SouthBostonTODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door November 1, 2018: Vol.6 Issue 41 SERVING SOUTH BOSTONIANS AROUND THE GLOBE

At Final Edison WWW.SOUTHBOSTONTODAY.COM Meeting Residents Go to our South Today page to view online content. Call For Make sure you like & share Transparency, t Alternative Plan Bos on T h o Request Made To Extend t d u a o Comment Period y

S t the final public hearing held at The Tynan School, Athere was not much support @SBostonToday from the residents in attendance for housing on the Edison Plant site. As one resident put it, “ the building is not bothering anyone right now”. Want to see your ad in South It was noticeable to some that, other than the elected officials from Boston Today & SBT Online? the neighborhood, the audience was outnumbered by those work- Office: 617.268.4032 or cell: ing for the BPDA and the developer, 617.840.1355 or email at Redgate/Hilco. As such, there was a [email protected]



EDITORIALEDITORIAL age how important America’s war memorials are. Our Veterans Memorials Are Sacred Symbols Unfortunately, some adults remain clueless. When t was reported last week that one or more indi- Real Americans and real community minded people and if the culprits, who vandalized that monument, viduals vandalized the Vietnam Memorial in understand just how important, how ‘sacred’, these vet- are caught, no leniency should be shown to them. IDorchester near Morrissey Blvd. What pos- eran’s memorials are, and they treat them accordingly. There is no acceptable excuse for anyone who sesses people to have so little respect for something You would think that these symbols remembering the disrespects, in any way, and to any degree, these so sacred is incomprehensible. The key word here great men and women, who made the ultimate sacri- cherished symbols honoring our nation’s fallen. is ‘sacred’. The many memorials around Boston fice for their fellow Americans would be considered off and in fact all across our nation are dedicated to limits by even the vilest, the most shallow and smallest- fallen veterans from all of America’s wars. minded people. But unfortunately, there are a tiny per- They bear the names of heroes, who gave their centage of people who are just too ignorant to under- lives for something they believed was far bigger stand this. They just don’t get it. and more important than themselves. One defini- Our war memorials should never be targets of van- tion of a hero is putting one’s self in harm’s way to dals, nor are they props to be decorated with party fa- protect others. Our veterans certainly understand vors or used as playgrounds. And great care should al- this definition because they have stepped up ready ways be taken to make sure that they are maintained in to do just that at one time or another in their lives. peak condition. School children are taught at a young

“Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that has no place in America” – William Howard Taft U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch Addresses New England Council .S. Representative Stephen Lynch spoke to members of the New Eng- Uland Council at a Congressional Roundtable breakfast in Washington D.C. The New England Council- the nation’s old- est regional business association regularly hosts members of the New England Con- gressional Delegation at Roundtable events throughout New England and Washington D.C. Congressman Lynch discussed domes- tic and international issues that are being dis- cussed and debated in the U.S. Congress. Congressman Lynch is pictured with Jim Brett, former State Representative and President of the New England Council.

PO Box 491 • South Boston, MA 02127 SouthBostonTODAYOnline • On Your Mobile • At Your Door

South Boston Today is not liable for errors appearing in advertisements beyond the cost of Publisher Editor In Chief the space occupied by the error. All South Boston Today produced artwork, design, and layout John Ciccone Brian R. Mahoney remain the sole property of South Boston Today. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly forbidden. South Boston Today reserves the right to cut, edit or reject any copy without notice. [email protected][email protected] South Boston Today is a Series of the Today Publications Series LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company

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Press Copy - Monday at 6:00pm • Advertisements Space Reservations - Friday at 6:00pm • Ad Material - Monday at 4:00pm • Camera Ready Ads - Tuesday at 6:00pm November 1, 2018 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 3 InformationThe Center Accuse the Opposition of What You are Guilty of and Hope it Sticks

SOUTH BOSTON TODAY John Ciccone Note: talk back to John Ciccone by email at [email protected]

ith the recent big stories the assassination of the president. outrage at what they say is rhetoric routinely pose for pictures as they in the national news this As was stated above, it has now coming from the president and his shake his hand and hug him. But W week (non-sports related gone beyond just words from those followers, but the fact is, 90% of here again, we hear no condem- – congratulations Red Sox), accu- on the left. Yes, the guy who sent it is coming from the left and they nation of the hateful rhetoric and sations are being tossed around by the pipe bombs around to Democrats won’t condemn it. In fact, some of actions coming from the left. people on both sides of the political is said to be a Trump supporter. The them encourage it. It’s a tactic the ‘progressives’ divide accusing the other side of be- man who attacked the Synagogue is And in what is an example of use. Accuse your opponents of ing guilty of ‘Hate Speech’. It is this said to be a Trump hater. Both will the most blatant hypocrisy, some being what you yourselves actually hate speech that many consider the hopefully be in prison for the next of these same politicians who are are and hope the American public reason for the violence that’s been hundred years. The death penalty for actually calling Trump anti-Se- is still gullible enough to fall for flaring up in many locations. Those the man who attacked and killed the mitic; who is anything but, are big it. We will see how this plays out, two big stories are of course the worshipers is preferable. supporters and close friends with when the results come in from next pipe bombs to Democrats and the at- But let’s look at the punks from the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Tuesday’s election. tack of the Pennsylvania Synagogue, ANTIFA and how they have been where 11 innocent Jewish worship- attacking Conservatives with base- ers were killed and others, including ball bats at rallies, burning build- 4 police officers, were wounded. ings, smashing windows and as- Let Our Family Help Your Family The ‘Left Side’, of course is saulting police officers. Republican blaming President Trump and the Headquarters in New York City was rhetoric he uses during his rallies recently vandalized by them and CASPER and the tweets he sends out. They shots were fired at the GOP office Funeral & Cremations Services blame him for solar flare ups on in a Florida city just last weekend. Established in 1930 the Sun. But if we’re going to talk Republican politicians and their about hate speech and provocative families have been harassed and Serving Families with Dignity and Respect rhetoric and so often the actions forced out of restaurants and other through the toughest of times for that coincide with it, let’s look at public places, following the urgings over 80 years where most of the hate speech is of Rep. Maxine Waters. Some in really coming from. the press, including some from the Home of Personal Service We can start with the woman who home of Fake News, CNN, applaud Pre-Planning Specialists just won’t go away, Hillary Clinton. this harassment. She openly tells Democrats not to The New York Times ran a Casper’s specializes in be civil, unless her party comes “fantasy story” about a future as- back into power. Democrat Sena- sassination of . We Cremation Services & tor Cory Booker pleads with his have the lefties from Hollywood Veteran Services followers to get up in the faces of like DiNiro who yell “F…Trump” their opponents. Nancy Pelosi has at TV Award shows, Madonna Please visit our website for recently threatened “collateral dam- who said she’d like to blow up the information you may find age” against those who disagree White House and of course Cathy helpful during a time of need with her, if she should regain the Griffin posing with that bloody position of Speaker of the House. severed head resembling President Former Obama Attorney General Trump. The Liberals did express Eric Holder wants his followers to displeasure with her for that move Casper Funeral Home kick their opponents when they are but overall, they remain silent on 187 Dorchester Street David Casper down. Democrat candidate for gov- all the other hate speech and acts South Boston, MA 02127 Funeral Directors: ernor of the State of Georgia Maria of violence coming from their side. 617-269-1930 Joe, Dave & Ken Casper Channele Nadal recently wished for They wring their hands and express 4 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • November 1, 2018

man at Wicked Local report that congregations across Massachu- Window Into The State House setts are indeed mulling changes to Window Into The State House provides our readers a synopsis of important issues of interest, past and current, that are being proposed, debated or acted upon by the Massachusetts Legislature. Many issues that are not related to local city government services are acted upon and have a direct security measures after the week- impact on daily life. They are tax policy, transportation infrastructure, judicial appointments, social services and health, as well as higher education. end massacre. In Boston yesterday, We will excerpt reports from the gavel-to-gavel coverage of House and Senate sessions by news sources focused on this important aspect of our lives. These sources include a look ahead at the coming week in state government and summaries and analyses of the past week, re-caps of a range of state U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions government activity, as well as links to other news. denounced the attacks, even as some protesters outside the event Is there a nurse in the house? Ques- This is interesting: The new Suf- In the same Suffolk/Globe poll, “blamed the Trump administration tion 1 in big trouble folk/Globe poll released yesterday Massachusetts voters did agree on for creating a climate where hate A new Suffolk/Globe polls shows that a whopping 68 percent one thing: Traffic congestion in the can flourish,” reports Schoenberg in shows that 59 percent of sur- of surveyed voters don’t want U.S. state is growing worse. But Kristin a separate piece at MassLive. The veyed voters now oppose the Sen. to run for LaFratta at MassLive notes that 48.4 Globe’s Joan Vennochi wonders nurse-staffing Question 1, in a president, though a solid major- percent of survey respondents say why it took Sessions ten minutes major turnaround from only a ity support her bid for re-election. they don’t want to pay higher taxes into his speech at a Federalist few months ago when the ballot Here’s the fascinating part in the or fees to address the problem, while Society event to finally address the question received majority support story by the Globe’s Matt Stout: 44.6 percent said they would support Pittsburgh tragedy. from voters, reports the Globe’s “Many said if they had to choose, such revenue measures. File under: Matt Stout. The change in senti- they would prefer it be former ‘Go figure.’ Globe slams Bump, endorses liber- ment apparently isn’t due to the governor Deval Patrick — not Meanwhile, Chris Dempsey of tarian candidate for auditor big bucks being thrown around (Warren) — seeking the Democratic Transportation for Massachusetts and In an editorial, the Globe in the contest. Instead, it’s more Party’s nomination in 2020. Fifty- Phineas Baxandall of Massachusetts takes the rare step of endorsing a personal, with most saying they one percent said they would opt for Budget and Policy Center write at candidate outside the two major were swayed by the “input from Patrick, compared to just 21 percent the MetroWest Daily News that they parties, announcing it is backing a nurse they personally know,” for Warren.” welcome much-needed investments Libertarian candidate Daniel Fish- Stout writes. Patrick’s gets a further boost at Atlan- to repair the state’s transportation net- man over Democratic incumbent Btw: The same poll shows Gov. tic magazine: ‘The former Massachu- work. But they think there’s a problem Suzanne Bump for state audi- Charlie Baker, a Republican, setts governor hopes the 2020 presiden- with the state’s new capital investment tor. The Globe minces no words and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, tial race comes down to character—the plan: It’s inadequate to the needs. in its criticism of Bump, saying a Democrat, continuing to hold candidates’ and the country’s.’ she’s politicized the office and commanding leads in their respec- As for Warren, the Globe’s Victoria State leaders: Armed guards at completely missed the “rampant tive re-election bids, though War- McGrane reports that she contin- synagogues and churches are not payroll abuse at the State Police.” ren’s support seems to be slipping ues to push ahead with a potential the answer a bit and a majority of voters don’t presidential run, regularly using In the wake of this past weekend’s Oh, wait, Bump says she now wants want her running for president in Republican challenger mass shooting at a Pittsburgh syna- to launch OT audits of other state 2020. See post immediately below as a Trump stand-in. WGBH’s Mike gogue, Gov. Charlie Baker, Senate agencies … for more details on the latter. Btw, Deehan reports on the fine line Diehl President Karen Spilka and House As the Globe slams Auditor Su- II: The Globe’s Liz Kowalczyk himself is walking these days. The Speaker Robert DeLeo disagreed zanne Bump for missing the over- takes a look at the debate over two candidates debate tonight on with President Trump’s assertion that time-abuse scandal at State Police, what “unsafe staffing’’ means in WCVB-TV at 6:30 p.m. armed guards are the solution to such Bump tells the Springfield Republi- the Question 1 battle. incidents, reports Shira Schoenberg can that she now wants to look into Poll: Voters are concerned about at MassLive and SHNS’s Matt Mur- overtime trends at state agencies Deval Patrick must be smiling this traffic congestion – but most don’t phy (pay wall). other than State Police. Shannon morning … want to pay to fix the problem But Amy Saltzman and Eli Sher- Young at MassLive has the details. MCCA Appoints Shannon McDermott as Director of Transportation CCA Executive vendors and dozens of hotel vid Gibbons. “Our commitment Director David partners, coordinating and to providing comprehensive Gibbons announced overseeing all event-related transportation services to our thatM Shannon McDermott has transportation operations, as guests set the MCCA apart in been appointed to the position well as administration of the the meetings and events industry of Director of Transportation MCCA vehicle fleet and on- and we are confident that Shan- effective immediately. McDer- site parking for vendors and non will excel in this key role on mott has served in the trans- MCCA employees. behalf of the Authority and our portation department for more “Shannon’s experience in guests from around the world.” Make sure you than a decade, most recently as our transportation department McDermott is a graduate like & share South Transportation Manager. She has been earned over a decade of Stonehill College. She Boston Today with will continue to be responsible of service to the Authority and earned her JD from the New your friends! for overseeing the MCCA’s she is well prepared to take on England School of Law and relationships with more than her new leadership role,” said was admitted to the Massa- thirty approved transportation MCCA Executive Director Da- chusetts Bar in 2013. November 1, 2018 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 5

a supplemental spending plan with an State Senator Nick Collins (D-Boston). in Massachusetts adopt curriculum of Collins emphasis on public health and the sub- “As substance abuse continues to rip United States History, Social Sciences, stance abuse epidemic, a municipal nal- through our communities, I am proud and Civics in order to promote civic ser- Presides Over oxone bulk purchasing program, collec- that the Legislature is continuing our vice and prepare students for active and tive bargaining agreements for UMass commitment to fighting this epidemic.” engaged citizenship. Senate Session Boston and the Suffolk County Sher- The supplemental budget also included: “In these turbulent times, I was espe- Signs supplemental budget, riff’s Office, and $70 million in relief • $70 million in relief to struggling hos- cially proud to sign this bill on behalf civics education bill, and for struggling hospitals and community pitals and community health centers of the Massachusetts State Senate,” said health centers through the Health Safety • $20 million for community support Senator Collins. “As we watch the ero- adjourns in memory of Net Trust Fund. services for those with brain injuries or sion of substantive and respectful civil victims in Pittsburgh The supplemental budget creates a in long-term care discourse, it is important to underscore Municipal Naloxone Bulk Purchase • $10 million for employment assistance that civics education in this state will Trust Fund, allowing municipalities, services for disabled adults prepare future generations to be knowl- nonprofits, and Sheriff Departments to • $5 million for targeted intervention to edgeable about government and en- join the program and purchase the life- chronically underperforming school districts gaged in the process.” saving overdose reversal medication. In • $2.5 million to help cover the costs of The Senate adjourned in memory of 2017, opioid-related overdose deaths early voting in municipalities across the the victims of the shooting at the Tree fell by 8%, partially accredited to the Commonwealth of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, and widespread use of Naloxone, common- • $2.3 million for community based and those of the recent shootings in Ken- ly known as “narcan,” which blocks in-home support services for children tucky. In one instance, victims were the effects of opioids and reverses an and families gunned down in their place of worship opioid overdose. The program will not • $150,000 for environmental & com- because of their religion, and in another only increase access to narcan, but will munity health hazards programs, in- the victims were targeted based on their tate Senator Nick Collins also provide technical assistance to par- cluding lead poisoning prevention skin color. Both were fueled by a hateful brought the Senate to order this ticipating groups to ensure meaningful • Authorization of collective bargain- bigotry which the Massachusetts State week, gaveling in and presiding training and registration. ing agreements at UMass and Suffolk Senate unequivocally condemns and overS a session that included the pas- “We know Narcan saves lives so it County Sheriff’s Office actively works against, and the cham- sage of major statewide policy legisla- is critical to put the resources in places The Senate also passed the Civics ber chose to honor their memory with a tion, including a civics education bill, where they can be most effective,” said Education bill requiring that all schools somber moment of silent reflection.

disruptive use, relative to both the Edison continued from front page traffic and environment fallout from mild buzz, among some attendees, the massive scale, as well as the costs about the sporadic attendance, over to mitigate. the course of the public hearings Those concerned about open space process, by several appointees to and the impact of hazardous material NOTICE the Impact Advisory Board (IAG), being disturbed want assessments Construction to begin outside South Boston Municipal Courthouse whose responsibility it is to protect done immediately and results made the interests of local residents, insti- available to residents before any tutions and businesses, leading some demolition is carried out. Residents The Massachusetts Trial Court has announced that exterior masonry to comment quietly that the develop- want the open areas around the Edi- work at the South Boston Municipal Courthouse at 535 East Broadway ment is probably “ in the bag”. IAG son plant, like M Street Park and the is scheduled to begin sometime after November 5, and will require attendance was noticeably higher at Butler Corridor Park to be assessed. temporary closure of the pedestrian pathway from the rear east side of this, the last, meeting. insisting that these issues all be an- the building to East Broadway. The work is expected to be completed by the end of December, weather permitting. But more to the point, the proposed swered specifically and in detail, with development with the combination of adequate timelines for response. Construction work hours are scheduled 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday Housing, Commercial, Office, Retail The developer’s proposal outlines through Friday with possible non-disruptive work during regular hours and Hotel uses is of most concern to two or three alternative plans, espe- and the possibility for some Saturday work. The courthouse will be open residents given the traffic, parking cially one that calls for a develop- for business as usual. problems and congestion in the area ment of offices and retail, and other Signs will be posted at the front and back of the courthouse to alert that is already at a critical point. amenities that would significantly pedestrians. The work will also prohibit neighborhood parking at all Democratic nominee for State reduce the scale of the impact on the times in the building’s rear driveway to allow contractor access and Representative and South Boston community. Working vehicle parking, with this restriction remaining in place until spring, as District City Councilor Ed Flynn and commuting, whether by public required for snow removal. and residents like John O’Toole and transportation or use of vehicles, is others have called for an indepen- much less intrusive on the infrastruc- The Trial Court’s Facilities Management & Capital Planning Department dent environmental and traffic study ture than over 1300 residential units. has contracted with MJS Construction Inc., on this project. The work involves removing existing and installing new temporary staging, and consider it very important to the Many argue that local businesses as required to extract deteriorating debris netting and all loose and decision process. Residents argue would see economic benefit and the delaminated cast stone and concrete materials, repoint open brick masonry that their focus is on ‘quality of life’ maritime activity would be more joints, make as-needed stair repairs, and install new debris netting. and health concerns. Construction of compatible with a non-residential housing and hotels will be the most continued on page 6 6 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • November 1, 2018

Dear Mr. Sorenson: We write to express our concern with the ongoing strike of Marriott hotel workers in Boston and to voice support for our constituents’ desire to provide for themselves and their families with fair earnings and benefits from one job. Your employees who belong to UNITE HERE Local 26 are ambassadors for the Greater Boston area. Like all workers, they deserve to be paid a living wage and enjoy basic protections from unfair scheduling practices, sexual harassment, and other workplace abuses. We urge you to negotiate in good faith with the representing union, UNITE HERE Local 26, to reach a fair compromise that will end the strike and allow Political Leaders Push Marriott And both parties to move forward amicably as soon as possible. We appreciate your attention to this important matter and look forward to Union To Negotiate And End Strike a resolution in the very near future. n addition to the delegation of state sexual harassment, and other workplace Sincerely, District 5 and local politicians, Governor abuses.” The letter continues, “We urge Senator Joseph Boncore Matt O’Malley Charlie Baker said he would no you to negotiate in good faith with the First Suffolk and Middlesex Boston City Council longerI hold his election night events at representing union, UNITE HERE Lo- Senator Nick Collins District 6 the Sheraton Boston. “We have been cal 26, to reach a fair compromise that First Suffolk Kim Janey given word that Governor Charlie Bak- will end the strike and allow both par- Senator Sal N. DiDomenico Boston City Council er has moved his election night opera- ties to move forward amicably as soon Middlesex and Suffolk District 7 tion out of the Sheraton Boston, one of as possible.” Senator Elizabeth Warren Senator Josh Zakim the 7 Marriott-operated hotels where Marriott is the largest and most Edward Markey Boston City Council workers are on strike,” said UNITE profitable hotel chain in the world, but Congressman Stephen Lynch District 8 HERE Local 26 President Brian Lang. Boston’s Local 26 workers have been Congresswoman-elect Ayanna Pressley Representative “On behalf of Boston’s striking Marri- in contract negotiations since March as Michael Flaherty 1st Suffolk ott workers, I would like to thank our they fight to win basic job security, safer Boston City Council Representative Dan Ryan good friend Governor Baker for his working conditions, and jobs that are At-Large 2nd Suffolk leadership and act of solidarity with the enough to support their families. Annissa Essaibi George Representative striking workers.” On October 3, workers walked out at Boston City Council 3rd Suffolk On Tuesday October 29, led by Con- seven Marriott-operated hotels, includ- At-Large Representative-Elect David Biele gresswoman-elect Ayanna Pressley, and ing the Aloft Boston Seaport District, Michelle Wu 4th Suffolk City Councilors Ed Flynn and Michelle the Element Boston Seaport District, Boston City Council Representative-Elect Wu, local politicians plan gave Marriott the Ritz-Carlton Boston, the Sheraton At-Large 5th Suffolk management a letter urging meaning- Boston, the W Hotel Boston, the Westin Lydia Edwards Representative Chynah Tyler ful movement at the negotiating table. Boston Waterfront, and the Westin Co- Boston City Council 7th Suffolk Striking Marriott hotel workers have pley Place. This is the first hotel strike District 1 Representative been out since October 3, sacrificing to in Boston’s history. The last time Local Edward Flynn 8th Suffolk win a new contract from the biggest and 26 workers went on strike was at Har- Boston City Council Democratic Representative-elect Jon richest hotel company in the world. vard in October 2016, when dining hall District 2 Santiago 9th Suffolk Massachusetts and Boston politicians workers struck for 22 days and success- Frank Baker Representative Elizabeth A. Malia see striking Marriott hotel workers as fully settled a contract with the world’s Boston City Council 11th Suffolk “ambassadors for the Greater Boston richest university. District 3 Representative Daniel Cullinane area.” Their letter to President and CEO Marriott workers are also on strike in Andrea Campbell 12th Suffolk of Marriott, Arne Sorenson, states “Like San Francisco, Detroit, San Jose, San Boston City Council Representative Daniel Hunt all workers, they deserve to be paid a Diego, Oakland, and Hawaii, totaling District 4 13th Suffolk living wage and enjoy basic protec- nearly 8,000 workers demanding that Timothy McCarthy Representative Kevin G. Honan tions from unfair scheduling practices, One Job Should Be Enough. Boston City Council 17th Suffolk

Edison continued from page 5 BPDA shall issue a written Prelimi- Project Impact Report (DPIR) ad- requirements before the Commis- development. nary Adequacy Determination (PAD) equately describes how the Proposed sioner of Inspectional Services can Tim Czerwienski, the BPDA planner within ninety (90) days. Public com- Project’s impacts and, if appropriate, issue building permit for the pro- assigned to the Edison Plant, seemed ments, including the comments of propose measures to mitigate, limit posed project.” In other words, there to suggest that the October 30 com- public agencies, shall be transmitted or minimize such impacts, the PAD are requirements that may need to be ment period deadline was not hard and in writing to the BPDA no later than will announce such a determination officially waived in order to extend fast and that the BPDA would accept fifteen (15) days prior to the date by and that the requirements of further the comment period. comments thereafter. But that did not which the BPDA must issue its PAD. review are waived pursuant to Sec- Elected officials are calling for an sit well, and residents are looking for a The PAD shall indicate the addi- tion 80B-5.4 (c) (iv). Section 80B-6 extended comment period and hear- more official statement. tional steps, if any, necessary for the requires the director of the BPDA to ing from some residents that they are Upon reviewing the BPDA pre- Proponent to satisfy the requirements issue a Certification of Compliance planning to be more aggressive in amble guidelines it states, “ Pursu- of the Scoping Determination. If indicating the successful completion pressing for details on the complete ant to Section 80B-4 (c) (i) (3), the the BPDA determines that the Draft of the Article 80 development review impact on the neighborhood. November 1, 2018 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 7

By Mayor Martin J. Walsh

address if we hope to continue down 2070 flood maps and coastal resil- success as a city. this path towards a more prosperous, ience neighborhood studies to focus The impact of these improvements equitable, and resilient society. on Boston’s most vulnerable flood will touch every part of our city, How We Are The science is clear: climate change pathways. The strategies laid out in through the creation of new green has given us hotter and more volatile the plan include elevated landscapes, spaces, and the resilient renovation Addressing weather; it has amplified the fre- enhanced waterfront parks, flood re- of existing ones. Moving forward, quency and impact of severe storms; silient buildings, and revitalized and the City of Boston will dedicate 10 Climate and it has increased the rate of sea increased connections and access to percent of all new capital spending to level rise. Just look at what other cit- the waterfront. The strategies will resilience projects. We will harness Change in ies have faced. In 2012, Hurricane require collaboration and funding the power of public-private coali- Sandy inflicted $70 billion worth of between federal, state, private, phil- tions, philanthropy, and partnerships Boston damage and caused the deaths of 71 anthropic and nonprofit partners. with neighboring communities, be- people. It brought Lower Manhat- We must anticipate consequences cause meeting such ambitious goals his year is shaping up to be tan’s financial sector to a standstill. generations down the road, and work requires us all to contribute. one of the strongest years in Last year, Hurricane Harvey caused proactively to counteract them. With Our city can’t counter the impact Boston’s history. We’ve con- $125 billion of damage and 68 deaths the help of experts and our communi- of climate change on our own, and Ttinued to add 20,000 new jobs each in Houston and Southeast Texas. ties, we have tailored plans specific this plan represents the first steps to- year, and we’ve brought unemploy- Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto to the unique condition in each of wards addressing a problem that will ment down below 4 percent. And Rico and caused over 3,000 people Boston’s neighborhoods, and at each not disappear anytime soon. But the perhaps most importantly, we’ve to lose their lives. These disasters, point along our city’s coastline. Boston we know is built on a legacy made a plan to ensure that the ben- which uprooted so many lives, stand The solution comes not in the form of bold leadership. The Boston we efits of Boston’s booming economy as dire warnings of what could fol- of flood walls and barricades, but a know is built on promises of a bet- are enjoyed by everyone who calls low a failure to act. But I have faith system of beaches, parks, trails, and ter future. Getting there has not al- this city home. We’re making record that with a plan, and the partnership open spaces. The system will bring ways been easy, and it won’t be easy investments in affordable housing, of our Boston community, it is a chal- 67 new acres of open space to our now. But our city sparked the up- sidewalks and bike lanes, commu- lenge we are capable of overcoming. city, and adapt 122 acres of idle space rising which became the American nity policing, libraries, and schools. That’s what we’ve set in motion along Boston Harbor, connecting the Revolution. We built the first public Through our BuildBPS plan, we are with our “Resilient Boston Harbor” existing Emerald Necklace with a schools in this nation. Our hospitals making bold investments in our edu- vision. It’s a roadmap for how we’ll revitalized waterfront, and bringing revolutionized health care. We filled cational infrastructure, so that every protect the City’s residents, homes, our city closer together. By prioritiz- the Back Bay. We built the Emerald school has the resources to provide a jobs, and infrastructure against the ing green space over concrete barri- Necklace. We cleaned up our harbor. comprehensive, 21st century educa- impacts of rising sea level and climate ers, we are ensuring that our invest- History shows that when Boston tion for Boston’s young people. change. It lays out strategies along ment in a more resilient city doubles speaks up and steps up, the nation lis- I am proud of the progress that Boston’s 47-mile shoreline that will as an investment in public health, ac- tens. When we harness the power of Boston has made this year in so increase access and open space along cess to green space, and the ecologi- our communities to come together for many areas, but there is one area of the waterfront while better protecting cal preservation of our city and Bos- a greater cause, the nation follows. concern which impacts our future the city during a major flooding event. ton Harbor. By investing proactively, I know we can do it again. more than any other: climate change. Resilient Boston Harbor builds we will preserve and strengthen the For more information on Resilient It’s an urgent priority, and one which on Imagine Boston 2030 and uses character of our coastline, something Boston Harbor, please visit: boston. Boston must take aggressive steps to the City’s Climate Ready Boston that has contributed so much to our gov/climateready. Be Sure To Vote Tuesday November 6 - Election Day uesday’s election will be a lenging the Democratic nominee, Amore. Auditor Suzanne Bump is closely watched and likely Rachel Rollins, there are hot con- challenged by Dan Fishman and quite active election, even tests for legislative seats, county Attorney General Maura Healy is thoughT many candidates, who won seats, as well as the US Senate race challenged by James McMahon. their Democratic primaries in the Bos- between Senator Elizabeth Warren Locally, Congressman Stephen ton area are essentially unopposed. and Republican Geoff Diehl. Lynch and Senator Nick Collins In other parts of the Common- Constitutional offices also are head into Tuesday unopposed. wealth, and in the case of the contested. Governor Charlie Baker Democratic nominee for State Rep- District Attorney race in Suffolk is opposed by Democratic nominee resentative David Biele is poised to County, where there is an unenrolled Jay Gonzalez. Secretary of State Bill succeed Nick Collins, running unop- candidate, Michael Maloney, chal- Galvin is challenged by Anthony posed in the general election. 8 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • November 1, 2018

the bill. You can’t beat the Pinots out of the Willamette Valley and this The Ayres is a testament to that fact. The aromatics of the Ayres Lewis Rogers Lane Ribbon Ridge Pinot Noir are Wine intoxicatingly impressive. They’ll envelop you as you lean in for your first sip, and it just gets better from there. We may have been hooked Guy before we even swallowed our first sip. The warm spices throughout Take The are a perfect match for a Lebanese baked eggplant dish. The eggplant Chill Off is stuffed with ground lamb, onions, pine nuts and cinnamon, paprika and ell, now that the World cumin. It’s like the wine was made Series is over, and the for this dish... A more classic pairing right thing has happened is grilled salmon with a side of pan- (unlessW you’re from L.A.), it’s roasted veggies. Or, crisp-roasted probably a good idea to consider chicken with a mushroom-onion some tasty ways to “take the chill gravy works beautifully too. off” as we move towards shorter In the mood for grilled or barbe- days and lower temperatures. Here cued meats? Then you should open are a few ideas… a bottle of Mendel Lunta Malbec, While it may be a little early for Mendoza, ($24.99). It’s got ripe, glass of the Mendel and an Argen- with aromas of cassis, plums, sweet really big, deep Cabs, it’s never too dark fruit, beautifully integrated tinian parsley sauce for dipping. Af- spices and burning embers. On the early for a great Pinot Noir. Ayres tannins and just the right amount of ter that, we think blue cheese lamb palate, it’s medium to full-bodied, Lewis Rogers Lane Ribbon Ridge spice. Grill up some chorizo sausag- burgers are the perfect entree. May- deep and layered, with lovely con- Pinot Noir 2015, ($44.99),really fits es and offer them with a generous be with a schmear of basil mayo?? centration, an abundance of fine- Roasted beef tenderloin is more grained tannins and a pure, penetrat- sophisticated, but equally delicious, ing finish. especially if there’s a rich au jus on If you are in the mood for an Sunrise Learning Academy top. We love the fruit in this Lunta elegantly-structured, big-bodied Cab Childcare & Preschool with the vinegary side of pulled pork from Napa, though, have a glass of sandwiches. Don’t forget the creamy Heitz 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa Highlighting our new location in the South Boston Seaport District coleslaw inside the bun. Valley, ($49.95) tonight. Heitz Vine- 25 Channel Center Street While Cakebread Cellars is yards has a well-earned reputation Boston, MA 02210 primarily known for their outstand- for producing high quality, distinc- (617) 951-3967 ing Cabs, son Dennis Cakebread tive Napa Valley wines, particularly [email protected] has been involved in producing Cabernets. The style is always full- red blends from Washington State bodied, well-extracted with immense Infants - Toddlers - Pre-schoolers and his Mullan Road 2015 Red structure. One of the unique aspects • Providing nurturing care and education for ages... Blend, Cakebread, Columbia Val- to their production is the length of 8 weeks to 5 years (7:00AM – 6:00PM) Monday thru Friday ley,($48.95), really brings it all time that they age their Cabs before • Fully equipped modern classrooms and infant rooms together in a big, yet elegant Rhone- release. This Cab is barrel aged for a • All child care professionals are licensed (EEC) style red blend. Drawn by the high full three years; two years in French • CPR and First Aid Trained quality of wines coming out of the oak barriques and a year in large • Diverse and Professional, Safe & Secure learning environment Walla Walla, Dennis and wine- American oak tanks before bottling. maker Aryn Morell worked with the This allows the tannins to soften and famed Seven Hills Vineyard on the the flavors to coalesce, resulting in a southern edge of the Walla Walla wine that shows its full expression on Valley appellation as well as vine- release. This is their latest release, the yards in the soon-to-be-recognized 2013, a legendary vintage for Napa Royal Slope appellation to craft this Cab. This 100% Cabernet Sauvignon powerful yet elegant Bordeaux-style is sourced entirely from estate vine- Red Blend 49% Cabernet Sauvi- yards and brings rich, intense flavors Open Door Policy gnon, 34% Merlot, 17% Cabernet and a beautiful structure that promises Parents are encouraged to visit & participate at any time. Franc and 3% Malbec. The wine to keep this killer Cab going for many We value communication between families and teachers was fermented in a mix of concrete years to come. Cambridge(617)868-0077 Boston (617)227-6402 Seaport (617)951-3967 tanks and stainless steel, and aged Taking the chill off can be quite tasty! 7 Cambridge Park Drive 131 Cambridge Street 25 Channel Center Street 18 months in 30% new French and Talk To The Wine Guy at jdris8888@ American oak. It opens in the glass November 1, 2018 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 9

South Boston Representing Buyers Real Estate Sales Recent and Sellers for 30 Years Property/Type Price Sale Date Rooms Baths Sq Ft

1-3 Webb Park $4,375,000 6/29/18 15 6 5808 Three Family 25 Channel Center St UNIT 1103 $1,362,000 6/29/18 6 2 1510 Condo 426 West Fourth St UNIT 426 $1,291,875 6/29/18 5 2f, 2h 2350 Condo 170 West Broadway UNIT 404 $1,199,000 6/29/18 3 2 1287 Condo 9 Broadway UNIT 420 $1,140,000 6/29/18 5 3 1580 Condo 535 East First St UNIT 7 $1,120,000 6/29/18 7 2.5 1633 Condo 912 East Fourth St UNIT 1 $799,000 6/29/18 4 2 1069 Condo 88 West Eighth Street $695,000 6/29/18 9 1 1710 Single Family MCM 639 East Seventh St UNIT 3 $653,000 6/29/18 4 1 870 Condo 7 Mitchell Street $640,000 6/29/18 7 1.5 1076 Properties Single Family 431 East Third St UNIT 3 $639,000 6/29/18 3 1 790 Condo 616 East Fourth St UNIT 203 $625,500 6/29/18 3 1 603 Condo 279 Athens St UNIT 1 $605,000 7/30/18 5 1 1238 Condo 102 D St UNIT 1 $585,000 6/29/18 5 2 1126 917 East Broadway, South Boston 617-268-5181 Condo 179 H St UNIT 3 $520,000 6/29/18 4 1 670 Condo 14 Burrill Place UNIT 2 $430,000 6/29/18 3 1 446 Condo

Public Meeting


November 13, 2018

21 - 35 West 2nd Street AT Public Meeting J F CONDON SCHOOL SOUTH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Tuesday, November 13 50 West Broadway 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Community Room South Boston, MA 02127 6:30 PM

Project Proponent: FOR THE PROPOSED Transom Real Estate ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION CYPHER STREET, E STREET AND FARGO Project Description: STREET Public Meeting to discuss the redevelopment proposal for 21 - 35 West Second Street (0 Athens Project No. 608807 Street). The Proposed Project includes the construction of a new six (6) story mixed-use building with 55 residential units, approximately 2,600 square feet of ground-floor retail space, and an innovative building-managed car share service for residents, along with related improvements in landscaping, site design, and pedestrian access. IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS

COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS mail to: Aisling Kerr MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Boston Planning & Development Agency Close of Comment Period: HIGHWAY DIVISION One City Hall Square, 9th Floor 11/30/2018 Boston, MA 02201 phone: 617.918.4212 email: [email protected] JONATHAN GULLIVER HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR @BostonPlans PATRICIA A. LEAVENWORTH, P.E. Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary CHIEF ENGINEER 10 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • November 1, 2018

Sunrise Learning Academy SOUTH BOSTON YOUTH SOCCER A Wonderful Childcare and Preschool Experience ne more week and our 2018 day Girl Abby played an outstanding SBT Staff Report Season is coming to a close. game. Catherine O’Day stopped ev- It will be officially over when ery ball all day. Emily McGrath kept f you ask just about any parent of Owe have our banquet on November the defense dizzy. young children what they want 18th at the South Boston Boys & Girls The South Boston Today team most from a day care center, Club. So remember to save the date. made a valiant effort but came up Ithe answers will be a safe, nurturing REMINDERS: short. All the players did an out- environment where the kids learn and PARENTS: standing job. develop surrounded by love. And to Soccer is not cancelled due to rain. At the time of print no score sheets the delight of parents who have dis- The only time it will be cancelled is were available for the teams spon- covered the Sunrise Learning Acad- when there is thunder and lightning. sored by The Matt Coyne Club, Sul- emy for childcare and preschool, that All children must wear shin guards livan’s at Castle Island and Mass- is exactly what they have found. in order to play. Please no big bows port East Boston Saving Bank, J. F. Some of the features that sets the in the hair and no hats. O’Brien & Sons, Congressman Ste- Sunrise Learning Academy apart from Pleases keep away from the nets phen Lynch, Councilor Michael Fla- other daycares and preschools is the fact to be able to successfully transition when the children are playing and herty, Councilor Ed Flynn, Massport, that the attention given to the children, into Kindergarten. And encouraging also keep off the field during their Boston Home Inspectors and Boston ages 8 weeks to five years is that it is parental involvement is important to game. We know you want to help Police Athletic League small and personalized which is so im- the staff. Parents are always welcomed your child if they are in goal but most UNDER 6 DIVISION: portant for the development of younger and urged to visit the academy and to kids get distracted. No smoking At the time of print, no score sheets children. It provides stimulating play participate at any time. They encour- near the field. Please go outside the were available for the teams spon- based early education which allows for age all parents’ feedback and value park if you want a cigarette. sored by Metro Energy, children to learn new physical, intellec- communication between families and COACHES: Boston Firefighters Credit Union, tual and social skills while being guided teachers. In fact, a parent may request If you have the first game of the day, Billy Flaherty Gang, Abacus Build- by a top-notch professional staff. an individual conference with their please be at the field early to help set ers, Jim Cahill Club, Ironworkers There are three Boston area loca- child’s teacher at any time. They have up the field. If you have the last game Local 7, Stapleton Florist, Yankee tions; one is at the Old West Church an open-door policy. of the day, please put all the equip- Bus Line, Massport and South Bos- in Boston, another is near the Alewife The Sunrise Learning Academy, ment away. Please fill out your score ton Dental Associates. T Station in Cambridge and the third in addition to providing a wonderful sheets correctly and turn them into the UNDER 8 DIVISION: is in the Fort Point Section of South learning and development experience, clubhouse (there is a box on the coun- At the time of print no score sheets Boston’s Seaport District. All locations also boasts fully equipped modern ter) or to Dianne Horne at 373 West were available for the teams spon- proudly provide that smaller, more facilities that the infants, toddlers and 2nd Street by Sunday evening. sored by John Hancock Insurance, personal learning and development preschoolers thrive in. And the 7am to Now on to a recap of the games: Massport, Michael Perkins Post, Joe experience that is such a benefit that the 6pm hours of operation are convenient UNDER 4 DIVISION: Pace & Sons, Eileen Hennessey Club larger daycares often cannot. Sunrise to working families which is another LOVEY’S LEAGUE and the Collins Club. Learning Academy is not about con- advantage it has over some other S.B. TODAY UNDER 12 DIVISION: sistently raising their tuition costs like childcare centers. In short, it pretty Lovey’s League kept up their win- At the time of print no score sheets the larger providers so often do. In fact, much has almost everything today’s ning ways with goals from Thomas were available for the teams spon- they are measurably less expensive working families are looking for in a Murphy, Anthony Richa and Boom sored by Yankee Bus Line, J & S So- and work to keep it so. And the folks at preschool setting. Parents looking for Boom Brandon Hartnett. The Birth- lutions, Massport and Metro Energy. Sunrise Learning Academy also work that special place that they can entrust hard to prove each day that larger does with the care, safety, early education not mean better. They live up to the and development of their children can motto ‘Quality and Excellence’. find it all here in the Boston area at the The staff is made up of a diverse Sunrise Learning Academy. group of carefully selected educators For more information you can log who ensure that their classrooms are onto their website at www.sunrise- run by qualified professionals. They or for that are committed to the care and well be- personal touch you can call them by ing of every child. They are licensed phone and speak to a staff member di- by the Department of Early Education rectly at any of their three Boston area and Care and are trained in CPR and locations. At the Seaport District: 25 First Aid. Channel Center Street- 617-951-3967. The staff at Sunrise Learning At 7 Cambridge Park Drive- 617-868- Academy work as a team with parents 0077 and at The Old West Church at making sure that the children get the 132 Cambridge Street, Boston – 617- care they need. The goal is to make 227-6402 or stop in to any location sure that each child, through their and make a personal visit. We think programs, will obtain the foundation you will like what you see. November 1, 2018 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 11

to watch the Red Sox vs. the Los Angeles St. Peter Dodgers World Series game. Later in the evening, children took a whack at the Pi- Academy Hosts ñata, which eventually gave way to an eruption of cascading candy. Parents and Spectacular teachers mingled, while children played, danced, and giggled. Indeed, Friday night’s “Spooktacular” Spooktacular was a true community event. Our Vision Statement is one of our driving Event forces: “St. Peter Academy is a family ori-

By Lisa Gilbert, Principal, St. Peter Academy ented, forward thinking learning community providing academic excellence while educat- othing says Halloween like chil- ing the whole child.” As we plan community dren in costumes. Last Friday night, events, we are ever mindful of the social as- the students of St. Peter Academy pects of development and how important it Ndonned their Halloween costumes for our is for children to have a sense of belonging. annual Spooktacular event. Among the cos- At. St. Peter Academy, we believe that com- tumes were a pirate, Spiderman, a bumble- munity events such as the one we just hosted, bee, a “shadow”, and the more traditional help children feel connected. We are always princess and witch. Our very own first grade looking to grow our community. To learn teacher, Mrs. Laura Hesek, was dressed as a more about our program, please visit during soda can, much to her students’ delight. our upcoming Open House on November 6, Decorated by parent volunteers, our from 9-11:30a.m. All are welcome. community room, which is home to morn- “The mission of St Peter Academy is to en- ing assembly, lunch hour, and the extend- courage lifelong learning through a rigorous ed day program, was transformed into a differentiated curriculum. Utilizing innovative creepy chamber of cobwebs, candy and best practices, each child is recognized as an cauldrons. Young and old enjoyed the individual and is encouraged to attain their festivities throughout the night. There maximum potential – spiritually, emotionally, was something for everybody. Thanks to academically, physically and socially. We are a generous donation by the Lawn on D of a close knit, diverse community of learners 100 pumpkins, students enjoyed decorat- who foster social justice with a sincere under- ing pumpkins with their favorite stickers. standing and respect for all people.” Cookies, brownies, and candy were in am- St. Peter Academy is located at 371 W. ple supply, as was pizza and punch. Base- Fourth St. South Boston, MA 02127. Serv- ball fans gathered in a corner of the room ing ages 15 months to sixth grade.

Where Learning Happens Twelve Months A Year!

Serving students from Early Childhood 15 months old through Sixth Grade

A St Peter Academy education enables a child to develop confidence and self- esteem, teaching him or her to embrace responsibility and to think critically as well as compassionately. Above all else, St Peter Academy fosters a love of learning. Provided with the ingredients for success, students are prepared for a Please Join Us! lifetime of academic excellence, and they are motivated to pursue their spiritual, moral, and intellectual possibilities. Open House St Peter Academy is an independent private community based early childhood through grade 6 school dedicated to providing a high quality Tuesday, November 6, 2018 education to children of all faiths from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. We welcome the opportunity to have you visit St Peter Academy to see for 9:00-11:30 AM yourself that ours is a unique and wonderful learning community. St Peter Academy 371 West Fourth Street , South Boston, MA 02127 Telephone 617-268-0750 Email [email protected] Individual Tours Available Upon Request Website 12 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • November 1, 2018

tumes were just incredible. known to make the trip north just Halloween Castle Island There were witches and bears, to be part of the Halloween fun. Children’s Magical Halloween Castle Enjoyed By Thousands dragons and clowns and even And why not? The members of the Abe Lincoln made an appearance. CIA put their hearts and souls into he annual Children’s Magi- Governor Baker showed up and The most popular costume of the making this event an experience to cal Halloween Castle spon- joined Congressman Steve Lynch, event was the T-Rex! Some of the remember and one that is worth re- Tsored by the hard working State Senator Nick Collins and City costumes were store bought, others turning for year after year by people and dedicated members of the Councilor Ed Flynn in the fun. were handmade with great care, of every age. Castle Island Association ran into a Fort Independence, as always, was but all of them were impressive South Boston Today spoke with bit of bad weather this year. What transformed into an elaborate haunt- and festive. CIA President Bill Spain and asked is usually a 2-day event, had to be ed castle and it delighted the kids and Though the rain from the previous him his thoughts on this year’s fes- cut back to just Sunday, this time their parents with spooktacular Hal- day had gone, the sky was still Hal- tivities. He was pleased and proud because of a raging rain storm with loween special effects and decora- loween cloudy; just enough to give as he should be and, even though winds so strong boats were ripped tions. There was live entertainment, it that seasonal atmosphere and put Saturday was rained out, his take from their moorings. snacks and drinks for everyone as everyone in the spirit. on it was as follows: “This was the But that was Saturday and Sunday the holiday traditions were mixed The Children’s Magical Hallow- first time in 36 years one of the days more than made up for it. Nearly in with this historical landmark. But een Castle is a long-standing tradi- had to be cancelled because of the 4,000 people showed up to marvel the theme of the day, as is always the tion that attracts people from as far weather. If we can go another 36 at this unique event that had the case, was fun. The happy screams away as Maine and Connecticut. In years without it happening again, young ghosts, goblins and super and laughter of the crowd made it fact, former South Bostonians cur- he’ll be quite happy”. And it’s a sure heroes thrilled to the max. Even even more exciting. And the cos- rently living in Florida have been bet that everyone else will be too. Photo credit: Angela Seelig Photo credit: November 1, 2018 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 13 BCYF Tynan

Happenings 14 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • November 1, 2018

Tim ‘Doc’ Cook Hockey Tournament affliction. The names of the teams fellow service members that he served taking the ice are ‘Skate for the 22’, with, who was taken at a much too Skate for the 22-Bean Pot Hockey Tourney this Saturday – Murphy Rink Boston Fire Department, Weymouth young an age. Joe Cook stated that his coming Saturday, Novem- Fire Department and ‘Friends of the reason for the tournament and for ber 3rd from 2- 6pm, South Tim ‘Doc’ Cook. All players on each the scholarship itself is to keep the TBoston’s Murphy Skating team will do their best to dazzle the spirit of Tim alive in a positive way; Rink will be the site of some of the spectators and of course each other just like the positive impact Tim had best hockey action around. It’s open with their well-honed athletic talent on so many of his fellow members to the public and there’s no charge for and ice hockey skills. of the military and civilian friends admission as four great teams take to There will be raffles and shirt sales and to continue to raise awareness the ice and go at it for a good cause. and the proceeds will go to the Tim about PTSD. The students receiving It’s called the ‘Skate for the 22’ – ‘Doc’ Cook Scholarship Fund which the scholarships are young people Bean Pot Tournament and its purpose awards scholarships to local kids. In who epitomize the concept of serv- is three-fold: To have a great time, the past, the Tim ‘Doc’ Cook schol- ing country and community and have put on a super show for the crowd arships were given to boys entering shown the willingness to help others. and raise awareness to the problem Boston College High School. This So, if you’re looking for a great of PTSD that so many of our nation’s year for the first time, girls/young way to spend a Saturday afternoon, veterans suffer from. women will also be eligible to be South Boston’s Murphy Rink is The name of the tournament – recipients as well. definitely the place to be. The action ‘Skate for the 22’ is called for the We spoke to Joe Cook, who is the will be fast and furious, you’ll be in estimated 22 veterans who die every father of the late Tim ‘Doc’ Cook. good company and you’ll e showing day in America because of this Tim was a veteran; a hero among his support for a great cause.

South Boston Catholic Academy News ecently, all of us at South Bos- embrace excellence in education and ton Catholic Boston Catholic a firm belief in the uniqueness of the RAcademy were honored and individual. Inspired by the traditions grateful to have the Former Mayor of of our catholic faith, family spirit, and Boston and Vatican Ambassador Ray academic excellence, we are commit- Flynn and Boston City Councilor Ed ted to meeting the spiritual, academic, Flynn come for a school visit. physical, and social needs of individu- We had a chance to welcome them al students. We strive to develop with- to our school and they had a chance in our students the skills and values to meet and speak with the teachers needed to become successful, morally and our students and to see how we continued on page 15 November 1, 2018 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • 15

bet against them in this one, espe- This week, Danny cially as a 2-point underdog. I can’t gave “Pic’s Picks” believe I’m even saying that the 8-0 Rams are an underdog, but here we for Week 9 are. I’ll take LA to stay undefeated. in the NFL: LOCK OF THE WEEK: CHICA- GO BEARS over Buffalo Bills -When looking for a “Lock of the went 5-0 in Week 8, which most recently the Denver Broncos. Falcons will have their work cut out Week,” this is one of those weeks marked my second perfect 5-0 They’ll now travel to Cleveland to for them on the road against a top- where you ask, “Who’s playing I week in the last three weeks. take on a 2-5 Browns team that’s 10 defense. That said, Washington’s the Buffalo Bills?” Well, in Week I’m now 27-13 on the season, pick- lost three straight and just fired their offense is average at best, and I just 9, that would be the 4-3 Chicago ing money line. In Week 9, six teams head coach and offensive coordina- think the Falcons’ offense will have Bears. The Bears are coming off a will have a bye: Cincinnati, Arizona, tor. The response to a move like that a chance to win a close one, with 24-10 win over the New York Jets Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Jackson- in the middle of the season could go their defense having some extra and are now a 9-point favorite in ville, and the New York Giants. either way, but I’m not putting my time to get ready for a pedestrian Buffalo Sunday at 1. The 2-6 Bills Let’s keep it rolling. Here are my money on the Browns using it to up- Redskins offense. Give me Atlanta have lost three straight and are picks for Week 9: set one of the best teams in the NFL. to win its third straight. coming off a loss to the Patriots MINNESOTA VIKINGS over Kansas City is a 9-point road favor- LOS ANGELES RAMS over New on Monday night. Buffalo will be Detroit Lions ite Sunday at 1. Statistically, Cleve- Orleans Saints going with their third-string quar- -The 4-3-1 Vikings are a 5-point land actually has one of the worst -The Rams are the only undefeated terback in Nathan Peterman, and I favorite at home. They’re com- pass defenses in the league. That’s team in the NFL, at 8-0, after a think we all know how this one is ing off a loss to the New Orleans not what you want going up against two-point win over the Green Bay going to end. Chicago finds itself Saints in Week 8. The 3-4 Lions Patrick Mahomes. The Chiefs will Packers last week. Now, LA heads in a battle for first place in the NFC are also coming off a loss, falling go into Cleveland and win their to New Orleans to take on a 6-1 North, and with the Green Bay to the Seattle Seahawks 28-14. The eighth game of the season. Saints team that’s won six straight Packers in New England, and Min- NFC North is anyone’s division ATLANTA FALCONS over since losing to the Tampa Bay Buc- nesota battling with divisional rival right now, so this might as well be Washington Redskins caneers in Week 1. This is a battle Detroit, this is a great opportunity a playoff game Sunday at 1 p.m. in -The 3-4 Falcons are coming off between two of the best offenses for the Bears. I don’t think there’s Minnesota. In which, I’ll take the the bye, and even though they’ve in football. The over/under is 60. any way Peterman doesn’t throw at home team. This pick is as simple won two straight games, they’ll be That’s right, 60. The biggest differ- least two interceptions. The Bears as Minnesota being the better team a 2-point underdog in D.C. Sunday ence between these two teams is on will win this one, and they might in their own building. at 1. The 5-2 Redskins have won the defensive end. The Rams have win it with ease. KANSAS CITY CHIEFS over three straight and are in sole pos- a top-five defense, allowing just 19 Listen to the entire conversation Cleveland Browns session of first place in the NFC points per game, while the Saints’ at PodcastOne. Also available on -The 7-1 Chiefs have won two East. Washington also just acquired defense ranks 23rd in the league, iTunes, Spotify, and dannypicard. straight since losing to the New safety Ha Ha Clinton-Dix in a trade averaging 26 points per game. com. Subscribe to Danny’s You- England Patriots in Week 6, beat- with the Green Bay Packers before This won’t be easy for the Rams, Tube channel at ing the Cincinnati Bengals and Tuesday’s trade deadline. So the but I believe in them too much to dannypicard.

continued from page 14 able for the 2018-2019 school year. find us on Facebook, Instagram and or phone 617- conscious members of society. Please check our website at www. Twitter, or contact Mrs. Jamie Brown, 268-2326 for more info. or to sched- There are still limited spots avail- You can also Assistant Principal, at j.brown@sb- ule a tour of the school. PUB & GRILLE All Welcome and 501 East Eighth Street, South Boston, MA 02127 MEAT Bring a Friend! SATURDAY Breakfast 8PM - Midnight Martin F. McDonough 10AM - 1PM Post #368 SAT & SUN Saturday, November 3 Ladie’s Auxiliary 329A West Broadway Daylight Saving Time Chachi South Boston Ends Sunday on guitar Kitchen Open 11am til 4pm Mon-Thu, Fri til 10pm, Sat & Sun til 6pm 1:00PMConsolation prizes, food, money raffles and fun! 16 SOUTHBOSTONTODAY • November 1, 2018 Remembering South Boston’s WWI Heroes

Please Join Us For The 100th Anniversary Remembrance of The Armistice of November 11, 1918 with special recognition and acknowledgement given to Michael J. Perkins, Medal of Honor Recipient.

Saturday, November 10, 2018 at 2:00PM

Excel High School (the former South Boston High School) 95 G Street South Boston, MA 02127

Free and Open to All • Wheelchair Accessible

Sponsored by the South Boston World War One Commemoration Committee