Dr. Gillian McGillivray, Associate Professor Department of History, Glendon College, York University, 2275 Bayview Avenue, , , Canada M4N 3M6 [email protected]


Ph.D. Georgetown University, History, 2002 M.A. Georgetown University, Latin American Studies, 1997 B.A.(Honours) Dalhousie University, Spanish and History, 1994


July 2010-present, Associate Professor, History, Glendon College, York University July 2006-June 2009, Assistant Professor, History, Glendon College, York University July 2004-June 2006, Assistant Professor, History, Brock University Jan.-April 2004, Summer 1999, Course Director, History, Georgetown University Sept. 1997-April 1999, Colloquium Leader, History, Georgetown University January-May 1997, Assistant Coordinator, Caribbean Project, Georgetown


-Chaire Dupront, visiting professor at Sorbonne Paris IV, month of April 2014 -Book: Blazing Cane: Sugar Communities, Class, and State Formation in Cuba, 1868- 1959 (Duke University Press, 2009) won a 2010 Choice outstanding academic title award, and was selected as one of four finalists for the 2009 Canadian Historical Association’s “Wallace K. Ferguson Prize” for the outstanding scholarly book in a field of history other than Canadian. -Glassman Award, Best Dissertation in the Humanities, Georgetown University, US$1000, 2003 -Distinction, Ph.D. Dissertation Defence, History, Georgetown, 2002 -Distinction, Ph.D. Comprehensive Exams, History, Georgetown, 1999 -Distinction, M.A. Thesis Defence, Latin American Studies, Georgetown, 1997 -Distinction, M.A. Comprehensive Exams, Latin American Studies, Georgetown, 1997 -Winner, International Essay Contest on Peace and Security in the Americas, FLACSO- Chile and the Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC, US$1500, 1998 -University Award for Spanish, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 1994


PUBLICATIONS: scholarly books authored: 1 chapters in books: 5 papers in refereed journals: 4 encyclopedia entries: 1 major invited talks: 12

1 papers read (refereed conference presentations): 26 workshops presented: 9 book reviews: 9 papers in student-refereed journals: 3


Blazing Cane: Sugar Communities, Class, and State Formation in Cuba, 1868-1959. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009. 386 pp.

Chapters in book:

(under review): “Classe em Formação, revolução na imaginação: Trabalhadores canavieiros no Nordeste Brasileiro em anos de tumulto, 1955-1964,” co-written with Thomas Rogers, in Trabalho & Labor: Histórias compartilhadas, Brasil e Estados Unidos, ed. Fernando Teixeira da Silva and Alexandre Fortes. SP: Editora Intermeios

“Cuba: Depresión, imperialismo y revolución, 1920-1940,” in La Gran Depresión en América Latina, ed. Paulo Drinot y Alan Knight. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2015, 308-346.

“Populism in the Circum-Caribbean, 1920-1940,” co-written with Thomas Rogers, in Transformations of Populism in Europe and the Americas: History and Recent Tendencies, New York: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2015.

“Cuba: Depression, Imperialism and Revolution, 1920-1940,” in The Great Depression in Latin America. Ed. Paulo Drinot and Alan Knight. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2014, 246-275.

“Reading Revolution from Below: Cuba, 1933 and 1959,” in Latin America from the Wars of Independence to the Drug Wars. Westport, Ct: Greenwood Publishing Group: 2008: 203-234.

Papers in refereed journals:

“Ascensão e queda do pacto populista em Cuba, 1934-1959,” Revista Tempo 18, 33 (2012): 105-140. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-77042012000200005

“Revolution in the Cuban Countryside: The Blazing Cane of Las Villas, 1895-1898,” Cuban Studies 38 (2007): 50-81.

“Dear President Machado’: Colono Nationalism in Cuba’s Turbulent 1920s and 1930s”. Journal of Caribbean History 37, 1 (2003): 79-109.

“Trading With the ‘Enemy’: Canadian-Cuban Relations in the 1990s”. Cuba Briefing Paper Series, Georgetown University Caribbean Project XV (December 1997): 1-16.


Encyclopedia Entry

“Cuban Wars for Independence,” Gale World Scholar: Latin American and the Caribbean, Portal and Archive. Editor in Chief: Erick D. Langer (Gale Press: Belmont, CA: April, 2011)

Major Invited talks:

Social Science Centre for the Study of Development, Agriculture and Society (CPDA), Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). May, 2019: “Café com leite… e açúcar? A história social do açúcar na Primeira República”

Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Niteroi and Campos dos Goytacazes. May, 2019: “Populismo nos canaviais de Cuba e Brasil: Fornecedores de Cana e Trabalhadores reclamando direitos, 1920-1960”

Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. May, 2019: “Commodity Counterpoint: Sugar Producers in Rio, the Northeast and São Paulo in the Age of Coffee, 1889-1945,” Workshop II of Brazilian Regionalism in a Global Context

University of Birmingham, UK. June, 2018: “Connecting Brazil’s ‘South’ and ‘North’ through Sugar’s Triangular Commodity Chains,” Workshop I of Brazilian Regionalism in a Global Context

Universidade de Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, Centro de Pesquisa em História Social da Cultura. August, 2017: “Classe em Formação, revolução na imaginação: Trabalhadores canavieiros no Nordeste Brasileiro em anos de tumulto, 1955-1964” (co-author Thomas Rogers, Emory University), edited volume accepted at Editora UNICAMP for 2019

Emory University. Atlanta, GA, October 2014: “Should we Cite Jefferson or Mussolini? Populism in Rural Brazil, 1920s-1960s,” Brazilian Studies Across the Disciplines. (Shared Paper, commented and advised for faculty and graduate student participants

Buffalo State University. September 2011: “Cuban Sugar Communities in Peace and Revolution, 1868-1959,” Funded and invited - chapter for edited volume on populism

Institute for the Study of the Americas (funded by the British Academy). London, England. June 2011. “Cuba: From Revolution to Democracy, 1933-1940”. Invited and funded participant in symposium “The Great Depression in the Americas and its

3 Legacies,” edited volume planned by co-conference participants Alan Knight, University of Oxford, and Paulo Drinot, Institute for the Study of the Americas. Invited and funded.

Universidade Federal Fluminense. History Department. Niterói, Brazil. August 2011: “A ascensão e queda do populismo em Cuba: trabalhadores do açúcar, usineiros e fornecedores de cana, 1895-1959.” In April, 2011, I also gave public lectures about cane farmers, sugar workers, mill owners, and state-formation in Cuba and Brazil for the Universidad Federal de Pernambuco and the Associação de Fornecedores de Cana de Pernambuco in Recife, and, in Maceió, Alagoas for the Universidad Federal de Alagoas, the Centro Universitario CESMAC, and the Grupo João Lyra. Invited.

Georgetown University. Washington, DC. October, 2008. “Luis Aguilar and Twentieth- Century Cuban Historiography.” Invited and funded participant in symposium.

Global Labour Summer Institute. . June, 2008. “State of the Field Address: Commodity Chains and the Study of Labour.” Invited and funded participant and facilitator in symposium.

Université de Montréal. April, 2008. “Revolution in the Cuban Countryside, 1952-1959.” Invited and funded participant in symposium.

University of Texas. Austin, TX. February, 2008. “The Rise and Fall of Populism in Cuba.” Invited and funded participant in symposium.

Instituto de Historia. Havana, Cuba. September 2005: “Trabajadores, Colonos, y Populismo: La Huelga de 1925 en Oriente.” Invited participant in symposium.

Asociación Mexicana de Historiadores Económicos. Mexico City. October 2004: “Forjando un movimiento sindicalista en el azúcar: Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, 1900- 1940.” Invited participant in symposium.

Conference Participation:

Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS), Toronto, May, 2019. “Seeing Gender, Class, and State-Formation in Brasil Açucareiro”

Conference of Latin American Historians (CLAH), Chicago, January 2019. “From Cane Farm to Sugar Factory: Brazilian Cane Suppliers’ Fight for Standardization”

Canadian Association of Latin American Studies (CALACS), Montreal, May 2018. “Bittersweet Paternalism: Real and Imagined Masters of the Mill in 20th Century Brazil”

Latin American Studies Association (LASA), New York, May 2016. “The Sweeter Side of Getúlio Vargas”

Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA), London, England. August 2014. “Populism in the Countryside? The Vargas Regime and Sugar Communities in Campos (RJ) and the

4 Zona da Mata (PE)”

Populism: a Historiographic Category? International Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Florence, Italy. April 2014. “Rural Populism in Latin America, especially Brazil, 1930-1954”

American Historical Association (AHA), New Orleans, LA. January 2013. “Brazil’s Sugar-Growing Law of 1941 and the ‘Peculiar’ Exclusion of Agrarian Workers” in a panel I organized entitled “Labor Laws on Paper and in Practice: From the ILO to America and Brazil, 1936-81” (Conference of Latin American Historians joint with Labour and Working-Class History Association)

II Seminário Internacional Mundos do Trabalho; VI Jornadas de História do Trabalho. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. November 2012. “O Estatuto da Lavoura Canavieira de 1941 e a exclusão ‘peculiar’ dos trabalhadores rurais” + commentator on a panel about rural history in Brazil

LASA. San Francisco, CA. May 2012. “The Making of Agrarian Middle Classes in Cuba and Brazil, 1880-1945,” panel I organized entitled “Latin America's Belated Republics: Cuban and Brazilian History in Comparative Perspective, Part II: 1880s-1970”

Rocky Mountain Conference of Latin American Studies. Park City, Utah. March, 2012. “The Reinvention of the Latifúndio in Mid Twentieth-Century Brazil? Modernization, Cane Farmers, and Sugar Workers Mobilization in Pernambuco, 1928-1963”

AHA, Chicago, IL. January 2012. “Dear President Vargas”: The making of Brazil's cane farmer class, 1880s-1970s,” in a panel I organized entitled “Cattle and Cane: Negotiating Community, Region, and Development in Brazilian Commodity Chains, 1880-1980”

Associação Internacional de Estudos Americanos (IASA). Universidade Federal Fluminense. Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. July 2011. “Fornecedores de cana e trabalhadores do açucar na ascensão e queda do populismo em Cuba, 1924-1959”

LASA. Toronto, ON. September 2010. “Harvesting Revolution: the sugar workers of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, 1900-1920”

BRASA. Brasilia, Brazil. July 2010. “Brazilian sugar communities in comparative perspectives”.

Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS). Montréal, ON. May, 2009. “Comment: Panel on Sweetness & Power in Early 20th-Century Latin America,” panel that I organized to include scholars from Argentina, California, Indiana, and Washington, speaking about Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, and Cuba.

LASA. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. June 2009. “Comparing Sugar Across the Americas in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,” in one of two conference panels that I co-organized

5 and chaired with Marc McLeod entitled “Sugar and Power in Modern Latin America,” parts I and II.

CALACS. , BC. June 2008. “Sugar Workers and Cane Farmers in Cuba’s 1959 Revolution,” in one of three conference panels I organized entitled “Cuba Beyond Imperialism: I. The Republican Era; II. The 1950s; III. The 1960s and Beyond”.

LASA. San Juan, PR. March 2006: “Comment: Panel II: Cuba and Puerto Rico in Comparative Perspective”.

Humanities Research Institute. St. Catharines, ON. December 2004: “Harvesting Revolution: The Los Mochis Sugar Community, 1900-1940.”

CALACS. Guelph, ON. October 2004: “Harvesting Revolution: The Sugar Workers of Los Mochis, Sinaloa, 1900-1940,” in my panel entitled “Peasants, Plebes, and Plantation Workers: Popular Movements in XIXth and XXth-Century Mexico”

CALACS. Montréal, QC. October 2002: “From Paternalism to Populism: The 1925 Sugar Strike in Cuba’s Oriente Province”

Cuban Research Institute. Miami, FL. March 2002: “The Great Central Chaparra, 1900- 1925”

AHA. San Francisco, CA. January 2002: “Depression, Class, and Nation in Cuba, 1930- 1940”

Southern Historical Association. New Orleans, LA. November 2001: “Sugar, Modernity, and Prosperity in Eastern Cuba, 1900-1920”

LASA. Washington, DC. September 2001: “Dear President Machado... Colono Nationalism in Cuba’s 1920s and ‘30s”

Association of Caribbean Historians. Havana, Cuba. April 1999: “The Cuban Machadato Through U.S. Eyes, 1928-1935”

CALACS. Vancouver, BC. March 1998: “Trading with the ‘Enemy’: Canadian-Cuban Relations in the 1990s”(Briefing Paper)

Caribbean Project Cuba Study Group. Washington, DC. September 1997: “Trading with the ‘Enemy’

Cuban and North American Social Scientists. Havana, Cuba. May 1997: “Concientizar contra el machismo: el género en las películas cubanas” (presented in Spanish)

Workshops Presented:

6 Principal Organizer. Toronto Brazilian History Workshop IV @ U of Toronto including professors Jeffrey Lesser and Thomas Rogers (Emory), Peter Beattie (MSU) & Jerry Dávila (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). April, 2018.

Course Director, Living and Learning in Retirement series, “Brazil in the Era of Globalization,” Winter 2016, Glendon College, 250 students, 10 weeks, lectured 4 weeks and invited 6 speakers from York and other North American universities

Moderator, “Current Affairs Panel: Peronism, National Identity and Globalization,” March 11, 2017 at Glendon College with visiting speakers from the University of Quebec at Montreal, Carleton, and the University of Manitoba.

Moderator, “Soft Coups in Latin America? Brazil, Paraguay, and Honduras,” at York University with visiting speakers from the University of Toronto and Buffalo State University. May, 2016.

Principal Organizer. “Brazilian Research on Dictatorship and Democracy” Brazilian History Workshop at Glendon College and at the University of Toronto including professor Jerry Dávila (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Thomas Rogers (Emory University), Bryan McCann (Georgetown University), and Benjamin Bryce (University of Northern ). Toronto, March 2016.

Principal Organizer. Brazilian History Workshop at Glendon College and at the Munk Centre (comment by Ambassador Afonso Cardoso from the Consulate of Brazil) including professor Jerry Dávila (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Jeffrey Lesser (Emory University), Peter Beattie, (Michigan State University), Erica Windler (Michigan State University), Stuart McCook (University of Guelph) and Fabio Faria Mendes (Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil). Toronto, November 2013.

Invited Participant. “Hemispheric Strangers?” The Brazil-Canada Knowledge Exchange Symposium at Glendon College. Toronto, ON, October 2012.

Invited Participant. “Rethinking Central America: Beyond Violence, Liberation and Crisis.” University of Toronto Workshop. Toronto, ON, November 2012.

Principal Organizer. Brazilian History Workshop at Cajú Restaurant, Glendon and Keele campuses of York University including professors Jeffrey Lesser (Emory University), Thomas Rogers (Emory University), Joel Wolfe (University of Massachussets-Amherst), and Southern Ontario University professors and graduate students, November 2011.

Principal Organizer, with Kenneth Mills and Ronald Pruessen. Cuban History Workshop at the University of Toronto and at the Glendon and Keele campuses of York University. Toronto, ON, October 2007.

Invited Participant. University of Toronto, “Mapping and Building” Ford Foundation- funded research project to build networks between Canadian, Cuban, U.S., and Mexican

7 scholars. Latin American Studies Association Conference Workshop. Montreal, QC. September 2007.

Book Reviews:

Casey, Matthew. Empire's Guestworkers: Haitian Migrants in Cuba during the Age of US Occupation (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017) reviewed for the American Historical Review 123: 5 (December 2018), 1700-1701

Rogers, Thomas. The Deepest Wounds: A Labour and Environmental History of Sugar in Northeastern Brazil (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2010) reviewed for the Luso-Brazilian Review 53: 1 (June 2016), E42-E44

Lesser, Jeffrey. Immigration, Ethnicity, and National Identity in Brazil, 1808 to the Present (Cambridge University Press, 2013) reviewed for Estudios Interdisciplinários de América Latina y el Caribe 26:1 (2015), 121-123

Lipman, Jana K. Guantánamo: A Working-Class History Between Empire and Revolution (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008) reviewed for Estudios Interdisciplinários de América Latina y el Caribe 22, 1 (2011), 141-142

Funes Monzote, Reinaldo. From Rainforest to Canefield in Cuba (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2008) reviewed for the Canadian Journal of Latin American Studies 33, 67 (2009): 223-225

Tone, John Lawrence. War and Genocide in Cuba, 1895-1898 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2006) reviewed for New West Indian Guide 82 (2008): 150-151

Alvarez, José and Lázaro Peña Castellanos. Cuba’s Sugar Industry (University Press of Florida, 2001) reviewed for World Sugar History Newsletter (July 2004): 2-4

Stephan Palmié’s Wizards and Scientists: Explorations in Afro-Cuban Modernity & Tradition (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002) reviewed for History: Review of New Books 40, 1 (Summer 2002): 150

Ayala, César J. American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation Economy of the Spanish Caribbean, 1898-1934 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999) reviewed for World Sugar History Newsletter 24 (December 1999): 1-3

Papers in Student-Refereed Journals:

“Rethinking Gaitán: A Historiography of Gaitán and El Bogotazo in Colombia, 1930- 1948,” Entrecaminos: Interdisciplinary Journal of Latin American Studies 4 (Washington, Spring 1999): 19-42

8 “Evita’s Legacy? Argentine Women and the First Peronist Administration,” Entrecaminos: Interdisciplinary Journal of Latin American Studies 3 (Washington, Spring 1998): 71-82.

“Para rescatar la historia: Memoria del Fuego de Eduardo Galeano y Cien años de soledad de Gabriel García Márquez,” Utah Foreign Language Review XV (Salt Lake City, December 1997): 194-212.

Master’s Thesis:

“Es que los compañeros son machistas [our comrades are too macho]”: Women’s Struggle for Change in Sandinista Nicaragua, 1979-1989. 120 pp.


May 2009-April 2013, SSHRC, Standard Research Grant, $75,000 + $15,000 leave 2003-2004, SSHRC, McGill University, $45,866, for post-doctoral research 2003-2005, Killam, University of British Columbia, post-doctoral research-declined 1999-2001, SSHRC, Georgetown University, $33,240, for dissertation research 2001, Coordinating Council for Women in History, US$1,000, to write dissertation 2001, University of Florida, US$750, Library travel grant 1998, Hewlett Fellowship, US$1,300, Graduate Field Seminar in Oaxaca, Mexico


As a Faculty Member at York: July 2018, York University Faculty Association Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, $11,875 May 2018, Principal’s Travel Grant, Glendon College, York University, $600 February 2018, Glendon Research Grant, $1,500 2017-2018 0.5 Research-based teaching load reduction, Glendon College, York University May 2017, Principal’s Travel Grant, Glendon College, York University, $600 February 2017, Glendon Research Grant, $2,500 May 2016, Principal’s Travel Grant, Glendon College, York University, $600 2015-16, 0.5 Course Release for Research, Glendon College, York University August 2014, Ad Hoc Grant for travel to BRASA conference, York University, $1,000 August 2014, Principal’s Travel Grant, Glendon College, York University, $1,000 November 2013, Principal’s Travel Grant, Glendon College, York University, $1,000 Merit Award, Glendon College, York University, $2000, 2011 Merit Award, Glendon College, York University, $3000, 2010 March 2009, SSHRC Grant in Aid of Travel, York University, $900 February 2009, Principal’s Travel Grant, Glendon College, York University, $1,000 February 2009, Junior Faculty Fund, Glendon College, York University, $1,279 Merit Award, Glendon College, York University, $2000, 2009 Merit Award, Glendon College, York University, $2000, 2008

9 Merit Award, Glendon College, York University, $2000, 2007 June 2008, Principal’s Travel Grant, Glendon College, York University, $1,000 December 2007, Research Grant, Glendon College, York University, $1,860 September 2007, Principal Travel’s Grant, Glendon College, York University, $1,000 May 2007, Vice Principal’s Office, Glendon College, York University, 0.5 Course Release for 2007-2008 February 2007, Research Grant, Glendon College, York University, $2,100

As a Faculty Member at Brock: May 2005, Research Grant, Humanities Research Institute, Brock University, $1,000

UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING: at Glendon College, York University HIST 2901 (6.0) Histoire de l’Amérique latine, 2015-16, 2017-18 HIST 4630 (6.0) Brazil Globalization Seminar, 2015-2016; 2017-2018 HIST 2901 (3.0 of 6.0) Latin American History: W2015, W2017 HIST 3641(6.0) From Sugar to Cocaine: Latin America’s Global Commodities: 2016-17 ILST 4000 Thesis on 1964 Coup in Brazil ( Karamanlian), 2015-16 HIST 4500 (case study 3.0 of 6.0) Historiography, W2015 HIST 4500 (methodology 3.0 of 6.0) Historiography, W2010, F2010, F2014, F2016 HIST 3670 (3.0) Brazil in the Era of Globalization, 20th Century, W2007, F2013 HIST3659 (3.0) Revolutions in Latin America, W2014 HIST 2200 (6.0) Introduction a l’histoire de l’Amérique latine 2008-9, 2012-13 HIST 3710 (6.0) Modern Brazil, 1888-1988, 2008/2009 HIST 2200 (6.0) Introduction to Latin American History, 2007-8, W2015 HIST 3212 (6.0) Revolutions in Modern Latin America, 2007-8 HIST 2200 (6.0) Modern Latin America, 2006-7 HIST 3675 (3.0) Brazil in the Atlantic World, 16th-19th Centuries, F2006 at Brock University HIST 1F96 (6.0) The Americas, Winter 2005 HIST 4V16 (3.0) Populism in Latin America, Winter 2005 HIST 3P94 (3.0) Twentieth Century Latin American Revolutions, Fall 2004 HIST 4F99 (3.0) Honours Tutorial, 2004-2005 at Georgetown University Populism and Revolution in Twentieth-Century Latin America, Winter 2002 Latin American Civilization II, Summer 1999

GRADUATE TEACHING AND SUPERVISION at York University Directed Reading Graduate Course, F/W2015-16, Modern Brazil (Dadrien Brown)

10 HIST 5960 (3.0) Social History of Commodities, F2009, W2013, W2015, W2017 Directed Reading Graduate Course, F2013, Modern Brazil (Marianne Buri) HIST 6050 (3.0 of 6.0) Themes in Western Social History, W2010 HIST 5965 (3.0) Class & Community in Industrializing Latin America, W2009, F2010 HIST 5950 (3.0) Themes in Modern Latin America, W2007

MRP Supervisor for Daniella McIvor, 2016-2017 (started PhD U. North Carolina) PhD Dissertation Committee Member for Kevin Chrisman, 2014-defence = Oct 2018 PhD Comprehensive Member for Marianne Buri, 2013-2015 PhD Comprehensive Member for Kevin Chrisman, 2013-2014 PhD Dissertation Committee Member for Pamela Fuentes, September 2008-2012 PhD Dissertation Co-supervisor (with Douglas Hay) for Kaushalya Bannerji, September 2008-dnf PhD Dissertation Co-supervisor (with Roberto Perin) for Benjamin Bryce, 2008-January 2013 Ph.D. Supervisor for Brigitte Cairus, May 2007-dnf PhD Dean’s Representative for Elizabeth Polak, defence July 2012 PhD Dean’s Representative for Frank Peddie, defence August 2012 PhD Internal-External for José Tufy Cairus, defence August 2012 PhD Dean’s Representative for Sophia Koutsyannis, defence December 2010 PhD Internal-External for Dan Horner, defence December 2010 PhD Dean’s Representative for Maurice Demers, defence February 2010 MRP Second Reader for Miguel Narvaez, 2010-2011 MRP Supervisor for Tomas Bingham, 2009-2010 MRP Supervisor for Paul Little, 2009-2010 MRP Second Reader for David Reid, 2009-2010 MRP Second Reader for Maria Wong, 2009-2010 at Trent University MA Thesis examiner for Andrew Rowley, “The Elite Canadian Print Media Construction of the Cuban Revolution, 1956-1962.” 2014. MA Thesis examiner for Kailey Miller entitled "Following the American Lead: Canada’s Diplomacy towards Cuba in the Pre-revolutionary Period, 1939-1959.” 2011


Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Interim Treasurer, 2018

Chair, Department of History, Glendon College, 2012-2015 (responsible for Academic and Administrative Program Review Report + self-study)

Member, Tenure & Promotions Faculty Review Committee, Glendon College, 2018

Conference of Latin American Historians, Nominating Committee, 2017

11 Curriculum Committee, History Department, Glendon College, 2015-16/2016-17/2016- 17/2017-18

Member and Affirmative Action Rep., Hiring Committee, CLA for History, 2017-18

Presented “Carmen Miranda, Samba, and the Myth of Racial Democracy in Brazil,” York youth summer program “The Lusophone World: Global and Local Communities,” 2017

Member, Adjudication Committee, Gerry Young (Promotion to Full), 2016 Member, Adjudication Committee, Guy Proulx (P&T Associate), 2016 Member, Adjudication Committee, Audrey Pyée (P&T), 2016 Member, Hiring Committee, CLA for Political Science, 2016

Presented “Brazil: Past and Present,” Third Age Learning- York Group, Aurora, 2016

Chair, File Preparation Committee, Mark Jurdjevic (Promotion to Full), 2015 Member, Adjudication Committee, Mark Jurdjevic (Promotion to Full), 2016

Teaching Committee, History Department, Glendon College, 2016-17

Member, Executive Committee, Graduate History Program, July 2012-2015

Member, Tenure and Promotions Review Committee, Glendon, 2013-14; 2010-11

Director, Executive Board, Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, June 2008-June 2012

Grant Proposal Referee, Conference of Latin American History, Lewis Hanke Post-Doctoral Award, 2011; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant, 2011

Manuscript Referee / Press Endoserment: Edited Volumes – University of Toronto Books (2017); Duke University Press (2011) Monograph - Lexington Books (2014)

Article Referee: Global South (2018); Estudos Históricos (2016); Journal of Social History (2010); Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (2006)

Book proposal Referee: Yale University Press (2010);

Curriculum Committee, History Department, Glendon College, 2010-2011

Research Grant Committee, Glendon College, 2009-2010

Graduate Student Admissions Committee, Graduate Program in History, York University, 2009-2010


Presenter on “Latin America” in the FLA&PS History Seminar on “New Histories/Old Histories: Reflections upon Historiographical Trends”, November, 2009.

Curriculum Committee, History Department, Glendon College, 2009-2010

Examiner for English and Spanish, Certificate of Bi-lingual/Tri-lingual Excellence, Glendon College, York University, February 2009

Senator, York University, March – December, 2009

Graduate Student Admissions Committee, Graduate Program in History, York University, 2008-2009

Curriculum Committee, History Department, Glendon College, 2008-2009

Principal Organizer. Presentation at Glendon (for York’s Brazilian Studies Seminar and Glendon’s Master’s in Public Policy and International Affairs) by Paulo Sotero of the Woodrow Wilson Centre, 2011.

Organized presentation at Glendon by Jorge Mario Sanchez and Robert Wright, Economists and International Relations specialists from the University of Havana, 2007

Organized presentation at Glendon, Keele, and the University of Toronto by Jose Abreu, Historian of Cuba from the Holguin Ministry of Culture in October, 2007

Teaching Committee, History Department, Glendon College, 2006-2007

Selection Committee for new Chair, History Department, Glendon, 2006

Selection Committee for 2-year U.S. Position, History Department, Glendon, 2007

Organized presentation at Glendon by Brazil-Canada Chair professor Rafael Villa, 2007

Co-ordinated monthly workshops of Toronto-area Latin American historians, 2007-2009 Organizing committee for “Boundaries and Alliances in the Americas and Beyond,” Graduate Conference for York University, University of Toronto, Carnegie Mellon, and Pittsburgh University Students, held in Pittsburgh, April 2007