Greeks Spread Good Will for the Event Tomorrow.” Is to Spread Chapter Members Sing Carols Christmas Toy Drive

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Greeks Spread Good Will for the Event Tomorrow.” Is to Spread Chapter Members Sing Carols Christmas Toy Drive

PRESIDENT BUSH DEFENDS WAR IN | PAGE 4 THURSDAY Snow showers December 1, 2005 Volume 112, Number 68 High: 35 | Low: 29 More weather Page 2 �THE STUDENT�������� VOICE OF WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1896 Groups cross party lines to fight loan cuts A federal budget proposal in Congress would give less money for student loans.

Brian Everstine Daily Evergreen staff Political differences will be put aside as WSU students declare they will fight against federal cuts in student loan funding. The WSU College Republicans and Young Democrats joined the “We are the Legislative leaders of Affairs branch CHRISTOPHER ONSTOTT/DAILY EVERGREEN of ASWSU tomorrow to hold a Members of the Sigma Nu fraternity sing Christmas carols Tuesday in the doorway of the Kappa Delta house on College Hill to and raise support for the Pullman Child Welfare Christmas toy drive. Toys can be dropped off at 405 South Grand Ave., Pullman. tabling event whatever from 10 a.m. through 2 happens p.m. today at today will the CUB West continue Entrance. Their goal through to Greeks spread good will for the event tomorrow.” is to spread Chapter members sing carols Christmas toy drive. Christmas cheer all over cam- drive is representative of Sigma awareness Dan Rider to promote a local toy drive. K.C. Stevens, activities chair- pus,” said Eric Hill, a freshman Nu’s devotion to holiday spirit. about a pro- College man for the Sigma Nu fraterni- Sigma Nu member. “I hope to Toys can be dropped off posed budget Republicans Andy Jones ty, said approximately 20 mem- do it again next year.” at Associated Brokers, Sales in the U.S. president Daily Evergreen staff bers of the Sigma Nu fraternity Stevens said the group came Associate Marian Hood said. House of traveled to various sororities as up with the idea at their charter The business is located at 405 Representatives and Senate The spirited words of “We snow blanketed WSU. Members meeting Monday night. South Grand Ave. which will cut funds for student Wish You a Merry Christmas” presented Christmas cards, “A lot of the guys came back The toy drive provided toys loans, said Stephanie Ervin, and “Rudolph the Red Nose tossed snowballs and sang with Christmas sweaters and for more than 200 Pullman Young Democrats vice president. Reindeer” echoed along Greek carols. holiday spirit,” he said. and Whitman County children “We want to show that you Row Tuesday evening as “It was a really great time Pat McConnell, a junior can go and voice your opinions students rallied to promote out there singing to the sorori- finance major, said the Pullman See CAROLS | Page 13 to your local congressman,” said the Pullman Child Welfare ties, it’s always good to spread Child Welfare Christmas toy Dan Rider, College Republicans president. “We are the leaders of tomorrow and whatever hap- pens today will continue through to tomorrow.” A table will be set up by the WSU, UI recognize World AIDS Day ASWSU and representatives from both student political HIV testing, counseling and a visual presentation to present a candlelight vigil at 5 p.m. The groups will join to help to what awareness programs will be the topic of AIDS in an interest- vigil will be held at Sixth and Fast facts they can to spread awareness on offered on campus today. ing and informative way,” said Deakin streets. ■ More than 15,000 this issue, Rider said. Kristen Plymale, SEB lectures AIDS – Acquired Immune Washington residents are The budget already passed programmer. “[Friedman] Deficiency Syndrome – was living with AIDS or HIV. Allison Doty really tries to make the topic through the House by a 217 to Daily Evergreen staff introduced in the 1980s. There 215 vote but is being brought to approachable so that people are are more than 15,000 people ■ More than 6,000 state the floor for a second vote, Ervin A global effort to put a stop not afraid to talk about it.” living with HIV, Human residents have died from said. to AIDS continues today. World Student Health and Wellness Immunodeficiency Virus, or AIDS since the epidemic is also taking apart in World The re-vote is planned due AIDS Day emphasizes the need AIDS in Washington alone, began in the ’80s. AIDS Day with free HIV and to inconsistencies between the to find a cure and help prevent according to the Washington the spread of HIV and AIDS. AIDS testing from 12 to 2 p.m. state Department of Health. World AIDS Day Schedule House version and the Senate in the second floor of the CUB. version. Deliberations are sched- Jay Friedman, a certified “HIV and AIDS are very sex educator, will be speaking Five counseling rooms will ■ uled to begin Dec. 5. individualized,” said Judy Free AIDS testing noon to on campus about AIDS and be open to administer tests. 2 p.m. on the CUB’s second Those involved in today’s Stone, an HIV coordinator for safer sex in light of World AIDS OraSure, an oral HIV test, will Whitman county. “People have floor event plan to collect supporters Day. The event, called “The J- be offered, as well as drawing and flood U.S. Representative to go through many different Spot,” is hosted by the Student blood. Blood results will arrive lifestyle changes such as dietary ■ Candlelight vigil 5 p.m. at Cathy McMorris’ (R-Wash.) Entertainment Board at 7 p.m. approximately two weeks from Sixth and Deakin streets in office with calls in an attempt to changes to coincide with their tonight in the Todd Auditorium. the date of the test. medication, exercise, as well as Moscow, Idaho sway her position, Ervin said. Admission is free. In addition to WSU, the “The J-spot uses a combina- University of Idaho will be rec- ■ ”The Jay Spot” 7 p.m. in the See LOANS | Page 13 tion of story-telling, humor and ognizing World AIDS Day with See AIDS | Page 15 Todd Auditorium

News Tip? Local Judge | Coming soon Cougars win Ending exhaustion Community Voices Contact news editor Jacob Jones Judge Doug Robinson shares what it’s WSU basketball beats A WSU professor has linked four U.S. youngsters should learn [email protected] like to lay down the law in a college town. Wyoming 63-47. different diseases to one factor. at least one foreign language. (509) 335-2465 Sports | Page 9 Life | Page 5 Opinion | Page 12 2 | THE DAILY EVERGREEN PAGE TWO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Mark your calendar Police Log Correction Policy | Community events The Daily Evergreen is com- ��������� Explosive Problem mitted to publishing accurate Today 440 NE Howard St., 12:58 information. Whenever the p.m. Evergreen does not meet P.O.Box 642510, Pullman, WA 99164 The WSU Sailing Club meets Reporting party reported this standard, our policy is to at 5:10 p.m. at the CUB Rooms B1 hearing a loud explosion. An print the correct information officer responded and was through B5. as soon as possible on Page unable to locate the source The Daily Evergreen is the official student 335-2292, [email protected] 2. The Evergreen welcomes The Atheist & Agnostic student of the sound. publication of WSU, operating under authority Advertising Manager: Vanessa Jones readers who believe a correc- granted to the Board of Student Publications by group will be holding a meeting at 6 335-1572, [email protected] tion is warranted. E-mail or the WSU Board of Regents. p.m. in the K-house lounge. Burglary Graphics Manager: Chris Holm call Editor Joe Barrentine at Responsibilities for establishing news and 1160 NW Davis Way, 1:54 advertising policies and deciding issues related to 335-4179, [email protected] The Director of Graduate p.m. [email protected] content rest solely with the student staff. The edi- Web Manager: Chris Faulkner tor and advertising manager provide reports Programs in Business will host a Reporting party reported or 335-3194. 335-1571, [email protected] Master of Business Administration someone entered the house to the Board of Publications at monthly meetings. (MBA) information session from 4:15 Other editors: and stole jewelry. There are The governing “Statement of Policies and Copy Chief: Sara Gray to 5 p.m. in Todd Room 109. Operating Bylaws” is available at SP’s no suspects or leads. administrative offices in Room 113, Murrow Wire Editor: Amy Trang Building. SP general manager is Alan Donnelly. Copy Editors: Karen Hart, Kristen Moyle, Anne Friday Burglary Correction Radford, Aly Van Deusen 505 NE Maple St., 4:51 In Monday’s “Radiating Work for The Daily Evergreen: International folkdancing will Contact Editor Joe Barrentine at 335-3194. be held from 7:30 to 10 p.m. in p.m. research” story, Security Director Other contact numbers: Reporting party reported Place an display ad: Smith Gym Room 115. Keith Fox was identified incorrect- Contact Advertising Manager Vanessa Jones at Circulation: 335-5138 someone stole a computer. ly due to reporter error. Rachel 335-1572. Advertising: 335-1572 News fax: 335-7401 Overeaters Anonymous meets An officer will attempt to Cole’s name was also misspelled. Place a classified ad: Advertising fax: 335-2124 Classified: 335-4573 from 12:10 to 1 p.m. in the second make contact with the sus- Contact Tracy Milano at 335-4573. floor lounge of the K-House next pect. Tell us a news tip: Copyright © 2005 WSU Student Publications to The Bookie. Meetings are open Contact News Editor Jacob Jones at 335-2465. to anyone who has a desire to stop Board. All WSU Student Publications articles, Welfare Check Order a photo reprint: photographs and graphics are the property of the compulsively overeating, bingeing Three day forecast: Contact Tracy Milano at 335-4573. WSU Student Publications Board and may not be and purging or restricting. 2290 NE Westwood Dr, reproduced without expressed written consent. 5:59 p.m. Contact the staff: Editor-in-chief: Joe Barrentine Email events to Reporting party request- Friday | Snow 335-3194, [email protected] Postmaster: Send address changes to The Daily [email protected]. Events ed a welfare check on his Managing Editor: Annette Ticknor Evergreen at P.O. Box 642510, Pullman, WA 99164- must be free, open to the public and son. Officers spoke with the Hi: 34 Lo: 25 335-1099, [email protected] 2510. have complete time, date and place News Editor: Jacob Jones information. son who called his parents. Assistant News Editor: Jason Moll 335-2465, [email protected] First-class semester subscriptions are $110 if Saturday | Snow Sports Editor: Sarah McGuire mailed daily; $70 if mailed weekly. One-year Assistant Sports Editor: Lisa Whiteman subscriptions are $190 if mailed daily, $120 if Hi: 33 Lo: 24 335-1140, [email protected] mailed weekly. USPS Permit No. 142-860. Life Editor: Dan Thompson 335-1140, [email protected] Sunday | Snow Opinion Editor: Garrett Andrews First copy free, each 335-2290, [email protected] Hi: 36 Lo: 27 Photo Editor: Brian Immel additional 50¢.

Corrections and/or Complaints E-mail: [email protected] Call: (509) 335-3194 Letters to the editor E-mail: [email protected] THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 NEWS THE DAILY EVERGREEN | 3 City Council budget Washington meets federal ready for approval clean air requirements Officials say balancing funds 15 preliminary budget hearing The state is the 12th areas must meet the standards “I think we’re a model for was challenging due to new because of the adjustments men- for three years and have an the country,” he said. “We have tioned previously. in the country to meet EPA figures for a labor contract. EPA-approved maintenance a growing population, a grow- Pullman City Supervisor standards for air pollutants. plan to ensure air quality. ing economic base, more and John Sherman said he is slightly “In 1995, we had three and more activity and development. Kelsey Moll uneasy about the proposed bud- Rachel La Corte a half million people living You combine those things and Daily Evergreen staff get not having the 13 percent The Associated Press in non-attain- we’re still in attainment on all reserve. ment areas; in levels.” Troy Woo, Pullman finance “I don’t have as high of a OLYMPIA, Wash. November 2005, director, said balancing the 2006 — Washington state has Gregoire announced the comfort level as what I had in we have zero,” clean-air achievement at a news budget has been challenging this 2004 or 2005,” Sherman said. become the first state in the Gov. Christine year, but they were able to do it West, excluding Hawaii, to conference in Tacoma, where He said he would like to Gregoire said in she also signed clean-car rules without any layoffs or cutbacks see a budget in the future that fully comply with federal clean prepared state- of services. air requirements, officials developed by the Department has enough room to allow for ments. of Ecology to enact legislation “We’re happy to have the internal adjustment needs at the announced Wednesday. Gregoire said Gregoire balanced budget that we have, Only 12 states nationally passed in April and signed by city and also for more capital the attainment the governor in May. given the situation we were faced improvement projects. have been certified by federal of the standards with,” Woo said. regulators as meeting the New car emissions stan- Woo said although the budget ensures “better health and a dards take effect in 2009. By He said the situation was the is not balanced with a 13 percent Environmental Protection better economy for the people limited amount of funds they Agency standards. 2016 all new cars, SUVs and reserve, he still feels comfortable of Washington.” light trucks sold in Washington had to deal with. moving forward with it. He said Washington’s full compli- “I think it says a lot to the In order to balance the bud- ance became official on Sept. will have to comply with the the city tries to project all expen- cooperation between the state, tougher standards. get without layoffs or service ditures with minimal revenue 26, when the area around the the EPA, the business commu- cuts, Woo said the proposed Wallula pulp and paper mill, Washington’s law is con- so they do not come out over nity, nonprofits and citizens,” tingent on passage of a similar 2006 budget would have an between the Tri-Cities and Gregoire said by phone after budget. There could be unex- plan by Oregon, which is cur- 11.9 percent reserve instead of Walla Walla, was certified by the news conference. “We value pected revenue in 2006 that has rently in its own rulemaking the City Council suggested 13 not been accounted for in the federal regulators as meeting our quality of life here. When process. percent. budget, such as grants, that will the EPA standards, said Glenn the challenge was put before us, “The clean-car law is the “Our primary goal was to bump the year-end savings up. Kuper, a spokesman for the we all came together.” most important piece of envi- maintain a 13 percent reserve,” Woo said the next step in the state Department of Ecology. Thirteen different areas Woo said. “With the 11.9 percent budget process is for the mayor The area was one of three fell below standards over the ronmental legislation adopted reserve we didn’t quite meet our to present the budget at the brought into compliance this past decade, Kuper said. The in our state so far this decade,” goal.” Dec. 6 City Council meeting for year, including areas in Yakima state worked with each of Gregoire said in her prepared He said the reserve is lower approval by the Council. and Spokane. those areas, including parts of remarks. “It will improve the partially because of a recently Sherman said Woo will Wednesday’s announce- Thurston County, and areas in quality of our air, enhance approved labor contract that make presentations periodically ment means the entire state King and Pierce counties, to public health and help prevent increased salary expenses by throughout the year to the City meets EPA standards for air bring the levels under control. global warming.We will also $160,015. In addition, the pre- Council to show how the budget pollutants such as ground-level Jay Manning, director of the gain the added benefit of pro- liminary budget proposed at the is being followed. ozone, carbon monoxide and state Department of Ecology, moting fuel-efficient vehicles Nov. 15 City Council meeting “We want the Council to particulate matter. Before being said it was “a tremendous that save money for consumers understated salaries and ben- know that the budget they deemed as “in attainment,” accomplishment.” at the gas pump.” efits. The new figure includes adopt is being followed as well,” $102,769 more than the Nov. 15 Sherman said. estimate. Woo said the budget has been The proposed general funds a “citywide” effort that started budget presented at Tuesday’s in January with the City Council City Council meeting was goal setting process. Get local news $13,252,726. Woo said this “A lot of different levels of figure is $293,097 higher than people are involved in putting a online: the figure presented at the Nov. budget together,” Woo said.

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Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi they’re flat wrong.” that may not be known for dismissed as “35 pages of rheto- There are about 160,000 U.S. Carole Bianchi months or even years, the pro- Deb Riechmann The Associated Press ric on old sound bites.” troops in Iraq. The Pentagon has cedure offers hope to people The Associated Press The president said the U.S. not committed to any specific horribly disfigured by burns, LYON, France — Doctors ANNAPOLIS, Md. — military’s role in Iraq will shift drawdown next year beyond the in France said they had per- accidents or other tragedies. from providing security and announced plan to pull back The woman was “severely President Bush gave an unflinch- formed the world’s first partial ing defense of his war strategy fighting the enemy nationwide 28,000 troops who were added face transplant, forging into disfigured” by a dog bite in to more specialized operations this fall for extra security during May that made it difficult for on Wednesday, refusing to set a risky medical frontier with targeted at the most her to speak and chew, accord- a timetable for U.S. troop with- their operation on a woman drawals and asserting that once- dangerous terror- ing to a joint statement from ists. “We will increasingly move disfigured by a dog bite. the hospital in Amiens and shaky Iraqi troops are proving The 38-year-old woman, increasingly capable. Democrats “We will increas- out of Iraqi cities, reduce another in the southern city of ingly move out of who wants to remain anony- Lyon where Dubernard works. dismissed his words as a stay- the number of bases from mous, had a nose, lips and chin the-course speech with no real Iraqi cities, reduce Such injuries are “extremely the number of bases which we operate and grafted onto her face from a difficult, if not impossible” to strategy for success. brain-dead donor whose family Bush recalled that some Iraqi from which we conduct fewer patrols and repair using normal surgical operate and con- gave consent. The operation, security forces once ran from convoys.” techniques, the statement said. duct fewer patrols Bush performed Sunday, included Scientists around the world battle, and he said their perfor- a surgeon already famous for and convoys,” the are working to perfect tech- mance “is still uneven in some president said. transplant breakthroughs, Dr. niques involved in transplant- parts.” But he also said improve- the election. Jean-Michel Dubernard. Still, Bush remained stead- The U.S. strategy rests on the ing faces. Today’s best treat- ments have been made in train- fastly opposed to imposing a “The patient’s general ments leave many people with ing and Iraqi units are growing expectation that training a com- deadline for leaving Iraq. petent Iraqi security force and condition is excellent and facial disfigurement and scar more independent and control- “Many advocating an artificial helping shepherd the election of the transplant looks nor- tissue that doesn’t look or move ling more territory. mal,” said a statement issued like natural skin. timetable for withdrawing our a democratic government will “This will take time and troops are sincere, but I believe stabilize the country and permit Wednesday from the hospital A complete face transplant, patience,” said Bush, who is in the northern city of Amiens which involves applying a sheet they’re sincerely wrong,” Bush a gradual U.S. military exit, pos- under intense political pres- said. “Pulling our troops out sibly starting next year. where the operation took place. of skin in one operation, has sure as U.S. military deaths in Dubernard would not discuss never been done before. The before they’ve achieved their Bush said more than 30 the war rise beyond 2,100 and purpose is not a plan for vic- Iraqi army battalions have the surgery, but confirmed that procedure is complex, but uses his popularity sits at the lowest it involved the nose, lips and tory.” assumed primary control of standard surgical techniques. point of his presidency. chin. Senate Democratic leader their own areas of responsibil- Critics say the surgery is too Bush’s speech at the U.S. A news conference is risky for something that is not Harry Reid of Nevada called on ity. In , Iraqi battalions planned for Friday. Naval Academy, the first of at the president to release a strat- have taken over major sectors a matter of life or death, as reg- least three he’ll give between Scientists in China have ular organ transplants are. The egy that has military, economic of the capital, including some now and the Dec. 15 Iraqi elec- performed scalp and ear main worry for both a full face and political benchmarks that of the city’s toughest neighbor- transplants, but experts say transplant and a partial effort tions, did not outline a new must be met. hoods, he said. The coalition has the mouth and nose are the is organ rejection, causing the strategy for the nearly three- “Simply staying the course is handed over roughly 90 square most difficult parts of the skin to slough off. year-old war. Rather, it was no longer an option,” Reid said. miles of Baghdad province to face to transplant. In 2000, In the United States, the intended as a comprehensive “We must change the course.” Iraqi security forces, and Iraqi Dubernard did the world’s first Cleveland Clinic is among answer to mounting criticism Bush was ready for that. battalions have taken responsi- double forearm transplant. those planning to attempt a and questions. Billed as a major “If by `stay the course’ they bility for areas in other parts of address, it brought together in ACAPThe Adsurgery 3.75x8 drew 11/22/05 both 3:25face PMtransplant. Page 1 mean we will not permit al- the country. a single package the adminis- Qaida to turn Iraq into what While Bush did not say that tration’s arguments for the war Afghanistan was under the the terrorists now in Iraq had and assertions of progress on Taliban, a safe haven for ter- anything to do with the Sept. 11 Accelerated Culinary Arts military, economic and political rorism and a launching pad attackers, he said they “share tracks. for attacks on America, they’re the same ideology.” He said that Certificate Program The address was accompa- right,” Bush said. “If by `stay the once the enemy in Iraq is defeat- nied by the release of a White course’ they mean that we’re not ed, Americans will be safer.

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Ad Size: 2x8 The Culinary Institute of America Publication: Cornell Daily Sun - Cornell University, Endowed Colleges ��������� THURSDAY | SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Life PAGE 5 Fight off that constant exhaustion New data suggests some diseases aren’t just in people’s heads A WSU professor’s research focuses on one cause for four chronic and controversial illnesses. Where it might hurt Concentration/memory problems Shannon Bartlett Common symptoms of Daily Evergreen staff chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Headaches ver felt exhausted after pulling an all-night- er or anxious after an upsetting event? Ever post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Efelt stiff and sore after a tough workout or fibromyalgia (FM) or multiple stifled in a smoky bar? Poor sleep Now imagine feeling exhausted, anxious, sore chemical sensitivity (MCS): or stifled 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You’d be experiencing the same thing people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), fibromyalgia (FM), or multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) experience. Chip Halverson, chair of the Washington Fatigue Education Association Indoor Environmental Quality work group and a teacher who suffered from severe MCS, struggled for years. Anxiety/panic “At one point, I was allergic to the world,” attacks Halverson said. Gastrointestinal Annie Shillinger, a former school librarian liv- problems ing in Renton, deals with her CFS and MCS daily. “At one point, my life [consisted of] two things: Drag yourself off to work in the morning, come back and go to bed,” Shillinger said. However, Martin Pall, WSU biochemistry and biophysics professor, may have help for Halverson, Shillinger and the 20 to 25 million others affected by one or more of these diseases. Muscle pain Pall believes he’s found the cause of not one but all four of the chronic illnesses. Using his biochemistry knowledge, Pall began researching the illnesses after he had a bout of CFS. “I had a perspective that I thought was use- ful,” he said. Pall noticed FM, MCS and PTSD had symp- toms similar to CFS, such as fatigue and memory problems. In fact, the diseases can be co-morbid, meaning many people develop more than one ill- ness. Other symptoms for “All of these illnesses tend to be initiated by short-term stressors, most commonly infection, these common diseases: Joint pain physical trauma, psychological trauma and/or chemical exposure,” Pall said. Both Halverson and Shillinger’s illnesses devel- CFS – sore throat, oped after they were exposed to severe mold (and depression chemicals, in Halverson’s case) in their work- places, fitting Pall’s profile. Often, people with FM MCS – nausea, and PTSD develop the diseases after car accidents. chest pain CFS and FM can show up after someone gets mononucleosis. PTSD – dizziness, Pall found the diseases affected the body as a nightmares whole and remained after the short-term stressor was gone. He researched the biochemicals pro- FM – depression, duced after the initial stressor and saw a link. stiffness in muscles For more information “The common biochemical response [to these about these diseases, visit stressors] is an increase in nitric oxide,” he said., Nitric oxide increases the release of glutamate, or See DISEASES | Page 6 Police use Facebook New hormone can to fight crime suppress appetitte Stanford researchers have rise of national obesity rates. Authorities across the country ated in February 2004 to unite system – be it staff, faculty published work on a new way Obesity has been linked to students with similar interests. or student – can access the diverse causes from psychologi- are using social network Web to control people’s hunger. sites to prosecute offenders. But users beware. profiles using a school e-mail cal disorders to heart disease to Although it has yet to account. children who play too many happen at the University of Pennsylvania State Ada Yee video games. Nicholas Wilbur Oregon, police and authori- University Police reportedly The Stanford Daily (Stanford U.) Oregon Daily Emerald (U. Oregon) Obesity has also been nota- ties at universities across the used after the bly linked to genetics. On Nov. country are using the Web Oct. 8 football game against STANFORD, Calif. — A col- EUGENE, Ore. — More lege student’s concern with 11, a group of Stanford Medical than 9 million college students site to identify and prosecute Ohio State University to iden- school researchers published offenses. tify and prosecute fans who weight, diet and exercise may from about 2,000 colleges seem like nothing out of the their discovery of a new hor- around the country have been Students can post pictures, rushed the field after the game. ordinary; however, Americans mone, dubbed obestatin, which making friends, romances and personal anecdotes and favor- “We are doing as much everywhere have become suppresses appetite, in Science other social connections on ite activities on their profiles, increasingly alarmed about the, a Web site cre- and anyone within a university See FACEBOOK | Page 6 See EATING | Page 6

Life | Different daily Dark holiday comedy | Friday Word returns Contact the editor Monday: Et cetera Life editor Dan Thompson Tuesday: Beat “Ice Harvest” reviewed. Read Hank took a day off. He’s Wednesday: Culture about this new film starring John back now, and he’s missing e-mail | [email protected] Thursday: Science & Technology Cusack and Billy Bob Thornton. his moccasins: Page 6. desk phone | (509) 335-1140 Friday: On the Town 6 | THE DAILY EVERGREEN LIFE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 WORD OF THE DAY Diseases | Many people suffer from all four umbrage \UHM-brij\, noun: Continued from Page 5 have the original cause at that worked a doctor in developing 1. Shade; shadow; hence, something that affords point – they just have the a treatment protocol, involving a shade, as a screen of trees or foliage. a neurotransmitter, which cycle.” Pall refers to this as the nutritional supplements. 2. a. A vague or indistinct indication or suggestion; a hint. binds to the N-methyl-D-aspar- “No! Oh no!” cycle, a play on Pall’s research could also b. Reason for doubt; suspicion. tate (NMDA) receptor in the “NO” and “ONOO.” dispel, once and for all, the “Here we’ve got an explana- psychosomatic theory – “it’s all nervous system. 3. Suspicion of injury or wrong; offense; resentment. tion that explains the whole in your head” – as many physi- In people with these four bunch of them,” Pall said, “The cians once believed. IN A SENTENCE ... illnesses, NO and the NMDA mechanisms I propose not only “When you think about how Much like the third bear must have felt in that story, Hank was dis- receptor appear to continue explain why [the diseases are] these illnesses affect biochem- traught, to say the least, when his favorite pair of moccasins were no a back-and-forth stimulation co-morbid with each other but istry, the immune system, the longer by his bed; however, he knew his roommate would no doubt beyond normal activity, even they occur with other more brain, the neuroendocrine sys- take umbrage at any implication of guilt if Hank asked him about the after the initial stressor disap- common diseases.” All four tem, the circulatory system – all shoes’ disappearance, even though the roommate had commented pears. diseases can occur with depres- of these things are things you recently on how good his feet felt. This increased stimula- sion, for example. have to explain.” tion can produce, among Shillinger also said of “This work is amazing with DEFINITION FROM WWW.DICTIONARY.COM other chemicals, peroxynitrite the CFS/MCS-causing mold big implications,” Halverson (ONOO), a “potent oxidant” exposure, “People get cancer said, of the research. which creates free radicals and because so much cell damage “If I am right about these causes oxidative damage in the occurs.” illnesses, and there is very sub- body, Pall said. Pall hopes his research will stantial evidence supporting A REASON TO CELEBRATE “The [chemical] cycle propa- help develop “biomarkers” this view, then the NO/ONOO- gates itself,” Pall said, “[People (definitive diagnostic tests) for cycle is a major new paradigm Today is ... “National Pie” day with these illnesses] no longer all four illnesses. He has also of human disease,” Pall said. You can never have too much pie. Today is a day that celebrates that fact. Apple, pumpkin, cherry or blueberry, pot pies, and tiny single serve pies, today we celebrate all of these things. Mmm. Pie. Facebook | Site just one of many methods

DAY FROM WWW.HOLIDAYSFOREVERYDAY.COM Continued from Page 5 Facebook that the university information about people, but perceived to be homophobic. neither has been used so far. as we can to identify people “I was surprised because I “We’re aware of it because who violated the law,” Tyrone was not aware that the First sometimes people put info on Eating | Exact timetable Parham, assistant director of Amendment was limited there that is a little too personal university police, told Penn – that (the university) is able and people get harassed,” Hicks on drug not yet determined State’s student newspaper, The to restrict my right, especially said. “We certainly advise peo- Collegian. on Facebook, which is a sepa- ple to be careful with personal “Facebook is a method we rate entity,” Miner told The information.” Continued from Page 5 yet in sight. Eugene Police spokeswoman What is clear, however, is that are using, but it’s one of many. Kerry Delf said the department research methods informed by Some pictures are on people’s “I was not aware that the is not using the site to track Magazine. The lead author of the new knowledge of the human personal Web pages, and there criminal activity. paper was Jian V. Zhang, a post- genome helped Zhang, Hsueh are cameras inside the stadium First Amendment was doctoral fellow in the laboratory The university’s director of and other scientists to discover that can zoom in pretty well,” limited – that [the uni- of Obstetrics and Gynecology student judicial affairs, Chris the new hormone. Parham said. Prof. Aaron Hsueh. Hsueh and versity] is able to restrict Loschiavo, wrote an e-mail to Hsueh’s team found obestatin Penn State junior Emilie Zhang’s research was spon- is part of an initial search for a my right, especially on the Emerald outlining his rea- sored by Johnson & Johnson Romero told the newspaper sons for using the site. certain type of hormone called that she received a call on Nov. Facebook.” Pharmaceutical Research & peptide hormones, or biological “One, I just wanted to know Development LLC. 1 from authorities who claimed what Facebook is and what it messengers that happen to be to have identified her in a pic- Ryan Miner Many reports have suggested made of small protein molecules. Duquesne University (Pittsburgh) offers. Two, there was a com- that obestatin might lead to ture showing her on the field. plaint lodged last year involv- Peptide hormones bond to a Romero said she could face developing a ‘weight-control’ specific type of receptor called a ing Facebook so I needed an drug that would help the obese. fines up to $2,000, two years Duquesne Duke newspaper. account to view the evidence G-protein-coupled receptor. in jail and sanctions from the One BBC report cited Prof. According to a news release Miner refused to write the presented,” the e-mail said. university’s Office of Judicial Steve Bloom, from the Imperial by the Stanford News Service, essay. Loschiavo said he doesn’t College in London, who pre- Hsueh said that over half the Affairs. Students at the University search Facebook for student dicted that “we should be able to drugs on the market target Other universities are paging of Oregon aren’t at risk of pros- conduct code violations, but control appetite within five to 10 GPCRs, making them an area through Facebook to check for ecution yet, according to the said he will visit the site to view years.” worthy of research. Peptide conduct code violations. Eugene Police Department and evidence regarding violations Whether or not a hunger- hormones are small and conse- Ryan Miner, a sophomore university public safety officials, reported to his office. control pill is a viable thing of quently easy to manufacture and at Duquesne University, a but it’s not out of the question. Students across the country the future, or whether obestatin deliver. Catholic college in Pittsburgh, Tom Hicks, director of pub- are being advised by university would provide the key to such The researchers used bioin- was ordered by the univer- lic safety for the university, said administrators and other offi- a drug is unclear. The hormone formatics to select a specific pep- sity to write a 10-page essay and MySpace. cials to be cautious when post- leptin, which was discovered tide hormone to study. Hseuh’s after posting a comment on com could be used to gather ing information online. over 10 years ago, is also known team ended up picking the to suppress appetite, but prom- pepide hormone ghrelin, which ise of a weight-control drug was discovered in 1999 and is based on this mechanism is not known to increase appetite.

Get your life stories online: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 LIFE THE DAILY EVERGREEN | 7 Local Briefs Sex educator to discuss Holiday music AIDS and STIs tonight concert tonight “The J-Spot: A Sex Educator Tells A holiday concert will be held at 8 All” lecture will be held at 7 p.m. p.m. tonight in Bryan Hall Theatre. tonight in Todd Auditorium. The University Singers, Concert Jay Friedman, an award-winning Choir and Symphony Orchestra will writer, speaker and sex educator, will perform a variety of music as part of discuss AIDS and STIs with students the upcoming holiday celebration. as part of World AIDS Day. However, The performance has long been Friedman said, his lecture is more an ongoing tradition on the WSU provocative than students may campus. expect. “It’s a holiday sounds-of-the- “A lot of college students get season kind of thing,” said Nicholas taught this abstinence-only policy Wallin, assistant professor and in their high school education,” Symphony Orchestra conductor. Friedman said. “The United States is “We’re playing some traditional backward compared to other coun- Christmas carols and even a Straus tries and our cultural climate repress- waltz that is part of the Viennese es us when it comes to sex. This is New Year’s tradition. We’re going to very sex-positive; I’m not preaching celebrate our New Year’s Eve a little or giving a ‘sex is danger’ message.” early here.” Friedman said he uses humor Wallin said the audience will have and a realistic view of young people’s one of the few opportunities to hear the choral groups and orchestra per- sexuality to provide an open discus- form together during one concert. sion about sex in today’s context. MANUEL BALCE CENETA/ASSOCIATED PRESS The holiday concert is free and The J-Spot lecture is free and open to the public. Giant panda cub Tai Shan, 4-months old, plays inside his den at the Smithsonian National Zoo, sponsored by the ASWSU Student on Tuesday in Washington. More than 100 reporters and camera crews from around the world Entertainment Board. FROM STAFF REPORTS got their first look at Tai Shan as they filed past his indoor enclosure in five different shifts.

Science and technology briefs Panda cub lumbers for camera Reporters from around the 4 1/2-month-old cub did not organization, Friends of the disappoint. National Zoo, and other finan- volcanoes,” he said. “And absolutely world got their first peek at a Yahoo unveils new bring a big heavy coat, because panda cub in Washington, D.C. He chased his zoo keeper cial backers. it’s really cold _ and bring a tank of around, trying to nibble at the The cub gets his first visitors RSS e-mail folder oxygen because there’s no oxygen to hems of her jeans. He pulled from the general public Dec. 8, Jacob Adelman himself over the ledge of the when those who nabbed tickets SUNNYVALE, Calif. — Looking breathe, but don’t light a match.” The Associated Press to gain another edge on its rivals, Titan has long intrigued research- habitat’s rocky centerpiece. He during the zoo’s online ticket Internet powerhouse Yahoo Inc. on ers because it is surrounded by a WASHINGTON — Tai Shan, tumbled onto his back, and he giveaway are permitted in the Wednesday will begin testing a new thick blanket of nitrogen and meth- the giant panda cub, showed gummed at the bamboo stalks panda house. Those 13,000 e-mail folder designed to make it ane. Until recently, scientists believed Tuesday that he is a quick that will someday form his diet. tickets were exhausted about easier for people to track the latest the most likely explanation for the study, prancing about in his Cameras snapped wildly two hours after they became methane was the presence of a information posted on their favorite den and otherwise mugging for every time he did something available last week. Web sites. methane-rich sea of hydrocarbons. The Huygens probe and its hordes of camera crews in this especially cute. The visits aren’t just planned The free feature relies on Really city that’s a veritable fishbowl “He’s just a fantastic little to satisfy the public’s demand Simple Syndication, an increasingly mother ship, Cassini, have offered evidence against that theory. The for celebrities. bear,” said Lisa Stevens, the to see the panda, officials said. popular technology that can compile More than 100 reporters zoo’s assistant curator for pan- They also give the cub a chance content from a wide array of Web $3.3 billion Cassini-Huygens mission sites catering to a user’s personal to explore Saturn and its moons and camera crews from around das. “He’s climbing all over his to get used to having people tastes. was launched in 1997 from Cape the world got their first look cage.” around. Millions of people have signed up Canaveral, a joint effort involving at the fuzzy creature as they The news preview followed Tai Shan now weighs 21 to receive automatic feeds on every- NASA, ESA and the Italian space filed past his indoor enclosure special viewing sessions for pounds, two pounds more than thing from the international news agency. in five different shifts. And the members of the zoo’s support he did just one week ago. to family recipes since Yahoo first Titan’s clouds are made from began providing its RSS service last molecules that include carbon and year, said Scott Gatz, the Sunnyvale, nitrogen, the researchers reported Calif-based company’s senior direc- in Nature. tor of personalization products. They said there was no reason to Until Wednesday, Yahoo relied believe Titan’s methane is a product on Web pages as its RSS hub. RSS of biological activity. feeds will still be accessible through More methane is appearing con- Yahoo’s Web site. stantly and may burst from ice vol- Creating an e-mail folder for RSS canos or fall as rain, researchers said, seemed like a logical way for Yahoo describing riverbed and drainage to educate more people about the channels spotted during the craft’s technology because e-mail remains descent Jan. 14. the most popular application online, Scientists described the moon’s Gatz said. “This is really taking RSS to freezing temperatures: 290 degrees another level.” below zero on the surface. The atmo- Initially, the latest RSS feature sphere has distinct layers and may will be available to less than half of offer evidence of lightning. Yahoo’s e-mail account holders as the company tests the new format, company officials said. Yahoo has South Korea to rule been gradually moving its e-mail users to a more dynamic version of on Microsoft case the service since introducing a series SEOUL, South Korea — South of upgrades in September. Korea’s antitrust watchdog said Wednesday it will likely rule next week on allegations that Microsoft Saturn moon has Corp. violated trade rules by bun- dling its software products with dramatic weather Windows. PARIS — Saturn’s planet-size The Fair Trade Commission began moon Titan has dramatic weather, looking into the case because Daum with freezing temperatures, car- Communications Corp., a South bon- and nitrogen-rich clouds and Korean Internet portal, filed a com- possibly lightning, scientists said plaint in 2001 alleging that Microsoft Wednesday, describing a world that engaged in unfair marketing by may have looked like Earth before tying its instant messenger software life developed. to Windows. The European Space Agency’s Microsoft reached a $30 million probe landed on Titan in January settlement with Daum earlier this uncovering some mysteries of the month, but the commission said its methane-rich globe. Scientists pre- investigation would proceed even sented detailed results of months though Daum withdrew its com- of study in the online edition of the plaint. journal Nature and at a news confer- U.S. digital media company ence in Paris. RealNetworks Inc. withdrew a similar “It’s a very strange fantasy world complaint to the commission last made of ice, with things like gasoline month after reaching a $761 million and tar that make up the rivers and legal settlement in the United States the lake beds,” said scientist Jonathan with Microsoft, ending all their anti- Lunine of the University of Arizona, trust disputes worldwide. when asked how he would explain The commission had planned to the finding to a child. deliver a ruling on Wednesday, but “If you try to walk around on it, delayed it by one week, saying it your feet might get stuck in some needs time for a “technical verifica- places, you’d slide down into meth- tion” of what will be included in the ane rivers in other places, and you’d judgment. better watch out for the ammonia THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 8 | THE DAILY EVERGREEN NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Spokane mayor recall campaign a low budget affair Jim West said he would need exchange for sex. Lance LeLoup, a Washington to adequately fight his ouster. Jack West. A brother, John Although he refused to resign State University political sci- With a week to go before the West, contributed $500, while a $150,000 for the election, and pledged to fight hard to ence professor, said the nature election, West’s Committee for sister, Kathy West of Kirkland, but has only raised $19,000. keep his job, West has kept a low of allegations against West and Spokane’s Progress has raised gave $100 to the committee. profile. the relatively short political cam- about $19,000. West’s ex-wife, Ginger Marshall John K. Wiley “Originally, I thought we’d paign make it unnecessary for The PDC documents show of Seattle, also gave $500, the The Associated Press have a large campaign,” he said opponents to outspend him. he has spent about $12,000 on records show. Wednesday. “But I’ve been run- “The pro-recall people real- radio commercials touting his The largest single contri- SPOKANE — Seven months ning the city and haven’t had ize they don’t need to spend achievements in office and about bution to West’s campaign, after Mayor Jim West was time to engage in a campaign.” a lot of money. The pro-West $3,000 on a poll. $2,000, came from his former accused of abusing his office and Public Disclosure side can’t raise large sums of Some leftover “Elect Jim mother-in-law, Karin Weaver of a week before a special recall Commission documents released money ... people don’t want to West” yard signs from his 2003 Hoodsport. election, the recall campaign has this week show the first-term give,” LeLoup said. “If he had campaign with a “no recall” plac- The Committee to Recall Jim become a low-key affair. mayor and former Republican more money to put in, pro-recall attached can be seen around West has raised about $7,300 in West, 54, faces a special elec- state Senate leader has collected could quickly raise two times as town, along with a few “Recall cash, with about $20,000 in in- tion Dec. 6 on a charge that he more than twice the amount much.” Jim West” yard signs. kind contributions from a film offered a City Hall internship to raised by opponents, but far less In a fund-raising letter to The PDC documents show production and Web site devel- an 18-year-old man he met in a than he asked supporters for in supporters in September, West West has put in $1,500, an oper that created a television ad, Gay.Com chat room, allegedly in September. said he would need $150,000 amount matched by his father, PDC documents show.

World briefs Sunni group calls for release of Westerners BAGHDAD, Iraq — An influ- ential Sunni clerical group called Wednesday for the release of five Westerners taken hostage in a grim revival of the kidnappings that shook Iraq last year, saying they should be freed on humanitarian grounds. The Association of Muslim Scholars is believed to have contacts with some Sunni insurgent groups and has helped mediate the releases of other captives in Iraq. The five include four aid work- ers from the group Christian Peacemaker Teams, Tom Fox, 54, of Clearbrook, Va.; Norman Kember, 74, of London; and James Loney, 41, and Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32, of Canada and German archaeologist Susanne Osthoff, 43. The association said freeing Osthoff would recognize ’s “positive” stand toward Iraq. Germany strongly opposed the U.S.- led invasion in 2003. Osthoff and her Iraqi driver were seized Friday and were later pictured in a videotape blindfolded on a floor, with militants armed with a rocket- propelled grenade standing beside them. Coal mining town mourns after explosion QITAIHE, China — Zhang Xianzhe came from a mining family. At 23, he already had spent seven years doing grimy, backbreaking digging in the tunnels of the Dongfeng Coal Mine for the equivalent of $120 a month. Yuan Yongcun, 48, was a veteran of two decades in the same mine in this hill town in China’s remote northeast, with a wife, son and daughter-in-law at home. Both men’s families got the kind of grim news that comes often to the homes of China’s miners: They were among the victims in the latest disaster to hit the accident-prone industry. The death toll from Sunday’s explosion rose to 161 late Wednesday, with at least 10 min- ers and possibly 33 missing. Early reports said 221 were underground when the accident occurred, based on the number of miners’ lamps handed out, but state media said the official attendance roll indicated 254 workers were on duty. It is a scene of grief that is repeated daily across China despite repeated official promises to stop fires, floods and other disasters that kill more than 5,000 miners annually. The rate of such huge-scale disas- ters is increasing, the group said. It said the past six years had seen seven of the nine mining accidents with death tolls exceeding 100 that have been reported since China’s 1949 communist revolution. The explosion Sunday in Qitaihe was blamed on coal dust that ignit- ed, state media say. But there was no official word on whether misconduct or human error was suspected. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ��������� THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Sports PAGE 9 Cougars are up, senior is out

WSU basketball team wins even after senior Randy Green walked out in the second half.

Kyle Bonagura Daily Evergreen staff Robbie Cowgill wasted no time getting back into the flow of things, scoring on WSU’s first possession as the Cougars jumped out to a big early lead and cruised to a 63-47 victory against Wyoming at Friel Court on Wednesday. “We played our best basket- ball in the first 10 minutes of the game,” said WSU head coach Dick Bennett. “It was a gritty performance against a team that was super aggressive.” Coming into the game, Bennett was worried about Wyoming’s presence in the post, but came away pleased with his team’s ability to scrap for points all game. “[Scrappy play is] important, I really want them to take on that personality,” Bennett said. Randy Green was the catalyst behind that scrappy effort in the first half. However, after being sub- stituted in favor of Rodney Edgerson with a 17-point lead with 5:12 left in the game, Green became upset and headed for the locker room. When the players got to the locker room after the game, Green was already gone. Bennett said he has no inten- tions of letting Green, the team’s lone senior, back on the team. “You just don’t do that,” Bennett said of Green’s actions. “As far as I’m concerned, he’s done.” Green finished the game with eight points in 12 minutes of action to go along with four JOE BARRENTINE/ASSOCIATED PRESS steals. Derrick Low’s 15-point per- WSU’s Robbie Cowgill drives past Wyoming’s Justin Williams during the second half Wednesday in Pullman. Cowgill had 18 formance was something that minutes in his first game back from a broken collarbone. WSU won 63-47. really caught the eye of his head coach. the point guard also pulled Kyle Weaver tied his career- in the paint for the Cowboys, finished with 12 against WSU “I think Derrick was as good down five boards, which Bennett high with 15 points and set a new often out-muscling the smaller before leaving the game late offensively as I’ve seen him,” attributed to his hustle. career-high in rebounds with Cougar for rebounds and alter- in the second half after getting Bennett said. “He was very sure “It helps when you make your nine. His six assists also tied a ing shots throughout the game. poked in the eye. in everything he did offensively.” first shot,” Low said about his career-high. He came into the game averag- In addition to his 15 points, offensive rhythm. Justin Williams was effective ing 16.3 rebounds a game and See COUGARS | Page 11 Swimmers dive into pool with Olympic athletes WSU swimmers face new competition with the event finals including the top 16 finish- at the U.S. Open today in Auburn, Ala. ers. Both U.S. and international Olympic swim- mers will take part in the competition. From staff and wire reports “This meet will provide a high level of competi- tion for our top swimmers,” Quam said. “We hope The Washington State swim team heads to to have every swimmer finish higher than they Auburn, Ala., for the 2005 U.S. Open competi- were ranked going into the meet.” tion beginning today and ending Saturday. Each Danielle Berish, Kayli Changstrom, Jane morning the preliminary events will start at 7:30 Copland, Lina Daugvaite, Jamie MacLeod, a.m. PST followed by the finals at 4 p.m. PST. Erin McCleave, Bryn Mooney, Afton Pickett, “Our goal is to improve on our long course Elyse Peterson, Katie Van Horne and Monika performances from the beginning of November Povilonyte are the Cougar swimmers representing when we competed at the University of British WSU in the meet. Columbia,” said head coach Erica Quam in a news Last week the Cougars finished in fifth place release. “I believe we can be much better coming overall at the Minnesota Invitational with a score off of a great team meet at the Minnesota Invite of 561.5. McCleave had four individual victories with those exciting performances and having few while setting three more WSU records and two PHOTO COURTESY WSU SPORTS INFORMATION days of rest going into this meet.” meet records. Erin McCleave swims in a meet at WSU. McCleave was honored The U.S. Open is formatted in long course The Cougars will have a break after the as Swimmer of the Week last week for her record-setting yards and swimmers will be seeded in accordance U.S. Open and will compete next at the FIU performance at the Minnesota Invitational in Minneapolis. to previous performances in long course races Invitational in Miami on Dec. 31.

Coming up Congrats Cougs | Page 10 Hawks alive | Page 10 Contact the editor A plea for fans. Basketball Football players honored Seattle Seahawks prove they Sports editor Sarah McGuire teams need support as they for their contributions are worth the watching, winning e-mail | [email protected] start their seasons. to the 2005 WSU team. nine games so far this season. desk phone | (509) 335-1140 10 | THE DAILY EVERGREEN SPORTS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Giants among men Seahawks are Football players deserve pat on Not bad for a guy who was sup- posed to be a kick and punt return- Most feeling lucky the back even after rough er when he first arrived in Pullman. season with 4-7 overall record. valuable Seahawks have best record were fortunate [Sunday]?” Offensive Player of the Year coach Mike Holmgren said, efore the 2005 football player in the NFC West, going 9-2. smiling. season started, Jerome Jason Hill Yes, we are. With Harrison slotted as the Gregg Bell B Harrison In three of the wins in their MVP, the Offensive Player of the The Associated Press predicted he’d rush Harrison current seven-game streak, for 1,800 yards, a Year will have to go to Hill, who these charmed Seahawks have rather bold predic- broke his own school record, catch- KIRKLAND — The Seattle tion considering it ing 13 touchdown passes. In the Seahawks have rarely been had enough luck to bankrupt would smash the next couple weeks Hill will decide very good – and almost never Las Vegas. On Oct. 23 against school record of whether or not to head for the NFL Offensive lucky – over their 30 middling, Dallas, the Cowboys’ defense 1,637. It seemed or stay with the Cougars for his maddening years. stuffed the league’s top-ranked like Harrison was senior season. Best of luck to Hill player of So why offense over the only one who Kyle with the life-changing decision, should they the first 57:59. actually believed Bonagura hopefully it works out better for him the year apologize for Seattle had this was going to Commentary than former Cougar Devard Darling. being both 208 total yards happen, but he Hill was not only one of the good and lucky before it awoke quickly made believ- team’s best players this year, he Hill right now? for an 81-yard ers, rushing for 1,900 yards. also claims to be the best dominoes They have touchdown drive Harrison’s individual accom- player on the team, as well. He pro- the best record in the NFC at with 40 seconds left. plishments were shadowed by the claimed that he can beat anyone at 9-2. The only other time the Then Drew Bledsoe gift- lack of team success. WSU lost WSU in dominoes and encourages Defensive Seahawks were 9-2 was in wrapped a wayward sideline its first seven Pac-10 games and anyone who may see him around player of 1984, the season of their last pass that was intercepted and finished the season 4-7, although town to challenge him to a game. playoff win. returned into Josh Brown’s it did manage to outscore its oppo- the year They are close to getting field goal range. nents in the process. This could be Defensive Player of the Year home-field advantage in the Two Sundays ago in San the best 4-7 team in the history of postseason for the first time Francisco, the Seahawks took college football. Mkristo Bruce Bruce ever, because they have just a 27-12 lead with 1:18 left in With the season now in the past Bruce was not only WSU’s best the third quarter. Then the and a trip to Auburn on the hori- defensive player, he was one of the one game remaining against top defensive ends in the confer- a winning team: A Christmas 49ers nearly rallied into over- zon, it’s time to cap off the seasons time, but for a skipped 2-point with some awards: ence, tallying 10 sacks. He’ll be back Eve treat with unbeaten next year to anchor the defense Indianapolis coming to Qwest conversion pass with 28 sec- Special onds left. MVP which will return seven starters. Field, where the Seahawks are Special thanks to Mkristo for Then came Sunday’s even teams 20-4 since 2002. more improbable finish, with Jerome Harrison always showing up for post-game They are also one win This one hardly comes as a interviews, no matter how hard it player of Brown finally kicking the ball away from tying the 21-year through the same uprights that shocker considering Harrison’s must have been. old franchise record of eight monster season. Not only did he the year Feely couldn’t seem to find at straight victories, and are any distance. break the school rushing record in Special Teams Player of the Year Williams headed east to meet a des- what amounts to 10 games, he did “I really don’t know how perate Philadelphia team on so on an offense that struggled to Courtney Williams good we are yet,” Holmgren Monday night. control the clock. Michael Bumpus had this award said. “It sounds odd, but we in the bag, but then he missed But after the nation saw Harrison’s reward? A trip to are still finding out some the final five games of the season. Freshman New York Giants kicker Jay New York, where he is a final- Williams asserted himself as a play things about ourselves. We ist for the Doak Walker Award sensation Feely shank away a win three maker for the Cougs as a gunner times over, one has to wonder: were fortunate [Sunday]. But, and Maxwell Award. Oh yeah, he on punt coverage, the last true you need to have that happen opened the eyes of NFL scouts Are the Seahawks for real? freshman to make a similar impact once in a while.” in the process and will continue was Jason Hill in 2003, so expect Are they lucky? his career next year playing on Or just real lucky? Sundays. See GIANTS | Page 11 Trent “Are you suggesting we See SEAHAWKS | Page 11

Where: 330 E. Main Street, Pullman When: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Who: Call Sergeant First Class Murphy, 509-332-6578 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 SPORTS THE DAILY EVERGREEN | 11 Giants | Standout players awarded for efforts Cougars | Next step: Kansas

Continued from Page 10 Cougar fans have been accus- otherwise forgettable season. Continued from Page 9 Wildcats 62-53. tomed to great play from the Coming into yesterday’s game, the Cougars were winless secondary. Remember Jason big things from Williams in the Quote of the year “I think he blocked my first in their four previous games David, Marcus Trufant, Karl three shots or something like future. DeMaundray Woolridge against Wyoming. When WSU Paymah, Lamont Thompson and that,” Cowgill said. “He’s defi- after Grambling State traveled to Laramie last year, Hamza Abdullah are all on NFL nitely a beast.” Freshman Sensation “I’d really like to win the the Cowboys were 49-47 win- rosters now. However, this year Bennett said this type of Heisman Trophy,” Woolridge ners. Greg Trent it was the team’s Achilles heel as test is exactly what the team While Williams was impres- said. “I want to do it so bad.” With the win against opposing teams had no trouble needs to prepare for the rest Wyoming, the Cougars remain sive on special teams, Greg Trent This came after the third shredding the secondary game of its season which starts with undefeated at Friel Court in was thrown into the fire in a game of the year and Woolridge Kansas State on Saturday at November at 25-0. The win more important role – filling after game. went on to compare himself to Head coach Bill Doba said Friel Court. also continued the winning Will Derting’s shoes as the start- Adrian Peterson and LaDainian The Wildcats downed Cal trend the Cougars have against ing middle linebacker. It wasn’t corner will be a priority come Tomlinson. Don’t worry Cougar signing day in November. State Fullerton 84-59 yesterday non-conference opponents at an easy task, but Trent filled in fans, Woolridge dismissed any to stay undefeated at 4-0. home. During the past 16 sea- admirably as a true freshman. rumors that he may leave after sons, WSU is 68-3 in Pullman Play of the Year WSU traveled to Manhattan, The Texas native will be a his junior year (without being Kan., last year, but fell to the against non-conference foes. fixture in the middle for the next Alex Brink to Trandon asked about it), saying he made a three years and will be a player Harvey vs. Washington four-year pledge to WSU and he to look out for. Brink’s touchdown pass to will stand by it. senior Trandon Harvey to win Sports Briefs Biggest disappointment KYLE BONAGURA IS A JUNIOR COMMUNICATION MAJOR. HE CAN BE CONTACTED AT the Apple Cup gave Cougar fans 335-1140 OR BY [email protected]. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS COLUMN ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE STAFF OF The secondary something to remember from an THE DAILY EVERGREEN OR THOSE OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. to secure their place in the Rose Senator wants Eagles’ Bowl against Colorado in the Big 12 championship game. antitrust investigation Conventional wisdom put Bush WASHINGTON — Sen. Arlen at the head of the Heisman pack Specter backed off a threat to after his off-the-charts performance have a Senate subcommittee against Fresno State – 513 all-pur- investigate whether the NFL and pose yards – two weeks ago. the Philadelphia Eagles violated Young appeared to be inching antitrust laws in their handling of ahead in support until Bush went Terrell Owens. off against the Bulldogs in a 50-42 Specter, chairman of the victory. Then Young came out flat Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a 40-29 win at Texas A&M last that he talked to lawyers in the Friday, and Bush got another bump Department of Justice about the in the straw polls. issue but did not say whether the Leinart, last year’s Heisman win- department will look into the mat- ner, is looking a lot like the third ter. candidate in a two-man race. But On Monday, Specter said it was much could change on Saturday, “vindictive and inappropriate” for when the stakes are high and the the league and the Eagles to pro- games are few. hibit the All-Pro receiver from play- Maybe UCLA’s Drew Olson, lead- ing and prevent other teams from ing the nation in passing efficiency, talking to him, and he might refer or tailback Maurice Drew can make the matter to the subcommittee. a late push to New York City for the Heisman handout Dec. 10 by lead- ing the Bruins to an upset of USC. Heisman contenders Seven conference champion- ships will be determined from make final pitch Thursday to Saturday. Heisman Trophy voters have The Mid-American Conference one last opportunity to eye the gets it going Thursday night with ELAINE THOMPSON/ASSOCIATED PRESS front-runners. Akron facing Northern Illinois for New York Giants’ Corey Webster, right, tackles Seattle Seahawks’ Bobby Engram after a 10-yard No. 1 Southern California, led by the league crown. pass reception by Engram in the fourth quarter on Sunday, in Seattle. The Seahawks won in its dynamic duo of Matt Leinart and The Big 12, Atlantic Coast overtime, 24-21. This moved the Seahawks record up to 9-2, the best in the NFC West. Reggie Bush, faces No. 11 UCLA on Conference, Conference USA and Saturday with a chance to claim a the Southeastern Conference play spot in the national title game. championship games on Saturday. Seahawks | Team transforms into winners Vince Young and No. 2 Texas try THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Continued from Page 10 Green Bay. With Seattle driving security blanket. near midfield, Al Harris inter- So-so Seattle has finished For Seattle, that kind of cepted Hasselbeck and ran 52 within one game of 8-8 in all but luck is about as common as yards the other way for a touch- two of the last 10 seasons. December sun. down to end the game. So, yes, the Seahawks have Last year, the Seahawks Starting to sound familiar? been lucky. But they’ve also been surged from the mediocrity, fin- So after Feely’s three misses good. They have the league’s ishing 9-7 and winning the NFC Sunday, Holmgren was justified top rusher in Shaun Alexander West. But when St. Louis came in saying, “I would say it evened running behind two Pro Bowl west in the wild-card playoffs, up a little bit, yes.” linemen, left tackle Walter Jones the Seahawks’ usual bad luck Holmgren knows from hav- and left guard Steve Hutchinson. resurfaced. Down 27-20 and fac- ing won the Super Bowl with That, and Hasselbeck’s general ing fourth down with 27 seconds Green Bay at the end of the 1996 avoidance of the careless, forced left, Matt Hasselbeck’s pass season that to win a champion- throws that doomed previous bounced of Bobby Engram’s ship, good fortune must find seasons is why Seattle has the hands in the end zone. good players. league’s top offense. Same old Seahawks. Otherwise it’s the same old And it is an offense that can The January before that, Seattle Seahawks – the team grind to win in the playoffs, Seattle took Brett Favre and the that has snuggled against the when the weather gets as rough Packers to overtime in frozen .500 mark as if it was a warm as the opposing defenses. ��������� THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Opinion PAGE 12 It’s the simple things that brighten the holiday season he holiday season and support aside from the stresses of ships and relationships because with nities to make amends with others wheth- invariably places life. Moments of togetherness with fam- those they can offer a fresh and ever- er it is family or friends. Be sure to take T the most important ily bring back good ol’ memories and changing opportunity to experience life’s advantage of the opportunities around things in life in perspective. produce new ones as well. Parents and simple pleasures. the Christmas tree, at holiday parties I was privileged to spend relatives may not mention how much or maybe say that much needed prayer Thanksgiving in the same it means to them to spend the holiday because tomorrow is never promised. state as our great civil with you but they do cherish moments Revere precious friendships I would like to offer an invitation to rights leaders. While in of togetherness. If it were not for family, and relationships ... anyone on campus and in the commu- Alabama, I was stunned to Paris many people would not be in particular nity to come and celebrate with WSU’s witness how kind and well- Jackson positions because family offers motivation With Christmas fast approaching Gospel Choir God’s Harmony. The choir mannered the people were. Guest and support to continue on in life. redefine the important things in your will be presenting a Christmas musical, There is definitely some- Commentary As the Christmas season draws near, life which provide the most significant “Singing Praises to the King,” on Saturday thing to the term Southern it’s the simple things in life we must reward. Whether it is mending a broken December. The musical will be held at Hospitality because the remember. If you celebrate Christmas, relationship with a parent or healing an Community Congregation Church at 6 p.m. ambiance no matter who you encoun- Hanukah, Kwanza or maybe not a holiday open wound between siblings. Everyone tered was perceived as genuine. The state at all, hold dear to the most meaningful Next time the opportunity presents is entitles to their own manifest destiny; itself to make someone else’s day, Carpe has a tumultuous past in regards to races things during this season and for that however loving relationships will produce relations; however I found the experience matter all year around. Diem. Remember simple gestures such the most meaningful futures. as hello or a smile to brighten someone to be uplifting and pleasant. If family is not a place of love and ref- It is the human spirit during the holi- The holiday season is a time to appre- uge, cherish friendships and meaningful days which fulfills the need to belong and else’s day can be rewarding to you and the ciate and be thankful for the many bless- relationships. Relationships with friends dwell in love, laughter and happiness. recipient as well. ings of God. For many people family is and partners offer beneficial experiences Make sure things unsaid are spoken and the foundation which gives each and because it is these experiences in life that moments of hurt and tension are resolved. PARIS JACKSON IS A JUNIOR COMMUNICATION AND COMPARATIVE ETHNIC STUDIES MAJOR FROM TACOMA, WASH. SHE CAN BE CONTACTED AT 335-2290 OR BY [email protected]. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS every one of us a sense of belonging, love build character. Revere precious friend- The holiday season offers many opportu- COLUMN ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE STAFF OF THE DAILY EVERGREEN OR THOSE OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. Letters to the editor E-mail letters to [email protected] years ago concerning Heggins. Pullman PD: Thanks a lot Harassment coverage Both the College of Education Editor: and the Center for Human Rights I just wanted to take this oppor- unfair to professor took (what they considered) appro- priate measures concerning this mat- tunity to thank the Pullman Police Editor: I feel that your recent article on ter. Heggins has since continued with Department for giving me a parking his tenure-rack professorship without ticket today. I don’t know what I was sexual misconduct (concerning Willie further conflict. Although these facts thinking getting stuck in the snow Heggins) was inappropriate. The were stated by the reporter, they like that, tires spinning and facing article was written in such a way as were overshadowed by the initial the wrong way. I guess I was think- to misrepresent the events as if they statements made in the article. ing better to be here in a parking had recently occurred. Additionally, Ultimately, I believe that dredg- spot, facing the wrong way, then in the Evergreen reporter interspersed ing up this material two years after information surrounding Gallegos’ Andy Petek | the middle of the road. But that was the fact was a poor decision on the The Daily wrong of me, I deserve to pay that recent case thereby further confus- part of the Evergreen staff. The article Evergreen fine. In case you can’t tell I’m being ing readers about when these sepa- only succeeds in sensationalizing a sarcastic. Seems maybe it’s time to rate issues allegedly took place. current “hot topic” on our campus cut some staff as you have too much The article begins by stating that without contributing meaningfully time on your hands if you’re handing a second professor in Education was to its discussion. All US youngsters should learn at least one foreign language. Today, American out parking tickets in the snow. accused of sexual harassment “for schools have difficulties with the teaching of foreign languages; they have the second time in as many months.” John R. Clark fewer language teachers and limited resources in order to teach foreign lan- Erich Cannon The article then recounts events and M.S., Ph.D. candidate, WSU School guages efficiently . . . WSU, English testimony that occurred over two of Biological Sciences For the full translation of this German column go to Fremdsprachen in den USA Tristan Skolrud kultiviert wie die jungen Umwelt vorbereitet. Es gibt so Adjektiv und einem Adverb Jonathan Thompson Europäer. Meistens spielt viele Kulturen, dass es unklug verstehen. Das weiß ich aus guest commentary amerikanische Jugendliche wäre, wenn man nur Englisch eigener Erfahrung. Ich hatte zu viele Computerspiele und spricht. In der Zukunft muß man große Schwierigkeiten mit der lle Kinder in den Videospiele; sie studieren nicht global denken! Grammatik bis ich Deutsch lern- USA mindestens genug Fremdsprachen. Diese Zum Thema Fremdsprachen te. Ich habe die grammatischen eine Fremdsprache A Generation nimmt an, dass die äußert sich Jonathan Thompson Grundregeln nie verstanden bis lernen sollten. Heute haben englische Sprache überall pop- folgendermaßen: Wenn man ich sie in der deutschen Sprache amerikanische Schulen ein ulär ist und das macht sie faul. eine Sprache lernt, muss man anwenden musste. Nun kann ich großes Problem mit dem Ein wichtiger Aspekt der Bildung auch die Struktur der Sprache mich besser mit dem Rest der Fremdsprachenunterricht. ist die Kenntnis von einer oder lernen. Wenn man diese kennt, Welt identifizieren, weil ich eine Die Schulen haben zu wenige sogar zwei Fremdsprachen. kann man grammatisch korrekte Fremdsprache spreche und die LehrerInnen und auch zu Außerhalb der Bildung ist Sätze konstruieren. Heutzutage fremde Kultur besser verstehe. spärliche Unterrichtsmittel, der Erwerb einer Fremdsprache wissen zu viele amerikanische Die USA isoliert sich so Universität im Ausland studie- um effizient Fremdsprachen zu für das internationale Studenten nicht, wie ihre sehr von Europa, vielleicht, ren. Sie könnten sich auch im unterrichten. Und vielleicht ist Geschäftswesen und das Reisen Muttersprache konstruiert ist, weil wenige Amerikaner eine Ausland um eine Stelle bewer- das größte Problem, dass die wichtig. In einer Weltwirtschaft und infolgedessen haben sie Fremdsprache sprechen. Wir ben und würden vielleicht sogar meisten Schulen nur Spanisch sind Fremdsprachen unentbeh- Probleme mit der Grammatik. bauen nicht genug Kontakte um die Welt reisen und viele oder Französisch unterrichten. rlich, um effizient zu kommuni- mit dem Rest der Welt auf, andere Kulturen kennen lernen. Viele europäische Studenten zieren. Wenn Amerikaner reisen, denn wir können nicht mit Auf jeden Fall würden sie ihre können Englisch, Italienisch, ist es ziemlich erbärmlich! Sie Ein wichtiger Aspekt der anderen Kulturen kommu- Fremdsprachenkenntnisse Französisch, und Russisch nehmen an, dass alle Menschen nizieren. Aber das kann sich besser nutzen können. Wenn oder Lateinisch sprechen. Bildung ist die Kenntnis der Welt Englisch verstehen. ändern! Schulkinder sollten diese Kinder dann in die Die meisten amerikanischen Meistens haben Amerikaner von einer oder sogar zwei wenigstens zwei Sprachen Welt hinausgehen, könnten Studierenden können nur ameri- keine Ahnung von Land und lernen; sie sollen Englisch und sie ihren LehrerInnen dan- kanische Zeichensprache (ASL) Fremdsprachen. Leuten, da sie die Sprache nicht eine andere Sprache sprechen. ken, weil sie sie auf das Leben oder Spanisch verstehen - es ist sprechen und die Kultur nicht Sie müssen eine Sie würden fliessender in einer innerhalb einer globalen furchtbar! verstehen. Deswegen scheinen Fremdsprache lernen, damit sie Fremdsprache sein, weil sie Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft vorbe- Heutzutage sind die Amerikaner nicht so klug zu sein ihre eigene Sprache verstehen diese Sprache als Kind gelernt reitet haben. Vereinigten Staaten nicht wie Europäer. können, dann können sie den haben. Dann könnten sie der so wirtschaftlich konkur- Das Lernen von Unterschied zwischen einem internationalen Gemeinschaft renzfähig wie die Europäer. TRISTAN SKOLRUD OF YAKIMA AND JONATHAN THOMPSON OF WENATCHEE ARE Fremdsprachen ist auch wichtig, direkten Objekt und einem indi- beitreten, wenn sie älter werden, STUDENTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. THEY CAN BE CONTACTED AT 335-2290 OR BY Vor allen Dingen ist unsere [email protected]. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN THIS COLUMN ARE NOT weil es Kinder auf eine komplexe rekten Objekt, zwischen einem und möglicherweise an einer NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE STAFF OF THE DAILY EVERGREEN OR THOSE OF junge Generation nicht so STUDENT PUBLICATIONS.

The views expressed in commentaries and letters are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those Editorial policies of The Daily Evergreen staff, management or advertisers, or Editorial Board Write | Letters to the editor Contact the editor Staff editorials are the majority vote of the editorial the WSU Board of Regents. Joe Barrentine, editor Letters to the editor — typed — may be mailed or brought to board. All editorials are written by the opinion editor and The Daily Evergreen subscribes to the Code of Ethics set Murrow Center Room 122, or e-mailed to opinion@dailyevergreen. reviewed by members of the editorial board. forth by the Society of Professional Journalists. Annette Ticknor, managing editor com. All letters 250 words or fewer are considered for publication. Opinion editor The Daily Evergreen is the official student publication News planning meetings of The Daily Evergreen are The Daily Evergreen also welcomes guest commentaries of of Washington State University, operating under authority open to the public. Persons interested in attending news Jacob Jones, news editor 550 words or fewer addressing issues of general interest to the granted to the Board of Student Publications by the planning meetings may e-mail [email protected] WSU community. A name, phone number and university affiliation Garrett Andrews WSU Board of Regents. or call 335-3194 to arrange an appointment. Garrett Andrews, opinion editor (if applicable) must accompany all submissions. Letters and Responsibilities for establishing news and advertising Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment e-mail | [email protected] advertising manager commentaries should focus on issues, not personalities. Personal policies and deciding issues related to content rest solely of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or Vanessa Jones, attacks and anonymous letters will be considered unsuitable with the student staff. The editor and advertising manager abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the E-mail [email protected] for publication. The Daily Evergreen reserves the right to edit for desk phone | (509) 335-2290 provide reports to the Board of Student Publications at its right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition to share issue ideas with the editorial board. space, libel, obscene material and clarity. The views expressed are monthly meetings. the government for a redress of grievances. solely those of the individual authors. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 NEWS THE DAILY EVERGREEN | 13 Carols | Giving to the children Region Briefs Seattle Center. The trains were sepa- Woman arrested for Monorail accident rated Monday night. By Wednesday Continued from Front Page so much to us,” said Danno morning, they were about three- Wilkerson, a freshman hospital- murdering relative caused by driver fourths of the way to the shop. ity business management major. last year, Hood said. This year’s SEATTLE — Human error caused Officials said the project would take Many of the sororities VANCOUVER — A woman was drive began the week before shot to death, her husband was the Seattle monorail accident. The at least one more night. Thanksgiving and ends Dec. 13. responded by providing brown- seriously wounded and a relative inbound driver failed to yield to ies to the Sigma Nu members, who apparently had been staying the other train at the point where Both Sigma Nu and the Alpha Stevens said. It was a great State meets clean-air Gamma Delta sorority are col- with them was arrested in Oregon, the track are too close together for display of holiday spirit weeks passing, officials said Wednesday. lecting toys within their own authorities said. before the actual break. Beneralda Ureta Flores, 29, was “The incident is a sad situation requirements houses to contribute to the proj- “I hope Santa Claus makes an found dead of a head wound to the for all concerned and we are very OLYMPIA — Washington state ect, McConnell said. They have appearance on the Palouse this head and her husband, Jose Miguel relieved that no one was seriously publicized the drive throughout injured,” said Stuart Rolfe, a Seattle has become the first state in the year,” said Mike Ozuna, a fresh- Gonzalez, 42, was hospitalized with West, excluding Hawaii, to fully the Greek community and have man business major. non-life-threatening injuries after Monorail Services partner, in a statement. “The inbound driver comply with federal clean air distributed fliers around cam- For more information about police were called to their mobile requirements, officials announced home Sunday night, police said. was an experienced individual who pus. the toy drive, contact Marian Wednesday. “It’s nice to give back to The couple’s three children, made some very unfortunate and Hood at either (509) 334-0562 costly errors.” Only 12 states nationally have the community that has given or (509) 332-5607. described by a neighbor as an 11-year-old girl, a 10-year-old boy Seattle Police reported been certified by federal regula- and a 3-year-old boy, were in the Wednesday that drug tests on tors as meeting the Environmental home at the time of the shoot- both drivers by an independent lab Protection Agency standards. ing but were not injured. Kathy showed “illegal substances were Washington’s full compliance Spears, a spokeswoman in the state not a factor in the accident.” became official on Sept. 26, when Department of Social and Health The monorail’s only two cars the area around the Wallula pulp Loans | Giving away gas cards Services, said they were placed in sideswiped each other on a and paper mill, between the Tri- protective custody. curve near the downtown station Cities and Walla Walla, was certified Continued from Front Page committee’s Web site. Police would not comment on a Saturday evening, and both ground by federal regulators as meeting Both Rep. Dave Reichert (R motive Monday or say what type of to a halt. Fire crews helped the 84 the EPA standards, said Glenn gun was used in the shooting. passengers down from the 28-foot- “I have heard from many - Wash.) and Richard “Doc” Kuper, a spokesman for the state Hastings (R - Wash.) also voted An alert was issued for Jesus high tracks. There were no serious Department of Ecology. representatives that when you injuries. for the cuts. Humberto Cazarez Felix, 26, The area was one of three flood the office with calls, you Gonzalez’s nephew, and he was City officials have been working can get a response or sway the In order to garner support, arrested Tuesday morning after with towtruck and crane companies brought into compliance this year, vote,” Ervin said. “McMorris Legislative Affairs representa- his maroon 1993 Geo Metro was to separate the trains and bring including areas in Yakima and was swayed by the Republicans tives will be giving away gas spotted at a Motel 6 in Salem, Ore., them back to the maintenance Spokane. so she seems to be the perfect cards through a raffle, Ervin police said. facility near the Space Needle in the THE ASSOCIATED PRESS candidate.” said. McMorris previously voted According to the National for the cuts. Association of Child Care & “This deficit reduction pack- Resource and Referral Agency age is an all around win for the Web site, the bill was originally American people,” McMorris slated for vote on Nov. 10 but said in a House Committee on was canceled due to limited sup- Resources news release. “We port and harsh opposition. have shown that resolving our The proposed bill carried a federal deficit is not simply $50 million cut to federal pro- about making cuts, but about grams. A similar budget was enacting common sense policy proposed in the Senate but it that will raise revenues and help carried $35 million in cuts. ease the economic burden of the Both Senators Maria Cantwell average American.” (D - Wash.) and Patty Murray McMorris is a member of (D - Wash.) voted against the the Resources committee which cuts when it passed through the approved the bill by a vote of 24 Senate by a vote of 52 to 47 on to 16 on Oct. 26, according to the Nov. 4.

Do you have an opinion? Tell us about it.

[email protected] 12/1/2005 CLASS EDITION 11/30/05 3:22 PM Page 1


14 ClassifiedsPHONE:(509) 335 - 4573 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 Index 101 Roommates 105 Apts. For Rent 145 Subleases 301 General 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., laundry on-site, 4 bdrm CCN apt sublease. Pets OK COUGARSNEEDJOBS.COM Free Roommate Finder walk to WSU/dwntwn, pet units avail, No dep. $240/mo. Call Vanessa Paid survey takers needed in Pullman. 100 RENTALS $450 & $535/mo. (208)882-1732. 360-421-2510 100% FREE to join. Click on surveys. 4 bdrm. townhouse with W/D, close Nice 2 bdrm. apt., DW, laundry on- 24 hour care facility now hiring part EAL ESTATE 1 rmmt. needed ASAP for apt. on time and full time care givers in the 200 R Maple St. $340/mo., W/S/G pd. to campus, available Jan. 1, 2006. site, off-st. parking, avail. January 1, Call 332-5180. on campus. Stacey (208)720-8557. Colfax area to work with the develop- Call (208)310-9360 mentally disabled. Please call 397- 300 EMPLOYMENT READY FOR OCCUPANCY 2 bed/2 bath at CCN. Avail. from 9049. 105 Apts. For Rent 2 br apt., $445, Sngl occp, cat ok. 01/01- 06/31. Rent $795. No depos- FOR SALE 405 SE Rd. - 208-882-5327 it. Contact Brandon at 981-0626. Temporary help fixing & cleaning 400 apts. in Pullman. Must be diligent, Lg 1 bdrm apt. avail now or starting Cougar Place Apts. Bdrm avail mid- honest & dependable. No smoking. 500 TRANSPORT 2nd sem. $399-$419/mo. On Pull- Dec thru mid-May, rent neg. 1 block Refs. required. 878-1283. man bus system, low util. View at from Bookie. Call (206)890-1366. Property Place, LLC Contact 509- Get Paid To Drive a Brand New Car! 600 SERVICES 330-1000. Large 2 bdrm $595/mo WSG paid, Now paying drivers $800-$3200/mo. on bus rt,garage, yard, Avail. Jan 1. Pick up your free car key today. NOTICES 225 NE Olsen Pullman “A” St. apts. w/exceptional, close-in, 360-241-6640 700 338-9008 Greek Row location. Brand new and avail. Feb. 10. Enjoy all the amenities 2 rms. in house, avail. immed. for !Bartending! Up to $300/day, no For all your real estate needs! in these 3 bdrm., 2 ba. units. Incen- sublease, 325 Spaulding. Call experience necessary, training pro- How to place tives for 2/10 lease start. Solve next (509)432-9835 or (509)338-5538. vided. 800-965-6520 ext. 209. an ad in NOW LEASING year’s housing question today. Call 2 br, avail. Jan. 1-June 30, $460/mo, The Daily Evergreen: Highland Property Mgt. 332-1281. all utils except elec incl., reserved 305 Parttime parking, quiet, close to campus, new- Quiet 1 bdrm., furn. apt. on 2 bus rts., DELIVERY. All prices based on a three- some utils. pd., has parking, easy ly painted, laundry on site. 332-8447 Convenient early AM walk to campus. 334-9466. hours, before school or work. Earn line minimum: 2 br, avail. Jan 1-July 31, $569/mo., supplemental income, $500-600/mo. One day 1 bdrm. apt. near WSU gyms, avail. pets OK, near McGee Park, close Newspaper route in Pullman. 2 relia- $1.80/line per day now, $325/mo., no pets. Call 332- walk to campus. 336-9646. ble vehicles, good for team or hus- bands & wives. Lewiston Morning Two-four days 1901. Quiet 1 bdrm. apt., located close to $1.50/line per day Tribune, (208) 882-8742, leave msg. 1 BEDROOM APT. campus, off-street parking, W/D. Five-14 days Call (509)432-9704. Gymnastics coach. Palouse Empire $1.15/line per day CALL (509)330-1000 1 bdrm in apart. From Jan - July. Bet Gymnastics in Moscow is now hiring. Fifteen+ days campus and downtown. $300/mo + Energy, experience and love of the $1.00/line per day 1/4 utilities. Call 334-6882. sport required. (208)882-6408. 2 bdrm. apt., large rooms, quiet area, ROUTE OPENINGS: The Spokesman Review has early morning newspaper Deadline 1 p.m. for the very close to bus, $525/mo., laundry on-site, avail. Jan. 1. (509)336-9432 car delivery routes opening soon in following day’s edition. the Pullman-Moscow area. Great op- portunity for one individual or hus- The Daily Evergreen 150 band-wife team or roommates to 113 Murrow Hall 110 Furnished Apts. Office/Commercial share. Gross $500-550+ per month. Pullman, WA 99164 Call 334-1223. Price Reduced: Quiet, clean, nice For rent or to buy: Approx. 1000sq.ft. (509) 335-4573 studio apts. by engin. bldg. Effic. space, 100 E. Main St.#B, corner of Grounds person needed, pay DOE. heat, W/D, storage, prkg. 334-4407. Main & Grand. $750/mo. Ready to Bring resume to 820 Colorado, Suite C, Pullman, WA. 115 Unfurnished Apts move in Nov. 1st. (509)336-9120. 160 Storage 320 Child Care 1 br/1 ba apt., quiet 10-unit complex CLASSIFIEDS for serious students near WSU at 605 STORAGE UNITS Babysitter needed for 1-yr-old baby, NE Maple, 540 sq. ft., pvt cvrd prkg, Near WSU, all sizes. spring semester, Tues. & Thurs., 12- WORK! lg storerm, balcony, D/W, W/D, 332-5180. 3:30pm, near WSU campus. Refer- W/S/G pd., NP, NS, DSL incl., ences req. Pam or John: 332-7040. 1st, last & dep, $535/mo, 878-1283, REAL ESTATE RENTALS [email protected] FOR SALE 2 Br Apt $495, available now. 205 Houses 101 Roommates Bus Route, Deck, Pets ok-NO dogs. 401 Stuff that's gotta 405 Jordan - Pullman 208-882-5327 Moving sale: Built in 2004, single go Caretaker/housemate needed immed. family home. 4 bd, 2.5 ba, 2-car ga- rage, 1936 sq. ft. Corner lot, great in exchange for no rent or utils. Nice 120 Rooms 4 P195/60R14 studded, siped snow house/yard with your own bedroom/ view, $209,900. 1825 NW Ventura 1 room, $190/mo. Close to campus. Dr., Pullman. (509)339-3801. tires. <3000 miles. $175. Call 339- bath, dbl. driveway for parking. No 2013 evenings. pets. Susan, 332-2910. Call David (509)868-5200. Room in 5 bdrm. house on 1040 NE 4 SUV LT 215/75R-15/6 Wildcat trac- 1 or 2 rmmts. for 2 room suite with full tion tires, only 1589 miles, $275. Call Duncan Lane, short walk to campus, Selling? Buying? Relocating? private bath, high-speed internet, big- for rent street & off-street parking, $314/mo. 339-2013 evenings. screen TV, near bus. 334-5941. DRA Real Estate LLC + 1/5 bills. Call Bob (509)308-5198 Studios, 1,2,3,4 & 5 bdrm units EMPLOYMENT RANSPORT F rmmt. needed for 3 bdrm, 2 bath We have it all 1 room for rent in two bedroom T apart. On Ex.Rt. Pets welcome.Avail. Pullman and surrounding areas house. Five minute walk from Jan 1. $285/mo. 509-339-0012. 334-7700 Bookie.Call Ben at (206)790-2002. 301 General 515 Autos 1 rmmt needed. Avail. Spring semes- 330 N Grand Avenue 125 Mobile Homes SOMEPLACE SPECIAL Need insurance? Call Farmer’s Insur- ter, for 2 bdrm condo. $300/mo + Newer, Clean, Spacious 1 BR Apt. Experienced bartender/prep cook. 1/2 util. Call Zach 360-731-3508. ance for a personal, caring, local Walking distance to campus. Call to In Albion-2 bdrm, 1.5 bath , D/W, Apply Hilltop Restaurant, 334-2555. agent, backed by a nationwide com- 1 or 2 rmmts needed for 3 & 4 bdrm see, (509) 301-2287. A/C, W/D, partially furnished, fenced pany. Competitive rates. 334-1200 yard, garage, covered deck, no pets, COME JOIN OUR NEW TEAM. High apts. $340/$300 per month per 1 bdrm. apt. on campus, easy park- school students, college students, person, $250 security dep. Cougar , electric no smoking. $550/mn. (509)332- 590 Auto Supplies & ing, W/S/G & hot water paid 8294. parents and kids, come pick up Crest Apts., 334-6028. heat, laundry on-site, DW, an application at the Pullman Service M/F rmmt for spring sem. $378/mo. $480/mo., newly remodeled, availa- 130 Houses McDonalds, 1662 S. Grand Ave. We Last mo+DD paid. 6 min. from cam- ble now. Call 334-0562. are looking for enthusiastic, team- oriented, self-motivated crew to join pus. Call Luke (206)291-8592. 2 bdrm. apt., Boulder Creek, $280/ 3 br + study/rm, 2-1/2 ba. in Pullman, DW, W/D, large sun deck, yard, near our team. We offer free uniforms, M or F rmmate needed for Spring person/mo., available end of Decem- paid training, college assistance, ber. Call (509)750-6806. bus route, next to h.s., NP, NS, 1st, sem. $312/mo no dep. Meadow- last & dep., $1150/ mo. 878-1283, bonus program for good grades and brook apts. 301-7893 1 bd, 1 bath apartment. $420/mo. [email protected] discounted meals. Starting wage Across from Scott Hall.Close to cam- $7.35. If this sounds like a job for you Need ASAP: 1 F for 2 bdrm house pus. Call Tamara (253)229-1269. 4 br., 2 ba house in Pullman, large please come in and talk with Denise avail 12/12. Behind soccer field. yard, near bus, W/D hookup, NP, or Billy now. W/D, storage, cats ok. $350/mo ****************************************** NS, 1st, last & dep., $1200/mo. 878- 253-380-3525. 1283, [email protected] NOW HIRING!!! SERVICES F. rmmt for 4 bdrm, 2 ba house on Bernett Research in Moscow look- ****************************************** 3 bdrm., 2 bath, W/D, complete re- ing for people who seek the follow- Maple St. W/D, fireplace, patio, model, no smoking, no parties, 820 close to campus. Avail. now. ing: 625 Professional Two bdrm, 1 bath. apart. $550/mo. Ritchie, avail. Dec. 1, $1000/mo. • Good Pay: $8.00-$10.00/hour $375/mn + 1/4 util. Megan 509-339- Five minute. walk to campus. Avail. 332-1857/509-595-7199. 3402. Plus other bonus opportunities. Dec. 17. Call 206-604-3059. • Flexible Scheduling: Afternoon/ F rmmt for 2 bdrm Wil-ru apt Spring 2 bdrm. available Dec 1. $625/mo. 140 Duplexes evening, and weekend shifts now available. sem. Pets ok. $265/mo + $75 dep + W/D, W/S/G paid. Call Midway 3br, 1ba duplex for rent, $775 incls. 1/2 util. Aleah 425-737-0212 Property, (509)595-1180. • Friendly Office Atmosphere wsg; 428 Spotswood, Moscow; Conduct market research surveys via hwds, w/d, dw, bsemnt and gar stor- telephone. NO SALES INVOLVED! age. 208-882-1492 For more info call (208)883-0885 or 3 bdrm., 1 bath, W/D, back yard & e-mail [email protected] patio, W/S/G pd., small pets OK, 655 Hot Tub Rentals close to campus, $900/mo., avail. Online Nursing Chemistry with Online now. Call (509)592-0174. Labs. Go to and look for Chem 1110. WSU is a member of TUB TIME 145 Subleases NUDC. Call 334-1427 Pullman Taco Time is currently hiring Cougar Place Apts. 1 blk from Book- for night & weekend shifts. Must be ie. .1-2 rmmts. starting middle of Dec available during winter break. Only or Jan. Call (206)465-2976. dependable, self-motivated people Lg 1 bdrm apt avail in mid Dec. need apply, in person. We’re an $399/mo. On express bus rt. Call Equal Opportunity Employer, located ASAP 509-432-4197 at 530 E. Main in Pullman. 12/1/2005 CLASS EDITION 11/30/05 3:23 PM Page 2

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 NEWS THE DAILY EVERGREEN | 15 Picturing Hope: Children capture images of AIDS among them New York art exhibit lets youths had to become adults overnight.” “Picturing Hope” photographs capture photos of other people Bender gave the youths 35mm grace the walls of a community- point-and-shoot cameras he had based home in Vijayawada operated who have the disease. bought two years ago for $12 each by the Indian nonprofit organization from a wholesaler. Vasavya Mahila Mandali, where Verena Dobnik The 14 photographers on show almost 800 HIV-positive children The Associated Press are from the southeastern Indian live, get medical care and are edu- NEW YORK — More than 2 mil- city of Vijayawada and surrounding cated. villages; three were in New York to lion children around the world live Some of the center’s support open the exhibit, which is to travel to comes from the Abbott Fund, an with the AIDS virus and fewer than 5 the countries involved in the project percent are being treated. Illinois-based philanthropy that is next year. spending $100 million in five years Now, hundreds of youths in India, Meroz helped translate for Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Romania to help 140,000 children affected Revathi Kalaganti, a 16-year-old by AIDS in developing countries, and Mexico are picking up cameras whose teenage brother died of AIDS, to record images of lives disrupted by either directly or through their fami- and who is now taking care of her lies. That includes 47,000 in India, the disease. HIV-positive parents. according to Reeta Roy, spokes- “My responsibility is to help these “I used photography to get children, especially if their parents through my brother’s death. I started woman for the fund, which is also left them by the side of the road,” taking pictures of children in my sponsoring the photography project. said Meroz Pillarisetty, 13, whose village, because that helped me feel Worldwide, at least 2 million photographs are part of a New York closer to my brother,” said Kalaganti, children under age 15 are HIV-posi- exhibit, “Picturing Hope: Through speaking in her native Telagu lan- tive, according to the United Nations. Their Eyes.” guage. Some are orphaned, partly because “They come to my house, we play Bender said he saw his photog- of the stigma and ignorance attached computer games, eat lunch together.” raphy as “an opportunity to give to AIDS, Bender said, and partly The exhibit, running through children a voice, through powerful because some parents don’t have the Jan. 8 at the Asia Society, is named images.” During a five-day basic means to care for them. after the “Picturing Hope” project course, “We talk to them about their “I spent many days starving,” started by Craig Bender, a 40-year- emotions and sharing them. They says Ramu Pothala Venkata, a 19- old American photographer based write and journal. And they go from year-old who survived the streets of in Amsterdam, Netherlands, who being very introverted to being extro- Vijayawada with a sexually transmit- worked as a photographer for the verted.” ted infection, not HIV. Abbott Fund. Feelings are transformed into His camera captured “rag pick- “I would enter villages in India photos that show neighbors, friends ers,” street children who collect and Africa and see these lost chil- and relatives at home or outdoors, garbage to sell for recycling. Most dren,” he said. “Sometimes, their in scenes from tough daily lives that of India’s street children have never parents have died of AIDS, and they persist despite AIDS. been tested for the HIV virus.

AIDS | Body’s T-cells decrease Got news? Continued from Front Page less than 200, and the patient acquires an opportunistic infec- Write it. medication needed for the rest of tion the HIV virus becomes clas- sified as the disease AIDS, she Become a reporter for their life.” said. More than 6,000 Washington “It can take from 10 to 15 The Daily Evergreen residents with AIDS have died years for this change to occur,” from the disease, according to she added. “It’s not HIV that next semester. the DOH. kills them, it’s the infection “HIV turns into AIDS when acquired that the immune sys- certain factors are met, but they tem is too weak to fight.” Applications are available vary for each person,” Stone For more information about at the student publications said. HIV or AIDS, contact student When a person’s T-cell Health and Wellness at (509) front office, Murrow Room 133. count becomes extremely low, 335-3575.

NOTICES 725 Announcements 730 Personals 740 Fitness/Health 795 Movie Listings 710 Lost Audian Theatre RICO’S OLD POST OFFICE MOSCOW SCHOOL OF MASSAGE Lost Cat: Gray striped tabby. Last 6:45 9:00 seen Sunday PM, Nov 27, on Pioneer 1X4 1X3 1X4 Hill. Pink collar found near Pioneer Center. Answers to “Petty.” Very SPACE RESERVED SPACE RESERVED SPACE RESERVED friendly. Reward. Call Lara 332-6686 725 Announcements CLINIC AD RIC-O-SHAY’S Annual Christmas Sale December 3, Saturday Only 40% off Entire Stock 122 N. Grand, Pullman Your licensing needs? Special Attraction — NO PASSES (3:20) 6:15 6:45 9:30 9:55

(3:40) 6:50 9:45

Special Attraction — NO PASSES

(4:30) 7:00 9:15 Special Attraction — NO PASSES

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(3:30) 6:30 9:25 Special Attraction — NO PASSES

(4:00) 745 Adoptions 6:20 8:45 6:40 9:20 ADOPTION. Your baby will be the ID REQUIRED center of our world. Jeanie and Dan find us at: (877)895-9790. (4:20) 760 Travel 605 S. Grand Ave. Showtimes in ( ) are at bargain price 334-6038 X-MAS EXPRESS BUS TO SEATTLE Departs Friday, Dec. 16; returns Heather or Maggie Sunday, Jan. 8. $75. Call 334-1412 haircuts•color•perms•waxing 16 | THE DAILY EVERGREEN KICKING BACK THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2005 The Daily Evergreen Crossword In The Stars | Horoscopes Double EE AR LO : RA SH : BO D ACROSS 35. Closed- BOE R: EXP O: EKE Today’s Birthday —´´´½ — Next year could be an exhilarating time socially. 1. Rockweed minded 5. Went over the 37. Loop loopers SO DA : T ELE PLA Y Both old friends and new will be instrumental in introducing exciting elements into limit 38. Football : : : C RED O: R AYS 9. Capture players your life. 12. Look like 40. Italian money, SH ALE : : TE A: : : 13. For takeout once PO LE S: SC AMP ER SAGITTARIUS (Nov. ARIES (March 21-April LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) 14. Self 42. American 15. Driver’s control writer OU T: ANKHS : RE O 23-Dec. 21) — ´´´´ — 19) — ´´´´ — If you’re — ´´´´ — Your mana- 18. Shakespeare, for 44. Cuckoopint TR OL LE Y: I CON S one 46. Jitters Much can be accomplished having doubts about your gerial talents may be put to 19. Undraped 51. Storm dir. : : : YE W: : ER ASE today to meet your ambi- performance in a competi- the test today. Don’t despair. 20. Mil. group 52. Hill, in APE R: SW OR E: : : 22. Little kid Dundee tions, especially if you learn tive situation -- don’t. When Your skills will dispose of 23. Env. title 53. Continuously RI V ERB ED : AWE S from past experience. Put the chips are down, you’ll the issue in an efficient way, 24. Bean curd 54. Bell and UT E: YO RE : MO RE 27. Uncanny Kettle 30. Hatfield-McCoy 55. Peasant TA N: EYES : YO GA that knowledge to the test. execute at peak efficiency. pleasing everyone. tiff 56. Sub store Wednesday’s Solution CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- TAURUS (April 20- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 32. Cotillion celeb 33. Cowboy’s prod DOWN 3. Go right! 6. Ducks’ haunt Jan. 19) — ´´´´ — Do May 20) — ´´´´ 22) — ´´´´ — Want to 34. Pedigree 1. Mule’s kin 4. Protozoan 7. Early bird? diagram 2. Court call 5. Arouse 8. Soft and fluffy not be reluctant to request — Associates involved in a enhance your chances for 9. Apiarist 10. Novelist James a favor from a person you’ve joint endeavor will defend personal success? Make cer- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 —— gone out of your way to help your collective interests tain your partners reap the : : 11. Midas’s metal 12 13 14 16. Huck’s vessel in the past. This person will today; they will handle issues same rewards as you. : : 17. Codlike fishes 15 16 17 20. Customer be eager to square accounts. to your satisfaction, per- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) 21. Window AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. haps even better than you — ´´´½ — An old friend 18 19 washers’ tools : : : : 22. Brass horn 19) — ´´´½ — Want to expected. will come to mind today, 20 21 22 23. Small newt AP AP Newsfeatures 12/1 : : : : : 25. Sports’ figures? unlock the door to success? GEMINI (May 21-June someone who delights you, 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 26. Charge : : Show a willingness to coop- 20) — ´´´ — An agree- someone you haven’t heard 30 31 32 33 28. Reign 29. Mos. and mos. : : erate today. Associates will ment or pact has an excel- from in a while. Give this per- 34 35 36 37 31. Star in Cygnus take their cues from you -- lent chance to prosper son a call. : : 36. Chimney vent 38 39 40 41 39. —— and drabs and give back what you give. because both sides will pur- SCORPIO (Oct. 24- : : : : : 41. Plant 42 43 44 45 42. Throat clearer PISCES (Feb. 20- sue the mutual good. Nov. 22) — ´´´½ : : : : 43. Ms. Horne 46 47 48 49 50 44. Slightly open March 20) — ´´´´ — CANCER (June 21-July — Constructive measures 45. Coral —— 51 52 53 47. Poetic before Meaningful objectives may 22) — ´´´´½ — Since should be taken to shore up : : 48. Detect finish not be achieved easily, but you are on a lucky roll, you your economic foundation, 54 55 56 49. Sniggler’s catch

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