

James Cateridge | 408 pages | 20 Apr 2015 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 9781118886595 | English | New York, Film Studies For Dummies [Book]

Explore a preview version of Film Studies For Dummies right now. Want to pull back the curtain on film? This hands-on, friendly guide unravels the complexities of film and helps you put cinema into a cultural context. You'll get an easy-to-follow introduction to different film and styles, learn about the history of cinema, get to know who makes up a filmmaking team, explore global cinema from Hollywood to and much more. Film Studies For Dummies will open your mind to how the film industry works and help you to discover the impact of film on popular culture. You'll get easy-to-read Film Studies For Dummies on analyzing and critiquing film from a range of theoretical, historical and critical perspectives, and learn how people communicate ideas Film Studies For Dummies film. You'll also be able to shine a light on how stories are developed in movies, understand how a storyline is related to broader issues in society and become a well-versed and insightful film student. Whether you're planning to study film, a humanities student with a forthcoming module on film or a film enthusiast wondering if this might be the future for you, Film Studies For Dummies has you covered. Film Directing Fundamentals gives the novice director an organic methodology for realizing on-screen the full dramatic …. Filmmaking the definitive resource for filmmakers, blows the doors off the secretive film industry and shows …. Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Film Studies For Dummies by. Book description Make sense of the world of cinema Want to pull back the curtain on Film Studies For Dummies Covers the narrative, artistic, cultural, economic and political implications of cinema Provides conceptual frameworks Film Studies For Dummies understanding a film's relationship to reality Explores how people tell stories and communicate ideas in film Helps you excel as a student Film Studies For Dummies film Whether you're planning to study film, a humanities student with a forthcoming module on film or a film enthusiast wondering if this might be the future for you, Film Studies For Dummies has you covered. Show and hide more. Table of contents Product information. Realism: Does film reflect reality? Reception: What is a spectator? Proferes Film Directing Fundamentals gives Film Studies For Dummies novice director an organic methodology for realizing on-screen the full dramatic … book Filmmaking by Jason Tomaric Filmmaking the definitive resource for filmmakers, blows the doors off the secretive film industry and shows …. Film Studies for Dummies by James Cateridge

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This Cheat Sheet gives you some Film Studies For Dummies the important, need-to-know information about film studies up front. Being able to talk the talk is essential when comparing notes with other film buffs or when starting out on a film studies course. Classical cinema: Not only those made at the height of the Hollywood studio system between about andbut also a set of stylistic conventions for example, soft-focus close-ups of Film Studies For Dummies stars and storytelling techniques including goal-oriented protagonists. Continuity editing: How to make the relationship between time and space appear seamless, Hollywood-style. Diegetic sound: Sound with an identifiable source on or off screen and which comes from the fictional world. Musical score is usually non-diegetic. Film Film Studies For Dummies Rules and conventions of cinematic storytelling, which help you to make sense of the images passing on screen. : Whether seen as a or a style, definitely dark, deadly and delicious. Genre: Movie categories that the film industry uses to streamline production and market a film to its target audience. Or, how you organise your DVD collection. Method acting: N otas is commonly assumed, acting by losing yourself in your character. Mickey Mousing: When music or sound effects imitate on-screen movement. Most commonly found in cartoons, but often used in film for comedic effect. In other words: sets, costumes, actors, props and decor, and how all these elements are organised within the frame. Mode: An overarching type or style of film-making. For example: documentary or animated films. Production cycle: Historically, specific instances of genressuch as s teen-slasher films. Cycles tend to be sparked off by a surprise hit film, which leads to a host of imitators and eventually to market saturation. Propaganda: Films that attempt to persuade their audience to believe a viewpoint, often a political one. Realism: A style of fiction film-making that aims to feel like real life. The ways in which cinema represents reality on screen change over time and between cultures. Star image: Everything you know and enjoy about a star, including their performances on screen and how their characters function within film narratives, but also their publicity and private life. Following are a few of the most helpful theoretical methods used in film studies:. theory: The idea that the director is the single misunderstood artistic genius responsible for creating a movie, instead of the thousands of other people typically involved. Cognitive theory: Using science such as neuroscience and psychology to help explain how audiences watch and understand films. Deconstruction: Not simply dismantling films, but dismantling the ways you think about and interpret them. Feminism: Study of film as an element of patriarchy, or structural male superiority Film Studies For Dummies women. Ideological analysis: The notion that culture shapes how people think and behave. Ideological analysis seeks to expose the hidden politics of a film. Post-colonialism: Analysing the impact or legacy of colonial power exerted over cultures or nations. In film studies, post-colonialism looks at films made by film-makers from countries colonised or formerly colonised by the West or at Western films that depict colonised nations. Postmodernism: Period of critical theory claiming that the old big ideas have run out of juice, that high art and popular culture are now inseparable, and that images have become more real than reality. Semiotics: The study of how film works like a language, using signs symbols and formal structures to convey meaning. Structuralism: The idea that you can boil down popular cinema to key elements or Film Studies For Dummies. These function like modern-day mythology, or stories that people keep telling themselves to help them understand the world and to make themselves feel better. Trying to get your head around global film history is a challenge, and so knowing the most important moments or movements Film Studies For Dummies the Film Studies For Dummies is helpful. Following are some of the best-known filmmaking movements, in chronological order:. Cinema of attractions: From the first films screened in through the nickelodeon boom of the s, film was a sensational fairground attraction Film Studies For Dummies to shock, fascinate and scandalise its audience. Soviet montage: From into the s, Russian filmmakers experimented with radical ways to put films together, instigating avant-garde and . German Expressionism: Films made in the Weimar period of the s visually represented extreme psychological states through heavily stylised sets, costumes and lighting. Surrealist film: In Film Studies For Dummies s and s, artists worked in the new medium of film to produce strange and disturbing avant-garde films that often shocked their audiences in order to challenge conventional Film Studies For Dummies of thinking about existence. Classical Hollywood: From the s to the late s, Hollywood enjoyed a Film Studies For Dummies age of creativity and success based on the studio system of filmmaking. Italian : After World War II, Italian filmmakers produced a string of influential films characterised by gritty settings, Film Studies For Dummies actors and real locations. : In the s and s, young French cinephiles began making films that reworked and deconstructed Film Studies For Dummies conventions of Hollywood, such as continuity editing. : These experimental movies were made by and for reprobates, including artists and beatniks, in New York during the s and s. The films produced were formally experimental and dealt with the difficulties of post-war German national identity. Dogme A self-conscious movement beginning in Danish cinema in the mids, this filmmaking approach set up puritanical rules about how to make low-budget realist films, such as using only natural light and no Film Studies For Dummies soundtrack. Digital cinema: The shift to shooting on digital video rather than film began in the late s; by the s most films are completely digital in terms of production and exhibition. He researches and teaches British cinema, film policy and the international film industry. Cheat Sheet. Getting Familiar with Some Essential Film Studies Terms Being able to talk the talk is essential when comparing notes with other film buffs or when starting out on a film studies course. Following are a few of the most helpful theoretical methods used in film studies: Film Studies For Dummies theory: The idea that the director is the single misunderstood artistic genius responsible for creating a movie, instead of the thousands of other people typically involved. Film Movements in Cinematic History Trying to get your head around global film history is a challenge, and so knowing the most important moments or movements over the decades is helpful. Following are some of the best-known filmmaking movements, in chronological order: Cinema of attractions: From the first films screened in through the nickelodeon boom of the s, film was a sensational fairground attraction out to shock, fascinate and scandalise its audience.