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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

Diana Monsivais,1,2 Martin M. Matzuk,1,2,3,4,5 and Stephanie A. Pangas1,2,3

1Department of Pathology and Immunology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 2Center for Drug Discovery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 3Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas 77030 4Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 5Department of Pharmacology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

The transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) family has a profound impact on the reproductive function of various organisms. In this review, we discuss how highly conserved members of the TGF-b family influence the reproductive function across several species. We briefly discuss how TGF-b-related balance germ-cell proliferation and differentiation as well as dauer entry and exit in Caenorhabditis elegans. In Drosophila melanogaster, TGF-b- related proteins maintain germ stem-cell identity and eggshell patterning. We then provide an in-depth analysis of landmark studies performed using transgenic mouse models and discuss how these data have uncovered basic developmental aspects of male and female reproductive development. In particular, we discuss the roles of the various TGF-b family ligands and receptors in primordial germ-cell development, sexual differentiation, and gonadal cell development. We also discuss how mutant mouse studies showed the contri- bution of TGF-b family signaling to embryonic and postnatal testis and ovarian development. We conclude the review by describing data obtained from human studies, which highlight the importance of the TGF-b family in normal female reproductive function during pregnan- cy and in various gynecologic pathologies.

he influence of the transforming growth fac- germline develops (Deshpande et al. 2014). In Ttor-b (TGF-b) family on fertility and repro- mammals, even the earliest stages of reproduc- duction in organisms as diverse as flies and hu- tive development, including the specification of mans is impressive. In Drosophila melanogaster, the male and female germline, are controlled by for example, the bone morphogenetic TGF-b-related proteins, perhaps reflecting con- (BMP)-2/4 homolog, (Dpp), servation that originated with insects (Do- is required to maintain germline stem cells in noughe et al. 2014). In the adult mammal, the ovary (Xie and Spradling 1998), and, at lat- TGF-b-related proteins govern the growth and er stages, for proper egg shape and polarity differentiation of somatic cells as well as germ (Twombly et al. 1996). In D. melanogaster, Dpp cells within the gonads. Furthermore, TGF-b signaling may also be important in maintaining family ligands are intricately involved in the con- primordial germ-cell (PGC) identity as the trol of ovulation and fertilization, and the estab-

Editors: Rik Derynck and Kohei Miyazono Additional Perspectives on The Biology of the TGF-b Family available at Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022251

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D. Monsivais et al.

lishment and maintenance of pregnancy. Several (Hubbard and Greenstein 2005). Although so- TGF-b-related growth factors also serve as en- matic cell and germ-cell specification occur docrine hormones to integrate the reproductive during early embryogenesis, key developments status of the gonad to the physiological condi- in the reproductive potential of worms take tion of the organism. A large number of trans- place during the four larval stages (Hubbard genic and inactivation mouse models have and Greenstein 2005). After hatching, the fertil- been created that display reproductive patholo- ity of C. elegans is heavily influenced by the gies, and highlight the importance of this family environment; if the worms hatch under abun- in maintaining reproductive homeostasis. These dant feeding conditions, germline development models have contributed significantly to the un- continues until the end of the L1 stage and is derstanding of this in reproduc- then arrested at the L3 stage (Ren et al. 1996). tive processes (Chang et al. 2002; Matzuk and However, as discussed later, this is not the case Lamb 2002, 2008; Pangas 2012a). This review if hatching occurs in restrictive environments focuses on recent progress in the study of male (Ren et al. 1996). In normal development, rapid and female reproductive biology using genetic gonadal proliferation occurs during the L3 stage models for the ligands, receptors, and signaling in response to signals from the distal tip cells proteins of the TGF-b family. (DTC), and then again during the L4 stage (Hubbard et al. 2013). Late L4 stage is charac- terized by gametogenesis, when spermatogene- TGF-b-RELATED SIGNALING IN THE sis occurs (Hubbard et al. 2013). Finally, oogen- REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS OF esis occurs during the adult stage along with Caenorhabditis elegans meiotic maturation, ovulation, and fertilization On hatching, C. elegans develop through four (Hubbard and Greenstein 2005; Hubbard et al. larval stages, L1–L4, into adulthood (Fig. 1) 2013).

C. elegans development

Embryogenesis Larval stages Adult C.elegans

Daf-7 L1 L2–L3 L4 Oogenesis Gonadal potential Meiotic maturation PGC and somatic Gonadal cell is defined Proliferation and Ovulation gonad rearrangement spermatogenesis FertiIization development and proliferation

Daf-7 Daf-12

Restrictive Dauer stage environment -Low food supply -Cuticle formation -High population density -Increased dispersal ability -High temperature -Increased fat storage -Nonfeeding behavior -Nonreproductive state

Figure 1. The reproductive development of Caenorhabditis elegans is controlled by environmental cues. C. elegans develop into adulthood through larval stages, where gonadal cells migrate, proliferate, and prepare for fertilization. Germ-cell proliferation is regulated by transforming growth factor b (TGF-b)-like signaling during larval development. If hatching occurs under unfavorable conditions, C. elegans enter a nonfeeding and nonreproductive state of arrested development known as the “dauer stage.”

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

In the absence of food, or under other un- daf-7 control C. elegans germ-cell prolif- favorable conditions such as high population eration and differentiation (Dalfo et al. 2012). density or elevated temperature, C. elegans un- Mutation of these genes or of daf-8 or daf-14, dergo a specialized arrest in larval development which encode Smad-like proteins, significantly and enter a dauer phase (Fig. 1) (Hu 2007). This decrease brood size and result in a 50% decrease is a special state of nonfeeding and nonrepro- of germline stem/progenitor cells (Dalfo et al. duction that is characterized by unique changes, 2012). However, the TGF-b family signaling such as the formation of a desiccation-resistant pathway that controls germ-cell proliferation is cuticle, increased dispersal abilities, and elevat- independent of the pathway that controls dauer ed fat storage (Cassada and Russell 1975; Gol- entry and exit, and does not depend on the ac- den and Riddle 1984a,b). These changes allow tivity of the nuclear hormone receptor encoded the worms to survive up to several months un- by daf-12. Instead, the TGF-b family signaling der unfavorable conditions in a nonfeeding and pathway acts in a parallel but independent path- nonreproductive state (Hu 2007). The repro- way that affects the balance of germ-cell prolif- ductive changes that occur during the dauer eration and differentiation (Dalfo et al. 2012). phase indicate a strong association between en- Hence, TGF-b-related signaling also serves as a vironmental cues and germ-cell development in link between environmental signals and the re- C. elegans (Ren et al. 1996). Genetic screens productive germ cells of the nematode. identified the TGF-b-related protein Daf-7 as the ligand that initiates a major signaling path- b way, which coordinates the worm’s entry and TGF- -RELATED SIGNALING IN THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS OF Drosphilia exit from the dauer phase (Ren et al. 1996; Hub- melanogaster bardet al. 2013). These studies showed that daf-7 mutations result in constitutive entry into the TGF-b-related proteins also control the repro- dauer phase, even when hatching occurs in the ductive development of D. melanogaster. In presence of abundant food supply or at normal Drosophila ovaries, oogenesis occurs in special- growth temperatures (Swanson and Riddle ized egg chambers that are arranged inside ovar- 1981; Ren et al. 1996). Similar to genes encoding ioles, which are structures that contain oocytes ligands of the TGF-b family, daf-7 encodes a at various developmental stages (Harris and protein with a prodomain and a ligand domain Ashe 2011). The germaria contain the source that shares 34% amino acid identity with human of germ stem cells (GSCs) that differentiate BMP-4, 34% with D. melanogaster Dpp, and into cytoblasts, the egg precursors. Within the 28% with human TGF-b (Ren et al. 1996). To egg chamber, the oocyte is surrounded by hun- control the posthatching decision to enter the dreds of follicle cells, which give rise to the egg- dauer phase, Daf-7 signals through two TGF-b shell proteins and specialized structures, includ- family type I and type II receptors, encoded by ing the dorsal appendages, which are respirators daf-1 and daf-4, respectively (Georgi et al. 1990; for the developing embryo, the operculum, an Estevez et al. 1993). Daf-7-induced signals then opening for larva hatching, and the micropyle, converge on the expression of daf-12 (Thomas the structure specialized for sperm entry. Differ- et al. 1993)and actas a signaling mechanism that entiation of the follicle cells into these special- transmits environmental information to di- ized structures is coordinated by various growth rectly control the larval and reproductive devel- factors, including TGF-b-related proteins. opment of C. elegans (Riddle et al. 1981; Ren The BMP-2/4-like ligand, Dpp, exerts sub- et al. 1996; Antebi et al. 1998; Snow and Larsen stantial control over eggshell patterning and de- 2000). velopment (Fig. 2). Dpp is secreted by follicle In addition to directing dauer entry and ex- cells during eggshell development and plays a it, TGF-b-related signaling also controls the major role in the migration and reorganization proliferation and differentiation of germ cells of the follicle cells surrounding the oocyte in C. elegans (Hu 2007). The daf-1, daf-4, and (Twombly et al. 1996; Deng and Bownes 1997).

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D. Monsivais et al.

Dpp Tkv/Wit pMad Eggshell formation (BMP-2/-4) Tkv/Sax pMad/ GSC bam Punt Med maintenance

Figure 2. In Drosophila, Dpp (BMP-2/4) controls eggshell formation and germ stem-cell (GSC) maintenance. During eggshell maturation, Dpp signals arise in the follicularcells and are essential for dorsoventral specification oftheeggshell.ThesignalsaretransmittedbythetypeIandtypeIIreceptors,TkvandWit,whichthenactivateMad by phosphorylation. Dpp-mediated Smad signaling is also important within the germ stem-cell niche, where the Dpp-induced repression of bam promotes GSC maintenance. pMad, Phospho-Mad; Med, Medea.

In Drosophila, Dpp signals through its type I PRIMORDIAL GERM-CELL DEVELOPMENT receptor, Thickveins (Tkv), which is dynami- IN MAMMALS cally expressed in various cells within the egg- shell throughout its maturation (Affolter et al. Specification of the germ-cell lineage in mam- 1994; Lecuit and Cohen 1998; Mantrova et al. mals begins in early embryonic development. 1999; Berg 2005), and its type II receptor, Wish- In mice, the development of germ cells begins ful thinking (Wit), which is expressed in follic- at embryonic day 6.5 (E6.5), when the primor- ular cells and responds to Dpp in the developing dial germ-cell lineage is induced from the eggshell (Marmion et al. 2013). proximal epiblast (Lawson and Hage 1994). A The pool of Drosophila oocytes is main- cluster of 45 alkaline phosphatase-expressing tained by specialized GSCs that reside within a primordial germ cells (PGCs) is noticeable at stem-cell niche in the germarium (Harris and E7.5 posterior to the primitive streak in the Ashe 2011). The stem-cell niche is composed of extraembryonic mesoderm (Ginsburg et al. several somatic cell types, including the cap 1990). PGCs then proliferate and migrate cells, inner germ cells, and terminal filament through the hindgut endoderm to colonize cells (Harris and Ashe 2011). Dpp signals that the genital ridges and establish the primitive originate from these somatic cells maintain gonads. Complex pathways GSCs in an undifferentiated state by signaling control the induction, proliferation, and migra- via the type I receptors, Tkv and Saxophone tion of the PGCs. (Sax), and the type II receptor, Punt (Harris Analyses of gene inactivation mouse models and Ashe 2011). Downstream signals are trans- for several of the BMPs and their downstream mitted through activation of Smad proteins Smads have shown that the BMP system is es- (i.e., Mad and Medea), which then translocate sential for PGC formation (Table 1). Mice that into the nucleus and increase the expression lack expression of Bmp2, Bmp4 or Bmp8b show of genes that maintain GSC pluripotency. Bam reduced or absent PGCs (Zhang and Bradley is a direct transcriptional target of Dpp signal- 1996; Zhao et al. 1996; Lawson et al. 1999; ing that is maintained in a repressed state by Ying et al. 2000; Ying and Zhao 2001). In addi- an activated Mad–Medea complex. As cells tion, mice with inactivated Smad1 or Smad5 differentiate and exit the stem-cell niche, Bam have defects in PGC development (Chang and expression is activated (Chen and McKearin Matzuk 2001; Hayashi et al. 2002) and the ma- 2003a,b). Dpp signaling originates from the jority of double heterozygous Smad1þ/-; cap cells and only activates canonical Dpp Smad5þ/2 embryos lack PGCs (Arnold et al. signaling within 1–2 cell diameters (Xie and 2006). Bmp4 and Bmp8b are expressed in the Spradling 2000). Thus, stemness is lost and extraembryonic ectoderm, and Bmp2 is ex- Bam activation is detected as the cells differen- pressed in the visceral endoderm. It has been tiate and migrate along the germarium, losing proposed that BMP-4 generates inductive sig- sensitivity to Dpp signaling (Kai and Spradling nals from the extraembryonic ectoderm to sig- 2003). nal PGC formation in the epiblast (Lawson et al.

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

Table 1. Phenotypes of mice with inactivated genes that encode a TGF-b family signaling effector that is expressed in the gonads Gene Synonym Protein function Phenotype References Embryonic lethal Acvrl1 Alk1 Type I receptor Vascular defects Oh et al. 2000; Urness et al. 2000 Acvr1 Alk2/ActRIA Type I receptor Gastrulation defects; defective Gu et al. 1999; Mishina et al. Tsk7L mesoderm and visceral endoderm; 1999; de Sousa Lopes loss of primordial germ cells et al. 2004 (PGCs) Acvr1b Alk4/ActRIB Type I receptor Disrupted primitive streak Gu et al. 1998 Bmp2 Bmp2a Ligand Mesoderm defects; heart defects Zhang and Bradley 1996 Bmp4 Bmp2b Ligand No mesoderm differentiation; PGCs Winnier et al. 1995; Dunn loss et al. 1997; Lawson et al. 1999 Bmpr1a Alk3 Type I receptor No mesoderm formation Mishina et al. 1995; Ahn et al. 2001 Bmpr2 BMPRII Type II receptor Gastrulation arrest Beppu et al. 2000 Smad1 Madh1 Signaling protein Extraembryonic defects; no or few Lechleider et al. 2001; PGCs Tremblay et al. 2001 Smad2 Madh2 Signaling protein No mesoderm development; no Nomura and Li 1998; anteroposterior axis; Waldrip et al. 1998 haploinsufficient Smad4 Madh4/ Signaling protein Defective visceral endoderm Sirard et al. 1998; Yang et al. DPC4 1998 Smad5 Madh5 Signaling protein Defective vasculature development Yang et al. 1999a; Chang and cardiac development; loss of et al. 2000; Chang and PGC development Matzuk 2001 Tgfb1 Ligand Yolk sac defects (50%); postnatal Shull et al. 1992; Kulkarni death from inflammatory et al. 1993; Dickson et al. disorders 1995 Tgfbr1 Alk5/TbRI Type I receptor Vascular development defects Larsson et al. 2001 Tgfbr2 TbRII Type II receptor Disrupted yolk sac hematopoesis and Oshima et al. 1996 vasculogenesis Perinatal lethal Acvr2b ActRIIB Type II receptor Right–left asymmetry and A–P Oh and Li 1997 (anterior–posterior) axis defects Bmp7 OP1 Ligand Kidney dysgenesis; skeletal Dudley et al. 1995; Luo et al. patterning defects; cardiac cushion 1995; Solloway and defects Robertson 1999 Fst Binding protein Craniofacial defects; shiny skin; rib Matzuk et al. 1995d defects Grem1 Antagonist Limb, lung, kidney defects; fewer Khokha et al. 2003; Myers germ cells at birth and meiotic et al. 2011 delay in females Inhba Ligand Craniofacial defects; defective Matzuk et al. 1995b; whisker, retinal, and tooth Ferguson et al. 1998; development Jhaveri et al. 1998; Davis et al. 2000 Tgfb2 Ligand Craniofacial defects; skeletal defects; Sanford et al. 1997 heart defects; renal defects Continued

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Table 1. Continued Gene Synonym Protein function Phenotype References Tgfb3 Ligand Cleft palate; delayed lung Kaartinen et al. 1995; development Proetzel et al. 1995 Reproductive defects Acvr2 Acvr2a/ Type II receptor Pituitary defects in FSHb; female Matzuk et al. 1995b ActRII infertility Amh MIS Ligand Male infertility; female premature Behringer et al. 1990, 1994 loss of primordial follicles Amhr2 MISRII Type II receptor Phenocopies AMH (MIS) knockout; Mishina et al. 1996 male infertility Bmp8a OP2 Ligand Germ-cell degeneration (male) Zhao and Hogan 1996; Zhao et al. 1998 Bmp8b OP3 Ligand Defects in PGC, germ-cell Zhao et al. 1996 proliferation, depletion, and sterility (male) Bmp15 Gdf9b Ligand Female subfertility; interacts with Yan et al. 2001 GDF9 Bmpr1b Alk6 Type I receptor Female infertility; defects in cumulus Yi et al. 2001 expansion; uterine defects Gdf9 Ligand Female infertility; early block in Dong et al. 1996; folliculogenesis at primary stage Carabatsos et al. 1998; Elvin et al. 1999b Inha Ligand Gonadal and adrenal tumors Matzuk et al. 1992, 1994 Inhbb Ligand Defects in mammary gland function; Vassalli et al. 1994; Brown large litters; eyelid closure defects et al. 2000 Smad3 Madh3 Signaling protein Reduced litter sizes; defective Zhu et al. 1998; Datto et al. immune response; colorectal 1999; Yang et al. 1999b; tumors; arrested follicle Tomic et al. 2004 development

1999). To test this, mutant or wild-type embry- with recombinant BMP-4 produces PGCs (Ha- onic stem cells were injected into a recipient yashi et al. 2002). blastocyst to generate chimeric embryos. In chi- Embryos with targeted inactivation of the meric embryos, the injected embryonic stem Acvr1 (also named Alk2) gene encoding a BMP cells contribute to the epiblast to form the three type I receptor, lack PGCs at E7.5–E8.0, and embryonic germ layers and the extraembryonic Acvr1þ/2 embryos contain fewer PGCs (de mesoderm, but not the extraembryonic ecto- Sousa Lopes et al. 2004). Acvr1 expression at derm or primitive endoderm. Analysis of chi- E6.5 occurs primarily in the visceral endoderm meric embryos has shown that injection of (Gu et al. 1999), suggesting that BMP-4 might Bmp42/2 embryonic stem cells into wild-type signal indirectly to the proximal epiblast during blastocysts rescues the PGC developmental de- PGC formation. Expression of a constitutively fect, although the converse experiment (i.e., in- active ACVR1/ALK-2 in the visceral endoderm jection of wild-type embryonic stem cells into of Bmp42/2 embryos rescues the Bmp42/2 Bmp42/2 embryos) does not (Lawson et al. phenotype (de Sousa Lopes et al. 2004). Addi- 1999). These experiments show that BMP-4 is tional studies will be necessary to address the required in the extraembryonic ectoderm for function of the visceral endoderm in PGC for- PGC formation. Additional experiments show mation, the distinct or overlapping roles of that treatment of epiblasts that have been dis- BMPs, their receptors, and the mechanism of sected away from the extraembryonic ectoderm PGC specification in the proximal epiblast.

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

Germ-cell migration from their extraem- region of Y (SRY), a transcription bryonic origin to the genital ridges is also stim- factor that acts as the male “switch” (Fig. 3). ulated by BMPs. The motility of germ cells in Embryonic testis development includes the dif- organ cultures is inhibited by extracellular bind- ferentiation of Sertoli cells and steroidogenic ing proteins that serve as BMP antagonists, such Leydig cells from somatic precursor cells and as (Dudley et al. 2007). However, germ the formation of testicular cords that enclose cells are thought to respond indirectly to the the germ cells (Ross and Capel 2005). In the BMPs, because activated Smad1, 5, or 8 have developing female gonad, PGCs form germline not been detected in germ cells during migra- cysts and begin to enter meiotic prophase at tion (Dudley et al. 2007). After reaching the E13.5. Formation of ovarian follicles and differ- undifferentiated gonad, germ cells undergo an- entiation of the somatic cells of the ovary (i.e., other period of proliferation. In cell culture, granulosa and thecal cells), do not begin until human BMP-4 increases the number of PGCs after birth. and enhances the development of embryonic The developing urogenital system contains germ cells (Hiller et al. 2011). Thus, BMP sig- the Mu¨llerian and Wolffian ducts, which are the naling leads to an increase in number of PGCs; anlagen for the female and male reproductive however, BMP-4 has a biphasic effect on mouse tract, respectively. During sexual differentiation, PGC proliferation in culture, with low doses the Mu¨llerian duct regresses in males while the increasing and high doses reducing PGC num- Wolffian duct regresses in females (Fig. 4). In bers. Opposing effects are also observed when males, embryonic expression of SRY leads to the cells are treated with noggin: low noggin de- expression of the TGF-b family protein anti- creases and high noggin increases the number Mu¨llerian hormone (AMH; also called MIS, of PGCs (Dudley et al. 2007). In this way, mor- Mu¨llerian inhibiting substance). AMH pro- phogen gradients may control developmental duced by Sertoli cells causes regression of the effects. Mu¨llerian duct. Subsequent differentiation of Leydig cells leads to testosterone production and development of Wolffian duct derivatives. SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION AND GONADAL The lack of testosterone in females results in the DEVELOPMENT regression of the Wolffian duct and continued In the mouse, PGCs colonize the genital ridges development of the Mu¨llerian duct. Male at approximately E9.5–E11 (Anderson et al. Amh2/2 mice do not show regression of the 2000). Development of the bipotential gonad Mu¨llerian duct and are born with uteri and into a male (testis) or female (ovary) fate de- oviducts in addition to male reproductive struc- pends on the expression of the sex-determining tures (Behringer et al. 1994). A similar pheno-

E6.5–E7.5 E9.5–E11 E13.5

PGC development PGC colonization of Embryonic testis genital ridges + SRY BMP-2, -4, -8b Smad1/5 (Bipotential gonad) ALK-2/Acvr1 BMP-2, -4, -8b Female gonad

Figure 3. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling induces primordial germ-cell (PGC) development in mice. BMP signaling through ALK-2 and Smad1 and Smad5 promote primordial germ-cell development during early embryonic life. BMP-2, -4, and -8b also direct the colonization of PGCs to the genital ridges during E9.5– E11. At E13.5, the expression of the sex-determining region of chromosome Y (SRY) determines the develop- mental fate of the bipotential gonad.

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D. Monsivais et al.

Bipotential gonad

Wolffian duct (Male)

Müllerian duct (Female)

SRY Absence of Testosterone testosterone AMH/MIS ALK-3/Smad1/5/8 Ovaries Testes

Wolffian duct regression Müllerian duct regression Uterus Epididymis Vas deferens

Figure 4. The bipotential gonad differentiates into male or female in response to a signaling pathway that involves anti-Mu¨llerian hormone/Mu¨llerian inhibiting substance (AMH/MIS), a member or the TGF-b family. In males, the sex-determining region of chromosome Y (SRY) expression activates AMH/MIS expression, which signals via ALK-3/BMPRIA and Smad1, 5, and/or 8. This leads to differentiation of Leydig cells and expression of testosterone, resulting in the regression of the Mu¨llerian ducts. In the absence of SRY, AMH/MIS, and testosterone, Wolffian duct regression occurs, resulting in Mu¨llerian duct maintenance and development of a female reproductive tract.

type is seen in mice with an inactivated gene for tivation has been used to identify the type 1 the AMH type II receptor, Amhr2 (Mishina et receptor for AMH during Mu¨llerian duct re- al. 1996). In humans, mutations in AMH or gression (Jamin et al. 2002). Expression of AMHR2 results in persistent Mu¨llerian duct Cre recombinase from the Amhr2 promoter re- syndrome—a type of male pseudohermaphro- sults in locus-specific recombination wherever ditism characterized by the presence of a uterus Amhr2 is normally expressed (see below). Mice and Fallopian tubes in addition to the normal with conditional inactivation of Bmpr1a (Alk3) male reproductive tract (Josso et al. 2005). with Amhr2cre/þ phenocopy the Amh2/2 mu- There are seven type I receptors for mem- tation, (i.e., 50% of male mice have uteri and bers of the TGF-b family and their important oviducts) indicating that BMPRIA (ALK-3) is a roles during embryonic development are under- component of the AMH signaling pathway in scored by phenotypes observed in knockout Mu¨llerian duct regression in vivo (Jamin et al. mouse models. Except for Bmpr1b (Alk6) and 2002). Conditional inactivation of Acvr1 (Alk2) Acvr1c (Alk7), the mouse models with global has no effect on Mu¨llerian duct regression, al- inactivation of genes encoding the TGF-b type though cell culture data suggest that AMH sig- 1 receptors results in embryonic lethality (Table nals through this receptor (Clarke et al. 2001; 1). Neither the Bmpr1b2/2 nor the Acvr1c2/2 Visser et al. 2001; Zhan et al. 2006). This can be mouse model shows the Amh2/2 phenotype. reconciled by studies showing that codeletion Therefore, tissue-specific conditional gene inac- of Acvr1 and Bmpr1a (Alk3) with Amhr2cre/þ

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

causes 100% of males to retain the Mu¨llerian so show ectopic development of a male-specific duct tissue (Orvis et al. 2008); thus, BMPRIA coelomic vasculature (Vainio et al. 1999; Menke may be the primary receptor used by AMH, but and Page 2002). When the Inhbb gene encoding in its absence, AMH is capable of utilizing the activin/inhibin bB subunit is deleted in ei- ACVR1 (Orvis et al. 2008). The receptor-acti- ther Fst2/2 or Wnt42/2 female mice, normal vated Smads, Smad1, Smad5, and Smad8 have ovary development resumes with no coelomic also been implicated in AMH signaling, partic- vessel formation (Yao et al. 2006), suggesting a ularly Smad1 (Gouedard et al. 2000; Clarke et al. key stimulatory role for activin B in testis devel- 2001; Visser et al. 2001). However, only mice opment, which must be suppressed for normal with conditional deletions that include Smad5 ovary development. (for instance, Smad1 and Smad5, Smad5, and Following sexual differentiation, at E13.5, Smad8,orSmad1, Smad5, and Smad8)inMu¨l- male germ cells undergo mitotic arrest and mei- lerian duct tissue retain Mu¨llerian duct deriva- osis does not begin until after birth. The arrest of tives, suggesting that these three transcription male germ cells involves Sertoli cell production factors play a role in transmitting the AMH sig- of the retinoic acid–degrading Cyp26b1 nal with some level of functional redundancy in (Bowles et al. 2006; Koubova et al. 2006), con- vivo (Orvis et al. 2008). sistent with the master regulatory signaling role Ovary development is often described as a of retinoid acid in the mitotic to meiotic switch “default” pathway, but newer data support the (Griswold et al. 2012). Nodal, which is preferen- roles of some genes in an ovary-specific pathway tially expressed in the developing testis, is one of (Menke et al. 2003; Ross and Capel 2005; Kou- the factors that promotes male germ-cell fate bova et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2010). Only a handful and suppresses the female genetic program of genes have been discovered that control ovar- (Souquet et al. 2012; Wu et al. 2013). Nodal ian development. Wnt4 is one such gene, and acts in part by inducing expression of Nanos2, genetically female (XX) Wnt42/2 embryos are which encodes an RNA-binding protein in male masculinized; a Mu¨llerian duct does not form in germ cells (Wu et al. 2013). In turn, Nanos2 either sex, and XX embryos retain the Wolffian controls the expression of genes involved in the duct and show massive loss of germ cells (Vainio initiation of meiosis, such as Stra8 (stimulated by et al. 1999). Bmp2 expression is lost in XX go- retinoic acid 8), and induces a male-specific gene nads of Wnt42/2 embryos, as is expression of expression pattern (Suzuki and Saga 2008). follistatin (gene name, Fst) (Yao et al. 2004), a In female germ cells, meiosis is initiated at regulatory protein that inhibits activin and E13.5 through the expression of Stra8, and mei- BMPs. It is unclear what role BMP-2 plays at osis continues until an arrest at prophase I at this stage because the Bmp22/2 mutation is birth. Resumption of meiosis will not occur un- embryonic lethal by E9.0 (Zhang and Bradley til the midcycle surge of luteinizing hormone 1996). However, the importance of follistatin that causes ovulation in the adult. There is lim- in gonad development has been examined ited information regarding the role of the TGF-b using Fst2/2 mice (Matzuk et al. 1995d; Yao family in the embryonic ovary during mid-to- et al. 2004). Fst2/2 mice survive embryogenesis late gestation, but several lines of evidence sug- but die perinatally (Matzuk et al. 1995d). In go- gest a continued function for BMPs. Bmp2 is nadal development, Fst2/2 mice phenocopy expressed specifically in the ovary at E11.5 Wnt42/2 mice, and follistatin acts likely down- (Yao et al. 2004), and Bmp7 is expressed before stream of Wnt4 signaling because Fst expression E11.5 in both sexes, but its expression then be- is lost in Wnt42/2 embryos but Wnt4 is ex- comes male-specific after E12.5 (Ross et al. pressed in Fst2/2 embryos (Yao et al. 2004). 2007). BMP-7 may promote germ-cell prolifer- By E16.5, 90% of the germ cells in Fst2/2 XX ation in the embryonic gonad (Ross et al. 2007), embryos undergo apoptosis and there is an al- but BMP7 is not highly expressed in human most complete loss of germ cells by birth (Yao ovaries (Childs et al. 2010), so this function is et al. 2004). Fst2/2 or Wnt42/2 XX ovaries al- potentially performed by another ligand(s).

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Grem12/2 mice that lack expression of the as ActRIIA). Male Acvr22/2 mice have de- BMP antagonist Gremlin, show defects in oo- creased FSH levels and consequently fewer Ser- cyte development, including a reduction of toli cells and smaller testes weights—a pheno- oocyte numbers by birth, and a delay in meiotic type similar to Fshb2/2 mice. progression (Myers et al. 2011). These data sug- Inhibin and activin are related dimeric pro- gest that BMP signaling plays a key role in nor- teins generated from combinations of a (encod- mal ovary development and may control the size ed by the Inha gene) and b (encoded by the Inha of the ovarian reserve (Pangas 2012b). gene) and b (encoded by the Inhba or Inhbb genes) subunits. Activins are homodimers or heterodimers of b subunits (bA:bA, activin A; THE TGF-b FAMILY IN MALE bB:bB, activin B; bA:bB, activin AB) and inhib- REPRODUCTION ins are heterodimers (a:bA, inhibin A; a:bB, inhibin B) (Namwanje and Brown 2016). Tar- The adult male testis contains germ cells orga- geted inactivation of each of the corresponding nized into seminiferous tubules that also con- genes has distinct phenotypes. Mice with an tain Sertoli cells, a somatic cell type. Outside the inactivated Inhba gene die perinatally because tubules are the Leydig cells—steroidogenic so- of craniofacial defects (Matzuk et al. 1995c). matic cells essential for testosterone production. Inhbb2/2 mice are viable but have eyelid de- Spermatogenesis occurs within seminiferous fects and, in females, lactation defects (Vassalli tubules, which contain mitotically active sper- et al. 1994). Mice with conditional deletion of matogonia. These cells give rise to spermato- Inhba, the gene encoding the activin A subunit, cytes that undergo meiosis to ultimately pro- in the Inhbb2/2 background also show fertility duce sperm cells. Within the testis, paracrine defects. To examine the functional overlap be- signaling from Sertoli cells to germ cells, as tween activin A and activin B, mice were gener- well as Leydig cells, is critical for male fertility. ated with the Inhbb mature coding region in- Also important is the endocrine feedback sys- serted into the Inhba locus (Brown et al. 2000); tem between the gonads and the pituitary these mice do not produce activin A or inhibin gland, which forms part of the hypothalamic- A but instead express activin B and inhibin pituitary-gonadal axis (Fig. 5). B. Insertion of Inhbb into the Inhba locus, re- Defects in the pituitary gland have profound ferred to as the InhbaBK allele (Brown et al. effects on male and female fertility. A classical 2000), rescues the perinatal lethality and crani- feedback loop exists between the gonad, which ofacial malformations of the Inhba2/2 mice, produces inhibin, a heterodimeric TGF-b fam- suggesting that activin A and activin B can func- ily member, and the pituitary gland, which pro- tion redundantly during embryogenesis as long duces gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating hor- as they are expressed in the same temporal and mone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) spatial pattern. However, some postnatal repro- (Fig. 5). FSH is necessary for normal Sertoli ductive defects were identified in this model, cell function in the male and in granulosa cells suggesting that the activin isoforms have some of the female, as shown by Fshb2/2 mice, which nonoverlapping roles in male and female repro- do not express the b subunit of FSH (Kumar duction. Male mice with two copies of InhbaBK et al. 1997). The inhibins and closely related have normal fertility but reduced testis volume activins were discovered (and named) based despite increases in FSH levels. The testis vol- on their ability to inhibit and activate, respec- ume is further reduced when the InhbaBK allele tively, FSH secretion from the pituitary (Burns is in trans to the null allele (InhbaBK/2). Few and Matzuk 2002; Bilezikjian et al. 2004; Nam- female InhbaBK/BK mice produce pups, and wanje and Brown 2016). The importance of ac- InhbaBK/2 female mice have smaller ovaries tivin signaling for FSH synthesis was confirmed with fewer preantral follicles. Thus, InhbaBK in Acvr22/2 mice that lack expression of one of acts as a hypomorphic Inhba allele, possibly be- the activin type II receptors, ActRII (also known cause of qualitative differences in activin A and

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Pituitary gland (gonadotropes) C Uterus

Implantation Decidualization ACVR2 Activin Alk2 onSeptember28,2021-PublishedbyColdSpringHarborLaboratoryPress Bmp2 LH FSH Inhibin E odSrn abPrpc Biol Perspect Harb Spring Cold 2 Gdf 9 Bmp15 Fertilization

B Placentation Postovulatory Bmpr2 Nodal Antral SA o:10.1101 doi: Corpus luteum L TGF- The uNK Ovary T b / cshperspect.a022251 Early antral F Tract Reproductive the in Family Primordial Primary Secondary Acvr2 Inha Amh Inhba Nobox Gdf9 Fshb, Fshr Smad3

Figure 5. Role of the transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) family in female reproductive physiology. (A) Neurons in the hypothalamus secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which binds to receptors on the anterior pituitary gland

11 gonadotrope cells. (Legend continues on following page.) Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

D. Monsivais et al.

activin B activity (Brown et al. 2000, 2003). A strikingly different phenotype is seen in Conditional deletion of Inhba in the Inhbb2/2 male and female mice that lack a functional background in granulosa cells also support this inhibin a gene (Matzuk et al. 1992). All male hypothesis, as these mice show dosage-depen- and female Inha2/2 mice develop sex-cord dent fertility defects (Pangas et al. 2007). stromal tumors by 4–6 wk of age and die within Temporal regulation of activin A expression 3–4 mo of age (Fig. 6C). Inha2/2 mice die appears to be necessary for proper germ-cell dif- from a cachexia-like wasting syndrome, likely ferentiation (Mithraprabhu et al. 2010). Activin caused by the high levels of activin produced A is highly expressed in the testis during the first in lieu of inhibin dimers. The wasting syndrome weekof postnatallife; however,asspermatogenic is modulated by the activin type II receptor, differentiation progresses, the levels of activin A ActRII (Coerver et al. 1996), because mice dou- decrease along with high expression of its inhib- bly homozygous null for Inha and Acvr2 do not itors, follistatin and “BMP and activin mem- develop cachexia and live longer. Gonadectomy brane bound inhibitor” (BAMBI) (Barakat does not rescue the lethality of the Inha2/2 et al. 2012). In an in vivo coculture of spermato- mutation because these mice subsequently de- gonia and germ cells from day 4 or day 8 testes, c- velop adrenal tumors (Matzuk and Bradley kit mRNA expression, which marks germ-cell 1994). However, in males, the gonadal tumor differentiation, was not affected by activin A on phenotype can be rescued by expression of in- postnatal day 4, but was significantly reduced in hibin A using a mifepristone-inducible system germ cells on postnatal day 8, indicating an in- (Pierson et al. 2000). hibitory role of activin A in germ-cell matura- AMH and its type II receptor AMHRII also tion. Activin A also plays a role in male embry- have a role in postnatal testis physiology. In the onic germ-cell and Sertoli-cell proliferation adult gonad, Amh and Amhr2 are expressed in (Mendis et al. 2011). In Inhba2/2 testes at Sertoli cells of the male and the granulosa cells E13.5 and E15.5, the number of proliferating of the female. Male mice defective in Amh or Sertoli cells is significantly decreased compared Amhr2 have Leydig cell hyperplasia suggesting to wild-type mice, likely as a result of impaired that AMH suppresses Leydig cell proliferation cell-cycle machinery activation. Similar defects (Behringer et al. 1994; Mishina et al. 1996). in Sertoli cell proliferation are seen following Male mice derived from genetic crosses between conditional deletion of Inhba in fetal Leydig cells Inha2/2 and Amh2/2 or Amhr22/2 mice, dis- of Amhr2cre/þ;Inhbaflox/- (Archambeault and play Leydig cell tumors by 1 wk of age (Matzuk Yao2010). Thus, activin signaling is crucial dur- et al. 1995a), suggesting an interaction between ingfetalandpostnataltestisdevelopment,affect- the two pathways in Leydig cell function. ing proliferation of Sertoli cells during In the testis, Bmp8a, Bmp8b, Bmp7, and embryonic development and germ-cell differen- Bmp4 are expressed in male germ cells, and tiation during postnatal life. mice deficient in expression of any of these

Figure 5. (Continued) In response, gonadotrope cells produce follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutein- izing hormone (LH), which control male and female gonadal function. FSH is stimulated by locally expressed activins that signal through the type II receptor, ACVR2 (ActRII). The gonad produces inhibin and estradiol (E2) that repress FSH production. Multiple TGF-b-related proteins are produced in the ovary. (B) Follicle develop- ment proceeds from primordial to antral stages, which culminates in the release of an oocyte during ovulation, which is then available for fertilization. Following ovulation, the remaining cells of the follicle differentiate into the corpus luteum. Follicular blocks seen in various mouse models are indicated. (C) Conditional inactivation of Bmp2 or Alk2 with Pgrcre/þ results in decidualization defects and female sterility. Conditional inactivation of Bmpr2 with Pgrcre/þ results in female infertility because of intrauterine growth restriction, abnormal spiral artery remodeling, and deficient uNK infiltration. Conditional deletion of in Nodalflox/flox-Pgrcre/þ females results in subfertility as a result of intrauterine growth restriction and placental defects. uNK, Uterine natural killer cells; SA, spiral arteries; F, fetus; T, trophoblasts; L, uterine lumen.

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

ACGranulosa B Tumor

Oocyte Ovary

Cumulus Oviduct

Uterus Theca WT Inha –/– D SF E F

PrF AnF WT Fshb –/– Acvr2 –/– G H I

Oo Th Oo

Gr Gdf9 –/– Gdf9 –/– Inha –/–;Gdf9 –/–

Figure 6. Ovarian phenotypes of mice with targeted gene inactivations. (A) Schematic of the cell types in an antral stage follicle. The central oocyte is surrounded by cumulus cells. A fluid-filled antral cavity separates the cumulus cells from the mural granulosa cells. Outside a basement membrane are the steroidogenic thecal cells. (B) Gross anatomy of a normal female reproductive tract. (C) Ovarian tumors of an adult Inha2/2 mouse. (D) Histology of a wild-type adult female ovary showing multiple follicular stages inducing primary (PrF), second- ary (SF) and antral (AnF) follicles. (E) Fshb2/2 ovary arrests before the formation of an antral cavity similar to the Acvr22/2 ovary shown in panel F.(G,H ) Gdf92/2 ovaries have follicles arrested at the primary stage and oocytes that grow abnormally large. (I) Follicles from Inha2/2;Gfd92/2 female mice grow to the multilaminar stage and develop a theca that is absent in Gdf92/2 follicles (panel H ). Panels are not shown to scale. Oo, Oocyte; Gr, granulosa cells; Th, theca.

genes have male reproductive phenotypes. Male Defects in fertility are also seen in male Bmp8b2/2 mice are infertile because of apo- Bmp4þ/2 mice in a C57BL/6 background; ptosis of spermatocytes, which eventually re- these males have lower fertility because of sults in germ-cell depletion (Zhao et al. 1996). germ-cell loss, decreased sperm counts, and The phenotype of male Bmp8a2/2 mice is less motility and epididymal defects (Hu et al. severe, and about half of adult male Bmp8a2/2 2004). In the somatic cell compartment, there mice show germ-cell degeneration (Zhao et al. is as yet little genetic evidence for a role of BMPs 1998). Male Bmp8a2/2 mice also show degen- in adult Sertoli and Leydig cell function. How- eration of the epididymal epithelium, demon- ever, mouse Sertoli cells express the BMP type II strating a role for BMPs in epididymal function receptor BMPRII, and the type I receptors ALK- as well (Zhao et al. 1998). The phenotype of 2, ActRIB/ALK-4, and BMPRIA/ALK-3, en- male Bmp8a2/2 mice can be enhanced when coded by Acvr1, Acvr1b, and Bmpr1a, respec- one copy of Bmp7 is removed (Zhao et al. 2001). tively (Bmpr1b expression was not examined)

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(Puglisi et al. 2004), suggesting that these cells allows follicles to progress to the multilaminar are competent to respond to BMP ligands. stage, although the follicles are abnormal (Fig. 6I) (Wu et al. 2004; Myers et al. 2013). The ovaries of Inha2/2;Gdf92/2 mice contain ad- TGF-b FAMILY SIGNALING IN OVARIAN 2/2 ditional defects not found in Gdf9 mice. FUNCTION For example, a distinct theca layer forms in dou- During ovary formation, somatic cells, which ble mutant mice but does not become function- eventually form the granulosa cells, surround al (i.e., steroidogenic). This is not understood, oocytes to form nongrowing primordial ovari- but may relate to the loss of LH receptor expres- an follicles. These “pregranulosa cells” are de- sion in thecal cells (Wu et al. 2004). Interesting- rived in part from cells that ingress from the ly, Inha2/2 ovaries show precocious follicle de- coelomic epithelium in multiple waves that be- velopment, with overgrowth of granulosa cells, gin in late gestation and cease a few days after more follicles in the growth phase, and an in- birth (Mork et al. 2011). In the mouse, primor- crease in activin expression (Myers et al. 2009, dial follicle formation begins just before birth 2013; Nagaraja et al. 2010). Deletion of the Gdf9 such that newborn mouse ovaries contain most- gene in an Inha2/2 genetic background partly ly germ-cell cysts and a few primordial follicles. rescues some of the follicle growth at the initial Subsequent folliculogenesis coordinates oocyte stages of Inha2/2 follicle development, per- development, granulosa cell proliferation, and haps in part because of decreased levels of acti- thecal cell steroidogenesis (Fig. 6A). Initially, vin B in the double mutant ovaries. However, at these events appear to be orchestrated primarily later follicle stages, the double mutant ovaries by the oocytes (Eppig et al. 2002; Matzuk et al. look similar to Inha2/2 mutant ovaries, with 2002), although subsequent development is high levels of activin and suppressed levels of kit likely bidirectional. Two key signaling proteins ligand, which promote granulosa cell prolifera- are growth and differentiation factor (GDF)-9 tion although suppressing oocyte growth. These and BMP-15 oocyte-specific members of the data suggest that GDF-9 and activins have se- TGF-b family (McGrath et al. 1995; Dong quential and partly nonredundant roles in fol- et al. 1996; Dube et al. 1998; Elvin et al. 2000). liculogenesis (Myers et al. 2013). GDF-9 and BMP-15 are essential for fertility in GDF-9 and BMP-15 play important roles in many animals including mice, humans, and cumulus cells (i.e., the cells directly adjacent to sheep (Dong et al. 1996; Galloway et al. 2000; the oocyte), during ovulation. During ovula- Wilson et al. 2001; Juengel et al. 2002; Di Pas- tion, cumulus cells become embedded in a hya- quale et al. 2004). In mice, Gdf9 and Bmp15 are luronan-rich matrix that binds them to the oo- coexpressed during folliculogenesis starting ap- cyte. Extracellular matrix synthesis is critical for proximately at the newborn stage and until the proper ovulation and fertilization (Hizaki et al. late antral stage in adults (Dube et al. 1998; 1999; Varani et al. 2002; Fulop et al. 2003) and Elvin et al. 1999b; Rajkovic et al. 2004). Female oocytes are known to induce cumulus expan- Gdf92/2 mice have follicles arrested at the pri- sion in the presence of FSH (Buccione et al. mary stage with a single layer of granulosa cells, 1990). Through analysis in cell culture, mouse no associated thecal cell layer and defects in GDF-9 has been shown to play a key role in this oocyte meiotic competence and growth (Fig. process by inducing the expression of genes nec- 6G,H) (Dong et al. 1996; Carabatsos et al. essary for cumulus expansion including those 1998). encoding hyaluronan synthase 2 (Has2), pros- Granulosa cells from Gdf92/2 ovaries show taglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (Ptgs2, increased expression of a number of genes, in- Cox2), pentraxin 3 (Ptx3), and tumor necrosis cluding the gene encoding inhibin a (Elvin et al. factor a-induced protein 6 (Tnfaip6), while re- 1999b). Excess inhibin is partly responsible for pressing others, such as those encoding lutein- follicular arrest, and lack of inhibin a expression izing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor in Gdf92/2 mice, in Inha2/2;Gdf92/2 mice (Lhcgr) and urokinase-type plasminogen acti-

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

vator (Plau) (Elvin et al. 1999a; Matzuk 2000; dimers have been poorly defined (Liao et al. Varani et al. 2002). The phenotypes of double 2003). BMP heterodimers were first isolated crosses of Gdf9 and Bmp15 mutant mice, in from bovine bone and shown to potently induce comparison with the single gene deficiencies, bone formation in vivo (Wang et al. 1988). indicate an interaction of the two proteins Compared to BMP homodimers, BMP hetero- during late stages of follicle development and dimers show enhanced activity (Guo and Wu ovulation. Although Bmp152/2 females are 2012). Accordingly, GDF-9:BMP-15 hetero- subfertile, female Gdf9þ/-;Bmp152/2 mice are dimers also show enhanced bioactivity (Peng infertile in a 129/SvEv inbred background, and et al. 2013a). Studies using recombinant human subfertile in a mixed hybrid background and mouse GDF-9:BMP-15 heterodimers show (C57Bl/6/129/SvEv) (Yan et al. 2001). Eggs of that, relative to their respective homodimers, Gdf9þ/-;Bmp152/2 mice lack associated cu- the heterodimer potently induces cumulus cell mulus cells, both within follicles and in ovi- expansion. This is also reflected in the striking ducts, suggesting that the cumulus cell-oocyte increases of the cumulus cell expansion genes communication has been disrupted, and that Ptx3, Has2, and Ptgs2. Furthermore, these stud- cumulus cells no longer produce a stable extra- ies point to species-specific differences in the cellular matrix during ovulation. bioactivity of these ligands; mouse GDF-9 ho- Additional oocyte and cumulus cell defects modimers strongly activate cumulus cell expan- have been found in Gdf9þ/-;Bmp152/2 mice. sion, although human GDF-9 homodimers are The ability of cumulus cells to undergo expan- inactive. Similarly, mouse BMP-15 homo- sion can be tested using a cell culture assay: dimers are inactive when compared to mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes that have the oocyte GDF-9 homodimers, although human BMP-15 removed (oocytectomized; OOX) undergo ex- homodimers have low bioactivity (Peng et al. pansion when cocultured with fully grown oo- 2013b). These results show that the heterodimer cytes in the presence of FSH (Buccione et al. conformation of these key oocyte-secreted fac- 1990; Vanderhyden et al. 1992). Wild-type oo- tors may be a potent modulator of ovarian func- cytes expand wild-type OOX complexes, but tion in mice and humans. Currently, a recom- oocytes from Gdf9þ/-;Bmp152/2 mice cannot binantly produced heterodimer of human expand wild-type OOX complexes to the same BMP-15 and GDF-9 termed “cumulin,” is being degree (Su et al. 2004). Wild-type oocytes also tested to boost success rates of some artificial have a reduced ability to expand Gdf9þ/-; reproductive technologies such as in vitro mat- Bmp152/2 OOX complexes. Because the addi- uration of oocytes (Mottershead et al. 2015). tion of wild-type oocytes cannot rescue the de- Few mutations causal for infertility in hu- fect in mutant cumulus cells, the problem is mans have been identified. BMP15, located on likely intrinsic to the cumulus cells. These data the X chromosome, is a candidate gene for fe- support the hypothesis that GDF-9 and BMP- male infertility. A human mutation in BMP15 15 are necessary for proper development of cu- from two sisters causes hypergonadotropic mulus cells throughout many stages of follicu- ovarian failure and ovarian dysgenesis (Di Pas- logenesis (Su et al. 2004). quale et al. 2004). Loss of function mutations in In sheep, homozygous or heterozygous mu- NOBOX, a gene encoding a key transcription tations in the BMP15 gene result in sterile (ho- factor that regulates GDF9 expression (Rajkovic mozygous) or superfertile (heterozygous) fe- et al. 2004), are found at high frequency in males (Davis et al. 1991; Galloway et al. 2000). women with primary ovarian insufficiency, Additionally, mutations in GDF9 and ALK6/ also called premature ovarian failure (Bouilly BMPR1B, which encode a type I receptor for et al. 2011), which affects approximately 1% BMP-15, also affect fertility in sheep (Otsuka of women under the age of 40 and is associated et al. 2011). GDF-9 and BMP-15 are known to with infertility. Because of their role in PGC cooperate and heterodimerize, although the function and gonadal development, further ex- functional roles of the GDF-9:BMP-15 hetero- amination of members of the BMP family will

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be necessary to establish any pathophysiology serum levels of AMH predict menopause (van associated with improper germ-cell develop- Rooij et al. 2004, 2005). Detailed studies in mice ment in humans. show that, although AMH levels do not change Many other BMP ligands are expressed in in individual growing follicles of aging mice, the ovary during folliculogenesis, and there is serum AMH levels decline with age (Kevenaar much to be learned about the in vivo contribu- et al. 2006). In addition, in mice, there is a cor- tions of the BMP system to female fertility. Both relation between growing follicles and numbers Bmp4 and Bmp7 are expressed in thecal cells, of primordial follicles, as well as a strong corre- but homozygous null mutations in either gene lation between primordial follicles and serum in mice results in embryonic or postnatal lethal- AMH levels (Kevenaar et al. 2006). Thus, the ity, respectively, and these have yet to be ana- use of serum AMH holds significant promise lyzed by conditional mouse models in the ovary. for monitoring fertility during the female re- Inactivation of Bmp6, expressed in the oocyte, productive lifespan (Visser et al. 2006, 2012; does not result in an overt reproductive pheno- Anderson et al. 2012). type (Solloway et al. 1998). Instead, Bmp62/2 The inhibin-activin system in female mice is female mice have subtle fertility defects, includ- critical for both follicle development and regu- ing a 22% decrease in litter size and reduced lation of the estrous cycle (Fig. 5). FSH is a numbers of ovulated oocytes with decreased dimeric protein consisting of an a and b sub- developmental competence (Sugiura et al. unit, and FSH is required for antral follicle de- 2010). Bmp2 has been reported to be expressed velopment in female mice (Kumar et al. 1999; in rat granulosa cells (Erickson and Shimasaki Burns and Matzuk 2002). Pituitary-derived 2003), but Bmp22/2 embryos die at E7.5–E9.0 activins regulate the expression of the FSH b (Zhang and Bradley 1996), leaving questions subunit (Fshb), thereby controlling FSH pro- unanswered regarding its specific reproductive duction (Carroll et al. 1989, 1991; Bilezikjian function in granulosa cells. et al. 2004). The phenotypes of Fshb2/2 and AMH plays a role in follicle development in Acvr22/2 female mice are very similar; both the adult female. Female mice that lack AMH mouse models have impaired follicle develop- expression are fertile with normal litter sizes, ment before the full development of the antral and show premature infertility (Durlinger cavity (Fig. 6). In addition, the follicular block et al. 1999). Ovaries from adult Amh2/2 mice in both Fshb2/2 and Acvr22/2 female mice show an approximately threefold greater num- can be rescued by treatment with exogenous ber of small growing follicles and concomitant gonadotropins, suggesting that lack of FSH is loss of primordial follicles compared to wild- the principal cause of the phenotype. Mice con- type littermates (Durlinger et al. 1999). Com- ditionally null for Smad4 in gonadotrope cells bined with cell culture evidence that recombi- (i.e., the FSH- and LH-producing cells in the nant AMH inhibits primordial follicle growth anterior pituitary), are hypogonadal and FSH- (Durlinger et al. 2002), it has been suggested deficient, although subfertile (Fortin et al. that AMH plays an important role in the re- 2014a). However, Smad4 deletion in combina- cruitment phase of folliculogenesis (Visser tion with deletion of Foxl2, which encodes a et al. 2006). This has also led to the proposal known to regulate Fshb (Vi- that AMH levels might be useful markers of dal et al. 1998; Corpuz et al. 2010; Lamba et al. ovarian reserve in humans during aging or dis- 2010), results in sterility with no FSH produc- ease (van Rooij et al. 2002; Visser et al. 2006). In tion (Fortin et al. 2014b). These mice highlight a study of female patients undergoing in vitro the importance of TGF-b family signaling (like- fertilization, serum AMH levels correlate highly ly activin) in FSH synthesis. with number of antral follicles and oocytes re- Activin and TGF-b signal through Smad2 trieved, and reduced serum AMH is associated and Smad3. Smad22/2 embryos fail to gastru- with a poor response during in vitro fertiliza- late, have defective mesoderm formation and tion (van Rooij et al. 2002). In other studies, anteroposterior axis defects, and die at embry-

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onic day E6.5–E8.5 (Nomura and Li 1998; Wal- tion, the Amhr2cre/þ mouse is useful to direct drip et al. 1998). Mice engineered to express recombination of floxed alleles in granulosa either a splice variant of Smad2 that lacks exons cells of the postnatal ovary (Jorgez et al. 3, or engineered to replace the Smad2 coding 2004). Amhr2cre/þ mice have been used to gen- sequence with Smad3, are viable and fertile, erate mice with a conditional allele for Bmpr1a suggesting that the short form of Smad2, or (Alk3) (see above), Smad4 (see below) or Fst. Smad3, can regulate all essential Smad2 func- Conditional inactivation of the Fst gene in gran- tions (Dunn et al. 2005). By comparison, ulosa cells (Fst cKO) results in decreased fertil- Smad32/2 mice are viable (Zhu et al. 1998; ity, increased levels of FSH and LH, and reduced Yang et al. 1999b), but a targeted allele that re- testosterone (Jorgez et al. 2004). In many ways, moves exon 8 (encoding the carboxy-terminal the phenotype of adult female mice with a con- phosphorylation site) has reproductive defects ditionally inactivated Fst gene is reminiscent of (Tomic et al. 2002, 2004). Female Smad32/2 premature ovarian failure in women. Premature mice have reduced fertility, reduced numbers ovarian failure is characterized by amenorrhea, of large pre-antral and antral follicles, and a infertility, and elevated gonadotropins in wom- larger primordial follicle pool during adult- en before the age of 40. Its etiology is unknown hood (Tomic et al. 2002). Serum analysis in but is likely heterogeneous. Therefore, these these mice shows high levels of FSH and low mice may be seen as a model to study premature levels of estradiol, and, in ovaries, reduced ex- ovarian failure. The mechanism of their rapid pression of inhibin a, cyclin D2, estrogen recep- follicular loss is unknown but possibly related to tor-b but not of the FSH receptor (Tomic et al. unregulated activin activity in early follicular 2004). The low estradiol level and decreased in- recruitment and growth (Jorgez et al. 2004). hibin expression are consistent with the loss of The roles of the TGF-b family in follicle antral follicles and the subsequent lack of neg- development have also been analyzed by a con- ative feedback control in the pituitary. However, ditional inactivation of Smad4 in the ovary Smad2 and Smad3 have been shown to com- (Pangas et al. 2006). These mice are initially pensate in mouse knockout models, and are subfertile, but are infertile at 4–6 mo of age. also important for pituitary function. Thus, Folliculogenesis is disrupted because granulosa there was a need to generate additional condi- cells in growing follicles undergo precocious tional mutants using loxP-flanked alleles and differentiation (i.e., luteinization), in response Amhr2cre/þ to address these issues (see next par- to stimulation by pituitary gonadotropins. In agraph on conditional mutations). Single con- addition, severe cumulus cell defects occur dur- ditional deletion of Smad2 or Smad3 in granu- ing folliculogenesis and cumulus expansion, losa cells results in normal fertility of female confirming the critical role of the TGF-b family mice (Li et al. 2008). In contrast, combined de- in the function of these cells. SMAD4 is a tumor letion of Smad2 and Smad3 in granulosa cells suppressor gene in humans (Hahn et al. 1996), results in reproductive defects. These mice show and mice with conditionally inactivated Smad4 disrupted follicle development, increased follic- in the epidermis and mammary gland develop ular atresia, reduced ovulation, and attenuated carcinomas (Li et al. 2003; Yanget al. 2005; Qiao cumulus cell expansion, consistent with their et al. 2006). However, no tumor development is function in activin and GDF-9 signaling (Li seen as a result of lack of ovarian Smad4 expres- et al. 2008). sion, and conditional loss of Smad4 results in a To circumvent the embryonic or perinatal phenotype that is very similar to the phenotype lethality of homozygous null mutants, many resulting from inactivation of both Smad2 and researchers conditionally inactivate genes using Smad3, which also results in premature granu- the cre/loxP recombination system (Sauer and losa cell luteinization (Li et al. 2008). Possibly, Henderson 1989). Several mouse lines express granulosa cell tumor formation is prevented by Cre recombinase in various cell types in repro- the premature luteinization in Smad42/2 gran- ductive tissues (Table 2). In female reproduc- ulosa cells (Pangas 2012a).

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Table 2. Mouse lines expressing Cre recombinase for analyses of reproductive function Cre Line Promoter Type Tissue References Amh-Cre Anti-Mu¨llerian Transgene Sertoli cells (male), granulosa Le´cureuil et al. 2002 hormone cells (female) Amhr2-Cre Anti-Mu¨llerian Knock-in Granulosa cells (female), Leydig Jamin et al. 2002; hormone receptor 2 cells (male), Mu¨llerian duct Jorgez et al. 2004 Alpha GSU-Cre a Subunit glycoprotein Transgene Gonadotropes, thyrotropes of Cushman et al. 2000 hormone anterior pituitary Cyp19-cre Aromatase Transgene Granulosa cells (antral follicles) Fan et al. 2008 Gdf9-iCre Growth differentiation Transgene Oocytes Lan et al. 2004 factor-9 GnRH-iCre Gonadotropin- Transgene GnRH neurons Shimshek et al. 2002 releasing hormone GnRHR-cre Gonadotropin- Knock-in Gonadotropes of the anterior Wen et al. 2008 releasing hormone pituitary receptor Inha-Cre Inhibin a Transgene Sertoli, Leydig cells (male), Jorgez et al. 2006 granulosa, theca (female) Pgr-Cre Progesterone receptor Knock-in Anterior pituitary gland, Soyal et al. 2005 uterus, oviduct, ovary, mammary gland Prm1-Cre Protamine-1 Transgene Spermatogenic cells O’Gorman et al. 1997 PrP-Cre-ERT Prion protein Transgene Spermatogonia, spermatocytes Weber et al. 2003 (inducible) Sycp1-Cre Synaptonemal complex Transgene Spermatogonia Vidal et al. 1998 protein-1 Tnap-cre Tissue-nonspecific Knock-in Primordial germ cells Kehler et al. 2004 alkaline phosphatase Zp-Cre Zona pellucida 3 Transgene Oocytes Lewandoski et al. 1997; de Vries et al. 2000

Although mice with inactivation of Smad4 mouse (Orvis et al. 2008). Combined deletion or inactivation of Smad2 and Smad3 in ovarian of Smad1 and Smad5 using the Amhr2cre/þ granulosa cells show similarities in their phe- allele causes development of granulosa cell tu- notype, inactivation of genes encoding Smad1 mors in females or Sertoli–Leydig cell tumors and Smad5, which transduce signals for AMH in males in 100% of the mice (Pangas et al. and BMPs, results in a phenotype that is 2008). These tumors develop around 8 wk of completely different. Smad1 and Smad5 are age and progress to metastatic tumors at older coexpressed in mouse granulosa cells, and de- ages leading to decreased survival (Middle- letion of both genes is required to produce a brook et al. 2009). Granulosa cell tumor devel- phenotype in granulosa cells (Pangas et al. opment is also seen in granulosa cell-specific 2008). Single deletion of either Smad1 or deletion of the genes encoding the BMP type I Smad5 in granulosa cells has no effect on fe- receptors, Bmpr1a and Bmpr1b (Edson et al. male reproductive function, suggesting func- 2010), suggesting that loss of the BMP-activat- tionally redundant activities in particular cell ed Smad signaling is likely the cause of the types (Pangas et al. 2008). Functional redun- tumors. These tumors phenocopy the juvenile dancy between Smad1 and Smad5 may also form of granulosa cell tumors in humans based occur during Mu¨llerian duct regression in the on histological, molecular, and hormonal

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

characteristics (Middlebrook et al. 2009). of the cycle (Cha et al. 2012). Decidualization, a One characteristic shared by the Smad12/2; process of stromal cell differentiation, prepares Smad52/2 granulosa cell tumors and primary the uterus for pregnancy by transforming the samples of human juvenile granulosa cell tu- stromal cells of the endometrium into secretory mors, is the activation of Smad2 and Smad3 cells that nurture the embryo during early preg- signaling. Although the role of active Smad2 nancy (Ramathal et al. 2010). Ultimately, the and Smad3 signaling in granulosa cell tumors endometrium regresses through menstruation has yet to be determined, a number of mouse in the absence of pregnancy, or continues de- mutants suggest that in granulosa cells, Smad2 cidualizing if pregnancy occurs. In the mouse, and Smad3 signaling promotes cell proliferation decidualization is also coordinated by growth and tumor growth. For instance, loss of activin factors and steroid hormones, but occurs only or loss of Smad2 and Smad3 in the somatic cells in response to an implanting embryo (Ramathal of the follicle results in infertility, but not tumor et al. 2010). In mice, artificial decidualization formation (Pangas et al. 2007; Li et al. 2008). In can be induced with a mechanical stimulus to contrast, loss of inhibin expression causes sex- the uterine wall followed by estrogen and pro- cord stromal tumors producing supraphysio- gesterone treatments that mimic pregnancy logical levels of activin (Matzuk et al. 1992, (Fig. 7B,C) (Lydon et al. 1995). Both mice and 1994; Li et al. 2007a,b). Combined with the phe- humans establish hemochorial placentation, notypes of granulosa cell Smad mutants, it is where the trophoblasts are in direct contact likely that signaling by Smad1 and/or Smad5 with the maternal blood, making the mouse a in response to BMPs or AMH, and Smad2 suitable model to study pregnancy (Schlafke and/or Smad3 in response to TGF-b or activin, and Enders 1975; Carson et al. 2000). controls the balance of cell proliferation and Various components of TGF-b family sig- differentiation in granulosa cells. Disruption naling pathway are expressed in the uterus, and of this balance can lead to either formation of their expression changes throughout pregnancy. ovarian tumors (i.e., in the Inha2/2 or condi- TGF-b ligands and their receptors are expressed tional Smad12/2;Smad52/2 mice), or infertil- at the fetal–maternal interface (Tamada et al. ity (i.e., after Smad2 and Smad3 as well as Smad4 1990; Selick et al. 1994; Godkin and Dore conditional inactivation). In support of this 1998). Tgfb2 mRNA is expressed in the luminal hypothesis, triple conditional inactivation of and glandular epithelium during the mouse Smad1, Smad5, and Smad4, which should addi- peri-implantation period, and in decidual cells tionally inhibit all Smad4-dependent signaling following implantation (Das et al. 1992). In within the Smad1 and Smad5 granulosa cell mice, Tgfb3 transcripts are detected in myome- tumors, remarkably slows tumor growth and trial cells and in the vascular smooth muscle metastasis development (Mansouri-Attia et al. cells during the peri- and postimplantation pe- 2014). riods (Das et al. 1992). Furthermore, E2 or di- ethylbesterol (DES) treatments increase the ex- pression of uterine Tgfb1, Tgfb2, and Tgfb3 TGF-b FAMILY SIGNALING IN THE UTERUS (Das et al. 1992; Takahashi et al. 1994). Similar AND PREGNANCY dynamic expression patterns of TGF-b1, -b2, The endometrial layer of the uterus is continu- and -b3 are observed in the human uterus. ously remodeled throughout the menstrual cy- TGFB1, TGFB2, and TGFB3 mRNAs are detect- cle in response to ovarian hormones and various ed in the three cell types of the uterus, with growth factors to coordinate embryo implanta- maximal expression observed in the luminal tion (Fig. 5C) (Cha et al. 2012). Estradiol (E2) and glandular epithelium during the late prolif- induces the proliferative phase of the endome- erative to early secretory phase, suggesting pro- trium, while progesterone (P4) and several gesterone-mediated regulation (Chegini et al. growth factors stimulate endometrial stromal 1994). TGFB1, TGFB2, and TGFB3 expression cell decidualization during the secretory phase is also dynamically expressed during pregnancy,

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A BCControl Decidualized BMPs Type 2 BMPR2 Type 1 ACVR2A ALK-2 ACVR2B

uh dh p p p p

Smad1/5/8 p Smad1/5/8 DEControl ALK2 ckO Smad4 p Smad1/5/8 Smad4 CEBPB Progesterone receptor

Endometrial decidualization E8.5 E8.5

Figure 7. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling via ALK-2 promotes endometrial stromal cell decidu- alization in the mouse and human uterus. (A) BMPs signal through the BMP type I receptor, ALK-2 and activate Smad1, Smad5 or Smad8 to increase CEBPB expression. C/EBPb then increases Pgr (progesterone receptor) expression, which is necessary for endometrial stromal cell decidualization. (B,C) Gross anatomy of a normal uterus and a uterus after an artificial decidual stimulus. Decidualization is assessed by increased uterine weight and histologically by the presence of proliferative and decidual cells. Following the induction of an artificial decidual stimulus that mimics embryo implantation, the stromal cells of a healthy uterus proliferate and decidualize into specialized secretory cells. (D,E) Conditional deletion of Acvr1/Alk2 or Bmpr2 with Pgrcre/þ results in mouse sterility. E8.5 uteri of control and Alk2flox/flox-Pgrcre/þ mice. Alk2flox/flox-Pgrcre/þ females show postimplantation and decidualization defects. uh, Undecidualized horn; dh, decidualized horn.

and TGF-b is localized to cytotrophoblasts, in- ducts develop oviductal diverticula, which termediate trophoblasts, and villious cytotro- could impede sperm transport and/or capaci- phoblasts, as well as in the stroma and glands tation, and reduce transit of embryos through of the maternal decidua (Selick et al. 1994). the oviduct (Li et al. 2011). These mutant mice An increasing number of mouse models also show defective smooth muscle develop- have examined the in vivo contribution of ment in the uterus, with uterine cyst formation TGF-b signaling in the female reproductive and abnormal masses of tissue forming at 8 tract using conditional gene deletion strategies months of age. Thus, Tgbr1 has a key role in (Table2) to overcome the embryonic lethality of the development of the muscular architecture global mutations. Typically, these models use of the oviduct and uterus (Li et al. 2011; Gao the deleter strain, Amhr2cre/þ, to target the uter- et al. 2014, 2015). ine myometrium and stroma (i.e., mesenchymal Tgfbr1 has also been conditionally inacti- cells originating from the Mu¨llerian duct), or vated using Pgrcre/þ to target cells in the en- they use the progesterone receptor cre (Pgrcre/þ) dometrial compartments of the uterus (Peng to target the uterine endometrium. Female mice et al. 2015b). Conditional deletion of Tgfbr1 with conditional deletion of Tgfbr1 (Alk5), thus with Pgrcre/þ results in subfertility because of lacking the expression of TGF-b type I receptor, defects throughout gestation, including abnor- or ALK-5, generated using Amhr2cre/þ are ster- mal embryo implantation, decreased uterine ile. The primary defect appears to be in the ovi- natural killer (uNK) cell infiltration, defective duct and uterine myometrium. Mutant ovi- uterine spiral artery remodeling, and placental

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

defects (Peng et al. 2015b). Thus, observations en, and is associated with increased apoptosis at from these two different mouse models the maternal–fetal interface (Table 3) (Yu et al. (Tgfbr1flox/bgal-Amhr2cre/þ and Tgfbr1flox/bgal- 2012). In addition, genome-wide association Pgrcre/þ) show the unique roles of Tgfbr1 in studies indicate linkage to chromosome 2q22 the different cell types of the female reproduc- in families affected with preeclampsia oreclamp- tive tract. sia, and point to ACVR2A (ACVR2) as the can- Nodal signaling is important during the didate susceptibility gene (Table 3) (Moses et al. process of embryo implantation and through- 2006; Fitzpatrick et al. 2009; Roten et al. 2009). out pregnancy in the mouse (Park and Dufort Several mouse models have been generated 2011). Conditional inactivation of Nodal in to examine BMP signaling in the uterus using progesterone receptor–expressing tissues (with Pgrcre/þ, including Bmp2, the type II receptor Pgrcre/þ) results in subfertility and postimplan- Bmpr2, and the type I receptors Acvr1 and tation defects, such as intrauterine growth Bmpr1a, as well as a global knockout of Bmpr1b restriction (Park et al. 2012). Placental defects (Table 1). These mouse models show critical include abnormal giant cell morphology that BMP roles at multiple stages, including implan- extends into the mesometrial and conceptus tation, decidualization, and placentation. Con- sites. Additionally, females with conditional in- ditional inactivation of Bmp2 using Pgrcre/þ re- activation of Nodal have a defective and hemor- sulted in the first model for BMP signaling in rhagic decidua basalis (i.e., the endometrial the uterus (Lee et al. 2007). Female mice with cells that will become the maternal part of the conditional Bmp2 inactivation were infertile, placental) at day 10.5 of pregnancy, with de- with impaired uterine decidualization (Lee creased proliferation and increased apoptosis et al. 2007). In contrast, conditional ablation (Park et al. 2012). Recent studies suggest that of the BMP type II receptor, Bmpr2 with uterine Acvr1b (encoding the activin A receptor, Pgrcre/þ shows defects in the later stages of ges- type IB or ALK-4) is the nodal receptor tation (Nagashima et al. 2013). These midges- throughout gestation (Peng et al. 2015a). Fe- tation defects include defective spiral artery re- male mice with conditional inactivation of modeling and placental hemorrhage, which Acvr1b with Pgrcre/þ are subfertile and show leads to restricted embryo growth and fetal defects during gestation that include intrauter- death. Females with conditional ablation of ine growth restriction and placental abnormal- Bmpr2 are sterile (Nagashima et al. 2013). Con- ities (Peng et al. 2015a). Reminiscent of the ditional deletion of Acvr1 (the gene encoding Nodalflox/flox-Pgrcre/þ females, mice with condi- ALK-2) using Pgrcre/þ shares some similarity tional Acvr1b deletion display abnormal tro- with the Bmp2-Pgrcre/þ model, with defects in phoblast giant cell expansion and decreased implantation and decidualization (Clementi placental spongiotrophoblast and labyrinth lay- et al. 2013). The defects may be due in part to ers. These studies show the interplay between loss of induction of the gene encoding the key nodal and its receptor, ALK-4, in placental de- transcription factor, CCAAT/enhancer–bind- velopment and throughout gestation. ing protein, b (CEBPB) by Smad1 and Smad5 Activin signaling also uses ALK-4, but the (Clementi et al. 2013). CEBPb activates proges- role of activin in the uterus is unclear. No genes terone receptor expression, and both are re- have been conditionally inactivated to specifi- quired for endometrial cell decidualization cally study activin function in vivo. Activin ex- (Fig. 7) (Mantena et al. 2006). pression is detected in primary human placen- The earliest pregnancy phenotype for tal cells, and activin stimulates the production mouse models of the BMP signaling pathway of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), was discovered through conditional deletion progesterone, and human chorionic gonado- of the BMP type I receptor Bmpr1a (ALK3) us- tropin (hCG) (Petraglia et al. 1989; Debieve ing Pgrcre/þ (Monsivais et al. 2015). Female et al. 2000). Activin A expression increases in mice with conditional Bmpr1a inactivation are the serum and placentas of preeclamptic wom- sterile with a nonreceptive endometrium char-

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Table 3. Alterations in the TGF-b family signaling pathways in female reproductive diseases Gene Disease Description References ACVR2A Preeclampsia GWASidentifies ACVR2A as the candidate Moses et al. 2006; Fitzpatrick susceptibility gene in families affected with et al. 2009; Roten et al. 2009 preeclampsia BMP6 Endometriosis BMP-6 is expressed in ectopic endometriotic Athanasios et al. 2012 lesions BMPR1B Endometriosis Deactivating polymorphism in miR-125b Chang et al. 2013 enhances BMPR1B production in women with endometriosis INHBA Preeclampsia Women with preeclampsia have increased Yu et al. 2012 serum and placental levels of activin A Infertility Lefty is overexpressed in the endometrium of Tabibzadeh et al. 2000 women with unexplained infertility TGFB1 Endometriosis Women with endometriosis have elevated Oosterlynck et al. 1994; peritoneal fluid concentrations of TGFB1 Kupker et al. 1998; Sotnikova et al. 2010 TGFB3 Uterine fibroids TGFB3 mRNA is increased in uterine fibroids Arici and Sozen 2000 TGFB1, Uterine fibroids Treatment with leuprolide acetate decreases Dou et al. 1996 TGFB2, TGFB1, TGFB2, and TGFB3 mRNA in TGFB3 uterine fibroids

acterized by elevated microvilli density in the velopment with the oviduct that may disrupt luminal uterine epithelium, enhanced response the transport of embryos or sperm (Rodriguez to estrogen, and decreased sensitivity to proges- et al. 2016). These mice also show defects within terone. Furthermore, mice with Bmpr1a condi- myometrium and endometrium, resulting in tional inactivation showed an integration of pregnancy loss by midgestation (Rodriguez BMP- and progesterone-mediated signaling at et al. 2016). Thus, inactivation of ligands, recep- the promoter of Klf15 (Monsivais et al. 2015). tors and the downstream effectors of the BMP KLF15 is a critical transcription factor during signaling pathway show its fundamental role in the window on implantation that programs the the development and function of the female luminal epithelium of the endometrium into a reproductive system. state receptive for embryo implantation (Ray and Pollard 2012). TGF-b FAMILY SIGNALING AND FEMALE Mouse models for canonical Smad signaling REPRODUCTIVE TRACT DISEASES have only been examined in the reproductive tract using Amhr2cre/þ to conditionally inacti- Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent gyne- vate the Smad gene of interest. Many of these cological disease that affects about 10% of wom- models do not appear to show reproductive en of reproductive age, and is characterized by tract defects, including single conditional dele- extrauterine growth of endometrial tissues tion of Smad1, Smad2, Smad3, Smad4, and (Giudice and Kao 2004; Bulun 2009). Endome- Smad5 (Pangas et al. 2006, 2008; Li et al. triosis is associated with chronic pelvic pain and 2008). Surprisingly, triple conditional deletion infertility and has only a few effective thera- of Smad1, Smad5, and Smad4 using Amhr2cre/þ peutic options (Valle and Sciarra 2003; Giudice not only affects granulosa cell tumor develop- 2010). Although most therapies include sup- ment (see previous section), but also causes ste- pression of ovarian hormones using oral rility because of defects in the development of contraceptives, GnRH-analogs, or aromatase the oviduct and uterus (Rodriguez et al. 2016). inhibitors as nonhormonal interventions are These mice have abnormal smooth muscle de- desirable (Valle and Sciarra 2003). Several stud-

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

ies indicate a correlation between TGF-b signal- affected by the phase of the menstrual cycle ing and progression of endometriosis. Com- (Arici and Sozen 2003). In other studies, TGF- pared to healthy women, TGF-b levels are ele- b3, but not TGF-b1 or TGF-b2, significantly vated in the peritoneal fluid of women with stimulates leiomyoma cell proliferation (Lee endometriosis (Oosterlynck et al. 1994; Kupker and Nowak 2001). The GnRH agonist leuprolide et al. 1998); elevated TGF-b induces fibrosis, acetate significantly decreases TGFB1, TGFB3, increasing the formation of endometriotic ad- and TGFBR2 expression in leiomyoma tissues hesions in the peritoneum (Chegini 2008). (Dou et al. 1996). Overall, these studies show TGFB2 mRNA levels are increased in the endo- that TGF-b increases extracellular matrix for- metriotic lesions of women and in a rat model of mation and cell proliferation in uterine fibroids. endometriosis (Sotnikova et al. 2010). Further evidence shows that TGF-b signaling increases CONCLUSION endometriotic lesion growth by transcriptional activation of KLF11 (Correa et al. 2016). Genet- In vivo studies using mouse models have con- ic evidence shows that a deactivating polymor- tributed significantly to our understanding of phism in miR-125b results in enhanced the physiology and pathophysiology of the re- BMPRIB expression in women with endometri- productive system that may not have been dis- osis (Chang et al. 2013). Furthermore, BMP-6 covered through other experimental analyses. expression is increased in endometriotic lesions Such was the case for the novel tumor suppres- (Athanasios et al. 2012), suggesting a role for sor functions of inhibin a, because inhibin was BMP signaling pathways in endometriosis. best known for its role in regulating pituitary TGF-b signaling has also been widely ex- gonadotrope function. Mice null for Gdf9 and plored in the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids. Bmp15, oocyte-specific members of the TGF-b Uterine fibroids, or leiomyomas, are benign family, highlight the importance of the oocyte smooth muscle tumors of the uterus that are in controlling follicular growth; both have be- associated with uterine bleeding, anemia, pelvic come candidate genes for infertility research. discomfort, and recurrent pregnancy loss Mutations in BMP15 have been identified that (Okolo 2008; Bulun 2013). Compared to nor- cause ovarian failure in women (Di Pasquale mal myometrial tissue, uterine fibroids have in- et al. 2004). In addition, GDF-9 and BMP-15 creased extracellular matrix deposition with dis- may form highly potent heterodimers, which organized collagen fibril formation (Leppert may have clinically useful activities. However, et al. 2004). Increased collagen deposition is most of the TGF-b family proteins and their characteristic of other diseases with altered signaling systems control critical stages in em- TGF-b signaling such as pulmonary fibrosis, bryonic development or the function of multi- scleroderma, and livercirrhosis (Borderand No- ple organ systems. As such, mice with targeted ble 1994; Blobe et al. 2000). Compared to gene inactivation display embryonic or perina- healthy myometrium, TGFB3 expression is in- tal lethality that precludes their use in studying creased in uterine fibroids and correlates with their reproduction function. To circumvent this increased fibronectin and increased cell prolif- issue, mice with conditional gene inactivation eration (Arici and Sozen 2000). TGF-b3 also have been generated. Bmp2 and Acvr1 condi- increases the expression of versican in myome- tional inactivations result in early pregnancy trial and leiomyoma-derived cells (Norian et al. failure, and conditional deletion of Bmpr2 or 2009). Various studies have tested the prolifera- Nodal disrupts signaling pathways during late tive effects of TGF-b on cultured myometrial pregnancy. Translational studies using human and leiomyoma-derived smooth muscle cells tissues, cells, and genome-wide association (Tang et al. 1997; Arici and Sozen 2000; Lee studies also implicate abnormal TGF-b signal- and Nowak 2001). These studies show that ing in female reproductive diseases, such as en- TGF-b signaling increases leiomyoma cell pro- dometriosis, uterine fibroids, and preeclampsia. liferation (Tang et al. 1997), and this response is In the end, mice with tissue-specific gene inac-

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The TGF-b Family in the Reproductive Tract

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Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a022251 33 Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

The TGF-β Family in the Reproductive Tract

Diana Monsivais, Martin M. Matzuk and Stephanie A. Pangas

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol published online February 13, 2017

Subject Collection The Biology of the TGF-β Family

TGF-β Family Signaling in Early Vertebrate TGF-β Family Signaling in Mesenchymal Development Differentiation Joseph Zinski, Benjamin Tajer and Mary C. Mullins Ingo Grafe, Stefanie Alexander, Jonathan R. Peterson, et al. Bone Morphogenetic Protein−Based Therapeutic TGF-β1 Signaling and Tissue Fibrosis Approaches Kevin K. Kim, Dean Sheppard and Harold A. Jonathan W. Lowery and Vicki Rosen Chapman TGF-β Family Signaling in Ductal Differentiation Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Vascular and Branching Morphogenesis Homeostasis and Disease Kaoru Kahata, Varun Maturi and Aristidis Marie-José Goumans, An Zwijsen, Peter ten Dijke, Moustakas et al. TGF-β Signaling in Control of Cardiovascular TGF-β Family Signaling in Epithelial Function Differentiation and Epithelial−Mesenchymal Marie-José Goumans and Peter ten Dijke Transition Kaoru Kahata, Mahsa Shahidi Dadras and Aristidis Moustakas TGF-β Family Signaling in Tumor Suppression TGF-β Family Signaling in Connective Tissue and and Cancer Progression Skeletal Diseases Joan Seoane and Roger R. Gomis Elena Gallo MacFarlane, Julia Haupt, Harry C. Dietz, et al. Targeting TGF-β Signaling for Therapeutic Gain The TGF-β Family in the Reproductive Tract Rosemary J. Akhurst Diana Monsivais, Martin M. Matzuk and Stephanie A. Pangas Regulation of Hematopoiesis and Hematological TGF-β Family Signaling in Drosophila Disease by TGF- β Family Signaling Molecules Ambuj Upadhyay, Lindsay Moss-Taylor, Myung-Jun Kazuhito Naka and Atsushi Hirao Kim, et al. TGF-β Family Signaling in Neural and Neuronal Signaling Cross Talk between TGF-β/Smad and Differentiation, Development, and Function Other Signaling Pathways Emily A. Meyers and John A. Kessler Kunxin Luo For additional articles in this collection, see

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