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Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-binding is a supe.rcoiled template-dependent transcriptmnal activator of N4 virion RNA polymerase

Peter Markiewicz, 1,4 Cherie Malone, l's John W. Chase, 3'6 and Lucia B. Rothman-Denes 1'2"7 Departments of 1Molecular and Cell Biology and 2Biochemistry and , The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 USA; aDepartment of Molecular Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York 10461 USA

Coliphage N4 is a double-stranded DNA that requires the sequential activity of three different RNA polymerases during infection. The N4 virion RNA polymerase, which is carried in the virion and is injected with the DNA at the start of infection, is responsible for the synthesis of N4 early . In vitro, the virion RNA polymerase can transcribe double-stranded N4 DNA accurately and efficiently but only when the DNA is denatured. We have shown previously that the activity of DNA gyrase is required for in vivo early N4 . We report here that Escherichia coil single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) is also required for N4 early transcription. In vitro, linear or relaxed templates cannot be activated by SSB; however, supercoiled template and SSB allow the virion polymerase to recognize its promoters on duplex DNA and activate transcription. The effects of supercoiling are limited to transcript initiation and are not required for transcript elongation. The activation is specific for SSB; no other single-stranded DNA-binding can substitute. Therefore, SSB is one of a small number of proteins that function to stimulate both replication and transcription. The basis for the specificity of SSB, the mechanism of transcriptional activation by SSB and template supercoiling, and their role in the N4 transcriptional program during development are discussed. [Key Words: Coliphage N4; RNA polymerase; single-stranded DNA-binding protein; transcriptional activation; template supercoiling]

Bacteriophage N4 is a double-stranded DNA virus spe- polymerases, it transcribes denatured or single-stranded, cific for Escherichia coli K 12 strains. Transcription of its promoter-containing templates accurately and effi- genome is regulated through the sequential activity of ciently (Haynes and Rothman-Denes 1985; Glucksmann three distinct RNA polymerases (for review, see Kiino et al. 1992). This result suggests that the structure of N4 and Rothman-Denes 1988). Early N4 transcripts are syn- DNA must be altered upon entry into the cell to allow thesized by a rifampicin-resistant, N4-coded RNA poly- transcription by the virion RNA polymerase. It is likely merase, which is carried within the virion and injected that the N4 virion RNA polymerase utilizes a super- into the cell at the start of infection (Falco et al. 1977). coiled template because active host DNA gyrase is re- N4 middle transcripts are synthesized by a second N4- quired for N4 early RNA synthesis (Falco et al. 1978). coded RNA polymerase (N4 RNA polymerase II) (Zeh- However, in vitro, supercoiled, promoter-containing ring and Rothman-Denes 1983; Zehring et al. 1983). Late templates do not support virion RNA polymerase activ- in infection, the N4-coded, single-stranded DNA-bind- ity. We report that the E. coli single-stranded DNA-bind- ing protein directs the host RNA polymerase to tran- ing protein (SSB} is required for in vivo early N4 tran- scribe the N4 structural (Zivin et al. 1981; N. scription. Addition of SSB activates supercoiled tem- Baek, M. Choi and L. Rothman-Denes, in prep.) plates for in vitro transcription by the N4 virion RNA Purified virion RNA polymerase shows peculiar tem- polymerase. Other single-stranded DNA-binding pro- plate specificity. It is unable to use native duplex geno- teins cannot substitute. The characteristics of template mic N4 DNA as a template (Falco et al. 1978, 1980), activation by SSB argue for specific interactions between however; and unlike all other DNA-dependent RNA SSB and DNA.

Results Present addresses: 4Department of Biology, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024 USA; SDepartment of Micro- Early N4 RNA synthesis requires active SSB biology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 USA; 6 U.S. Bio- chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio 44128 USA. The N4 virion RNA polymerase, which is injected into 7Corresponding author. the cell upon infection, is resistant to the antibiotic rif-

2010 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 6:2010-2019 © 1992 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory ISSN 0890-9369/92 $3.00 Downloaded from on October 6, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

N4 early promoter activation by supercoiling and SSB ampicin at concentrations that inhibit E. coli RNA poly- bind to duplex, promoter-containing DNA (Haynes and merase activity (Falco and Rothman-Denes 1979). Con- Rothman-Denes 1985). Figure 2A shows the rate of vir- sequently, the in vivo activity of the virion polymerase ion RNA polymerase transcription on supercoiled pBRK can be quantified by measuring [3H]uridine incorpora- DNA, which contains the left-most 2.2 kb of the N4 tion into acid-insoluble material in cells pretreated with genome, including the early promoters P1 and P2, fol- rifampicin and chloramphenicol (Rothman-Denes and lowed by their respective terminators T1 and T2 (Fig. Schito 1974). Although the rate of rifampicin-resistant 2B). It was expected that recognition of the transcription [aH]uridine incorporation in wild-type parent cells in- termination signal in this N4 fragment would allow the creases after infection (Fig. 1A, C), no such increase is synthesis of discrete transcripts, comparable to those ob- observed upon infection of a strain containing the tem- served in vivo (Haynes and Rothman-Denes 1985). In the perature-sensitive mutation ssb-1, which maps in the absence of SSB, the supercoiled, promoter-bearing tem- amino-terminal portion of SSB (Y55H)(Williams et al. plate does not support significant transcription. Addition 1984) (Fig. 1B). The ssb-1 mutant strain is restrictive for of SSB activates transcription at least 40-fold. Total in- N4 infection at temperatures as low as 33°C. These re- corporation decreases as the ratio of SSB over DNA is suits indicate that SSB is required for early N4 transcrip- increased (Fig. 2A), with optimal stimulation at substo- tion. In contrast, strains containing the temperature-sen- ichiometric (20-fold below saturation) ratios and at, or sitive mutation ssb-113, which alters the carboxy-termi- near, the reported intracellular SSB concentration (0.5 nal domain of SSB (P176S) (Chase et al. 1984), support ~M; Williams et al. 1984). The same template, in nicked normal early transcription (Fig. 1D) under conditions ei- circular or linear form, cannot be activated by SSB to ther permissive or restrictive for cell viability. The im- support N4 virion RNA polymerase transcription (Fig. plications of this result will be discussed later. 2A). Analysis of the products by gel electrophoresis dem- onstrates that discrete RNAs are produced (Fig. 3A). To determine the exact site of initiation, we sequenced the Supercoiled template and SSB allow N4 virion RNA 5' ends of the RNAs synthesized on SSB-activated, su- polymerase to accurately initiate and percoiled pBRK with [7-32p]GTP (Fig. 3B). Recovery of terminate transcription end-labeled 550- and l l00-base transcripts allowed un- Although the N4 virion polymerase accurately recog- ambiguous identification of the transcript start positions nizes its promoters on denatured DNA, the enzyme is at the (+)582 G on the N4 HpaI K sequence (P2, Fig. 3B) incapable of utilizing linear duplex template and cannot (Ohmori et al. 1988). This initiation site is identical to


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? o 40 g


[C i ,, i D ,It,, i ? ! v-I 15


U C Figure 1. In vivo N4 virion RNA poly- merase activity in E. coli strains contain- ing SSB-1 or SSB-113 mutant proteins. [3H]Uridine incorporation was measured as described elsewhere (Rothman-Denes I I ,, I and Schito 1974). (C)) Infection at 33°C; (@) infection at 43°C. A and B are parent and 10 20 10 20 ssb-1 strains, respectively; C and D are TIME, min parent and ssb-1 I3 strains, respectively. Downloaded from on October 6, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Markiewicz et al.




o 4c

~: 3c U

2C '\

:8 q o

1 2 3 4 5 SSB/DNA (w/w) Figure 2. SSB activation of N4 virion RNA polymerase transcription on supercoiled pBRK template, demonstrating specific initiation and termination. (A) Supercoiled (O), relaxed (C)), or PstI-restricted ([3) pBRK (0.5 ~g) were preincubated with SSB at various protein-DNA (weight/weight) ratios in a transcription assay mixture at 37°C for 5 min; polymerase and were subse- quently added. Total acid-precipitable material was measured. (B) Diagram of pBRK DNA indicating positions of promoters (P1 and P2), terminators (T1 and T2), and transcripts.

that used both in vitro on single-stranded template and ion RNA polymerase and GTP to form an initiation com- in vivo (Haynes and Rothman-Denes 1985). The pattem plex. The template was then restricted with RsaI, and of Southern blot hybridization (not shown) indicated the remaining ribonucleoside triphosphates were added that the 550- and 1000-base RNAs initiate at P2 and to allow elongation. Such treatment resulted in the ap- extend to the termination signal T2 and the GC-rich pearance of RNAs of -100 bases in length, the size ex- linker at the junction of pBR322 and N4 sequences, re- pected for transcripts initiating at P1 and P2 and termi- spectively. Synthesis of the 1600-base RNA (arrowhead) nating at distal RsaI sites (Fig. 4A), demonstrating that was too low to generate an unambiguous RNA sequence, supercoiling is necessary only for transcription initia- but its size and hybridization pattern was consistent tion. These results are reminiscent of the in vitro activ- with initiation at P1, bypass of T1, and termination at ity of the enzyme on DNA-membrane complexes in in- T2. Longer RNAs originate at P2 and proceed past the fected cell extracts. During isolation, the DNA in the junction into pBR322 sequences. These results show complex is severely nicked, eliminating supercoiling. In that supercoiled, SSB-activated template allows the N4 these complexes, virion RNA polymerase activity is de- virion RNA polymerase to initiate transcription with in tected but there are no new rounds of transcription ini- vivo fidelity on duplex DNA. tiation {Falco and Rothman-Denes 1979}. As shown in Figure 4B, transcripts produced by the virion polymerase on S5B-activated, supercoiled pBRK Supercoiling is required for initiation but not are sensitive to 51 digestion. These results demonstrate for elongation by N4 virion RNA polymerase that the RNA product is released when synthesized on a Supercoiling could be necessary for the formation of the supercoiled, SSB-activated template. In contrast, RNAs initiation complex and/or the elongation process. To dis- synthesized on denatured pBRK, in the presence or ab- tinguish between these two possibilities, supercoiled sence of SSB, are resistant to 51. Most likely these RNAs S5B-activated template (pBRK) was incubated with vir- are in stable RNA-DNA hybrids (Falco et al. 1980).

2012 GENES & DEVELOPMENT Downloaded from on October 6, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

N4 early promoter activation by supereoiling and SSB


550b 1100b AC AC 123 ....

...... 2c ^~ 1"

Figure 3. Analysis of RNA species synthesized on SSB-activated, supercoiled pBRK DNA. (A) RNAs from reactions containing no SSB (lane 1) and SSB at SSB/DNA ratios of 1 (lane 2) and 3 (lane 31 on supercoiled pBRK DNA were resolved on an 8 M urea/12% polyacrylamide gel. (B) Sequencing of the 5' ends of the 550- and 1100-base [7-s2P]GTP- initiated RNAs from supercoiled pBRK in the pres- ence of SSB at a 1 : 1 (weight/weight) ratio. After preincubation of the template with SSB, virion polymerase, unlabeled CTP, UTP, ATP (1 mM fi- nal), and 1 mCi of [7-32P]GTP (>7000 Ci/mmole) • : were added, and the reaction was allowed to pro- ceed for 5 min. Unlabeled GTP was then added to 1 mM to allow complete elongation of nascent RNAs. Samples were electrophoresed, and the 550- and l l00-base RNAs were extracted and se- quenced as described in Materials and methods.

Transcriptional activation of supercoiled template shorter than 20 nucleotides and did not initiate at pro- is SSB specific moters or at specific sites on the template. These RNAs were synthesized even when the template did not con- Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins are thought to tain N4 virion RNA polymerase promoters and hybrid- mediate nonspecific, DNA-protein interactions, such as ized to both strands of the template (not shown). There- "melting" of secondary structure (Chase and Williams fore, activation of the supercoiled template depends on 1986). If SSB activation depends on nonspecific interac- specific features of the SSB molecule, rather than prop- tions, the effect might be mimicked in vitro by other erties common to single-stranded DNA-binding pro- single-stranded DNA-binding proteins. teins. Six different single-stranded DNA-binding proteins were tested in the in vitro activation assay. The proteins fell into two groups according to their effects on total Transcriptional activation by SSB mutants RNA synthesis. The first group, which includes the T7- coded DNA-binding protein (Scherzinger et al. 1973), the We tested the effect of the SSB mutants in vitro on tran- N4 single-stranded DNA-binding protein (Lindberg et al. scription of CLM 363, which carries promoter 1989), the T4 32 product (Kowalczykowski et al. P1 and the signal for transcription termination T2 1981 b), and F- episome single-stranded DNA-binding pro- present in the N4 HpaI K DNA fragment. tein (SSF) (Chase et al. 1983 a), had no effect on tran- SSB exists in its active form as a stable tetramer com- scription (Fig. 5a). A second group, consisting of the T4 posed of four identical subunits (Williams et al. 1983). gene 32 product amino-terminal fragment 32"I (Lonberg The ssb-1 mutation affects the stability of the tetramer et al. 1981), and fd gene V protein (Alberts et al. 1972) at high temperatures (Bujalowski and Lohman 1991), as induced incorporation into acid-precipitable radiolabeled well as the formation of the tetramer at low tempera- material (Fig. 5b). However, RNA transcripts were tures (Williams et al. 1984). The temperature-sensitive

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 2013 Downloaded from on October 6, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Markiewicz et al.

for SSB is common in DNA synthesis and recombina- tion, it is unprecedented in transcription. The character- Rsal S1 istics of transcriptional activation of N4 virion RNA + + polymerase promoters by SSB argue for formation of a complex involving specific protein-DNA and/or pro- 550 tein-protein interactions. >2000 Numerous cases exist of DNA polymerases being Ii00 f. stimulated only by their cognate single-stranded DNA- binding proteins {Kowalczykowski et al. 1981a). This specificity is thought to reside in the specific template conformation provided by single-stranded DNA-binding 550 proteins at the primer-template junction or through spe- cific protein-protein interactions. Extensive genetic ev- idence indicates that the T4 gene 32 protein interacts with a large number of T4-coded proteins involved in recombination and replication (Mosig et al. 1979). For- mosa et al. (19831 showed biochemically a large range of ~ ....~!i!, ¸ heterologous gene 32 protein-protein interactions. Sim- ilar experiments with SSB and proteins present in unin- fected cells yielded disappointing results (Perrino et al. Figure 4. (A) The supercoiled template is required for initia- 1988). At present, we have no evidence for specific virion tion and not for elongation. Supercoiled pBRK (0.5 I~g) and SSB RNA polymerase-SSB interactions. [1 : 1 ratio (weight/weight}] were incubated with i mM GTP and polymerase to form the initiation complex. RsaI was then SSB interactions with supercoiled template added, and allowed to restrict for 5 rain, after which the remain- ing nucleotides were added and the reaction was allowed to at the virion RNA polymerase promoters proceed. Products were then electrophoresed as described in It is well documented that negative supercoiling can Materials and methods. {B) Sensitivity of RNA synthesized on modulate the activity of many eubacterial RNA poly- SSB-activated supercoiled template to $1 nuclease. Incubation, merase promoters (Sansey 1979). Supercoiling activates $1 reaction, and analysis are described in Materials and meth- ods. the Salmonella typhimurium leu 500, as well as the S. typhimurium and E. coli his promoters (Margolin et al. 1985; Rudd and Menzel 1987) while it represses the ex- pression of the E. coli gyrA and gyrB genes (Menzel and phenotype can be reversed in vivo by increasing the con- Gellert 1983). An increase or decrease in superhelical centration of the mutant protein (Chase et al. 1983b}. An turns changes the relative position of functional groups, optimum SSB to DNA ratio {0.75) and different SSB or alters the affinity of proteins to DNA (von Hippel et al. SSB-1 concentrations were tested at 39°C (Fig. 6A). Al- 1984), and changes the structure of regulatory complexes though SSB-1 was deficient in activating transcription at (Borowiec et al. 1987; Richet and Raibaud 1991). The low concentrations, activation was detected above 0.5 lXM, a concentration known to shift the equilibrium to the tetrameric form (Williams et al. 1984). The ssb-113 mutation codes for a protein with a a b slightly increased affinity for DNA (Chase et al. 1984}. In contrast to SSB-1, SSB-113 is able to activate transcrip- tion at all concentrations tested (not shownl. It is inter- 20 4O esting to note that SSB-113 is a more efficient activator O (Fig. 6B) than the wild-type protein. Similar results {not shown) were obtained with SSBchyA, a derivative of SSB x resulting from the removal of the last 42 amino acids by '<10 200 :E I chymotryptic digestion (Williams et al. 1983). The re- Q. sults of these experiments not only agree with the in (..) vivo effects of the SSB mutations but also indicate that a native carboxy-terminal SSB domain is not required for [ I transcriptional activation. 1 2 3 4 2 3 PROTEIN/ DNA,W/W Discussion Figure 5. Effectof various DNA-binding proteins on N4 virion RNA polymerase transcription of supercoiled pBRK template. The results presented in this paper indicate that tran- {a) (Q) SSB; (O) SSF; {A) T7 gene 2.5 protein; [B) T4 gp32; (Z]) N4 scription by N4 virion RNA polymerase requires SSB and single-stranded DNA-binding protein. (b)I@} SSB; (C)) fd gene V supercoiling of the template. Although the requirement protein; (E3} T4 gp32*I.

2014 GENES & DEVELOPMENT Downloaded from on October 6, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

N4 early promoter activation by supercoiling and SSB


~tM SSB SSB-I SSB SSB- 113 vg/~g

0.24 0.36 0.50 0.72 0.961.91M - 0.24 0.38 0.50 0.72 0.96 1.91 .25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 1.90 2.30 - 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 1.90 2.30

Figure 6. Differential ability of SSB-1 (A) and SSB-113 (B) to activate supercoiled template for N4 virion polymerase transcription. Standard polymerase assay conditions were used except that incubation was at 39°C. In A, SSB and SSB-1 were present at 0.75 {weight/weightl protein/template ratio, and the concentration (~MI of SSB and SSB-1 was varied. In B the DNA was maintained constant and the ratio of SSB or SSB-113/DNA was varied. Other conditions are as in Materials and methods.

dependence of N4 virion RNA polymerase on super- ing on a double-stranded template. E. coli SSB binds to coiled template for promoter recognition differs, how- specific sites on supercoiled, but not linear, plasmid ever, from all cases studied in that template supercoiling DNA and renders it susceptible to S1 nuclease (Gilkin et is an absolute prerequisite. al. 1983). The template determinants of SSB binding, A number of structural features distinguish super- however, were not investigated. In our case, we propose coiled from relaxed templates. Introduction of negative that the formation of a SSB-DNA complex is directed by supertwists into DNA leads to regions of single-strand- the inverted repeats at the promoter. Although the pos- edness {Kohwi-Shigematsu and Kohwi 1985), the forma- sible stem-loop structures may be too small to be intrin- tion of cruciforms (Lilley 1980; Panayotatos and Wells sically stable, a dynamic equilibrium of rapidly intercon- 1981), or sections of left-handed Z DNA (Peck et al. verting structures {Lilley and Markham 1983) might be 19821 Singleton et al. 19821 Jaworski et al. 1991), which stabilized by SSB and subsequently recognized by virion would not be found in a linear or relaxed molecule (for RNA polymerase. review, see Wells 1988}. What DNA sequence features in Why is activation of N4 virion KNA polymerase pro- the N4 early promoters might contribute to structures moters dependent exclusively on SSB? All single- that allow specific protein binding to the supercoiled stranded DNA-binding proteins share the property of template.~ Two pairs of inverted repeats are present in binding nonspecifically and with high affinity to single- the consensus sequence of the virion RNA polymerase stranded DNA and, in most cases, with positive cooper- promoters (Haynes and Rothman-Denes 1985), one ativity (Chase and Williams 1986); however, they differ within the promoter and the second immediately down- substantially in their mode of binding. Of the several stream of the site of transcription initiation. Site-di- proteins that we have tested, the T4 gene 32 product and rected mutagenesis of the promoter sequences indicates N4 single-stranded DNA-binding protein are active as that the integrity of the inverted repeats within the pro- monomers, bind to DNA with high cooperativity, and moter is essential for transcriptional activity {Glucks- force the DNA into an extended conformation (Delius et mann et ah 1992}. Recent results also indicate that these al. 1972; Kowalczykowski et al. 1981b; Lindberg et al. inverted repeats are extruded as cruciforms upon the in- 1989). The fd gene V product is a dimer that, upon bind- troduction of negative supercoils {X. Dai, unpubl.}. ing to DNA, forces two protein-covered DNA strands Why is SSB required for promoter recognition.~ We into a helical rod-like structure {Alberts et al. 1972). The speculate that supercoil-induced cruciform extrusion binding mode of the above-mentioned proteins is inde- might direct the binding of SSB to the promoter region pendent of solution conditions. In contrast, SSB exists in and stabilize the promoter in an active conformation solution as an extremely stable tetramer that interacts (Glucksmann et al. 1992). It has been shown that nega- with single-stranded DNA in a variety of binding modes, tive supercoiling provides specific regions for SSB bind- depending on solution conditions (for review, see Loh-

GENES \ & DEVELOPMENT 2015 Downloaded from on October 6, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Markiewicz et al. man and Bujalowski 1990). Under experimental condi- nomes undergo asymmetric segregation in the absence of tions similar to ours, the SSB tetramer has a DNA-bind- viral replication (Satta et al. 1969). ing site of 56 nucleotides (Bujalowski et al. 1988). Anal- ysis of SSB-single-stranded DNA complexes by electron microscopy has revealed a "beaded" morphology in Materials and methods which the apparent contour length of DNA has been Restriction enzymes were purchased from BRL and used accord- reduced by -75% (Chrysogelos and Griffith 1982). Mi- ing to the manufacturer's recommendations. S1 nuclease and crococcal nuclease digestion and cross-linking studies RNA sequencing enzymes were from PL Biochemicals. indicate that single-stranded DNA wraps around the SSB [a-3~P]GTP was from Amersham. [~/-a2P]GTP was synthesized tetramer. We suggest that the specificity of SSB activa- by use of [32P]orthophosphate (>7000 Ci/mmole; New England tion is the result of the unique mode of DNA binding of Nuclear) according to the method of Johnson and Walseth (1979). [3H]Uridine (28 Ci/mmole) was from New England Nu- SSB. Although surprising, this specificity is not unprec- clear. Rifampicin and chloramphenicol were from Sigma Bio- edented. SSB specifies the site of priming activity of the chemicals. dnaG primase in phage G4 DNA replication (Benz et al. 1983) and of E. coli RNA polymerase in phage M13 DNA replication (Geider and Kornberg 1974). In both cases, Bacterial strains and specific priming occurs at sites that are characterized by The E. coli strains used were N99 (rpsL, galK) and M5248 (N99, stem-loop structures (Hiasa et al. 1989, 1990), and other bio275, ci857, lpd); HM591 (W3110 rha, thy) and KLC792 single-stranded DNA-binding proteins cannot substitute (HM591, ssb-113) (Chase et al. 1984). The plasmids used were (G. Nigel Godson, pers. comm.). pKC30 (Rosenberg et al. 1983), pACYC184 (Chang and Cohen The results presented in this paper indicate that SSB is 1978), and ARlpLL10 (Rothstein et al. 1979). KLC1039/pKAC25 a member of a small number of bifunctional DNA-bind- was used for expression of the SSB-1 mutant (Williams et al. 1984). ing proteins that both interact with single-stranded High expression of the SSB-113 mutant was achieved by clon- DNA and also regulate . The adenovirus- ing the EcoRI DNA fragment from pKAC20 (Chase et al. 1984) coded DNA-binding protein (DBP) binds preferentially to into the unique EcoRI site of pACYC184. The orientation of the single-stranded DNA in a sequence-independent fashion DNA fragment that gave the greatest expression of wild-type (Schechter et al. 1980) and is involved in DNA replica- protein was identified, and the plasmid was designated tion (Tsuji et al. 1991). In addition, DBP regulates adeno- pKAC21. Expression of SSB-113 was carried out in a ssb-ll3 virus gene expression (Klessig and Grodzicker 1979; mutant strain, KLC792. From the purification of the protein, it Handa et al. 1983; Chang and Shenk 1990) and increases was estimated that a 60-fold overexpression was achieved the affinity of binding of the cellular transcription factor (Chase et al. 1983b). NF1 to its specific binding sites at the ends of the adeno- To further increase expression of the wild-type ssb gene, the gene with 26 nucleotides of its ribosome binding site was placed virus genome (Cleat and Hay 1989). Additionally, the under hpL regulation in pKC30. The plasmid was designated N4-coded, single-stranded DNA-binding protein (Lind- pKAC27 and was transformed into M5248 for temperature-de- berg et al. 1989) is required for activation of the E. coli pendent expression. We estimate the expression of SSB obtained RNA polymerase-~r 7° holoenzyme at N4 late promoters from this construction to be -200-fold above the normal cellu- (N. Baek, M. Choi and L.B. Rothman-Denes, in prep.), as lar level of SSB (data not shown). well as being required for N4 DNA replication (Guinta et al. 1986; Lindberg et al. 1989). Purification of proteins N4 is one of a small number of bacteriophages that synthesizes its own RNA polymerases (Chamberlin et al. The N4 virion RNA polymerase was purified as described pre- 1970; Clark et al. 1974). It has been hypothesized that viously (Falco et al. 1980). Wild-type SSB was purified as de- these phages make their own RNA polymerases to be- scribed previously (Chase et al. 1980), with certain modifica- tions (Chase et al. 1984). SSB-113 and SSB-1 were purified as come independent of their hosts for transcription described (Chase et al. 1984; Williams et al. 1984). The partial (Rabussay and Geiduschek 1977). N4 could be seen as an proteolysis product of SSB produced by digestion with chymo- extreme example of this strategy because injection of the trypsin (SSBchyA) was prepared as described (Williams et al. virion-associated RNA polymerase bypasses the need for 1983). DNA-binding protein SSF was purified according to the host transcriptional machinery early in infection. Chase et al. (1983al. The T4-gene 32 protein, its amino-terminal The results presented in this paper demonstrate that N4 fragment 32"I, and bacteriophage fd gene V protein were pro- relies, however, on the activity of at least two host pro- vided by Ken Williams (Yale University, New Haven, CT). T7 teins, SSB and DNA gyrase, for early transcription. What DNA-binding protein was provided by Paul Sadowski (Univer- is the reason for such dependence on two host functions? sity of Toronto, Canada). It has been shown that the level of supercoiling inside the cell is influenced by [ATP]/[ADP] ratios (McClellan DNA templates et al. 1990; Hsieh et al. 1991a, b). We suggest that the The subcloning of N4 virion RNA polymerase promoters and dependence of N4 early RNA synthesis on gyrase activ- their characterization is described elsewhere (Glucksmann et ity allows the phage to monitor the ability of the host al. 1992). pBRK, a plasmid containing the N4 HpaIK fragment cell to support phage growth. Under unfavorable condi- (Malone et al. 1988), was isolated from W3350 (F-, Cou R, gal, tions, N4 would establish a pseudolysogenic condition, lac). CLM 363 is an M13 mp9 derivative that carries the PM103 or carrier state, during which the host and phage ge- BamHI fragment containing the P1 promoter at its BamHI site

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N4 early promoter activation by supercoiling and SSB and the T2 terminator signal for N4 virion RNA polymerase at References its HincII site. Both promoter and terminator sequences are in the same orientation as found in the N4 genome. CLM 363 Alberts, B.M., L. Hey, and H. Delius. 1972. Isolation and char- replicative form I DNA was purified from JM103 according to acterization of gene 5 protein of filamentous bacterial vi- Messing (1983). ruses. J. Mol. Biol. 68: 139-152. Benz, E.W. Jr., J. Sims, D. Dressier, and J. Hurwitz. 1983. Ter- tiary structure is involved in the initiation of DNA synthesis RNA polymerase assay by the dnaG protein. In Mechardstic studies of DNA repli- Reactions were carried out in a 50-~1 volume, with 2-5 ~1 of cation and genetic recombination (ed. B. AlbertsJ, pp. 279- enzyme {Falco et al. 1980), 0.5 ~g of template DNA, 0-10 lag of 291. Academic Press, New York. SSB or other DNA-binding proteins, 10 mM Tris-HC1 {pH 8.0), Borowiec, J.A., L. Zhang, S. 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Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein is a supercoiled template-dependent transcriptional activator of N4 virion RNA polymerase.

P Markiewicz, C Malone, J W Chase, et al.

Genes Dev. 1992, 6: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.6.10.2010

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