THE MERCURY. tiixesday M ay '?9th , 1940 - 29th, 1940, W e ' Magisterial Sympathy. Representatives of the Methodist Church HOUCHALL ADVISORY SERVICE. OBITUARY. were Mr Ernest Watson (), DFORD. The announcement of the death of Alr circuit steward, and the following society, Armory reached the Greta Bridge mag- poor and chapel stewards : Lattington, Alr CATCH CROPS FOR THE MR J. H. ARMORY. istrates at their monthly meeting on -Wed- nesday morning. Mr Norman Field, who 1. Bayles ; Winston, Alessrs W. Cowling L. After JeaFpuai Oil Tuesday of Mr J. H. presided on the bench, said he would like and T. Cowling ; Woodland, Mr J. Wallace; FALLOW LAND. lonory's apparent improvement in health, to say a word on the loss sustained through , Mr H. D. Robinson ; , Mr great shock to all his friends Mr Armory's death in hospital late on the U. Alacdunald ; Cotherstone, Alessrs J. G. The recent call to farmers by the Minister TEESDALE. it cause. as a Bell, T. Ireland, C. Bainbridge ; Bridge- Wednesday morning that he had passed previous night. Mr . .-1rmory was a very gate Mission, Mr. and Mrs T. Archer; Bar- of .Agriculture to devote all land intended on valuable friend to everyone in the district, for fallowing, to some cinch crab or other away during. the night at the nursing home nard Castle Trinity, Alessrs J. Swinbank, J. asked to relate his advice being sought by all and sundry. Pratt, and J. E. Wren. involves renewed effort and immediate in pa•lington at which he had recently He would be missed everywhere, especially Among others were planning to the desired cud. Fallowing' in- ford o' Seivey au operation ler appendicitis. with time Methodist Church present included undergone by his fellow magistrates in that court. He Messrs J. P. Robson (secretary of the variably means sintimPt amelioration and east fifty years or Armory. who lived at Cotherstone and would ash all present to rise for a moment quarterly meeting), Barnard Castle ; H. W. cleaning of land iii p reparation for autumn lit opportunit y naducted his business of builder and con- as a sign of respect and ask the Clerk I() \Villis, Staindrop ; F. Huck, .0. Solomon, In the national effort that practice send a letter to Mrs Armory expressing their must be changed to some extent. near as it was u artor at Willington, has been well Mr and Mrs \V. H. Ridley, Airs C. Close, sympathy. Miss Chicken, Mrs N. E. Smith, Messrs NV. Weather conditions this spring have been 'Ilan long since described as one of the busiest men of Inspector C. J. Gatenby said it had come highly favourable for tillage work and only south Durham and North . He Pigg, I, E. Dent, G. \V. Addison, C. T. the peaceful as a great shock to the police to realise Singer. Barnard Castle; Mm T. fallow land remains to be dealt with. By 61 years of age a,nd had a remarkable J. Cooper and -Teesdale. was that one they knew so well had been so Miss N. Allen, •; Mr 'I'. E. Kipling, pe•sistent eultivicions and occasional hien name was aamling career. suddenly and unexpectedly taken, and on Cotherstone ; Mrs Robinson, Alwent ; Mr ploughing the area That require cleaning behalf of the police he would like to will give up their wiekett and weeds to be wn by either and Mrs 1•'. E. Coates, Cotherstone ; Alr and i no.o ,,d, wan is ti ttle to sow ce ._ endorse what the Chairman had said Mrs W. Bainbridge ; Mr NV. Sayer. i 01- e there still (I name, except Alr T. G. Arnott, on behalf of the monby ; pr. and Airs St•achan, Alessrs J. min 'crops that will greatly help in the sup- ill, the place of magistrates practicing at the court expressed '1'. Raise, B. Gill. T. Baker. \V. nuh,,,H. mrs port of livestock thrnngh the autumn and Ivey Hill gave similar sentiments, and Alr J. A. Johnson. Calvert, Mrs 'I'. cross, Mis H. Cross, Mrs H. winter. Tractor audits are expeditious in the deputy magistrates' clerk, on behalf - of such tillage work and the days are con- o it, we leave Al. Lingford, Mr and Mrs J. II. Young. Mr the court officials. T. E. Kipling, Alr J. Berkley, Alr .1. Roddam, veniently long to bless mechanical effor:s. We suspect the The Funeral. Mrs T. Ireland and Miss D. 'Ireland. Alr J. From now until harvest the falloW break least we know Ireland, Cotherstone ; the Rev. T. E\vbank. can lie tackled. Nearly seven hundred people were counted Because of the scarcity of farm labour 111.1 lospitality ; for at the funeral of Alr Armory at Cotherstone Bishop :Auckland; Mr F.• W. BoXall, presi- dent of the Barnard Castle Athletic Football iwoblem of cropping must be tackled in excepted-will on Saturday afternoon, and Cotherstone such a way that the very Illillin1U111 Methodist Church ; where the service was Club ; Mr J. T. Scotto, Wilton Park ; Mr H. addi- spitality except _Lamb, Barnard Castle ; Mr 11. W. Dent. tional dethand is made upon that labour. held, could not Contain half of them. Wards, t•I*01 ,,t must he sown that wife " lives at Ministers taking part in the service in the Pecknell ; Mr G. G. Edkins, president elect In other of the Barnard Castle Bota•y Club, and Mr will fend for themselves during - the gro•- Id Jane " ; and Methodist Church were the Rev. Tom ing season remaining. Three important f her was that Robson, chairman of the and P. Watson, secretary ; ex-Supt. Headen, Middlesbrough' District ; the Bev. A. E. ; Mr J. 'Kent, •Cotherstone ; conditions must therefore 'be co-ordinaled, auld " woman. Guile, ex-chairman ; and the Revs. J. D. Mr J. \Vaine, Bishop Auckland ; Alr R. T. I-lamely-11w land must be clean or *•eaned; 5, you say, to the land must be adequately fertilized to Coutts and Nornian E: Smith, ministers of Handley, Darlington ; Messrs H.Cdpeland 01. ✓ our " yarn " the Barnard Castle circuit. Mrs J. Bell was and G. ButherfOrd. representing Parliin, get the crop away : loot tha crop crops Ness and Co., Darlington ; Mr T. Dent, must be such that broadcasting the seed will y depend upon at the organ and two hymns, " Jesu, lover iirove successful. Dorn at \Villington, of comparativelywork, of my soul" and Abide with me, - were representing Messrs Barracliffe and Co.. siasm in our humble parentage. Air A rmory started Aliddlesbrumigh ; Alr W. Addison..Clerk to Fertilising must depend eimon the previous sung. The. Bev. .1. D. (:putts gave- an soil treatment and cropping.. Lime will be lineation ; but as a joiner on leaving school at an earlier address in which Iii referred to the time magistrates, Bishop Auckland ; Air age than most boys. and became a very Noonan Turner and Miss Turner, Pierce- beneficial if the soil is sour. A substantial ulity was short generosity of the deceased and the un- dressing of phosimilate should be giveat and rs who entered successful builder and coiii•actor in a ostentatious way in which it was exercised, bridge ; :Mr J. H. Armstrong. Crook ; Mr and remarkably slinit lienmembering Ins and mentioned that fairness in all his Mrs J. Harrison..11ishop Auckland ; Mr 1. at least Pi ewt. of nitrogenous manure per offered, and if own early vicissitudes lie was never happier dealings was one of Mr Armory's charaemer- C. Cook, West Bandon ; Alr S. Addison, Mr aril.) must be applied. as been many than when sharing Hs good fortune with istics. all who dealt with him knowing that le Dawson. Air W. lowers, of the Bishop Catch crops for broadcasting with sowing hungry belly- those whose eircunistances scanted to merit they were dealing with a inan wile was in Auckland Soria! Service Foothill! League : dates are tabulated below :- Ids consideration. He was a real pintail- all respects geumne. P.C. Cayglil, Alickletnn ; Alr and Mrs Apple- T. Italic. s lbs., lime and Jaly. available •ays urged and inropist ; yet ins mainly was Oispensea iii ton• Willington ; Miss Gittinges ; ex- from August. The family mourners were Mrs Armory 1 . Italian ryegrass. 12 lbs., f history. She such a quiet and unostentatious manner Miss M. Armory and Mrs C. (widow), ile:n(44°r W. Bland ; Mr J. F. Smith. Mr J. 2. (tape. 4 lii, en residents at that few beside the reci p ients were aware cla rkson, Cotherstone ; Mr T. Richardson, June and July. available frotil .\tigust. Bainbridge (Willington), sisters ; 1\11 . and :3. Italian ryegrass. 2(1 Ills., Trefoil, 3 lbs., definite period of it. Mrs W. Armory (Willington), Mr and Airs Mr G. A. Richardson, Ali' W. W. Robson, Mr A. Sadler, June and July. available from August. 'vver yan that Mr Armory was one of the largest property G. Armory Hiniwick) ; brothers and sisters- Darlington ; Mr R. M. Shield, (Alters in Durham County, and lie held in-law ; Messrs J. Johnson iShildoni, II. D. ; and many: others. 3. AlArrow stem kale. 4 lbs.. Italian rye- hungry belly Eight. AlaSonie brethren acted as bearers grass. lo lbs.. June, available from October. directorships in many companies. He was Carr , Dawdon), and J. Ilarber Esh Hardy green turnips, :3 lbs., Thousand- ved by all her interested in the Rock Building Society at Winning. ), brothers-in-law ; Airs .1. Carr -Messrs .1. II. Ni•holson, W. •Tunmoore, I. 5. (Bishop Auckland', Mrs Askew •). A•nawy, 'I', W. Hilton, W. Pulford, J. headed kale, 3 lbs., June and early July. Bishop Auckland and the Bishop Auckland available from November. again in March. 6as Company, and in the course of time Mrs Lee 1(:oollo. sisters-in-law ; NIr and Brown, G. Bowles, and J. C. Metcalfe. ted Seivey Hill At the graveside the benediction was 6. Hardy green turnips, 4 lbs.. Italian rye- rose to the position of chairman of both Airs J. Bainbridge :Hoyden , . Ali. ,u,(1 Alts grass. 12. lbs., June and early July, available on in company concerns. He later became a director of F. Bainbridge •Willingtori,. and AIr and given by the Rev. \V. H. Mason. superinten- the time when Mrs N. Bainbridge Wallington). • nephews dent minister of the Willington Methodist from October. Durham Gas Company, Forge, Mustard, 20 lbs.. June and July, avail- ere expending Limited, Bishop :Auckland, the 1)arlinglon and nieces : Mr and Mrs 'I'. Burn (Sunder- circuit. The Masonic service was after- 7. wards conducted by the Rev. NY. Houliston, able from September. y in the im- Pure Ice amid Cold Storage Company, land), cousins ; Miss Vera Carr and Miss S. Turnips, 6 lbs., June, available from and other business concerns. Rita Carr. nieces; Mr and Mrs G. H. Armory, Vicar of SunnyDrow and chaplain of the leads through eousins ; Alr and Mrs W. Lee (Crook). Vane Lodge. September. At an early age Ali: .1rinory cause under The When the catch crop is intended to be pel, Weardale. the influence of the Methodist Church, with nephew and. niece ; Mrs Turner (Pierce- wreaths were numerous and beauti- ful and were sent from the following : Mrs followed by winter wheat reliance must lie earty welcome, which he Was eventually for many years bridge), Mis Browell, , Mrs . Cook (Seaton placed upon such crops rape. mustard, associated in an official capacity. For a few Carew), Mr H. Dixon (Bishop Au•kland), Armory ; Altos C. Bainbridge (sister' ; Mr be enteous supply Mr W. Dixon (Low Fell). Mms Boleyn ,Low and mrs w. Armory and family ( brother and ordinary turnips---crops which can 1 enquiry was years he had been circuit steward in the and sister-in-law) ; Mr and Airs G. Armory consumed in the annum). Italian ryegrass Barnard Castle Methodist Circuit. the whole Fell), aunts and uncles ; Mr and Airs Holds- mixtures are more suitable for succeeding ae ye fresh ? " of Which, and particularly the COtherstone worth (Willington), Mr and Mrs Joiner and family (brother and sister-in-law) ; AD (), nephews and nieces ; Mr J.. Armory and Miss Armory (father and crops of spring corn or roots. e are all gaun Methodist Church, had experienced a share' sister', ; nephews and nieces. Borden and Road." She of the financial support which lie was ever Roger Turnbull, Mrs Browell, Mr and Mr); n ready to give. His gift of an organ to Mainsforth, and Mr Harry Dixon. Wallington ; Mr A. • E. Miller, Darlington ; a public bap- Cotherstone Methodist Church sonic years The Masonic brethren, who were very Mrs F. Groves. Darlington ; Alr and Airs .1. BARNARD CASTLE POLICE. hich she had ago is remembered with gratitude, and quite numerous, included W.Bro. Colonel F. Barber. Esti Winning -(brother 'and skier- recently he contributed most liberally to the Walton, Assistant Grand Master of the in-law) ; Rev. W. Sangster, London ; Mrs ich we recollect Capron and Connie, Crook ; Willington WEDNESD.‘Y.-Before 'Mr C. J. Smith (pie- cost of renovating the organ of the Trinity Durham Province ; W:Bro. J. A. Bodwell, siding .; and Mr .1. Wiseman. e said, " they Grand Senior Warden ; and the following A.F.C.; ; Alr and Methodist Church at Barnard Castle. Mrs Martin Greener, Willington ; Willing- All the Money they had. gaeping and he sonic years a member from the Valle lodge : Bros. T. C. cook. W. Mr Armory was for A. ton Cricket Club ; Mr and Mis H. Parks, wil,.11 Daniel .sliwerby ,36) and Jelin ✓come out of of the old VVillington Urban Council and J. Bulman, W. Heston. R. H. Dixon. continued to represent his ward When Shaw, F. Clarkson, W. Cummings, J. E. \Villington ; Mis I. Naisbitt. Willington ; Williani Scott '51 were charged with Brown-Humes. G. W. Rudd. w. .Addison, Mr and Mrs T. Wilde, Willington ; Afr drunkenness at Barnard Castle on the her trials and Willington became aitialgamated with Crook Sidney Walton ; Mrs ' Ridley. Barnard for administration purposes three years ago. C. Leake, H. W. Brotherton, R. J. Miller, F. previous day, amid P.C. Payne had give one of which Allison, and the Rev. W. Houlistun ; front Castle ; Parkin. Ness and Co.; Crook and evidence lo prove their guilt. the ben; it He also represented Cotherstone on the Willington U.D.C.: Air Dent. aliddlesbrough; untered in tle lie was a the Wear Valley Lodge. Bros. M. C. 1-101)S011 inquired of the police how much inniny Rural Connell. Where and J. W. Cottrell ; Captain Cowap, repre- President and Members, master Blinders* had been found on the defend:lots when critical lodger. very regular attender. In recognition of his Federation ; Ali. and Mrs Ireland and family: arrested. It was stated that Sowerby had Molly public services lie was appointed a senting St. Cuthbert's Presbytery ; W. Cyan. he representeu representing the Grand Lodge of . Air .J. Doddain : Nir W. H. Passey : Mr and 111s. and Scott 7s. 611. The bend' decided 1 0 lusbee Of the Peace for the North Biding Mrs J. II. Yining ; Mr•and Airs .Nskew and ry devout. Ile iu 19:34 and sat regularly on the Greta the Grand Priory of England. 31st degree ; title the Men t h e i-amertivi' , and when h. E. W. Oliver, Kt.. Huse Croix ; \V.Bro. G. Betty. Croek : air and Mrs Norman Field ; 111)011 111011. Bridge bench. Clarkson Harker, W.M. of the Barnard Al and Mrs F. Sherratt ; Ali: and Mrs John- " lang grace Al; Armory was also an enthusiastic Lodge.; \\'.Bro. C. Murdoch and Bro. R. son ; 1\11• it'll' Mrs .1. Bell : Cotherstone tli both I'cl He was a vice-president of the Barron, from the William Todd Merl: Methodist .Choir ; chairman and Directors, that "'I- I , : 1• of football clubs in the Northern Lodge \Vitro: W. Lawson. l'.M. of St. South Bank Gas Co.; my A. lieplemrn, CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR. and was president for some years ver teaspun. Andrew's Alark Ledge ; lii0. J. Brown, Willington ; Wesleyan Sunday Schonl. \Villington A.F.C. In this colinection he Register of marks ; and Bro. W. H. Johnson, Willington : Woodland Methodist Sehool ; rs, and a go lieh , ;•11 the Willington Club_ to reach the OPPOSITION TO ANYTHING of the Marquis of Granby Lodge, Durham. Directors and Staff, Wilson's Forge ; Mrs COMPULSORY. a' ta'en moo Mali of the F.A..1inateur Cup last year, amid Mr F. Sherratt represented Captain 1'. L. Pearson. Deny and Herbert : Bishop .Auck- lie of entertain. who appeared on f was seen, invariably made a przwtice M.P.: Mr Hubert Wood represe-nted land Master Builders ; Directors. Durham Animig th. allo'llonts lag members and otticials of the Willine;ton Gas Co.; Directors, Bishop Auckland Gas Thursday before .he Cotitdettlitilis ()Hectors • back side 0 . Nlajo• G. le Roddate ;11111 the Bock Building Chi; at the close of each football season. Society ; and ;others present incltuded Mr CO.; Directors, Middlesbrough Casements. Tritilltlai ill London Was Ciall'Oty L. 'Ilk% as a rule. took the form of an outing W. H. Passey, Bishop AuCkland ; Supt. J. Ltd.; Bishop Auckland Building Trades W•alson. of 7. The Bank. Barnard Castle, Hill, we w( • to \Yembley to see the Cup Final. Ventress, Richmond, representing the North Operatives : Bishop :Auckland Social Ser- who said he declined to undertake the agri- In Masonic circles he was very active, vice ; \Vinnie, Cricklewood ; Eve and Fred cultural wed: assigned to hint by Judge gentleman, Riding Police ; Mr H. M. l,ingford, Cother- Ilichardseles and Durham near -ALI.. attached to -several lodges in the pi -e- stone, and Mr J. W. Alderson, Bowes, Jones. London ; Bishop Auckland Rock y l:ill'. of Durham, and was this year's representing the Greta Bridge magistrates ; Building Society ; Bishop Auckla iel Staff. tribunal at Newcastle-on-Tyne some months •as anxious \l. • of the Vane Lodge (3110) Bishop Mr J. \V. Elliott, secretary of the Northern Gas Co.; Mm and Mrs H. W. Itrothertnn : ago lweause he objected to compulsion ef I. her He was also a companion ()f the Football League ; Miss Nicholson (acting George Dixon and 1.ily Coates : Rose Croix every sort and lie did not see the sense of Boulton Chapter of Royal Arch Chapter of Si. Cuthbert's : lee Storage. putting a mail Mtn something of which he .e and Caldr. clerk) and Mr R. \V. Settle (Sanitary had no knowledge. He added : •• Farmers - N\ • ,,111hms. holding the offiee of P.S.; aind he Inspecto•), representing the Startforth Darlington : Paxton. Willington : vane The ass ''''hl the office of First A.S. its. the Willing- Rural Council. the members of which Lodge ; Vera. Ruby. Rita : Mr and Mrs in Yorkshire refuse to lithe conseientious s sike a 1 11'- 1,01; chapter. Alark :Masonry also included present included Messrs J. Harris Lingfmai • Mm and Mrs 0. S. Huntley ; objectors on the land." o the WI 1 J ,- hint it: its membership. he being Registrar (chairman). J. Brown, J. Foster. j: \V. Bald noon Bolton Chapter ' 1 NI : Alr \\lien asked where lie had 'seen thiti Senior stated, appellant replied. In the papers. - .said, "Call!• 1,1. t he Ariekland Ala•k Lodge : Alderson. B. Sayer. \V. Dent. M. S. Welsh. and Mrs L. H. 'Taylor: Dr. and Mrs i'l:aelen in the William 'Yield Alark Lodge, Strachan ; Elder Walker and Staff. New- NA'e shall have to see about that later. - , 8 dyed bet J. W. iipling ; the Coil-lei:stone Parish 11s1 ",h :Auckland ; and captain of the Council by Alessrs .\. .Watson and J. T. castle : Mms Close and Mr and Mrs Hunt ; said Lord Fleming. the chairman of the ue proplies( !maid in. St. Cuthbert's Bose Croix Chapter, Raine ; the Crook and Willington i than Airs Simpson and Dora : Ali. and Mrs H. tribunal. .• . friend and t; - Harlington. Beyond this lie stand high Council by Mr \V. G. Omand. Clerk, and \v,„am : mr warts awl 11«salind : Mr and With regard to the appellant's objection to compulsion of every sort. Sir Arthur tockings we• '1111"lig the officers of St. Cuthbert's Preeep- Councillor C. Wil,son ; the Building Trade Mrs Hopkinson and Elsie ; Aunt Amy. y of the Great Priory of the Temple at Federation by Messrs 1'. Alanners, W. E. Seaton Cat t'\V ; :Aunt LiZZIO and Cousins Pugh, a member of the tribunal, pointed a 1 . 1 ..onipelled to obey laws and ill, moss, !'rice. •Alderman F. W. Goodyear. F. C. Clara and Bell ; Aunt Pella, Jim and Nancy: out that he was , old Jernib' a Rotarian lie was attached to the Goodyear. S. A. Sadler, J. T. Gardner, W. C. Mr and Mrs Burn. ; Betty and to pay taxes. "In a hundred and one (liffert11) WayF, you are tinder the contiol erriment. -\ - ,'1'" ( ■ 1 1 Auckland Club, amid took a keen and Creaser. W. E. Stairmand, H. \V. Wake. R. Fred • .Alderman and Airs Goodyear : mark interest in a truly international sense. Shields, H. Stephenson. J. Alascall. N. Lodge, Ilisheil Auckland 596 ; William Tedd of the community." said Sir Arthur. sit, we wt, ' ‘ppa•ently. you 'accept compulsion iii S ides eing a past president of the club, Mascall. and Alderman Smith (Darlington: Lodge. Ilish(q) Auckland 929: Mrs Drayeett : who pa•t 0''': 1 1. • see why you will had attended Conventions not only in the Northern Builders' Federation by Mr T. Cotherstone Guild ; Cotherstone Suitilav peace tittle. so I cannot at it Was I I " . Itritisb Isles but also ,on the Centia- Barham ; and the operatives by Mr 'I'. School ; •Ile•. and Mrs N.. E. Smith : Aliss not accept it now." 4...1'1' and had visited Rotary 0111.1S Stutter. Others present included Air R. H. AVallier, Mrs and Miss Crosby ; Mr and Mrs Appellant said he \vas practically the Bishop Auckland Rotary : Misses sole supper( 1 711 his tn. 'filer. He was ted that daY: '‘I lada and :America. Duxbury (South Bank Gas Co.), Councillor D. Dixon ; t, 11(12e ther it will seem that not with- J. F. Smith (South Shields), Mr Noel Heming :' Cotherstone Methodist Chureh ; that tilts was a matter for the Hardship TH1)1111;11. His appeal vas dismissed. the man-Lizzy a'ssi rl( lame the calls of his wide business Kitching (Groat Ayton), representing Mrs and Miss Youngs. Crook ; Miss 1.. clothes, al" 1 0.elations Mr Armory spent most of his Colonel H. F. Kitching and the directors of flurniP ; Tommy Tin nor ; Ml and Mrs Cllitirinall explaining that a verbal altera- Da tion would be made in the Mating of the he, like re e in social organisations. The the Bishop Auckland Gas Co., the South Sidney Monk ; Trinity Church. Barnard Pe Castle ; Rev. Jc. D. and Mrs Coutts ; Mrs B. local tribunal and the words I.and work '• consult LizzY' st sympathy has been expressed to Bank Gas Co.. and the Middlesbrough Case- .in her sudden loss and also ment Co.: and Mr J. H. Tuck. managing and C. Lamb :1' Mr and Mrs Marsden, Freda would be suhstiluted for agriculture. This. (IubiOuS , " 111I p Armory's aged father now living director. Middlesbrough Casements, Ltd., and Tom : Cla a and Cousins. Piereehridge; covered :11.11'10111i1114., horticulture. forestry * 4.1 have b& 11 itsh,'Ik..e rtinngt°1. North Ormeshy. Willington I. dge, 4028 ; Mr E. Watson. and land reclanuition. - Barnard Castle. •olumn.)