EDUCATION SECTOR Main projects funded by institutional and private donors


Projects in the MENA Region ...... 2 Projects in Sub-Saharan and Eastern Africa ...... 17 Projects in Central and South America ...... 30 Projects in Asia...... 41

1 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Projects in the MENA Region

TITLE Country Duration Budget Donor 1. Right to education and Syria October 2019 - 670.353 AICS - Italian Agency for protection for children at January 2021 EUR Development for Development

risk Cooperation Cooperation

2. Providing Non Formal Syria May 2019 – May 1.400.000 ECHO - European Civil Education and Water 2020 EUR Protection and services to the most Humanitarian Aid affected communities in Operations Deir-Ez-Zor and Rural Aleppo 3. Mustakbalna: access to Syria March 2019 550.000 AICS - Italian Agency for quality education services - July 2020 EUR Development Cooperation 4. Ya Hala: Promotion of Syria November 2017 – 1.100.000 UNICEF – United access to and enhance the March 2019 USD Nations Children’s quality of educational Fund (ECW) services in Aleppo 5. Increasing Safe And Syria April 2017 – August 199.777 OCHA - United Nations Equitable Access To Formal 2018 EUR Office for the Education For Syrian Coordination of Children Living In Aleppo Humanitarian Affairs (Hanano, Sakhor, Sha'aar) 6. My School: Safe, Inclusive Syria January 2017 – 198.357 UNICEF – United And Community Based August 2018 EUR Nations Children’s Fund 7. Safe, Inclusive and Quality Syria December 2017 476.699 OCHA - United Nations School For Syrian children – August 2018 EUR Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 8. Sustaining the access to Syria November 2016 – 74.148 PAB – Provincia quality education for Syrian November 2017 EUR Autonoma di Bolzano children

9. Support for access to quality Syria June 2016 – May 199.781 AICS - Italian Agency for basic education services for 2017 EUR Development children affected by the Cooperation Syrian crisis

10. Back to school: support to Syria November 2014 – 198.357 AICS - Italian Agency for education for children September 2015 EUR Development victim of Syrian crisis Cooperation; PAB – Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano 11. Inclusive and resilient Lebanon September 2017 – 564.200,00 AICS - Italian Agency for communities: November 2018 EUR Development empowerment and job Cooperation placement of Syrian and Lebanese young people and persons with disabilities in the Bekaa Valley

2 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 12. A school for all Lebanon August 2017 – April 413.000,00 AICS - Italian Agency for 2018 EUR Development Cooperation 13. Promotion of a Pilot Model Lebanon April 2012 – April 1.245.557,00 EUR AICS - Italian Agency for for the Inclusion of Children 2015 Development with Special Needs in Cooperation Primary Schools in Lebanon

3 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019

Right to education and protection for children at risk October 2019 -January 2021 AID 11214.03.3

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Emergency Funded by:

Project Location: Aleppo and Deir-Ez-Zor Partner: Syrian Ministry of Education, Syrian Arab Red Cross (SARC) Objective: Promote and increase protection and equal and safe access to a quality education for vulnerable children and youth, affected by the Syrian crisis, through the rehabilitation of accessible spaces, training of educators and awareness raising towards the risks linked to unexploded devices and child marriages.

Results:  Result 1: Access to a restructured educational space for disabled people  Result 2: Teachers have increased their capacities and competences in the field of active education, psychosocial support and Risk Education, improving educational quality.  Result 3: Improved protection thanks to a major awareness towards the risks linked to unexploded devices and child marriages.

Activities: Result 1  Rehabilitation of three primary schools - Al-Yarmook (Aleppo); Abdul Rahman Al Dahel (Aleppo); Nori Mostafa Al Mashour (Deir-El-Zor)  Provision of teaching material  Technical supervision (Aleppo and Deir-Ez-Zor) Result 2  Training of 350 teachers in ALT, PSS and Risk Education  Coaching, mentoring and follow-up of the teachers trained in Aleppo and Deir-Ez-Zor Result 3  Awareness campaigns  Plan and coordination of awareness campaigns

Beneficiaries: 4,092 students and 504 teachers.

Budget: 670, 353 EUR

4 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019

Providing Non Formal Education and Water services to the most affected communities in Deir-Ez-Zor and Rural Aleppo May 2019 – May 2020 ECHO/SYR/BUD/2019/91000

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Partner: Syrian Arab Red Cross (SARC)

Project Location: Aleppo and Deir-Ez-Zor

Project Objective: To contribute towards responding to critical humanitarian needs of vulnerable populations in Syria.

Results:  Result 1: Access to safe and protective learning environment for all girls and boys aged 6-19 years improved in 19 neighbourhoods of Deir-Ez-Zor and in Rural Aleppo.  Result 2: Households and individuals have access to safe water in Rural Aleppo.  Result 3: Emergency preparedness increased to respond to future IDP crisis in the area of intervention. Activities:  Back to learning campaign in Rural Aleppo Selected areas and Deir-Ez-Zor;  Activation of both Self Learning Programme (SLP) and remedial classes in Rural Aleppo and in Deir- Ez-Zor;  Training of educators (delivering the SLP) on ALT, PSS and Mine Risk Education;  Provision of basic education material (school bag) to OOSC frequenting SLP and Remedial Classes;  Rehabilitation and equipment of Learning Spaces;  Rehabilitation of Jibrin Pumping station in Rural Aleppo;  Rehabilitation of decentralized water network in Rural Aleppo;  Distribution of: WASH and Hygiene Kits and NFI Kits

Beneficiaries: 20.000 inhabitants in both Rural Aleppo and Deir-Ez-Zor reached by the campaign; 2.000 children; 350 educators; 17.500 students; 43.012 people reached by the pumping station; 500 households

Budget: 1.400.000 EUR

5 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019

Mustakbalna: access to quality education services March 2019 – July 2020 AID 11214.01.1

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Partner: Ministry of Education (MoE), Syrian Arab Red Cross (SARC)

Project Location: Aleppo and Deir-Ez-Zor

Project Objective: Contribute to increase access of more vulnerable Syrian population groups to quality education services in protected environments, as a resilience and protection mechanisms for new generations.

Results:  Result 1: About 5.196 Syrian students and 221 teachers of 3 schools have access to rehabilitated education space, which is accessible to people with disability and is equipped with gender-sensitive sanitation facilities.  Result 2: 600 Syrian teachers and education staff have increased their skills and competencies in active learning and psychosocial support, improving the quality of education.  Result 3: About 4.000 children who are not attending school or are at risk of abandoning it have increased their resilience skill thanks to psychosocial support and life-skills development.

Activities:  Renovate and equip Al Moutasem and Abdulkder Jendy schools in Aleppo, and Faysal Almohaimed school in and Deir-Ez-Zor;  Train teachers on active learning and psychosocial support (100 teachers in Aleppo, 500 teachers in Deir-Ez-Zor); coaching, mentoring and follow-up of trained teachers in Aleppo and Dier-Ez-Zor;  Plan, coordinate and implement non-formal education activities for psychosocial support and life- skills development involving SARC volunteers.

Beneficiaries: 3.637 students and 114 teachers in Aleppo; 1.569 students and 500 teachers in Deir-Ez-Zor

Budget: 550.000 EUR

6 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Ya Hala: Promotion of access to and enhance the quality of educational services in Aleppo November 2017 –March 2019 SYR/EDU/2017/80/02

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Emergency

Funded by: ECW

Project Location: Aleppo Governorate, Aleppo City, Jebel Saman District. Aleppo neighborhoods: Hanano, Sulayman Al-Halabi and Sakhour

Project Objective: In the framework of the Education Cannot Wait initiative, the project aims at supporting the Syrian MoE by improving access to formal and non-formal Education in Aleppo Governorate, and increasing the quality of education services by enhancing the teachers’ capacities.

Results:  Increased access to formal and non-formal education opportunities in favour of children victims of the Syrian crisis. u  Increased quality of education services through capacity building activities organized in favour of teachers.

Activities:  Joint Back-to-Learning (BTL) campaigns conducted and communities mobilized in support of education for 15.000 beneficiaries;  Rehabilitation/instalment of classrooms in tents, pre-fabs or rented rooms for girls and boys (5-17 years of age);  Enrolment of 7.000 children in accredited non-formal education and distribution of school material;  Children and teachers provided with Education supplies, teaching and learning materials and recreational materials;  Teachers and education personnel (female/male) trained on teaching literacy and numeracy skills;  Salaries/incentives and teaching resources, kits and guides for teachers and education personnel distributed.

Beneficiaries: 36.208 children (5-17 years of age), 1000 teachers and 100 community educators.

Budget: 1.100.000 USD

7 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Increasing Safe And Equitable Access To Formal Education For Syrian Children Living In Aleppo (Hanano, Sakhor, Sha'aar) April 2017 – August 2018 SYR-17/DDA-3558/Aleppo SA 2017/E/INGO/4551

Status: Closed Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Project Location: Eastern Aleppo: Hanano, Sakhor, Sha'aar districts

Project Objective: In line with the No Lost Generation Initiative (NLG), the INEE Minimum Standards for Education and the Aleppo Response Plan of the Education Sector, the project aims at ensuring access to safe, equitable and quality education for children and adolescents affected by the crisis in Eastern Aleppo (Hanano, Sakhor, Sha'aar). Access to education will be improved through the rehabilitation of 38 classrooms in 2 schools, including gender-sensitive and disability-sensitive WASH facilities. 2 equipped prefabricated classes will be installed following the standard used by UNICEF and the Education sector. The rehabilitation foresees the adoption of architectural solutions enabling the access to students with special needs. In order to increase school attendance rate and to support teaching activities learning material will be distributed to targeted schools.

Result 1: The students of 2 schools selected in East Aleppo have been provided with a renewed learning space with gender and disability-sensitive WASH infrastructures and received 136 School-in-a-box kits. The kits will be distributed to the teachers and serve 40 children per kit.

Activities:  Rehabilitation, including WASH infrastructures, of 38 classrooms in 2 schools. The light rehabilitation works and the WASH in school intervention in the eastern part of Aleppo, will be done in strict cooperation with the MoE following the technical assessment, the national standards and MoE plan adopting architectural solutions enabling the access to people with special needs;  Construction and equipment of 2 prefabricated school rooms. The prefabricated classrooms will be realized according to the standard established by the MoE and Unicef and will be equipped with table, desk, white board, solar system;  Supply of teaching learning material to the 108 teachers of the 2 rehabilitated schools in accordance to the Education Cluster standard.

Beneficiaries: 8.665 Syrian students, calculated in 1.221 girls and 7.444 boys.

Budget: 199.777 USD

8 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Inclusive and resilient communities: empowerment and job placement of Syrian and Lebanese young people and persons with disabilities in the Bekaa Valley September 2017 – November 2018 CS/10805/11

Status: Closed Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Project Location: Central (Zahle and outskirts) and North Bekaa (Baalbek and Hermel Governorates)

Objective: The overall objective is to support the mitigation of social and economic negative consequences of the Syrian crisis affecting the most vulnerable groups of the refugee and host communities. Specifically, the project aims at fostering the access to income and employment for the most vulnerable groups among the Syrian refugees and the host community, particularly women, youth (16-24 years old) and people with disabilities, through the strengthening of their technical capabilities, access to employment opportunities available in the local labour market and support of self- entrepreneurship mechanisms.

Results:  Result 1: Vulnerable young people and women have access to formative programs and internships to integrate themselves in the labour market.

Activities:  Selection of 12 beneficiaries among people with disabilities previously trained by LPHU on self- entrepreneurship  Individual technical assistance  Trainings on management for the 12 beneficiaries  Realization of individual/collective business plans  Purchase and provision of productive assets needed to lunch the start-ups (materials or equipment)  Technical assistance, tutoring and monitoring of the start-ups

Beneficiaries: 260 Syrian and Lebanese young people and 12 persons with disabilities.

Budget: 564.200 EUR

9 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 A school for all CS/10804/LIB/01 August 2017 – April 2018

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Project Location: Bekaa Valley – Baalbek Governorate – Labwe Municipality

Objective: the overall objective is to contribute to improve the access to quality, child friendly, educational services for the most vulnerable refugees and hosting communities in Lebanon, Labwe Municipality. Specifically, the project aims at enhancing the school opportunities and increasing the enrolment rate through the amelioration of the schools accommodating and integration capacities, promoting the school inclusion of children with special needs.

Results:  Results 1: Labwe public school is rehabilitated and provided with adequate educational areas.  Result 2: The quality of educational service is increased through the introduction of a new methodology addressed to teachers and educators and awareness campaign hold in favour of both school staff, children and their families.  Result 3: Promoting the inclusion and integration of children from different nationalities and with special needs and improvement of the school services.

Activities:  Rehabilitation works, installations and equipping;  Teachers pre-selection and grouping and training presentation;  Training for teachers focused on the following topics: communication strategies, team building, code of conduct for the school staff, information technology with focus on those instruments able to facilitate the learning, refresher Maths and Sciences courses;  Communication campaign for students and the community promoting the importance of education and activities conducted during the school year;  Open day in the school with the participation of the student parents.  Creation of a project aiming at facilitating the inclusion and integration of students with a common objective;  educational support for French language as part of school cv;  support for children with dyslexia by providing a specialized teacher;  psychological support in favour of children victim of trauma.

Beneficiaries: 647 Lebanese and Syrian students, 38 teachers

Budget: 413,000 EUR

10 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 My School: Safe, Inclusive and Community Based January 2017 – August 2018 SYR/2016/80

Status: Closed Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Project Location: Governorates of Aleppo

Project Objective: The project aims to scale up access to quality education in the Governorate of Aleppo through rehabilitation of 5 schools, including WASH equitable services (applying inclusive and gender base approaches) and prefabricated classes following the standard used by UNICEF, Education sector and Ministry of Education. The project will create a safe and more conducive environment for students to learn. In particular, in Hard to Reach areas children do not attend schools, thus alternative learning programs such as self-learning represents the only solution feasible. Because of this, GVC will carry out a pilot activity in self-learning in Aleppo (Azizie) through the establishment of a Community Learning Centre.

Results:  Result 1: Policies, strategies and guidelines are available for efficient management and delivery of inclusive quality education;  Result 2: Equitable access to quality education opportunities provided.

Activities:  Support on rehabilitation and development of drinking water and sanitation facilities in 5 selected schools;  Provide protective, inclusive, quality learning environments equipped with teaching learning materials, coupled with community mobilisation in the 5 selected schools;  Scale up non-formal education opportunities for out-of-school children and children at risk of dropping out through Self Learning Programmes;  Support professional development for teachers.

Beneficiaries: 11.039 total beneficiaries: 5.784 children attending the rehabilitated schools including 300 out of school girls and boys (6-15) and 1500 teachers.

Budget: 332.961 USD

11 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Safe, Inclusive and Quality School for Syrian children December 2016 – August 2018 SYR-16/DDA-3558/SA/E/INGO/4158

Status: Closed Type of project: Emergency Funded by:

Partner: Ministry of Education (MoE), Syrian Arab Red Cross (SARC)

Project Location: Deir-ez-Zor: Abu Kamal and Al Mayadi

Project Objective: In Syria, the majority of enrolment losses (2.1 million children) occurred in basic education with particularly high losses in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate (0.4 million). The project aims to ensure access to safe, equitable and quality education for children and adolescents affected by the crisis in Deir-ez-Zor (Sub district PCOD SY090100 severity scale 5). The action will increase formal education opportunities for girls and boys residents in Hard to Reach Areas, using existing local educational resources, strengthening local capacities and promoting community cohesion.

Results:  Result 1: School age children (5-17 years) girls and boys who attended selected classrooms have been provided with a safe renewed learning spaces with gender and disability-sensitive wash- infrastructures;  Result 2: School age children (5-17 years) girls and boys who attended selected classrooms have been provided with learning material.

Activities:  Rehabilitation of 38 classrooms in 2 schools with minor repairs on the structure and wash facilities;  Supply of school kits: textbooks, teaching and learning materials, and school supplies. (MOE standard);  Distribution of 1.355 school desks in favour of 2.710 students (1 Desk // 2 students).  Distribution of 100 Chairs, 115 Table and 400 Whiteboards in 27 schools in the District of Deir Ez- Zor;  Based on the results of the tender, the cost is adjusted according to the real cost incurred. Consequently, according to the needs, it can be increased n. of school desk (670 desk school) in order to reach more beneficiaries (in total 4050 student). (Annex 1 - the excel file for the list of the school);  Training 777 teachers in Active Learning and Psychosocial Support methodologies: GVC will develop a training program for teachers that include teaching skills, pedagogy, classroom management, active learning and child friendly teaching approaches;  Teachers’ coaching and monitoring: this will be developed through coaching strategies for teachers, supervisors, school directors and it will also include child-friendly techniques, individual cognitive coaching sessions dedicated to techniques for lesson planning and teacher-combined work;  Trained teachers will be supported in developing mentoring strategies to support specific groups of children, such as peer-to-peer groups.

Beneficiaries: 18.919 total beneficiaries: 15.793 Syrian students (8.593 girls and 7200 boys) of 29 schools, 1.777 Teachers. 3.784 Internal Displaced People and 15.135 Syrian host communities.

Budget: 476.699 USD

12 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Sustaining the access to quality education for Syrian children November 2016 – November 2017 139/1.1. del 09/11/2016

Status: Closed Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Project Location: Governorate of Aleppo

Project Objective: The continued Syrian conflict has greatly weakened the Syrian educational system. Nowadays 5.6 million of people between students and education staff need support. The project’s objective is to promote access to quality education for children and adolescents (boys and girls) affected by the Syrian crisis by restoring and increasing access to schools and the quality of basic education through the rehabilitation of school buildings, the distribution of educational materials and the training for teachers.

Results:  Result 1: Increased access to formal education in the rehabilitated public schools and classrooms, equipped with water infrastructures and water tanks;  Result 2: Technical capacities of teachers increased.

Activities:  Rehabilitation of school infrastructure in Abaa Moktarin and in Hosam Yousef, and provision of furniture;  Particular attention will be paid to the needs of children with disabilities, it also includes a "wash in school" component;  Purchase and distribution of 1.895 school kits containing teaching materials (one for each student);  Training for 112 teachers in "education training": 8 hours per day for 5 days (40 hours total).

Beneficiaries: 1.895 students, 112 teachers, 12 administrative employees from the selected schools.

Budget: 74.148 EUR

13 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Support for access to quality basic education services for children affected by the Syrian crisis June 2016 – May 2017 CS/10672/A005

Status: Closed Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Partner: Ministry of Education

Project Location: Aleppo - Hamdaniyeh, Assabeel, Rayet al Shabab

Project Objective: The project aims to promote and increase access and quality of basic education in Aleppo through the rehabilitation and construction of safe spaces, provision of educational materials and teachers training. The project sees the access to education as method of resilience and protection of new generations in the Syrian crisis.

Results:  Result 1: Students from 5 schools have access to basic education through infrastructures rehabilitation and construction of prefabricated classrooms;  Result 2: 5168 students (and their families) attending the schools are supported through the distribution of school kits;  Result 3: 200 teachers from 5 schools increase their capacity in the education in emergency sector through active education training and psychosocial support.

Activities:  Rehabilitation of 4 public schools;  Construction of 3 prefabricated classrooms;  Supply of furniture for prefabricated classrooms;  Purchase and distribution of school kits for children attending the 5 selected schools;  Training in favour of 200 teachers from 5 schools in active education and psycho-social support.

Beneficiaries: 5.168 students (between 6 and 15 years old) and 200 teachers.

Budget: 199.781 EUR

14 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Back to school: support to education for children victim of Syrian crisis November 2014 – September 2015 ES/10250/A00

Status: Closed Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Co-funded by:

Project Location: Governorate of Aleppo: Al Jamelea, Al Shahba, Al Mokambo and Alnyle Street.

Project Objective: The project aims to reactivate and increase access and quality of basic education through the creation of safe and equitable learning spaces, provision of educational materials and teachers training in Aleppo Governorate.

Result: 5414 students (6-15 years old) have access to formal education in 4 rehabilitated public schools; 200 primary school students have access to formal education thanks to the rehabilitation of the prefabricated classes; 1138 students of the middle school have access to water services thanks to the installation of 2 water tanks and 215 teachers have access to active learning training.

Activities:  Rehabilitation of 4 public schools;  Construction of 4 prefabricated classes;  Distribution of educational materials in the 4 rehabilitated schools;  Distribution of classroom furniture;  Distribution of educational kits to students;  Training of teachers on active learning.

Beneficiaries: 6.752 students and 215 teachers.

Budget: 198.357 EUR

15 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Promotion of a Pilot Model for the Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Primary Schools in Lebanon April 2012 –April 2015 GVC/MAE /9540

Status: Closed Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Project Location: North Region, Tripoli in the towns of Dennia and Minia; Central Region, in Beirut and Kafarnabragh village in Shuf area; South Region, in the towns of Khiam and Nabattua.

Objective: The project is funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is situated within the Lebanese legislative framework that promotes the rights of people with special needs. In particular, the project aims at proposing a model of school inclusion in public primary schools for children with special needs by strengthening the knowledge as well as the cultural and operational skills of people working in schools on one side, while stimulating the work of concerned local institutions, civil society and the entire community to play an active part in the process of social inclusion of children with special needs on the other side. The project is implemented in partnership with YAB Youth Association of the Blind (Lebanese NGO) and the Lebanese Ministry of Higher Education (MEHE). The Overall objective is to contribute to the implementation of Lebanese law 220/2000 on the promotion of disability rights. The Specific Objective is to test a model of school inclusion for children with special needs in primary schools and contribute to the elaboration of effective operational guidelines together with the relevant institutions.


 Result 1: Six primary schools have developed and tested their cultural, educational and operational competence for the inclusion of children with disabilities.  Result 2: Blind and visually impaired children have access to school textbooks in Braille, through the adaptation of the educational curriculum (1st- 9th grades) to Braille.  Result 3: A model of school inclusion is applied by testing operational inclusion guidelines and through the strengthening of partnerships and relations between civil society and relevant stakeholders.  Result 4: The community as a whole is sensitized on disability issues and in particular on school inclusion through the active participation of those involved. This will be carried out through awareness raising seminars directed to families with children with special needs as well to the community as a whole.

Total Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries are 60 students with special needs involved in the 6 schools (2 in each region); 6 trainers, 6 special educators in the schools, 1 coordinator of special educators, 6 university students, 3 social workers, 6 school directors, 3 directors from MEHE at the regional and local levels, 5 employees from MEHE, 90 school teachers, 57 employees from MEHE, 30 NGOs members of the Inclusion Network, and all local communities in which the school is located.

Budget: 1.245.557,00 EUR

16 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Projects in Sub-Saharan and Eastern Africa

TITLE Country Duration Budget Donor 1. Support to resilience capacities of Mali 624.107 AICS - Italian Agency for most vulnerable and displaced Approved (14 EUR Development populations in the region of Mopti months) Cooperation

2. KITE II PROJECT - Improving quality Tanzania January 2019 – 450.114 Private donors education projects in Dar Es Salaam December 2021 EUR 3. Kuboresha, Kudumisha na Kulinda Kenya 765.000 Private donors (3K) Narok Project July 2018 – June EUR (Nourish, Retain and Protect Narok 2021 Project) 4. PARTICIDADE – Joint planning of Mozambique April 2018 – 1.250.026,12 AICS - Italian Agency for services for educational and resilient March 2020 EUR Development

cities and communities in Cooperation Mozambique 5. Enhanced community empowerment Kenya 784.960 Private donors through Integrated approach in EUR October 2017 – Karungu and Gwassi divisions of September 2021 Migori and Homa bay Counties, Kenya 6. A.P.PR.E.N.D.R.E, Acting for the Benin October 2017 – 741.988 Private donors promotion of a new school fostering September 2020 EUR the children rights and wellbeing 7. Oficina de Arte 2015-2020 Mozambique July 2015 – June 140.200 Swiss Agency for 2020 EUR Development and Cooperation

8. Mawengi, Mlangali and Milo Tanzania October 2017 – 524.541 Private donors Integrated Education (MAMMIE II) September 2019 EUR 9. Enhanced maternal and child Kenya 893.459 DEVCO nutrition in Migori County through a EUR April 2016 – multi-sectoral approach: local March 2019 political commitment and population awareness raising 10. Promoting Education of children and Benin February 2014 – 1.449.008 Private donors economic empowerment within rural November 2019 EUR communities in Benin 11. COM-PEMBA: Percorsi COMunitari di Mozambique February 2017 – 121.914 Regione Emilia educazione per bambine e bambini e July 2018 EUR Romagna di formazione ProfEssionale e auto imprenditoria per donne e giovani, integrati ad aMBiente, cultura e Arte locale, nella Provincia di Cabo Delgado, Mozambico

12. WeSchools Benin November 2015 779.763,91 Private donors – November EUR 2018

17 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Support to resilience capacities of most vulnerable and displaced populations in the region of Mopti Approved AID11659

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Emergency

Funded by:

Partners: CISV, LVIA

Project Location: Cercle di Mopti and Cercle di Douentza, Mali

Objective: Strengthening the resilience capacities of most vulnerable populations in 5 municipalities in the Cercle du Douentza and in 3 municipalities in the Cercle du Mopti.

Results:  Result 1: The community prevention against child malnutrition and the response capacity to the impoverishment of food stocks are effective.  Result 2: The availability of drinkable water and the improvement of hygiene and sanitary conditions decrease the recrudescence of epidemic and cases of dehydration and malnutrition.  Result 3: The assistance to IDP families decreases their and the hosting community’s vulnerability.  Result 4: The system of child protection and prevention against gender violence is reinforced thanks to the collaboration between community protection systems (IDPs and hosting community) and institutions.

Activities:  Creation of FARNs, cooking shows, training of trainers;  Creation of vegetable gardens, construction of processing units of agricultural products and training in their commercialisation;  Reconstruction of pastoral wells and construction of drinkable water wells;  Distribution of food, hygiene and construction kits;  Creation of Safe School Committees, 4 Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) and implementation of non- formal educational activities and sensitising campaigns in CFS.

Total Beneficiaries:  Result 1: Direct beneficiaries: 1125 women and 3400 children in FARNs; 10 Mères lumières and 5 Sanitary community agents are trained;  Result 2: 30.000 direct beneficiaries; Indirect beneficiaries: total population of the 5 targeted municipalities, i.e. 117.115;  Result 3: 100 families benefiting from protection interventions;  Result 4: 1275 school children (7-13 years), 1272 school youth (14-17 years), 385 IDP children (7-13 years) not going to school; 420 IDP youth (14-17 years) not going to school; 40 members of Safe School Committees Indirect beneficiaries: around 1458 families and 2500 students of the 4 target schools. 52.046 people of 4 target municipalities benefit from sensitising campaigns.

Budget: 624.107 EUR

18 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 KITE II PROJECT - Improving quality education projects in Dar Es Salaam

January 2019 – December 2021

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Kiota Women Health and Development Organisation (KIWOHEDE)

Project Location: Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam, Municipalities of Temeke and Kindondoni

Objective: Increase the level of school retention for the most vulnerable children in the target schools in the Temeke and Kinondoni municipalities in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


 Result 1: Increased the skills of teachers and students and their awareness of roles and responsibilities.  Result 2: Increased the school attendance of the most vulnerable children (in particular extremely poor, with disabilities and with learning difficulties)  Result 3: Strengthened the role of schools as key agents in the protection system of women and children. Activities:

 Trainings for the teachers concerning the new learning methodologies.  Provision of materials (uniforms, shoes and school material) to the 140 most vulnerable children.  Development of school Codes of Conduct on children's rights, child protection, inclusive education and prevention of abuse.

Total Beneficiaries: 19.355 (18.708 children)

Budget: WW-GVC: 450.114 EUR (100%)

19 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Kuboresha, Kudumisha na Kulinda (3K) Narok Project

(Nourish, Retain and Protect Narok Project)

July 2018 – June 2021

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Community Health Partners (CHP); Narok Integrated Development Programs (ACK NIDP)

Project Location: Country: Kenya Department: Rift Valley Province, Narok County Municipality: Narok South, North and East Sub counties

Objective: To increase the access of children, especially girls, to a better quality basic education in a healthier and more protected environment at school and community level in Narok South, Narok North and Narok East sub-counties.


 Result 1: Quality of education improved among 14,782 children in 28 primary schools.  Result 2: Improved water, health and nutrition conditions in the 28 targeted schools.  Result 3: Strengthened reproductive health services and awareness at community level.  Result 4: Child protection promoted at school and community level.


 Training of Board of Management (BOM) members, motivational talks for the children in primary schools, provision of ECD chairs and tables, and recreational material, construction of classrooms, support to regular schooling, close follow up of school activities and performance even through sessions with teachers, BOM and parents/caregivers to improve academic standards and reduce chronic absenteeism and drop-outs.  Integrated school health outreaches, provision of water tanks, water harvesting and handwashing facilities, construction of latrines, tree planting.  Training to Community Health Volunteers on family planning, dissemination of the national Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH), support to the county ASRH multi-stakeholder forum, and provision of reproductive health care services to women (15-49 years) visiting Ewaso Ngiro health centre.  Training of teachers on child care and protection, raising awareness among the children on child protection issues and life skills.

Total Beneficiaries: 18,126 of whom 14,782 children (7,105 F e 7,677 M) and 3,344 adults.

Budget: WW-GVC 765.000 EUR

20 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 PARTICIDADE – Participatory planning of services for educational and resilient cities and communities in Mozambique April 2018 -March 2020 AID 011312

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Partner: Comune di Reggio Emilia, Comune di Milano, Fondazione E35, Fondazione Reggio Children

Project Location: Mozambique, Provinces of Cabo Delgado and Maputo

Objective: Support the creation and strengthening of territory management systems and governance services, especially those targeting youth, in the municipalities of Maputo, Pemba and Quelimane, guaranteeing a high-quality, inclusive and equal education, promoting opportunities of lifelong learning for all, encouraging the social inclusion of most vulnerable population groups, through the transfer of knowledge and good practices from Italian local authorities.

Results:  Result 1: Increased competences of the municipalities of Maputo and Pemba in the development of participatory planning of public services and of urban regeneration.  Result 2: Increased access to formal and non-formal education for primary school children. Improved services for youth, especially youth with disabilities, through their active involvement in the development of local youth polices.  Result 3: Improved employment opportunities for youth and women in the municipalities of Maputo and Pemba through the implementation of lifelong learning projects, vocational training and business planning. Activities:  Conduct an analysis about youth service in Pemba and Maputo and identification of best practices at local level.  Definition of a participatory plan, through local fora, to develop and reorganise services for youth, with guidelines about youth inclusion and food security.  Implementation of pilot projects in four schools in Maputo and Pemba with the active involvement of local communities, with particular attention to the inclusion of children with disability.  Training and sensitisation meetings targeting employees of the municipalities of Maputo and Pemba to support youth, especially the most vulnerable groups, in seeking a job.  Implementation of literacy trainings aimed youth employment.  Implementation of micro-entrepreneurship and specific vocational trainings.

Total Beneficiaries: Employees of Maputo and Pemba municipal authorities, members of CSOs involved in the participatory planning, 18.000 residents in the selected area for the pilot projects, 8.500 youth in the four targeted neighbourhoods, 180 youth with disability in the four targeted neighbourhood, 15 municipalities involved in the sharing of best practices.

Budget: 1.250.026,12 EUR

21 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Enhanced community empowerment through Integrated approach in Karungu and Gwassi divisions of Migori and Homa bay Counties, Kenya October 2017 – September 2021

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: St. Camillus Dala Kiye (DK)

Project Location: Country: Kenya Department: Homabay and Migori Counties City/Area: Karungu, Nyatike Sub-County, Migori County, Gwassi, Gwassi Sub-County, Homaby County

Objective: To improve socio-economic status of vulnerable communities living in Karungu (Nyatike Sub- County, Migori County) and Gwassi (Gwassi Sub-County, Homaby County), Kenya. Education, health, sanitation and hygiene, economic development and child protection to reach and work with all beneficiaries and all stakeholders in the community: from the children to the caregivers, from the schools and theirs teachers to the parents (considered as both caregivers and representatives of the community), from the county officials to the whole population of the counties. Results:  Result 1: The quality of education is improved (access, retention and transition) in 18 public primary and pre-primary schools.  Result 2: Health, nutrition and sanitation practices are improved in 18 schools and their respective target communities.  Result 3: Strengthened capacity of the parents/Caregivers of the 18 target schools to address the nutritional needs of their household members, also through initiation of Income Generating Activities.  Result 4: Child Protection institutional mechanisms and awareness on the rights of the children are promoted within the 18 schools and their respective target communities of Karungu and Gwassi.

Activities:  Provision of school material to the 18 schools. (450 desks in total: 25 desks per school).  Construction of 16 VIP Latrine blocks in 8 schools, maintenance of existing latrines in the other 10 schools (through emptying them) and elimination of the defecation in the open in 20 villages of the communities of Ng’ira and Alendo (delivery of the certificate Open Defecation Free in 20 villages) through the application of the "Community-Led Total Sanitation", methodology  Training to caregivers and local food producers by MoALF and MoH officers (trained through activity 3.1) about food security and food production in ASAL; improvement and diversification of local food production, including GEWE modules (420 caregivers (14 groups of 30 people each) and 140 local food producers for a total of 560)  Regular sensitization forums in each of the 18 target schools, on the rights of children to attend school and the contribution of LDS activities in this regard.

Total Beneficiaries: The total number of direct beneficiaries is projected at 17,676 that will mainly comprise of children, caregivers/guardians/parents, community members targeted with CLTS and teachers.

Budget: WW-GVC 700,000 EUR (98%); St. Camillus Dala Kiye (DK) 84,960 EUR (2%).

22 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 A.P.PR.E.N.D.R.E., Acting for the promotion of a new school fostering the children rights and wellbeing

October 2017 – September 2020

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: FADeC (Women as Agents of Community Development) and Autre Vie

Project Location: Country: Benin Region: Ouémé and Plateau Departments City/Area: Akpo-Missété, Avrankou, Ifangni, Saketé, Ketou, Adja-ouèrè, Onigbolo Municipalities

Objective: To strengthen the school and community mechanisms for the promotion of child rights in Ouémé and Plateau, with a focus on stunted children.


 Result 1: Strengthened access to quality and inclusive education in the 10 target schools.  Result 2: Improved community mechanisms of Child Protection in the 10 target villages.  Result 3: Promoted the access of school pupils to better nutrition and health (school kitchen gardens, hygiene/watsan promotion, growth monitoring, Vitamin A, deworming, behavioural change through school/village committees in charge of spreading optimal practices for food and nutrition security).


 Construction and renovation of school buildings.  Teacher training and supervision of teachers and directors for the effective adoption of the New Teaching Programs.  Implementation of community awareness campaigns on children's rights and sexual and reproductive health.

Total Beneficiaries: 8.567, including 7.062 children and 193 teachers.

Budget: WW-GVC 741.988 EUR (100%)

23 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Oficina de Arte 2015-2020 July 2015 – June 2020

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Project Location: Pemba

Objective: Promoting local art and culture as a complementary tool of (1) children education- apprenticeship, (2) income generating activities for artists/local cultural groups and (3) integration of cultural aspects between school and local community. Results:  Result 1: Implementation of art laboratories in 3 schools in Pemba on a weekly basis, with extra- curricular art programmes with at least 460 participating children.  Result 2: Implementation of an experimental photography and video workshop for youth of 3 schools on a weekly basis, with at least 10 participating youth between 12 and 17 years.  Result 3: Implementation of at least 16 trainings for art technicians, artists and teachers about entrepreneurship, traditional music, recycling, women rights advocacy, literacy.  Result 4: Implementation of at least 6 cultural meetings and 14 art exhibitions in Pemba. Activities:  Implementation of art workshops in 3 schools.  Implementation of a photography and video workshop.  Empowerment and training activities targeting art technicians, artists and teacher.  Visibility through cultural meetings (events and exhibitions)

Total Beneficiaries: 470 students, 120 parents/educators, 16 art technicians, 60 artists, 48 teachers, 12 members of school management, 2300 family members, 4200 participants to events/exhibitions.

Budget: 140.200 €

24 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Mawengi, Mlangali and Milo Integrated Education (MAMMIE II)

October 2017 – September 2019

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Southern Highlands Participatory Organization (SHIPO)

Project Location: Country: Tanzania Region: Njombe City/Area: Mlangali, Mawengi, Lubonde and Milo Wards in the Districts of Ludewa.

Objective: Ensuring that quality of pre-primary and primary education is provided to 20 schools in Ludewa district in order to enhance the performances of 7.521 pupils (3.671 boys, 3.850 girls) enrolled in the 20 target schools by 2020.


 Result 1: Teaching competences are improved among the teachers of the 20 target schools.  Result 2: Improved leadership, management and governance in the 20 target schools, including management of school canteens.  Result 3: Improved infrastructures (included kitchens, toilets, water points) and learning environment in the 20 target schools, with a focus on kitchen gardens and awareness on proper hygiene and nutrition practices.  Result 4: Increased awareness on child rights and child protection among the 20 school communities.


 In-Service Training (INSET) to primary and pre-primary teachers (based on the new school curriculum).  Coaching, supervision and support in the management and the school governance for teachers, school committees and local authorities.  Trainings and awareness in children and girl’s rights, child protection, nutrition, school gardening for teachers, pupils, local authorities and parents.  Construction of kitchens with dining rooms and latrines with changing rooms for girls

Total Beneficiaries: Children of 20 pre-primary schools; 1094 (559 M, 535 F). Students of 20 primary schools from STD1 to STD7: 6427 (3.112 M, 3.315 F). Teachers of 20 primary schools and 20 pre-primary schools: 148 teachers primary (74 M, 74 F) and 24 of pre-primary in 20 schools (24 F).

Budget: WW-GVC: 482.541 EUR (93,5%); SHIPO 42.000 EUR (6,5%).

25 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Enhanced maternal and child nutrition in Migori County through a multi-sectoral approach: local political commitment and population awareness raising April 2016 – March 2019

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Partners: St. Camillus Dala Kiye (DK), Kenya Red Cross Society

Project Location: Country: Kenya Department: Kenya, Migori County, Nyatike Sub-county. City/Area: 14 Communities/locations: Kiranda, Obondi, Gunga, Lwanda, Rabuor, Kopala, Odendo, Sori, Wachara, Sidika, Bondo Kosiemo, Alendo, Otati, Aringo (Karungu).

Objective: To empower Migori County to address maternal and child malnutrition, facilitating local political commitment and awareness raising, in the framework of an integrated behaviour change program on Nutrition (Education/Health/Food Security).

Results:  Result 1: Mechanisms of coordination among Food and Nutrition Security Secretariat (FNSS), SUN CSA, CSOs-working-on-Nutrition, MoH, MoE, MoALF are improved, in order to implement the Migori County Nutrition Action Plan.  Result 2: Improved capabilities of Health Facilities and Community Units in the target area, to prevent, detect and treat maternal and child malnutrition cases, in the framework of an improved coordination and referral system with communities (level 1 of KEPH).  Result 3: Improved Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of local population and in the Education sector, for increased demand and provision of nutritional services in Migori County.  Result 4: Improved Households Food and Nutrition Security in 14 target communities, through women empowerment.  Result 5: Strengthened Nutrition Information Management System for surveillance and data collection, analysis and dissemination in Migori County.

Activities:  Establishment and strengthening of a county nutrition coordination structure (included representatives of CSOs-working-on-Nutrition, SUN CSA, MoH, MoE, MoALF).  Health facility capacity Assessment on nutrition service delivery at selected health facilities in the target area.  Support to Dissemination of the Migori County Nutrition Action Plan at sub-county, zonal and local level - working with Teachers Committees and School Management Committees (SMC).  Training about Food Security and food production in ASAL for 14 caregivers’ groups.  Assessment about capacity gaps related to nutrition data collection and elaboration in Migori County.

Total Beneficiaries: 14,500 inhabitants of the 14 target Communities, including 11,034 ECD/Primary school students (of which 1,700 Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and 1,650 pre-adolescent girls of 10-13 years old).

Budget: DEVCO: 635,000 EUR (71,07%) WW-GVC: 258,459 EUR (28,93%)

26 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Promoting Education of children and economic empowerment within rural communities in Benin

February 2014 – November 2019

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: UNACREP (National Union of Rural Saving and Loan Institutions)

Project Location: Country: Benin Region: Ouémé and Plateau Departments City/Area: Akpo-Missété, Avrankou, Ifangni, Saketé, Ketou, Adja-ouèrè, Onigbolo Municipalities

Objective: To strengthen economic capacities (income, savings, food production) and children school retention in 7 rural municipalities, in the framework of a strengthened interaction between microfinance services and education sector.


 Result 1: The target schools and communities have benefited from better education and health services  Result 2: 1,560 farmers and 1,560 micro-entrepreneur women have increased their economic potentialities through capacity-building programs and better access to effective financial products.  Result 3: The 13 target rural bank institutions (CREP) have increased their capacities of saving and have become sustainable from a financial and operational point of view.


 Organization of an annual competition among schools on knowledge in micro-finance and award prizes to the best pupils, teachers, schools and villages (opening of accounts at CREP, provision of teaching materials, etc.).  Study and development of new financial savings and loaning products adapted to school needs.  Organisation of training sessions to strengthen the capacity of members of the decision-making bodies of the CREP.

Total Beneficiaries: 12.209, including 7.062 children and 193 teachers.

Budget: WW-GVC 831,167 EUR (90%); UNACREP: 93,300 EUR (10%).

27 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 COM-PEMBA: Percorsi COMunitari di educazione per bambine e bambini e di formazione ProfEssionale e auto imprenditoria per donne e giovani, integrati ad aMBiente, cultura e Arte locale, nella Provincia di Cabo Delgado, Mozambico February 2017 – July 2018 CUP E66G17000010002

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Partner: Comune di Reggio Emilia, Fondazione E35, Municipio di Pemba

Project Location: Mozambique, Cabo Delgado and Pemba

Objective: Promoting community educational pathways for children as well as vocational and entrepreneurship trainings for women and youth, aiming to reduce school dropout and to strengthen children’s and women’s literacy in post-school age.


 Result 1: Adult, professional and self-employment literacy courses have been created for women and young people in the communities.  Result 2: The abandonment of girls and women has been limited thanks to improvements in teachers '/ teachers' abilities, sharing best practices and collaboration between competent institutions, civil society and community. Macro activity of the R2: Creation of a Network between Primary schools and training for Primary School Teachers to develop, test and share extra-curricular actions to support the literacy of the girls / children  Result 3: Documented the impact and results of actions developed in the field of primary education and vocational training. Macro activities of R 3: Research-Action, analysis and external evaluation of the results and the impact of innovative actions in the educational field developed through the territory of Pemba.  Result 4: Disseminate the good practices and experiences in the educational sector promoted by the project, the results of the research and sensitized the territory of Emilia Romagna on the progress made in the province of Cabo Delgado.

Activities:  Literacy programmes encouraging youth employment and entrepreneurship.  Development of at least 4 experimental programmes of community vocational training for adults designed and implemented with local authorities.  Strengthening of an info point supporting women and youth in employment, vocational training and local entrepreneurship.  Study visit in Reggio Emilia and Bologna of two representatives of the Municipality of Pemba.

Total Beneficiaries: 227 direct beneficiaries (trainers, women and youth benefitting from the programmes); 1135 family members, organisation/groups/CSOs members, cultural actors, representatives of local authorities.

Budget: 121.914 EUR

28 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 WeSchools

November 2015 – November 2018

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Right to Paly, FaDEC, Segun Ola Creation

Project Location: Benin, Departments of Zou and Collines

Objective: To guarantee quality education in the 13 beneficiary schools of the Zou-Collines Department


 Result 1: The 13 schools involved in the project benefited from a program of recreational activities aimed at encouraging the development of the emotional sphere in children.  Result 2: The teachers and directors of the 13 schools involved benefited from training courses aimed at improving educational quality.  Result 3: The 13 project schools have benefited from support in terms of infrastructure, human capital and material so that the children enrolled can achieve better results.


 Pedagogical trainings of teachers and directors for the effective adoption of the New Teaching Programs.  Supervision of teachers for the application of integrated methodologies that include the playful aspect in the learning process.  Construction and renovation of school buildings.

Total Beneficiaries: 6836: 6050 children, 146 teachers, 190 members of the School Committees

Budget: WW-GVC: 779.763,91 EUR (100%)

29 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Projects in Central and South America

TITLE Country Duration Budget Donor 1. EDUCATION PLATFORM - May 2017 – May 1.378.374 DEVCO Gender and Emancipatory 2021 EUR Education issues for a new public policy of the Education Sector in the State of

2. Education for freedom: the Brazil March 2017 – March 355.833,70 Private donors incidence of rural women, 2020 EUR organised in a group, in the schools of their children

3. Building practices of Peace’s Brazil March 2017-March 472.993,25 Private donors culture in the families and at 2020 EUR schools: pathways for the institutionalization of the process

4. Educaçao contextualizada: Brazil November 2015 – 524.844,51 Private donors construindo o bem viver no November 2018 EUR semiarido dos sertões inhamuns/crateús

5. Women and children are Brazil November 2013 – 537.407 Private donors aware who are building a March 2017 EUR more equitable and sustainable semiarid land

6. Building practices of Peace’s Brazil April 2014 – March 669.597,65 Private donors culture in the families and at 2017 EUR schools

7. Para! Mujeres rurales libre de Nicaragua January 2017 - 750.000 AICS - Italian Agency for violencia January 2020 EUR Development Cooperation for Development


8. Art and culture for children Nicaragua March 2014 – 891.310,00 DEVCO rights February 2017 EUR

9. : water and wind March 2017 – 1.725.750,36 AICS - Italian Agency for memories. Towards new February 2020 EUR Development Cooperation forms of community resilience 10. Chipaya: il futuro in gioco Bolivia May 2018 – July 17.400 Regione Trentino Alto 2019 EUR Adige

30 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 EDUCATION PLATFORM - Gender and Emancipatory Education issues for a new public policy of the Education Sector in the State of Ceará May 2017 – May 2021

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development Funded by:

Partners: ACACE, Pastoral do Menor, AEFAI, ESPLAR, Instituto Maria da Penha, Caritas Diocesana de Crateus.

Project Location: 20 Rural Municipalities of the semi-arid area of the State of Ceará, Brazil

Objective: To institutionalize and legislate the Emancipatory Education and the inclusion of thematic of Gender and Women's rights in the educational system, as a municipal public policy in the state of Ceará, North-East Region.


 Result 1: Enhanced the organizational, management and advocacy capacities of 50 CSOs: local organizations, associations and groups active in the field of Education and protection of the Women’s Rights.  Result 2: The emancipatory Education is institutionalized and legislated as an educational public policy at municipal and State level, thanks to an advocacy process lead by the educational communities, supported by local CSOs.  Result 3: Gender equality and women's rights introduced, assumed and legislated in the educational policy at municipal and State level, thanks to an advocacy process lead by the educational communities, supported by local CSOs.  Result 4: At least 50 Schools with qualified Pedagogical political project, built with the participation of the whole Educational community (students, teachers, school manager, parents and local CSOs). Activities:  Institutional strengthening, capacity building and advocacy of the CSOs involved.  Creation of a Platform for Emancipation Education to make pressure and negotiate policy with the institutions entrusted by the public authorities and to raise awareness of communities.  Training of institutions, CSOs and school communities on gender issues.  National events on Emancipatory and contextualized education and on Gender equality and women's rights  Pilot activities in schools and communities for the implementation of Emancipatory Education, including the training of teachers and school leaders, as well as groups of women in the community.  Training of 1.500 teachers in Emancipatory and contextualized education and on Gender equality and women's rights  Advocacy working groups to propose and make approved Educational laws at local level, to enhance public schools’ curriculum in 134 public schools.

Total Beneficiaries: 15.000 Children and 1.500 teachers of 134 public primary schools. 700.000 Inhabitants of the 20 Rural Municipalities

Budget: DEVCO: EUR 998,000 (72,40%); WW-GVC: EUR 380,374 (27,60%)

31 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Education for freedom: the incidence of rural women, organised in a group, in the schools of their children

March 2017 – March 2020

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: ESPLAR – Centro de pesquisa e assessoria

Project Location: Brazil, State of Cearà, Municipalities of Tamboril, and Nova

Objective: Increase access and exercise of rights in the field of citizenship, of quality education and of healthy nutrition for 180 women and 2,000 children, in 13 groups of women and 37 schools, in the 30 rural communities of the municipalities of Monsenhor Tabosa, and Tamboril in the Sertões dos Crateús region.


 Result 1: Educational and pedagogical activities included in the targeted schools,  Result 2: 180 women, organised in 13 groups, improved their internal organisation and political participation, widening their incidence in the areas of local and regional governance, especially in schools and community associations.  Result 3: Improvement of agricultural production through gardens managed by rural women.  Result 4: The project team has improved their knowledge / skills on key issues for the project, such as children's and gender rights, agro-ecology.

Activities:  Presentation and appropriation of the project in the town hall and in the local communities: 3 political / programmatic negotiation meetings; 3 municipal events for the presentation / public launch of the project; selection and registration of women participating in the group of women.  Training program for the qualification of the participation / incidence of women in the governance spaces on children's education and women's rights.  A training program for the qualification of production: 13 laboratories on nutritional, health and reproductive management of native poultry; 13 workshops on improving family gardens for food and nutritional sovereignty and security.  Technical team training program. Laboratories on the following topics: gender approach; race and ethnicity; implementation of teaching-pedagogical practices for the development of activities with children; non-sexist education, sexual education and sexuality.

Total Beneficiaries: 2000 Children, 180 women

Budget: WW-GVC 299.985,55 (84%); ESPLAR: 55.848,15 EUR (16%)

32 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Building practices of Peace’s culture in the families and at schools: pathways for the institutionalization of the process

March 2017 – March 2020

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Associação Beneficente da Criança e do Adolescente em Situação de Risco – Pastoral do Menor (PAMEN)

Project Location: Brazil, State of Cearà, Municipalities of , Trairi, , Crato, , Guaiúba, e Santa Quitéria.

Objective: To promote processes of institutionalization of Restoration Practices and educational-pedagogical qualification, starting with the Pedagogy of Peace, in 36 pre-primary and primary schools, in favour of 5,400 children and adolescents, 180 educators (M & F) in the municipalities of Santa Quitéria, Trairi, Iguatu, Guaiuba, Fortaleza, Crato and Brejo Santo.


 Result 1: The Restoration Practices are institutionalized in 13 schools in the Trairi municipality, in the districts of Canaan, Emboaca, Mundaú and Flecheiras.  Result 2: The actions of the WW-GVC campaign are methodologically and procedurally qualified, starting from the pedagogy of peace, in favour of 3,000 children, 180 teachers and 360 women (mothers and tutors) in 36 schools.  Result 3: The Communication strategy promotes the visibility and dissemination of the implemented actions and the overall management of the project is guaranteed.


 Awareness raising for the institutionalization of Restoration Practices in the targeted Districts.  Cycles of support meetings for teachers (in all municipalities), based on the technique of "Cuidar do Cuidador" and on exchanges of experiences between counterparts.  Lessons for teachers of the targeted schools on topics related to the theme of violence.

Total Beneficiaries: 5.4000 children and adolescents and their families.

Budget: WW-GVC: 450.007,74 (95,10%) EUR; PAMEN € 22.985,51 (4,90%)

33 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Chipaya: water and wind memories. Towards new forms of community resilience March 2017 – February 2020 10944/COOPI/BOLIVIA

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Partner: COOPI, ASPEm, CEBEM, Autonomous Government of Chipaya, AITR

Project Location: Autonomous Indigenous territory of Chipaya, Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia

Objective: Improving the management of cultural and socio-environmental heritage of the Chipaya people through social and inclusive business innovation tools.

Results:  Result 1: Improved management of resources in the original Chipaya territory by promoting and strengthening a vision of a productive and resilient municipality.  Result 2: The Chipaya educational community is consolidated as a centre of interpretation, protection and transmission of its culture, thanks to the systematization and incorporation of ancestral practices in school programs and the protagonism of young people through playful and artistic expressions and the introduction of ICT.  Result 3: Enhanced and disseminated the cultural heritage of the Chipaya people through entrepreneurial actions of community tourism.

Activities:  Planning the territory management;  Promotion of activities aiming to the territory sustainable development and the reduction of climate risks;  Strengthening of local radio as tool to spread information and to create discussion on participatory territorial management;  Implementation of workshops with youth on territory management based on indigenous autonomy;  Promotion of food sovereignty and healthy food;  Implementation of cultural and ICT workshops;  Planning and management of touristic development.

Total Beneficiaries: Beneficiari diretti: popolazione Chipaya (2003 persone), beneficiari indiretti: Chipaya migrati in Cile (circa 1 migliaio) e popolazioni dell’altipiano centrale che beneficeranno del flusso turistico.

Budget: 1.725.750,36 EUR

34 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Para! Mujeres rurales libre de violencia January 2017 - January 2020 EuropeAid/151147/DD/ACT/MULTI

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Project Location: Municipalities of Muy Muy, Dario City, Waslala and Santa Maria di Pantasma

Objective: To create a cultural change in the Municipalities of Muy Muy, Dario City, Waslala and Santa Maria di Pantasma promoting the empowerment of rural women

Results:  Result 1: Reduced rates of violence against women through the improvement of community capacities in the prevention and primary care of victims of violence, forming and accompanying different key actors.  Result 2: Public opinion sensitized on issues of violence and discrimination promoting a culture of respect for women's right to live free of violence and their right to work.  Result 3: Improved the socio-economic situation of rural women at risk by promoting their right to work and economic autonomy in harmony with a sustainable environment. Activities:  Organising 32 workshops on the topics of primary care and violence prevention, 24 workshops in feminist self-defence, 24 workshops in alternative masculinity.  Organising 105 sessions of legal assistance, 3 experience exchange between community defenders, authorities and surviving victims of violence.  Strengthening Casa Albergue Amewas de Waslala.  Design and implementation of a sensitising campaign.  Organising 4 workshops to train community communicators, who will develop and carry out communication activities.  Organising workshop on economic empowerment, administrative and commercial training, labour and property rights

Total Beneficiaries: 400 women and 100 men benefitting from trainings, community targeted in the sensitising campaign.

Budget: 750.000,00 EUR

35 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Chipaya : il futuro in gioco May 2018 – July 2019

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Partners: Associazione Girotondo

Project Location: Autonomous Indigenous territory of Chipaya, Sabaya Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia

Objective: Strengthen youth activism through educational practices in curricular programs

Results:  Result 1: 180 students of the three schools in Chipaya improve their capacities to develop effective interpersonal relationships, to take the initiative in a creative way and to look for positive solutions to community problems.  Result 2: 20 teachers of the three schools in Chipaya use new pedagogical tools based on learning- oriented games. Such tools are part of the Curricular Educational Plan of the three schools.

Activities:  48 recreational and sport sessions with 180 students of the three schools  4 training sessions on the method Ju.G.A.R. for 20 teachers  Supporting the creation of a Curricular Educational Plan including the method Ju.G.A.R.

Total Beneficiaries: Direct: 180 students and 20 teachers of three schools in Chipaya, 80 students in Trento. Indirect: 2000 members of Chipaya community

Budget: 17,400 EUR

36 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Educaçao contextualizada: construindo o bem viver no semiarido dos sertões inhamuns/crateús

November 2015 – November 2018

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Cáritas Diocesana de Crateús (CDC)

Project Location: Brazil, State of Cearà, Municipalities of , Quiterianópolis e Tamboril.

Objective: To strengthen the experiences in the field of the contextualized education in 34 schools (about 450 educators and 6,000 children) for the coexistence with the semiarid climate of 2,000 families of family farmers, in the rural and urban spaces of the Municipalities of Ipaporanga, Quiterianópolis and Tamboril.


 Result 1: The contextualized education becomes local public policy in the Municipalities of Ipaporanga, Quiterianópolis and Tamboril.  Result 2: 450 educators qualify their didactic-pedagogical practice, thanks to the principles of contextualized education.  Result 3: 34 schools promote the historical recovery of the local food culture of the communities in which they operate.

Activities:  Monitoring meetings of the contextualized education application within 12 public schools in the Municipalities of Ipaporanga and Tamboril.  Thematic modules (identity; models of cohabitation with the semi-arid climate; seeds; water; agricultural and non-agricultural production processes, family and ecosystem) for 450 educators from 34 schools, 12 hours for each module, 7 classes, for a total of 504 hours.  Construction and / or adaptation of 20 play and educational spaces, in an architectural perspective suited to the semi-arid climate, with the involvement of the Municipalities, communities and schools.

Total Beneficiaries: 34 schools, 450 teachers, 6.000 children, 2.000 family farmers.

Budget: WW-GVC: 477.608,50 EUR (91%); CDC: 47.236,01 EUR (9%).

37 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Women and children building a more equitable and sustainable semiarid land

November 2013 – March 2017

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: ESPLAR – Centro de pesquisa e assessoria

Project Location: Brazil, State of Cearà, Municipalities of Tamboril, Monsenhor Tabosa e Nova Russas.

Objective: To strengthen the political and productive organization of 300 women, family agricultural producers, and the learning of 2,200 children in vulnerable conditions in 28 communities in the Municipalities of Monsenhor Tabosa, Nova Russas and Tamboril.


 Result 1: 2,200 children from 2 to 14 years have increased their awareness on their rights, within an education contextualized with the reality where they live (environmental education); 100 teachers have improved their pedagogical proposal, thanks to an education contextualized to the rural reality in which they operate; 340 families responsible for school children are trained on the importance of children's rights.  Result 2: 300 women, rural producers, have strengthened and increased the agro-ecological production of their vegetable gardens.  Result 3: 300 women organized themselves into 14 groups, achieving greater organization and political participation in representative spaces in the struggle to end all forms of violence against women.

Activities:  Qualify the educational activities carried out by teachers in public schools of the target communities, informing, raising awareness and training children, teachers and families about the importance of children's rights and respect for the environment.  Support to agricultural production (mainly vegetables and fruit) and breeding of small animals.  Support women's organizations (informal groups), which are informed and trained on women's rights, on the laws in force in Brazil for the protection of women's rights and on public programs dedicated to the attention of women victims of gender violence.

Total Beneficiaries: 2.200 Children (2-10 years), 300 women, 100 teachers of public schools.

Budget: WW-GVC 537.407 EUR (100%)

38 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Building practices of Peace’s culture in the families and at schools

April 2014 – March 2017

Status: Closed Type of project: Development Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Associação Beneficente da Criança e do Adolescente em Situação de Risco – Pastoral do Menor (PAMEN)

Project Location: Brazil, State of Cearà, Municipalities of Fortaleza, Trairi, Brejo Santo, Crato, Juazeiro do Norte, Guaiúba, Iguatu e Santa Quitéria.

Objective: To qualify educational implementation in the field of conflict mediation and the fight against the abuse of children and adolescents, of 130 professors in 8 elementary schools of the municipal network and of 80 educators of the Pastor of Menor in 9 community centres, affecting the exercise of citizenship of 265 women, 75 adolescents and 90 children, in the municipalities of Trairi, Guaiuba, Santa Quitéria, Iguatu, Juazeiro do Norte, Crato and Brejo Santo in the State of Ceará.


 Result 1: 130 professors have increased their knowledge, both the theoretical and the practical level, of the restorative practices of conflict mediation and the fight against the abuse of children and adolescents.  Result 2: 80 social educators of Pastoral do Menor are able to identify and forward cases of violence against children and adolescents to the competent bodies.  Result 3: 265 women informed of their rights have access to public programmes in their favour.  Result 4: 75 adolescents act as knowledge multipliers linked to the exercise of citizenship and mobilization of spaces for youth participation  Result 5: 90 children have access to qualified information on the rights system of children and adolescents, in appropriate language Activities:  Conflict Mediation Training in each of the 8 schools.  Training meetings on “Fighting child maltreatment”.  Family home awareness visits.  Workshops on “the four pillars of education” for adolescents.  Workshops on “the four pillars of education” for children.

Total Beneficiaries: 9 municipal schools and 10 community centres of Pastoral do Menor located in 8 municipalities. 2,482 children supported by the project, 2,000 children from schools and community centres not supported, 180 primary and pre-primary teachers, 80 educators of Pastoral do Menor, 265 women of the families of the children supported, 75 adolescents.

Budget: WW-GVC: 637.821,48 EUR (95%); Partner: 31.776,17 EUR (5%)

39 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Art and culture for children rights March 2014 – February 2017 DCI-HUM/2013/312-972

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Partners: Cajovo, Chinantlan, La Baracca Testoni Ragazzi

Project Location: Chinandega Municipality, Nicaragua

Objective: Reinforcing children and adolescent’s participation as promoters of their own rights, through the development of their artistic and communicative abilities


 Result 1: Key actors sensitized and committed to the defence and restitution of the human rights of children and adolescents and the importance of art and culture as a motivating resource in the process of social change.  Result 2: Executed a social communication campaign carried out by children and adolescents focused on their human rights.  Result 3: Municipal governments assuming their role as principal rectors in the promotion and restitution of the rights of girls, boys and adolescents at the municipal level.

Activities:  Capacity building workshops for children and youth about human rights, communication, leadership, arts and culture;  Organise communication activities: art and cultural events, radio and TV activities, festival and sport events  3 exchanges with La Baracca (children theatre);  Signing agreements with the municipalities; equipping cultural areas of the municipalities; organising workshops about human rights and empowerment; support to the planning and approval of art and culture municipal policies.

Total Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries: 780 children and youth, 30 social communicators (adults), 120 community leaders, 20 art and culture technicians, 80 members of local authorities and CSOs. Indirect beneficiaries: 7000 children and youth, 50000 community members.

Budget: 891.310,00 EUR

40 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Projects in Asia

TITLE Country Duration Budget Donor 1. Strengthening Education & Cambodia Approved 1.111.111 DEVCO Employability in Kampuchean (SEEK) (36 months) EUR

2. Seasonal migration Karnataka – India December 81.600 Private donors Kerala: Stop child labour by ensuring 2018 – EUR the right to education of children December migrant families by community 2020 empowerment

3. Promoting Child Friendly Learning Cambodia April 2016 – 140.880,31 Private donors Environment for Quality Education April 2019 EUR

4. PEAK! Partnership for Equity and Nepal September 740.121 DEVCO Access in Kapilbastu. Local CSOs 2016 – August EUR promoting Equity and Quality in Early 2019 Childhood and Basic Education in Kapilbastu District, Nepal

5. Continuing efforts to ensure India December 230.000 EUR Private donors sustainable promotion of child rights 2015 – April and education in Krishnagiri District, 2019 Tamil Nadu

6. REACH project (Reinforcing Education Cambodia October 2016 – 940.333 Private donors Access with Community Help) – June 2018 EUR phase II

7. Improving Quality of education Nepal September 529.022 EUR Private donors facilitating the active participation of 2015 – community people and creating child September friendly environment in community 2018 schools

8. Restoring Childhood to Child India November 160.000 EUR Private donors Labourers in Tirunelveli District of 2015 – April Tamil Nadu of South India 2017

9. Combating child labour and India March 2015 – 255.407 EUR Private donors promoting education in the region of March 2017 Piduguralla of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh

10. Improving the quality of education India September 140.000 EUR Private donors and living for 768 children across 31 2015 – August villages in Nabha, Punjab, India 2016

41 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Strengthening Education & Employability in Kampuchean (SEEK) Approved (36 Months)

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Partners: Kampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE), Youth Council Cambodia (YCC), Buddhism for Social Development Action (BSDA)

Project Location: Cambodia

Objective: To increase the fulfilment of social and economic rights of vulnerable youth with a particular attention to young women from Cham’s ethnic minority in 3 provinces (Kampong Chhnang, Tbaung Khmum, and Kampong Cham), through access to inclusive quality education, vocational training and fair and more decent work.


 Result 1: Children and youth, especially girls from Cham communities, better access inclusive education in a way that improves their employability skills.  Result 2: Civil Society Organizations are empowered to find community-based solutions to vulnerable youth social and economic exclusion, to promote vocational training, career orientation and employability.  Result 3: Youth are empowered to promote their right to social and economic inclusion, and raising girls’ voices.


 Catch-up courses at upper primary to ensure adequate literacy and numeracy skills to transition.  Intelligent Mapping System of all the services related to employment (and self-employment) opportunity  Create and empower Self-Supporting peer groups to promote social initiatives at SEEK centres, networking and advocacy activities.

Total Beneficiaries: 15,250 Children; 65 School Directors and 340 teachers and 15 Student Councils (SC) in secondary school; 12 CSOs, 20 Self Help Groups (SHG), 6 providers of vocational training (VTP), and 50 Children and Youth Clubs (CYC); 30,500 parents, whose engagement will be required to keep children in school and assure community engagement in SEEK centres.

Budget: 1.111.111 EUR

42 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Seasonal migration Karnataka – Kerala: Stop child labour by ensuring the right to education of children migrant families by community empowerment

December 2018 – December 2020

Status: Ongoing Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Rural Literacy & Health Programme (RLHP)

Project Location: Country: India Department: Karnataka State District: Chamrajanar

Objective: To reduce the risk of child labour for the children of seasonal migrants, belonging to the 6 villages of Gundlupet Taluk, ensuring the conditions for an uninterrupted school attendance, through a close collaboration with the local administration


 Result 1: The right to quality education is guaranteed to about 2,400 school-age children from the families in 6 villages in the intervention area.  Result 2: Strengthened of the capacity of the community and local authorities in tracing the migratory movement of minors and ensure their rights protection  Result 3: 90% of the entitled families have access to government schemes to fight poverty and other instruments designed to help migrant families (at present only 17% of families’ access the programs)  Result 4: Family expenses are more rational and efficient and geared towards the children wellbeing and education.


 Formation of Child Rights Club in 6 villages focusing with the children (6-16 years) of migrant families - 331 children.  Teachers residential training - 6 teachers x 2 trainings x 2 days x 2 years  Awareness events in the communities on various social issues and laws and legislations 18 programmes for 6 villages each year (3 programmes each village each year) * 2 years  Life skill training for adolescent’s girls on appropriate to their needs, capacities and talents. 12 trainings in 2 years in each village.

Total Beneficiaries: 9.353, including 2403 children (0-18 years) and their families

Budget: WW-GVC: 80.000.00 EUR (98%), RHLP 1.600 EUR (2%)

43 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Promoting Child Friendly Learning Environment for Quality Education April 2016 – April 2018

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Child Rights Foundation (CRF)

Project Location: Country: Cambodia Department: Siem Reap province City/Area: Varin and Pouk Districts

Objective: To improve the quality learning environment of the schools in Varin and Puok districts by strengthening the school management and enhancing community and children’s participation


 Result 1: Provincial and district education officials and school management increased their knowledge on the importance of quality learning environment and improved their monitoring capacity  Result 2: Increased capacity of School Support Committees (SSC) to actively participate in school management  Result 3: Strengthened the school mechanism for child protection, through establishing a confidential reporting system and trainings  Result 4: Improved school physical environments, through financing the implementation of hygiene and sanitation facilities


 Support the transmission of the knowledge and skills acquired in the training to the teachers during the monthly meetings or other moments of sharing already established by the department of education.  Conduct a training meeting to raise awareness of the role of the School Support Committees to school authorities and the community in 5 “Champions” schools.  Organize a meeting with teachers to reinforce knowledge about child protection in the school environment.  Realize interventions to improve hygiene and health within the school.

Total Beneficiaries: 10.000 Children, 230 teachers, 90 members of the community, 10 Officials of the Minister of the Education.

Budget: WW-GVC: 126,698.05 EUR (89.93%); CRF 14,182.26 EUR (10.07%).

44 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 PEAK! Partnership for Equity and Access in Kapilbastu. Local CSOs promoting Equity and Quality in Early Childhood and Basic Education in Kapilbastu District, Nepal September 2016 – August 2019

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by:

Partners: Global Action Nepal (GAN), Siddharta Social Development Centre (SSDC)

Project Location: Country: Nepal, Department: Kapilbastu District City/Area: 8 Village Development Committees (VDCs) in Kapilbastu District

Objective: To enhance capacities of 18 local CSOs to promote equity and quality early childhood and basic education in 24 Community Schools (CSs) in 8 Village Development Committees


 Result 1: Organizational, management and technical capabilities of 18 CSOs in Kapilbastu District are improved.  Result 2: Equity in access to Basic Education System (BES) for Out Of School Children (OOSC) in 8 VDCs of Kapilbastu District is improved, thanks to the common efforts of local CSOs, CLCs, VDCs and DEO.  Result 3: Child Friendly Environment is improved in 24 CSs, to enhance the equity in inclusion, participation and retention.  Result 4: Learning Achievement is improved in 24 CSs.  Result 5: The coordination mechanism among local government, CSOs and local communities is strengthened, to advocate for enhanced equity in basic education, at district and national level.


 Initial assessment of 18 CSOs, including their skills and needs.  Survey to identify possible barriers to scholastic access and the causes of school dropout  Implementation of a program to guarantee meals for children at school.  Teacher training in "child-centred" and "child friendly" educational methods.  Distribution of the equity consolidation strategy to local CSOs and, through them, to local communities.

Total Beneficiaries: 7.144 students, 1.738 “Out of schools Children”, 15 Sector operators, 48 focal teachers, 156 teachers.

Budget: EU Commission: 518,085 EUR (70 %), WW-GVC: 222,036 EUR (30 %).

45 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Continuing efforts to ensure sustainable promotion of child rights and education in Krishnagiri District, Tamil Nadu

December 2015 – April 2018

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: ICCW – (India Council for Child Welfare)

Project Location: Country: India Department: Tamil Nadu District: Krishnagiri

Objective: To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for 5046 children (6-18 years) from 24 villages in 3 blocks of Krishnagiri District and increase the community’s resilience in fighting for their children’s rights.


 Result 1: The Children’s rights (including right to qualify education) in 24 targeted schools is guaranteed below beyond the duration of programmes supported by WW-GVC  Result 2: Learning environment is improved and reading habit in children in 24 schools villages is inculcated.  Result 3: At least one block will be sponsored by a government programme and private funding (CSR), CSR funding obtained for 20% of the project activities or linkage obtained under government schemes.


 Career guidance to inform and educate children about the various opportunities for studies and skilled training and skilled training and enabled them to make informed decisions regarding the future.  Enrolment campaign to spread awareness on importance of education and motivate children to continue school in 3 blocks of Krishnagiri.  Conducting painting competitions in 24 schools, linked with WW-GVC photo and drawing campaign, to bring out the creative talents from children.

Total Beneficiaries: 5.084 children

Budget: WW-GVC 230.000 EUR (100%)

46 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 REACH project (Reinforcing Education Access with Community Help) – phase II October 2016 – June 2018

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Kampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE)

Project Location: Country: Cambodia Department: Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Pursat and Kampong Chhnang Provinces. City/Area: 3 Districts in Svay Rieng (Svay Chhrum/Kompong Ro/Chantrea); 1 in Prey Veng (Kompong Trabek); 2 in Pursat (Bakan and Krakor); 4 in Kampong Chhnang (Krong Kg Chhnang and Rolea B’Ier, Tuekpos and Boribo).

Objective: To enhance learning impacts of children in multiple areas including literacy, numeracy and life skills through integrated strategies that promote improved learning environments both in the school and at home within the four target provinces.


 Result 1: Reinforced mechanisms to leverage school entrance at the correct age in those schools with an overage enrolment problem in the 4 target provinces of the project.  Result 2: Target schools demonstrate improved quality of teaching and learning environments and technical knowledge that positively influences interventions supporting children with special learning needs.  Result 3: Parents and community members are informed and actively engaged in their children’s learning processes in a majority of target schools in the 4 Provinces  Result 4: Social-economic condition in the target area improved among the target families  Result 5: Measures of good governance that include multiple aspects including transparency, financial management, accountability and data management improve at all levels (school level, district level, and provincial level)

Activities:  Training for the 76 pre-primary school teachers; provide materials for kindergartens; support school enrollment campaigns in 50 schools; support local actors; support schools in preparing their development plan (School Development Plan.)  Improve the environment in all the schools of the 4 target provinces; support teachers and directors of the 43 target schools with training in teaching techniques and the production of teaching material.  Select and train the Literacy Coaches in the target elementary schools; promote parental participation in all 43 schools.  Train school directors on Leadership, Transparency & Accountability;

Total Beneficiaries: 24.087 Children of Primary School, 2.112 Children of Pre-Primary School, 518 teachers, 105 officials of the Minister of the Education.

Budget: WW-GVC: 888,101 EUR (94 %); KAPE 52,232 EUR (6%)

47 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Improving Quality of education facilitating the active participation of community people and creating child friendly environment in community schools September 2015 – September 2018

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Nangshal Association Nepal (NAN)

Project Location: Country: Nepal Department: Kavrepalanchowk district City/Area: Shankharapur Milche, Chyamrangbesi, Kavrenityachandeswor, Dhulikhel Municipality and Panchkhal Municipality

Objective: To ensure quality learning environment in 44 public schools of 3 VDCs and two municipalities of Kavre district.


 Result 1: Improved child friendly environment in primary level of targeted schools  Result 2: Created an environment in school that can guarantee the right to protection for students  Result 3: Improved management of schools with active participation of community people: strengthening School Management Committee and Parents Teacher Association and mobilizing community people to support schools through their involvement in school related activities, like conducting Social Audit, Community Education Management Information System and preparation preparing Annual School Improvement Programs.  Result 4: Improved child friendly learning environment with Early Literacy and Mathematics (ELM) in ECD


 Teacher training in teaching and assessment techniques promoted by the government such as: Multi Grade Multi Level (MGML); Early Grade Reading (EGR); Continuum Assessment System (CAS)  Built 13 schools of two classes, with the supply of all the material necessary for the functioning of the classes.  Activation of rooms dedicated to pre-primary education in the community, training of facilitators within the community and the distribution of basic material kits for carrying out the activities.  Creation of “Children Club”, where children can participate in the organization of the school and experiment with democratic participation mechanisms.  formation of the "School Management Committee SMC" [made up of school managers, teachers, representatives of children and the community].

Total Beneficiaries: 5000 students; 176 teachers and facilitators; 1320 members of the SMC; 1760 Mothers of the children who attend the 44 pre primary school target.

Budget: WW-GVC 530,000 EUR

48 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Restoring Childhood to Child Labourers in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu of South India

November 2015 – April 2017

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: Nava Jeevan trust (NJT)

Project Location: Country: India Department: Tamil Nadu District: Tirunelveli

Objective: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Children (6-18 years) from 32 villages in Tirunelveli District and increase the Community resilience in fighting for their children’s rights.


 Result 1: The children’s right to quality education in 32 targeted villages is guaranteed beyond the duration of the programme supported by WW-GVC.  Result 2: Learning environment in 13 schools is improved as per RTE standards and reading habit in children in 20 villages is inculcated – 4 schools and 17 SECs/TCs  Result 3: Dropout girls assisted to complete their formal education while attending vocational training courses for 9 months.

Activities:  Residential trainings x 31 teachers on teaching new methodologies.  Improve the infrastructure of 4 Govt. schools  Conduct technical skills trainings in tailoring, mobile repairing and jewellery making.

Total Beneficiaries: 1726 children that will be involved in Non formal education or bridges courses and reintegrate in regular school from 32 villages in 4 blocks.

Budget: WW-GVC: 155.860 EUR (97.41%); NJT: 4.140 EUR (2,59%)

49 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Combating child labour and promoting education in the region of Piduguralla of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh March 2015 – March 2017

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors

Partners: ASSIST

Project Location: Country: India, Andhra Pradesh Department: Guntur district City/Area: Piduguralla region

Objective: Every child of the target communities attend school and have access to quality standards in the Government schools


 Result 1: Basic Rights to Education (RTE) norms followed in 21 Government schools (including one aided) of Piduguralla, Machavaram and Rajupalem Mandals, through Lobbying and Advocacy activities to seek Government Authorities support to local communities  Result 2: Increased community participation in the functioning of 21 Government schools, through a capacity building approach and sensitization sessions on Right to Education and Gender issues  Result 3: Mainstreaming the children rights approach from ASSIST centres into Government schools


 Supply of hygiene facilities and clean water within target schools  Creation of 16 School Management Committees, which participate proactively in the functioning and in ensuring the maintenance of the standards achieved by the school.

Total Beneficiaries: 1.322 Children

Budget: WW-GVC: 226,411 EUR (88.65%); ASSIST 28,996 EUR (11.35%)

50 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019 Improving the quality of education and living for 768 children across 31 villages in Nabha, Punjab, India

September 2014 – August 2015

Status: Closed Type of project: Development

Funded by: Private donors Implemented by:

Partners: The Nabha Foundation (TNF) - The Nand & Jeet Khemka Foundation

Project Location: India, State of Punjab, District of Nabha

Objective: Improve children’s quality of life and learning in 31 schools in Nabha, Punjab, India.


 Result 1: 300 children from rural and undeserved families receive high quality free of charge. The Nabha Foundation will pay for all operational costs, teachers training, educational material, teaching tools, supervision costs.  Result 2: 120 children who are at risk of dropping out of school have increased possibility of getting integrated with other children in their grades.  Result 3: Confidence and sense of wellbeing increased among 3100 children mostly coming from underserved families.  Result 4: The school environment is significantly more conducive to learning and growth of children.

Activities:  768 children registered and currently active under the project and provide educational material and school supplies to all students from 31 participating schools.  Deliver specialized coaching inside the school premises to about 120 children who are at-risk of dropping out from school due to age and grade inappropriate learning levels to improve their academic level.  Conduct health check-up camps for children to conduct medical check-up and awareness on health, hygiene and safety in at least 25 of the participating schools.  Improve infrastructure in the schools on a needs basis.

Total Beneficiaries: 300 children receive free high quality education; 120 children receive special coaching to reduce risk of dropping out from school; 3100 children receive educational material and opportunities in drawing & sporting activities; 2500 children receive free health check-up.

Budget: WW-GVC: 112.000 EUR (80%); Partners: 28.000 EUR (20%)

51 WW-GVC Projects in Education _October 2019