Conversational commerce

Conversational commerce is forever changing the way consumers and brands interact Conversational commerce is forever changing the way consumers and brands interact

Conversational commerce makes it easy for consumers to communicate with brands from any device, on their own schedule, using natural language to buy things and get things done.

Websites have not delivered on their original promise. More than 20 years after the frst e-commerce site launched, only about 11% of retail sales today come through online channels — and about half of that is Amazon.

The web was designed for content sharing, not for commerce and transactions. Websites are fundamentally similar in structure, especially when it comes to e-commerce: Visitors are asked to search or browse content to fnd what they’re looking for, put it in a shopping cart, and then check out. It’s a process that hasn’t really changed in over two decades, and it’s why only 5% of web visitors purchase anything online. On the care side, it’s not uncommon that 60%-80% of people who call a contact center visited the brand’s website frst but were unable to fnd what they were looking for.

People need to interact in order to transact. They have to ask questions, get advice, and understand options. Conversational commerce makes it possible for consumers to do just this without having to visit a store or call a contact center.

Consumers are already conversational. 90% of conversations with friends, family, and colleagues take place through messaging, while 18 of the world’s 22 most popular smartphone apps include messaging. And most millennials choose messaging over the phone in almost all scenarios. Conversational commerce makes it easy for consumers to reach brands in the way they prefer to communicate.

With conversational commerce, brands will begin to shift customer interaction volume from expensive, cumbersome voice and web channels to conversational interfaces, where they meet consumers where they’re already comfortable, driving huge effciencies and high customer satisfaction.

1 25 years later, e-commerce has failed us

Only 11%

of commerce is e-commerce (~50% of which is Amazon)

Only 5% 60 - 80%

of website visitors of people who call a make a purchase contact center visited the brand's website frst

2 LivePerson powers conversational commerce

LivePerson helps more than 18,000 companies build conversational businesses and run them at scale. Brands like T-Mobile, The Home Depot, Sky, RBS, Citibank, HSBC, and more are already paving the way with conversational commerce. The results are dramatic.

LiveEngage is the platform that powers conversational commerce. It orchestrates humans, bots, and systems through an integrated set of services. In real time, LiveEngage can understand consumer intent, route consumers to the right agent (bot or human), manage agent workload, queue consumers, understand conversational sentiment, and uncover trending topics.

LiveEngage allows brands to reach consumers across a wide array of customer touch points, including mobile apps, SMS, web, social, and voice channels. LivePerson is the only messaging provider selected to launch with both Apple Business Chat and Google RCS business messaging.

LiveEngage is an open platform that integrates with third-party services and enterprise systems through a robust set of APIs and SDKs.

Brands that have deployed messaging see:

2x to 4x 50% increase in agent decrease in labor cost effciency versus voice per interaction

20% 20% increase in decrease in customer customer satisfaction churn

50% 4x decrease in agent increase in attrition rates converted sales

3 While packing for a business trip, Jordan arranges for a taxi to the airport A day in the using Alexa. life of the conversational On the way to the airport, they send the airline a message requesting to consumer change seats.

While waiting for the airline’s reply, Jordan the mobile company to switch to an international data plan, then messages their bank to set an international travel alert.

Upon arriving at hotel, Jordan opens up the phone map to fnd nearby restaurants and sends a message to make a reservation.

While window shopping during a free afternoon, sees a cool pair of shoes. Sends a message to the manufacturer asking them to ship a pair to home address.

Remembers grandmother’s birthday and messages a fower shop in her city. Is offered a variety of bouquets directly in the message. Selects one and pays with Apple Pay.

Several weeks after returning home, Jordan $$$ sees that the mobile company inadvertently charged for roaming data during the trip. Opens up the messaging thread and picks up the conversation to resolve the issue.

All of this is accomplished without making a phone call or visiting a single website.

4 Automation for messaging at scale LiveEngage curates best-of-breed bots to address any care or commerce use case. LiveEngage bots, enterprise AI bots, and third-party bots all run through LiveEngage for real-time management and reporting. Bots and human agents are able to work together — in a tango — to handle customer interactions, with the bot able to escalate to a human who can then hand back to the bot. Through LiveEngage, bot performance improves over time, bringing greater effciency to conversations.

LivePerson has a conversational design team that works with brands to develop bot conversations. Looking a current customer intents, a brand’s voice, and the ways customers currently interact, the LivePerson conversational design team works to craft excellent customer journeys, enabled by bots and AI.

Measure impact with Meaningful Connection Score™ The Meaningful Connection Score (MCS) is an objective scoring algorithm that lets brands track customer satisfaction in real time during conversations as well as over longer periods. MCS is superior to traditional customer satisfaction methods because it uses text analytics and NLP to assess the actual sentiment of a customer. MCS is proprietary to LivePerson, developed specifcally to measure customer sentiment for conversational commerce.

Optimize messaging operations LivePerson has developed a playbook to help businesses optimize the shift from voice to messaging. We work with brands from concept design and ideation through implementation and management to ensure that messaging strategies align with business objectives and achieve KPIs. We help brands build a platform on which they can use reporting and analytics to innovate rapidly and undercover new uses to fuel revenue growth and operational effciencies.

LiveEngage is enterprise grade Drawing on over 20 years of experience helping brands build and manage digital care and sales channels, LivePerson designed LiveEngage to be conversational from the outset.

We maintain a comprehensive set of industry and compliance certifcations, including ISO 27001, SSAE 16 Type II, PCI DSS, and GDPR, among others. Our LiveEngage platform is highly scalable, supporting over 300M interactions per year, 2B visits monthly, and 1M events per second, with an uptime SLA of 99.5%.

5 In-app and web SMS

Google RCS Apple WhatsApp Business Messaging Business Chat