PRETORIA: South African I have agreed to stay on until at least Finance Minister Derek Keys October". yesterday announced his The 62-yearold former mining head resignation but said he would said his decision to resign was per­ stay on until at least October or sonal "and there are no questions of until a suitable successor was policy involved". found. Keys said it had been important to protect the country's economic base In a brief statement, Keys said Presi­ during its transition and to enable the dent Nelson Mandela had agreed to new government of national unity to release him from his post "when a ""'" I suitable successor has been found and continued on page 2 Government pension plan n e 00 -= under fire • CHRISTOF MALTESKY Fate of Nam f.ish raiders in balance ACCUSATKlNS flew thick and fast in the National ~ssembly yesterday when I , , I. TOM MINNEY the equalisation of pensions was THE FATE of the captains of three vigorously debated and Government came under heavy fire as the official n ships accused of fishing opposition called for old-age pensions to illegally In Angola hangs in the balance, be increased to N$382. awaiting a decision from the Angolan The DTA's Katituure Kaura said the opposi­ authorities. tion did not want to be "accomplices in execu­ Under a treaty signed with Angola in March the tion of crime against the elderly" and also said Namibians could agree to extradite the officers to cutting the pensions of some old-agers was Angola, but noth ing has been heard back from tantamount to "genocide" . Luanda. ' Yesterday's debate followed a motion by The ships named by the Ministry of Fisheries and Health and Social Services Minister Dr Nicky Marine Resources as having slipped across into Iyambo that all social pensions be equalized at Angolan waters on June 23 were the 'Haddevik', N$135 by the beginning of this month. operated by Silence Holdings, 'Ruvehum' ofGendev Iyambo told the House that social pensions of Namibia and ' Atlantic Leader' of United Fishing would be equalized by cutting the pensions of Enterprises. around 4430 old-agers to the same level as that A tightlipped Latsky (he would not reveal his first received by the other 90 852 pensioners. name) of Gendev of Namibia, said last night he had Previously white pensioners received N$382, not yet heard any reports from his boat or from the coloureds N$192 and basters N$150 which Government. He said he had "no opinion" on the they retained after independence. Black pen­ question as all he knew was what he had read in the sioners were levelled at N$93 immediately af­ newspapers. ter independence and afterwards was raised to WINNING WITH THE NAMffiIAN ... Young Lukas Amakali (17), a Gendev is a joint venture between a British­ N$120. Grade 11 pupil from the Deutsche Hohere Private Schule (DHPS) in owned South African group and local investors The Minister appealed for support but his pocketed N$100 for winning the City Savings and Investment including several linked to Swapo's businesses, and motion sparked a heated debate. Banklfhe Namibian Chess competition No 5 in our popular Weekender. it is one of Narnibia's biggest employers wi th more Dr Ben Africa (DTA ) was fIrst to take the Amakali is a keen chess player who is in his second year of playing the than 2 300 staff. The other companies could not be floor and oppose the move, saying there was a game. The youngster regularly enters the competition and was rewarded reached last night. need "for Heads to be put together to solve the for his efforts last week. He is pictured receiving his prize from The continued on page 2 probl~m" . Namibian's JotH Kampala. Photo: ChristofMaletsky Africa was quickly supported by the United Democratic Front's Eric Biwa who said the "disrespect and cruelty" of the previous regime 3 sentenced for stealing court dockets should not be allowed to continue. Biwa demanded that the pension money should'rather be raised to the maximum to avoid • JOSEF MOTINGA They were each sen­ N$5 000, were convicted Klazen admitted he what he regarded as "a disgrace and insult to our HELMUT Klazen was yesterday sentenced tenced to N$3 000 or 15 by Magistrate Petrus had received the docket months' imprisonment Unengu in the Windhoek from the other two ac­ old citizens". to N$3 000 or three years' imprisonment Kosie Pretorius of Action Chritian National for theft. A further 15 Magistrate's Court. cused knowing it had (ACN) said he understood there were about 40 for attempting to sell a case docket for months were condition­ The trio pleaded guilty been stolen. . 000 Angolans with forged Namibian identity N$30 000 to suspects in a diamond case. ally suspended for five and submitted sworn State prosecutor cards and wanted to know whether they were years. statements in which they Eckhard Rosemann ob­ also receiving pensions from the Government. Klazen was also sen­ The two accused, who Klazen received the revealed the basis of their served that the state­ If this was the case, then Government was tenced to N$3 000 or one were c.onvicted fororigi­ stolen docket on April defence. ments conveyed the im­ losing up to N$500 000 in one month alone, year imprisonment for nally stealing the dock­ 23 and tried to sell it to Jacobs and Derday's pression that the two Pretorius said. receiving the dockets ets from the office of ,Frederika Rust, PJL statements said that, went to the offIce wi th Deputy minister of Regional, Local Govern­ knowing they were sto­ State prosecutor Steenkamp and EPV among others, they went the intention of stealing. ment and Housing Jerry Ekandjo rose to sup- len. A further one year Lodewyk Adams, were Spinola. into the offIce of State However, in the origi- was cond itionally sus­ Jimmy Jacobs and All three accused, who prosecutor to steal the continued on page 2 continued on page 2 pended. Marcelino Derday. had been out on bail of docket. 2 Wednesday lluly·06 -1-994 THE NAMtS.AN

Fish fuss I FROM PAGE 1 •Repla ce your Samuel Goagoseb, as­ sistant to Fisheries Minis­ ter Helmuth Angula, said the Ministry is also con­ registration cards. sulting the Attorney-Gen­ eral 's office to find out if there were more steps that could be taken. He said for elections . the alleged offence was not committed in Na­ mibia. The Ministry also • TOMMINNEY illegible then the old card must be allocates fishing quotas to P~OPLE WILL be able'to 'use handed in. each vessel and thus re­ their 1992 r.egional election Registration cards will be issued ducing future quotas could vC?ter cards in this year' s until the day t;efore the start of the be another means of pun­ two elections, likely to be on De­ ishing the offenders. Parliamentary and cember 6 and 7. Environmental condi­ Presidential elections. But if This year's national elections will tions, possibly linked to they have lost or damaged these be fought on a party list system, just the 'red tide', have sent they should apply as soon as as in 1989. This means that each much of the pelagic fish HELP AT HAND ••• Germany has donated N$32 488,50 to the disabled possible for a replacement party must submit 72 names of can­ further north say fishing chlldren of the Anamulenge Cheshire Home in northern Namibia. The card. didates, and these will then get industry sources. This money will be used to establish a disabled therapy swimming pool. This is A press statement from the Direc­ Parliamaentary seats according to makes it much more ex- the second time Germany has donated money to Cheshire Homes in torate of Elections says that the 'Re­ how many people vote for that party. pensive to catch them and Namibia and German Ambassador Hans Schumacher (right) promised gional Councils Voters' Cards' is­ Debate is still continuing on is hamperi.ng produ~ti~n Archbisbop Bonifatius Hausiku, wbo received tbe donation, tbat tbeir sued in 1992 are still valid for both whether to switch to a constituency at the ~annIDg factones ID financi4ll support would continue. Pboto: Cbr;stof Maletsky elections. It adds that registered vot­ basis so that each member of the ers whose cards have been lost, de­ National Assembly represents a par­ ~~l;~i~~~~:;~ ~i!:i!i llll. !:!~llll.,i.'~!~li: IIIII )J• • ~lil lll . ,I~!ii~· stroyed or are unreadable should ticular region. years. Goagoseb said this apply to the directorate for a re­ This could make them more ac­ was the fi rst exchange of placement. countable to people in a special area, surveillance information Elections directo r G erhard rather than only owing loyalty to the under the treaty. Totemeyer says he will issue new top figures of their own political Namibia is pointing the cards once he is satisfied an appli­ party. way for fu.ture co-opera­ cant is who he or she says he is and * Anyone wishing to get a new tion in the Southern Afri­ with their explanation of what hap­ registration card must fill a form at can Development Com­ pened to the previous one. If the the D irectorate of Elections in munity under which it co- is because an old card is Parsival Street, Windhoek. ltes sea fis heries i the region. But Namibia has the most apvanced fishi ng surveillance sys­ Pension parity plan panned Stolen dockets tem in Sadc. The message u Namibia before inde- Namibians looked after fairly" received m~re the door but there was no over the incursion was FROM PAGE 1 [7ROMPAGE1- J pendence. Ekandjo their elderly. money "must now give answer. They had opened sent to Luanda vl~diplo­ port the motion. Ekandjo added that they also un- National Patriotic up benefits to show rec- nal s~te m~ nt ~ey gaffive to the door and seen no-one matic channe ls .. The . '1' . " the mvesttgatmg 0 Icer inside and decided to go Angolans may turn ~ut to said while he did not derstood that some F ront leade r Moses onCllatlOn . th 'd th h d t . .. . . d th "0 of moral ey sal ey a gone 0 back to the hotel and re- want "to be rude" to­ Angolans crossed mto KatJlUongua JOlne e . ur sense - Adams' office to fi nd out be more preoccupied with turn later. wards the elderly, "it is Namibia at the end of chorus of those oppos-Ity and sense ofprudence about progress on a • 'I ."'1 ')1 ,''', the war against Unita than This they had done at with fish. clear that some have every month "justto col- . i ng th~ M i n i s~ ' ~move . is at test. We. have t?, long standing case in never contributed for about 16hOO. On their way There were fisheries lect money". This prob- He srudequallzatlOn was demonstr~te ~t ~o~, which Jacobs was a sus­ they had discussed the '-- inspectors on board, but their social pe nsion lem would be solved in a. step in the right dir~c- Angul~ . sal d , dlsmlss~ng pect. Only when they problem of being unable money due to acts of the the Ministry says their in­ time, he said. tlOn but not the cutting opposItion to the motion hadn't found Adams in to find Adams. They had structions to the ships' previous regime". HeassuredtheHouse ofsocial pension money. as "cheap politicking". his office, which was ded ded that should they officers were ignored and He said the 40 000 that N$135 a month was Katj iuongua asked His words provoked open, had they decided to not fmd Adams, Jacobs the ships went ahead with Angolans mentioned by not the end of the road Iyambo to "draw a line" heavy criticism from the steal the docket would go in and see crossing the border. Pretorius had been in and said the majority of on how much a person DTA's Kaura who said Rosemann's point was whether he could find the '::':=~-:;=::::::::======'I-=--II must earn to live above to take money away from corroborated by defence docket, and remove it. IF INTERESTED IN A MARKETING CAREER? , poverty when they reach the elderly amounted to counsel for one of the ac­ Jacobs had entered and I ~HOUSE TRAINING • .0N-J08 TRAINING the age of qualifying for "genocide". cused JH Wessels, when started searching. He had PROVIDED AT EVERY LEVEL. a pension. Home Affairs Minis- he submitted the merits of become nervous when he Minister of Education ter H ifikepunye the case. could not fi nd the docket POSITIONS AVAILABLE: NahasAngulaagreed the Pohamba said there was Wessels Jacobs had ap­ quickly, and had taken all 1. MARKETltG REPRESENTATIVE (TRAiNEES) money was not enough not enough money but proached the cou~ on a the dockets plus Adams' 2. JUNIOR MANAO~ (TRAINEES) . but said neither was as soon it was available number of occasIOns to briefcase containing other 3. SENIOR'MANAGERS (TRAINEES) N$382. Angula said it pensions would be in- hear ~rom .A:dams about a dockets. According to the should be accepted that creased. case m which he was a charge-sheet they had sto­ BENEFITS : not everything could be He appealed to the suspect. len 13 dockets in all. . 1. Overseas placements provided for the "old citi- House to accept the th0nhth;::y o~t~e th~~ After they left the court 2. Rapid promotion zens" when the Govern- move and consider an .ey ~ t I en SI 109 ~ g they had met Klazen and driver to Rehoboth. 3. Ur:lllmlted income ment's priority was the increment in the future. city I~ e c°thnsumthtn . more Iquor an e y Among the dockets they youth. Forhim those old- The debate continues should. All three how- Requirement.: had discovered one on timers who had " un- today. ever, had known what they fraud involving diamonds 1 Four GCE subjects were doing. and had given it to Klazen 2. A car would be an advantage Keys resignation At about 12hOO, J acobs who had then told them and Derday had gone to he was going to try and CALL 24074718 FOR AN APPOINTMENT Adams' offi ce. sell the docket to the sus- FROM PAGE 1 a long one for which. I I They had knocked on pects. believe fresh resources ~.- :.:::..::...-=.::..:.::.:.:..:.:.:..:..:...... :...... --!:. ______make the best possible need to be marshalIed," start. he said. URGENTLY NEEDED He has overseen the Financial markets took Nigeria head home country's e?terge nce a hammering earlier yes- FROM PAGE 1 Zola was sent off for an Vacancy from one of ItS longest terday afternoon on ru- innocuous looking recessions as well as mours that Keys was Midfielder Emmanuel tackle on defender Au- Teacher as soon as possible to teach th r~ ~gh the turbul ~ nt about to resign. Key Amunike stabbed the . gustine Eguavoen: political change which bond rates plunged by ball home from close Final score: Italy 2 _ Grades 9 /10 Mathematics. saw the i?s~llat i on of 5 ~ points and the finan- range to put the Super Nigeria I. South Afnca s ~rs t alI- clal ~and~ a barometer~f Eagles ahead in the 26th The Nigerians, play­ Send CV to: A.M.E. Private Community School race democracy In May foreign Investor confl- minute after the Italian ing in their first World this year. . dence, fell 20 cents. - defence failed to clear a Cup, proved worthy con- P.O.Box 209 "But the road ahead is Sapa corner. tenders and are already Kalkrand I , ...... i Italy played from the being tipped by many 76th minute with 10men insiders as potential win­ Or contact: 06672 - 3712 Mr. Kooper (Principal) after substitute ners of World Cup 1998. midfielder Gianfranco _ THE NAMIBIAN' . 'c-;';' Wednesday July 6'1994 3' '.' '. Boreholes, fencing speed up the desert

• • TOMMINNEY landscapes, stripped of preventing decline ofdry vegetation and then of lands. But Seely says EMERGENCY boreholes drilled to combat fertile soil by erosion, basic techniques of drought could speed up the decline of farm­ became as barren as the adapting to live in a dry land and boost the dangerouseft'ectsoffuture moon. and drought-prone cli­ droughts. And unplanned fencing taking up There have been many mate were learned here land that used to be open to communities is bids to preserve the pro­ hundreds of years ago. 'aIso speeding environmental disaster. ductivity of farmland The problem now is since, but Darkoh says it that circumstances are These are only two tries ofEnvironment and is often not a high prior­ changing. For instance crisis points mentioned Tourism and of Agri­ ity for governments be­ drilling extra boreholes by Mary Seely, an envi- culture, Water and Ru­ cause it takes decades to encourages people to ronmental expert, as she ral Development organ­ see results. settle in areas where be­ answered journalists' ised the conference. Re­ Steps needed include fore they only visited and questions yesterday dur- searchers, educational­ penalties (for instance then left to let land re­ ing a conference on ists, environment spe­ for tree cutting) and in­ cover. The widespread desertification in Na- cialists, representatives centives (such as subsi­ fencing of northern com­ mibia. But the main from three commercial dies to encourage work munal areas, including thrust of her paper for and nine communal in villages). Giving lo­ by political leaders who the meeting· was that farming areas, and even cal people more eco­ can exert pressure on planners and the media students are attending it nomic power and the headmen and other tra­ should realise drought at the University of Na­ LEARNING LONG-TERM SURVIVAL is the message of a poster chance to put their OWl) ditionalleaders, cuts off occurs regularly here and mibia. display over three Doors at the University of Namibia. knowledge of their envi­ some land from commu­ needs to be planned for Visiting academic rooment to work is a big nities and forces other carefully, not treated as Michael Darkoh, an ex­ the right way. First steps becoming less produc- in 1968-1973 when step. people to overcrowd re­ an emergency. pert in eastern and south- are to find out the extent tive) and then to draw up drought and famine in GeoffPickuphascome maining areas, stripping The Desert Ecologi- ern African environ­ and main causes of the a strategy. former farmlands south from Australia where them of resources it cal Research Unit of ments, says Namibia is process known as The problem only of the Sahara desert advanced programmes could take centuries to Namibia and the Minis- tackling the problem in "desertification" (land came to world attention killed thousands and are being developed for replace. Govt cheque fraud case in court lWI~~~~' BQt.i.·'.~f1~.i : M, I. ~.>.;.l. IS.S are r~~ay i~ • JOSEF MOTINGA edly part of the scam, bore the signatures of an not believed him and had appeared and had unnamed Ministry of wanted to see the TIlE VOTER llsts for the local' elections in . A NUMBER ofofficials from the Offieeofthe entered the office to call Finance official. cheques. Louw had are now on display for checking for Prime Minister and the Ministry of Agricul­ the accused out. Oelofse Oelofse said he had given her two such false registrations and errors. A call 19 out for . ture Water and'Rural Development are fae- · said he had confronted arrested Garises and cheques in the park in parties and other bodies who wishto'flgbt the ing charges in connection with blank Bank of the accused and had taken her to his office. front of the Tintenpalast. .... mid-August poll to register before the J~y 15 Namibia cheques which were allegedly stolen asked her to hand over She had named others She had not handed the ~•. deatlJine.Jbe voters' Ust is on diSplay at the . the cheques. However, suspects .. cheques back as she had ~t'tnrAt(. .... of .Elections· head,~~".,~~rs "kin or forged. the Mallistratesy(jftjce in she had denied having Davids testified that wanted to bring them to They were allegedly ing with the security them. He had then asked the accused had told the attention of the rel- destined to be sold at service, Joseph David, her for her handbag but them there was a "Portu­ N$I 00 ()()() each to who­ testified. had not found any guese person" who sold ev~:n0:!c~~li~ she had I t ~~~YlN&rdltti~ ' n'f ~ ! ever wanted to get rich Oelofse told the court cheques. the cheques. phoned an officer work- , paP'!'~! < . , .....,<,' ....," ..... ~ by entering any sum of that on September 28 Garises had then asked According to the court ing with Louw and told money and cashing the 1993 he had received whether she would be records, in a sworn state­ him about the cheques. Government cheques. information that the ac­ locked up if she handed ment before court on She had asked him to Among the accused, cused was going to meet over the cheques. September 29 1993 take the cheques back to who are to appear sepa­ an informer about the Oelofse haa responded Garises pleaded not Louw as she wanted rately, are: Mercia cheques in the . that this would not hap­ guilty. nothing to do with them. Garises, Eric Meyer and Tintenpalast park. pen if she co-operated She said she had re­ The person had sug­

Eric Louw. He had watched the with the PQlice. She had ceived the cheques from gested that she give the •• 'N , _ ..•. onJypeopletuhiect~!l'!~Y w~re Garises appeared in two and had then fol­ then handed over an of­ Eric Louw who had told cheques to Warrant Of­ ; those wllO did"notbring the Correct~umerits. the Windhoek Magis­ lowed the accused until ficial envelope contain­ her he . could forge ficer Oefolse who was ; Anyoii~who Is unhappy with ttte .W8Ivis Bay trates Court on Monday she had entered the Min­ ing two blank Bank of cheques and that he was acquainted with the mat­ procedures or suspects malpractice sUch as dis~ . when Sergeant Pieter istry of Agriculture Namibia cheques. They in possession of such ter. crimmation sbould complain to tbe WalVis Bay Oelofse and a former building. were numbered 3492589 cheques. The case will resume magistrate, again before Friday,1 une 8. Yester- police officer now serv- David, who was alleg- and 3492590 and both Garises said she had bn July 13. day afternoon a spokesperson fortbe magis­ trates' office in Walvis Bay confirmed that so far no complaints have been received. All tbe bigger parties apparently registered Fatal ,accident for the 1992 regional elections and do not have to re-register. But new bodies who want to stand A YOUNG vet from Gobabis was killed on must submit a proper application, supported by Monday, July 4, when his Isuzu pick-up left the tbe signatures of 250 registered voters in tbe road and hit a Camelthorn tree. case of a residents' association. The deadline is Dr PV Andreal, 33, Namibian men. He was July 15 an'd it is possible a WalvisBay Municipal died on the spot. He was robbed of aHi-Fi valued Forum,led by former National Party MPChristo alone in the car. The po- at N$l 800. de Jager, and an association may register. lice reported. yesterday Illir=:::=====~======::=::::; that the aCCIdent took place on the B6 raod GROUP OF ESTATE AGENTS approximately six kilo­ metres from Omitara. * The police also re­ KATUTURA:GOREANGAB ported yesterday that a man was threatened at PLOT & PLAN knife-point in Katutura

THE Federal Repub lic~ of Germany on Monday -;;~~'Y~=~(, ..~ ! ct~!C~~ ~' ==~'~I ~o~n~s~u~nd~a~y~b~y~a~g~ro~u~p~O~fI donated humanitarian assistance to the tune of *Plans available to fit your personal needs approximately N$44 000 for the Herero and * Affordable: N$80 000 - N$120 000- Mbanderu people resettled in the Gam area from FOR HIRE Botswana. The money was used to buy warm *New & modem clothing for approximately 1400 children and 330 A Restaurant with liquor * Christmas in your own house! blankets as well as maize. Dour and sugar for the licence for hire. *Only 5 plots available community. The donation was handed over to Lands Your agent: and Resettlement Minister Richard Kabajani by N$100 +- per month * Be a proud Namibian - Melanie van Dyk German Ambassador Hans Schumacher. Photo: Please contact: Cicellie at tel: 21565 be proud of your property Christof Maletsky Tel: 222771 , JHE.NAMIBl,AN 4 .wed~e~~?y , J~ly , 9~, 1~~4 f I.. ' •• j ~


DANCE, DANCE, DANCE as the children of the local school join the festivities for a MARCHTOPROGRESSasprimaryschoolchildrenmarchedforthegalaopeningof centre that will give them new horizons and opportunities - without having to leave a village resource centre at Mpungu, west of Rundu, last month. their village. Education for the people at Mpungu eTOMMINNEY new beginning for the such as literacy and de­ ties including training local school and people. velopment discussions. and advancement. HOW DOES development reach the quiet It is the fourth in a CASS works closely The Mpungu centre is villages, standing remote from the series of six community with the Ministry ofEdu­ geared very much to the mainstream of economic activity? A new ' resource centres in a pi­ cation and Culture which community's wishes. centre opened in June in one such village lot project run by the will provide ongoing Their interests include and signals a giant step in a pilot project that Windhoek-based Centre support, although the cultural activity and could light the spark of progress. for Applied Social Sci- community members music - the opening cer­ ences. give their work volun­ emony featured a cul­ A crowd of children, centre at -Mpungu, 180 The aim is that the tarily. tural troupe of senior teachers and dignitaries kilometres west of community should elect The total cost of the residents with traditional attended the gala open- Rundu .. . Tire simple a committee which or­ pilot scheme is some deep drums. ing of the Rudi Nerongo building, and the com­ ganises the building ' N$800000. The centre now con­ (meaning 'Community munity work that had and stocking of the cen­ After all the centres tains local traditional Education') resource gone into it, could be a tre, and later runs its ac­ are set up, CASS worker items and ornaments, as tivities and looks after it. Peik Bruyns and others well as literacy training The centres, usually at will evaluate progress materials. or near primary schools, and see whether the plan Kavango region gov­ form a place where could be used more ernor Ambrosius teachers can meet and widely in Namibia. Haingura official1y improve. It is a chance In some neighbouring opened the centre, and for school children and OFFICIALLYOPENisthemessageasKavango countries many villages gave encouraging words others to read books and governor Ambrosius Haingura formally opens have such village re­ to the people as he told it can provide a focus for tbe Rudi Nerongo resource centre at Mpungu, source centres, which is them its aim and how community activities near Rundu. a venue for many activi- they should useil. But in each case a local com­ mittee is already active, LUXURIOUS OFFICE SPACE even holding meetings with the architect before Ideally constructed for the construction begins. professional businessman. The other centres are Situated in the centre of town at Okatana, Nyambali with lots of parking and and Endola in the central North, and the next two excellent security. will be in Kaliyangile Immediately available. and loma near Katima Contact: LyneHe Conradie Mulilo. Funding for the project lel: 37940 (office hours) comes from the free 224883 (after hours) Hanseatic city of Bremen, Terre des Hommes of Germany, CASS, IBIS of Den­ PROPERTY mark, Consolidated Dia- mond Mines and a AT THE HOP and providing hot rhythms and even hotter dance steps were a cultural troupe of Canada fund. FOR SALE senior citizens.

The Rossing Foundation is offering a house Yappee and Meryl Streepand Shirley for worse for sale by tender. The house is situated in Yahooey MacLaine star in this 17h23: King Kong! K1ein Windhoek, and consists of: 14hsO: Grady mov ie ofan actress strug- Tom of Thumb 3 Bedrooms, with b.i.c. Greenspace gling to rebuild her life 17h44: Kiddies lounge, with fireplace H-N*e*T IshOO: The Flintstones after some time in a drug entertainment Dining room 15h30: Conan The rehabilitation clinic. A 17hss: Our Friends Premium* Time Adventurer heartwarming movie. The Dolphins Sfudy/lV Room Kitchen, with b.i.c. KTV Starts KTVEnds . 221100: Gremlins 11 - (Parents note some 09hOO: The Elephant Open Time The New Batch 2 bathrooms scenes might be offen- Show 16hOO: Full House (13) sive) Double garage KTVEnds 16h30: Loving llh45: The Untamed 18h23: Sami's Science Servants quarters 09h30:Egoli 17hOO: Egoli (A) Lab Swimming pool 10hOO: Stanley And ~ 7h30: Step By Step 02hOO: Sleepwalkers 18h30: Dimension X Iris (13) Premium Time (18) 19hOO: World Cup 94 To w.w and to obtain tender KTy Holiday Festival 18hOO: Contract For 03h30: Bonds Of Love Playoffs ctocum.1fs,contact: 12hOO: Yes Virginia Murder (A) OshOO: Ends 20hOO: News Mrs. M Jansen There Is A Santa Final episode in mini- 20h34: Roots (final of The Rossing Foundation elaus series first series) Rand Street KtV Starts 19h40: Supersport: 21h17: After Nine Khomasdal 14hOO: Chip 'n Dale Cycling nbG 22h18: World Cup 14h30: Magilla 20hl0: Postcards Soccer 94 Tal: 061. 211721 Gorilla From The Edge ISh 56: Opening Playoffs ~itJ 14h40: Yippee, (16) 17hOO: For better or 1994 THE NAMIBIAN Wednesday July 0619945

~ VACANCY Applications are invited from suitably qualified Namibian bankers to fill the undennentioned local vacancy: IMANAGER TREASURY BACK-UP / SUPPORT I Requirements: Minimum 5 years general banking experience In-depth knowledge of Foreign Exchange, Money Market and Capital Marlcet practices gained over at least 4 years Communication / Human Relations skills Hair and ability to operate autonomously Planning and management skills Age group 30 - 35 Appropriate post matric qualificaions SOURCE OF CONCERN .•. A section of the single quarters at Mondeas, . Knowledge of various software packages (Le Lob.1s 1-2-3)

Searching for the solution In line with the seniority of this position and attractive remuneration package will be discussed with the successful applicant Closing date: 15 July 1994 on Swakop single quarters Currirula Vitae to be addressed to: Mrs C StOair-Bolam - Manager Persormel P.O.Box 195 CHRISTOF MALETSKY alarming and said there Wuxfhoek THE FATE OF the was no way to chase eve­ Tel: (061) 229610 x289 ryone out. single quarters at "The Council with the Mondesa is in limbo ~~. relevant Ministries are after the investigating a\1 options ,.... Swakopmund to solve this problem," ~"Flrst NatIonal Bank Municipality last Kamho told' The week decided to Namibian. formally approach The Council believes the Government to that as soon as housing consider taking them units are created there NASRIA over. wil1 be better control over the influx. However If the Ministry of Re­ National Special Risks Insurance Association money must fi rst be gional, Local Govern­ (Reg No. 21/87/201) made available for the ment and Housing is not creation ofhousing units. willing to do so, the GENERAL MANAGER Already the Municipality will ap­ A challenging opportunity exists for a dynamic and independent point a consultant to in­ Swakopmund Munici­ Insurance Official of many years standing. vestigate how ,they can pality is losing more than 000 Please apply and state:- get rid of the quarters N$855 a year on through privatization. water and electricity a) Number of years in short-term Insurance. charges which residents Money for the ap­ b) Experience in Underwriting. pointment of a consult­ of the Mondesa single c) Re-insurance experience. PUTTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT ",about quarters do not pay. ant was included in the d) Claims handling. the "burden" of the Mondesa single quarters This argument was recently approved 19941 e) Office Administration. was the Mayor's Public Relations Officer, Villa also advanced by some 1995 budget. Peterson. f) Budget preparation. The Town Council has Mondesa residents when they, together with those g) Supervision of Staff. also appealed to the to the Erongo Region to Peterson, said even this We offer an attractive remuneration package in accordance with the Prime Minister and the meet Local and Regional number was increasing from Tamariskia, Town, Vineta and Kramersdorf, status of this position. Ministry to help stem the Councillors and to hold as more people flocked petitioned the Council Applicant must be a Namibian citizen or in possession of a valid "uncontrollable" influx meetings with the com­ in from Walvis Bay. "It about a 22,5 per cent in­ permanent residence permit. of illegal people into the munities at different is becoming a burden for single quarters. towns to discuss their us," he said. crease in assessment Contact: Mr. Harro K. Borchardt rates. The appeal was made problems. Although he could not P.O.Box 417 "Why should we pay by Swakopmund Mayor The Mondesa single provide official figures Windhoek Daniel Kamho when he quarters is only supposed on the influ x from the while many residents in Tel: (061) 22-9208 met Prime Minister Hage to accommodate 1 300 neighbouri ng coastal the hostel and compound Fax: (061) 3-6 195 in Mondesa do not even Geingob and deputy people but is bulging at town, where the Munici­ (No agencies please) pay for the water and minister of Local Gov­ the seams with an esti­ pality helped by the Po­ electricity consumed," ernment, Jerry Ekandjo, mated 4 800 people. lice have become strict was their angry reaction. last week. Kamho's Public Rela­ on illegal occupation, . The t~o were on a visit tions Officer, Villa Peterson described it as r~~~d I Audit Personnel Riruako raps AVV claim Kid killed A six-year-old boy, • CHRIS NDIVANGA AVV be accepted as member. The named only as We currently require the services of audit seniors and HER E RO C hief Kuaima proposal was seco~ded by none other Muundjua, was trainee accountants in our Windhoek, Tsumeb and Walvis . .. than the DTA's Rrruako," the faxed killed in a car Bay offices. RIruako has dismissed as letter a\1eged. accident in n?nsense alle~ations.which link Approachedforcommentyesterday, Only applications from chartered accountants and from Katutura ' s him. to the nght-wmg group, Riruako described the a\1egations as graduates with relevant experience will be considered. Aksle Vrye Volk. nonsense. He also denied any linkage Sabbath Street at around 17hOO on An anonymous letter sent to The to the Rehoboth meeting. Along with highly competitive remuneration packages we Namibian from Walvis Bay last week Conradie 's FCN was recently linked Monday, July 4. offer a stimulating wor1

Joburg stock Economic Indicators Yesterday's quotations for unit trust funds: FUND NAME Buy Sell Yield% exchange Here is how major stock markets cent, at 1,878.73. ABSA:GE: 195,14 182,54 2,85 outside the United States ended ZURICH - Swiss shares ended Balanced 101,00 94,79 na yesterday. lower, following easier bond futures, J OHANNESBURG: Shares on the Industrial 177,11 165,67 2,23 LONDON - Equities finished only dealers said, adding that trading was Income 100,03 98,85 11,12 Johannesburg Stock Exchange closed mixed lacklustre and the market was thin. BOE: in fairly active trade but the market had still slightly weaker as a finn Wall Street helped lift the FfSE off its lows dur­ The all-share SPI fell 14.65 points to Growth 228,20 213,22 2,23 to react to the news that Finance Minister i~g the final hour of Tuesday's ses­ 1,729.11. People's Income 102,25 101,17 10,67 Derek Keys had resigned, a dealer said. sIon. At the 1530 GMT official close, TOKYO - A rebound in the battered COMMUNITY: dollar against the yen buoyed market Growth Fund 154,21 144,24 4,69 . Shortly after the offi- Market bell wether De FfSE 100 index was down 5.4 th~ sentiment and encouraged brisk buy­ COMMERCIAL UNION: ~Ial close, the all share Beers was up at R 108,00 pomts to 2,965.0, after an earlier low ing of blue chips and export-oriented Growth 167,55 156,43 2,15 mdex had dropped two . compared with Mon- of 2,945.3. electricals, leading Tokyo shares to COMPOSITE: POin~s to 5 452, the all day's RI07,75, while FRANKFURT - Gennan stocks close with healthy gains, Individuals All Share Index: 125,42 117,20 na mdex had risen nine associate Anglos was closed the.bourse session lower, hit by go~d actively bought second section and FEDLIFE: pomts to 2 172 while the down 200c to R228 00. profit-takmg and the weakened Ger­ over-the-counter stocks as well. The FedgroGE 178,29 166,45 3,61 index slipped Gold shares picked' up man debt J?1arket. Shares were weak indus~al Nikkei average ended up 202.44 points Income 100,13 98,12 na 20 pomts to 6 267. on the slightly finner but steady m low-volume post-bourse to 20,834.37. GUARDBANK: "The market will not gold price. On the gold trade as the market waited for the HONG KONG - Stocks ended little Growth 3464,77 3222,86 2,95 really react until it be- board, Vaal Reefs was outcome of the US Federal Open Mar­ changed after another day of thin, nar­ Resources 221,25 205,72 3,48 comes clear why Keys up 300c to R418 00 ketCommiteemeeting. The bourse is row trade, with investors sidelined by Income 118,81 117,58 11,72 has stepped down and Western Deep gai'ned seen taking its cue from debt market Industrial 190,40 177,04 2,72 concerns about possible interest rate who his successor will 200c to R205,OO and movements. The DAX index ended at IGI Life: GE 177,19 165,66 2,69 rises, brokers said. The Hang Seng be," the dealer said. He Dries picked up 25c to 2,032.69, down 21.71 points. METBOARD: index ended 5.09 points lower at Metfund 308,23 288,28 2,35 said~ere?ad~ensoJ?1e R67,oo. Among indus- PARIS-Frenchsharesend~dfinner 8,623.19. foreIgn mbbllng on m- trials, SA Breweries was after a feared sell-off by US mvestors Gilt 120,86 119,59 11 ,37 dustrials during the day down 150c to R87,oo ?f Alcatel Alsthom failed to material­ SYDNEY - Bullish statements from Managed 119,55 112,14 na and some "qui~t, biggish and Amic lost 200c to Ise. A better tone on Wall Street and major companies and higher futures High Income 99,61 98,56 na lifted Australian shares past the 2000- METROPOLITAN: dealisi i"i' iiiiiJi0Rmlill8®8B'OO~. W- illsamP@a~-I~-Nietii ofU. SAlcatel. Treasuries, stock helpedand the the buying market back to point barrier for the first time in more Metlife GE 143,05 133,67 5,61 j recover some of Monday , s losses. The than a week. The All Ordinaries index MOMENTUM: GE 348,08 326,26 3,34 CAC-40 index up 12.55, or 0.67 per- closed 16.3 points stronger at 2003.4. NBS: Hallmark GE 1311,20 1224,34 2,48 Hallmark Income 98,84 97,85 na NORWICH:GE 634,16 592,20 2,61 Govt' bank crashes OLD MUTUAL: Investors 3930,64 3664,71 2,29 BRAZZA VILLE: Liquidators of the pled by the collapse of Sentinel 231,06 215,58 na Congolese Commercial Bank (BCC) have other nationalised com­ Growth 325,08 302,96 3,47 fired its 619 employees, effectively closing it panies, which left it with Top Companies 360,04 335,56 2,75 down, a banking source said yesterday. bad debts of US$2OO Industrial 546,00 508,79 1,92 million. Mining 468,32 436,51 2,27 The source said dis­ gest, to pre-empt protests Since 1992 it had been Gold 212,84 198,42 3,05 missal letters were sent by f\fed workers. reduced to the role of Income 109,42 108,24 11,16 to staff last week and a State-run BCC once state cashier, opening SAGE: heavy police guard had dominated the central only at the end of each Gen Equity 3249,79 3028,87 2,60 . been placed on the bank, African country's month to pay civil serv­ Resources 188,67 175,98 3,07 fonnerly Congo's big- economy but was crip- ice and some private sec­ Financial 634,48 592.122 .... Ilit ")JJ" .t tor salaries. Income 215,32 213,17 na Unions argue that a SANLAM: GE 2052,86 1918,87 3,12 REPUBLIC OF rescue is still possible but Index 1658,95 1549,81 2,96 NAMIBIA REPUBLIC OF successive plans to pri­ Prime Growth 609,72 569,94 3,42 vatise BCC have failed. Industrial 1320,53 1233,58 2,82 NAMIBIA Mining 363,12 339,17 3,39 MINISTRY OF FINANCE Income 94,34 92,89 12,16 * Oil record SOUTHERN: GE 283,12 264,93 2,69 MINISTRY OF FINANCE TENDER BOARD * Mining 207,58 194,19 2,66 TENDERSAREAWAlTED FOR Pure 170,03 158,96 TENDER BOARD 2,40 for China Income 606,57 594,44 10,Q3 1. TENDER NO:Fl/18/1-12194 SUPPLY AND DEUVERY TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR STANDARD BANK: OF TWO DOUBLE CAB VEHICLES. 1.TENDER NO:A134194 INSURANCE OF FLEET OF BEIJING: China GE 1498,99 1407,70 4,49 2. TENDER NO:Fl /18/2-22194 THE MANUFACTURE, GOVERNMENT AIRCRAFT FOR THE PERIOD 1 AU­ produced a record Income 91 ,23 90,28 11 ,04 SUPPLY AND DEUVERY OF ASWITCHBOARD WITH GUST 1994 TO 31 JULY 1995. 72,25 millions tons of Gold 248,96 233,84 6,05 TWO VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES, AN Industrial 133,96 126,20 4,92 2.TENDER NO:Fl/16-5/94 SUPPLYING OF BALATON crude oil in the first ELECTROMAGNETIC FLOW METER, A PRESSURE International 140,33 131,24 2,39 HOUSES FROM VARIOUS NAMIBIAN SUPPUERS half of1994, but only TRANSMITTER, POWER CABLES AND SYFRETS: ACCESSORIES FORTHE ONDANGWAoOMUNTELE TO THE MINISTRY OF LANDS, RESETTLEMENT 3,07 million tons of - PUMP STATION. Amount payable N$20-OQ AND REHABIUTATION. Growth 413 ,50 386,44 2,37 that came from Trustee 164,16 153,61 2,08 3. TENDER NO:Fl/18/1 -11/94 SUPPLY OF THREE 3. TENDER NO: Fl/19-5/94 THE SELUNG OF CRAB offshore wells, an Income 110,88 109,77 11,41 FOUR WHEEL MOTORCYCLES TO THE DIVISION official report said Gilt 1122,96 1111,73 11 ,27 CLAWS: SKI-BOAT AND OUTBOARD MACHINE SARDEP. yesterday. Balanced 105,55 99,62 na Prime Select 4. TENDER NO:Fl/3-15/94 THE PRINTING AND Closing date: (1 ) IlhOO on Tuesday !9 July 1994 The Xinhua News 111,97 104,86 na UAL: GE 2797,08 SUPPLYING OF IDENTITY DOCUMENT FORM. (2&3) I1 hOO on Tuesday 02 August 1994 Agency said output was 2622,41 3,66 Mining 531 ,38 496,27 2,19 only half a percentage Selected 2859,44 2674,77 2,50 Closing date: (I to 3) llhOO on Tuesday 02 August 1994 Tender documents are obtainable from: point higher than in the Gilt 1212,36 1200,24 12,28 (4) 1 IhOO on Tuesday 12 July 1994 The Secretary : Tender Board same six months last Ground floor, Fiscus Building Managed 1305,40 1228,79 7,79 year, meanin,g China is Max Income 1033,92 1023,59 11,33 DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE OFFICE 10 John Meinert Street close to becoming a net NAMIBlAN TRUSTS: Of Windhoek. crude oil importer to SANLAM: The S9CI'etary :Tender Board Tenders must be forwarded to: Ground floor. Fiscus Building cope with soaring de­ Growth Trust 100,02 94,88 na The Secretary : Tender Board 10 John Meinert Street mand. Income Trust 100,10 98,55 na P .0 . Box 332B WindhQElk China's major oil Windhoek Gold price TENDERS MUST BE FORWARDED TO fields in the east are ag­ Fax No. : (061) 36454 Yesterday afternoon gold fixing: 387,30 US dollars The Secretary: Tender Boa~d irtg, and its offshore oil P.O. Box 3328 Or deposited in per ounce as compared with 387,80 at morning programme has been dis­ WINI)HOEK The Tender Box fixing, 386,60 at Monday afternoon fi xing. appointing despite more Fax' No.: (061) 36454 Ground Floor: Fiscus BuiRling OR DEPOSITED IN: than a decade of explo­ Nam dollarlUS dollar 10 John Meinert Street The Tender Box: ration. China hopes that Yesterday'S opening Yesterday's closing Windhoek Ground Floor: Fiscus Building new fields in the far 3,6555170 3,6495/ 10 10 John Meinert Street northwest will bring an Financial rand Windhoek SECRETARY: TENDER BOARD oil bonanza. Yesterday 'S opening Yesterday's closing NB: N$S.OO LEVY APPLICABLE (NON REFUNDABLE) NB:N$5-00 Levy (Non refundable) is payable in China also produced 8 4,7214,74 4,77/4,79 IS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE TO : Advance in cash or bank guaranteed cheques only billion cubic meters of Money market (Unpaid tender documents will be prejudiced). (UNPAID TENDER DOCUMENTSWILL BE PREJUDICED) CASH OR BANK GUARANTEED CHEQUES ONLY. natural gas from Janu­ 90-day liquid BA rate SECRETARY: TENDER BOARD. 25IS71 251 S69 ary through June, Xinhua Yesterday 'S opening Yesterday 'S closing said. 10,95 10,95 THE NAMIBIAN Wednesday July 6 1994 7

• Presidents meet Rebels plan new govt KIGALI: The rebel Rwanda Pa­ threats after French forces were or­ triotic Front (RPF) has said it dered on Monday to stop an RPF ad­ will form a government within vance we~twards by force if necessary. days and declare a ceasefire but "The French must recognise our on Angola today the movement hit out at France sovereign rights in our own country. for threatening statements over We don't mind having zones where civilians will be protected but the way PRETORIA: The presidents of Angola and rivals together. safe wnes held by French troops. the matter is being handled raises Meanwhile Zambian President Frederick Chiluba Mozambique are due in yester­ questions. began talks with Angolan counterpart Jose Eduardo "The RPF will declare a broad­ day for talks aimed at ending Angola's dev­ It comes aq o ss as a threat," the dos Santos yesterday in an effort to break the based government of national unity astating civil war, diplomatic sources said commander added. deadlock blocking an end to Angola's long-run­ within days," RPF commander Ma­ yesterday. French troops dug in round the south­ ning civil war. jor-General Paul Kagame told report­ western town of Gikongoro yesterday There was no immediate word yesterday on the A Zambian delegation including Foreign Minis­ ers at a barracks in the capital, Kigali, after the R wanda Patriotic Front (RPf) expected arrival of President Mobutu Sese Seko of t er Remmy Mishota was also expected in the central which the RPF seized on Monday. said it would defy French orders to halt Zaire for the talks to be chaired by South African Angola town of Huambo, stronghold of the Unita "The RPF should now be consid­ its westward drive across Rwanda. leader Nelson Mandela. movement, for talks with Savimbi. ered as the government and former The meeting follows a request by UN mediator UN mediated talks have been taking place be­ government should be considered as Rwandan rebel radio said yesterday Alouine Blondin Beye for Mandela to help settle the tween Dos Santos's government and Unita since rebels," said Kagame, adding he ex­ French warplanes had bombed rebel Angolan conflict. November 15 but have so far failed to end the pected the international community positions, saying the raids were proof Beye said after talks with Zimbabwean President fighting. to recognise the new government. of French determination to save the Robert Mugabe last week that peace negotiations On Monday the US ambassador to Angola has He said it would group as many government from defeat. under way in the Zambian capital Lusaka since called on the Luanda government to halt its attacks people as possible from opposition But Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPf) November were slowly making progress. on Unita. parties and would be guided by the commander Major-General Paul "We hope to achieve a ceasefire in the near Ambassador Edmund de Jamette, in a speech principles of a R wandan peace agree­ Kageme, speaking to reporters in future," he said. broadcast late Monday oil Angolan state television, ment signed in Arusha, Tanzania last Kigali after the report was broadcast Mandela announced Monday he was also trying asked the government to "declare a suspension of year. on RPF Radio Muhabura, made no to schedule a meeting with Unita leader Jonas all offensive military actions," on the condition that He hit out at France for what he said mention of any such attacks. -Sapa­ Savimbi as a first step to bringing the Angolan Unita does the same. - Sapa-AFP, Sapa-AP were statements that came across as AFP Arafat leaves WORLD BRIEFS ANC arms handed in W'est Bank JOHANNESBURG: A total of 39 weapons of dif­ ferent calibres allegedly linked to the March 28 JERICHO: Yasser Arafat ended his first "Johannesburg massacre" were handed to police visit to the West Bank in 27 years, leaving the during a top level meeting between the African Jericho self-rule enclave by helicopter yes- ' National Congress and a regional commissioner terday to return to the Palestinian-ruled Gaza yesterday. Police said that during the meeting between Strip. Regional Commissioner of Police on the The PLO leadedeft on the Egyptian helicopter Witwatersrand, Lt-Gen Koos Calitz, and ANC that brought him to·Jericho less than eight hours general secretary Cyril Ramaphosa, it was also earlier, but without the Israeli helicopter escort that agreed to meet again on Thursday. During the had accompanied the morning flight from Gaza, Thursday meeti ng the identification of "individu­ witnesses said. als" would be discussed and these individuals During the Jericho visit Arafat addressed a mod­ would be questioned by police investigators. est crowd in the sweltering heat of the desert oasis Eleven people were killed in the shooting on and cemented his limited control of the Gaza Strip March 28 while Inkatha Freedom Party supporters and Jericho by swearing in 12 members of the marched past the ANC headquarters - commonly Palestinian Authority which will administer self­ known as Shell House. rule. He vowed to expand his tiny self-rule enclave of Jericho into a Palestinian state ruled from East Aids man in court Jerusalem, which Israel captured in the 1967 Mid­ AUCKLAND: A musician from Kenya, who was dle East war and claims as part of its "eternal accused of deliberately infecting a woman with the capital". virus that causes Aids, was ordered yesterday to Arafat is to meet Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak stand trial in the High Court at Auckland. Rabin in Paris today for talks on completing and Peter Mwai, 28, denies wilfully and knowingly extending the Israeli-PLO agreement on interim infecting a woman with the virus on July 24 last Palestinian self-rule. - Sapa-AFP year. He was jailed pending a trial, but a date has not yet been sef Defence lawyer Barry Hart said Mwai' s case had C,onc,orde been prejudiced by media coverage. Prosecutor WHIFF OF SCANDAL ... Prince Charles sniffs a glass of malt whiskey Simon Moore said Mwai knew he was HIV posi­ on a visit to a distillery in Scotland last week. The heir to the British throne tive, knew the risks and knew he should have used loses ' caused controversy recently by admitting he had a relationship with condoms. another woman after his marriage to Princess Diana had irretri~vably He said Mwai did not change his behavior after broken down. Photo: Reuter via Nampa he was advised he was HIV positive, did not use a ;customet condoms and did not advise partners of his condi­ tion. ABIDJAN: Concorde, the supersonic Anglo-. Besieged Aden' could fall' French airliner for the very rich, appears to have los·t its s,?le weSt African passenger - the ADEN: Northern Yemeni forces ap­ to defend your city ," bellowed the loud­ Danes sit it out proached Aden's vital airport yester­ speaker from at least one car seen president of the Ivory Coas~ ". ..; KARREBAEKSMINDE: Thirteen Danes spent a For two decades, late President Felix ', day and one Aden resident spoke of touring the largely deserted streets. "fear, panic and confusion" gripping Reports that the 'fiorth had taken record-breaking 125 hours perched on posts in the Houphouet-Boigny paid an annual visit to sea off the port of Karrebaeksminde, southwest of France and Switzerland travellillg there and the southern city whose half million control ofMukalla, the south's second people were being called to take up largest city and base to southern leader Copenhagen, organisers said yesterday. back in a chartered Air France Concorde. The feat of endurance, which ended Monday W hether the French taxpayer or the seri­ arms and fight. "Your city depends on AIi Salem al-Baidh, further fuelled you ... head to the positions of honour anxiety in besieged Aden. - Sapa-AFP night after more than five days and five nights, was ously wealt,hy Houpbouet-Boignypaid the bill two hours better than last year's attempt and is was never clear. ' expected to make the Guinness Book of Records. The "old man", a pillar of F rench policy in Bobbit facing n ew charges Twenty-five people volunteered for the bizarre Africa, died last December aged 88, leaving a LAS VEGAS: John Wayne Bobbittfaces police he was struck and bitten on the testof seeing how long they could survive sitting on country with one of the world's largest per a post, equipped with a parasol, bags of food, capita foreign debts. new assault charges after he, his fiancee chest by Elliott All three were charged drinks, books, knitting wool and warm clothes. Bedie promised Ivorians a new age of pro­ and another man were arrested follow­ with domestic battery violence. Bobbitt, ing a fight. Bobbitt, who became famous 27, is already scheduled to appear in Twelve succumbed to sleep, tiredness or sore bity and on Monday night he left for France, last year when his wife Cut offhis penis, Municipal Court on July 19 on domestic behinds, in night temperature which dipped to on his first visit as president, in the first-class was arrested early Saturday, as were his battery charges in connection with an eight degrees Celsius, falling into the water after 50 cabin of a regular Air France Oight. " The fiancee, Kristina Elliott, and a friend, alleged assault on Elliott on May 6. He or 60 hours of discomfort, despite over 50 000 q uestion ofgoing by Concorde never arose," a Todd Biro, Elliott, 21, said she was later called that incident a big misunder­ spectators and several naked "sirens" egging them French official in Abidjan said . , I beaten by the two men, and Bobbitt told standing. on. .. , \ I j " *. .", 8 Wednesday July 06 1994 THE 'NAMIBIAN Ongbaloyosbiingela ongbee ya nyelevala

TVAPPA NAMUTEWA okupopya navo. hokolola kutya vo kave manga omaumbo taa ONGHALO mOsiingela yaKatutura, Okomitiye otai ti, wete sha pumbiwa va wapalekwa, kai shii ovakalimo onghee va futifwe oimaliwa i fike nandeokulididimikilwa, natango oi li ya piyaana lela, okudja tuu efiku dikaeenyalamedukutya opo, shaashi omaumbo shaashi ove na ovakalimo vonbele. oyo ve lifufila okadu vo itavadulunandeokufuta enyaoyaangahomakulu oupyakadi w6undjuwo nOministeli yOmapangelo Opaitukulwa oimaIiwaoyotaitongwa, omovakala nale, kakele noutalala nee 00 u li ko nOmaumbo, Libertine Amathila. shaashi ove wete oi li ashike koupeleki ava paife. Oshiningwanima eshi ovakalimo vamwe unenepombada. vape va wedwa ko, Ovakalimo otava eshi, omo hanga kwa li va hala O~aumbo aa otaku oshoyo okutukula meni" hokololakuty~paifeov~ Oministeli ya dengwa okumbungambunga popl.wa kutya otaa leumbo,ndel~nas~oove na ~~e o?djuu, e~hl kovakwashiwana osha Oministeli, nopolifi landlf~a po keedola wete kutya ltashl ~ulu . Ommlsteh ~mathlla, ningi1ilwe peembelewa okwa li ya fininikwa omay~vl20010leenduda nee okupul? omayovl 20. k ~ . n I . m a di nasha nomaumbo okuumba eeholo nhatu mbah dokunangala, Ovakahmo otava yoshmlDgwamma sha muKatuturaomwedi wa pombada,opoovanhuve ?manga .010 lond~d~ nyenyeta kutya mbol! tumbulwametetekelo~i dja ko. lihane ombunga yo Imwe tal~ ~osho shl h ovake~gelelwa , shaashl anye o~~popya navo lIe Ovakwashiwalla,ovo Oministeli i mone pedu kanlDl kwaasho. vo esht va lombwelwa nokorruttye. okwa li ve uya omhito yokudja po opo. , Ovanhu ova t~lelwa kutya omaumbo. otaa Oshifo okwa 1i ~ha o k u P w i I i kin a Oilyo yokomitiye nee opokomwedt vafute wapalekwa, mava mona omhtto o m a k an g h a men 0 yosiingela oyo i li N$175 meumbo ol~ lombwelwa kutya ~tava n 0 k u ~ . 0 p y a Oministeli noshikondo mewilikolaSimonJafet leenduda mbah ka futtfwa nomuyandjtmulombo shayo, shi nasha oye uyile koshifo eshi dokunangaIa,mangaolo "omamumaliwa" e fike mombelewa yahefolo nomaumboatungululwa Omaandaha tava londuda imw~ aike opo, va fa tava lande Amathila kombinga mosiingela, 00 hokolola kutya yokunangala talt kosh~ o~u~bo mape. yomapopyo~ . ovakalimo taa ti oku na eenghundafananatangb N~80 . k0?tw~dt: Vah fye hafye twa Omuy~ndjtmul~~bo ondilo,noitavaduluoku odi li metifa'okumona Otmahwa et mat pula omaumbo etu a okwa tt, okomtttye a futa. ekandulepolomukundu, kwatelamo omeva wapalekwe, ndele ngeenge i na oupyakadi Oshoongaleleoshaka ashike vati Oministeli nolusheno. epangelo 010 vene la inashipumbiwaashikei hanauka inashi xula Amathila otai anye OvakaIimo ove udite tonga kutya naa yukilile kOministeli, , kutya oimaliwa oyo wapaIekwe.ltatutiinatu ndele oi na tete okuya oihapu unene, shaashi hala okufuta, ndele fye kombelewa yomaumbo, vamwe moshiingela otu udite ashike oudjuu oyo i li popepi nopolifi paife ova ninga eedula omolwoimaliwa ihapu yaKatutura. Kombelewa dayukapo-30,novakaIa oyo hatu pulwa tu fute," oko, oko tava dulu nokufuta eenduda davo osho ovakalimo tava okuyandjaomaupyakadi omwedi keshe. nyenyeta. avo, ngaashi ngaho have Ova hala nee okuuda Keptilo kutya shiningishito.Ngeenge kutya omolwashike ve okomitiye oya nee osha pumbiwa na okufutifwa oimaliwa kundafana nee 0 k u m 0 n a fan a i fike opo, ngeenge novakaIimokutyangeno nOministeli, nena eedula adishe odo ova · ove lilongekida okufuta eshakeno eli oli na W.. kly R70 'Rl30 kala ngaho nokufuta. oshimaIiwashiftkepeni, 0 k u Ion g e kid w a Dally R270 R525 Otava pula vali ova nyamukula kutya k 0 m u k u I u n h u ....---SOUTH AFRICA natango~ut~~eudaneko fiyoopapainakutokolwa wombelewayomaumbo, Weekly R75 ' Rl40 010 va mngthlwe kutya mangakutyaovanhuova Karel Gowaseb. Dally R300 R650 otavakapewaomaumbo hala va futifwe ingapi, Omuyandjimulombo konhele yedina ashike kave na efiku va 00 ota ti, Oministeli oya BOTSWANA, LESOTHO, Oponganda popepi ka fute omayovi popya nale ya mana Eetaxi da '.... -- MALAWI, ZIMBABWE noskolayaAugustineum omilongo mbali 00 taa kombinga yoshinima W.. kly R200 R390 noshoyo konhele yedina pulwa. sheendado domaumbo, • Dally R8CX) Rl550 Otjomuise, hano ol-a OvakaIimoovokwali ashike oye lilongekida DIDga N$2 ningina peni. va kufwa momaumbo efimbo keshe okupopya W kly ZAMBIA'RZAIRE Ovakalimo natango avo, neudaneko kutya noilyoyokomitiyeoyoya EHANGANO IEebesa nOutaxi laNamibia D~ R:::': otava pula ku~ya ~ano otaa wapalekwa ashike ~oololw~ , ashike ina! (Nabta) oshivikeeshiola shiivifa kutyaokudja . vo omolwashtke ttava vo va shune mo, fiyo hlongektda nande vah Omaandaha,ondado yeetaxi muKatuturaotai FRANCE GERMANY pewa po omaumbo avo opapa, konima youle okupopya neengudu ka londekwa neesenda 50, hano i ninge eedola 1--. - EUROPE, BRITAIN' oshali ile keedola 100 wodulainavashunamo, dovanhu ovo hashi Weekly RSOO R980 ngaashi sha ningilwa shaashi okwa tya ngaho dulika va holole mbali okudja ponbele imwe wa yuka puikwao. Daily Rl200 R2500 omaumbo makulu mo vati kamu na ouxwapindi, ngaashi Pahamushanga womauyelele nomanyanyangido aKatutura? olushenomangaoshoyo molufo la dja ko. waNabta, Claudius Katjazengi, etokolo ' eli ola ·.... ---NORTH AMERICA 0 v a k a I i m 0 omeva. Onghalo Kombingayaashosha ningwa opo ondado yeeTaxi daKhomasdal vosiingela, mokupitila yomoumbenge omo popiwakuGowaseb,tala naKatutura i fikifwe pamwe. mokomitiye yavo otava mwa tulwa ovanhu moshifo shomogula. Monale ovanhu ova kala hava futu ashike N$l- 50 ngeenge ita i kodoolopa, ashike okudja Omaandaha, ondado kutya nee omuKatuturaashike ile okodoolopa otai ka kala N$2-oo. Ya kwata oohi muAngola Katjazengi natango okwa shiivifa kutya okwa yeululwaonhele ipe yomaftkamenoeetaxi poGustav OOMBAUTU ndatu dhaNamibia, Fishing Enterprises. Voigts Centre. Eshi otashi ti, ovakalimo otava dulu okwa tseyithwa kutya odha li dha Windoek, Namibia Patsokum we ndyoka Iya tulwapo paife okulonda oTaxi okudja muKatutura ile kepangelo lyaNan2ibia naAngola otali ti kwata oohi momeya gefuta Khomasdal fiyo opoOK Bazzar keedola ashike Name: kutya, ombautu kehe nd joka tayi ka kwata ------:------lyaAngola shaa li paveta oshiwike ngaho odo mbali. Address: ______oohi shaali paveta, otayi ka kala ya ya sha zi ko. Otaxi rank ipe oyo oi li konima yaOK moshiponga. Etsokumwe ota li ti wo Postal Code: Pamushangwahokololo ngoka gwa zi kutya, oonakukwata oohi dhika momeya mepandaanda laStubel. ------Nabta ota londwele ovanhu kutya nava lungame I enclose a cheque/postal order 10 the amount kUuministeli wlikwameya otagu ti , goshilongo ka shishi shaandjawo, otaya eengangala dimwe odo tadi shingi eetaxi notadi of for weeks subscription eembautu ndhika ndatu mudho mwa li vulu wo okuetwa koshilongo hoka ya to the Namibian. (Please cnsure the exact mu na aanambelewa yomoshikondo yona, opo ya pangulwe. pula ovanhu eedola nhatu (N$3) Pl!kengelelo, amount in Rands or equivalcnt currency.) shepange\o sha tumbulwa, odhi iyakele OmushangwahokololoogwaIondodha shaashi vati ondado ya wedwa. Ondado Please debit my Visa/MaslCrcard/other Credit momeya gefuta lyaAngoIa nokukwata omahangonoomakwatigoohigaNamibia yomodoolopa eedola ashike mbali ngaashi shito. Card ' oohi,shaa li paveta. kutya, omakwato goohi kaa ge li paveta Natango Katjazengi okwa shiivifa kutyaehangano 010 otali ka kala nokupashukila onhele yomakoshelo No. Oombautu dhika, odha Ii wo dha kape na nande esiku limwe gaka -.:; ------kanithiIe ootona dhoohi odhindji hoka. idhidhimikiIwe na "oonakukayula eetaxi modoolopa omo omeva a kala nale ~ Signed: ______Omadhinagoombautundhikadhakwata onyanga otaya ka katukila onkatu ya nokuhepekwa kuvamwe ovo hava kosho oihauto oohi shaali paveta ogo nduno ndjoka kwata miiti". keshe omolwokulimonena omboloto. Date: ___ ...!.. ______yedhina, Haddevik yehangano Iyo Si- Nando ongawo, omushangwahokolo Kombinga yenenepeko leenhele dokufikama lence Holdings, Ruvehum, yaGendev ka gwa li gwa popi kutya egeelo Iyi li eetaxi mo Venduka aishe, unene ngaashi koSnyman Namibianoshowondyokahayi ithanwa ngiini, ta Ii ka ningilwa oombal\tu.dhika Sirkel nokOtjomuise, ei otai ka _. kundafanwa Anllantic Leader, yeharlgano lyoUniiect ~ ,. opamwe nooyena yadho. moshoongalele tashi ka kala ko momafiku 13 aJuli. THE ~f'MIBI"N Wednesday July 6 1994 9 , , f ., ,. .. , \ •• f t Ovapolifi ovapiya voshiwana- Pohamba

OMINISTELI yOikwameni, Hifikepunye oshiholelwa shefimaneko, opo noshiwana shi va Pohamba, Etitano okwa ninga eindilo shikule. Ta indile ovapolifi ve litulemo shili koshiwana opo shi longele kumwe nopolifi mokukwata ovanyoni, ye ta pula ovo alushe hava opo ominyonena di xupipikwe moshilongo. sheke opolifi vaha kale ashike alushe tava tale komawii, ndele va didilike yo nokutumbaleka Edi Pohamba okwe di popila peyeululo losasiona oilonga iwa yopolifi tai longwamolwouwa wovanhu yopolifi moWanaheda, Katutura mEtitano. aveshe. Eyeululo eli ola hovelwa neilikano, 010 la Pohamba peflffibo okwa pupula kombuda ovapolifi ningwa kOmubiisofi omukulunhu wongeleka vaye omolwoilonga i shambula ve i longa okudja yaKatoolika muNamibia, Bonifatius Hausiku, pemanguluko loshilongo. omanga eyeululo loovene la ningwa Okwa ti oilonga yopolifi oya wapalekwa unene kOmupresidende Sam Nujoma. tuu peenhele odo da dengwa nai kominyonena. Oshivilookwa Ii sha kalwa kovanenenhu vahapu, Oministeli oya ti opolifi yomoNamibia otai kondeke ngaashi eeministeli, ondjai yomatanga aNamibia paife nawa ominyonena shi dulife moilongo ihapu Dimo Hamaambo, omukulunhu weedolongo mounyuni. Nonande ongaho, Oministeli oya daNamibia Komufala Chrispin Matongo, londwela kutya, ominyonena naavo have di ningi, Omukulunhu wopolifi, Ndjai Raonga Andima otava dulu ashike okuninipikwa, ngeenge opolifi oshoyo ovakwanepangelo vamwe ovakulunhu. tai mono eyambidido loshili moshiwana. Oshiwana shomoWanaheda okwa Ii sha ongala Oministeli tai dimbulukifa ovapolifi kutya,. vo nokudanga eenghuwilili neenghalu pefimbo ove Ii ovapiya voshiwanfl, ~nghee ove na okuyandja leyeululo. Geingob . "f'i m"a ri a....•. muAmerika Ovaleshl vetu, unene moshltukulwa 'i shokOwambootava shllvlfwaapa kutya l OMUPRIMAHageGeingob,mEtitanootaka ombelewa yetu yokOshakatl oya pata kala a ya metalelepo lye Iyomasiku 15 manga flyo konyala opexulllo 10mw~1 ~ kuAmerika.MuAmerika, Geingobotakakala ou, molwaashl omukalellpo \!~lll ; a talelapo omahala ngaashi, Chicago, Los OSWALD _SHIVUTE C)k~ 11' m-ai}g~';i~ Angeles, Oakland, New York nosho wo OV ANHU va konda omayovi avali okwa Ii va ongala poAnamulenge mefudo.Eenghundana adl'he <:. h!cU '~ ~- yuklfwe manga ' ~uT~A~'tf·~ · troit. Omalalakano0m:menegetalelopo~ mOssondaha yomafiku 27 aJuni okutala nghene Omupristeli mupeA~gusto ogookuetaomapungulihanaganomoNannbUl. Ndaitavela Nambili, ta yapulwa. Eyapulo ola ningwa kOmublishofi ' NAMUTE~ lIe ,:'ABS4tQtJ.r Omanga eli moCalifomia, Geingob ota ka kala Omukulunhu waKatoolika muNamibia Bonifatius Hausiku. Ovanhu va , SHIG~. EPKA . ~ koVe~d~ka ~ koho",9f, ; puudhano wetango Iyokoompadhi wekopi Iyuuyuni, dja keembinga neembinga sha kwatelamo Angola navoomo va.1i mey~pulo '~(061 ) 36970:"OhatU '1,ailaJ.oRtblll ... ", ...... ,...... ,. ~ aa~ ;~ pmoka ta ka kala ongumuyenda gwomukulu?tu eli la fimana. Apa otapa monika vamwe vomoomeme va dJa la OIkutu kovaleshl vetu, eshl onfolWomhumbwe gwoCaltex muNamibia, Paul Blaunch. Omaslku yopamifyuululwakalo, ovo navo kwa Ii va kala peyapulo eli. EFano: tVoVa,n8YiCShga ; Inatu dad... okutuma ,< sho taga ka kala 11 gaJu\.i, Omuprima otaka pewa Oswald Shivute. · omunhu I,(lTIwe kOshakatl ponhe.le onkatuyesimanoyuundohotolamiikwaveta,ndjoka ~.:..:.:=:...:::.:=..:.==------­ te keyi pewa okuza moCol1ege yaColumbia · yaShlvute moule wokaflmbo oko e 11 moChicago. Natango tuu moChicago, Geingob ~ metudo;No.nande ongaho, ohatu otakakala miigongi nooyene yomahanagano, mboka udaneke kutya ngeenge ope na Oshizemo ye na ehalo okuninga iitayi yomahanagano gawo · oshlnlngwanima sha fimana moNamibia. Geingob metalelopo lye, oku li pamwe neenghono, ltashlshllva okuyandjwa noministeli yopevi yiipindi, Wilfred Emvula, pangodl, . Itatu ka ongaonga nam.:le oministeli yuunamapya, Nangolo Mbumba, okutuma omutoollrighundana wetu aanambelewa aakuluntu mepangelo nosho wo shoom boola umwe. Tu shiivifilenl hano manga kuyela yamwe yomaanageshefa. Geingob pamwe nosheendo she okwa tegelelwa ya kale ya galukila opo tu dule okuflka. kOshilongo mo 24 Juli. oshi li popep-i

• ABSALOM SHIGWEDHA yUuyuuki, Ngarikutuke OKAKOMITIYE taka . konaakona Tjiriange opamwe AN noministeli yopevi omapopyo kutya, Ooministeli mbali odhi Ii ylikwameni Nangolo TIVE dha niogilwa oomboola dhomeya, dhali dha Ithete. nuninwa aakwashigwana mboka taa mono Oomboola dhika OUR TEAM. iihuna koshikukuta, oke Ii po kuya pehulilo mbali, dha Ii dha ningwa PERIENCE ON Iyomakonaakono gako no muule wethimbo pofaalama ya tumbulwa, efupi, oshizemo shako otashi ka gandjwa kehe yimwe oyi Ii ya kuPrime Minister, Hage Geingob. kosha okapandi MACINTOSH WILL koondola N$80 000. o THE APPLICANTS Shika osha li sha popi. Nando oombola ndhika k 0 I e k w a Okakornitiyehakaoke ka dhali dha tulwa meni komunashipundigwako li ka thikama Iyodhalate, ADVANTAGE. WiII ie Brits. Kuyele momunaship und i aanamikunda nuumvo, Omuprima gwako Brits, Dr Frieda­ pUutsathima oya Ii ya FOR FURTHER Geingob okwa li a popi Nela Williams, Eddie popi kutya, ofa a lama kutya okwa tegelela Amukongo nosho wo ndjika oyo ashike yi li INFORMATION CONTACT o m a k 0 n a a k 0 n 0 omukonaakoni gwowina hayi longitha omeya gokakomitiye haka ga gwepangelo,AG Visser. gadho. kale ga pwa pehulilo Omakonaakona Uutsathima owu Ii KONRAD SCHWIEGER lyaMaalitsa nuumvo. ngaka oga Ii ga ningwa oshinano shookilometa ' Nando ongawo, Brits konima yomahokolo 20 nofaalama ndjika. OR ka Ii e shi koleke ngele miikundaneki kutya, Omapopyo oga li wo ga oshizemoshikaotashika oomboola dha thewa holokapo kutya DAVIDWEST kala sha tseyithilawa omwoluoshikukuta, oomboola dhika, odha Ii l:fJti:rtWfT)mii•• '!Wti_l'i'f'Wiif'*~_ aakwashigwana. "Shika odha li dha tulwa dha tulwa pofaalama oshinima shi Ii momake pofaalamo yoompo ndjika, paindilo TOTAL MARKETING TEL: 31 730 gaPrime . Minister pUutsathima, ndjoka yi Iyalthete. nokabinete," Brits ta niwe koministeli ~~~~~~~~~~~=~",.- 'rr 10 Wednesday July 61994 THE NAMlBIAN' .

FAX: 36982

<61L~S)S)IJti!~© ~©'~fMfllS)~~~IWliS)

TEL: 36970

I!: ~ Special ~ Property For IiIEI Services If!JII For Sale D Sale CASH Scooter for sale For your HIFls & TVs 49cc Honda Melody CASH (white) For your Fridges and HI~D Contact: Phllip 31758 1=r88Zers (any condition) FOR SALE FOR SALE EXT13-KHOMASDAL 1989 BMW 3181 CASH 3 Bedrooms BIC Ke-Whlte, 94 000km For your Lounge suite, Lounge I Dlnlngroom One owner, price negoti­ diningroomsuites, and Kitchen with BIC, stove, able kitchen furniture oven + Fan Your BMW garage TeI: 220012 1V2 Bathrooms Protea Motors Garage (061) 35427 Blger1 Only N$l50 000- FOR SALE WING DYNAMO ••• A TransNamib 2B wing defender prepares for the kill during the entertaining 1990 VW "krobus 2,11 Central Second League netball clash against Crusaders played at the Central Netball Courts in Dorado Parte Very good condition Olympia on Saturday. TransNamib were, however, on the receiving end this time going down 25- 2 Bedrooms + BIC TEL: 211474 Price: N$36 000 (o,n,c,o,) 29 to the fired-up Rehoboth visitors. FAX: 211802 Garage , Contact: Hugo at 230271 I FOR NUMBER PLATES N$l34 000 35465 (H) SIGNWRITING AND Manfred at 230271 I Sport Shorts ..• Sport Shorts AND Bankfin Log SILKSCREENING 42664 (H) From page 12 Two 3 bedroom houses NAMmIA are presently placed third on the LEARN MORE ... EARN Immediately available CAR FOR SALE MORE WITH A DIPLOMA 1972 Citroen Pallas in good standings ofthe Bankfin Cup, Central A Unions ~e your own choice frorr Netball hopes League, according to the latest national ru'gby FROM our beautiful range of condition, Plus another, same model, for spare logs were released this week: ACADEMY/~ carpets & Jiles SOUTH Afric:an netball has finally put all its balls OF Cl Prices from N$147 800; parts, N$ll 000- in one hoop. LEARNING TRANSFER FEES Contact: 227905 (oth), Netball South Africa (NSA) at the weekend p w I d f a pts * Touch typing INCLUDED concluded unity with the South African Netball Intro to micro Bankfin Cup (Central A Unions): * FOR SALE Association (SANA) and the Netball Association compute,. 2x Taxi lisensies om te Contact: Jaqu •• of South Africa (NASA), with the National Sports W Transvaal 4 3 0 1 138 1077 * WordPerfect 5.1 etc. Koopman at Tel: 224884 verkoop Border 3 2 0 1 87 63 5 Study full time or part time Skakel 217669 Congress (NSC) instrumental in bringIng the par­ Courses commellcing daily Christofine ties together. Five members from both bodies have Namibia 4 2 2 0 163 1494 Open 08hOO - 19h30 P!':'ft Property been included in the executive committee ofNSA. N Free State 4 1 3 0 74 1182 Windhoek Sanlam Centre ~ ToLct E Transvaal 3 0 3 0 86 1110 and Swakopmund Legal TO LET Notice Soccer pools P!':'ft Property KHOMASDAL m Paul Roos Cup (Central B): ~ For Sale 1 Bedroom house MINISTRY OF TRADE WESTERN Europe's immensely popular soccer Toilet AND INDUSTRY pools is destined to hit South Africa later this year. Griquas 5 5 0 0 242 58 10 " 1101' - DIRECTORATE TRADE Vaal 5 4 1 0 116102 8 Bathroom with hot water UQUOR ORDINANCE, The money earned would be ploughed back into Kitchen 1969 , the development of the game, developing the na- Boland 5 2 3 0 137127 4 Price: N$800-OO negotiable tional youth and seniors squads and to help the SE Transvaal 5 2 3 0 103111 4 Contact: Chris Ndivanga NOTICE OF APPLICA­ under privileged in South Africa. The pools could Zam Stables 5 1 4 0 104172 2 ~ TeI: 36970 TION FOR A NEW Far North 5 1 4 0 75 207 2 ,?*-,..-~", LICENCE I CONDITIONAL be introduced around October or November. M.... d.t.: HOUSE TO RENT AUTHORITY, TO BE Occupation: immediately, MADE TO THE BOARD rent N$1600- INWANAHEDA FOR CONSIDERATION Tennis balls OLD-HOCHLANDPARK 2 Bedrooms, kitchen, AT ITS MEETING I Holland, Brazil Purchase price: bathroom and lounge, SPECIAL MEETING TO SOFTER balls, fuzzier balls, any kind of balls that N$266355- N$750 p,m, water and BE HELD ON THE 10th might put more rallies back into men's tennis on Situated in Falken Road DAY OF AUGUST 1994 electricity included, Contact grass are under consideration by Wimbledon and 2 Bedrooms BIC J, Kaffo at 216778 (oth) or win through 1V2 Bathrooms District in which licence is International Tennis Federation officials. Lounge BIC required: Windhoek A frantic cry arose at Wimbledon, along with a lot NEW YORK' Brazil overcame the expulsion of Kitchen BIC ~ Work (Okuryangava, Extension 3), f h h ' d h d " , h • TV Room Full names and addresses of 0 arrump 109 aB an -wnngmg, m t e defender Leonardo for violent conduct to oust Garage ...u Wanted ~plicant and his principals aftennatch of Pete S~mp~as' slam-bang final vic- host nation United States from the World Cup (If any ): Adolph Gawanab, tory over Goran Ivamsevlc. M d 1 0 I' Mandate 801 3 EMPLOYMENT SOUGHT Residing at Erf No n46, on ay on a - score me. Watt Street 21 Years' computer Golgota , P,O,Box 22332, B -I t f -t Romario, its Barcelona star striker, set up the WINDHOEK NORTH software experience Windhoek,Classoflicenece razl s ay avourI es winner for Bebeto 16 minutes from the end. But Newly painted Programm ing, systems applied for : Bottle Liquor B 'I I I so • f f 2 Bedrooms analyst, project leadership , Licenece, Premises in re- , ' razl p ayed a I but lour mmutes 0 the second hal spectofwhich the licenece is KANSAS CITY, with JO players after Leonardo had been sent offjust Big erf BSc Mathematical Physics Bra~11 2 Bedroom flat required 'ConsolidatedErf No stayed on top of the Spnnt before halftime for elbowing Tab Ramos in the face Teaching abilities in ' t Memonam. S P lH th ' hth ' This one you can get for 1!25, Ok,uryangava., ~xten- oc~er 0 or e elg The Brazilians will meet the Netherlands in the N$136900- Mathematics, computer slon 3, Wlndhoek, Privileges straIght week but ' Science and English, applied for :All privileged con- G I 'beh' d quarterfmal at Dallas July 9. The Dutch overpow- Mandate 8014 Tony Tel : 38816 templatedin Section69(i)(b), , e~anyw~c ose ID f ered Ireland 2-0 at Orlando in another second Stephenson Street ~n e w~e y survey 0 round game la ed Monda , WINDHOEK NORTH ~ For THE ALIENS ACT, 1937 InternatIOnal soccer ~ y .y. . 3 Bedrooms BIC NOTICE OF INTENTION journalists, poll The Amencan and Brazlhan fans m the ~4 177 ~ Sale Lounge OF CHANGE OF organizers said yesterday, crowd created a colorful ~ou~ of July SIght, at Garage Seryant's quarters & Ford Escort te koop SURNAME Brazil, which advanced to St~nford but the soccer dldn t reach any major shower & toilet voetstoots, Model 1979, I, Titus Kaura , residing at the World Cup quarterfi- heIghts" , Price: N$139 000- agterwieltrek, vierdeur, Omatjete. unemployed nalswitha I-Ovictoryover The Amencans faIled to take advantage of short- goeie toestand vir 7500,00 intend applyi ng to the the United States on Mon- handed Brazil in the second half and even spent Mand.te 7945 KHOMASDAL met neg, extra deure en Minist~r of Home A~airs for day, received 41 out of a most of the half defending, Betha Street EXT 13 spaar blok authority, under section 9 of POSSI'bl e 51 f'Irs t -p Iace' Tafferel intheBraziliangoal , didnothaveashot 3,Bedrooms Skakel by volgende Tel : the Aliens Act, 1937, to votes for 500 points, ,to save during that spell and was beaten only once 1Y2 Bathrooms 213005 of 212212 tussen assume th e surname of G h d 0 fi _ in the entire game when Thomas Dooley rolled the Price: N$ 124 000- 19hoo en 19h30 Kambo , for the reasons that ermany a 1 Irst , , , OF 32910 tussen 16hoo en Kauralsno ' t myre aI surname, place votes and 468 points ' ball, across the face of the Brazlltan goal m the 12th Mandate 7853 '''-1.' 17hOO Mr A,lzaks, of Is my Uncle surname, Iwant The Netherlands moved mInute, WANAHEDA besigtig by erf 3696 Iris to used my father's surname back into third place with Four minutes from the end, the Americans also Zambezi Street Straat Khomasdal 3 Bedrooms ' Kambo, I previously bore the 383 points, Nigeria was had a player expelled, Femando Clavijo comitting Bathroom name(s) Titus Kaura, Any in fourth with 361 points, his second yellow card offense of the game for a Diningroom ADVERTISE person, who objects to my followed by Italy with 299, foul. NOW INTHE Storeroom assumption of the said Romania was voted Turning on the style but helped by a goalkeeper's Garage NAMIBIAN AND 1 Bedroom flat, lounge & surname of Kambo, shou~d sixth wi th 264 points, blunder, the Dutch powered into the quarterfinals REACH THE as soon as may be lodge hiS "f th f' . , 1978 'th ' bath NATION, ' , , ' , 'th while Spam was seventh or e Irst tIme smce WI a VIctOry over Price: N$128 400- I hero bJection,lnwrlting,wl 'th 164 M ' b tl' Ir I d G I fr In Mil D' For information contact TEL: 36970 a statement of his I her WI . eXlco was at Ing e an, oa s om ter an stars ennIS Helena Nekome Tel : FAX: 36982 reasons thereof with the closebehindineighthwith Bergkamp and Wim Jonk subdued the Irish fire at 229881(W) 220698(H) Magistrate of Om'aruru, 160 points, the Citrus Bowl, Orlando, THE'NAMIBlAN ' Wednesday July 6 1994 11 ~ .

USA '94 Update Ramos injury Thrills at boxing tourney TAB Ramos, elbowed in the face by Leonardo in the United States' 1-0 defeat by Brazil, suffered a slight • CONRAD ANGULA cl~s boxers like Harry as result of cramps and "Therei s n~doubtthat skull fracture, US team doctor Bill Garrett said on ARANDIS sports fans witnessed boxing of a Slmon and Nestor the fight was awarded.t o the country stili has very Monday. Leonardo was shown the red card for the foul !b0bias. (presentl~ mak- Kamukuyu. talented bo~ers ·y.'ho shortly before halftime . Ramos was also shown a high calibre last weekend when 22 of some of Ing their mark In the Central boxer Leonard could follow m the foot­ yellow card by the referee for his part in the grappling Namibia's most gifted boxers exchanged paid ranks of South Af- Nehale's victory over steps ofHarry and Nestor which led to the incident. blows in 12 dynamic fights during the Champ rican boxing),could only GottliebShileka, Abiud and.it is now .up to the ofChamps Boxing Tournament staged at the snatch o~e fight. Hellao's de.f~at ~t the boXing authontes to set Fan trouble western town. The high standard of hands ' of the . r~p-ant up a proper development .' the tournament was evi- Mattheus N~4.luka and p~ogramme," Kaperu SOCCER hooligans smashed windows, looted shops The event, described coastal fans, could be denced by the f~ct that . QuickKaperu'swiri'over . added. . and burned cars on Monday night after the Nether­ as very successful, was compared with the re-' . therewerenoknpck-outs RubenKaniine were sin- A moment of silence lands' World Cup victory over the Republic of Ireland, held undt?r the patron- centna~ionalchampio~- recorde~.tfitougho\ltthe gled out as the most ex- was also observed -be­ police said. Police said they arrested 50 hooligans in age of the Western Ama- ships Staged at Walvls competitIOn, ~~cept. for citing fights of the tour- fore the ~tart of the tour­ the Hague and three in the central Dutch city of teur Boxing Sub-Federa- Bay. the welterweight .fIght nament. name?t In honour of the Utrecht. Riot police deployed in the Hague and three tion and drew boxers The western region did between Isascar "The three fights were lateNlcovanderMerwe, officials were treated for minor injuries. from as far as the Cen- not disappoint their 10- Kamukuyu of the south of top standard and the who -was the foun~e~­ tral and Southern Sub- caIfansbyclinc~ingfiv.e and ~e~tral:s Rambo fighters did more than member of~e Namibia Coach denial Federations. of the fights With thelT Hantmdl which had to enough to give the fans ~ateurBoxmgFedera- National boxing counterparts from cen- be stopped. their money's worth. It hon. MIGUEL Mejia Baron d~nied he had agreed a !lew coach,BenAwoseb,was tral, usually in control The fight. w,hi~h is really very rare that Van d~r Merwe, who four-yearcontractasMexlcocoachonMondayrug~t, responsible for the or- during such tourna- toppedtheevemng sbill one witnesses such ex- was buned last Satur­ only hours afte~ th~, ~ouncem~nt ~y the country.s ganising of the tourna- ments, winning f~ur. . was stopped in the fi~t citing fights," said Joe day, was .also the footballfederatJon. It snottrue, satdBaronafterhis ment _ the quality of The south which m round after the hard-hlt- 'K'll 'K f _ founder-president of the ' .. . G' Stad' B '. ... I er aperu 0 cen . squad .s trammg session at .Iant lum.. ~n which, according to the past produced top tmg Hantmdl withdrew federatIOn and has as- underhned that he had never mtended to decide hIS - . .' sisted top sportsmen like future until after the World Cup. j il I! i . \. , t , ...... f I Ben Awoseb (boxing), Harry Garus-Oab, Super visit Abraham So-Oabeb, and Frankie Fredericks (all NIGERIA'S 'Super Eagles' got a visit on Monday from one of their "biggest" fans. Houston Rockets athletics) to make their centre and 2,13-metre Nigerian native. Hakeem marks on the local and Olajuwon stopped by the team's hotel in Foxboro, with international scene. what he said were just "words of encouragement" on * The full results are: the eve of their second round World Cup against Italy Juniors: yesterday. Jordan Veiko beat Petenena Elago, Tuleni Mwongela beat Ribeas Cup arrests Hamukwaya, Leonard SO ME 300 people were arrested at World Cup matches Nehale beat Gottlieb during the first round, with more than half the arrests Shileka, Sebulon for ticket scalping, according to figures released on Shimuafeni beat Frans Monday. There were no reports of hooliganism al­ Kandenge, Duran though seven people were apprehended as they tried to Andreas beat Johannes run onto fields at the nine stadiums, FIFA, soccer's Sacharias, Epafras governing bOdy, said. Ashipala beat Timotheus Waendama, World friends Johannes Paulus beat Simon Simon. BRAZIL and the United States were opponents on the Senjors: soccer field, but fans of both teams celebrated as Mattheus Nguluka friends after a World Cup match. More than 10 000 THINK TANK ••• Top local chess star Werner Tjipuea (left) in a pensive mood during the opening beat Abiud Hellao, Al­ fans crowded the main street after the favoured Brazil­ rounds of the Windhoek Optics Open Chess Tournament at the Swawek Hall in Windhoek on fred Sholoba beat ian team defeated the United States 1-0 at Stanford Saturday. Tjipuea defeated his opponent Otto Nakapunda (right). Appolus Ihuhua, Quick Stadium. The team and many of its fans have stayed in Tjipeua and other top chess players will be fighting for top spots of the event from which three top Kaperu beat Ruben California during the international soccer champion­ players will qualify for the 1995 Namibian Closed Final Championships. The closing rounds will Karume, Jonas Ihomas ship. be competed at the SKW Hall this weekend. The winner of the N$3 000 tournament will also qualify beat Thomas Simeon for the forthcoming Chess Olympiad in Greece. At this stage Swakopmund scholar Ricardo Innes and Isascar Kamukuyu Fairy tale is a strong contender for Greece. beat Rambo Hantindi. LIKE a piper charming children in a fairy tale, Diego Maradona led and Argentina followed. Argentina was flying high, scoring goals and winning converts. But overnight it lost Maradona (to a failed drug test) and I t the team soon followed him out of the World Cup as surely as ·if it were following rus lead. ~~-TT:"'''' Paijc: ~ onSaturday. Ireland party "'.~ler, QJive S~nce, . Jeremy Too:hSOil;pick MUir{c};SeaDPayne, ~ THERE will be no huge homecoming this time for Luke Smith,.KeVin Putt, ~ave Morkel, ' M * N * I: * 7' Ireland's World Cup soccer team. Four years ago, Wayne MttchelJ,A~rian > Glirvey, Walter l more than 300 000 people thronged the streets of ! Minnaar' Jobn Slade;' Shilul Platford, Dublin to give a heroes welcome to the team when it returned from the World Cup in Italy after reaching the Competition No 7 quarterfinals. The party was cancelled after the 2-0 1-~S~'dIll~~V~~!~~::rC ii Belt TrlcWtrctt,~da WarreD BrosniJuut . .~ M·Net Supersport and The Namibian defeat to the Netherlands on Tuesday. ,. . .-, ',,"., j:;::;: ::::~;::;.':; \::;:;'.~ .;';; ;.:' Y}:.:::::: have teamed up to give our readers another Hokey on development drive chance to win prizes sponsor(;d by M-Net. All you have to do is answel- three easy I· From page 12 Steenberg,lrene van der OrIa Venter and Indigo Rodgerson, Gisela questions on the World Cup and M-Net Merwe, Luranda Kadila. Bekker, Silke I. Name the winner of the 1982 Worl j Cup. day, to participate in a Rodriques, Kerry Senior women: Erdmansky, Shayne 2. Name the second country to win th~ , World Cup three times. tournament in Knysna. Bamard, Tiddles Louw, Sonja Augusty-n, Cormack, Michael The trialists are: Nita Thornburn, Alana Jackie' Norval, Silke Crohn, Mariaan Lubbe, 3. What is the collective name for the l.hildren's programmes on M-Net? Women's under-21: Shipeo, Sheenagh King, Kriess, Carla de Dee Balanco, Brenda Margot Louw, Lientjie Ihorisven, Gouveia, Nita Lens, Maureen Isaacs, Send your answers to: M·~et World Cup Natasha Brand, Anel Yvonne Rusch, Andrea Thornburn, Lientjie Lorraine Kuhn and Comp No 2. PO Box 20'183. Windhoek. Klazen, Brucelene Beiter, Jackie van der Thornburn, Yvonne Denize Maritz. The closing date for entrifS is July 8 1994. Croza, Alex Keibel, Merwe, Geraldine Rusch; Andrea Beiter, The first three correct entries drawn will each Denize Maritz, Emmie Stay alive Botha, Tanya Jackie van der receive a Supersport T-shirt '!Od cap sponsored by Steenkamp, l ohanita Rodgerson, Petra von Westhuizen, Karlien Don't drink M-Net. Send in your answer; as soon as possible. Retief, Te ressa Biljon, Driekie Henn, Goutier, Tanya and drive 12 Wednesday July 6 1994 THE NAMIBIAN

Eight vveekend ...

• CONRAD ANGULA ous club officials and ' Corporal' Ueberjahn Kraatz Welding Sport Shorts ... Sport Shorts soccer fans who have and his assistant and Eleven Arrows and Rob­ THE on-off 'Mighty Champions Tourna­ been kept in the dark as acting team manager bers Chanties, who were Becker setback ment' organised by former Namibian cham­ to the future oflocal foot­ Rusten ' Sukhile' relegated at the end of pions Ramblers FC worth N$40 000 in prize ball for the past few Mogane are clearly on last season, and new­ BORIS Becker's love-hate relationship with the money is finally on after the hosts officially weeks. cloud nine after the suc­ comers Auto Centre Gennan Davis Cup team continued in Halle, Ger­ launched the event at the their clubhouse in And with the very suc­ cess they have achieved Nampol FC were not many on Monday when he opted out of the quarter­ Pioneerspark on Monday night. cessful manner in which against Botswana last granted the opportunity final clash against Spain. the 3rd Congress of the Friday. to compete. Becker's adviser Axel Meyer-Woelden said The competition, July 23 and 24, respec­ Namibia Football Asso­ However, there is still The event is played in Becker needed to rest after his Wimbledon chal­ which offers a lucrative tively. ciation was concluded at plenty of room for im­ four groups of three lenge which ended in the semi-finals. Becker sug­ cash prize of N$25 000 Altogether 19 matches the weekend, an excel­ provement and possible teams each which begs gested he. might return if his fonn picked up. to the winner (a record will be played in the tour­ lent future clearly awaits changes and the two gen­ the question why the fee in local tournaments) nament with the encoun­ local soccer. tlemen will be on the other three teams could will see 12 of the coun­ ter between RamblersFC In addition, fierce lookout for additional not be accommodated in Padding war try's top sides in action. and giant killers Punyu competition can be ex­ talent. a new group, if only to The tournament will Benfica scheduled to pected from the players, The only negative as­ maintain the peace and SOUTH Africa and New Zealand are about to enter be played on a round­ open the eight-match who will be hoping to pect about the tourna­ unity created at the re­ into a "shoulder padding war" five days before the robin basis and will first round outings on impress the national ment is the exclusion of cent Congress. first rugby test in Dunedin, Australia on Saturday. stretch over four week­ Saturday. team selectors and earn the three disputed new­ Explaining the omis­ The Springbok camp has expressed concern about ends with the semifinals The tournament was a chance for a call-up. comers to the National sion of the three clubs what they label "illegal clothing" worn by the Kiwis and fmal scheduled for welcomed by the vari- Gennan coach Peter First Division. Ramblers mentorCedric in the two-match test series against the French. Martins only stated that the tournament was al­ Anderson returns ready planned before the recent dispute between FORMER South African number one goalkeeper, the clubs and the Na­ Mark Anderson has returned to National Soccer mibia Football Associa­ League champions Sundowns. tion. Anderson, who quit the Mamelodi club over a "We have already dispute earlier this season, was expected to return planned the competition to training last night. and decided in principle Anderson who is still ranked as one of the best to keep the three clubs keepers in the country said that he wishes to get out as we were still not back into the ga!De. clear about their status in a National League. Border squad "RAMBLERS MIGHTY CHAMPIONS TOURNAMENT" "Nevertheless, we are the organisers and spon­ THE Border rugby team to play Eastern Transvaal sors of the event and I in a Bankfin Inter-Provincial match in Brakpan on N$40000.00 thjnkwereservetheright Saturday is: Wayne Weyer, Alistair Alexander, tp:d llyife l~w~r0 we John de Villiers, Glen Gelderbloom, Terry Hann, 1st PRICE N$25000.00 want.toplaydnthetonr­ JackieKrause, WayneDomoney, CarlovanZyl (c), nament," Martins as­ Way ne Scou, PhiIIip Froneman, Andre Human, 2nd PRICE N$10000.00 serted. Rick Minty, Alan Heuer, Marius Swart, Steyn .3rd & 4th PRICE The runners-up will Swart. Reserves: Andre Claasen, Merrick Heuer, receive N$10 ()()() with Ruhan van Zyl and Ray Weppelman. THE HOSTS •.• Ramblers FC officials proudly display the prize details for their Mighty Champions the 3rd and 4th placed Tournament which kicks-off at Ramblers Field on Saturday. The officials are (f.l.) - Cedric Martins teams each earning N$2 cont. on page 10 (chairperson), Johnny Spinola (pro), Duimpie Davids (treasurer) and Mario Caraera (secretary). 500.

WIN WITH Hockey on development drive • CONRAD ANGULA ready announced in this South Africa and Zim­ WINDHOEK LAGER regard and intensive babwe in an interna­ NAMIBIAN national hockey officials have training is due to start in tional tournament in embarked upon a dynamic development drive preparation of the squads South Africa in Septem­ WINDHOEK LAGER and THE NAMIBIAN and both men and women players are poised beforethehighly-antici­ ber. have joined together to provide our readers with to compete against Some of the best players pated competition. In new developments an excellent chance to enjoy the World Cup the continent can offer in several interna­ The senior women's earlier this · week the tional hockey competitions. side will compete in the Wanderers men's with Windhoek Lager - your favourite beer. Africa Games next year hockey team left for All that you have to do is to predict· With the high stand- to September 3 in with the under-21 s South Africa on Mon- ard of hockey produced Windhoek. fixtured to play against the four countries that will qualify for cont. on page 11 during the men's league Two teams were al- other countries like the semifinals' of the World Cup. league-deciding tie be- ; _r e The first entry drawn with either the tween holders DTS and correct or closest to correct answer Wanderers at the Wan­ derers Sports Grounds wi ll win three cases of Windhoek on Sunday, the local Lager dum pies sponsored by Namibia game is c learl y on the up Breweries Limited. Send a list of the four and up. Negotiations are cur­ teams you think will be in the semifi~als to: rently underway for the Namibian senior men's team to host their Zim­ Windhoek Lager babweancounterparts in two tests in Windhoek Comp No I, with Namibia also ex­ PO Box 20783, pected to visit Zimba­ Windhoek bwe. as soon as possible. Local hockey players will be exposed to inter­ Closing date for entries is national competition HAPPY SMILE ... It's all smiles of joy after this group of players were Wednesday July 6. from next month when announced for trials ofthe Namibian national women's under-21 hockey the under-18 girls teams side. The national team will participate in an international tournament host the Africa Cup tour- against opposition from South Africa and Zimbabwe in South Africa later nament from August 29 this year in South Africa.