilscipes (m isidentifieJ): M INO­ RANSK II , 1995: 49 ; PROSZYNS KI, 1979 : are also similar to and poorly separable New and poorly known Phlegra 79

Figures 23-28. - Female copul atory organs of Phlegra sogdiana Charitonov, 1946. - 23­ 25, epigynes. 26-28, spermathecae. - Scale bars: O. I mm. from those of P kulczynskii sp. nov., but 0.8, 1.2, 1.4, 0.65. Leg spination. Leg I: females of both species can be easily dis­ femur dorsall y 0-1-1-3; tibia prolaterally tinguished by the coloration of the cly­ 0-1, ve ntrally 2-2-2 apical ; metatatsus peal hair coverage : whi te in this new spe­ ventrall y 2-2 apical. Leg II : femur dor­ cies and black in P kulczynskii sp. nov. sall y 0-1-1-3 ; tibia prolaterall y I -I , ven­ (fig . 47). trally 1-1-2 apical ; metatarsus ventrally Distribution. The steppe zone of 2-2 apic al. Leg III : femur dorsally 1-0-2­ , the European part of Russia and 4; patella pro-' and retrolaterally I ; tibia W. Siberia (fig. 102), where the species dorsally 1-0-0, prolaterally 2- 1- 1, retro­ was hitherto recorded under the name P laterally 1- 1-1 , ventrally 1-0-2 apical; Juscipes (see LOGUNOV & MAR usIK, metatarsus dorsally 1- 1-0, pro- and retro­ 2000b: map 37). laterally 1-0-2 apical ; Leg IV : femur Description. Male (the paratype). dorsall y 1-0-1-3 ; patella pro- and retro­ Measurements. Carapace 2.5 long, 1.6 laterally 1 ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and wide, 0.8 high at PLE. Ocular area 0.9 retrolaterally 1-1-1 , ventrally 1-0-2 api­ long, J.2 anteriorly wide and 1. 2 poste­ cal ; metatarsus dorsally 1-1-0, prolate­ riorly wide. Diameter of AME 0. 35. rall y 1-1-2 apical, retrolaterall y 1-0-2 api­ Abdomen 2.8 lo ng, 1.5 wide. Cheliceral cal, ventrally 1-0-2 apical. length 0.8. Clypeal height 0.25. Length of Coloration. Carapace brown, with a leg segments. Leg 1: 1.1 , 0.7, 0.7, 0.45, pair of poorly marked white longitudinal 0. 5. Leg II : 1.1 , 0. 7,0.7, 0.5 , 0.45. Leg bands. Clypeus yellowish brown, covered III : 1.3,0.7, 0. 8, 0.6,0.5. Leg IV : 1.7, with white hairs. Chelicerae red-brown.


Figures 28-31. - Female copulatory organs of Phleg m Clndreevae Logunov, 1996. - 29­ 30, epigynes. 31, spermathecae -Scale bar: O. J mm.

Figures 32-33. - Palpal fe mora and patelJae of Phlegm logunovi sp. nov. (32) and Phle­ gm sogdiana Charitonov, 1946 (33). - Scale bars : 0·. I mm.

Sternum, maxillae and labium dark wide. Cheli ceral length 0.9. C lypeal brown. Abdomen brownish grey, dorsum height 0.3. Length of leg segments . Leg with a pair of brown longitudinal bands I : 1.2, 0. 9,0.8, OA 5, 0. 5; leg II : 1.2, 0.8, (figure 42). Dorsal scutum about 1/3 of 0.75 , OA5 , 0.5 ; leg III: 1.5 , 0. 8, 0. 9, 0,8, the length of abdomen. Book-lung 0. 65; leg IV: 1. 8, 1.0, lA, 1.5 , 0.8. Leg covers greyish brown to yell ow-brown. spination. Leg I: femur dorsally 0-1-1-3 ; Spinnerets greyish brown. Legs and palps tibi a ventrally 2-2-2 apical; metatarsus dark brown. Pal pal structure as in figure ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg III : fem ur dor­ 76-79. sally 1-0-2-4 ; patella pro- and retrolate­ Female (paratype ). Measurements. rally I ; ti bia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and Carapace 2.9 long, 1. 8 wide, 1.1 high at retrolaterally 1-1- 1, ventrally 1-0-2 api­ PLE. Ocular area 1. 0 long, 1,3 wide ante­ cal; metatarsus dorsa ll y 0-1-0, pro- and riorly and 1.35 wide posteriorly. Diame­ retroJaterall y 1-0-2 apical , ventrally 2-0­ ter of AME OA 5. Abdomen 3A long, 2A 2 apical. Leg IV : femur dorsally 1-0- 1­

r 1 New and poorly known Phlegra 81

Figure 34. - Distribution of Phlegm logunovi sp. nov. One dot may represent more than one close locality. 3, patella pro- and retrolaterally I; tibia near Aituar, mountain steppe (under dorsall y 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterall y I­ stones), 3 1. 05.1 996, N.S. Mazura; I I-I, ventrally 1-0-2 apical ; metatarsus female (PSU), Orenburg Area, Sol'-Ilets­ dorsall y 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1­ kii District, Shybyndy, steppe, 7­ 1-2 apical, ventrally 1- 1-2 apical. 10.06.2000, S.L. Esyunin. - KAZAKHS­ Coloration. Carapace brown, with a TAN: 4 males, I female (ZMMU), Ural'sk pair of poorly marked white longitudinal Area, near Dzhanybek, wormwood bands. Clypeus brown, covered with steppe, 10- 14.09.1982, K.M.; 2 males white hairs. Chelicerae red-brown. Ster­ (ZMMU), same locality and habitat, num, maxillae and labium yellowish 20.08-7.09.1 984, K.M. ; 1 male (ISEA), brown. Abdomen brown-grey, with a dor­ Pavlodar Area, Maiskii District, south sal colour marking as in figure 43. Book­ edge of Beistauakiy Kupol, hill steppe, lung covers yellowish grey. Spinnerets 26.08. 1990, O.L.; I female (ISEA), Pav­ brownish grey. Legs and palps brown, lodar Area, Bayanaul District, Babaly but femora of all legs dark brown. Epi­ Mts., scree, 7.08.1990, O.L. - UKRAINE: gyne, including its variation, and sper­ 7 males, 4 females (ZISP), Taganrog Area mathecae as in figures 57-60 & 97 - 100. near Artemovka, 3-6.06.-5.07.1912, S. Material examined (paratypes). ­ Spassky. RUSSIA: 2 females (PSU), Orenburg Area,

.... 82 G. AZARKINA

Figure 35. - Distribution of Ph legm sogdiClI1 C1 C haritonov, 1946. One dot may represent more than one close locality.

Phlegra cillereoJasciata Simon, 1868 by the general appearance in both males (figures 37-40, 4648-53, 64-67,80-86, 104) and females (figures 37-39), while males additionally differ in having a well-deve­ Phlegm cinereojClsciClla : CHYZER & lop d "crest" on the embolar tip (arrowed KCLCZYNSK I, 189 1: 33 -35; SIMON, 1937 : figures 66-67). 1266; DUNIN, 1984 : 58; NENluN, 1985 (in Remarks. The female syntype of P part): 130 ; LOGUNOV & RAKOV, 1998 (in part): 128, figures 37-42. Juscipes showed no differences from P Phlegrajuscipes KULCZYNSK I in CHYZER cinereoj asciCifa neither in the structure of & KULCZYNSKI, 189 1: 32 (male and the copul atory organs (cf. figures 80, 83 female syntypes; one female syntype in the and 81 -85, etc.), nor in the general appea­ HMNH, examined). New synonymy. rance (cf. fig ures 37 and 39), therefore Phlegra juscipes: GUSEINOV, 1998 : 10; both names are to be synonymized. FUHN & GHERASIM , 1995: 62-64, figures Moreover, a strong variation of the 23, 26-2; METZ ER, 1999: 69-70, 188, figures 34a-k. map 36. median crest-like septum of the epigyne (its shape and height) (figures 48-63) is Diagnose. This species is most close to evidence that this character is of poor P kulczynskii sp. nov., P bicognata sp. taxonomic value and cannot be further nov. and P obscurimagna sp. nov., but taken into consideration fo r distingui­ can be easily separated from all of them shing species. New and poorly known Phlegra 83

Figure 36. - Distribution of Phlegra andreevae Logunov, 1996. One dot may represent more than one close locality.

Distribution. Central , east­ sall y 1-0-1-4 ; patella pro- and retrolate­ ward to the E. (figure 104). rally I ; tibia dorsally \-0-0, pro- and Description. Male (from Azerbaij an, retrolaterally 1-1 -1 , ventrall y 2-0-2 api­ Gokhmukh). Measurementsd. Carapace cal; metatarsus dorsally 1-\-0, pro- and 3.2 long, 2.2 wide, 1.3 high at PLE. Ocu­ retrolaterally 1-0-2 apical. Leg IV: lar area 1. 1 long, 1.4 anteriorly wide and femur dorsally 1-0-1 -4; patell a pro- and 1.5 posteriorly wide. Diameter of AME retro laterall y 1 ; ti bia dorsally \-0-0, pro­ 0.45. Abdomen 3.3 long, 1.9 wide. Che­ and retrolaterally 1- 1- / , ventrally \-0-2 liceral length 0.75. Clypeal height 0.35. apical ; metatarsus dorsally 1-1 -0, pro­ Length of leg segments . Leg I : 1.65, 0.9, and retrolaterally 1-0-2 apical, ventrally 1. 1,0.65, 0.6. Leg II : 1.6,0.9,0.95, 0.6, 1-0-2 apical or 2-0-2 apical. 0.55 . Leg III : 1.8,0.9,0.9, 1.0, 0.8. Leg Coloration. Carapace red-brown to IV: 2.3, 1.0, 1.6, 1.8,0.9. Leg spination. brown, with a pair of white longitudinal Leg I : femur dorsally 0-\- 1-3; ti bia pro­ bands. Clypeus yellowish brown, densely laterally I- I, ventrally 2-2-2 apical; covered with white hairs. Cheli cerae, metatarsus ventral ly 2-2 apical. Leg II: sternum, max illae and labium red-brown femur dorsally 0- \- 1-3; tibia prolaterally to brown. Abdomen grey, dorsum with a \ - 1, ventrally 2-2-2 apical; metatarsus pair of brown longitudinal bands (figure ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg III: femur dor­ 38). Dorsal scutum small , about 1/3 of



38 42

Figures 37-45. ­ Body coloration of Phlegra cinereojasciata Simon, 1868 (37-39), Phle­ gm kulc:;ymkii sp. nov. (40-41), Phlegm bicognata sp. nov. (42-43) and Phlegm obscltrima­ gila ~p. nov. (44-45). - 38, 40, 42, 44 : males. 37,39,41,43,45 : females. ­ Scale bars : 0.5 mm. the length of abdomen. Book-lung covers men 3.6 long, 2.6 wide. Chelicerallength yellow. Spinnerets brownish grey. Legs 0.8. Clypeal height 0.25. Length of leg red-brown. Pal pal structure as in figures segments. Leg I: 1.3, 0.95, 1.3 ,0.6,0.4. 6467. Leg II : 1.25,0.8,0.75,0.7, 0.55. Leg III : Fl'nlll/e (from , Lerik). Mea­ IA5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.85, 0.5. Leg IV: 1.85, ~urements. Carapace 3.0 long, 2.0 wide, 1.4, 1.3, l AS, 0.65. Leg spination. Leg I : 1.25 or IA high at PLE. Ocular area 1.0 femur dorsally 0-) - 1-3; tibia ve ntrally 2­ long. 1.35 wide anteriorly and 1.35 wide 2-2 apical ; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 api­ posteriorly. Diameter of AME OA. Abdo­ cal. Leg II: femur dorsally 0- 1-1-3; tibia New and poorly known Phlegra 85

J ]

Figures 46-47. - Female face colour patterns of Phlegra cin ereofasciata Simon, 1868 (46) and Phlegm kulc::ynskii sp. nov. (47) . -Scale bars: 0.5 mm. ventrally 1-1-2 apical; metatarsus ven­ BA IJ AN : 1 male (ISEA), Shemakha Dis­ trally 2-2 apical. Leg III: femur dorsally trict, Gokhmukh, 27.06.1977, P.D. ; 1 1-0-1-4; patella pro- and retrolaterally I ; male (ISEA), Gazakh District, Gazakh, tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolate­ clayey slopes, 29.05. 1981, A.Z.; 1 male, rally 1-1-1 , ventrally 1-0-2 apical; meta­ I female (ISEA), Lerik District, Dyu­ tarsus dorsally 0-1-0, pro- and retrolate­ gyakh, 3.08.1985, P.O.; 1 female (ISEA), rally 1-1-2 apical, ventrally 2-0-2 apical. same distric, Amburdara, 12.05 . I 985, Leg IV : femur dorsally 1-0- I -3; patell a P.O.; I female (ISEA), same district, pro- and retrolaterally 1; tibia dorsall y Kyalvaz, 1600 m a.s .l. , 13.05. 1985, P.O. ; 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1- I - I, ven­ 1 female (ISEA), same district, Gosma­ trally 2-0-2 apical; metatarsus dorsally 1­ Iyan, 25.07. 1983, P.O.; 2 females (ISEA), 1-0, prolaterally 1-1-2 apical; retrolate­ same district, Kelokhan, 13.05. 1985, rally 1-0-2 apical, ventrally 1-1-2 apical. P.O.; I female (lSEA), Nakhchyvan, Coloration. Carapace brown with a Kel'tsor, 1500 m a.s.1., 9.07.1 988, P.D. ­ pair of ambiguous longitudinal white ARMENIA : 3 .females (ISEA), Sevan bands. Clypeus yellowish brown, covered Lake, ca. 2000 m a.s .1. , 28.07.1983, D.L. with thin white and black hairs. Chelice­ & VI. Ovtsharenko. -RUSSIA : 1 male, 1 rae brown. Sternum, maxillae and labiu m female (ISEA), Daghestan, Derbent, yellowish brown. Abdomen brown-grey, 20.05. I 989, P.O. dorsum with a poorly marked colour pat­ tern (figures 37 & 39). Book-lung covers Phlegra dutlitli sp. nov. yellowish grey. Spinnerets brownish (figures I 10- 11 3) grey. Legs and palp brown. Epigyne, including its variations, and spermathe­ Female holotype (lSEA) : Azerbaijan, cae as in figures 48-53 & 80-86. Nakhchyvan', near Sadarak, 700 m a.s.1., Material examined. - ROMANI A: 1 10.07.1988, p.o. female (lSEA), Bestepe, Danube Delta, Etymology. The species is named after 12.09.1996, V Bryja. - HUNG ARY: 1 Dr. Peter M . Dunin, who successfully female, 3 juv. (HMNH, the syntypes) examined the of Azerbaijan over Francikovae, 5.07.(year unclear). - AZER­ many years. 86 G. AZARKINA

] })\ l ~ l ~ I} 48 ~)50 \)51 52 53

1 54

] ~ l 61 63

Figures 48-63. - Variation of the median septum of epigyne in Ph legm cinereojasciafa Simon. 1868 (48-53), Phlegm kulczynskii sp. nov. (54-56), Phlegm bicognata sp. nov. (57-60) and Phlegm obscurimagna sp. nov. (61-63). - Scale bars: 0.1 mm.

Diagnosis. This species can be easily 0.35. Leg II: I. 1,0045,0.6,004,004. Leg separated from other Phlegra species by III: 1.2, 004 , 0.6, 0.65, 0.6. Leg IV : 1.2, the structure of the copulatory organs, viz 0 045, 1.0, l.05, 0.75. Leg spination. Leg the epigynal plate strongly extending I: femur dorsally 0- 1- 1-3 ; tibia ventrally over the epigastric furrow (figures 112­ 2-2-2 apical; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 (13), as well as by the poorly marked apical. Leg II : femur dorsally 0- 1- 1-3; (practically invisible) stripes on carapace tibia prolaterally I, ventrally 1- \ -2 api­ and colour markings on dorsum (figure cal; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg I ll). III : fe mur dorsally 1- 1-4; patella pro- and Distribution. The species is recorded retrolaterally I ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro­ in Azerbaijan and only (fig. (10). and retrolaterally I - I-I, ventrally 1-0-2 Description. Female (the holotype). apical ; metatarsus dorsally 0-1-0, pro­ Measurements. Carapace 2.5 long, 1.55 and retrolaterall y 1-0-2 apical. Leg IV: wide, 0.9 high at PLE. Ocular area 0.8 femur dorsally 1-0-1 -1, patella pro- and long, 1.15 wide anteriorly and 1.2 wide retrolaterally I ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro­ posteriorly. Diameter ofAME 004 . Abdo­ and retrolaterall y 1- 1- 1, ventrall y 1-0-2 men 3.5 long, 2.6 wide. Cheliceral length apical ; metatarsus dorsally 1-0-0. pro­ 104. Clypeal height 004. Length of the leg and retrolaterally I - 1-2 apical, ventrally segments. Leg I: 1. I, 0.55, 0.9, 0.35, 1- 1-2 apical. New and poorly known Phlegra 87

Coloration. Carapace brown, with a Length of leg segments. Leg I: 1.3 , 0.7, pair of poorly marked light longitudinal 0. 8, 0.5, 0.55. Leg II: 1.3, 0.8,0.8,0.5, bands. Clypeus yellow-brown. Sternum, 0. 55. Leg III : l A, 0.7 , 0.9, 0.95, 0. 7. Leg maxillae and labium yellow-brown. Che­ IV : 1.8,0.8, I A, lA, 0.85. Leg spination. licerae brown. Abdomen yellowish grey, Leg I: fem ur dorsally 0-1-1 -3; patella dorsum with a poorl y marked colour­ prolaterall y I; tibia prolateerally I-I, markings (fi gure Ill). Book-lung covers ventrally 2-2-2 apical ; metatarsus prola­ and spinnerets yellowish grey. Legs and perally I apical, ventrall y 2-2 apical. Leg palp yellowish brown. Epigyne and II : femur dorsally 1-2-4 ; patella prolate­ spermathecae as in figure 112- 113. rall y I ; tibia prolaterally I- I, ventrally 1­ Material examined. - TUR KEY : 1 1-2 apical ; metatarsus prolaterally I-I female (paratype) (NMP) Turkey, central apical, ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg III : part, Nemrut Dagi, 14.05.1 997, V. Bryja. femur dorsall y 1-0-3-5; patell a pro- and retrolaterally I ; ti bia dorsally 1-0-0, pro­ Phlegra Jasciata (Hahn, 1826) and retrolaterally 1- 1- 1- 1 ; ventrally 1-0­ (figures 110, 11 8, 120-12 1) 2 apical ; metatarsus dorsally 1-1-0, pro­ and retrolaterall y 1-0-2 apical, ventrall y For a complete set of taxonomic refe­ 2-0-2 apical. Leg IV : femur dorsally 1­ rences see PR6szyf-/SKI & STA R ~GA, 0-2-5 ; patell a pro- and retrolaterally I; 1971 : 280, NENI LI N, 1984: 25, NEN ILI N, ti bia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolate­ 1985 : 130, MIKHA ILOV, 1997: 218 ; BON­ rall y 1- 1-1 -1, ventrally 1-0-2 apical; NET, 1958 : 3594, 3597, 3598, R

f 66

] 'f 65

Figures 64-71. - Male palps of Phlegret cillereofasciata Simon, 1868 (64-67) and Plde­ g ra kulc:;Yllskii sp. nov. (68-71). - 64,68, palp, ventral view. 65, 69, ditto, retrolateral view. 66,70, embolic division. ventral view. 67, 71 , ditto, apical view. - Specimens. 64-67 : Daghes­ tan. 68: the paratype from Khakassia. 69 : the paratype from Yakutia. 70-71 , the paratype fro m Tuva. - Scale bars: 0. 1 mm. New and poorly known Phlegm 89


J 77 79

Figures 72-79. - Male palps of Phleg ra obscurimagna sp. nov. (72-75) and Phlegm bico­ gnaw sp. nov. (76-79). - 72, 76, palp, ventral vi..:w. 73, 77, ditto, retrolateral view. 74-78, embo­ li c division, ventral vi ew. 75-79, di tto, apical view. - Specmens. 72-75: the paratypes from Kyr­ ghyzstan. 76-77 : the paratyp from Taganrog Area. 78-79 : the paratype from fhhanybek. Scale bars : 0.1 mm. 90 G. AZ ARK INA

tibia prolaterally 0-1, ventrally 1-1-2 api­ Dzheminey Canyon, 2-4.06.1990, K. Yu. cal; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg Eskov; I male (ISEA), South-Kazakhs­ III: femur dorsally 1-0-2-4; patella dor­ tan (=Shymkent) Area, Suzak District, ca. sally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1-1 -1 , 20 km E of Suzak, 26.06.1989, A.Z. ; I ventrally 2-0-2 apical; metatarsus dor­ male (ISEA), Almaty Area, ca. 70 km E­ sally 1- 1-0 apical, pro- and retolaterally SE of Chilik, left bank of Charyn River, 1-0-2 apical, ventrally 2-0-2 apical. Leg 43°21'N, 79°05'E, 7-8.06.2000, A.A. IV: femur dorsall y 1-0-1 -4 ; patella pro­ Cherkashin. - KYRGH YSTAN : I (emale and retrolaterally I ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, (lSEA), Kirghizskiy Mt. Range, Malino­ pro- and retrolaterally 1-1-1, ventrally 1­ voe Canyon, ca. 20 km S of Bishkek (= 0-2 apical ; metatarsus dorsally 1- 1-0, Frunze), 28.07.1984, S.O.; I female prolaterally 1-1 -2 apical, retrolaterally 1­ (ISEA), Sary-Chelek Res., W of Arkit, 0-2 apical, ventrally 1-1 -2 apical. right bank of Khodzhaata, 41° 49' N, Coloration. Carapace brown, with a 7 1° 57' E, 6.07.2000, A.G. - CZEC H black eye field and a pair of poorly mar­ REPUBLlK: I male (ISEA), Prague, in ked white longitudinal bands. Clypeus, park, 16.07. 1994, D.L. - MONG OLIA : 1 chelicerae and sternum yellow. Maxillae male (ISEA), Tov Aimak, 48° 22' N, and labium yellow-brown. Abdomen 106° 18' E, 11 00 m a.s.l., 18-23.06.1997, yellowish grey, dorsum with a pair of YM. broad dark brown bands (figure 118). Book-lung covers yellow-grey. Spinne­ Phlegra klllczynskii sp. nov. rets brownish grey. Legs and palp yellow­ (figures 40-41, 47, 54-56, 68-7 1, 87-9 1. 10 1) brown. Epigyne and spermathecae as in fig. 120- 121. Phlegra./ilscipes (misidentified) : ERMO­ Material examined. - RUSSIA : I LAE V. 1937: 60S; NENILl N, 1984b: 140 ; male (ISEA), Mari-EI, Yal'chik, NEN ILl N, 1985 (in part) : 130 ; RA KOV , 1998 : 309-3 10 ; MARUSIK etal., 2000: 100 ; 27 .06.1988, E. Matveev; 1 male (ISEA), DANI LOV & LOGUNOV, 1994: 35; L OGU OV Maritime Territory, Vladivostok, Uglo­ et al. . 1998: 141: DANILOV, 1990 : 89 ; vaya Bay (NE shore), 22.07.1995, YM. ; Savelyeva, 1979: 144; KOPONEN & MARU­ I male (lSEA), same territory, Furu­ SIK , 1992: 166; LOGUNOV & MARUSIK , gel'ma lsI., 18.07.1985, M.T. Shtern­ 2000b (i n part): 177-178. bergs. - UKRAINE : 1 male (ISEA), Dne­ Phlegra cil1e reoJasciata (misidentified): propetrovsk Area, Pyatikhatki District, S AVELY EVA, 1970: 6, 8; S AVELYEVA, 1976 : 52; SAVELYEVA, 1979: 145. near Zholtoe, Ulmus forest, 31.05. 1996, VK. Evtushenko; I female (ISEA), Female holotype (ISEA), Russia, Tuva, Odessa Area, near Sergeevka, steppe Ulug-Khem District, 5-7 km E of Shago­ slope, 1-7.07.1994,YM.; I male (ISEA), nar, Khaiyrkan Mt., under stones, Kherson Area, Chernomorskiy Res., 10.05. 1990, D.L. shore drifts, 30.07.1996, VK. Evtu­ Etymology. This species is dedicated shenko. - GEORGIA : I female (ISEA), to W. Kulczyhski, a famous Polish arach­ Bakuriani , 29.06.1983, A.V Abramov. ­ nologist, who described a lot of Siberian AZERBAIJAN: 1 female (ISEA), Lenkoran species. District, Gaftoni, 20.06.1 985, P.D. ; I Diagnosis. This species is most closely male (ISEA), Oguz District, near Oguz (= related to P. bicognata sp. nov., with Vartashen), 15.07.1984, P.D. - KAZA­ males being almost in distinguishable KHSTAN: I female (ISEA), Taldy-Kurgan from it (cf. figures 68-7 1 and 76-79), but (= Taldy-Korgan) Area, 15-20 km SE of the females of P. kulczynskii sp. nov. can Kospal, accli vity on pass, ca. 3200 m be easily separated by the black c1y peus a.s.\., 21.06.1993, VD. ; I male (ISEA), (see figure 47) (white haired in P. bico­ East-Kazakhtan Area, near Zaisan Lake, gnata sp. nov.). See also comments under New and poorly known Phlegm 91

f 81 ~

Figures 80-91. - Female copulatory organs of Phlegra cinereo.fascia[Q Simon. 186S (80­ 86) and Phlegra kulczynskii sp. nov. (87-91). -80-82, 86-89, epigyne. 83-85,90-91. spcrma­ thecae. - Specimens. 80,83 : from Francikovac. 81-82: from Azerbaijan. 84 : from Daghestan. 85 : from Armenia. 86: fro m Romania. 87-91: from Chita Area. 88-89 : from Khakassia. 90: from Tuva. -Scale bars: O. I mm.



Figures 92-96. - Female copulatory organs of Phlegra obscuril11agna sp. nov. , 92-94, epi­ gyne. 95-96, spermath ecae. - Specimens. 92-94,96: the paratypes from Kyrghyzstan. 95 : the paratype from Taldy-Korgan Area. - Scale bars : 0.1 mm. gnata sp. nov.). See also comments under trally 1-1-2 apical ; metatarsus prolate­ "diagnosis" of P cinereofasciata. rally I - I apical, ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg Distribution. South and Central Sibe­ III: femur dorsally 1-0-3-5; patella pro­ ria, Mongolia and East Kazakhstan and retrolaterall y 1; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, (figure 101). This species has hitherto pro- and retrolaterally I- I - I, ventrally 1­ been recorded from Siberia under the 0-2 apical; metatarsus dorsally I - I -0, name P f uscipes and P cinereofasciata pro- and retrolaterall y 1-0-2 apical, ven­ (see LOGUNOV & MARUSIK, 2000b). trally 2-0-2 apical. Leg IV: femur dor­ Description. Male (the paratype from sa-JIy 1-0-3-5; patella pro- and retrolate­ Khakassia, 25-29 km NE of Askiz). rall y I ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pto- and Measurements. Carapace 3.2 long, 2. I retrolaterall y I - I -I , ventrally 2-0-2 api­ wide, 1.1 high at PLE. Ocular area I . I cal ; metatarsus dorsally 1- 1-0, prolate­ long, l.3 anteriorly w ide and lA poste­ rally 1-1-2 apical; retrolaterally 1-0-2 riorly wide. Diameter of AME 0.35 . apical, ventrally 1- 1-2 apical or 2-0-2 Abdomen 3.5 long, 2.1 wide. Cheliceral apical. length 0. 9. C lypeal height 0.3. Length of Coloration. Carapace brown, w ith a legs segments. Leg I: l A , 0.9, l.O,O.7, pair of white longitudinal bands. C lypeus 0.55. Leg II : 1. 3,0.9,0.9,0.7 , 0.55 . Leg brown, covered w ith white hairs. C heli­ III : l.7 , 0 .9, l.O, l.O, 0 .7 . Leg IV : 2. 1, cerae dark brown. Sternum, maxillae ad 1.1 , l.5, l.6, 0.9. Leg spination. Leg I: labium dark brown. Abdomen brownish femur dorsall y 0-1- 1-3 ; tibia prolaterally grey, dorsum with a pair of greyish brown I- I , ventrally 2-2-2 apical ; metatarsus longitudinal bands (figure 40). Dorsal ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg II: fem ur dor­ scutum is about II3- 1/2 of the length of sally 0-1- 1-3 ; tibia prolaterally I - I , ven­ abdomen. Book-lung covers grey to yel­ New and poorly kno';vn Phlegra 93


d gg ztoo Figures 97-100. - Female copulatory organs of Phleg ra bicognala sp. nov. 97-98, epi­ gyne. 99-100. spermalhecae. - Specimens. 97: the paralype from Orenburg Area. 98, 100 : the paratype from Dzhanybek. 99 : the paratype from Taganrog Area. -Scale bars 0.1 mm. lowish grey. Spinnerets brown. Legs and femur dorsall y 0-1-1-3 ; tibia prolaterall y palp dark brown. Pal pal structure as in 0-1 apical, ventrally 112-2-2 apical ; meta­ figures 68-7 1. tarsus ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg III: femur Female (the paratype from Khakassia, dorsall y 1-0-2-4; patell a pro- and retro­ 25-29 km NE of Askiz). Measurements. laterally I ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and Carapace 3.3 long, 2.1 wide, 1.3 high at retrolaterally I-I - I , ventrall y 1-0-2 api­ PLE. Ocular area 1.2 long, 1.4 wide ante­ cal; metatarsus dorsall y Oll-I-O, pro- and riorly and 1.45 wide posteriorly. Diame­ retro]aterally 1-0-2 apical, ventrally 2-0­ ter of AME 0.45. Abdomen 4. 1 long, 2.9 2 apical. Leg IV : femur dorsall y 1-0-1 ­ wide. C heliceral length 0.9. C lypeal 3; pate ll a pro- and ;'etrolaterally I ; ti bia height 0.35. Length of leg segments . Leg dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterally I ­ I: 1.5,0.9,0.8, 0.6, 0.5. Leg II : 1.4, 1. 0, I- I , ventrally 1-0-2 apical ; metatarsus 0.7, 0.6, 0.5. Leg III: 1.6, 0.8, 0.8, 0.9, dorsally 1-1-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1­ 0.8. Leg IV : 2.0, 1. 0, 1.5, 1.6, 0.7. Leg 0-2 apical, ventrally I - l/2-2 apical. spination. Leg I : femur dorsally 0- 1- 1-3; Co loration. Carapace dark brow n, ti bia prolaterally 0- 1, 1- 3: ti bia prolate­ with a pair of poorly marked white lon­ rall y 0- 1, ventrally 2/1-2-2 apical : meta­ gitudinal bands. C lypeus brown, sparsely tarsus ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg II : covered wit bl ack hairs . Cheli cerae, ster­ 94 G . AZARKINA

120· Figure 101. - Distribution of Phlegm kulczynskii sp. nov. O ne dot may represent more than one close locality. Localities in NE (see LOGUNOV & MARUSIK, 2000b : map 37, sub P !uscipes) are not shown.

Figure 102. - Distributi on of Phlegm bicogll ata sp. nov. One dot may represent more than one close locality. Localities in N Kazakhstan (see LOGUNOV & MARUS IK , 2000b: map 37, sub P fuscipes) are not shown.

"! \ New and poorly known Phlegra

num maxillae and labium dark brown to Chamgaj Mts, ca. 8 km W of Somon Urd­ brown. Abdomen brown-grey, dorsum tamir, 1620- 1750 m a.s.l. , 2 1-22.07.1966, with a dark colour-markings (figure 4 1). Exp. Kaszab. Book-lung covers yellowish grey. Spin­ nerets dark brown. Legs dark brown. Palp Phlegra logullovi sp. nov. brown. Epigyne, inc luding its variation, (figures 3-6,1 1- 12,1 2-22 ,32, 34) and spermathecae as in figures 54-56 & 87 -91. Phleg m sogdiana (misidenti fied) : NENI­ Material examined (paratypes). ­ LIN, 1984a (in part ) : 26 : NENILlN , 1985 : RUSS IA: 2 females (ZISP), Chita Area, 130 : L OGUNOV, 1996 (i n part, form B) : locality unknown (l abel illegible), stony 556-56 1, fi gures 67-72 : Z YUZIN e l al., J 993: 280. slopes, 2 1. 06.1982, S.N. Dani lov ; 2 males (MMUM), Buryatia, ca. 24 km Male holotype (ISEA), Uzbekistan, ca. NW of Mukhorshibir', Tugnuiskaya Hol­ 7 km N of Kitab, South foothi ll s of low (5 1° 12' N, 107° 33' E), dry steppe Zeravshanskii Mt. Range, ca. 800 m a.s. l. , (under stones), 760-800 m a.s. 1. , 28­ 26.04. 1993, D .L. & A.Z. 29.06.2001 , D.L. ; 1 male (MMUM), Etymology. T his species is named Buryati a, Selenga District, W o f Lake after Dr. D. V. Logunov (the Manchester Gusinoe Ozero (51 ° 12'N, 106° 16'E), Museum, U.K.), who hitherto distingui ­ dry bunchgrass stony steppe, 670-700 m shed this new species as the form B of P a.s.l. , 2 1-22.06.200 1, D.L.; 1 male 3 sogdiana and who collected the holotype. females (ZMMU), Khakassia, Askiz Dis­ Diagnosis. This species is most closely trict, ca. 8 km E of Birikchul' , ca. 1 km related to P sogdiana, but can easily dis­ N of Maika, ca. 1100 m a.s .l. , 16­ tinguished from it by the larger size and 18.07. 1990, D.L.; 2 males 5 females coloration in both sexes (cf. figures 3-4 (ISEA), Askiz District, 25-27 km NE of and 1-2), the presence of white hairs on Askiz, stony hill near Abakan River, the pal pal femora and ti bi ae of males (cf. under stones, 15.07.1990, D.L. ; 1 female fig ures 32 and 33) and the structu re of the (ISEA), Tuva, near Kyzyl, dry steppe copul atory organs : viz the stronger (under stones), 700-800 m a.s.1., straight rather than bent embolus (cf. 20.05. 1989, D.L.; 2 females (ISEA), figures 11 - 12 and 13-1 4) and the fossae Tuva, 3-5 km S Kyzyl, left bank of Ye n i­ not divided into two section (cf. figures sei River, dry stony steppe (under 17-1 9 and 23-25). stones), 700-750 m a.s.1. , 25-06.1989, Distribution. Uzbekistan, Taj ikistan, D.L.; 2 males (ZMMU), Tuva, Tes-Khem Turmenistan a nd Kazakhstan (figu re 34), District, 10- 12 kmNW of KhoI' -Oozhu, where this species has hitherto been Be1engisch boundary, shrub-stony slo­ recorded under the form B of P sogdiana ping steppe (under stones), 1700- 1800 m (see LOGUNOV, 1996). a.s .1. , 9- 11 07. 1989, D.L.; 1 male 1 Description. Male (the paratype from i female (ISEA), Tuva. Ulug-Khem Dis­ Uzbekistan, Zeravshanski M t. Range). trict, 5-7 km E of Shagonar, Khaiyrkan Measurements. Carapace 3.8 long, 2.6 Mt. and 15-20 km SW of Shagonar, wide, 1.45 high at PLE. Ocular area 1.25 bridge over C haaty River. 8- 10.05. 1990, long, 1.6 anteriorly wide and 1.6 poste­ D.L.; I male I J UV (ZMTU), Yakutia, ca. riorly wi de. Diameter of AME 0. 5. Abdo­ 5 km W of Oktemtsy. meadow slopes bet­ men 3.7 long, 2.5 wide. Chelicerallength ween steppe and taiga, 10 .07.1977, S. 1. 3. Clypeal height 0.35. Length of legs Koponen; I male (ZISP), Yakutia, segments. Leg I :, 1. 2, 0. 85, 0.75. Kuturga, 200 m a.s. 1. , scree, 2 1.07. 1977, Leg II : 1. 6, 0.8, 1.0. 0.75,0.6. Leg III : S.Z. - MONGOLIA : 1 female (HMNH), 2. 05,0.9, 1. 0, 1.3 , 0.75. Leg IV : 2.3, 1.0, Archangaj Aim ak, Changaj Aimak, 1.7, 1. 8, 0.9. Leg spinati on. Leg I : femur 96 G. AZARKINA

Figure 103. - Distribution of Phlegra obscurimagna sp . n. One dot may represent more than one close locality. dorsally 0-1-1 -3; tibia prolaterall y 1- I, num, maxill ae and labium brown to dark ventrally 2-2-2 apical ; metatarsus ven­ brown. Chelicerae brown to dark brown. trally 2-2 apical. Leg III: femur dorsally Abdomen brownish grey, with long dark 1-3-5; patella pro- and retrolaterally I; hairs, dorsum usually having a pair of tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolate­ poorly marked longitudinal dark brown rally 1- 1- 1, ventrall y 1-0-2 apical. meta­ bands bordered by a pair of white narrow tarsus dorsally 1-1-0, pro- and retrolate­ bands (figure 3). Book-lung covers yel­ rally 1-0-2 apical , ventrally 2-2 apical. low to yellowish grey. Spinnerets brown. Leg IV / femur dorsall y 1- 1-5 ; patella Legs I and II dark brown, their patellae pro- and retrolaterally I ; tibia dorsally 1­ and tibiae coreved with dark long hairs. 0-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1-1- 1, ven­ Legs III and IV brown. Palp dark brown, trally 1-2 apical ; metatarsus dorsally 1­ femora and patellae covered anteriorly 1-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1- 1-2 apical, with white hairs (figure 32). Palpal struc­ ventrally 1- 1-2 apical. ture as in figures 5-6 & 11 - 12. Coloration. Carapace dark brown, Female (the paratype from Uzbekistan, with a pair of white longitudinal bands. Zeravshanskiy Mt. Range). Measure­ Clypeus covered with short white hairs ments . Carapace 3.9 long, 2.7 wide, 1.5 and with a row of long dark hairs. Ster­ high at PLE. Ocular area 1.3 long, 1.6 New and poorly known PhleRra 97

Figure 104. - Distribution map of Simon. One dot may repre­ sent more than one close locality. wide anteriorly and 1.6 wide posteriorly. Coloration. Carapace dark brown, Diameter of AME 0.5 . Abdomen 4 .5 with a pair of white longitudinal bands. long, 3.0 wide. Cheliceral length 104. Clypeus yell ow. Sternum, maxillae and Clypeal height 0.35. Length of leg seg­ laium brown. C helicerae brown. Abdo­ ments. Leg I : 1.7, 1. 0, 1. 1,0.75, 0.55. men brown, dorsum with well developed Leg II : 1. 5, 0.9, 1.0,0.7,0.55. Leg III : colour markings consisting of a pair of 1. 8, 1.1 , 1.1 ,1. 1,08. Leg IV : 2.3,1.1, dark brown bands (figure 4). Book-lung 1. 8, 1. 9, 0.95. Leg spination. Leg I : covers yell owish grey. Spinnerets brown. femur dorsally 0-1 -1-3 ; tibia ventrally 2­ Legs brown. Epigyne and spermathecae 2-2 apical ; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 api­ as in figures 17-22. cal. Leg II : femur dorsally 0- 1-1-3; tibia Material examined (paratypes).­ prolaterall y 0- 1, ventrall y 1-1 -2 apical or UZBEKISTAN : 22 males, 33 females 1-2-2 apical ; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 (ISEA), ca. 7 km N of Kitab, South foo­ apical. Leg III : femur dorsall y \ -0-2-5; thills of Zeravshanskii Mt. Range, ca. patella pro- and retrolaterally I ; tibia dor­ 800 m a.s. l. , 26.04.1993, D.L. & A.Z.; I sally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1-1 -1 , male (ISEA), Zeravshanskii Mt. Range, ventrally 1-0-2 apical ; metatarsus dor­ near Ruskishlak and Kainar-Bulak, sally 1-1-1 apical, pro- and retrolaterally 10.09.1991 , S.O.; I female (ISEA), Sur­ 1-2 apical, ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg IV: khandarya Area, Baisun District, near femur dorsally 1-1-3, patella pro- and Khatal Kishlak, Baglydara Canyon, retrolaterally I ; tibia dorsall y 1-0-0, pro­ 1500- 1800 m a.s.l., 28.04. 1984, coll.?; 4 and retrolaterally 1- 1- 1, ventrally 1-0-2 males, I female (ISEA), Surkhandrarya apical; metatarsus dorsally 1- 1-0, prola­ Area. Sariasia District, Babatagh Mt. terall y 1-1-2 apical, retrolaterally 1-0-2 Range, 3-5 km W of Ak-Mechet', api cal, ventrally 1- 1-2 apical. 06. 1994, O.L.; 4 females (ISEA), Samar­ kand Area, Sovetabad District, Zerav-



if d105 106

Figures 105-109. ­ Male palp of Phlegra sierrana (Simon, 1868). ­ 105, ventral view. 106, retrolateral view. 107, embolic division, vent ral view. 108, ditto, apical vi ew. 109, tibial apophysis. ­ Scale bars : 0. 1 mm. shanskii Mt. Range, 1.5-1 .6 km from and larger than P cinereoJasciata and all Dzham (near Chon-Kaimysh), 8­ other new species described in the present 9.06.1991, E.E. Kondykbaev & A.Z. - work. KAZAKHSTAN : 1 male (ISEA), South Diagnosis. This species is most closely Kazakhstan (= Chimkent) Area, near related to P cinereoJasciata, P bicognata Arys' , Artemisia steppe, 25.04­ sp. nov. and P kulczynskii sp. nov., but 3.05. 1988, D.L. both sexes differ in larger body size, dar­ ker body coloration and the well;-develo­ Phlegra obscurimagna sp. nov. ped colour markings on dorsum (cf. (figures 44-45, 6 1-63, 72-75, 92-96 & 103) figures 44-45 and 37-43). Besides, the male embolus has no "crest", being by its Phlegrafuscipes (misidentified): NENI­ structure an intermediate form betwen all LIN, 1984a : 25-26; NENILlN , 1985 (in part) : the three related species (cf. figures 72­ 13Q ; LOGUNOV & RAKOV, 1998 (in part): 75 and 68-7 1 & 76-79). The females of 128; A SHIKBAEV, 1981 (in part): 20. P obscurimagna sp. nov. possess larger Male holotype (ISEA), Kyrghyzstan, loops of the spermathecae (figures 95-96) Kaindy Mt. Range, 3000 m a.s.l., as compared to related species (figures 17 .07.1 983, S.O. 83-85, etc.). Etymology. The sp cific name is deri­ Distribution. Kyrghyzstan and S. ved from Latin words "obscura" and Kazakhstan (figure 103). This species has "magna", meaning "dark" and "large" been hitherto recorded in Middle Asia correspondingly, this species being darker either under the name of P Juscipes (see New and poorly known Phlegm 99

Figure 110. - Collection localities of Phlegra species (onl y examined material are map­ ped). - I, P sierralla (Simon, 1868). 2, P dunini sp. n .. 3, P yae/ae Pr6szyiiski, 1998. 4, P Jasciara (Hahn, 1826),5, P fefrali neafa (Caporiacco, 19 39). One dot may represent more than one close locality. LOG UNOV, 1996), or under P. cinereofas­ rally 1-1-1 , ventrally 1-0-2 apical; meta­ ciata (see LOGUNOV & RAKOV, 1998). tarsus dorsally 1-1-0, pro- and retrolate­ Description. Male (the paratype from rall y 1-0-2 apical, ventrally 1- I-2 apical. Kyrghyzstan, Sary-Dzhaz). Measure­ Coloration. Carapace dark brown, ments. Carapace 3.4 long, 2.2 wide, 1.3 with a pair of white longitudinal bands. high at PLE. Ocular area I. I long, 1.45 Clypeus yellowish brown, densely cove­ anteriorly wide and 1.45 posteriorly wide. red with white hairs. Chelicerae dark Diameter of AME 0.45 . Abdomen 3.3 brown. Sternum, maxillae and labium long, 2.0 wide. Cheliceral length 0.95. brown. Abdomen brownish grey, dorsum Clypeal height 0.35. Length of leg seg­ with a pair of dark brown longitudinal ments. Leg I: 1.55, 1.0, 1.1, 0.6, 0.55. bands (figure 44). Dorsal scutum very Leg II : 1.5,0.9,1.0,0.55,0.55. Leg III: small, about 114-115 length of abdomen. 1.65, 0.9, 1.0, 1.6, 0.7. Leg IV: 2. I, I. I, Book-lung covers yellow to yellowish 1.6, 1.7,0.8. Leg spination. Leg I: femur grey. Spinnerets dark brown. Legs and dorsally 0- I-11-3; tibia prolaterally J-I , palp dark brown. Palpal structure as in ventrally 2-2-2 apical; metatarsus ven­ figures 72-75. trally 2-2 apical. Leg III : femur dorsally Female (the paratype from Kyrghyzs­ 1-1-4; patell a pro- and retrolaterally 1; tan, Sary-Dzhaz). Measurements. Cara­ tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolate­ pace 3.8 long, 2.55 wide, 1.5 high at PLE. rally I-I-I , ventrally 1- 1-2 apical; meta­ Ocular area 1.4 long, 1.6 wide anteriorly tarsus dorsal Iy 1- 1-0, pro- and retrolate­ and 1.7 wide posteriorly. Diameter of rally 1-0-2 apical. ventrally 0-2-2 apical AME 0.5. Abdomen 4.8 long, 3.9 wide. or 1-1 -2 apical. Leg IV: femur dorsally CheliceraI length 1.0. Clypeal height 0.4. 1-1 -4 ; patella pro- and retrolaterally I ; Length of leg segments. Leg I : 1.7, 1.05, tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolate­ J.0, 0.6, 0.6. Leg II: J.6, 1. I, 1.0, 0.6, 0.6. 100 G. AZARKINA

Figures 111-113. - FernIe copulatory organs and somatic characters of the holotype of Phlegra dunini sp. nov. - 111, general appearance. 112, epigyne. 113, spermathecae. - Scale bars: body, 0.5 mm, copulatory organs, 0.1 mm.

Leg III: 1.85, 1.05, I. I 5, 0.8. Leg IV: Material examined (paratypes). ­ 2.4, 1.25, 1. 7, 1.75,0.9. Leg spination. KYRGH YZSTAN : I female (lSEA), Kyr­ Leg I: femur dorsally 0- I-1 -3; tibia pro­ ghyzstan, Kaindy Mt. Range, 3000 m laterally 1-1, ventrally 2-2-2 apical; a.s.l., 17 .07.1 983, S.O.; I male 1 female , metatarsus ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg II: (ISEA), Koilyu River valley, 2800 m femur dorsally 0- 1-1-3; tibia prolaterally a.s.l., 16.07.1983, S.O.; 1 male (ISEA), 1-1, ventrally 1-1-2 apical; metatarsus south slope of Terskei Ala-Too Mt. ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg III: femur dor­ Range, Sary-Dzhaz River valley, Bol'shoi sally 1- 1-4; patella pro- and retrolaterally Berkut Canyon, 3200 m a.s.l., 1; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrola­ 19.07. 1983, S.O. ; I male (ISEA), West terally 1-1 - 1, ventrally 2-0-2 apical or 1­ spur of Inyl'chektau Mt. Range, Sary­ 0-1 apical; metatarsus dorsally 1-1 -0, Dzhaz, 18- 19.07.1 993, D.A. Mil'ko; 1 pro- and retrolaterally I -1-2 apical, ven­ female (lSEA), Boomskoe Canyon, trally 2-0-2 apical. Leg IV : femur dor­ 1.05. 1984, S.O. ; 2 females (ZMMU), sally 1-0- 1-3; patella pro- and retrolate­ Kirghizskii Mt. Range, Malinovoe rally 1; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and Canyon, ca. 20 km S of Bishkek, 1600 m retrolaterally 1- I-I, ventrally 2-0-2 api­ a.s.l., 1-27.07.1983, S.O. - KAZAKHSTAN: cal; metatarsus dorsally 1-1 -0, prolate­ 2 females (ISEA), Taldy-Korgan Area rally 1-0-2 apical, retrolaterally 1-1-2 api­ near Kospal, 10.06.1995, O.L.; 1 female cal, ventrally 1-1-2 apical. (ISEA), Almaty Area, Dzhambul (= Coloration. Carapace dark brown, Zhambyl) District, Alma-Ata - Geor­ with a pair of white longitudinal bands. gievka highway, ca. 8 km W of Targan, Clypeus yellowish brown, covered with 13 .05 .1991, S.1. Ibraev & A.Z. thin white and black hairs. Chelicerae, maxillae and labium dark brown. Ster­ num brown. Abdomen brown, dorsum Phlegra sierrana (Simon, 1868) with well-developed colour markings (figures 105- 1 10) (figure 45). Book-lung covers yellowish Allus sierranus SIMON 1868: 557. grey. Spinnerets brownish grey. Legs and Pseudol11ogrus pennalus Henis 1957 : palp dark brown to brown. Epigyne, 289, fig, 13, including its variations, and spermathe­ Yllenlis pennaills: BRIGNOLI 1983: 658, cae, as in figures 61-63 & 92-96. New and poorly known Phlegra 101

Diagnosis. Thi s species is similar to P Material examined. - SPA IN : 2 cin ereofasciata and its rel ated species, males (SMF), 2 males ([SEA). Spain, but can be separated from all of them by 200-250 km SW of Madrid, Extramadure the long, thin and stretched out embolar (= Estremadura), " EI Baldio", 1996, P. tip (figures 107- (08) and the unusual Jager. structure of the tibia apophysis (figure (09). Distribution. T he species has so far Phlegra sogdiana Charitonov, 1946 been recorded from Spain o nly (SI iON , (figures 1-2.7-8, 13- 14.23-28,33,35) 1986; DENIS, 1957 ; BRIG NOLl , (983) (figure 110). Phlegm s() gdiollo: CHARITO 'OV, 1946 : Description. Male. Measurements. 80. fi g. 55-56: A NDREEVA , 1975: 339: Carapace 3.2 long, 2.0 wide, 1.1 high at P R() SZYNS KI , 1979: 3 16, fi gures 268-270 ; NEN ILI N, 19 84a (in part) : 26; N ENILl N, PLE. Ocul ar area 1.05 long, 1. 3 ante­ 1984b: 140 , MIKHAILOV & F ET. 1994 : 518, riorly wi de and 1.4 posteriorly wide. Dia­ 520 ; L OGU NOV. 1996 (in pari): 556-561 , meter of AME 0.4. Abdomen 3.2 long, fi gu res 57-66: L OG UN OV & M ARUSIK. 1.9 wide. C heliceral length 0.9. C lypeal 2000: 287. height 0. 3. Length of leg segments. Leg Male lectotype and female paralecto­ I : 1.4,0.8,0.85 ,0.5, 0.6. Leg II: 1.4, 0.9, type (PSU), Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya 0.8, 0.6, 0.6. Leg III : 1.5, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0, Area, Yakkabagh District, near Ishkent, 0.6. Leg IV: 2.0, 0.9, 1.4, 1.5, 0.85. Leg 16.04-28.06.1 942, D.M. Fedotov. spinati on. Leg I : femur dorsally 0- 1- 1-3 ; Diagnosis. See above comments under tib ia prolaterally 1-1 , ventrall y 2-2-2 api­ "di agnosis" of P logul1ovi sp. nov. cal ; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg Distribution. Taj ikistan and adj acent II : fe mur dorsally 0-1-1-3; ti bia prolate­ territori es (fi gure 35). rall y 1-1 , ventrally 1-1-2 apical; meta­ Description. Male (from Uzbekistan, tarsus pro laterally 1-1 apical, ventrall y 2­ Derbent). Measurements. Carapace 3.3 2 apical. Leg III / femur dorsally 1-0-2-4 ; long, 2. 1 wide, 1.4 high at PLE. Ocular patella, pro- and retrolaterally I ; tibia area 1. 2 long, [,5 anteriorly wide and [,5 dorsall y 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterall y I­ posteriorly wide. Diameter of AME 0.5. I-I , ventrall y 1-0-2 apical; metatarsus Abdomen 3.3 long, 1.9 wide. CheliceraI dorsaUy 1-1 -0, pro- and retrolaterally 1­ length 0. 8. Clypeal height 0.3. Length of 0-2 apical, ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg IV : leg segments. Leg I: 1.6, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6, femur dorsall y 1-0-1 -4; patell a pro- and 0.6. Leg II: 1. 6, 0.7, 1.0, 0.6, 0.6. Leg III : retrolaterall y 1 ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro­ 1.7, 1.0, 1.0, l.0, 0.7. Leg IV : 2.0, 1. 0, and retrolaterally 1- 1-1 , ventrally 2-0-2 1.4, 1. 5, 0.8. Leg spination. Leg [ : femur apical ; metatarsus dorsally 1- 1-0, pro­ dorsally 0-1-1 -3; tibia prolaterally 0- 1, and retrolaterally 1-1-2 apical , ventrally ventrally 1-1-2 apical; metatarsus ven­ 1-1-2 apical. trall y 2-2 apical. Leg II: fe mur dorsall y Coloration. Carapace brown, with a 0-1- 1-4; tibia prolaterall y 0- 1, ventrally pair of white longitudinal bands. Clypeus 1- 1-2 apical; metatarsus prolaterall y 1-0, yell ow-brown, densely covered with ventrally 2-2 apical. Leg III : femur dor­ white hairs. Cheli cerae red-brown. Ster­ sally 1-0-2-4; patella pro- and retrodor­ num brown. Maxillae and labiu m yellow­ sally I ; tibia dorsall y 1-0-0, pro- and brown. Abdomen grey, dorsum with a retrolaterall y 1-1 - 1, ventrall y 1-0-2 api­ pair of brown longitud inal bands. Book­ ca l ; metatarsus dorsall y 1- 1-0, pro- and lung covers yellowish brown. Sp inneret ~ retrolateral ly 1-0-2 apical, ventral ly 2-0­ brown. Legs dark brown, but metatarsI 2 apical. Leg IV : femur dorsall y 1-0- 1­ and tarsi of all legs brown. Palps brown. 4. pate ll a pro- and retrolaterally 1; tibia Palpal structure as in figure 105- 109. 102 G . AZARKINA

dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterally I ­ dorsum with a poorly marked colour pat­ 1-1 , ventrally 1-0-2 apic al; metatarsus tern as in figure 2. Book-lung covers yel­ dorsally 1- 1-0, pro- and retrolaterally 1­ low-grey. Spinnerets brownish grey. 0-2 apical, ventrally 1- 1-2 apical. Legs and palps brown to dark brown. Coloration. Carapace dark brown with Epigyne and spermathecae as in figure a pair of white longitudinal bands. Cly­ 17-22. peus covered with dark hairs. Chelicerae Material examined. - TAJIK ISTAN : 5 and clypeus dark brown. Sternum, maxil­ males 3 females (ISEA), Kurgan-Tyube lae and labium brown. Abdomen grey. Area, Il'ichevsk District, Aktau Mt. Dorsum with poorly marked colour mar­ Range, Gandzhina, 800 m a.s.l., 13.04.­ kings (figure 1). Dorsal scutum is about 19.06.1986, A.Z. and S.Z.; 5 males I 1/3 of the length of abdomen. Book-lung female (ISEA), same locality, covers yellowish grey. Spinnerets grey. 10.04.1988, S.Z. & A.S. Zor'kin ; 1 male Legss I, II and palps dark brown; legs III I female (ISEA), Kurgan-Tyube Area, and IV brown. Palpal femur and patella Gizimaili k Mt. Range, above Gandzhino, covered dorsally with dark hairs (figures 1800m a.s.l., 13- 19.04.1991, S.O.; I 33). Palpal structure as in figures 7-8 & male (IZW), same locality, 9 .04­ 13- 14. 15.05 .1 967, E.A.; 3 males 2 females Female (from Uzbekistan, Derbent). (lZW), same locality, 12.06-7.07. 1967, Measurements. Carapace 3.1 long, 2.0 E.A.; I female (IZW), Beshke nt ~kaya wide, 1.5 high at PLE. Ocular area 1.3 Valley, C hiluchor-Chashma Spring, long 1.3 long, 1.5 'wide anteriorly and 1.5 27.06.1967, E.A. ; 2 males (ZMMU), wide posteriorly. Diameter of AME 0.5 . Gissarskii Mt. Range, Ramit Reserve, 2­ Abdomen 4.6 long, 3.3 wide. Cheliceral 7 .05.1986, S.Z.; I male I female length 0.9. Clypeal height 0.2. Length of (ZMMU; palp only), Zeravshanskii Mt. leg segments. Leg I : 1.5, 0.9, 0.9, 0.6, Range, Iman-Kutan, 28.05. 1965, Chika­ 0.65. Leg II: 1.3, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 0.6'. Leg tunov; 2 males (ZISP), Kuibyshevskii III: 1.6, 0.9, 1.0, 0.8, 0.75. Leg IV: 2.0, District, 4. 05.1948, E. Luppova; 1 male 1.0, 1.5, 1.6, 0.8. Leg spination. Leg I: I female (ZISP), Kondara, 12.08.1948, E. femur dorsally 0-1 -1-3 ; tibia ventrally 2­ Luppova ; 1 female (lZW), near 2-2 apical ; metatarsus ventrally 2-2 api­ Dushanbe, Gul' bista, 27.07.1970, L. cal. Leg II: femur dorsally 0- 1- 1-3; tibia Zharkov. - TURKMENIA : 1 male (ISEA), prolaterally 0-1, ventrally 1-1 -2 apical ; West Kugitang, 1800-2500 m a.s.l. , 9­ metatarsus ventrall y 2-2 apical. Leg III: 16.05 .1 99 1, YD. ; 2 males I female femur dorsally 1-0- 1-3; patella pro- and (lSEA), West Kugi tang, Kara-Belent retrolaterally 1 ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro­ Mt., Khole-Bata and ca. 5 km . SE of and retrolaterally 1- 1-1, ventrally 1-0-2 Bazar-Depe, 5- 16.04.1991, YD. & YK. apical ; metatarsus dorsally 0- 1-0 apical, Zinchenko; 2 males 1 female (ISEA), pro- and retrolaterally 1-0-2 apical, ven­ Kugitangtau Mt. Range, Bagly-Dara and trally 2-0-2 apical. Leg IV : femur dor­ Kampyrtepa stands, 17- 19.05. 1983, sally 1-0- 1-3 ; patella pro- and retrolate­ A.N. ; 1 male (ISEA), Kugitangtau Mt. rally 1; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and Range, Khadzhafil' stand, 1000 m a.s.l., retrolaterally 1- 1- 1, ventrally 1-0-2 api­ 10.05.1984, S .Z. - UZBEK ISTAN: 3 cal; metatarsus dorsally 1-1-0, prolate­ females (ISEA), Surkhandarya Area, 40­ rally 1-1 -2 apical, ventrally 1- 1-2 apical. 47 km SE of Deinau, Babatagh Mt. Coloration. Carapace brown with a Range, 5- 13.05.1994, A.Z. ; 7 males 5 pair of poorly marked longitudinal white females (ISEA), near Derbent, bands. Clypeus and sternum yellow­ 15.05 .1994, O.L. & A.Z.; 5 males brown. Chelicerae, maxill ae and labium (lSEA), Surkhandarya Area, Saryassia brown. Abdomen yellow-brown-grey, District, Babatagh Mt. Range, 3-5 km W New and poorly known Phlegra !O3

1 116J ]

~ 'f f 114 115 117

Figures 114-117. - Male paJp of Phleg m yaelae Proszyn ski, 1998. 114, dorsal view. 115, retrolateral view. 116, embolic di vision, ventral view. 117, ditto, apical view. - Scale bars 0.1 mm. of Ak-Mechet', 06.1 994 , O.L.; 1 ma le 1 carapace and dorsum (figure 11 9). The female (lSEA), Kashkadaria Area, ca. copulatory organs are similar to those of 50 km SE of Guzar, 15.05.1994 , A.Z. ; I P jascia fa , but both the epigyne and the male (ZMMU), Samarkand Area, Sove­ spermathecae are distinct (cf. fi gures tobed District, Ulus, 1.06.1986, A.Z.; 1 122-123 and 120- I 2 1). However, the male (ISEA), Dzhizakh Area, Tashkent­ structure of the spermathecae of our spe­ Samarkand highway, near turn to Bakh­ cimen is slightly d ifferent from mal, 5 .05. 1990 , A.F. & A.Z . PR6 sZYNSKI 'S drawings of P tefralineafa (cf. PR6 sZY NS KI, 1987: 77), suggesting Phlegra tetralineata (Caporiacco, 1939) that the female from might prove (figures 110, 11 9, 122-123) to belong to another species. M ales and additional femal es are required to tackle Menemerus lelralinealus C APOR IACCO, the problem. 1939: 370, fi g. 2 1. Distribution. (CA PORIACC O, Menemerus tetmlinealU S: R CEW ER 1954: 1267. 1939 ; PR6sZYNS KI, 1987) and Iran (pre­ Phlegm lelralineata: PR6sZYN SK I, 1987 : sent data) (figure 1 J0). 77. Description. Female. Measuremants. M enemerus letrag rammus : BONNET, Carapace 2.8 long, 1. 9 w ide, 1. 2 high at 1955- 1959 : 2175 . PLE. Ocular area 1.0 long, 0.85 wide Men emerus lelralinearus : PLATN ICK anteriorly and 0.9 wide posteriorly. Dia­ 1989 : 61 3. meter of AME 0.4. Abdomen 3.4 long, Diagnosis. T he females of P tetrali­ 2.5 wide. C heliceral length 0. 8. C lypeal nea ta are dark, lacking bands on both height 0.25. Length of leg segments. Leg 104 G. AZARKINA

I: 1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 004, 0.5. Leg II : 1.2, 0.7, a first record of this species outside the 0.75, 0045, 0.55. Leg Ill : 104, 0.7 , 0.8, type locality (figure 110). 0.7, 0.65. Leg IV; 1.8, 0.9, 1.3, 1. 2,0.65. Description. Male . Measuremants. Leg spination. Leg I: femur dorsally 0-1 ­ Carapace 2.3 long, 1. 6 wide, 0.8 high at 1-3; tibia ventrally 2-2-2 apical; meta­ PLE. Ocular area 0.8 long, 1.1 anteriorly tarsus ventrally 2-2 apicaL Leg II : wide and 1.1 posteriorly wide. Diameter femur dorsally 0-1-1-3; tibia prolaterally of AME 0.3. Abdomen 2.1 long, 1.5 0-1, ventrally 1-1-2 apical ; metatarsus wide. Cheliceral length 0.55. Clypeal ventrally 2-2 apicaL Leg III: femur dor­ height 0.2. Length of leg segments. Leg sally 1-1-4 ; patella pro- and retrolaterall y I: 0.9,0.5, 0.7, 0 04 , 0 04 . Leg II : 0.9, 0045 , I ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrola­ 0.55, 0045, 004 . Leg III: \ .2, 0.6, 0.5, terally 1-1 - 1, ventrally 1-0-2 apical; 0.55, 0045 . Leg IV : 1.3 , 0.5, 0.9, 1. 0,0.7. metatarsus dorsally 1- 1-0, pro- and retro­ Leg spination. Leg I: femur dorsally 0- 1­ laterally 1-0-2 apical, ventrally 2-0-2 api­ 1-3; ti bia prolaterally 1- 1, ventrally 1-1­ caL Leg IV : femur dorsally 1-0- 1-4 ; 2 apical : metatarsus ventrally 2-2 apicaL patella pro- and retrolaterally 1; tibia dor­ Leg II: fe mur dorsall y 0-1-2-4; tibia pro­ sally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterall y 1- 1- 1, laterally 1- 1, ventrally 1- 1-2 apical ; ventrally 1-0-2 apical; metatarsus dor­ metatarsus prolaterall y I apical, ventrall y sally 1- 1-0, prolaterally 1- 1-2 apical, 2-2 apicaL Leg III : femur dorsally 1-0-3­ retrolaterally 1-0-2 apical, ventrally 1- 1­ 5; patella pro- and retrolaterally 1; tibia 2 apicaL dorsally 1-0-0, pro- and retrolaterally I­ Coloration. Carapace dark brown, 1-1, ventrally 1-0-2 apical ; metatarsus with black eye field . Clypeus brown. dorsally I-I-a, pro- and retrolaterall y 1­ Chelicerae dark brown. Sternum, maxil­ 0-2 apical, ventrally 2-0-2 apicaL Leg IV: lae and labium brown. Abdomen greyish femur dorsally 1-0-2-4; patella pro- and brown, dorsum without colour pattern retrolaterally I ; tibia dorsally 1-0-0, pro­ (figure 119). Book-lung covers yelowish­ and retrolaterally 1-1 -1 , ventrally 1-0-2 grey. Spinnerets yellowish brown. Legs apical ; metatarsus dorsall y \ - \-0, prola­ and palps dark brown: metatarsi and tarsi terally 1- 1-2 apical, ventrally 1- 1-2 api­ of all legs brown. Epigyne and sperma­ caL thecae as in figures 122-123. Coloration. Carapace brown, with a Material examined. - IRAN: 1 female pair of white longitudinal bands. Clypeus (ISEA), Tehran Province, ca. 5 km N of yellowish brown, densely covered with a Tehran, Tachal Mt., 2000-2900 m a.s .L, white hairs and with a transverse row of 51 °20' E, 35° 53' N, 16.06.2000, YM., F black hairs. Chelicerae yell owish brown. Mozaffarian & R. Bahramishad. Sternum, maxillae and labium yellow. Abdomen grey. Dorsum with a pair of Phlegra yaelae Pr6szyilski, 1998 broad brown longitudinal bands. Book­ (figures 110, 114-1 17) lung covers yellow. Spinnerets grey. Legs yellowish brown, femora of all legs Phlegra yae/ae PR6sZYNSKI , 1998/ 183 ­ greyish brown. Palps : femora yellow, 184, fig. 30-36. patellae, tibiae and cymbiae dark brown. Diagnosis. This species is most close Palpal structure as in figure 114- 117. to P. fascia/a, but its males are much Material examined. - TUN ISIA I smaller and show a distinctly different male (IZW), Hamamet, 8- 19.05 . 1997, J. structure of the embolar division (cf. DolanskY· figures 116-117 and LOGUNOV, 1996: fi gures 17-21). Distribution. (PR6sZYNS KI , 1998) and Tunisia (present data). This is New and poorly knowll Phl e[!,I"(I 105

. ]

123 Figures 118-123. - Female copulatory organs and somatic characters of Ph leg ra !asciata (Hahn, 1826) (118, 120-121) and Phlegra tetralineata (Caporiacco, 1939) (119, 122-123).­ 118,119, general appearance. 120,122, epigyne. 121,123, spermathecae. - Scale bars : body, 0.5 mOl; copulatory organs : 0.1 mOl. 106 G. AZARKINA

Acknowledgements DANILOV, S.N., 1990. - The spider fauna of Transbaikalia. - Fauna i ekologia I wish to express my warmest thanks chlenistonogikh Zabaikal 'ya i Pribai­ to Prof. J. PR6SZYNSKI (of the IZW), J. kal'ya, pp. 75-92 [in Russian]. BucHAR (of the NMP), Dr S. MAHUNKA DAN ILOV, S.N. & Logunov, D.V, 1994. (of the HMNH), Dr M . GRASSHOFF (of - A fau ni stic review of the jumping the SMF), Dr S. Yu. ESYUNIN (o f the spiders (Aranei Salticidae) of Trans­ PSU), Dr VA. KRIVOKHATSKII (of the baikalia. - Arthropoda selecta, 2 (4): ZISP), Dr G. MIKHAlLOV (of the ZMMU) 25-39. and Dr M. SAARISTO (of the ZMTU) for giving access to the spider collections DUN IN, PM., 1984. - Fauna and ecology under their care. Dr R. Yu. DUDKO (of the of the spiders (Aranei) of the Apsheron ISEA) is obliged for the help in preparing Peninsula (Azerbaijan SSR). In : A.S. maps. I am especially thankful to Dr D.V UTOTCHKI N (ed.), Fauna i ekologia pau­ LOGUNOV (the Manchester Museum, koobraznykh, pp. 45-60. Perm, P.S. U Manchester, U.K.) for kind editing the [in Russian]. earl ier draft and translating it into ERMO LAE V, VN., 1937. - Beitrage zur English. Kenntnis der altaischen Spi nnen. ­ This research was in part sponsored by Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstage von the grant for young scientists (No. 266) Professor Embrik Strand (Riga), 2: from the Russian Academy of Sciences. 5 19-524. ESY ININ, S.L., EFIM IK, V E. & MAZU RA , References N.S., 1998. - Remarks on the Ural spider fauna, 10. New records of the ANDR EEVA, EM., 1975. - Distribution spider species (Aranei). - Arthropoda and ecology of spiders (Aranei) in Taji­ Selecta, 7 (2) : 319-327. kistan. - Fragmenta Faunistica, 20 : FU HN, I. E. & GHERASI M, VE, 1995. ­ 323-352. Fauna Romaniai. Arachnida. Fam. Sal­ ASH IKBAEV, N. Zh., 1976. - Spider (Ara­ ticidae, 5 (5) : 1-301. neae) fauna of wheat fields in the Kus­ GUSEINOV, E.E, 1998. - Spiders of Len­ tanay Area. - Nauchnye Trudy koran Natural Region and Apsheron Kazakhskogo Sel 's kokhozayaistven ­ Peninsul a in Azerbaijan. Autoreferate nogo Instituta, 19: 20-21 [in Russian]. of the Thesis of Candidate (Ph. D. ) of ASHIKBAEV, N. Zh, 1981. - Spiders in Biological Science Degree. Baku, 29 p. the biocenosis of alfalfa fields. - Eko­ [in Russian, with Azerbaijanian and logiya vrediteley i bolezney rastenly v E nglish summaries]. Kazakhstane i mery bor'by s nimi KHAR ITONOV, D.E., 1946. - New forms (Alma-Ata, 1980): 18-22 [in Russian]. of spiders of the USSR fauna. ­ CHYZER, C. & KULCZYNS KI , L., 1891. ­ lzvestiya Estestvenno-nauchnogo In-ta Araneae Hungariae. T I, Salticoidae, Molotovskogo Gos. Universitata, 12 Oxyopidae, Lycosidae, Heteropodidae, (3): 19-32, 2 tab I. [in Russian, with Misumenoidae, Euetrioidae, Tetragna­ Engli sh summary]. thidae, Uloboridae, Pholcoidae, Scy­ KO PO NEN, S. & MARusIK , Yu .M., 1992. todoidae, Urocteoidae, Eresoidae, Dic­ - Spiders (Araneae) from Central tynaidae. Budapestini, 189 1, 168 p., 6 Yakutia, Siberia. - Entomologica pI. F ennica, 3 : 163- I 66.

, New and poorly known Phlegra 107

LOG UNOV , D .V, 1996. -A review of the MINORA NS KII , VA., PONOM AREV, A. V & genus Phlegra Simon, 1876 in the GRAMOTEN KO , VP., 1980. - Spiders fauna of R ussia and adjacent countri es (Aranei) of Rostov Area. - Fauna, (Araneae : Salticidae: Aelurillinae). ­ ekologia i okhrana zhivotnykh Sever­ Genus, 7 (3) : 533-567. nogo Kavkaza Nal 'chik, pp. 145-158 LOGUNOV, D .V, MARuS IK , Yu.M. & [in Russian]. KOPONEN, S., 1998. - A check-list of NEN ILl N, A.B., 1984a. - Materials on the the spiders in Tuva, South Siberia with fauna of the spider family Salticidae of analysis of their habitat distribution. - the USSR. I. Catalogue of the Saltici­ Berichte der Naturwissenschaftlich­ dae of Middle Asia. In : A.S. UTOTCH ­ Medizinischen Vere ins in Innsbruck, KI N et a f. (ed.), Fauna i ekologia pau­ 85: 125-159 . koobraznykh, Un iversity of Perm, pp. LOG UN OV, DV & RAKov, S. Yu. , 1998. 6-37 [in Russian). - Miscellaneous notes on Middle NENILl N, A.B., 1984b. - Materials on the Asian jumping spiders. - Arthropoda fauna of the spider family Salticidae of Selecta, 7 (2): 117- 144. the USSR. III. Salticidae of Kyrghyzia. LOG UNOV, D .V & MA RUSI K, Yu .M., In : A .I. PROCH ENKO (ed.), Entologi­ 2000a. - M iscellaneous notes on cheskie issledovaniya v Kirgizii, 17 : Palaearctic Salticidae (Arachnida : Ara­ 132- 143 [i n Russian). nei). - Arthopoda Selecta, 8 (4): 263­ NEN ILl N, A.B., 1985. - Materials on the 292. fauna of the spider family Salticidae of LOG UNOV, D .V & MA RUSI K, Yu . M., the USSR. II . Results of the study in 2000b. - Catalogue of the jumping the USSR. - Fauna i ekologia paukov spiders of northern Asia (Arachnida, SSSR, USSR Academy of Sciences, Araneae, Salticidae). Moscow, KMK 139 : 129-134 [in Russian]. Scientific Press Ltd. , 299 p. ONO , H ., 1988. - A revisional study of MARUS IK, Yu.M., LOGUNOV, D .V & the spider family Thomisidae (Arach­ KOPO NEN , S., 2000. - Spiders of nida, Araneae) o f . National Tuva, South Siberia. Magadan, IBPN Science Museum, Tokyo, 252 p. FEB RAS, 2000, 252 p. PLATNICK , N.J. , 1989. - Advances in METZNE R, H., 1999. - Die Springspin­ Spider 198 1-1987 (a sup­ nen (Araneae, Salticidae) G riechen­ plement to Brignoli 's A Catalogue of lands. - Andrias, 14 : 1-279. the Araneae described between 1940 and 198 1). Manchester Un iversity MIKHA ILOV, K.G. & FET, V Ya. , 1994. ­ Press & British Arachnological Fauna and zoogeography of spiders Society, Manchester & New York, 673 (Aranei) of Turkmenistan. In : V Ya. p. FET & K. ATAMUR ADOV (ed.), Biogeo­ graphy and Ecology of Turkmeni stan. PR6sZYNS KI, J., 1979. - Systematic stu­ -Monographiae Biologicae, 72 : dies on East Palaearctic Salticidae. III. 499-524. Remarks on Salticidae of the USSR. - Annales Zoologici, Polska Akadeemia MINORANSK !I, VA., 1995 . - O n the spi­ Nauk, 34 : 299-369. der fauna of agroecocoenoses of the Lower Don. In : A.S. UTOTCHK IN et PR6 sZYNSK I, J. , 1998. - Description of af. (ed.) , Ekolog ia paukoobraznykh, new species of Phlegra (Araneae : Sal­ Perm, PSU, pp. 4 8-56 [in Russian]. tic idae) from Israel. - Israel jOlll'l1a / of Zoology, 44 : 159-185. 108 G . AZARKINA

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