Old Mary's & Sacred Heart Parishes September 9, 2018 Old St. Mary's Mass Intentions Old St. Mary's Mass Schedule

Sunday twenty-Third Sunday Per Annum Sunday Masses Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 7:30 a.m. | Low Traditional Mass 7:30 a.m. Celebrant's Intention 9:15 a.m. | Sung Latin Novus Ordo Mass 9:15 a.m.  Laura Larkin - Jennifer Elliott 11:00 a.m. | German Mass  11:00 a.m. Ottilie & Albert Kientz - Connie & Helmut Kientz 12:30 p.m. | English 12:30 p.m. Int. of Bill & Colleen Schauble & Family - Patrie & Bill 7:00 p.m. | English 7:00 p.m. Int.of Phil & Maureen Schauble & Family -Patrie & Bill Holy Day Masses Monday St. of (III) 7:15 a.m. | Low Traditional Latin Mass 7:15 a.m. Celebrant's Intention 12:10 p.m. | English 9:15 a.m. Int.of Ebbitt Family 7:00 p.m. | Sung Latin Novus Ordo Mass Tuesday St. Protus / St. Hyacinth (IV) Weekday Masses 7:15 a.m. Celebrant's Intention Monday thru Friday 12:10 p.m. Int. of Michael Schauble - Bill 7:15 a.m. | Traditional Latin Mass Wednesday the Most Holy Name of Mary (III) 12:10 p.m. | English

7:15 a.m. Celebrant's Intention Saturday 12:10 a.m. Int. of John Hayden - Hofmann Family 6:45 a.m. | Traditional Latin Mass Thursday St. John Chrysostom 12:10 p.m. | English 7:15 a.m. Celebrant's Intention First Friday Mass & All Night Vigil 12:10 p.m. Int. of Ray DeLong - Patrie & Bill 7:00 p.m. | Traditional Latin Mass Friday the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (II) 7:15 a.m. Celebrant's Intention The Sacraments 12:10 p.m. Vocations for the Daughters of St. Elias 7:00 p.m. In Reparation for the Sins of Clerics and the Hierarchy Sacrament of Penance Sunday - 8:45 a.m. - 12:00 noon - 6:30 p.m. Saturday Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary (II) Weekdays - After 12:10 p.m. Mass until 1:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. Celebrant's Intention Tuesday - 7:30 p.m. thru 8:15 p.m. 12:10 p.m. Deceased Members of Rutkay & Bosak Families Baptisms Sunday twenty-Fourth Sunday Per Annum Contact parish office at least one month prior. Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 7:30 a.m. Celebrant's Intention Weddings 9:15 a.m.  Sylvester W. & Viola Reinstatler - Reinstatler Family Contact parish office at least six months prior. 11:00 a.m. Freunde Der Allgäuer Blaskapellen Anointing of the Sick 12:30 p.m. Pro Populo - For The People Contact a parish priest as soon as possible. 7:00 p.m. Int. of Bill & Colleen Schauble Family - Patrie & Bill First Communion and Confirmation Contact the Parish Office. Adoration and Devotions

Eucharistic Exposition Old St. Mary's Weekly Offering Sunday: 1:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. (Sept. - June) Offering - Sunday September 2, 2018 Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Sunday Total (Attendance = ) $.00 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Online Giving $.00 Holy Hour with Benediction: 7:30 p.m. Other Income $.00 Wednesday: 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Budgeted Weekly Expenses $7,500.00 First Friday – All Night Vigil $.00 Mass and Exposition: 7:00 p.m. Benediction: Saturday 6:30 a.m. Financial report not available at time of printing! Sunday Vespers: 3:30 p.m. (Sept. - June) Please remember us in your will!! Guided Tours by Appointment

2 Old Saint Mary's & Sacred Heart Parishes September 9, 2018 Sacred Heart Mass Schedule Sacred Heart Mass Intentions Sunday Masses Sunday Twenty-Third Sunday Per Annum 9:00 a.m. | English Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 11:00 a.m. | Sung Latin Mass 9:00 a.m. Pro Populo - For the People Holy Day Masses 11:00 a.m Special Intention - Trisha Lamb 9:00 a.m. | Low Latin Mass Monday St. (III) 12:00 noon | English 9:00 a.m.  George & Clara Rosen - The Family 7:00 p.m. | Sung Latin Mass Tuesday St. Protus / St. Hyacinth (IV) Weekday Masses 9:00 a.m.  Debra Bowling - Terry Huwell Monday thru Saturday 9:00 a.m. | Traditional Latin Mass Wednesday the Most Holy Name of Mary (III) 9:00 a.m. Special Intention for SRW - Anonymous

The Sacraments Thursday St. John Chrysostom Sacrament of Penance 9:00 a.m. Celebrant's Intention Sunday - Thirty minutes before Masses Friday The Exaltation of the Holy Cross (II) Weekdays - Thirty minutes before Mass 9:00 a.m. All Priests and Bishops - Anonymous Saturday - 8:00 a.m. until 8:35 a.m. Saturday Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary (II) Baptisms 9:00 a.m.  Joseph Pitocco - Jane Pitocco Contact parish office at least one month prior. Weddings Sunday Twenty-Fourth Sunday Per Annum Contact parish office at least six months prior. Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Anointing of the Sick 9:00 a.m. Bill, Mary Lou and Chuck Conway - Conway Family Contact a parish priest as soon as possible. 11:00 a.m. Cincinnati Oratory - Anonymous First Communion and Confirmation Contact the Parish Office. Adoration and Devotions Eucharistic Exposition Wednesday: During Miraculous Medal Novena following morning Mass Saturday: 7:50 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.

Sacred Heart Weekly Offering Are you sick? Are you home bound? Offering - Sunday September 2, 2018 If you are home bound or sick and need Holy Sunday Total (Attendance = ) $.00 Communion or a visit? Please contact parish of- Online Giving $.00 fice for a priest. If you will be having surgery or Other Income $.00 $4,900.00 are in the hospital, please be sure to let the parish Budgeted Weekly Expenses know. The hospital does not alert us if you do ( $.00) not ask them to. Financial Report not available at time of printing! In the event of an emergency, please contact the Please remember us in your will!! parish office as soon as possible.  - For the repose of the soul of... Bulletin Submissions and Deadline Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish Send to [email protected] or Per Annum - During the Year [email protected] New Calendar (first) and Traditional Calendar (second) by Thursday of prior week.

3 Old Saint Mary's & Sacred Heart Parishes September 9, 2018 From the Pastor Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus! things. Firstly, we must demand answers. Whatever one's Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ! ideological opinions may be, we must demand answers It has undoubtedly been a depress- no matter the consequences. Those on the right and those ing few weeks for the Church. It on the left have committed crimes against God, and all is always difficult to see something have the interest to ensure that this can't happen again. one believes in and places our faith As the Archbishop recently said, Archbishop McCarrick's in seem to fail so miserably. This file must be opened and examined. Light must be shed on will certainly go down in history this affair if the Church is to move forward with the mis- as one of the most challenging sion given to us by Christ. So all must demand answers, ages in the history of the Church. regardless of where you fall on the spectrum. St. Gregory The Church has often had difficult periods in her life. the Great says: "It is better that scandals arise than the There was the Arian Heresy, in which most bishops were truth be suppressed." heretics that denied the Divinity of Christ. There was the Secondly, as I have been saying for a few weeks, do great Western Schism, where we had three at one penance! Our Lady of Fatima said more penance had to time. There was the Protestant Reformation, due in part be done on earth. May our sacrifices today lead to a blos- to the corruption and inadequate formation of the clergy. soming tomorrow. May our sacrifices today, united to the There is today when a minority of clergy inflict terrible cross, strive to undo the unmeasurable damage done in pain on children and young men and women by appall- the Church. ing crimes that call out to Heaven for vengeance. Where Lastly, we must pray. The Archbishop has called on bishops created and continued a nasty web of abuse and us to pray this coming Friday, the Feast of the Triumph predators, who preyed on young men, seminarians, and of the Cross. We must pray for the Church, for the cler- young priests with promises of prestige and advancement gy, for those who have been abused and taken advantage within our Church. of. Please come to our Mass of reparation on Friday at In the end, we are consoled by the words of both Our 7:00 p.m. and pray, as we continue to seek answers and Lord and Our Lady. Our Lord promised St. Peter that the to bring healing. I am asking everyone to take an hour of gates of hell would never prevail against the Church. Our Reparation during the all-night Eucharistic Vigil before Lady promised the children of Fatima that her Immacu- Our Lord. This is the best place to start to strengthen us late Heart would triumph. These words console us. It is in for the days ahead as we strive to rebuild the Church, as this that we must place our hope. God instructed St. Francis of Assisi. Even as we try to make sense out of all of the rev- Please know that we, the elations that have been coming out, we must do a few priests and brothers, pray for you daily, and please pray for us! Parish Clergy & Staff Oratory Priests and Brothers Old St. Mary's Staff Fr. Jon-Paul Bevak, C.O. / Pastor Joann Dobler / Parish Secretary [email protected] / ext. 123 [email protected] Fr. Adrian Hilton, C.O. / Parochial Vicar Terri Huwel / Pregnancy Center Director [email protected] / ext 125 [email protected] Fr. Lawrence Juarez, C.O. / Parochial Vicar Bill Diemler / Maintenance [email protected] / ext. 124 [email protected] Bro. Brent Stull, C.O. / Assistant Prefect of Sacred Music Sacred Heart Staff [email protected] / ext. 128 Jane Pitocco / Parish Secretary Bro. Henry Hoffmann/ Assistant Sacristan [email protected] [email protected] / ext. 132 John Schauble / Latin Mass Music Director [email protected] Director of Children's Catechism John Valentine / English Mass Music Director Sr. Marie Cécile, O.C.D. [email protected] [email protected] / ext. 134 JaeEun Lee / Organist

4 Old Saint Mary's & Sacred Heart Parishes September 9, 2018 Adoration, Catechesis, and Works of Mercy Pregnancy Center News Catechesis and Spirituality The Wisdom of Humane Vitae----50 years later Catechesis Blessed Paul VI solemnly reaffirmed the perennial doc- What are the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin trine that conjugal love is essentially and necessarily ori- Mary? ented to love and life. Furthermore, all sexual acts outside Ahe seven sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They of marriage or those not disposed to unity and procreation are traditionally identified with the sorrows that Mary are intrinsically evil and are therefore always sinful. experienced in her association with Christ: the proph- ecy of Simeon (Luke 2:34-35), the flight into Egypt Since 1968, dissent from this official teaching among (Matthew 2:13-21), the three-day separation from Jesus some theologians and non-adherence among many peo- in Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-50). and the four incidents ple have precipitated the dire predictions of the that related to Christ's Passion, as described or implied by promiscuity, pornography, divorce, remarriage, artificial the Evangelists; namely, Mary's meeting Jesus on the conception and unnatural intercourse, would proliferate. way to Calvary, the Crucifixion, the removal of Christ's Contraception has infected society with a culture of death body from the Cross, and the burial in the tomb. There that sees abortion not as the murder of innocent unborn, were two feasts in honor of the seven sorrows: the Friday rather as a mere personal choice. Marriage, family and after Passion Sunday, extended to the universal Church even gender are being reinvented and distorted. by Pope Benedict XIII in 1727; and September 15, first Let us pray and fast for the purification of the Catholic granted to the Servite Order in 1668 and extended in Church and its members, so we can be witnesses to the 1814 to the whole Church by Pope Pius VII. Since the world around us. revision of the Roman calendar after the Second Vatican We are in need of more help at the Center: some of our Council, only the feast on September 15 is observed, tasks are: answering the phone; restocking shelves; check- but its name has been changed to Our Lady of Sorrows. ing clients in: putting together clients supply lists; in- (Etym. Latin dolor, pain, sorrow.) putting computer data; putting together newborn baby Read More: https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/dictionary/ packets; confirming newborn class appointments; helping index.cfm?id=33192 unload cars of those bringing donations; sorting clothing; Submit questions to: [email protected] praying with our clients; (with training---doing pregnancy Catechism News tests and counselling and conducting Bible Study). The Join us for our weekly Catechism Classes on Tuesday hours we could use help are: Mon. 1-3; Tues 1-3; Wed. evenings at 7:00 p.m. in Fr. Felten Hall at Old St. 1-5 and Thurs, 12-4. Anyone who might be interested Mary's. Classes begin on Tuesday, September 18. There can call Terri at (513) 929-9165. are classes for both children and adults from both parish- Old St. Mary's Adoration es! Please find an upcoming list of the topics for adults: Could you not spend but one hour with Me? Please con- September 18 First Day of Catechism tact the parish office if you are interested in signing up for Introduction to the Year for Parents and Adults an hour, or to substitute. Adoration is on Sunday, Tues- September 25 The Existence of God day, Wednesday, and First Fridays. See our hours under the parish schedule. You may call the parish office or visit Bro. Henry Hoffmann adoration.oldstmarys.org to sign up. The minimum is October 2 The Human Soul & Natural Religion two adorers per hour, but our goal is nine hundred! Every- Bro. Brent Stull, C.O. one is welcome at anytime during Exposition, even if you can't take a scheduled hour or be a substitute. Become Catholic! Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Do you know Wedding Banns someone who is interested in becoming Catholic? Or do Old St. Mary's you just want to learn more about the Faith? If you an- Adam Tullius & Kayla Finn (II) swered yes to any of these questions, contact Fr. Law- Sacred Heart No Upcoming Weddings rence for information about the steps to become Catho- lic or how to learn more about the Catholic Faith.

5 Old Saint Mary's & Sacred Heart Parishes September 9, 2018 Parish News Catechism Registration Seminary Father/Son Day - Saturday, September 22 Please find the catechism registration forms near the bul- Come and enjoy a day of faith and service as fathers letins today. Please return these forms to the parish today, and sons (ages 13-18) on Saturday, September 22! Join September 9. Forms are not needed for adult catechism. seminarians and priests for a day of Mass, service work, Catechism begins on Tuesday, September 18 at 7:00 p.m. lunch, athletics, a talk on responding to God’s call, and Tuesday, September 18, will be an introduction for Adult a walking rosary. The day will begin at 8:30 am and Catechism to explain what we will be learning this year. conclude at 3:00 pm. Registration is FREE and lunch is We will be using the book "Apologetics and Catholic provided. RSVP BY: September 13, 2018. To RSVP, or Doctrine" by Archbishop Michael Sheehan. This book is for questions, contact Deacon Jeff Stegbauer at 513-233- available through Baronius Press for $29.95. 4230 or [email protected]. Parish Calendar Old St. Mary's News It is time to start gathering photos for our 2019 Parish Cal- Solemn Mass - Friday, September 14 endar. Please e-mail pictures to either pictures@oldstmarys. There will be a Solemn Traditional Latin Mass on Friday, org or [email protected]. We are also Septmber 14 for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This looking for sponsors for the calendar. Please contact the Mass will be offered in reparation for the clergy abuse parish office to help defray the cost of the annual calendar! scandal, the action of some bishops, and for the victims Learn about the Faith! of abuse. All parishioners are also encouraged to sign FORMED is a Catholic web page that has resources and up for a Holy Hour of Reparation during the all-night videos for learning more about the Catholic Faith. The vigil. Please join us for Mass and the all-night vigil that code for registration is NFDBVP which can be done at follows! www.formed.org/register. Please take advantage of this Adoration Help! great opportunity to learn more about our Holy Faith! We have had a few people sign up but we are still in Sick Visits need of a few more adorers to help with the following If you, or someone in your immediate family, is planning hours: Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. & to have major surgery, or is hospitalized for any reason, First Friday: 11:00 p.m., Midnight, 1:00 a.m., & 4:00 please contact Bro. Brent at [email protected], if a a.m. If you are able to help with these times, or want to visit from one of our Priests is desired. Please give some be a substitute, please contact the parish office or visit advance notice, if possible, for scheduling purposes. adoration.oldstmarys.org. Old St. Mary's Pregnancy Center Tuesday Parish Holy Hour - 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. The Pregnancy Center at Old St. Mary's is looking for Every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. we are here making a Holy some able bodied volunteers. If you think you may be Hour. The Rosary begins at 7:30 and Confession is heard able to help volunteer, or help move boxes of clothing until 8:15. Benediction is at 8:30 p.m. Please join us, around, please contact Terri Huwel at (513) 929-9165. especially if you can not commit to a regular Holy Hour! Pro Life Novena Parking The U.S. bishops urge our participation each Friday in a Please remember that on Sunday's the parking meters do nationwide Novena for the Legal Protection of Human not go into effect until 2:00 p.m. You are welcome to park Life taking place August 3 – September 28. Participants any place that is legal on the street, even at a meter, with- will receive weekly e-mail or text reminders to pray and out having to pay. Be sure to move your car by 2:00 p.m. fast, along with little-known facts about Roe v. Wade to Sunday Adoration and Vespers share with others. Sign up at www.usccb.org/pray. Sunday Adoration and Vespers is suspended for the sum- Natural Family Planning mer. Adoration and Vespers will resume in the Fall. Two new online (virtual) classes begin 1) Tues., Sept. 11, Social after Sunday Mass @ 7:00 p.m., Central Timezone, and 2) Thurs., Sept. 13, Everyone is welcome to Fr. Felten Hall following the @ 7:00 p.m., Eastern Timezone. New onsite class begins 7:30 a.m., 9:15 a.m., & 11:00 a.m. Masses every Sunday. Sunday, Sept. 16, @ 1:00 p.m. at St. Gertrude Church, 7630 Shawnee Run Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45243-3009. For more info, go to www.ccli.org or call 471-2000.

6 Old Saint Mary's & Sacred Heart Parishes September 9, 2018 Parish News Bathroom Lines Prayer for the Pope The bathrooms in the parish hall will be available for use V. Let us pray for our Pontiff Francis. during the 9:15 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 12:30 p.m. Sunday R. The Lord preserve him and give him life, and make him Masses. This will help keep the wait down. blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies. Parents' Holy Hour - Children's Play Group Join our Pray and Play group! This is a group of parents Our Father. Hail Mary. who meet Tuesdays from 9:30 until 11:30 in Father Felten V. May your hand be upon your holy servant. Hall. Children get to play and parents take turns covering R. And upon your son whom you have anointed. the Adoration hour from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. in Let us pray. Almighty, everlasting God, have mercy upon the church. This allows parents some quiet time alone in Thy servant Francis, our Sovereign Pontiff, and direct Adoration or the chance to take children into Adoration him, according to Thy clemency, into the way of everlast- for a shorter time period. This is a good opportunity to ing salvation; that by Thy grace he may desire those things introduce Children to the idea of Adoration. that are pleasing to Thee, and perform them with all his Sacred Heart News strength. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen. Fall Italian Dinner - Sunday, October 21 Please mark the date of the Fall Italian Dinner down Lord Jesus, keep safe in the shelter of Thy divine Heart our now, Sunday, October 21! A workers meeting will be Holy Father, the Pope. Be his life, his strength, and his solace. held on Thursday, September 20 at 7:00 p.m. in the Partially Indulged Prayer parish hall. We are also in need of volunteers, if you would like to volunteer, please come to the meeting for Pray For Our Sick more information or call the parish office! This dinner Old St. Mary's is a staple Cincinnati tradition and important to the up Pray for healing for Kate Schneider, Judy Benvie, Carolyn keep of our parish, please support it! & Philip Wieland, Bill Kraeling, Gail Sweeney, Bill Otte- son, Jeannie Mueller, John Paul Downes, Jennifer Borek, Church Cleaning & Gardening! Noelle Polisso, John & Erin Hays, Deacon Ken DeHanes, We are still looking for a volunteer coordinator for our Wilma & Gary Brown, Loraine Dunseth, Karl Fry, Bob church cleaning and/or gardening. This person(s) needs Gruber, Anneliese Anneken, Gale Campbell, Mary Ann to be organized, good with people, and detail oriented. Lohre, Richard Buettner, Margaret Lang, Mary Gardner, If you think you are able to do this, please contact the Bob Ball, Mary Frances & Sophia Sharpshair, Tom & Maria parish office as soon as possible! Grow, Nancy Corbett, Julie Dietrich, Jessica George, Steven Saturday Parish Holy Hour - 7:50 a.m. - 8:50 a.m. Marsh and Brian Ezell Join us each Saturday for a Holy Hour and Benedic- Sacred Heart tion from 7:50 a.m. until 8:50 a.m. Confession is heard Gordon Lowell, Alexander Piening, Jackson, Eric Bantle, throughout the Holy Hour. The daily Saturday Mass Hilda Lowell, Jennifer Lowell, Melissa, Terri, Fr. Rob Jack, follows. Katie, Vivian Rose, Dana Ray, Elizabeth Hetrick, Emmy & Sacred Heart Frozen Ravioli Abby, Nathaniel Lee Taylor, and Ginny Tullo Frozen Ravioli available for purchase. You may contact Images of the Faith the Parish Office to have your order set aside. Boxes of frozen ravioli are $6 each. Please call the parish office in advance for sales. Social after Sunday Mass Join us for a social following the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Bring a dish to share! There will be no social after Mass today.

Upcoming Parish Events 9/14 - Solemn Mass for Feast of the Holy Cross @ 7:00 p.m. (OSM) The Seven Sorrows of 9/18 - Start of Catechism @ 7:00 p.m. the Blessed Virgin Mary 9/20 - Volunteer Meeting for Italian Dinner @ 7:00 p.m. (SH)