Shops Act Inspector, Frank J ohnson Rn~sell Frank M.B. 41 Hcaton road, Newcastle Messenger, John Smith, Town hall SandHrson Williarn John, Eastfield ball, Warkworth 1Yei;;h .\llaster & Superintendent of the Meat & Provision ..;;;canlan John Edward, 119 road, Newcastle &c. "Ylarkets, Arthur Shep;;tone, Green market Scbolefield Arthur, Lint close, Alnmouth Ke-eper of Cattle Market, William Gilroy Scott Arthur, Alexandra vil.HPaton,Park view.Newcastle Sword Bearer, Charles Edward Wills, Town hall Scntt Wm. John Storrow, II4 St. George's ter.Newcastle :dace Bearer, John Boyd, Town hall St1 blPforth Charles Thomas, -:\{oorfiPld, Moorside, Fen- ham, 1'0 ewcastle CITY MAGISTRATES. Stephenson Sir William Haswell D.L., D.C.L. Elswick b'luse, Elswick road, Newca~t.le The Lord Mayor · Stewart .Tames Reid, Millfield house, El,don st5ewcastle .A.dams David, 18 Sanderson road, Newcastle SI\"Ull John Cameron, 17 Saltwell view, Gate.shead A.damson Lt.-Col. Charles Henry Ellison C.I.E. Cragg Thornborough Frank Crane, 5 Beaurnont ter. Gosfortb hall, J e~mond De ne, Newcastle Thwaites John William, 51 Hartington street, ~ewcastle Ang-ns Col. William "Mathwin C.B. The Cottage, Ben well, Walker John Duguid, ro9 Osborne road, Newcastle 1'0 ewcastle \Vall>er .Tohn George, 13 Haldane terrace, Newcastle Apple by Alfred, Stotes hall, J esmond, Newcastle Wall ace J ohnstone, Parkholme,Beech Grove rd .Newe a stle A.rmstrong Lord D.L. Cragside, Rothbury Wahon John Graves, 5 Osborne avenue, Newcastle B:-~ilPy Henry Robinson, Oakwo1 th hou~e, Park avenue, Weidner John Frerik. Elswick lodge, Park rd. Newcastle White Richard Saxton, Shirley, Addcrstone cresc~nt, Bainbridge Arthur Emerson, Barras bridge, Newcastle Newcastle Beat tie John, 5 Lambton road, Newcastle Wilkie Alex. M.P. Leven house, Lesbury rd. Newcastle Becbngham James Horace, 32 Percy grdns. Tynemouth Wilson Adam F.R.C.S.Edin. Osborne house, Jemwnt! rd. Beckingham Ernest Leonard B.Sc. 44 Percy gardens, Newcastle Tynemouth Woods J ames Edward, Swarland hall, Felton Bedson Peter Phillips M.A., D.Sc., F.l.C. Eskdale 5 Clerk to the Justices, John Robert Roberts, Police terrace, X ewcastle Court buildings, Pilgrim street Cell .Jo~Pph Nichn:a,, 6 Hot~pu•· st. Heat-m, ~ewcastle Mag-istrates sit daily at the Police court, Pilgrim street Bell Thomas, 23 1Yindsor terrace, Newcastle Bowden Thomas, Sheriff mount, Bramble Williarn, Moor~ley house, .\.ddaide terrace, COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR CASTLE WARD WEST , Newcastle PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. Brough Ed ward, The Ga ble.s, Ben ton Angus Col. William M., C.B., V.D. The Cotta,es, O'd Browne Sir Benjamin Chapman D.C.L., C.E. Westacres, B~nwell, Newcastle . · Benwell, Newcastle .\. vn slev Ro bert J. Fencer hill, , Newcastle Cail William, 5 Victoria square, Newcastle R~ll Cl;ar1rs Loraine D.L. Wuolsington hall, Ne,rcastle Carter George John, Brookhurst, Bramborough, near Blair Hunter, :Woor end, Gosforth, Newcastle Birkenhead Brough Edward, The Gables, Catchside Thomas Hy. Inglewood, Elmfield pk. Gosforth Browne Sir Benjamin Chapman D.C.L., D.L. Westacres, Coley Frederic Collins M.D. 21 Eldon square, Newcastle Ben well, Newcastle Cooke Thomas, Croft house, Grainger Park rd.Newcastle Cheesman Isaac T. Hill house, Thro[·kley, ::'\ ew['aslle Davies Wm. Goode, Northmoor lo. Oakfield rd. Gosforth Cl ark ,l amPIJ Smith, Rosedale, Gosforth, N ewcastlr Dixon J ames, ro Granville road, Newcastle Cochrane Cecil cL OaldieJ.d house, Gosfortb, ~ ewca,tJe Dove Edward John, Causey house, Gosforth Craig Herbcrt James :M.P. II Prior's terrace,Tynemouth Ell is Sir J oseph Baxter, North Ashfield, Gloucester ter- Daws<1n Robert, Walker, ~ewca.st1e race, Newcastle Elli·; .Tames W. InglP.ford, Gnsforth Ericsson Axe! Fredrik, Mayfield, Fernwood rd. Newcastle H'enwick Rt. Hon. Charles M.P. ter. Newcastle F(}rster John James, Oakfield, Ryton-on-Tyne "<'enwick Gerard, '!'he Hall, Higham Dykes, Newcastle Gillespie J ames John, 32 Grainger st. west, Newcastle France Gerald A., M.P. Newbiggin hall, Newrastle Gra.bam Edward James, 65 Cr'own street, Newcastle Fryer George, Tbe Farm, Cramlington Hadow Wm. Hemy M.A. 2 Brandling park, Newcastle Haggie Arthur J. Manor house, Longbenton, Newcastle Hall George, 52 Falconar s Lreet, Newcastle Hen1.ell Robert, Lorraine, Gosfortb, Newcastle Harkus George, 9 East parade, Newcastle [ rwin Charles, O,;born house, Tynernonth Harelock John, }~astwood, park, Newcastle Knott James, Close house, Wylam-on-Tyne Heslop Richard Oli\'er M.A.. 12 Eskdale ter. Newcastle Lovin OHo, Westover, Gosforth, Newcastle Hill John, Lifton house, Eslington road, Newcastle Lord Sir Riley, Highfield, Gosforth, Xewcastlll Hubkirk Ddvid Thorna.~. Ramle, Adder~tone crescent, Middleton Henry Nicholas D.L. Dissing-ton hall,Newcstle N ewc>astle :'l!iddleton Lambert Wm. Dissington hall, Newcastle Hclmes Richard llenry, 54 Rye hill, Newcastle MortimPr Ralph George, Milbourne hall, Newca.~tle Howat William James, 92 Stanton street, Newcastle Orde Henry Powlett Shafto, Woodbme avenue, Gosfortb Hoy RJbert John, 26 Coquet terrace, Newcastle I'ea~e Howard, Otterburn towers, Otterburn Lee Waiter, 2 Queen's road, Newcastle Fea~e ,J. W. B. Pendower, Newcastle .Lord Sir Riley, HighfiPld hall, Gosforth,~Tortlmmberland RFah .John Henry, Newlands, Gosforth, NewcastlP Lunn George, Moorfield, Gosforth Rirl.idl-Blount Edward Francis, Cheeseburn grange, Macarthy George Eugene, Sonwil house, Tynernouth Starnfordham, Newcastle McKav John Rowel! Thomas Robert, The Farm, Marti;. Nieholas Henry, Rct.venswood,,Gatesbead Runciman Sir Waiter hart. Fernwood house, Jesmond, Mayne Richard, 35 Brighton grove, Newcastle Newcastle Millican Richard liPnry, ro Westfield dTive, Gosforth Sander~on William John, Eastfield hall, Warkworth Moore Jnhn, 29 Roxburgh place, Newcastle Stephenson Sir Wm. Haswell D.L. Elswick ho.Newcastle Morton Hugb, 7 Granville road, Newcastle Stephenson Major Wm. Ernest, ThrocklPy ho. Muir JamPs H. 49 Larkspur terrace, Newcastle Warwick Robcrt MaQdison, Culler-ton ball, Murray William, Sandycroft, .Jesmond pk. we.Newcastle ¥\' atson Aaron, 22 Carson rd. We~t Dulwich, London SE NPwhigin Eodward Richmond, 17 Tankerville terrace, ¥\reightman Francis E. Studley mount, , N flWC1~tl1' Newcastle Newton Sir Henry William, 2 Ellison place, Newcastle We!ford Richard, Thornfield view, Gosforth, Newcastle Nisbet James Thomson, Griffe], Ryton, Durham White Col. R. Saxton, Sbirley, Adderstone cres.Ne>Vcstle Noble William Joseph, West Denton hall,Northumberlnd Oliver Sir Thmn