DOWNSIDE UP CHARITABLE FUND Annual Report July 2015 – June 2016

1997 – 2016 Dear reader, You will have noticed that this annual re- Department of Education. In ad- port is three times thinner than the previ- dition to the practical work with families ous one. It doesn’t mean that we have re- and specialists, we have also conducted duced our activities! On the contrary, we awareness-raising campaigns, which have have more projects and plans than before, been especially significant during the re- but we have just learned how to talk about porting period. Special children and their them briefly. parents have become the main heroes of This year we paid close attention to the these campaigns. analysis of the Fund’s activities. We inter- We continue to demonstrate through viewed families about services they have our work, that possibilities for children access to. Based on the surveys and evalu- with Down syndrome are increasing. ations performed we have now fine-tuned What is important is not to stop at what some of our programmes. has been achieved but to continue to aim Requests from families convinced us that high and be ambitious. Next year our it is time now to start working with our grad- Fund is celebrating its 20th anniversary uates. Those children, who received support and we are sure that we will continue to in their early years, are now returning to us move forward, keep growing and keep as pupils. We now provide psychological changing. We are full of ideas and we are and employment support and guidance to looking for new ways of bringing these them as well as trying to create new oppor- ideas to fruition. tunities for self-fulfillment. We would like to thank everybody who This year Downside Up received a li- helps those families raising children with cense for educational activities from the Down syndrome improve their quality of life! Truly yours, Anna Portugalova Director TABLE OF CONTENTS














Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 1 OVERVIEW OF THE

+11% +29% YEAR’S 5,457 2,715 families of face-to-face RESULTS children with and distance Down syndrome consultations were registered in the conducted for Fund’s programmes children and their families

15,850 14,058 copies - the total copies of books and circulation of journals published books and journals by the Fund were published by the sent to families Fund

2,002 +51% 349 +20% 152 +46% professionals, publications on companies parents and NGO Down syndrome and supported the Fund members were the Fund’s activities with donations, free trained appeared in the goods and services mass media

* compared to the previous year

2 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 +31% 412 619 group lessons were families were given held for children consultations and their families through the Fund’s online forum

2,692 68 copies of books training events and journals were held for published by the professionals, Fund were sent to parents and NGO professionals members

3,880 81,104,604 72,436,273 private individuals rubles – the total rubles – the total made donations, amount of funds amount spent during including 305 raised during the the reporting period individuals making reporting period regular donations

+33% +42% +11%

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 3 BRIGHT EVENTS OF THE YEAR September 2015 October 2015 Galina Odinokova, specialist Downside Up obtained in Family Support Center of state license for educa- Downside Up defends her tional activities from Mos- thesis “Identifi cation and cow Department of Educa- prevention of problems in tion. 30 attendees of train- communication between ing course received offi cial mother and a baby with certifi cates of enhanced Down syndrome“. The re- qualifi cations on May 26, sults of this innovative work 2016. will form the basis for new seminars for specialists and Summer 2015 parents. and spring 2016 Teenagers with Down syn- drome visited the summer camp together with typ- ically developing peers. These inclusive sessions have been made possible thanks to the active cooper- ation of “Mosgortrud” and Charitable Fund “Downside Up” who prepared the spe- cial training for youth lead- ers and programme for in- clusive sessions.

March 2016 Downside Up organized the special event “Love Syndrome” dedicated to World Down Syndrome Day that was held at the Central House of Actor. This event was attended by more than 500 guests.

4 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 March 2016 June 2016 The Agreement on Cooper- The documentary “Sun for ation between Downside the Best Friend” was created Up and the Ministry of So- in the joint project of Down- cial Development of Kirov side Up, Mars Company, rep- region was signed. Based April 2016 resented by Pedigree brand, on this agreement Down- Downside Up was recognized and the “Hors” Dog Training side Up will develop further as the best company of the Center on employment sup- cooperation with profes- year in “Social Projects” port and guidance for young sionals of Kirov region in the nomination for “Charity adults with Down syndrome. area of family support, ed- Sports” in National Business It was awarded a Silver Lion in ucation and integration of Award “ “PR” nomination at the most children with special needs of the Year – 2015”. Evelina prestigious annual adver- into society. Bledans, the famous TV pre- tising and communication senter, longstanding friend festival “Cannes Lions”. This and honorary ambassador video gained more than 7 mil- of Downside Up represented lion views on Youtube. March 2016 the Fund and got the prize. On the World Down Syn- drome Day, Russian social April 2016 network VKontakte and Charitable Fund Downside Charitable Fund Down- Up and Russian State So- side Up conducted an un- cial University signed the precedented collaborative agreement on cooperation awareness raising and for inclusive education and charity campaign in support inclusive adaptive phys- June 2016 of children with Down syn- ical culture. The reached drome. 300 materials about agreement is a valuable sup- “Charity Sports. Kids” exhi- this campaign featured in port to Downside Up’s work. bition, organized by Down- the media, it reached more side Up was held in the than 20 million readers. State Department Store (the GUM) in Moscow. There March-April 2016 are photos of famous sports- Drama studio’s partici- men, actors, singers and TV pants prepared shadow presenters together with play performance “Luko- young pupils, attending the morie”. The performance Fund. Over 24 days the exhi- became a prize-winner of bition was attended by more the 3rd Open festival of than 300 thousand people. children’s and youth theat- er studios “Tochka, tochka, zapyataya”. The resources of the nation- al largest social education institution will help the Fund to disseminate experience built up over many years to students and professionals.



FAMILIES by the 30th of June, each year 4965 4341 3533 2942 2377 1855 1422 1047 837 639 253 345 438 505 54 83 127 190 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016



Moscow region Kazakhstan 14 % 2% 3% 2% 9 % Central Federal District Ukraine (without Moscow and Moscow region) 6 % Crimea Federal District 1 % 10 %

3 % Far East Federal District 5,457 families 8 % Siberia Federal District 9 % North-West Federal District

6 % 7 % South Federal District Urals Federal District 3 % 16 % North Caucasian Federal District Volga Federal District


5,406 books sent to 832 families; 7,877 copies of “Take a step” journal sent; 1,851 face-to-face consultations by professionals (special education teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, doctors); 500 at home consultations by special education teachers; 364 distance (phone and e-mail) consultations; 619 families received consultations through the online consultative forum; 223 group teaching sessions in 10 groups involving 105 children; 189 group psychological sessions in 7 groups involving 214 families; More than 60 parties, festivities and other events.

SERVICES PROVIDED TO FAMILIES DURING The Fund’s work is based THE REPORTING PERIOD: on family-centered model Distribution of “Take a step” journal to all the families registered at of support. It includes psy- Downside Up who request it – 2 issues per year; chological, pedagogical, and Distribution of Book Packs published by Downside Up to all newly social support not only to a registered families who request it; child, but to all family mem- Face-to-face psychological, pedagogical and medical consultations bers bringing up a child with (by appointment); Down syndrome. Distance consultations through Downside Up’s online consultative forum. “If it were not for your support, we would have thought that Additionally, families from Moscow and our child is uneducable. Thanks Moscow region receive: to your support we believed in Group meeƟ ngs focusing on coming to terms with the emoƟ ons Nadya!” associated with giving birth to a child with Down syndrome Elena Larionova (for families of children from 0 to 1,5 years); Home consultaƟ ons (children from 0 to 1,5 years and their parents); once in a month Parents-children interacƟ on group/ “Sandpit Sessions” (children from 5 months to 3 years and their parents); 2 social adaptaƟ on groups (children from 1,5 to 3,5 years and their parents); 2 supporƟ ve learning groups (children from 3 to 5 years and their parents); 2 social and emoƟ onal development groups (children from 5 to 6 years and their parents); Get Ready for School group (children from 6 to 8 years and their parents); Suppor Ɵ ve learning group for fi rst-grade children once in a week

(children from 9 to 10 years and their parents); (except summer) Suppor Ɵ ve learning group for teenagers (teenagers from 12 to 17 years and their parents); New! Employment support and guidance group (children from 15 to 16 years and their parents); Drama studio (children from 12 to 16 years); Summer camp (children from 12 to 16 years).

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 7 NEW IN SUPPORT TO FAMILIES: Music and Dance sessions Dance sessions have been included in the regular programme in three groups. During these sessions children not only learn some dance movements, but also develop their memory and attention, their ability to listen to adults, to follow directions and to behave well in class. During the reporting period 86 dance sessions were conducted for 30 children.

7+ PROGRAMMES In 2015-2016 academic year Downside Up began to work with children over 7 years and launched several pilot projects for them. Supportive learning groups for fi rst-grade children and teenagers These two psychological and pedagogical groups include ses- sions for children and their parents. The programme includes a psychological and psychotherapeutic section, a social com- “There are specialists, whom I munication section and activities for socialization depending can trust entirely. Downside Up – on the age of children. 35 sessions for more than 20 children is a kind of magical organisation, where everybody will defi nitely and their parents were conducted. understand and support me”.

Mother of 12 years old Vanya Employment support and guidance project Popov “Sun for the Best Friend” was implemented by Mars Company represented by Ped- igree brand and Charitable Fund “Downside Up” with the participation of advertising agency BBDO Moscow as a pilot project on employment support and guidance for young adults with Down syndrome. Five people with Down syn- drome accompanied by their parents and Downside Up’s psychologists visited the “Hors” Dog Training Center twice a week between December 2015 and March 2016. They learned how to work with dogs and care for them.

“This work helps Dasha to show every- “We visited dogs. I like “If there is enough time for profes- body that she is a responsible adult, she to do everything – to sional preparation, those kids could wants and she can be independent, she clean, to care for them, be a part of working processes and can observe rules, take decisions and de- to talk to them. I can without doubt it will bring positive velop relationships in collective”. work there”. results”,

Anastasia, mother of 17 year old Vanya Nastasov, – says Anton Bardadym, Director Dasha Mukhanova 16 years old and Owner of the “Hors” Dog Train- ing Center.

8 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 “While working on the play, chil- Downside Up’s drama dren have changed signifi cant- studio ly, they start to fantasize, to get into characters. They learn to think and to make decisions, to Downside Up launched its own drama studio, which involves communicate and to share with 16 children with Down syndrome and 3 typically developing viewers their creative discov- children. In just three months the drama studio’s partici- eries”. pants under professional supervision prepared a shadow Nikolay Ilnitskiy, Director at play performance “Lukomorie”. Sergei Yurskiy, People’s Art- Downside Up Drama Studio ist of Russia, recited the text especially for the performance. The performance was presented for the fi rst time on March “This drama studio is an utterly 19, on Downside Up’s holiday, then at the Moscow Children’s wonderful idea, which supports Musical Theater “Expromt”, and also became a prize-winner social adaptation and develop- ment in every possible way”. of the 3rd Open festival of children’s and youth theater stu- dios “Tochka, tochka, zapyataya”. Mother of 15 year old Fedya Bogdanov

The summer camp project

In July and August 2015 and in May 2016, 19 teenagers with Down syndrome visited the summer camp “Raduga” in Moscow region together with typically developing peers. It was a really big moment for our children - the fi rst time “When our son came back from the camp, the changes were they had been away without their parents. obvious. Dima has grown up These inclusive sessions have been made possible thanks and he felt self-confi dent and to the active cooperation of “Mosgortryud”, Charitable Fund dignifi ed. We were very proud “Downside Up” and summer camp “Raduga”. A huge eff ort and happy”. was made to prepare “special” sessions, including special Anna Zyikova, mother of training for youth leaders and work with typically develop- 15 year old Dima. ing teenagers - participants of inclusive sessions and their parents. From 20 to 30 June 2016 Downside Up launched the pro- gramme “Summer with Friends”. It was Downside Up’s fi rst experience of organizing summer leisure time for children and teenagers over the age of 7. 20 Downside Up graduates between the ages of 12 and 16 years old participated in this programme. They stayed in Downside Up for the whole day, their schedule was very busy: every day there were workshops for all participants, led by Downside Up’s specialists: “Young journalist”, “Handicrafts”, “Cookery”, “Computer science”. Every day children and teenagers attended drama classes and Music and Dance sessions. On the last day there was a concert for parents.

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 9 EVENTS AND FESTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES

Actors from Moscow Children’s Musical Theater “Ex- promt” led by L. I. Ivanova per- formed “Hedgehog in the Fog”

Pupils of Children Art School by N. G. Rubinstein perform at the With Father Frost (Ded Moroz) new year event at Downside Up and the Snow Maiden (Snegurochka). New year’s morning performance at the social adaptation group. Performance with Puppet theater shows soap bubbles a performance for the youngest pupils of Downside Up.

Games at the festival in the Jew- Graduates of Get Ready for ish Museum and the center of School Group watch the perfor- Tolerance. mance.

10 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 Special event at the Central House of Actor dedicated to World Down Syndrome Day, 19 March 2016.

Artists from the orchestra “Sol- nechniye notki” (“Sun notes”) be- fore the performance.

The hall could hardly seat all the guests. The event was attended by more than 500 people.

Mother and daugh- ter from Tatarstan visited the event.

Actors from Downside Up Drama Studio re- ceive fl owers after the performance.

And other guests

Downside Up’s pupils take part in fashion show of Children’s Model Agency “Flowers of Mont- martre”

After Sergei Meritukov’s Birthday Party at the Fund. guitar concert at Gogol’s House.

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 11 EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES

During the reporting period: “We, teachers, sometimes “stew in our own juice” seeking A training course including 22 seminars was conducted methods on how to support in Moscow for specialists from Moscow and Moscow these children and not do any harm. Seminars provide sup- region; port with information – now 27 seminars and lectures in Moscow, Obninsk, Vologda, we know where we can ad- Kirov, Ryazan, ; dress our questions”. 15 of these seminars were streamed live on the Inter- O. V. Sheveleva, teacher of net; orthopedic group, Municipal 8 webinars for specialists from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, State-owned Preschool Edu- cational Institution № 216, Kirov, Novosibirsk; Kirov 9 webinars, 1 conference and 1 training for representa- tives of NGOs from 31 Russian regions; More than 20 experts’ reports and presentations at “Absolutely everything that conferences, exhibitions and round tables. I heard at this seminar was highly important. As usual, I have many ideas for my fur- ther work. Thank you!!! As al- Number of educational ways, I am looking forward to events attendees Face-to-face Distance TOTAL seeing you soon”. education education I. Galitskaya, speech thera- pist, lekoteka of Lenin region, Specialists working with chil- Novosibirsk 1422 393 1815 dren with Down syndrome

Parents of children with 46 0 46 Down syndrome “Excellent presentation of ma- terial. Thank you very much! Please go on with these semi- Representatives of NGOs and nars. It helps us very much in other organisations, support- our work”. 15 126 141 ing families raising children S. V. Rusyuk, speech patholo- with Down syndrome. gist, State-Funded Institution of the City of Moscow “Center Supporting Family Education TOTAL 1483 519 2002 “Solnechny Krug”

TRAINING FOR REGIONAL NGOs Downside Up continues to implement a large-scale Pro- gramme of improving organizational and financial sus- tainability of non-profit organisations (NGOs) support- ing children with Down syndrome and their families across Russia funded by the Ministry of Economic Develop- ment of the Russian Federation. During the reporting period 9 webinars, 1 conference and 1 training were conducted for 33 representatives of NGOs from 31 Russian regions.

12 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 NEW IN EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES

Downside Up obtained state license for educational activities from Moscow Department of Education

The Fund’s specialists can now provide services within the format of additional professional education, conduct short- term qualification enhancement courses and issue official certificates. 30 attend- ees from the training course received such “Thanks to the license for edu- from state educational institutions certificates of enhanced qualifications on cational activities Downside Up of Moscow and regions. We also May 26, 2016. can provide not only seminars, plan to develop distance educa- but also courses on additional tion intensively”. professional education with state confi rmed certifi cates, which is of Elena Pole, Director of Educa- great importance for specialists tional Centre of Downside Up

The Resource Kit consists of: “Let’s Start to Talk”: • A set of methodological booklets, de- new resource kit scribing the structure and content of for speech devel- lessons, opment of children • A set of 100 picture and 32 action cards, with Down syndrome • Word cards, is ready to be pub- • Cards helping to practice syllable struc- lished ture of the word, • Cards for lotto-games, • Cards for making simple phrases. This resource kit was developed and tested by Downside Up’s specialists. Parents and specialists can easily use it. This method is based on the strengths that young children possess, namely – visual sense and visual “Our unique methodology focus- memory. Word cards with pictures reflect es on a Russian-speaking child’s the early vocabulary of children. By follow- vocabulary, including diffi culties ing these steps easy and interesting activities in cognitive development expe- with children can be developed. The record rienced by children with Down sheets, which are also included in the kit, al- syndrome and other cognitive dif- low you to record your child’s progress. This fi culties”. autumn we will be glad to offer this resource kit for parents and specialists Natalia Shtepa, speech ther- apist of Downside Up, one of the authors of “Let’s Start to Talk” resource kit.

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 13 ONLINE INFORMATION RESOURCES

Downside Up continues to develop its Number unique Internet resource on Down syn- 3888 of registered users, drome – DOWNSIDEUP.WIKI. It con- total sists of storage of video and audio ma- 6169 terials, an online consultative forum, e-library, educational portal, interactive Number of registered 2449 map of registered families and support families raising children organisations for children with Down with Down syndrome 4638 syndrome, collected on one website.

30 June 2015 Number of information 839 units at the portal New at 2013 30 June 2016 DOWNSIDEUP.WIKI

We have developed a 3D-collection of 11,500 unique users – every month on DOWNSIDEUP.WIKI; educational toys, recommended by Every day we add on average 3 new information units on Downside Up specialists for children with Down syndrome. 3D pictures al- Down syndrome, which are of great interest to parents and low parents to get a good look at toys and specialists. All the guidance posted on the portal is selected development kits for their children. There and evaluated by Downside Up experts. are 54 items in this collection.

“This website is one of the best Russian-language websites in .ru zone for specialists and par- ents. There is much practical ad- vice and useful literature”.

Nadya’s parents, Krimsk

Two interactive maps have been updat- The website enhancement includes the ed with many new addresses including addition of a “Distance education” sec- “It is a wealth of methodological a map of registered families raising tion. You can find videos of seminars and materials for specialists, working children with Down syndrome and lectures led by Downside Up’s teachers with children with Down syn- a map of organisations, supporting and psychologists. Specialists and parents drome and other mental disabil- families raising children with Down can now accomplish the online training ities”. syndrome. The map search has been course “Issues of Feeding Children with Elena Radchenko, Kazakhstan substantially improved. (1418 checked Down syndrome” or watch any of 21 re- addresses appear on the map of organi- corded webinars and 7 lectures. sations.) There are also training videos for par- ents, which help to teach children efec- tively at home. Some of videos were creat- ed with the support of professional crew “MediaSema”, which ensured the high imagery quality.

14 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 PUBLISHING ACTIVITIES

During the reporting period: “Good examples of socialization 2 new issues of “Take a step” journal for parents, the overall and integration of people with Down syndrome in society, de- circulation is 9,850 copies; scribed in the articles, allow us 2 new issues of “Down syndrome. XXI century” journal for spe- to think about future plans to cialists, the overall circulation is 3,000 copies; improve the whole educational Book “A Baby with Down Syndrome”, 4-th edition, the circula- process for people with Down syndrome”. tion is 3,000 copies. Lisovskaya T. V., Special Educa- 13,283 copies of the Fund’s journals and books were delivered tion Laboratory, to families; 2,692 copies of the Fund’s journals and books were delivered to specialists.

даунсайд ап Центр сопровождения семьи “We read “Down syndrome. XXI

П. Л. Жиянова, Е. В. Поле century” for the third year. We Малыш с синдромом Дауна have only positive feedback. Книга для родителей Each issue contains up-to-date information. We use the journal’s materials not only for work with children with Down syndrome, but also for children with other developmental disorders”.

Книга для родителей МАЛЫШ С СИНДРОМОМ ДАУНА. Specialists of Rehabilitation с е Centre, Mozhaisk р и я Ребенок с синдромом Дауна и особенности его развития П. Л. Жиянова, Е. В. Поле Л. Жиянова, Е. П.

Feedback from the Online Consultative Forum visi- tors:

“Your journals are very impor- tant and useful for us, we would like to receive them on the regu- lar basis. Our child is growing old and many things have changed, we would be grateful for the new books, if you have them. Thank you for your work, help and sup- port!”

“Thank you for everything you do! We would be grateful for more printed literature (books, journals), because we can not Parents and specialists receive Book Packs of 6–7 books and come to you these days”. booklets about Down syndrome, published by Downside Up

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 15 ANALYTICAL WORK This is a new line of Downside Up’s work. This section includes an evaluation of the programmes carried out by our Fund as well as an analysis of various aspects of the situation with Down syndrome in Russia. The information and feedback collected is being used to improve the quality of the Fund’s activities and for plan- ning new programmes and projects. DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD: Analysis of survey results: families from Moscow raising children with Down syndrome Between November and December 2015 a telephone survey of 435 families from Moscow was con- ducted. Parents’ answers have allowed us to understand the real situation with services in Moscow, and to share with other families the information about educational institutions, supporting children with Down syndrome. Early age Preschool age School age “Young adults” Survey results suggest: (1–3 years (3–8 years (8–18 years (18+ years old) old) old) old)

Attend kindergarten 32% 80% — —

Attend schools — 5% 89% 70%

Attend colleges — — — 10%

Attend sessions at other educational institutions 48% 54% 62% 45% (leisure time, rehabilitation, etc.)

Family invites teachers at home 23% 24% 20% 7% (for additional payment)

Children do not attend school and teachers 26% 6% 4% 30% do no visit them at home Detailed information 15% of preschoolers with Down syndrome from Moscow (3–8 years old) can be found at do not attend kindergarten or school; DOWNSIDEUP.WIKI 12% of children with Down syndrome of school age and older from Moscow do not ever attend school or college.

Analysis of seminar attendees’ Analysis of 7+ programmes results questionnaires Between May and June 2016, 51 parents and 31 At the end of each seminar attendees received children were asked about their impressions from the questionnaires. 503 completed question- this programme. naires have been collected over the year: The survey indicates that all the pilot pro- 98% indicated that the contents of the seminar was grammes were quite successful: useful to them; 8,3 out of 10 is the average rating of learning ses- 96% stated they received suffi cient theoretical sions, given by parents, knowledge; 30 out of 31 children regularly attend sessions. 93% received suffi cient information on practical methods of work; We collected a lot of feedback from parents about 90% would use the acquired knowledge in their the strengths of our programmes and projects work; and the weaknesses that require improvement. 86% gave the seminar the highest overall score of 5 All the feedback will be taken into account. points (out of 5).

Downside Up is very grateful to all parents and specialists, who participated in our surveys. Your feedback will help us improve the Fund’s work.

16 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 OUTREACH AND AWARENESS RAISING

Within the reporting period: 24.08.2015 The final round of Charity Bike Ride 349 diff erent pieces of material on Down syndrome and was held in Moscow. Downside Up’s work featured in the media including: “Over almost twenty years of the bike ride “Downside Up” has managed to raise 90 37 reports by central TV channels (First Channel, million rubles. For hundreds of families Russia-1, NTV, TVTs, OTR, Culture, LifeNews, Match this means that their children will work TV and other); with psychologists, speech therapists and teachers free of charge. This helps them to 14 radio reports (Ekho Moskvy, Vesti-FM, Radio feel less “special” and to avoid negative at- Komsomolskaya Pravda, RSN, etc.); titude towards them. For the good of this bike lovers return here again and again”.

46 news reports by information agencies (RIA Nov- 08/24/ 12652-v_ osti, TASS, Interfax, ASI, etc.); moskve_proshyol_fi nalnyy_zaezd_blagotvoritel- nogo_veloprobega 252 publications in printed and internet media (Forbes, Kommersant, Argumenty I Facty, Rosbalt, Domashni Ochag,,,,,, Pravoslaviye I , Miloser- 27.02.2016 diye, Philanthrop and other); From the interview with Tatiana Ne- chaeva, Director of Downside Up 14,508 subscribers on social networks (Facebook, Vkon- Family Support Centre about the Fund’s role: takte, Instagram); “For many years our Fund has been fill- ing the gap of public services for fami- Thousands of reports and messages in public forums and lies raising children with special needs… leading social media. However, our Fund has never sought to build its own, parallel public system of supporting families. Moreover, we began to promote greater awareness for special- ists – teachers, psychologists, doctors – 21.03.2016 very quickly. Children had their lunch in a about working with these children and From Olga Allenova’s article “Hu- small dining room at a round table, without their families. We have an educational manity Syndrome”: their parents. Vanya would often snatch at center, which provides higher profession- “We reached an agreement with charitable other children’s spoons and cups, it was dif- al skill levels among specialist from the fund “Downside Up”, which accepted two ficult for him to understand that every child public system – kindergarten teachers, children, Vanya and Anya from the chil- had something that belongs only to him. specialists from early intervention ser- dren’s boarding house. This was a good But in a few months he changed greatly. vices. Our aim is to make it possible for step for us as the Fund offers classes free By the end of the academic year Vanya said children to receive all the necessary sup- of charge, as a consequence there are many “Good morning” when he entered “Home”. port at their place of residence. Teachers candidates wanting to participate. he completed tasks given to him by teach- from Moscow and Moscow region have Each Monday at 9 a. m. I picked up Vanya ers, ate from his own plate and not others participated in our courses. We also pro- from the children’s boarding school and by and waited his turn before blowing out the vide webinars, online broadcasts of our 10.30 we had opened the door of a small candle. Thanks to the speech therapy les- courses and videos for participants from house at Pervomaiskaya Street, where sons he received he began to pronounce the Russian regions. Two or three times a Downside Up is situated. Vanya called it words more accurately and his vocabulary year our specialists travel to other cities “Home”. At first Vanya was very different increased. He repeated everything I asked giving lectures and seminars, visit spe- from the other children. Before lunch the him to: “road”, “house”’, “car”. I realized cialists at their work place and provide children were with the teachers, they were that Vanya was in fact very clever and did on-the-spot, methodological support”. painting, dancing, singing – Vanya wasn’t not have a learning disability”. able to get involved at once and became tired 2943992 cow/2016/02/27/1518379.html

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 17 FUNDRAISING The reporting period key results: 80,104,604 rubles raised (including free services and goods); 32 charity and fundraising campaigns were held; 152 companies supported the Fund with fi nancial donations, free goods and services; 3,880 private individuals made their donations, among them 305 individuals made donations on a regular basis; The Fund sold 372 Numicon kits for parents and 57 kits for specialists. CHARITY SPORTS 9 CHARITY SPORTS events 2 partners’ sports events 12 CHARITY SPORTS events were held in Moscow were organized in Moscow were held by partner NGOs in 10 regions of Russia

12,728,937 rubles raised 4,432,997 rubles raised 1,626,646 rubles raised All collected funds will be used The 20th bike ride (August “Extra Mile” adventure mul- by partner NGOs in Russian 2015); ti-race with Deloitte (Septem- regions. VeloFest “Riding a bike for a ber 2015); good deed” (August 2015); Société Générale 5th Jubilee Running races in Omsk, Kind Dirty Trail (October running race (June 2016). Makhachkala, Irkutsk, Ryazan 2015); (September 2015); The 7th autumn football Ski races in Omsk, Kirov, tournament among corpo- Sovetskaya Gavan (February rate teams (November 2015); 2016); The 14th cross-country ski Running races in Volgograd, multi-race (February 2015); Kirov, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, The 8th spring football tour- Samara (May 2016). nament among corporate “A big thank you to the race organ- teams (April 2015); izers for this event that you made Charity running race “Run for us! I participate the second time and the second time I get as long as you want, pay as a huge joy, warmth and positive much as you can aff ord”; charge! I wish you help of God in The 7th running race (May this good deed!” 2015); Aleksei Zinoviev Charity bike marathon (June 2016).

“Kind Dirty Trail was diffi cult for me. But it was a great fun! Thank you for your support! Thank you for the perfectly organized race! We were happy to support your Fund. We wish you every success in your work”.


18 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 NEW: CHARITY SPORTS. KIDS In summer 2015 Charitable Fund “Downside Up” launched the programme CHARITY SPORTS. KIDS

Mass media demonstrated the high inter- est in CHARITY SPORTS. KIDS. With- in the first 9 months of work there were more than 40 publications in the printed and internet media and reports on the TV. This helps partners of this project to attract new supporters among sport and public organisations and to establish con- tacts with regional authorities.

Famous Russian sportsmen and sports- women support the idea of sport for chil- dren with Down syndrome. In December 2015 Downside Up released a calen- dar describing personal success stories of sportsmen who are graduates from Downside Up. The aim is to inspire young pupils attending the Fund to participate more in sport.

In September 2015 with support from 9 to 18 years old play football from Megaphon company, swim- under the leadership of Alexander Ser- ming classes for children with Down geevich Makhov, Head of department syndrome were launched in Nizhniy of physical education and health tech- Novgorod, Ufa and in part- nology and a member of the Russian nership with regional NGOs: non-gov- Paralympic Committee. 2 trainers and ernmental innovation center “Beam of 4 volunteers are working with the chil- Light”, regional public organization dren. There were 16 trainings, between of Republic Bashkortostan “Center of 8 and 15 children took part in each ses- Health Improvement” and NGO for sion over the last 6 months. support to disabled people “Facing the World”. 50 children between the ages of 2 and 18 attend these classes, 8 train- ers work with them. 500 trainings were conducted during the reporting period.

Children are beginning to make pro- gress. It was not many years ago that a large number were too afraid to step into the big pool. But now the team from Ufa has demonstrated their success at several competitions, including inclu- “I participate at “Sport vo blago. sive competitions, in their own city. In Kids” project, because I want to April they participated in the First Open demonstrate that sport can help Tournament for swimming among peo- children with Down syndrome to ple with Down syndrome ‘We will win believe in themselves and to prove together” in Moscow and won silver and that special needs does not restrict gold medals. unlimited potential. We need to support these children. Every one In December 2015 with the support of us can do it”. of the Rusian State Social Universi- ty (RSSU) Downside Up launched Sergei Ignashevich, defender a football section for children with of the Russian men’s national Down syndrome in Moscow. Boys football team

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 19 SOURCES OF FUNDS During the reporting period the Fund raised 81,104,604 rubles (including pro bono services and goods). 12,680,285 руб. 1,171,340 руб. 1% CHARITY SPORTS events, corporate donations Numicon sales 16%

10,778,094 руб. 10,228,129 руб. 13%13% 13% Subsidies and grants CHARITY SPORTS events, individual donations 81,104,604 rubles 21,718,997 руб. 24,527,758 руб.

Individual donations 27% 30% Corporate donations

STRUCTURE OF EXPENSES The Fund’s expenses in the reporting period amounted to 72,436,273 rubles (including pro bono services and goods); The administrative expenses account for 10% of Downside Up’s total expenses.

11,660,942 4,551,023 Educational and expert activities 16% 7% Publishing

11,962,770 18,177,564 17% PR and awareness raising Centre for family support 25% 72,436,273 rubles

12% 8,848,824 Fundrising 10% 110%0% 7,418,087 7,308,924

Information resources online Administrative expenses

Our incoming resources exceeded our expenditure by 8,668,332 rubles, because during the report- ing period the Fund received money for projects to be implemented in late 2016 and in 2017.

20 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 WE THANK OUR PARTNERS AND DONORS We express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our corporate and private donors and partners. Federal and Moscow governmental, academic, education and charitable organisations • Ministry of Economic Development of the • Yevgeny Bunimovich, Children’s Rights • Research Centre of Medical Genetics of Russian Federation Commissioner for Moscow the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences • Federal Agency for Press and Mass Media • State Unitary Enterprise “Mosgortrans” • Special Education Institute of the Russian • Federal Guard Service of the Russian Fed- • Department for Transport and Trans- Academy of Education eration. portation Infrastructure Development of • Russian State Social University (RSSU) • Social Care Department of the Moscow Moscow • Moscow State Pedagogical University Government • Department of Regional Security and (MGPU) • Education Department of the Moscow Anti-Corruption Activities of Moscow • Moscow Municipal University of Psychol- Government. • Prefect’s offi ce of the North-Eastern Mos- ogy and Education (MGPPU) • Public Health Department of the Moscow cow District • Institute of Problems of the Civil Society Government • MVD Main Directorate for the Protection • Naked Heart Foundation of Public Order • Public Relations Committee of the Mos- • Charitable Fund “Phoenix” cow Government • National Foundation for the Support of • Kluch Charitable Foundation • Department of Physical Education and Children at Risk Sport of the Moscow Government

Organisations – friends and partners across Moscow • Centre for Support and Socialization of • Integrated Theatre Company Krug 2. • Orchestra “Solnechniye notki” (Sunny children and teenagers with special de- Director – Andrey Afonin notes) velopmental needs “Svitok” • ITS “Krug” (Integrative Theater Studio). • Private educational institution Gazprom • “Kultura Detstva” charitable fund Director – Natalia Popova School, 9 “B” grade • The Great Moscow State Circus • Interactive children’s city of professions • Portal “MediaSema” • The Exhibition of Achievements of “KidBurg” • Regional non-governmental charity or- National Economy (VDNKh) • “New Names” interregional non-govern- ganization “Remedial Pedagogy Centre” • Moscow Operetta State Academic mental charity foundation • Regional non-governmental organization Theatre • Mosquarium “Vremya Peremen” • Children’s and young persons’ sports • “Expromt” children’s musical theatre, art • Regional non-governmental organization school “Avangard” of Mytishi, Moscow director – Honored Artist of the RSFSR of disabled people “Perspektiva” region. Director – A. Ryabov, Master of L. Ivanova • “Dancing House” Studio Sports of Russia. • Moscow Zoo • “Open Art” theater • Rubinstein children’s art school • Moscow Puppet Theater • Charitable Foundation “Volunteers to • Domisolka children’s musical theatre • Nikulin Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Help Orphans” • Children’s edutainment park “KidZania” Boulevard • “Sozidanie” (Building Up) Charitable • Children’s model agency “Flowers of • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Russia Foundation Montmartre” • Interactive Science Museum “Experimen- • Yan Borden’s football team • Children’s Hospice “Dom s mayakom” tarium” • Handmade charity (“The House with a Lighthouse”) • MSUPE Centre for Evidence-Based Social Design

Partner organisations in Russian regions Sverdlovsk region • “Sunny Children”, Sverdlovsk regional NGO, doctor of the highest qualifi cation category, • Social Policy Committee of the Legislative chairman – T. Cherkasova the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federa- Assembly of Sverdlovsk region, chairman – • Centre of social support to families and tion V. Pogudin children, town of Polevsky • Special Olympic Committee of Sverdlovsk • Ministry of General and Vocational Educa- • Special education boarding facility No. 17 region, executive director – O. Boiko tion of Sverdlovsk region for children with disabilities, city of Yekater- • Ministry of Social Policy of Sverdlovsk re- inburg, director – Itskovich Novosibirsk region gion • Centre of psychological and learning reha- • Ministry of Education, Science and Inno- • I. Morokov, Children’s Rights Commissioner bilitation and correction for children with vation Policy of Novosibirsk region disabilities, Zarechny municipal district for Sverdlovsk region • Ministry of Social Policy of Novosibirsk • Special Education Institute of Urals State • “Protection of Mother and Child’s Health” – region Pedagogical University counselling and diagnostic center, city of Yekaterinburg, headed by E. Nikolayeva,

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 21 • Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Other regions of Russia • “Rassvet”, Pskov (NSPU) • Administration of Sovetskaya Gavan, • “Tiumen Syndrome” cultural centre, city • “Family and Children” – NSPU’s regional region of Tiumen resource centre • “Tochka opori”, project “Solnechniy go- • “Solnechniy mir”, Izhevsk • “Down Syndrome Society” – municipal rod”, Togliatti • “Sodeistvie, non-governmental organisa- NGO of disabled people, city of Novosi- • “Special center for children’s develop- tion, city of Ufa birsk ment “Harmony”, Bryansk • “Luchiki dobra”, Rostov-na-Donu • Solnechny Krug” NGO, city of Barnaul • “Solnechny Luch”, non-governmental Kaluga region • Charitable Fund “BlagoDari”, Baikonur organization for support to people with • Governor of Kaluga region • “Eliminating Borders” – charity fund for Down syndrome, city of Tiumen • Ministry for Family Aff airs, Demography supporting people with Down syndrome • “Kind Hearts”, non-governmental organ- and Social Policy of Kaluga region and their families, city of Kostroma. iastion for support to people with Down • Ministry of Education of Kaluga region • “Vygotsky Society of Support to Chil- syndrome and their families, city of Ryazan • Administration of Kaluga region dren” – non-governmental charity, city of Volgograd • “St. Petersburg Early Intervention Insti- • State Traffi c Safety Inspectorate of UMVD tute”, private institution of further voca- of Kaluga region • Institution of further vocational educa- tion “Institute of professional develop- tional education • State Traffi c Safety Inspectorate of MVD ment of education practitioners of North- • “Syndrome dobra”, Simferopol of Russia, UMVD of Kaluga region, OMVD ern Ossetia”, city of Vladikavkaz of Borovsk region • “Little Suns of Samara”, organization • Remedial Pedagogy Centre, city of Pskov for the support of disabled people with • G. S. Novoseltsev, head of Borovsk region Down syndrome and their families, city of municipal unit administration • “Life without Tears”, non-governmental organization of support to people with Samara • Tsiolkovsky State University, Kaluga disabilities, city of Makhachkala • Sport and Health Center for children with • “Doverie” – centre of social support to • Children’s and young persons’ sports special needs, Yekaterinburg family and children for Kaluga region school of Mytishi, Moscow region • “Down Centre”, city of St. Petersburg • “Dobrota” – rehabilitation centre for chil- • Centre for support to children with devel- • “Solnyshko v ladoshke”, association of dren and teenagers with special needs, opmental disabilities, city of Krasnodar. parents of children and teenagers with Kaluga region • “Solnechniy Mir”, Lipetsk Down syndrome, Tomsk • “Red Riding Hood” municipal preschool • Aquaterra, Center for Health Improve- Kirov region facility No. 20, city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ment, Ufa • Ministry of Social Development of Kirov • “Beam of Light. Into the 21st Century with • “Shooting Stars” children’s support cen- region 21 Chromosome” non-governmental in- tre, city of Cheliabinsk • Department of Education of Kirov region novation centre, city of • “I can!”, Cherepovets • “Dorogoyu Dobra” – association of par- • “Veras”, organisation for the support of • “Caritas Social School” – private institution ents of disabled children, city of Kirov children and young people, city of Nizhny of further vocational education • Preschool facility No. 109, city of Kirov Novgorod • “Facing the World”, non-governmental • Preschool facility No. 11, city of Kirov • “Raduga”, Centre for development of chil- organization, for support to disabled dren with disabilities, city of Irkutsk people, city of Yaroslavl • “Planeta Druzei”, non-governmental organization for the support to disabled people, city of Omsk

Foreign partners • Downside Up Limited • Bird in Bush Community Nursery (The preschool children with hearing loss and • Down Syndrome International Early Years Foundation (LEYF) their families), advisor to the Down’s Syn- drome Association (UK) • DSEI – Down Syndrome Education Inter- • 21 & Co, South West London, Surrey, UK national • Downright Excellent (DEx), London, UK • Helen Farmery, senior lecturer at the Primary Education Department of Mid- • ISEI – International Society on Early Inter- • Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas dlesex University, London, UK vention City, executive director Amy Allison, USA • Sarah Philps, Director of ARC, UK • European Down Syndrome Association • Christel Manske, Doctor of Philosophy, • Michael Guralnick, PhD, Director of the • OUP Numicon Professional Development Founder and Director of the Institute for Center on Human Development and International Affi liate Scheme the Development of Functional Brain Sys- tems, Hamburg, Germany Disability (CHDD) at the University of • Psychiatrie Périnatale et Maternologie Washington (Seattle, Washington), Chair- • Christel Manske Institut (Institute for the Hôpital Paule de Viguier Centre Hospi- man of the International Society on Early Development of Functional Brain Sys- talie Universitaire (CHU) de Toulouse, Intervention, USA France tems), Hamburg • Gert de Graaf PhD, Stichting Down- • Anna Shapkina, Staff member of the In- • Middlesex University, UK syndroom, the Netherlands stitute for the Development of Functional • Oxford University Press, UK Brain Systems, Hamburg, Germany • Australian “Down Under Ball” Moscow • Early Years Center Wandsworth, London, • Julia Hughes, Director of Elizabeth UK Foundation (British charity supporting

22 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 Organisations that have supported us with free goods and services • ABM Sport • Medholding • Hotel Management Company • Adidas • Life Without Limits • HSBC Bank (PP) • Baxter • BBDO • Ernst and Young • BBDO • Complect Service • IPT Group • Biotherm • Jamilco • ALD Automotive • Boeing • CJSC Fortuna • BioFoodLab • Cliff ord Chance CIS Ltd • Alpha Medica • Bringo • Competentum • Belaya Dacha Trading • Voerman • Cookie Craft • QIWI • Deutsche Bank • Crosby • Ericsson • KDL Domodedovo-Test • Decathlon Russia • Citibank • Nestle • Decleor • Yves Rocher • Nikon • DeltaCredit Mortgage Bank • “Samokat” Publishers • Vita • DRC Group • “Clever” Publishers • Siyaniye Genpodryad • Electra • Veles Capital Investment Company • Rusfi nance Bank • ExxonMobil Russia Inc • Show Room Li-lu • Ruukki Rus • FrieslandCampina Russia • Intraros Co, LTD • ICS Company • Hoganlovells • Formula Kino • Megafon • I Love Cycling • Visa Delight • MTS • IFC (World Bank Group) • Syngenta AG • Rosbank • Jabra • Busheer confectionery • • KANEBО INTERNATIONAL • Shevron Neftegaz Inc. Russian branch • PwC • L’Oreal • KPMG • Rambler • Luhta Fashion Group LLC • AndyV Logistical company • RBK • Marriott & Renaissance • Meduza • • Mizuno • Bank of Moscow • Rosneft • Most Creative Club • “Moscow through the Engineer’s Eye” • BS CASA • Novosibirsk Marriott Hotel educational project • Shokoladnitsa • Nutrend • Olimp – online sports betting • Craft • Pick Point • Amway • VKontakte social network • Power Up • AON Rus – Insurance Brokers • Infi nitum • Quintessentially Lifestyle • A-Pharm • Cangaroo Salon • Shell • Intesa Bank • SKY Trampoline House • Shimano/Normark • Bentus Lab • CJSC “Aqua Enterprise “Old Spring” • Société Générale Insurance • Burger Rus • GUM department store • Sony Pictures • Johnson & Johnson • ТСС Group of Companies • St. Regis • Mars • Café Ugolek • The Ritz Сarlton, Moscow • Metro CC • Alpha Capital • Visa • LLC Moneks Trading • Usadba JAZZ • Alcoa SMZ • Nova • Universal Electronic Card • Medsi • PepsiCo • Russian State Circus Company • Kaspersky Lab • Peri • Baker & McKenzie CIS • VIP Service • Podarok • Sagitus Investments Limited, • Art Gallery Exposed • Renaissance Samara Hotel Leasing • Radisson Royal Moscow fl otilla • UBS • Renaissance St. Petersburg Hotel Leasing • Hyundai Motor CIS • VTB24 • RozTeh • Alexander Legkov’s outfi t center Patri- • • St. Petersburg CY Hotel Leasing arshy Dom Tours, Alexandra Lanskaya • Deloitte Charity • CYBM Voznesensky Hotel Leasing • Expo Grafi ka – Exhibition projects • Veles trust • Splat • • Tupperware • Palais Royal wine trading company • Iceberry • Gazprombank • Compulink Group of Companies • Gars-Telecom • FoilStamping • Hlebprom

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 23 Information partners • GUM department store • Kommersant newspaper • Der Spiegel magazine • Vkontakte social network • Sovetsky Sport newspaper • Newsweek magazine • First Channel • Argumenty Nedeli newspaper • Marie Claire magazine • Russia-1 TV channel • Forbes magazine • Domashni Ochag magazine • NTV TV channel • Gazeta.Ru online periodical • Cosmopolitan magazine • TVTs TV channel • Mayak radio station • Other Russia web portal • OTR TV channel • Ekho Moskvy radio station • Pravoslaviye i Mir web portal • Match TV channel • Nashe Radio radio station • Afi sha • Kultura channel • Komsomolskaya Pravda radio station • Meduza • TV channel • RSN radio station • U Channel • Russia Today news agency • Podmoskovye radio station • Run Magazine • RosBalt information agency • Govorit Moskva radio station • All For One And One For All project • ASI news agency • web portal • Afi sha “Social Fest” • Argumenty i Facty weekly and online ser- • Miloserdiye web portal • Moscow charity project vice • Philanthrop online periodical • PR-Сity • website

Downside Up and CHARITY SPORTS ambassadors • Evelina Bledans, actress • Richard Bondarev, actor • Alexander Legkov, Olympic ski race champion

Sports, movie, stage, television and radio celebrities • Alexander Balikov Александр Балыков • URA-records • Ksenia Sobchak • Alexander Kott • Aya, “Gorod 312” • Margarita Chelmakova • Alexander Nosik • Bianka • Mark Tishman • Alexander Pushnoi • Vitaliy Timchenko • Mitya Fomin • Alexander Seleznyov • Valdis Pelsh • Olga Ushakova • Alexander Serebryakov • Vladimir Deryabkin and his show • Oskar Kuchera • Alexander Khomenko • “Hospital” • Sati Kazanova • Aleksei Karaychev • “Serebro” • Russian National Short-track Team • Aleksei Nemov • Daria Chernish • Svetlana Bondarchuk • Albert Demchenko • Children’s dancing group “Republic KIDS” • Svetlana Feodulova • Anastasia Makarevich • • Sergei Ignashevich • Anastasia Myskina • Dmitriy Nagiev • Sergei Shilov • Anastasia Tsvetayeva • Yeva Korsakova • Tatiana Tereshina • Anna Sedokova • Elena Temnikova • Timur Kuzminikh • Anna Tsukatova-Kott • Ivan Kokorin • Edgar Zapashniy • Anton Belyaev and Therr Maitz • Irina Khakamada • Yuri Rozum • Arsen Sogomonyan • Kira Proshutinskaya • Yana Rudkovskaya

Downside Up pupil’s parents • Elvira Astapova • Yuri Kim • Olga Mikheenko • Denis and Lera Bulgakov • Yevgenia Kozelkova • Alexei Mukhanov • Alexei Vasyanin • Anastasia Koida • Irina Nikolaeva • Lia and Vladislav Gerasimov • Larisa Koloskova • Irina Panteyeva • Alexander Glezerov • Yegoe Kolchanov • Valeriy Petrov • Julia Glushitskaya • Marina Kondrashova • Tatiana and Yuri Podobedov • Sergei Zherdev • Svetlana Krivorotenko • Olga Repina • Roman Zakharov • Svetlana Kurtyakova • Andrei and Tatiana Svobodin • Janna Katinaite • Natalia Mityaeva • Tatiana Feofanova

24 Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 Young adults with Down syndrome who have supported our projects • Stepan Bezrukov • Leisan Zaripova • Anastasia Petrova • Maria Budina • Nika Kirillova • Daria Pletosu • Maria Bistrova • Daria Mukhanova • Vlad Sitdikov • Andrei Vostrikov • Ivan Nastasov • Semen Shadrin • Gleb Dyachenko • Nikita Panichev

As well as: • Sergei Alexandrovich • Natalia Kalinina • Mikhail Rovkovsky • Liudmila Alexeyeva • Vadim Kantor • Nikita Rozhkov • Olga Allenova • Galina Kasiannikova • Alexander Sergunin • Airat Bagautdinov • Mikhail Komlev • Yekaterina Sidorina • Elena Balakireva • Venetia Komparelli • Pyotr Skripets • Manon Barnes • Vera Kochina • Pavel Suvorov • Irina Beloturova • Elena Krivyakina • Yevgeny Sukhoi • Tatiana Bondareva • Timur Kuzminykh • Pavel Tanakin • Natalia Vladimirskaya • Ivan Kurinnoi • Olga Tkachyova • Irina Vorobyova • Natalia Kucherenko • Tomas Silvia • Julia Vorobyova • Natalia Loseva • Maria Tupikina • Julia Vyatkina • Alya Lugovaya • Tatiana Felgengauer • Olga Gerasimenko • Alezander Makhov • Olga Frolova • Alexander Derevshikov • Nikita Migunov • Artem Chernov • Sofi e Jo • Marina Mironova • Chespi Faizal-Eldin • Isabel Davis • Inga Nazarova • Elena Chichikhina • Melania Egoyan • Kalina Neitcheva • Vera Shengelia • Denis Yeliseev • Olga Obukhova • Vladimir Shushkin • Tatiana Yermolina • Olga Pavlova • Anna Yurova • Timofei Izotov • Lisa Peppi • Iana Iamoldinova • Dmitry Irishkin • Olga Popova • Ivan Kabanov • Yevgeny Priakhin

Downside Up Annual Report, 2015–2016 c HOW YOU CAN HELP US

Make a donation: Using a bank card: via the Using a payment form: at any bank By sending an SMS to number 3443 with letter “СД” and the amount. In cash: via QIWI terminals By making a donation contract

Payment details for the remittance of your donation: Charitable Fund “Downside Up” non-profit organisation Current account 40703810038040100912 with “Moscow Bank of , OJSC, Moscow Correspondent account 30101810400000000225, BIK 044525225 with OJSC “Sberbank of Russia”, Moscow KPP 771901001 Taxpayer’s Identification Number 7705159882 Payment purpose: “Charity donation (in support of the Fund’s statutory objectives)”.

For more details please refer to

105043, Moscow, Russia, 3rd Parkovaya street, 14A Tel: (499) 367–1000 Fax: (499) 367–2636 [email protected]