San Francisco Salesforce OVERVIEW Transit Center San Francisco The rail corridor between San Francisco and San Jose is 4th & King Station undergoing a transformation. In a landmark agreement in 2012, and the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) Millbrae (SFO) PROJECT SECTION PROJECT agreed to electrify the existing Caltrain corridor, share the tracks,

SAN FRANCISCO SAN TO JOSE and maintain the corridor as primarily a two-track railroad. The San Jose Diridon Station plan to share the tracks for both the regional commuter and state

high-speed rail systems is referred to as the Blended System. Following the 2012 agreement, Caltrain environmentally cleared Gilroy and is now building the electrification system (learn more at while the Authority is completing the environmental

PROJECT SECTION PROJECT review process for the infrastructure that will be necessary to add SAN JOSE MERCED TO high-speed rail service in the corridor. Merced Salesforce Transit Center

Photo by Pelli Clarke, Pelli Architects, courtesy of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS

In 2016, the Authority, in cooperation with the Federal Railroad Fresno Administration (FRA), started the environmental review process for the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section according to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Kings/Tulare and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The purpose of Regional Station these processes is to disclose the potential environmental effects CENTRAL VALLEY REGION VALLEY CENTRAL of the project and describe how they may be avoided, minimized or mitigated.

In the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section, the Authority is currently studying Alternatives A and B, which includes a suite of common elements as well as several key differentiating factors Bakersfield Millbrae (SFO) Station between the alternatives. The alternatives differ in the following

Photo by Ei Katsumata ways: (1) the location of a light maintenance facility, (2) whether passing tracks will be necessary, and (3) how best to approach the San Jose Diridon Station from the north. Straightening rail curves and various corridor safety modifications including four quadrant gates and channelization at road crossings and perimeter fencing

Palmdale throughout the corridor are included in both alternatives to achieve 110mph maximum operating speed and reduce travel times for Caltrain and high-speed rail.

A key next step in the analysis of these alternatives is to identify Burbank Airport Station the State’s Preferred Alternative (PA) in 2019 that will help guide the rest of the environmental process. Once a PA is identified, the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGION CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN Authority will circulate the Draft Environmental Impact Report/ Union Station Statement (EIR/S) for public comment, which is scheduled for Norwalk early 2020. After receipt of and response to public comments, the Fullerton Authority will complete the Final EIR/S, which is scheduled for early 2021. Anaheim Blended System

Rendering by the California High-Speed Rail Authority


Introduction of Electrified Service San Francisco to San Jose Development of Concept from Draft EIR/S & Caltrain Electrified to Idea of Statewide Voters Pass a Statewide Rail San Francisco San Jose to Merced Service San Francisco Central Valley High-speed Rail Proposition 1A Modernization Plan to Gilroy Final EIR/S to San Jose Starts Service Starts

1980s 2008 2014 2018 2020 2022 2029

1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

1996 2012 2017 2019 2021

CA High-Speed Rail Blended Caltrain Preferred Alternatives San Francisco to San Jose Authority Created System Electrification & San Jose to Merced Final EIR/S Adopted Construction Draft EIR/S Starts

EIR/S = Environmental Impact Report/Statement

Range of Alternatives CONTRA COSTA A Light Maintenance Facility is where COUNTY Under Consideration SALESFORCE 80 trains are cleaned, serviced, and stored TRANSIT CENTER for supply to HSR terminal stations at the start of the revenue day. San 4TH & KING Alternative A Features Francisco STATION East Option Light Maintenance Facility No Additional Passing Tracks At-Grade throughout Project Section Light Maintenance Facility 580 Safety Modifications Alternative B Features East Option (Alt A) • Quad Gates West Option Light Maintenance Facility Brisbane West Option (Alt B) Additional Passing Tracks • Channelization Short Viaduct or Long Viaduct • Perimeter Fencing

Short Viaduct ALAMEDA COUNTY Long Viaduct 680

MILLBRAE SFO San Francisco to San Jose Alignment 92 STATION 880 HSR Stations Burlingame Maintenance Facility San Mateo 84 San Jose to Merced Project Section No Additional Passing Tracks (Alt A) Downtown Extension Additional Passing Tracks (Alt B) Belmont Relocation of

Redwood High-Speed Rail Operations City INITIAL OPERATIONS FULL OPERATIONS Menlo Speed: 79 mph Speed: 110 mph Park 237

SANTA CLARA Trains per hour Trains per hour COUNTY

280 Mountain View No Viaduct (Alt A) Short Viaduct (Alt B) Santa SAN JOSE Clara Long Viaduct (Alt B) DIRIDON STATION


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