SAFC Chair Under Fir by Pamelaj

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SAFC Chair Under Fir by Pamelaj f~:<lv vs-f) 3ri~ t'I, I \)' 1,$:; \) ,3{ The New Hampshire SAFC Chair under fir By PamelaJ. DeKoning situation is based on human meetings. Student Activity Fee Council error in the telecommunications · Jones said an interim SAFC Chairperson Patrick Sweeney department; Chair would be named to finish was asked to resign by the · Telecommunications manag- out the year. He said an expe­ Student Senate Wednesday er Charlie Simpson said, "With rienced SAFC member would night amidst allegations- of the number of calls involved, be most likely. illegal use of a telephone access it is highly unlikely that such Sweeney said, "It's unfortu­ code. a thing could have occurred." nate that the progress I person­ According to Student Activity Jones said, "I believe that it ally am inaking in SAFC in Fee Organization Business Man- was premeditated. I could be terms of response to the audit, ager Chris Germain, phon·e bills proven wrong. I wouldr:i't be MUB Pub restructuring, the totalling $371.00 were charged ag,ainsr retracting this state- budget, and many, other student by Sweeney to the SAFC office. menr, bur from the information senate concepts ... ( is) being halt­ - ~ In a letter from Student Body I have now, I can't see that ed because of personal relation­ President Warner Jones and happening." ships." Student Body Vice-President Germain said, "It's still UH- He added, "I feel that people Sabra Clarke, Sweeney was resolved whether or not he did are making a big· issue about a asked to res.ign based on his it on purpose, or if it's just a technical error that's already "abuse of the students' money mistake." - been resolved. I've ma<le arran­ and position." Jones said, "It's been brought gements for payment, so I Sweeney said he made the to light because I think he's been assume it's been resolved." · Jay Gould questioned the rising MUB fee in the 88/89 budget a senator of public attention or which passed last night. (file photo) calls from his office and_ _charged He said, "In the past, SAFO's to his home phone. He public concern." them policy has been· to ask only for a technical error, and · According to Germain, ,the said it was · reimbursement in non-business that it was an honest mistake. issue would have been solved related calls: Ev.en when evi­ According to Jones, if Swee- within SAFC by collecting pay- MUB receives dence of malicious intent was doesn't resign, an impeach- 'ment on the calls. He said, "Pat ney clear. It's clear that I had no ment campaign will begin Sun- · and I were going to handle it. 1 malicious intent." . • day. Sweeney said he will make He was going to pay for them repair funds ' and it would have been fine. his decision today. Don Harley, SAFO treasurer, Swee- Then people 1n Senate heard According to rhe letter, said, "It is important that all ney illegally obtained an access about it, and it was what they By Pamela J. DeKoning He said the cateteria was judgments are co_nsistent and The MUB Board of Gover­ redone two years ago and the code in September of 1987. needed." fair with whatever judgments Germain said, "It became a nors allocated $90,000 for kitchen last year. 'The upstairs Jones said, "In the fall of 1987, have been made against others." code big issue. People were upset summer renovations of the top is the last major renovation we Pat obtained an access · He said there was no evidence with him prior to this i~sue. It floor of the MUB in their weekly. have to make to get the building without permission of the Stu- that Sweeney was trying to hide When.I found out was (he spark the fire needed." meeting last night. _ back in shape." . dent Senate. wh~t happened, and that he has He said Sweeney has missed The meeting was also high-_ -The 1989 MUB budget passed he had an access code, I had it nor been charged with phone shm off immediately." a lot of senate executive com- lighted by the passage of the unanimously last r(ight after it theft, but phone abuse. He said the use of the access mittee meetings and sena_te 1989 MUB budget, and discus­ was tabled at last week's meet­ code for personal calls in itself sion of the MUB Pub restruc- ing. was grounds for impeachment. turing proposal. Discussion of Patrick Swee­ · According to Jones, Sweeney . · MUB Board of Governors ney and Greg Becker's MUB Pub then circumvented the access Chairperson Michael Keating restructuring proposal occupied code by charging calls to his said the renovations will be · the rest of the meeting. office. completed by next semester. In Becker was not present at the / Sweeney said, "Billings ap­ order to finance the renovations, meeting. Sweeney fielded ques- ' pear on my office line. ·what I the MUB fee will be raised $5 tions from the board. The board intended to do was charge them per student next year, according offered suggestions and amend­ to my home phone. I thought to MUB Board Vice-Chair Bree ments to the proposal, but the that was clear by all the calls Clemons. mai.n discussion was put off until !'was getting that were charged Keating said, "$90,000 has next week when Becker will be to my home phone." been allocated to redecorate or available for questions. He said once he realized the create an entirely new look for Sweeney explained that al­ calls were being charged to his the top floor of the MUB. A -coho} is only a small part of the off ice, he immediately contacted professional decorator has been proposal, and that the main Gerrrtain to arrange for. pay­ hired to come up with an entire focus of it is to completely ment. system." restructur·e the Pub program to ' Germain said, "I handled it Clemons said $50,000 has attract more response to pro- the same way as others (prob­ been allocated for new flooring gramming. · lems with personal calls on upstairs, $10,000 for new fur­ Gould exprnssed disagree­ business lines). I let him know niture for the corridor upstairs, ment when Sweeney said the I knew it was going op, nothing $20,000 for new lighting, and proposal had been sent as a specific (in terms of payment) $10,000 for window treatment courtesy to President Haaland was arranged.-" , Patrick Sweeney has been asked to resign as ~At'{~ chairperson. including new drapes. · ·and Dean Sanborn. Sweeney claim~ the whole - (file photo) · There is $95,000 budgeted Gould said that by sending from last year's reserves in the propo·sal to the administra­ to repair the roof, which should tion before the MUB Board · have been done this year, accord­ passes it devalues student input hits truck ing to Clemons. and opinion. Drunk-drivel" Board member Jay Gould ·Sweeney said. the proposal rise was sent as a lobbying effort in By Mary Tamer pushing it about 15 feet further the driver on a stretcher and mto questioned the continued the last order tp keep the administration , Gerald W. MacPherson, 21, down Madbury Road, directly an ambulance. of the MUB fee over informed of progress being of South Berwick, Maine, was in front of Sigma Bera fraternity. "I asked one o·f the police three years. the MUB fee went made on the proposal. · charged early Thursday morn­ MacPherson suffered what ap­ officers if the guy was wasted. Gould said from $75 in 1985 to $ 100 in Robidoux questioned restruc­ ing with driving while intox­ peared to be minor injuries to He said that he (MacPherson) turing the Pub to target the 30 icated after he struck the rear the chin and forehead. had been drin.king a lot and he 1989. He said this was a 33 the highest percent of students who are of of a parked truck on Madbury St. Jean, 21, of Newmarket, was under arrest. Now I guess percent increase, _n any mandatory stu­ drinking age, when .70 percent Road. He was arrested at the had parked his car outside Sigma I'm stranded in Durham for the increas·e i dent fee, including the health of the students are underage. scene of the accident and was Beta around 9 p .m. to visit a night," he said. financed the new · Clemons also reported on taken .by ambulance to friend living at Delta Zeta St. Jean estimated his car fee which health center. yesterday's Channel 11 space Wentworth-Douglass Hospital sorority. They left the house for damage to be $1500 and thought Robi­ allocation committee meeting. in Dover where he was released a couple hours and returned the Toyota pick-up was totalled. Board member Scott doux said the sudden increase He listed the priorities of util- later rha( morning. shortly before the accident rook 'Tm definitely upset by the the fact that the izing the space. · According to a Durham police place. acc,ident, but it doesn't really is based on steady for · Number one on the list was . spokesman, MacPherson was "I was with a friend of rriine bother me. It's my dad's truck. MUB fee remained grew. a Pub and entertainment center, traveling .north on Madbury dr.inking downtown before we Luckily, I went out tonight and many years while inflation said, '1'Because the. followed by suggestions for a Road in a Toyota pick-up truck came back to the hou-se.
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