Paleobiology, 45(4), 2019, pp. 598–611 DOI: 10.1017/pab.2019.29


Strangers in a strange land: Ecological dissimilarity to metatherian carnivores may partly explain early colonization of by Cyonasua-group procyonids

Russell K. Engelman and Darin A. Croft

Abstract.—It was once thought that the endemic carnivorous of South America, the metatherian sparassodonts, were driven extinct by North American carnivorans through competitive exclusion. How- ever, sparassodonts went extinct before most groups of carnivorans entered South America; only the endemic Cyonasua-group procyonids (Cyonasua and Chapalmalania), which immigrated to South America nearly 4 million years earlier than other carnivorans, significantly overlapped with sparassodonts in time. In this study, we examine the functional morphology of the dentition of Cyonasua and Chapalmalania through quantitative analysis to determine the dietary habits of these taxa and the degree to which they may have ecologically overlapped sparassodonts and large predatory Neogene didelphimorphians. We find Cyonasua and Chapalmalania to be more carnivorous than extant procyonids, other than Bassariscus, in agree- ment with previous studies, but more omnivorous than most other carnivorans and all meat-eating South American metatherians, including sparassodonts. The extreme ecological dissimilarity between Cyonasua- group procyonids and members of the endemic South American predator guild may explain why procyo- nids were able to successfully establish themselves in South America several million years earlier than most other northern mammals (including all other carnivorans): they moved into a previously unoccupied eco- logical niche (large omnivore) and avoided direct competition with incumbent native species, a situation similar to that documented in historical cases of biological invasion. The omnivorous diets and climb- ing/swimming abilities of procyonids may have increased their chances for a successful over-water disper- sal relative to other carnivorans, further favoring their successful establishment in South America.

Russell K. Engelman. Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected] Darin A. Croft. Department of Anatomy, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-4930, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted: 5 August 2019 First published online: 12 September 2019 Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository:

Introduction that fossils of terrestrial carnivorans— South America hosts an impressive diversity specifically procyonids—are found in South of extant carnivorans, represented by approxi- America. These earliest procyonids include two mately 45 species (Burgin et al. 2018). However, closely related and apparently endemic genera: this high diversity is a recent phenomenon. For Cyonasua (late Miocene–middle , most of the Cenozoic, terrestrial carnivorans to Ensenadan South American were not present in South America. Instead, Land Ages [SALMAs]) and Chapalmala- the terrestrial carnivore guild was primarily nia (late early to late , Chapadmalalan– composed of a wide variety of non-placental Vorohuean SALMAs), hereafter referred to as and nonmammalian carnivores, including sev- the “Cyonasua group” following previous authors eral groups of metatherians (including sparas- (e.g., Patterson and Pascual 1968;Baskin1982; sodonts; see Croft et al. 2018 and references Soibelzon and Prevosti 2007; Forasiepi et al. therein; Prevosti and Forasiepi 2018 and refer- 2014; Tarquini et al. 2016). ences therein), cariamiform birds (Alvarenga Cyonasua, as traditionally defined, appears to et al. 2011; Degrange et al. 2012; Tambussi be paraphyletic relative to Chapalmalania and Degrange 2013), and terrestrial sebecid croco- (Baskin 2004; Forasiepi et al. 2014); Chapalmala- dyliformes (Pol et al. 2012). It is not until the late nia is first recorded in the late early Pliocene

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(Chapadmalalan SALMA) and is thought to 2018). Most groups of carnivorans, including haveoriginatedviaaninsituspeciationfroma felids and ursids, do not appear in the South species of Cyonasua (Kraglievich and de Olaza- American fossil record until the Pleistocene. bal 1959; Marshall et al. 1979; Baskin 2004; For- However, exactly how and why Cyonasua- asiepi et al. 2014). Cyonasua and Chapalmalania group procyonids were able to establish them- do not appear to be closely related to the modern selves in South America nearly 4 million years radiation of South American procyonids (Fora- earlier than other carnivorans (and long before siepi et al. 2014), and their dispersal to the con- most other groups of North American mam- tinent appears to have been separate from that mals) has never been examined in detail. of other procyonid lineages which do not appear In this study, we test the hypothesis that eco- in the South America fossil record until much logical dissimilarity to incumbent metatherian later (Rodriguez et al. 2013; Forasiepi et al. carnivores was an important contributing factor 2014;PrevostiandForasiepi2018;Ruiz-Ramoni to the early appearance of Cyonasua-group pro- et al. 2019). Two other genera, Parahyaenodon cyonids in South America. We do so by examin- and Tetraprothomo, are also considered to belong ing the functional morphology of the dentition of to this group but are poorly distinguished from Cyonasua-group procyonids relative to other late Cyonasua and are probably synonymous with Miocene–early Pliocene South American mam- this taxon (Forasiepi et al. 2007). malian carnivores, particularly sparassodonts, Cyonasua-group procyonids ranged across and evaluating their positions in ecological mor- South America, from and Colombia phospace. Based on this information, we recon- in the north (Forasiepi et al. 2014) to Argentina struct the positions of these taxa within the late and Uruguay in the south (Reguero and Can- Miocene–Pliocene South American predator dela 2011; Tarquini et al. 2016; Soibelzon et al. guild and infer the degree to which there may 2019). Most specimens of Cyonasua-group pro- have been ecological (specifically dietary) over- cyonids come from sites of late Miocene to lap between these groups. The results are dis- early Pliocene age (Huayquerian to Chapad- cussed in the context of other factors that may malalan SALMAs), but the group as a whole have affected the propensity of Cyonasua-group is last recorded during the early Pleistocene procyonids to disperse to and establish them- (based on the Ensenadan Cyonasua meranii; selves in South America. Ameghino and Kraglievich 1925; Soibelzon et al. 2008; Prevosti et al. 2013). The ancestors Materials and Methods of Cyonasua-group procyonids reached South America by 7.3 Ma (the age of the oldest For this analysis, we began with the mostly well-dated Cyonasua-group procyonid fossil; genus-level data set of Croft et al. (2018), Reguero and Candela 2011), likely by island which coded nearly all sparassodonts, most hopping or over-water dispersal (Simpson predatory late Neogene didelphoids, and a 1950; Marshall 1981; Webb 1985;O’Dea et al. broad comparative sample of extant carnivor- 2016; but see Montes et al. 2015), making ans for 16 characters describing the functional them the earliest securely dated North Ameri- morphology of the dentition and 1 character can mammals to participate in the great Ameri- describing body mass. To this data set, we can biotic interchange (GABI; Webb 1985; added one new character, the number of Woodburne 2010; but see Prothero et al. 2014 upper molars with grinding surfaces and references therein). Cyonasua-group pro- (described later), and coded seven additional cyonids were the only carnivorans in South taxa: the late Neogene South American procyo- America for nearly 4.3 Myr (until the arrival nids Cyonasua and Chapalmalania, FMNH of canids and mustelids in the late Pliocene P14407 (a sparassodont from the late Miocene Vorohuean SALMA, ∼2.9 Ma; Prevosti and For- or Pliocene of Corral Quemado, Argentina), asiepi 2018) and the only ones to coexist with and four extinct North American procyonids sparassodonts, the primary group of endemic (also detailed later). This resulted in a data set mammalian carnivores (Forasiepi et al. 2007; of 18 characters (listed in Supplementary Prevosti et al. 2013; Prevosti and Forasiepi Table 1) and 365 taxa. Additional modifications

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to the data set of Croft et al. (2018) are described (basal borhyaenoid). Our observations of in Supplementary Table 2, and specimens FMNH P14407 agree with Forasiepi et al. examined for comparative purposes and used (2007); the morphology of this specimen (includ- to add new codings and taxa are detailed in ing the absence of a metaconid and presence of a Supplementary Table 3. The complete data set multicusped talonid) is more similar to that of used for this study is presented in Supplemen- borhyaenoids such as Prothylacynus than bor- tary Table 4. Following previous studies (e.g., hyaenids or thylacosmilids. Despite the uncer- Wesley-Hunt 2005; Prevosti et al. 2013; Croft tain taxonomic status of FMNH P14407, its et al. 2018; Tarquini et al. 2018b) the P4/m1 of morphology is distinct from other sparassodonts carnivorans and the penultimate upper/ultim- of this age. We could not examine the holotype of ate lower molar in non-carnivoramorphan car- “A.” acutidens firsthand, and whether this speci- nivores (M3/m4 in carnivorous metatherians) men pertains to the same taxon as FMNH were considered to be functionally analogous. P14407 is beyond the scope of this study. The new character developed for this ana- Four genera of extinct North American pro- lysis (18: number of upper teeth with grinding cyonids, Arctonasua, Bassaricyonoides, Probassar- surfaces) was incorporated to more accurately iscus, and Protoprocyon, were added to this reflect the functional morphology of metather- analysis to better represent the diversity of Pro- ian dentitions. Examination of the parent data cyonidae, the focus of this study. Body masses set found that the most strongly loaded charac- of Protoprocyon and Probassariscus were coded ter on the first axis was the “number of post- based on extant, similar-sized Bassariscus spp. carnassial upper teeth” (character 14). How- (Baskin 1982) and body mass of Bassaricyo- ever, this character showed strong phylogenetic noides was coded based on extant Bassaricyon signal, as the primary carnassials in metather- (Baskin 2003). Body mass of Arctonasua was ians are almost always M3/m4, and thus in estimated at ∼9.5 kg using the occipito-orbital metatherians there is always one upper molar length regression equation of Van Valkenburgh posterior to the carnassial regardless of dietary (1990) and a measurement of 89.92 mm from habits. Similarly, the fact that metatherians AMNH F:AM 50054 (Arctonasua fricki; Baskin often have grinding surfaces on molars anterior 1982). to the primary carnassials (i.e., on M/m1-2) The expanded data set was analyzed via cor- were unaccounted for in the parent study. respondence analysis (CA) in PAST v. 3.21 Teeth were coded having a grinding surface if (Hammer et al. 2001) following the method- there was at least one structure (e.g., protocone) ology of Croft et al. (2018) and other studies that could function in occlusion. of carnivore ecomorphology (Wesley-Hunt Body-mass estimates for Cyonasua and Cha- 2005; Werdelin and Wesley-Hunt 2010; Werde- palmalania were taken from Tarquini et al. lin and Lewis 2013). CA has been used in these (2018a) and Prevosti and Forasiepi (2018), studies rather than principal components ana- respectively, which can be consulted for add- lysis because the data used here consist of a itional information. Details of other character combination of both continuous (e.g., shape of codings for Cyonasua and Chapalmalania are canine, premolar dimensions, carnassial blade included in Supplementary Table 5. length) and discrete (e.g., shape of incisor FMNH P14407, a sparassodont specimen row, number of premolars, shape of carnassial, from the late Miocene or Pliocene of Corral Que- number of molars) characters. mado, Argentina, was added to this analysis, Missing data in correspondence analyses are because it appears to represent a distinct taxon typically handled via column average substitu- from this time period. The of this spe- tion. However, this can result in “centroid slip- cimen is uncertain: Riggs (1934) referred it to page” (Flannery Sutherland et al. 2019), in Acrohyaenodon acutidens,whereasMarshall which incomplete taxa plot closer to the origin (1978:pp.65–66) tentatively referred “A.” acuti- than they should. This can be especially prob- dens to the borhyaenid genus Eutemnodus. Fora- lematic when more than one major clade is siepi et al. (2007) considered FMNH P14407 to being analyzed, as in this study, as missing represent an indeterminate “prothylacynine” values are reconstructed using all groups,

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potentially overinflating morphological dispar- Cyonasua and Chapalmalania on CA 2 are likely ity and creating phylogenetically incongruous due to size; this is the only character for scenarios. To minimize such issues in this ana- which the scores of Cyonasua or Chapalmalania lysis, missing values were substituted with the are outside the range of extant procyonids, clade average rather than the column (i.e., and body mass is the character most strongly entire data set) average; specifically, separate correlated (negatively) with CA 2 (Fig. 2). average values were calculated manually for Cyonasua plots in an area occupied by various carnivorans, sparassodonts, dasyuromor- extant hypocarnivores, including ursids, mephi- phians, and didelphimorphians and used to tids (e.g., Conepatus spp.), mustelids (e.g., Meles fill missing values. and Taxidea), and the extant binturong (Arctictis Institutional Abbreviations.—AMNH, Ameri- binturong)(Fig. 1). Chapalmalania plots just can Museum of Natural History, New York, within the morphospace of extant ursids, to N.Y., U.S.A.; FMNH, The Field Museum, Chi- the right of non-hemicyonine ursids that are cago, Ill., U.S.A.; MLP, Museo de La Plata, La known or have been considered to have more Plata, Argentina. predatory habits (Agriotherium, Arctodus, Ursus Anatomical Abbreviations.—P/p, upper and maritimus) and to the left of more omnivorous lower premolars; M/m, upperand lower molars. ursid species (Ursus spp. other than U. mariti- mus, Melursus ursinus, Tremarctos ornatus). The four extinct North American procyonids added Results for this analysis plot close to extant species; The results of the CA (Fig. 1) broadly resem- Bassaricyonoides, Probassariscus,andProtoprocyon ble those of previous studies (Wesley-Hunt plot between Bassariscus and all other extant 2005; Werdelin and Wesley-Hunt 2010; Werde- procyonids, whereas Arctonasua plots close to lin and Lewis 2013; Croft et al. 2018). The first Procyon pygmaeus and other extant species. axis (CA 1), representing 41.5% of the total vari- The new character added for this study (char- ation, generally correlates with diet, with hypo- acter 18) resulted in sparassodonts being more carnivores exhibiting highly positive values and widely distributed on CA 1 than in the analysis hypercarnivores generally exhibiting highly of Croft et al. (2018). Similarly, didelphimor- negative values. The second axis (CA 2), repre- phians plot more positively on CA 1 than in senting 16.0% of the total variation, correlates Croft et al. (2018), close to canids such as Vulpes most strongly (negatively) with body mass, spp. and Urocyon spp. Sparassodont morpho- the angle of upper carnassial cusps in occlusal space can generally be described as a relatively view, and, to a lesser extent (positively), with narrow band that spans the lower left, upper the number and robustness of premolars left, and a small portion of the upper right (Fig. 2). The first two axes represent 57.5% quadrants of Figure 1, with higher CA 1 values of the total variation. A complete list of axis generally correlating with higher CA 2 values. eigenvalues and taxon scores can be found in Nevertheless, four main clusters of sparasso- Supplementary Tables 6 and 7, respectively. donts can be identified (see Supplementary Both Cyonasua and Chapalmalania have high Fig. 2) that correlate with decreasing specializa- CA 1 values and low CA 2 values (Cyonasua: tions for carnivory: (1) Proborhyaena and 1.394, −1.305; Chapalmalania: 1.293, −2.832) Paraborhyaena (Proborhyaenidae) plus Australo- and plot farther from extant procyonids than hyaena and Arctodictis (Borhyaenidae), which other extinct members of this group. On CA 1, show the greatest specializations for carnivory Cyonasua and Chapalmalania plot within the and are adjacent to felid morphospace; (2) range of values spanned by extant procyonids other highly specialized carnivorous borhyae- (Fig. 1), between Bassariscus and all other extant noids (Prothylacynus, Thylacosmilidae, remain- species. By contrast, Cyonasua and Chapalmala- ing proborhyaenids and borhyaenids), in an nia score more negatively on CA 2 than extant area of morphospace sparsely populated by procyonids and fall outside the convex hull of carnivorans but including hyaenids and the morphospace occupied by extant members of euplerid Cryptoprocta; (3) remaining borhyae- this group. The more negative positions of noids (e.g., Lycopsis), larger hathliacynids such

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FIGURE 1. Plot of the first two axes of the correspondence analysis of all taxa used in this analysis. Carnivoran placentals are represented by circles and diamonds (caniformians and feliformians/miacoids, respectively). Cerdocyonin canids, icto- nychine mustelids, and Eira are denoted by stars (see “Discussion”).

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hathliacynids (Borhyaenidium, Notictis, and Notocynus), which all fall within group 3; and Stylocynus, which as mentioned earlier, is an outlier to all of the groups listed above. It is pos- sible the well-defined separation between groups observed here is an artifact of binning the data and that the actual separation between taxa may be more of a gradient. There is almost no overlap among late Neo- gene sparassodonts, didelphimorphians, and procyonids, except for the procyonid Bassaris- cus astutus, which plots close to Didelphis but is not within didelphimorphian morphospace. This position may be due to the fact that smaller seem to cluster together regardless of dietary habits, which may be due to how the

FIGURE 2. Vector plot of the eigenvalues of the first two algorithm used by PAST analyzes the data, or axes for the 18 characters used in the correspondence ana- may reflect smaller mammals with disparate lysis, showing the extreme negative weight of body mass habits being more generalized in morphology (BM) on axis 2. Abbreviations: BCA, angle of lower carnassial cusps in buccal view; BM, body mass; CAN, shape of upper than larger ones. There is some overlap canines; DIA, presence of diastemata among upper premo- between didelphimorphian and sparassodont lars; INC, shape of upper incisor row; LBL, lower carnassial morphospace, but sparassodonts and didelphi- relative blade length; LCA, angle of lower carnassial cusps in occlusal view; LPS, shape of last lower premolar anterior morphians in this region do not overlap tem- to carnassial; #MO, number of upper molars; MOC, shape porally (the sparassodonts are Paleogene or of cusps of first upper molar; MOS, shape of first upper early Miocene taxa like Pseudonotictis or Patene). post-carnassial tooth; RGA, relative grinding area of lower molars; UBL, upper carnassial relative blade length; Small-bodied late Neogene taxa (e.g., Borhyae- UCA, angle of upper carnassial cusps in occlusal view; nidium, Notocynus) are positioned more dis- UCS, shape of upper carnassial; UGR, number of upper tantly in morphospace. teeth with grinding surfaces; #UP, number of upper premo- lars anterior to the carnassial; UPS, shape of last upper pre- Neither Cyonasua nor Chapalmalania are close molar anterior to carnassial. to the morphospace occupied by didelphimor- phians or late Neogene sparassodonts (or the area occupied by as a whole, for as Cladosictis and Acyon, and some smaller that matter). Among sparassodonts, the late mid- hathliacynids such as Notogale and all late dle Miocene Hondadelphys plots closest to Pro- Neogene taxa, occupying a region alongside cyonidae. Stylocynus, the sparassodont genus hypercarnivorous mustelids (Gulo, Mellivora, often considered to have been most similar to Mustela) and hypercarnivorous canids (e.g., Cyonasua and Chapalmalania in its habits (Mar- Aelurodon, Canis lupus); and (4) smaller sparas- shall 1977;Prevostietal.2013;PrevostiandFor- sodonts (e.g., Pseudonotictis, Patene, Sipalocyon, asiepi 2018), does not plot close to these genera in Perathereutes) in an area mostly occupied by our morphospace analysis, though it does plot canids at the threshold between mesocarnivory closer to Cyonasua-group procyonids than any and hypercarnivory (e.g., Vulpes velox, Pseuda- other sparassodont. Instead, Stylocynus plots lopex culpaeus, Pseudalopex griseus). The basal near the origin, close to several mesocarnivorous sparassodonts Hondadelphys and Stylocynus or hypercarnivorous carnivorans such as Canis are outliers and plot more positively on CA 1 lupus, Chrysocyon brachyurus,andSpilogale spp. than other sparassodonts. Late Neogene spar- assodonts cluster into three widely spaced Discussion groups: larger borhyaenoids (Thylacosmilus, Borhyaenidae indet., and FMNH P14407), the Dietary Habits of Cyonasua-Group Procyo- former two plotting within group 2 and the nids.—Overall, the positions of Cyonasua and third in between groups 2 and 3; small Chapalmalania in the CA suggest that these

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taxa were hypocarnivores more specialized for Cyonasua and Chapalmalania also exhibit a carnivory than most living procyonids, in agree- mosaic of character codings relative to other ment with previous studies (Berman 1994; Soi- procyonids, with some features (e.g., incisor belzon 2011; Reyes et al. 2013); Cyonasua and row shape, upper carnassial relative blade Chapalmalania plot to the left of large-bodied length, relative grinding area) more closely procyonids such as Nasua and Procyon on CA resembling Bassariscus and others (shape of 1, suggesting more carnivorous habits, but to the upper carnassial, lower carnassial relative the right of the extant Bassariscus, among other blade length) more closely resembling “typical” hypocarnivores (e.g., ursids). Omnivorous procyonids such as Bassaricyon, Procyon, and habits are supported by the gross morphology Nasua. Although Cyonasua and Chapalmalania of the dentitions of Cyonasua and Chapalmalania, plot outside the morphospace occupied by which show well-developed grinding surfaces extant procyonids, this is mainly due to their and little development of shearing features larger size; changing the body-mass codings compared with most carnivorans. The only non- for Cyonasua and Chapalmalania to state 1 hypocarnivores that plot close to Cyonasua and (<1.5 kg, similar to Bassariscus) results in these Chapalmalania are otters (e.g., Enhydra, Aonyx) two taxa plotting just outside extant procyonid and polar bears (U. maritimus); otters tend to morphospace rather than far from it. The fact have well-developed crushing features on their that Chapalmalania plots within the ursid mor- molars related to their consumption of hard- phospace is not surprising, given that this spe- shelled invertebrates, and polar bears show cies has often been considered to be few dental specializations for carnivory (Sacco morphologically and ecologically similar to and Van Valkenburgh 2004;Oldfield et al. this group (Kraglievich and Olazabal 1959; For- 2011), likely due to their unusual pinniped- asiepi et al. 2014). heavy diet (Oldfield et al. 2011) and their rela- Competition between Cyonasua-Group Procyo- tively recent divergence from the omnivorous nids and South American Metatherians.—It was brown bear (Ursus arctos) (Lindqvist et al. once thought that the endemic South American 2010). It is unlikely that the well-developed carnivores, particularly the sparassodonts, were grinding surfaces of Cyonasua and Chapalmala- driven to extinction by competition with Nor- nia are adaptations for specialized bone- or thern Hemisphere carnivorans during the hard object–feeding diet (although there is evi- GABI (Simpson 1950, 1980; Patterson and Pasc- dence of scavenging behavior by Chapalmalania; ual 1968;Marshall1976; Werdelin 1987). How- Reyes et al. 2013), as the teeth of both Cyonasua ever, it has become apparent in recent years and Chapalmalania are relatively small in relation that there was little temporal overlap between to body and skull size (Prevosti and Forasiepi sparassodonts and carnivorans; most sparasso- 2018; Tarquini et al. 2018a). Relatively small donts are not recorded in the same intervals as teeth are unexpected for a durophagous special- their purported Northern Hemisphere replace- ist but are seen in some extant frugivores (Kay ments, making hypotheses of competitive dis- 1975; Gingerich and Smith 1985; Strait 1993). placement unlikely (Marshall 1977;Forasiepi The positions of Cyonasua and Chapalmalania et al. 2007;Prevostietal.2013;PrevostiandFor- on CA 1 fit the prediction of Werdelin and asiepi 2018). Competition between didelphi- Wesley-Hunt (2010) that the large gap between morphians and sparassodonts is still an open Bassariscus spp. and other extant procyonids in question, though most studies have suggested their morphospace analysis is the result of the ecological partitioning and passive replacement extinction of procyonids of intermediate dental of small sparassodonts by didelphimorphians in morphology. Cyonasua and Chapalmalania the Neogene (Engelman and Croft 2014;Zimicz partially fill this gap, at least on CA 1, which 2014; but see Beck and Taglioretti 2019). This is supports this idea. Additionally, three of the supported by the results of this study; there is no four fossil procyonids added overlap among late Neogene sparassodonts and to this analysis, Protoprocyon, Probassariscus, didelphimorphians, but late Miocene–Pliocene and Bassaricyonoides, plot between Bassariscus didelphimorphians do overlap Paleogene–early and all other extant procyonids. Miocene sparassodonts.

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Cyonasua and Chapalmalania are the only South American carnivorans currently known to overlap sparassodonts in time and may have been the only terrestrial carnivorans to directly interact with them. It has been sug- gested that significant competitive interaction may have occurred between Cyonasua-group procyonids and some sparassodonts, particu- larly the genus Stylocynus (Marshall 1977; Soi- belzon 2011; Prevosti et al. 2013; Engelman and Croft 2014), due to similar habits and these animals overlapping in time. Cyonasua and Chapalmalania are positioned very far from the morphospace occupied by South America metatherians (Didelphimorphia and Sparassodonta), which suggests little to no eco- logical overlap with these groups (Fig. 1), in agreement with most previous studies. Although the degree to which sparassodonts were omnivorous has been debated (Marshall FIGURE 3. Lower premolar rows of Cyonasua-group pro- 1977; Prevosti et al. 2013; Croft et al. 2018), vir- cyonids and Stylocynus (left p1-4 and p1-3, respectively) tually all authors agree that no South American in occlusal view, showing the more robust lower premolars metatherian (sparassodont or didelphimor- of Cyonasua-group procyonids and more sectorial teeth of Stylocynus.A,Cyonasua lutaria (AMNH 117419); B, Chapal- phian), with the possible exception of Stylocy- malania altaefrontis (MLP 91-VI-5-1); C, Stylocynus paranensis nus, was as omnivorous as extant procyonids (MLP 41-XII-13-1112, reversed). Anterior is to the right. or ursids. However, even Stylocynus plots out- Scale bar, 10 mm. side the hypocarnivore morphospace occupied by Ailurus, procyonids, and ursids (as well as m3-4 (Fig. 4), whereas the lower carnassial of Cyonasua-group procyonids), closer to meso- Cyonasua-group procyonids (the functionally carnivorous or even hypercarnivorous taxa equivalent tooth) has almost no blade at all such as Canis lupus, Chrysocyon brachyurus, and a trigonid that is only slightly more and Spilogale spp. Prevosti et al. (2013) consid- prominent than that of Nasua and Procyon. ered Stylocynus to be hypocarnivorous based The mandibular symphysis of Cyonasua-group on relative grinding area but did not exclude procyonids is also less extensive and more ver- the possibility of a mesocarnivorous diet. The tical than in Stylocynus; in both Cyonasua and results of this analysis and Croft et al. (2018) Chapalmalania the symphysis ends at the p1/2 support the idea of a more mesocarnivorous embrasure and is dorsoventrally much taller diet for Stylocynus. than anteroposteriorly long, whereas in Stylocy- The specific ways in which the dentitions of nus the symphysis ends below the anterior root Stylocynus and Cyonasua-group procyonids dif- of p3 and is anteroposteriorly much longer than fer from one another give some insight into dorsoventrally tall. However, the surface of the how these animals’ diets may have differed. symphysis of Cyonasua-group procyonids is Cyonasua-group procyonids have more robust much more rugose than that of Stylocynus,in premolars than Stylocynus and upper carnas- which it is smooth (state 2/3 vs. state 1 of Sca- sials with blunt cusps that are well built for pino [1981]). The morphology of the symphysis crushing (Fig. 3). By contrast, the premolars of in Cyonasua-group procyonids appears to be an Stylocynus are labiolingually narrower and apomorphy; the mandibular symphysis is have much smaller posterobasal heels than unfused and smooth in most extant procyonids Cyonasua-group procyonids. Similarly, the aside from Potos and Procyon (Scott et al. 2012). molars of Stylocynus have well-developed para- These features suggest that, even though pro- cristids and tall trigonid cusps, particularly on cyonids may have had more ecological overlap

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larger individual has been noted; Tarquini et al. 2018a), whereas Stylocynus was probably at least one-third larger (28–35 kg; Croft et al. 2018; Prevosti and Forasiepi 2018), and even larger individuals have been documented (e.g., MLP 41-XII-13-1112 appears to belong to a larger individual than MLP 11-94, the speci- men from which most body-mass estimates of Stylocynus have been calculated; Marshall 1979). The disparity in body size (Hutchinson’s ratio) between Cyonasua and Stylocynus is at minimum 1.33, which is above the critical threshhold of similarity for ecological coexist- ence between similar taxa (usually considered to be 1.3 or less; Hutchinson 1959; Tambussi and Degrange 2013), suggesting these animals were not direct competitors. Chapalmalania was far larger than both Cyonasua and Stylocynus, with a body mass estimated at 120–180 kg (Pre- vosti and Forasiepi 2018), but this taxon is first recorded approximately 2 million years after the last record of Stylocynus (Prevosti et al. 2013), suggesting that these taxa may not have overlapped in time. The new evidence presented FIGURE 4. Posterior molars of Cyonasua-group procyonids here reinforces conclusions of previous studies and Stylocynus (left m1-2 and m3-4, respectively) in lateral that competitive exclusion was not a significant view, showing the well-developed trigonid and paracristid in Stylocynus compared with the more bunodont morph- factor in the extinction of the Sparassodonta ology in procyonids. The m1 of carnivorans and the m4 of (e.g., Marshall 1977; Forasiepi et al. 2007;Pre- meat-eating metatherians are generally considered to be vosti et al. 2013; Engelman and Croft 2014; functionally analogous teeth. A, Cyonasua lutaria (AMNH 117419); B, Chapalmalania altaefrontis (MLP 91-VI-5-1); C, Zimicz 2014; López-Aguirre et al. 2017;Croft Stylocynus paranensis (MLP 11-94). Anterior is to the left. et al. 2018; Prevosti and Forasiepi 2018). Scale bar, 10 mm. Colonization of South America by Cyonasua- Group Procyonids.—Why Cyonasua-group pro- with Stylocynus than other sparassodonts, they cyonids were able to colonize South America occupied distinct ecological niches; Stylocynus long before most other groups of carnivorans was more specialized for feeding on meat remains an unanswered question in studies of (likely mesocarnivorous), whereas Cyonasua- the GABI. This colonization is even more group procyonids were more specialized for unusual in that the oldest record of Cyonasua- feeding on other foods, such as fruit, vegeta- group procyonids dates to the late Miocene, tion, and invertebrates (hypocarnivorous). when the endemic carnivore guild of South Cyonasua-group procyonids and Stylocynus America was ecologically diverse (Vizcaíno apparently also differed from one another in and De Iuliis 2003; Tambussi and Degrange body mass, which would have further reduced 2013; Zimicz 2014; Prevosti and Forasiepi competition (Prevosti et al. 2013; Prevosti and 2018) and theoretically more robust to invasion, Forasiepi 2018). Body mass plays an important whereas the arrival and diversification of other role in resource partitioning in modern carni- carnivorans appears to postdate a late Pliocene vores, with larger species generally being dom- collapse of the native carnivore guild (includ- inant in competitive interactions (Creel and ing the extinction of the Sparassodonta), result- Creel 1996; Palomares and Caro 1999; Linnell ing in low carnivore diversity and many open and Strand 2000). The mass of Cyonasua is gen- ecological niches during the late Pliocene– erally estimated at 16–21 kg (though at least one early Pleistocene (Van Valkenburgh 1991;

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Vizcaíno et al. 2004; Forasiepi et al. 2007; Mitch- Carnivorans in general are considered to be ell et al. 2016; Prevosti and Forasiepi 2018). poor over-water dispersers compared with One possible explanation for the apparent other mammals (Meiri et al. 2004: pp. 474– early dispersal of Cyonasua-group procyonids 475; Lyras et al. 2010), with most extant island to South America relative to other carnivores carnivorans representing populations on con- is that this is an artifact of the fossil record. In tinental islands that became isolated by rising support of this idea, it been suggested (based sea levels at the end of the last ice age (rather on genetic evidence) that some other groups than dispersing over water to these locations) of carnivorans (i.e., non–Cyonasua-group pro- or, perhaps, were introduced by humans (e.g., cyonids such as Nasua and some mustelids Urocyon littoralis; Rick et al. 2009). However, like and Pteronura) colonized South several aspects of procyonid ecology suggest America in the middle or late Miocene (Koepfli that they may be better over-water dispersers et al. 2007; Eizirik 2012). Although such a scen- than most other carnivorans. First, nearly all ario cannot be ruled out completely, it seems known procyonids, both living and extinct, quite unlikely based on the current fossil have at least some climbing or grasping ability record. Several well-studied middle to late (Tarquini et al. 2017), which might increase Miocene sites are known from equatorial their chances of being swept out to sea on a South America (e.g., Acre, La Venta, Urumaco) floating tree or a mat of vegetation. Second, and represent a diversity of paleoenviron- strong swimming abilities might further ments, some of which preserve the remains of increase the chances of a procyonid success- small, arboreal mammals similar to small pro- fully making it to shore in a chance over-water cyonids (e.g., bats, platyrrhine primates, and dispersal. (Procyon spp.) are strong didelphids; Czaplewski 1996; Fleagle et al. swimmers (Bigler et al. 1981; Zeveloff 2002) 1997; Goin 1997). La Venta is particularly note- and (Nasua spp.) have also been reported worthy in this regard; located only about 600 to swim (Gompper 1997). Third, the opportun- km from the Panamanian Isthmus, it is among istic (omnivorous) dietary habits of procyonids the most heavily sampled fossil sites in South may have made them more likely to survive a America (Kay et al. 1997 and references therein) multiday over-water dispersal event than a and has yet to produce any remains of terres- mammal more dependent on meat. Such habits trial North American mammal groups. It is also allow hypocarnivorous species like pro- highly unlikely that Cyonasua-group procyo- cyonids to exist at greater population densities nids (or any North American mammals for than mesocarnivores or hypercarnivores. For that matter) were present in South America at example, in their analysis of Neotropical mam- the time this locality’s sediments were depos- malian community structure, Robinson and ited (∼13–12 Ma; Flynn et al. 1997). Redford (1986) found that population densities There is no evidence of non–Cyonasua-group of hypocarnivorous carnivorans like procyo- procyonids in South America before the late nids and Conepatus were generally at least an Pliocene. By contrast, 39 specimens of Cyona- order of magnitude greater than those of meso- sua-group procyonids are known from this carnivorous or hypercarnivorous taxa like Eira, interval (Prevosti and Forasiepi 2018; Soibelzon Galictis, and felids. Higher population densities et al. 2019), including specimens from low- may have increased the probability of a sweep- latitude sites (Forasiepi et al. 2014). Thus, the stakes dispersal event by a procyonid rather absence of other carnivorans during this than another North American carnivoran. At interval is not simply a preservation bias least three island procyonid populations are against carnivores or carnivorans or a restricted considered to represent natural over-water dis- geographic or ecological distribution of Cyona- persals: the Cozumel island (P. pyg- sua-group procyonids. Assuming Cyonasua- maeus), the Tres Marias raccoon (Procyon lotor group procyonids were the earliest carnivorans insularis), and the Cozumel island to successfully colonize South America, the (Nasua narica nelsoni) (Helgen and Wilson question becomes why these succeeded 2005; McFadden et al. 2008; Cuaron et al. when other carnivorans did not. 2009). The Tres Marias raccoon demonstrates

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that procyonids are capable of dispersing over (van der Geer et al. 2011). Procyonids plot at least 25 km of open water, the shortest dis- outside sparassodont morphospace; whereas tance between the Tres Marias archipelago canids, ictonychines, and Eira plot within spar- and the mainland during the Pleistocene assodont morphospace, as would be expected (Ortiz-Ramírez et al. 2018) if ecological dissimilarity was a factor in suc- In addition to dispersing to a new environ- cessful colonization. ment, successful colonization requires estab- The early appearance of procyonids in South lishing a viable population. In this regard, the America is probably the result of several fac- ecological uniqueness of procyonids relative tors. Occupation of an ecological niche distinct to the endemic South American biota may from those occupied by incumbent South have favored their establishment in South American mammals may have been the most America long before other carnivores. Studies important factor, but several other aspects of of historical invasions of extant species have procyonid ecology may have favored over- found that ecological dissimilarity between water dispersal. We find no evidence for sig- the dispersing species and the species of the nificant competition between Cyonasua-group new community is an important predictor of procyonids and endemic South American car- successful establishment (Darwin’s naturaliza- nivorous mammals such as sparassodonts, in tion hypothesis; see Sih et al. 2010; Pearson support of other studies that have suggested et al. 2012; Azzurro et al. 2014; Skóra et al. that the extinction of sparassodonts was due 2015; Vidal-García and Keogh 2017). Ecological to other factors (e.g., Marshall 1977; Forasiepi dissimilarity allows immigrant species to et al. 2007; Prevosti et al. 2013; Engelman and exploit the environment in ways that native Croft 2014; Zimicz 2014; López-Aguirre et al. species do not, thereby avoiding direct compe- 2017; Croft et al. 2018; Prevosti and Forasiepi tition. This situation is analogous to that 2018). The successful establishment of procyo- inferred for procyonids and metatherian carni- nids in South America was undoubtedly partly vores in Cenozoic South America. No South due to luck but perhaps principally due to the American metatherian seems to have been a simple fact that these animals were entering a large (>1.5 kg), specialized hypocarnivore simi- previously unoccupied ecological niche. lar to a bear, procyonid, or the modern red panda (Werdelin 1987; Wroe et al. 2004; Orcutt 2015), though some extinct may Acknowledgments have had hypocarnivorous dietary habits simi- We thank L. H. Soibelzon for pictures of the lar to Cyonasua-group procyonids (e.g., Macro- lower dentition of Chapalmalania; M. J. Babot euphractus; Vizcaíno and De Iuliis 2003). for pictures of Patene; R. M. D. Beck for useful The hypothesis that ecological dissimilarity discussions; J. Galkin and J. Meng (AMNH), played a role in the early colonization of W. Simpson and K. Angielczyk (FMNH), and South America by Cyonasua-group procyonids M. Reguero (MLP) for access to specimens in is supported by comparing the position of their care; R. McCord (Arizona Museum of Nat- procyonids in the results of the CA to canids, ural History) for loans from the Larry Marshall ictonychine (= galictine) mustelids, and the Marsupial Dentition Collection; and J. Tarquini mustelid Eira, three groups that likely had dis- and two anonymous reviewers for comments persal abilities similar to those of procyonids that greatly improved this article. but did not disperse to South America until much later, after the last record of sparasso- donts. Canids and ictonychines in particular Literature Cited are the earliest known carnivorans in South Alvarenga, H., L. Chiappe, and S. Bertelli. 2011. Phorusrhacids: the terror birds. Pp. 187–208 in G. Dyke and G. Kaiser, eds. Living America aside from Cyonasua-group procyo- dinosaurs: the evolutionary history of modern birds. Wiley, nids (with the earliest records dating to ∼2.9 Oxford, U.K. Ma; Prevosti and Forasiepi 2018) and are Ameghino, C., and J. Kraglievich. 1925. Un nuevo prociónido cer- coleptoide en el Pampeano inferior de la Argentina, Brachynasua some of the few groups of carnivorans known meranii, n. gen., n. sp. Comunicaciones Museo Nacional de His- to make successful dispersals over water toria Natural, “Bernadino Rivadavia,” Buenos Aires 2:181–191.

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