May Washington 25, D.C. Series P-25, No. 265


(1~he esttmates for 1960 and 1961 super.sede those pub11.shed in S(jri.e;:l P-25, No. 246. IIhose for 1950 to 1959 supersede the J)ostcensal est:Lmates 1'70, 193, and 212. All tho figures shown here are consistent with the est1mate~3 of l~he components of populatton cbange the United 'states shown in Current Population Heports, Series P-2?, No. 250)

report presents postcensal estimates of the whereas less than average gL~ins, and l.n some age population of the United States by age, color, and sex groups declines, have occurred in the adult population for ,July 1, 1960 to 1962. Included in an appendix are (table A). preliminary intercensal estimates of the population of contermihous United States (excluding Alaska and Ha­ Table A.--CHANGES IN THE POPUI.ATION, BY AGE: 1950 TO 1962 waii) by:age, color and sex, for July 1, 1950 to 1959. (Numbers in thousands. Total including Alaska and Esilmates are presented according to three def­ initions of the population--·total including Armed =----====~=====r======p===== Forces abroad, total resident, and civilian resident. Figures corresponding to these three d.efini tions for Age the census dates, , 1960, and April 1, 1950,

are also presented. The total. resident population ------~------~.--4_----4_--~----._t---- conforms to the definition of the United States popu­ All ages •••••••• 'I--'==+==i--"==+'==+.;'''-'.!:..:-'..+=-'-'' lation for which the principal tabulati.ons are made Under 5 years e ~ •••••• for the census reports. ThUS, it excludes residents 5 to 13 14 to years •...••. of Puerto FiCO, residents of other outlying areas 18 to 24 years ...... under United States sovereignty or jurisdiction, and 25 to 3/, years ••••••• 35 to 44 years •••••.• American citizens living abroad. The 'total popula­ 45 to 64 years. ~"'" tion including Armed Forces abroad' includes the total 65 years and over ••.• resident population and the Armed Forces stationed in foreign countries or in the outlying areas but not their dependents. The "civilian resident population' Between April 1950 and , the population represents the total resident populati.on less the Armed of elementary school ages (5 to 13 years of age) in­ Forces stationed in the United States. creased by about 12 million and that of high school age (J.4 to 17 years o.f age) increased by about 4 mil·" The estimates for conterminous United States for lion. All told, there were 33.9 million children 5 to 1950 to 1959 sllown in the appendix exclude Alaska and 13 years old and 12.7 million 14 to 17 years o1.d in Hawaii whereas the postcensal estimates for 1960 to 1962 compared with 22.3 mi.llion and 8.4 million, re­ 1962 include tllem. spectively, in 1950. Thus in 1962, there were three children of school afe for every two in 1950. The INDICATED CHANGES percentage of increase in this age group was more than Important shifts have occurred over the past twice that of t,he population as a whole. From 1950 to dozen years i.n the age composition at the population 1962, tlJ8 total population (:Lncluding Alaska and Ha­ of tlle United States. The preschool ami ScllOo1-age waii) increased from 151 million to 186 million, or by population and the el

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, For sale the Cent3uG Luther H. Hodges, Secretary 25, D.C. Price 2:; cents.

BUREAU OF THE CENSUS, P-25, Richard M. Scammon, Director 2

In 1962, there were 20.7 million children under 5 year ending July 1, 1962, as compared with an increase years of age, compared wttl'! 16.2 million in 1950, a of 296,000 In 1960-61, and an average annual increase gain of about 28 percent. The elderly population of about 358,000 for the entire 12-year period. (those 65 years and over) also grew rapidly during The population 5 to 13 years of age increased more t11i8 12-year period, increasing from 12.3 to 17.3 mil- than 600,000 in 1961-62, by slightly less than 300,000 41 percent; and. i t8 share of tbe total in 1960 -61, and by about 1. million In 1959 -60. The 8.1 to 9.3 percent. largest annual increase In this age group occurred in the year endIng July 1, 1952, when the f:Lrst wave of' groups 18 to 64 years (typicaLLy trw POBt·World-War-Il births (1946·47) entered the group, range from [ligh·school vraduation to retirement) have replacing those born during the years 1938··39. all increaser! less trlan the population as a whole, but with considerable varIation in rates of change. The 1.'he population 18 to 24 years of age lost popula­ resident popu1atJ.on 18 to 24 years of age increased by tion in tile early part, of t,he 1950 decade up to 1954 only 8 percent for tr18 12-year period and that 25 to but Increas ed armually thereafter to 1962. Between 34 years of age decreased by 7 percent (from 23.9 mil·· 1950 anel 1954, the group lost about 1. 5 mH1.ion per­ lion in 1950 to 22.2 million in 1962.) As a conse­ sons but then Increased by 2.8 mil1.ion from 1954 to quence, the percentage of the population included in 1962. The age group 2fj to 34 years, on Ule other hand, tIle la·tter age group dropped from 15.8 to 12.0. Most increased. 1.ittle in the early part of the 1950's and of the [lecline in this group has occurred since 1954. has lost about 1. 9 million since 1954. in this group remained virtually unchanged The population reaching selected ages each year 1950 and 1954. is shown in table C and figure 1. The number of chil­ dren reaching age 6, when most children enter SChool, The differential rates of growth hy age have has been 3.5 million or more since 1952-53 and had tended to increase the responsibilIty of the adult reached 4.0 million by 1962. Another important age is in terms of' the number of dependents. A 18 years, since at that age many young people enter measure of this trend is the dependency ratio. college, become eligible for Selective SerVice, enter For ev,ery 100 persons 18 to 64 years of age in 1962, the labor force, or marry. The number reaching 18 there "were 84 persons under 18 years of age or 65 years averaged 2.2 million in th.e decade 1950 to 1960, and old and over. The ratio stood at 64 in 1950 and 60 in 2.8 million since then. This group can be expected to 1940. Another consequence of age differentials in population growth is that the average age of the popu­ lation has been dropping. The median age (the one which divides the population into two equal parts, Figure 1.- POPULATION REACHING SELECTED AGES one-half of the population being older than the median 1951 TO 1962 and one-half younger) declined from 30.2 years in 1950 MILLIONS to 28.9 years in 1962, the lowest it has been since 5.0 1940 (table B). The median reached peaks of 30.5 years i in 1952 and 30.9 in 1945. These peaks were caused . AGE 0 I mainly by the temporary absence of young men assigned i I i ~ i' to the Armed Forces abroad. I U--' , ~ Table B.--MEDIAN AGE OF THE POPULATION: 1900 TO 1962 'O-'1:=---J i AGI 6 Il,..- (As of July 1" except as noted. Total resident population) - I/'~ ~ --- V i Age Year Year Age (years) (years) 3. 0 / ~-"- - J r~ United States: Conterminous United AGI 18 / 1962 ...... 28.9 States-.... Con. I 29.2 1953 ...... 30.5 I ! -~ 29.5 1952 ...... 30.5 1951...... 30.'/, 2. 0'---· ...... J ,-- - I·.. ···1,,--, I' ...... Conterminous United 1950 (April 1) ... .. 30.2 .. -1 Stutes: I I lS·::S· .•...••••....• 29.7 1940 1) ..•.. 29.0 1930 1) .... . i 1958 •...... ••.••. 29.9 26.5 .... _.-- ...... ! 1920 1) ...... 25.3 j-' I AGE 65 l\~)-! •...... '0.1 ! lS'::-G ••• ; •••••••••• '0.3 1910 15) .•.. 24.1 i ! 19:;5 ...... 30 . .3 1900 1) ...... 22.9 I 1954 •...... • 30.t'. 1.0 ,._... - I.. ·· .. 1·· f··--J ------'-----"-._------_.-'--- .

i ~.-.. .-...... !.. .. SUbstantial annual fluctuations have marked the i pattern of growth of the population by broad age groups i·······~·-I over the last dozen years (table 5). There has been a I slowing down in the growth of the popillation under 5 1951 1952 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 years old. The group increasec} by only 86,000 in the YEAR ENDING JUL Y 1 3

increase sharply in 1965 and to remain at a high pla­ Because of trle excess of females at the ol(ler teau as the babies born during the high birth years of ages, their average age is higher. The median age for 1946-47 and later reach this age. females in 1962 was 29.9 years as compared wlth 27.9 years for males, or 2.0 years higher (tables 2 and E). Recent revisions in the Social Security laW now Furthermore, "trle dHferenc,e is inc,reasing. In 1950, permit many people to retire at age 62. About It mil­ the IUfference was only 0.6 years--30.5 years as com­ Hon persons currently reach ave 62 eacll year. pared Wltll 29.9 years.

Table C .--NUMllJ1l1 OF' PI~IlS0NS !lEACHING SELEGTN) AGF,';: 1951 TO 1962 Ta1J1e E.-·-Ml'l)JAN AGE,. BY cown AND 8ml: 1950 TO 1962 (In thousandB. Hav!HJ j before (As of July 1, except as noted. Total resj.dent population)

Male Female Year White

1961. .... 1960 ••..• United States: 1959 ••...... ••• 1962 ...... 1958 ...... 1961...... J960 1) ...... 1957 .... , ...... 1956 ••...... '" Conterminous United States: 1955 ••...... 1959 ...... 1954 ...... 1958 ...... 1953 ...... 1957 ...... 1952 ...... 1956 .... , ..•• 1951...... 1955 ...... 1954 ...... 1953 ...... 1952 ...... 1951...... 1950 (Apr:Ll

The excess of females over males in the popula.· The nonwhite population has been growing more tion continues to increase. For every 100 females rapidly than the white population in recent years. there were, in tIle resident population in 1962, 96.7 From 1950 to 1962, the nonwhite population grew by 33 males, as compared with 97.1 in 1960 and 98.6 in 1950 percent as compared with 21 percent for the white ('ta­ (table D) . If Armed Forces abroad are inCluded, the ble F) . The growth dHferentials are particu1a.r1y sex ratio in 1962 is 97.5, and women outnumber men by marked for the youngest ages, the consequence of the 2.4 million. The ratio of males to females has been higher fertility of nonwhites. The nonwhite popu1atJ.on declining for the past 50 years, reflecting the more rapid growth of the female population, the result of Table f.--GHANGJiS IN TilE WHrfE AND NONWHITE POPULATION, BY AGE: 1950 TO 1962 the greater increase in the life span among women than among men and of the passing of a generation of immi- (Nu.rnbE:rs in thousa.."'1ds. Total population, including Alaska and grants, among whom males predominated. The sex ratio in the older ages is also declining as a consequence. Change, 1962 April 1, 1950 Under age 45, however, little change is occurring in July 1, 1950 to 1962

the ratio. Overall in 1962, women outnumbered men by Age a."1d colo;:, Per- Popula- Per- Popula- Per- 3.1 million (excluding Armed Forces abroad). N\lffiber cent tion cent tion cent change Table D.--SEX RATIO OF TIlE POPULATION, BY AGE: 1900 TO 1962

(As of July except as noted. 100 females. WHITE resident ~U"UH""'Jn I All ages ...... f-""-"'-,+"":'':':'''+-'--'---j---t­ Under 5 years ••.••••• +24.0 Under 15 to 45 to +49.9 All 25 to 65 5 to 13 Year 15 2/, 1+/1- +51.9 ages 64 and 14 to years years years years over 18 to years .... '" +7.3 25 to 34 years ••••.•• -S.l Unitec States: 35 "to /+4 years ••..••• +13.2 45 to 6.\ yean .•....• +20.2 19(~2 ••..•.. '" .••••.••• 96.7 103.5 98.4 95.6 94.8 flO.6 65 years and over •••• +4D.4 19(0 (April 1) ...... 97.1 103.4 98.3 95.7 95.7 82.8

United States: NONlIHITE 97.2 103.5 97.3 95.5 96.2 84.4 19:-6 ...... 97.3 103.5 ~<6.0 9:.4 97.0 86.2 All ages ...... "1-==-+==+-=C=-'-'=-t-==:.=.-t--,==++-.:3;c:3..:.:..5 19,,4 ...... 97.2 103.5 ?3.7 9~.1 97.9 87.6 Under 5 years ••..•••• 1952 ••.••.••.•••.•.•.•• 9?/t 103.6 ~'3.1 95.2 98.9 88.7 5 to 13 1050 (April 1) ...... 98.6 103.7 97.6 96.4 100.0 89.7 14 to 1"40 1) ...... 100.7 103.0 98.5 98.5 105.2 95.5 18 to years ••. " . 1930 1) ...... 102.5 10; .6 9'7.9 109.1 100.5 25 to 3~ years ••.•..• 1 0 20 1) ...... 104.0 10; .1 96.8 105.1101.8/ 115.2 101.3 35 to 44 years ••.••• 1910 15) ...... 106.0 10:'.2 IGl.O 110.2 114.4 lOLl ~ 5 to 6/1. years •••..• 1900 1) ...... 104.4 102.1 9S.1 lOS.8 110.7 102.0 65 years and over ••• I 4

under 14 years old increased by 61 percent from 1950 the l.ength of the estimate period and by assigning to 1962, as compared with 39 percent for the white births, deaths, and net immigrants during the estimate population. The proportion nonwhite i.n the population peri.od to the proper age group. The total :resident of all ages increased from 10.7 percent in 1950 to population has been esti~ated by subtracting estimates 11.6 percent in 1962. of Armed Forces abroad from the total population in­ cluding Armed Forces abroad; the resi.dent Ttle nonwhite population is much younger ttlan the population has been estima.ted by' 8u'btracting estimates whl te. In 1962, 44 percent of the nonwhite populai;ion of 8.11 Armeej Forces (botfl at home and abroad) of the waR under 18 yea:rs old and only 23 pe:rcent was 45 years Uni.ted States from the total populat,ion Incluciing old ami over, in contrast to 35 percent under 18 years Armed Forces abroad. and 30 percent 45 years and over for tlle whites. The staiiistics on bI:r·ths and deaths are based on Tl"l8 large mmlbe:r of child:ren makes for a higl"l de­ tabulations of vItal st,atl.sti.cs for the resident popu­ pendency ratio fo:r the nonwhite population--99 as com­ lation by the NaUonal Vital Statistics Dlvisi.on of pared wHh 82 fo:r the whHe. This diffe:rence in age the UnIted States PubUc Health ServIce. The estt­ eomposition is also :reflected in the median age, which mates employed final tabulations of bI:rths and deaths was 22.5 years fo:r trw nonwhJ.te and 29.8 yea:rs for tho through an(1 p:reliminary tabulations whtte population. Since 1950, the age for non·· through . Births were corrected fo:r under·· whites has declined by 3.5 years compared with a d:rop registration by factors d.eterm:lned by extending tlle of 0.9 years f"or the whHe population. results of the Bi:rth RegistratIon Test conducted by Females outnumpe:r males by a margl.n in the ·the PubJ.1c HeaHIl Service in conjunctIon wIth the J.950 nonwhite than :in the white population. Overall, in Census to subsequent years.' No sImHar registration 1962, there were 94.3 males per 100 females in the test was conducted in 1960. nonwhite population compared witl"l a ratio of 9'1.0 in Tl"le estimates of' net immig:ration from foreign the whl.te (table G). Only fo:r ages 65 and over was countries are based on sta·tistics provided by the Im­ tl:)e sex ratio for nonwhites higher than for whi.tes. migratton and NaturaUzation Service and by ·the Plan­ Table G.--8EX RATIO OF THE WHITE AND NONWHI'rE POPULATION, ning Board of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Data BY AGE: 1962 on net immigratl.on are available only througl"l June (Males per 100 females. Total resident popula·tion) 1961; the estimates for trw following year a:re extra­ polations. An 8.110wance has been made for those Cuban refugees who have come to the United States but who do Age White Nonwhite not appear in the immigratton data because they had not yet been granted permanent status. The age dis­ All ages ...... ,___ --.:.-9·'-C 1.:.;:O+ ___..:.9.:.:: 1,:..::.3 trIbution of a11 classes 01" migrants was assumed to be Under 15 years ...... "', 104.1 100.1 the same as that of immigrant aU ens, the only ar:ri vals 15 to 24 years ...... [ 98.9 94.7 25 to 41, years...... 96.7 87.2 or depa.rtures for which actual data are available. 45 to M years...... 94.9 94.3 65 years and over...... gO.O S7.2 The estimates of the Armed Fo:rces are based on data from the Statistical Service Cente:r of the De­ partment of Defense and from the Army, Navy, Air Force, SOURCES AND METHODS Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. 2 Reserve forces on a 6-month tour of t:raining and students at the military 1. Estimates for 1960 to 1962. --The postcensal academies are included in the Armed Forces; rese:rve estimates are based on statistics f:rom the 1960 Census forces on short tours of t:raining, national guardsmen, of Population; statistiCS and estimates of births and and oHIcers in the Publi.c Health Service a:re not in­ deaths provided 'by the National Vital S·tatistics­ cluded. Crews of naval vessels in American ports are Sian, National Center for Health StatistiCS, United considered inside the UnHed States; those in foreign States Public Health Service; statistics on tl1e number ports or on the high seas are considered ab:road. of immigrant aliens admitted to tl1e United States and citizen arrivals from ab:road as :repo:rted by the Immi­ The population estimates are based on complete­ gration and Natu:ralization Se:rvice of' tl"le Depa:rt­ count population figures from the 1960 Census tabu­ ment of Justice, supplemented by data :reported by tl"le lated by age, colo:r, and sex. The age detail from the Government of Puerto RicOi and data on the size and dist:rtbution of the Armed Forces obtained from the Sta­ ti.stical Services Center of the lJepa:rtment of Defense 1 U.S. Public Health Service, National Vital Statistics and the va:rious b:ranches of se:rvice. Division (National Office of Vital StatistiCS), Vol. I, pp. The estimates have been made by the component ibid.: 1959, The adjustment amounled method applied to ·the total popuMtion including Armed to 1.1 percent for the year June 30, 1962. 2 Estimates of the size and distribution of the Armed Forces abroad as of April 1, 1960. (The base popula­ Forces for are also available from the 1960 tion fo:r April 1960 is the 1960 Census count plus Census of Population. The Department of Defense is used Armed F'orces abroad.) This method entails bringing as the source for the estimates here because it provides a forwa:rd the population from the census da·te to the es­ consistent series over time required for a continuing pro­ tirna·te date by aging the population in proportion to gram of papula tioD ~stima tes. b

count is by 5-year age groups for ages under 85 years 'l'lle artificial fluctuations In the data on age in old and by single years of age for ages under 21 years tile sample of tile 1960 Census are believed to ilSve old." To facilitate the computations, the population arisen for a number of reasons: (1) errors Df know­ for ages 21 to 84 was also distributed by single years. ledge and memory tend to increase wi'Lh age; (2) digIt The populatIon 21 to 24 years of age (including Armed preference in reporting year of bIrth (and consequen'tly Forces abroad) was distrlbut,ed in proportion t,o annual of age) WiliCh, although substantially less than digIt preference in reporting age in earlier censuBeB, st:Lll births from 1935 to 1939. Since births were much less remains a source of conSistent bias, partlcu1arly for completely registered in earlier years, births statl.B­ tile nonwhite (:~) over-reporting of 1900 tics were not used t,o distribute, by sl.ngle years, the as the year 01' blrtl!, wlllell results :tn a substant.iaJ grouped date. beyond age 24. Rather, the 5-year age excess ,above tile expeci,ed" population a't age 59, and groups (by color and sex) of thepopulat1on lnclucling (4) sampline; error. Armed Forces abroad were dlstributed by B point poly­ nomial interpolation. This form of lnterpo1ation !il1rthermoro, tile diHerm1c:er, trw count[;, lJY provided a series of f:lgures for single years of age 5-year age groups, between tile sample and t.he complete count, particularly for tl18 popuJat,ion 6tl year" and which is consistent with the B-year age totals and over, result in disccmtlnu:ltj es in tho single years of shows a smooth transItion from one age group to t,he age in going from one f)-year age grouj) to anotller next." wileniJle S8l!lpJ e count8 are adjustec) to b-.year tot,als from tile complete count, Table H Ghows a comparison Al ternatl vely, tn derl ving the single years of between tlle complete counts arid tilo sample cQunte, lJY age for the population 25 years old and over, the 5,-year age groups and color. P1gUres 2 anci 3 show tlJe counts of population by single years from the 25- differences at successive ages (1, e., agee 2ti and 26, percent sample of the 1960 Census could have been used. ages 26 and 27, etc,) for tho dl stributlon of tile pop­ A close review of the figures, however, indicated that ulation by single years, whIte and nonwh1 te, 25 to 74 this series does not provide the best basis for popu­ years 01' age, as derived by (I'L) mathematical interpo .. lation' estimates by single years of age. The sample lation over the B-year age data based on the complei,e census data by single years for the adult ages show counts (the base used for these es'timates) and, (b) greater fluctuations than would be expected from what adjusting the data by single years from the sample to is known of the course of births, deaths, and immigra­ the 5-year age total of tl1e comple';te count. The dis­ tion during the early years of the century. continuity at age 59 is particularly apparent.

3 U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Census of Population: , For discussions of age 'heaping in censuses, see U.S. 1960, General Popu1ation Characteristics, United States Bureau of the Census, U.S. Census of Population: 1960, Summary, Final Report PC(l)-lB, table 46. Detailed Characteristics, United States SUlllJllary, Final ~ In order to provide a smooth juncture from the single Report PC(l)-lDj Robert J. Myers, "Aoouracy of Age Report­ years of age distribution based on births for ages 21 to ing in the 1950 U.S. Census," Journal of The American Sta­ to 24 and those obtained by mathematical interpolation for tistical Association, Vol. 49, No. 268, December 19~+; ages 25 and over, the single years of age for the 25 to 29 and Age Heaping_in the]2?~ Census of Populati~, prepared year age group were obtained by a weighted-average proce­ by Benjamin S. Bradshaw and Donald S. Akers (unpublished dure of the two methods. Population Division staff paper), .


(Minus sign (-) indicates sample low~r than complete count)

.All classes White Nonwhite

Difference Difference Age J" Oomplete Oomplete Complete Sample count Per_ count Sample Sample Number count Number Per- cent cent

All ages ...... 179,323,175 179,325,671 2,496 (1) 158,831,732 ;,939 (1) _3,443 ( 1) Under 5 years ..... 20,320,901 20,321,864 963 (1) 7,006, (1) -6,043 -0,2 5 to 9 years ...... 18,691,780 18,659,145 -32,635 -0.2 _20,145 -0.1 -12,490 -0.5 10 to 14 years •••• 16} 773,/,+92 16,815,970 42,478 0.3 3H,436 0.3 4,042 0.2 15 to 19 years •••• 13,219,243 13,287,439 1 68,196 0.5 58,138 0.5 10,058 0.6 20 to 24 years .... 10,800,761 10,803,169 2,1,08 (1) 9,068 0.1 -6,660 -0.5 25 to 29 years .... 10,869,124 10,870,386 1,262 (") 9,873 0.1 -8,611 -0.7 30 to 34 .... 11,949,186 11,951,709 2,523 (") 7,234 0.1 -4,711 -0.3 35 to 39 years •••• 12,481,109 12,508,316 27,207 0.2 29,589 0.3 -2,382 -0.2 40 to 44 years, ... 11,600,2L,3 11,567,216 -33,027 -0.3 -29,926 -0.3 .. 3,101 -0.3

45 to 49 years •..• . 10,879,485 10,928,878 9,838,979 53,817 -4,424 50 to 51+ years. , .. 9,605,95/+ 9,696,A.98 8,777,120 83,592 6,952 55 to 59 years •••• 8,429,865 8,595,9/t7 7,761,453 135,242 30,840 60 to 6/"\" years, ... 7,14;:',452 7,111,897 6,519,629 -31,044 1.8S 65 to 7t. years, ... 10,996,842 10,8'\7,899 9,981,183 -l/,9,083 ~l. 5 75 end over, ...... 5,562,738 5,359,338 4,977,76tt -195,858 -.1.8 -~~5/t2~ __ 1 Lees than 0;05 percent. 6

At the younger ages, on the other hand, i.e. for misreporting of age. 6 However, the evaluation work the population under 21 years, the census counts by on the 1960 Census is only partially completed, and as single years of age parallel the distribution of births yet there is no definitive overall measure of net un­ qui te closely. dercount for the 1960 Census, nor is there any for most of the age groupS.7 Estimates indicate that In preparing the populatIon estimates, i.t was for ciuldren under 5 years of age there was a net, un­ necessary to carry forward th.8 April. 1, 1960, popula­ dercount of 2.6 percent in the 1960 Census as compared tion to ,July 1, 1960, to provide ·the appropriate base 4.7 percent in the 1950 Census. For the group 5 for later years. Because of the sharp fluctuations in to 9 years of age, the c.orresponding Hgures are 2.4 tbe numbers of amlual births during ·Lhe recent past, particularly during and just after World War II, the 6 U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Census of Popula-. population under 26 was aged one-quarter of a year from tion: 1960, Number of Inhabitants, UnIted States Summary, April 1960 to . on the basis of the monthly Final Reports PC(I)-lA, pp. X-XII, and ~lementary Re­ b1rttls in the appropriate years. For ages 25 years PC(Sl)-32, "Population of tbe United States, by am! over, a unIform assumption was made that one­ Years of Age: 1960." f'ourth of tY18 populatIon at each age, after allowing See, for example, Joseph Steinberg, et al., lIThe Accu­ for mortaHty, would move up to the next higher age racy of the 1960 Census Count, tl In: American Statistical during tllis ealendar quarter. ASSOCiation, ~ings of...J.l1.."'_i2ocia1 StatIstIcs Sec.!o~on: 1962, pp.• 76-79, Washington, D.C.; and Conrad Taeubor and Morris H. Hansen, "A Preliminary Evaluation of the 1960 Tile estimates have not ot,herwise been adjusted Census of Population, II paper presented at the annual meet­ for bias i.n the census enumeration, although it is ings of the PopulatIon Association of America at Philadel­ recognized that tbere were both underenumeration and phia, .


(Single·yeor.of·age estimates obtained by interpolation in the five.year age groups in the complete count hy (1) sample counts,and by (2) mathematical interpolation) THOUSANDS +2~r------r------'------'------'~-----'------'-----~1'------'------'------'

I I A ,\ r \ 1\

,'""t...! I '\ I\~~I\ I " V \; \ \' \ (--1\. I I / \

I I I I I I I I I I I I 35 40 45 so 5S 6(l 65 70 75 AGE '7


(Single~year~of-og6 estimates obtained by interpolation in fhe five~year 'oge groups in the complete count , by (1) sample counts, and by (2) mathematical interpolation) THOUSANDS +aor------r------r------r------r------~------_,------~r_------,_------,_------,

+60 ',,"

I \ I / I / I I \ I I \ I \ f I \ " I \ f V \J IV ) _~\I JJ I \" (i I \ I I \ I .. .tT-'---: v.i- V l f~- ··IJ .~ ··1 ~ --1 j r -fti ......

_40f-----.-,---i-:- ~---T~--i~.--· !------! W- J-- -+-- --- SAMPLE DATA ADJUSTED TO COMPLETE COUNT I I I I I I

-60 1------+ - -'~T""'"'''F''' "'r'" """1- . ... J-4- ... +----+---- 1 i ' , I I I I I,

_60~~-L~L_~_L_L~L_~-LJ_~_L_LJ_LJ_L_LJ_~~_LJ_~~_+J_~~_+~~~_+~~~~ 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 AGE

percent and 3.6 percent, respectively.8 L~ light of on age. The distribution of an Advance Census Re­ the eVidence available to date, it seems likely that port to eac,h household made it more feasible for the children under 5 years old were as completely counted informed members to supply answers and for records to in 1960 as persons in many other age groups. be consulted. These two innovations would have con­ tributed to reduction in age bias in reporting; self­ The improvement in the 1960 Census may be related, enumeration on the Advance Census Report also may have in part, to the use of a question on date of birth, led to improved coverage. rather than age at last birthday, to obtain information II. Estimates for 1950 to 1959.--The estimates 8 See Donald S. Akers, "Estimating Net Census Undercounc i'or 1950 to 1959 shown here in appendix tables 1 to 5 in 1960 Using Analytical Tectniques" (unpublished), paper are essentially the postcensal population estimates presented at the annual meetings of the Population Associa­ published annually during the 1950's in the P-25 se­ tion of America at Madison, Wis., . F;stimates of the percent undercount in the population under 15 years of ries of reports, Nos. 146, 1'70, 193, and 212, modifier} age, for 1950 and 1960, by color and sex, are as follows: to take account of the results of the 1960 Census. It was to be expected that when the 1960 Census results

White Nonwhite became available, these figures would be somewhat out Year and age All classes of line with the postcensal series which were derived Male Female Fernale on the basis of the 1950 Census and on estimates of 1960: births, deaths, and net immigration over the period. 9 Under' ..... ~1.4 -6.4 5 to 9. ,. , , , , , -l.5 -It. 3 10 to 14, ... , , ...... -1.1 ,3.1 1950: 9 See Current Population Reports, Series P-25, No. 98, Under:;; .. , -9.9 l'Estima tes of the Population of' the United States and of' 5 to 9 .... -10,4 the Components of Change, by Age, Color, and Sex: 19ltO to 10 t,) 1/!- .•••• , ••••••• -1, I -6,1 -6.4 1950," August 13, 1954. 8 !e In many CRses,the differences between the postcensal Th.ese estimates are preliminary and are deSigned if estimates for April 1960 and the census count proved primsrily to provide, on an interim basis, a consist­ relatively small; however, in a number of cases, the ent series of populat:l.on estimates for the intercensal differences were large enough to cause a marked dis­ period. The estimates are deemed to be adequate for continuity in the series in going from estimates for the computation of rates and for many other purposes. based on the 1950 Census to estimates for The Bureau of the Census plans to derive an improved 1960 and later years based on the 1960 Census. This series of intercensal estimates for the 1950 -1959 pe­ tUsruption in the series had signif_tcant effect in the riod, which will take account of revisions in the es­ derivation of a variety of rates using population as tlmates of the basic components of change as well as refining the method by which the error of closure is Us base Isuch as birth and death rates). allocated. The estimates will also be modified to in­ In order to provide a smootll transition from the clude Alaska and Hawaii in the total coverage. 1950-based estimates to the 1960-based estimates, the 'fable I.-ERROR OF CLOSURE BETWEEN TIlIl POSTCENSAL ESTIMATES 010' THE differences between tile postcensal estimat,es for April TOTAL RESIDENT POPULATION OF CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES AND THE CENSUS COUNTS, BY AGE, COIflR, AND SEX, APRIL 1, 1960 1960 and. the census counts by age, color, and sex were prorated uniformly, by age, back over the decade. The (Plus sign (+) indicates CenBUS count higher t,han postcensal estimate) amount of adjustment required ·to bring the postcensal - - - r== . -_. - estima-~es in line with tl1e 1960 Census count is shown - All \/hite Nonwhite in table I. To illustrate: the 1960 Census count ex­ Age cla.sses ---- Male Female Male Femule ceeded the poatcensal estimate of the white male popu­ -- I------1---- lation 40 to 44 years of age by 42,000. Consequently, All ages ...... +7,000 +55,000 +22,000 -65,000 -4,000 the poetcensa.l estimate of the population 40 to 44 U,lder 5 years ...... +2'73,000 +134,000 +147,000 -12,000 +5,000 years of age for white males for each year was in­ 5 to 9 years ...... -.441,000 -194,000 -118,000 -72,000 -58,000 10 to 14 yee:rs ..... -32'7,000 -164,000 r79,000 -48,000 -36,000 creased proportionately to the length of the time pe­ 15 to 19 years ••••• -18,000 -12,000 +17,000 -13,000 -9,000 riod of the date of the estimate from the 1950 Cenaus. 20 to 24 years ••••• -2'72,000 ..101,000 -79,000 -71,000 -21,000 25 to 29 ••• ~ -47,000 -33,000 -14,000 -13,000 +13,000 Thus, for July 1959, the adjustment amounted to+39,000, 30 to 34 yetll's ..... +65,000 +18,000 +21,000 +13,000 +12,000 35 to 39 years ..... +75,000 +28,000 +-21,000 +15,000 +11,000 viz., (9.25/10.00 x 42,000). 40 to 44 years ..... +92,000 +42,000 +6,000 +30,000 +14,000 45 to 49 years ..... -155,000 -20,000 -104,000 -1,000 -30,000 The intercensal estimates for 1950 to 1959 relate 50 to 54 years ..... -153,000 -37,000 -105,000 -1,000 -10,000 55 to 59 years ..... +79,000 +56,000 -12,000 +24,000 +12,000 to conterminous United States (48 States and the D1s­ 60 to 64 years ..... -79,000 -32,000 -57,000 +3,000 +8,000 tr1etof ColUlllbia). Estimates for the population in­ 65 to 69 years •.••• +420,000 +152,000 +156,000 +52,000 +59,000· cluding Alaska (49 States and the District of Columbia) 70 to 74 years ..... +404,000 +166,000 +163,000 +35,000 +40,000 75 to 79 years ..... +36,000 +35,000 -23,000 +14,000 +11,000 are alma shoM! for July 1, 1959 (AlaSka became a State BO to 84 years ••••• -2,000 +9,000 +10,000 -10,000 -11,000 on January- 3, 1959). 85 years and ove.x .. +56,000 +9,000 +71,000 -11,000 -13,000 9


Text Tables Table Page A. ··-Changes in the population, by age: 1950 to 1962...... 1 B. --Median age of the population: 1900 to 1962...... 2

C ~ --Number of persons rea"chlng selected ages: 1951 to 1962 .... 0. ~ " •• ~ .. 0 •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• , • • • ••• • • • 3

D~ --Sex ratio of the popula·tion 9 by age: 1900 to 1962 ...... 0 • • • • 3 E.--Median age, by color and sex: 1950 to 1962...... 3 F. --Changes in the white and nonwhite population, by age: 1950 1,0 1962...... 3 G. --Sex ratio of the white and nonwhite population, by age: 1962...... 4 H.--Comparison of complete-count and 25-percent sample data, by age and color, for the United States:

1960 ·0 en sus. 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••• 0 ••••• ~ ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 I. --Error of closure between the postcensal estimates of the total resident popula"tion of conterminous Uni ted States and the census counts, by age, color, and sex: Apr:Ll 1, 1960...... e

F'igures Figure Page l.--Population reaching selected ages: 1951 to 1962...... 2 2.--Difference between successive single years of age, 25 to 74, of the white population: 1960...... 6 3.--Difference between successive single years of age, 25 to 74, of the nonwhite population: 1960...... 7

Detailed Tables Table Page l.--Estimates of the total population of the United States, including Armed Forces abroad, by age, color, and sex, July 1, 1960 to 1962, with comparable figures for April 1, 1960 and 1950...... 11 2.--Estimates of tile total resident population of the United States, by age, color, and sex, July 1, 1960 to 1962, with comparable figures for April 1, 1960 and 1950...... 13 '3. --Estimates of the civilian resident population of the United States, by age, color,' and sex, July 1, 1960 to 1962, with comparable figures for April 1, 1960 and 1950...... 15 4. --Estimates by single years of age of the population of the United States 1mder 25 years old, including Armed Forces abroad, by color and sex, July 1, 1962, with comparable figures for April 1, 1960...... 17 5. - -Population change, by age: Each year, 1950 to 1962...... 17

Appendix Tables Table Page A-l. --Estimates of the total resident population of conterminous United States, by age, color, and sex: July 1, 1950 to 1959...... •...... 21 A-2.--Estimates of the total population of conterminous United States, including Armed Forces abroad, for selected ages, by color and sex: July 1, 1950 to 1959...... 25 A-3.--Estimates of the civilian population of conterminous United States, for selected ages, by color and sex: July 1, 1950 to 1959...... 26 A-4.--Estimates of the population of the United States including Alaska, by age, celor, and sex: July 1, 1959...... 27 A-5.--Estimates of the population under 5 years old of conterminous United States corrected for net census undercount, by color and sex: July 1, 1950 to 1959 ...... 27 10


12 JUT~Y 1, 1960 TO 1962, Tab1.e l.--ESTlMATES DB' TilE TOTAL POPULATION OF TIlE UNITED STATES, INCLUDING ARMED FORCES ABROIlJl, BY AGE, COLon, AND SEX, WITH CCMPARAllLE FIGURES FOR APRIL 1, 1960 AND 1950--Con. Figure£> represent the sum of the total resident population and Armed Forces stationed outside the UnHed states. (Includes Alaska and Hawaii for all da.tes. Med1.!illfJ are bU[~ed on tile Ull- of parts may differ slJ.ghtly from the totals ShO\

\lhite NOllwhite All classes --.-~-----. ._--- Date and age Total Mille Female Total Male Female Total ------"----

JULY 1, 1960--Con. JO(),OOO 2,021,000 Under. 1 yeal' •••••...•....•.•. 2,091,000 1,1'79,000 ? 1 992,°00 1 to II- years ••••••.•.••... ,.· 8,260,000 2,218,000 16,212,000 5 to 13 yeal"s •••••••.•••••.•• 16,'173,000 6gg,OOO 5,679,000 5,~.33,OOO 1'~ to 17 years ••...•...•..•.. :)6~),OOO 4,806,000 !f,?40,OOO 18 to 21 yenrs .•...... , ... 6,358,000 6, ff79,OOO 14 years and over ...... 127,326, OCYJ 62,204 ,ado 65,122,000 5,671,000 6,187 ,000 18 years and over ••...... 116,115,000 56,525,000 59,589,000 :; ,2JfI ,000 5,736,000 2l years Ulld over ...... •• 108,830,000 52,851,000 55,900,000 599,000 667 ,000 9,121,000 65 years and over ••...••....• 16,659,000 7,537,000 22.6 2if .2 30.3 Median age .•.•••...... yeaTs .• 29.11 28.5

APRIL 1, 1960 90,996,000 159,'1.6'7,OOQ ,__ ~!:~:Z.L~~Q All ages ••.••...... •.. ·•· 100,007,000 89,011,000 1,!~81JOOO :L)/+82,OOO 20,321,000 10,330,000 9,991,000 17,359,000 1,302,000 Under 5 years ••.•.••.•.•.•••. 16,088,000 1,3027 000 18,692,000 9,501'1",000 9,187,000 1,068,000 1,067 ,000 14 , 63~t, 000 1(',773,000 8,524,000 8,21+9,000 003,000 815,000 io t~o 9l~e;~:;~:::::: :.:::::::: 11,716,000 13, 33/t, 000 6,71.;·8,000 6,.586,000 644,000 704,000 15 to 19 yenxs •••••.••••..•. · 9,71.5,000 11',063,000 5,.533,000 5,530,000 622,000 702,000 20 to 24 years ••.....•.••..•• 9,657,000 10,981,000 5,44A,OOO .5,5.37,000 634,000 732,000 25 to 29 years ••..•..•.•..••. 10,660,000 30 to 34 years •••••..•••..••• 12-,026,000 5,923,000 6,103,000 637,000 '108,000 6,402,000 11,19'7,000 35 to 39 years ••••••..••.••. · 12,541,000 6,139,000 562,000 618,000 11,640,000 5,715,000 .5,925,000 10,1+60,000 40 to 44 years ••..•••....•••• 565,000 4,841,000 530,000 10,893,000 5,371,000 5,522,000 9,798,000 464,000 45 to 49 years •••.••....•.•.• ~.,290,OOO 449,000 9,610,000 4,739~OOO '~,871,OOO 8,697,000 405,000 50 to 54 years ••••••••••••••• 3,729,000 399,000 8,431,000 4,128,000 4,303,000 7,627,000 304,000 55 to 59 years" ....••. , ..•.• 6,5.51,000 3,122,000 288,000 7,143,000 3,409,000 3,733,000 247,000 272,000 60 to 64 years •••..•••••.••• · 5,739,000 2,664,000 6,258,000 2,931,000 3,327 ,000 167,000 181,000 65 to 69 years •••.•.••.•••••. 4,391,000 2,01.8,000 4,739,000 2,185,000 2,554,000 lQl",OOO 114,000 70 to 7L years ••.••....••..•• 2,835,000 1,255,000 3,054,000 1,359,000 1,694,000 I 6,000 53,000 75 to 79 years ••.••..••....•• 1,481,000 619,000 t 1,580,000 665,000 915,000 31,000 .<\0,000 00 to 84 years •••••..•..•.•• • 8,8,000 331,000 85 years and over •••...•••.•. 929,000 362,000 567,000 1,784,000 1, 71t',,000 614,000 306,000 308,000 4,112,000 2,090,000 2,022,000 3,498,000 1,174,000', Under 1 year •••••..•..•..•... 13,860,000 7,065,000 6,'795,000 2,349,000 1,175,000 16,209,000 8,240,000 7,969,000 2,194,000 2,191,000 1 to'4 years ••••••.•.••.•••.• 28,341,000 14,.<\46,000 13,895,000 4,385,000 32,726,000 16,640,000 16,Offl,OOO 686,000 690,000 5 to 13 years •••.•••••••..••• 9,785,000 4,967,000 4,818,000 1,376,000 14 to 17 years •••••..•.•.. ••• ll,162,OOO 5,653,000 5,508,000 558,000 590,000 8,293,000 '~,193 ,000 4,100,000 1,147,000 18 to 21 years ••.••.•••••.••. 9,440,000 4,750,000 4,690,000 13,193,000 6,339,000 6,854,000 62,042,000 64,918,000 113,767,000 55,703,000 58,OM,000 126,960,000 5,652,000 6,164 j OOO 14 yearR and over •••.•••••••• 103,982,000 50,736,000 5.3,246,000 11,816,000 115,798,000 56,388,000 59,410,000 5,226,000 5,718,000 18 years and over ••..•••.•••• 97 ,681,000 47,545,000 50,136,000 10,944,000 108,625,000 52,771,000 55,854,000 595,000 661,000 2l years and over .••..•.•.••• 15,304,000 6,908,000 6,396,000 1,256,000 65 years and over .••....•••.. 16,560,000 7,503,000 9,056,000 23.5 22.7 24.3 30.3 30.3 29.3 31.1 Median age ••••.•.•.... years .. 29.5 28.6

APRIL 1, 1950 7,962,000 8,21.5,000 76,1/.2,000 135,511,000 67,6l4,000 67,89'"/,000 16,207,000 All ages ••••••••••••••••• 151,718,000 75,576,000 1,021,000 1,015,000 14,2(17 ,000 7,256,000 6,951 j OOO 2,036,000 16,243,000 8,277,000 ? ,966,000 824,000 8Z7 ,000 Under 5 years ••••••••....••.• 11,611,000 5,922,000 5,689,000 1,6.51,000 13,262,000 6,7A7,OOO 6,516,000 0 '12$,000 .5 to 9 years ••....••....•.... 9, 70A·, 000 4,949,000 4,755,000 1,/+64,000 736,00. 11,167,000 5,685,000 5,483,000 6!J2,OOO 6RO,000 10 to lIt years ••••.•.••...•.. 9,.<\14,000 4,765,000 1;,649,000 1,3.32,000 10,746,000 5,417,000 5,329,000 635,000 719,000 15 to 19 years ••.•.••••..••.. 10,.347,000 5,163,000 5,184,000 1,355,000 20 to 24 years ...... ,. • 11,702,000 5,799,000 5,903,000 647,000 714,000 6,300,000 11,013,000 5,427,000 5,586,000 1,361,000 25 to 29 years •.•••..•.•..•.. 12,374,000 6,074,000 1,196,000 561+,000 632,000 5,708,000 5,917,000 10,429,000 5,143,000 5,285,000 30 to 34 years ••..••••...•••• 11,625,000 5,110,000 1,219,000 581,000 638,000 11,320,000 5,571,000 5,748,000 10,101,000 4,990,000 35. to 39 years ..... " ..•••..••. 4,592,000 4,623,000 1,OJ7,()(.,1{) 512,000 525,000 10,252,000 5,104,000 .5,148,000 9,215,000 40 to 44 years .•••.•....•••.. 463,000 8,1$4.,000 4,090,000 4,094,000 922,000 .<\59,000 9,106,000 It ,550,000 4,556,000 371,000 45 to 49 years •.••.....•...•• 3,763,000 3,783,000 '152,000 381,000 8,297,000 4,144,000 4,153,000 7,545,000 265,000 50 to 54 years ...... 3,355,000 3,347,000 551,000 285,000 7,25.3,000 3,640,000 3,6L1,OOO 6,'103,000 202,000 55 to 59 years •••...... ••.•• 2,8.32,000 2,825,000 417,000 215,000 6,075,000 3,047,000 3,027,000 .5,658,000 60 to 64 years •••.•.•....•... 2,225,000 2,364,000 42it,000 20(,000 219,000 5,013,000 2,431,000 2,582,000 4,589,000 65 to 69 years ...... 1,515,000 1,669,000 236,000 119,000 117,000 3,419,000 1,633,000 1,786,000 3,184,000 70 to 74 years ...... 929,000 1,074,000 130,000 66,000 63,OOC 2,133,000 995,000 1,13"1,000 2,003,000 75 to 79 years •...... •...•.. 478,000 595,000 '18,000 .38,000 1.1,000 1,151,000 516,000 636,000 1,0'73,000 26,000 80 to 84 years •••.••..•...... 532,000 218,000 314,000 45,000 19,000 85 years and over ••...••.••.. 578,000 237,000 340,000 1,402,000 1,343,000 418,000 208,000 210,000 3,163,000 1,610,000 1,553,000 2,745,000 Under 1 yea:r ~ •.••••...... •. 5,854,000 5,608,000 1,619,000 813,000 R06,000 13,080,000 6,667,000 6,414,000 11,461,000 1 to 4 years .•••..••.•....•.• 9,917,000 9,529,000 2,835,000 1,420,000 1,415,000 22,281,000 11,337,000 10, 941t, OQO 19,447,000 5 to 13 years ••.•••...... ··· 3, 744 OOO 3,618,000 1,085,000 537,000 548,000 8,44-7,000 t'~,2g1,OOO 4,166,000 7,362,000 J 14 to 17 years ••..•..•...•... 3,996,000 3,957,000 1,06.3,000 503,000 560,000 9,017,000 4A99,OOO 4,.517,000 7,954,000 18 to 21 years ••..•.....•... · 5,521,000 5,815,000 101,858,000 50,t'.41,OOO 51"U7,000 11,335,000 113,193,000 55,962,000 57,232,000 1+,984,000 .5,267,000 14 years and over ....•...... 94,496,000 46,697,000 47,798,000 10,251,000 18 years and over ••...... •... 104,746,000 51,681,000 53,065,000 4,6(Yl,OOO 1..,850,000 49,705,000 88,580,000 t't3,724,OOO 44,855,000 9,~57 ,000 21 years and over .•..•...... 98,037,000 48,332,000 914,000 448,000 466,000 6,1+82,000 11,381,000 5,365,000 6,016,000 65 years and over ...... 12,295,000 5,813,000 26.0 . 25.9 26.1 30.5 30.7 30.3 31.1 Median age •••...... • yearS •. 30.2 29.8

Adjusted for Net Census Undercount 1,118,000 7,583,000 7,216,000 2,251,000 1,1."33,000 17,OIt9,OOO 8,716,000 8,333,000 11.,799 JOOO 252,000 249,000 Under .5 years ...... ••... 3,054,000 1,565,000 1,489,000 501,000 .3,555.,000 1,817,000 1,737,000 881,000 869,000 Under 1 year •••...... 11,74.5,000 6,018,000 .5,727,000 1,750,000 1 to 4 years .•.•...... •• 1.3,49/+,000 6,898,000 6,596,000


'i'abIEl 3.--ESTIMATE:S OF THE CIVILIAN RESIDENT POPULA.TION OF THE UNITED STATES, BY AGE, COLOll, At<.'D SEX, JULY 1, 1960 TO 1962, WITH CCl1PARAIlLE FIGURES FOIl AmI!. 1, 1960 AND 1950 have been rounded to the nearest thousand; hence, the sum of parts may differ slightly 8hown. Medians are based on the unrounded figures)

Whiie Nonwhite

Date und age Mal~~ Female Female 'rot.a]. Male

JULY 1, 1962 78...t.~18,O~ AlI Ur,CL; •••••• , ••••••• 8,9St"OOO Under .) year'13 ...... 8,(,1 ",000 5 io 9 •...... 7,OO'l,OOO 10 to years .•••..... , ..• 6,191,000 10 to 19 yearS ...... •...... 4,33~,OOO 20 to ?.J, years ...... •... 4,368,000 25 to 29 yoars...... •.• If ,?80,OOO 30 to 34 yearo ...... !;.,21t? ,000 .Xl to 39 years .•...... 5,1/.5,000 1+0 to 1111 yearr~ ...... 528,000 9,97~,00O 1.·,8'1:5,000 1,5 t(.J 49 yeors ...... 46'/,000 9, 06E"000 It ,L41,OOO 50 Lo 51; yeurs ••...•...... H50,OOO It(YtjOOO 7 1 91:,,000 J, 55 to 59 yoars .•...... •. 6,'744,000 3,;'!O?,OOO 3.12,000 60 GQ (/. yearn •...•...••..• 5,'167,000 2,660,000 236,000 6::> to 69 years ...•...... _ , .. 4, 6.1?, 000 2,011:,,000 1'79,000 70 to 74 years...... :3,069,000 1, JI..J ,000 1J.1,000 75 Lo 79 years .•...... 60,000 1,62;~,()OO 670,,000 80 to 84 years .•...•...... 906,000 348,000 32,000 85 years and over .•...... 785,000 11,132,000 5,638,000 780,000 6/t'/,000 14 to 17 yearf3 ••...•.••.•••.• 8,555,000 .3,890,000 570,000 18 to 21 years ....•...... '"1,188,000 115,506,000 55,099,000 6,408,000 67 ,594,000 5,628,000 6,402,000 1/; years and over ...... 101t, 374, 000 49,4('1,000 18 yeat's and over .•..•.....•. 61,315,000 5,186,000 5,904,000 57,201,000 97,739,000 46,442,000 21 years and over .•...... •. 23.4 30.0 29.0 21.3 Median age •••••••.••• ,years •• 29.9

JULY 1, 1961 10,853,000 160,223, 000 78,14°1..000 All ages ••••..•••••••.•• 1,533,000 1,533,000 10,1.'52,000 17,595,000 8,975,000 Under 5 yeflrc ••..•..•.•..... 1,351,000 1,.3)2~OOO. 9,466~OOO 16,55J,OOO 8,439,000 5 to

JULY 1, 1960 9,878,000 10,583,000 1,469,000 1,490,000 1,312,000 1,313,000 1,080,000 1,078,000 789,000 823,000 579,000 705,000 576,000 699,000 609,000 732,000 622,000 71O,000 554,000 621,000

4,000,000 528,000 .567,000 ':[,291,000 1+50,000 466,000 3,740,000 400,000 407,000 306,000 3,128,000 290,000 2,683;000 247,000 272,000 2,027,000 168,000 183,000 11;',000 1,267,000 105,000 626,000 48,000 5~,OOO :;36,000 31,000 40,000 692,000 9,7'72,000 /1,931,000 685,00q 594,000 7,638,000 3,503,000 517,000 6, fYl7 ,000 / ~J,53/t,OOO 58,213, 000 6,171,000 111,7 .7,000 6,18.5,000 101,976,000 48,603,000 53,3'72,000 ),485,000 5,087,000 5,734,000 96,142,000 115,919,000 50,222,000 24.2 30.5 29.7 31.1 23.3 22.3 16 COLOR, AND SF..x, ,JULY 1, 1960 TO 1962, Table 3. __ ESTIMATES OF THE CIVILIAN RF~IDENT POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, BY AGE, WITH ca-1PARABLE FIGURES FOR APRIL 1, 1960 AND 1950--0on.

li'igures have been rounded to the nearest thousand; hence, l,he sum of parts may differ ,slightly (Includes Alaska and Hawaij for all daten. from the total.s shown. MedJans are based on the unrounded figures)

Nonwhite All clasfles White ----- Dute and age Total Male l~eme.le Female Total l?emale Total Male -----~--

APRIL 1, 1960 9,g~~{:~.9 _, _._2:~?~_L~g 17'1,1+'72,000 ___~~! 9~~.E~~_ All ages ..•.•..• , •..•.... _~0~~~~ 1,482,000 9,991,000 Under 5 yearB ...... •..•..•... 20,321,000 10,330,000 1,302,000 9,18'7,000 5 to 9 years ...... •.••.•.... IH,692,OOO 9,50'1,000 1,067,000 8,21... 9,000 10 to 14 years •••..••..••...• 16,'773,000 8,~2t.,OOO 814,000 6,581,()00 15 to 19 .•....•.....•.. 1?, 909, 000 6,329,000 703,000 20 to 24 yE"tu's •...... •...... 10,133,000 4,614,000 5,519,000 702,000 25 to 29 years •.•..•••...•... 10,563,000 5,0.31,000 5,531,000 732,000 5,641,000 6,100,000 30 to 34 yea:rs •.•.•.•..••. ~ •. 11,7~1,OOO 70'7,000 35 to 39 years ••....•...•.... 12,301,000 ~j,902,OOO 6,399,000 618,000 5,923,000 40 to 1;4 years .•...... •..••.. 11,481,000 5,~58,OOO 1'1-,956,000 1,091,000 527,000 565 y OOO 5,317,000 45 to 49 years •....•...••.... 1"1",407 ,000 912,000 448,000 464,000 !)O to 54 years .••.• ,•••....•.. ";.,'722,000 803,000 398,000 "W5,000 4,12£-,000 3,897,000 5:0 to 59 years ...... 3,4;:"9,000 592,000 288,000 304,000 3,409,01.10 272,000 60 to €lit •..••.•...•.... 3,05:1 ,000 519,000 2NI,OOO 2,931,000 65 to 69 years •..••..•..•...• 2,373,000 348,000 16'/,000 181,000 2,185,000 70 to 74 years •.•.••••.••••.• 1,500,000 21B,000 101'+,000 1J./,,000 75 to 79 years .•.•..•••...... 1,359,000 99,000 11"6,000 53,000 665,000 861,000 80 to BIt years. '•••.•...•••.•. 527,000 72,000 31,000 40,000 85 years and over ••••.•.•.•.• 362,000 1,374,000 684,000 690,000 5,604,000 5,508,000 9,"139,000 4,921,000 i~, 818,000 14 to 17 years ••••.••..••••.. 11,113,000 4,089,000 1,098,000 509,000 589,000 8, M8, 000 3,970,000 4,678,000 7,550,000 3,/161,000 18 to 21 years .•..••••••.•... 6,852,000 53,387 ,000 58, 034, C)OO 13,003,000 6,151,000 124,425,000 59,538,000 64,886,.000 111,421,000 6,162,000 14 years and over ••.•.•.•...• 101,682,000 48,466,000 53,216,000 D., 630,000 5,468,000 18 years and over •••••••••..• 113,312, 000 53,934,000 59,378,000 5,079,000 5,716,000 If 5, 839,000 50,115,000 10,79.5,000 106,7/+9,000 50,91'1,000 55,831,000 95,953,000 21 years and over •••..••••••• 22/1- 24·.3 30.5 29.8 31.1 23.4 Median age .•• " ..•••••• years •• 29.7 28.9 30.3

APRIL 1, 1950 8,243,000 13/+ ~ 121,000 66,244,000 67,f!77,000 16,02.£l,00O All ages, •••.•••.•.••...• 150,219,000 74,099,000 76,120,000 (',951,000 2,036,000 1,015,000 8,277,000 '1,966,000 14.,207,000 7,~:56,OOO Under 5 yea.:rs ••...••..•.••••• 16,243,000 5,689,000 1,651,000 827,000 6,747,000 6,516,000 11,611,000 5,922,000 5 to 9 years ••••••••••••••••• 13,262,000 4,7.5.5,000 1,464,000 728,000 5,685,000 5,48.3,000 9,704,000 4,949,000 .~ 10 to 14 years ••.••••...•••.• 11,167,000 4, (A'l, 000 1,309,000 680,000 .5,130,000 ?,327,000 9,147,000 4,501,000 15 to 19 years ••••.••.•.••••. 10,457,000 .5,178,000 1,314,000 719,000 11,159,000 5,263,000 5,897,000 9,84.5,000 4,667,000 20 to 24 years ••.••••••••.•.. .5,1'78,000 5,582,000 1,342,000 714,000 12,102,000 5,806,000 6,296,000 10,760,000 632,000 25 to 29 years •••..••.•...•.. 4, 941t, 000 5,282,000 1,182,000 11,409,000 5,/t95,OOO !>,914,000 10,227,000 638,000 30 to 34 years •••••.••.•••..• 4,896,000 5,108,000 1,212,000 11,216,000 5,470,000 5,746,000 10,004,000 525,000 3.5 to 39 yf'e:rs~.~ •.••.. ~ ...•. 9,172,000 4,551,000 4,621,000 1,034.1000 40 to 44 years ..•...... ••• 10,206,000 5,060,000 5,146,'000 921,000 458,000 462,000 4,556,000 8,167 ,000 4, 07!t, 000 /~,093,000 45 to 49 years •...•..•.•...•• 9,088,000 1,.,532,000 752,000 381,000 371,000 4,153,000 7,539,000 3,756,000 3,782,000 50 to 54 years ..••....•..•.•• 8,290,000 4,137,000 550,000 285,000 1!65,000 3,613,000 6,700,000 3,353,000 3,347,000 55 to 59 years ••.•..••.••••.. 7,251,000 3,6":18,000 .a7,000 215,000 202,000 3,027 ,000 .5,657,000 2,832,000 2,825,000 60 to 64 yea!'s •••..••....•.•. 6,074,000 3,04'1,000 424,000 206,000 219,000 2,582,000 4,589,000 2,225,000 2,361+,000 65 to 69 yee:rs •...••....••••• 5,013,000 2,4.31,000 236,000 119,000 117,000 1,633,000 1,786,000 3,184,000 1,515,000 1,669,000 70 to 74 years ••.•.••.•..•••. 3,419,000 1,074,000 130,000 66,000 63,000 2,133,000 995,000 1,137,000 2,003,000 929,000 75 to 79 years •••...•.•••...• 478,000 595,000 '18,000 38,000 41,000 1,151,000 516,000 636,000 1,073,000 eo to S4 yee:rs ••••••.•..••..• 218,000 314,000 45,000 19,000 26,000 578,000 237,000 340,000 532,000 85 years and over ...•...... • 548,000 3,717,000 3,618,000 1,082,000 534,000 8,418,000 4,251,000 1... ,166,000 '7,335,000 560,000 14 to 17 years ••.•..•..•.•.•. 7,413,000 3,461,000 3,952,000 1,020,000 460,000 18 to 21 years ..•..•.•.••• , .. 8,432,000 3,921,000 4,512,000 11,22:7,000 5,41!~,OOO 5,81.3,000 54,/+85,000 57,210,000 100,468,000 It9,071,000 51,397,000 14 years and over .•.•••...... 111, 695,000 10,145,000 4,879,000 5,265,000 50,233,000 53,044,000 9.3,132,000 It5, 351+, 000 ';.'7,778,000 18 yea:rs and over •••.•••.•••. 103,277,000 44,839,000 9,385,000 4,536,000 It,g,.;S,OOO 97,008,000 i+7,321,000 49,687,000 m,623,OOO 42,'784,000 21 years and over ••.••..•..•. 26.1 30.9 30.7 31.1 26.0 Median age .•....••..••years .• 30.3 30.1 30.5 17

Table 1+.--FST1MA'l'ES BY 8INGL1~ YEARS OF AGE OF THE rOPUT.ATION OF TIlF. mUTED S'l'ATES UND1'."'R 25 YFJtHS OLU, INCLUDING l\.RMJ!!) FonCES ABROAD, BY COLOR AND SEX, JULY 1; 1962, WITH CONPARABLE FIGURES Fon APRIL I, 1960 outr:lide the United Stater;;, mun of the total resident and Armed J,'orCetl stationed and Hawnii for nl] dates. represent the from the totalB shown) (l:neludee Alaska hence, the Gum of may dif'fcT sljghUy Fir~UI'88 lwve been rounded the nearest thousand;

April J, 1960 July I, ]96? No:nwhlte White AI] All --.,-~---~-" cla~weG Male 'Wemale Mnle li'emule clasBe~l Male Female


'l'otal, 1+,112,000 l,f3"OO,OOO Under 1 .vetu' •• I., 1£9, noo It, lOc, 000 1;,261,000 1,BI.2, 000 1 year •...... 1+, 09~J, 000 1,781,000 )W,OOO ? years ••..... Ij, 10'1, 000 /1,01O,,000 1, 78/i, Don ~)03, 000 3 years ••..... 11 •• 109,000 / ;} 988, 000 4,099,000 1,789,000 2"9 1,000 .; years .•..•.. 29.5,000 3,951+.,.000 1!-,086,000 l,782J OOO .5 yearB. ~ ... ,. 286,000 3,820,000 3, 9H2, 000 1,738,000 ,.Iij 6 years ••..... 282,000 3,'18;7,000 3,96.3,000 1,73/,,000 7 years •••.... 272,000 3,6/~9;> 000 3,868,000 1., 693,000 8 years .• , .... 263,000 3,4$2,000 3,'l9'1j OOO 1,666,000 9 years. ~ •...• 2/.8,000 3 .. 4S1, 000 \~ 3,660,000 1,615,000 lO years ...... 23l,000 230,000 2/t7,OOO 3,1+73,000 1.,53/,,000 l,478,OOO 3,5Ui,OOO 1y 506, 000 2M~,OOO 221,000 220,000 11 yeIlT8 ...... 238,000 3,YJI+,OOO 1,597,000 1,536,000 3] M,9, 000 1,/~66,00O 239,000 201,000 202,Cm 12 yearH ...... 232,000 3, 5erl, 000 ],581,000 1,523,000 3, 4S5, 000 1,/,86,000 233,000 176,000 17'7,000 13 yeors ••.... 221, 000 2,739,000 1,213,000 :L,1?3,000 3, I!Y7, 000 1,/1-97,000 222,000 175,000 ]jf- years. ~ .... 2,757,000 1,22"-,000 1,184,000 174,000 1,619,000 211,000 212,000 169,000 15 years •••...... •• , .•. 3,'(22,000 2,797,000 l,2/tB,OOO 1,212,000 168,000 1,185,000 174,000 176,000 169,000 16 yettrn~ •...... ••••• 2,'756,000 2,869,000 1,282,000 1,2/t9,OOO 168,000 1,193,000 176,000 17'1,000 156,000 17 years~ •...... 2, '776,000 1,lIt7,OOO 1,112,000 154,000 1,201,000 16e,000 1.69,000 2,569,000 18 years •...... •..... ···•· 2,'769,000 1,01/+,000 139,000 146,000 1,286,000 1'70,000 172,000 2,343,000 1,O/~3,000 19 years .•..•.•.... ·.··•••• 2,942,000 1,000,000 984,000 133,000 144.,000 1,139,000 156,000 159,000 2,261,000 20 ye-ars~.~ ..•....•••. ····~ 2,619,000 lI-t4,OOO 2,267,000 1,002,000 990,000 131,000 1,072,000 1,051,000 143,000 llt9,000 142,000 21 years ••...... ••• 2, 41~, 000 2,216,000 979,000 966,000 129,000 1,015,000 1,005,000 134,000 lIt5,000 22 years. ~ ...... , ..•• 2,300,000 954,000 943,000 125,000 137,000 1,002,000 131,000 144,000 2,159,000 23 years ••...... ··• 2,283,000 1,005,000 954,000 943,000 126,000 137,000 / 991,000 130,000 143,000 2,159,000 2/+ years ••...... •. · 2,258,000 99 +,000

Table 5. --POPULATION CHANGE, BY AGE: EA.Cl! Y!'lIR, 1950 TO 1962

Figures for 1950 to 1959 include !lerror of cloBurell which was especially large for the 65-and-ovel" age group. (Total resident popu.1.ation. See text for explanation)

65 yea:rs 1$ to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 64 Total, Under 5 5 to 13 14 to 17 and over years years years years Year all ages years years years

POPULATION (As of July 1)

United States: 2/t,425,OOO 37,299,000 J.7, 300, 000 33,$$8,000 12,743,000 17,172,000 22,2~1,OOO 185,822,000 20,746,000 2/+,298,000 36,745,000 17,013,000 1962 ••....•..• ···•·•• ••••• 33,276,000 12,004,000 16,583,000 22,'465,000 1961...... 183,043,000 20,660,000 24,121,000 36,190,000 16,659,000 32,985,000 11,204,000 15,7/t1,OOO 22,719,000 1960 ...... ··· ... 179,983,000 20,364,000 Contermlnous Unlted States: 22,584,000 23,998",000 36,063,000 16,624,000 20,248,000 32,814,000 11,147,000 15,635,000 1960 ...... • .. 179,113,000 22,851,000 23,821,000 35,548:,000 16,232,000 20,031,000 31,6(1:3,000 10,944,000 15,185,000 1959 .•••.....•...••.••..•• 176,296,000 23,205,000 23,601,000 34,993,000 15,813,000 19,'144,000 30,560,000 10,600,000 14,816,000 1958 ...... 173,332,000 23,554,000 23,3?8,OOO 34,433,000 15,420,000 19,361,000 29,541,000 10,139,000 14,568,000 1957 ...... 170,375,000 23,805,000 23,099,000 33, aS1, 000 14,982,000 18,869,000 28,775,000 9,513,000 1/~, 416, 000 1956 ...... · .. ·• .. ••••• 167,310, 000 23,924,000 22,826,000 33,284,000 14,550,000 18,448,000 27,718,000 9,207,000 14,352,000 1955 •...... •.. - ...... 16/+,309, 000 23,975,000 ;22,561,000 32,743,000 1/",,084,000 17, 9/t1, 000 26,6/15,000 8,983,000 14,230,000 195/t ••• ••••••••••••••••••• 161,161,000 22,293,000 32,214,000 13,624,000 25,451,000 8,861,000 14, 3/tO, 000 23,925,000 195:3 •...... ····•• • 158,235,000 17,52'7,000 22,094,000 31,742,000 13,194,000 24,280,000 8,711t,OOO 1':;,539,000 23,905,000 1952 ...... 155,680,000 17,211,000 21,835,000 31,278,000 12,752,000 22,78/+,000 8,516,000 15,086,000 23,807,000 1951...... 153,307, 000 17, 2/t8, 000 21,531,000 30,822,000 12,310,000 22,268,000 8,/t38,00O 15,758,000 23,7$6,000 1950 ...... • ...... • lSI,2/tl,OOO 16,328,000

AMOUNT OF CHANGE (Year endlng July 1) '\ United States: +12'1,000 +554,000 +295,000 +g6,000 +612,000 +739,000 +589,000 -223,000 1962 ...... · +2,779,000 -255,orJO +177,000 +555,000 +35i~,OOO +296,000 +290,000 +800,000 -j-842,000 1961 ••.•..••.• ···•····••• • +3,060,000 +392,000 Oonterminous United States: +450,000 -267,000 +177,000 +515,000 -+216,000 +1,132,000 -,-202,000 +419,000 1960 ...... · .... +369,000 -354,000 +220,000 +555,000 +287,000 +-1,123,000 +34t~, 000 +393,000 1959 ••...... •...••...•••• +241l,OOO -349,000 +243,000 +559,000 +383,000 +1,019,000 +/i 61,000 +43S,000 19~8 ••..•••... ···••··•••• • -251,000 +260,000 +583,000 j./t92,000 +766,000 + 62E"000 1·152.000 -119,000 +273,000 +567,000 +43-3,000 1907 •••.... ·.·•··•·••••·• • +421,000 +1,05'7,000 " 30e.OOO +64~ 000 1956 .•.••...•..•.• ·••·•·• • -51,000 +264,000 +541,000 +46-6,000 -! 1,073,000 +22~"OOO +122,000 + 508 j 000 +529,000 + 4(.-{i, 000 1955 ••...... • ···•• • -110,000 +/f 9,000 +268,000 +/+13,000 \-1,194,000 +12;2,000 +429, 000 1C)S4 •..•....•....•..•...•• -199,000 +20,000 +199,000 +472,000 t :316, 000 +1, 170j 000 +14{;,OOO 1953 ...... · .. · ...... +98,000 +259,000 +46/f,00O +443,000 +1,//)6,000 +198 j OOO -5It7,000 1952 ...... · .. · ...... -37,000 +305,000 +456,000 +442,000 +517,000 +78,000 -672,000 +22,000 ].951. •...... +920,000 -239,000 +152,000 +551+,000 +325,000 +2,919,000 \-191,000 ~715,OOO +/+31,000 ...... -12,000 -120,000 +2/~7,OOO +524,000 42,'787,000 \ 392,000 18

Table 5.--POPUlATION CHANGE, BY Am:: FACH YEAH, 1950 TO 1962--Con.

(Tota] resident population. F'igurcG for 1950 to 19?9 was especially large for the 65-al1d~over age group.

25 to 3/1- Year years ------~------+_------~------~------+_------_+-- --+------~------1~------

PEl1CENT CIlANGE (Year ending July 1)

UnHed StnL(~f:;: lC)()2 •• " 1961 ••.. " ...•...... " ..•• Contermi.nmw United c>Lai,cs: 196() ••..•.•..•••.•••.••••• 1959 ••. , ... , .. " ...... " .• 1958 ••• , ...... ••...... •.• l()S'7 •••.• "" ..•••••.••• 1956 .• , ...... ••••...•• 1.955 ••••. , ••••..••.•• " .•• 1954 ••...... •...... •.... 19~j3 .•. , ...... •...•. 1952 •.. , .... , ...... , .•.. 1951. •...... •.••. , • ,., ..

1950 to 1960 ••..... " .. APPENDIXT ABLES

19 20



(In thousands, Excludes Alaska and Hawaii. Figures include Armed Forces stationed in the Uni"ted States but exclude those stationed outside conterminous United States. All figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand; hence, the sum of' parts 'ff'JJY differ slightly fran the totals shown, Median age based on unrounded figures)

April 1, Estimates as of' July 1 April 1, 1950 J 1960 1950 (census) Age color, and sex 1956 1955 1951. 1953 1952 1951 ______.______4- ( censu8)____ +- ____r----4----- 1958 1957


Female, all ages- ... Con. 1,733 1,671 1,624 1,541 1,.54.5 Under 1 year ...... •... 6,8'12 6,7'16 6,837 6,466 6,3113 1 to 4 •...... •. 12,50A- 11,926 11,192 lQ,940 10,894 5 to 1+,365 4,':\00 4,210 /t,174 1... ,147 1/1 to 1~,193 4,241 4,336 1~,443 4,N!7 18 to 2) years ...... , .... . 59,1~8 '37,839 5'1,207 57,0I-t2 54,783 5:3,629 53,033 52,895 i~ ;::~: :~~ ~~:~::::::::: i 51,661 50,415 49,734 49,550 21 years Gnd over .••••.••. 7,241 6/74A 6,492 6,4Z1 65 year.'3 and over •.••... ,. 30.6 30.6 30.5 30.8 30.8 30.8 3~.? Median age •••...... years •. .30.4 30.5 30.7

WHITE 1.<'1.3,890 1,U,39,,? 13,9,198,+_....::1:::3.:..7"',1"'6:.;:9+-_,1:::35::1,"'4;::1£:.;:·'1-::;134=,,,,94::::2 Total, all ages •.•.. 1--,]",.5",8""",.5",'5+---=]",.5",6"" 6:::.:3"- 154,1£2 1(l,981 1.5,087 14,32J 14,18.5 16,290 15,547 15,216 UUger .5 years, •••. •••••..• 17,308 17,169 16,963 16,667 13,0(:4 11,953 111674 11,597 15,341 15,509 14,16] 13,538 5 to 9 years...... J.6,()t,g 15,79:: 524 10,225 9,893 9,711 9,695 15,13,510 1 13,023 11,903 11,221 10,819 10 to IJt· yearr3...... 14,608 11,,137 9,195 9,188 9,311 9,331 9,83'1 9,53:.) 9,347 15 tc 19 years...... 11,5'79 11,28& 10,851 10,199 9,290 9,711 10,142 10,179 8,928 8,857 9,057 2D to 24 yee:rs ••.••..••.• , 9,426 9,31£, 9,085 8,939 10,692 10,804 10,914 10,925 10,162 10,4('f) 10,537 25 to 29 years...... 9,522 9,594 9,792 9,94 years...... 10,557 10,6.5'7 10,800 10,210 10,166 10,082 10,058 10,949 10,770 10,588 10,3J6 10,229 3;' to .39 ye&n:...... 11,109 11,07;:' 9,944 9,785 9,623 9,433 9,239 9,190 40 to 44 years...... 10,39$ 10,319 10,252 10,213 10,161 8,509 8,346 8,203 8,169 9,231 9,049 8,869 8,682 45 to 49 years...... 9,767 9,695 9,564 9,4('f) 7,660 7,612 7,551 7,535 8,040 7,902 7,792 7,711 50 to 54 years,...... 8,680 8,553 8,37'1 8,203 6,934 6,830 6,722 6,696 7,36.'3 7,292 7,214 7,126 7,030 55 to 59 y(Cars...... 7,616 ?,5Z7 7,434 5,859 5,764 5,674 5,653 6,332 6,241 6,149 6,055 5,955 60 to 64 year~...... 6,54£. 6,493 6,413 4,840 4,73$ 4,617 4,586 5,517 5,394 5,266 5,148 5,036 4,933 65 to 69 years •. to .,...... 5,735 5,646 4,082 3,977 3,849 3,698 3,537 3,373 3,219 3,182 70 to 74 years...... 4,388 4,323 4,240 4,168 2,130 2,CflZ 2,016 2,002 2,481 2,379 2,281 2,196 75 to 79 years...... 2,833 2,7Er1 2,697 2,595 1,143 1,112 1,081 1,073 1,288 1,251 1,209 1,173 80 to 84 years...... 1,400 1,429 1,369 1,327 628 583 544 532 '1S1 751 709 668 85 years and over...... 857 844 824 808 2,962 2,858 2,733 2,741 3,446 3,421 3,276 3,225 3,149 3,057 Under 1 year...... :3 ,48B :3 ,448 12,729 12,398 12,159 12,019 12,229 11,590 11,444 1 to 4 years,...... 13,821 13,721 13,517 13,246 ]'3,014 24,311 23,399 22,366 21,;330 19,962 19,503 19,424 ;; to 13 years...... 28,276 27,555 26,631 25,797 25,189 8,037 7,837 7,734 7,613 7,448 7,389 7,352 14 to 17 yEoars...... 9,761 9,636 9,333 8,905 8,316 7,306 '7,132 6,991 7,051 7,161 7,400 7,740 7,78'l 1$ to 21 years...... 8,040 7,838 7,610 7,445 106,297 104,944 103,816 102,8Er1 102,120 101,586 101,333 14 years and over...... 112,871 111,911 110,568 109,218 107,623 98,260 97,107 96,082 95,Zl4 94,672 94,196 93,98'l 18 years and over...... 103,110 102,275 101,235 100,314 99,307 92,819 91,737 90,751 89,946 89,172 88,442 88,195 21 years and over...... 97,001 96,337 95,441 94,670 93,785 13,.'506 13,085 12,668 12,Zl9 1l,Erl8 11,478 11,374 65 years and over...... 15,293 15,028 14,648 14,292 13,898 30.9 30.9 31.0 31.0 31.0 30.9 30.8 30.8 Median age ...... • years.. 30.3 30.5 30.6 30.8

Male, all ages .•...... 1--_7'..;8",::;15",3+_-,7..:.7",2::o9:=2+-_.:.:760::',,,,1c:O;..9 j-'_-,7.::41..' 9O::::::2+-_7:.:3:J.,::.6~62+_-,7::.2!:.,4,::2:.!.7+-_..:.7;;;1",0=:3~9+-_6:::9:J.,,,,8'l,,,5+_.:;6:;:8"" 7,,9:=2+-..--:6",72,.::95::::6+~6:!.7.!.;,34::!.:9+-.....::fi~7!.:,1:::.;29 Under.5 years...... 8,823 8,755 8,654 8,505 8,314 8,142 7,935 7,767 7,648 7,704 7,316 7;2A4 .5 to 9 years...... 8,182 8,053 7,919 7,830 7,920 7,557 7,237 6,918 6,673 6,100 5,955 5,915 10 to 14 years...... 7,441 7,201 6,800 6,629 6,053 5,896 5,704 5,501. 5,205 5,038 4,951 4,945 15 to 19 years...... 5,818 5,674 5,453 5,107 A·,921 4,819 4,786 4,694 4,603 4,599 4,679 4,686 20 to 24 years...... 4,614 4,545 4,410 4,317 4,302 11-,297 4,140 4,236 4,342 4,652 4,988 5,003 25 to 29 years...... 4,702 4,743 4,845 4,938 5,006 5,045 5,082 5,122 5,191 5,253 5,342 5,350 ~!~;~ ~::~::::::::::::: ;;!~~ ;;!~ ;;;~i ;;~~~ ;;i: ;;iii ;;~;~ ;;~6~ ;;~~i ~;~ 1;~~ 1;~~ 40 to 44 years...... 5,103 5,066 5,035 5,020 (f,998 4,957 4,901 4,828 4,764 4,681 4,596 4,574 45 t.o 49 years.... .••.. .•• It, 818 4,7e? 4,729 4,660 4,581 4,497 4,413 4,323 41242 4,165 4,096 4,080 50 to 54 years...... 4,278 4,222 4,141 4,061 3,984 3,91$ 3,867 3,828 3,805 3,786 3,762 3,756 55 to .59 years...... 3,723 3,683 3,6',.0 3,609 3,578 3,,'545 3,510 3,4'72 3,438 3,400 3,361 3,351 60 to &;. years...... 3,118 3,102 3,077 3,053 3,024 2,995 2,965 2,933 2,904 2,872 2,838 2,829 65 to 69 years...... 2,682 2,654 2,611 2,572 2,.526 2,4$2 2,437 2,390 2,3~5 2,294 2,238 2,223 70 to 74 years...... 2,017 1,995 1,961 1,931 1,892 1,847 1,791 1,728 1,661 1,594 1,529 1,513 75 \..079 years...... 1,254 1,238 1,205 1,168 1,125 1,085 1,045 1,011 985 959 935 928 00 to 84 ~ears...... 619 603 583 571 558 546 531 518 5rJ7 494 48'l 4'18 85 years an" over...... 331 327 322 318 309 299 283 268 254 236 223 218 Under 1 year...... •. 1,779 1,757 1,746 1,671 1,647 1,608 1,561 1,514 1,458 1,396 1,tiOO 1 to 4 ...... 7,045 6,998 6,759 6,M3 6,495 6,327 6,206 6,134 6,246 5,919 5,845 5 to years...... •.... 14,413 14,049 13,156 12,846 12,1+00 11,933 11,408 10,881 10,182 9,946 9,906 14 to 17 years...... 4,951 4,886 1 4,513 4,21;:' 4/Y;7 3,977 3,9.31 3,865 3,777 3,747 3,7)7 18 to 21 yenrs...... 3,957 3,859 3,619 3,536 3,439 3,327 3,380 3,441 3,592 3,836 .3,828 14 years and over...... 54,917 54,488 53,£J75 53,241 52,502 51,885 51,171 50,6'tl 50,263 50,070 50,087 49,979 18 yeaTS Hnd over...... 49,966 1+9,602 It 9,145 48,729 48,288, 47,808 47,193 46'7101 46,398 46,293 46,340 46,242 t 21 yeaT's fUld over...... 46,959 46,676 46,296 45,981 45,6051 45,1651 1..4,579 44,112 46,81.3 43,614 43,484 I 3,396 65 years and over...... 6,902 6,816 6,684 6,559 6,411 6,260 6,088 5,915 5,751 5,577 5,406 5,360 Median age ...... years.. 29.5 29.7 29.9 30.1 30.3 30./+ 30.6 30.6 30.7 30.6 30.4 30.4 23

BY AGE, COLOR, AND SEX: Table A-I. --ESTIMATES OF T'rlE TOTAL RESIDENT POPULATION OF OONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES, JULY 1, 1950 TO 1959--0on. stationed outside conterminous Figures include Armed Forces stationed in the exolude Excludes Alaska and Hawaii. slightly the totals shown. Median age (In thousands. been rounded to the nearest thousand; hence, the sum United States. All figures have based on UlJrollilded figures)

1, Estimates as of ,July 1 April 1, Age, color, and sex 1960 1951 19513 195'1 1956 ( census) 1959 ------


Female, all ages •.•..• '79,344 78,053 Under 5 years ••••••••.•••• g,.H/t 13,309 5 to 9 yearE .•...... ,. 7,738 7,,605 6,630 10 to 14 y0f'J'S •••••••••••• 6,93'7 15 to 19 years ...... 5,612 5',398 20 to 24 years •••...... 4,769 1.,,676 25 to 29 years .•...... 1+,851 It, 9/+7 .30 to 34 years •••.•...••.. 5,423 5,512 35 to 39 yefa!'s •.....•...•. 5,661 .5,.595 40 to 44 years •..•...... •. ;),253 5,21'1 45 to 49 years .••...... •• '1-,949 4, 83/t 50 to 54 years .••.....••.. 4,401 4,235 55 to 59 years •...... •. 3,1393 3,794 60 to 64 years ••...... 3,426 3,337 65 to 69 years ••...•.•.••. 3,05.3 2,906 '10 to 74 years ..... '•.•..•.. 2,3'71 2,279 75 to 79 years .•...... •.. 1,579 1,492 80 to 84 years .•.••....•.• $61 7136 322 314 8"5 years and over •.••••••• 526 516 502 1,401 1,337 1,341 Under 1 year •••.•••.•..••• 1,709 1,691 1,688 1,674 :;,983 5,671 5,599 1 to 4 years. ", ..•..••••• , 6,7'16 6,'123 6,621 6,488 9,780 9,556 9,.51.? 12,6<'+1 .5 to D years .••• •••..••.• 13,863 13,507 13,051 3,671 3,643 3,61:- 4,392 14 to 17 years ••••.•• , •••. 4,810 4,750 4,603 3,808 3,904 .3,952 3,826 18 to 2J. years .••.••...••. 4,083 3,979 3,1378 52,050 51,499 2 56,693 55,977 14 years and over .•..••••• 57,954 57,4 3 48,379 It 7,8.56 51,585 18 years and over •..•••.•• 53,144 52,673 52,090 45,558 44,959 48,688 21 years and over •..•..•.• 50,042 49,661 49,146 6,301 6,072 7,733 65 year'S and over •••.•..•• 8,391 8,211 7,9E4 31.2 31.1 . 31.1 3J..4 Median age ••.••••••years •• 31.2 31.2 31.3

NONWHI1'E 17,271 16,838 16,483 16,138 15,829 15,'155 20,009 19,660 19,171 18,693 18,208 Total, all ages ••••• 1,979 2,495 2,394 2,311 2,230 2,161 2,004 2,898 2,862 2,782 2,694 2,579 L 1,603 under .5 years ••••••••••••• 2,133 2,006 1,1371 1,'165 1,655 1,61 2,.541.- 2,478 2,407 2,337 2,280 1,425 1,425 .5 to 9 yee:rs •••••••.•••••. 1,616 1,569 1,531 1,.505 1,472 1,441 2,0$2 1,983 1,843 1,732 1,289 1,2136 10 to 14 yea:rs •••••••••••• 1,418 1,395 1,373 1,333 1,305 1,294 1.5 to 19 years •••.•.•.•..• 1,.568 1,537 1,504 1,/~58 1,251 1,298 1,303 J.,218 1,213 1,20.5 1,176 1,184 1,21.8 20 to 24 years •••.•.•.••.• 1,301 1,285 1,251 1,318 1,319 1,317 1,290 1,292 1,296 1,297 1,304 1,3J.6 25 to 29 years •••••••••••• 1,282 1,276 1,285 1,182 1,165 1,161 1,332 1,330 1,317 1,295 1,259 1,220 30 to 34 years •••••••.•••• 1,324 1,325 1,.328 1,184. 1,188 1,188 1,213 1,176 1,153 1,14.3 1,151 1,170 35 to 39 years •••...••.... 1,30.5 1,289 1,255 1,052 1,021 1,014 1,162 1,173 1,172 1,15'1 1,128 1,091 40 to 41. years •.•..••••••• 1,148 1,141 1,146 936 924 918 912 901 1,068 l,06l'l" 1,042 1,012 980 954 45 to 49 years ••••..••••.• 816 799 782 762 737 1392 877 863 854 844 831 1.575 50 to 54 years .••.•..••••• 681 658 635 614 595 786 772 751 730 706 '446 55 to 59 years •••••..••••• 517 504 490 1,66 457 579 566 549 533 346 '342 f:{) to 64 years ••••••...••. 438 421 404 361 65 to 69 yearf; •.••.•••.••• 510 1.94 474 457 25t, 235 230 320 312 302 297 70 to 74 years ••..••.••••• 31+1 335 327 135 128 126 216 209 I'll 185 167 152 75 to 79 years .•...•.••••. 21L~ 217 73 75 76 '17 77 75 74 72 72 80 to e4 years ...... 97 139 80 49 46 45 65 63 61 58 55 53 85 years and over ...•.••.. 70 69 66 445 407 406 580 550 529 502 471 443 Under 1 year •.•••..•••.•.. 600 606 582 1,716 1,597 1,573 2,114 2,028 1,966 1,891 1,840 1,787 1 to 4 years ••.•••••.••••. 2,297 2,256 2,200 2,822 2,765 2,755 3,586 3,406 3,246 3,085 2,951 4,282 4,127 3,929 3,744 1 1,053 .5 to 13 years ••••••••••••• 1,170 1,146 1,127 1,101 1,068 1,049 1,338 1,308 1,267 1,234 1,197 1,029 1,018 14 to 17 years .••....•...• 1,027 998 971 956 982 997 18 to 21 years •••.•.....•• 1,111 1,097 1,074 1,049 11,302 11,059 11,02J. 12,460 12,255 12,043 11,846 11,631 11,442 12,830 12,670 j 9,968 14 years and over ..••••••• 10,675 10,J+85 10,315 10,201 10 Ol0 11,492 11,362 11,193 11,020 10,846 9,208 18 years and over ..•.••... 9,910 9,735 9,592 9 ,i~62 9,240 10,651 10,531 10,372 10,223 10,0E4 821 21 years and over •••...••. 1,CVt3 999 956 916 832 1,232 J.,204 1,1M 1,128 1,085 65 years and over ••••..•.• 26.1 26.1 25.0 25.3 25.6 25.8 26.0 Median age .•••••.••years •. 23.5 23.8 24.2 24.6 $,8tr-L. 7,738 7,704. 0.11 ages ....••.. 9,711 9,546 9,313 9,077 Male, 1,005 992 1,288 Under 5 years •••••..•..••. 1,447 1,430 1,390 1,346 805 799 1,170 1,142 5 to 9 years ....••....•... 1,271 1,239 1,205 715 716 1,041 990 919 862 804 628 626 10 ·to 14, years •....•..•.. , 700 775 761 745 720 602 6QI. 15 to 19 years .••.•..•••. · 560 612 604 584 562 622 622 20 to ZL years •..•.•••••.• 592 ye?.J:s ••••••••••.• 596 593 597 595 546 544 25 to 620 623 30 to 34 years ••.•.•.•.... 611 610 614 561 562 572 5.53 35 to 39 years •••...... 615 609 593 500 497 544 540 542 550 556 40 to 44 years ••••••.••••. 4/,7 446 495 483 472 '~65 4.5 to 49 years .•....•.••.. 514 513 506 375 421 416 ,no 401. 50 to 54 years .••....•.••. 436 431 425 292 3f,] 353 342 331 55 to 59 year£- ••...... •••. 388 382 373 228 Z/5 260 253 247 242 60 to 64 years •...•..•..•. 281 200 243 236 222 214 207 65 to 69 years ...... •..•.• 146 144 174111$ 163 160 D4 150 E4 70 to 74 years .••....•.••. 90 83 '16 65 102 103 lUO 95 37 75 to 79 yf'ars ••••••.•...• 36- 36 351 35 37 10 to 84 years •..•...... • 44 41 38 37 19 19 28 ZI 26 251 23 "'·5 years and over .•...••.. 31 30 29

1. Adjusted for misreporting of age. 24


(In thousands, Excludes Alaska. and Hawaii. Figurea include Armed Forces sta.tioned in the United Sta.tes but exolude those stationed outside oonterminous United States. All figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand; hence, the sum of parts may differ slightly from the totals ahOWill.. Median age ba.sed on Utlrmll1ded figuxes)

April 1, Estimates as of' July 1 April 1, Age, color, and sex 1960 1950 (census) 1959 -- 1958 1957 1956 19.55 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 (census)


Male} all rages--Con. Under 1 year •.....•...... 299 ]02 290 289 274 2M 250 235 221 221 203 202 1 to 4 years •.•...... •. 1,148 1,128 1,099 1,056 1,OlJt 982 9/.6 921 896 861 $02 789 5 to 13 years ....•..••.... 2,141 2,061+ 1,96A 1,871 1,792 1,621 1,5/tO l,/t'14 1,410 1,:l8'~ 1,379 14 to 17 years ...•..•..... 666 651 630 614 59'1 "6~ 573 565 550 529 517 ~21 18 to 21 years .•...... 533 529 517 502 4S8 ~71 /150 434 461 470 1,90 474 J.4 years alld over ...... 5,960 5,860 5,760 5,675 5,560 5,1+69 5,420 5,365 5,351 5,333 18 years lind over ...... :~gi 5,329 5,246 5,168 5,091 il-,9fTl I~} 90.3 A·,f!!lO 1~,8J6 4,834 4,812 21 years and over ....•.... ~:~~? 4,9.30 4,86.3 1,,'792 4,72A 4,630 4,570 4,521 It/tOO 1+,464 4,4·57 65 years and Over .•••••... l,~~~ 4;~0g 554 540'1 523 506 40/1 468 450 431 412 407 MeeHan age., .•••••• year.fJ •. 22.6 22.9 2.3 ,It 23.9 2.1,.4 24.8 25.2 25.6 25.'1 25.8 25.9 25.9

Female, all ages •••• ,. 10,298 10,114. 9,858 9,616 9,361+ , 9,12t't 8, 891~ 8,67/, 8,4'13 8,2$0 8,090 8,051 Under 5 years ..•.....•.... 1,450 1,it32 1,392 1,349 1,291 1,198 1,155 1,114 1,~g 999 98'/ :5 to 9 years ..•.•.. , ....•. 1,273 1,239 1,202 1,16'1 1,137 i:~;? 1,001 935 883 $09 804 10 to 14 years ••••••••.... 1,041 993 924 869 813 ~~O 770 '755 737 710 709 1.5 "to 19 years •....•. '" .. 794 777 759 738 718 693 6'18 666 ~~~ 661 661 20 to 24 years •••...... •.. 689 681 667 6.56 653 ~~ 654 6M 676 684 696 699 2~, to 29 years ..•...... • 686 683 68a 696 700 '106 709 710 709 704 697 695 .30 to 34 years .•...•.•.... 713 715 711+ 712 706 WI 684 666 M6 629 619 617 35 to 39 years ••....•.•.•. 6$0 662 641 623 612 608 612 621 628 627 626 .:',0 to 44 years ..•..•••.... 601 604 612 618 616 606 588 5M 540 521 517 4.5 to 49 years .•...... •.. 554~I 550 536 517 497 4·82 471 465 462 460 456 455 50 to 54 years •••...••.•.• 456 44'1 438 433 427 420 412 402 391 3$0 367 3M 55 to 59 years ..••..•....• 398, 391 379 367 353 339 326 315 304 295 21J1 '285 60 to E4- years ...... 299 291 281 273 2M 257 2J,8 240 233 226 220 '219 65 to 69 years .•...••..•.. 268 259 247 235 224 214 196 J.88 181 173 170 ' 70 to '74 years •.•.•....•.. 178 175 J.70 166 162 156 ~~ 1/+8 139 128 118 115 75 to 79 years •...•.••...• 1 114 114 109 102 95 84 76 70 67 63 62 80 to 84 years ••..•..•.... l;~j 42 40 39 38 37 37 38 39 4D 40 85 years and Over ••.••.... 40 47139 38 37 36 35 33 32 31 29 27 26 Under 1 year ••.•.•..••••.• 301 304 291 291 276 266 253 237 223 224 204 204 1 to 4 years •••.•.•...•.•• 1,1491 1,101 l,058 1,0151 983 945 919 891 854 795 783 2,OM 1,965 794 1,704 ;: to 13 years ..•••....•... 2,J.41 1 ',mj 1,1JI3 1,625 1,545 1,477 1,412 1,383 1,376 14 to 17 ••••••.•.•.. 671 657 63'1 620 1' 601 1 586 573 561 552 539 532 532 18 to 21 years ..••.••...•• 578 568 55'1 5/,7 538 527 522 522 521 528 539 544

14 years and over ...••.•.. 07 6,618 6,500 6,394 6,278 1 6,171 6,Cf71 5,973 5,882 5,789 5,708 5,688 18 years and over ...•..... 6,0356''1 1 961 5,864- 5,774 5,678 5,585 5,498 5,412 5,331 5,250 5,176 5,156 21 year s and over •..•..... 5,599 5'5,533 1 5,442 5,360 5,272 5,186 5,105 5,022 4,941 4,857 4,776 .:'t~751 65 years and over .•••..... 633 610 50/1 562 538 ,a4 65~1 513 488 466 443 420 Median age ...... •.. years .. 24 .3 24.5j 24.9 25.2 25.5 25.7 25.9 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.2 26.2

1 Adjusted for misreporting of age. 25


(In thousands. Excludes Alaska and Hawaii. Figures for ages under 15 years and 50 yea:rs and over are the same as those shown in table A-I. Figures repre­ sent the sum of the total resident population and Armed Forc€18 stationed outside conterminous United States. Figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand; hence, the sum of parts may differ Dlightly from the totals' shown)

April 1, 1, 19.50 Age, color, and sex 1952 1951 ]950 1958 195/, 1953 ______._1--- ______+______1959 .--1

Al.L O.LASSES J.62,38"8 159,559 156,947 154,2flJ 1517 689 151,133 ~77,080 Total, ull ages ..... , .. . 77,317 '16,907 76,810 Total, 15 to ~·9 year.s, ... . 10,613 10, coo 10,700 to 19 yeare ...... 11,462 11,614 11,651 20 to 2/, years ...... 12,2&,~ 12,314 12,318 25 to 29 years .•...... 11,788 11,614 11,575 30 ·to 3/t years ...... 11,39'7 11,301 11,274 35 to 39 years .•...... •. ;. ... 10,508 10,274 10,217 40 to 4Jt years •.••...••.•.•.•. 9,265 9,111 9,075 I. :> to 1-+9 year,'> .••• , •• "., •••• , t 8,'122 8,522 8,4~A 8,4.09 1/+ to 17 years .•...... •...... 10,951 8,542 8,742 8,9It5 8,978 18 to 21 yearo .•...... •.••. 9,182 : 115,45.5 Illt,251 113,094 112,7a9 366 123,849 1()1~,300 11, yenrD and over ...... 125, 1 106,733 105,729 lCY..,.,650 113,2.43 1$ years and over .••.•...... 111)·,415 100,42!~ 99,249 9'1, 99L. 9'7,698 21 years and over ••..•.•...... 107 '461 106,42.4

WHITE 1 68,840 67,759 67,528 75,725 74,495 73,309 72,141 70,99'1 69,942 Male, all ages .••.•..... 78,860 7S,01Lt 76,868 34, 65ft .3Lt,S12 34,360 34,168 3'+,125 36,177 35,868 35,4·75 35,207 34,991 34,831 l'ot£Ll, 15 to 49 years ..•.. 36,:;87 t 4,717 L.,752 4,762 5,254 5,071 1+,965 4,902 4,798 L,724 15 to 19 'Wears •.....•...•..•.. 5,937 5,'783 5,568 5,029 5,104 5,147 5,158 4,843 4,744 4,678 4,682 4,721 4,794 4,912 20 to 24 years •...... •.... 4,886 5,282 5,350 5,400 5,416 5,419 4,860 4,965 5,068 5,139 5,182 5,227 25 to 29 years •..•...•.•.•..•. 4,816 5,390 5,313 5,227 5,151 5,135 5,310 5,359 ,,417 5,456 5,465 5',446 30 to years .....•..••.•..•. 5,280 5,0'78 5,061 0,039 4,993 4,982 5,478 5,421 5,337 5,245 5-,113 35 to years •....•..•..•.••. 5,492 4,859 4,785 4,701 4,608 4,585 5,104 5, all 5,051 5,024 4,926 40 to 44 years ....•...••... , .. 5,144 4,423 4,335 4,251 4,172 4,101 4,084 4,832 4,799 4,741 4,671 4,590 45 to 49 years ...... •...... • ~;~~I' 3,'783 3,752 3,7/t1 4,521 4,225 4,088 3,966 3,935 3, fJ'12 14 to 17 years ...... •.••••.•. 4,959 4,892 4,736 3,905 3,99'7 3,992 3,936 3,869 3,783 3,753 .3,755 .3,. 0Cf1 18 to 21 years ...... 4,191 4,090 3,986 50,955 50,497 50,378 54,064 53,335 767 52,273 51,822 51,1.. 14 14 years and over ...... •..• · 55,624 55,210 54,634 52, 1 47,172 46,745 46,637 49,543 49,110 48,678 48,287 47,887 47,541 50,666 50,318 49,898 44,28'.. 43,770 43,667 18 years and over ...•...... •... 46,560 46,187 45,804 45,455 A.5,089 44,734 21 years and over •••.•..•..••• 47,478 47,219 46,860 70,/'1'13 69,219 68;066 67,816 78,057 76,785 75,445 74,140 72,857 71,590 ~~emale, all ages .•.•.... 80,306 79,3481 34,837 34,679 34,520 34,483 36,183 35,009 35,556 35,341 35,176 34,990 Total} 15 to 49 years •••.• 36,E1?6 36,4811 4,654 4,592 4,590 4,633 4,645 5,613 5,399 5,093 4,918 4,W 4,'148 to 5,762 5,061 5,154 5,177 15 to 19 years ...... 4,623 4,627 4,667 4,719 4,824 4,949 ty,Bl3 4,770 4,677 5,553 5,5'12 5,576 20 to 24 years ...... •..••. 5,060 5,157 5,235 5,326 5,417 5,502 25 to ye&rs •.....•.•...••.. 4,f20 4,852 4,947 5,466 0,371 5,294 5,276 5,590 5,636 5,646 5,621 5,555 30 34 yea:rs •...••.••..••..• 5,357 5,423 5,512 5,170 5,117 5,103 to 5,502 5,404 5,.323 5,263 5,224 5,200 35 to 39 years ...... 5,680 5,661 5,595 4,753 4,644 4,617 5,194 5,163 5,111 5,043 4,957 4,860 40 to 44 years .•.••...... ••.• 5,296 5,254 5,217 4,181 4,107 4,089 4,747 4,651 4,553 4,457 4,359 4,267 45 49 years .••.....••..••.• 4,949 4,908 4,835 to 3,671 3}61+3 3,615 4,392 4,101 3,960 3,860 3,003 3,748 14 to 17 years, ...... •...•.... 4,810 4,750 4,603 3,810 3,905 3,953 3,828 3,772 3,695 3,666 3,673 3,721 18 to 21 years .•.... , .••...... 4,085 3,981 3,800 52,631 52,056 01,502 51,357 56,697 55,982 55,126 54,417 53,780 53,182 14 years and over ...... •. 57,958 57,427 1+[3,385 L~7, 860 47,742 51,590 51,025 50,457 49,920 49,379 48,883 years and over .•..••....••. 53,148 52,677 52,094 45,562 44,961 44,801 18 48,692 48,184 47,658 47,163 46,645 46,139 21 years and over •.....••..•.. 50,044 49,664 49,148

NONl4HITE 8,703 8,495 8,298 8,119 7,944 7,774· 7,738 771 603 9,371 9,152 8,921 Male, all ages ••.•••..•• 9, 1' 9, 1' 4,033 1.,000 3,9'10 3,941 3,934 4,287 4,238 4,188 4,11t2 4,104 4,069 Total} 15 to 49 years •.••• 4,325 669 650 fl"D 635 63< 767 1 753 734 715 706' 692 15 to 19 years .•.....•.•...... 783 6Q1+ 611 612 616 617 627 610 597 595 593 595 20 to 24 years .••...... •...•. 633 614 622 627 628 628 606 609 610 WI 605 607 25 to 29 years ....•..•...... 609 601 '081 562 550 548 617 620 626 629 626 617 30 to 34 years ...•..•..•...••• 617 539 543 552 560 563 564 620 613 597 576 557 35 to 39 years .•....•...... 553 542 528 513 501 498 547 543 544 551 557 L.O to 44· years ...... ••... 473 465 460 456 452 448 447 515 514 506 495 483 4.5 to 49 years ...... • 530 518 521 597 586 574 566 550 667 651 631 614 500 504 489 14 to 17 years ...... 533 521 501, 496 491 493 18 to 21 years ...... •...... 5.'50 544 536 5,451 5,387 5,366 5,935 5,755 5,678 5,602 5,529 14 years and over ...... •.. 6,182 6,110 6,018 4,922 4,869 4,845 5,.321 5,170 5,104 5,036 4,9'18 18 years and over ...... 5,516 5,459 5,387 4,546 4,488 4,480 '-;·,915 4,751 4,725 4,668 It, 610 21 years and over ...... 5,097 5,045 4, 97L. 9,124 8,895 8,674 8,473 8,200 8,090 8,051 10,298 10,114 9,858 9,61'7 Female, all ages ...•...• 4,309 4,Z78 4,270 /"',572 4,469 4,426 4,381. 4,346 Total, 15 t.o 49 ·years ..... 4,688 4,631 663 661 661 738 704 693 678 666 15 to 19 year8.,...... •.. 777 759 6$1, 696 699 656 654 652 654 664 676 20 24 y€:B.l"s ...•...... •... G81 667 704 69'7 695 to 696 701 706 709 709 25 to 29 years •...•.•.•...... 6e4 688 64E, 629 619 617 712 706 684 30 to 3'!- years •.••.••••.••.•.• 714 621 628 627 626 662 641 623 608 35 to 39 years ...... •...•..•.• 564 540 521 517 604 612 618 606 ~~I588 lyO to 44 years ...... •..•.. 465 462 460 456 455 i~1550 536 517 49'1 471- 45 to 49 years •. , ••.••....••.• 539 532 532 620 601 573 552 14 to 17 years .•...... •.. 657 637 528 539 544 5l.7 522 521 18 to ;!1 years ...... 568 557 ;~~ I / 5,882 5,789 5,708 5,688 6,.395 6,0'72 5,97 • 14 years and over ....•. , •..•.• 6,7Cf7 6,618 6,501 5,331 5,250 5,176 5,156 5,775 5,499 5,412 18 years and over •...... •..... 6,036 5,961 5,864 4,857 4,776 4,751 5,361 5,105 5,023 4,941 .-:" .... years and over ••..•...... 5,599 5,53.3 5,442 26 Table A-3. __ ESTlMATES OF THE CrfILlAN POPULATION OF CONTERMINOUS UNITED STATES, FOR SELECTED AGES, BY COLOR AND SEX: JULY 1, 1950 TO 1959 table A-I. (In thousands, Excludes Alaska and Hawaii. figures for ages under 15 years and .50 years and over are the same us thoBe shown Figures have been rounded to the nearest thousandj hence, the sum of parts may differ slightly from the totals

July 1 of each year April 1, Age, color, and sex 1952 1951 1960 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1959 --Ic-----\-.-----I---+-----.- ---

1llJ. CLASSF,s 168,4()/, 165,3'1'8 To·~al, all ages .•.•..... 176,700 l"llt ,527 1'11,498 '76,59: 'l'otal, 15 to 49 years ••.•• 79,606 79,100 78,281t '1'1,189 lO,84L 15 to 19 years ••.••..•.•.....• 12,851 12,533 12,044 11,272 10,092 9,929 9,.59/, 9,32(, 9,366 20 to 24 ...... •. 11,15:; 25 to 29 years •.•.•....•.•.•.. 10,512 10,57:) lC1,782 10,984 12,09( 12,1'11 30 to 34 years ••••••••.••..••• 11,6Wt 11, 79~ 11,953 11,608 35 to 39 years .•••...... ••.... 12,2h2 12,190 12,037 11,818 11,261t 40 to 44 years •...•••...• , ..•. 11,/.32 11,3.59 11,301 11,298 10,185 45 to 49 years ••...•..••..•.•. 10,794 10,723 10,574 10,390 14 to 17 yea:t'B ••••••.•••..•••. 11,057 10,903 10,556 10,081 8,082 7,785 18 to 21 yews ••..•...•....•.• 1 8,611 8,389 14 years and over .•...•....••• 123,936 122,813 121,193 119,.502 18 years and over .•....•...•.• 112,879 11l,91C1 110,637 109,/t 20 103,506 21 years and over •• , ....•.••.• 106,342 105,.549 1()1,.,469

WlIITE 66,407 66,158 71,904 70,604 69,126 Male, all ages .•.....••• 76,544 75,679 74,432 73,093 32,827 32,7()/, 33,451 32,861 32,633 32,299 :31,829 Total, 1.5 to '~9 years •.•.. 31+,091 33,860 4,510 4,497 4,549 4,470 4,493 15 to 19 years •...•..•.•••..•• 5,543 5,403 5,167 4,758 4,650 4,662 3,5;7 3,~98 3,47;'. 3,122 20 to 24 years ••.••••••••.•.•• 4,029 3,931 3,732 5,166 5,rtO 4,481 4,581 4,664 4,737 4,832 2.5 to 29 years ••.....••..•...• 4,442 4,951 L~J936 5,188 ~,221 5,188 30 to 34 years •..••...••••.... 5,022 5,064- 5,130 4,900 4,887 5,113 5,038 4,982~:~i~1 4,94A, 35 to 39 years .•. ~ ..•••.•.•.•• 5,274 5,254 5,198 4,5/;4 4,933 4,906 4,856 1.,.,566 to yea:rs ••••••.•.••.•••• 5,000 4 , 972 4,944 4,947 4,068 40 44 4,556 4,475 4,394 4,084- 45 to 49 years ••.•••..•.•....• 4,7& L~, 755 4,699 4,633 3,721 3,714 4,459 4,144 4,015 3,929 3,895 3,821 3,744 14 to 17 years ...... " 4,912 4,846 4,688 3,457 2,890 2,761 2,599 2,409 2,557 2,740 3,492 18 to 21 years •••••••••••••••• 3,459 3,3~ 3,182 2,9"10 48,585 48,rY79 47,979 It 9,145 49,007 52,875 52,198 51,432 50,744 50,062 49,257 14 years and over .••.•..••.•.. 53,308 L.4,2.58 44,23~ 45,424 45,294 46,973 46,600 L~6,046 45,32$ 1,1,,690 18 years and over •••••.•.•..•• 48,396 1+8,029 47,510 42,082 1+2,818 L.2,727 44,708 44,400 43,874 43,181 42,781 1,.2,252 21 years and over •••••.•...••• 45,771 45,1t81 45,069 69,181 68,045 67,7.' 76,027 76,755 75,414 74,l071 72,821 71,548 70,369 Female, eJ.l ages * •••••• * 80,276 79.318 3/t,642 34,500 34,46<> 35,780 35,525 35,308 .35,140 34,948 34,794 Tota.l, 15 to 49 years ••• * • 36,647 36,452 36,154 .\,,912 4,801 4,'142 4,646 4,586 4,584- 4,630 4,643 15 to 19· years ••••••.••••••••• 5,757 5,607 5,.394 j,087 5,171 4,616 4,655 4,'105 4,em 4,935 5,0.50 5,148 to years ...... 4,803 4,760 It, 667 4,612 5,572 20 24 5,152 5,229 5,319 5,410 5,493 5,545 5,568 25 to 29 years •••.•••....••••• 4,815 4,81.7 4,943 5,055 5,273 5,633 5,642 5,617 5,551 461 5,366 5,291 5,354 5,420 5,509 5,5f!7 5,100 30 to 34 years ...... 5,L.02 5,320 5,260 5,221 5,5,196 1 5,166 5,115 35 to 39 yetlrs ...... 5,677 5,659 5,593 5,500 4,616 5,161 5,109 5,041 4,955 4,857 4,751 4,642 40 to 44 years ••.••••.•••••.•. 5,294 5,252 5,216 5,192 4,089 4,650 4,551 4,456 4,358. 4,265 4,180 4,106 45 to 49 years ...... 4,948 4,907 4,83.3 4,746 803 748 3,670 3,643 3,615 4,810 4,750 4,603 4,392 4,101 3,960 3,860 14 to 17 years .... " ...... 1' 3,948 3,760 3,684 3,653 3,3,658 1 3'3,709 3,799 3,899 18 to 21 years ••.•..••.•..•••• 4,rY74 3,970 3,868 3,816 51,337 55,094 54,384 53,743 53,140, 52,5f!7 52,018 51,481 14 years and over •••••••.••.•• 57,928 57,397 56,667 55,952 47,722 50,993 50,424 49,884 336 48,840 48,348 47,839 18 years and over .•..•.••.•.•• 53,119 52,647 52,065 51,560 41.,785 48,162 1+7,633 1+7,135 46,61449, 1' 46,104 45,533 44,945 21 years and over .•.•..•..•••• 50,023 49,642 49,128 48,671

NONWHITE 8,480 218 7,991 7,838 7,681 7,666 7,631 Male, all ages ••••..•••. 9,584 9,419 9,182 8,942 8,698 $, 1 3,726 3,720 3,835 3,827 4,139 4,103 4,050 .3,978 3,920 3,792 Total, 1.5 to 49 years ••••• 651 j 618 613 610 746 725 695 667 628 15 to 19 years .•.•••.••..•••.• 758 438 465 575 577 529 502 499 434 4·14 20 to 24 years ••••.•••••.••••. 570 557 582 590 609 609 563 570 569 564 ,63 569 25 to 29 years ••..•.••.••...•• 570 5B3 560 539 537 534 594 594 600 609 611 601 30 to .34 years ••••••.••.•••••. 534 543 549 556 ' 557 601 598 563 ' 545 530 35 to 39 years ...••..••.•..... 5.;r9 524 508 498 534 534 547 552 554 550 40 to 44 years •••.•.••.••.•.•• 471 461, 459 455 451 447 45 to 49 years •••.•..•.••.•••• 512 511 491, 482 519 ~~I 591 579 568 562 54? 526 515 14 to 17 664 650 628 610 446 years, •••••••••• , .••• 432 413 383 359 396 398 462 18 to 21 years •.•.•....••.•••• 501 497 476 452 .5,618 5, ;'32 5,248 14 years and over .••..•..••••• 5,995 5,925 5,725 4,953 LI",701 18 years and over ...... 5,331 5,276 5,115 5,028 6 4,694 4,627 4,392 21 years and over ••.•••.•.•.•. 4,950 4,895 4,7 8 1 8,050 9,615 9,362 9,122 8,671 71 Female, all ages .. , ...•. 10,296 10,112 8"' 1 4,381 4,344 Total, 15 to 49 years ..... 4,729 4,686 15 to 19 years .•... , ...... •. 793 777 699 653 651 20 to 24 years ••...... " ... 689 681 695 700 706 25 to 29 years ...... •...... 686 683 61(, 706 697 H~I'666 ~!!I646 30 to 34 year/;. ...•.•....•. , ... 713 714 626 623 613 tl2 621 3.5 to 39 yeaxs •.•...••.••..••. 690 680 618 615 587 564 40 to 44 years ...... 604 601 497 L,.82 It 65 462 45 to 49 years ...... " .•.• 554 550 671 657 586 14 to 17 years ..•...... • 52'1 18 to 21 years .•.. " ...• , ..•.•• 577 568 6,169 14 years end over ...... 6,705 6,616 6,499 5,583 18 years and over ...... • 6,033 ~,959 5,862 5,184 21 years and over .....•...... • 5,598 5,531 5,440 27


(In thousands. Excludes Hawaii. Fig'.Jres have beer. rounded to the nearest thousand; hence, the sum may diEfer slightly from the totals shown)

White Nonwhite Age and type of All All population classes Fe­ Fe­ Male Male male male


Total, all age8 ~ •••••••••• Total, nll ag 68 •• " •••••• 1--==~~_II-'-"'=+_:cC!..C.=_!i __ ~C'-'.=I __ c'-'_c:_'-11 Total, 1:-' l.o 1.9 years ••••••• Under 5 years ••..•..•••••••••• 15 to 19 years ...... 5 to 9 years.& •••••.••••.••• ~. 20 to 2tj- yearf3 ••.•••••••••••••• ~ 10 ·to 14 ••••••••••••• ~ ... 25 to 29 year,s ...... 15 to 19 years ...... b •• ~ 30 to 34 ...... 20 to 24 ye-ars ...... J) to 39 years •••••••••••••••••• 681 25 to 29 years ...... liO to 11.11- yeerG ...... 602 30 to 31; years •••••••••••••• &. ItS to I/j years ••••.••••• 551 35 to 39 years ••••••• ~ ...... 40 to 44 years •••••••••••••••• l/~ to 17 years ..... ~ ...... 659 JJl to 21 years ...... 570 45 to 49 yffars~ ••••• ~~ •••••••• 14 years and over ...... 50 to 5/f years9 •••••.•••.•• ~.~ l8 yeara and over ...... 55 to 59 yf'ars ••••••••••••.••• 21 year.C) and over ...... ~ ••.•.•• 60 '~o 64 years ••••••••••••••••

65 to 69 years ••••• & •• ~ ••••••• 70 to 7~ years •••••• ; •.•••••• " CIVILIAN RESIDENT POPULATION 75 to 79 years. ~ •••••••••••••• 80 to $4 years •••••••••••••••• Total, all ages ••• * • ~ ••••• 1--=="'-IIl--=='-j----'-''-'''.'''-I--==1- 85 years and over ••• ~ •••• * •••• 'fatal, 15 to 49 years •••••• 011 Under 1 year ...... 1 to 4 years ...... '••••••••••••• ~6 ~~ ~~ ;:~~::::::::::::::::::: 25 to :!,9 years ••••••••••••••••• " I 685 5 to 13 years ...... 30 to 34 years •••••••••••••••••• 716 14 to I? years ...... 35 to 39 yE>ars: ...... ~ 681 1$ to 21 years ...... 40 to 44 y€'ars •••••••••••••••••• 602 45 to 49 years ...... 551 14 years and over ...... 124,727 54,560 57,468 6,068 6,631 IS years end over ...... 113,772 49,671 52,7l<"1- 5,415 5,972 14 to 17 years ...... 659 21 year£; end over ...... 106,989 46,736 49,700 5,010 5,542 18 to 21 years ...... 65 yeare and over ...... 16,237 6,819 8,213 571 634 14 years and over ...... 18 years and over ...... Median age •••••••••••• oyears. ~ 29.7 29.6 31.2 22.9 21 years and over ......


(In thousands. Based on births, not census counts. See text for explanation)

July 1 of each year April 1, Age, color, and sex 1960 1959 1958 195'7 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951


Total, l.ll1der 5 years ..... 20,735 20, 574 ~ Under 1 year...... " ... 4,207 4,190 1 and 2 years ...... ~ ..... 8,357 8,355 3 and ./.t- yenrs ...... 8,171 8,028


Male, under 5 years ...... 9,016 Under 1 year ...... 1,824 1 and 2 years •••••.•.••••••••• 3,630 3 and 4 years ...... 3,562

Female, under 5 years ••• 7,56B Under 1 year ...... 1,569 1 and 2 years ....." ••••••••••••• ' 3,007 3 and 4 years ...... 2,992


MalE', under 5 years ••••• 1,570 Under 1 yea:r ...... 324 1 and 2 years ...... 636 46/, 3 and If years •••.••••••••••••• 611 392

Female, under 5 years ••• 1,547 Under 1 year ...... 319 1 and 2 years. ~ .•••.••.••••••• 626 619 545 520 512 e97 .3 and I. years ...... 603 587 544 510 1.96 476 l~Gl L-~