422 bus time schedule & line map

422 Town Centre <-> View In Website Mode

The 422 bus line (Barnsley Town Centre <-> Penistone) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Barnsley Town Centre <-> Penistone: 7:33 AM (2) Penistone <-> : 2:58 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 422 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 422 bus arriving.

Direction: Barnsley Town Centre <-> Penistone 422 bus Time Schedule 25 stops Barnsley Town Centre <-> Penistone Route VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Timetable:

Sunday Not Operational Dodworth Road/Lancaster Street, Barnsley Town Monday 7:33 AM Centre Tuesday 7:33 AM Dodworth Road/Dean Street, Barnsley Town Centre Wednesday 7:33 AM Dodworth Road, Barnsley Thursday 7:33 AM

Dodworth Road/Shaw Lane, Pogmoor Friday 7:33 AM

Dodworth Road/St. Hilda Avenue, Pogmoor Saturday Not Operational St Hilda Avenue, Barnsley

Dodworth Road/Pogmoor Road, Pogmoor

Dodworth Road/Hunters Avenue, Pogmoor 422 bus Info Dodworth Road, Barnsley Direction: Barnsley Town Centre <-> Penistone Stops: 25 Barnsley Road/South Road, Dodworth Trip Duration: 36 min Line Summary: Dodworth Road/Lancaster Street, Barnsley Road/Park Hill Grove, Dodworth Barnsley Town Centre, Dodworth Road/Dean Street, Park Hill Grove, Barnsley Barnsley Town Centre, Dodworth Road/Shaw Lane, Pogmoor, Dodworth Road/St. Hilda Avenue, Barnsley Road/Mitchelson Avenue, Dodworth Pogmoor, Dodworth Road/Pogmoor Road, Pogmoor, Dodworth Road/Hunters Avenue, Pogmoor, Barnsley Dodworth Green Road/High Street, Dodworth Road/South Road, Dodworth, Barnsley Road/Park Hill Grove, Dodworth, Barnsley Road/Mitchelson Dodworth Green Road/Chantry Orchards, Avenue, Dodworth, Dodworth Green Road/High Dodworth Street, Dodworth, Dodworth Green Road/Chantry Orchards, Dodworth, Dodworth Green Chantry Orchards, Barnsley Road/Dodworth Grange, Dodworth, Ben Bank Dodworth Green Road/Dodworth Grange, Road/Hall Royd Lane, Common, Ben Bank Dodworth Road/Moorend Lane, Silkstone Common, Knabbs Lane/Moorend Lane, Silkstone Common, Knabbs Lane/Woodland View, Silkstone Common, Coates Ben Bank Road/Hall Royd Lane, Silkstone Common Lane/Copster Lane, Oxspring, Roper Lane/Copster Close, , Roper Lane/Hollin Moor View, Thurgoland, Smithy Hill/Halifax Road, Thurgoland, Ben Bank Road/Moorend Lane, Silkstone Halifax Road/Churchelds, Thurgoland, Halifax Common Road/Roper House Lane, Thurgoland, Jockey Road/Bower Hill, Oxspring, Hudderseld Knabbs Lane/Moorend Lane, Silkstone Common Road/Wellhouse Lane, Penistone, Bus Park/Hudderseld R, Knabbs Lane/Woodland View, Silkstone Common Penistone Stonecroft Court, Silkstone

Coates Lane/Copster Lane, Oxspring B6449, Oxspring Civil Parish

Roper Lane/Copster Close, Thurgoland Roper Lane, Thurgoland Civil Parish

Roper Lane/Hollin Moor View, Thurgoland

Smithy Hill/Halifax Road, Thurgoland A629, Thurgoland Civil Parish

Halifax Road/Churchelds, Thurgoland Churchways, Thurgoland Civil Parish

Halifax Road/Roper House Lane, Thurgoland Halifax Road, Thurgoland Civil Parish

Jockey Road/Bower Hill, Oxspring

Hudderseld Road/Wellhouse Lane, Penistone

Penistone Grammar School Bus Park/Hudderseld R, Penistone Direction: Penistone <-> Dodworth 422 bus Time Schedule 19 stops Penistone <-> Dodworth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 2:58 PM Penistone Grammar School Bus Park/Hudderseld R, Penistone Tuesday 2:58 PM

Hudderseld Road/Nethereld, Penistone Wednesday 2:58 PM

Thursday 2:58 PM Hudderseld Road/Wellhouse Lane, Penistone Friday 2:58 PM Jockey Road/Bower Hill, Oxspring Saturday Not Operational Roper Lane/Copster Close, Thurgoland Roper Lane, Thurgoland Civil Parish

Roper Lane/Hollin Moor View, Thurgoland 422 bus Info Smithy Hill/Halifax Road, Thurgoland Direction: Penistone <-> Dodworth A629, Thurgoland Civil Parish Stops: 19 Trip Duration: 22 min Halifax Road/Churchelds, Thurgoland Line Summary: Penistone Grammar School Bus Churchways, Thurgoland Civil Parish Park/Hudderseld R, Penistone, Hudderseld Road/Nethereld, Penistone, Hudderseld Halifax Road/Roper House Lane, Thurgoland Road/Wellhouse Lane, Penistone, Jockey Halifax Road, Thurgoland Civil Parish Road/Bower Hill, Oxspring, Roper Lane/Copster Close, Thurgoland, Roper Lane/Hollin Moor View, Coates Lane/Copster Lane, Oxspring Thurgoland, Smithy Hill/Halifax Road, Thurgoland, B6449, Oxspring Civil Parish Halifax Road/Churchelds, Thurgoland, Halifax Road/Roper House Lane, Thurgoland, Coates Knabbs Lane/Woodland View, Silkstone Common Lane/Copster Lane, Oxspring, Knabbs Stonecroft Court, Silkstone Civil Parish Lane/Woodland View, Silkstone Common, Knabbs Lane/Cone Lane, Silkstone Common, Ben Bank Knabbs Lane/Cone Lane, Silkstone Common Road/Hall Royd Walk, Silkstone Common, Dodworth Green Road/Ben Bank Road, Dodworth, Dodworth Ben Bank Road/Hall Royd Walk, Silkstone Green Road/Baslow Crescent, Dodworth, Dodworth Common Green Road/Station Road, Dodworth, Barnsley Road/Higham Lane, Dodworth, Barnsley Road/Park Dodworth Green Road/Ben Bank Road, Dodworth Hill Grove, Dodworth, Barnsley Road/South Road, Dodworth Dodworth Green Road/Baslow Crescent, Dodworth Chantry Orchards, Barnsley

Dodworth Green Road/Station Road, Dodworth 2A High Street, Barnsley

Barnsley Road/Higham Lane, Dodworth 91 Barnsley Road, Barnsley

Barnsley Road/Park Hill Grove, Dodworth

Barnsley Road/South Road, Dodworth

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