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IOARNAL MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 137 Dr' william S. Newcomet described a trip, illustrated with lantern slides, taken while traveling through poland, Switzerland, Austria, and Russia. Details were given regarding the mineral collections seen. Acad,emy phita^d.etphia, of Natural SciencesoJ Nowmber j, 1931. Wvr;o H. Ftecx, Secretary NEW MINERAL NAMES Jarlite Rrcrreru Blcveo: New Minerals lrom Ivigtut, Southwest GreenLand. Med,_ d.elelserom Grlnland,92, No. 8, 1_11, 1933, withl piates. Naur: In honor of Mr. C. F. Jarl. CnBltrcal Pnolnnrres: A fluoride of sodium, strontium and aiuminum: N-a-Sr3AlF16.Analysis (by Ragnar Blix): HzO(-105) 0.0S, HgO(*105") 2.91, F 43.23,Li 0.08, Na 3.23, Mg 0.90, Ca 0.55, Sr 35.60, Ba 0.99, Al t2.t6,Fe0..lI; sum 99'90' Soluble in aluminum chroride. B. B. Fuses easily with eftervescence and gives an alkaline reaction. Cnvsr.rllocnApnrcer. pnopnnrrns: Monoclinic. Forms, o (100), c (001), r (I0l), (110),, m (010).a : b: c: 1.46: 1i 2.58.p : 69"29,. Prrvsrcer. pnolnnrrns: ANo Oprrcll Colorless to slightly brownish. Hd. 3_4, G:3-93. Biaxial,negative (may be in part positive?)a:l.427 , A:1.432_1.433, 2V: 78"10'-80'00'. t:1.435. Occunnnuco: In the cryolite quarries at fvigtut as a dike_Iike formation with barite, partially dissolved remnants of cryolite and gearksutite (?) and thomseno_ lite. w. F. F. Metajarlite Rrcueno Blgvad: Ibid.,pp.7_ll CrrsMrcalPnopnnrrns: Like jarlite. Analysis:HrO (_105) 0.0g,HrO (+105) 2.14,F 45.50, Li 0.04,Na 3.54,Mg 1.38,Ca 320, Sr 28.70,Ba" 2.25, Al 12.49;, Fe 0.31;sum 99.63.
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