Equality & Human Rights Impact Assessment

Introduction & Benefits to EQHRIA


Equality & Human Rights Impact Assessment

Introduction to EQHRIA

“COSLA welcomes the SHRC and EHRC’s efforts to work with local authorities to support them to develop integrated equality and human rights assessments. We recognise that integrated assessments can contribute to the development of a human rights-based approach across the public sector, which can have positive outcomes for individuals and communities across Scot- land. We hope that learning from the pilots and the new website will provide a useful starting point for policy makers seeking to develop good practice in this area.”

Equality and human rights impact assessments (EQHRIAs) are David Martin, Chief Executive, an important mechanism for enabling equality and human rights Council considerations to be embedded into the policies, practices, procedures and priorities of public bodies in .

Assessing impact can help public authorities to achieve better outcomes by taking account of the rights of individuals whose interests may otherwise be overlooked and improve performance by making sure that action taken is effective and efficient. It also means developing better policies and See film at www.scottishhumanrights.com/eqhria/ practices, based on evidence, and being transparent and accountable to stakeholders. EQHRIAs can encourage Professor Alan Miller, Chair, Scottish Human Rights Commission individuals and communities to participate in decision making processes, giving them ownership of decisions and transforming institutional cultures and decision making.

The Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) and Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Scotland recognise that some public authorities are choosing to address both the equality and human rights implications of proposed, new or revised policies or practices when they assess impact. See film at www.scottishhumanrights.com/eqhria/

We wish to support public authorities in this integrated approach to impact assessment, and have developed the following:

• An explanation of the added value of the human rights dimension. • The 10 Good Practice Building Blocks for Assessing Impact. • Information about two pilot EQHRIAs in Renfrewshire and Councils. • Basic background training materials. • Links to other resources.

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Equality & Human Rights Impact Assessment

Introduction to EQHRIA

This work has been supported by a steering group of members including, the Scottish Government, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Scottish Councils Equality Network, Police Scotland, the Scottish Prison Service, Audit Scotland, Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and others.

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Equality & Human Rights Impact Assessment

Benefits of EQHRIA

Business Case As an organisation embarks upon embedding the Good Practice Building Blocks it is helpful to recognise and acknowledge the rationale of an equality and human rights approach.

Organisations may wish to adopt and promote these principles, Alastair Pringle, Director, Equality and Human Rights or a version of these principles, as a statement of their Commission Scotland commitment.

It is recognised that integrating equality and human rights into governance, policy and decision making structures will help to:

• Achieve better outcomes for people. Equality and human rights are core to achieving national and local performance outcomes which aim to improve the quality of life and opportunities for all people across Scotland. See film at www.scottishhumanrights.com/eqhria/ • Improve performance. The consideration of human rights and equality issues will assist in improving performance in delivering high quality public services as efficiently, effectively and economically as possible as they will ensure they are responsive to people’s circumstances at the point of delivery. • Demonstrate accessibility and accountability. Where equality and human rights are assessed, based on evidence and the meaningful involvement of communities, stronger relationships will be built and it will be easier to demonstrate fairness, transparency, accessibility and accountability thereby enhancing public ownership and legitimacy in policy and decision making. • Ensure compliance with the law. Proactively taking account of human rights and equality in the exercise of your functions will provide you with assurances rather than assumptions that actions are fair, not arbitrary, and that they comply with the law, preventing violations before they require redress and added expense.

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Equality & Human Rights Impact Assessment


The Commissions would like to sincerely thank the following individuals and organisations for their collaboration, support and guidance in developing this resource:

Dr Donald Macaskill of Equal and Diverse for his support of the Pilot Councils and expertise in applying a human rights based approach

Professor James Harrison of the University of Warwick for his support in drafting the 10 Good Practice Building Blocks and support for the Pilot Councils

Wendy Davies and Muriel Robison from Organisation and Social Development Consultants for their support in the design and delivery of training

Katy MacMillan, Senior consultant, and team from ODS Consulting in carrying out and reporting on the evaluation of the pilot

Yasmeen Khan, Senior Policy Officer, Chief Executive Services, Renfrewshire Council for leading and co-ordinating the pilot at Renfrewshire Council

Zahida Ramzan, Policy Co-ordinator, Corporate Services, Fife Council for leading and co- ordinating the pilot at Fife Council

Brigitte Jones, Corporate Governance, The City of Council for leading and co- ordinating the pilot at The City of Edinburgh Council

Debbie Sigerson, Project Manager, NHS Health Scotland

Simon Cameron, Diversity Adviser, Finance and Corporate Resources, Council and Scottish Councils Equality Network

Rhona Cunningham, Manager of Fife Gingerbread and Clare Neill, Project Manager, Making it Work, Fife Gingerbread for their participation in the Fife Council Pilot

The Commissions would like to thank all of the individuals at Fife Council, City of Edinburgh Council and Renfrewshire Council who supported and participated in the pilot work, impact assessment workshops, evaluation study and filming during 2012- 2014.

Thanks also to Lewis Notarangelo of Not Orange But Yellow Productions for videography, Kieron Smith at Factonomy and Simon Health at Onespace design in the development and presentation of this resource.

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Equality & Human Rights Impact Assessment


Steering Group The Commissions would also like to thank all of the participants in the project steering group for their invaluable input and guidance including, the Scottish Government, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, the Scottish Councils Equality Network, Police Scotland, the Scottish Prison Service, Audit Scotland and Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO). Support from our partners Scottish Councils Equality Network “The Scottish Councils Equality Network (SCEN) commends the commission on the work it has done through the EQHRIA project to help all public bodies, both strengthen and improve, existing impact assessment processes. The new website provides excellent practical guidance and training that show the real benefits to be had from embedding a human rights based approach in what we do.”

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) “It is essential that the decisions we make take into account the fundamental human rights of the diversity of people we are there to serve. That the principles of equality, dignity, participation, empowerment and accountability are central to everything we do. The integration of human rights and equality into impact assessment is a positive and important step to support organisations to achieve this”

NHS Health Scotland “We welcome the Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment project and we were pleased to be able to share current practice in this area through our role on the Steering Group. NHS Health Scotland has been using an integrated approach to equality, health inequality and human rights impact assessment since 2011, called ‘Health Inequalities Impact Assessment’. We believe that the additional resources this project has generated will be a helpful for planners and policymakers, working at national and local level. NHS Health Scotland will continue to commit staff resources to supporting the development of impact assessment practice across the public sector.”

Police Scotland “Police Scotland regards both Equality and Human Rights as central to all that we do, and we view with great interest the ongoing work of the SHRC and EHRC to develop integrated approaches to equality and human rights impact assessment.”

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Equality & Human Rights Impact Assessment


Scottish Prison Service “The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) supports the integrated approach to addressing both the equality and human rights implications of proposed, new or revised policies or practices when assessing impact for all our staff, people in our custody and stakeholders.

The work of the EQHRIA project is of great benefit and value for public authorities starting or already working on an integrated approach to human rights and equality. The extensive website resources are welcomed and will enable sharing the learning so that all public authorities have access to the benefits of using this approach.”

Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People “I wholeheartedly welcome this initiative. I firmly believe that EQHRIAs will prove to be an important mechanism for bringing the human rights of children and young people from the margins to the centre of decision-making. It will ensure that, instead of being forgotten, these rights are taken account of within the policies, practices and procedures of public bodies in Scotland.”

Contact Us If you have any comments, feedback or practice examples, or any other information or guidance, relating to this content please contact the Scottish Human Rights Commission by email. Our email address is [email protected]

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