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The Effect Volume 3 | 2013 | Making an Impact Through Giving

In this Issue Page 2 Target’s Legacy of Generosity Benefits

Henry Ford’s Great-Great Grandson Has a Vision — and a Mission

Page 3

PLaY Young Professionals Group Making a Difference Organized and Energized

Photo credit: Ari Howrani \\ Spain School of Excellence Choir singing at the National Day of Courage.

the organization of a young professionals group, focused on A letter from The Henry Ford President exploring many fundraising ideas, several of which are designed to introduce more children to The Henry Ford. Dear Friends: When it comes to literally introducing visitors to us, who better Staff Initiative: Provide a Spark That Could Change the World As we look forward to another spring at The Henry Ford, it is to do that than our wonderful cashiers at the area we call the “front of the house,” by the IMAX® Theatre? Their passion and belief in all my pleasure to pause for just a moment and share some wonderful Pages 4-11 news about the year just passed, which was remarkable for us in so that we stand for translated into an amazing campaign in last year’s many profound ways. final quarter that made a significant impact on our number of school Nearly 2 million people visited us last year — the largest field trips. number of annual visitors in the history of the institution. While we Passion is a word that is virtually synonymous with Don and are delighted to see so many guests walk through our doors, we are Mary Kosch, whose gift has allowed a long-standing dream of ours just as excited by the number of individuals across the nation and to become a reality. For years we wanted to install a playground around the world who are becoming aware of The Henry Ford through that would be all encompassing, designed especially so that A Gesture of Devotion and Generosity our rapidly growing collection of online resources and content. children of all abilities could enjoy it. Enter the Kosch's, whose Thanks to your help, last year alone we digitized over 12,000 Dearborn Sausage Company has been a local institution since the Financial Report and Donor Roll artifacts! Over 20,000 are now available online, where our website 1940s and whose foundation is devoted to helping children with drew 3.3 million visits in 2012, an increase of nearly 40 percent over special needs. The instant they heard about our desire to make the Page 12 the previous year. Village Playscape a destination for all kids, they happily offered All of this is a testament to what The Henry Ford effect truly is: their support. We tell stories that chronicle our individual and collective challenges, Don reveals that his inspiration from the very beginning of the failures, doubts and, ultimately, triumphs. As those stories inspire project was Henry Ford himself. Like our founder, Don began his life us, they also allow us to find that spark within and fulfill the potential journey as another young man from Dearborn who never forgot the importance of the community that nurtured and shaped him, and he for greatness in ourselves. A Place in the Village for Any The stories of American innovation have the power to catalyze was humbled by the opportunity to give it something in return. Child to Enjoy people to act and to do something to create a better tomorrow for all Which brings us full circle to Al Uzielli, the newest member of of us. Earlier this year, our Day of Courage celebrated that American our board and the great-great grandson of Henry Ford. If anyone spirit and attitude with the 100th birthday of Rosa Parks, whose embodies the spirit and energy of The Henry Ford effect, it is Al, who courageous act on a city bus in the Deep South in 1955 helped to is truly on a mission on our behalf: “The world has to know about launch the civil rights movement in America. What an appropriate this place,” he says, “plain and simple.” and poignant way for us to continue the incredible success we Like his great-great grandfather, Al is doing all he can to enjoyed in 2012 into the new year! encourage the development of talent and the promotion of human In the following pages, you will see some wonderful examples of potential. If individuals can see themselves in our stories, perhaps how various benefactors are enabling The Henry Ford effect to take they’ll recognize their own ability to do something to change the root in a variety of ways. world. That is The Henry Ford effect. I begin with a grateful acknowledgement to all those who Michelle Andonian comprise our Donor Roll, which we’ve included in this edition of The Henry Ford Effect. Each and every one of our donors is so essential to our ability to stay true to our mission — to represent the Patricia E. Mooradian DID YOU great American stories and traditions of innovation, ingenuity and KNOW? resourcefulness and the people who built this country and made it The Henry Ford is sparking what it is. imaginations nationwide You will read about the commitment to arts education and with Innovation 101, an community engagement by our corporate partner Target, which has educational collaboration been underwriting a variety of free days at The Henry Ford for five with our country’s greatest years now. The company's generosity has allowed thousands of innovators, including Bill Gates, Dean Kamen guests, many of them children, to enjoy an experience that might and Steve Wozniak (above). otherwise have been unaffordable or inaccessible. An experience that might just inspire any one of them to ignite that inner spark — Learn more @ and change the world. OnInnovation.com. Not so very long ago, Bethany Stawasz was one of those children, enchanted by The Henry Ford from the first moment she walked in, as a schoolgirl. She returned many times, at one point Photo credit: Ari Howrani \\ From left: Darlene Clark Hine, Patricia Mooradian and Steve Hamp engage in a panel even volunteering here as a summer intern. Now she’s spearheading discussion at the National Day of Courage. 2 The Henry Ford Effect

Target’s thrilled to be partnering with this incredible institution. Our brand aligns very nicely with their focus on innovation and a strong reputation in the community.”

Target’s Legacy of Generosity Benefits The Henry Ford PLaY

Photo credit: Kristine Hass \\ A young guest exploring the Rosa Parks Bus.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up commitment are Target-sponsored free days as well as “Our guests care more about K through 12 education her seat to a white man on a city bus in Birmingham, AL. ticket programs. Target sponsors more than 2,000 free than any other social issue,” Simpson says, “and education Her courageous act helped launch the revolution in America days and reduced-price performances at more than 100 is the primary focus for our giving. We have a variety of that became the civil rights movement. museums and performing-arts organizations across innovative programs designed to help U.S. kids read more On February 4, 2013, Rosa Parks’ 100th birthday, the country.” proficiently by the end of third grade. As a result of these a daylong celebration took place at The Henry Ford, As a result of the partnership, Target has paid for programs, Target’s on track right now to reach $1 billion in recognizing the milestone as a National Day of Courage. 102,000 admissions to The Henry Ford over the years, giving by the end of 2015, with a focus on reading.” And thanks to the Target Corporation, admission on a testament to the emphasis Target places on access Simpson brought his family to The Henry Ford for that day was free. and education. the Day of Courage and was able to see for himself how Since 2008, Target has partnered with The Henry Ford “At Target, community giving is and always has been a visitors, particularly children, respond to all there is to see to sponsor Target Family Days, which also fall on Martin cornerstone of our company,” says Jill Hornbacher, Target’s and learn. Luther King Day, Labor Day and Election Day. Senior Manager, Public Relations. “By offering free and “It was very rewarding to see all the looks on the “Target’s thrilled to be partnering with this incredible reduced-cost admission to cultural institutions like children’s faces,” he says, “whether it was interacting at institution,” says Kyle Simpson, Store Team Leader in The Henry Ford, we open their doors to more children an exhibit or just taking a look at some of the history. The Grand Rapids. “Our brand aligns very nicely with their focus and families.” vision of The Henry Ford very much aligns with our goals on innovation and a strong reputation in the community. Target’s impressive tradition of community around innovation as well as education. It’s a source of And by providing interactive educational experiences for engagement and corporate social responsibility began in pride not only for our team members but also as a hallmark individual students and families, their vision very much 1946, when the corporation began to donate 5 percent for our brand.” • aligns with Target’s vision. of its annual income to strengthen and support the local “We are committed to making art experiences more communities served by its stores. Today that amounts to affordable and accessible for families. At the heart of this $4 million a week.

Uzielli Family What I see as my challenge and main objective is the world has to know about this place, plain and simple." -Al Uzielli

So Uzielli has appointed himself the designated proselytizer for a place he holds dear, convinced that the number of people who actually walk through its doors every year is only a fraction of the number of lives that can be impacted by all The Henry Ford has to offer — in person or online. “Beyond the physical plant itself,” he says, “we’re talking about an education revolution that can emanate from there, and I think the world can benefit from that. I don’t think we’re nearly there. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but with such an amazing story to tell, it’s not going to be hard to get people to listen. But we have to get to those people. I think that’s one of my main objectives.” In an effort to do just that, last fall Uzielli and his wife, Kimm, hosted a group of 70 Henry Ford’s Great- friends and acquaintances at their Beverly Hills, CA, home to familiarize them with The Henry Ford, its rich history and its mission. “We called it a ‘friend-raiser’ instead of a fundraiser,” Uzielli explains. Great Grandson As five Model Ts lingered in front of the house, a video about The Henry Ford was screened for the group. There were also three artifacts on hand — the Gandhi spinning Has a Vision — wheel, one of Thomas Edison’s first recording devices and a letter from Abraham Lincoln, written in 1859, that displays the first hint of his efforts to abolish slavery with the 13th Amendment. and a Mission “Some heads were turned that night,” Uzielli says, “and the event got everyone talking. So I’m anxious to see how people respond when they get to go and see it firsthand.” To that end, Al and Kimm, the parents of two young daughters, are planning a visit to Ask Al Uzielli to describe what he believes to be his primary goal as one of the The Henry Ford in June with some other California couples and their children. newest, and youngest, members of the board of The Henry Ford, and his answer is “We’re starting to confirm the number of families that are going to come with us,” he immediate and resolute. says. “Eleanor was eight and Olivia was six when we brought them to Greenfield Village for “What I see as my challenge and main objective,” he says, “is the world has to know the first time, and it brought to life everything that they were just starting to learn in school.” about this place, plain and simple, and it doesn’t. I think Michigan is very well versed and For Uzielli himself, The Henry Ford is not only a place for him to learn and be inspired, probably more specifically Detroit and its environs understand what they have. A million and but, he says it’s also always had a soothing and settling effect, going back to when he was a half visitors a year is obviously an impressive number.” a little boy. But it’s not nearly enough for Uzielli, the great-great grandson of Henry Ford, whose “The escapist quality of the place always captivated me,” he says, “and it still does.” determination to heighten global awareness of The Henry Ford brand was only bolstered His expectation is that the families he and his wife are hosting in June will be similarly during a recent visit to Greenfield Village with Julian Bond, a leading voice in the American charmed. The next step? Nothing less than getting the world at large to respond in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. same way. “At one point, he stopped and turned to me,” Uzielli says, “and he asked, ‘How does It sounds like a challenging, even daunting, task. In other words, it’s the perfect this place that has this amazing inventory of artifacts exist without me knowing about it? assignment for an heir of the man whose unflagging spirit, vision and determination made How can something this important be here without me knowing about it?’ ” possible The Henry Ford and all it stands for. • The Henry Ford Effect 3

Staff Initiative: Provide a Spark That Could Change the World

Paper buses that hung in the IMAX lobby when guests donated.

Photo credit: Bill Bowen \\ Daggett Farmhouse in Greenfield Village

How much change can your pocket change make in the world? “Everyone has the capacity to ignite a spark, no matter how small the gift,” says Mike Moseley, the Young Professionals Senior Manager of Guest Services and IMAX® Theatre and the spokesman for his team.

Group Organized And Moseley says a key component of that conversation is to help each guest understand that The Henry Ford is a lot more than and Energized just an afternoon outing or a tour stop — particularly for children. “We are a cause,” he says. “What we offer here is the potential to change a young person’s life. If just one child’s imagination is sparked by all that can be seen here, who knows? It could change A few years ago, Bethany Stawasz was at a function for a local institution that was trying to raise the world! And when you break it down in terms of the fact that it only support among young professionals. The evening’s proceedings had barely gotten under way when she costs $8 for a visit by a student, that’s a pretty powerful formula.” experienced what can only be described as an epiphany. And that turned out to be the cause the guest services team “I remember thinking, I’m not really vested in this place,” she recalls with a laugh, “and I don’t embraced: Give each guest the opportunity to send a student to intend to spend any more time working on this project. But there is this institution I really do care The Henry Ford for a day. about — The Henry Ford.” The response? Stawasz, who grew up in Westland, began going to The Henry Ford as a small child. “It was spectacular,” Moseley gushes, “mainly because there "I was there every other weekend with my parents and grandparents, attending their special was clearly a strong connection to our sense of mission as an events, like at Halloween and Christmas," she says. "My first job out of high school when I was 17 educational institution. Lots of folks said, ‘Oh my gosh, the first time I was working as a presenter at the Firestone Farmhouse in the village. I did that for a few years. And came here was in the fifth grade’ or ‘it was on a school field trip.’ ‘So, then I was a PR undergrad major in college, and I also did an internship with their media relations sure, I want to make a contribution because it’s a great investment department for a summer.” and I want a kid to experience this too.’ Now an associate attorney at Clark Hill, a downtown Detroit law firm, Stawasz turned her passion “Our guests responded to it so well!” Moseley continues. “We for The Henry Ford into a plan of action. had hundreds of folks who gave $8, hundreds of kids who gave a “I realized,” she says, “that The Henry Ford is the only major cultural institution in metro Detroit dollar. And on the last day, December 31, there was a donation at that didn’t already have a young professionals group. And it seemed kind of silly.” the IMAX counter for $480 by one customer who wanted to support a Her initiative led to a “meet and greet” kickoff event at The Henry Ford last December, where it visit for two classrooms.” was determined the overall focus of the group was to introduce more children to The Henry Ford and And every donation, no matter how large or small, received the same stories of innovation, ingenuity and resourcefulness that Stawasz and many of her fellow equal billing in the front lobby. young professionals first heard on their visits as children. “It didn’t matter if they gave us a buck or if they gave us $240 One fundraising idea that’s gotten some traction is the support of urban field trips for to send a whole class of 30 kids on a field trip,” Moseley says. underprivileged school districts. It costs $8 for one child to visit The Henry Ford for a day, $240 for a “Everyone got their name on these paper buses that represented class of 30. the buses for a real field trip. People could sign their name on a bus “That’s something that can have an impact that’s pretty instant,” Stawasz says. “For every $240 when they made a contribution and hang it on our walls. We wanted you raise, that’s a class of kids. That’s not unreasonable.” to provide recognition to those who participated. While it’s obvious Stawasz has a strong emotional connection to The Henry Ford, she hastens to “We had hundreds and hundreds of these buses hanging in our explain that’s not the primary reason behind the support of the young professionals group, especially lobby,” Moseley continues, “which is a very different look for us. So when it comes to the schoolchildren who could benefit from its generosity. you had this great sense of community activism. And people could “I think on a macro level it’s really important to create a work force that’s prepared to compete connect to it. We had stickers that said ‘I sent a kid on a field trip’ on a global level,” she says. “And on a micro level it’s important to get children ready to compete for that you got to wear in the museum that day. People were genuinely individual positions within the work force. And I think the stories of The Henry Ford prepare children energized by that, and they saw it as a great way to support The for that.” Henry Ford and all that we actually do here.” They surely prepared Bethany Stawasz, who is now returning to the roots of her successful career The bottom line is a testament to both the passion of the and giving back in a way that is both profound and effective. • staff and the generosity of the patrons: At the end of the quarter, donations to the front-of-the-house campaign tripled from the previous year, making it possible for nearly 1,000 more students to visit The Henry Ford for a day. For additional information on the Young Professionals Committee, A day that just might have ignited a spark that could change please contact Mary Bucher at 313.982.6026 or the world. • via email: [email protected]. 4 The Henry Ford Effect

plaque, which will appear on a bench over by the trees “And I think we have the perfect place to watch them near Suwanee Lake, will not only recognize the brothers' from now on,” he says with a smile, “right there on the A Gesture of devotion but also their generosity —with a gift annuity to bench alongside our parents’ plaque.” The Henry Ford. The brothers live in Dearborn, just around the corner Devotion and “It just takes you back in time,” Bob says. “And as I from the place that has virtually become a second home. got older and got more interested in history, I was really “This is like a jewel in the city,” Larry says. “There’s no fascinated by the museum and the village. There’s Lincoln’s place like it. The history is so fantastic here. You can’t beat Generosity chair, the Reagan and Kennedy presidential limousines it. And I like to walk. I walk five miles a day or more, and I and, when they got the Rosa Parks bus, I thought that was can do a lot of it here. It’s beautiful!” a fantastic addition.” “People are coming here from out of state, from The brothers are both former employees of Ford Motor around the world,” Bob agrees, “and people like us who live Company. Bob retired in 1997 after working nearly 24 years so close, we sort of take the institution for granted. And we in the areas of analysis and quality control. Larry was an shouldn’t do that because this is such a fascinating and engineer in the truck division for 31 years before he retired historical place. And it’s getting better all the time! There in 2007. But he started volunteering at The Henry Ford are always new things going on.” while he was still working. While the brothers are thrilled to memorialize their “Around 1997,” he recalls. “For various events parents with their gift, Larry hopes their generosity serves a like Halloween, the Fourth of July symphony and Civil dual purpose. War days.” “If people know that they can make a donation in “Halloween is the most challenging,” Larry continues. honor of their loved ones, they might be more prone “You’ve got 5,000 people coming in, and you have to give to investigate how to do that,” he says. “You get a tax candy to all these kids, so that’s a great amount of work. advantage for donating the money, and you get an annuity Larry and Bob Turek But I love the atmosphere, walking through the pumpkin payout every year, which is nice.” path. I always hope I get a station near the entrance so I And in the case of the Turek brothers, there’s another Larry Turek likes to think that every day he spends can quit a little early and walk around and see the other benefit: on that bench near Suwanee Lake, an everlasting at The Henry Ford or on the grounds of Greenfield Village sights around the village.” tribute to their largesse — and their love. • is special. But the late winter morning he and his older The fireworks on the Fourth of July are high on Larry’s brother Bob devoted to finding the perfect spot for a plaque favorites list as well. in memory of their parents is one they’ll never forget. The

For more information on making a legacy gift to The Henry Ford, see our planned giving website at thehenryfordlegacy.org.

Financial Report and Donor Roll

Operating Revenue (in thousands) unaudited 2012 2011 2012 Operating Support & Revenue Admissions $14,660 $10,969 Other 14.6 % Program Revenue 34.9% Membership 6,219 4,484 Restaurants & Catering 12,190 10,802 Retail 1,680 1,248 Investment Other Earned Income 7,297 4,920 Income 21.9% Gifts & Contributions 3,187 3,335 Investment Income 13,119 13,821 Other 1,444 1,447 Gifts & Retail & $59,796 $51,026 Contributions 5.3% Food Sales 23.2% Operating Expenses Program $46,062 $41,995 2012 Operating Expenditures Administrative 6,221 5,644 Development & Membership 3,013 2,690 Development & Membership 5.4% $55,296 $50,329 Administrative 11.3%

Capital Investments $922 $697 Capital Reserves 3,500 – Surplus (Deficit) ** $78 $0

Fundraising expenses as a percentage of total revenue: 5.04% Program 83.3% Fundraising & administration expenses as a percentage of total revenue: 15.44%

**Excludes depreciation.

The Henry Ford had one of its most remarkable years ever in 2012! This could not have been achieved without you, our most dedicated donors and advocates. Nearly 2 million people passed through our doors, an unprecedented number that was no doubt bolstered by the sensational popularity of the Titanic exhibit, which drew over On the pages that follow, we are delighted to acknowledge and thank everyone who 325,000 visitors. Other venues and activities followed suit, among them Maker Faire®, contributed to The Henry Ford in 2012. Their passion for The Henry Ford, coupled with the IMAX® Theatre, Greenfield Village and the Ford Rouge Factory Tour. All recorded their generous contributions, allows us to continue our journey and pursue our mission record attendance numbers, which were boosted by the opening of Driving America, — to tell the great American stories of innovation, ingenuity and resourcefulness and to the world’s premier automotive exhibition. inspire people to help make a better future, maybe even change the world!

We are also heartened by the increase in the number of individuals across the nation Thank you so much for your patronage and around the world who are accessing our content and artifacts online: There were well over 3 million visits to the website in 2012, an increase of nearly 40 percent over and your partnership. the previous year. Thanks! Donor Roll // The Henry Ford Effect 5


Photo credit: Roy Ritchie \\ Holiday Nights, Greenfield Village

Legend: Estate of Pearl Norine Neussendorfer Mr. and Mrs. James D. Farley, Jr. (t) Ray and Deborah Day (t) = trustee David Pennell Archives John and Debbie Erb (v) = volunteer Dick and Helen Rehyl Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Hamp (t) The Gilmour-Jirgens Fund (e) = employee Estate of Robert E. Reinecke Richard and Linda Kughn (t) The Clarence and Jack Himmel Foundation (d) = deceased Estate of Mary Louise Remick Richard and Jane Manoogian Foundation (t) Richard and Christine Jeryan (v) Patrice and William Robertie Meritor Mr. and Mrs. Ronald N. Kudra Estate of Carl J. Rudolph, Jr. A. F. LaBarge (v) }Clara Bryant Ford National Endowment for the Humanities Estates of Carleton and Eleanor Safford The Elizabeth, Allan and Warren Shelden Fund Ms. Bernadette L. Lane Society Estate of Panagonla Mary Schistos Mr. and Mrs. S. Evan Weiner (t) Mr. and Mrs. Lance R. Leonelli Membership in the Clara Bryant Estate of William Warren Shelden Matilda R. Wilson Fund Ms. Sheri Mark and Dr. Abe Slaim Ford Society is reserved for Estate of Bruce Simpson Masco Corporation those generous donors who have Edwina Simpson $10,000-$24,999 Mr. Jerome C. McManus made planned or legacy gift Gilbert Steward Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Medford (e) commitments to The Henry Ford. Estate of Edwina Surdyk-Mitz Anonymous Mr. Rex A. Miller and Mrs. Joan Miller Steve Vozella Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Anderson (t) Patricia E. Mooradian (e) (t) Richard E. Allen Barton Malow Company Foundation Carl R. Allison Ambassador Ronald N. Weiser Jim and Carol Moore Estate of Arthur A. Wiese Beyster Family Foundation Fund IV at The San Lawrence G. Morawa and Alyene C. Morawa Wendell W. Anderson, Jr. Diego Foundation Lowell and Ann Apeseche Estate of Reamer W. Wigle Mr. David A. Parent and Ms. Shawn Marie Estate of Carl Alois Wolf William Davidson Foundation Pelak Olton T. and Irene Apeseche Edward C. Levy Co. Estates of Henry Austin and Waleta Clark Estate of Dorothy O. Zink Mr. Carl A. Schiele Estate of John Zyntarski, Jr. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Snyder Estate of William Lamont Austin Phillip and Lauren Fisher (t) Estate of Billy Hiram Thomas Barnett The American Folk Art Society }Donors in 2012 William Clay Ford, Jr. and Lisa V. Ford (t) The Ideal Group Daniel Baumhardt Dean and Aviva Friedman/Real Integrated William Bell Mrs. Richard C. Van Dusen We sincerely thank all of our Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gerson (t) Estate of Frederick W. Bonacker, Jr. Charles and Mildred Webster (v) members and donors whose Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Kontulis Fund (t) Ambassador and Mrs. Ronald N. Weiser (t) Estate of Benjamin Thomas Bootle, Jr. contributions enable The Henry Ford Donald and Mary Kosch Foundation Estates of Carleton and Hazel Brown to continue to grow and build on its Mr. Jerome Lothamer $1,000-$2,499 Estate of Ford Bryan heritage of celebrating innovation, Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation Mary Lou Burke resourcefulness and ingenuity. Your Anonymous continued support and dedication in Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Cass Roberts Buscher Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Morse Ms. Sonya Ackman and Mr. Jonathan Schwartz Raymond and Margaret Campbell these challenging economic times is especially noted and appreciated. R. H. Bluestein & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Adamczyk Estate of Shirley E. Cook Edwina M. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. James S. Adamo Estate of Margaret Cooper The following pages recognize The Brinker Group Mr. Terence E. Adderley Estate of Kenneth J. Coran gifts from individuals, companies USDA Forest Service Cathy and Bob Anthony Maryann Csizmansky and foundations received between Gerard and Luanne Waldecker James and Barbara Armiak Estate of Marion Ara Cusimano January 1, 2012 and December 31, Mr. Richard A. Barston Paul R. Dimond 2012. If we have omitted a name or $5,000-$9,999 Lt. Col. Paul R. Beck otherwise erred, please accept our Estate of Carmen Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Behr Estate of Charles V. Elder apology, and contact Institutional Mr. and Mrs. William W. Boeschenstein Advancement at 313.982.6180. Mrs. Carolyn Benitez and Ms. Beth Reese Estates of Henry and Clara Ford Mr. and Mrs. George Bucher (e) Lorry Bergin (v) Colina Foundation William Clay Ford $100,000-$999,999 Mr. Christopher L. Betleja Barbara Fritz Patricia Heftler Ms. Sharon Bledsoe and Mr. Donald Landess Lawrence T. Gilbert Lynn and Paul Alandt, and Benson Ford, Jr., on Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP Fund Mr. and Mrs. Denis L. Bork (v) Estate of Mary Isabelle Gilbert behalf of the Benson and Edith Ford Fund Hudson-Webber Foundation Nancy and Terry Boyne Estates of Charles V. and Katherine Community Foundation for Southeast Mrs. Carol Kilway Buddy's Pizza Hagler Michigan Dr. Raymond Landes and Dr. Melissa McBrien Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Buhl Estate of Henry C. Hansen DTE Energy Foundation Mr. Christopher Locke Mr. James Bujak and Ms. Susan Webb Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Harnett The Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Mayhew (t) John and Pamela Busch (v) Jon D. Hartman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James J. Padilla Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Butler Leonard Hitz Harvey Firestone, Jr. Foundation Ms. Lisa Payne (t) Peggy and Ray Campbell Estate of Sidney G. Hughes Cynthia and Edsel B. Ford II (t) Richard E. and Patricia L. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Carballo Estate of J. Jordan Humberstone Ford Foundation Mr. Chris J. Rufer Kathy Cline (e) Richard and Christine Jeryan Ford Motor Company Fund Alessandro and Kimm Uzielli (t) CN Railroaders in the Community Estates of J. Alford Jones Mr. and Mrs. William Clay Ford (t) Karen Colina Wilson Foundation John and Nancy Colina Beverly J. Joyce The Kresge Foundation Karen Wilson-Smithbauer Tom and Gail Costello Estate of William Kelly Masco Corporation Foundation Young Woman's Home Association Mr. and Mrs. Danny Cox (e) Penny Klai New Economy Initiative for Southeast Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cundiff $2,500-$4,999 Amy LaBarge and Ron Beeber Michigan Betsy Cushman Richard Lambrecht Roger S. Penske Adesa, Inc. Ms. Suzanne Dalton and Mr. Clyde Foles Gretchen Renee Lawrie Jack Roush Dave and Katie Andrea Ms. Shirley Damps (e) Carrol Lewis Mr. and Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Ms. Diane Bancroft Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Darga Jerome Lothamer Donald R. and Rosemary Brasie Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. David $25,000-$99,999 Estate of Barbara Ann Maher Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Clark Mr. and Mrs. James G. Davies Estate of Louise S. Marshall Mr. Michael J. Choffnes (v) Mr. and Mrs. Gorman Culver Ms. Catherine A. Davy W. Clark Miller Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Decker 6 The Henry Ford Effect \\ Donor Roll

Mr. and Mrs. David Deys Bradley L. and Simone Himbeault Taylor James and Ann Marie Maier (e) Comerica Bank Paul and Constance Dimond (t) Mr. and Mrs. John E. Taylor Jim, Susan and Betsy McCabe (e) Mr. Richard Cook Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dolega Bruce and Ileane Thal Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. McKeever Farmer Jack/A and P Supermarkets Lillian and Joseph Durecki Denise Thal and David Scobey (e) Cindy Melotti (e) David T. and Jennifer Fischer Sarah and Tony Earley The Schwab Fund For Charitable Giving Wendy and Gary Meyer (e) Walter and Josephine Ford Fund Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher III Millie and Will Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Miller Mr. William H. Gates III Ethel and James Flinn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson John A. Monosky (e) Macy's Mr. Robert Flucker and Ms. Robin Di Meglio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Upton Mike and Sue Moseley (e) Mr. and Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman Mrs. Anne Ford Jim and Emilie Van Bochove (e) Mr. William Moses and Ms. Letitia Lee The Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Fournier Sandra and James Vandenberghe Mr. Fred Ong Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dale Frenkel Ms. Amanda Van Dusen and Mr. Curtis Merlene N. Osinski (e) U.S. Department of Education Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. Blessing Mr. and Mrs. David K. Page Whitney Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Garr The Reverend Patricia VanWormer and Mr. Francesca Patricia Payne (e) Scott and Jackie Gentry (e) Dennis VanWormer Angela and Scott Pelc (e) $100,000-$499,999 Mr. Russ Gibb Stephen and Linda Veresh (e) Joanne Peterka-Szpara (e) Anonymous Ruth Roby Glancy Mr. and Mrs. William P. Vititoe Mr. and Mrs. James M. Preston The Alix Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin I. Green Vlasic Family Foundation Fred A. Priebe (e) Maggie and Bob Allesee Mr. and Mrs. D. Dale Greer Marge and Tony Wade (v) Christian and Angela Rampin (e) American Automobile Centennial Commission Mr. Christopher Haig Mr. and Mrs. Toney Wade Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Richter The Anderson Fund Mr. Christopher F. Hamp (t) Ronald Wagner and Ava Wagner Nicole D. Riggs (e) Aristeo Construction Company Mr. Michael F. Hamp Walker-Miller Energy Services, LLC Bernard and Janene Ringwelski Association of Science Technology Centers Mr. Peter K. Hamp Joe Walsh (e) Mr. William Romanski AutoNation, Inc. Mr. William Harvey and Mrs. Susan Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Gail L. Warden Ms. Lois J. Ryan Bauervic-Paisley Foundation David and Cynthia Hempstead Mr. John J. Wasilewski Dr. and Mrs. Mark B. Saffer Mr. and Mrs. William W. Boeschenstein Thomas and Lois Hill Mr. Gordon E. White Al Savage (e) Estate of Frederick Bonacker Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Hillegonds Ms. Susan R. White Mrs. Joan Schnell and Mrs. Susan Young Borman's, Inc. Mr. Dennis Hines Shauna and Kevin Wilson (e) Steve and Paula Schroeder (e) Bridgestone/Firestone Americas Tires Robert and Mary Hlavaty Mrs. Alicia J. Winget Emily Shannon (e) Operations Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Holtzman Cathy and Joe Wolford (e) Ms. Susan L. Shirkey The Fred and Margaret Brusher Family Joseph and Jean Hudson World Heritage Foundation/"The Prechter Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Smith Collection Dr. Charles K. Hyde Fund" Ms. Bonnie Szilagy Carpenter's Labor-Management Productivity & Mr. and Mrs. Jason W. Ingle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Zakolski Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Training Committee Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Zeffiro Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tremblay Chase Bill Jameson (v) Tom Varitek (e) Mr. Michael J. Choffnes John and Tresa Jex, Jr. $500-$999 Mr. Steven R. Vozella Chrysler Corporation Fund Mr. Philip Kalan Bob Webber (e) Shirley and William Arcy CIBER, Inc. Josie and Tom Kavanagh (e) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wiechec Mr. Roger D. Arnett City of Dearborn Jim and Mary Kelly (v) Nancy C. Wolter (e) Katey Brown (e) Mrs. Henry Austin Clark Mr. Philip Kintzele and Ms. Mary Irwin Dave Woodburn (e) Michael and Jeanne Butman (e) Dana Corporation Susan Kornfield Mr. J. D. Woods Lee E. Cagle (e) Delphi Corporation Amy LaBarge and Ronald Beeber (v) Ms. Beatrice F. D'Ambrosio Delphi Foundation Mrs. Ona L. LaButte } Daniel Foundation Inc. Cumulative Gifts Paul and Constance Dimond Patricia and J. Michael Landrum (d) Jesse and Nicole Eisenhuth (e) DTE Energy Company Mr. Frank J. Lawrence $5,000,000 and Above Rick Enright (e) The Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Mr. Mark Lebioda and Ms. Janet Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Cameron L. Fink Lynn and Paul Alandt, and Benson Ford, Jr., on Foundation Mr. Allan Leonard and Mr. Lee Becker George and Elaine Francis (t) behalf of the Benson and Edith Ford Fund Exhibit Works, Inc. Edward C. and Linda Dresner Levy Foundation Nicholas W. Genematas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford explore.org, a direct charitable activity of the Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Liakonis Robert E. Hanna (e) Henry and Clara Bryant Ford Annenberg Foundation Joseph and Suzanne Lile Ms. Patricia Hinojosa Ford Motor Company FabriSteel Holdings Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Lindback IBM Ford Motor Company Fund Fayez Sarofim & Co. Lisowsky Family Mrs. Sandra A. Jackson Mrs. Walter B. Ford II Mrs. Anne Ford Mr. Theodore Maged and Mr. Thomas Maged Carol Kendra (e) Mr. and Mrs. William Clay Ford Mrs. Charlotte M. Ford Michael and Alice Maher Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laura The Kresge Foundation Walter (d) and Roxanne Ford Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Majewski Mr. Douglas P. Marsh National Endowment for the Humanities Dean and Aviva Friedman/Real Integrated Mr. and Mrs. John E. Malloure Ms. Cynthia R. Miller (e) State of Michigan General Electric Foundation Mark-Lis Family Philanthropic Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rennie General Motors Foundation Mr. Christopher Marold The Skillman Foundation $1,000,000-$4,999,999 The Gilmour-Jirgens Fund Mr. and Mrs. Eric Michalak Carolyn Ward and Al Redding (e) Guardian Industries Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mickiewicz The Anderson Fund Brian Wilson (e) The William Randolph Hearst Foundations Dr. Robert Miller and Dr. Mary Jo Miller Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Ms. Marilyn A. Zoidis (e) Herman Miller, Inc. Ms. Marsha Mistecki and Ms. Sheila Mistecki The Booth Family Herrick Foundation Byron and Patricia Moitozo (e) Cisco Systems, Inc. $250-$499 IUOE Local 324 David and Sally Montera Community Foundation for Southeast William Kelly Trust The Moroz Boyz (e) Anonymous Michigan Kmart Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Mosteller Joseph and Patricia Ammon (v) DTE Energy Foundation Richard and Linda Kughn Mr. and Mrs. John C. Neilson (e) Terri Anderson (e) Cynthia and Edsel B. Ford II on behalf of the A. F. LaBarge Ms. Claudia Nesbitt Amy Louise Bartlett (e) Henry Ford II Fund Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation Gerald Nosotti Mr. James K. Belding Eleanor and Fund Meritor Brent Ott and Dean Daniels (e) Mr. and Mrs. John Bernardi (e) William C. Ford, Jr. and Lisa V. Ford Michigan Economic Development Corporation Mr. David Ottolini and Mrs. Martha Ann Beverly Butler (v) Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Hamp Michigan Laborers-Employers Cooperation & Ottolini Odelle Cadwell (e) Herrick Foundation Education Trust Funds: Laborers Local 1076 Maura and Christian Øverland (e) Mr. George Cassar (e) Hudson-Webber Foundation LECET, Laborers Local 1191 LECET, Laborers Mr. John M. Patrick Shannon A. Clements and David E. Watts (e) Institute of Museum and Library Services Local 334 LECET, Michigan LECET Dennis E. Pedersen, Cody Williams, Chris Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cullen ITC Holdings Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Morse Edelbrock and David Stinchi Christina M. Dodge (e) John S. and James L. Knight Foundation National Association of Manufacturers Peter Basso Associates, Inc. Bob Ebeling (e) Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Kontulis Fund National City Bank of Michigan/Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Pickel Brian and Jody Egen (e) Donald and Mary Kosch Foundation New Economy Initiative for Southeast The Edward J. Podorsek Trust Vickie L. Evans (e) Lear Corporation Michigan Mr. and Mrs. David D. Polk Mr. John C. Fellows Richard and Jane Manoogian Foundation Northern Trust Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Powers Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation Masco Corporation Foundation Popular Mechanics The Meyer and Anna Prentis Family Mr. Charles Fulford and Ms. Mary Fulford McGregor Fund PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P. Foundation, Inc. Ms. Roberta Fuller Microsoft Corporation PRIMECAP Management Company James A. Rankine (e) Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Gaecke Northwest Airlines, Inc. R. H. Bluestein & Co. CW3 (R) Joseph and Mrs. Janet Rheaume Dr. Paul and Paula Gangopadhyay (e) Roger S. Penske Governor and Mrs. Richard D. Snyder John and Marilyn Rintamaki Mr. Theodore Haines Roush Corporation Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Snyder Joyce Ann Rowley (e) Mr. Richard Harkness SBC Michigan Team Detroit (JWT/Y&R/Wunderman/Ogilvy/ Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Salamon, Jr. Gregory M. Harris (e) The Elizabeth, Allan and Warren Shelden Fund Group M) Dr. and Mrs. Krishna K. Sawhney Joanie Helgesen (e) Siemens PLM Software The Americana Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Scherer Mr. Roy Henry The Ford Foundation The Brinker Group Ms. Nancy M. Schlichting Lisa Hodges (e) The Skillman Foundation The Ghafari Companies Dr. Martha R. Seger Terry and Margaret Hoover (e) Unisys Corporation The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shuereb Mr. Timothy E. Johnson (e) U.S. Department of Transportation and the The Gordy Company Sidock Group Elaine Kaiser (e) Michigan Department of Transportation Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Sikora Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Kazmierski Ambassador and Mrs. Ronald N. Weiser Village Antiques Show Mr. and Mrs. William I. Sikora Mr. Kenneth Keith Matilda R. Wilson Fund Visteon Corporation Mr. Steven Skoros and Ms. Alina Walewski Mr. and Mrs. Russ King World Heritage Foundation/"The Prechter Colonel John von Batchelder Robert and Suzanne Smillie Ms. Suzanne Kosacheff Fund" Wayne County Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Smith Mrs. Constance L. Kronen Mr. and Mrs. S. Evan Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Darryl J. Snabes Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lambrecht, Jr. $500,000-$999,999 WFD William M. Sosnowsky Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Lawrence AT&T Mrs. Kathleen R. Willaert Mr. Howard J. Spangle Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Laws (e) Bank of America Mrs. Richard E. Williams Lora L. Stitman Ms. Christal Lewandowski Carleton W. Brown Dorothy Zink Estate Trust Dr. Daniel Little and Dr. Bernadette Lintz Mr. Donald L. Swancutt (v) Ford R. Bryan Duane and Sheila Tarnacki Martha Lobdell (e) Donor Roll // The Henry Ford Effect 7

$50,000-$99,999 }Visionary and Innovator Mr. and Mrs. Robert Viazanko Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyanowski Level Members Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wade Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boyd Anonymous Ms. Michelle Warfle Ronald and Pamela Bracali Alberici Constructors, Inc. We would like to recognize the Mr. and Mrs. James Weigandt Ms. Sammie Bracken and Mr. Steve Albert Kahn Associates, Inc. following individuals who support Mr. and Mrs. George F. Wheeler Brookshire American Truck Foundation The Henry Ford at the Visionary and Ms. Beverly Wilkie Ms. Mary Louise Braden Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Anderson Innovator membership levels. Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brake, Sr. Richard and Susan Anderson Tom and Anne Woiwode Ms. Kay Brandau Jon E. Barfield and Vivian Carpenter Barfield Visionary Level - $500 Walter and Therese Wolf Mrs. Bonnie Branum Barton Malow Company Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zahn Mark Brautigan and Kathleen Aseltyne Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bovich Booth American Company Mr. and Mrs. Alan Briscoe Barb and Fred Brandenburg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Borman Innovator Level - $250 Mr. Daniel Britt Ms. Michelle Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Borman Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Brookins Mr. and Mrs. A. Douglas Brim Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Rebecca and Terrance Adams Mr. and Mrs. James Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Leland M. Brimhall Philip and Betsey C. Caldwell Foundation Ms. Angela Aeillo Ms. Sherry Brotherton Mr. and Mrs. David Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Philip Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Albright Mr. and Mrs. Richard Browe Mr. and Mrs. John N. Chudyk Construction Association of Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Ali Alhimiri Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Brown Judith Clay Peter D. Cummings Ms. Beverly Allen and Ms. Melissa Bajcz Mr. and Mrs. Tim Brown Ms. Jackie Cooney Detroit Regional Chamber Ms. Laurie Sue Allen and Ms. Kathryn Allen Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Budesky Ms. Sally Crutcher DFCU Financial Mr. and Mrs. Jay Allett Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgess Ms. Helen Daszkiewicz and Ms. Valerie Lazar Edward C. Levy Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Altaffer Mr. Dennis Burke Ms. Angela Dayfield and Ms. Delores Jones Ernst & Young, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Althoen Mr. Michael Burke Mr. and Mrs. Stuart deGeus Fetzer Institute Trina and Michael Andersen Mr. and Mrs. William E. Burmeister Mr. and Mrs. John E. Demmer Mrs. Elena Ford Mr. Harry Anderson III and Ms. Irina Klimova Ms. Gloria Bushman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Finkel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gerson Ms. Dawn Andrew and Mrs. Vickey Andrew Beverly Butler Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fitzpatrick Ruth R. Glancy Mr. Reidi Andrew Paula and Kevin Butler Dr. Catherine Garcia-McDonnell Goldman Sachs & Company Mr. and Mrs. Ravi Anupindi Ms. Jerri Ann Buxton and Ms. Mary Bee Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbs Grunwell-Cashero Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Rod T. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buzzell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Goodwin Charles V. Hagler Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ashman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cady Mr. and Mrs. Brian Greene Hamon Custodis, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roberto G. Asuncion Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Cairns Mr. and Mrs. John Hallahan Mrs. Henry C. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Aughenbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cameron Mr. Timothy Hammar and Ms. Kerrie Preston Pierre and Margaret Heftler Foundation Ms. Dagmar Avolio Ms. Mary Edith Campbell and Ms. Heather Dr. and Mrs. Shehadeh K. Harb Holiday Inn/Detroit-Dearborn Mr. and Mrs. Steve Bailo Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hoffman J. J. Humberstone Ms. Francis Bakalar Susan Campbell and C. David Campbell Dr. Jean M. Holland Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Balas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Campbell-Cormier Mr. and Mrs. Ron Holmes Johnson Controls Foundation Ms. Beth Ball and Ms. Emma Ball Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carmody Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ianitelli Kaufman Memorial Trust Ms. Elisa Banister Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Carmody Mr. and Mrs. Kent J. Johnson W. K. Kellogg Foundation Jim and Nancy Barber Ms. Jane Carnahan and Mr. Daniel Hinshaw Mr. Frederick D. Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Kross Craig and Judith Barker Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carney Mr. and Mrs. James Keele, Jr. Kuka Flexible Production Systems Mr. and Mrs. David Barringer Mr. and Mrs. James Carravallah Dr. Joseph Kingsbury and Ms. Denise Aho Amy LaBarge and Ronald Beeber Ms. Suzette Batton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter Ms. Margaret Kish and Ms. Dolores Gdula Mercedes-Benz of N. America Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bauerle Ms. Joyce Carter and Ms. Nicole Moraskey Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Krupic Michigan Department of Career Development Ms. Seana Baughman Mr. and Mrs. John Cashen David and Jill Kuznicki Michigan Humanities Council Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Beaudette Mr. and Mrs. Joe Catania Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Lawrence Mr. W. C. Miller Mr. Merle Beaudrie and Mr. Terry Beaudrie Mr. and Mrs. David Catherines Dr. Lucia A. Leone MITA Ms. Helmi Beck Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Cebull Ms. Carol Little and Mr. James Stephen Motown Record Company, LP Mr. and Mrs. John Becker Mr. John Chamberlin Dr. Daniel Little and Dr. Bernadette Lintz Mr. and Mrs. James J. Padilla Mr. and Mrs. David C. Bednarczyk Mr. De-Shiou Chen Mr. and Mrs. James P. McLennan Perich + Partners Ltd. Mr. James Bedsworth Ms. Evelyn Chereson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. McLeod III Donald E. and Jo Anne Petersen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Beebe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Chernich Mr. and Mrs. John C. McPherson Royal Roofing Co., Inc. Janis and Lester Behnken Mr. Norbert C. Chmielarczyk Mr. and Mrs. William Michaluk Mr. Chris J. Rufer Mr. and Mrs. John Beirne Mr. Donald Chmielewski and Mrs. Michaline Mr. and Mrs. Brian Moore Ms. Eleanor B. Safford Ms. Amy Bell Pokorski-Chmielewski Mr. Jeffrey Myers and Ms. Eileen McMyler Strategic Staffing Solutions, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Christian Ms. Lisa Olsen Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr. Mrs. Lorelei Bell-Avedian Beverly and Reginald Ciokajlo Mr. Richard Orr and Ms. Rachel Frasure Texaco Philanthropic Mr. and Mrs. William T. Beltz Mr. and Mrs. Tim Clabuesch Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Peterson The Coca-Cola Company Ms. Donna Bergman Mr. and Mrs. David Clair Mr. Gary Romeyn The Mannik and Smith Group Inc. Caroline and Abel Bermudez Mr. Dale Clapsaddle Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Rule ThyssenKrupp Budd Co. Ms. Dawn Bernard and Ms. Karie Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clarey Arthur and Elizabeth Runyon Tower Automotive Mr. Ronald Berry and Ms. Karen Boysel Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cockrum Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Schmult, Jr. TRW Foundation Ms. Amy Bettinger and Ms. Cindy Stevens Mr. Frank Collins, Jr. Fred and Stephanie Secrest Union Pacific Corporation Mr. Richard Bez Mr. and Mrs. Steven Collins Mrs. Deborah A. Sellars Alessandro and Kimm Uzielli Mr. and Mrs. David A. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Colosimo James C. and Denise K. Sepesi Wade-Trim Mr and Mrs. Douglas Blake Mr. and Mrs. James M. Connelly Mr. Edward Shahinian and Mr. Erik Shahinian Gerard and Luanne Waldecker Mr. John Blanchard and Ms. Virginia Latimer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooney Barbara and Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gail L. Warden Mr. Jason Blazek Mrs. Patrizia Corona-Glencer and Mr. David Mr. Kevin Sudak and Ms. Sylvia Cousino WH Canon, Inc. Ms. Sara Bliss Glencer Mr. Michael Tate Karen Wilson-Smithbauer Ms. Mary E. Blocker Ms. Barbara Corp Dr. and Mrs. William E. Townes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bott Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coulter Ms. Laura Tuomi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boudrie Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Covert Carlene and Rob Van Voorhies Ms. Lisa Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Charles Covington

Photo credit: Gary Malerba \\ Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition, Henry Ford Museum 8 The Henry Ford Effect \\ Donor Roll

Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Cprek Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frizzell Ms. Rachel Hughes and Ms. Sandra Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Roger Crepeau Teresa and David Frizzell Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hugi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lenox Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Crosbie Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Frohn Ms. Rebecca Hullinger and Ms. Ruth Watson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leonard Ms. Lynette Cross Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Futrell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Humphreys Dr. Janet Levine and Mr. Ellsworth Levine Mr. Robert Curnow and Mrs. Betty Miller Mr. and Mrs. John S. Galindo Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Hunker Ms. Heather Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Glen Currie Mr. and Mrs. Rajeev Gandhi Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Hunter Ms. Wendy Long Ellen and David Cusin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hurite Ms. Heather Loree Mr. Stanley Cydejko Mr. John A. Ganz Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hutchens Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lueder Ms. Jenna Dafoe Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gardener Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hutton Mr. Stephen Lukas and Ms. Nancy Mr. and Mrs. David Dailey Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gasior Mr. Gregory Iszler Clinton Ms. Regina Dale and Ms. Rebecca Winder Ms. Carol Gerlach Mr. James Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lund Ms. Kristi Dalton and Ms. Carol Dalton Mr. James Gerrity and Mrs. Mary Dowhan Ms. Linda Jackson and Ms. Cherif Sedky Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald Ms. Shannon Damesworth Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Gill Ms. Daun Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Todd Maddock Mr. and Mrs. Greg Daut Ms. Ana Gilliland Ms. Patricia Jakubowski and Mrs. Helen Mr. Roger A. Malewski Mr. Jesse Davey Mr. and Mrs. Nicola J. Gilson Oleksiak William and Anthony Malmsten Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davison Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Gleason Ms. Rita Jakuszeski Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Malone Mr. Danny Dawes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Glennie Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. James Diana and Kelli Mapes Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Janowski Helen and Ward Marianos Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Day Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Goplin Ms. and Ms. Valerie Jansen Mr. Brett Markley Harvey and Sharon Dean Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gosla Michael and Paula Jarvis Rebecca and Brian Markonni Ms. Maria Deangelis Ms. Renee Gray and Mr. Tahir Butt Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Marco Marques Ms. Margaret Dedene Ms. Brooke Green and Mr. Vaughn Lippert Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Jiovani Ms. Ann Marquette Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Delanoy Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Greer Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Jirasek Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marshall Mr and Mrs. Mark Demorest Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. John C. Denyer Mr. and Mrs. Jon Greve Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson Ms. Monica Martinez Ms. Marlene DeRosia Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Dan D. Jones Mr. Vijaya Marur and Ms. Ramya Ms. Cathie Dettore Ms. Anna Grubinsky-Ossyra Mr. John Jones and Ms. Carol Jones Ramakrishnan Mr. and Mrs. William Diaz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gulling Mr. and Mrs. William A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Boyd K. Mason Ms. Paula Dillon Mrs. Cecilia Gunlock Ms. Tracy Julvezan Mr. Michael Matyn and Mr. William Dr. and Mrs. Andrzej Dlugosz Mr. Albert Gutierrez Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Kaiser Jackson Mr. David Dobson Petra and Joseph Gutierrez Ms. Donna Kanka and Ms. Cheryl Domurat Mr. James Maxwell and Mrs. Danielle Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Dodsworth Rosa and Abel Gutierrez Ms. Mary Karas Robbins-Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dorazio Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gutman Denise and Robert Katner Ms. Jayne Mazzoni and Ms. Erin Horsley Ms. Marie Douglass and Mr. Larry Andrews Terry Hall Mr. Ernest Keast Mr. John McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. Roger Drabant Mr. and Mrs. Mahmoud Hamad Mr. and Mrs. Randy Keesee Jim, Susan and Betsy McCabe Ms. Shelby Durell-Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hamilton Ms. Katherine Keljo and Mr. Douglas Quada Mr. and Mrs. Craig McCardell Ms. Cathy Durham Mr. Michael Hamilton and Ms. Linda Kline Ms. Crystal Keller and Mr. Randy Hockey Ms. Kathleen McCaughna and Mr. David Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dworman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kellogg Mason Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Dykes Marie and Brad Handley Ms. Linda Kelly Ms. Robin McCrary Mr. and Mrs. David T. Eagle David and Janelle Hansen Barbara and Gerald Kemp Ms. Valerie McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harris Sally and David Kennedy Ms. Rochelle McDowell and Ms. Francine Ms. Linda Early and Ms. Laura Lycette Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harrison Ms. Carrie Kerr Jackson Ms. Julie Easterday Mr. Don Hartley Ms. Mary Kerr and Ms. Sarah Miller Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGee-Squires Mr. Billy Eddlemon Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hartwell Mr. Mark Kesson and Ms. Betty Baier Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McKenty Ms. Juli Elkins Ms. Roberta Hatch Mr. Muhammad R. Khan Mrs. Donna McMullen-Burns and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott Mr. and Mrs. William Hayes Maureen and Bruce Kindred Thomas Burns Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ellis Evelyn and Felix Heard Ms. Patsy Kitze Mr. Jack McNair Ms. Susan Evans and Ms. Darlene Jezewski Ms. Melissa Heath Mr. Christopher Klee and Ms. Joanna Ms. Judith McNeill and Mr. Mike Rose Mr. and Mrs. Joe Evola Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Hendrick Schrecengost Mr. S. David McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Henson Mrs. Nancy Klix Mr. and Mrs. John P. McParland Mr. Paul Falis and Ms. Pauline Burger Mr. and Mrs. Desmond T. Herbert Mrs. Patsy Knoop Mrs. Kathleen McPartlin Dianne and Riad Farah Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Herman Mr. David Kohne and Ms. Mary Wermuth Ms. Krista Meggison and Ms. Jill Cloke Mr. Adriss Faraj Mr. and Mrs. Mark Herne Sandra Kopas Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Meinzinger Linda and Robert Farnsworth Ms. Taryn Hetrick Virginia and John Koprowicz Mr. and Mrs. David K. Merki Ms. Pauline Fawaz Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kowaleski Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Fedewa Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Higginbottom Marilyn and Joshua Krage Mr. Christopher Milback Mr. James Felix Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Jeff L. Kramer Mrs. Eleanor Miller and Mrs. Barbara Mr. Mason Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Hilfinger Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Kramer Skinner-Miller Ms. Cheryl Filarski and Mr. Edward Zagaiski Mr. and Mrs. Norbet Hilkowski Ms. Debra Kreil Ms. Virginia Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Findley Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Miserlian Mr. Kevin M. Flannery Ms. Nicole Hinojosa-Soi Mr. Edward Krzeczowski Ms. Krystal Mitchell Mr. Kenneth Folding and Ms. Kendra Calhoun Ms. Dorothy Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John LaCroix Mr. Willis Mitchell Ms. Deborah Follbaum and Mr. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hoolsema Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LaFrance Ms. Doris Modrak Fanslow Ms. Rebbecca Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Lands Mr. Flemming Moeller Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fox Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horn Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mondello Ms. Rhonda Frazee and Ms. June Frazee Mrs. Janet Houghtby and Ms. Katherine Ms. Toni Lattimer Mr. and Mrs. Jay Moon Mr. and Mrs. Rivan F. Frazee Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mossoian Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Keneth E. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Granville Lee Ms. Deborah Mounger Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey Mr. and Mrs. Barry Huckeby Mr. and Mrs. George A. Leggett Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Muir

Salute to America, Greenfield Village Donor Roll // The Henry Ford Effect 9

Photo credit: Gary Malerba \\ U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, The Henry Ford President Patricia Mooradian, Ford Motor Company Executive Chairman Bill Ford and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder cut the ribbon at the opening of the Driving America exhibition.

Mr. and Mrs. Jan Mulder Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Poush Mr. Louis Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward Mr. Douglas Mumley and Mr. Kenneth Ms. Katherine C. Pratt Mr. Paul Smith Ms. Kriste Warren Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Larry Prieskorn Ms. Shelly Smith Mr. Ronald Weaver Ms. Linda Munsell Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pryslak Mr. Paul Snowden Ms. Marie Webster Ms. Betty Murphy and Mrs. Laura Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Psujek Mr. and Mrs. David L. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Wegrzyn Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Mushenski Mr. Gregory Puscas Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Solis Ms. Alizia Westfall Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mylod Ms. Margaret Pyle Mr. and Mrs. Mike Soloski Mr. John White Ms. Sandra Myrice Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sosa Ms. Susan White and Ms. Ursula Zugschwert Mr. Michael E. Nader and Mr. Michael J. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rapadas Ms. Anita Speer Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Whitney Nader Mr. and Mrs. James Ravas Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Spiegel Mr. and Mrs. Horst Wichmann Ms. Sandra Nader and Ms. Alexandrine Popa Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Raymond Ms. Sandra Spires Mr. and Mrs. Norbert T. Wierszewski Ms. Renate Nebel Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Reed D. Springstead Mr. Jeremy Wiggins Ms. Debra Nehme and Ms. Amy Smart Mr. and Mrs. James A. Rees Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Steele Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wild Ms. Barbara Neuenschwanser Ms. Charlene Reid Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Steffes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilkewitz Ms. Marlene Newman and Ms. Theresa Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid Ms. Keeley Stempin and Ms. Leigh Van Dyke Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Williams Newman Mr. and Mrs. John Reiter Ms. Corrie Sterzinger Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. David Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. John R. Repp Ms. Gwen Stesiak and Ms. Susan Maurus Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Willits Mr. Michael Nishi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Retherford David Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Nork Mrs. Carol Richardson Ms. Chelsea Stewart Ms. Kimberly Wilson Mr. Michael Nunley Mr. and Mrs. William K. Richey Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stinebaugh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson Mr. Erich Ockuly Bernard and Janene Ringwelski Ms. Star Stramel Mr. Vernell Wilson and Mr. Mark Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Oestreich Mr. Matthew Roberge and Ms. Danielle Pusilo Mr. and Mrs. David J. Strasz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Winder Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Offman Mr. William Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James Stroh Mr. James Wing Ms. Helen Ohlert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rockwell Mr. Paul Stunkel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf Mr. Gregory Olk Roberto Romero and Virginia Sabo Mr. and Mrs. David Subleski Ms. Debbie Woodbury Mr. and Mrs. James R. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ronayne III Mr. Darrell M. Suitt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Woods Mr. Allen O'Rear Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ronco Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swarts Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wright The Honorable and Mrs. John B. O'Reilly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rosbury Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tait Ms. Joy Wruck Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orr Ms. Diana Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tatro Mr. Rick Wykle Mr. Alexander A. Orsette II Ms. Pamela Rupinski and Ms. Sharon Mr. and Mrs. William Tepper Ms. Liyu Xing Ms. Yvonne Owen and Mr. Brian Van McEvoy Mr. Mark Terrel Mr. and Mrs. Akira Yamamoto Wingerden Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Russell Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thar Dr. and Mrs. Hiroshi Yamasaki Mrs. Marilyn Owens and Mr. Dennis Ostrom Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Theriault Ms. Elizabeth York Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Ozment Mr. Tony Russo Ms. Kimberly Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Atsushi Yoshida Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Page Mr. and Mrs. William A. Ruth Ms. Linda Thornton Mr. and Mrs. John Young Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Palermo Mr. and Mrs. Jakob Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Tigue Mr. Daniel Zak and Mr. Joshua Paletta Christine and Jeremy Paliwoda Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rutledge Mr. Roger Tomassini and Mr. Joe Tomassini Mr. and Mrs. Ken Zalusky Mr. and Mrs. Pano L. Papalekas Ms. Susan Safiedine Mrs. Susan Trakul Mr. Nabil Zebib Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Parsons III Mr. and Mrs. George Saikalis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Travis Rev. and Mrs. Richard Zeile Ms. Janet Parton Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sansotta Mr. Ronald Trygg and Mr. Brandon Trygg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Zerger Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pasiwk Ms. Jacqueline Schiller and Ms. Suzanne Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tucker Ms. Regina Zibuck and Mr. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Paulitch Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyler Cinquegrani Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Peets Mrs. Mary Lou Schneemann and Ms. Heather Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ullom Mr. and Mrs. David Zielinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peltier Schneemann Mr. M. Natacha Umlauf Mr. Sam Zimmerman Ms. Diane Penzien and Ms. Julie Penzien Ms. Dorothy Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Utter Mr. Michael Zitkovic Mr. Matthew Perez Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Uzenski Ms. Bonnie Zorn Ms. Charlotte Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schulert Mr. Flamur Vaka Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Zultak Mr. and Mrs. James Perri Mr. and Mrs. John Schulz Mr. and Mrs. James Valle Ms. Marilyn Zyla Jeanette and Steve Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Schwartz Ms. Julie Vanderveen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Peters Mr. and Mrs. Scott Seashore Mr. and Mrs. Eric Vandervoort }Matching Gift Dr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Peterson Mr. Bijan Sedghi Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Van Diepenbos Organizations Ms. Emily Petroski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Sellepack Mr. James Van Dusen Ms. Sharon Petrow Mrs. Sharon A. Sellepack Mr. Gerald Varitek and Mr. Daniel Varitek The following organizations matched Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Petts Ms. Donna Sevigny Dr. Patricia A. Vint their employees’ gifts to The Henry Ford. Please check with your own Mr. Ralph Pezda and Ms. Patricia Pierce Ms. Janine Shalhoub Mr. and Mrs. Randal H. Visintainer organization to see if it has a Mr. Ian Phair and Mrs. Tayna Byker-Phair Ms. Marilyn Shewcraft and Ms. Jennifer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vogel program that can match your gift in Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pickles Blalock Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Von Rusten 2013. Mr. Stephen Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Shope Mr. Steven R. Vozella Ms. Christine Pietrowski Ms. Laura Showalter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Wagner Bank of America Matching Gifts Ms. Sandra Pilkington Mr. Clyde Shuemake Mr. David Wagner and Ms. Janie Funk BP Foundation, Inc. Ms. Mary Pilon Ms. Kristie Side Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walczak Dow Corning Corporation Ms. Sarah Pinchot and Ms. Shannon Pinchot Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Sienkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. David Walker DTE Energy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pinkowski Michael Simon Ms. Janet Walker and Ms. Mildred Nelson Edward C. Levy Co. Ms. Carol Pixley Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Simonetti Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Wallis Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation, Inc. Ms. Anne Marie Ploucha and Mr. John Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. James Walter The Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Bodnar Todd and Beth Sinclair Mr. Clifford Walton Foundation Richard and Judith Polcyn Janet E. Skillman Mr. and Mrs. John Wanket Ethel and James Flinn Foundation Ms. Ann Polzin Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Slicker Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Warchol FM Global Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter Mr. Kenneth Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward Google Matching Gifts Program 10 The Henry Ford Effect \\ Donor Roll

Photo credit: Arising Images \\ Driving America, Henry Ford Museum

Hudson-Webber Foundation Sumitomo Corporation of America Thomas J. Flanagan Robert Gearhart IBM Thompson Foundation Andrew Fowler Reginald and Irene Gerig JP Morgan Chase Foundation Vector Cantech Inc. Donald Greening Dennis L. Gibb The Kresge Foundation Walbridge Herberth E. Head Esther Goltry and Marie Goltry Carter Masco Corporation Wayne County RESA Louis F. Heinzerling In memory of Maxine Gretzner Meredith Corporation Foundation Paul Keough Mary Hendry Haggar and Bill Hendry The Skillman Foundation }Corporate Sponsors Price Kilway Janine Hall Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Janice P. Martin Cynthia Hampel-Litwinowicz and Diane M. The following companies supported Calvin D. Matheson Hampel-Nowak }Corporate Members The Henry Ford with a sponsorship. Henry Missel In memory of Dorothy Wright Harrison James and Janet Hefferan Bank of America Virginia Mistecki The Henry Ford is pleased to thank Terry and Margaret Hoover Buddy's Pizza James T. Moore and recognize its 2012 Corporate Family of John M. Hughes Members. Cheli's Chili Bar Frank Porter In memory of Agnes Iadonisi Comcast Jean Rankine Industrial Designers Society of America Executive - $10,000 Delta Air Lines John Rust In memory of Doris Droppelman Jarboe Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau Jeffrey Zaslow Ramco-Gershenson Properties Trust Jim Johnson DFCU Financial Rhea Yablon Kennedy East Dearborn Downtown Development }Gifts in Kind Investor - $5,000 Judith L. Kirsch Authority Lisa A. Korzetz Denso International Ford Motor Company Better Made Snack Foods Michael Krischer Tognum America, Inc. Ford Motor Company Fund Mr. Michael J. Choffnes Cathy Latendresse Henry Ford Innovation Institute Comcast Sharon Lesperance Affiliate - $2,500 Kettering University Compuware Angela Rensch Ligibel Macy's Foundation Delta Air Lines Bartech Group Brandy Lindsey Michigan Economic Development Corporation Detroit Tigers, Inc. BASF Corporation Steven and Brandy Lindsey Midway Sports Mr. Tom Faryniarz Clark Hill PLC David Lonier and Glenna Long Meijer Stores Limited Partnership Scott and Jackie Gentry Kuka Flexible Products Richard Love Menlo Innovations Meijer Stores Limited Partnership Lear Corporation William Luke MetroPCS Mr. Tom Messner Pentastar Aviation, LLC Dale Marcos Oakwood Healthcare Systems Metro Parent Printwell Printing Company McDonald/Ashley Family PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P. Metro Times, Inc. Sysco Food Services of Detroit L.L.C. Glenn and Jeanine Miller Renewal By Andersen Michelle Andonian Photography, Inc. Jeanine Head Miller Samsung Mobile Motion Possible Associate - $1,000 Leslie A. and Cynthia R. Miller Severstal North America Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Mushenski Mow Family A & K Research, Inc. Target Mr. Michael Ossy, Esq. Jeff Myers Alfonsi Railroad Company TechTown Detroit Pluto Post Production, Inc. National Highway Traffic Safety Allegra Network The Detroit Lions Real Integrated Administration Altair Engineering The Pepsi Bottling Group The Pepsi Bottling Group Daniel Ostroff Alumni Association of University of TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing Mr. Barry Tuer Family of Jeff Pfaff Michigan Verizon Wireless William A. Pollard American Axle & Manufacturing West Dearborn Downtown Development }Donors to the Collections Carl Ruby AutoLiv Authority Baker College Part I - Donated objects to the Randy and Phyllis Tompkins collections in 2012. Gift of Marleen C. Tulas in memory of Beaumont Hospitals }Gifts in Honor Benjamin P. and Kathryn A. Nelson Benefit Outsourcing, Inc. Family of Steve and Loretta Baranowski The following were honored by others Gift of Marleen C. Tulas in memory of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan In memory of John A. Barrett who made a gift to The Henry Ford. Walter G. and Martha S. Rutherford Carhartt, Inc. Sarah Bartholomew Bobby and Lisa Unser C. F. Burger Creamery Co. Susan Bartholomew The Bettner Family Gordon Eliot White Charity Cleaning In memory of Helene Billings McTaggert by the Charles Cheshire Jane Wilson Citizens Insurance Billings-Kluck Family Mrs. Martha Ford Shauna Wilson Co-op Services Credit Union Agnes Rosowski Bongero Mr. and Mrs. William Clay Ford Mary L. Wyatt Dearborn Federal Savings Marylou Brown Richard and Christine Jeryan Gift of Loving Wife Celena Zachery Discount Paper Products Price and Carol Kilway From the estate of Ray and Irene Brunner Domino's Pizza Josh Linkner Fred and Margaret Brusher Family Part II - Oral history interviews Dykema Gossett Jason Nates In memory of Peter E. Bryant have been accessioned into the E.W. Grobbel Sons Steven R. Shotwell Franklin D. Burgess collections in 2012 from the Garden City Hospital Avery Tavel Robert H. Casey following individuals. Grunwell-Cashero Company The Thomas Family Don Chadwick Jerry Parr Kelly Services, Inc. Steve Vozella Beulah Chiappa Edward T. Welburn LOC Federal Credit Union Gwen and Evan Weiner In memory of Daniel Corner Marathon Petroleum Co. LLC Kevin Whiting Family of George C. Devol }Volunteers Michigan First Credit Union Edison2 Park Place Catering Company }Gifts in Memory Larry D. Elie Our indispensable volunteer corps Peterson Spring Michael Endelman gave 100,334.4 hours of service Plante & Moran The following were honored by others Renee C. Enright in 2012, the equivalent of 48 full-time employees. Of the year’s Real Integrated who made a gift to The Henry Ford in Mary M. Fahey Rockford Carving Company their memory. 657 volunteers, the individuals Collection of Susan Strongman Fiems by listed below contributed 100 or Seco Tool Inc. David Bates Dennis Fiems more hours in 2012. Shelby Steel Ricky Brogdon Ford Racing Staples Advantage Joy G. Cutter Matthew R. Galvan Adam M. Aaron Donor Roll // The Henry Ford Effect 11

Bernadine F. Agius Ted D'pulos Timothy V. LaPorte Jack Reitsma Vincent Agius Harry W. Edwards Donald E. Larkin Patricia Reitsma Sid Alley Gerald Eising Carolyn L. Lashchuk James A. Richter Joseph W. Ammon George H. Elsner Margaret J. Lavery Christy L. Rieberger Pat S. Ammon John D. Engfehr Adele Ledebuhr Ronald E. Rinke Diane Anderson Aaron W. Farmer Laura Lee Margaret A. Ritter Kathleen M. Andreas Roger L. Faust Patricia Lendzion Merritt F. Robertson Joan Z. Aniol Michael H. Fogarty Adeline L. Levine Linda A. Rodriguez Gordon Arndt Alvin H. Fouts Susan M. Lolli Dale A. Roeseler Barbara A. Aubuchon Linda L. Fouts Donald G. Lopinski Geraldine Rudai Patricia A. Ayland Douglas E. Frank Glenn W. Lysinger Jon Santwire Doris J. Bachert Jill Franks Patrick M. MacDonald Thomas F. Saroglia Bill Balwinski Kenneth W. Fussell Helene M. MacMillan Lisa A. ScaFidi Jane Balwinski Gil H. Gallagher Chris Makas Michael T. Serra Veronica A. Beaudry Ruth Gatza Robert J. Maliszewski Mary M. Sharrow Douglas E. Beaver Carmen A. Gentilcore Paul Mallie Miriam Shaw Patricia D. Beggs Joseph A. Gentilcore Patricia A. Mann Steve R. Shotwell Robert T. Beggs Leo A. Gorajek Jona Maranian Alice E. Skelly Loretta J. Bell Webb Gray Kathy J. Marx Glenda M. Slaga Eric C. Bergmann Carol M. Green Eileen J. Matuszewski Patricia A. Smith John H. Berry Ernest E. Green Marion J. Matuszewski David A. Sneary William J. Bialkowski David Gruska Sharon Mazguth Genevieve Soltau Douglas Blake William Hailer Carol F. Mazur Monica R. Starrett George Blessing Vicki L. Haley Madaline S. McKimmy Carol J. Steiner Mary J. Boldt Barbara Hall Joan M. Mechan Sue A. Stemas Martha Bowles Theresa M. Hall John C. Meconi H. Lynn Stringer Donald R. Brasie Catherine M. Hanes Alice Melidosian Norma Swires Rosemary Brasie Ronald A. Hanes John M. Merriman Bonnie M. Theisen Margaret Breil Mary E. Hannah Linda K. Merriman Dave Thomas Elsie E. Brophy Edward Harbulak Sandra L. Milani Constance L. Thompson James J. Brophy Jay A. Harris George Milkovich Ronald V. Tiburzi Amy L. Brown Marion J. Harris Charles R. Mitchell Gary W. Tisdale Mary L. Brown Pecolia Hearns Cheri Montreuil Jeanetta M. Toplin Ruth Bruce Joan A. Herbert Margaret E. Montrief Robert T. Topping Judith A. Buck Rita M. Hill Kathleen A. Moore Irma E. Torres Delores Bullock Gary P. Hillebrand George Moroz Margaret Tucker Henry F. Burger Donna J. Hollis Nick A. Moroz Barry T. Tuer Judy A. Burger Jim M. Holubka Tim M. Mort Edward Tumas Robert E. Burger Joseph W. Holubka Beverly J. Morton Larry Turek Cheryll Burgess Yvonne Hudak Rosemarie Mouhot Lynda L. Ufer Maxine Callaghan Carolyn E. James Alice A. Mouradian Jim Urbanski Delphine Candido William R. Jameson Carole V. Mozeleski Mary Ushman Dorothy Cederquist William K. Jentzen Avery B. Namatevs Matthew J. Valant Michael J. Choffnes Christine B. Jeryan Jessie Near Don Valocik Jeannette M. Chumita Richard A. Jeryan Mary Nebel Dona Venne Larry Cingel Nancy Johns Sam Norello Steven R. Vozella Frederick R. Cislo Frank Jones Marilyn Norgrove Anthony J. Wade Janice A. Clifford Greg L. Jones Herman L. Norwood James K. Wagner Pauline D. Colston Christopher M. Jordan Mose R. Nowland Thomas Wagner Robert R. Cook John Kamstra Beverly J. O'Neill Melody E. Walters David E. Cooley Siroon Karapetoff Gerald L. Otto Grace E. Wangbickler Margot Cooley Barbara J. Keahl Adolphus M. Painter Lee E. Watson Shawn M. Cornelissen James Kelly Andre J. Palardy David J. Watts Mary C. Cunningham Mary Kelly Anna M. Palardy Charles Webster Mary J. Cupit Mary C. Kelly Gwen Papp Mildred J. Webster Clara Cutting Judith L. Kirsch Carole M. Payne Melicent White Cassandra R. Davis Norman M. Kirsch Mitchell B. Perlin Frank J. Wiecha Juanita Davis Joseph T. Klapec Barbara Perry Irene M. Wiecha Harvey R. Dean Caroline J. Klassa Marilyn K. Philipp Frank T. Wildasin Sharon J. Dean Calvin D. Knopf Orville D. Philipp Howard Witherspoon Sue A. DeLage George D. Kopp Christine A. Pociask Linda J. Wulff Vicki Demarco Joyce C. Kopp Jackie A. Poole George P. Yee Ann J. DeMucha Jeffrey E. Koslowski Judith J. Porch Dolores A. Yesh Andrew H. Dervan Martin J. Kozicki F. Edward Potas Richard C. Yesh JoAnn L. Dionne Chris A. Kulick Gary T. Powers Kathy Youngheim Orazio A. DiRezze Brian A. Kutscher Ronald H. Priestaf Dennis Zelazny Margaret D'pulos Maureen L. Ladasz Dennis M. Provenzano

Photo credit: Bob Brodbeck \\ Maker Faire®, The Henry Ford Illustration of the 1920s construction site playscape set to open in fall 2013 in Greenfield Village.

it to be for everyone — and that’s our goal: Even a kid with Center For Exceptional Families and Neonatal Intensive the most challenging disability can still smile when they go Care. And now there’s the Kosch's generous gift, which through this place.” made the Village Playscape a reality. A Place While plans were refined and various consultants The playscape will encompass approximately 25,000 weighed in to insure the project was all encompassing, the square feet and be located in a natural gathering area, in the quest began to secure the necessary funding. Which is adjacent to the carousel and near restroom areas as well when Don Kosch and his wife, Mary, got involved. as food facilities. As for the space itself, Hanna can barely Don is the CEO of the Dearborn Sausage Company, contain his excitement as he describes all of its features. Village a local institution that has thrived in the city for decades. “The whole idea is to make it look like an old- It’s been 66 years now. “And I took it over from my dad 54 fashioned construction site,” he says, “like it was in the years ago,” Don says, “Dearborn has been so important to 1920s. Even the park benches are meant to look like for Any me. I grew up in this town. Been here for 70 years, and to little stacks of lumber. A steam shovel is going to be the live here all this time and have my business here, it’s been centerpiece, and our intention is that kids of all shapes, great and I want to give back.” sizes and abilities can get in there, use their imagination Child to and operate levers that would have been in that piece of machinery at that time.” A fence will encircle the entire area so the kids are Enjoy Even a kid with the most completely contained while parents can utilize Wi-Fi access challenging disability can for their phones, tablets or computers. And every space still smile when they go that’s in proximity to any of the various stations or features through this place.” in the park will consist of “playground turf,” which provides a soft spot to land for what will surely be those inevitable Mary grew up in Garden City and has fond memories tumbles and falls. of her frequent visits to The Henry Ford as a young girl. “When I had children in strollers,” says Mary, “there “That was absolutely my favorite field trip every year really was need for an area where kids could run around for school,” she says with a laugh. “And I, along with my and parents could relax. So I know that moms will best friend in third and fourth grade, would pretend that especially love it.” Wilbur and Orville Wright were our boyfriends. Is that ever The kids will love it too, of course. And all of them will square and corny? But that’s what it was.” be thanking the Koschs when the Village Playscape opens “Don and I had lunch every year with Patricia in the fall. • Don and Mary Kosch Mooradian [President of The Henry Ford],” Mary goes on, “and she talked about the projects that were under way. Robert Hanna has been the Senior Director of We were so inspired by the vision of The Henry Ford, and Facilities Management at The Henry Ford for over 15 years. Don has been inspired by Henry Ford, the man, for years — During that time, he’s overseen a variety of projects on the especially his vision and dedication, not only to the world grounds — restoring Greenfield Village, the IMAX® Theatre at large but to his community. So we were already excited and the Benson Ford Research Center, to name just a to be part of the bigger picture. few of the bigger ones. But he says none of them is as “And then when Patricia mentioned that the playscape unique or ambitious as the plans and design for the Village had been on their radar for a few years but they just didn’t Playscape, currently under construction and expected to be have the funding, we started thinking, ‘Hmmmm, perhaps attracting and delighting kids of all ages and abilities that would fit within our vision of the foundation.’ ” by the fall. While Don and Mary are mostly hands off with the “We started working on this concept as early as day-to-day operations of the family business, they are 2005,” Hanna says. “We wanted to have a park that was energetically involved in running the Donald and Mary for all children and make it accessible to kids that had Kosch Foundation, which was launched 19 years ago with some limited mobility. But we didn’t want to make this a just one purpose in mind. place that an able-bodied kid is going to be bored with. You “The mandate has been to help special-needs kids can have some stuff that’s fundamentally really good for from day one,” says Don, and the foundation has been a disabled kid but not fun for an able-bodied 8-year-old. consistent in its support of a wide array of local institutions Illustration of playscape designed to accommodate all children. Our designer used the term ‘playability’ because he wants that focus on that area, in particular, Oakwood Healthcare’s

What is The Henry Ford Effect? It’s the impact and inspiration you create through your philanthropic investments. Your generosity helps us nurture a vibrant cultural scene, preserve and increase accessibility of national treasures, and develop innovative learning tools.

Mission Statement Executive Staff Board of Trustees William Clay Ford, Chairman Emeritus Lynn Ford Alandt Steven K. Hamp The Henry Ford provides unique educational Patricia E. Mooradian President S. Evan Weiner, Chairman of the Board Paul R. Dimond Elizabeth Ford Kontulis experiences based on authentic objects, Christian Øverland Gerard M. Anderson, Vice Chairman James D. Farley, Jr. Richard P. Kughn stories and lives from America’s traditions Executive Vice President Sheila Ford Hamp, Vice Chairman Phillip Wm. Fisher Richard A. Manoogian of ingenuity, resourcefulness and innovation. Denise Thal Edsel B. Ford II Martin Mayhew Take it Forward.™ Senior Vice President for Operations Patricia E. Mooradian, President Our purpose is to inspire people to learn & Chief Financial Officer and Secretary William Clay Ford, Jr. Lisa A. Payne from these traditions to help shape a Spence Medford Ralph J. Gerson, Treasurer George F. Francis III Alessandro F. Uzielli better future. Vice President, Institutional Advancement Christopher F. Hamp Ambassador Ronald N. Weiser

For questions or information on how to donate: Please contact Mary Bucher in the Office of Institutional Advancement, 313.982.6026 or [email protected].