2. Tlie petition and schedule, and all books, John-Galey, formerly of5 Wellington-Street, in the City of papers, and writings filed therewith, will be pro- ^, and late of West Pottergate-Street, in the Hamlet of Hcigham, in the County of the same City, Journeyman, duced, by the proper Officer for inspection and ex- Tailor-. , amination, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, TlVomas SteWart, late of Silver-Street, in the Hamlet of until the last day for entering opposition inclusive; Pbckthorpe, in tire County of the City of'Norwich, Silk- and c'opies- of the petition and schedule,- or such Weaver. Matthew ClarEe, late of the Parish of St. Martin, at Oak, hi. • prri-t thereof as shall be required, will be pro- the City of Norwich, Cord\vainer. vided by the proper Officer, according to the Act, Matthew Smith, formerly of the Rose-Yard, in the Parish of 7 Geo. 4, c. 57, sec. 76. St. Augustine", in.the City of Norwich, arid late of the Parish, of St. Clement, in. the County of the same City, Silk- 3'. Notice to produce at the hearing any' books Weaver. or papers filed with the schedule, must be given diaries'Bell, heretofore of the Parish of St. Mary, afterwards, of the Parish of St. George, of Colegute, then of the Parisli. to the Officer having the custody thereof, within of St. Martin, at Oak, and late of the Parish of St. Augustine, the hours above mentioned, on any day previous all in the City of Norwich, Cordwainer. to tlte day of hearing. Thomas Blyth, late of St. Paul's Church-Alley, in the City of: * Norwich, Plastr.rer. 4. Opposition at the liearine* can only be" made Richard' Springate Boriny, formerly of IVlaids'tone, in the • County of Kent, tind late of the City of Norwich, Butcher- by the Creditor in person,, or by Counsel appear- (sued as Robert Bonny). ing for him. Henry Tuck,, formerly of the. Parish of Si. Paul, in the City, of Norwich, and late of Silver-Road, in the Hamlet' of Poekth'orpe', in the County of the same City, Silk-Weaver. William- Dale, formerly of Nile-Street, Burslemj Stafford- THE COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT shire, Grocer, and late of the City of Norwich, Dealer in.- DEBTORS. Earthenware. William Ogilvy, late of the City of Norwich, Tailor. Nv B. See the Notiqe at the end' of these Ad- Richard Cowles, formerly of Attlebo.rough, , afterwards. vertisements. ,of Caston, in the same County, Labourer and Pensioner,, then of St. Martin's-Palace, in Norwich, then of Sprowston,. r then of Thorpe, and late of Lakenham, all in the County of f he-Matters of the PETITIONS and SCHEDULES the City of Norwich, Lime-Burner and Pensioner. of the PRISONERS hereinafter^ named (the same Having been filed in the Court) are appointed At the Court-House, Bury St. Edmunds, in the- to he heard as follows : Courtty of Suffolk, on the 17th day of November- 1828i at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely. At the Court-Housc, at Norwich,.- in and' for the 1 County of Norfolk, on the 14th day of Novem- Samuel Tjicker, late of Hadkigh, iri the County of' Suffolk, ; Saddler and Harness-Maker. ber 1 828> at Ten o-'Clock in: the Fdrenoon. James- East, formerly of Lavenham, Suffolk, Farmer, then of" Hober-t Fuller, late of Bale, Norfolk, Labourer. Preston,, in the said County, Farmer, since of Walding- John Barnes, late of Langhaui, near Holt, Norfolk, Labourer. field, in the said County, Farmer, and late of Lavenham. William Stapleton, late of Langham, near Holl,- Norfolk, aforesaid, Farmer. . Labourer. Robert Porter, late of Bale, Norfolk, Labourer. At the Court-House, Carlisle, in the County of Cum-- ftj'atthew Claxton the younger,-lateof Bale, Norfolk,.Labourer. berland, on the J 7th day of November 1828, at Samuel Gay,-lute of Wymondham, Norfolk, Horse-Breaker. Ten o'Clock in the'-Forertoon.. William Arnold, late of Swatt'ham, Norfolk, Cordwainer. Johti'.SerJHftnt Goddard, formerly of Briston, afterwards of. George Charlton, formerly of. Guard's-Hili; bnt.late of Moor-- Wells, Traveller, and late of Briston, all in Norfolk, house,'bdth;in the Parish of Walton, Cumberland, Farmer. Publican. Joseph- Mawson, late of Mill-Hill-Mill, in tlfe Parish of St. Bees, Cumberland, Miller. John Jackson, late of Goose Butts, in the Parish of St. Bees^ At the Court-House, in. the City of Norwich, in Cumberland, Carter. the County' of the same City-, on the 14th Edward ChristophcrsOn,.late of N