C 458 Territorial Division Act Ontario
Ontario: Revised Statutes 1970 c 458 Territorial Division Act Ontario © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1970 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/rso Bibliographic Citation Territorial Division Act , RSO 1970, c 458 Repository Citation Ontario (1970) "c 458 Territorial Division Act," Ontario: Revised Statutes: Vol. 1970: Iss. 5, Article 51. Available at: http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/rso/vol1970/iss5/51 This Statutes is brought to you for free and open access by the Statutes at Osgoode Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ontario: Revised Statutes by an authorized administrator of Osgoode Digital Commons. Sec. 1 1f2 (c) TERHl1'0RIAL DIVISION Chap. 458 795 CHAPTER 458 The Territorial Division Act I. The territorial division of Ontario into counties and dis- Organiza· tricts and metropolitan and regional areas shall continue as ~~::1tinued hereinafter set forth, and, subject to sections 4, 5, 6 and 7, for municipal and judicial purposes such counties, and for judicial purposes such districts and metropolitan and regional areas, are respectively composed as follows: [NOTE: As to municipal and judicial purposes in provincial parks, see Th.e Provincial Parks Act, R.S.0. 1970, c. 371 , s. 3 (5, 6).) 1. -THE COUNTY OF BRANT Brant consists of, (a) the City of Brantford; (b) the T own of Paris; (c) the townships of, Brantford, Onondaga, Burford, South Dumfries, Oakland, Tuscarora, except that the T ownship of Tuscarora continues to be with drawn from and does not form part of the County of Brant for municipal purposes. 2.-THE COUNTY OF BRUCE Bruce consists of, (a) the towns of C hesley, Kincardinc, Port Elgin, South ampton, Walkerton, Wiarton; (b) the villages of H epworth, Lion's Head, Lucknow, Mild may, Paisley, Ripley, Tara, T eeswater, Tiverton; (c) the townships of, Albemarle, Culross, Amabel, Eastnor, Arran, l ~ lderslie, Brant, Greenock, Bruce, Huron, Carrick, J( incardine, 796 Chap.
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