Is The Sports Trail ! Braves* Tommy Holmes Batting ,426 By WHITNEY MARTIN Fourth Time? GIANTS’ MEL OH Cuccinello in that Sparking Graham describes detail YORK, May 21.—VP)—This MARINE NEW day in 1926 when CORSAIR, and one reason is that unforgettable it a plug, Herman and two teammates TRAILS WITH .402 o a nicer 8uy Babe we don't know of found themselves at third base American’s with lead, naturally, but CAME POSTPONED Batters : plug. Not simultaneously, and the time the for a mighty fine job. I with praise a man on first Leads In Hits And Babe singled with Holmes , May 21—CP)—Despite an 11-point drop to Frank Graham and 356 .v- We refer to and, head down, charged for sec- To sacker Tony Cuccinello of the “The Brooklyn Negotiations Underway Cards’ Ku- tightened his 71 -his latest book: ond lwthout noticing the man on Doubles; on the hitting leadership last week. History. : Dodgers—An Informal who the ball was Davis Or While Tony only faltered, second-place Vern oeueved it first, thinking Play Camj* rowski Hitting .387 Stephens of the 5. we wouldn’t have to the Louis Browns did a to .333 and a and caught, was returning bag 28-point tailspin deadlock for ts to chronicle with Fast Club with Case of the possible for anyone Babe wound up at second, Other runner-up spot speedy George Washington s»n.. ball — — _n-, l>l0ri. of that amazing back on 21; UP) the record the man ahead of him NEW YORK, May and include prac- of the Boston from six to 23 **** club in 248 pages first. of the Wil- Tommy Holmes points. from the al- Bert Kite, Irishman tically everything was the time the Braves, a light-hearted Still the clutch incidents Then there mington Pirates, announced late hitter, thon* most limitless humorous with a scribe was winging high Babe, after pleading last that the scheduled game from Brooklyn, SOLDIERS WALLOP Stephens took over the and even tragedy. You not to night National today, ieadU8“*10 j to pathos, and his promise Pirates and the Parris in the League runs batted in with 19 with a feeling getting between the lead and _• the book down in pulled a .426 batting pace to tinued to set put poke fun at him print, Island Marines has' been called setting the pace in a realization of in, two two o h of understanding: stub out of his the loop and running first 7-5 er their a frayed cigar off by the manager of the Marine CAROLINA, specialized branches w' ; the Brooklyn fans love in vain for a with 43 why pocket and fumbled However, arrangements are individual departments runs with seven, and runs so downright hu- club. !core; .^Burns'. They are The scribe started to of- hits and 11 doubles. 21—kiP)— the latter match. now being made to bring another CHAPEL HILL, May sharing lead with Geor» » man. when smoke began Holmes Stirnweiss of fer him one, team here for the game Wednes- Two big hitting days sent Camp Butner’s hard-hitting base New York at the field from jj Graham covers to curl as Babe puffed vigorously past Manager of the New ball nine handed the University of Nick Etten of the club day night. Yankees the first organized on the butt. The scribe gasped, with whom he was a seven to five de- The Marines were unable to York Giants North Carolina tained fourth place in the in 1883 through last for in Brooklyn then yelled: the because of the com- tied at .400 a week ago. Five feat here today. race with .330. while season, the doesn t make trip Wally Mo,, : rather pathetic ‘•What I just said go! the Tues- year’s mander’s new order that the club five against Cardinals The Soldiers, led by Elmer Valo, of the White Sox climbed 13 of colorful charac- who carries DOi 1 endless stream It’s all off! Nobody lour hits in five at bats take over making could not travel outside of a radius day, and former for the Philadel- to fifth with .324. ters and fantastic incidents around in his pock- first lighted cigars of 300 miles to play baseball, ac- against Cincinnati in the the scoring a clown.” phia Athletics, opened Only sluggers among the the book fairly live. et can tell me he isn’t did the trick for the junior cording to word received by Kite game Sunday in the first with one out, and add- circuit s top ten for abound, not The MacPhail-Leo Duro- in its for a sec- games Hilarious incidents Larry Lt. H. H. athletic Pot o’Lucg. Calumet Farm’s chief reliance quest outfielder. in the third. The Tar Diav!S ro- the from Fischer, Braves’ ed another through Sunday were Oris concerning the cher era, although lacking shown on his way to the Blue Grass a few of them director at the base. ond straight Kentucky Derby, is all the score i: their the the Robinson- if Pot Ott’s mark including games Heels, tying up Chicago. .310; Bob tund , and general humor of classic. Trainer Ben Jones will have four winners o’Luck Maier, Detroit Kite was last of was .402 with Whitey half of the third, took a temporary Herman who always Herman provided its share busy night trying Jones trained Whirlaway, and Lawrin. Sunday, lovable Babe days, comes through. Pensive, at -387, five in the but Valo’s two- .308; , who as the Bums to make arrangements with Cap- Kurowski of the Cards lead fourth, Philadelphia. 1 on the list of players of color and drama 302; Stirnweiss, .299; and is No. Olmo of homer in the fifth the But- Bob Ei- as and clawed tain Ken Kavenaugh of the Camp sr. ahead of Luis put Brooklyn its reputation growled and snapped points talella, Philadelphia, .297, gave to Davis nine for the to-mor- Vance Dinges, the Phil- ner team out in front1 to stay. of Can Hap- their way to a pennant, only game Brooklyn. the place “Anything con- Case clung to the lead title to the Yankees, row night. Kavenaugh said he lies’ sensational freshman, Butner added a fifth marker in in hits lose the world Are with 34 and in stolen pen.” the his- would definately advise the Wil- Browns Kicking tinued to big league pitching, the and scored the two win- bases with was the time, for in- in a series that included sixth, Tbere .361 and fifth 12. The lead in Uncle Robbie boast- missed third strike by Mick- mington manager early Tuesday soaring 16 points to when Har- two-baggers re stance, when toric ning runs in the ninth mained unchanged at thrown morning if the Camp Davis club eight, *ha> ed he could catch a ball ey Owen. ris and Rawhn hit successive ed Dick with all the ac- can make the trip here. Kite said Around by Moses, Siebert of Phji. a Visitor Nines .348, Reyes from an airplane, and grape- It’s all in there, Nap triples and relief hurler McEkrah and Milt which are he was in contact with several .337 of the adelphia 3yrnes of St substituted for the ball, splat- curacy and smoothness .347 and Phil Wfcintraub walked three men to force another fruit, other fast clubs in southeastern Louis, Gilberto Torres of and convinced of the author. St. Giants ran sixth, sev- Washi tered on his chest a trademark ST. May 21—UP)—The American League champion New York run. The Tar Heels tallied once broke a North Carolina and was “almost LCRTIS, ington nine-way tie lor area had been split been tricks business ninth with Carden Gil- him that vital Louis Browns have up to their old again—the enth and in the sixth and once in the nin+h. as he that the Pirates would triples upped his total ore he was about to die. sure’’ play of their around. Boston at .341, wide open and kicking visiting clubs ienwater of eighth Carolina will meet Duke here to three. one of these clubs at Legion Stad- from And the time, in his waning days Now if the team, usually not merely so formidable away Phil Cavarretta of Chicago tied ium to-morrow at 8:30 Wednesday in the first game of a Boston’s he was asked COOPERAPPEASED night home, can come back from a long 24-game road trip with a 50-50 sensational rookie, Dave as manager, when for ninth at .337. four-game series. that Uncle ■o’clock break, it will have established itself again as a very tough one to lead in runs Ferriss, topped the col- who was pitching day. Ott retained the -V- pitching his Kaven- ___ideal with, in the opinion of Jim- umn with a 4-0 record as Robbie named a man. Told that “In the event Captain scored with 28 and pushed into a A1 Ben- BY ST. LOUIS CLUB Davis Conzelman, assistant to t .e ton of Detroit and Hank choice had pitched the day before, augh can bring his Camp my three-way tie with Lombardi and Reiber Stars As Bees Bormvy club of New York suffered he nominated another. Informed club here for Wednesday’s game president. Weintraub with seven home runs. reversals had May 21.—(U.R)—Mort the Pirates will meet some real was the com- after winning five De- that the second choice pitch- ST. LOUIS, NATIONAL SCORNS That, generally, pat- Lombardi was getting tough Bow To Leaksville, 12-10 straight. Robbie of the St. Louis as the Davis club has Browns work- troit’s ed just two days before, Cooper, ace pitcher competition tern by which the petition for his runs batted in title kept the is AWOL, was re- on their strikeout lead with 35. said: Cardinals, who many outstanding players ed out their first ohampionship in but still led with 25, one more than BURLINGTON. May 21.—(^P)— altered his salary said. -V-. “Suit yourself. Just pick any- ported to have rooster," Kite ALL-AMERICA LOOP ■13 years in 1944. Buteh Nieman of Boston. Dixie Leaksville scored eight runs on in return for a The for the team selected SOX TO PLAY demands today line-up The team just concluded a ten- Walker of Brooklyn, Tommy O’ five hits, two walks, and three an- body.”__=—= contract. to play the Pirates will be each errors in the to de- The Wilmington Red three-year CHICAGO. May 21.— (JPh- The game home stand with eight vic- Brien of Pittsburgh and Reyes eighth inning Sox base- hander, who jump- nounced as soon as detail are ar- Mc- Reconditioned Pre-War The big right tories, one tie and one defeat. had three and Frank feat Burlington, 12-10, here today. ball club will leave here on a last week in National Football League today triples three, ed the club at Boston ranged. and Dain both of tour this an editorial brush-off to the Conzleman’s answer to why the Cormick Clay, The defeat stopped Burlington’s game Thursday night. The for a $15,000 salary -v- gave with BICYCLES his fight Confer- in now were deadlocked streak and Sox will Charlotte for well-financed All-America club isn’t first place right Cincinnati,, four-game winning play Friday AT season—he had signed $12,500— bases. his first AVAILABLE ence and other postwar is answered in part by “spotty five stolen handed Pitcher A1 Kimmel night, Kannapolis Saturday alter, to have decided to ask proposed was said Bill Voiselle continued to mow five starts. noon, and Gastonia for $13,- rivals. battipg.” loss in Saturday night, for a new contract calling down the as the Giants’ PICKARDS 1947 in “The has been as opposition for the 1945, 1946 tnd An editorial “Touchback”, hitting fully wins the 2-3224 500 ace recorded three during 209 Market St. Dial when he confers with the National loop’s publication for stout as last year and the pitch- seasons week to up his mark to 8-0. ,Ken and Manager servicemen, declared: ing has been tighter,’’ he said, Owner Sam Breadon Burkhardt of the Cards and Andj ENRICHED SALLY ANN here Wednesday. “but pay-off blows just haven’t “Attempts to organize opposi- Karl of the Phils, both relief men, for this come with the regularity or fre- demanded $15,000 tion were inevitable. They have with three straight Cooper of 1944. We have lost at were unbeaten -“I Shortstop Martin been tried not to men- quency SUNFED VITAMIN BREAD season after YESTERDAY’S RESULTS repeatedly, triumphs, but Harry Feldman of a contract call- least four games which a good Marion had signed American League tion futilely, in the past. Giants was dumped aft- well-timed hit would have won. the finally __I was said No 'games scheduled. Vitamins BI E G(b2), and "Sunshine" Vitamin D ing for $13,500. Cooper “But present efforts appear to er four successes. Contains decided to scale down his “We all feel here that the re- to have be especially Ill-timed. he was given a cent victories, though, are indica- demands provided Pittsburgh 5, New York 2. Despite the vaporizing of well contract with a clause St. Louis 4. Brooklyn 0. tive of a change of luck and we Foresters First three year "meaning neophytes, there is noth- Cop that the document would (Only games scheduled). can look forward to a successful stipulating to indicate that there is room of Junior and void if he were ing road trip.” Half Loop become null STANDINGS for another major league. sold or traded to another majo: National League So far this season the Browns Team Won Lost Pet. “Athletic enterprises become The Lake Forest nine, which cop- league team. have won only two of seven games New York _21 7 .750 leagues only by public ac- six wins while suffering only Meanwhile, it was reported with- Brooklyn_17 10 .630 major played on the road. ped over a first half of had 13 ceptance and acclaim long, one defeat, won the out confirmation that Breadon St. Louis_14 .319 that the Browns have Chicago _12 13 .480 hard not ambitious de- Observing Baseball League. trade or sell the fireball haul; by the City Junior decided to 14 .462 just clipped the Pittsburgh _12 claration around a conference Now that the High school season ace. Boston _11 13 .438 four straight, Conzleman said “we have Cincinnati _10 13 .435 table.” has ended, the Foresters will -V- now have to our was aim- begun get share of Philadelphia _ 7 *1 .250 The editorial obviously of W. A. Brown of the When Tiberius a Ro- hits the services MHACLE WALL HNSR Gracchus, Conference when they produce runs. In- to the ed at the All-America Jay-vees. man aristocrat, proposed American League here stead of luck being against us so Team Won Lost Pet. which at a recent meeting However, the Dodgers Senate a distribution of state land much ox the time, it has started Drypond Senate had Chicago _15 7 .6(2 made a bid for a peace pow-wow will benefit most by new players, among the poor the * coming our way in a reasonable I '•» 0NLT?998 Detroit _13 8 .381 with Commissioner Elmer Layden Hardison. Vic James and Aepreitd ^ _CAU0B him assassinated. St. Louis_ 13 9 .591 amount.” Billy \mmt de- Iumi or’sd c New York _13 11 .542 of the National League. Layden Football Smith being added to the * would rec- The American was idle FOR WOOD AMD IBtOUUM... " Washington _12 14 .462 clared then his league League Castle Street outfit. Considering Now This 3 For 1 Philadelphia _10 15 .400 today, and will resume hostilities Try ognize a rival only after it "gets the Ponders are favored to Cleveland _ 9 14 391 with fame this, a football and plays a game.” one tomorrow when the half Lin-x Value In Boston _ 9 15 .375 take the second crown, play Aspirin The editorial, first public ex Yankees take on the Philadelphia You’ll 3 tomorrow. — You get nearly tablets for only 1 f PROBABLE PITCHERS Nation- Athletics in their first home twi- beginning Good To Eat Good For CLEAR when pression by the 25-year-old W. L. Pet. you buy the large 100 tablet American League in Team: al League on the organizational light game history. .857 GLOSS bottle of St. Joseph Aspirin for 35c. Philadelphia at New York (twilight)— Lake Forest. 6 1 Flores vs. of rival circuits, criticiz- Only two Bs ted tasty Kdyretoe- Big family favorite! No does (0-1) Borowy (5-1). progress night games are on Tabernacle 5 2 .714 aspirin (Only game scheduled). to Na more for ed “fabulous offers made the National League schedule to- 2 .466 ta.Ettyktaiy.DriN you no matter what you Y M C A 4 tional Leaguers and National Lea day, St. Louis at and pay. Always get St. National League Brooklyn Cance Building .... 4 3 .571 Joseph Aspirin. in an to New York at OKflta No games scheduled. gue prospects attempt Pittsburgh. 3 3 .500 —-V- The All- Drypond. Fox’s get them under contract.” 3 4 .429 KEEPS UNRULY HAIR GIVEN RELEASE of Ninth Street. DAVID JACOBI — America has signed a score .. 2 5 .285 loiAAi_ Building CLEVELAND, May 21.—(U.R)—Joe stars Baseball's Six Raleigh former college previously Big 0 7 .000 Ann 1\iad Satti I veteran relief was Hemenway fatly Heving, pitcher, claimed in the National League ZBAKERYI SUPPLY CO. given.his unconditional release by By The Associated Press -V- draft. scientific cross-breed- * the today. The mainland in fox- (Three Leaders In Each Leaegue) Through Dial 7171 Corner Front and Dock Sts. "Far from the in 1306-08 Market St. Player, Club G a sheep without wrinkles 40-year-old hurler had been a hold' holes and out-of-the-way bases, Ab B U Pet. ing Dial 9451 1 Holmes, Braves _ 25 101 27 43 .426 its skin has been developed. HAIR out this season and had sought a offers appear morolineTONIC these unquestionably xOtt, Giants 28 92 28 37 .402 the the edi- TRY A BOTTLE NOW release through Commissioner’s exceedingly attractive,” xKurawski, Cards_ 25 93 18 38 .387 BIG GENEROUS W. SIZE. office. torial continued- “But they are Cuccinello, Sox.. 21 73 13 26 356 Case, Senators- 26 102 16 34 333 so much paper, merely a THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... only Stephens, Browns _. 21 78 18 26 .333 promoter’s promise, unless when the signee presents himself for HOME runs collection there is a team for him National League Giants to join and opponents for that xOtt, _ xLombardi, Giants _ team to play. xWeintraub, Giants _ “To date none of the proposed organizations has any idea when, American League Browns if ever.” Other Stephens, _ it can operate, Yankees include Red Derry, _ proposed leagues R. Johnson, Red Sox_ Grange’s United States Football league and Chick Meehan’s Trans- RUNS BATTED IN America Leaegue. National League ---V- xLombardi, Giants_ 25 Nieman, Braves__ 24 xWeintraub, Giants Medics Win _ 23 Dowmen, xOlmo, Dodgers __” 23 In City Softball Loop American League Stephens, Browns _ 19 Derry, Dow triumphed over the Yankees_ lg Ethyl Etten, Yankees _3 18 in the first Crashboats. 10-6. game x—Indicated playing night game. of last night’s Municipal Softball play at Robert Strange, while Bluethenthal’s Medics edged oul the POWG’s 3-2, in the nightcap. The Dowmen had little trouble winning the opener, as they touched i ay Crashboat twirler Derbauer for For Thousands of Sufferors eleven bingles. including a pair oi Morris and Roy ^tUck^okfBronWfettobKSVa“f««5 four baggers by and energy, accept this liberal trtal ort a doctor Sser Lamb. The Dow ten took a two Mendceo, s prescription, from your druggist; take exactly as initial stanza when directed and see run lead in the for yourself how quickly it usually helps Cole tripled scoring McKeithan and Morris, and after that C-'-e they ssMaasssfeassjpK were never in trouble. srfMMsraMbn© In the nightcap, the Medics scor- ed what proved to be the winning i ymtesatag:1— M-*~- tally in the fourth frame when Pesyna reached first on an error, went to second on a wild pitch, I stole third, and scored on another at least I —I ! ARY: "Jim, didn’t you say you wanted sary to reprocess the used grain, 5 wild pitch. ^ .o ask tHfe about of the j at 7:30 o’clock, the Air Judge something grain, the 50% of the feed value (25% by weight) Tonight, back to Base will clash with the Shipyard’s ;ext time you saw him?” whole grain is recovered. It comes I Bi 55 |HKC FUfl«J Steam Engineers in the opener, farms like the form of JIM: “That’s right, 1 did, Mary. Is it true, yours in premium- while the league-leading Opticians in vitamins ^MBa Mi 1 ir- Wmgm.j9S| livestock feed ... rich M I _■■■■ 1 Railers at that distillers recover of the quality ■bru^^ «4 1 •, ^ ^jjjj^mffi- take on Bluethenthals Judge, part ^^3 a B and ^BShh Bh H (A ^^B B B ^ 1BH ,^B™iBiBw^' 8:30. they use in making war-alcohol?” Bi Ba.” ;M«^. MH Hi ■ I A ■ Hi hH9 kk mmm. w m B m ‘^"’,'k‘:i",Mt«'i ^^Blllliil -_V- Is the true when distillers THIRTEEN FELL OLD JUDGE: “That’s absolutely true, Jim. JIM: SMe thing PACI- are Judge. SOMEWHERE IN THE Wherever the government has permitted permitted It make whiskey, BHKg^MHga||BfciM|BHfcMHBBL' ^J|pl| FIC.—(Undated)— (U.PJ —Thirteen distillers to purchase the equipment neces- OLD bit as true, Jim men from the undefeated Fourth JUDGE:" Yes, every Marine Division football team have i nw] mbs h^l ^F«iiffiii^ii»i«i fallen on Iwo Jima, four having ^ « .been killed, one miseing and eight , .. Him rNttKt IMiMm, Ik., R. T. •• M* ifMtfc, revealed WhMJMMr.. jmf, g*jnM wounded, it was today- ...—- Nn^r«t, A